Essay 5 - College Universities

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Jacqueline Lan
STACC English 1A
Professor Taylor
21 April 2015

Essay 5: Colleges/Universities

When choosing what university or what colleges to go after high school or just
transferring to from a 2-year community college into a 4-year university or college, it not always
fully decided where you want to transfer to and knowing what career path to partake in. When I
first went to PCC, it was my first semester and currently first year, since I graduated from high
school. At first, I had no idea where to transfer to even though I knew what I wanted to major in,
which is fashion marketing. Eventually as time went on, after going to University Day and
University Night on campus, as well as talking to the transfer center advisors and Pathway
coaches and counselors, I finally decided my top choices in colleges. The three of the colleges of
my choices for where I want to transfer are Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Northridge and
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, which all these colleges are very different in
their own ways.
My first top choice of where I want to transfer to is Cal State Long Beach. When I first
approached this campus, I was walking around for University Day, asking questions to advisors
about each of the campus life and what they offered at their school. I decided to choose this Cal
state as one of my choices of colleges to transfer to because not only is the campus near a
beachside but they also offered my major in fashion, which not many universities offer. As I
research in depth of the campus, it also seems a bit closer to home, and easy to maintain the

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general education requirements and GPA requirements for the campus to guarantee you to
transfer to. According to US News, California State University, Long Beach, a vibrant,
comprehensive, urban university with an enrollment of approximately 35,000 students, is one of
the largest campuses in the 23-member California State University system. (US News), which
shows that even with the challenges of the many students who decide to transfer, they have a
high percentage in transfer students who are accepted to the campus. Not only does it have a
good transfer rate, but it also has many extra-curricular activities to be involved in, and as well as
many of student services to use while on campus such as the tutoring center, which their
Learning Assistance Center is however has a fee per semester depending on how long students
will be at the campus. Its important for students to have those student services as a support guide
in the campus while never feeling as if you find that help, yourself when they are these services
provided for students. For their housing, they provide three different housing locations to choose
from and with the roommates, students would have to fill out a request form for certain type of
roommate that they want. However, the cost of housing for the year spent is about $10,00011,000 which includes the meal plans, depending which housing the student chooses between the
beachside housing, parkside housing or the hillside. Students may also special request for
depending on the housing they decide to choose from. After much researching and having to
decide on whether this campus was going to be one of my choices in transferring to as well as
applying, I knew that this campus was going to be one of the choices.
Another college campus that I approached was Cal State Northridge. At first, I didnt
think that Cal State Northridge was going to be the type of school that I wanted to transfer to but
once I talked with advisors and researched in depth, I then looked more into the campus and
thought of it as one of the choices for transferring. As I was looking into this campus, I noticed

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on their school website that they also provide catalogs, including list of courses to take while at
Cal State Northridge and major requirements for each major that transfer students need in order
to transfer. This is important when new, incoming students are planning to apply for this campus
since its one of the most frequently asked questions from students who are planning to go
straight to a Cal State or university or even transferring. They also provide information about
which professors are teaching in my major area in fashion marketing, which in their campus its
called apparel design and merchandising, and as well as if the professors happens to be a parttime or full-time professor. With the application process, the transfer students would be
considered as upper division transfer students if the student has completed 60 transferable units
as well as the GPA requirement of 2.0. They also only need college transcripts in order to
transfer, and does not require the SAT or ACT, which only applies for lower division transfer
students. Also at Cal State Northridge, not only do they provide more student services and
support like Cal State Long Beach , but they also have a lot more varieties of clubs and
organizations for students to be involved in. They have many varieties of clubs to choose from,
depending on the students interest, and to my surprise it was a lot more clubs than at Pasadena
City College, as well as providing a detail description for what each club and organization is
about. But another important part of the campus is how the major program of Apparel Design
and Merchandising will help give me the opportunities of successfully being part of the fashion
Some of the opportunities they provide are internships and networking with professional
workers in the fashion business providing .students experience, credits toward the degree,
and introduces students to the day-to-day of the profession. Internships may be fulfilled at sites
such as The California Merchandise Mart, major department stores, design showrooms, textile

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and apparel manufacturers, textile testing labs and museums. ( On campus they also
have a student organization for students to partake in called TRENDS, which is a fashion club
for fashion majors and provide opportunities such as networking with professionals, participating
the fashion shows on campus as well as going to other fashion shows. These opportunities
definitely persuade me into having CSUN as one of my choices for transferring because its also
important to have resources to be able to obtain a career.
Another important aspect of this campus is knowing about their housing and living
expenses on campus as well as knowing how it works. On campus, they provide two different
housings; the suite and the apartments for students who are enrolled on campus. Both choices of
housing provides wireless internet and cable as an option, two-four bedrooms depending on the
amount of roommates and a living room and dining room area. On their school website for
student housing, they also provided students a checklist of things that are needed for the dorms
and the regulations such as no pets besides a fish, and most apartments comes with a kitchen.
However, if students apartments or suites housing does not provide a kitchen, the housing rate
cost more and must at least buy one of the meal plans provided with the housing, but it cost less
than the housing rates at Cal State Long Beach. But the most important part is the enjoyment of
the campus environment and if it best suits the students education backgrounds. On Los Angeles
Times, one student explains that "The socializing part is as important as the academic part,"
Kelly said. "If students are not joining clubs or meeting with other people, they're missing part of
the college life and they're less likely to stay." (Rivera) , which sums up how important it is for
students to feel that enjoyment and happiness with the campus they have chosen.
Lastly, another campus that isn't a public college campus, and more towards a private
campus is Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. This campus is strictly towards all

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fashion based education, which is my interest of study for my career. Though this campus
typically isnt like your normal college experience but you still get a little bit of that college
experience through the education. In FIT, they do have some clubs and organizations but not
many and also showcase events such as fashion shows that students are able to be a part of NYC
Fashion Week, backstage. For the transfer students requirements, they do need a minimum of 60
units requirements and gives the ability for students to be able to transfer whenever they can. But
however, the application process is a bit overwhelming, such as presenting a portfolio for the
school, letters of recommendations to professors, however it is not required for Business &
Technology majors.With the high cost of tuition which is about $8,000 per semester, including
the uses of books, supplies and studio usage and their student housings fee which is separate
depending on which location the student decides, but luckily there is a lot to spend but luckily
there is financial aid. But with the campus, it is something that its tough to think about whether
or not it is the school for you. One Youtuber, known as BigCityStylee, Alex Eckford, made a
video explaining about her whole experience while at FIT in the New York area. She explains in
the video that if students are thinking of going to FIT, they should try it out and get the
experience, and she also says I do highly recommend FIT. If you are interested in the creative
field, I couldnt imagine a better place to be. (Eckford). Overall, I still am in debate on whether
or not it is something that I want to go to and if the campus is the place to be.
Through my experience, thus far in PCC campus, its has been a great start in knowing
where to transfer to within 2 years, and figuring out if any of the campuses are where I want to
be for the rest of the years to get my bachelors degree. Hopefully through my experiences and
knowledge from the campus, I will be able to gain more knowledge and expertise of the fashion

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industry, in wherever it is that I plan to attend, as well as gaining more information about the
campuses through tours and advisors.

N.a. "Apply Upper Division Transfer Student." California State University, Northridge.
California State University, Northridge, 05 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.
N.a. "California State University, Long Beach." Forbes., n.d. Web. 25 Apr.
N.a. "California State University, Long Beach." California State University Long Beach.
California State University Long Beach, 2015. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.
N.a. "Clubs and Organizations." California State University, Northridge. Matador
Involvement Center, 2015. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.
N.a. College Vlog: Fashion Institute of Technology. Dir. Alex Eckford. Perf.
BigCityStylee. YouTube. YouTube, 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
N.a. "Fashion Merchandising Management." Fashion Institute of Technology. Fashion
Institute of Technology, 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
N.a. "Residential Colleges." California State University Long Beach. California State University
Long Beach, n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.
News, US. "California State University- Long Beach." California State University- Long
Beach. US News & World Report LP, 2015. Web. 25 Apr. 2015.
Rivera, Carla. "CALIFORNIA; Universities Help New Midyear Students Adjust; Cal
State Schools Gear up to Assist with What Can Be a Disorienting Start for Thousands
Beginning Spring Term." National Newspaper Core. ProQuest, 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 27
Apr. 2015.

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SWOT Analysis: Cal State Long Beach


minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 for major in

Fashion Merchandising to transfer

easy to maintain for transfer credits required

which is 60 units
school website is easy to read and understand
gives good options in housing
has a big diversity


meal plans are pricy depending on which
cost of housing is expensive and also learning
to become independent and on your own with
everything while at CSULB.
Learning Assistance Center has a high fee for
tutoring sessions as well as individual tutoring
for other subjects
long distance from hometown


many varieties of clubs /organizations

if the housing is expensive it would be harder
housing tours for incoming students
for students to cover their cost of rent.
financial aid is provided
some students wouldn't be able to afford the
provides great student support services &
fee for the tutoring sessions in the Learning
fraternities, sororities
Assistance Center for other subjects
provide tutoring services for all studies
including a Writing Resource Lab and most
are free.
Provides 3 different campus tours:
family/individual, group (availability is
limited), and self-guided

SWOT Analysis: Cal State Northridge

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GPA is durable for students who are

much bigger campus compared with PCC
transferring which is 2.0
long distance from home/homesickness
provides a detail catalog about each classes housing fee is expensive.
and major requirements, also includes course
requirements needed to earn a Bachelors
many good varieties of clubs
good variety of choices in housing/dorms
furniture such as beds and couches are
Having an SAT/ACT is not needed when
applying if students have 60 transferable units
and has an AA-T degree. It is only applied to
lower division transfer students



provide good student resources, support

since the campus is bigger, then it be harder
services (ex. Disabilities Resource and
for incoming students to easily get lost with
Educational Services, EOP) and tutoring
the many buildings they have
provide meals plans for students who live in
dorms and includes up to 5 sick meals
delivery services when a student is ill.
provide financial aid

SWOT Analysis: Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)

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NYC is the heart of the fashion industry for
60 transferable units that matches with FIT
many fashion related clubs
easy to have some networking for the future.

the cost of tuition and housing fee is expensive
including total semesters.
FIT is located in NYC which is very long distance
tuition fee for out-of state residents of NYC cost
about $8,000 per semester.
The school system is quarterly not just semester.
if a student wants to be part of the New York
residency, there is a bit of a longer process in
getting the in-state residents rate for tuition.

Provides financial aid and scholarships
has mostly fashion related clubs that students can
get involved with.
students are able to get good networks and careers
from being at FIT such as internships like working
behind sets as Fashion Week in NYC
does have a student support services such as DSPS

Its difficult especially in the fashion industry to
get internships and scholarships, since the
industry is known to be competitive.

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