FDAS - Product Brochure - Secutron

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hh Secutron \MMX-2003-42NDS Intelligent Network Fire Alarm Control Unit Description Seculron's MMX-2003-12NDS Network Fire Alarm Control Unt offers modular components to meet @ ‘wide variety of applications. Designed for peer-to-peer network communications, the MMX.2003-12NDS allows fora maximum of 3 nodes, while providing rtibilty, Sextiity and expandability The MMX-2003-12NDS base unit consists of one inteligent signaling line circuit (SLC) capable of ‘supporting 88 analog sensors and 99 addressable modules. in addition the base unt includes Four Style ZN (Class A/B) Notification Appliance Circuts rated at 4.7 Amps each and a large 4x20 back-it alphanumeric LOD Gispiay The network configuration allows the MMX-2003- 42NDS control unit to be connected to a Secutron network to provide additional input circuits, visual Zones, programmable natiication gnpliance aris, and relays. The networkintertace module allows the ccrival units to communicate on a peer-to-peer network via a Proprietary Aronet Network Communications protocol “Thenetwork capabiltes allow site specific customization and the abilty to mest local and national requiements. Sa ine “SecurRor Mago rane WG seeps amber 40 © wot be sed INTELLIGENT FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNITS Features Fire Alarm Control ‘One expandable to nine Ineligent Signaling Line Circuits (SLC) Modular design Each SLC Loop is capatie of suppating £9 Anog ‘Sensors and 99 Addressable Modules which can be wired in Style 6 07 (Class A) or Style 4 (Class B) + Four Style Z/Y (Class AVS) Notification Applance Circus rated at 1.7 Amps each + Large4ity720 character Bact CO Display with user fiendly menu + Suppasied languages: English, French, Arabic? and Hebron (7960 character badklt LOD display ony) + Conrelatable Switch inputs wich allow for muit- functional ouipuis *+ Four Sttus Queues with selector svtenes and LEDs forAlarm, Supenisar, Trouble ard Monitor + Apiary relay contacts for Coraman Alarm, Common ‘Supenisary and Common Trouble ‘+ Group bypass win buitin false alarm prevention technology + RSZ22ouput far remote system printer or CRT + Two Event History Logs comprised of 2 6000 event slam tstor log for alan related events and a 6000 ceventiog for al everts + Sunpotstee contguration les (current, previous and reat configuration) wah ‘hat swap" suppat + Supports Conventonal Harcire Akier Modules, + Buln One Man Walk Test operation + Configurable or Canadian Tw Stage operation ‘Configurable far Coded Operation + Capabiity to adjust intetigent Smoke Detector sensitviy levels Real time 3D graphical mantoring and vont using ‘Opan Graphic Navigetor™ BACnet support Supports Boolean log functions Bulltin Ethemet port Remote diagnostics vie a bul-in web server Listed fer Smoke Cartal Network Features Upto 63 nodes, + Peerto-peer netwesk communications + Style 4 (Class B) or Sie 6 o 7 (Class A) wiring configuration + Proprietary Arcnet Network Communications protocol + Supports copper andlor fiberoptic network cable @W Seo See restore neo Pa penta: Paprecweeentec” ROBES fu pe tne: Mermameres MMX-2003-12NDS Ne (MMX.2003-12NDS Compact Network Main Controt Unit ‘The MMX-2003-12NDS Compact Network Main Control Unit. ‘with one tnteligent Signating Line Circuit {Sivle 4, 6 or 7), Faur Siyle Z/Y (Class AIS) Notification ‘Applance Circulls rated at 17 Amps each, a 4 line by 20 character backett LCD display and a 12 Amp Power ‘Supply. The MMX-2003-12NDS provides space for the FINC-2000 Network Controller Module, two intemal adder ‘modules and two programmable modules. Adder Loop Controiter Modules ALCN-792M Quad Loop Controller Module ‘The ALCN-792M Quad Loop Controller Module provides ‘wo Signaling Line Circuits (SLC) to the MMX system ‘consisting of 29 Analog Sensors and 99 Addressable Modules ger loop. The ALCN-7S2M can be expanded with the use of the ALCN-792D Daughter Board Module. The ALCN-792M occupies one module sict. ALCN-792D Daughter board for Quad Loop Controller Module ‘The ALCN-792D Daughtor Board provides an additonal two SLC when connected to the ALCN-7S2M Guad Loop Controller Module. The daughter board mounts ‘on top of the ALCN-792M, Pogezets ‘SeouTmoN mc. jork Series Fire Alarm Controf Unit ‘uB+102e08 Us-1024DS Univ “The UB-1024DS Universal backbox houses the MMX- -2003-12NDS and provicles space fo mount up to 17 AH ‘batteries. A DOX-4024DSR door is ordered separately. Dimensions (rrinue builtin wim ring}: 25H x 14.50 42D BOX-1024DSR Door “The DOX-1024DSR mounts on the UB-1024DS hackbox. The door features the universal CAT-20 fock and is available in ated finish, Fire Network Controtier Modules FNC-2000 Fire Network: Controller Module “The FNC-2000 provides mabwark capabilty io the MX. 2003-42NDS. One Fire Network Controller Module is Tequired per nelwork node._in addition the FNC-2000 provides an interface for adding an optional FOM- 2000-SP Fiber Optic Network Adder Module. The FNC- 2000 mounts in the MMX-2003-12NDS main chassis, FOM.2000-SP Fiber Optic Network Adder Module “The FOM-2000-SP Fiber Optic Network Adder Module allows forthe use of flbar optic nating onthe MMX Series Units, tseamlessty connects tothe interface on the FNC- 2000 Fire Alarm Network Controler Module. Electrical Specifical ns SOU SOV SAN, SORE amps 52 Amp (ora) 72 Amps. mex, (Seconda) [aavoCenterod, 10 Ares max. [2Av0. Gol CetlSeaiod Lent Acid F7-56 AN atari Nottowe ited Stretton pupae: Adder Hardwire Modutes DM-1008A Eight nitiating Circuit Module ‘The DM-1008A provides € Style B (Class 8) or 4 ‘Style D {Class A) Initiating Circutts configurable for ‘Alaim, Supervisory or Trouble zones. The DM-1008A, ‘occupies ene module Slot in the MMX-2003-12NDS main chassis. SGM-1004A Four Notification Appliance Circuit Module The SGM-1004A provides 4 Style Z/¥(Ciass A/B) Noliication Appliance Circuits configurable as Sllenceable ‘erNon-Slenceable. Each NAC crcuitisrated at 1.7 Amy ‘The SGI-1004A occupies one module siot inthe MMX- 2003-12NDS main chassis: RM-1008A Eight Relay Circuit Module ‘The FRM-1008A provides the WINDC-2003-12NDS with eight individual configurable relays per module. Each ‘elay provides one Form C contact rated at28 VDC @1 ‘Amp (resistive load) as well as a Green LED toindicate that the relay is active. The RM-1008A oocupies one medule sict in the MNMX-2003-12NDS main chassis. Graphics Software Open Graphic Navigator (OpenGN) “The Open Graphic Navigator (OpenGh) software Is an advanced fire alarm management and warning system that provides building ready monitoring, control and software management solutions that allows a user to ‘monitor remote Stes from multiple operator workstations located anywhere in the world, The OpenGN software is ‘available in lwo versions: Network {OPENGN-ENT) and ‘Non-Network (OPENGN.MINI} Adder Auxitia oo ce) UDACT-3OOA Digita! Alarm Communicator Module ‘The UDACT 200A Digital Alam Communicator Wee lous he KNX 2008-12NDS ora edsresable port ‘Sfomationt acertvalsiaton The UOAGT-S0GA 0555 Gne meds Sot nthe MO 2008 TONOS mai chases m3 PR-200 Polarity Reversal/City Tle Moule The PR-300 Polarity Reversal/City Tie Module provides the system with @ supervised City Tie (24 YDGI200 mA max.) and Polanty Reversal connection (24 VDC (open cifcut), 8 mA max. (shorted)). The *-300 occupies one module slot in the MMX-2003- “2NDS main chassis. Programmable Modules FDX.008 Fan Dempsr Coniro! Module The FDX-008 Fan Damper Control Module provides individually programmed sirults which can be used for Tan or damper control, The FDX-008 connects to the main contol unit or the RAXN-LCD and occupies one ‘display position in the MIMX-BB-1000 or BB-5000 Series ‘enclosures, [PS.2424D8 Programmable Input Swilches Module The IPS-2424D provides 24 programmable switches that cantbe configured for ancllary functions such as zone bypass or added common control functions. The IPS 2424DS connects to main control unit or the RAXN-LCD ‘when mounted remotely. TheIPS-2424DS occupies one display postion in the MMX-58-1600 or B6-5000 Series fenciosures. ‘SECUTRONINC. Page 36 Glog tur 3037 Mot To Se Used for netalaton Parpeses. Remote LCD Annunciators RAXN-LCD Remote LCD Annun ‘The RAXNHLCD Remote LCD Annunciator is equinped wiih a 4 fine x 20 character back-it LOD dispiay that provides tre same functions as the main display on the fire alarm control unit. The RAXN-LCD occupies one ‘display position inthe MVX-BB-1000 or BB-5000 Series ‘enclosures. Remote LED Annunciators RAM-1032TZDS Main Remols LED Annunciator The RAW-10321ZDS Main Remote LED Annunciator ‘provides common annunciator Sanctions and 22 points of LED annunciation. The RAM-f0327TZDS thas indicators for AC. On, Common Trouble and Signal Slience and controls for System Reset, Lamp Test, Fire Dil, Buzzer ‘Svence and Signal Silene. The RAM-1032TZDS ‘oooupies one display postion in the MIMX-BB-4000 ar 'BB-5003 Series enclosures. Graphic Annunciator Driver Modutes ‘The RAXNALCDG Remote Graphic LCD Annunciator is equipped with a 24 line x 40 character back- lit graphical LCD display thal is used to display 9 events per page. Each event is displayed over 2 fines with 40 characters per line allowing emergency information to be displayed in an easy to read format The RAXNLCDG occupies one display position in ‘the 'MMX-BB-1000 or 8B-5000 Series enclosures, RAX-AO4BTZDS P Module “The RAX-1048TZDS Programmable LED Annunciator Module provides 48 programmable bi-colorad LEDs. The RAX-1048TZDS connects fo the main control unt ‘or either the RAXN-LCD or RAM-1032TZDS when mounted remotely. The RAX-10481ZDS occupies one ‘display positon in the MMX-BB-1000 or BB-5000 Series enclosures. ble LE ogteinti MGD.32 Master Graphic Driver Module ‘The MGD-32 Master Graphic Driver Module provides ‘common control inputs for the common control switches such as System Reset, Signal Silence, Auxiliary Disconnect, Fire Dill, Lamp Test, Acknowledge and GeneralAlarm, The MGD-32 can also drive upto 32 supervised outputs, These output points are capable of driving LEDs or incandescent lamps. The MGD-22 1 Graphic Driver Module TiseAGD-048 Adder Graphic Driver Module canbe used with the MGD-32 to support an sdditionai 48 supervised ‘outputs, The AGD-048 mounts ina graphic annunciator ‘wallbox or in 3 BB-5000 Series enclosure. Dimensions for Annunciator Module Enclosures mounts in agraphic annunciator wallbox or inthe BB- [MMXCBE-t008R [aH x 12.75°W> 12 000 enclosures. Anexiamial power supply isrequired {MNNCBBAGOR [18H x (2.79Wa 1.70 for incandescent tamps and lamp test fwnice-w00sR [26-4 x12. 75W KID 1 fami-B6-F0DER 2225 Ws 125 pan — Paget SECUTRON INC. sue 3 ember 4037 ‘Typical MMX-2003-12NDS Networked System Configuration ron Current Consumption utes 2005-12NDS an Chases (22 AMP) 0310 Oras [auc a DeaiAraeg Looe 030 oa [ALGN-7E2M wih ALCNTO2D | Ques Ansbeg Loops 0130 a5 Fwc-2000 Fire Networe Corrie Mode 03190 ‘0180 |Fow-as005F Fer Optics Moe aI 2015 | 01s b-s008a, ‘lating Cie Module ‘i080 | fapmgnae 398 Zone ache 0.275, S3ine sane 3570 Zane seve: 068 Searaeaa -eiiation Appilance Chal Mode 080 07258 Ras-1008A i Rely Creu Mogul 025 0350 FOX008 ‘Fan Damper Control Module | 0s 3.035 {UDACT-0GA Dialer Module 045 ‘9.620 Pe-so0 ‘iy Te Moa 3038 0300 RAXADETEOS ‘ader Annuncitor Chass 022 Tasos ace 88 S2one Zone save 2.085 as sone ncn 0.202 RAN aOSETZOS “ade Rnnanditor Shaws ‘ase 32 zone ace: 0.300 [AGD-048 ‘Adder Graphic Driver Board 0035 ‘# of LEDS x mA 1PS200DE Programmable input Switches Modula ‘2.010 01s 'SECUTRON INC. Froese Geslog Mma 037, ot Toe Sted tor inceaton Purposes, Ordering Information MOX2008-(2NDS Notoore Main Chassis wth 12Amp power supply. Mounts nthe UE-1024DS bacibox 1VBs0205 Univeral back backbox. Requkes DOX-1024DSR dooe ‘poxtneaSe | Rea doar fo UB. 202405 backbox Fre Network Contre Module Fiber Optic Nebwok ati Module Network Quad Loop Contre Modu rALCN 7820 ‘Daughter board for ALO-T62M Quad Loop Covtoier Mode Eight Class B (Spe B)ar4 Class (She) hang Gace Mele Four Clas AI (Ste 21) Netfation Apallace Creu Module (Ratad at 1.7 Ags per cc) ight Rely Circo Mode 2 eight form Crolys Gated for 28 VDC @@ 1 Arp max. par rela) Digital Ate Communicator TeansmtterDisar ode Play Reversal and iy Te Mode ‘Remate LCD Anau RAXNACDG Remote Graphic LCD Aneunetor 1 RA 10827205 ain Remote LED Anmncntor 52 B-Gabred LEDs rogiammssl UED Aanunclator Module Oh 48 5iCalaures UEDe and 48 Woe LEDS Programmable Input Swiches Module ew 24 selactrswichos and 24 breolouted LEDS rapar Control Module Remote Endosure. Holes one mod, XE A002R ‘Remote Endosure. Houses tao modiies ASE 1005R ‘Remate Endose, Houses tives mesos RRS ER ‘Remote Enclosure, Houses ot medias “Remote Endosure, Houses twalve modus Opes Graphic Nevius Sabena ln Eaton far ennaabne WX Byte [oeeicnser ‘Spor Graphs Nava Suber, Eton NC Neon SE Pagers ‘SECUTRON Inc. ieee CGatatog Number 027 Ng to bs used or insalitionparposes. _eccocnnnoenti ti me ane oS es te ace nd mean etn ee °e &™ SECUTRON™ Fire Alarm Systems~ *MRI-M500 SERIES gent Modules Description Scoutron's intoligent module products are designed to ‘meet a wide range of applications. Monitor and control ‘modules canbe used to superviseand activate sounder, sirobes, door closers, pul stations, waterflow switches, ‘corventional smoke detectors, and more. Each module is rigorously designed and tested for electromagnetic ‘compatibility and environmental reliability, in many cases. ‘exceeding industry standards. Modules are addressed with easy-to-use rotary code switches. Full size modules ‘mount in standard 4" x 4" x 2-8" junction box. Wiring terminals are easily accessible for troubleshooting purposes. MREMSOOM Monitor Module, MAL-MS01M Mini Monitor Module and MRI-MS00DM Dual Input Monitor Module ‘Seoulron’s monitor modules provide an interlace to ‘contact devices, euch as soourity contacte, waterflow switches, or pull stations. They are capable of Styles ‘A and B supervised wiring to the load device (MRI- MSOOM ie capable of Stylo D). Conventional 4-wire ‘smoke detectors can be monitored through their alarm {and trouble corlacts, wired as an initiating 1oop to the module. In addilion to transmitting the supervised slate of the moritored device (normal, open, or shor), the ful analog supervision measurement is sent back to the panel. This allows impedance changes in the supervised loop fo the monitored device to be detected. ‘The MRI-MS00DM is capable of monitoring two separate: Class B circuits simuitaneously, making it ideal for waterflow tamper switch and flaw switch monitoring ‘The small size of the MRI-MEO1M allows il to fit inside devioes or junction boxes behind devices. ‘SECUTRON ING. LS Feggura ales NV 14905 Teepe (es Sata s Not tbe ured fr nataliaton purposes INTELLIGENT ADDRESSABLE DEVICES. romans Features + Designed to mest a wide range of applications. ‘+ SEMS eorewe for oasy wiring + Panel controlled status LED (except MAI-M501M) = Analog communications ‘+ Rotary addlross switches (except MRI-MS00X) + Low standby current “+ Mounts in 4” equare junction box MRIMS00X Izolstor Moduls ‘The MRI-MS00X Isolator Module is an automatic switch that opens when the line voltage drops below four volts, Isolator modules should be spaced between groups of ‘sensors of modules in a loop to protect the rest of the oop. If @ short occurs between any two isolators, then both isolators immediately switch to an open cirout state ‘and isolate the devices between them. The remaining Units on the loop continue to fully operate. No more than 225 devices are recommended for each group. MALMSD2N Zone Intertace Modute The MRI-MS02M Zono Interface Module allows ‘Secultron’sintaligert panals to interface and monitor wo: wire conventional smoke detectors. Altwo-wire detectors boing monitored must be UL er ULC compatible with the module, The MRI-MS02M is addressed through the ‘communication line of an inteligont Seoutron system. It tranamits the sialus of one zone of two-wire detectors to the fire alarm control panel. Status conditions are reported as normal, open, or alarm. The interlace module supervises the zone of detectors and the conneation of the external power supply. MRI-MS00R Relay Module Tho MRI-MS0OR Relay Module contains two tsolated ela of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch, The module allows the conirol panel to switch these contacts on command. No aupervision is provided for the relay contacts, MEA 180620 7900-1856 125 dove aa $6820 ee ee SESS FS G8) 80-4119: RRR Sect som MAIM500S Contro! Module ‘Tho MRI-MS008 Control Moculo provides suporvisod monitoring of wiring fo load devices that require an ‘extemal power supply to operate, such as home, strobes, or bells, Il is capable of Siyies ¥ and 2 supervision. Upon command from tho ontrol panel, the MRI-NE00S wil disconnect the supervision and connect the extemal power supply across the load Clovioe. The disconnection of the supervision provides Specifications Generel Specifications ‘2 positive indication to the panel that the control relay actually turned on. The external power supply is, always relay isolated from the communication loop, ‘80 that a trouble condition on the power supply will ever interforo with the rest of the system. Full analog measurement of the supervised wiring is transmitted back to the paneland canbe usedio detectimpadance changes or other special test functions, MMRLMS0OM Specifications Operating Vollags [standby current 15:32 VG '200 uA max @ 24 VDC (ne commurication every 5 seo, wth ‘Communisaion Line Leap inpedence LED enabled) 409mm. Extemal Power Guppy Temperatre Rana 8:28 VOC (100 ii max) 22° 120 (01 490) End-otdine Resistance eative unity 3.9 ka (ned) 10% 89%: noncondensng External Supply Sandy Gorent Dimensions! TMA @ 24 VDC inane, MAEMSOIM 27 Wx 1TH KOSD Extemal Supply Alarm Currant hers: S25 W465 1.1D 01mA @ 28 VDO (worn shipping Weight E MRIINSOODM Speciticetione MSOTM: 1202 (70), Cihers: 6.3 02 (1960) a ; MRLSOOM, MRIE-ASOOS, MLSS Specifications 750 uA max. @ 24 VDC (one commication every 5 eec ith sreEON, ‘Standby Current = ‘arm Current 4400 yA max @ 24 VOC (one commmunicaton every 8 sec. wilh 447k EOL) 550 UA max @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 60, with EOL<1K) 5.5 MA (uth LED laced on) “O70 WA max. (one conmunioabon every 5 s0=) & mA (with LED latched on) End-ofLing Resistance 0.5A@ 125VAC inducino (PF=35) Tae aus tye é ae Se pone) [eS some e woes i Fat say Soa Fan Soa eens ieee eam een 8.7 A @ 75,VAG nductve (PF=38) Ordering Information Model Description ACO Mone Modula = MOOR Flay edu al MME00S Supervised Cont Modo MLNS Nini MontorModule : W803 a Mini Monitor Mode (OL lista Tor Canada) ‘TMRIMS02M. Zone interface Module MRI-MEOOX, Tecator Module ‘MMG000M ‘ual input Monior Nodal ] “Adieu "A" for Canad model Pagezer2 Sratrmanes egttomale carne SY nat Nt ee cme SEGUTRON INC. te Number 4062 Wat eed for ngtallationporpoges Sn ere and madd ad seo deo mi ECUTRON™ ire Alarm Systems~ & a INTELLIGENT ADDRESSABLE DEVICES }MRI-200:SERIES: Intelligent Low Profile Detectors Movie! MFIL225178 Detoctor Mountain 2 Modol MFLLR2IOLP Base Description Seoutton's low profile addressable plug-in smoke and heat detectors with integral communications provide features that surpass conventional detectors. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and reported to the panel where the desired detector sensitivity can be programmed. Point ID capability allows each detector’s address fo be set with decade addross switches, providing exact detector locations for selective maintenance when chamber contamination reaches an unacceptable level. Model MRI-2251B photoelectric smoke detector provides a unique optical sensing chamber that senses ‘smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources. Model MRI-225BR is a remote test capable detector for use with DNR(W) duct emoke detectors. Model MRI-2251TB adds dual electronic thermistors to the MRI-2251B to provide 185°F (57°C) fixed temperature thermal sensing. Model MRI-2251TMB is a photoelectric smoke detector with eupplementary 135°F thermal, Also known as Acolimate™, it uses advanced onboard software to combine the signals from the photo and thermal elements, The MRI-2251TMB is a true multicriteria detector capable of rejecting nuisance sources, but siil responding quickly to real fires. Acolimate has the ‘capability of adjusting ite sensitiviy according to the type of environment that itis installed in. oer ea ee ‘SEGUTRON ING. eS ata VSS Ieepnons a Features + Slook, low profile design + Detectors are equipped with a builtin analog ‘communications module + Smoke detectors are available with photoelectric or ionization technology + Photooloctric detectors are available with additional fixed temperature detection + Heat detectors are available as fixed temperature oF fixed temperature with rate-of-rise detection + Dual LEDs indicate communications and activate steady when in alarm + Low profile base provides easy interchangeabilty + Low standby current + Rotary address switches + Magnetic test feature + Superior EMI protection + Sealed against dir, insects, and back pressure ‘Model MRI-251B ionization detector incorporates a Unique single source, dual chamber design to respond quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires. Model MRI-5251B uses an innovative thermistor ‘sensing circuit to produce 185°F fixed temperatura detection in a low profile package. These thermal detectors provide cost effective, intelligent property protection in a variety of applications, Model MRI-5251RB provides both 195°F fixed and rate-ot-tise thermal detection. These thermal detectors provide cost effective, intelligent property protection in a variety of applications. Model MRI-5251H provides 190°F (88°C) focad ‘temperature detection for high temperature applications. MEA SSc Page 112 695.3545 Fe (005) 80-4119 « We Page ww sete com es) OSS FOE RS} SSRAN3 BURR ARS ahs com Gatdlog tumber 4000 = Noto be used tor inetaltlon purposes Model 7251 is an irtliget, lsserbased! photoolao Some ideal applications for Pinnacle include smoke detector featuring extensive on-board signal ‘Telecommunications switching facilities processing capabillies. designed to. improve smoke Cellular telephone infrastructure Fesponse, Aso known as Pinnade™, this ineligent Integrated circuit fabrication faciities detector is designed to protect valuable asse's and ‘Computer rooms operations where systems must remain online at all times. ieenicenal conten: Specifications Voitage Range "Thermal Rings 15-92 vl DC peak Fixed Tenperature Sepant 195% GPC) laa aeae Rate of isa Datoton:15"Fman. (@.°0?min) See Oe High Temperature: 10°F (68°) 1EDUA @ 24 VOC (vthout communication, LED of Operating Temperature Range 200uA0824 VOC (ora coneraniation eerySeec van LEDenabied) | | loniPholo: SPF to 120° (°C to 49°0) PhotolPhote with Therma Pot wth Terma: 82° to 100% 0° 38°C) ‘Themaal: °F to 100°F (20°C to 38°C) 250 uh @ 24 VOC (whoutcommamication, LED of) Reese i ae SivlgsiiecfasommnainenntacwltDenbea| [rear @emarg 350 pA @ 24VDC (usthout communication) [OL bites vale Range Ss0uAGS 24000 ne commantatonevey/Seac.vahnLEDerabed) | fon: 0 1200‘9m (0-61 mse) botiPhot wih Terma = 40 fm (2 2060) {LD Curren Cea} s Pinnacte: 0 4000 frm {0 - 20 méetc) Cie ‘Insect Screen Hole Size Height ‘Photo: 0.016 inch (0.41mm) nominal ier casemeeanas ee cleee bes ase eee ieee aie ig a mentee Ae at ‘ks me anes Se =| soe tan ee ee a ee fon 4 on (154g) e ‘Drift Compensation (Pinnacle™) earn Duomo ae Low senativiy maintenanoe alert signet Relative Humiaity Maintanance urgent signal 70% - 83% noncondensing Ordering information ‘Addressable Detectors Model | Deserintion a MRI-42516 Intelligent lonization Detector funvz2si5 = Intoligent Photoelectric Dete MRI-22516R inteligont Photoslectic Detector. Remote test capable. For use with ONR(W) duct detectors. MI-225178 Inteligent Photosleciio Detecior with 135°F Fixed Tomporature Hoat Detector MRE2251TMS Inteligent Aocimate™ Multcritoria Smoke Detector MRIS2616 Tnleligent Heat Detootor, 195°F fixed temperature MAI-S251R5 Intelligent Heat Detector, 195°F fixed temperature with rat MRI-5251H Inteligent High Temperature Heal Detector, 180°F ted temperature 7254 Inteligent Pinnacle™ Laser Smoke Detector “Aad eis 7A Tor Canaclan model Detector Baso ‘Model = Description ‘B2i0LP™ Flanged Mounting Base; mounta on aingla gang box, 83" and 4" ociagonal box; and & fequare box with 3° mud eng “Fiolor to Catalog Number 4001 for adore compatible 8200 Saris bass Paoe2t2 ‘SECUTRON inc. Srftog Marte don Netto be utd ot inetaltion purposes, ‘esha oh toma rg a as es Ne te a iene its anata sot ect a &* SECUTRON™ “EGY Fire Alarm Systems~ System Sensor 2151 Low Profile Plug-in Photoelectric Smoke Detector Description fhe ZIGH Plugin Photoelocttic Smoke Detector offers superb performance and reliabilly in a profle \which is just 1.6" (4.2 om) deop. The 2151 shares the same sleek low-profile design as the 1151 and can be used with a variety of diferent adapter bases in several wiring configurations. Other features include: low current draw, stable perlormance in high air velocities, builtin tamper resistant base design, remote LED option, removable cover, and builtin test switch, ‘The 2151 is designed to_moet the performance citetia designated by UL. Their sensing chambers are sealed against back pressure alr flow, dirt, and insects. ‘Sanat 25 rtrcegs Wy, Vaughan Trot), Ora, Lak se Te "ac 08 ena Eas ee ‘SECUTRON ING, CONVENTIONAL DEVICES ee Features + 24 volt operation, + Removable cover and insect screen for easy cleaning + Two LEDs blink in standby, latch in alarm, providing 360° visibility * Field sensitivity metering of detector to meet NFPA 72 requirements * Broad range of adapter bases available with bulll- in shorting spring Sealed against dirt, insects, and back pressure This chamber is protected by a fine mesh screen which can be cleaned or replaced. Additional key features include a variety of mounting bases, and a {ul ine of accessories. The 2151 photoelectronic smoke detector contains unique optical sensing chamber designed to sense smoke particles produced by a wide range of combustion sources. A custom integrated circuit incorporates signal processing to reduce false alarms. provides good performance at higher air velocities. @ GO ©) men usu <> Page 1012 yar Visa cies aa Fo ema Sekemarates™ isl Number 200» Noto be used or tation purpooes Technical Data Voltage Es Humidity Range we ‘24VDG 10% - 69% RH non-condensing Stariduy Current ‘Al Velocity Rating a5 pA -_ 15 ms (8000 fpr) maxarum _ ‘Alarm Gunent z Hela 2 a 100 mA edly pane 428 on (1.667 Diameter z 10.4 om (4.1%), Hangeless base 15.5 am (6.19, flanged base Weight z 104 g (86 02) — Wiring Diagram for B401 and B110LP Bases, Ordering Information ‘Wiring Diagram for BTT6LF Base [Model [Description a 28 [Low Prof Pinin Photolecric Smoke Detector, 21514 [Low Profile Plug-In Photoelectric Smoke Detector, ULC ~ 21616 Low Profile Plug-in Photoslecc Soke Detector. hina 2ISTE [Low Profile Plug-in Phoioelectio Smoke Detector, Europe [aot Flangeless base BITOLP Flanged base 7 saee BreLP Flanged relay base, 1 Form Grelay _ 4018H Sounder base, requtos separate 24 VDC supply Trio Retrofit roplacoment lange fr MID-B400 sores Hanged bases OK=00 Black reo ange and cover, package of 10 aaooz emote LED annunciaor ‘moD400 Detector metering adapter module; use wth most analog or digital mutitmoters moa Test Magnet ~ ~ £™ SECUTRON™ Fire Alarm Systems~ INTELLIGENT ADDRESSABLE DEVICES 200 SERIES Mounting Bases Features + Easy plug-in of detector io base + SEMS screws, 12-24 AWG (14-24 for B224RB and B224B!) + Multiple accessories for mounting flexibility + UL 464 and UL 864 Compliant Sounder Bases Description Physical Specifications ‘Secutron’s mounting bases and kits provide a variety [ianete of ways to install detectors in any application. The [Bsn aenOren MRI-200 Series detectors can be mounted in either flanged or flangeless bases depending on junction box | B210UP. B224R®. 822451 or tee mel ‘selection (see junction box selection guide). ‘BSOTBH, BSOTGHT,BSOIBH2, BSOTBHT | 6.0" (152 mm) ire Gouge coat eecesine Be Tai Relay, isolator, and sounder bases can be used to |= soap aSoiail RSOTONT Inet inal code requirements. Reley bases provide | pov sits 24012 AWS ‘one form C cor lay for control of auxiiary funo- = - tions such as door closure and elevator recall Isolator | Temperstire Range a bases allow loops to continue to wut [822461 8224RB, BSO1BH, BSOTBHT, | S2°F 0 120" ela erate Ue! aut | psoraie2, BsovbHT @cwaso) conditions and automatically restore when the fault is, removed. Sounder bases are available in temporal and 4 pot, a210LP rnontemporal pattern versions depending on whether : the signal is to be used for evacuation purposes, Humidity Renae 1036 1 $5% RH non-condensing 22F 6 150 (etse'o) Mounting The recessed mounting Kit provides the most aesthetically pleasing insiallation. Surface mounting boxes areavailable when flush mountingisr‘tpossibl. ‘Whatever the installation challonge, Secutron has the solution, = seeurmon we Seater un en, sa Has Gane re NS Meese Gatclog Number oat = Notte used fot lsaltion purposes: aa Electrical Specifications 8224 /022401 B501BH / BSOIBHT / B501BH2/ B501BHT-2 ‘Sperling Voings Extomal Supply Volsge 1 7S to 52 VOC Goveredby SLC) ares voc Standby Ratings Stanaiy Cura 500k mavirum @ 28 VO 1.8 mAs et Timo (8224R oni) SetTime ‘Short Delay: 65 0 80 msec Ling Delay: 6 10 9 see ‘ESUIGH /BSUIBHT: ow 1S0e 8501842 8501 BHT.2: 075 0 57 sec Fieget Time (822476 oni. ‘Mum Ripple Vollage "20 msec max. 10% of supply vollage Relay Charactaristos (224A oniy) ‘Sound Output 2 call latching relay 4 Form G contact “Greater fan 90 dBA measured in anechoie room at 10 feet. 24 oe. 85 48A minimum in UL reverborant room Recessed Mounting Kit Product Overview ULCSA Rating jar Current 08A@ 125 VAC Ae 094 @ 110 voc cor _ SA@ 3000 ‘Startup Cafaaliance 200 F ‘Used wth 8501, the RNEK400 provides asp instalation soon in pplcaone tat demand a lowor pro emake detatr. Uses. itis ttle for use wth octagon, Soren, and 60mm junction boves connected toed condul nn boxes are notin init + Drywall or suspended celling ‘+ Standard junction boxes + Aesthetically pleasing Model 8 47692 | somm: | oomm:| 70mm [75mm 50% Yeo | veo | Yes | Yes | vo BaP, Yes | Ne Ne Ne Ne Bz2aRe Ne two _| ves | ver] Yes (82248 No, Ne No, Yes ‘Yes, ‘BSOTBH / BSOIBHZ No. No No | Yes | No Ne. wo | Ne. Na BSDIBHT/|5018HT2 | No No No | Yes [vo No. No | No Ne ‘ah 30 ud rg Ordering Information ‘Note: Box deptncofingonton base and wie site, Referto Nationa Elecical Code or appicable local codes fr appropiate recommendations Wesel Besciption ‘Agency Listing BOP ‘Fanged Mounting Baco UL, ULC, FM, CSPI, MEA [aor Flangeless Mounting Bace UL, ULG, FM. GSM, MEA Baan Relay Mounting Base, Form © Gantaat UL, ULC, CSF, MEA erg Tsoltor Mounting Base ‘UL, ULC, FM, GSFM, MEA S018 ‘Standard Sounder Bass ‘UL ULG, CSFM, MEA ‘es01BH? ‘Standatd Sounder Baze, UL 664 St eatin complant UL, CSPI MEA ‘BSOIBHT™ “Temporal Tone Seunder Base UL, ULG, oSrA BSOIBHTZ “Temporal Tone Sounder Base, UL 864 th cation compliant UL, CSF MEA * Adi ult "A* Tr Ganacdan mods Papen? “SEGUTRON inc, Number 4003 hho os atalation purpacee

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