Illustration by
Sue Stranger
species are considered to be threatened and are listed under Australian Government legislation
as endangered or vulnerable. More than 310 species of native animals and over 1180 species
of native plants are at risk of disappearing forever.
Anemone buttercup
Ranunculus anemoneus
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith
indigenous peoples.
continue to decline.
Clearing of native vegetation fragments
Gouldian finch
Erythrura gouldiae
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith
Australian Government
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith
Aspidites ramsayi
Honey blue-eye
Pseudomugil mellis
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith
Australia has a strong commitment to the conservation of native flora
and fauna around the world, and is party to a number of international
conventions and agreements. These include the Convention on
Biological Diversity, which covers all ecosystems, species and genetic
resources, and requires countries to develop and implement strategies
for the sustainable use and protection of biodiversity; and the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora
and Fauna (CITES), which regulates the trade in endangered species.
Giant Gippsland
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has six categories
of threatened species and ecological communities:
1. Extinct there is no reasonable doubt that the last member of the species has died.
2. Extinct in the wild the species is known to survive only in cultivation
or in captivity, or as a naturalised population well outside its past range.
3. Critically endangered the species is facing an extremely high risk
of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.
4. Endangered the species is not critically endangered, but it is facing
a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.
5. Vulnerable the species is not critically endangered or endangered,
but it is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.
6. Conservation dependent the species is the focus of a specific conservation
program without which the species would become vulnerable, endangered or
critically endangered within five years.
Threatened ecological communities can be recognised under three of the above
categories: critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable.
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information, contact: