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Threatened species and

ecological communities
in Australia
Australia is home to more than one million species, many of which are found nowhere else in the
world. About 85% of the continents flowering plants, 84% of mammals, more than 45% of birds
and 89% of inshore, temperate-zone fish are endemic that is, they are only found in Australia.
Over the 200 years since European settlement, extensive clearing
of native vegetation has removed, changed or fragmented
habitats. Human activity and natural events such as
fire, drought and flood continue to change
Australias ecology. Such change affects the


interactions within ecological communities,

and can reduce their diversity and threaten

Illustration by
Sue Stranger

the survival of many native species.

Since settlement, hundreds of species have
become extinct in Australia, including at least
50 bird and mammal, 4 frog and more than 60 plant species.
It is likely that other species have disappeared too, without our knowledge. Many other

species are considered to be threatened and are listed under Australian Government legislation
as endangered or vulnerable. More than 310 species of native animals and over 1180 species
of native plants are at risk of disappearing forever.

Threatened ecological communities

Examples of endangered ecological communities

An ecological community is an integrated assembly

are the grassy white box woodlands and the natural

of native species that inhabits a particular area in nature.

temperate grassland of the Southern Tablelands

Species within such communities interact and depend

of New South Wales and the Australian Capital

on each other for example, for food or shelter.

Territory; the Buloke woodlands of the Riverina and

Australian Government legislation allows for the listing

of ecological communities as threatened. This is the
first step to promoting their recovery under Australian
Government law, supported by the preparation
of recovery plans and threat abatement plans.

Murray-Darling depression bioregions; the brigalow

belt in south-eastern Queensland; and the critically
endangered swamps of the Fleurieu Peninsula in
South Australia.

Anemone buttercup
Ranunculus anemoneus
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

Why conserve species

and ecological

species and ecological communities

Australias natural areas have

habitats and isolates populations of plants

environmental values that we have

and animals. Small habitat remnants cannot

an obligation to conserve and restore

support populations for long periods and

for future generations. They also have

are more susceptible to threats and loss

special aesthetic and cultural values,

of biodiversity following local disturbances,

with both aquatic (water) and terrestrial

especially if there are no suitable habitats

(land) environments being integral parts

nearby from which the animals and plants

of the traditional culture of Australias

can recolonise. Conservation reserves,

indigenous peoples.

isolated from each other by large areas

Conservation of our biological diversity

of disturbed or cleared land, often cannot

is important because it not only helps to

ensure the long-term survival of species

provide clean air and water, but also has

and ecological communities and may

major economic benefits. These include

need to be linked by native vegetation

maintaining agricultural productivity,

providing ecotourism opportunities,

continue to decline.
Clearing of native vegetation fragments

corridors so that animals

can move between them.

serving as a source of medicines, and

supplying renewable resources such as
construction materials, clothing and paper.

Why are species

Plants and animals interact in complex
relationships with each other and with
factors such as soils, water, climate
and landscape. A variety of threatening
processes contribute individually and

Gouldian finch
Erythrura gouldiae
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

in combination to the decline of native

species, or cause major changes to
ecological communities. Such processes
include the loss, change and
fragmentation of habitat; the effects
of invasive plants, animals and diseases;
and direct effects of human activities.
Some of these processes are described
in more detail below.

Marine and estuarine habitats are

affected by run-off from urban,
agricultural and industrial areas.
This can carry herbicides, pesticides,
fertilisers, sewage, oil, industrial
effluent and sediments into the water.
Similarly, freshwater habitats are
sensitive to changes in water flow,

Habitat loss, change and

Following disturbance by natural events
like fires, floods and storms, habitats
recover slowly by gradual regeneration
Buxton gum
Eucalyptus crenulate
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

and by species spreading from nearby

areas. However, the scale of disturbances
caused by human activities, especially
where several threatening processes
exist in an area, may be too great to
allow habitats to recover, so that some

temperature and sediments, which can

result from drainage, dredging, water
impoundments, clearing snags from
rivers, bank modification, irrigation,
flood mitigation and roads.

Invasive plants and animals

Environmental weeds are plants that

Many animal and plant species have

invade and thrive in places where they

been introduced into Australia for

do not usually occur. Major invasions

agriculture, for sport and as pets,

change the natural diversity and

and some have been brought in

dynamics of ecological communities,

inadvertently. Some introduced species

threatening the survival of many plants

now flourish in native ecosystems,

and animals. Environmental weeds

causing a significant impact.

rapidly invade disturbed sites and

Animals and plants introduced for

compete with native plants for space,

agricultural activities contribute to the

nutrients and sunlight. They do

economic development of Australia,

not always provide the food or

but can also cause significant damage

shelter that native animals need,

to the ecology of natural environments.

and may instead provide food

In particular, livestock that has become

and shelter for feral animals.

We can all contribute

to maintaining
Australias biological
diversity by taking
responsibility for our
local environment.

established in the wild, such as rabbits,

horses and camels, degrade natural

Australian Government

habitats by intensive or selective grazing.

The Australian Government promotes the

Animals with hard hoofs compact the

conservation of threatened species and

soil and prevent the regeneration of

biodiversity through the Environment

vegetation, thus contributing to erosion.

Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Many introduced animals compete

Act 1999. The Act applies to

with native animals for food,

environmental matters of national

shelter and breeding sites.

significance and provides for:

goats, cattle, buffalo, pigs, donkeys,

Introduced predators such as foxes

and feral cats are now widespread.
They prey on ground-dwelling birds

species and ecological communities

development of recovery plans for
listed species and ecological

numbat, chuditch (western quoll),


greater stick-nest rat and various

species of lizards, snakes and

Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

identification and listing of threatened

and mammals like the mallee fowl,

woylie (brush-tailed bettong),

Aspidites ramsayi

recognition of major threats, referred

to as key threatening processes

Honey blue-eye
Pseudomugil mellis
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

reducing the impacts of these

rock wallabies. Without adequate

processes through threat abatement

control programs, these predators

plans, where appropriate.

threaten the successful reintroduction

into the wild of endangered species
like the mala (rufous hare-wallaby).
Marine organisms such as fish,
crustaceans, molluscs, worms and
seaweed are transported into new
areas in the ballast water of ships.
The introduced Northern Pacific
seastar (a starfish) was discovered
in Tasmanian waters in 1992. It has
displaced several native seastars and
is thought to be the cause of the
decline of the spotted handfish
in the Derwent estuary.

Australia has a strong commitment to the conservation of native flora
and fauna around the world, and is party to a number of international
conventions and agreements. These include the Convention on
Biological Diversity, which covers all ecosystems, species and genetic
resources, and requires countries to develop and implement strategies
for the sustainable use and protection of biodiversity; and the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora
and Fauna (CITES), which regulates the trade in endangered species.

Giant Gippsland
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has six categories
of threatened species and ecological communities:
1. Extinct there is no reasonable doubt that the last member of the species has died.
2. Extinct in the wild the species is known to survive only in cultivation
or in captivity, or as a naturalised population well outside its past range.
3. Critically endangered the species is facing an extremely high risk
of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.
4. Endangered the species is not critically endangered, but it is facing
a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.
5. Vulnerable the species is not critically endangered or endangered,
but it is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.
6. Conservation dependent the species is the focus of a specific conservation
program without which the species would become vulnerable, endangered or
critically endangered within five years.
Threatened ecological communities can be recognised under three of the above
categories: critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable.

For more
information, contact:

Pygmy blue-tongued lizard

Tiliqua adelaidensis
Illustration by
Barbara Cameron-Smith

GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601

Community Information Unit 1800 803 772
Web site www.deh.gov.au

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