Here is the 218-page opposition research report on Carly Fiorina compiled by political research firm Gragert Jones for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in April 2010.
Here is the 218-page opposition research report on Carly Fiorina compiled by political research firm Gragert Jones for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in April 2010.
Here is the 218-page opposition research report on Carly Fiorina compiled by political research firm Gragert Jones for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in April 2010.
Here is the 218-page opposition research report on Carly Fiorina compiled by political research firm Gragert Jones for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in April 2010.
April 1, 2010
TO: ‘Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
7" iis
This report highlights research to date on Carly Fiorina. It includes information regarding her
‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology; divorce records from the Maryland State Archives;
personal financial disclosure reports; personal contribution history; and campaign finances
‘This is an internal document and is not intended for public review or circalation.
While we highlight key issues, we defer to the reader to draw his or her own conciusions.
Significant effort has been made to ensure the accaracy of this report. Before using this
material, please be certain to understand the facts and nuances within the information
Always double-check the facts to verify your claims. If any portion of the rescarch is
unclear, please call the authors of the document for clarification hefore using the@ CONFIDENTIAL
Table of Contents
Carly Fiorina’s Lack of Qualifications...
gf — Carly Fiorina: One of the Worst CBOs ..
Fiorina’s Actions Hurt HP.
Fiorina Left HP with Millions of Dollars and with 28,000 Workers Unemployed,
While at HP, Fiorina Praised Offthoring, Moved US Jobs to China, India.
HP and Fiorina Created Thousands of Jobs... Chit vem
Fiorina Criticized from All Sides of the Political Spectrum for:
Fiorina Actively Campaignod for Offshoring, Pledged to Shifting,
# ~ HP Merger with Compaq: A Move that Boost Carly’s Salary, While Thousands Lost Jobs.
‘Merger Cost Thousands of Jobs and Business
Post-Merger Earnings Boost for Carly.
Fiorina Threatened Job Cuts if Merger Not Completed ~ While Earning $13.5 Million in Stock
3 Fiorina’s History of Passing the Buck...
e What do Carly Fiorina and the RNC Have in Common? Strip Clubs.
Fiorina Took Meeting at Stip Club, Received Female Escort on Business Trip
ee RNC Spent Nearly $2,000 at Topless Bondage Barone
in and Glan Sochs:A Win-Win eatinship =
vig Heavily Imestd in Glan Sach
Goldman Sachs” Involvement in the Financial Meltdown.
Goldman Sachs Sued for Discriminating Against Women -ennnnnnm
Fiorina’s Own Rhetoric Doesn't Meet Reality.
Fiorina in League with Club for Growth on Heaith Care Reform
‘Club for Growth Misleading om Health Care exon
Club for Growth Sponsored Tea Party, 9/12 March on Washington.
Club for Growth Criticized by Republicans
‘Fiorina A Fair-Weather Fan on the [SSS eae
‘Sarah Palin.
‘Florina Threatened Job Cults if Merger Not Completed.
.... While Earning $13.5 Million in Stock Options...CONFIDENTIAL
Geagert Jones. Kiorina Report
‘Fiorina Claimed to Support the Everyday Worker.
Fiorina on Women in the Workforce...
Fiorina Claimed There “Is No Glass Ceiling”
‘Women’s Group Honors...
Fiorina On Immigration.
Fiorina: Borders Must
Fiorina Supports Bringing High Tech Workers to California...
California’s Immigration: By the Numbers...
Fiorina’s Passover Gaffe
Carly Fiorina: Not the Best Judge of Character
Fiorina’s Unwavering Support for George W. BSD manor
Fiorina Tried to Appeal to Women
Carly: A Screw Up on the Campaign..
Carly Not Afraid to Use Hyper-Partisan Attacks
Carly’s Role on MeCain Team.
2007 oarann
Fiorina Ousted from Hewiett-Packard—Most Glad to See Her Go..
Outside Critics of Fiorina
Under New Leadership, HP Flourished..
‘Two Books Profiled Fiorina, Possibly with Bx-Husband’s Help.
2006. — al
Fiorina’s HP Shares Worth Over $30 Million.