Hubo Un Accidente (Unit)

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Hubo un Accidente

Captulo 5B
Espaol II Avanzado

Developed by Katie Belcher, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Samford University, 2015

Pre-Instructional Phase

Unit Objectives and Sub-Objectives

Given a teacher-developed project and opportunities to work together in pairs

and small groups, Spanish II advanced students will, upon completion of a two
week unit, write a short essay and create a presentation depicting an accident that
has occurred while visiting Spain, utilizing the vocabulary incorporated in the
unit, the correct use of irregular preterite verbs (poner, traer, decir, and venir),
and the use of the imperfect progressive tense.
1. Define typical hospital or accident related vocabulary words.
(knowledge level)
2. Describe an accident scene, using new vocabulary and the
preterite and imperfect progressive tenses. (comprehension
3. Demonstrate what a typical accident or hospital scene might
look like, by acting it out or illustrating it in another creative
way. (application level)
4. Compare the differences between the hospitals and medical care
in the United States and Spain by researching typical medical
care in Spain. (analysis level)
5. Present a written essay and create a presentation about an
accident scene in a Spanish-speaking country, using vocabulary,
correct use of irregular preterite verbs, and correct use of the
imperfect progressive tense. (synthesis level)
Aligning National & State Standards
Standards for Foreign Language Learning, American Council
on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2013:
Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,
express feeling and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of
listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship
between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive
viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the
language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Languages Other Than English (Foreign Languages), Alabama
Course of Study, Grades 9-12, Modern Language Level II, 2006:
1. Use the target language in oral and written form in the past time frame,
including giving and responding to a series of commands, asking and
answering questions, providing directions and instructions, and stating
preferences and opinions to interact in a variety of situations.
2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and
information on familiar topics.
3. Create oral and written presentations in the target language about a
variety of topics using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary words and
phrases and correct structure in the past time frame.
5. Describe practices within the cultures where the target language is spoken.
8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structure, and idiomatic
expressions of the target language with English.
Arranging Sub-Objectives in Mini-Units
Mini-unit #1: Vocabulario: Un Accidente
1. Define typical hospital or accident related vocabulary words.
Mini-unit #2: Gramtica: Los Irregulares del Pretrito, El
Imperfecto Progressivo
2. Describe an accident scene, using new vocabulary and the preterite and
imperfect progressive tenses.
Mini-Unit #3: Preparing a Written Essay and Presentation
about an Accident in Spain
3. Demonstrate what a typical accident or hospital scene might look like,
by acting it out or illustrating it in another creative way.
4. Compare the differences between the hospitals and medical care in the
United States and Spain by researching typical medical care in Spain.
5. Present a written essay and create a presentation about an accident
scene in a Spanish-speaking country, using vocabulary, correct use of
irregular preterite verbs, and correct use of the imperfect progressive

Each mini-unit above will take several days of instructional time. The unit
plan gives an overview of the content, activities, and materials to be used in the
unit, rather than attempt to designate which days the activities will be presented.
Lesson plans covering a single class period will be derived from the unit when it
is implemented.
The first mini-unit provides vocabulary that students will need when
writing personal essays and creating presentations to illustrate and describe an
accident that has occurred in Spain. It familiarizes students with specialized
vocabulary and provides them with a way to begin to think about hospitals and
accidents in the target language.
The second mini-unit introduces the two different grammatical
concepts that they will study. It involves students learning to conjugate the
irregular preterite verbs (venir, decir, traer, and poner) and the imperfect
progressive tense, all in the target language.
The third mini-unit raises the level of cognitive thinking to application
and synthesis by having the students compare hospitals and medical care here in
the United States with those in Spain. Mini-unit three also requires an original
response to be constructed by the students, incorporating knowledge and
understanding from the previous mini-units. During this part of the unit,
students will be working individually to write an essay about an accident and in
groups to create a presentation to depict this accident scene.
The arrangement of mini-units was designed to lead students into the
accident and hospital related vocabulary and the grammatical background of the
unit, while at the same time they are being introduced to the typical medical care
and procedures of Spain. This unit will help students to develop cultural
awareness by allowing and encouraging them to compare their own experiences
with medical care here in the United States with the experiences they might have
in Spain. The mini-units are sequenced to lead students from simple to more
complex activities as they progress through the unit.
The unit arrangement also takes into account the skills and
understandings necessary for the next mini-unit and builds them into student
activities in readiness of the next level. The role of the teacher changes as the unit
is taught, with the teacher-directed presentation in mini-unit #1 where much
background information is provided to discussion and problem-solving in miniunits #2 to student-initiated research and construction of presentations about an
accident in mini-unit #3.

Structured Overview of the Unit

Hubo un Accidente

-Tratamiento de condiciones
-Cmo ocurri un accidente
-Partes del cuerpo

-Los Irregulares del

Pretrito (venir, decir,
traer, poner)
-El Imperfecto



-Los procedimientos
tpicos de los
hospitals en los EEUU
y Espaa

Table of Content

Tratamiento de condiciones medicales
Doler (o->ue): to hurt
El dolor: pain
El enfermero, la enfermera: nurse
Examinar: to examine, to check
La inyeccin, las inyecciones (pl.): injection, shot
Poner una inyeccin: to give an injection
La medicina: medicine
Las muletas: crutches
Las pastillas: pills
Las puntadas: stitches
Dar puntadas: to stitch (surgically)
La radiografa: X-ray
Sacar una radiografa: to take an X-ray
La receta: prescription
Recetar: to prescribe
Roto, -a: broken
La sala de emergencia: emergency room
La sangre: blood
La silla de ruedas: wheelchair
La venda: bandage
El yeso: cast
Cmo ocurri un accidente
El accidente: accident
La ambulancia: ambulance
Caerse: to fall

Tarea Escrita y

-Repaso del
-Tarea escrita: un
accidente que ha
para ilustrar el

Me caigo: I fall
Te caes: you fall
Se cay: he/she fell
Se cayeron: they fell
Chocar con: to crash into, to collide with
Cortarse: to cut oneself
Lastimarse: to hurt oneself
Qu te pas?: What happened to you?
Romperse: to break, to tear
Torcerse (o->ue): to twist, to sprain
Tropezar (e->ie) (con): to trip (over)
Partes del cuerpo
El codo: elbow
El cuello: neck
La espalda: back
El hombro: shoulder
El hueso: bone
La mueca: wrist
El msculo: muscle
La rodilla: knee
El tobillo: ankle
Otras palabras y otros expresiones
Moverse (o->ue): to move
Pobrecito, -a: poor thing
Qu lstima!: What a shame!
Sentirse (e->ie): to feel
Pretrito de venir

/ traje
Dijiste / trajiste
Dijo / trajo

/ trajimos
Dijisteis / trajisteis
Dijeron / trajeron

Pretrito de decir y traer

Pretrito de poner
El imperfecto progressivo
Usa el imperfecto del verbo estar + el gerundio.
Como formar los gerundios:


Stem + -ando -> caminando (caminar)

Stem + -iendo -> corriendo (correr)
Stem + -iendo -> escribiendo (escribir)

los irregulares del pretrito:
venir, decir, traer, poner
el imperfecto progressivo
Certain verbs have an irregular conjugation in the preterite tense. The
verbs venir, decir, traer, and poner are considered a part of this category because
they do not follow the normal conjugation pattern for the preterite tense. The
stem of venir changes to vin. The stem of decir changes to dij. The stem of
traer changes to traj. The stem of poner changes to pus.
Hospitals are run very differently and medical care is handled very
differently in the United States compared to Spain. However, it is important to
learn about and understand these differences to have a better awareness of the
different people and operations around the world.
Planning, organizing, and carrying out a group project
Writing an essay completely in Spanish
Comparing hospitals and medical care of the United States and Spain
Applying new vocabulary to write an essay about an accident in Spain
1. Understands the conjugation of regular Spanish verbs in the preterite
and imperfect tenses.
2. Recognizes some vocabulary cognates enough to deduce information
from a work in Spanish.
1. Is able to appreciate the differences in hospitals between American
culture and Spanish culture.
2. Assumes responsibility for studying and practicing new vocabulary and
grammatical concepts.
3. Is willing to share personal insights and experiences in interpreting
what others have said and/or written.

1. Works well both individually and cooperatively to plan, organize, and
carry out a project and/or writing assignment.
2. Respects the opinions and ideas of classmates and teacher.
3. Participates actively in classroom discussions and activities.

Telling Students What They Will Be Learning

The teacher will create a Prezi to display on the first day of the unit. The
Prezi will contain the title of the new unit, the unit objective, and interesting
background information related to the unit that will engage their attention. This
information will most likely include cultural photographs and also information
related to the work they will be completing. At this time, the teacher will also
explain the pre-test they will be given to determine the how much the students
know prior to beginning the unit. The teacher will also emphasize that this is an
evaluation of their current knowledge, and it will not be used as a grade.
Giving Students a Rationale for the Unit
The teacher will play a news report for the students that explains health
care in Spain. Then, the teacher will lead a discussion in which she asks the
students to point out the differences between the information presented in this
video with the information they know about healthcare in the United States. After
eliciting as many responses as possible and writing them on the board, the
teacher will once again address the differences and explain them. She will point
out how it is important to acknowledge and understand cultural differences to be
culturally sensitive and aware.
Reviewing Entry Behaviors
Students are assembled into small groups. Each group will be provided
with a list of vocabulary words related to parts of the body. Each group is to read
the list of words and organize them onto a picture of a person, according to where
they would find those body parts. Together, the group will write a paragraph, in
Spanish, about this person. After they have completed this assignment, the
teacher will ask the students to evaluate their work as a group. Which behaviors
helped make the group successful? What kinds of attitudes moved the work along
and created a positive climate for completing the assignment?
During this stage of the pre-instructional phase, students will also
complete a pre-test (See Appendix A-4). The pre-test is an assessment that will
test the students knowledge on the material to be studied during the 10 day unit.
The teacher will reassure the students that this evaluation will not be counted as

a grade. However, s/he will still encourage students to do their best work, as the
results of this evaluation will guide the rest of the unit.
Providing a Structured Overview of the Unit
The teacher will provide, on Edmodo, a handout of the structured
overview for the unit (See Appendix A-1). The teacher will explain each of the
three mini-units that will be undertaken throughout the unit and will answer any
questions about the types of activities students will be partaking in during each
mini-unit. This is also a good time to introduce the written assignment and
presentation that each student will be completing in the last mini-unit.
Building in Experiential Background

Playing traditional Hispanic music while small groups are working on the
review of entry skills activity.
Showing pictures of typical Spanish hospitals (comparing them to those of
the United States).
Playing a newscast about healthcare in Spain.

Reassuring Students
The teacher will tell students that the structured overview, schedule of
assignments, and rubrics and checklists for the final written and presentation
assignments will help them to complete their work in good time and know exactly
what is expected of them.

Appendix A

Resources for Pre-Instructional Phase

A-1 Structured Overview of Unit
A-2 Entry Behavior Activity
A-3 Link to a video about healthcare in Spain
A-4 Pre/Post Test



Unit 5B: Hubo un Accidente

Espaol II Avanzado
We are beginning a new unit based on medical procedures and accidents
in both American and Spanish cultures.

This unit contains three mini-units and will last about ten days. At the end of the
unit, you will be completing a group project to illustrate an accident that occurred
while you were in Spain, and this project will evaluate your mastery of the
material covered throughout the unit. Individually, you will also write an essay in
Spanish explaining your perspective on this accident. This will completed during
the last mini-unit.
Mini-unit #1: Vocabulario: Un Accidente provides you with background
information and vocabulary that you will need to complete all other assignments
throughout the unit (3 days)
Mini-unit #2: Gramtica: Los Irregulares del Pretrito, El Imperfecto
Progressivo Explanation of new grammar concepts that you will need to know
on the quiz, to complete your project, and to write your essay (4 days)
Mini-unit #4: Preparing Written Essay and Presentation about an Accident in
Spain Provides you with the opportunity to write about your perspective of an
accident that has occurred in Spain in the target language using the new
vocabulary and grammar we learned, and also create a group presentation to
depict the accident (3 days)



Partes del Cuerpo

Directions: Place the following vocabulary words, listed below, on your groups
person according to where you would find these parts of the body.
La cabeza
Los ojos
La nariz
La boca
Los dientes
El pelo
El brazo
La mano
Los dedos
El pie
Los dedos del pie
La pierna
El estmago



Report about Medical Care in Spain:

This reporter explains the healthcare system in Spain, how it works, and
why it works. This report would be great to listen to in class to show students
examples of real healthcare in another culture (Spain) and begin a discussion in
which students compare healthcare in the U.S. with healthcare in Spain.




Captulo 5B

A. Eduardo works at a hospital that treats a lot of Spanish-speaking patients and

is learning Spanish. Help him by choosing the words that best complete each
Voy a 1.(a. doler / b. examinar) su tobillo. Si le duele mucho al caminar,
necesitar una 2.(a. medicina /b. espalda) para el dolor.
No s cmo 3.(a. se rompi /b. se movi) el hombro. Necesito hacer una 4.
(a. radiografa /b. ambulancia).
Para parar la sangre, le voy a poner una 5.(a. codo /b. venda).
Le voy a dar una 6.(a. mueca /b. receta) para la medicina. Usted necesita
tomar unas 7.(a. pastillas /b. muletas) especiales para el dolor.
B. It is Saras first day working in the emergency room. Each patient wrote down
what happened to them. Sara needs to figure out who is who. Help her match
descriptions to each person in the photo.

8. Me cort el brazo y estoy perdiendo (losing) sangre.

9. Me torc el codo y tengo bastante dolor.
10. Me ca y me romp un hueso en la rodilla. Hace media hora que espero en esta
silla de ruedas.
11. Tropec y me lastim el tobillo. Ya me pusieron un yeso. Estoy esperando una
12. Me lastim la espalda y me duelen los msculos.
C. Ana went to a party last night, but Teo and Andrs missed it. Complete their
conversation. Write the appropriate preterite forms of the verbs in parentheses.
ANA: Por qu no viniste a la fiesta? TEO: Lo siento, no
13._________________ (poder) ir. 14.__________________ (Tener) que
cuidar a mi hermanito. 15. __________________ (Estar) buena la fiesta?
ANDRS: Yo no fui, pero Marcos me 16.__________________ (decir) que
fue muy divertida.
ANA: S, Alex 17.__________________ (traer) muchos discos de su casa y
nosotros 18.__________________ (poner) msica muy buena.


D. Rosas last ski vacation did not go as she had expected. Complete Rosas
description with the appropriate preterite forms of the verbs decir, poder,
tener, traer, and venir.
Invit a mi mejor amiga pero ella no 19. _____________ (poder) venir. Ella
20. ____________ (tener) que trabajar. Otras dos amigas 21. ____________
(venir) a visitarme pero nosotras casi no 22. ____________ (poder) esquiar
porque no haba nieve. Al final yo 23.
____________ (tener) un accidente.
Me llevaron a una clnica donde una enfermera me 24. ____________ (traer)
una silla de ruedas. Yo estuve en la clnica por cuatro horas. La mdica y la
enfermera me pusieron una venda en el tobillo y me 25. ____________ (decir)
que no poda esquiar por dos semanas.
E. Imagine you are a nurse at a hospital and need to write about what happened
to each patient. Fill in the blanks, using the imperfect progressive, to complete
each sentence.
Imperfect progressive: Usa el imperfecto del verbo estar y el gerundio
(Stem + -ando (-ar), Stem + -iendo (-er/-ir)).
Modelo: Alberto estaba subiendo (subir) las escaleras cuando se cay.
26. Pedro _____________ (estar + limpiar) el coche cuando se cort el brazo.
27. El doctor Sanz ______________ (estar + mirar) la radiografa cuando
choc con la doctora Gonzalez.
28. Paco _______________ (estar + correr) cuando tropez con la roca.
29. Las enfermeras ______________ (estar + hablar) cuando la ambulancia
30. Juan ______________ (estar + jugar) al bsquetbol cuando se torci el


Mini-Unit #1: Vocabulario: Un Accidente
1. Students in Spanish II Advanced will define typical hospital and
accident-related vocabulary words.

1. The teacher uses a structured overview of the unit to orient students
to Mini-Unit #1: Vocabulario: Un Accidente, introducing the
vocabulary that would be used to discuss an accident and typical
hospital activities.
2. The teacher will then provide the students with a schedule for the
unit and discuss each of the three mini-units that will be covered
over the next two weeks.
3. The teacher uses a Prezi with the new vocabulary words and
pictures depicting each new vocabulary word to introduce the new
vocabulary. Prior to this unit, the students were assigned to make
flashcards or a vocabulary list so they would be somewhat familiar
with the new vocabulary. They will follow along on their lists while
the teacher is introducing the new vocabulary.


1. The teacher asks the students to open their textbooks and read
to themselves a short story about an accident. The teacher asks
the students to look at the pictures depicting the story. The
teacher will ask the students what they think different words
mean in English based on the pictures. After all students who
wish to respond have had the chance to do so, the teacher will
mention any important information that was not mentioned.
2. The teacher plays a video from the textbook about another
accident. She asks class members to note any new vocabulary
they hear that we have discussed or seen in the textbook. She
then calls upon students at random to tell the class one of the
vocabulary words they heard and explain what was going on in
the video. She will then add any important information that was
not mentioned by students.



1. Working in small groups, the students will practice using and
indentifying the vocabulary at different stations around the
classroom. There will be a total of three stations. At the first
station, the students will be provided with a chart, and in each
box a vocabulary word will be written. The students will draw a
picture to depict each vocabulary word. At the second station,
the students will play Pongo (Bingo). The students will
complete a Pongo card by filling it in with whichever vocabulary
words they choose. There will be a cup filled with vocabulary
words, and one student at a time will draw a word. If a student
has that word on their card, the may draw an X on it. The
student who gets Pongo first will win. At the third station,
students will play Matar a la Tortuga (Kill the Turtle). At this
station, the students will divide into two teams. Each team will
draw a turtle on the board, and one member from each team will
play against each other at a time. A third student will draw a
vocabulary word in English from a cup provided at the station
and call out this word. The first student who writes the word
correctly in Spanish will get to erase a part of the other teams
turtle. This will continue until one teams turtle has been
completely erased.
The groups will spend 15 minutes at each station, and will rotate
around the room until they have spent time at each station.


1. The teacher will walk around the room while the students are
playing the review games to answer any questions and assess the
students use of the vocabulary.
2. The teacher gives students a quiz based upon new vocabulary
presented in mini-unit #1. (See Appendix B-1)


Re-Teaching Activities:
1. Students will create a poster depicting an accident, using
materials provided by the teacher. Upon its completion, they
will show the poster to their classmates and describe the
accident it depicts in Spanish.
2. Working in pairs, students will create a Power Point
presentation about an accident that happened to his/her

partner. This will be a great opportunity for students to continue

using the vocabulary and also get to know one of their
classmates better. Upon its completion, each student will share
their presentation with the class, allowing everyone to get to
know their classmates better.
Extension Activities:
1. Vertical Extension intended to raise the level of cognitive
development to a higher level on Blooms taxonomy from that of the
mini-unit sub-objectives:
Each student will assume the role of a young person living in Spain,
inventing a name and persona, and compose a journal of a typical
hospital or doctor visit or accident that has occurred in the life of
the character invented. The accident or visit should be described
through the characters eyes.
2. Horizontal Extension intended to develop learner skills in the social
or affective domains and provide a different expressive mode:
Students will create a poem describing an accident, working alone
or in partners. Once written, they will practice reciting the poem.
Then, they will record themselves and show their classmates the
Accomodations and Modifications:
Students whose individualized education plans (IEPs) require
accomodations or modifications of the mini-unit activities will differ in each
student population. The following are suggested ways to alter the activities above
for students with special learning needs:
1. Students may dictate the account of the accident for the character they
invent or use a word processor to create their journal.
2. For students who work better alone or prefer a quiet learning
environment, they may work individually or work in the hall to avoid
the noise and chaos of the classroom.


Appendix B
Resources for Mini-unit #1
B-1 Prueba de Vocabulario 5B



Prueba de Vocabulario 5B
A. Ana Mara quiere ser mdica. Lee la descripcin de su visita a la sala de
emergencia. Escoge y escribe la palabra correcta para decir lo que pas all.
Ayer visit la sala de emergencia porque algn da quiero ser mdica. Ayud a
una 1. (A. receta/B. enfermera) todo el da. Vi muchas cosas muy
interesantes. Una chica 2. (A. se torci/B. tropez) la rodilla esquiando, y por
eso le trajeron unas 3. (A. muletas/B. puntadas). El mdico la examin y le
recet 4. (A. pastillas/B. muletas) para el dolor. Otra persona 5. (A.
choc/B. se rompi) el tobillo y le sacaron unas 6. (A. radiografas/B.
recetas) de los huesos. Despus le pusieron un 7. (A. cuello/B. yeso) porque
tena el hueso 8. (A. roto/B. pobrecito). Unos paramdicos vinieron a la sala
de emergencia en una 9. (A. ambulancia/B. silla de ruedas) con un seor
que tuvo un accidente de coche. Dijeron que tenan que hacerle una operacin de
emergencia porque estaba perdiendo (losing) mucha 10. (A. medicina/B.
sangre). A veces, durante mi visita a la sala de emergencia, tena miedo de todo
lo que estaba pasando, pero todava quiero ser mdica para ayudar a la gente.
B. Tomasina trabaja en un hospital donde hay muchas pacientes que hablan
espaol. Su amiga Marta Luisa est practicando el espaol con ella. Escribe las
palabras que emparejan con los definiciones en la hoja de respuestas.
11. Es la persona que trabaja con los mdicos y ayuda a las personas en el
12. Es el vehculo que usan para traer a las personas heridas al hospital.
13. Es lo que el mdico te pone en el brazo cuando est roto.
14. Es lo que usan las personas para caminar cuando tienen la pierna rota.
15. Es la parte del cuerpo entre la mano y el brazo.
C. Escribe una oracin en espaol para definir cada palabra.
16. La sala de emergencia es un lugar en que
17. El cuello es la parte del cuerpo
18. La receta es algo que el mdico


19. La silla de ruedas es algo que usas cuando

20. El codo es la parte del cuerpo
D. Preguntas Troncales (2 puntos)
21. Qu hace una enfermera?
22. Por qu necesitas unas muletas?
23. Dnde est tu tobillo?
24. Qu hacas cuando te caste?
25. Has roto un hueso?


Mini-unit #2: Gramtica: Los Irregulares del Pretrito, El Imperfecto

1. Students in Spanish II Advanced will describe an accident scene using
new vocabulary words and the preterite and imperfect progressive
1. The teacher uses the structured overview of the unit to orient students
to mini-unit #2: Gramtica, pointing out the two grammar concepts to
be introduced in this mini-unit: the irregular preterite verbs (venir,
traer, decir, and poder) and the imperfect progressive tense.
2. The teacher presents a Prezi explaining the irregular conjugations of
venir, traer, decir, and poner in the preterite, providing examples of
how to use these verbs. The Prezi will also include the rules to follow
when using the imperfect progressive tense and examples of this tense
being used. Students are expected to fill in the notes sheet provided by
the teacher (see Appendix C-1) and ask any questions they may have.
1. The teacher provides the students with various practice sentences on
the projector. The teacher will model the first sentence by filling in the
blank and explaining the reason behind her answer. The students will
complete the rest of the sentences on their own. Then, the teacher will
call on students randomly to fill in the blanks for each sentence.
2. The students will be asked to create a verb chart using irregular
preterite verbs. The teacher will call upon a student to identify one of
the verbs on the chart, asking them to share the preterite conjugations
of that verb. The teacher will write the conjugation on the board as the
student is speaking. If the student falters, s/he may ask for a volunteer
among the class to assist with the answer. When each verb has been
reviewed, the teacher may use more examples, if needed, to further
review this concept.
1. Working individually or with a partner, the students will complete a
handout to practice the imperfect progressive tense and the irregular
preterite verbs studied in this mini-unit.



1. The teacher provides a quiz based upon the irregular preterite verbs
and the imperfect progressive tense studied in class. (See Appendix C2)
2. The teacher will also provide exit slips (note cards) to each student. The
students will write the conjugations for one irregular verb studied in
class and must hand this card to the teacher in order to leave class that


Re-Teaching Activities:
1. Working in small, cooperative learning groups, students
will create a PowerPoint, with each slide showing the
correct conjugation of an irregular preterite verb and a
picture depicting the verb. Upon its completion, they will
share their presentation with their classmates.
2. Provided with ten different verbs (some irregular) in
Spanish, students are asked to create a story in the past,
using these verbs in the preterite tense.
Extension Activities:
1. Vertical Extension is intended to raise the level of
cognitive development to a higher level on Blooms
taxonomy from that of the mini-unit sub-objectives:
Each student will assume the role of a doctor or nurse
working in a hospital in Spain. They will then
compose a story detailing the workday of this
character, being sure the irregular preterite verbs.
They must use each of the new irregular verbs learned
in this mini-unit.
2. Horizontal Extension is intended to develop learner skills
in the social or affective domains and provide a different
expressive mode:
Students will write a short paragraph detailing an
accident. Once written, they will videotape themselves
reading their paragraph and show their classmates.

Accommodations and Modifications:

Students whose individualized education plans (IEPs) require
accommodations or modifications of the mini-unit activities will differ in each
student population. The following are suggested ways to alter the activities above:
Students will be given an outline to fill in as the teacher is
presenting the new grammar.


Appendix C
Resources for Mini-unit #2
C-1 Grammar Notes Handout
C-2 Prueba de Gramtica 5B


Apuntes: Captulo 5B
Los Pretritos con Races Irregulares
p. 274

Recuerdas? Write the conjugations for the following verbs.

estar- to ___________

poder- to ______________

hacer- to _______________


tener- to ________________


The verbs ________, ________, ________, and ________ follow a pattern

similar to the verbs above. These verbs also have an irregular stem change and use
the same unaccented endings in the preterite. Each of these verbs have the same
conjugations, but ______________ and ______________ are different in the
ellos/ellas/Uds. form.
poner- to ____________________







venir- ___________________





decir- to _____________________






traer- to _________________








Notice that the ellos/ellas/uds. form of the verbs decir and traer drops the i
and adds only -eron.


La enfermera te _________________________ (poner) una inyeccin.

Sus padres le ____________________ (traer) unas muletas.
T _____________________ (venir) de prisa.
Yo _______________________ (decir) la verdad.
Ayer Ramn ________________ (tener) que hacer su tarea.
Nadie ___________________ (hacer) su cama hoy.
Nosotros _______________________ (estar) en la sala de emergencia
por 3 horas anoche.
8. Ellos no __________________ (poder) encontrar su medicina.
El Imperfecto Progressivo
pg. 277
Present Progressive:

Estoy estudiando para el examen de espaol.

I am studying for the Spanish test.

Roberto est durmiendo en la clase.

Robert is sleeping in class.

Imperfect Progressive:
The imperfect progressive is used to describe something that was taking place over a
period of time in the past.

Elena estaba corriendo cuando se cay.

Elena was running when she fell.

To form the imperfect progressive, you conjugate estar in the ______________

tense and use the ____________ ____________ of the second verb. You should
conjugate estar in the imperfect according to the ______________ of the
Notice: The present progressive and the imperfect progressive use the
___________ present participles.
To form the present participles, you take the stem of the verb and add
______________ for -ar verbs and add ______________ for -er/-ir verbs.
Hablando (hablar)
Haciendo (hacer)


Escribiendo (escribir)
Recuerdas? (pg. 171)
To form the present participle of -ir stem-changing verbs, the ______ changes to
_______ and the _______ changes to _______.
decir: diciendo

dormir: durmiendo

pedir: pidiendo

creer: creyendo

leer: leyendo
or: oyendo

Also remember that the safe place for reflexive pronouns is always in front of the
______________ verb. In this tense, the conjugated verb is estar.
1. A las seis de la maana la seora Rita _____________ _____________
2. Los nios ______________ ______________ (jugar) al ftbol cuando
Ral se rompi la pierna.
3. Teresa ______________ ______________ (escribir) una carta cuando
oy una explosin.
4. A las siete de la noche, Carlos ______________ ______________ (leer)
un libro.
5. Yo ______________ ______________ (hacer) la tarea cuando mi pap
entr en la casa.



Prueba de Gramtica 5B
1. Completa las oraciones con la conjugacin correcta del pretrito de los
verbos en parntesis. (10 puntos)
1.Ellos __________ un accidente. (tener)
2. Ayer yo ______________ mi tarea. (hacer)
3. No ______________ levantarme. (poder)
4. ______________ la ambulancia. (venir)
5. Ellos me ______________ una silla de ruedas. (traer)
6. Una enfermera me ______________ una venda en la cabeza. (poner)
7. Los mdicos me ______________ que tena la pierna rota. (decir)
8. Ellos me ______________ un yeso. (poner)
9. Yo ______________ tres horas en el hospital. (estar)
10. Mi hermano ______________ su cama esta maana. (hacer)
B. Completa las oraciones con la conjugacin correcta del imperfecto progresivo
usando los verbos en parntesis. (10 puntos)
11. Mis amigos y yo ____________ ____________ (caminar) por una calle
cuando vimos el accidente.
12. Yo ___________ ____________ (correr) cuando o el ruido.
13. Mi hermano ____________ ____________ (hablar) con sus amigos por
14. Ellos ____________ ____________ (leer) cuando oyeron la explosin.
15. Mi abuela ____________ ____________ (cruzar) la calle cuando un coche
casi se choc con ella.
16. Un beb ____________ ____________ (llorar) en la sala de emergencia.
17. El enfermero ____________ ____________ (dar) ocho puntadas a los
18. Mi mam ____________ ____________ (cocinar) cuando se cort la


19. Ernesto ______________ ____________ (jugar) al ftbol cuando se cay.

20. Mis padres ____________ ____________ (dormir) cuando el accidente
C: Conjuga los verbos en la forma correcta del pretrito o imperfecto. (20
21. Yo _____________________ (caminar) cuando 22.
_____________________ (tropezar) con la mochila.
23. _____________________ (ser) las dos de la maana cuando Antonio y Luis
24. _____________________ (llegar) a casa.
25. Mis paps me _____________________ (decir) que hubo un accidente
26. Amelia _____________________ (ir) a la sala de emergencia y la
enfermera le 27. _____________________ (traer) una silla de ruedas.
Todos los veranos nosotros 28. _____________________ (ir) a la playa.
29. Ral _____________________ (leer) mientras sus amigos 30.
_____________________ (hablar).


Mini-Unit #3: Preparing a Written Essay and Presentation about an

Accident in Spain
1. Demonstrate what a typical accident or hospital scene might look like,
by acting it out or illustrating it in another creative way.
2. Compare the differences between the hospitals and medical care in the
United States and Spain by researching typical medical care in Spain.
3. Present a written essay and create a presentation about an accident
scene in a Spain, using vocabulary, correct use of irregular preterite
verbs, and correct use of the imperfect progressive tense.
1. Teacher uses the structured overview of the unit to orient students to
mini-unit #3, pointing out that the students will be studying the
differences between medical care in Spain and the United States.
Teacher uses a large Venn diagram on the board to identify and explain
some common cultural differences and similarities between health care
in the United States and Spain.
2. Teacher presents an example of an essay detailing an accident that has
occurred in Spain, pointing out the items in this essay that are
important for the students to note (vocabulary words, use of irregular
preterite verbs, imperfect progressive, complete sentences, etc.)
1. Teacher will ask the class to quickly write down five sentences about an
accident using either the irregular preterite verbs or the imperfect
progressive. S/he then calls upon students at random to read one their
sentences to the class. S/he lists the different verb uses on the board
and corrects any mistakes that may have been made.
1. Working in small groups, the students will put together a presentation
illustrating an accident that has occurred in Spain. The teacher asks
them to plan out a presentation in any creative way. She gives them the
following suggestions: a skit, a newscast, or a video. They may also
create a visual aid to go along with their presentation, if they wish.
Additionally, each student will be given a role for the presentation
(doctor, nurse, victim, eye-witness, paramedic).
2. Individually, the students must write an original essay from their
perspective of the accident that was illustrated in the group

presentation. For example, the student with the role of the doctor must
write his/her essay from the point of view of the doctor.
1. The teacher will also grade each students written essay using a
checklist (see Appendix E-1).
2. The teacher uses a rubric to assess the students group presentations.
(See Appendix E-2). The presentations must include the vocabulary
studied in this unit, the use of the irregular preterite verbs, and the
imperfect progressive tense.
3. The students will also be given a post-test, which will be the exact same
assessment as what was given in the pre-instruction. (See Appendix A4)

Re-Teaching Activities:
1. Students will create a poster depicting different cultural
characteristics of hospitals and medical care in Spain and
the United States, using materials provided by the
teacher. Upon its completion, they will show the class
their poster and explain the cultural differences in the
target language.
2. Working in small, cooperative-learning groups, students
will create a PowerPoint, with each slide showing a
different accident scene. Upon its completion, they will
share their presentation with their classmates, explaining
each slide in Spanish.
Extension Activities:
1. Vertical Extension is intended to raise the level of
cognitive development to a higher level on Blooms
taxonomy from that of the mini-unit sub-objectives:
Each student will assume the role of a medical
professional living in Spain. They will then have a
conversation with a partner about what their day to
day life is like, all in the target language. They should
detail at least 8 pieces of information about their job.
They must try to use verbs and vocabulary studied in
previous mini-units.


2. Horizontal Extension is intended to develop learner skills

in the social or affective domains and provide a different
expressive mode:
Students will write a short paragraph detailing
different facts about medical care in Spain. Once
written, they will record themselves reading their
paragraph and show this video to their classmates.
Accommodations and Modifications:
Students whose individualized education plans (IEPs) require
accommodations or modifications of the mini-unit activities will differ in each
student population. The following are suggested ways to alter the activities above
for special needs students who have reading/writing/speaking disabilities:

Students may dictate their written essay or use a word processor.


Students may record their presentation ahead of time, as is

appropriate for their accommodation.


The final assessment includes the group presentation and the
written essay.
Final Presentation:
The Hubo un Accidente unit will be assessed with a final group
The project is comprehensive and builds from knowledge to
synthesis levelthe highest level of cognitive growth identified for
the unit in the unit objective. Each item on the Table of Content
Specifications for the unit is assessed, using varied test item
formats. (See Appendix E) A rubric is also attached.
Written Essay:
The Hubo un Accidente unit is designed to include a written
assessment. Mini-unit #3: Preparing a Written Essay and
Presentation about an Accident that has occurred in Spain
calls for students working individually to construct an original essay
about their perspective of the accident, using vocabulary, correct
use of irregular preterite verbs, and the imperfect progressive tense.
During the course of teaching Mini-unit #3 the teacher has
distributed a handout, which clearly sets forth the assignment and
the standards to be used for evaluating it.
Instruments for assessing the essay and presentation require the
following rubrics:
1. Presentation Rubric
The presentation rubric sets forth the requirements for the
presentation, covering all criteria set forth in the unit
objective and related sub-objective. (See Appendix E-1 for a
copy of this rubric).
2. Essay Checklist
The essay checklist sets forth the requirements for the
written essay, covering all criteria set forth in the unit
objective and related sub-objective. (See Appendix E-2 for a
copy of this checklist).


3. Student Self Evaluation

Students are asked to evaluate their own participation and
effort in completing their group presentations and individual
written essays. These will be turned in on the day each group
completes their presentations. It is each students
responsibility to see that the teacher has a copy of his/her
self-evaluation upon conclusion of the unit. (See Appendix
E-3 for a copy of this checklist).
Post Evaluation:
The students will also be given the post-test as a part of the
summative evaluation (the same assessment given during the pre-instructional
phase). This time, however, the test will be counted as a grade. The scores on the
pre-test and the scores on the post-test will together show the increase in student
achievement over the course of the unit.
1. Reflections Upon Student Performances
Upon completion of the Hubo un Accidente unit, the Spanish II
students for whom the unit is designed should be able to demonstrate
mastery of the unit objectives on both the teacher-developed project
and the written essay at 80% mastery or better. The presentation and
written essay are designed to reach synthesis level, so mastery will need
to be demonstrated at that level. Because the content is carefully
organized and sequentially presented with opportunities for feedback
and correctives in each mini-unit, students are offered many
opportunities to encounter tasks similar to those of the presentation
and written essay. They should be familiar with the format of the
assessment as well as the content.
2. Reflections Upon Instructional Activities
In each mini-unit of the Hubo un Accidente unit, Spanish II students
have been provided with note guides to use during direct instruction.
These help them recognize and collect information about key terms,
factual information, and key generalizations presented. During guided
practice, activities that directly practice key information are included in
each mini-unit. These reinforce the direct instruction and help the
teacher check for understanding daily. Independent practice activities
raise that level of students expertise with the new content to higher
levels of application, analysis, and synthesis. Independent practice
activities follow a format similar to that of assessment tasks.


3. Reflections Upon Formative and Summative Assessment

Each alternative assessment (the written essay, oral presentation, and
self-evaluation) is guided by checklists based upon unit criteria. These
are provided to students at the beginning of the unit with a thorough
explanation. Since students know what to expect as they work, they can
better meet the expectations for achievement in the unit. In a similar
way, the note guides and other scaffolding devices guide students to
demonstrate mastery of key criteria for the unit.
4. Reflections Upon Experience in Designing this Unit
Designing this unit plan has been a challenge in some ways. It requires
a lot of thinking and reflecting to create a cohesive plan for students to
cover over the span of two weeks. It also requires a lot of planning. It is
much different than simply writing one lesson plan because you must
think about multiple lesson plans in terms of one whole unit. All of the
different lessons must fit and flow together as a whole. I have already
completed two units in the past, but this is the first time that I will
actually be teaching a unit I have created to students. I have learned
many new planning and organizing skills that will help me to be a
better educator. This is an experience that I know will help me in my
future in my future career as a teacher.



Realidades 2 (2008). Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall
Supplementary texts & trade books:
Realidades 2 Workbook
NPR News Report
Belcher, K. G. (Spring 2015). Gramtica: Los Irregulares del Pretrito y El
Imperfecto Progressivo. ? slides. Made using grammar from


Appendix E
Resources for Summative Assessment
E-1 Oral Presentation Rubric
E-2 Written Essay Checklist
E-3 Student Self-Evaluation


Spanish II Advanced

Oral Presentation Rubric

Oral presentations of the final projects in the Hubo un Accidente unit are
to be presented by each student group. Each student should participate in the
presentation of the accident to the class.
Rating Scale: Superior (4) / Good (3) / Below Average (2) / Needs
Work (1)

The group
presents detailed
and accurate
about the
accident and the
healthcare they
would receive in

In-depth, and
information is
given about the
Students speak
appropriate for
their skill level.

information is
given about the
accident. Often,
students hesitate
as if searching
for the right

accurately use
new vocabulary.

Five or more new

vocabulary words
are used in the
Students use 3 or
more irregular
preterite verbs.

3-4 new
vocabulary words
are used in the
correctly use 2-3
preterite verbs.

about the
accident is
provided. Some
needs more
details to
describe the
2-3 new
vocabulary words
are used in the
correctly use 1-2
preterite verbs.

The student
captures the
attention from
their first word
to their last.

The student
engages the
attention on
most points.

Very few details

of the accident
are provided.
about those that
are is not
complete and
organization and
Only one new
vocabulary word
is used in the
Only one (or no)
preterite verb is
used; may not be
used correctly.
The student
seems unaware
of the true
audience and
speaks to the
teacher or a

accurately use
the irregular
preterite verbs.
Student engages
the interest of
the audience.

The student does

not engage the
attention. S/he
cannot maintain

TOTAL: ______ (16 pts.)



Spanish II Advanced

Hubo un Accidente
Written Essay Checklist
Directions to teacher:
Please rate each part of the written essay below, assign a total grade, and
write a comment that will help the students who prepared the written essay
celebrate the strong points of their work and know how they can improve such
written essays in the future.
I. Detailed Facts about the Accident
_____ (5
Was a detailed description about the accident provided from the students
perspective? Were these descriptions original and creative?

II. Vocabulary
_____ (5 pts.)
Were at least 5 vocabulary words from the unit used in the essay? Were
these words used correctly?

III. Irregular Preterite Verbs

_____ (3
Were at least 3 different irregular verbs used in the essay? Were they used

IV. Imperfect Progressive

_____ (2
Did the student use the imperfect progressive in the essay? Was it used
correctly at least two times?
V. Information Well-Researched & Organized
_____ (10
Was information presented accurately, well-organized, and described in
sufficient depth to provide the reader with a comprehensive view of the students
perspective on the accident?
Was the information creatively described to engage reader interest?
TOTAL: _____ (25 pts.)
Overall Comments:


Spanish II Advanced

Fill out the following form after careful reflection about your own work on
the group presentation and written essay assignments. Miss Belcher and yourself
will be the only ones to read your responses. Miss Belcher will summarize all
responses and add her own observations and evaluation. Then each student will
receive an individual report of his/her own growth and development on these
assignments. These reports are intended as constructive feedback.

I performed these tasks particularly well:

The parts of these assignments that were easiest for me were:

The parts of these assignments that were most difficult for me were:

Some areas that I want to work harder at are:

General comments about your work, performance, and effort on these



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