Epoxy Works 10

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Special issue

Strip Plank Construction

Number 10 n Winter 1998
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998
Photo: J R Watson

In this issue

Strip construction

Types and sources of strip plank material

How tough are they?

Planking basics

Making tight bends

Edge gluing fixtures

Holding strip planks in place


Edge fastening


Start off simple


Panel warping


Building a ladder to the heavens


How to make a solar filter


Getting the clearest fiberglass finish


Bear Mountain Boat Shop

Editor Grace Ombry
Graphics Michael Barker
Assistant Kristen Lore
Contributing Editors Jim Derck, Brian Knight, Bruce
Niederer, Roy Oliver, Tom Pawlak, J.R. Watson
EPOXYWORKS is published twice a year by Gougeon
Brothers, Inc., P.O. Box 908, Bay City, MI 48707-0908 USA.
1998 by Gougeon Brothers, Inc. Reproduction in any
form, in whole or in part, is expressly forbidden without
the written consent of the publisher.
EPOXYWORKS, Gougeon Brothers, WEST SYSTEM,105,
205, 206, 207, 209, Episize, Scarffer, PRO-SET and
Microlight as used throughout this publication, are
trademarks of Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
We welcome your comments and suggestions about
EPOXYWORKS, as well as tips, techniques, and news of
interesting projects completed.
EPOXYWORKS, P.O. Box 908, Bay City, MI 48707-0908.
E-mail: [email protected]
WEST SYSTEM product and technical information is
available on the web at: www.westsystem.com or by
calling 989-684-7286.

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Strip Construction
An Overview
By J.R. Watson

We feature strip construction in this edition of Epoxyworks

because of the wide range of projects we have seen over the
years and the many we support on a daily basis. In most
peoples minds, the beautiful, well-built stripper canoe almost
defines the technique. But, we've also seen strip mailboxes
and ships, cars and cradles, airplanes and artwork. The versatility of strip construction is well matched to the versatility
of WEST SYSTEM epoxy.
We receive many questions about strip construction. We
hope this Epoxyworks answers many of your questions
and opens up new ways to think about and use this most
versatile of construction methods.
Strip construction is a building method that uses long,
narrow pieces (strips) of material joined on their edges to
produce a continuous surface, forming the skin of a structure. It is usually supported by frames, bulkheads, fabrics
or veneers running perpendicular to the strips. Although
simple, flat structures can be produced this way, strip construction is ideal for rounded, or compound curved surfaces such as boat hulls. It has been around for many
years and has evolved into many variations.

Strip planking
Strip planking, as it is most commonly known, began as a
method for planking round bottomed boats that was
quicker and easier than carvel planking. It eliminated
much of the spiling, steam bending and caulking that
went with carvel construction. It became a more widely
used method to build boats when water-proof adhesives
became available. Resorcinol glues were used with edgenailing of narrow (often square in section) planks over
frames. The nails held the planks as the adhesive dried,
and were left in place. They offered some cross-grain reinforcement along with the frames. Epoxy took strip
planking a step further because it could fill gaps better
than resorcinol and required only contact pressure during
cure. Everything from rowboats to 250-ton commercial
fishing boats are built using strip plank construction.

Strip plank laminating

Strip plank laminating combines strip planking and cold
molding or laminating. Strip planking forms the first
layer and is covered by layers of veneer, allowing interior
framing to be reduced or eliminated. Strip plank laminating, in a wide range of variations, has been used over the
years most often for larger boats.

Veneers are added to the strip planked layer

usually in a double diagonal pattern (45) to
provide cross-grained reinforcement. As more
layers are added, the need for interior frames
is reduced. Many boats in the 20' to 35' range
are monocoque structures, for which only
temporary frames are needed.
Compared to a laminated veneer hull, strip
construction offers significant advantages.
Both methods can be used to build rigid
monocoque structures with frameless interiors, but strip plank laminating requires much
less labor. Laminating veneer is a more difficult process requiring multiple layers of veneer, each of which must be spiled, bonded
and fixed in place until the adhesive cures.
The laminated hull is built over a temporary
mold which can be as difficult to build as the
actual boat. Strip plank laminating uses fewer
veneers, the hull shape can be quickly established and only part of the mold is discarded.
Some of the largest wood/epoxy boats ever
built use strip plank laminating. The 124'
sloop featured in the last Epoxyworks, and the
65 meter (213') barque featured on page 23 of
this issue are both variations of the strip plank
laminating method. Both use double diagonal
layers over strip planking, with a second strip
plank layer on the exterior. At this scale, however, the diagonal layers are at least 38" thick
and technically not what you would call veneers. Hulls of this size still rely on internal
frames and bulkheads for cross-grain support.

Strip composite construction

Strip composite construction is another variation of strip planking. Strips are joined as with
the previous variations, but all cross-grain reinforcing is done with a layer, or layers of fabric, bonded with epoxy on the inside and
outside. This results in a stiff, strong,
frameless, lightweight structure. With single
layers of fabric, the epoxy and fiberglass cure
clear, allowing the woods natural beauty to
show. A popular example of strip composite is
the stripper canoe (Cover photo). They are
usually built of "-thick cedar strips, planked
over temporary frames, with 4 oz or 6 oz woven glass fabric inside and out.
Though used mostly for smaller boats, strip
composite construction is not limited to small
craft or to standard boat shapes. Larger cusEPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

tom racing craft, such as the formula 40 trimaran Adrenalin, were constructed this way.
Because of its rounded topsides, the hull was
built in halves in female mold frames. It used
unidirectional carbon fiber reinforcing laid at
90 to the 38" thick cedar strips.

Applying unidirectional
carbon fiber to the
inside of Adrenalin's
cedar strip hull.

There are many variations of reinforcing materials, and many choices of strip composites: When
higher density materials such as mahogany, cedar
and pine are joined, they contribute to the structure. They provide tensile and compressive
strength along the grain, as well as shear strength
through their thickness. They are considered an
active core. Such a core may require minimal
reinforcement, depending on grain strength and
how the composite will be used. In contrast, an
inactive core (such as foam strips) is used only
as a base for the reinforcing skins. An inactive
core gives the structure its shape, but doesnt add
to its strength. A hybrid, DuraKore, combines
balsa core with wood veneer skins in a strip
One of the advantages of strip construction is
the ability to build compound shapes quickly.
The strips are typically placed over mold
frames that define the structures shape. Most
shapes can be built in strip construction, although the more spherical shapes are limited
by the strips ability to bend in two directions.
Strip construction opens up a wide range of
building possibilities. We hope the articles
within this issue give you some ideas of how
strip construction can benefit you in your next
project, whether its a clipboard, a canoe or a
sailing ship. n

Types and sources of strip plank material

By Brian Knight

Strip materials



Illust 2

Bead and cove

Illust 3

Ship lap

Illust 4

Tongue and groove

Modern strip composite construction uses

narrow strips of wood or foam to make a low
density core material. These strips are easy for
one person to handle and are readily assembled into complex shapes. However, this assembled structure does not have much
strength until it is covered inside and out with
a high density fiber reinforced skinusually
fiberglass cloth. The process of making and
fitting the narrow strips together is more time
consuming than bending a sheet of plywood,
but the technique allows for more creativity in
the design.
Strips for strip planking are available premade or you can manufacture them yourself.
The strips can have a wide range of density
and geometry. In this article, I will discuss
commonly used strip materials and geometry,
and sources for and about strip planks and
strip plank construction.
Wood and foam are the most commonly used
materials for strip composite, but any material
that will machine easily and conform to the
required shape is fair game. Wood, by far the
most popular material, is an active core that
provides longitudinal strength and stiffness.
The beauty of wood/epoxy construction is
that you do not need prime, endangered or
environmentally controversial woods.
Foam strips make an inactive core and do not
provide directional strength like wood does.
They may need stronger skins to carry the same
load that wood strips do. Below are some commonly used materials and their density.
Cedar, redwood
Mahogany, Douglas fir
Ash, White oak
DuraKore strip
Speed Strip (wood)

23 lb./cubic ft
32 lb./cubic ft
40 lb./cubic ft
2 to 6 lb./cubic ft
15 lb./cubic ft
23 to 40 lb/cubic ft

The strips are available in a variety of profiles.

Among these are rectangular or square cross
section, bead and cove, ship-lap and tongue
and groove (left).

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Advantages of each profile

In tight bends, the strips tend to twist out of
plane between the mold stations. The tongue
and groove, the bead and cove, and to a
lesser degree the ship-lap, use nesting geometry to keep the planks aligned between
mold stations. Bead and cove leave no gaps
on the outside of the hull. Rectangular cross
section shapes are easy to manufacture on a
table saw.

Disadvantages of each profile

Rectangular strips require support between
stations to keep them aligned with the previously applied stripespecially in tight curves.
There are a variety of methods to accomplish
this. See Edge fastening, page 10.
Rectangular strips leave a gap on the outside
of a curve, which needs to be filled. Beveling
eliminates the need for filling the gap, but it
requires a great deal of skill to make a perfect
bevel the entire length of a plank.
The tongue and groove and the bead and cove
require special cutters to manufacture the

DuraKore and Speed Strip

DuraKore strip is made of end grain balsa
sandwiched between 116" hardwood veneer. It
is available in strips 38" to 1" thick, " to 1"
wide and 8' long. The ends are finger jointed
so no scarfing is necessary to make long strips.
It is rectangular in cross section and its main
advantage is low weight and its ability to provide some longitudinal strength.
Speed Strip is wood that is machined with a
special tongue and groove profile. There is
just enough clearance between the tongue and
groove to allow the planks to rotate slightly.
The product literature states that no scarfing is
needed to make long planks. The tongue/
groove geometry of the adjoining planks is
enough to reinforce the butt joints. Speed
Strip is available in most wood species. Standard sizes range from " " to 1"
2"lengths from 10' to 18'.

Making your own strips

Many people decide to manufacture the strips themselves.
For a large project, the process can get tedious. The following suggestions will make the job go more smoothly.
Make enough material. When figuring how much stock to
buy, make allowance for material lost when machining. If
you are making " thick strips, up to 50% of the original
material is turned into saw dust when you mill it, depending on the thickness of your table saw blade. Thicker strips
result in less waste.

a tilted position. Use feather boards to hold work against

the fence and down to the table. Finish machining the
strips as quickly as practical. The longer the job takes, the
more likely gremlins will show up in the dimensions of
the strips.
Cut wood strips from the edge of slab sawn wood. A flat
grain board is cheaper than vertical grain boards and when
you saw a strip from the edge, it yields vertical grain strips.
Vertical grain is dimensionally stable and easier to finish
than flat grain.

Calculate the number of strips carefully and add 10% or

so more. We all make mistakes and it is important to have
additional stock available. Natural-finished projects require more wood to allow for color-matching the strips.
The fussier you are, the more material youll need.

With few exceptions you will have to scarf the strips to

make them long enough to build your project. Make allowance for material lost when making scarf joints. It is
generally easier, faster, and more precise to scarf the parent material before sawing the strips. You will spend less
time making each joint and it eliminates the doglegs that
can result if the wood is not perfectly aligned when the
scarf is assembled. There are, however, situations where
the color or grain orientation of the strip may be important and you may have to scarf individual planks.

Cut all the strips using the same machine set-up. One setup makes all the dimensions consistent which is very important during assembly and fairing. Make the set-up as
solid and rigid as possible. You do not want vibration or
pressure to move the saw fence or vibrate the saw blade to

When figuring the length of the strip material, It also helps

to make the planks a foot or so longer than they need to
be. When you are trying to force a plank into position, it is
nice to have the extra length for leverage. Allow for the
extra length in your calculations. n

Machining edge treatments creates additional waste. For

example, if you want tongue and groove on a strip that is
1" wide, you will have to start with a strip that is 1"
wide because the tongue requires " of extra stock.

Bead and cove cutters for making " strips

Jesada Tools, Oldsmar (Tampa), FL,

Cascade Tools Inc., PO Box 3110,
Bellingham, WA 98227,
360-647-1059 " flute-C1378, "
MLCS Ltd., PO Box 4053, Rydal, PA
19046, 800-533-9298
Speed Strip and custom mill work

Maritime Wood Products, 3361 S.E.

Slater Street, Stuart, FL 34997,
Bead and cove foam

ATC Core-Cell, 1015 Clinton Street,

Buffalo, NY 14206, 716-836-1943,
fax 716-836-23
Duracorefor dealer, contact

Marine Department, Baltek Corporation, P.O. Box 195, Northvale, NJ

07647-0195, 201-767-1400,
Pre-shaped strips

Anchor Hardwoods, 18 Covil Av.,

Wilmington, NC 28403, 910-3929888Strips available in white cedar, Philippine mahogany, also marine plywood and exotic hardwoods

Building a Strip Canoe, Gil

Gilpatrick. Delorme Publishing CO.,
Amazon.comPlans for 8 canoes
included in book.
Boatbuilding with Baltek DuraKore,
David G. Brown, International Marine Publications, PO Box 220,
Camden ME, 800-822-8158
Working with DuraKore, epoxy and
fiberglass, good construction tips.
KayakCraft, Canoecraft, Ted
Moores, Bear Mountain Boat Shop,
P.O. Box 191, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 6Y8,

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Fine woodstrip kayak and canoe
construction with designs and detailed instructions.
Featherweight Boatbuilding, "Mac"
McCarthy, WoodenBoat Books,
P.O. Box 78, Naskeag Road,
Brooklin, ME 04616Instruction
and patterns for building the Wee
Lassie canoes.
The Gougeon Brothers on Boat
Construction, Gougeon Brothers,
Inc., P.O. Box 908, Bay City, MI
48707, 866-937-8797Working
with epoxy and wood using, strip
plank and other building techniques.
Other book titles

Rip, Strip & Row, The Strippers

Guide to Canoe Building, The
Strip-Built Sea Kayak

How tough are they?

By J.R. Watson

Once I went over a small falls in my stripper kayak. At the

bottom was broken concrete with rebar in it. I clenched
my teeth as the little kayak ground over ithoping Id
built it tough enough. Fortunately, when I pulled to the
bank to inspect the damage, there were only superficial
Since then, we have conducted proper tests to help estimating strip plank scantlings. We evaluated and compared
the stiffness and strength of laminates of different wood
core thicknesses, numbers of glass layers and glass weights.
The results show how to build strength and stiffness into
stripper style hulls and suggest appropriate scantlings for
small craft
Glass fabric is used in strip composite construction to supply cross grain strength to wood planking. In traditional
building methods, closely space ribs serve this function.
While one layer of cloth on each side of " planking is appropriate for a canoe, its inadequate for larger hulls.
Three good ways to increase strength and stiffness are, increase plank thickness, add more layers of reinforcing fibers, or use stiffer (higher modulus) reinforcing fibers.

Panel thickness
cedar strip


ounces/sq. ft.

Inches of

Pounds to


1 layer 4 oz




2 layers 4 oz





1 layer 6 oz





2 layers 6oz





1 layer 4 oz





2 layers 4 oz





1 layer 6 oz





2 layers 6oz





1 layer 4 oz





2 layers 4 oz





1 layer 6 oz





2 layers 6oz





1 layer 4 oz





2 layers 4 oz





1 layer 6 oz





2 layers 6oz





1 layer 4 oz





1 layer 4 oz





1 layer 4 oz





no glass





no glass





no glass




marine plywood

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

To measure the effects of these variables, we subjected

strip planked 12" 12" test panels to high loads over a
short time until the panels broke. We constructed 16 western red cedar/glass samples, using WEST SYSTEM epoxy
to bond the fiberglass fabric to the strip planked panels,
using normal wet lay-up procedures. We let the epoxy cure
thoroughly at about 60F. We also built seven panels using
marine grade plywood for comparison. We tested four
thicknesses of cedar (316", ", 5 16" and 38") with both one
and two layers of two weights of woven glass fabric (4 oz
and 6 oz). We accurately weighed the samples.
Next, we applied a three-point bending load on each panel
with our MTS machine. The machine exerted loads parallel to the grain on the cedar samples, and parallel to the
face grain on the plywood panels. We measured and recorded the loads exerted in pounds, and inches of deflection at specific points until panel failure. The ramp (rate of
pressure applied) was selected for relatively short duration.
The chart shows stiffness as inches of deflection at failure and strength as pounds to failure. Marine plywood
of standard sizes used in small boat construction (with and
without fiberglass cloth) is listed on the bottom of the
chart as the known quantity for comparison.
As expected, the panels became heavier as we added fiberglass cloth and epoxy. However, surprisingly little weight
was gained relative to the increase in strength and stiffness.
Data indicates that increasing both the number of layers of
cloth and the thickness of the wood core will increase the
overall strength of the wood strip structure without adding
much weight.
We found that " cedar between layers of 6 oz glass cloth,
the proven schedule for canoes, failed when subjected to a
load of 221 lb. An additional layer of 6 oz fiberglass, as
might be applied to a canoes bottom, increased the failure
point by over 100% (to 450 lb), but added just 25% more
weight (2.5 oz/square foot).
The numbers dont adequately convey just how much energy it takes to cause failure. Youd have to be in the laboratory when it happens to fully appreciate it. The MTS
test machine applies force silently and nearly invisibly (up
to 100,000 lb). At the moment of failure, there is a sound
like a rifle shot, then a puff of cedar dust and pulverized
Examining this data, we may develop practical ways to use
wood strip construction. We hope it benefits those who
are considering using this nice building method.
A good source of information on this subject is the Scantlings Rule for Sheathed Strip Construction from
MacNaughton Yacht Designs, P.O. Box 190, Eastport,
Maine 04631, 207-853-6678 n

Planking basics

Strip technique

Staff article

Typical canoe mold

Strip planking, strip plank laminating, and strip composite

may be different methods of construction but they have in
common the process of installing strips over frames that
define the structures shape. These are general guidelines
describing the process.

First, the mold

A typical boat hull mold calls for lofted profiles of the hull
at regular intervals, or stations, along the length of the
hull. These profiles may be temporary frames (to be removed after the stripped shape is reinforced), or they may
be a mixture of temporary frames, permanent frames,
bulkheads or other components.
In larger boats, the keel, stem, shear clamp and transom
are often incorporated within temporary molds to become
part of the permanent hull. In small boats, these things are
most often added after the planking is finished.
Although most boat hulls lend themselves to male molds,
in some instances, there is an advantage to stripping a
shape inside a female mold. For example, the main hull of
the Formula 40 trimaran Adrenalin is rounded top and
bottom. This made it more convenient to build in left and
right halves in female molds. Much of the interior components were installed before the halves were glued togethermuch like building a plastic model airplane
fuselage. The telescope in the article on page 15 is also cylindrical and was built in halves and glued together.

Align and plumb

frame centerlines
Stem to become
part of hull

mold stations
Plywood or
particle board
mold frames


align and plumb the centerlines of all the frames. Use a

stiff batten to check for fairness of the mold frames and
any permanent members. Be sure that the bevels on all
molds are fair. Hard spots may dent the planking as it is
bent over the edge of a mold, which may show in the finished interior.
To avoid bonding the planking to the temporary mold
frames, cover the edges carefully with tape or strips of
heavy plastic sheeting. Do not cover any permanent members you want to attach the planking to permanently. Protect everything else under and around the mold from
epoxy drips, with tape or plastic sheeting.

Plywood or particle board are most often used for temporary mold frames. For the difference in cost, " material
makes a stiffer, more accurate mold than ", and gives
you more meat to fasten the strips to.

Plank layout

On small boats the mold frames are rigidly attached to a

stiff beam called a strongback that can be placed at a convenient working height. On large boats molds are rigidly
attached to the floor.

For some projects planking can be as simple as laying the

first strip beginning on one side of the mold then laying
strips edge to edge until you reach the other side of the

Planking thickness and the shape of the hull determine the

standard spacing between mold stations. For " thick
planking (canoes), 12"16" frame spacing is typical. For "
thick planking, frame spacing is about 24", and for 1" thick
planking, spacing may be 30" or more. If there are areas of
tight, sharp curves which cannot be properly defined by
the general station spacing, insert additional mold frames
between the standard molds in these areas.

Generally the girth of a boat is greater amidships than at

the bow and stern. To accommodate this difference, strips
are allowed to run out at the keel and the shear as they approach the ends of the hull. Unless the hull is particularly
fat for its length, this technique presents no difficulties,
provided that the planking is thin enough to bend easily
edgewise as it arcs toward the sheer or keel.

One of the critical parts of any strip construction project is

accurately lofting and setting up the mold frames. Accurately mark the centerline of each frame and accurately
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

When you have completed this, you are ready to install the
first strip.

With a very full or rounded hull, there are two ways to reduce the severe edgewise bending of the strips. Which
method you choose depends on how fat the hull is and on
the aesthetics of the strip layout in a clear finished hull.

Master plank method

Double run planking

The goal is to locate the master plank about midpoint

along the midship girth. This usually positions this first
strip along the turn of the bilge. The strips on either side
of this master strip will have the same degree of edgewise
bending as you plank toward the keel or the shear.

With this method, the hull surface is divided into two or

more planking areas. The planks that run parallel to the
keel are usually installed first. Planks are laid out from the
keel to the bilge area where they are trimmed off in a fair
curve. The shape of this curve should be designed to accommodate the second run of planking up to the shear
without excessive bending and, for clear finished hulls, to
look pleasing.

To determine the location of the master plank, measure

the profile of a number of frames along the hull and mark
the mid-point between the keel and the sheer on these
frames. Position a batten along these points and adjust it to
achieve a fair curve, ignoring the last few frames at the
bow and stern. By measuring up or down from the batten
at various points on all the frames, you can get a better
idea about how the planking will lie on the rest of the hull.
On clear finished hulls the master plank and subsequent
planking to the shear should compliment the lines of the
hull and be pleasing to the eye. On painted or laminated
hulls, planks will show only on the interior, so reducing
plank bending may be the first consideration.
When you have lined up the batten and adjusted it to suit
the looks of the hull and the bending of planks, carefully
mark its position on each station. Then install the master
plank using these marks as reference.
If you decide that the shape of your hull is not well suited
to this type of planking procedure (for example, if the hull
is too fat), you can use the double run planking system.
Master plank method
Locate the master plank
about midpoint along the
midship girth

Use a batten to decide where this break line between

planking areas will be located. On clear finished hulls it
will ideally be located below waterline where bottom paint
or a boot stripe may hide it. On hulls where the turn of
the bilge is fairly sharp, shift the break line to a flatter area
closer to the keel. Strike a fair curve, keeping in mind the
plank layout up to the shear.
Lay the bottom strips far enough beyond the trim line so
the surface will be fair at the trim line. Use the batten
again to mark the curve on the strips. Trim the area with a
small circular saw set to cut the exact depth of the strips.
Then begin planking the second run from this edge up to
the shear.
This double run planking method takes more time to produce a hull than would a well planned single run plank
scheme. However, on very fat hulls, the double run
method should eliminate extreme plank bending and the
need for spiling or cheater planks. Some hulls such as kayaks or catamarans may require three or more planking areas to control excessive plank bending.

Spiling and cheating

Occasionally it may be necessary to taper or spile some of
the strip planks to fit the narrower end of a hull. If you are
using strips with an edge profile, e.g. bead and cove, the
profile will be removed. Without the nesting profile, use
small dowels or toothpicks in pre-drilled holes to align
strips in these areas.
In some cases the opposite is true and additional planking
width is required near the bow and stern. Cheater planks
can be added between planks at the bow and stern. These
are gradually tapered planks that look like long wood
wedges. An occasional spiled plank or cheater plank allows
the next few planks to be positioned with less effort and

Planks are laid

out from the keel to the
bilge area where they are
trimmed off in a fair curve

Double run method

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

These are some of the general principles of the process of

strip planking. The actual techniques vary depending on
the size and shape of the boat and of coarse, on whether it
will be clear finished. n

Making tight bends

If you build enough strip plank projects, at some time or
another you will need to bend strips around a curve sharp
enough to break the wood strip. Here's how to make bending the strips possible.
Make the wood thinner. Saw the strip through the vertical
axis to make two thinner slats. You do not need to saw the
entire length of the strip, just the area where the strip needs
to be severely bent. Of course, the sawn slats will be thinner than the original strip material by the width of the saw
blade. Use a strip of thin wood the width of the saw blade
to fill the saw kerf. Now you have three strips of veneer
which add up to the total of the strip plank thickness.
Three thinner veneers are much more bendable than one
thick one.
The chart right shows the ease with which a re-sawn 7 8"
strip can be bent compared to three different thicknesses of
unsawn strips. When you install the strip, apply epoxy to
all surfaces, bend the stack of three pieces, clamp and allow
the glue to cure. From the outside and inside the strip looks
like the rest of the strips. Brian Knight n

Edge gluing fixtures

One of the more time consuming jobs in assembling strip
planks is applying the glue to the edges of the strips. Remember, both edges of each plank have to be coated with
glue. You cannot trust the epoxy to transfer from one face
to another. It is much neater to apply the glue to the plank
before you install it rather than after it is installed on the
mold stations. Boat builders have developed a number of
methods to hold the plank steady while they apply the
glue. Most involve some type of stand to hold the plank
on edge. Here are some tips.
Cover the stand with polyethylene plastic before you start,
so you do not get epoxy all over the fixture. Do not apply
glue to more strips than you can assemble before the glue
If you are using rectangular strips, you will have to add
thickened epoxy to the edge on one strip to fill the gap at
the outside edge of each joint. The stand illustrated (right),
allows you to apply thickened epoxy to more than one
plank at a time. First wet-out one edge of each plank with
un-thickened epoxy. Then flip the planks over and apply
thickened epoxy to the other side.
With cove and bead or Speed Strip, apply the thickened
epoxy to the cove or groove side. Wet-out the convex edge
with un-thickened epoxy mix and press it into the soft
putty previously applied to the plank.
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Thickened epoxy
fills the gap
between the top of
the strips and the
top of the stand

Protect the
stand with

Adjust the width of the

stand for the number of
strips you wish to
prepare at one time

One method of quickly applying the glue to the edge of a

strip is to dump the thickened epoxy into a sealable food
storage bag. Seal the bag and snip off a corner. Squeeze the
bag and voil, the epoxy oozes out of the bag like frosting
from a cake decorators bag. Brian Knight n

Holding strip planks in place

By Tom Pawlak

There are many ways to hold strip planks in place

while the adhesive between them cures. The best
method for your project depends on how you
plan to finish it, what fastener equipment you
have on hand, and how much holding power you
need to keep the strip planks in place.
If you will be finishing your project clear, you
must consider how the holes left by the fasteners will look. The appearance of fastener holes
is less important if you are going to paint your
project, apply heavy fiberglass or add a layer
of wood. If this is the case, choose a fastener
you can drive and remove quickly. Drywall
screws, staples or brad nailers will do the job
for you.
Unfilled holes from a
variety of fasteners as
they appear under a
clear finish. They can
be made less visible by
filling with an
epoxy/406 Colloidal
Silica mixture tinted
with wood sanding
dust. Before filling,
wet with warm water
to swell the wood and
shrink the hole. Allow
to dry and sand lightly
before filling.

Youll find drywall screws convenient for

heavy strip plank projects that require extra
holding power. They are inexpensive, reusable
and a delight to work with, especially if you
are using a cordless driver. Screw them in at a
slight angle to force one plank to nest against
the previous. This forces excess adhesive out
of the joint, reducing project weight.
Driving screws is slower than installing fasteners with pneumatic tools, and may unsuitable
for clear-finished projects unless you drill and
plug the holes.

Office pin
20 ga. common brad nail
18 ga. common brad
#4 finish nail
18 ga. office push pin
18 ga. pneumatic brad nail
Fine wire narrow crown staple
Common wide crown staple
18 ga.

" crown staple


#6 drywall screw

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Brad nailers and staplers let you rapidly install

and remove fasteners, but do not offer much
drawing power. Use them when you dont
need much force to hold planks in place. To
use these air-operated tools, hold the wood
strips in position before driving the nail or staple. The fastener will not draw the plank
against the mold frame on its own. If you
need a lot of holding power, use drywall
screws or drive the staple or brad nail through
a wooden or plastic spacer. This lets you drive
the fastener home against the spacer block,
and easily remove it later.
If youll be finishing your project clear, youll
want your fastener holes to be small and less
noticeable. Wide crown staples are good for
holding "-thick wood strips in place. Many
builders prefer them for building strip plank
canoes. They install quickly and hold reasonable well.
In skilled hands, wide crown staplers install
quickly with little damage to the wood strips.
Be sure to drive the staples proud of the surface, rather than flush or below it. The photo
(left) shows fastener damage of each style fastener. If you must drive the staples hard
against the wood to gain holding power, do it
through a thick piece of plastic, such as a piece
cut from a plastic squeegee. The plastic will
stop the staple from crushing wood fiber, and
let you remove the staple without harming the
wood. The photo shows a variety of ways to
protect the wood from fastener damage.
Narrow crown fine wire staples also work
well for clear finish projects using wood strips
around " thick. The narrow gauge wire will
mar wood less than most other fasteners. As
with wide crown staples, you must drive the
staple proud of the surface. Prevent damage
by stapling through stiff plastic strips, which
protect the wood and let you easily remove
the staples.
Narrow gauge wire brads (small nails) are another option for clear finish projects. Brads
are available in 20-gauge (.038" diameter) and
7 " long. This is long enough to temporarily

hold strips in place. Combined with a wooden

or plastic spacer, brads hold very well and
leave only one hole. Wooden spacers make removal easy because you can grab them with
pliers. They also pad the fastener head and
prevent scarring of the strips. You can repeatedly reuse spacer pads with the brad nails still
attached (right).
For projects that cannot tolerate any fastener
holes, use hot melt glue to hold glued strips
against mold frames. First secure the strips in
place with spring clamps, then apply hot melt
glue to the back side of the wood strip alongside each of the mold frames. After the hot
melt glue has set up 2 or 3 minutes, remove
the spring clamps, fit another plank and glue it
in place. When youre done planking, cut the
hot melt free of the mold frames. Be careful
not to damage the planks.
Scaffold nails (double headed nails) are still
used on some large strip plank projects. They
hold very well and are easy to remove with a
claw hammer or crow bar. Nails are not as
popular as they were in the past because drywall screws and pneumatic nailers are more efficient. n

A variety of wooden, plastic and metal washers or spacer pads. When used
with nails or staples, they can easily be removed with pliers. They prevent
damage to soft wood strips, and they can be reused.

Edge fastening
Rectangular or square edge strips tend to get out of alignment between
mold stations, especially where the bend is tight and the planks have to be
forced into position. You can build intermediate mold stations in these areas to support the planks in more places.
Tom Pawlak of our Technical Staff maintains plank alignment another
way. When he had problems aligning thin planks, he drilled a small diameter hole vertically through the strip. Then he broke one end of a toothpick (the round, tapered kind) off and stuck the pointed end into the
hole. He forced the plank into position and tapped the toothpick into the
plank below, like a wooden nail. Tom suggests that you over-align the
planks because there is some slop in the system from the taper on the
On thicker planks, use dowel rods glued in pre-drilled holes. It is a good
idea to use a drill bit a few thousandths of an inch smaller than the dowel.
The friction helps to draw the planks together.

A toothpick
used as a
dowel to keep
planks aligned

You can also fasten edges with metal fasteners, but inevitably a couple of
fasteners will break through one of the planks. Metal fasteners are hard to
remove and equally difficult to fair smooth. On the other hand, wooden
dowels that break through the surface are easy to fair. Brian Knight

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998


Strip project

Start off simple

An easy-to-build clipboard
By Tom Pawlak

Building a natural finish wood-strip canoe can

be exciting and a bit daunting, particularly if it
is your first clear finish canoe. Youll commit
time and money to the project and your expectations may run high. Most people are
happy with the results of their first strip composite project, but deep down they wish some
aspect of it was a bit better.
This article suggests ways to overcome problems that can plague you as a first-time
builder. You can eliminate pitfalls if you take
time to build a simpler strip project before
building a canoe. This is something woodshop
teachers often have their students do.

Mail boxes, clip boards or canoe paddle blades

can be built using the same technique as a canoe. This gives you a chance to practice and
gain confidence, and you can learn from your
mistakes on relatively inexpensive projects. A
simple project like a wood strip clipboard can
be fun to build, its useful and can make a
unique gift.
Whether you are building a clipboard or a canoe, a modern strip composite project usually
includes these nine steps:

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Step 1: Plan
Choose your materials and methods. Before
starting your project, select your building materials, then research and decide exactly how
you will accomplish each of the steps.
To make a clipboard, your materials include:

12 to 15 wood strips that are " x "

14" long.

A flat piece of wood that is at least 10"

14" at least " thick.

Plastic or wax paper sheet roughly 10"


WEST SYSTEM 105 Epoxy Resin, 207

Special Coating Hardener and 406 Colloidal Silica filler.

2 pieces of 4 oz or 6 oz fiberglass cloth,

one for each side of the clipboard.

A staple gun with staples, or small brads to

hold the strips in place during epoxy cure.

A cabinet scraper, sand paper and hard pad


Spring clip, 6" chrome P/N 76190 or 4"

brass P/N 75838 hardware is available for
under $2.00 from Rockler Woodworking
and Hardware, 1-800-279-4441,

Before building your canoe, reading Canoecraft by Ted Moores and Marilyn Mohr is a
good place to begin. Gil Gilpatricks book,
Building a Strip Canoe is another good choice.
Both are easy for first-time builders to understand, yet thorough enough that many experienced builders use them for reference. I used
both books in researching and building my
first canoe.
You may have an idea of how youd like the
canoe to look, but are not sure what woods
will create that look. You could experiment by
making several clipboards using a variety of
wood species. Once theyre edge glued and
coated with epoxy, the panels color and tone
will be evident. At this point, you can set aside
any panels you dont like. Only panels that
have the desired look need to be fiberglassed
and finished.


Step 2: Select the wood

Experiment with color schemes and contrast.
You can use a variety of wood species to create
a colorful piece. Add 4 or 5 narrow strips of
contrasting wood for a stunning accent. The
photo on page 9 shows the accent strip effect.
Canoes are usually built with low-density
woods like cedar, spruce or redwoods. Western red cedar and Atlantic white cedar are
most popular, but some beautiful canoes are
built with Sitka spruce and redwood.
Several years ago I purchased clear redwood
from a local yard to build my canoe. I bought
it because it came in 20' lengths, offered beautiful wood contrasts from light tan to dark
reddish browns, was without knots and was
affordable. The clear redwood grade includes
heartwood and sapwood (dark and light) and
is less expensive than clear/select redwood,
which is all dark colored heartwood.

Step 3: Prepare the strips

We can experiment with edge treatments for
the wood strips. Basic flat edges that will form
butt joints should be sufficient for a clipboard,
but the seams are more noticeable on curved
surfaces. Bead and cove joints are used on canoes because the joints are less visible and the
strips interlock and align better. See Types and
sources of strip plank material, page 3.

Step 4: Create a mold

Because were experimenting with flat panels,
our mold can be a flat piece of plywood or a
few pieces of straight 1" 1" wood strips, set
apart to simulate mold frames. Cover the
mold with plastic film to prevent epoxy from
sticking to it.
Naturally a canoe mold is much more difficult. Dont skimp on the time or effort it takes
to build a canoe mold. Its an important part
of the process and flaws in the mold will show
up in the finished canoe.

Step 5: Edge glue the wood strips

Coat both edges of each strip with epoxy,
slightly thickened with 406 Colloidal Silica.
Place each strip tight against the previous
strip. Staple or nail the strips to the plastic
covered plywood mold using a single fastener
at each end. Avoid driving the staples or nails
in too deep because removing them later may
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

damage the wood. You can avoid damage by

stapling through strips of firm plastic or
wood. Wipe or scrape away the excess resin
before it cures. Allow it to cure overnight.
Again, we can use our test panels to experiment with different glues and determine
which best meets our needs. Builders use a variety of adhesives to edge glue wood strips together on small projects like canoes. These
include white and yellow carpenter glues,
polyurethane adhesives, 5-minute epoxies and
of course WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Although
some of these adhesives are not marine grade
glues, the builders have faith that the epoxy
and fiberglass layers inside and out will keep
the wood dry. As a strip plank project increases in scale and worth, builders almost exclusively edge glue with epoxy because they
cant afford to take any chances.

Step 6: Prepare to fiberglass

We can use our flat panels to develop finishing
skills for smoothing the wood surface. Even
flat panels will have irregularities that youll
want to remove. Smooth the surface with
cabinet scrapers, sanding blocks or modified
vibrator sanders. If you are hand sanding, do
it in the direction of the grain to avoid cross
scratches in the wood. Use 80-grit sandpaper
for rough shaping, and 120-grit for final sanding. Use a vacuum cleaner or bench brush to
remove wood and epoxy dust.
Wipe the surface with lacquer thinner or water to expose any flaws and enhance wood
color, contrast and tone. If you dont like the
character of the wood, discard it and try
again. Ill build two or more boards at the
same time to increase the chance of getting a
panel I like.
On curved surfaces like canoes, many strips
edge glued together give the appearance of
fluid curves, but in reality the shape is made of
a series of narrow flat segments. To prepare
the canoe for fiberglass, you'll use sanders,
cabinet scrapers and/or low angle block
planes, to create one continuous smooth surface. Work them carefully. This can and
should be time consuming, particularly if you
plan to produce a flawlessly smooth hull.
You can modify tools to improve the outcome
and make the job faster and easier. On a

1. Plan

2. Select the wood

3. Prepare the strips

4. Create a mold

5. Edge glue the strips

6. Prepare to fiberglass

7. Apply the fiberglass

8. Finish the surface

9. Install the hardware


Apply fiberglass to the other side of the panel as soon as

possible. This reduces the chance of the panel warping. If
the unsealed wood on the opposite side picks up moisture
or dries out, the panel will cup or bow. If this happens,
add moisture or dry the affected side to correct the warp.
Cure the epoxy for at least two days at 65F or higher.
Most clear finish canoes are fiberglassed inside and out
with a layer or two of 4 oz or 6 oz plain weave fiberglass
cloth. You can experiment with fiberglass from different
sources over the flat panels to determine what works best.
If the fiberglass wets out clearly, it's probably suitable for
your project. To avoid problems with fiberglass wrinkles,
find a supplier who ships the fiberglass rolled on a tube,
rather than folded.

Step 8: Finish the surface

bench grinder, shape cabinet scrapers to match the desired
shape of the hull. You can use several scrapers with slightly
different shapes to scrape away the hard edges of the
wood strips on different parts of the canoe.
You can modify a vibrator sander with plastic laminate between the sandpaper and backer pad to create a hard surface behind the sand paper. This allows the sandpaper to
touch only the high spots. This trick works only on flat
sections and on convex surfaces like the outside of the
hull. Professionals usually combine these techniques to get
the job done.

Step 7: Apply the fiberglass

For clear finished projects, seal-coat the surface with epoxy a day or two before fiberglassing. This step helps create a good clear finish. The seal-coat lets you see one more
time, how the wood will look when fiberglassed. Youll be
able to see any glue dribbles left over from the edge gluing,
and can remove them before you apply the fiberglass. The
seal-coat also reduces the chances of air escaping the wood
to make bubbles in the curing epoxy, a process called outgassing. See Tips for the clearest fiberglass finish, page 21.
Sand the seal-coat before you apply the fiberglass. Avoid
sanding through it, because sanded-through spots may
make irregularities in the finished surface.
To apply the fiberglass, carefully lay a dry piece of fiberglass cloth over the prepared surface. Smooth out wrinkles
and air pockets. Apply epoxy using the clear finish techniques recommended in Tips for the clearest fiberglass finish, page 21. Remember to apply all of the fill coats on the
same day if possible. You should apply each coat while the
previous coat is still a bit tacky. This way you wont need
to wash and sand between coats (as you will if you let the
epoxy cure hard).

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Use stiff sanding blocks

and modified vibrator
sanders to smooth out
any remaining surface
flaws. Finish the surface
by sanding it smooth
with a Formica backed
vibrator sander to create a smooth flat surface in preparation for
Repeat all of the surface preps to the other side of the
panel. Trim the board to final size of 9" 12" allowing for a " radius on the corners. Break all edges with
sand paper rounding them off slightly. Coat the edges with
epoxy, allow to cure and sand smooth before varnishing.
Apply one or two coats of varnish to the flat panels to
complete the process. Two or three coats are recommended for canoes.

Step 9: Install the hardware

Two different types of clipboard hardware are available.
Conventional chrome hardware and a smaller, lower profile version in brass. Both are available at Rockler
Woodworking and Hardware. Attach clipboard hardware
with screws and T-nuts.
There is still quite a bit to install on a canoe after the hull
is finished. the seats, shear clamps and decks finish the job
and because the stressful part is over these can be more relaxing and enjoyable parts of the project.
If you decide to build a clipboard, remember to have fun
and experiment with wood color and fastener technique.
If you can perfect your building methods on small projects
like this clipboard, you will be better prepared to take on
larger projects. n


Panel warping
CAUTION: Strip planked projects can warp to the point
of being unusable if one side of the wood core is
fiberglassed and the other side is left unsealed. Changes in
wood moisture content on the unsealed side will cause the
project to change shape. The potential for warping is
greatest on thin wood-strip projects like canoes and kayaks. The thinner the planking, the greater the risk.
This happened to me while building my first stripper canoe. I decided to take a break from the project after
fiberglassing the outside of the hull. Two months went by
before I pulled the canoe off of the mold. The bottom had
inverted slightly because the unsealed side inside of the
hull had taken up moisture and expanded. I caught the
problem early enough and was able to correct it. I put the
canoe back on the mold, dried the unsealed wood side
with electric space heaters and quickly fiberglassed the inside before further change could take place. A friend of
mine was not so lucky. Over a period of a year, his rowing
shell tuned inside out like a dried out pea pod. He was
not able to salvage his project.
This photo demonstrates problem caused by a change in
wood moisture content during the building process. Both
panels were cut from the same strip planked laminate.
The western red cedar laminate had a moisture content of
8% to 10% when fiberglassed on one (top) side only.
The panel was perfectly flat at the time it was cut into two
pieces. One piece was exposed to a very dry environment,

EPOXYWORKS publication schedule

We hear from a few folks wondering exactly when the next issue of EPOXYWORKS is coming out or if they are still
on the subscription list. We're flattered
when you notice we are behind schedule.
There is a good reason for the leeway in
publication dates. Our primary business
is manufacturing and marketing epoxy,
and providing good technical information. EPOXYWORKS is produced entirely
in-house, and must take a back seat to
the day-to-day operation of producing a
high quality epoxy and responding our
customers needs. We want EPOXYWORKS to be accurate and informative
and are willing to take the time to make it
worth reading. Unfortunately, it cant always follow an exact schedule.

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

the other a damp/moist environment for less than a

week. You can see the potential for problems if one
side is left unsealed.



You can greatly reduce the potential for warping by

working in a moisture controlled shop, using wood
that has stabilized at 6% to 12% moisture content,
and fiberglassing the inside shortly after fiberglassing
the outside. Tom Pawlak

Technical and product information worldwide

In addition to our facility here in Bay City, Michigan, WEST SYSTEM
and PRO-SET epoxies are produced in plants in England, Australia and
New Zealand. It may be more convenient for you to contact one of
these companies for technical and product information.
In Europe, Africa or the Middle East contact:
Cupernham Lane, Romsey, Hamshire, England SO51 7LF,
www.wessex-resins.com, Phone 44-1-794-521-111,
E-mail: [email protected].
In Australia and the Far East contact:
ATL COMPOSITES PTY. LTD., P.O. Box 2349/Southport 4214,
Queensland, Australia, www.atlcomposites.com, Phone
61-755-63-1222, E-mail: [email protected].
In New Zealand contact:
ADHESIVES TECHNOLOGIES LTD., 17 Corbans Ave./Box 21-169,
Henderson, Waitakere Auckland, New Zealand, 0612
www.adhesivetechnologies.co.nz, Phone 64-9-838-6961, E-mail:
[email protected]


Building a Ladder to the Heavens

By J.R. Watson

A portable, easy to
build, cedar strip
reflecting telescope.

We have all looked to the night sky and

been taken aback by the view. Telescopes
are tools that allow us to get a closer,
more detailed view. My dad used to
call them a ladder to the heavens. There are a number of reasons why you might want to
build your own telescope:
Custom design, aesthetics
and quality come to
mind. There is always
the element of satisfaction in creating
your own.
I chose to
build this
telescope to
observe the
heavens and
reel in some
views. This
project is not as
difficult to construct
as it sounds. The configuration and components are straight forward.
You wont save money building a telescope
like this one. You could buy a fine telescope
similar to the one Ive built, for the cost of the
building materials and components. If you
built the components yourself, you might save
money. However, youd have to grind your
own mirrora project in its own right and beyond the scope of this article. Building this instrument may give you enjoyment, and the
completed telescope will give you, your family
and friends a life time of viewing pleasure.

My goals for this project

I wanted to build a high quality, portable and
aesthetically pleasing telescope. I didnt want
building it to consume too much time. I was
willing to work at it part time for a few
months, make some of the parts, buy others
and assemble them all.
The main parts of a telescope are the optical
components, for viewing, and the base, for
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

holding the scope steady and allowing adjustments. I chose a Newtonian type of reflecting
telescope, named for its inventor, English
physicist Sir Isaac Newton.
The optical components; the primary mirror,
secondary mirror and focusing mount are attached to the optical tube. Light enters the
hollow, open-ended optical tube and is reflected off a large, curved primary mirror at
the tubes base up to a smaller flat secondary
mirror near the front end of the tube. Its reflected again out of the tube into the eyepiece
in the focuser. The tubes interior is baffled to
reduce stray light.
Finding scope


Optical tube
Secondary mirror

Altitude pivot

Dobsonian mount

Primary mirror

The tube rests in a simple and efficient base,

designed by the U.S. telescope builder John
Dobson. The Dobsonian mount permits precise movement toward the objects you wish to
view. Its drawback is that it doesnt allow
tracking for photography.
Because the scope is portable, the less it
weighs, the better. I decided to make the optical tube out of cedar. The simple cylinder
shape makes it perfect for strip-planked construction. And because it is encapsulated in epoxy, it is dimensionally stable and resists
weathering, although Id never leave it out in
the rain. This kind of scope is relatively inexpensive and doesnt call for exotic manufacturing steps, so a home-builder can make one.

Laying it out
I laid out the telescope, full-size, on a piece of
plywood (boatbuilders call this lofting). For
the optical component, I wanted the biggest
aperture practical for a portable scope, to
gather more light and allow me to view fainter
objects in the night sky. I decided on an 8" diameter, f6 primary mirror. This choice drove
all of the telescope dimensions. I began with
the primary mirror, and its 48" focal length.
The focuser and secondary mirror I had chosen, determined the distance from the face of
the primary mirror to the center of the secondary mirror. I added a few extra inches and
made the optical tube 56" overall. The extra
length helps reduce stray light and prevent
dew on the secondary mirror. The added
length does make the scope more cumbersome, but I feel its worth the tradeoff.
At the location of the secondary mirror, I
drew a cross section of the tube. A mirror this
size requires an optical tube with a 10" inside
diameter. I determined the number of wooden
strips required to build the tube and the bevel
angle for the strip edges. Adding the thickness
of the strips to the inside diameter gave me the
mold frame dimensions.

Building the optical tube mold

The mold in this project serves two functions.
It is first used to build the optical tube halves,
and later becomes part of the storage case.
The optical tube is simply a hollow,
open-ended cylinder. It would be built in two

halves then glued together. I made three female mold stations of "-thick plywood to
support a half of the optical tube. The tubes
wall thickness is 38" so the inside mold surface
diameter is 10". I made the stations identical
by screwing them together and making all the
cuts at the same time. I made the mold frames
2" larger than the optical tube on the sides and
bottom. Then I separated and glued the three
stations to a piece of "-thick plywood that
would become the bottom of the storage case.
I placed one in the middle (see illustration)
and the others about 6" from each end of the
optical tube. To keep the form flat, I temporarily screwed it to my flat workbench. I used
this form for many alignment steps and as the
foundation for the telescopes storage and
transport cabinet.

Making the optical tube

To build the optical tube, I needed a dimensionally stable wood that would plane, sand
and bond well. I chose western red cedar.
Redwood would have been another good
choice. Mahogany would have looked very
nice but added some weight.
I ripped the strips from a flat sawn 2" 10"
6' planks, so I ended up with quarter sawn
strips 38" thick 15 8" wide. The strips are 16"
longer than the finished telescope tube. I cut
enough strips to allow for 20% reject after examining for grain flaws, and bought extra
stock for the altitude bearing pads (discussed
later). I selected my strips for the tube, num-

Optical tube mold

I made the stations

identical by screwing
them together and
making all the cuts at
the same time. Then I
separated and glued
the three stations to a
piece of "-thick
plywood that would
become the bottom of
the storage case.

Align and attach mold

frames to a solid base

Layout optics to determine

inner tube dimensions

Add strip thickness

to determine mold frame dimension

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998


bered them and flipped every other strip end for end to
limit dimensional change and counter the grain runout.
I beveled the strip edges to the angle I'd established by lofting. You can rip the strips at an angle on the table saw or
shape them with a plane as I had done. An easy method is
to attach a bevel guide block to the planes base. Building
one half at a time, I dry-laid all of the strips for the first
half into the mold frames. I trimmed the two end strips
flush with the top of the mold frames, then numbered and
removed the strips.
Test strips in the mold, showing the bevel angle on each strip.
The bevel angle was established by lofting and the strips were
ripped the proper angle on a table saw.

Optical tube lay-up

To prevent the strips from adhering to the mold frames, I

covered the frames with polyethylene plastic. One by one,
I coated the edges of the strips and laid them in order into
the female mold frames. I used epoxy mixed with 407
Low-Density Filler so that it would sand at a similar rate to
the wood.

The two identical halves of the tube are

built in the same mold

I stapled wooden strips across the top

of the mold frames, forcing the end
strips down. The pressure forced the
strips together and against the frames,
like an upside-down arch. I was able
to clamp all of the strips at the same
time without putting holes through
the strips. I made sure all of the strips
were aligned, scraped off the excess
and allowed the epoxy to cure.

Quarter sawn strips 38 " 158 "

Strips are 16" longer than the
finished telescope tube

9 oz fiberglass tape
8" from end of tube. Tube to
be trimmed to edge of glass

Before removing the tube half from the

mold, I bonded 6"-wide, 9 oz glass tape
8" from the ends on the inside of the
tube to prevent cracks. The next day, I
removed the tube from the mold and
repeated the process to make the other
half of the optical tube.


Wooden strips across the top of the mold frames, forced the end
strips down and all the strips together against the frames, like an
upside-down arch.

Baffling is the texturing of the inside surface of the optical

tube to ensure that the only light that reaches the eyepiece
is the direct light from the object its focused on. To make
the baffling, I bought fine sand (the kind used to create terrain on scale train sets). The grains are consistent in size
and color. I coated inside the tube halves with epoxy, then
sprinkled the sand onto it before it had gelled. After it
cured, I spray painted the surface flat black. It was easy to
accomplish this while the optical tube was still in halves.
The textured surface absorbs 90% more light than a
smooth surface painted flat black. Its drawback is that its
difficult to keep clean, and dust is light colored. Its easy to
wipe clean a smooth, flat black tube, whereas you must
vacuum or periodically repaint a textured tube. This is time
consuming, because you must remove the mirrors or mask
them to protect them from paint.

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998


Joining and finishing

Optical components

Next, I carefully aligned and joined the two halves. I held

them together with three bungee cords that exerted moderate pressure around the tube. Spring clamps at the ends
kept the joints aligned. When the epoxy cured, I used flat
black paint to touch up the slight adhesive squeeze-out on
the inside.

I selected an Aster Systems crayford low-profile focuser.

The crayford mechanism is smooth and precise. Its lowprofile allows me to use a smaller secondary mirror. Since
light must pass the secondary mirror it before it reaches
the primary mirror, a smaller secondary mirror obstructs
less light and offers a brighter view of the night sky. With
my 8", f6 primary mirror, I can use a secondary mirror
1.52" in diameter.

Joining the tube halves

I marked the location of the secondary mirror and focuser using my full-sized layout. The crayford focuser is heavy, so I located it on the side in line with the altitude pivot to maintain
balance as elevation is increased. I tend to favor my right eye,
so I mounted the focuser on the left side of the optical tube to
move me away from the base. The focuser mount came with
a template that I used to layout the hole.

Bungee cords

Clean excess epoxy

from joint after

After Id cut and shaped the focus mount hole, I wet its perimeter with epoxy to seal the exposed end grain. Next, I
reamed the hole so the fasteners could pass through them
without cutting threads in the hole walls.
Use the mold to support
the tube for fairing and
Spring clamps keep
joints aligned at ends

Using the mold to support the tube, I lightly planed the

faceted exterior round, then I sanded it with a flexible
sanding block that conformed to the round shape. (Flexible sanding blocks are described in Epoxyworks 5.) I began
with 40-grit sandpaper, then used 60-grit. As the finish became smoother, I padded the mold stations with a soft
cloth to prevent marring the wood. I then returned to
sanding with 80-grit, then 120-grit, until the surface was
smooth and fair.
I applied a layer of 6"-wide, 9 oz. glass tape around the
tube, 8" from the ends, just as I did on the inside of the
tube. When the epoxy cured, I cut off the ends of the tube
at the edge of the fiberglass tape to the finished 56" length.
I applied three coats of WEST SYSTEM 105 Resin and
207 Special Coating Hardener. To make it easier to apply
the epoxy, I supported the tube with a piece of pipe
through the tube and hung it from my shop ceiling. After
each coat cured completely, I sanded it lightly with 220grit sandpaper before applying the next coat. The final
coat was left unsanded. Because the telescope will be used
mostly for night viewing, and not exposed to UV, epoxy
will be the final finish. When the final coat cured, I was
ready to the install the optical components and altitude
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

I installed the mirrors in a specific order. To begin, I secured the holder for the secondary mirror. This holder
consists of four thin vanes with bolts attached to the ends.
The bolts pass through holes in the optical tube. I used my
hole finder tool (Epoxyworks 9) to locate the holes for the
bolts. I wrapped a wide piece of heavy paper around the
optical tube to mark the holes so they were all square to
each other and perpendicular to the centerline of the optical tube. I then mounted the secondary mirror.
For the primary mirror, I selected an aluminum mirror
support made by University Optics, Inc. It allows air to circulate around the mirror, so it can quickly reach the ambient temperature. It is fully adjustable and lightweight.
To temporarily locate the primary mirror support, I
backed the mounting bolts against the inside of the optical
tube walls. This held the mirror in place until Id completed the basic collimating or aligning of the mirrors. To
make this alignment, I focused on a distant object with the
tube stabilized in the mold stations. I used a diagnostic collimating eyepiece in the focuser to align the primary mirror with the secondary mirror. Once the primary mirror
was in position, I used my handy hole finder to transfer
the exact location of the support arms to the outside of the
optical tube. Then I drilled the mounting bolt holes and
mounted the mirror.
A telescope this size deserves a larger aperture finding
scope, which rides piggy back on the primary telescope. I
purchased an Orion 8 50 achromatic (two-element
finder telescope). I located the scopes base on center on
top of the optical tube. The finding scope slips into a
dovetail on the base and is easily detachable for storage.

LeftThe altitude
pivot spacers
fashioned from cedar
RightThe finished
altitude pivots with a
mahogany bearing

Altitude pivots
The altitude pivots are short, 6" diameter cylinders, glued
to the tube at the fore and aft balance point. They protrude from the sides of the optical tube and rest in a yoke
in the Dosonian mount.
I used scrap cedar strips from the optical tube to fabricate
two altitude pivots. I scribed the pieces to the outside of
the finished tube, sawed and laminated them together. After they cured, I cut them into 6"-diameter circles. Next, I
cut 6"-diameter disks from 1"-thick mahogany and bonded
them to the spacers to extend the pivots. The mahogany
portion of the pivot would rest on the mount's bearings.
With all of the optical components installed, I hung the
optical tube by a rope to locate the balance point. The center of the pivots was located precisely at this balance point,
in line with each other on opposite sides of the optical
tube. I used the top edges of the mold stations as a reference to align the pins, then bonded them to the sides of
the tube.

Dobsonian mount
The mount holds the telescope steady and allows for
smooth vertical and lateral movements. The mount has
two parts, the rocker box and the ground board. The optical tube's pivots rest on Teflon bearing pads in the yoke
of the rocker box. The low-friction pads permit smooth,
precise tilting, or rocking of the optical tube. The precise
balance of the telescope lets you freeze the location, or adjust it with a slight nudge. This lets you easily follow an
object as the Earth rotates. A pin on the bottom of the
rocker box passes through an Oil-lite bushing in the center of the ground board. The weight of the rocker box and
optical tube rests on low-friction bearing pads between it
and the ground board.
The mount is constructed of "-thick marine plywood glued
and screwed together. Bonding will result in a more rigid and
stable base. I attached a tray for eyepieces and filters to the
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

supporting end piece on the rocker box. The bearing surface

of the rocker box is covered with plastic laminate. I spaced
three Teflon bearing pads on the top of the ground board
120 apart and located them directly over the three legs for
maximum stability. The ground board is round, its diameter is
the same as the width of the rocker box so you dont stumble
over the ground board in the dark.
After using the scope a few times I discovered a couple improvements Id like to make. As I observed objects more
directly overhead, leverage for lateral adjustments of the
scope is greatly reduced. Ill be adding a lever, like a boats
tiller, to the side of the rocker box to improve control and
allow me to more easily steer through the heavens.
When switching to a focuser with a different weight, the
balance point shifts slightly forward. To compensate for
this, Ill apply an adhesive-backed magnetic strip to the
back end of the optical tube. Then I will be able to add or
subtract steel washers to precisely balance the telescope regardless of which accessory is attached.

Transport/storage case
I fabricated the telescopes storage and transport cabinet
around the mold Id used to build the optical tube. The
sides attach to sides of the three mold frames and the edge
of the " plywood bottom. I set wooden fillets on the inside corners between the stations. I built a 6" tall lid and
attached it with brass hinges. I glued felt padding to the
three mold surfaces (now bunks) to protect the optical
tube. Inside, I fashioned separate compartments for eyepieces, finder scope, sky charts and accessories, then varnished the interior.

Im not an astronomer, but this instrument makes me feel
like one. I look into the sky and see more than what I
thought were just stars. What I thought were stars are
whole galaxies, greater than the Milky Way. What I

thought was one star is actually two, revolving around

each other. What was a white smudge in the dark sky is a
collection of millions of stars. They fill the view through
my telescope. An asteroid streaks through the view before
my eyes; the sky is as alive with action as the sea.
You could buy a fine f6, 8" Dobsonian telescope, ready to
use, for about $500. For the dollar, its worth it. I spent
many extra dollars on some premium items that drive the
price up, but improve the view. I could have made it for
less money, but I didnt take on this custom project to save
money. I completed the project in approximately 150
hours. It was a pleasure to build and more fun to use. I
plan to have it around for more than a lifetime.


University Optics, P.O. Box 1205, Ann Arbor, MI 48106,

734-665-3575mirrors, cells, eyepieces
Orion Telescope and Binocular, P.O. Box 1815, Santa Cruz,
CA 95061, 800-447-1001mirrors, cells, eyepieces
Roger Tuthill Inc., 1255 Toms River Rd, Jackson, NJ
08527, 732-657-5314filters, eyepieces

Starry Messenger, P.O. Box 4823-P, Ithaca, NY 14852,

201-992-6865used equipment

Build Your Own Telescope, Richard Berry, Willmann-Bell,

Inc., P.O. Box 35025, Richmond, VA 23235,

Project costs (1998 prices)

Western red cedar and plywood . . . . . . $125

WEST SYSTEM epoxy, 1 Group A, with 206 Slow
and 207 Special Coating Hardener . . . . . . $75
Miscellaneous items
(Teflon, plastic laminate, screws) . . . . . . $25
Secondary mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . $25
Secondary mirror support . . . . . . . . . $30
Primary mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225
Primary mirror support . . . . . . . . . . $30
Focuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140
Eyepieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200
Finder scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80
Finder scope bracket . . . . . . . . . . . $35
Collimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

$1,025 n

How to make a solar filter

The sun is magnificent to view through a telescopebut
only with a filter. Building a solar filter for a telescope is
pretty straight forward.
To build one for my telescope, I sawed two 1"-wide
rings from "-thick plywood. The inside diameter of the
rings matches the outside diameter of my telescopes optical tube (10"). I bonded the two larger rings together
with an identically-sized ring of foam between them.
The laminated ring slides over the tube.
I cut a third plywood ring with an inside diameter that
matched the inside diameter of the optical tube (10"). I
laid a piece of solar filter material over the foam/plywood laminated ring. I placed the smaller plywood ring
over the filter material, and bolted the rings together
with the filter between them. I glued felt to the inside of
the rings. For viewing, I slip the filter over the open end
of the optical tube. The friction of the felt holds the filter in place.
I purchased an aluminum-coated Mylar solar filter material called SOLAR SKREEN from Roger Tuthill Inc.,
1255 Toms River Rd, Jackson, NJ 08527,
732-657-5314.J.R. Watson

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

WARNING! Never view the sun through a telescope

without a filter. It can instantly result in permanent


Getting the clearest

fiberglass finish
Epoxy tips

By Jim Derck

If you are using the strip planking method to build a canoe, kayak or even a telescope, you already appreciate the
beauty of wood. The following tips will help you achieve
the clearest possible fiberglass coating to protect and reinforce the wood and show off your handiwork.

Perfect the surface

Because your work will be on permanent display under
glass, you must make the wood surface as fair and flawless
as possible before you apply fiberglass cloth. Once youve
glassed and coated the surface, the flaws will stand out and
they will be very difficult to repair.
First check the surface for fairness. This is where you want
to be a perfectionist. Be sure to sand out any scratches
running across the grain. To prevent small hollows, use a
long sanding board, with the grain. Remove the dust by
vacuuming and wiping the surface with paper towels
dampened with lacquer thinner. (Rags can sometimes contaminate the surface, preventing a strong epoxy bondpaper towels are safer.) This also helps to reveal any
scratches or marks across the wood grain and gives you an
ideal of how the surface will look when coated with epoxy.

Use 207 Hardener

WEST SYSTEM 207 Special Coating Hardener is specifically designed for clear finishes. Mixed with 105 Resin, it
is unaffected by high humidity and has a low viscosity. It
wets out fabric well and flows out smoothly when coating.

Choose fiberglass cloth wisely

Woven fiberglass is best for general sheathing because it
finishes to an even surface. For maximum clarity, use a
lightweight fiberglass cloth, 4 oz or 6 oz per square yard.
Heavier fabric wont wet out as clear, and will hide wood
grain details. Buy your fiberglass cloth on a roll. It is less
likely to wrinkle than folded fiberglass fabrics.
Fiberglass becomes clear during wet out as epoxy surrounds and displaces the air between the many fine filaments that make up its strands. Choose a fabric with an
epoxy-compatible coupling agent, because it permits epoxy to more easily replace the air around the filaments
than incompatible fabric.

EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Seal the wood with epoxy

On clear finished wood, we recommend applying a seal
coat of epoxy to the wood before fiberglassing. This will
assure the wood wont absorb epoxy out of the cloth, leaving dry spots. The coating also highlights any flaws youve
missed, giving you a last chance to perfect the surface before you apply the fiberglass. Sealing the wood also helps
prevent outgassing.

Avoid outgassing
When temperatures rise or when high barometric pressure
gives way to low barometric pressure, air within the cells
of the wood expands and is forced out. This occurrence is
called outgassing. If the surface is coated with fresh epoxy,
the outgoing air can leave bubbles or pinholes in the coating. Not only do the bubbles show in the cured coating,
they can lift the fiberglass from the surface, creating unsightly voids.
You can get the best results coating indoors where you
have control over the temperature. Raise your shop temperature for a few hours, then reduce it before you begin
coating. As the wood temperature drops to equal the room
temperature, it tends to draw air, or epoxy, into its pores
(the opposite of outgassing). If you must coat outdoors,
wait until after the air temperature and wood temperature
have peaked, and will be cooling as air temperature drops
through the afternoon or evening.

Use freshly mixed epoxy

Mix only as much epoxy as youll use in about 10 minutes.
Freshly mixed epoxy is best for wetting fiberglass. Epoxy
thickens slightly toward the end of its pot life. Although
still workable, it wont wet the wood surface or fiberglass
cloth quite as readily.

Brush on epoxy
For a uniform fiberglass wet out and the clearest finish,
Ted Moores of the Bear Mountain Boat Shop, suggests applying the epoxy with a paintbrush. Youll aerate the epoxy
if you use a roller or pour a puddle of epoxy on the fabric
and spread it around with a squeegee. While the initial results will look uniform, the aerated epoxy will lighten after
exposure to sunlight, obscuring the beauty of the wood

Apply fiberglass one layer at a time

If you need to apply more than one layer of glass (such as
in the bottom of a canoe), apply the layers individually.
When you apply multiple layers at once, the lower layers
act as a cushion, making it harder to squeegee out all of
the air. You cant exert as much pressure with the squeegee
as you could with a single layer of cloth.


Squeegee with care

The object of squeegeeing is to force the epoxy into the fiberglass while forcing trapped air out. Hold the squeegee
at a low angle, and with enough pressure, so there is about
an inch of contact against the surface.
If you dont squeegee away excess epoxy after wetting out
the cloth, it may float off of the surface at the epoxy puddle. The result will be a wavy surface and a heavier canoe.
After squeegeeing, the cloth weave should project above
the epoxy. If you drag the squeegee at too high of an angle, it may remove excess resin but wont force the air
bubbles out. If you leave air bubbles in the interstices (the
small hollow at the cross weave of the fiber strands), the
sun may heat it enough to create blisters. If you notice little white specs where the fabric is not completely wet, you

can work epoxy into these spots by dabbing at them with a

short bristle brush and gently warming the area.

Apply build up coats on the same day

For best chemical bonding between build up coats, and to
avoid sanding between coats, apply the fiberglass and all of
the necessary build up coats on the same day. Apply the
first build up coat when the wet-out fiberglass begins to
gel (about 3 hours at room temperature with 207 Hardener). Apply each remaining coat at the same interval. The
epoxy build-up coats should be thick enough to provide a
good moisture barrier and allow sanding to prepare for
varnishing, without sanding through to the fiberglass. For
best results apply the build up in thin, even coats.
Read the WEST SYSTEM User Manual & Product Guide
and product labels. n

Bear Mountain Boat Shop Your canoe building connection

More than 100,000 people from all over the
world have read Canoecraft by Ted Moores &
Marilyn Mohr. This illustrated guide to building a strip canoe has helped many first time
builders create elegant canoes. Bear Mountain
Boat Shop is the company behind the book, a
family business that has much to offer the
strip canoe builder.
Partners Ted Moores and Joan Barrett run
Bear Mountain Boat Shop with the goal of
promoting and preserving the fine art of
building wooden canoes. In addition to Canoecraft, they offer canoe and kayak building
classes, 15 different paddle boat plans with instructions, and beautiful model canoe kits.
The family enjoys working to sustain the spirit
of canoe building. Ted pioneered an effective
system for building wood strip/epoxy canoes
in 1972. Since that time, Bear Mountain Boat
Shop has built and restored numerous canoes
and small watercraft. Ted is the resident boat
builder at the Canadian Canoe Museum and is
also completing a book on woodstrip epoxy
kayak construction. Joan works with volunteers to develop museum products, and organizes The Skills Preservation Workshops.
Whether you are seeking restoration advice
for your favorite family boat, want to take a
course, or are interested in building your own
canoe or kayak, the Bear Mountain Boat Shop
is the place to call.
EPOXYWORKS Number 10, Winter 1998

Ted Moores (far right)

and his class at the
San Francisco
Maritime Museum
strip kayak course.

Joan and Ted showing

off their Wooden
Model Canoe Kit .

Bear Mountain Boat Shop

P.O. Box 191
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 6Y8
E-Mail: [email protected]
www.bearmountainboats.com n


For information about WEST SYSTEM

products or technical information for a
building or repair project, Gougeon Brothers offers a range of detailed publications
that can help you get started. These publications are available at your local WEST SYSTEM
dealer or by contacting Gougeon Brothers.

Free literature (US and Canada only)

Visit www.westsystem.info to order online or call 866-937-8797 for the WEST SYSTEM free literature pack. It includes:
002-950 WEST SYSTEM User Manual & Product GuideThe primary guide to safety, handling and the
basic techniques of epoxy use. Includes a complete description of all WEST SYSTEM products.
000-425 Other UsesSuggestions for Household RepairRepairs and restoration in an architectural
environment. Many useful tips for solving problems around your house and shop with epoxy.
Also included are the current price list, stocking dealer directory, and the Fiberglass Boat Repair

Publications for sale at WEST SYSTEM dealers

Also available from the WEST SYSTEM Info Store at www.westsystem.info, or by calling our order
department, 866-937-8797.
002 The Gougeon Brothers on Boat ConstructionA must for anyone building a wooden boat or
working with wood and WEST SYSTEM epoxy. Fully illustrated composite construction techniques, materials, lofting, safety and tools. 5th Edition, revised in 2005.
002-970 Wooden Boat Restoration & RepairIllustrated guide to restore the structure, improve the
appearance, reduce the maintenance and prolong the life of wooden boats with WEST SYSTEM
epoxy. Includes dry rot repair, structural framework repair, hull and deck planking repair, and
hardware installation with epoxy.
002-550 Fiberglass Boat Repair & MaintenanceIllustrated guide to repair fiberglass boats with WEST
SYSTEM epoxy. Procedures for structural reinforcement, deck and hull repair, hardware installation,
keel repair and teak deck installation.
002-650 Gelcoat Blisters-Diagnosis, Repair & PreventionA guide for repairing and preventing
gelcoat blisters in fiberglass boats with WEST SYSTEM epoxy.
002-150 Vacuum Bagging TechniquesStep-by-step guide to vacuum bag laminating, a technique
for clamping wood, core materials and synthetic composites bonded with WEST SYSTEM epoxy.
002-740 Final Fairing & FinishingTechniques for fairing wood, fiberglass and metal surfaces. Includes fairing tools, materials and a general guide to finish coatings.
002-898 WEST SYSTEM Epoxy How-To DVDBasic epoxy application techniques, fiberglass boat repair
and gelcoat blister repair in one DVD.

P.O. Box 908
Bay City, MI

EPOXYWORKS 10, Winter 1998

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