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The key takeaways are that persuasive language in the media can influence concepts of identity and that this varies based on context.
Language and literature Audience imperativesPurpose
Tijwana Nesbary, Melissa Noriega
Subject group and discipline
Language and literature: Language and literature
Unit title
Unit 2: The Power of the Media
MYP Year
Year 4
Unit duration
5 weeks (21 hours)
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unitKey conceptRelated concept(s)Global context
Personal and cultural expression
Exploration to Develop:
Social constructions ofreality; philosophies and ways of life; belief systems;ritual and play
Statement of inquiry
Persuasive language targets an audience for the purpose of inuencing our concepts of who we are and varies with context.
Inquiry questions
What techniques are used in the media toinuence our perceptions and decisions?
How can we be manipulated by whatwe read, see, and hear?
What makes a message ethical orunethical?ObjectivesSummative assessment A: Analysing
•analyse the content, context, language,structure, technique and style of text(s) and therelationships among texts•analyse the effects of the creator’s choices onan audience•justify opinions and ideas, using examples,explanations and terminology
B: Organizing
•employ organizational structures that serve thecontext and intention•organize opinions and ideas in a sustained,coherent and logical manner
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Students will be deconstructing how ads communicateidentity to an audience using representation and claims.
Middle Years Programme Unit plannerPage 1 of 8
9:00 AM
Deconstructing an Ad
(A, B)
Directions: Refer to your 2-columnnotes and consider our whole-class discussion when writing yourresponse. Before writing, organizeyour thoughts on the graphicorganizer provided. Then write aresponse that analyzes the ad.Please write neatly and in completesentences. You may want to writeyour responses as 3 paragraph Argumentative Writing.Part 1: Describe the ad. What isbeing advertised? What does thead look like? What text appears onthe ad? What images appear onthe ad? Use as much detail aspossible in your description!Part 2: Deconstruct the ad. Who isthe target audience and how doyou know? Which advertisingtechniques are being used topersuade the target audience andhow do you know?Part 3: Analyze the ad’s messageand impact. What message(s) isthe ad sending? How do youknow? What is the message’spotential impact on the targetaudience? If so, how do you feelabout the ad and its message?
Middle Years Programme Unit plannerPage 2 of 8
9:00 AM
Deconstructing an Ad
(A, B)
Directions: Refer to your 2-columnnotes and consider our whole-class discussion when writing yourresponse. Before writing, organizeyour thoughts on the graphicorganizer provided. Then write aresponse that analyzes the ad.Please write neatly and in completesentences. You may want to writeyour responses as 3 paragraph Argumentative Writing.Part 1: Describe the ad. What isbeing advertised? What does thead look like? What text appears onthe ad? What images appear onthe ad? Use as much detail aspossible in your description!Part 2: Deconstruct the ad. Who isthe target audience and how doyou know? Which advertisingtechniques are being used topersuade the target audience andhow do you know?Part 3: Analyze the ad’s messageand impact. What message(s) isthe ad sending? How do youknow? What is the message’spotential impact on the targetaudience? If so, how do you feelabout the ad and its message?
Middle Years Programme Unit plannerPage 3 of 8
9:00 AM
Deconstructing an Ad
(A, B)
Directions: Refer to your 2-columnnotes and consider our whole-class discussion when writing yourresponse. Before writing, organizeyour thoughts on the graphicorganizer provided. Then write aresponse that analyzes the ad.Please write neatly and in completesentences. You may want to writeyour responses as 3 paragraph Argumentative Writing.Part 1: Describe the ad. What isbeing advertised? What does thead look like? What text appears onthe ad? What images appear onthe ad? Use as much detail aspossible in your description!Part 2: Deconstruct the ad. Who isthe target audience and how doyou know? Which advertisingtechniques are being used topersuade the target audience andhow do you know?Part 3: Analyze the ad’s messageand impact. What message(s) isthe ad sending? How do youknow? What is the message’spotential impact on the targetaudience? If so, how do you feelabout the ad and its message?
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