Syllabus-7 Middle School Business and Computer Science (Grade 7) 8-4-15 - Website and Orange For Sig

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Mrs. Rhonda Jones 770-466-6849

[email protected]
(E-mail is the quickest way to communicate with me.)


Using project-based instruction, students are introduced to the principles of business in the 21 st century while refreshing their keyboarding skills.
This course should also help students to use computers effectively in their lives, thus providing a connection of computer science and business
In this course, middle school students build a knowledge base of computer applications, information systems, internet safety, 21st century skills,
and business and computer science careers of the 21st century.
Exposure to networking and programming will also be important threads in this course.
Competencies for the co-curricular student organization Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) are integral components of the performance
standards. FBLA activities should be incorporated throughout instructional strategies developed for the course. YMS will have an active FBLA
chapter this year. We will have monthly meetings after school. We will focus on completing FBLA award requirements, team/trust building
activities, leadership opportunities, and community service within Walton county. Please take a look at the FBLA page on my website and the
club page on the YMS website. You will be able to see some pictures of the GREAT things that we do in FBLA. We would love to have you
be a part of our active chapter. Dues are $15 which covers the national, state, and local membership fees.
-Students will reinforce keyboarding techniques.
-The student participates in a variety of activities that demonstrate 21 st Century employability skills.
a) Show the importance of a positive attitude in obtaining and maintaining a job.
b) Explain the importance of proper etiquette for greeting and meeting people, dress code, attendance, and other workplace expectations.
c) Utilize brainstorming techniques to solve a problem.
d) Identify the benefits of teamwork.
e) Demonstrates an understanding of the nature of employer-employee relationships.
-The student will examine educational requirements, job responsibilities, employment trends, and opportunities for careers.
-The student will utilize word processing software.
-The student will utilize presentation/multimedia software.
-The student will utilize desktop publishing software.
-The student will demonstrate an understanding of ethics and potential dangers related to the use of the Internet.
CTAE-FS-1: Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program
CTAE-FS-2: Academic Foundations: Learners achieve state academic standards at or above grade level.
CTAE-FS-3: Communications: Learners use various communication skills in expressing and interpreting information.
CTAE-FS-4: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Learners define and solve problems, and use problem-solving and improvement methods and
CTAE-FS-5: Information Technology Applications: Learners use multiple information technology devices to access, organize, process, transmit, and
communicate information.
CTAE-FS-6: Systems: Learners understand a variety of organizational structures and functions.
CTAE-FS-7: Safety, Health and Environment: Learners employ safety, health and environmental management systems in corporations and
comprehend their importance to organizational performance and regulatory compliance.
CTAE-FS-8: Leadership and Teamwork: Learners apply leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational
goals and objectives.
CTAE-FS-9: Ethics and Legal Responsibilities: Learners commit to work ethics, behavior, and legal responsibilities in the workplace.
CTAE-FS-10: Career Development: Learners plan and manage academic-career plans and employment relations.
CTAE-FS-11: Entrepreneurship: Learners demonstrate understanding of concepts, processes, and behaviors associated with successful
entrepreneurial performance.
-This course will be taught integrating lectures, demonstrations, visual aids, handouts, daily assignments completed on the computer, guest
speakers, cooperative teamwork, peer evaluation, and teacher guidance.
-Software: Micro-Type Multimedia, Microsoft Office 2010--Word, Power Point, Publisher, and the Internet (Typing Web, Career Cruising, etc.)
Student Evaluation
Progress--Daily Work...................................................................................................................................................... 35%
Practice/Participation---CTAE Foundation Skills and Participation (The 11 skills are listed above.)...........................25%
Monitoring grades and assignments DAILY:

Please remember that you are able to view your students grades and attendance on the Internet every day at
Please contact the front office should you have any questions about this procedure. (Your student will be given numerous assignments

in this class dealing with this website. Therefore, they will absolutely know their up-to-the-minute grades and attendance in all of their
classes. This should motivate the students to take action when needed.)
STUDENTS--Please review your ICampus grades in all six classes every day in order to keep up with your missing work and your
graded assignments.

Materials needed for class: (1) Notebook Checks will be given daily in this class.-The students need to keep every paper that I give them and
every paper that they produce. The notebook needs to be some type of device with a section dedicated for this class only. It can be a section
in a large notebook, a small 3-ring notebook for just this class, a folder with 2-pockets and 3 prongs, or even an expanding file folder. (2)
Notebook Paper (3) Pen (4) Bring your YMS Agenda to class every day. There will be days that it will be your Notebook Check (5) Earbuds
will be helpful
***WISH LIST--Please bring in one ream of PRINTER/COPY PAPER ( a ream is usually a package of 500 sheets). The sheets could be white or
pastel (light blue, light yellow, light green) OR a LARGE BOX OF TISSUE, OR a LARGE BOTTLE OF HAND SANITIZER GEL. In
addition to helping the class, YOU will, also, receive one bonus pass that you can use in class. THANK YOU!
Safety: A safe and comfortable work environment is provided for all students. HOWEVER, the students MUST follow these rules. Students are
prohibited from touching any cords in the classroom except the keyboard and mouse cords. Do not put a flash drive, disk, etc. in the
computer without permission from your teacher. Bags, purses, books, cell phones, iPads, iPods, etc. must be placed under the students
chair at all times. We cannot have these items in your lap, on the tables, in the aisles, or between the chairs.
Non-Traditional Students: We believe all students can be successful in our courses regardless of gender, ethnicity, or physical capabilities.

Make-Up Work: After an absence, it is the students responsibility to inquire about work missed. Please review your ICampus grades in all six
classes every day in order to keep up with your missing work and your graded assignments. Be sure to collect any handouts and notes that were
TECHNOLOGY USE: Technology is an important instructional resource. The use of computers is a privilege, not a right. Failure to follow the
guidelines will result in disciplinary actions, which may include restricted or denied access to school computers. Students will use technology for
educational purposes only. Any student found intentionally, damaging and/or vandalizing any hardware or software will be disciplined for
school property abuse.
Software: Students will observe software copyright laws and fair use guidelines. They will not be permitted to copy school software or bring
software from home to install on the school computers.
On-line Services: Students will be monitored and will be held responsible for information viewed, received, and sent when using
telecommunications software or the internet to link to services outside the school. The use of online services will be restricted to school-related
projects. Downloading of information from the Internet or electronic databases may only be performed with faculty permission. Please review the
Contract regarding the Use of the Internet for the Walton County School system in the Student Agenda (Parent signature required).
-Students will respect the personal data of others, including peers, teachers and administrators. Students will not share passwords to their files or
try to break desktop or network security of any machine in the building. Report needed repairs to the teacher promptly. Any computer or printer
that is in need of repair because of abuse will be repaired at the students expense. Because security is so important in a network environment,
students will be sent IMMEDIATELY for disciplinary action and/or PERMANENT REMOVAL FROM CLASS if an attempt to enter the system is
made. Tampering with the network is a criminal offense and is subject to criminal prosecution.
Cheating: Cheating is a VERY SERIOUS issue and will be treated as such. According to the Youth Middle School rules, cheating may be
defined as giving or receiving information from another source or person during independent class activity, quiz, test, exam, homework or any other
activity where the student is expected to produce his/her own work. If found cheating, you AND the other student will receive a 0 on the
assignment(s), you will receive a 0 on your CTAE foundation grade, your parent will be contacted, and you will be given detention. If found
guilty of cheating or plagiarism a second time he/she will receive a discipline referral and more serious action will be taken by the administration.

This document is not going to be signed. It is going to stay in your students

notebook. Please sign the other green sheet---the Classroom Policies and Safety
Procedures sheet stating that you have read this document.

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