The Holographic Vision of The Universe

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At a glance
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Some of the key takeaways are that we live in a holographic universe where everything is interconnected, our minds exist in the quantum field rather than just the brain, and we can influence our reality by changing our thoughts and vibration.

The holographic universe model proposes that reality is like a hologram and everything is connected. It differs from previous models which saw the universe as made of separate objects. This model proposes a relationship between micro and macro that was not understood before.

According to the holographic universe model, the mind does not reside in the brain but rather in the quantum field of energy and information. The brain acts like a receiver and processor of this information from the field.

The Holographic Vision

of the Universe
New Earth Dimension
Ana-Stasi Fennell, MA in Ed. - 25 August 2015 (Based on the Book by Michel Talbot :
“The Holographic Universe”…) 


The New Earth Consciousness will be formed on the

holographic model of the Universe. It will be an Integral Theory
of Everything. This will be the breakthrough in science which
will lead the rest of the world to this new understanding that
we are indeed all one.

This is a very important part of Spiritual Science for Inner

Transformation in the entire Holistic Education for the Future
Human Race. The importance of this enquiry is not to be
underestimated in the new shift in consciousness and our truth
that we live in a holographic universe where everything is
uploaded the instant we think about it. That everything is
interconnected in a way that hitherto was not understood on
earth. This shift in science to the holographic universe model
will be the most important underlying change in perspective
and will allow all other 'systems' of belief to remain intact.

Discovering a New Dimension
(based on the latest scientific researchers)

Increasing research into quantum physics and the quest for

greater understanding of the human energy field has brought
forth an altogether novel discovery that we do live in a
Holographic Universe. Not only do we live in a continuously
morphing field of energy responding to our very thoughts and
senses, but what we consider to be the 'mind' exists not in our
brain but in that dynamic field of energy.

Drawing from numerous scientific studies, researchers have

removed, cut up and reinstalled disfigured brains into lab
animals - only to witness full cognitive memory was retained.
How is that possible, they asked! Upon further testing it became

clear that what we call the 'mind' resides in the quantum field
of information and streams into the brain for processing. Our
human brain acts more like a train station, directing the
stream of data down certain pathways to the receptor sites
within our bio-energetic system. The source of human
intelligence and conscious awareness responds and travels along
waves of energy in the subtle energy field that forms our bodies
and our lives. Not only does it supply our brains with thoughts,
creative ideas, visions and dreams, but it also designs and
instructs the very formation of our physical manifestation. At
the very essence of our being, we are highly sensitive, dynamic
whirlpools of creative energy! Our minds are instructing our
sub-atomic particles to form in certain shapes, sizes and
patterns. We are a living holographic being!

Flashing in a magnificent array is the planetary kaleidoscope

of 6.8 billion projected holograms of human energy fields. What
a sight to see! As our human minds conjure images, desires and
thought programs into laser light through our 3rd Eye lens, we
are constantly influencing how our lives manifest. And so, if
our world reality depends on what information is streaming
through our minds, then we have the power to change it.

We first must observe and decide what exists in our current

holographic reality that does not serve us, does not match our
Soul Truth and does not manifest abundant joy and positive
growth. These are the patterns and programs that need to be
selectively dismantled and cleared from our holographic minds.
As we dissect and discern the non-truth from our Soul's path
and purpose, we discover how much false information has been
inserted from the collective field into our human energy field,
and thus into our human reality.

Much of what we experience as Survival Fear is triggered by

external forces to activate the oldest part of our brain - the

reptilian brain or R- Complex, which is responsible for rage and
basic survival flight-or-fight responses. Once we realize how
much power our minds have in creating our holographic
reality, we can break free of all interfering 'fear-based' codes,
patterns, and programs that are separating us from our Soul
Presence and preventing all advancement in spiritual

As we are currently living under the powerful holographic

program of polarity, our human electro-magnetic field operates
in a constant state of opposing forces. We are unable to
experience prolonged ease, relaxation, and joy - for the ever-
present counter-force of duality pushes back. Our holographic
world stage consists of parasitic energetic consumerism to
survive. And so we must liberate our minds from the hologram
of parasitic behavior, so that we can transition into the
universal hologram of unity consciousness. Both exist now in
our earthly realm, and both are calling to us!

If you choose to join the growing number of souls in the New

Earth Hologram and yearn for peace, loving kindness and a
sustainable community of ONE, then we can help you break free
of the crippling program of polarity...and set up holographic
decoys for the consuming external world to lock onto, so you
can live freely in love and joy!

This year we are being guided to prepare and position ourselves

so that we can seed in the New World of unity consciousness. As
we break free of the corrupted, collapsing hologram of duality
we can expect more earth changes that will change and shift
Earth's Poles, as the polarized fields break apart. Now is the
time to realign with the Galactic Core as our Central Vortex of
Creation, as a stabilizing factor for balancing our electro-
magnetic field. We can no longer orient our Core Center with
the collapsing polarized field of Planet Earth.

We are being granted access to a new realm of Universal Love
and Abundance, but it requires an extraordinary shift in
consciousness in the inner mind. All is derived from the state of
our mind, be it crystal clear with Soul Truth or clouded in
confusion of misinformation and illusion. Scientific studies
demonstrate that when our mind is focused on the material
world, the frequencies in the energy field tend to be in the same
lower range of 250 cycles per second (cps) as the body's
biological frequencies. Those who are psychic or have healing
abilities have frequencies in the range of 400 to 800 cps in their
field. Trance channelers operate in a narrow band of 800 to 900
The key to accessing the higher realms of the New Earth
Hologram requires people to vibrate above 900 cps, so not only
can they perceive higher knowledge but they know what to do
with the information. At this level we can transform our
holographic realities and change our lives forever. By clearing
all divisive programming and negative belief systems from our
minds, we not only are raising our vibration but entering into a
New World…

(The Fragment from Up-Coming New Book : “ Quantum

Update” by Ana-Stasi Fennell)…



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