Equipment Preservation Plan: Report No. 000-PR-R-002

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Report No. 000-PR-R-002

Owner Approval:

Aker Solutions
333 East Wetmore Road, Suite 600
Tucson, Arizona 85705






16 Feb 11





Issued for Client Approval


Prepared for Minera Chinalco Peru S. A.

R0534200 / C560


INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4

General........................................................................................................................ 4
HSE.............................................................................................................................. 4


DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................... 4


PRESERVATION ACTIVITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................5



STORAGE AND HANDLING................................................................................................7



Initial Preservation........................................................................................................9
Minimum Requirements.............................................................................................10
Maintenance Preservation..........................................................................................13
Preservation Labels....................................................................................................13
Preservation / Protection Procedure...........................................................................14
Documentation........................................................................................................... 14
Requirement for Revisions.........................................................................................14
Material Safety Data Sheets.......................................................................................14




Delivery Check.............................................................................................................7
Handling and Off-Loading............................................................................................8
Storage........................................................................................................................ 8
Bulk Storage Items.......................................................................................................8
General Protection.......................................................................................................9
Spare Parts.................................................................................................................. 9
Load Out Precautions...................................................................................................9
Shipped Loose Items....................................................................................................9

PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................9


General........................................................................................................................ 5
Responsibilities and Scope of Work.............................................................................6

General...................................................................................................................... 14
Checklists................................................................................................................... 15



General...................................................................................................................... 16
Checklists................................................................................................................... 16





General...................................................................................................................... 17
Checklists................................................................................................................... 18

EXHIBITS.......................................................................................................................... 18


The objective is to ensure that equipment and materials are kept in a good
condition throughout all phases of the project. To achieve this objective, detailed
preservation check lists are provided. These lists form the basis of the
preservation maintenance program, and they will also be further developed to
incorporate specific suppliers' requirements.
To assist the development of the preservation maintenance program, a
computerized preservation register shall be used as a tool to fulfill the following:

To ensure all the contractors have a consistent approach to preservation

planning and reporting


To enable a continuous preservation program to be established

throughout all phases of the project

(iii) To provide an up-to-date status of the equipment preservation and highlight

the outstanding items.

In dealing with preservation agents the necessary precautions shall be taken to
avoid any damage to health and environment.
MSDS Information is required at site prior to shipping of materials


Initial preservation
The application of specified preservatives and fitting of specified protection to any
equipment/system by suppliers prior to delivery, to maintain the system
unimpaired by the responsible Supplier.
The initial preservation shall remain in effect until the preservation maintenance
is started or the equipment or materials are depreserved to allow precommissioning and commissioning to commence.

These are activities that shall be performed, if required, on equipment to allow
precommissioning and commissioning of systems (or part systems).

Preservation Maintenance
These are the preservation activities carried out in Lima, then on site locations to
maintain the equipment and material in an as new condition. This also includes
repair of deteriorated initial preservation.

Preservation Checklist
An itemized list defining the preservation requirements for the various types of
equipment and materials with preservation intervals identified against each
specific check.

Preservation Periods
These define the maintenance intervals per type of equipment, as identified in
the preservation checklists.

Preservation Register
A computer register where the suppliers' and the project's preservation plans
shall be entered and reported against.

Equipment Preservation
This means preservation of any type of tagged items delivered to the project, i.e.
individually tagged items or tagged equipment items of a package.

Bulk Material Preservation

Hereafter called Material Preservation, means preservation of any type of
untagged items delivered to the project, i.e. bulk deliveries, prefabricated items,
spools, lines, valves, total systems, etc.



This section provides the activities and organization necessary to carry out the
initial preservation and to develop the preservation maintenance program. It
defines the project phases and the responsibility of all the parties concerned.

Initial Preservation
This is performed by the supplier of equipment and materials prior to
shipment or by the contractor by installation, to maintain equipment

Lima & Construction Site Preservation

The specified team performs this at the respective locations.

Initial preservation is also performed by the contractor under Aker

Solutions (AS) supervision where items arrive not preserved or the
preservation is permanently removed to allow construction or installation
activities to proceed.
Initial preservation of self produced items including preservation of
systems and areas.
De-preservation of equipment will normally be required to allow precommissioning and commissioning activities to be performed at site.

Responsibilities and Scope of Work

The following defines the responsibilities and the scope of work.

Equipment Suppliers
The equipment suppliers shall be responsible for carrying out the initial
preservation of equipment, including packing and shipping preservation.
Further, suppliers shall be responsible for producing specific preservation
instructions to cover their equipment during the project phases for a
period of two years.
The delivery documentation shall contain a procedure for storage of the
skid / equipment and for maintenance preservation during the
construction period at the construction site. This procedure shall also
include method for removal of the preservation used on the skid /
equipment, Documentation shall also contain any MSDS for all
preservation products being used
Supplier should fill out preservation labels and fix it to the equipment.

Lima Material Management

The Lima Material Control Manager is the single point of contact against
the vendor. All communication shall take place through him.
The Preservation Engineer has the technical responsibility and shall in
cooperation with the Procurement department ensure that:

preservation requirements are defined in the IOMs

in cooperation with the

procedures from vendor

accept preservation agents




Lima Material Management Responsibilities

Shall be responsible for checking that the equipment arrives with the
initial preservation complete and intact according to supplier's
instructions. Any doubt as to the equipment preservation status shall be

registered and reported to the Procurement department, which will take

further action.

Lima Material Management Scope of Work

Shall be responsible for the management, implementation, execution,
status reporting and documentation of all preservation activities including:

Inspection of equipment on receipt.

Application of initial preservation where not applied or where the

preservation is removed to allow construction and installation, e.g.
hermetically sealed units.

Re-application where preservation has been damaged during

transportation (supplier assistance to be used where required).

Care and cleanliness of equipment during off-loading, storage and


Preservation of equipment after installation.

Initial preservation of bulk materials including piping, valves and

complete piping systems according to the contractor's

Preservation maintenance in accordance with the specifications,

check lists and the supplier's requirements. Supplier's
requirements shall govern in the event of discrepancy.

Updating of the computerized preservation register to provide a

weekly status report, and to provide a cut-off status report for the
inshore hook-up contractor.

Carry out de-preservation prior to commissioning and, if required,

prior to pre-commissioning of systems.



Delivery Check
The equipment, on delivery to site, shall be checked to ensure that the supplier's
initial preservation is intact. For those packages which are hermetically sealed
with a humidity detector, only a visual inspection and reading of the humidity
indicator is required.
The supplier's instructions noted on the packing crates and in the shipping
papers shall be regarded as mandatory during handling and storage.
Any doubt as to the equipment preservation status shall be clarified with the
supplier and if necessary arrange for the Supplier to visit site to verify the status
and advise further actions.


Handling and Off-Loading

The off-loading and handling of the equipment shall be done in a safe and careful
manner. Special attention shall be given to fragile equipment and adequate
precautions taken to prevent damage during the lifting and transportation.


The type of storage required will depend upon the type of equipment and the
preservation requirements.
Wherever possible and subject to climatic conditions, equipment shall be stored
under cover in a permanent storeroom or in a temporary building to provide
weather protection. Outdoor storage is only acceptable for equipment prepared
for it by the supplier. The storage environment has to meet with suppliers
Sensitive equipment shall be stored in designated store rooms, which are to be
dry, heated, vented, clean and dust free.
Space heaters on equipment not stored in heated rooms shall be energized. If
required, temporary heaters shall be used.
All storerooms shall have authorized entry only to allow proper material control.
All warehouses and store rooms which are normally unmanned shall be
inspected on a regular basis to ensure that the equipment is stored securely, the
localities are dry and, where applicable, the heating and ventilation systems are


Bulk Storage Items

The free issue of materials shall be delivered directly from the suppliers. The
Procurement Manager should, wherever possible, arrange for the bulk materials
to be stored at the Supplier's facilities until required for use. This will minimize the
exposure of the items to the construction environment.


General Protection
Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect the equipment/items against
possible damage in connection with installation and construction works in the
vicinity of the item.


Spare Parts
Project spares shall, if agreed in contract be stored and preserved at the
Supplier's facilities and only requested when required for use.


Load-Out Precautions
Suitable protection and precautions shall be taken to prevent damage of
equipment and items during transportation and platform load out. All preservation
shall be done prior to sea fastening. Preservation labels will show the status of
the preservation.


Shipped Loose Items

Shipped loose items shall be mechanical protected, carefully packed and crated
in wooden boxes, which shall be securely fastened to prevent damage during


Initial Preservation
Supplier shall perform initial preservation. The supplier shall state any protective
and preventative measures to be observed by the organization responsible for
preservation if no such information is received or if such information proves to be
The preservation team may be instructed by the AS Site team to implement the
AS minimum requirements for initial preservation or any part thereof as described
hereafter in Section 6.2.
All equipment supplied to AS shall be preserved and protected against harmful
environmental effects for the period as specified in the purchase agreement.
The preservation shall remain in effect until after the equipment has been
unpacked and installed. The equipment may be subject to pre-commissioning
and commissioning activities within the two-year period. Any preservation and
protection or de-preservation activities required, as a consequence of this, shall
be specified.
Preservation and protection shall guard against all external action normally
encountered during shipment, handling, storage, installation and in the idle
period to start up for the intended use. Supplier shall state any protective and
preventive measures to be observed by AS.


Minimum Requirements
The following minimum requirements shall form the standards for the
preservation engineer to restore supplier's equipment to an acceptable level of
initial preservation. These minimum requirements shall be implemented when
instructed by AS based on preservation teams doubt on the equipment's
preservation status.

Environmental Conditions
The environmental conditions to be protected against shall include
variation in temperature, wind, humidity, rain and seawater, dust
precipitation and forces normally encountered during shipment, handling
and transportation at sea. Consideration shall be given to the possibility
that temperatures encountered during transport may reach extremes
other than those prevailing at supplier's works, fabrication sites or at the
offshore location.


External Protection
External protection shall prevent damages from dropped construction
objects, sandblasting, grinding, welding, flame cutting, step on by
personnel, water jetting, painting etc.
All in/outlets from units/skids shall be plugged/blanked. All flanged
openings shall be provided with self adhesive flange face protectors and if
applicable, 10 mm plywood / metal closure sufficient to provide
mechanical protection and water/dust tight sealing.
Closure to be fixed with at least four full diameter bolts. For studded
openings, all nuts needed for the intended service shall be used for
securing closures.
Threaded openings shall have metal plugs of metallurgy equal to the
component being capped or plugged. If IP rating is maintained, plastic
plugs are acceptable for non-hydraulic/pneumatic systems.
On insulated pipes the jacketing shall be protected to avoid damage.
Painted surfaces on equipment shall be protected from wear and tear
caused by environmental conditions or by fabrication activities.
Equipment should not be sealed in a way that will obstruct inspection.
Access for normal inspection and preservation maintenance shall be
provided. Preservation maintenance instructions shall state how the
protection shall be renewed in cases where sealed off items may need to
be opened.
Openings shall be sealed and protected against ingress of moisture and
accidental removal using self adhesive flange face protectors and if
applicable, metal or wooden blanks on flanges and plastic or caps on
A layer of heavy corrosion inhibitor or moisture repellent coating shall
protect machined surfaces, other than flange faces. Threads on valve
stems shall be protected with Teflon lubricant and vulcanized nonadhesive tape or similar. Consideration shall also be given to physical
protection in the form of plastic wrapping or local wooden crating.
All threaded connections, male and female, shall be coated with a
suitable soluble corrosion inhibitor and given physical protection in the
form of caps, sheeting and vulcanized non-adhesive tape to prevent
damage during transit and storage.
Mechanisms shall be constrained from harmful movement. Requirements
for removal of such constraints shall be posted in a conspicuous manner
and clearly marked as temporary supporting with reference to removing
instructions. Expansion joints on heat exchangers shall be fitted with a
hard protective sleeve prior to shipment to prevent mechanical damage
during transit, installation and initial operations. The sleeve shall not
impair the function of the expansion joint. Delicate mechanisms shall be
protected against impact by local shock absorbing packing or bracing.


Internal Protection
Internal surfaces of heat exchangers, tanks, pressure vessels, piping
systems and similar equipment shall be cleaned of surface corrosion and
foreign material and thoroughly dried after completion of all tests and
inspections. Carbon steel internal surfaces, unless protected by epoxy
type coating or rubber lined, shall be sprayed, brushed or flushed with a
suitable soluble corrosion inhibitor/VCI. The inhibitor shall be approved by
AS. For equipment where water is used for cleaning or pressure testing,
the water shall have antifreeze medium added unless the water is
completely drained off. If ambient temperature is below 4 deg C during
any of these operations, the water shall have antifreeze medium added.
For preservation during and after testing vapor corrosion inhibitor shall be
used. . External surface on stainless steel pipe work has to be protected
with non-flammable cloth from start of prefabrication until take-over by
In addition, bags of desiccant (e.g. silica gel) shall be placed inside
nozzles of adequate size to facilitate removal. The nozzle or cover shall
be marked: Remove xx number of desiccant bags prior to any pre
commissioning activities. The amount of desiccant and its distribution
shall be according to the volume and partitioning of the enclosure.
Internal surfaces wholly consisting of corrosion resistant materials shall
not be preserved unless the supplier recommends special preservation
Openings shall be sealed and protected against ingress of moisture and
accidental removal using metal or wooden blanks on flanges and plastic
tape or caps on pipes.
Neoprene gaskets and plastic tape shall be used on flange openings to
ensure watertight sealing. Flange surfaces of not corrosion resistant
materials shall be sprayed or brushed with a suitable soluble corrosion
inhibitor before sealing.
After installation of equipment is completed and the process or utility pipe
work is connected, pipe work flanges on the equipment shall be sealed
with galvanized dust blinds which should be clearly marked with tabs
painted in red color.

5.2.4 Instrument and Electrical Components

Instruments, precision items, electrical cabinets, motors, switchboards,
panels etc. shall be protected internally and externally according to
Supplier's standards. Special attention shall be given to the need for a
moisture-free atmosphere, which may require tight wrapping and the use
of desiccant to absorb any moisture trapped inside the package.
Equipment should not be sealed off such as to render impossible
incoming inspection at the point of destination. Access for normal
inspection and prescribed maintenance shall be provided. Preservation
maintenance instructions shall state how the protection shall be renewed
in cases where sealed off items may need to be opened. As a minimum
the AS requirements for internal and external preservation are as follows:



Vapor corrosion inhibitor (type Cortec or similar) shall be placed

inside all junction boxes, instruments with electrical connections
and pneumatic connection such as positioner boxes, controllers,
indicators not filled with glycerin.


Cover all glass instruments such as controllers, gauges, meters,

panel fronts, etc, with 6 mm water resistant plywood or plastic


Protect metal bodies or housings with long term preservation wax.


Preserve spindle and stuffing box on valves and actuators with

Teflon lubrication and vulcanized non-adhesive tape.


Preserve actuator cylinder and accumulator bottles with clean

hydraulic oil with VCI additive. Pneumatic actuator cylinders to be
filled with sufficient lubricant to create a film of oil inside the
cylinder when cylinder is stroked.


When a component requires an individual protection, a cladding of

fiberglass with aluminum lining shall be used (not PVC-plastic). In
control rooms where sensitive instruments and electrical
equipment are installed, the Contractor shall maintain a dry
atmosphere with maximum relative humidity of 40%.

Maintenance Preservation
The minimum requirements are detailed in the check lists in Sections 7, 8 and 9.
Additional requirements specific to particular equipment shall be identified and
detailed by the supplier concerned.
The preservation maintenance check lists have been divided into the following
disciplines; Electrical, Instrument and Mechanical.
The instrument check list also covers fire and gas equipment, telecommunication
equipment, and process control related equipment.
The mechanical check list also covers HVAC, piping, safety equipment and
architectural items.
There are five possible time intervals on the checklists, (2, 4, 8, 12, and 24
weeks) and the specific checks are identified against the required interval. The
higher intervals when called for shall include the checks covered by the lower
When equipment, which is suitably preserved for long term storage and does not
require regular maintenance checks, is placed in warehouses prior to installation,
a general storage reference number shall/can be assigned and registered.
Additional instructions to be taken if the material and/or equipment is stored for
some period of time longer then the normal. Refer to the IOMs for special
instruction for long term preservation.

When this equipment is removed from the store, the applicable check list number
shall replace the general storage reference number and the preservation dates
will be scheduled in the register accordingly.
Where a product type is shown in the preservative column of a check list, the
preservation engineer shall arrange for sufficient quantities of the product or
equivalent for the maintenance program. Similar products or revised product
names shall be used when required. Where doubt about the specification of a
similar product exists, Contractor shall obtain acceptance from the AS site team.

Preservation Labels
Preservation labeling shall be the preservation engineers responsibility.
Contractor may organize his own labeling system to verify that the labeled
equipment, materials, systems or areas are being maintained by preservation.
Where labels are secured, they shall be stick on type or tie on type in writeable
plastic label. The stick on type shall leave no trace of bond or plastic when
removed. Carbon steel wire shall not be used for the tie on type (Exhibit Pr-R002A).


Preservation / Protection Procedure

As part of the requirements for Contractor demonstrating
preservation/protection procedure, the preservation team
maintain a document system in which each discipline
organization requests, where required, permission for
interrupted or removed.

co-ordination of his
shall organize and
within Contractor's
preservation to be

All such requests shall be made to the preservation engineer who shall be
responsible for ensuring that the interruption or removal of preservation is
coordinated and documented.
The request form shall be provided by the preservation engineer and signed by
the discipline supervisor or foreman whose activity affects the preservation.
The preservation register shall be updated to reflect all such interruptions and

The computerized preservation register (and preservation labels) provides the
system which documents and verifies that preservation activities have been
carried out. However, the preservation engineer shall maintain adequate records
of all preservation activities and checks performed which shall be available for


Requirement for Revisions

Where the preservation procedure proves to be inadequate based on actual site
conditions, the preservation engineer may modify them. Such instructions shall
be in writing.


Material Safety Data Sheets

A file with material safety data sheets for all preservation products being used
shall be established and be available on all sites handling preservation



The following requirements should be read in conjunction with the check lists
contained in this section. Authorized electrical personnel shall carry out all
preservation of electrical equipment.
Junction boxes shall have the correct type of Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI)
inside. The threads of all cover fixing bolts shall be coated with non-acid
Vaseline. The cover joint shall be sealed with vulcanized non-adhesive tape and
all entry holes shall be sealed with plastic blanking, or where connections are
completed, the shrouds shall be fitted.
During storage in any non-heated area space heaters should be energized inline
with the vendors recommendations. The heaters shall not be left non-energized
for more than 14 days in dry air or 48 hours in area of high humidity.
Once equipment is in position space heaters (if fitted) shall be energized.
For equipment that may be exposed to damage, a non-flammable protection
cover should protect it.
All non-terminated cable ends shall be fitted with shrinking shroud.
All Control -, transformer - and battery rooms shall have portable electrical air
drying units installed with sufficient capacity to maintain air at a maximum relative
humidity of 40%.
Generators and motors installed inside ventilated hoods are subject to the same
requirements as for electrical rooms above.
Heating is not required in rooms with electrical air drying facilities.
Batteries shall be stored in dry rooms at temperatures between 00C and +100C
and be protected against fouling and corrosion by applying a thin layer of
Vaseline to the untarnished metal parts (poles).
Use preservation wax, where appropriate, e.g. exposed bare carbon steel shall
be waxed where painting is not applied.
Where megger testing is specified, minimum acceptance insulation values are
provided in discipline specifications, and or vendor supplied manuals.
Flanges on all equipment to be checked for grease application. Grease type to
be Poly Butyl Cuprysil (PBC) or similar.


Checklist no.



Electrical motors, generators, transformers


Electrical equipment


Insulation resistance



The following general notes should be read in conjunction with the checklists
contained in this section. Authorized instrument technicians shall carry out all
preservation of instrumentation equipment.
Ensure that all instruments are wrapped and properly sealed. A protection cover
in non-flammable material should protect instruments, which may be exposed to
All openings in hydraulic/pneumatic tubing shall be provided with steel caps or
solid shank steel plugs of metallurgy equal to the metallurgy of the component
being capped or plugged
Gaskets/O-rings on instrument equipment shall be greased with acid free
All non-terminated cable ends shall to be fitted with shrinking shroud.
All spare cable entrances in panels and boxes shall be plugged.
Any damage to the instrumentation systems should be reported to the
commissioning supervisor immediately.
Ensure that junction boxes have a correct type of vapor corrosion inhibitor (VCI)
inside... Ensure that threads of all cover fixing bolts are coated with acid free
Vaseline and cover joints are sealed with vulcanized non-adhesive tape. All entry
holes should be sealed with plastic blankings.
Use preservation wax, where appropriate. E.g. exposed bare carbon steel shall
be waxed when painting is not applied.


Checklist no.



Instrument equipment


Actuators, accumulators, safety relief valves and orifice




The following general notes should be read in conjunction with the check lists
contained in this section.
For equipment or packages which may be exposed to damage, a temporary
protecting cover of non-flammable material should be installed during the
construction phase.
Open flexible hose connections shall be plugged.
Greased bearings shall be greased. Check supplier information.
All threaded openings shall be provided with steel caps or solid-shank steel plugs
of metallurgy equal to the metallurgy of the component being capped or plugged.
All valves shall be preserved in both open and closed position, valves supplied
for stock to be preserved for long term storage, all exposed valves spindles shall
be covered with Teflon-based lubricant and vulcanizing tape. Gate valves shall be
stored and installed in closed position, globe and ball valves shall be locked in
open position.
The preservation check lists for major mechanical equipment will/can be updated
by the Contractor to incorporate supplier's requirements.
Mechanical packages will normally be split into various tagged items of all
disciplines and linked to check lists.
Ensure that a correct type of Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI), normally Cortec
VCI 101 or similar, will be applied and replaced according to the check lists.
Equipment coating should be checked regularly for damage and. Use
preservation wax, where appropriate. Corrosion resistant materials such as
stainless steel, Al-Bronze, Monel, etc. are NOT to be coated with any
preservatives unless specifically called for.
Pipes and fittings when handled as bulk materials during the pipe fabrication and
installation phase shall be preserved in accordance with check lists for piping
Carbon steel pipes that are internally sandblasted or chemically cleaned or
pressure tested with water shall be preserved internally with VCI powder.


Checklist no.



Pumps, plate heat exchangers, tanks, vessels, separators

and exchangers.


Valves Hand operated & check valves, ball valves, and

globe valves, piping spools and piping systems


Heating and cooling coils, fans, HVAC systems, hydraulic

power packs, compressors, diesel engines

Exhibit PR-R-002A
Exhibit PR-R-002B
Exhibit PR-R-002C
Exhibit PR-R-002D
Exhibit PR-R-002F
Exhibit PR-R-002G
Exhibit PP-R-002H
Exhibit PR-R-002J
Exhibit PR-R-002K

Example of Preservation Labels

EP-01: Checklist Electrical Motors, Generators,
EP-02: Checklist Electrical Equipment
EP-03: Check Record Insulation Resistance
JP-01: Checklist Instrument Equipment
JP-02: Checklist Actuators and Accumulators,
Safety Relief Valves, Orifice Plates
MP-01: Checklist Pumps, Plate Heat
Exchangers, Tanks, Vessels, Separators
and Exchangers, Equipment
MP-03: Checklist Heating and Cooling Coil,
Fans, HVAC System, Hydraulic Power
Packs, Compressors. Diesel Engines
CC-A1-012: Preservation Check Sheet

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