2 3 4 B Treatmentdesign Student Response Sheet (Revised 11-10-14)
2 3 4 B Treatmentdesign Student Response Sheet (Revised 11-10-14)
2 3 4 B Treatmentdesign Student Response Sheet (Revised 11-10-14)
The constraints and limitations that must be followed are to make sure that all
of the certain materials can be placed into one watch or bracelet without
compromising the quality of the product and the accuracy of the levels
Refer to the Design Process Resource Sheet to help you brainstorm a solution to the
problem and flesh out an innovation. Document each step below, and use the steps
to help guide your discussion and development.
The problem is that diabetics need to constantly prick themselves to
record their glucose blood levels and they need to carry insulin injectors
The constraints and limitations that must be followed are to make sure that all
of the certain materials can be placed into one watch or bracelet without
compromising the quality of the product and the accuracy of the levels
Design your innovation with your team member. Keep notes below. Include a
drawing or model of your idea along with a detailed description of how the
innovation would work in the body. Draw sketches in your Laboratory Journal
and insert pictures of the sketches below:
Analogue watch
o Sleak
o Thin
IR or Raman Spectroscopy
Same font
Relevant images
No small writing
No all caps
And spaced
o Not numbered
Print a handout of the slides and list problems with each slide in the side note-taking
area. See how many problems or weaknesses you can identify.
2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Principles of Biomedical Science Activity 2.3.4 The Future of Diabetes Management and Treatment Page 5
16 problems
With your partner, review your notes on the slides and create a set of guidelines for
the assembly of an effective presentation below. Consider the dos and donts of
assembling slides that support an oral presentation.
Refer to your list of rules for an effective presentation. Design two to three slides that
present information about the innovation you brainstormed and designed in Part 1.
Show your slides to another group and listen to their feedback. Make appropriate
changes based on their recommendations. Document their recommendations below:
Think about oral presentations you have given in the past. Reflect on your
experience. Document your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter below:
Strength I look out into the crowd when I talk start to talk faster or I will start to
stumble on words
Review the information presented at the Pearson Allyn &Bacon Public Speaking
Website available at http://wps.ablongman.com/ab_public_speaking_2/. The
website contains six modules about the process of public speaking and preparation
for presentations and formal talks. Take notes below on the information presented on
the main page of each of the six listed topic headings Assess, Analyze, Research,
Organize, Deliver, Discern.
o To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of
o Examine methodically and in details the constitution or structure of
o The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to
establish facts and new conclusions
o Arrange into a structured whole, order
o To recite information or a product in a formal manner
Take notes below on the information presented in the TechSoup article How to
Deliver a Bad Presentation available at
Make sure to practice your presentations because it helps to get comfortable with
the information. You could practice in the mirror or to a friend
Make sure not to read from the slide verbatim because then that will show that you
did not practice very well and you could highlight the main points on your power
Make sure to not just stare at your notes and the floor you want to look at the
audience to help you better project your voice which helps when in a classroom
Dont just speak in a monotone voice because you want your audience to be
engaged and excited about your presentation and so then your voice should show
signs of enthusiasm
Make sure to not talk really fast and then really slow. When you change your tone of
voice it can help the audience from nodding off during the presentation you will want
to maintain the a fairly consistent rhythm to your speech
You cannot assume that your audience knows as much information about your
project as you do. You have to make sure that your audience why the topic at hand
is so important
Ann effective presentation is less about lecturing the audience and more about
engaging with them. A mistake that a lot of people with presentations do is they wait
till the end to have questions only. You always want to start strong and you want to
end strong
Have to have a backup plan make sure to bring visuals and other support materials
that do not require the use of electrical outlets
1 You are a scientist presenting your latest discovery to two different audiences.
On Monday you will present to the board of directors of your company. All of the
members of the board are highly accomplished scientists who stay up-to-date
with every medical breakthrough in your field. On Tuesday you will present your
research to the companys marketing and promotions department. This group of
individuals is dedicated to designing a dynamic campaign that will maximize the
number of physicians and consumers interested in the product. Explain how the
presentation slides you use in each case may differ. Provide a specific example
to illustrate how slide design and presentation style should relate to the audience.
The presentation slides I use in each case may be different by the slides I use in the
presentation to the board of directors being more geared to well informed about the
subject professionals and the reason and the effectiveness of the invention
compared to the presentation to the companys marketing and promotions
The presentation slides I use in each case may differ by the slides I use in the
presentation to the companys marketing and promotions department being more
shown to the expenses that will need to be paid for in order to complete the
products production and advertisements compared to the presentation to the board
of directors.
5. If you were on a decision making board with the task of choosing which
innovation to fund, what criteria would you use to make your decision? List two
criteria and explain your rationale below.
I would have to take into consideration that if it is portable and easy to use because
if the person purchasing the product cannot understand how to use it then what
is the point of even making it. Also if it is not portable then it would be too difficult
to bring with the person when they are not staying at their house. Also if you think
that people will really buy it and use it on a daily bases.
2 Explain how the innovation you designed could have helped Anna Garcia.
It could have helped her to warn her and to tell her that it was time to eat some
food before she passes out and kills herself