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Chapter (3)

Steam is an important medium of producing mechanical energy. Steam has the advantage
that it can be raised from water which is available in nature; it does not react much with the
materials of the parts of power plant. Stem power stations are the important means for
generating electrical power.
3.1 Main Parts of a Steam Power Plant
An ordinary power plant consists of the following equipment:



A furnace has burners or grates to which fuel is supplied and where combustion is
initiated. Space above and around burners or grate is called combustion chamber. In
the furnace, heat energy is released as a result of reaction between air and fuel. This
energy heats up a mass of combustion gases, which flow through the boiler unit.
Steam generator or boiler comprises all evaporator and heater units which are
arranged in such a way that hot gases can flow through these units, transferring
most of their heat energy to the water, which by this evaporated and converted into
a high energy steam.
Main power unit such as an engine or turbine to use the heat energy of the steam
and perform work.
Piping system to convey steam and water.

Figure (3.1) shows a schematic arrangement of equipment of a steam power station.

Fuel is Supplied from outside in form of coal, oil or gas. Heat produced due to burning of
fuel is utilized in converting water contained water drum into saturated steam. The
steam generated is passed to the super heater and heated up to the desired
temperature. Superheated steam then flows to the turbine. Low pressure steam leaving
the turbine passes to the condenser. Water from the condenser is entering water heater
which heats up the water to a certain temperature.

Figure 3.1: Arrangement of steam power plant

Bled Steam taken from the turbine at suitable extraction points is sent to low
pressure and high pressure water heaters.
Air Taken from atmosphere is first passed through air pre-heaters, where it is
heated by flue gases. The hot air then passes through the furnace. The flow gases after
passing over the boiler and super heater tubes. Flow through water heaters
(economizer), air pre-heater and finally they are exhausted to the atmosphere through
the chimney.

3.2 Draught systems

The purpose of draught system is to supply required amount of air for the
combustion and remove the products of combustion from the plant. To move the air
through the furnace and to cause the hot gases flowing through the boiler unit,
economizer, air pre-heater and chimney requires a difference of pressure to that
necessary to accelerate the burn gases to their final velocity and to overcome the
pressure losses equivalent to pressure head. This difference of pressure required to
maintain the constant flow of air and to discharge the gases through the chimney to
atmosphere is known draught system.
When the draught system is produced using the chimney only, it is known as
Natural draught and when the draught is used by any other means except the
chimney is known as Artificial draught

The various types of draught systems are:


Natural draught


Mechanical draught


Steam jet draught

(i) Natural Draught

Natural Draught System is used in boilers of small capacities. This system does not play
an important role in modern high capacity thermal power plants. Natural draught is produced
by the difference in weight of a column of cold external air and that of a similar column of hot
gases in the chimney. This system is dependent on the height of humidity and average
temperature of the gases in the chimney. Figure 3.2 shows natural draught system.

Figure 3.2: Natural draught system

(ii) Mechanical draught

In boiler of large capacities, fans are used to produce the necessary draught in order to
reduce the height of chimney , to obtain brought that is independent of atmospheric condition
and to control draught easily in case of fluctuating of loads on the plant. Mechanical draught
might be induced, forced or balanced
Figure (3.3) show the induced draught system in which fan is located near the base of
the chimney. In this system the air is sucked in the boiler by reducing the pressure through the
boiler below atmosphere. The fan sucks the burned gases from the boiler side and discharges it
to the chimney.
In a forced draught system, a fan is located near the base of the boiler unit and air
forced to pass through the boiler unit and the chimney. Most high rating combustion
equipment employs forced draught fan for supplying air to the furnace. The arrangement of
forced draught system is shown in figure (3.4)

If the forced draught is used alone, then the furnace cannot be opened either for firing
or inspection because the high pressure of air inside the furnace will try to blow out suddenly
and the furnace stops.
If induced system is used alone, then also the furnace cannot be opened either for firing
or inspection because cold air will try to rush into the furnace. This reduces effective draught
and weakens the combustion. To overcome both difficulties mentioned above, a balance
draught is always preferred. In other words, it is desirable to use combustion of forced draught,
and induced draught instead of using a one of the alone.
Balanced draught system is a combination of induced and forced draught systems the forced
draught fan forces the air through the fuel bed on the top of grate and the induced draught fan
sucks in gases from the boiler side and discharges them to the chimney.

Figure 3.3: Induced draught system

Figure 3.4: Forced draught system

Figure (3.5) shows the arrangement of the balanced draught system and the pressure
distribution through the system shown in figure (3.6). It is obvious from the figure (3.6) that the
pressure inside the furnace is near the atmospheric therefore there is no danger of blow-out of
flames or there is no danger of inrushing the air into the furnace when the doors are opened
for inspection.

Figure 3.5: Balance draught system.

Figure 3.6: Pressure distribution through the plant for balanced draught system.

iii. Steam Jet Draught

Steam Jet Draught may be induced or forced draught depending upon the location of
steam Jet producing the draught.
Induced draught produced by steam Jet is shown in figure (3.7). This system is used in
locomotive boilers. Exhaust steam from the engine enters the smoke box through a nozzle to
create draught. The air is induced through the fuels, the grate and the box.

Figure 3.7: Steam jet induced draught system.

3.2.1 Advantages of the mechanical draught over natural draught:

The artificial draught is better in control and more economical than natural draught. The
advantages of mechanical draught over natural draught are listed below:
1. The rate of combustion is high as the available draught is more. The better distribution
and mixing of air with fuel is possible therefore the quantity of air required per kg of fuel
is less. This further reduces the mass of the flue gases formed and heat carried by
exhaust gases.
2. The air flow can be regulated according to the requirement by changing the draught
3. The mechanical draught is independent of the atmospheric temperature whereas the
chimney draught is seriously affected by atmospheric temperature.
4. Low grade fuel can be used in combustion chamber as the intensity of artificial draught
is high.
5. The chimney draught is produced at the cost of thermal efficiency of the plant because
it is necessary to exhaust the gases at high temperature to produce the draught. In
mechanical draught, the exhaust gases can be cooled to lowest possible temperature
before exhaust and improves the overall thermal efficiency of the plant.
6. The height of the chimney used in mechanical draught can be reduced sufficiently as the
function of the chimney is only to exhaust the gases high in the atmosphere to prevent
the contamination.
7. The efficiency of the artificial draught is nearly 7% whereas the efficiency of the chimney
draught is hardly 1%.

8. The fuel consumption per unit power due to artificial draught is less than the natural
9. The fuel burning capacity of the grate is 200 to 300 kg/m2 in area of the grate per hour
with mechanical draught where as it is hardly 50 kg/m2 with natural draught.
10. It is prevent the formation of smoke as complete combustion is possible even with less
excess air.
The major disadvantage of the artificial draught is the high capital cost required an high
running and maintenance costs of the fan used. The running and maintenance cost of the
natural draught is practically nil.

3.3 loses in the Air-Gas loop system and its measurements

The total draught required to produce the current of air and to discharge the hot gases
to the atmosphere is the arithmetical sum of all draught losses in the series circuit.
The total draught loss in the air and gas loop system are given by
ht = hv + hb + he + hd

ht = Total draught loss in mm of water

hv = Velocity head (velocity of gas exit from the chimney).
hb = Fuel bed resistence equivelent to mm of water head.
he = Head loss in the equipment.
hd = Head loss in ducts and chimney

The details of each loss are given below:

1. Fuel Bed Resistance (hb )
The fuel bed resistance depends on fuel size, bed thickness and combustion rate.
The effect of combustion rate on resistance for different types of stokers is a very
important factor. Moreover, the type of coal used is affecting the resistance of the
2. Heat Loss in Equipments (he )
The manufactures generally supply data for equipment resistance like air heater,
economizer, boiler passes, superheater, etc...

A survey of best data indicates that the draught losses follow a parabolic law. The data
given by the manufactures is supplied at one rating of the complete unit; therefore the
loss at another rating can be calculated by using the following equation
he2 = he1 (


Where n is usually 1.8 to 2

he is the draught loss at the steam generating rate of s .
The draught losses through the boiler setting are accountable for the gases
sweeping over the steam generating tubes, superheater elements that must be made at
the end of each pass. The draught loss varies as the square of velocity of gas flow or
square of the ratio of boiler rating.
3. Velocity Head loss (hv )
The velocity head loss is always equal to v 2 /2g . Where v is the velocity at the
exit of the chimney. The draught system is designed to give minimum v 2 /2g loss but it
must be sufficient to diffuse and mix with the surrounding atmospheric air. Its value also
depends upon the natural air velocity at chimney height. Higher velocity head is
required if the natural air velocity is higher. No general data can be given for such loss. It
is decided as per site of the power plant, air temperature and natural air flow condition.
4. Head Loss in Ducts and Chimney (hd )
The draught loss due to friction in air and gas ducts and chimney can be
calculated by Fanning equation (details of this equation can be found in fluid mechanics
book). The value of hd depends on the smoothness of the duct and Reynold number of
the fluid flowing.
Measurement of Draught
The draught losses in different parts of the boiler plant are measured in mm of
water with of manometer. This pressure may be above or below atmospheric pressure.
The typical draught at different points of the boiler plant measured by U-tube
manometer is shown in figure (3.8).
The measurement of draught is not only to find out the resistance to the air and
gas flow but it also indicates the rate of flow.

Figure 3.8: Measurements of draught


Chimneys are made up of steal or brick and concrete. Chimney generally denotes brick concrete
construction whereas stack means steel construction. Under the heading of chimney design,
the height of the chimney, as well as its diameter will be found.
3.4.1 Height of the chimney
The draught produced is the difference between the hot gas column inside the chimney of
height H meters and the cool air column outside the chimney.
Consider the height of the chimney above the grate level H as shown in figure (3.9). The
pressure acting on the grate from the chimney side is given by
P1 Pa Wg H

And the pressure acting on the grate from atmospheric side is given by
P2 Pa Wg H

Figure 3.9: Diagram of natural draught.

Where pa is the atmospheric pressure,

wa is the density of atmospheric air.

wg is the density of hot gases passing through the chimney.

The net acting pressure on the grate of the combustion chamber due to the
pressure exerted by gas columns and air columns is given by
P = P2 - P1


wa > wg
P = (Pa + wa H) (Pa + wg H)
P = H(wa wg )

kg f /m2


The natural draught will be the more effective the higher the chimney and the greater
the difference between the temperatures of the external air and the flue gases.
The densities wa and wg can be calculated by ideal gas laws as follows:
Pv = mRT
Taking m as unity,
t 0 = 0 or T = 273o k and P0 = 1.03 kg f /cm2 ( R=29.27 kg f . /kg.o k )

29.27 273
1.03 104

= 0.773 m3 /kg

is the specific volume of air at P0 = 1.03 kg f /cm2 and t 0 = 0 .

The specific volume of air at T o k and P= 1.03 kg f /cm2 is given by

= 0.773


m3 /kg

So volume of m kg of air at T o k
Va = 0.773 m



Where m is the mass of air required to burn 1kg of fuel. Then the weight of chimney
gas per kg of fuel is (m +1) kg .
It is assumed that the volume of flue gases coming out of the chimney is the volume of
air required for the combustion of fuel at the temperature of flue gases (i.e V = Vg at t g ).


Vg = Va = 0.773 m



And density of air


wa = 0.773


wa = 1.293






Also density of flues gases

wg =


(ma +1)


(m +1) 273

= 0.773


wg = 1.293(

Substituting wa = 1.293


and wg = 1.293(

ma +1




ma +1





into equation (3.2), the pressure P

causing the draught is given by


P = 1.293 273 H [T (

ma +1

)T ]

kg f /m3

If this draught is h mm of water as measured by U-tube water manometer, it is given by


h = 353 H [T (

ma +1

)T ]

mm of water

as 1 kg f /m3 = 1 mm of water
If the pressure difference is known, the height of chimney in meters can be calculated.
The actual chimney draught (required chimney draught) is the sum of all friction losses external
to it (i.e losses through boiler, superheater, economizer, air pre-heater, duct work, sharp bends
and chimney), less the effective draught produced by fans in case of artificial draught.

N.B.: Equation for calculation h has been derived for standard atmospheric pressure
(1.03 kg f /cm2 ). Therefore, densities corrections to both wa and wg must be made
according to the barometer reading.

i.e h = 353 H [T (

ma +1

) T ] is valid at P =1.03

kg f /cm . If the barometer reading is different from the standard pressure, the
following equation must be used
h = H (wa wg ).

3.4.2 Diameter of the Chimney

The velocity of flue gases passing through the chimney is given by
f.g = 29 (H Hf )
Where H , is the height of column of hot gases in metere and Hf is the fractional losses of
height of column of hot gases.
So, velocity f.g = 4.43 (H Hf ) = K H
Where K is constant and is given by the following equation K = 4.431
The value of K can be found experimentally.
Mass flow of the gases
Mg = A uf.g Density


f.g . g

4.43 (H Hf ) . g

From which A, the area of the base of the chimney can be found by:

A = 4 D2

D =


K H . g

Where D is the diameter of the chimney at the base.

The value of H is given as follow:


H =

Where P = 1.293 273 H [T (

ma +1

And g = 1.293 273 (

ma +1


)T ]


m +1 1
1.293 273 H [T ( am ) T ]
H =
m +1 1
1.293 273 ( am ) T


H = H [(m


a +1 Ta


3.5 Power Required for Draught Fans

The draught produced by the fan is hf (= htotal hchimney )mm of water and the volume is
V then the work done by the gas is given by

= hf (m2f ) v (m3 )
= hf . v

kg f . m

I.HP =

hf .v


Where hf is the draught produced by the fan in mm of water and v is the rate of volume
discharged by fan (m3 / min).
Considering the transmission efficiency between the prime mover and fan and mechanical
efficiency of the fan, the break horse power is given by:
B.HP =

hf .v
tran. .4500


3.5.1 B.HP of the Prime mover required to run forced Draught Fan
B.HP required to run forced Draught Fan is calculated as follows:
ma is the mass of air supplied per kg of fuel
Mf is the fuel consumption per minute (kg / min )
Mass of air supplied per minute (Ma ) is given by
Ma = ma Mf

kg / min

Volume of air supplied per minute ( Va ) is given by

Va =


m3 /min

= Mf


m3 /min


Where a is the density of air ( a = 1.293 T


Va = Mf

353 a

kg / m3 )

m3 /min

B.HP = hf

Mf .ma .Ta


3.5.2 B.HP of the Prime mover required to run the induced draught fan is calculated as follow
hf is the draught produced by the fan in mm of water. Mass of gas handled by the induced
fan per minute Mg ) is given by
Mg = Mf (ma +1)
Volume of flue gases handled by the induced fan per minute is given by
Vg =


m3 /min

Where g is the density of flue gases g = 1.293 (

ma +1 273


Mf (ma +1)

Vg =

m +1 1
1.293273 ( a )

= Mf

353 g


m3 /min

B.HP =
B. HP I.F = hf.I

hf.I .Vg


M f .ma .Tg



Example 3.1
A chimney is 28 meters high and the temperature of hot gases inside the chimney is320.
The temperature of outside air is 23 and the furnace is supplied with 15 Kg of air per 1 Kg of
fuel burnt. Calculate:
a) Draught in mm of water.
b) Draught head in meters of hot gases.
a) The draught in mm of water is given by :
+ 1 1
= 353 [ (
) ]

15 + 1
= 353 28 [
23 + 273
320 + 273
= 15.1 mm of water.
b) Draught head in meters of hot gases is given by:

= [(
) ( ) 1]
+ 1
= 28 [

15 + 1 300
= 23.88 meters of hot gases.

Example 3.2
Determine the height of chimney to produce a draught of 22 mm of water if the flue gases
temperature in the chimney is 290 and ambient temperature in boiler house is20 . The gas
constant (R) for air is 29.26 . . and for flue gases is26.2 . . . Assume
barometer reading is 760 mm of mercury.
Let :
= Absolute pressure of gas ( 2 ).
= Volume of gas (3 ).
= Gas constant.
= Absolute temperature of gas (K).
Now, =

= then, =

Difference of pressure ()
= Height of chimney (H) ( )
= 22 mm of water
= 22 2 (As 1 2 = 1 mm of water )

1.033 104
29.26 (273 + 20)

= 1.2 3
( = = 760 = 1.033 2 )
. =


1.033 104
26.2 (273 + 290)
= 0.69 3
(Since the draught is usually very slight it is possible to use = )
Height of chimney (H)

1.2 0.69

= 43.1 meter.
Example 3.3
Compute the head that I.D fan must develop for the following conditions: Maximum boiler
load equal to 75 , draught loss in duct work equal to 7.5 mmof water head at
75 rating, air pre-heater draught loss equal to 5 cm of water head at 60
rating, boiler draught loss equal to 2.75 cm of water head at 10.5 rating.
Assume that losses vary as 1.8 power of the steam flow rate.
= Draught head develop by the I.D fan (mm).
= Head loss in duct work at the maximum boiler head (mm).
= Head loss in air pre-heater at the maximum boiler head (mm).
= Head loss in boiler at maximum boiler load (mm).
Now, =

= 7.5 of water

= ( )

75 1.8
= 50 ( ) = 74.715 of water


= ( )

75 1.8
= 27.5 (
) = 16.38 of water

= + +
= 7.5 + 74.715 + 16.38
= 98.595 of water.

Example 3.4
A 15 of air supplied per of fuel burnt to the combustion chamber of a boiler using
fuel at 3900 . The temperatures of flue gases and ambient air are 273 and 32. If
the minimum draught required to start the fire is 9.5 of water and the boiler is to operate at
maximum artificial draught of 7 of water, find out the followings:
a) Height of the chimney to produce a natural draught.
b) The reduction in the height of the chimney by using an artificial draught.
c) Diameter of the chimney if the flue gases velocity inside the chimney is 5 .
a) The draught is given by:


= 353 [ (

) ]

or = 353 [305 (


) 510]

From which = 226.68 meters

The height of the chimney to produce a natural draught is 226.68 meters.
b) =
= 95 70
= 25 of water.


= 353 [ (
25 = 353 [

) ]

15 + 1 1

From which = 59.8 meters

Therefore, the reduction in the height of the chimney as a result of using an artificial draught
can be determined as;
= () () = 226.68 59.8 = 166.88 meters.

c) Now :
= ( + 1)

= 4 2
+1 273

= 1.293 (

+1 273
Or, ( + 1) = 1.293 ( ) 4 2

Or, = 353


= 60603535 = 2.445 meters.

Example 3.5
Specify the diameter and height of chimney for the following service:
- gas per hour at 20000 capacity
- Boiler draught loss at 25000 capacity
- Duct draught loss
- Temperature of air
- Gas constant of air
- Temperature of gas to chimney
- Gas constant of flue gases
- Allowable gas velocity through chimney
- Barometer reading
a) Height of the chimney is calculated as follows:
= [ ]

750 .


= 1.033 760 = 1.0191 2

(As 760 of = 1.033 2 )
= 30.3 . .
= 340 + 273 = 613
Then, =


= 0.5488 3

Also density of air



= 28.95(25+273) = 1.1816 3

The draught head is calculated as follows

. = +
= (

(Assuming n=2)

20000 2

= 40 (25000) = 25.6 of water

Hence, = 25.6 + 10 = 35.6 of water
35.6 = [1.1816 0.5488]
From which, = 56.258 meters
Hence height of chimney =56.258 meters
b) Diameter of the chimney is calculated as follows

= = 2


= 60600.548810 = 1.436 meters

Hence diameter of chimney = 1.436 meters

Example 3.6
A coal fired boiler uses fuel of the following composition by volume:
Hydrogen = 50%, = 40%, 2= 6% and 2 = 4%. The analysis of the products as determined
by an Orast apparatus is as follows:
2 = 15.33%, = 0.7%, 2 = 5.22% 2 = 78.75%.
The rate of fuel burnt is 3200 . The temperatures of flue gases and ambient air are
227 and 27 respectively. The maximum load of the plant is 30 ton of steam per hr. The
allowable height of the chimney is 40 m. The draught losses in the air-gas loop system are as
- Draught loss in fuel bed
6 of water
- Draught loss in ducts and chimney
0.3 of water
- Draught loss through boiler at 20
0.9 of water
- Draught loss through air pre-heater at 40
5 of water
Determine the induced draught fan B.H if the mechanical efficiency is 70%.
Consider 100 of fuel burnt or 100 of products, the relevant combustion equation

21 2
15.332 + 0.7 + 5.222 + 78.752 + 2

[502 + 40 + 62 + 42 ] + 2 +

Carbon balance:
40 + 6 = 15.33 + 0.7
= 0.34848
Hydrogen balance:
50 =
= 17.424
Oxygen balance:


+ 6 + = 15.33 +
+ 5.22 +
From which = 20.55 100
The mass of air required to burn 1 of fuel is given as follows:
. .100

= 100.


Where, = Molecular weight of fuel ()

= (where = ).
= 2 2 + + 2 2 + 2 2
= 0.5 2 + 0.4 28 + 0.06 44 + 0.04 28 = 15.96

Hence, = 1000.3484815.9623 = 5.14

The draught head produced by the chimney ( )


= 353 [ (

) ]

= 353 40 [273+27 (


) 273+227] = 13.334 of water

The total draught required

= + + +
= + + (

30 2

) + (

30 2

= 60 + 3 + 9 (20) + 50 (40) = 111.375 of water.

The draught head produced by the fan ( )
= = 111.375 13.334 = 98.041 of water
. . .

B.H of induced draught fan = 3534500


= 12.1 P

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