Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd Edition - Ravening Hordes (1987)

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fal 4, ARMYLISTS > S Siaiitendi ‘THE OFFICIAL [eeauanire BATTLE ARMY LISTS AUTHORS: Richard Halliwell with Bryan Ansell EDITOR: Rick Priestley COVER ART. Cheistos Achlleos © 1987 INTERNAL ARE. Chris Achilleos, Tony Ackland, Dave Andrews, Nick Bibby, John Blanche, Colin Dison, Jez Goodwin, Aly Morrison and ‘ish Morrison and produced by the Games Workshop Desiga Studio: Managing Director: Bryan Ansell, Studio Manager. Richard Tllard: Production Manager, Alan Merrett; Projects Manager: Paul Cockburn; Development Manager Jervis Johnson; Art Manager: John Blanche, Production Assistant: Anihony Barton; Graphic ‘Design, Chaties Eliot, Visuatisinge Mark Craven; Desigrers/ ‘Developers: isn Bambra, Graeme Davis, Phil Gallagher, Rick Priestley; tists: Tony Ackland, Dave Andzews, Colin Dixon, Si "ypeseting. Jae Weaving, Gail Mongin) Fintcbod Artists: Ruth Jeffery, Paul Freeman, Nick Ord, David Oliver, Joanne Podosk Richard Wright, Invaluable Support: Suc. Smith, Margaret Collithaw, Annette Faulkner a CITADEL MINTATURES punticarion Copyright © 1987 Games Workshop Games Workshop - Chewion Street, Hill Top, Eastwood, Nottingham NGI6 3HV, UK Printed in the United Kingdom ISBN: 1 869893 08 5 Product Code: 00103, Published by QANGS WORSE? INTRODU INEAWIRUIES Magical Weapons Equipment Options Scenery Deployment Zones Manoeuvres ‘Commanders Unit Leaders Personal Combat Character Models ‘Champions Routs, Rallying and Pursuit PE RAW ISTS Ores and Goblins Army List Undead Asmy List Dark Elves Army List, Skaven Army List Chaos Ammy List, Nippon ‘Army List Norse ‘Army List Empire © Army List Dwarfs Army List, Elves Army List“ OUITES: DarkElves Dwarfs The Empire Giants Braindeath Bran Bloodietter, Norse chieftain and raider extraordinaire peered into the bazy gloom of an early dawn, The first rays of the sun were beginning to clear the mist, burning it away with penetrating warmth, Bran turned to Riknud, bis trusted side-ick and the general butt of everyone's jokes. Straining to hear the strange noises borne with odd clarity through the cold air, Bran ‘spoke. “Ores, you say’ “Yup, Ores’ replied Rikenud, "You'll be able to see ‘em soon" “They seem to be making some funny noises for Ores. They sound a bit more like slanties to me’ ‘Nope, they're definitely Orcs, chief, Ores and Goblins... and, well, maybe the odd slant)...” The mists were thinning now. Through the gloom, Bran began to discern shapes on the otber side ofthe valley. Very large shapes. ‘They took 1@ wee bit big for Ores’ “Well some Orcs are quite tall, you know’ “Twelve feet?” “Well, lets say they're Oresn’ Goblins and maybe the odd Giant and...” ..some slanties. Yes, [know all that. Hangon, though, now what bave we ‘got? Bran squinted, trying to gain a Clearer view of something be had only just perceived... and suddenly there was a break in the gloom, and be picked out the unmistakable ouilines of war engines, six large mangonels, He smacked Riknud on the shoulder, pointed and asked “What on earth are they? Ermm, they look like stone throwers to me, chief. Yup, stone throwers.” Stone throwers? Ore stone throwers?” ‘Nothing to say Ores can't use stone throwers, is there?” ‘Six of them? And what about those guys over there. They look like Kislevites to me’ “Mercenaries!, replies Riknud, ‘the ores have hired a few, I guess.” ‘Inever heard of Kislevites working for Goblins. And what about those ‘chariots, it looks like they've got Skaven in them. As Bran stared with undisguised ‘astonishment, the sun brought the (full weight of the opposing horde into ‘sharp reltef. The serried ranks drawn up on the hillside facing bis own army streiched as far as the eye could see. Itwas an unbelievable collection of forces. ‘Giants, six mangonels, Samurai, Skaven’ chariots? Where ‘are the Orcs? Where are the Goblins?” ‘Hiding bebind that lot?, ventured Riknud. ‘T wouldn't blame them’ Bran felt himself starting to lase bis temper, ‘There's something wrong hore, pass me my copy of Ravening Hordes, somebody's been bending the rules. Ravening Hordes is a collection of army iss, designed to allow players a wide degree of choice, while still forcing them to use armies which in some way resemble their ‘factual’ ‘counterparts. By combining the lists ‘with the Warhammer Battle points system, you can fight battlesbetween, two armies which are both balanced and ‘realistic’ The lists prevent super- armies consisting only of weird and ‘wonderful troops, while at the same time allowing forces which are interesting and tactically diverse. ‘To chose their armies, simply read through the lists and select your troops using the minimum and maximum limits given. Since this books also intended as gaming aid for each of the armies it describes - with all the ‘vital statistics and special rules reproduced in one place if you are already familiar with Warhammer, you should only need 2 copy of Ravening Hordes and a Warhammer Battle quick-reference sheet to fight most battles. Itis always going to be sensible to have a copy of the ‘Warhammer rules handy in case of dispute, however HOW MANY POINTS? ‘The army lists are designed to be flexible and to cater for armies of between 1500 and 3000 points. Very small armies will consist largely of standard troops while larger armies can contain a much greater mix, including powerful characters as well as more esoteric troop types. Armies of between 1500 and 2000 points should give battles lasting around 2 hours, Remember, setting up a wargames table, taking the regiments out of their travelling cases and other preparations often take an hour or more. 2000-2500 points will allow you to playa decent large scale battle, lasting an entire evening, although the result will usually be clear long before one side has been driven off the table. Larger armies will produce battles lasting for several hours, which are probably best managed by fighting them out over two or even three playing sessions. DRAWING UP AN ARMY ‘As a general rule, minimum figures always take a precedence over maximums. Thus the ‘minimum points requirement for - say - rank & file may prevent the use of the maximum. allowance of char- acter models. The lists are inten- ded to be easy to use and present all the information needed in one place. ‘When choosing magical attributes for weapons, spells, allies and mercenaries, alittle Cross referencing between booklets will be needed. $0, when drawing up an army make sure you have a copy of Warhammer on. hand, paper, a pen and possibly 2 calculator. Ichelps to go through the list first and pick out the minimum f > numbers of Tr compulsory |! troops and work out their points values. More may be chosen at later date, but this at least lets you know how many points are ‘free. Once the minimums have been worked out, it’s time to pick the rest of army based on the models you'd like to use and the models in your figure collection. Draw up a rough list of these, along with an approximat- ion of their points values. By the time the minimum requirements are added to the free choice models, you can bet that the army’s points value will exceed the agreed » limits, so you should go over the listand decide which troops to dispense with. This can be a very difficult decision! ‘Once the decision has been made, it is time to draw up the final army list Obviously, should be done this & cither in neat hand writing or, if possible, typed. Entries for regiments must detail the equipment options and a basic points cost for each figure as well as the final cost of the regiment. This makes it much easier for the GM to check that you haven't been cheating! By the time the lists finished and the points costs totalled, it almost goes ‘without saying that the army will still slightly exceed the agreed limit. Armies are allowed to go over the specified maximum by up to one point, although they may be as much under as the player wishes. If this means that some models have (0 be dispensed with, don’t rip the list up and start again. Instead note down something to the effect of “2 less models for the archer regiment, minus 18 points’ or ‘No musician for the Guardsmen, minus 9 points’ ‘The army is now ready for battle. RAVENING HORDES AND WARHAMMER Apart from some new rules, Ravening Hordes does not interfere swith the main body of the Warhammer system. However, a few libersies have been taken with the points system. These are mainly to do with magical weapons (Gee below), special skills and psychological faccors such 2s animal handling and frenay. The Original points system does not take these into account, and since Ravening Hordes introduces whole new sets of specially skill ced troops, we thought it would be a bit unfair not to take this into account for competitive battles. Because of this, the final points value of these special troops has been increased by 50% for any special skill or frenzy ability. MAGICAL WEAPONS ‘One major departure from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle rules is that we've allowed players to choose magical atiributesi they are using magical weapons. This poses a slight problem, because the Hists given on pages 26-30 of the Magic volume were intend- ced for random generation. Some of the attributes are, therefore, extremely useful and this fact isn’t represented by their points value. To compensate for this, the following magical attributes may not be used: Multiple Attack Gain Multiple Strength Gain Multiple Toughness Gain Sleep Attack Confusion Duplication Invisibility Dispel Undead Power Weapon EQUIPMENT OPTIONS ‘Asa general rule, players must select equipment options which match their models. With character models this is quite simple; you must choose the items which are depicted on the models, A litele more leeway is allowed for regiments. The simple rule for these is that at least half of the models in the regiment must be equipped with whichever weapon is chosen, and at least half must be wearing the appropriate armour Thus, for example, ifa player were fielding a fairly regular army, such as Dwarfs, it would be probable that a regiment of 20 troops armed with hand weapons, ‘wearing chainmail armour and carrying shields would be represented by 20 such models, An Ore player, on the other hand, ‘ight have the same regiment depicted by the following models: 6 Ores with chainmail, hand weapons and shields. 5 Ores with hand weapons and shiclds 3 Ores with chainmail, shields and spears 3 Ores with chainmail, shields and two-handed weapons, 3 Ores with hand weapons and no armour at all NEW RULES ‘The Warhammer Fantasy Battle games system is constantly evolving as a result of suggestions and comments made by other players, and from our own experiences. This section provides a thorough up-date on some aspects ofthe game mechanics, focuss- ing especially on those relevant to competitive massed battles. For competition games, these rules replace those given in the main rules. For ‘friendly’ games, you're obviously free 10 choose ‘whether to use them or not, SCENERY Scenery for competitive battles should be placed using the follow- ing system. Divide the tabletop, board or playing area straight ddowa the middle so that each player has a distinctive “hall Now divide each half into four equal quarters; left flank, centre left, centre right and right flank: Diagram & Fach of the players (if more than one player Is involved on each, side, then treat this as meaning each side) should now make a rough diagram representing the table divided into eight segments, ‘with his own table half at the bottom. Each player then secretly notes dowa a aumber of from 0 to 3 in each of the eight segments. ‘The more scenery a player wants in a segment the higher a number he should select ‘Once the two diagrams aze complete, hand them to the GM. The GM should compare the two diagrams and average the score for ceach segments (je, add the scores and divide by two), Odd halves round down on the D6 score of 1-3 and up on the score of 4-6, ‘The GM now has a single number for each segment. Before con- ‘ting his no scenery arandom factor i applied, For each see ‘ment the GM rolls a D6: 1 of 2 = “I, 3 0r 4 = no change, 6 or G~ =1, This modified number is the number of scenic items within the segment Scenery is placed as follows. Each player rolls a D6, the player ‘with the highest score placing first. The player generates one scenic item by rolling 2 D100 and using the chart below. The feature may be placed in any segment. This continues with players alremnately placing scenery in segments, up to the maximum number of items already determined for it. An area item, such asa. wood, may be placed next to another item of the same kind, thus creating a single larger feature. Players generate and place scenery alternately until all scenery allocation has been used up. ‘The player placing first may then remove any single item from the table. The other player may then do the same. The battlefield is then complete Scenery Chart Result A hill with an area roughly equivalent to a a 6” square, ‘no more than 12” long. A stcep-sided hill with an area roughly equivalent 1o a 6" square, no. more than 12” long 12° of ditch in three 4” sections. 12% of hedge in three 4” section 12° of wall in three 4” sections, ‘A wood of orchard with an area roughly equivalent to 6" ‘square, no more than 12" I ‘An area of debris (dificult ground with an area roughly equivalent to 6” square, no more than 12” long AN area of ruins (difficult ground and bard coveria defended obstacte) with an area roughly equivalent to @ 66° square, no more than 12" long. One smal building with a garden enclosed by a hedge. ‘Total area no more than the equivalent of a6" squate and ‘no more than 8” long. ‘One small building with a garden enclosed by a wall, Total area no more than the equivalent of a 6” square and no more than 8” long. ‘Three small buildings arranged within 2 12” x 12” area, A small farmyard comprising a farm house and one or two outhousessheds bounded within a wall. The farmyard must be arranged within a'12" x 12" arca, ‘An inn and stable within 2 walled courtyard, The Inn must be arranged within a 12" x 12” area A fordable, approximately circular pond with a diameter ‘no more than 6": A deep, approximately circular pond with a diameter no more than 6". May not be forded An approximately circular bog with « diameter of no more than 6", This counts as difficult ground. A graveyard or other form of burial ground, The area should be no more than the equivalent of 2 6” square and ‘no more than 8" long. Score ony 18-22 23.25 2637 3845 45-64 65.67 68-70 86.88 59.91 9293 94.96 97.00 DEPLOYMENT ZONES When armies are first placed on the games table they must be positioned in the army's deployment zone. This area is defined as anywhere within 12” of the friendly table edge but no closer than 12” to either of the table sides, By ‘~ Deployment Zone Diagram 8 ADVANCE FORCES AAs two mighty armies approach each other, it may be that = commander will decide to send troops ahead to secure a vital position such as village or wood. A detachment of this kind is called an advance force and is normally made up of a unit or units of the army's fastest troops. The advance force is a powerful game ploy and an important element of battle strategy. Players ‘ust carefully consider the lic of the land before despatching troops ahead of their main force; are there buildings which must be captured before the enemy arrives, are there vital fire-points such as hills or cover such as woods? Before the game begins, each side secretly notes down the troops constituting any advance force. A player may decide against sending an advance force at all, ut can still pretend to make secret otes - the enemy is not wo know thatthe player is simply writing ‘nothing at all. An advance force may comprise one of several units, and may include any personality models the army has - the decision is yours! A unit of troops may not be split to form an advance force. Whilst noting units the player should also write the actual move of each unit by its name or description. So, fot cxample, ‘cavalry lances’ might be 8”, ‘foot guards’ might be 4”, Don't forget the deductions for armout. Once each side has finished assembling its advance force, the players call out the speed Of its slowest unit or character. The side which calls the slowest speed must deploy the entire advance force within the army's deployment zone, the opposing player then deploys his whole advance force within his deployment zone. Advanced forces arrive one full turn before the main forces. The player with the faster advanced force may now decide whether to take his turn before or after the other player. This establishes the turn sequence for che rest of the battle: I only one player employs an advance force, hat advanced force first takes its turn, and then the main forces arrive. The player who has already talcen turn may then take another cum (this time with his whole army) ‘or compel the other side to take the turn. This determines the turn sequence for the rest of the battle. IF neither side employs aan advanced force, either flip a coin or roll a dice to decide which, side takes the fist turn, ARMY DEPLOYMENT Once advanced forces have taken a turn, the main armies are deployed within their deployment zone. Regiments are placed one at atime in order of their move rate, the slowest frst, the fastest last, To make this easy, players should list their regiments together ‘with their move rates. The GM may then call out move rates starting with the slowest, and ensure regiments are deployed in the correct order. I aside has several regiments with the same ‘move rate, the player may decide which to deploy first. If both sides have regiments with the same move rate they are placed alternately, starting with the player taking the second turn of the sequence (ie, the slowest overall, whether because his advance force was slower or because he ‘lost the toss’). This system gives are realistic advantage to mounted troops. A regiment of cite horsemen, such as the Templars in The Empire army, will be placed late on and can be positioned ready to make an heroic attack. Infantry, on the other hand, are placed early on and must try to occupy positions which are as safe as possible. 5 vb TRAILING FORCES Wily commanders may leave some of their army uncommitted, postponing their arrival until the battle is in progress and the enemy's strategy is beginning to unravel. A force of this kind is called a trailing force. & trailing force moust always include at east fone character model to lead it, otherwise it will become lost (possibly the attractions of the nearest alehouse prove too strong). A player wishing to use a trailing force must note down the units and character models it contains, the table segment in which it is to arrive and the cura on which it is due to arrive. A wailing force may only arrive om a friendly table edge, and may be ordered to arrive on any turn after the first.; When the appointed turn arrives the player makes a 2D6 test against the highest leadership of the character modelis in the force. If the scofe is equal to or less than that character's leadership score, the force arrives. If not, the force has been delayed and a further test must be made each turn until it does arrive. ailing forces are deployed in the nominated segment upon the table edge and at the beginning of the tum. Arriving a few turns into the battle, ‘the trailing force may prove a decisive counter co an enemy thrust A tailing force may be deployed onto an intially weakened wing, ‘tempting the enemy to attack a weak force and then hitting him hhard with a reserve force once he is committed. DEPLOYMENT TACTICS ‘Advanced forces are usually worth the gamble, Once troops are in a defensible position itis difficult to shift them. Skiemishers sent ahead of the rest of the army can inflice quite substantial ‘casualties as they pull backto their own ines. Used correctly, they will be able to slow down and break up an enemy advance. ‘Before deploying your main army, try to evolve an overall strategy. ‘Merely lining up your regiments across the table is a recipe for disaster. Relying on the fact that your troops are ‘better’ than the enemy is also sheer folly. Think about what the different parts of the army can do and try to develop 2 plan that uses their abilities. If you have lots of missile troops, use some as skirmishers land deploy them across the enemies line of advance. Powerful, mounted shock troops will be wasted if they are sent off ‘unsupported against the enemy centre; it’s far better to use them ‘ona flank where they can expect weaker opposition. Make sure you know where your troops are goingand what they have to do. During the deployment, remember your enemy is also trying to ‘evolve a plan. Keep an éye on what troops he is plaeing where, land try t guess what he's trying to do. Ifa clear threat to one ‘of your flanks begins to emerge, you must react by either reinforcing 1 counter, of deliberately weakening it. A weakened flank may be able to hold up the enemy for several turns Whilst the rest of your army advances. A few regiments placed behind ‘your ceatre can be turned to meet any threat from the flanks. MANOEUVRES These new rules replace the manoeuvre and formation change rules given in the Combat volume of Warhammer Fantasy Bat. He. Manoeuvres ate special moves that allow units to change for mation, the direction in which they are facing or moving, ete There are two different types of of manoeuvre; simple and complex, Simple manocuvees ‘A formation change A tum of 90° or 180° A Wheel Complex manoeuvres Moving backwards Wheeling backwards ‘Wheeling from the centre A complex formation change A unit is able t0 perform manoeuvres because it is disciplined, trained and is maintaining a carefully controlled formation. Some ‘units are beter at this than others! The degree of discipline and luait cohesion is expressed by the unit leadee's leadership characteristic score. The higher the score the more disciplined the unit is. SIMPLE MANOEUVRES Any unit may make 1 si Tong as: 1. The unit is not crossing an obstacle or otherwise positioned so that the formation is split by an obstacle 2. The unit is not engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Exception “a unit which pushes back and follows its opponent is allowed 10 expand its formation once as tf does s0.A untt engaged in band-to-band combat may turn any unengaged models 10 face 4 fresh enemy charge from sides or rear 3” fany members of the unit are positioned on difficult or very Gifficult terrain, che unit may not make a formation change. The uunit may make one other simple manocuvre, but may not attempt a subsequent manoeuvre that phase, Manoeuvres take place as a units moves, either during the move- ‘ment or reserves part of the turn. This first (or free) manoeuvre happens automatically. Ifa unit has a leader, it may attempt a se- ‘cond manoeuvre, a unit without a leader may not do so. When a player wishes a unit to begin a second or subsequent manoeuvre, ‘atest is taken. The player rolls 2D6 and adds the scores. I the {ota is equal 10 or less than the leader's leadership score, the test is passed and the unit may pecform the additional manocuvre. If the result is more chan the leadership score, the testis failed, and the unit comes to an immediate halt, loses any movement remaining to it, and may not attempt any further manoeuvres, Remember - the test is made before the manoeuvre begins. Ifa unit wishes to wheel, for example, the player must test before the wheel can start. A'unit may never attempt a second or subse: quent manocuvre if tis engaged in hand-to-hand combat or any members are positioned on difficult or very difficult terrain. Formation change. When making a formation change, 2 unit may increase or decrease the number of models in its front rank by up to two models on each flank (2 maximum of four models in total). Once a unit's frontage has been changed, remaining troops are lined in full ranks behind with any incomplete ranks aligned roughly in the middle. There is nothing to stop a unit ex- pandingicontacting frontage several times during movement, Assuming the rules do not otherwise disallow it. A test must be taken for any second or subsequent manoeuvre of course, ‘The Turn. Just asa real unit of troops can only marci to its front, your models must only be moved forwards. To move to the side, embers of a unit must turn to theit left or right, move forwards and turn again so that they face the original direction. This is ex actly the same asin the main rules, except now there is no move- ‘ment penalty for turning. Each turn isa manoeuvre. By turning, ‘unit may - in effect - change its formation: a formation 6 models ‘wide in 3 ranks becomes 2 column 3 models wide and 6 deep bby a simple turn to the left or right, Officer, musician, standard bearer and any character models with a unit may be reposition ed in a front rank if the player iple manoeuvre during its movement so 6 ‘The Wheel, The wheel isa common military manoeuvre intend- ed to change the direction faced by the formation. Its more ‘precise than the turn because it allows for changes of less than 90 iegrees inthe direction faced. Unlike the turn, itdoes not alter the actual formation of the unit. Wheels are conducted in exact- ly the same way as described in the main rules, but there is no ‘movement penalty. Each wheel is a separate manoeuvre made In a single sweep. Wheels can be made before, after, or in between, surciches of ordinary straight movement or other manocuvres. If 4 unit intends (o wheel, move straight and then wheel again it is attempting two manocuvtes, and a test must be made before the second wheel can begin COMPLEX MANOEUVRES A complex manoeuvre requltes coasiderable precision, tins and cooperation. No unit without a leader nay atempe scone plex manoeuvre Ifa unitattempts 2 complex manveuvt, it must brethefet and only manoeuvre attempted during the unis move (@hether during the movement or reserve par ofthe turn). Before 4 complex manoeuvre begins, 4 leadership test must be taken iahissfalled, the unit comes to an immediate al, loses al move distance rematning ot and may atempe no further manoeuvres tnt its next movemengleserve part ofthe turn Moving Backwards. Normally, oops may only move forwards, However, well uained bodies of wartion could actually walk backwards and still mainaln formation. Because tis dfical © walk backwards a all, Tet alone i formation whist carrying ‘weapons and equipment, the uit i reduced to half movement Fate whilsé doing so. This penalty is combined with any additonal Penalty for difelt een, 50 walkingbackwards tough a Wood Sat quarter mite ‘The Backwards Wheel, Now we're really geting ambitious - you must want i form a marching band! hoops ae allowed to ‘wheel backwards, hut they may not make any otiee moves “hot even normal forward movement. The uval half movement fate applies and the manocuvee i measured in exactly the ste ‘vay as 4 normal wheel» but backwarcs. Wheel From The Centre. By this manocuvee the unit pivots around its leader 50 that one site moves forward whilst the other moves backward, This count as manoeuvre in exactly the Same wway a5 moving baclewands and the sume tues spp!) Complex Formation Change. By this manceuyre, a unit may be formed into any one of the complex formations described Below Wadge. A unie is only allowed to form into a wedge as it charges. The manoeuvre testis made as the change i declared Irth test sted, the unit may atl change nora, but foses the usual +1 bonus "to hit: ifthe tests succesful, the cena front rank model remains in place whist the est ofthe regiment is rearranged behind sin this diagram. WEDGE FORMATION nea panic FRONT Raw AN, Diagram a Square. In this formation troops are arranged in a hollow square one or more ranks deep. Such a formation has no sides (of fear. To form the square, divide the unit's frontage into four {equal parts (a8 near as possible). Either central quarter remains stationary, whilst the remaining quarters form square around it. This manoeuvre may not be attempted if the unit's initial or proposed position places any models on difficult of very difficult ground or over obstacles. A unit attempting to form or unform a square may not make any other movement during that part of the turn (movement or reserves). Once in position, a quate can- ‘not be moved. A square cannot be pushed back (attackers receive ‘no bonus for following up). A square counts as a prepared posi n, its constituent troops may not follow up enemy they push back. A unit may revert from a square to a linear formation 25 a reversal of the procedure, Archer Wedges. A unit of bow or crossbow armed troops may attempt to form into a stationary wedge. Once in this formation 2 unit may not move or make other manoeuvres, except it may ‘pivot’ by making an ordinary wheel measured from the back rank ‘This will allow it to change the direction faced and target upon its enemies, The advantage of this formation is that allows more {oops to bring their weapons to bear over a given frontage. The diagram illustrates the wedge and those models cligible to fire their ‘weapons. Fe are fordmodels oiecin [oe / he are / fordmodels | LS Diagram 0 ‘During hand-to-hand combat, around is fought bebween the leading model and any troops in contact. If this round is won the leading figure (if still alive) s moved into the enemy's front rank so a8 to split it, and the rest of the wedge follows. The wedge’s second rank is now in contact, and a furcher round of combat fs fought between all models engaged. If this round is also won, a further rank is penetrated and another round is fought. The battle Continues until ihe wedge fils to win a round, or until the enemy formation is divided in two. If the wedge fails to win a round, itis halted and both sides immediately reform into standard for ‘ations facing each other The frontage of the wedge formation is equivalent to its widest rank. Combat continues normally from the following turn. If the wedge divides its enemy, they are automatically routed, The wedge forms into a standard forma ton as described above and must pursue. ‘An archer wedge may reform into a linear formation with a frontage equivalent to its rear eank as a reversal ofthe procedure. ‘The archer wedge is not a fighting formation. If the wedge is charged, it immediately assumes 2 linear formation. This is not ‘a manoeuvre and happens automaticaly. The unit may stll stand ‘and fire, run away or receive at the bait 3 normal. SINGLE FILE FORMATIONS A single file formation is a simply a formation in which models are lined up one behind the other in 2 long line. The rules that follow apply to these ‘single file formations. To qualify, a unit ‘must have a frontage of 1 model. These formations are very flex: ible indeed, and can move about the battlefield very quickly indeed, 7 Snaking. A single file formation may be moved in a curving path, ‘or ‘snake, similar to a wheel without having to make any sort ‘of test. In theory, this path is accomplished by an infinite number of tiny wheels by the leading model, but in practice it is imprac- Udeal 10 Work these out, Trailing models are placed to follow the path of the leading model. This does not count as a manoeuvre, ‘SNARING MOVEMENT Diagram € Obstacles. A single file formation may ignore the movement penalty for crossing the first obstacle encountered during move- ‘ment (or reserves). ‘Turns are accomplished in the normal way, but this will change the formation into a one deep Line. Tt 1s not possible to move backwards, wheel hackwards or wheel from the centre whilst in a single file COMMANDERS ‘The status of commander is a new category introduced for large scale actions. Commanders are in charge of the entire army - they are the equivalents of generals, warrior princes, kings or field- marshals. In any army the commander is the character model with, the highest leadership. If two or more models have the same leadership, the player may select either or any of them to com ‘mand the army. Army commanders may act as unit leaders, move independently ‘or associate with units in the same way as other character models, ‘The proximity of the army's commander will aso boost morale Of troops nearby. Any regiment whose own leader is within 6” of the army commander may take any fear, fervor ox rout tests using the commander's cool/leadership. UNIT LEADERS Every unit begins the games with a leader model distinguishable from its fellows. The vast majority of leaders are of the same race and have the same characteristic values as the fighting warriors ‘The leader model is always placed in the centre of the front rank of the formation. If the unit turns to face another direction the leader model is repositioned in the centre of the new front rank and the model displaced fills the resultant gap. Once a unit's leader is slain, it is assumed a subordinate takes over ‘The unit continues to function, but its ability 1o make manoeuvres will be affected DAMAGE TO LEADERS ‘Damage from missiles. Missile casualties are assumed to to suf- fered by rank-and-file troops rather than a unit's leader. This even applies to casualties from area effect weapons whose template covers the leader Damage from close combat. During challenges (discussed later) and assassin attacks (discussed in the army lists) special rules app- ly. Otherwise, the damage inflicted and received by a unit's leader must be worked out separutely. A model in base-to-base contact ‘with two (or more) possible opponents may attack either (or both iit has enough attacks). Most often, therefore, a player will have a choice of attacking a leader or not. Generally speaking, ia unit's leader is especially powerful he will slay his opponents before they have a chance to fight back. PERSONAL COMBAT The following rutes replace those given on page 36 of Combat Warhammer Battle book 1 If units are engaged in close combat, any leader may challenge his opposing number to personal combat. Ifthe challenge is 2¢- ‘cepted, itis assumed the characters are facing each other, although the models may be left in place 50 as not to disrupt the forma: tions. Their fighting is worked out separately from combat bet ween the rest ofthe units, though any damage caused contributes towards the total when determining the winning side. No other models may interfere in a personal combat As discussed above any leader may challenge another leader to ‘personal combat. In addition, any character model fighting in the Front rank may challenge an enemy unit's leader to close combat, REFUSING PERSONAL COMBAT Any associated character model make take up a challenge on the leader's behalf. The character model does not have w be ighting in the front rank when the challenge is made, but will move (0 the front rank t tke up the challenge Ifa challenge is taken up in this way, the unit's leader does not lose face and there is 10 penalty Ifa unit’ leader refuses personal combat and the challenge is not taken up om his behalf, the leader will lose face before his oops. For one thing, he will not be allowed to fight; the model should be left in place but Ic is assumed the leader is cowering behind his troops. This means the rank will be depleted by one during the fighting. Worse stl the lender’ ude love Ot crealey ‘will so demoraise his teoops that his leadership value will drop {6 1 and stay there forthe rest ofthe battle. The opposing leader may stil fight, but his blows are directed against the ordinary troops. If the whole rank of fighting troops is destroyed, che leader is killed anyway (as normal) and the victorious playet may wish 0 make 2 point of emphasising how he has found his enemy ‘cowering amongst a pile of corpses, shaking like a leaf, wimper- ing feeb, ete CHARACTER MODELS ‘Character models are moved independently of other models and ‘may move, chatge and fight on their own if they wish. Single ‘models have an advantage over units in that they do not need 10 keep formation. The following rules therefore apply. ‘Turns A single model may make as many turns during its move as the player wishes without penalty. Wheeling manoeuvres are inappropriate and unnecessary, Difficult Ground A single model ignores the penalty for difficult ground and counts very difficult ground as difficult (movement is at half rate not a quarter) Obstacles A single model may cross one obstacle during its move ‘without penalty. Second or subsequent obstacles impose the usual penalty (half move) Facing the Charge A single model charged by an enemy is always tured to face its attacker unless already engaged in hand-to-hand ‘combat CHARACTER MODELS AND MISSILE FIRE ‘The following special rules apply to troops wishing to fire upon character models. 1. Character models may nor be engaged by missile fite if they are in base-to-base contact with a unit oF at least 5 models. A unit composed partly of other character models does not count a8 ‘protection unless there are at least 5 ordinary troops including Officers, standard bearers and musicians but excluding champions 2. Character models in base-to-base contact with units of less than 5 models, or within 5” of a unit of at least 5 models, may not be fired at ifthe shooter is at over half range. However, another hero may fire at them 2s normal, 3. Character models not within 5” ofa unit of atleast 5 models ‘ay be shot at normally Individuals of great bulk or size, generally over 10 feet tall or long, only gain protection from units of creatures which are of equal or greater bulk. A giant Demon, for example, cannot claim protection from a unit of Goblins. Although not normally considered as large targets a mounted individual cannot claim Protection from a unit of foot troops if they are less than 10 feet tall {fa character model is travelling in base-to-base contact with a Unit, and the unit sustains casualties so that its numeric strength {is reduced to less than 5 models, subsequent hits may be retargeted fon the character model ifthe shooting player wishes and the rules given above allow it. If unit is destroyed, any left over wounds may be re-rolled on the damage chart against an individual travelling with the unit, So, if a unit of 5 unarmoured warriors sustains 8 wounds from missile fire, they are wiped out and 3 ‘wounds are left over. These may be re-solled on the damage chart against a character model travelling with the unit fa group of character models are travelling together, sandomise any missile hits amongst the group. Thea roll on the damage chart as appropriate for the model hit. CHARACTER MODELS AND UNITS ‘Whilst a single model enjoys a highly flexible move, tis also very vulnerable. Character_models will benefit by temporarily associating with a unit, which prevents them being singled out as missle tirgets and makes them less vulnerable wo attack by other individuals or large monsters. A character model whose base is touching that of a model belonging to a friendly unit is said to be associated with it. Character models may only be associated with one unit at a time. If2 player does not wish his character ‘models to associate with a very close unit, models must be placed so that they are obviously not touching, Associated character models may be placed in formation just like other troops, Normally, the player will wish to position character models in the front rank where they can fight. Associated character models are under the command of the unit’s leader (although individuals ‘may assume command of units 2s discussed later), The following special rules apply: Joining Any character model in base-to-base contact with a ‘eiendly unic is associated with it. The model may join its ranks or simply tag along at the end of the formation. if joining the ranks, the characteris positioned in the formation and displaced models are repositioned in a rear rank, Leaving Once associated with a unit, a character model may only leave itat the beginning of the movement phase. It may not leave if the unit or the characteris subject to any psychological reaction, compulsive movement rule (such as a rout) of other compulsive ‘effect (a spell forbidding movement, for example), Associated Character Models Once a character model associates ‘with a unit, the model is bound by all the psychological and other compulsive rules suffered by the unit. If the unit routs, the character is couted; ifthe unit is compelled to halt for a period tine characteris similarly compelled. The character model becomes part of the unit in the same way as its leader and troopers, SEO be CHARACTERS, UNITS & PSYCHOLOGY, Associated character models suffer the same psychological reactions as the unit as a whole. No separate test is made, the characters are simply carried along by the general unit reaction If associated character models have additional psychological reactions not otherwise suffered by the unit, the player must test for these separately using the character's own cool. Any reaction affecting a character model does not affect the rest of the unit. ‘When this happens, a character model may be forced to leave a unit, entering a crazed fit and leaping upon his enemies (in the ‘ease of hatred and frenzy) or running away (in the case of fear). CHARACTER MODELS AS LEADERS Any character model associated with a unit may become its leader if its feadersbip characteristic is higher than that of the unit's present leader. The player simply declares the characteris taking over and places the model in the centre front rank position. The old Ieader is displaced to one side. ‘The usual rules about leaders and shared psychology apply, Further tests made against leadership, intelligence cool and wilt ‘power use the new leader's characteristics ‘Once a character has assumed leadership of a unit, itis not so ‘easy to leave. The player must declase that the character is handing ‘over command at the beginning of the movement phase, but the ‘model remains as leadet until the beginning of the side's next ‘movement. From then onwards, the old leader, ot another hero, takes command and the character model is free to leave the unit 2s normal ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS AND CASUALTIES When character models are placed in a fighting rank, they are liable to suffer damage in hand-to-hand combat.‘Blows struck by and against character models must he worked out separately and any damage caused must be recorded. A model in base-to- base contact with one or more enemy models may always fight either (and may fight both All if it has sufficient attacks). A model faced ‘with a character model will, therefore, usually have the choice Of fighting it or not. This must be established before dice are rolled. When making rolls for or against character models, dice may be thrown separately or distinguished by colour, etc. In practice characters ae usually faster and better fighters than their ‘opponents, and combatants are frequently killed before they have a chance to fight back, ASSOCIATED CHARACTER MODELS AND ROUTS fa unit routs, any associated character models ate also routed Characters are moved as normal members of the unit and will ily in company with the rest of the unit, stat all. The only exception to this rule is if the character model is capable of moving faster than the unit. I this the ease, iti acceptable to move the model ahead and to attempt to rally it separately. The character is now judged to have left the unit and his own leadership ts used 28 the # ‘basis of subsequent tests. Frying characters may always be removed fom non-flying routers and treated separately ‘CHAMPIONS ‘A fighting unit may include a character model as part of its organisation. For example, a regiment might include its own, ‘champion, an individual whose martial prowess is better than his fellows, but who is still a member of the unit and subject to the ‘command of its leader. Indeed, a unit’ leader may be a champion, ‘ut still have all the usual responsibilities of command. Characters ‘ofthis kind are firmly tied to their unit because they are members of it, living, sleeping and fighting alongside their less gifted ‘comrades in a position of respect, but not necessarily one of seniority. These character models are referred to as champions. Champions may not leave their unit, otherwise the same rules apply to them as to other characters associated with units, CHALLENGES ‘We have already seen how a leader may challenge the leader of an opposing unit to personal combat, and how an associated character may take up the challenge if the player wishes. In 2 similar way, characters are allowed to challenge each other Where several characters are involved on each side, he challenges might fly back and forth between them, so itis imporrant to est the order in which challenges may be made AJ Challenges against the leader ofa unit ate always made first. This ‘challenge may be taken up by any character model associated with, ‘the unit, Technically, the two models involved in personal combat should be removed and repositioned so that they fight only each ‘other. In practice, models can be left where they are, so long as the players remember which models may fight. If several personal ‘combats are to be fought during the round, itis beter to e_position ‘models rather than rely on memory; it gets too confusing otherwise, Once a challenge to the leader has been met, any character not already participating in personal combae may issue a challenge to any opposing character model which is similarly unengaged. ‘Where severil challenges are made within the combat round, characters must challenge in initiative order, those with highet scores making the first challenge. Where characters have the same initiative, preference goes to the one belonging to the side which {s taking the turn. A challenge may be issued to the opposing leader of to any enemy ‘character model associated with the unit. A challenge may he refused, but the refuser may not fight during che combat round, A refusing model is removed from the fighting rink, and the resultant gap is not filled until after the combat round is over (the unit therefore fights with a depleted rank). If not in a fighting rank, the refuser is not moved. Refusing models from the front rank’ may be repositioned in the rear rank, Any character not already engaged in personal combat may take up a challenge issued to another character or the unit's leader. ‘The model does not have to be in 2 fighting rank to do this. The challenger has no option but to fight the individual taking up the challenge. The best way of representing the cesultant personal ‘combat is o remove the models from thelr units and place them ‘opposing each other slightly to one side. If this proves inconvenient (due to scenery or other wnits), shuffle the ranks around so that models fighting each other are Facing. If you do this, however, don’t forget that personal combats are personal ‘other models may not interfere even if they are in base-o-base contact. If challenge is taken up on another character model's behalf, the mode! originally challenged is still free to pasticipate in close combat or further challenges. It is not removed to a rear rank tunless the challenge is refused and there are no other characters willing or able to take up the challenge THE CONDUCT OF CHALLENGES The rules allow for a complex succession of challenges berween, units with many associated characters. However, in practice this rately happens, and most challenges involve at the most two ‘models from each side. Challenges are your chance to call out your enemies and put an end to their miserable existence! As such, they should be made with a level of enthusiasm, proceedings will, be enhanced considerably if players actually frame a proper challenge Something along the lines of, ‘Come on out, ye saivelling son of a scurvy rat hound! I can sneli ye fouled bitches and hear ye knees knockin wi’ fear’ Challenges can be phrased to reflect the race and social standing of the issuer, or © rub-in, some past defeat and wind-up the opposing player! UNFAIR CHALLENGES In a personal combat, two foes battle it out face-to-face whilst those around get on with the fighting between the two units, No- one would dare approach the swirling whirlwind of death surrounding the antagonists! This works fine for normal sized ‘creatures; even when opponents are poorly matched, this is hardly unfair - the challenge could always be refused. However, there are some situations when a challenger is expecting too much For ‘example, imagine a huge demon 20 feet tll faced by five halfling ccharactets. It would be unfair of che demon to challenge a single character to personal combat, and it would be unreasonable 10 expect the other halflings to stand idly by whilst their mate was slaughtered, ‘To overcome this, the GM should allow several characters to take upa challenge ifthe challenger is much larger or more powerful than they are. The challenger really does have to be much more powerful, noc just better. Asa general rule, say that ifa challenger is more than ten feet tall any number of character models under ten feet tall may take up the challenge In the same vein, ordinary unit members can also pitch i if they are otherwise unengaged. Ifthe challenger is over 10 feet tll and the enemy less than 10 fect, the challenge may be met by any ‘otherwise unengaged troops from the fighting rank. So, a demon ‘cannot single out a human character from amongst 2 unit itis fighting, for example. ROUTS, RALLYING AND PURSUIT THE ROUT TEST ‘These rules replace those given on page 27 of the Combat book, ‘A rout test must be taken under the following circumstances. 1 If a unit has lost 25% (@ quartet) of its original numerical strength to date, and has been pushed back in close combat, and has been followed up by the enemy. The testis made immediately, before any push back 2. The unit has just lost 25% (a quarter) or more of its current yhumerical strength to missile fire, magic missile attack, or a ‘combination of both during a single tura. ‘The player controlling the unit must roll 2D6 and add the scores, If the result is equal to of less than the unit leader's leadership ‘value, the test has been passed and the troops stand firm. If the result is more than the unit leader's leadership value, the unit routs as described below. ROUT [As soon as it has been established that a unit has routed, the ‘controlling player must move it directly away from the enerny ‘a distance equivalent to its full charge move le, twice the normal move distance), Normal movement penalties apply for terrain. If the router's path is blocked by impassible terrain of friendly units, it will move around them where possible. If friendly units block the router's path, there must be a gap of at least 2” for the routers to move through. This gap must be within the path as shown on the diagram below, if there is no such gap, the routers will simply pile through the formation of the friendly unit, causing disruption ‘and confusion all around. A unit piled through in this way must itself make a rout test If this is failed, the troops in that unit also panic and rout, making an immediate double distance move in the same direction as the first routing unit. As the same rules apply to this newly routing unit, a domino effect can be created if units are arranged one behind the other, FREE HACK [As soon as an enemy routs, the victors fight a further round of ‘combat against their fleeing enemy. The enemy is unable to fight back of offer any defence against their assailants’ blows. Instead of rolling hits as normal, itis assumed every attack automatically hits. Rolls are then made to wound as normal, and the routing unit makes any applicable saving throws for armour. For example, 8men with 1 attack each automatically cause 8 hits. Fight this free hack as soon as the rout has been established, and, before the routers are moved - this way it can easily be seen which of the attackers may fight. Once the routers have maved away this ‘may not be cleat, MOVING ROUTED UNITS ‘The initial double distance move away from combat happens out of the normal tura sequence, Subsequently, the routing unit is moved in the moving phase of its own side's tum. During the first move of rout following the initial break, models should be formed into a nebulous mass to indicate their status, a block with an equal number of files and ranks will do. The GM must establish ‘which is the closest point on the table edge to the unit. The unit i then obliged to move at double normal rate towards that spot. No deductions are made for turns, all manoeuvre and formation changes are now irrelevant. Deductions are made for terrain as normal. Itis left to the GM's discretion whether a routing unie would head for an impassable or obstructive terrain feature, iteally depends (on whether the feature is obvious or not. A unit wouldn't flee towards the stone walls ofan enemy castle for example, but they ‘might flee towards a cliff edge if the drop were hidden. A unit reaching an impassible obstacle, or terrain which is very Obstructive, should be allowed to skirt around it, The GM bas the final say on the matter. ROUTERS LEAVING THE TABLE Any routing model reaching the edge of the games table is removed from play and does not return. RALLYING A BROKEN UNIT ‘The controlling player is allowed to make a railying test at the beginning of the side's railying phase. The testis made in exactly the same way as the rout test, and, if passed, onder is restored and the rout ceases, ‘To indicate its new status, the unit is rearranged in any permitted formation with the front rank centred around its leader. The unit is said 10 be rallying, Models may be turned and positioned as the player wishes, From the end of the rallying phase, the unit is considered to be rallied and is treated exactly 2s any other unit. “To make a rallying test the unit must qualify as follows. 1. ‘The unit must be free of any pursuers. If pursuers remain in base-to-base contact with 2 routing unit it may not rally. 2. The unit must still have at least 25% (a quarter) of its original ‘numerical strength left, This does not include any additional characters who joined the unit during the battle. For example, ‘unit which started off with 20 members may not rally if it has 4 or less semaining, Always round any odd numbers down for this purpose. 3. The unie must be closer to at least 1 friendly unit than to any ‘enemy units, Units comprising less than 5 models do not count. Individual models do not count, Other routing units do not count. 4. Ifthe unit is within charge range of an enemy creature it fears it may not attempt t0 sally. 5. ‘The unit may not take a rallying test during the turn in which, it began to rout. Regiment A rut through Regiment 8 enusing it 0 rout Diagram F eo PURSUERS All units whose enemies out make an automatic free hack as described shove. This fre hack is made whether pursuit is given ‘oF not. tis oval fora victorious nt to pucsue. lea player does ‘not wish his unit to persue, « 2D6 tests ken agains es feader’s Teaddersbip. If suceesstl, the unis does not have to pursue and Js free to carry on normally from that moment on. unit stl facing unrouted foes will never purse. Pursuing toops are moved atthe same time as routes, in such 2 way that they follow them exactly: During the inal rot, umers are moved at double rate, inoue any deductions for ferrain that applied to the router. Walls, hedges, et, originally Iying berween the fighting units do not impede the pursing un ah they would have Been crossed during the fighting sc the ussuer's move distance i insufficient to cateh the routers, they fre placed behind, but aot in contact with, the routing Unit and imate a further free back This epresets the aaltonal casualties Cased before the routers have me to getaway. Ifthe pursuers ‘ove distance i suffciens to remain in baseto-bate contact with the routing unit, they are positioned immediately behind and, fonce agai, take free back. A pursuing unk will therefore always take two fie hacks during the turnin which the rout begins PURSUERS LOSING CONTACT - UNFORMED fa pursuing unit loses contact with routing troops, it becomes: unformed. This can happen either ifthe pursuer's move distance is insulficient co catch the enemy after the initial rout, or if the routers are all destroyed or driven from the table. An unformed unit comes to an immediate halt Iniits following movement part of the turn, the unit may adopt any permitted formation with its froat rank centged upon its leader. The unit may also be adjusted to face any direction and individual members may turn as the player wishes, Otherwise 0 movement or manoeuvre is allowed. AS soon as the movement part of the turn is over, the unit reverts to normal. This process 1s called reforming and the unit is described as unformed until it is complete. If a unit's opponents are chased from the table, it may reform at the point Where the routers left the battlefield Af an unformed unit is attacked, it must receive any charge at the hale; it may not run away or shoot at its enemy. Models may turn, to face their attackers 2s normal, If the unformed unit wins the combat round, ic is assumed t0 have ‘pulled itself togettier” and it is immediately reformed. Any remaining combat rounds are fought as normal. An unformed unit losing the initial round of ‘combat is automaticaly routed ifthe enemy follow up theis attack ‘Where an unformed unit has to take either a rout test (asa result cf misie casas, for example) ona poyhology test ts subject to a +1 disadvantageous dice modifier. ver ~ PURSUERS REMAINING IN CONTACT fa unit pursues and its distance is sufficient to maintain contact swith the enemy, it follows the routing unit as it moves during its own turn. Contact is maintained at all times, Pursuers are only ever moved with routers, they are never moved during their own, ‘turn, Pursuers must continue to move in this way until the enemy are either all stain or removed from the table, oF the pursuers are able to halt oftheir own accord (see below). All rounds of combat against routers are free backs, so all atacks automatically hit. If all the enemy are slain, the pursuing unit must reform 2s described above, CLOSE COMBAT AGAINST PURSUERS Pursuers can sometimes find themselves charged (usually in the back or side) by a further enemy unit. Pursuers are permitted (© turn models to face their new attacker, and a normal round of ‘lose combat is fought. Pursucrs ate not allowed to run awey oF shoot at their attackers. The pursuit is immediately broken off, the pursuers do no¢ have to reform, However, ifthe unit is pushed back and followed up by its attackers, itis automatically routed ROUTING UNITS WITH FAST AND SLOW MEMBERS ‘When a routing unit consists of a mixture of racial types itis likely one will be faster than the other. Unless the faster model is 4 character model or individual creature, all are reduced to the speed Of the slowest. Characters which are fister, and models which can fly, may be routed away on their own and all subsequent cally tests are made separately WISHING TO HALT A PURSUIT ONCE UNDERWAY Ifa player wishes to cease a pursuit, he must declare his intention as the enemy unit moves away in its owa tura. If the pursuing unit has no leader, the pursuit cannot be stopped, Ifthe unit has a leader, a normal 26 leadership test is taken, but with an additional modifier of +1. So, a normal result of 7 becomes 8, for example. As success with a leadership score depends on rolling Jess than the unit's Zeadersbip value, this obviously makes it more difficult to stop the pursuit. Ifthe unit succeeds in stopping the pursuit, it comes to an immediate halt and must reform as described above. GENERAL POINT ON REFORMING AND RALLYING Reforming and rallying are two different operations, Only a unit ‘which is routing can attempt to rally, and a test is required for success. Where successful, 2 rally takes place during the rallying phase. Units are required to reform following pursuit and this hhappens automatically once contact with router is lost. Reforming lunits must spend their following movement halted whilst they reorder their ranks. Until reformed, any unit pushed back and followed up in hand-to hand combat is automatically routed. : GB ORCS & GOBLINS ‘Any army based around Goblins or Ores is likely tobe an amalgam ‘of several different goblinoid races, ranging from Snotlings right the way through to the larger, more fearsome Orcs. Its the larger Ores who are likely to be leading the army and most of its regiments. The term goblinoid has been coined to refer to Saoilings, Goblins, Ores, Half-orcs and Hobgoblins (although Hobgoblins are unlikely to band together with other goblinoids) orcs Ores are subject to animosity towards other goblinoids. Ores can act as leaders of other goblinoid regiments. HALE-ORCS Half-ores can act as leaders of other goblinoid regiments, Fighting Personal Fighting Personal Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics Basie Profile - $44 points Basic Profile - 4% points H[WS[BS| S|] T[W] [A [ia [inp co pwe | CM [ws[es;s]T[w it [Apis [ime] a [wr ‘ia tatalatatebitt is 7 t7 ‘la tatalslalalitr be bz tz Champion - 7% points Champion - 6% points M[WS[ES|S | P[W] TAL [me pwr] PM pwspes ps | Pp Ww] ry A id [me we srel eles hig lil ts lata alilatetslitalit7 tei7 i? Minor Hero - 38 points Minor Hero - 36 points MWS ES|S]T[WL TAL [mea pwe | PM [wSpesps pT yw] TA td [ior a [we ftstsléisi2teliistolels distststalztst2tetz tists Major Hero - 87 points Major Hero - 84 points MWS] BS |S | PWT AL id [lat] pwr | [mM [wspesps[Tiwy [A [ts | ine | cl [we ateléldistatsistolziols stetétalalatolsatotalols Wizard Level 1, CPs 10 - 57% points Wizard Level 1, CPs 10 - 524% points WSS STW) L [A] a pine pwr] a pwsypesps] Tp wr [A | ce [ioe] cp we dfatatsi4tiiatil7tstzts diatslalslitstit7tel7ts Wizard Level 2, CPs 20 - 195 points Wizard Level 2, CPs 20 - 195 points MWS[ES| S| PIM] T [ALi pm pa pwr | [a [wepes| spr [wir [A [ra fine | a [we ai3t3latsl2is¢hitsltoetsls ai3stslstatalstitslziels Wizard Level 3, CPs 30 - 360 points Wizard Level 3, CPs 30 - 360 points WW [BS] S| TIW] [Ara pie pa ywr | PM pwepesys|T[wir pA] ca |e] ol [we 4tatatdtstsistilo tz toto a13tatalalalelils tests to Goblins and Ores are a menace throughout the Old World, but they area their strongest in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Large groups can be found in any isolated place, particularly remote mountain valleys, cave systems and dcep forests. The armies represented by this list could be anything from a lange raiding party to a coalition of tribal watriors, GOBLINS Goblins are subject to animosity against other goblinoids. They date Devarfs and fear regiments of Elves which are over half theit ‘own regiment's numeric strength Fighting Characteristics Basic Profile - 2% points Personal Characteristics ORCS & COBLENS HAP SAVAGE ORCS Ores are not renowned for their intellectual prowess of technical achievement, preferring brute violence a3 an uncomplicated solution to their problems. Faced with the growing complexity of weaponry, armour and martial development, some Orcs just cannot keep up. What starts off as the simple inability’ to comprehend the latest Dwarf war-mmachine can easily turn into a complete mental-block against all forms of technology. The forests and mountains of the Old World are full of Ore tribes who have never really got to grips with modern life. These arc the Savage Ores, creatures which spun technology and who rely instead upon their older, simpler and (as far as they're concerned) perfectly serviceable ways. ‘They are adept stone workers, making stone arrow-heads and spear points, as well as clubes, maces and other casily lunderstandabie weapons. They use metal tools and weapons (00, but usually gain them by trade rather than making them. They wear only crudely woven clothes, skins or what they can steal from other creatures. They sefuse to Wear (or understand) armour, believing that their nakedness offers them magical protection against missile fire All normal Ore rules apply to savage Ores. In addition, Savage Ores are subject to the psychological rules for frenzy. They fear all chariots and war-engines, including bombards, cannon and firethrowers. If suffering missile damage from any war-engine they ‘must make an immediate rout test, 28 if pushed back in combat. Savage Ores may not wear armour, but always carry a shield, They hhave a special saving throw which reflects their belief in the protective power of their nakedness, giving them a5 or 6 save father than the normal 6. Savage Ores character models may wear armour, but lose the saving throw bonus, 'SNOTLINGS Snodling are grouped together on a single base in 3 ranks of 3, ‘making a total 9 models per base. In combat, each base makes 3 attacks and can withstand 3 wounds. Record casualties for the ‘entire regiment, when this reaches 3 wounds remove one base No deduction in fighting power is experienced due to loss of ‘wounds until an entige base is removed. Snotlings never charge or receive charges unless they outnumber their enemy by at least three to one. If a regiment of Snotlings is charged by a unit which it doesn't outnumber by at least three {0 one, it must run away. For example, a regiment of 6 Snotling bases (54 Snotlings) would run away if it were charged by 19 oF ‘more humans, but could receive the charge if there were only 18, ‘men. For large creatures with several wwotends, such as Ogres and Giants, use the same ratio but total up the creature's wounds rather than their actual numbers. Thus the 6-base Snotling regiment (54 Snotlings) would run away if charged by 7 of mote Ogres (21 ‘wounds). Snotlings used as skirmishers must run away from other skirmishers, unless they outaumber their opponents by 3 to 1 or Author's note. The rules given for Snotlings are slightly revised ‘dian those published in the Citadel Journal and White Dwarf ‘magazine. The number of wounds eich base can sustain is now 3 and not 9 as in the original rules. Although this makes Snotlings Considerably less powerful, we felt the change was justified in light of playing experience and the comments of other gamers. The points value of the Snotling base has been reduced accordiagly. Snotling 9-model base - 25 points Mi [WS] BS] S| M |ws{Bs{s {7 {wit {a 4l23 Birt ‘Champion - 4% points M [ws] BS [S| T[W[T]A] td | int | cl [wr A lashes Were assed se les als: Minor Hero - 224 points M [ws|BS |S [7 [WIT [A] td | int | cl | we alata 4latatztotetote Major Hero - 75 points M [ws [Bs [Ss [T [wT Ld | ine | ch | We eIS is leleisistelz tetas ‘Wizard Level 1, CPs 10 - 27% points M pws [BS |S [T [wT [A] td [int (cl [we see a Taek pss esate ‘Wizard Level 2, CPs 20 - 100 points M[ws| Bs [S[T [Ww] [A | Ld | to |G [we élat3l4t4letshileotetedz ‘Wizard Level.3, CPs 30 - 320 points M[WS|BS|S|T[W] 1 [A] td | in| cll wr alata latalatstita tats a 4l2t2hitr Bo PUFFBALLS Puffballs are a weapon used exclusively by the Snouings. A regiment equipped with puffballs may use them in combat. Each base has 1 puffball attack during the combat round, in addition to any normal attacks. Pulfballs are effective only against ordinary living creatures, they don't harm things like skeletons, demons, zombies or ghouls. They are used like ordinary thrown missiles, ‘such as javelins and throwing knives. Roll to hit 2s normal, Treat misses as puffballs which haven't exploded or prove to be ‘duds. ‘When a pusball scores a hit, place a 2” diameter template over the target model. Models whose bases are even partially within the template must test by rolling D6 and comparing it to theit toughness. If the dice score equal 10 oF less than the roughness rating, the tester isn't affected by the spores. Those who fail the test, By scoring mote than their foughness, lose 1 point form all their characteristies for the duration of the battle, although they are then immune to further spare atacks, A base of Snotlings may. be equipped with spore weapons at an extra points cost of 5. BALL AND CHAIN ‘This is a purely fantasy weapon - not the ordinary inoffensive ‘morning star type of thing used by medieval knights, but a huge solid metal ball suspended on a chain several feet long. Only a creature with absolutely no regard for the dangers of a slipped ddise would even look at such 2 thing! In fact, itis used only by the drug-crazed followers of a particularly nasty goblin cult, dedicated acolytes who clamour for the honour of entering battle as a whirling ball of death Insensitised and thoroughly blitzed on a strange herbal Preparation, these revered fanatics hide themselves amongst the ranks of ordinary goblin units, Gibbering squeaky’ little incantations through foaming lips, they are herded into battle by ‘those around them, their geeen-glowing eyes staring mad and unseeing. Once within 2 reasonable distance of an enemy regiment, the crazed goblins are pushed forward by their comrades (with some relief, one imagines!) and they immediately begin t0 spin under the influence of narcotics and feligious fervour. What happens next is in the lap of the gods - with no knowledge of what's happening around them, the whirling goblin fanatics plough through anything in their way whether feiend oF foe Eventually the narcotics will wear off and the acolyte will collapse in astate of exhaustion, or else his heart will fail under the steain and give out altogether. Many of these warriors die as they stumble wo trees Or holes in the ground, their weapons then become a liability as the chains become eniangled or their huge weighted cencls swing round and decapiate the wet ‘A model equipped with this weapon is mounted on a circular card base 1” in radius. Because the goblin fanatic is initially hidden amongst its fellows itis not placed on the table until ready for use. The player must write down how many fanatics are present ina unit of ordinary goblins, and represent them by normal goblin ‘models until such time as they are ready 10 attack ‘As soon as the sheltering unit comes with 8” of an enemy, the fanatics must be released towards their foe. This happens automatically, no matter which side's turn itis, and irrespective of the normal turn sequence, Each fanatic model is pointed in 1 direction determined by the controlling player and moves off in this direction a distance of 2D6". Any unit in the way of the fanatic is moved over and suffers D6 automatic strength 5 hits with no saving throw for armour. The fanatics’ path and the ‘ORCS § GOBLENS $$$ damage they cause is worked out immediately. Opponients may never fight back against a fanatic - they're far too busy trying tO ‘et out of the way! Once it has made its initial out-ofsequence move, the fanat ‘model is subsequently moved at the beginning of that side's ‘movement. However, the goblin has now lost all sense of direction, so direction and move distance become random. This is dangerous for anyone close by! For each fanatic model, nominate one direction as 12 o'clock and role a D12. The direction the model moves in is shown on the chat below and corresponds to the numbers around a clock. For this reason the chart is referred to as a ‘clock-face chart’. As before, the model moves 2D6" and. ‘crosses overall units in its path. Any unit the model comes into. ‘contact with suffers D6 automatic strength 5 hits with no saving, throws for armour, Any model rolling double for its movement distance in any turn following its initial move, is removed as a casualty of its own ‘weapon - either a victim of heart failure or the inability to control the Whirling ball Any fanatic model moving into 2 building, wooded area or over, an obstacle is automatically removed as a casualty of Its own ‘weapon, WOLF AND BOAR RIDERS Goblinoids rarely use conventional horses as mounts, prefering the bestial savagery of trained Wolves or Boars. A Goblin on one tese animals has his fighting prowess augmented by the animal's ‘own attack. This isa gore artack in the case of a Boar and 2 bite attack from a Wolf. Both sorts of attack may be made only towards the front. If you use Wolf or Boar riders, remember that their armour saving throw is increased by 1 for being mounted Boar - Basic Points 1%, 6% when used as a mount M[WS]BS[ S| T[WIT]A| id jim] o pw 7istolsistiistits (4 lala Wolf - basic points 2%, 7% when used as a mount MWS] BS; S]T|W]T [A] id | im | @ [we oisholsisiiistilalalal¢ Al leadership and psychology tests are taken on the rider's characteristics, not the mount’s. Close combat and missile fice attacks are always taken against the rider. Animals who riders are Slain are removed from play. WOLF AND BOAR CHARIOTS Goblin leaders are very keen on being seen as powerful warriors, to which end they sometimes ride chariots or war-wagons into battle. Not only does this place them at 2 suitably high level compared to their underlings, but it also presents them with 2 valuable and potent weapoa. Goblin chariots are drawa by either wolves or boars, the basic profile is for 2 span of two animals, Sometimes a warlord might equip his friends with chatiots, forming an elite squadron of murterous maniacs. The profile given assumes a crew of two ordinary Goblins. A Goblin character mode! ‘may ride in a chariot, Chariot Mjws]Bs) S| T]WI Tr id [im | a [We 613 1- 141415 131° lascrew Boar Miws]es]S|T [wT Ta [iat WP Tisteisisiishls lela Wot Mjws|8s[S|T[W[T [Aj id] me] G [wr olaTotaisiiisiiislalala "DB for the chariot, plus 2 for scythes, but only when charging. ic —— ORCS & GOBLINS ARMY LIST—— 400-850 POINTS OF CHAMPIONS, HEROES & MAGICIANS ‘The character model with the highest leadership must be declared as the army's commander If there are to oF more characters With equal leadersbip, the player may freely choose between them ‘The player may choose characters from any goblinoid race, subject to the restrictions laid out in the following information; 4-18 CHAMPIONS & HEROES ‘The army can contain a maximum of 18 heroic fighters, up to the limits given below. Note that the touals given are the maximum for the entire army; the lists for the various goblinoid sub-species also give upper limits, Thus, for example, while the army may ‘contin six minor heroes, only two of them may be Orcs. 412 Champions 0-6 Minor Heroes 0-3 Major Heroes ‘orcs 0-4 Ore Champions, 7% points each. 0-2 Ore Minor Heroes, 38 points each. 0-2 Major Heroes, 87 points each. Extra points for a swond, mace, cleaver or other additional hand : fora champion, 2 for a minor hero and 44% ‘ditional cos fora spear- % point for a champion, 2 fora minor hero and 4% for a major hero. ‘Additional cost for 2 two-handed axe or cleaver - 1 point for a ‘champion, 4 for 2 minor hero and 9 for major hero. ‘Additional cost fora boss -1 poiat fora champion, 4 for a minor hero and 9 for a major hero. ‘Additional cost for a crossbow = 2 points for a champion, 8 for 4 minor hero, 16 for a major hero. Extra for ashied -& point for a champion, 2 for a minor hero and 4% for a major hero. Extra cost for chainmail amour - 1 point for a champion, 4 for a minor hero and 9 for a major ero. ‘Additional cost fora boar mount 121s fora champion of minor hhero and 21% for a major hero. A wolf may be used Instead of ‘boar costing 13% points for champions and minor heroes and 22% points for majar heroes. ‘Ore major heroes may be armed with a weapon with a single magical attribute, see pages 26-28 of Warhammer Battle, Vol 2 HALE-ORCS 0-2 Champions, 6% points each. 0-2 Minor Heroes, 36 points each. 0-1 Major Heroes, 84 points each. Adaitional cost fora spear- #4 polnt fora champion, 2 for aminor hhero and 44 fora major hero. Aditional cost for a two-handed ave of cleaver - 1 point for a ‘Ghamplon, 4 for 2 minor hero and 9 for a major hero. ‘Additional cost fora bow 1 point fora champion, 4 for a minor hero and 9 for a major hero. Additional cost for 2 crossbow - 2 points for a champloa, 8 for a minor hero, 18 for a major hero. Exim for ashleld- Ye polnt fora champion, 2 for a mlaor hero and 4%: for a major hero. Extra cost for chainmall amour 1 polae for a champlon, 4 for a minor hero and 9 for a major hero. ‘Additional cost fora boar mount - 12% for a champion or minor hero and 21% for a major hero. A wolf may be used Instead of ‘boar costing 13% points for champions and minor heroes and 22% points for major heroes. Half-ore major heroes may be armed with a weapon with a single magical attribute, see pages 26-28 of Warhammer Battle, Vol 2 es sommes Aw 0-8 Champions, 4% points 0-4 Minor Heroes, 22% points. 0-2 Major Heroes, 75 points. Additional cost for a spear - 4 point for a champion, 1s for minor hero and 4 for a major hero, Adgitional cost for a short bow = is polat for a champion, 1% for a minor hero and 4 for a major hero. Extra foe a shield point for a champion, 14 for a minor hero and 4 for a major hero. [Extea for chainmail armour or a metal breastplate - 1 potnt for = champion, 3 for a minor hero and 8 for a major hero. ‘Additional cost fora boar mount - 12% for a champion or minor hhero and 21% for a major hero, A wolf may be wed instead of| -zboar costing 13% points for champions and minoc heroes and 22% points for major heroes. Goblin major heroes may be armed with a weapon with a single magical attribute, see pages 26-28 of Warhammer Battle, Vol 2 (0-8 MAGICIANS Up to half of whom may be specialists, either demonologists or necromancers. Specialist magicians have the same points Cost 28 ordinary Battle magicians. The magicians may be selected within the following limitations, There are further restrictions given for each subspecies, 0-6 level 1 magicians 0-3 level 2 magicians 0-2 level 3 magicians ‘ORCS Level 3 Ore magicians may only have a maximam of 7 spells because of their low intelligence. 0-3 level 1 magicians, 57% points, 0-2 level 2 magictans, 195 points. 0-1 level 3 magicians, 360 points Additional cost fora sword -3 potas for level t magicians, 10, for level 2 and 18 for level 3. Additional cst for a shield 3 points for level 1 magicians, 10 for level 2 and 18 for level 3. ‘Adiional cost for chainmail armour ora metal breasplate-6 points for level 2 magicians, 20 for level 2 and 36 for level 3 Additional cost for 2 boar mount 21% points. ‘Additional poins for 2 woll mount = 22% points, ‘Ore level 2 wizards may be armed with a single attribute magical weapon, and level 3 wizards may be armed with a magical weapon “with up to three attributes, see pages 26-28 of Magic, Warhammer Battle, Vol 2 HALF-ORCS Level 3 Half-ore magicians may have a maximum of 8 spells because of their low intelligence, 0-2 level 1 magicians, 524 points. 0-1 level 2 magicians, 195 points. 044 level 3 magicians, 360 points. ‘Additional cost fora sword - 3 points for level 1 magicians, 10 {os level 2 and 18 for level 3. ‘Additional cost fora shield -3 points for level 1/magictans, 10, for level 2 and 18 for level 5 ‘Additional cos for chainmail smut ora metal bressplate- 6 points, {for level 2 magicians, 20 for level 2 and 36 for level >. Additional cost for a boar mount 21% points, ‘Adastional points for a wolf mount - 22% points. Half Ore level 2 wizards may be armed with a single attribute ‘magical weapon, and level 3 wizards may be armed with a ‘magical weapon with up to three attributes, see pages 26-28 of Magic, Warhammer Battle, Vol 2. GOBLINS Level 3 Goblin magicians have a maximum of 7 spells because of their limited intelligence 0-6 level 1 magicians, 27% points. 0-3 level 2 magicians, 100 points. O-1 level 3 magicians, 320 points. ‘Additional cost for a sword - 1% points for level 1 magicians, Stor level 2 and 16 for level 3 ‘Additional cost fora shield -1% points for level 1 magicians, 5 for level 2 and 16 for level 3 ‘Extra for chainmail armour = 3 polats for level 1 magicians, 10 for level 2 and 32 for level 3. ‘Additional cost for a boar mount - 21% points ‘Additional polms for a wolf mount 22% points. Level 3 Goblin wizards may be armed with a single attribute ‘magical weapon, sce pages 26-28 of Magie, Warhammer Battle, Vol2 ORCS & GOBLINS HAD Rank & File 1000-2500 POINTS OF RANK & FILE TROOPS Regiments of 20 or more may be given a standard bearer, and segiments of 30 or more may be given a regimental musician, Standard bearers and musicians eost twice the points of a basic ‘trooper. 30-80 ORCS 6% points each, in regiments of 15 or more. Armed with hand weapons and carrying shields, [Extra point fora sword, mace or other additional hand weapon 4 point per mod ‘Additional cose to give any regiment chainmail armour - 4 point per model Ext t give any regiment pole arms - 1 point per model. 0-50 ORC ARCHERS 6% points each in regiments of 10 or more. Armed with hand weapons and bows, Extra o give Orc Archers metal breastplates or chainmail armour 1 polat per model 0-25 ORC CROSSBOWS 7% points each in regiments of 10 oF more. They are armed with hand weapons and crossbows, Addicional cost for a shield - % point per model, Additional cose for metal breasepate or chainmall amour - 1 point per model 0-30 SAVAGE ORC WARRIORS 9% points each in regiments of 20 or more. They armed with hand weapons only and cost 9% points exch. Extra for an additional hand weapon - point per model. [Exta for speats - bs point per model. [Extra for tworhanded weapon - I point per model, xtra for bow - I point per model (0-20 SAVAGE ORC ARCHERS 10% points each in a single regiment. They are armed with bows and hand weapons. [Extra for an additional hand weapon - % point per model. 0-20 HALF-ORCS 3% points cach ina single regiment of 10 or more. Armed with hand weapons 3d eareying shi [Extra to give the regiment chainmail armour or metal breatplates 1 point per model [Exum togive the regiment pole ams oc bows - 1 point pet model. 25-150 GOBLINS 2% points each in regiments of 25 or more. Armed with hand weapons, Up to 50% of the Goblins present may be armed with spears, costing 4 point per model, Additional cot to give the regiment shields - “ polat per model. Up to 50% of the Goblins present may be fitted out in chaineall, armour - % a point per model. 50-150 GOBLIN ARCHERS 2% points each in regiments of 20 or more. Armed with knives and short bows. Extea 0 equip up t0 50% of the Goblin Archers present with Chainmail armour - is point per model. ‘Additional costo lve the regiment shields -% point per model is 0-50 GOBLIN JAVELINMEN 2% points each in regiments of 10 or more. They are armed with hand weapons and javelins and carry shield. 0-8 GOBLIN FANATICS 30 points each hidden in existing regiments. Each fanatic is equipped with a ball & chain, 0-20 SNOTLINGS 25 points per base bases each containing 9 models, in regiments of 5 or more bases, They are armed with an assortment of hanc-arms, Extra to equip Snotlings with spore weapons - 5 points per base. (0-40 WOLF RIDERS 10% points each In regiments of 10 or more. Each rider is an unarmoured Goblin ‘carrying hand weapons and a shield, Extra to equip the sider with ether a spear or shortbow -% point per model. Ext 10 equip the riders with chainmail armour - 4 point per ‘model. 0-30 BOAR RIDERS 9% points each in regiments of 10 oF more. Each rider is an unarmoured Goblin, ‘carrying hand weapons and a shield, Extra to make the riders Ores instead of Goblins - 3% points per ‘model. Extra to give the siders a spear - % point for Goblin riders, % a point for Ores. Extra (0 give the riders chainmail armour - % point for Goblin ‘models, 1 point for Orcs. 0-6 TROLLS 66 points each in a single unit led by an Ore champion, minor hero or major hero. Trolls do not need weapons to fight, but are assumed to have aan assortment of clubs, maces and other hand weapons. 0-4 CHARIOTS 40 points each ‘operating independently or organised into a single regiment. The chariots have scythed wheels and are pulled by a span of two ‘wolves of boars. The standard crew is two Goblins, one of whom ‘must be a driver. Both are equipped with chainntail and hand: weapons, Extea to make crew Ores instead of Goblins -7%4 points. [Extra 10 increase span to four wolves or boars -20 pts. [Extra points to give 1 crewman a bow of javelin = ¥ pt. 0-2 WAR ENGINES special operating independently or organised into a 2-engine regiment, ‘They engines may be bolt throwers or stone throwers, of one of cach. Bolt throwers are 65% points, stone throwers are 115%, both totals include a crew of three unarmoured Ores with hand ‘weapons, ‘Extra points for surplus crew - $3¢ points per extra crew model. Additional costo give the crew models chainmail armour” I point each. (0-100 SKIRMISHERS ‘special chosen from existing regiments, Using teoops as skirmishers i Fre, but they must obey the special rules on page 43 of Combat, Warhammer Fantasy Battle Vol 1. Only Goblin archers and javelinmen, Snotlings, Wolf or Boar riders may be selected as skirmishers. ORCS & GOBLINS: Mercenaries 0-600 POINTS OF MERCENARY REGIMENTS, chosen from the following: 0-400 points of Hobgoblin mercenaries (0-300 points of Ogre mercenaries Allies 0-600 POINTS OF ALLIED TROOPS in a single allied contingent. These may be: 6.600 points of Lizardmen allies, 0-600 points of Undead allies. Tactics Commanding a Goblin army is an extremely difficult tai, Most of the troops are passable archers, and there are enough of them fo completely annihilate any opponent, given enough time However, inter-goblinoid animosity makes it imperative that they [get to grips with the foe as quickly as possible, before the armay ‘wipes itself out. The quality of the troops is another distinct drawback, low weapon skill, eadersbip and cool characteristics ‘make them often ineffectual and extremely prone to routing. Once one regiment breaks its quite likely that several others will, thus sparking off a more general retreat ‘The only way to overcome these difficulties is to maximise the ‘troops’ abilities. Use large regiments and give them good quality leaders. Try to move the army up as quickly as possible - once the enemy are close enough, the Goblins will forget their sivaley. Isolated archer regiments stationed oa hills behind the main line of the army will be able wo provide valuable, sustained, supportive fire, Wolf riders, operating well out on the the flanks can hamper ‘your enemy by threatening to move behind him. ‘When the bulk of the army is at close quarters, keep attacking ‘Make sure there are enough reserves to hand to replace routed troops and keep up the onslaught. Don't be put off when regiments rout, if your army is far enough forward, you should have time to rally them. And if you don't, there should still be hundreds of troops left! UNDEAD Armies of Undead inspire feelings of dread and horror in almost any foe. Their main drawback is that almost all of their troops are subject to instability and require controtiers, The controllers ‘may either be necromancers (who may control any troops within 2 12° radius) or munnmies and undead characters (which may only control the regiment they are leading), NECROMANCERS Necromancers may control any Undead troops within 12”. This is an innate ability and does not interfere with the nccromancer's abilities to move, fight or perform magic. Necromancers may Only have one Battle magic spell at each level. Wizard Level 1, CPs 10 - 55 points M{ws[ as {s | T[W|T[A| id [int] cl [wr 413133 iaht Pete ba bs ‘Wizard Level 2, CPs 20 - 195 points M {ws [Bs [Ss [T[W[T [A [id [int] cl [we ais lalatstatstitetststo ‘Wizard Level 3, CPs 30 - 360 points M([ws[ Bs |S [T[w]i]A] id | ia) G [we 4133 tetalatolits [9 19 To SKELETONS Skeletons are immune to all psychology tests. They cannot be routed and do not need to take rout tests. Skeletons cause fear in living creatures under 10° tall, Skeletons are subject 10 instability. Skeletons with champion or hero profiles may act as UNDEAD CAVALRY Undead cavalry are subject to the same rules as ordinary skeletons, ‘They are immune to all psychology tests and don't take rout tests, Cavalry champions and heroes can act as controllers for any undead regiments, Undead riders aze also subject to #nstabltty ‘cause fear and must be controlled in the same way a8 other skeletons, ‘The mounts ridcen by skeleton cavalry are fearsome, supernatural creatures. They allow their riders to move through the walls of buildings, losing half their move. They move thropgh or over all other terrain or obstacles without penalty. undead controllers for any undead regiment. Fighting saraetonel A skeleton regiment which has no controler suffers from stupidiry Characteristics ceesecieaiee and automatically disappears if it becomes subject to instability. Rider - 11% points Fighting 12, Personal [Mi [WS]as [SF IW] TAT id piney co pwe ‘Characteristics characteristics [pa tz Talatitatat st st et Basic Profile - 2¥% points ‘Champion - 18% points M[Ws[ 8s [S| F[w]1 [A] ia [me] o pwr oe =H fl2taisisiiiehtstststs MWS[as |S |T]W[T [Apia [me] cl [we slalslaishiistats ts ls 0s Skeletal Champion - 4% points inor Hero - $0 point M[ws[ ess] T[wIT[Aji@pm@ ayer] “ wick cummed a achaurerkacks aan iese besos es MWS] BS |S] T[W[ 1 [A] ta | mr] [wr slailslalalelatst oto Tete Skeletal Minor Hero - 32 points Major Hero - 110 points MWS] S| S]T[W{I JA] i [im] @ [wr alatalalalatalatetotete MIWS[BS]S[T[W[T [A] ia [ie | [wr sists lelsialsistzizizts Major Hero - 78 points “ne aeueaenaar Tulsa Undead riders have been given a single profile that includes rider Miwsfas{s{T{w{t} a} id {int | {WP | and mount. The number of attacks for each category includes 1 ais ts tatalatstst 7a tz ts made by the mount, with the same strength as the rider. If the rider is slain, the horse will vanish, Necromancers may summon undead riders using the ‘summon skeletons’ spell. This will summon D3 riders (as opposed to D6 normal skeletons). Mounted skeletal champions may be summoned using the ‘summon skeleton champion’ spell, which ‘uses up 5 points of constitution. ‘MUMMIES: Mummies are flammable They are subject to stupidity unless controlled by a necromancer within 24”, They do not otherwise need (0 be controlled and can act as undead champions, controlling an undead regiment. Mummies cause fear in creatures under 10" tall, Basic Profile - 78 points M[ws]58|S|T)wiT]A aia tolatstatsle Tia] ToT UNDEAD. Hits from Ghouls are venomous. A Ghoul unit which pushes back or routs an enemy will follow up only the D6 score of 4 or more. Otherwise, they will feed until their next ten. Whilst feeding, they count as confused if attacked. Basic Profile - 2% points MWS S| S| T[W)t[A| ia pine co pwe fiaTolstatiisietats Fats ZOMBIES Zombies are immune to all pyschology tests, Unlike skeletons they ‘can be routed and need to take rout tests. Zombies cause fear in living creatures they attack. They are subject to instability and, also stupidity, unless they have a controller (either a Necromancer within 12” or a mummy or skeletal personality actually leading, the regiment). A regiment of Zombies which is lead by a skeleton, character mode! must stil take rout tests, and if they fil, the whole regiment, ineluding the skeleton is routed. Basic Profile - 1% points M [ws[ Bs | s[T[w]T sIatoBisiiihts [Aid [me] ol [we Tatas UNDEAD CHARIOTS Undead chariots have the same supernatural powers as the weird beasts which pull them and the strange beings riding them. An, undead chariot may move straight through solid walls, losing half lts move, and over all other obstacles without penalty. Beyond this, the chariot is subject to the same rules given in the Combat volume of Warhammer Battle. It moves at 6" per turn, 2° slower than the baste rate for the draft animals, The crew fight normally and may engage any models in base-to-basc contact on, any side of the chariot, Fighting Personal Characteristics Characteristics Chariot MWS] Bs [5] T|W]1 [Apia [im] cl [we 6l3l-télsist3al* | ascrew Beasts MjWs[a5[S]T|W[1[A| mM) mo jwe sl-laletatslitsts Ts 0s ‘When it charges, the chariot itself makes two attacks, but only for the first round of combat following a charge. The tindead beasts each have 1 attack which may be made to their front. Undead chariots have a basic points value of 40. This includes two undead beasts and a crew of two unarmoured skeletons. The span of tundead beats may be increased to four for an additional 30 points. UNDEAD CARRION ‘Undead carrion were once great birds of prey inhabiting the loftier ‘peaks of the World's Edge Mountains. They were warped ducing the original incursion of Chaos, becoming creatures that were both, alive and dead, eternally trapped between the material and ethereal planes. Although subject to instability, carrion drawn, from the battlefield are merely returned to the heart of the Chaos, realms, from where they fly once more into the north of the ‘Wathammer World, ‘They have a skeletal body and tattered membranes stretched between the bones of their wings. After the carnage of battle, these ‘creatures feed upon the wounded and dying, the piteous cries ‘of whom rise above the mounds of dead as they afe torn apart by the cadaverous beaks and claws of their unholy executioners. By feeding on the dying, the carrion captures the spirit of its ‘victims, a spirit which becomes manifest as a wraith-like rider the size of a small Goblin, The carrion’s rider is a tapped soul, or an amalgam of souls, doomed to ride the bird of death from the darkness of Chaos. Undead Carrion - 32 or 60 points M[WS]BS[S[T[W] 1A] ia pm [a 4a lotstsi2ta bet 7 13 07 In hand-to-hand combat, the catsion: ‘death from around it, becoming increasingly dangerous as the ‘combat round progtesses. Duting the first round of hand-to-hand ‘combat, the rider has no attack. During the second round, the rider has 1 attack with the same strengtb and weapon skill as the ‘cartion. During the third and each subsequent round, the rider ‘gains an additional attack, During the fifth round of hand-to-hand ‘combat, for eximple, the rider has 4 attacks. Once a hand-to-hand ‘combat rider's attacks are once more reduced to zero. BY engaging in another hand-to-hand combat, the rider's attacks can be built up once again in exactly the same way. Ics not possible co direct blows against the rider. The rider is part of the carrion, and is destroyed if itis destroyed, Undead carrion attack as swwoopers. They cause fear in all iving creatures, They are subject to instability. The aumber of attacks is increased in second and subsequent founds if the carrion has a tides. Carrion with riders have a standard points value of 60. UNDEAD: SPECTRE In combat, models hit by a Spectre are paralysed unless they can save by rolling equal to of less than their will power on 2D6. Paralysed models aren’ dead, but can’t do anything else for the rest ofthe battle, A regiment suffering casualties to paralysis must ‘make a rout test. Paralysis attacks are not ordinary attacks, and hharm beings which are normally immune to non-magical attacks ‘They cause fear or, at the if they choose, error in living creatures, Spectre - 375 points M[WS/BS]S|T[W[T [A] id [im] G [we 4tatoto (eer s bes WIGHT An opponent suffering damage from a Wight also has its strengeb reduced by I, and the Wraith adds 1 to its strength for the next attack. These attacks are treated 2s magical atacks, so they harm. ‘enemies who are immune to non-magical weapons. Opponents who strength is reduced to zero are slain, Wight - 180 points Mw BS[S|T[W[T[A| id [im] Gwe SUS ters FISSURES hs ETHEREAL CREATURES: Ethereal creatures are incorporeal spirits, saw energy with form, ‘but no substance. On a battlefield all ethereal beings are subject to the following rules: Herel beings may only be damaged by magical weapons of by tacks which ae conde be ase weapons, sich A om demons, elementals and other ethereal eeatres Hthereal belngs are subject 0 dnstabaliy unless they are frve yard, haunted buiding or ater "bounded ae ‘ay edhereal eretureafeted by instability ouside ofthe ange of am undead controller (occromancer or undead characte!) dsappeat Ail the ethereal beings deserved Below are immone eo omer Davchology tents and rou tet, even if hey are part Of Feqient ‘whic i steered thereat creatures cause fear in living creatures ‘The eerelerenre mst star the bai ides among am exiting Tegiment. At any point the player chooses, the model representing the ethereal retire may be paced anywhere inthe regiment. The ‘ihereal create may then shove wi complete independence Ethereal creatures routed in hand-to-hand combat stonatialy ‘become unstable and dsappeae ihered! creatures can move tough solid objects. They ignore {errin, walls and omer troops. This allows tem to move ght through an exiting hand o-hand combat snd Join the foo ranks fr even attack an enemy repent Inthe feat Freee in anand combs a allowed a ek 2 any the unless thee opponents armed with magical weapon ‘They ae aso allowed 0 move ftom one pat Of 3 hand-to-hand Conibit to another ‘These rules apply only to ethereal beings, they do not apply to lementalist wizards using a "become ethereal’ spel thin their cuosr Ghosts cannot cause any physical damage. However, fights with Ghosts should be conducted using the normal combat rules. A regiment suffering 2 ‘hit’ from a Ghost must take an immediate ‘rout test, subtracting one from their leadership for each hit scored by a ghost during the turn, Ghost - 62% points M [WS] BS] ai2tol 3 ol WRAITH Models wounded by Wraiths also have their strength reduced by 1. These attacks are treated as magical attacks, s0 they harm, ‘enemies who are immune to non-magical weapons. Opponents whose strength is reduced to 2ero are slain. Wraith - 72% points Mj ws] Bs] 5 TA [ia | im] owe 4Titols 2Biats ts ists SCYTHES Scythes are favourite weapons of most undead troops. They are particularly cumbersome and require two hands to use, so troops Using scythes can't use shields, Scythes cost 1 point pet model. INITIATIVE —1 Against all troops TOHIT +1 Against all troops ARMOUR +1_—_To the saver's dice roll. Opponents with no armour saving roll do nor receive 2°6' save. BLUNDERBUSSES. Blunderbusses are cumbersome and largely ineffective weapons ‘which make alot of noise but rarely cause any damage. They may be used like any other missle weapons but must be reloaded after ‘each shot. Blunderbusses fire hundreds of tiny pellets, which cause DB hits at short ange Short Long Strength. Range ‘Range Blunderbuss 0:8" Big" ar *3 at short range, 1 at long, 2 points Reloading takes an entire turn while stationary. During reloading troops may neither move nor shoot. Blunderbuss armed troops ave assumed to start a battle with their weapons already loaded After reloading, troops carrying blunderbusses are allowed to move before firing them, Blunderbusses are subject to misfires. Bach time the die rolled to hit turns up a 1 (before any modifiers are applied) something hnas gone wrong; roll a D6 to discover what 13 The charge has falled to ignice. The weapon does not require reloading and may be fired again, next turn. 46 The weapon explodes, Itis destroyed and the user suffers 4 Single hit, with a strength of 1D6, 4 Q —— UNDEAD ARMY LIST 200-900 POINTS OF CHARACTER MODELS ‘These may be either necromancers, skeletal heroes and champions, or mummics. ‘The army's commander must be the necromancer character with the highest leadership. If there are ‘vo or more such characters wich equal leadersbip, the player may freely choose between them. 1-6 NECROMANCERS ‘The army may contain up t0 6 necromancers chosen within the following limits. 0-5 level one necromancers, 55 points each. 0-3 level two necromancers, 195 points each. 0:1 level three necromancers, 360 points each. ‘The army's magicians must all be necromancers and may not have other magical specialties. Their spells should be chosen before the battle, cach one costing 10 points. The points values given above are for an unarmoured model with a knife of dagger Necromancers may be armoured, but this interferes with their ability to cast spells, see page 7 of Magic, Volume 2 of Warhammer Battle, They may aiso be given one additional weapon: Additional cost fora seythe- 6 points for a level 1 magician, 20 for a level 2 and 36 for level 3. Additional eos for a shield - 3 points for alevel 1 necromaace: 10 for level 2 and 18 for level 3. Extra cost for a metal breastplate oF chainmal armour -6 points for a level I magician, 20 for 2 level 2 and 36 for level 3. Ext cost to be mounted on 2 horse "21 points. Extra cost t0 be mounted on 2 washorse -32 points A weapon carried by a level 2 necromancer may possess 2 single ‘magical attribute, and one carried by 2 level 3 necromancer ma hhave up to three attributes, see pages 26-28 of Magic, Warhammer Battle Volume two. SKELETAL CHAMPIONS & HEROES. ‘The army may contain up co 12 skeleton personalities, up to the limits given on the following table. No more than baif of these may be mounted, 0-6 Champions, 4% points. 0-4 Minor Heroes, 32 points. 0-2 Major Heroes, 78 points Additional cost for a scythe - 1 point for a champion, 4 for a minor hero and 8 for a major hero. Additional cost for 2 double handed axe or sword -1 point for a champion, 4 for a minor hero and § for a major hero. Extra points for bow 1 fora champion, 4 fora minor hero and 8 for a major hero. Extra fora shield % a point for a champion, 2 for aminor hero and 4 for a major hero. Extra cost for chainmall armour ora metal breastplate 1 point for a champion, 4 for a minor hero and 8 for 2 major hero. ‘Additional cos for full plate armour 1% polats for a champion, 6 for a minor hero and 12 for a major hero. Ext cost 0 be mounted on an undeld hone - 24 points for ‘champions or minor heroes, 34 points for major heroes. ‘Minor heroes may be armed with a single attribute magical ‘weapon, while major heroes may be armed with 2 magical ‘weapon with up to three attributes, Skeletal characters may not Fide normal horses or wathorses, 0-4 MUMMIES 78 points each ‘This is for an unarmoured model with either no weapons at all or a hand weapon: ‘Addivional cost for a scythe or two-handed sword - § points. Extra for a shield - 4 points, Extea for 4 meal beessipate or chainmail armour - $ points. Extea cost for full plate armour - 12 points. Mummies may also be given a single magical attribute for one of their weapons Rank & File 750-1500 POINTS OF RANK & FILE TROOPS. ‘These may be chosen within the limits Usted below. Regiments of 10 or more models may be given a standard bearer, and regiments of 20 or more be be given a musician. Musicians and standard bearers cost double the points of a basic trooper modcl 10-40 SKELETAL CAVALRY 13% points each in regiments of § or more. Armed with hand weapons and carrying shields, "Extra for up to 10 eavalry wearing fll plate-3 poiats per model. Additional cost to armour skeletal cava jamal = 2 points per model. Ext to give regiments spears - 1 polat per model. 0-40 SKELETON GUARDS 4 points each in regiments of 10 or more. Pach model carries a two-handed axe ‘or a scythe, wears full plate armour and carries a shield, 50-200 SKELETON WARRIORS 2& points each in regiments of 20 or more. Armed with hand weapons or spears and carrying shields Up to 50% of the warriors may be armed with seythes -& a point per model. p10 30% of the skeletons may be equipped with metal breasplates or chainmail zemour - 4 a point per model. 0-30 SKELETON ARCHERS 3 points each in regiments of 10 or more. each model is armed with a knife and bow: Additional cost to give the archers metal breastplates or eainmall armour 4% point per mode! Additional cost (0 replace up to 10 bows with blunderbusses - ¥+ point per model. 0-50 ARMOURED ZOMBIES 2 poimts each in regiments of 20 or more. They carry hand weapons and shields and ‘wear metal breastplate, Up to 50% of the armoured zombies may have full plate armour, costing an additional % point per model. 40-150 ZOMBIES 1% points each in regiments of 10 t0 40. Unarmoured, armed with hand weapons only. Additional cos to replace one regiment's hand weapons with seythes 1 point per model. 20-60 GHOULS 2% points each in regiments of 10 9 25. Unarmoured, 1-5 UNDEAD CHARIOTS 40 points each in up to two regiments. The basic model has two undead draught beasts and a crew of two unarmoured skeletons with band ‘weapons. One of the crew must be the driver, who may be armoured but cannot be given shields or additional weapons. Additional cost for up o two additional érew members per chariot 5 points per model, Adlitiona cost to equip crew models, other than the drives, With spears - % point each. Additional costo equip crew models with seythes 1 poiat each, Extra to equip crew modes with shicids - & a poiat cach. ‘Additional costo give the crow chainmail armour” 23 point cach, [Additional cost to glve crew models full pate armour “1 points ‘Additional cos o increase span of unwlead heasts from two to four 30 polars, 2 x 00 POINTS OF MERCENAR? ssen with thig following limits: DARK ELVES Long ago, in the distant past and many years before the tise of mankind a 2 civilised species, the Dark Elves were seduced by the Gods of Chaos. Driven from the Elven Kingdoms in a series of civil wars, they eventually came to inhabit the northern reaches of the New World. They frequently venture into the Elven Kingdoms and the Old World, in search of treasure, wealth of just plain old-fashioned mayhem, ‘Dark Elf armies contain several unique weapons and oop types, Amongst these are the (literally!) blood-thirsty Witch Elves; the Cold Ones - ancient giant reptiles captured by the Dark Elves and ‘used as fearsome steeds; and the devastating repeating crossbows “the closest fantasy equivalent to a machine gun! Another feature of Dark Elf armies is the high proportion of female warriors. Female Dark Elves are even more terrifying than their male ‘counterparts. They have a vielous, unstable nature, and a fondness for the less wholesome aspects of magic and mysticism. Kindred sacrifice, Blood-fetish and herbal intoxication are an everyday part Of their insane lives, Fighting Personal Characteristics Characteristics Basic Profile - 75 points WMS [ES] S| T IW] T [Apia [ip Oo [we dalatslsliistilstotots Champion - 9% points ‘M|ws|BS|s|T [WTA | td | int | cl | we sists tsisliteliletotots Minor Hero - 63 points M_| WS | BS TA | ia | int | ct | wP stots 219 bi fio} 9 Major Hero - 124 points MWS] BSS PTW] TPA pia ie po WP 41717 talals tats bo 110 bot 10 Wizard Level 1, CPs 10- 92% points MWS] |S [TW] TPA [ia [ep a [We al4talsislilelilslststs Wizard Level 2, CPs 20 - 320 points WWE] S [TW] TAL [Li pa | we 44 ta lataletr til 9 bt Dark Elves hate other Elves. They cause fear in regiments of Goblins, unless the Dark EIf regiment is outnumbered by 2 to 1 WARRIORS AND WARRIOR FEMALES Dark Blf warciors can be male or female; both sexes fight and both are equally efficient. Units are often of mixed sex. The profiles used for Dark Elves are the same regardless of gender, ‘WITCH ELVES ‘As well as che normal run of female warsiors, there are lso other, ‘more dangerous warriors called Witch Elves’ Witch Flves are giel- ‘warriors who occupy 2 privileged and important position in Dark Elf society. They conduct heinous rites © the Gods of Chaos, make blood-sacrifices to Khorne, and lead victorious armies upon a riot of orgy and mutilation. Witch Elves are, without doubt, insane. ‘Years of close association with the rites of Chaos warps their ‘minds into a fury of base instinct for lust, murder and greed. In battle, Witch Elves are subject to frenzy. Witch Elves have the same profile as a normal Dark BIL but cost 11% points. NOBLES Dark If society is far more hierarchical than that of the Wood Elves or the Elven Kingdoms. The nobles are even crueller, more decadent and murderous than the rest of their foul breed. They tend to be far better fighters than the lower classes, and are also far better armed and equipped. Dark Elf Noble - 16% points MIWS|BS] S| TWIT] aiststeiahit Because of their unusually high points values, Dark El nobles have x2 equipment modifier. [id [ine | ct we To Tots 19 x 1 COLD ONES Cold Ones are subject to stupidity (if ridden, remember to make any tests against the rider's chacacteristics). They cause fear in living creatures under 10” tll, Cold Ones will never attack other Creatures of the Lizard race - chey can be forced into combat, but ‘won't strike any blows. Cold ones whose riders are slain continue to charge and attack the nearest non-reptilian creatures of either side. Cold ones have thrce attacks - 2 claw attacks and 1 stomp. Basic profile - 127 points, 132 if used as a mount Mi Aj ia | int | cl | we a1 2 bebo te a a DARK ELVES DARK ELF ASSASSINS Ivis a curious practice amongst the Witch Elves that any child born to one of their number is cast into a cauldron of blood, to sink or swim according to the whim of Khorne, God of Blood and Battle. Those few childlings that survive this Ordeal are raised according to the rituals of Kaine, God of Murder, so that they might become his adepts. They become the dreaded Dark Elf Assassins, ‘masters of disguise as well as ofall means of death-dealing - the most feared of all Dark Elves, Assassin fnodels are not placed on the table in the normal way, ‘but remain ‘disguised’ within regiments of Dark Elves until itis ime for them to spring. The player must make a written note of any Assassins hiding within 2 normal regiment, and must indicate their presence to the GM before the battle Once a regiment is engaged in hand-to-hand combat, its controlling player may reveal any or all Assassins it contains. The Assassin throws off his disguise, leaps out of the regiment, and may attack any single enemy model selected by the player. Assassins are most useful for ‘assassinating’ an enemy character model or other important figure. ‘The Assassin's attack is simulated as follows. The Assassin model is substituted for any model from the fighting rank of the Dark ELF unit. This represents the Assassin throwing aside his disguise and preparing to attack. To prevent confusing the combat position, the Assassin model remains in place, although the actual Dark Elf may be imagined leaping over the heads of friends and foes in ‘order to reach his target. The Assassin can be directed against any model in the enemy regiment, not necessarily a mode! from the front rank. The enemy model and the Assassin are then obliged to fight each other in the combat cound; no other models may interfere in their battle even if in base-to-base contact. Models in the enemy's front rank, other than a model attacked by the Assassin, may nor fight against the Assassin, even if they are in base-to-base contact with the model, An enemy model notin base- to-base contact with any model other than the Assassin, and not being attacked by the Assassin, may still strike, but only against an ordinary teooper; itis assumed another fighter would have Stepped forward to replace the Assassin. " Assassins armed with missile weapons are allowed to shoot rectly at individual models in the front rank of an enemy regiments, provided they are within 8” of theie target. This is an ‘exception to the normal targeting rules and makes it possible to ‘pick off enemy leaders and heroes from a distance. Assassins are Still subject to the normal rules on firearcs and lines-of fire. Note ‘hat an Assassin must abandon his disguise to shoot, and the Assassin model is positioned to replace a front rank trooper. [An Assassin may abandon his disguise at any time, and the Assassin ‘model replaces that of an ordinary unit member. Once the model is placed on the table, Assassins are allowed to move from regiment to regiment or operite independently in the same way as heroes. Should a regiment accompanied by an Assassin be routed, the “Assassin is also routed, buc may make any rally test separately ‘Assassins are trained to deal deadly blows with their bare hands, In fact, there is no part of an Assassins body that cannot be used to slay both effectively and quickly. They can therefore fight lunarmed without penalty. Assassin - 27 points CROSSBOW PISTOL "The crossbow pistol is simply 2 smaller version of an ordinary crossbow. The bow string is pulled back to a latch, 2 bolt fitted land the weapon fired by operating a simple trigget. The pistols must be reloaded after each shot, which takes an entire move hase spent stationary, without manoeuvring. nerrerpeenee OO nnrneenen OBS ‘Troops who are in combat while they have loaded crossbow pistols are allowed t0 shoot them, provided they have one hand free; in practice this usually means foregoing the use of a shield. This is treated exactly as Ordinary missile fire except: Ie takes place during the combat phase ‘The shooters, in effet, making 2 atacks, so suflersa-1 rohit modifier on eich. Whichever weapon is being wsed ia the let hang suffers a1 to hit modifier Normally, when shooting into handto-band combat, the firer must, dice to see which side fs It. oops using crossbow pistols do not hhave to do this, But assume all shows aucomatically hit the enemy ‘Any casualties caused by the crossbow pistols count towards working (Out which side gets pushed back Crossbow Pistol - 1 point Short Long Range Range Strength 06 oi an" "3 at Short Range, 2 at Long Range. DARK ELF BOLT THROWERS Dark Elf bolt throwers may be loaded with up to four bolts. They take an awfully Jong time to load, but once they're ready have fan extremely high fate of fire Crew. The basic crew for a repeating bolt thrower is four models, Movement. The bolt throwers are fitted with wheels and can be pushed by their crew. Speed equals 1” per crewman pushing up foa maximum of 3” per turn, They may never reserve move nor may they be deployed on, of move across, difficult or hazardous terrain, Shooting. They are assumed to start the game fully loaded with, four bolts, They may fire I bolts at once. When firing 2 or more bolts, all shots must be aimed at the same target, Each shot ls the normal effects detailed for a bolt thrower in the War Engines section of Combat, Book | of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Dark EIE bolt throwers are subject to the same fire arc restrictions as, ordinary bolt throwers. Reloading. Once all four bolts have been fired, the engine must be reloaded. Partial reloads ace impossible - the engine must be loaded with a complete set of four bolts. Reloading takes place during the movement part of the turn, so the engine cannot be reloaded while it is being repositioned or moved. The amount of time taken will depend on the number of crew: crew ‘Turns to reload $ 2 3 3 2 1 5 io Attacking The Engine. The engine has the soughness and wounds given below on its profile. It may be attacked in hand to-hand combat once all the crew have been killed or routed. The engine can be shot at, counting 25 large target, but most weapons ‘will lack the strength to damage it. The crew count the engine as soft cover if they are being shot at Repeating Bolt Thrower - 80 points MIWS[BS] S| T[ WIT PA] td | in| cl | we d4ielstalashiiz7iets to tots M [WS] BS] S| T] WIT] A] id | ime [ cl [wr “lols is iststolol screw. Because of the unusually high points value, Dark EI Assassins have 2x3 equipment modifier * see text rs) a —— DARK EIF ARMY LIST 500-1000 POINTS OF CHAMPIONS, HEROES & MAGICIANS ‘The character model with the highest eadersbip must be declared as the army's commander. If there are two characters with equal Teadlership, the player may freely chose between them. 0-12 CHAMPIONS & HEROES selected from the following list 0-6 Champions, 9% points each. (0-4 Minor Heroes, 63 points each. 0:2 Major Heroes, 125 points. ‘The points values given are for an unarmoured model with a single hand weapon such as a sword or mace. In addition to this, they may be fitted out with equipment chosen from the following list, Ext pong fora swore, knife, mace or other aditional hand weapon “a point for a champion, 31 for a minor hero and 6% for ‘a major hero. Additional cost for a spear or lance - & a polnt for a champion, 3% for a minor hero and 6% for a major hero. ‘Adgitional cost for 2 fwosnanded sword or 3 halberd - 1 point for 4a champion, 7 for a minor hero and 13 for a major hero. Extra for a crossbow or repeating crossbow (a model may never be ‘equipped with both) 2 polats for a champion, 14 for a minor hhero and 26 for a major hero. Exta for crossbow pistol- 1 point for a champion, 7 for aminor hero and 13 for a major hero. Adiitional cost for a shield- 8 a point for a champion, 3% for ‘a 'minor hero and 63 for a major hero. Extra for chainmail armour - 1 point for a champion, 7 for a minor hero and 13 for a major hero. Horses cost 11 points for champions and minor heroes, 22 points for major heroes. Marhorses cost 22 points for champions and minor heroes, 32 for major heroes. Cold One mounts are 137 points for champions and minor heroes, 147 for major heroes, Only J character model ay appeae a a Cold One rider He of she must serve asthe regimental leader for the Cold One rider regiment if ii used. Minor heroes may be armed with a single attribute magicat weapon, major heroes may be armed with a weapon with up 10 three attributes, The points costs vary from attribute to attribute, see pages 2628 of Magic, Wachammer Vol 2. 0-4 MAGICIANS Up to 2 of whom may be specialists - either Musionists, necromancers or demonologists. Specialist magicians have the same points cost 28 ordinary ones: 0-3 level one magicians, 85 points each. 0-1 level two magicians, 320 points ‘The player may chose the magician’s spells before the battle, each, spell costing 10 points, The basic points values given above include aknife or dagger. Wizards may be armoured but this will interfere swith their spell casting. They may also be given one additional ‘weapon, chosen from the following list: [Addicional cost for a sword of mace - 4% polnts for a level 1 ‘magician, 16 for a level 2. ‘Additional cost for a two-handed sword - 9 points for level 1 ‘magicians, 32 for level 2. Extra fora crossbow pistol "9 points for level 1 magicians, 32 for level 2. Extra cost fora shield -4¥ points fora level 1 magician, 16 for a level 2. Exes for chainmail armour ora metal breastplate -9 poimts for level 1 magicians, 32 for level 2. Extra cost for mounting on a horse - 24 points all levels. Extra cost for mounting on a Warhowse -32 points all levels. Extra cost for mounting on a cold one - 147 points all levels. ‘A weapon carried by a level 1 magician may have a single magical dtiribute, one cattied by a level 2 magician may have up to three attributes (See Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Vol 2, pages 26-28), Rank & File 1000-1750 POINTS OF RANK & FILE TROOPS Regiments of 8 of more may have a standard bearer, regiments of 16 or more may have a musician, Standard bearers and musicians cost double the points values of an ordinary trooper 1-10 COLD ONE RIDERS 155 points each in a single regiment. The riders are Nobles wearing chainmail armour, armed with lances and crossbows. Crossbows can be replaced by repes additional points. ‘crossbows, this costs 20 0-20 NOBLE CAVALRY 25% points cach in regiments of 6 or more, They wear chainmail armour, carry hand weapons and ride warhorses. xtea to arm the cavalry with lances -1 point. Etta fo equip cavalry with crossbows - 4 polats. Converting the crossbows fo repeating crossbows ~ Free. Equipping cavalry with shies "1 poiat. 20-40 NOBLES 24% points cach SERS Sr leet nd bons Caen oe eee ne 8% points each Extra to arm up to half of the warriors present with crossbow pistols 1 polat per model, [Exta to equip up toa tied of the wartiors used with two-handed 20-40 CROSSBOWS 10% points each in regiments of 10 of more. Armed with hand weapons and crossbows and wearing chainmail armour 0-20 REPEATING CROSSBOWS ‘9% points each in regiments of 10 oF more, They are armed with hand weapons and fepeating crossbows execa (0 give any of the regiments chain (females 2 points) il armour - 1 point 10-30 WITCH ELVES 13% points each in regiments of 10 oF more. Armed with two swords and wearing chaiamail armour Extra to give up €0 10 models one polsoned sword each -4 points per model, Extra give up to 10 models two poisoned swords each -8 points per model. 0-6 ASSASSINS 27 points cach hhidden in existing regiments, up to a maximum of one Assassin per 10 ordinary models, The Assassins wear chainmail armour and are armed with hand weapons. Extra to arm the Assassins with an additional hand weapon points per model, Extra to equip te Assassins with crossbows or repeating crossbows 6 points per model. Extra to poison the Assassins’ basic or additional hand weapons 6 points per weapon. Extra to give the Assasins shields - % point per model. Ny 7 DARK ELVES: 0-4 CHARIOTS 40 points each In one or two regiments. The chariots have seythed wheels and are pulled by two or four warhorses. One model must be the driver, who may be given extra armour but no additional weapons. ‘The minimum crew comprises two Dark Fives, each carrying hand ‘weapons, Each model includes a span of two warhorses xtra for one oF wo additional crew, each unarmoured and caerying a hand weapon - 15% polats per extra crewman. [Extra to_give crew members shields - 1 point per crew model. Exteao give ny ofthe crow chainmail armour -2 points per crew ‘model Extra o equip the crew with crossbows of repeating crossbows - 4 points per crew model. Extra to increase the span (o four warhorses - 28 points 0-50 SKIRMISHERS special chosen from existing regiments, other than the Nobles, the Witeh Elves or the chariots, Skirmishers do not have an increased points cost, but are subject co special rules and restrictions laid out on age 43 of the Combat Volume of Warhammer Battle. 0-3 REPEATING BOLT THROWERS 111 points each in regiments of any size. Each model comprises a bolt thrower and four unarmoured crew carrying hand weapons. One engine and its crew cost 111 points. Mercenaries 0-1000 POINTS OF MERCENARY REGIMENTS which may be chosen from the following. 0.300 points of Hobgoblin mercenaries 0-300 points of Ogre mercenaries 0-100 points of Ore mercenaries Allies 0-750 POINTS OF ALLIED TROOPS In a single contingent, the allies may be selected from the following list 0-750 points of allied Goblinoid troops 0-500 points of allied Lizardmen 0-750 points of allied Undead Tactics ‘A.Dark Elf commander must base the choice of an army, and that army's tactics, on the simple rule that a crossbow armed mode! cannot move and fire. A force containing a large proportion of Crossbows must adopt 2 fundamentally passive sole standing stil dnd teving to mow dowa the enemy a they approach, Crossbows are one of the most devastating missile weapons available to a Warhammer player, so this ploy stands fairly good chance of working. The enemy advance can be slowed down by 4 sertes of small seale counter attacks. These will be particularly devastating if preceeded by a volleys of erosshow and repeating ‘crossbow fire from two oF more Dask Ff regiments. There ate problems, however ‘The enemy player ean do several things to minimalise casualties such as advaneing through cover, casting "Wind Blast’ spells, and using skirmishers to screen the more valuable shock troops. Also, passive straxepes, by definition, give the initiative to the other Player: Dark Bf armies tend to be quite small because the troops are so expensive, which means that you're likely to be outflanked and possibly even encircled. This problem can be avercome by ‘maintaining a reserve and deploying well back, This also means the enemy have got to travel further to reach your lines and Will Suffer even heavier casualties. Deploying close to your own base line involves a risk of losing ‘roops when they rout off the table, so players should endeavour 10 overcome this by charging the enemy. The main counter-attack, when ie eventually comes, will be most effective if it is only directed ata small sector of the enemy line, led by Cold One riders ‘or Witch Elves. This creates another problem because it means you can’t really deploy in cover. ‘Well, that covers the so-called crossbow option, but there are other choices with a different mix of troops. An army which is strong ‘on Cold One riders, conventional cavalry and Witch Elves can adopt an offensive strategy. Smaller numbers of crossbows, ideally stationed on vantage points behind the bulk of the army, can target fon key enemy regiments to support the shock troops. The best ‘way 10 use the frontline regiments i to attack over a small frontage using Cold One riders, regiments of Nobles and the Witch Elves. All of these ate very strong in close combat, and - provided they are committed against the tight opposition - success is almost guaranteed, The remainder of the army can be used to cover the flanks and tic up the enemy's own frontline shock troops. A strategy somewhere between those described above can be attempted using an army with a high proportion of cavalry. The ‘cavalry threaten to outflank the enemy and thus slow up their advance, Should they actually manage to get behind the enemy army, they can either start changing into the rear or wait until the friendly regiments are about to counter-attack and charge in conjunction with the frontal assault. ‘The Skaven are the warped products of Chaos, which they serve, worship and adore. Their subterranean empire is vast, possibly ‘even encircling the entire world. They are secretive, nocturnal ‘creatures, little seen by man. The intricate web they have constructed of thousands Of miles of tunnels and burrows, connecting with man-made druins and sewers, allows them to appear anywhere, suddenly and in force. ‘Theirs is an acutely tribal society, headed by the Thirteen Lords of Decay and the fearsome Grey Seers. On a battlefield, the bulk ff Skaven warriors are drawn from the myriad small Warlord Clans, They will be assisted by small contingents of the more famous and powerful clans: Clan Skryre - the Warlock Engineers, (Clan Eshin -the rat assassins, Clans Pestilens - the plague monks, and Clan Moulder - the breeders of foul, mutated Chaos beasts. Fighting Personal Characteristics Characteristics Basic Profile - 4% points MpWS[SS] SP [W] [A] id | it [op we st3alalalstilaliteé bels v7 ‘Champion - 6% points MIWS[S| S|] 7] WIT] A| ta pine] cl we sl4alelei3litstitelels iz Minor Hero - 36 points MWS] ES| ST [WIT] A [ia pia] Cl wr stsislal4lelelzt7t7 lols Major Hero - 84 points MWS] BS A [ad [tee ctw [steve slateat7zts ‘Wizard Level 1 - M [WS] BS ATi Fit aw 51313 abélsisis ‘Wizard Level 2 - MWS] BS [A [ia | ine | we stats Tite le ls B ‘Wizard Level 3 [WS] BS Apia pit a we Sees itatet7 ho SKAVEN MUTATIONS Heroic Skaven fighters usually have some form of ebaotic mutation, and these are included in the creatures’ basic points values. The number of mutations will depend on the fighter's status: Fighter ‘Mutations Champion D6 minus 4 Minor Hero DG minus 3 Major Hero D6 minus 2 A total of 0 oF less means that the personality is not mutated. To determine cach creature's mutations and their effects, see the chart for Chaotic Heroes in the Chaos army list. CLAN ESHIN ASSASSINS ‘The Skaven Assassins of the Clan Eshin are reared in the ways of murder and subterfuge, skills which come naturally to Skaven and which can easily be developed to an unrivalled degree. Eshin “Assassins are not placed on the table in the normal way, but remain ‘disguised! within regiments of ordinary troops until itis time for them to spring. The player must make a written note of any “Assassins hiding within normal regiments, and must indicate teit presence to the GM before the battle, Once a regiment is engaged {in hand-to-hand combat, its controlling player may reveal any ot all assassins it concains, The assassin throws off his disguise, leaps ‘out of the regiment, and may attack any single enemy model from the opposing regiment, Assassins are most useful for ‘assassinating’ ‘enemy character models or other important figures, ‘The Eshin Assassin's attack is simulated as follows. The assassin ‘model is substituted for a model from the fighting rank of the Skaven unit. This represents the Assassin throwing aside his disguise and preparing to attack, To prevent confusing the combat position, the Eshin Assassin mode! is left in place. However, the actual Skaven may be imagined leaping over the heads of friends and foes in order to reach his target. The Eshin Assassin can be directed against any model in the enemy regiment, not necessarily ‘a model from the front rank. The enemy model and the Assassin are then obliged to fight each other in the combat round, and ‘no other models may interfere in their battle even if in base-to- base contact. Models in the enemy's front rank, other than amodel attacked by a Assassin, may 0? fight against the Assassin, even if they are in base-to-base contact with the model. An enemy ‘model not in base-to-base contact with any model other than the Assassin, and not being attacked by the Assassin, may still strike, bur only against an ordinary trooper, shin Assassins armed with missile weapons are allowed to shoot directly at individual models in the front ranks of enemy regiments, provided they are within 8” of their target. This is an ‘exception to the normal targeting rules and makes it possible to ‘pick off enemy leaders and heroes from a distance. Assassins are ull subject to the normal rules on firearcs and lines-of-fire. Note ‘that an Assassin must abandon his disguise to shoot, and the Eshin ‘model is positioned to replace 2 front rank trooper 3 9 SKAVEN An Assassin may abandon his disguise at any time, and the Skaven “Assassin model replaces that of an ordinary unit member. Once the model is placed on the table, an Assassin is allowed to move from regiment to regiment or operate independently in the same ‘way as 3 hero. Should a regiment accompanied by an Assassin be routed, the Assassin is also outed, but may make any rally rest separately (Clan Eshin teaches its members co fight with all manner of heinous ‘weaponry, and to use their natural teeth and claws to Full effect. (Clan Eshin Assassins do not need weapons to fight and never count as using improvised weapons. However, Assassins usually carry 4 large variety of unique weapons incorporating magic and the ‘dreaded warpstone. The weapons, either swords or throwing str, sweat a deadly warpstone poison. The poison is strongly acidic, and opponents lose 1 from their armour saving throw. The ppolson's effects are so terminal that each time an assassin’s weapon, ‘causes 1 wound the victim suffers not I but D4 wounds Clan Eshin Assassins - 18 points (CLAN MOULDER BEAST HANDLERS Clan Moulder use the fell, mutating powers of the warpstone to breed vile new beasts from their slave stock. Each Moulder