July 25 2015 Bulletin

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The Jonah Saga

Memory Text: I now realize how true
it is that God does not show favoritism
but accepts from every nation the one
who fears him and does what is right
(Acts 10:34-35 NIV).
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Superintendent: Simone Shepherd

Praise & Worship.Team 2
Hymn of Praise....................Lift Him Up...... #371
Intercessory Prayer .....................................Earl Biggs
Pastoral Family, Preschoolers and their Parents, The Unemployed,
Hawaii/Micronesia Conference
Next Week

Unity in preparation for Evangelism, Revival and Reformation, NevadaUtah Conference

Childrens Story...........Alonso Lopez

Offering..........Ontario Advance...........Elder Bob Reeve
Scripture..................Acts 9:1-9......................Aloma Martin
Special Music...................................................... Group

Elder Cameron Munro

Still Looking For You
Hymn of Consecration....I Hear Thy Welcome Voice....#282
Benediction...........Elder Clara Baptiste

Sunset Today: 8:56 p.m. Next Friday: 8:48 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to [email protected]

1. The West London church plant has
moved to the Oakridge
Presbyterian Church, located at
970 Oxford St West, London. We
request your prayers as the new
group of pioneers organizes a
centre of worship in the West London area and is
preparing to become an independent entity, with a
Company status granted in October.
2. Membership Transfers IN: First Reading Sheldon and
Sophon Bailey from the Hagley Park Adventist Church,
3. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible
Study and testimonies on Wednesday
night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed!
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CONGRATULATIONS ON COMMITTED GIVING $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

4. Financial Report mid-year June 2015

Yearly Budget...........................$54,000
Expected to date
Budget collected .......................$20,965
Short fall!!!..................$ 6,035
The West Church Plant had received......$ 6,770
in offerings, however, as the new entity they
are developing their own financial platform.
Having sent off a significant group of members
to plant a new center of worship we expect those
remaining to rise up for new responsibilities.
Available in the bank...................$44,823
Giving into the Conference Treasury.....$93,486
Ontario Advance contributions...........$ 1,471
Sabbath School Mission..................$ 1,452
Other Union & Division projects.........$ 1,700
The TITHE reflects a combined amount with the
West Church Plant, hence there should be no
shortage, however this year we have received
almost $10,000 less as compared with 2014, when
at the end of May $95,542 of tithe was given.
Please contribute faithfully as God blesses you.

5. The South London Shooting Stars Adventurer Club

would like to thank all those who have so generously
supported their Camporee experience with monetary
contributions, food and supplies. It was much
appreciated and has made it possible for children and
families to enjoy this special event. Thanks also goes to
the Pathfinders and Pastor Alex for their assistance and
planning expertise.
6. Please mark the date for VBS: This
year it will be August 17-22: The
theme is Camp Discovery.
Donations of any kind will be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Doris Van Leeuwen @519-452-7073.

7. The 6th annual Western District
Youth Camp will take place
August 7-9, 2015 at the
Lakewood Christian Camp, 4297
Lakeshore Road, PlymptonWyoming, Ontario (same place as
the last year). The registration cost per person is $50
and includes two night camp stay and 5 meals. Please
register before August 1. Ask any youth leaders or 4
8. Mark your calendars: October 17-24
Evangelistic Proclamation Event. Please
make it a prayer priority.
9. Ontario Conference Jobs Available:
Near North Adventist Christian School
Teaching Principal
A full-time K-8 multi-grade teaching principal is
needed for the 2015-2016 school year. Applicant
must be a committed Seventh-day Adventist, have
a passion for teaching, and a love for
students. Must possess excellent communication
skills, experience in teaching students of varying
abilities, excellent administrative and classroom
management skills, be legally able to work in
Canada, and be eligible for denominational and/or
provincial certification. This school is a K-8
elementary school presently located in the City of
Barrie. A current resume, along with three
letters of reference, can be emailed to

Donald McIntyre, Superintendent of Schools,

at [email protected].
Teachers Assistant
A part-time teachers assistant is needed for the
2015-2016 school year. Applicant must be a
committed Seventh-day Adventist, have a passion for
teaching, and a love for students. Must possess
excellent communication skills, experience in
teaching students of varying abilities, excellent
administrative and classroom management
skills, be legally able to work in Canada, and be
eligible for denominational and/or provincial
certification. This school is a K-8 elementary school
presently located in the City of Barrie. A current
resume, along with three letters of reference, can
be emailed to Donald McIntyre, Superintendent of
Schools, at [email protected].
Windsor Adventist Elementary School
Teachers Assistant
A full-time teachers assistant is needed for the 2015-2016 school
year. Applicant must be a committed Seventh-day Adventist, have
a passion for teaching, and a love for students. Must possess
excellent communication skills, experience in teaching students of
varying abilities, excellent administrative and classroom
management skills, be legally able to work in Canada, and be
eligible for denominational and/or provincial certification. This
school is a K-8 elementary school located in the City of
Windsor. A current resume, along with three letters of
reference, can be emailed to Donald McIntyre, Superintendent
of Schools, at [email protected]

Birthday Wishes for July

Jul 1 Andres Perez
Jul 3 Carolyn Dowdell
Jul 4 Jenny Mickle
Jul 4 Steve Anzora
Jul 8 Renate Weidner
Jul 9 Kasha Reid-Kindness
Jul 9 Matvey Pandaleke
Jul 9 Rachel Taylor
Jul 11 Cameron Munro
Jul 11 Kara Topper
Jul 12 Jaiden Munro

Jul 12 Lucy Simoes

Jul 12 Gene Bernardo
Jul 15 Isabel Erazo
Jul 17 Chris Keim
Jul 18 Jesse Reeve
Jul 18 Nigel Carter
Jul 20 Joaquino
Jul 21 Marilyn Topper
Jul 21 Sam Stajfer
Jul 22 Jackie Lima
Jul 22 Viola Reeve

Jul 23 Pat Carter

Jul 23 Dennis Anzora
Jul 24 Bradley Mashoko
Jul 25 Chris Paul
Jul 26 Julia Mahon
Jul 26 Sheldon Bailey
Jul 27 Johnathan Ruhinda
Jul 28 Akwasi BaahFrimpong
Jul 29 Doris VanLeeuwen
Jul 31 Larry Tait

Every morning I receive an update from Believe His Prophets

encouraging me to read or listen one chapter from the Bible. The
initiative of our church leaders is to get people into the Word.
A friend of mine says there are two kinds of people in the church
(1) those who follow TV preachers and listen to conspiracy theorists, and
(2) those who read the Bible and study for themselves. While it may be
a bit exaggerated statement, as there are more subgroups like people
who do not read, do not watch YouTube preachers, and there are those
who do both, watch media and also study it would greatly benefit our
church family when everyone gets into the Word.
Back in 2011 we set 5 goals before the congregation, and the banner
in church is there to remind you that one of the goals was Read the
Scripture. Heres why I am repeating myself on this subject the Bible:
Evangelism is about sharing the message of Salvation and the Bible is
the text. If we do not have or know the Word, we have nothing to share.
Sharing personal feelings and experience, even if it is a positive one
about your own repentance and conversion, is still not enough. The
Word of God, the Bible is the safeguard for all believers.
Last week I wrote in the blog to you that the top priority outlined by the
President Ted Wilson, is getting every church member involved in
evangelism and witnessing. And as the step in that direction getting
immersed in the Word of God is essential. At the Board meeting we
discussed what would it take for us to become an Evangelistic church,
where the culture of evangelism, culture of witnessing, culture of
befriending people and introducing them to Christ would become evident.
The recommendation emerged that we must start praying for it. In
addition to dwelling in the Word of God, we must also pray for the Holy
Spirit to motivate us, use us, move us to do His Will. I appreciate us
coming together Wednesday nights, but the prayer initiative needs to
grow beyond, and involve more people praying for the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit in our church, praying for the Holy Spirit to involve all people in
ministry. As we continue united in Prayer remember this advice from the
Spirit of Prophecy: Just as long as the church is satisfied with small
things, it is disqualified to receive the great things of God (Home
Missionary, November 1, 1893 par. 25). However, in another place we
are told, [God] is well pleased when they [us! our church] make the very
highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may
expect large things if they have faith in His promises (DA. 668).
your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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