Stump Care

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Caring for your stump

Introduction to Stump Care

Amputees will be taught to care for their stump by either a nurse or a physiotherapist.
It is extremely important that you master the techniques of caring for your stump. If
utmost attention is not given to this care then small easily reversible problems may
develop into large ones which become difficult to treat.

Stump dressings
After surgery there will be some sort of dressing applied to the wound area. On top of
this there will also be a second dressing the aim of which is to prevent excessive
swelling (oedema) in the stump. It is important that oedema is kept to a
minimum as this will speed healing of the wound while helping to maintain the stump
at a size and shape suitable for the fitting of a prosthesis. The management of stump
oedema is addressed in a variety of ways. These may vary between facilities so a
number of these methods are described here.
Stump bandaging; this is the most common method of oedema control and is effective
when correctly applied. As the bandage has to be reapplied regularly it is important
that you learn the technique well as you will have to become proficient at the

1. All turns of the bandage are limb is fitted this should be done at
diagonal. Do not use circular turns of least 4 times every day and before
the bandage, because this will restrict retiring at night. Your stump should be
blood flow to your stump and could bandaged for 24 hours per day before
cause pressure areas or other more you get your prosthesis.
serious problems. 5. If you have an above knee
2. Pressure should graduate from very amputation your whole stump must be
firm at the end of your stump to bandaged right up to your buttock
moderate at the top of the bandaging. It crease. It is also necessary to pass
is extremely important not to make the some of the turns around your waist to
bandage too tight at the top. act as an anchor.
3. No skin should show on your stump 6. Never bandage your stump so tightly
after it is bandaged except for the as to be painful as this may cause
joints which should not usually be pressure areas or restrict blood flow.
bandaged. This allows free movement 7. The bandage should be applied with
of the joint. the limb straight. If the limb is bent
4. If the bandage becomes loose or too when bandaged, contractures may
tight, take it off, re-roll the bandage result
and re-apply it. Before an artificial
Bandages must be looked after properly. Always wash them by hand in warm soapy
water with a mild soap. Rinse thoroughly in cold water, making sure no trace of soap
remains in the bandage. Squeeze, rather than wring, out as much water as possible. To
dry your bandages, spread them out on a towel placed on a flat surface away from
direct heat. Never put your bandages on a heater to dry or hang them on the line.
When the bandage is completely dry, wind it firmly, without pulling, into an even roll.
You can then apply it to your stump smoothly and under a degree of tension.

In some cases your physiotherapist or doctor may decide that instead of wearing
bandages all the time you should wear an elastic 2-way stretch compression stump
shrinker. These shrinkers are shaped like a sock and are pulled over your stump. They
are not as effective as bandaging but are much easier to use. Your physiotherapist will
show you how to put on a stump shrinker. The shrinker should be tight but should not
be painful or restrict blood flow. You should be careful that the top of the shrinker
does not roll, especially on the inside of your thigh, as this will stop it working
properly and can reduce the blood supply to your stump.

After you leave hospital and your stump has healed, you should wash your stump at
least once every day – more frequently in summer – with warm water and a mild
soap. Dry your stump thoroughly and carefully. It is not necessary to use strong soaps,
detergents or other preparations unless your doctor prescribes these for you.

You should usually wash your stump at night as this will help minimise swelling and
allows the natural skin oils to be replaced overnight while you are sleeping. If you are
in the habit of taking baths, it is best if you do not let your stump soak in the bath
water as this will soften the skin on the stump and make it more prone to injury. A
light dusting of an un-medicated talcum such as Curash baby powder will help absorb
perspiration. Do not use astringents, such as methylated or surgical spirits, or other
drying preparations on your stump as this can reduce the natural oils which protect
your skin. More information on skin-care follows after this section.

Keep your stump clean and treat any minor irritations or problems as directed by your

In some cases your physiotherapist or doctor may decide that instead of wearing
bandages all the time you should wear an elastic 2-way stretch compression stump
shrinker. These shrinkers are shaped like a sock and are pulled over your stump. They
are not as effective as bandaging but are much easier to use. Your physiotherapist will
show you how to put on a stump shrinker. The shrinker should be tight but should not
be painful or restrict blood flow. You should be careful that the top of the shrinker
does not roll, especially on the inside of your thigh, as this will stop it working
properly and can reduce the blood supply to your stump.
After you leave hospital and your stump has healed, you should wash your stump at
least once every day – more frequently in summer – with warm water and a mild
soap. Dry your stump thoroughly and carefully. It is not necessary to use strong soaps,
detergents or other preparations unless your doctor prescribes these for you.

You should usually wash your stump at night as this will help minimise swelling and
allows the natural skin oils to be replaced overnight while you are sleeping. If you are
in the habit of taking baths, it is best if you do not let your stump soak in the bath
water as this will soften the skin on the stump and make it more prone to injury. A
light dusting of an un-medicated talcum such as Curash baby powder will help absorb
perspiration. Do not use astringents, such as methylated or surgical spirits, or other
drying preparations on your stump as this can reduce the natural oils which protect
your skin. More information on skin-care follows after this section.

Keep your stump clean and treat any minor irritations or problems as directed by your

Care of your remaining leg and foot

It is essential that you care for your remaining leg to ensure it remains sound,
especially if you have peripheral vascular disease.

1. Do not interfere with corns or calluses or cut your own toenails if you have
poor eyesight, poor hand co-ordination or poor circulation. It is preferable that
you attend a podiatrist (chiropodist) to look after your remaining foot.
2. Wash carefully between toes and dry carefully.
3. Apply moisturiser to the skin if it gets dry.
4. Avoid injuries such as bumps and bruises.
5. Wear a good supporting shoe (not a slipper).
6. Wear a woollen or cotton sock, not nylon or synthetic, so that perspiration can
be absorbed.
7. Contact your doctor if you notice any discolouration, change in temperature,
sores, ulcers, or if you experience pain in your leg or foot.

Skin Care & Stump Hygiene

The skin on a residual limb sustains many stresses – making good skin care essential.
The skin and tissue of the stump was not designed for weight-bearing nor the uneven
pressures and friction against the skin, especially near the brim of the prosthetic
socket. These stresses on the skin of the stump create issues in skin care that must be

Proper stump hygiene is essential. An amputee has a smaller surface area of skin,
making the body's natural cooling mechanism less efficient. Prosthetic sockets trap
sweat against the skin of the stump, and prevent air from circulating around it to dry
it. Small disorders quickly get out of hand in the warm, moist environment of the
socket and, if not properly treated, could lead to a more serious condition preventing
the amputee from wearing the artificial limb until the condition heals.
Over time the skin and tissue on the residual limb starts to show the effects of years of
trauma from wearing artificial limbs - so the longer you are an amputee the more
important these issues become.

As the saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

How the Skin Works

The body's skin is a resilient, elastic covering, which is able to repair itself after
injury, and shore up weaker areas that endure additional wear. It will thicken or form
calluses in response to repeated stress - amputees notice this at areas where the socket
of the artificial limb causes pressure.

The skin helps regulate body temperature by producing sweat, which evaporates and
cools the body. Amputees deal with several issues when it comes to how the body
regulates temperature. Amputees have a reduced skin surface due to the missing
limb(s) making the body's natural cooling system less efficient. The residual limb may
get wet with perspiration because it is enclosed within the socket and air does not
reach it - this perspiration cannot naturally evaporate from the skin surface. As well,
the amputee uses more energy to get around than those without amputations which
naturally will increase the body's temperature, and thus, perspiration.

Main Causes of Skin Disorders

No matter how hard you try to prevent them, sores and abrasions can occur for
numerous reasons: the pressure of the socket against the stump causes trauma to the
skin and tissue; perspiration builds up in the socket causing friction which leads to
abrasions; sockets may be made of materials that are irritants to the body (i.e. cause
allergic reactions); and the warm, moist environment of the socket is the perfect
breeding ground for bacteria that can cause skin problems.

You must deal with these issues or you will end up uncomfortable. Skin problems
could even prevent you from being able to wear your artificial limbs at all, until the
condition has healed.

Heat and Perspiration

Let's look at why the human body perspires. Perspiration is the means through which
the body controls its temperature. When the weather is hot or as we carry out
activities extra heat is generated by the body.

Perspiration contains solids which accumulate in the socket of an artificial limb and
on the residual limb. These solids, combined with the warm, moist environment
within the socket, make an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. A strict daily hygiene
routine is necessary to prevent the numerous skin complaints that can arise as a result
of the environment within the prosthetic socket. As perspiration builds up within a
socket it can also lead to the stump "pistoning" or moving around within the socket,
which in turn can chafe the skin and cause abrasions.

There is no way to totally eliminate the issues caused by perspiration, but some
practical ideas might help control it so that it does not become a real problem. Your
prosthetist will be able to discuss this with you and suggest possible ways of dealing
with this.
Bacteria and tiny organisms are everywhere, including on the skin. Some of these are
harmless, while others can cause infection in the proper circumstances. Normal skin
expels bacteria through drying by evaporation, and also by releasing special fatty
acids from glands on its surface. However, drying can't occur in the moist
environment of an enclosed socket. Also normal skin has a negative charge which
repels bacteria, but an amputee's skin, when bathed in salty solutions (such as
perspiration) for long periods, can develop a positive charge which can attract more
bacteria than would otherwise be present. Hygiene becomes doubly important in these
circumstances where the number of potentially infection-causing micro-organisms can
increase beyond the skin's normal capacity.

Skin Disorders Affecting Amputees

Skin, as the first point of contact with the socket of an artificial limb, needs to be
healthy to enable amputees to be as active as possible without experiencing pain or
discomfort - so prevention of skin disorders is a very important consideration.

The following are some problems that may result from these factors:

o Rashes and Abrasions - these are the most common skin disorder which may
occur intermittently or even frequently throughout an amputee's life time.
o Oedema - characterized by skin swelling, drying and roughening at the end of
the stump, and a red-brown pigmentation, this can usually be prevented by
gradual compression using an elastic bandage. Although this may seem like a
minor affliction at first, it can develop into a serious complication - a doctor
should always be consulted.
o Contact Dermatitis - this is caused by an irritant, whether in the materials of
the socket, or from an outside source, such as a cleaning agent, powder,
lubricant or ointment used in amputee care. Once the cause is discovered and
treated, the problem usually disappears.
o Cysts - this usually occurs after a limb has been worn for months or even
years. They commonly plague above-knee amputees, occurring on the inside
of the leg along the upper edge of the artificial limb, but below-knee amputees
can experience them as well particularly behind the knee. They start as small
bumps, or nodules which vanish when the artificial limb is temporarily
removed, but the constant rubbing of the artificial limb can make the problem
worse as cysts become larger and more numerous. Cysts should always be
treated by a doctor, as they can become infected and cause further damage.
o Folliculitis – a bacterial infection of the hair follicle which produces small,
itching, solid areas. If left untreated, these may later develop into boils in
which deep-red, painful nodules rise to the surface of the skin. Anti-bacterial
soaps may cut down on the bacteria which cause these conditions.
Experienced amputees recommend not shaving the residual limb.
o Fungal Infections – another product of the moist, warm conditions in the
socket of an artificial limb, these require special creams or powders, which can
eventually clear up the condition. Your pharmacist or GP can assist with this.
o Eczema – this is found in dry, scaly skin which becomes moist for no
discernable reason. A cause needs to be established or the condition will recur.
Allergies or secondary conditions following oedema can contribute to the
o Adherent scars – when there has been repeated infection or ulceration to the
skin, scar formation may be so intense that scar tissue may become attached to
the underlying tissues. Surgical revision to free the scar is often necessary.
o Ulcers – these sores come from bacterial infections, or from circulation
problems. They may become chronic if not diagnosed and treated

Keeping the Residual Limb Clean & Healthy

The Stump
o Cleansing the residual limb should be done at night. Morning washes are not
advised unless a stump sock is worn because the damp skin can swell and stick
to the inside of the socket.
o Wet the skin thoroughly with warm water.
o Use mild fragrance-free soap or an antiseptic cleaner.
o Using something mildly abrasive like a loofah can be helpful.
o Work up a foamy lather. Use more water for more suds.
o Rinse with clean water, making sure all traces of soap are gone. A soapy film
left on the skin may be an irritant.
o Dry the skin thoroughly.

The Socket
o The socket should be cleaned often – every day in warm weather, to cut down
on the accumulation of dried perspiration on the inner surface.
o Wash with warm water (not hot!) and mild soap.
o Wipe out with a cloth dampened in clean water.
o Dry thoroughly before putting on.

The Sock
Wearing a sock can help draw perspiration away from the skin. Wearing a light sock
may have a cooling effect, as well as providing additional padding for the stump. Also
some amputees report that using strong anti-perspirants can help reduce the amount of
perspiration produced within the socket.

o The stump sock needs to be changed every day (and more often in hot
weather), and should be washed as soon as it has been taken off so
perspiration doesn't dry in it. Use mild soap and warm (never hot!) water.
o Rinse thoroughly.

Products for Stump Care

Serious or persistent stump problems should be assessed by a doctor. For minor skin
irritations, however, there are many products to help, and we highlight just a few of
them here.

Many amputees find regular use of moisturizing lotions or creams condition the skin
which helps it hold up better against abrasions. Vitamin-based creams and lotions are
often used. For dry, itchy skin a lotion containing urea in an emollient cream base can
help and is available through a pharmacy.
If you apply a layer of protection on the stump before the socket is donned,
particularly in areas that are most stressed, it can lessen the likelihood of sores or
abrasions developing. Some amputees use lotions like ALPS Skin lotion (silicone
based) or Derma Prevent (Otto Bock; more information below), a film like OpSite
(Smith & Nephew) or a silicone gel sheet like Cica Care (Smith & Nephew; for scar

Once an abrasion occurs, it is time to consider a medicated lotion. Some amputees use
ointment that has zinc oxide as its healing agent. These ointments are often used to
treat and prevent infections in minor cuts and abrasions.

Controlling perspiration is a large part of preventing abrasions and reducing odour.

Many amputees also find anti-perspirant roll-ons help control perspiration build-up in
sockets. Some amputees use anti-bacterial cleansers on their stumps to limit bacteria
that cause skin problems. Fragrance-free products are best for an enclosed
environment like a socket.

Companies like Otto Bock, Alps or Ossur have introduced products such as anti-
bacterial cleaners for the stump and socket, protective coating lotion to cover and
protect the skin, and anti-bacterial lotions that relieve and repair irritated skin while
moisturizing it. The products often come as sets and are available through your

Stump problems
If your prosthesis is not fitting well it can cause skin breakdown leading to infection.
It is important that you take time to inspect your skin for any red marks that might
suggest something is wrong. Infection and inflammation are indicators that you
should be booking a visit to your prosthetist. He will be able to adjust the prosthesis to
eliminate the problem or will send you back to your GP or the amputee clinic to be
assessed by the team there.

Bony spurs are small growths on the cut end of the bone in your stump. They are not
normally a problem unless they occur near a nerve or get unusually large. In this
instance they can cause significant pain and irritation and may need to be surgically
removed. The amputee clinic can advise you on the best treatment.

Another relatively common cause of stump problems is neuromas.

These are growths on the cut end of a nerve and present as a very
tender and painful area. They can cause sensations like an electric
shock or even trigger phantom limb pain or sensations. This can be
difficult to differentiate from other causes of phantom sensations
and, if you are unfortunate enough to experience this, you should
contact your amputee clinic for advice.

For each of these problems your first port of call should be your
prosthetist. Not only can he help you pinpoint the cause of the
problem but in most cases he will be able to provide some relief
while arranging further treatment.

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