Syllabus Grade 6 English 2015

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Grade 6 English 2015 2016 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. B Clark

Voice Mail: (540) 894-5457 Extension: 2138
Course Goals:
Students will master the objectives of the sixth-grade English Virginia Standards of Learning.
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes, Copper Level. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Prentice Hall
Four Square Writing Method. Carthage, IL. Teaching and Learning Company.
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar, Copper Level. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Prentice Hall (2004).
Word Build vocabulary lessons.
Library Resources, Novels, Read Aloud Books, Test Prep. Practice Book
Biographies, essays, editorials, speeches, content area passages (science, and history)
Poetry, Short Story Fiction and Narrative Fiction/Non-Fiction will be selected from various sources.
LCMS Student Responsibilities:
Students are expected to follow the LCMS student responsibilities in class:
Listen and follow directions.
Come prepared for class.
Be respectful to all adults, peers, and property.
Be on time for class.
Abide by the Code of Conduct (see agenda).
Grading Procedures/Policies: Students will be graded on tests, quizzes, homework completion, and other assessments including
class assignments and projects. Grades will be weighted based on the following:
35% Tests, benchmarks, and writing prompts
30% Class work
25% Quizzes/Projects
10% Homework
Grading Scale: A+ 97-100, A 94-96, A- 90-93, B+ 87-89, B 84-86, B- 80-83, C+77-79, C 74-76, C- 73-70, D 65-69, F 0-64.

Homework Expectations:
English homework is to independently read an assigned number of pages of an appropriate grade-level book every night in
preparation for quarterly projects and book reports. In addition, students will complete a weekly reading comprehension passage with
questions to be checked and turned in on the given due date each week. The independent reading, projects, book reports, and
comprehension passages with questions are students on going practice with reading skills and comprehension growth. Late
homework will be docked a letter grade for each school day it is late. Homework will be graded on effort and completion.
Make-Up Work Policy: Students will have one day per day of absence to make up assignments. It is the students responsibility to
ask for the make-up assignments.
Sixth Grade English 2015-2016 Pacing Guide
First Nine Weeks at a Glance
8/12/2015 -10/9/2015
Nonfiction Text
Independent Reading Level
Home Work Reading Goals.
Comprehension StrategyProve Your Answer
1. Use Roots and Affixes
to Identify and Form
New Words
1. Sentence Structure
2. Capitalization
3. End Punctuation
4. Cluster Brainstorm
5. Four Square Essay Plan

Second Nine Weeks at a Glance

Fiction/Narrative Text
Independent Reading Level
-Home Work Reading Goals.
Comprehension StrategyProve Your Answer
1. Analyze Figurative Language
Simile and Metaphor
2. Context Clues
3. Roots and Affixes
4. Word Reference Materials
1. Commas in a series and
commas after transitional
2. Research Note taking
3. Cite Sources
4. Planning a Research Paper on
a Four Square
5. Research Final Product

Third Nine Weeks at a Glance

Independent Reading Level
Home Work Reading Goals.
Comprehension StrategyProve Your Answer
1. Suffixes er/est
2. Analyze Figurative
3. Context Clues
1. Comparative/Superlative
2. Punctuating
3. Dialogue
4. Contractions
5. Possessives
6. Four Square Reviewdescriptive, narrative,
expository prompts

Fourth Nine Weeks at a Glance

Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction
1. Test Strategy Review
2. Organizational Pattern
3. Paired Readings
4. Analyze Figurative
Language in all Texts
Novel Study Project
1. Context Clues
2. Analogies
3. Word Reference
1. Pronouns
2. 5 Paragraph Essay
3. Revising and Editing
4. Elaboration

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