Borow Resume 2015

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24 Harold St ! Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: (303) 829-6352 ! E-Mail: [email protected]
Masters of Arts in Educational Studies (GPA 3.97), Tufts University, Medford, MA
Masters Thesis: Critical Analysis of Emerging Critical Consciousness in White Teachers
Master Thesis Advisor: Professor Sabina Vaught
Masters Thesis accepted to Penn Ethnography Conference 2015 and AERA Conference 2015

May 15

Massachusetts Initial Licensure in Elementary Education

Endorsed by the Tufts University Elementary STEM program

Expected June 15

Bachelor of Arts, Tufts University, Medford, MA

May 13
Major: Peace & Justice Studies
Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.62) and High Thesis Honors
Minor: Education
Thesis: Assessment & Evaluation in Experiential Education
Student Teacher, 5th grade at Cambridge Friends School, Cambridge, MA
Fall 14 - Spring 15
Assisted with implementation of student-centered, inquiry and project-based curriculum; facilitated whole class discussions,
small group work as well as one-on-one work with students in all subjects.
Teaching Assistant, WGSS 190 Doing Feminist Research, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Fall 14
Assisted with the development of course syllabus and lesson plans; held office hours; supervised an independent-study
student; taught second half of course that focused on supporting writing and editing process of WGSS senior project
proposals; assisted with portfolio assessment at the end of the term.
Teaching Assistant, ED 161 Sociology of the School, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Summer 14
Assisted with the development of course the syllabus and lesson plan; facilitated class discussions and small group work;
commented on student work throughout the course; assisted with portfolio assessment at the end of the term
Co-Facilitator, Professional Development Discussion Group, Medford High School, Medford MA
Spring 14 - Present
Co-facilitated monthly discussion groups; topics include discipline, the school to prison pipeline, restorative justice
practices, critical pedagogy, power dynamics in schooling. The discussion group provides resources and a space for teachers
to discuss philosophical, pedagogical and theoretical dimensions of their profession.
Co-Facilitator, Racism in Schooling Workshop, Dedham, MA
Summer 14
Co-facilitated 3-hour workshop on Racism in Schooling for a "Teaching the Civil Rights Movement" course funded through
the Teaching American History grant program at The Education Cooperative (TEC).
Co-Facilitator, Race Power and US Schooling Workshop, Primary Source, Boston, MA
Summer 14
Co-facilitated 3-hour workshop on Racism in Schooling; Primary Source Summer Institute for Teachers: "Cultural
Proficiency for Today's Diverse Schools: A Multidisciplinary Approach."
Mentor, Tufts Education Department Internship, Medford High School, Medford MA
Spring 14
Facilitated weekly meetings to support intern's research regarding gender and sexuality in schooling; oversaw development
and implementation of a film series tilted "Re-teaching Gender and Sexuality Norms in our Community.
Assessment Coding Intern, Lectica Inc., Northhampton, MA
Fall 14 - Summer 15
Trained to code open-ended, short-answer educational assessments; Participated in discussions regarding assessment
culture, developmental theory and development of formative assessment strategies; Supervised summer coding intern.
Summer Fellow, New Sector Alliance, Boston, MA
Summer 12
Selected for highly competitive non-profit leadership development program; participated in non-profit professional
development workshops; placed full-time Courageous Sailing Center to design and implement an evaluation strategy to
assess the sailing program's impact on students; Evaluation report submitted to the Courageous Sailing Board of Directors as
well as foundations to secure funding for the following summer.

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