Paper 118 Guidelines For Prequalification and Design of Post-Installed and Cast-In Anchors in Australia - 2

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David J. Heath1, Emad F. Gad2

ABSTRACT: The Australian anchor industry is rapidly growing, however, guidance for the design of post-installed
and cast-in anchors for safety-critical applications in Australian codes of practice is minimal. The current level of
guidance has resulted in a lack of consistency for product assessment and limited guidance for design. This paper
summarises a design procedure for cast-in and post-installed anchors that has been endorsed by the Australian
Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council (AEFAC) for adoption in Australia. The design procedure is based on
design guidelines that are intended to become a harmonised European Standard. The design guidelines are an
imperative part of a framework being developed by AEFAC to enhance quality and safety standards in the Australian
fastener industry.

KEYWORDS: Post-installed, cast-in, anchor, fastener, design guidelines


David J. Heath, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering and Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council,
Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology. Email: [email protected]
Emad F. Gad, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering and Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council,
Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology. Email: [email protected]


Structural fasteners used in safety-critical applications

involving metal inserts into a concrete or masonry
substrate should be designed and detailed by a competent
structural engineer. Applications are defined as safetycritical when their failure may cause risk to human life
and/or considerable economic loss. Fasteners must be fit
for purpose; durable, robust, and possess sufficient
integrity for all design actions [1]. Structural fasteners in
anchors or masonry are commonly referred to as anchors
and form the focus of this paper.
In concrete, anchors may be grouped according to their
installation method into cast-in-place and post-installed.
Post-installed anchors may be further classified into two
groups; direct installation (power actuated) fasteners and
a much larger ensemble being drill installation fasteners
which covers chemical bonded anchors and mechanical
anchors (such as expansion and screw anchors).
The Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors
Council (AEFAC, is an industry
initiative that was formed in 2012 to introduce
governance to the industry with support and guidance to
be provided for design engineers, contractors, suppliers,
installers and field engineers. AEFAC has reviewed
international best practice and resolved that the
specification and design provisions outlined by the
European Organisation for Technical Assessment
(EOTA) are the most appropriate for Australian practice.
These design provisions are underpinned by the
Concrete Capacity (CC) Method and are currently being
developed into industry guidelines for use in Australia.
This paper outlines the design provisions for cast-in and
post-installed anchors for adoption in Australia.



At present, guidelines for the design and evaluation of

anchors in Australia are minimal, with the anchor
industry relying on suppliers for information and
performance data. AS 3600 [2] states shallow anchorage
failure should be investigated but provides no further
guidance. AS 3850.1 [3] provides guidance on testing
and design of brace inserts for precast construction. In
New Zealand, NZS 3101:2006 [4] is a partial
reproduction of U.S. design guidelines ACI 318-11 [5]
and purports to provide design provisions for cast-in and
post-installed anchors. However, the design provisions
are incomplete and the calculations for basic concrete
breakout strength for tension failure and shear failure are
non-conservative for post-installed anchors.
absence of suitable guidelines for anchors in safetycritical applications overseas has contributed to
catastrophic failures [6, 7, 8]. Implementing proper
design guidelines for anchors is paramount to lifting
quality and safety standards.

United States for the design of cast-in and post-installed

anchors [9, 5]. In many cases the anchor is designed for
unreinforced concrete, however, improved performance
may be achieved by including supplementary
reinforcement. The procedure estimates the strength of
an anchor set in concrete to tension forces, shear forces,
as well as combined tension and shear forces. This
paper summarises the design procedure endorsed by
AEFAC for use in Australia and published in the draft
European Standard for anchor design which has evolved
to include design for fatigue and seismic actions [9].
This endorsement is consistent with the technical
specification set by the Australian Technical
Infrastructure Committee (ATIC) for the use of anchors
in concrete [10]. The principles behind the design
procedure have been described extensively elsewhere [1,
11]. The design provisions presented in this paper cover
the following types of anchors:
Cast-in: headed inserts and anchor channel
Post-installed: mechanical (concrete screw anchors,
expansion anchors, undercut anchors) and bonded
(bonded anchors, bonded expansion anchors, bonded
undercut anchors)
An anchor must have been awarded a European
Technical Assessment (ETA, formerly European
Technical Approval) or equivalent, to demonstrate its
suitability for its intended use and to be compatible with
the design guidelines outlined below. An ETA requires
the product undergo a sophisticated and applicationdependent test regime, demonstrate traceability, include
factory auditing, and be independently verified.
The design of an anchor includes the design tension
action, NEd (refer Section 3), the design shear action, VEd
(refer Section 4), and simultaneous tension and shear
(refer Section 5). European design provisions adopt
partial safety factors, i, that are the inverse of the
capacity reduction factor, i, adopted in Australian
design practice such that:


Partial safety factors for anchors are product-specific and

are published in the ETA for a product. The conversion
from partial safety factor to capacity reduction factor for
the respective failure mode is simple.
A summary is provided in Table 1 of the design
verifications required for tension failure modes and shear
failure modes. Figure 1 illustrates an anchor in concrete
with diameter, d, anchor head diameter, dh, and effective
embedment depth, hef. Figure 2 illustrates groups of
anchors including edge distance, c, spacing, s, and
member thickness, h. A full list of the adopted notation
may be found in the Appendix.


The Concrete Capacity (CC) Method is a mathematical

procedure that has been adopted in Europe and the


Figure 1: Effective embedment depth of a headed


ETAs for trade within the European Union. An ETA is a

certification that a product has been rigorously tested and
independently confirmed to satisfy the requirements of
European Technical Assessment Guideline 001 (ETAG)
and demonstrated to be fit for its intended purpose [12].
There are 12 different Options for which a product may
be tested against depending on the application for which
it is intended. The CC Method outlined in this paper for
anchor design relies on an anchor having an ETA. If an
anchor product has not been awarded an ETA, its quality
cannot be guaranteed by EOTA and it is not eligible to
be designed for using the CC Method outlined below. A
more comprehensive summary is provided in [13].

Figure 2: Definition of spacing and edge distance for

anchor groups.


Anchor products currently used in the market come from

various suppliers. EOTA oversees the awarding of

Table 1: Design verifications for cast-in and post-installed anchors under tension or shear loading.

Connection between
channel and anchor
Local flexure of
channel lip
Flexure of channel

Refer to AS 4100
where appropriate





Design verification

Headed inserts

Refer to AS 4100 where



Steel failure of anchor



Design verification




Headed inserts

Mode of failure

N Ed
Ms,ca N Rk ,s,c

VEd MsVRk , s,c

N Ed Ms,l N Rk , s,l

V Ed Ms,l V Rk , s,l

M Ed Ms , flex M Rk , s , flex

Pull-out failured

N Ed Mp N Rk , p

Combined pull-out and

concrete failuree

N Ed Mp N Rk , p

Concrete cone failure

N Ed Mc N Rk ,c

Splitting failure

N Ed Msp N Rk , sp

Blow-out failuref

N Ed Mc N Rk ,cb

Concrete edge failure

V Ed McV Rk ,c

Concrete pry-out failure

V Ed McV Rk ,cp

Refer to AS 3600
where appropriate

reinforcement failureg

Refer to AS 3600 where


Verification for most loaded channel bolt or anchor, considering effects of edge distance and spacing.
Includes concrete screw anchors, expansion anchors and undercut anchors.
Includes bonded anchors, bonded expansion anchors and bonded undercut anchors.
Not required for post-installed chemical anchors.
Not required for headed and post-installed mechanical anchors.
Required for headed anchors (including channel) and post-installed mechanical undercut anchors where c < 0.5hef.
Only relevant where component reinforcement for the fastener is present.

(a) General modes for tension.

(b) Tension modes specific to anchor channels.

Figure 3: Modes of failure for tension.

The design tensile force acting on an anchor, NEd, must

be less than the design tensile resistance, NRd, such that:

NRd, = NRk



The characteristic tensile strength, NRk, and capacity

reduction factor, , are dependent on failure mode and
should be checked according to Table 1. Tensile failure
modes are illustrated in Figure 3(a) and additional
anchor channel failure modes in Figure 3(b). The
concrete is unreinforced unless otherwise noted.

Verification of the resistance of the anchor bolt or rod

against steel failure under tension (NRk,s) should be
carried out in accordance with AS 4100:1998 [14] or
where this does not apply, EN 1992-1-1:2005 [15] may
be used. Calculation of characteristic resistance for
anchor channel is required since this data is published in
the ETA including the following failure modes: channel
bolt (NRk,s,a), connection failure between anchor and
channel (NRk,s,c), local flexural failure of channel lips
(NRk,s,l), failure of the channel bolt (NRk,s) and failure by
flexure of the channel (MRk,s,flex). Verification may be
performed using the design verification listed in Table 1.

The characteristic resistance to pull-out failure, NRk,p is

given in the ETA. It is not presently possible to
calculate the pull-out resistance for post-installed
mechanical anchors. For headed fasteners, NRk,p is
limited by the pressure under the fastener head:

N Rk , p = k1 Ah f ck


N Rk
, p = Rk dhef


given in ETA

Rk,cr for cracked concrete

Rk,ucr for non-cracked concrete

Edge distance and spacing effects for bonded fasteners

are accounted for by the ratio Ap,N/A0p,N, where:


A p, N

actual bonded influence area limited by

adjacent fasteners (s<scr,Np) and concrete
edges (c<ccr,Np).


7.3d Rk 3hef


Rk,ucr for non-cracked C20/25 concrete



A 0p ,N





The group effect is accounted for by g,Np as follows:

g, Np

g0 , Np (s s cr , Np )0.5 g0 , Np 1






The characteristic resistance of a single bonded fastener,

N0Rk,p, not influenced by adjacent bonded fasteners, may
be determined as follows:



N Rk , p = N Rk
, p A p , N A p , N g , Np s , Np re , N ec , Np



( 4)(d h2 d 2 )


7.5 for fasteners in cracked concrete

10.5 for fasteners in non-cracked concrete




The characteristic resistance of an individual or group of

bonded fasteners to combined pull-out and concrete
failure, NRk,p is determined as follows:

n 1 ( Rk Rk ,c )1.5 1

g0 ,Np

Rk , c

(k 8


7.7 for cracked concrete

11.0 for non-cracked concrete


d ) hef f ck

Disturbance to the distribution of stresses due to close

proximity of a concrete edge is accounted for by s,Np as

s, Np

0.7 + 0.3 c ccr , Np 1


Where a layer of dense reinforcement exists, the shell

spalling factor re,N, applies when hef < 100 mm:

re, N

0.5 + hef 200 1


However, re,N may be taken as 1.0 when reinforcement

is at a spacing greater than 150 mm, or when
reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm or less as a
spacing of at least 100 mm.
When an eccentricity in loading exists on a group of
fasteners, the eccentricity factor, ec,Np, accounts for the
effect on the characteristic resistance:

ec, Np

1 + 2e N s cr , Np

(a) Cross-section


Where fasteners are present in a narrow member with

three or more edges affecting the failure surface the
above calculations are conservative. Refinements may
be made to the effective depth (hef), characteristic edge
distance (ccr,Np) and characteristic spacing for the
determination of the Ap,N/A0p,N ratio.

Figure 4: Idealised surface of concrete cone failure.


The characteristic resistance of an individual or group of

fasteners to concrete cone failure, NRk,c, is calculated as

N Rk ,c = N Rk
,c Ac , N Ac , N s , N re, N ec, N . M , N


The characteristic resistance of a single fastener remote

from the effects of spacing and edge distance, N0Rk,c, is
N Rk
,c = k 9

f ck hef1.5

(b) Plan view


The disturbance to the distribution of stresses on the

concrete cone failure due to the nearest edge is
established via the factor s,N, where:

s , N = 0.7 + 0.3(c c cr , N ) 1

The determination of the shell spalling factor, re,N is

determined in accordance with Section 3.3.
When a group of fasteners exists with an eccentric
resultant loading, the factor ec,N may be used to modify
the characteristic resistance as follows:





ec, N =

kcr,N for cracked concrete

kucr,N for non-cracked concrete

7.7 for post-installed fasteners and 8.9 for

cast-in headed fasteners based on current
experience. The value for cast-in channel is
dependent on channel shape.


actual projected area limited by overlapping

concrete breakout bodies of adjacent
fasteners (s < scr,N) and the concrete edges (c
< ccr,N).


scr,N2 as shown in Figure 4


1 + 2 e N s cr , N


The influence of a compression force between the

concrete and fixture on the characteristic resistance to
concrete cone failure is represented by M,N, where:

11.0 for post-installed fasteners and 12.7 for

cast-in headed fasteners based on current
experience. The value for cast-in channel is
dependent on channel shape.

The effect of spacing and edge distance on the resistance

to concrete cone failure is dependent on the ratio
Ac,N/A0c,N, where:


1 for fastenings close to edge (c < 1.5hef),

fastenings with c > 1.5hef loaded by a
bending moment and a tension force with
CEd/NEd < 0.8 or fastenings with z/hef > 1.5.

2 0.67z/hef >1 for other fastenings loaded

by a bending moment and tension force.

Where bending is present in two directions, z is

determined for the resultant direction.
The above calculations are conservative for fasteners in
narrow members where three or more edges influence
the failure area. More precise calculations exist in [9].
For cast-in channel, the characteristic resistance of one
anchor in the channel to concrete cone failure, NRk,c, is
calculated according to:
N Rk ,c = N Rk
,c ch, s , N ch,e, N . ch,c , N re, N


calculated according to Equation (17)


The factor, ch,s,N accounts for the effects of

neighbouring anchors on concrete cone failure as

ch , s , N =



[(1 s


s cr , N )1.5 (N i N 0 )

splitting failure and limits cracks to a width of 0.3

mm. Determination of the required reinforcement is
performed in accordance with [9].
If the above conditions are not met, the characteristic
resistance to splitting failure, NRks,sp is determined as

N Rk , sp = N Rk
, sp Ac , N Ac , N s , N re , N ec , N h , sp

i =1





distance to neighbouring anchors (si < scr,N)


2(2.8 1.3hef/180)hef > 3hef


tension force in the influencing anchor


tension force in anchor under consideration

The influence of member thickness on the splitting

resistance is taken into account via h,sp as follows:


number of anchors within a distance, scr,N

h, sp



s,N, re,N, ec,N as per Section 3.3

(h hmin )2 / 3


h + 1.5c 2 / 3

max 1;


The influence of a concrete edge on the resistance of the

channels is represented by ch,e,N as follows:

ch,e, N = c1 c cr , N 1




edge distance of anchor




Where multiple edges exist, the minimum edge distance

should be used in Equation (24).
The influence of a corner on the concrete cone resistance
of a channel is accounted for by ch,c,N as follows:

ch, c, N = c 2 c cr , N 1




If two corners influence the anchor, ch,c,N should be

calculated for both and the product of these two values
inserted into Equation (21). The shell spalling factor,
re,N is calculated according to Equation (14). Equation
(21) yields a conservative estimate of the resistance of a
channel to cone failure in a narrow member with the
influence of neighbouring anchors, an edge and corners
within a distance of scr,N. More precise calculations may
be found in [10].

N Rk , sp = N Rk
ch,s , N ch,e, N ch,c , N re, N h ,sp


Splitting failure during installation may be avoided for

all anchor types by observing requirements published in
the ETA, including minimum edge distances, cmin,
minimum spacing, smin, and minimum member thickness,
Splitting failure during loading may be avoided if one of
the following conditions exists
a) Edge distance in all directions is c > ccr,sp for single
fasteners, c > 1.2ccr,sp for fastener groups, and h >
hmin for member depth.
b) The calculation of characteristic resistance to
concrete cone failure and pull-out failure is
performed for cracked concrete, reinforcement resists




min(N0Rk,p, N0Rk,c)

calculated according to Equation (3)


corner distance of the anchor being



The above provisions exist to avoid splitting failure for

anchor channels, except Equation (27) is replaced by
Equation (29) to determine the resistance to splitting,
NRk,sp, as follows:


given in the ETA



ch,s,N, ch,e,N, ch,c,N according to Section (3.3).

re,N according to Equation (14).

h,sp according to Equation (28).


A check on the characteristic resistance to blow-out

failure, NRk,cb, should be performed for headed fasteners
and for post-installed mechanical undercut fasteners
acting as headed fasteners if one edge distance, c, is less
than or equal to 0.5hef. The characteristic resistance to
blow-out failure, NRk,cb, becomes:

N Rk ,cb = N Rk
,cb Ac , Nb Ac , Nb S , Nb g , Nb ec , Nb


Where spacing or edge effects are not present, the

characteristic resistance of a single fastener to blow-out
failure, N0Rk,cb becomes:
N Rk
,cb = k 4 c1 Ah



f ck

8.7 for cracked concrete

12.2 for non-cracked concrete

as per Equation (4) or ETA


The effects of fastener spacing and edge distance are

accounted for by the ratio Ac,Nb/A0c,Nb, where:


(4c1)2 as show in Figure 5

Ac, Nb

actual projected area limited by

overlapping concrete breakout bodies of
adjacent fasteners (s < 4c1), concrete edges
(c2 < 2c1) or member thickness.


The disturbance to the distribution of stresses due to a

nearby edge is accounted for by s,Nb as follows:

s , Nb = 0.7 + 0.3(c 2 2c1 ) 1


The group effect for n fasteners in a row parallel to an

edge is accounted for by g,Nb as follows:

g , Nb = n + 1 n (s1 4c1 ) 1




The effect of an eccentricity due to different loads in an

anchor group is accounted for by ec,Nb as follows:

ec, Nb

1 + 2e N (4c1 )

The influence of member thickness on the resistance to

blow-out failure is accounted for via ch,h,Nb as follows:

ch ,h , Nb = (hef + f ) 4c1 (2c1 + f ) 4c1 1




distance between anchor head and lower

surface of concrete member.


Supplementary reinforcement is intended to tie a

potential concrete breakout body to the concrete member
and to ensure a ductile failure mode. The supplementary
reinforcement should be appropriately detailed in
accordance with AS 3600:2009.
Failure modes
including steel yielding and loss of reinforcement
anchorage should be assessed. A detailed presentation
of the topic is beyond the scope of this paper.


The design shear force applied to the anchor, VEd, should

be less than the anchor design shear resistance:



VRd = VRk


The characteristic shear strength, VRk, as well as the

capacity reduction factor, , is dependent on the failure
mode and should be checked in accordance with Table 1.
Shear failure modes are illustrated in Figure 6(a) with
additional failure modes specific to anchor channels
illustrated in Figure 6(b).
(a) Cross-section

(b) Side view of member

Figure 5: Idealised failure surface for blow-out failure.

A check of the resistance to blow-out failure for anchor

channel is not required if the side surface of the concrete
member exceeds c = 0.5hef. If verification is required,
the resistance, NRk,cb is determined as follows:
N Rk ,cb = N Rk
, cb ch , s , Nb ch , g , Nb ch , c , Nb ch , h , Nb


The characteristic resistance of a single anchor, N0Rk,cb, is

determined in Equation (32).
The factor, ch,s,Nb accounts for the effects of
neighbouring anchors and may be determined according
to Equation (22) with scr,Nb = 4c1 instead of scr,N.
The influence of a corner on the resistance to blow-out is
determined by the factor ch,c,Nb, as follows:

ch,c, Nb = c 2 c cr , Nb 1

corner distance of anchor





Verification of the resistance of the anchor bolt or rod

against steel failure under shear should be carried out in
accordance with AS 4100:1998 [14] or where this does
not apply, EN 1992-1-1:2005 [15] may be used. The
characteristic resistance of a single fastener to steel
failure, VRk,s is given in the ETA. For anchor channel,
the ETA includes the following characteristic
resistances: channel bolt (VRk,s), anchor failure (VRk,s,a),
connection failure between anchor and channel (VRk,s,c)
and flexural failure of channel lips (VRk,s,l).

(a) General modes for shear.



Where two corners influence the resistance to blow-out

failure, ch,c,Nb is calculated for both directions and the
product inserted into Equation (38).

calculated according to Equation (35)

(b) Shear modes specific to anchor channels.

Figure 6: Modes of failure for shear.

Consideration should be given to bending failure of the

anchor where limited restraint exists above the surface of
the concrete member, including an assessment of
restraint to rotation provided to the anchor. The ETA
identifies the characteristic bending resistance and
details of the verification are provided in [9].


The resistance to concrete edge failure should be

investigated if edge effects are likely, viz: if c <
max(10hef, 60d)). If more than one edge exists, the
resistance for all edges should be calculated individually.
The characteristic resistance of an individual or group of
fasteners to concrete edge failure is calculated as:

V Rk ,c

V Rk


s,V h,V ec,V ,V re,V


The characteristic resistance of an individual fastener

loaded perpendicular to an edge becomes:

V Rk ,c

k 5 d nom
l f

f ck c11.5

Since the resistance to concrete edge failure does not

increase proportionately to member thickness, the factor
h,V is imposed:

The effect of an eccentricity introduced by different

shear loads acting on different fasteners in a group is
accounted for by the factor ec,V as follows:

ec ,V =

1.7 for cracked concrete

2.4 for non-cracked concrete

0.1 l f c1

0.1(d nom c1 )0.2


hef in case of a uniform diameter of the

shank of the headed fastener and a uniform
diameter of the post-installed fastener.


12dnom in case of dnom < 24 mm


max(8dnom, 300 mm) where dnom > 24 mm


60 mm




The effects of edge distance and spacing, as well as

member thickness for concrete edge failure are
accounted for by the ratio Ac,V/A0c,V, where:


4.5c12 as per Figure 7.

idealised break-out body, limited by

adjacent fasteners (s < 3c1) and edges
parallel to assumed loading direction (c2 <
1.5c1) and member thickness (h < 1.5c1)


When a torsion moment acts on two fasteners such that

each fastener is loaded in shear in opposite directions
and both close to an edge, an additional check is required
for two break-out bodies overlapping.
The disturbance to the distribution of stresses due to
additional nearby edges including multiple edges in a
narrow member is addressed by s,V as follows:

s ,V = 0.7 + 0.3(c 2 1.5c1 ) 1

1 + 2 eV (3c1 )



eccentricity between resulting shear load

acting on the group of fasteners relative to
their centre of gravity.

The effect of a shear load acting at an angle to the

direction perpendicular to the free edge is accounted for
by the factor ,V as follows:

,V =


(cos V )




h ,V = 1.5c1 h 1

+ (0.5 sin V )

angle between applied shear load and line

perpendicular to the edge, 0o < V < 90o

When the applied shear load is directed towards an edge

the 0.5 factor in Equation (51) should be replaced by a
factor equal to 1.0 to check against the break-out body
developing in the corner.
The effect of reinforcement on the resistance to concrete
break-out is determined via the factor re,V as follows:

1.0 for non-cracked concrete without edge


1.4 for cracked concrete with edge

reinforcement including closely spaced
stirrups or wire mesh with a spacing a < 100
mm and z < 2c1. This condition is relevant
where hef is at least 2.5 times member depth.

When the fastener is in a thin and narrow member,

refinements may be made to spacing and edge distance
to more precisely determine the resistance to concrete
edge break-out failure [9].

Figure 7: Idealised surface of edge break-out failure.

For anchor channels, a check on resistance to concrete

edge failure may be omitted if c > max(10hef; 60d) where
d = diameter of channel bolt.
Otherwise, the

characteristic resistance to concrete edge failure for

anchor channels is determined as follows:
V Rk ,c = V Rk
,c ch, s ,V ch,c ,V ch, h,V ch,90o ,V re,V


The basic characteristic resistance to edge failure, V0Rk,c

where one anchor is loaded perpendicular to the edge
and not influenced by neighbouring anchors, member
thickness or corner effects becomes:
V Rk

k10 f ck c11.5



2.5 for cracked concrete

3.5 for non-cracked concrete

The influence of neighbouring anchors is accounted for

via the factor, ch,s,V, as follows:





[(1 s

If the anchor channel is in a thin and narrow member

then refinements may be made to the edge distance c1 for
more accurate results [9].

The resistance of an individual anchor to concrete pryout failure, VRk,cp is given by:

VRk , cp

k 3 N Rk ,c


Given in the ETA, equal to 0.75 where

supplementary reinforcement exists


Calculated according to Equation (16).

For anchor groups with shear forces the most

unfavourable anchor should be verified. It should be
assumed that a virtual edge exists in the direction of the
neighbouring anchor(s) such that c = 0.5s.

scr,V )1.5 (Vi Vo )


i =1


distance to neighbouring anchors (refer to

Figure 2)




4c1 + 2bch


shear force of an influencing anchor

If the design is to include supplementary reinforcement,

consideration should be given to:
1) Steel failure of reinforcement, and
2) Anchorage failure of reinforcement
Checks of the above considerations and the contribution
of the reinforcement to design may be performed in
accordance with AS 3600:2009.


shear force of the anchor being




number of anchors within a distance

equal to scr,V.


Under combined tension and shear loading, verification

of resistance is required for each failure mode
Verification of fastenings with
supplementary reinforcement should also be performed.
Further details are given in [9].



The factor, ch,c,V takes into account the effect of a corner

on the characteristic edge distance as follows:

ch,c,V = c 2 c cr ,V 1



Where multiple corners influence the anchor, ch,c,V is

calculated for each corner and the product of the two
values is used in Equation (52).
The influence of member thickness is accounted for via
the factor, ch,h,V, as follows:

ch,h,V = h hcr ,V 1

2c1 + 2hch


The presence of loads acting parallel to the edge is taken

into account via the factor, ch,90o,V, applicable to the
anchor closest to the edge, as follows:




The resistance to steel failure of the fastener under

combined loading is assessed as follows:

N Ed

Rd , s ,i

+ Ed
Rd , s ,i



NEd/NRd,s,i < 1 and VEd/VRd,s,i < 1

NRd,s,i = NRd,s and VRd,s,i = VRd,s for steel failure of fastener
and channel bolt

2 for tensile failure of anchor bolt

For other anchor channel steel failure modes



The factor re,V is calculated according to the provisions

outlined above in this Section. Where edge
reinforcement and cracked concrete applications exist,
re,V > 1 only if the anchor channel height, hch > 40 mm.

2 for VRd,s,i < NRd,s,i

Given in the ETA, corresponding with NRd,s,a,

NRd,s,c, NRd,s,i and VRd,s,a, VRd,s,c, VRd,s,i for each
failure mode where VRd,s,i > NRd,s,i.

1 where no information exists in the ETA,

which is conservative



The resistance of a fastener to modes of failure other

than steel failure (pull-out failure, combined pull-out and
cone failure, concrete cone failure, splitting failure,
blow-out, edge failure, pry-out failure) is assessed via
the following:

N Ed

Rd ,i


+ Ed
Rd ,i




N Ed

N Rd ,i

V Ed
V Rd ,i



with NEd/NRd,i < 1 and VEd/VRd,i < 1

The largest value of NEd/NRd,i and VEd/VRd,i for the
different failure modes is assessed.
For anchor channels the values of NRd,i and VRd,i are:


min(NRd,c, NRd,sp, NRd,p, NRd,cb)



min(VRd,c, VRd,cp)



Anchor products that have been installed incorrectly will

most likely perform in an unpredictable manner that
differs from the specifiers intent. An awareness of this
danger is critical. Most types of anchors that are
presently used are sensitive to installation practice. The
training of installers is frequently overlooked which may
cause gross errors during installation that in turn could
have catastrophic consequences. AEFAC is currently
developing a training and accreditation scheme for
installers of anchor products, to ensure that the product
that has been awarded the appropriate prequalification is
installed as per the supplier or manufacturers
installation instructions. The implementation of this
prequalification and the design guidelines outlined in
this paper, form a quality assurance system for the
anchor industry.


The Australian anchor industry is largely dependent on

data and design recommendations provided by different
suppliers which lack consistency and harmony with
other design standards. AEFAC was formed as an
industry initiative to develop standards and guidelines to
enhance the Australian anchor industry. This paper has
presented a procedure for the design of cast-in and postinstalled anchors for use in concrete based on the
European pre-standard, prEN 1992-4:2013 that is
intended to become a harmonised European Standard.
The procedure covers the resistance to tension forces,
shear forces and combined tension and shear forces, and
has been endorsed by AEFAC for adoption by the
Australian building and construction industry. The
procedure is only applicable to products having a

European Technical Assessment and together with a

training regime currently being developed by AEFAC,
will safeguard the quality and safety of anchors used in
the Australian building and construction industry.


The authors wish to acknowledge the technical input

from the following members of the AEFAC Technical
Committee: Gary Connah (Ancon Building Products),
Joe Rametta (Hilti Aust.), Kamiran Abdouka (Wrth),
Neil Hollingshead (ITW Construction Systems), Ramil
Crisolo (Hobson Engineering Co.), Tarun Joshi (Powers
Fasteners Australasia) and Gilbert Balbuena (Simpson
The authors would also like to
acknowledge the ongoing financial support of the
AEFAC Founding Members: Ancon Building Products,
Hilti (Aust.), Hobson Engineering Co., ITW
Construction Systems, Powers Fasteners Australasia and
Wrth, and Supporting Member: Simpson Strong-Tie



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Anchorage in Concrete Construction, Ernst &
Sohn, Berlin, 2006
2. AS 3600, Concrete Structures, Standards Australia,
3. DR2 AS 3850.1, Prefabricated concrete elements,
Part 1: General requirements, Committee BD-006,
Standards Australia, 2013
4. NZS 3101, Part 1: Concrete Structures Standard,
Part 1 The Design of Concrete Structures,
Standards New Zealand, 2006
5. ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete and Commentary, Report by
ACI Committee, American Concrete Institute, 2011
6. Salmon, M., Fixing Failures Case Study 2:
Collapse of a pre-cast concrete section Ireland,
Association,, 2002
7. Ceiling Collapse in the Interstate 90 Connector
Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts, July 10, 2006,
Accident Report NTSB/HAR-07/02, National
Transportation Safety Board, 2007
8. Salmon, M., Fixing Failures Case Study 3:
School ceiling collapse West Midlands,
Association,, 2007
9. prEN 1992-4, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
structures Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in
concrete, European Committee for Standardization,
10. ATIC, Section SP38: Metal Anchors for Use in
Concrete, Australian Technical Infrastructure
Committee,, 2009
11. Fuchs, W., R. Eligehausen, and J. E. Breen,
Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Approach for
Fastening to Concrete, ACI Structural Journal,
92(1), pp. 73-93, 1995
12. ETAG 001, Guideline for European Technical
Approval of Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete,

Part one: Anchors in General European

Approvals,, 2013
13. Heath, D. J., Gad, E.F. and Connah, G., Guidelines
for prequalification and design of post-installed and
cast-in anchors in Australia, Proceedings of
Concrete 2013, Concrete Institute of Australia, Oct.
16 18, Gold Coast, Australia, 2013
14. AS 4100, Steel Structures, Standards Australia,
15. EN 1993-1-1, Eurocode 3: Design of steel
structures Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
Standardization, 2005

A list of the notation used throughout this paper has been
provided below. More comprehensive descriptions are
available in [9].
a spacing of reinforcement
Ac,N, Ac,Nb, Ac,V, Ap,N actual influence area for respective
failure odes
A0c,N, A0c,Nb, A0c,V, A0p,N idealised influence area for
respective failure modes
Ah bearing area of head of headed insert
c, c1, c2 edge distance
ccr,N, ccr,Np, ccr,sp, ccr,V critical edge distance to ensure
characteristic resistance for respective failure modes
cmin minimum edge distance
CEd compression force acting on fixture
d nominal diameter of fastener
dh diameter of head of fastener
eN, eV eccentricity of resultant load on anchor group
f distance between anchor head and lower surface of
concrete member
fck characteristic compressive strength of concrete
measured via cylinder test
h thickness of concrete member
hch height of anchor channel
hcr,V minimum member thickness to avoid concrete
edge breakout
hef effective embedment depth
hmin minimum member thickness to avoid splitting
kcr,N, kucr,N parameters related to state of concrete
k1, k3, k4, k5, k8, k9, k10 parameters in equations
lf length of fastener
n, nch number of fasteners
NEd design tension force
Ni, N0 tension force in fastener
NRd,i, NRd,s,i design tension resistance to type of failure
NRk,c, NRk,cb, NRk,p, NRk,sp characteristic tensile resistance
of an anchor to respective failure mode

N0Rk,c, N0Rk,cb, N0Rk,p, N0Rk,sp characteristic tensile

resistance of a reference anchor to respective failure
mode free from edge and spacing effects
s, s1, s2, si spacing of fasteners
scr,N, scr,Nb, scr,Np, scr,V spacing of fasteners required to
achieve characteristic resistance of anchor
smin minimum fastener spacing
V, Vi, V0 shear force applied to fastener
VEd design shear force
VRd,i, VRd,s,i design shear resistance to type of failure
VRk,c, V0Rk,c, VRk,s, VRk,s,a, VRk,s,c, VRk,s,l characteristic
shear resistance of an anchor to respective failure mode
V0Rk,c, VRk,s,a, VRk,s,c, VRk,s,l characteristic shear resistance
of a reference anchor to respective failure mode free
from edge and spacing effects
z internal lever arm
, 1, exponent
V angle between load and line perpendicular to edge
ch,c,N, ch,c,Nb, ch,c,V parameter relating to the effect of
a corner close to the anchor for respective failure modes
ch,e,N parameter relating to effect of nearby edge
ch,g,Nb parameter relating to the effect of two corners
ch,h,Nb, ch,h,V parameter relating to the effect of
member thickness for respective failure modes
ch,s,N, ch,s,Nb, ch,s,V parameter relating to neighbouring
anchors for respective failure modes
ch,90o,V parameter relating to direction of shear load
ec,N, ec,Nb, ec,Np, ec,V parameter related to
eccentricity of loading for respective failure modes
g,Nb, g,Np, 0g,Np parameter related to group effects for
respective failure modes
h,sp, h,V parameter related to member thickness for
respective failure modes
M,N parameter relating to compression of fixture
re,N, re,Np, re,V parameter relating to reinforcement
for respective failure modes
s,N, s,Nb, s,Np, s,V parameter relating to disturbance
to stresses due to nearby edge for respective
,V parameter relating to effect of shear load angle
Rk, Rk,c, Rk,cr, Rk,ucr bond strength including
consideration of state of concrete (cracked/non-cracked)

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