Syllabus Grade 6 English 2015
Syllabus Grade 6 English 2015
Syllabus Grade 6 English 2015
Homework Expectations:
English homework is to independently read an assigned number of pages of an appropriate grade-level book every night in
preparation for quarterly projects and book reports. In addition, students will complete a weekly reading comprehension passage with
questions to be checked and turned in on the given due date each week. The independent reading, projects, book reports, and
comprehension passages with questions are students on going practice with reading skills and comprehension growth. Late
homework will be docked a letter grade for each school day it is late. Homework will be graded on effort and completion.
Make-Up Work Policy: Students will have one day per day of absence to make up assignments. It is the students responsibility to
ask for the make-up assignments.
Sixth Grade English 2015-2016 Pacing Guide
First Nine Weeks at a Glance
8/12/2015 -10/9/2015
Nonfiction Text
Independent Reading Level
Home Work Reading Goals.
Comprehension StrategyProve Your Answer
1. Use Roots and Affixes
to Identify and Form
New Words
1. Sentence Structure
2. Capitalization
3. End Punctuation
4. Cluster Brainstorm
5. Four Square Essay Plan