Joan Rivers Part 01

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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION POI/EA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/Pa¥ 1296596-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 2 Page 5 ~ Duplicate; Page 6 ~ Duplicate; YOXKKMRMHMNAKRERANKRERE, X Deleted Page(s) X X Mo Duplication Fee x X For this Page x HAHAHA HHA e se FBI PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: CO Immediate © TOP SECRET © Priority © SECRET GF Routine © CONFIDENTIAL . OD UNCLASEF TO CO uncras - Date_9/19/92. DIRECTOR, FBI” ADIC, NEWYORK (9A-NY-208842) (P)” SUBJECT: REQUEST OF THE BUREAU “DOCUMENT SECTION Clean" be compared to the threatening letter and extortion section of the anonymous letter files. JOAN RIVERS not dated. (6) Approved: ‘Transmitted Per Wambery (Time) It is requested that the enclosed documents signed "Mr. Enclosed for the Bureau are the following original ‘}accunents‘coritained in one envelope: 1. 2 = typed letters addressed tol_——=sépna 2. 4 - envelope addressed t{_ pes st marked August 28, 1991. 3. 1 ~ post card a t Joost marked August 30, 1991. The above evidence has woe een, sen Goteeted to‘any other _ examinations. } For information and lead assistance for Laboratory, Bureau (Encl.) ; 2-New York a Liltzemt OCT 21. 1991 be 7c e 2e (oatity-208842 bs Television Show Host Tot © NYO of the FBI of severa: cations that his client JOAN RIVERS, and friend, ad received. Investigation has developed no subjects to Prior to FBI receiving documents trol fey were handled by numerous individuals at television stud: ver a two week period. Due to extensive handling latent examination will not be requested. . hele ER Na R 558 525 892 pros Sune e ieeereanon * FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION < \ » WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 4, . % $ a . Date: October 29, 1991 : 7 ADIC, New York . ‘ \y ‘BI File No. / Tab Ne - 11021052 D sT ? Reference: Communication dated September 19, 1991 Your No, 9A-NY~208842 b6 Re — ‘lean? bre VICTIM; ICTIM; EXTORTION/ THREATENING MAIL 00: New York Specimens received Anonymous Letter File AQAILED 16 oct 36 1991 fat returned herewith. 9- T2094 3. QL Envelope postmarked #4 28 AUG 1991" bearing be typewritten address c/o K-Rock 92.3 FM 600. PS. Madison Ave. New York, New York 10022" Q2 Typewritten letter beginning "Hi you 2 wonderful..." signed “itr. Clean" Q3 Postcard postmarked " 2 PM 30 AUG 1991" bearing typewritten address 3/0 K~ Rock 92.3 FM 600 Madison Ave. N.¥., N.¥, 10022" vse side bearing typewritten letter beginning | oannie..." signed "Mr. CLEAN" Enclosures (4) be : Rage 1 (over) bre Ath ) al (AIL ROOM. This Report Is Furnished For Official Use Oaly Q4 Photocopy of typewritten letter beginning "I am on a crusade..." signed "™R. Clean" . Remarks: The submitted specimens were examined for the possible presence of indented writing and/or other marks of value which might identify the immediate source of the questioned specimens, with negative results. Page 2 11021052 D ST mY ® FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION * UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE . Taboratory Work Shect Date: Te ADI, New York ( FBTR. 9, 722 YE , tabNo 11021052 Communication dated September 19, 1991 ‘Your No. SA-NY-208842 26 Re Clean; ere VICTIN: EXTORTION/ THREATENING MALL 00: New York Specimens received: October 21, 1991 Specimens: | Q1 Envelope ‘rbae postmarked " AUG 1991" i bearing typewritten address c/o K-Rock Pe 92.3 FM 600 Madison Ave. NeW-YOFK; New -YOrR 10022" Q2 Typewritten letter beginning "Hi you 2 wonderful. signed "Mr. Clean" Q3 Postcard postmarked "BROOKL} AUG 1991" bearing typewritten address| kyo K- Rock 92.3 FM 600 Madison Ave. N.Y., N.Y. side bearing typewritten letter beginning| Joannie..." Signed “Me. CLEAN “ ound Photocopy of typewritten letter beginning "I am on a crusade..." signed "MR. Clean" kdithLot os Lf pepe Liat 4) Her ede e bredorits nilimied here, The anboyticrl . LER eS ee, 7-6 (Rev. 1-43-82) foe . @ 4 bé $ - pic Bramine’s Name vate 0733-41 apy 11021052 DST Recognition Section: 1 40. 19. 28. - 2 W 20. 28. 3, at, 21. 80. 6 18, a, ot, 5. 16, 2, Ln. 6. 15, ons, =, 7. 16 28, tt, 8. 17. 28. 35. 9. 18, 27... 36. National Fraudutent Check Filo Dato Date Searched Added Signature Section ‘Company Name Fite ‘Checkwtiter Section - Classified as Gimmick Section Master Check Section Counterfeit Travelers Checks Counterfeit Money Orders. Counterfeit Checks Altered Travelers Checks. Altered Money Orders * Raised Bank Checks Checks prepared with False “Certified” Impressions Checks prepared with Press-On Letters. Stolen Money Orders & Travelers Checks Section: “ ‘Travelers Checks - Type # From To# Money Orders - Type \ Photographed: owe L0/a'y/4) rors AIS Evidence Files Searched art Bank Robbery Note File Motor Vehicle Title ‘Section(s) Date . Section(s) Date Searched Searched Added Added ‘Anonymous Letter File: Motive Typewlter Information: State(s), “Type? GI 4 ° Z noks Nike, diferent Wye oF Carbon ve COMET tibbem on Ga Ga. purlngatr® combing Spacing OEY — possikh the Sane. alert other wsed ie al She. Bpecierens ~ defere gn des Standards Files Searchod Tire Tread ‘Shoe Print Typewriter Watermark Office Copier Safety Paper Computer Print Out Remarks: Qqh = protoeepy : Sorted = No Wakermarks raha i _ ainderted voting = YES ‘Gat? — & ESDA — posite. : a = BE ZA . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 Date: Te ADIC, New York FBIFiloNo. 9 Tab No. 212021052 Reference: Communication dated September 19, 1991 ‘Your No. SA-NY-208842 bé Ret Clean; pre ‘CTIM; EXTORTION/ THREATENING MAIL 00: New York Specimens resived: October 21, 1992 The FBI Laboratory is moving toward completing the examinations you requested on the evidence submitted in this case as Laboratory resources and priorities permit. Please call us at (202) 324-4430 if any changes occur in the status of this case, such as court deadlines, dismissal of charges, guilty pleas, or other special circumstances. g Vi ENCE EVIDEN SC FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION “WASHINGTON, 8.C. WASHINGTON, D. FILE @ CONTENT: LAB WORKSHEET ITEMS 0G NOT STAMP OR HANOLE AS ENCLOSURE, Wee jos2 ST K-Rock 92.3 FM 600 Madison Ave. New York, New York 10022 wllthoullbhatdd 11021052 D st Ql as tABOnATORT —« Hi you 2 wonderfu; Sexuality i have been watching you 2 Joan on 57 street and found out after not seeing you at you are on vacation. I gor time off myself and went to TAtlantic City N.J. for a good time with a straight women. I hope you 2 had a good time on yours for it might be your last one. I hope you 2 jews have made peace with your false god and are prepared to give up your throne and life. I am prepared in all aspects as you know through our previous contact. I am just lookling for the right time and place to destroy you and your Jew Humor that promotinf Homo Sexuaii mania in this country and the world. I will cleanse the earth when I get you both . The new world will begin. I hope you enjoyed your holiday with your children. 3 preety giris. who should grow and mature with clean ideas about sex and life. Pill we meet again Mr. Clean : PS, Time is on my side. Do You know what time it is? Joan I forgot to tell you I bought, ¢ got some valuable information. You will see. guess Your not as popular as I thought. oz maybe you dont live in New York city. I will find you , rest assure on that. . 11021052 ps1 Q2 mnie, VABORATORY, 600 Madison Ave. N.Y., N.Y; 10022 a LABORATORT —a— Joannie Just to let you know that I purchased a piece of exterminating equiptment. It is big and powerful. It will be messey but pain free almost, If I don't see you Jeu New Year T promise you Tt will be soon after, I am on a crusade to clean the world of the 2 giggest Jew money making promoters of Homo~Sexuality on television and radio. I watch and listen to the 2 of you everyday and its always the same old story. On and on about gays and lesbians. Day in and day out. I'm tired of it and so is the decent world. I tried to communicate this to you few months ago but apparently it fell on deaf ears. It is . now time for me to take action,I will be watching the 2 of you studing your every move. I must remove the 2 of you fxom the general public by vhat ever means possible. I am not afraid of death,are you 2? The purpose of this letter is not intended to alarm or warn you for I shall suffer for thisaction but that is the price you must pay for fame and glory. Riding the world of you 2 jew Pigs will bring my cause into National promince and give it the exposure it deserves, others will then be able to follow the path that I started and complete my mission of righteousness.You 2 pig jews are only the tip of the iceberg but will make for a quick defrosting . I shall go down in history as the person who founded this movement. I proably will be as famous as. the 2 of you put together. This movement is crucial for the world's survival, that it must be started immediately. + As time throug the hour glass, then so are -thesdays of. our-lives. Time is near anid you.2 should cleanse your souls forthe Bible forbids your deeds; + ===" ~ “ make amends with your maker, for I am with mine for what T am about to do. T am watching you for the right special time for there are 2 of you that I must destroy. I will be with the 2 of you at the end. I must prepare and ask for forgiviness ‘to. . Till we meet agian, MR.-Clean : F 11021082 psp adt aa LABORATOR: FEDERAL BUREAU, OF iNvESTiGNTIONG COMMUNICATIONS. ECHION NRGOS Mi PLAIN 2.49PM URGENT q ner MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, 12-29-73, EIDs EXTORTION, 00--MIANE L. ¢ RE MIAMI| TELETYPE TO BUREAU, 12-31-73. ENTERTAL! AVAILABLE CO! “YOU HAVE MANAGED NOT ONLY TO RUIN NY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. 4 BUT YOU ALSO ARE MAKING ME LOSE 19 DAYS OF A SORELY NEEDED VACATION. I AM RETURNING TO MIAME TO PUT_A STOP JO YOUR POLISH, ft. “SOKE" ROUTINE AT THE DEAUVILLE. PERHAPS AND I CAN TEACH YOU THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JOKE|\AND AN ASSAUL’ ON HUMAN DIGNITY AND DECENCY. NY PEOPLE WILL NO LONGER SIT - JAN 8 1074 BACK SUPINELY WHILE A HUMAN CESSPOOL SPEWS HER DIRT OW THEt = AND FOR A JEWESS YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. DECENT JEWS DO NOT CONDONE YOUR RACIST JOKES. ALSO, I HOLD THE MANAGER OF THE DEAUVILLE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACT. 1 SUt Gest That HE PUT A MUZZLE ON YOU OR TAKE THE conseauENokse 4th 2 HEAR ANYTHING Mh 2 POLISH MENTIONED IN YOUR ROUTINE,SAND THAT INCLUDES STASK” I i < END PAGE ONE OGIANA (eid PAGE TWO PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL REGRET IT. SHALON™. DURING INTERVIEW, aus{_ id sor, MIAML, UNEXPECTEDLY APPEARED AT RIVERS* SUITE, DEAUVILLE HOTEL, AND, UPON COMPLETION OF INTERVIEW, HE ADVISED BOTH RIVERS AND HER HUSBAND, ROSENBURG, THAT NEITHER OF THE TELEGRAMS NOR THE APPARENTLY LOCAL TELEPHONE CALLS OF 12-29-73, CONSTITUTED VIOLATIONS OF FEDERAL STATUTES. BOTH RIVERS AND HER HUSBAND STATED THEY UNDERSTOOD AND WERE SUFFICIENTLY SATISFIED TO KNOW THAT THIS INCIDENT HAD BEEN MADE A MATTER OF RECORD. od FOLLOWING THE INTERVIEW, AUSA DECLINED PROSECUTION. ) MIN THIS MATTER BECAUSE OF NO VIOLATION OF EXTORTION STATUTE. an PuRTHER, HE OBSERVED THAT THE TWO THREATEWING TELEPHONE CALLS ere APPARENTLY OF LOCAL ORIGIN AND OF NO INTEREST FEDERALLY. : IT WAS NOTED THAT RIVERS HAS HIRED OFF~DUTY MIAMI BEACH PD {PATROLMEN TO STAND GUARD AT THE ENTRANCE TO HER SUITE. RIVERS PLANS TO DEPART MIAMI AREA VIA NATIONAL AIRLINES AT 8:30 Atl, i-1-74, ENROUTE JFK AIRPORT, NEW YORK CITY, FOLLOWING SCHEDULED COMPLETION OF HER FINAL PERFORMANCE. FOREGOING IS FURNISHED TO BUREAU FOR INFORMATION IN VIEW OF RIVERS" PROMINENCE AS PUBLIC ENTERTAINER. END MAH FBIHQ AK FOR ONE -CLRIP 6 BIC @ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, ‘COMMUNICATIONS SECTION “sRGOL Mi PLAIN DECS 11973 AM URGENT 12/31/73 Ld ‘yet: JO DIRECTOR FROM MIAMI 174-360 ap TELEPHOWED THREAT TO BO! St SHOW AT DEAUVILLE 23KI13, EID. “bhai, DETECTIVE y t oA 05. FOR BUREAU INFORMATION, AN ANONYMOUS CALL WAS RECEIVED AT MIAMI BEACH PD FROM A MALE WITHOUT ACCENT, WHO SOUNDED MIDDLE-AGED, SAYING, “THE POLISH UNDERGROUND 1 GOING TO BLow up THE pEaUMiLLE' THEATRE IW 15 MINUTES", WHEN THE CALLER WAS ASKED WHER A} Is, THE CALLER HESITATED, THEN HUNG UPJ Zz ANOTHER CALL WAS RECEIVED AT MEAMI BEACH PD AT 7:43PH, 12/29/75, AND THIS TIME THE CALLER SAID, "THERE WILL BE A BOM AT THE DEAUVILLE aT THE JOAN RIVERS SHOU, TONIGHT", CHUNG URD. SA U.S. SECRET SERVICE, WAS ADVISED aT 19:80PM, 12/29/73. ~ ENR PAGE. (ONE Fiat ot 56 sAN (sta Pee ILAMI BEACH PD, ADVISED THAT AT 7:11PM, weyers DEAUVILLE THEATRE ‘ JAN 8 1974 be bic | | ¢ WHEN, DETEGTI vi ]OTIFIED THE MIAMI FBI OFFICE OF THE Two de ‘MM 74-3 60, (PAGE TWO TELEPHONE CALLS HE ALSO STATED THAT RIVERS HAD RECEIVED & TELEGRAM APPROXIMATELY 3:30PM, 12/29/73, FROM) bre NEW JERSEY STATE CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN POLOWIANS, BLOOMFIELD, NEW JERSEY, SaYING TO THE EFFECT THAT HIS ORGANIZATION DISLIKED RIVERS’ POLISH JOKES AND STATED THAT IF SHE DID NOT DESIST, SHE MAY BECOME THE CAUSE OF A POSSIBLE BOYCOTT IN THE FLORIDA, NEW JERSEY, AND NEW YORK AREAS. AT 19PM, 12/30/73, EDGAR ROSENBERG, WHO IDENTIFIED HIMSELF AS RIVERS HUSBAND, TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED THE MIAMI FBI OFFICE, THAT RIVERS HAD JUST RECEIVED A TELEGRAM FROM THE POLISH ANTI DEFAMATION COMMITTEE, FLORIDA DIVISION ADVISER, UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OF ANERICAN POLES, CLEVELAND, OHIO, BUT ROSENBERG REFUSED TO READ THE TELEGRAM AND DEMANDED PROTECTION. vereorive] tram BEACH PD, STATED THAT Be re TELEGRAM SAID IN EFFECT ran{_ ao SEEN RIVERS ACT ON CHRISTMAS “AND IT RUINED MY CHRISTMAS"; FURTHER, SHE WAS TIRED | OF POLISU JOKES AND WOULD RETURN TO MIAME BEACH AND PUT A STOP Y2 JOAN RIVERS" REMARKS ABOUT POLES. AUSA, MILANI, STATED IN HIS OPINION THERE WAS NO VIOLATION OF EITHER OF THE EID OR EXTORTION STATUTES. HIANE WILL OBTAIN A COPY OF ne Atty 12/31/73. END HOD HOLD PLS RNS FBIWA DC ok hinge, & Ga eo.6 Fo Ne ‘Transmit the following fm —____- ‘Tipe ta platen or Vie 4) 7 “ mrntsan e *. FBI Date: 1/16/74 DIRECTOR, FBI “SAC, MIAMI (174-737) (C) ‘TELEPHONE THREAT TO BOMB SHOW_AT-DEAUVELLE-HOTEL, | SANE BEACH, - FLORIDA, 12/29/73 EID ~ EXTORTION Re Wiemi, teletype to Bureau under same caption, :but Miami file number 174-36 Enclosed for the Bureau :is the original and seven copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Bureau will be advised of any pertinent developments in this matter. Local dissemination of LHM being made to U. S. Secret Service and U. S. Attorney, Miami, Florida. : For information of the Bureau, Miami 0 con ducting an extortion investigation under caption RIVERS — Victim, Extortion," Miami file 9-2657. nirse 179- 4408 0 15 JAN 21 1974 GP Bureau (Ene. pili . —— (parte 2c sen, ‘es1age . . #3 be 1 ee’ Ss . @ Nn 1 ce ~ EID Unit bre ‘ATES DEPARTMENT OF mJ BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION to ty. Lo ttn . Miemi, Ploride Fite Ne V7 737 January 16, 1976 o RE: TELEPHONE THREAT TO BOMB JOAN RIVERS ‘ SHOW AT{DEAUVILLE HOTEL, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, DECEMBER 29, 1973 EXTORTION on tape. 2b signed by supra, which is as follows: manager of the Deauville responsible for your act. includes stash" I promise you, you will regret it. [14-4 IES EXGLOSURE EXPLOSIVES AND INCENDIARY DEVICES - . The following information, December 29, 1973, at 9:25 PM from Detective| Miami bs Beach Police Department, Miami Beach, Floer- pre At 7:11 PM on December 29, 1973, an anonymous call was received at the police department from a male without accent, saying, "The Polish Underground is going to blow up the Deauville Theater in 15 minutes". The caller hung up. j At. 7:43 Pi the police department received another cali, \ i “There will be a bomb at the Deauville at the JOAN RIVERS ' show toriight". The caller hung up. Both calls were recorded * “On December 31, 1975, entertainer JOAN RIVERS was interviewed and made available’a copy of a Western Union telegram ras "Miss JOANN MALINSKY RIVERS", WYou have managed not only to ruin my Christmas holidays, but you algo are making me lose ten days of a sorely ye needed vacation. 1 am returning to Miami to put a st "joke" routine at the Deauville. Perhaps| id I can teach you the difference between @ joke an Sault on human dignity and decency. My people will no longer sit back supinely while a human cesspool spews her dirt on them, And for a Jewess you should know better. Decent Jews do not condone your racist jokes, Also, I hold the that he put a muzzle on you or take the consequences. If I hear anything Polish mentioned in your routine "and that > 4 interview, Assistant U. 8. Attorney (AusA) Southern District of Florida, Miami, un- be expectedly appeared at RIVERS' suite, Deauville Hotel, and, bre be 7c I suggest Shalom". Ft @ © . RE: ‘TELEPHONE THREAT TO BOMB JOAN RIVERS SHOW AT. DEAUVILLE HOTEL, MIAME BEACH, FLORIDA, DECEMBER 29, 1973 upon completion of interview, he advised both RIVERS and her husband, ROSENBURG, that neither of the telegrams nor the apparently local telephone calls of December 29, 1973, con- stituted violations of Federal statutes. Both RIVERS and her husband stated they understood and were sufficiently satisfied to know that this incident had been made a matter of record. Following the interview, AUSAl ldeclined Pe prosecution in this matter because of no-violation of ex- tortion statute. Further, he observed that the tuo ‘threatening telephone calls were apparently of local origin and of no interest federally. A cony of this communication is being furnished to the U. S. Secret Service, Miami, Florida, and the U. S. Attorney, Miami, Florida. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. i 2k = é e arta = TDL To: SAC, Miami (174-737) 1/29/74 From: Director, FBI Reurtels 12/81/73 and your airtel enclosing LAM 1/16/74, You are reninded of Bureau rules which require that all initial teletypes to the Bureau in EID matters should be followed innediately by LEM transmitted by airtel. insure that ail tnvestigative and supervisory personnel handling EID matters in your office are completel; avare of Bureau reporting requirements. ¥ aaSexbs | ao? Telephone teow SEERA RoowE! tecervpe uur 3

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