AO 63 S 1989 (Read Sec 3.2)

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines new rules and regulations for generic drug dispensing in the Philippines to promote informed choice and use of drugs by patients in accordance with the Generics Act of 1988.

Previous guidelines established that prescription drugs could only be dispensed with a doctor's order, while over-the-counter drugs could be dispensed without a prescription. All prescriptions had to be kept on file for two years.

Additional guidelines required all drug outlets to practice generic dispensing by informing patients of equivalent generic options and posting price lists. Hospital pharmacies had modified guidelines. Drug outlets were also required to properly label dispensed drugs.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
March 13, 1989

No. 63 s. 1989
SUBJECT: Rules and Regulations to Implement Dispensing Requirements
under the Generics Act of 1988 (R.A. No. 6675)
Pursuant to Section 9 in relation to Section 6 (a) and 6 (d) of R.A. 6675 known as
Generics Act of 1988, and the pertinent provisions of R.A. 3720 known as Food, Drugs
and Devices and Cosmetics Act", as amended by Executive Order No. 175 s 1987, RA
5921 known as the Pharmacy Act of 1972, as amended, the following rules and
regulations are hereby promulgated.

Definition of Terms


Dispensing is the act by a validly-registered pharmacist of filling a

prescription or doctor's order on the patient's chart.


Generic Dispensing means dispensing the patient's/buyer's choice

from among generic equivalents, i.e., finished pharmaceutical products
having the same active ingredient(s), same dosage form and same
strength as the prescribed drug.


Partial filling of prescription" means dispensing less than the total

number of units prescribed.


Drug Outlet means drugstore, pharmacy and other business

establishment which sells drugs or medicines.

Section 2

Guidelines On Dispensing Based on Prior Laws

Prior to the Generic Act of 1988, the following general guidelines on
dispensing have been operative. In order to have an integrated
implementation of all relevant guidelines on dispensing, these guidelines
based on prior laws are restated hereunder:
2.1. Prescription or Ethical Drugs
These drugs can only be dispensed upon a written order of a
validly-registered physician, dentist or veterinarian.
2.2 Non-Prescription or Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs
These drugs may be dispensed even without a written order of a
validly-registered physician, dentist or veterinarian in duly licensed
drug outlets. When dispensing OTC drugs without a doctor's
prescription, the pharmacist shall give the necessary information
and direction for use of the drug.
2.3. All prescriptions dispensed in the drugstore, botica or hospital
pharmacy shall be kept in file for two years and recorded in a
prescription book duly-registered by BFAD which shall be open for
inspection to Food and Drug Inspectors at any time during business
hours of the outlet. The prescription book shall be kept for two years
after the last entry.

Section 3.

Additional Guidelines on Dispensing to Implement the Generics Act

of 1988
In addition to the guidelines contained in Section 2, the following shall
specifically guide dispensing under the Generics Act of 1988:
3.1. All drug outlets are required to practice generic dispensing as
defined in Section 1.2 of these Rules and Regulations, with some
exceptions, modifications or qualifications in certain cases or
circumstances, as described in Section 3.2 and 3.4.

Drug Stores, Boticas, and other Drug Outlets

In order to ensure the informed choice and use of drugs by
the patient/buyer, the drug outlet is required to: Inform the patient/buyer of all available drug
products generically equivalent to the one
prescribed with their corresponding prices. In so
doing, the drug outlet shall not favor or suggest any
particular product so that the patient/buyer may fully
and adequately exercise his option to choose. For this purpose, all drug outlets shall post in a
conspicuous place in their establishment a list of
drug products using generic names with their
corresponding current prices. A hand-book or
directory containing the above required information,
readily accessible to the patient/buyer shall be
considered substantial compliance.


Hospital Pharmacies
Recognizing the special needs and circumstances of
hospitals, the following modified rules and regulations shall
govern generic dispensing in hospital pharmacies, in the
case of in-patients only: Upon admission, the patient or his/her responsible

relative shall indicate in writing whether he/she shall
submit to the hospital drug policies or reserve the
option to buy drugs and medicines outside of the
hospital pharmacy. Hospital pharmacies operating on an acceptable
formulary system and pricing policy as determined
by the Department of Health (DOH), and using
generic terminology in procurement, prescribing,
dispensing, and recording of drugs, shall be
exempted from the following: Recording of prescriptions filled in the prescription
book, provided such prescription book, provided
such prescriptions shall be kept in file for two years. Individually informing the in-patient/buyer on the
corresponding prices. However, a handbook or
directory containing the required drug information
must be made available in the wards for patients,
responsible relatives of patients, and professional
3.2. In dispensing to the buyer, drug products in unit dose or products
which are not in their original containers but transferred to small
bottles, tin cans, boxes, plastic and/or paper envelopes and the like,

the pharmacist shall place legibly on the required drug outlet's label
the following information:

Name of the patient;

Generic name of the drug;
Brand name, if any;
Dosage strength;
Expiry date;
Directions for use; and
Name of pharmacist

3.3. In partial filling of the prescription, the following shall be written on

the face of the prescription:
1. the date of partial filling.
2. the quantity served and balance of the prescription unserved;
3. name and address of the drugstore
The partially-filled prescription shall be returned to the buyer
after recording the partial filling in the prescription book. The
drugstore which completes the filling of the prescription shall
keep the prescription in file.
3.4. Dispensing drugs in List A and List B
In dispensing drugs included in List A (Prohibited and Regulated
Drugs) and List B (Drugs Requiring Strict Precautions in their Use),
attached as Annex and B respectively, the following shall be

Section 4

Dispensing must be done by the pharmacist who shall affix

his/her signature on the prescription filled.
The order and instructions of the doctor as written on the
prescription, must be precisely followed.
Partial filling of prescription for drugs belonging to List A
shall not be allowed.

Guidelines on what to do with violative, erroneous, and impossible

4.1. Violative and impossible prescriptions as defined in A.O. 62 (Generic
Prescribing) shall not be filled. The pharmacist shall advise the
prescriber of the problem and/or instruct the customer to get the
proper prescription. These violative and wrong prescriptions shall be
kept and reported by the pharmacist or other interested parties to
the nearest DOH office for appropriate action.
4.2. Erroneous prescriptions shall be filled, but they shall also be kept
and reported to the nearest DOH office for appropriate action.


Violations on the part of dispensers and outlets

The following acts or ommissions are considered violations of these rules
and regulations:
5.1. Imposing a particular brand or product on the buyer.
5.2. Inaccurate dispensing i.e. dispensing a drug product which does not
meet the prescription as to any or all of the following: active
ingredient, dosage form and strength.

5.3. failure to post or make accessible the required up-to-date information

on drug products.
5.4. failure to adequately inform the buyer on available products that
meet the prescription.
5.5. failure to indicate the generic name/official name designated by
BFAD and other required information on the drug outlet's label of the
dispensed drug.
5.6. failure to record and keep prescriptions filled.
5.7. failure to report to the nearest DOH office cases of violative,
erroneous, and/or wrong prescriptions within three months after
receipt of such prescriptions.

Reporting and Monitoring of Non-Compliance

Any interested party may report any verifiable violation of these Rules
and Regulations to the nearest DOH office. the local DOH office is
responsible for giving notice to erring pharmacists/outlets and for
transmitting the report on violations to the Secretary of Health or the
fiscal's office for appropriate action.


Administrative Sanctions
For violation of these Rules and Regulations, the following sanctions,
after due notice and summary hearing, may be imposed:
7.1. Suspension, or revocation of the license to operate the drug outlet by
the Secretary of Health.


Professionals directly involved in the violations shall be

recommended by Secretary of Health for appropriate administrative
sanctions by the PRC.

Criminal Liability
The imposition of the above sanctions does not preclude the institution of
appropriate criminal proceedings pursuant to Section 12 of RA 6675
known as the Generics Act of 1988, RA 3720 known as "Foods, Drugs
and Devices and Cosmetics Act" as amended and R.A. 5921 known as
"Pharmacy Law" as amended, R.A. 6425 known as the Dangerous Drugs
Act of 1972 as amended and other relevant laws, by the regional health
office concerned, upon receipt of complaints or reports of violations.


Timetable of Implementation
In order to give all affected parties adequate time for learning and
adjustment, the implementation of these Rules and Regulations shall be
in three phases, as follows:
Phase I Education Drive and Information Dissemination
This phase shall be from the date of the effectivity of these
Rules and Regulations to May 31, 1989. During this period, the
DOH, in cooperation with the Department of Education, Culture
and Sports, the Department of Local Government, and the
Philippine Information Agency, shall undertake an education
drive and information dissemination concerning the provisions of
these Rules and Regulations as well as the Generics Act of

Phase 2 Monitoring of Compliance without Sanctions or Penalties

From June 1, 1989 to August 31, 1989, the DOH shall monitor
voluntary compliance with the provisions of the Rules and
Regulations on Prescribing and Dispensing. During this period,
the associations of affected professionals are enjoined to
promote compliance in order to achieve a smooth transition to
the next phase of full implementation.
Phase 3 Full Implementation
Beginning September 1, 1989, the DOH and the other relevant
agencies of government shall monitor compliance with these
Rules and Regulations and all violations shall be subject to the
appropriate sanctions and penalties provided for under these
Rules and Regulations and the Generics Act of 1988.

Separability Clause

In case any provision of this Administrative Order is declared contrary to law or

unconstitutional, other provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to
be in force and in effect.

Repealing Clause

All administrative orders, rules and regulations and other administrative

issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this A.O. are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.


This order shall take effect fifteen days after its publication in two newspapers of
general circulation.



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