Biodiesel From Coconut Oil: A Renewable Alternative Fuel For Diesel Engine

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

Biodiesel from Coconut Oil: A Renewable

Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine
Md A. Hossain, Shabab M. Chowdhury, Yamin Rekhu, Khandakar S. Faraz, Monzur Ul Islam
AbstractWith the growth of modern civilization and
industrialization in worldwide, the demand for energy is increasing
day by day. Majority of the worlds energy needs are met through
fossil fuels and natural gas. As a result the amount of fossil fuels is
on diminishing from year to year. Since the fossil fuel is nonrenewable, so fuel price is gouging as a consequence of spiraling
demand and diminishing supply. At present the power generation of
our country is mainly depends on imported fossil fuels. To reduce the
dependency on imported fuel, the use of renewable sources has
become more popular. In Bangladesh coconut is widely growing tree.
Especially in the southern part of the country a large area will be
found where coconut tree is considered as natural asset. So, our
endeavor was to use the coconut oil as a renewable and alternative
fuel. This article shows the prospect of coconut oil as a renewable
and alternative fuel of diesel fuel. Since diesel engine has a versatile
uses including small electricity generation, an experimental set up is
then made to study the performance of a small diesel engine using
different blends of bio diesel converted from coconut oil. It is found
that bio diesel has slightly different properties than diesel. With
biodiesel the engine is capable of running without difficulty.
Different blends of bio diesel (i.e. B80, B60, and B 50 etc.) have
been used to avoid complicated modification of the engine or the fuel
supply system. Finally, a comparison of engine performance for
different blends of biodiesel has been carried out to determine the
optimum blend for different operating conditions.





UEL and energy crisis and the concern of the society for
the depleting worlds non-renewable energy resources led
to a renewed interest in the quest for alternative fuels. One of
the most promising alternatives fuel is the vegetable oils and
their derivatives. The first use of vegetable oil in a
compression ignition engine was first demonstrated through
Rudolph Diesel who used peanut oil in his diesel engine [1].
The use of oils from coconut, soybean, sunflower, safflower,
peanut, linseed, rapeseed and palm oil amongst others have
been attempted. The long term use of vegetable oils led to
injector coking and the thickening of crankcase oil which
resulted in piston ring sticking.
Therefore, vegetable oils are not used in SI engines because
of endurance issues [2].

Dr Md Alamgir Hossain is with the Military Institute of Science and

Technology, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh (phone: 880-2-9010049 ext 3886; fax:
880-2-9011311; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]).
Shabab M. Chowdhury is with the Military Institute of Science and
Technology, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh (e-mail: shababmottakin1@gmail.
Yamin Rekhu is with the Military Institute of Science and Technology,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh (e-mail: [email protected]).
Khandakar S. Faraz is with the Military Institute of Science and
Technology, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh (e-mail: [email protected]).
Monzur Ul Islam is with the Military Institute of Science and Technology,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh (e-mail: [email protected]).

To overcome this problem, various modifications of

vegetable oils have been employed such as transesterification,
micro-emulsion formation and the use of viscosity reducers
[3].Among these, transesterification was considered as the
most suitable modification because technical properties of
esters are nearly similar to diesel. Through transesterification,
these vegetable oils are converted to the alkyl esters of the
fatty acids present in the vegetable oil [4, 5]. These esters are
commonly referred to as biodiesel. Biodiesel is an alternative
fuel that is renewable in the sense that its primary feedstock
has a sustainable source. Some other feed stocks that can be
converted to biodiesel are waste restaurant grease and animal
fat [6, 7]. These sources are less expensive than vegetable oil.
In view of the current instability in oil prices, biodiesel
stands as an attractive source of alternative energy. By
adopting and increasing the use of biodiesel, European
countries have reduced from her over-dependence on crude oil
reserves [8]. Besides, conventional fossil fuel has been
reported as being finite. While it is worthy to note that
biodiesel will not completely displace petroleum diesel,
biodiesel has its place as an alternative fuel and can be a
source of lubricity as an additive to diesel fuel. The emissions
produced from biodiesel are cleaner compared to petroleumbased diesel fuel. Particulate emissions, soot, and carbon
monoxide are lower since biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel.
However, emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) are higher
when biodiesel is used [9]. The cause of the rise in NOX is
unknown and is being studied.
One particular problem of biodiesel is its cold flow
properties. Neat biodiesel such as methyl soy ate has a pour
point (i.e. the lowest temperature at which the fuel is pourable)
of -3C [1]. In colder climates, crystallization can occur, which
leads to the plugging of fuel filters and lines. Typically, taking
U.S as a case study, biodiesel is blended with diesel fuel. A
B20 blend would be 20% biodiesel in diesel fuel [10]. Such a
blend would have better cold flow properties compared to neat
biodiesel. This work is therefore aimed at producing biodiesel
from ethyl esters of coconut oil and comparing some
properties of the produced biodiesel with ASTM standards.
A. Biodiesel
Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils. The main
components of vegetable oil are triglycerides. Triglycerides
are esters of glycerol with long chain fatty acids, commonly
called fatty acids. Bio-diesel is defined as mono alkyl esters of
long chain fatty acids from renewable feed stock such as
vegetable oil or, animal fats, for use in compression ignition
(IC) engines [11]. This name is given to esters when they are
use as fuel.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

B. Blends
Blends of biodiesel and conventional hydrocarbon-based
diesel are products most commonly distributed for use in the
retail diesel fuel marketplace. [12] Much of the world uses a
system known as the "B" factor to state the amount of
biodiesel in any fuel mix:
100% biodiesel is referred to as B100, while
20% biodiesel, 80% petro diesel is labeled B20
5% biodiesel, 95% petro diesel is labeled B5
2% biodiesel, 98% petro diesel is labeled B2
C. Transesterification Process
Coconut oil like any other vegetable oils and animal fats are
triglycerides, inherently containing glycerin. The biodiesel
process (transesterification) turns the oils into esters,
separating out the glycerin from the main product
(biodiesel).The glycerin sinks to the bottom and the biodiesel
floats on top and can be decanted off. The process is called
transesterification, which substitutes alcohol for the glycerin
in a chemical reaction, using a catalyst.


R2-CO-O-C-H + 3R-OH
Oil of fats




R2-CO-O-R + HO-CH2




D.Materials used in Biodiesel Production

In the Laboratory scale production of biodiesel from
coconut oil, the following materials were used; 1 liter of
coconut oil, 200 ml of methanol 99+% pure, sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) scales accurate to 0.1 grams.
The major feedstock source used in this work is coconut oil,
locally produced in Bangladesh. By the stoichiometric
equation of the process, 1 mol of coconut oil is required to
react with 3 moles of methanol to produce 3 moles of the
biodiesel and 1 mole of glycerol [15]. 100g coconut oil was
used for the transesterification process.
A reaction temperature of 65C was selected as reaction
temperature for the process must be below the boiling point of
alcohol (methanol, 78C) used [14]. Different researchers have
reported different reaction times for transesterification process
as well as the entire biodiesel production process. The reported
reaction time ranges from less than 15 minutes to more than 60
minutes [15]. Reaction time of 30 minutes was therefore
Most researchers have used 0.1 to 1.2 % (by weight of oil)
of catalyst for biodiesel production [15, 16]. 0.8% NaOH (by
weight of coconut oil) concentration was therefore selected
while 20% methanol was used.

E. Synthesis of Biodiesel from Coconut Oil

For the transesterification of coconut oil, the following steps
were being followed in this work First 200 ml methanol was
mixed with 150 ml (1 N) NaOH. As this is an exothermic
reaction, so the mixture would get hot. This solution is known
as sodium methoxide, which is a powerful corrosive base and
harmful for human skin. So, safety precautions should be taken
to avoid skin contamination during methoxide producing.
Next, sodium methoxide was added with 1 liter of coconut
oil, which was preheated about 65C. Then the mixture was
shaken for 5 minutes in a glass container. After that the
mixture was left for 24 hours (the longer is better). For the
separation of glycerol and ester this mixture then gradually
settles down in two distinctive layers. The uppermost
transparent layer is 100% biodiesel and the lower concentrated
layer is glycerol. The heavier layer is then removed either by
gravity separation or with a centrifuge. In some cases if the
coconut oil contains impurities, then a thin white layer is
formed in between the two layers. This thin layer composes
soap and other impurities. Then the biodiesel has been washed
with distilled water in order to remove waste and a dry wash
has been done by air-stone.
Biodiesel produced in the above process contains moisture
(vaporization temperature 100C), methanol (vaporization
temperature 60C) and usually some soap. If the soap level is
low enough (300-500 ppm), the methanol can be removed by
vaporization and the methanol will usually be dry enough to
directly recycle back to the reaction. Methanol tend to act as a
co-solvent for soap in biodiesel, so at higher soap levels the
soap will precipitate as a viscous sludge when the methanol is
removed. Anyway, heating the biodiesel at temperature above
100 C would cause the removal of both the moisture and
methanol as well.
F. Washing Method
Washing was done in two steps. In the first step, the
collected biodiesel after transesterfication reaction was taken
into a beaker. Hot water (40C) was poured into the biodiesel
slowly. Then the mixtures were shaken slowly and the solution
was kept 4 hours in stable position. Then a layer of soap has
formed in the bottom of beaker. Then the biodiesel was
collected by a pipe followed by siphoning method. the process
had been repeated 4 times and gradually soap formation was
reduced. The pH of the solution was also measured after each
wash .This process is known as wet wash process.
Test Run
Watered Used
Soap Formed




In other step, an air stone was used for producing bubbles in

the solution for dry wash. Dry wash confirmed the formation
of glycerol and soap rest in the mixture.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

A heater was used which had been kept always 35C for
removing the water from biodiesel. After the process finally
the biodiesel was collect and its properties were tested in the
Biodiesel produced from coconut oil has comparable fuel
properties with the conventional fossil diesel. A comparative
study of fuel properties with the conventional fossil diesel,
neat biodiesel and their blends have been carried out in this
work to find out suitable blending of biodiesel. In the study
B40, B60, B80 and B100 blend have been prepared to
compare the fuel properties of different blends.
A. Heating Value
Heating value indicates the energy density of the fuel. In our
study, ASTM 2382 method has been applied to measure the
heating value of biodiesel and their blends. Table 2 shows the
heating value of diesel, neat biodiesel and their blends in
Heating Value (MJ/kg)
Fossil diesel
Neat Biodiesel B100

Fig. 1 Viscosity for diesel and biodiesel blends

On the other hand B100 is a much viscous fuel, and its

viscosity is much higher than diesel fuel. The high viscous
fuel would exhibit almost a solid stream of spray pattern in
the combustion chamber and so cold starting of the engine
would be difficult. So, using B100 fuel in the existing diesel
engine would require modification of that fuel system so that
fuel supply system exerts high sprat pressure to achieve the
desired spray pattern inside the engine cylinder.
C. Flash Point
Flash point is an important property of CI engine fuel. Fig.
2 shows flash point for diesel, biodiesel and their blends.


From Table II it is observed that, diesel fuel has heating

value about 45 MJ/kg. Heating value of the fuel decreases as
we choose higher blending of biodiesel. This is because,
biodiesel has lower energy density than diesel fuel, so higher
amount of biodiesel is required for producing same amount of
energy as compared to diesel fuel.
B. Viscosity
Viscosity of the fuel exerts a strong influence on shape of
the fuel spray; high viscosity for example, causes low
atomization (large droplet size) and high penetration of spray
jet. Note that cold engines, with higher viscous oil, discharge
will act almost a solid stream of fuel into the combustion
chamber and starting may be difficult while a smoky exhaust
will invariably appear. On the other hand, very low viscous
fuel would cause to pass through leakage of the piston and
piston wall especially after wear has occurred, which
subsequently prevents accurate metering of the fuel. Fig. 1
indicates that, B40, B60 and B80 have almost the same
viscosity at room temperature and it is about 1.5-2% higher
than fossil fuel. But a slight preheating would cause to
achieve comparable viscosity as that of diesel fuel. So using
B40, B60, B40 and B80 blend would not cause much change
on the fuel spray pattern, and thus these fuels can be used in
the diesel engine without modification of the fuel supply

Fig. 2 Flash point for diesel and biodiesel blends

From Fig. 2 it is observed that flash point of B40 have about

1.25% higher than fossil diesel, and it attains same flash point
as that of diesel fuel at 55 C. So preheating at this
temperature is necessary for using it in CI engine. Similarly
flash point of B60 has 1.35% higher than that of diesel fuel.
And at temperature 60 C, it attains the same flash point as that
of diesel fuel. For flash point of B100, it has about 1.5%
higher than diesel fuel, and it requires preheating at 65 C to
attain similar flash point as that of diesel fuel.
The flash point of the bio fuel is higher with higher
blending of biodiesel. This is because, biodiesel has lower
energy density than diesel fuel, so higher amount of
compression ratio is required for producing same amount of
energy as compared to diesel fuel.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012


A. Engine Parameter
The final product of biodiesel from coconut oil was used as
an alternative fuel to operate a diesel engine and the
performance data were recorded. The specification of the
engine is given in table.

Method of starting
Cylinder dia
Piston stroke
Nominal speed
Nominal power
Cooling system
Fuel filter
Lube oil filter

heating value in comparison to conventional diesel fuel. Again

as biodiesel blends have different viscosity than diesel fuel, so
biodiesel cause poor atomization and mixture formation and
thus increases the fuel consumption rate to maintain the power

Hand starting
Horizontal, 4- stroke, 1 cylinder
2600 rpm
Air cooled
Anti clockwise

B. Experimental Setup
The experimental setup consisted of engine test bed with
fuel supply system and different measuring and metering
devices with the engine. A preheating system was made in
diesel engine test bed with the help of heater and thermo
couple for measuring the temperature. A control unit was used
to set temperature and automatic control of heater .Separate
tank had been used for direct use of coconut oil with mixing
with diesel. Single tank has been used for testing biodiesel
performance and a typical heater was used to preheat the oil
both bio diesel and the direct using of oil. Brake horse power
(bhp), Brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc), brake thermal
efficiency, exhaust gas temperature of the engine was
measured for Diesel, B100, B80, B60 and B40 blends. For
measuring bhp, brake type dynamometer had been used. Test
was run by varying fuel flow rate which was measured in kg/s.

Fig. 4 Variation of thermal efficiency with fuel flow rate

Fig. 4 shows the relation in between fuel flow rate and brake
thermal efficiency (b) for different fuels. bsfc is a measure of
overall efficiency of the engine. bsfc is inversely related with
the efficiency. So, lower the value of bsfc, higher is the overall
efficiency of the engine. However, for different fuels with
different heating values, the bsfc values are misleading and
hence brake thermal efficiency is employed when the engines
are fueled with different types of fuel. From the figure, it is
evident that bsfc for biodiesel is always higher and b is always
lower than that of diesel fuel. This is because biodiesel has
lower heating value than conventional diesel fuel. One other
cause for lower b for biodiesel blends is poor atomization
which is attributed to higher density and kinematic viscosity of
biodiesel blends.

Fig. 3 Variation of bsfc with fuel flow rate

Fig. 3 shows the variation of bsfc with flow rate for different
fuels. bsfc for biodiesel blends is higher at lower fuel flow
rate. bsfc decreases with the increase of fuel flow rate. It also
observed that the bsfc increases with higher blends. This is
mainly due to the relationship among volumetric fuel injection
system, fuel specific gravity, viscosity and heating value.
As a result, more biodiesel blend is needed to produce the
same amount of energy due to its higher density and lower

Fig. 5 Variation of bhp with fuel flow rate

Fig. 5 shows the relationship between bhp and fuel flow

rate. bhp for biodiesel blends is higher at lower blend. It
decreases with the increase of blend. It is also observed that
bhp of engine increases with the increase of fuel flow rate.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012

The more fuel is consumed by the engine, the more brake

power it will generate.



The present cost of running a diesel engine with biodiesel
blends derived from mustard oil are given in table 9.


Cost (Taka/ liter)






From Table IV it is clear that, running diesel engines with

biodiesel blends is costly as compared to diesel fuel.
However, cost can be drastically reduced, if methanol can be
recycled after transesterification reaction. Moreover, in this
experiment it has been used processed coconut oil. And using
raw or unprocessed oil would also cause to decrease the
biodiesel production cost.
In Bangladesh, government grants a huge subsidy on diesel
fuel, which causes the lower price for diesel fuel. So a
thorough study is required for the feasibility analysis of
biodiesel by comparing it production cost with international
market price of diesel.
Now a day, the developing countries are suffering greatly
from energy crisis, Biodiesel can be used as a good alternative
source. Although production cost of biodiesel is high but it is
environmentally friendly and a good source of renewable
energy. Detailed studies need to be done about the prospect of
biodiesel in Bangladesh. Biodiesel production from coconut
oil is comparatively higher than soybean and rapeseed. But
energy output and fuel consumption rate is better than the
following two. Beside this coconut oil has a much better
lubrication property than other bio-fuels.





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Md A. Hossain, is an Assistant Professor at Military Institute of Science

and Technology Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur, Dhaka,
Bangladesh and has been serving here for three years. Before coming here at
MIST he has served for the same post at Primeasia University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh. He has born in one of the oldest district of Bangladesh in May
10, 1975. In year 1990 and 1992 he has passed year 10 and year 12
respectively with extra ordinary results. Soon after that he has got admit in a
highest rated university in Bangladesh. In 1999 he has passed undergraduate
level secured positioned at 16th out 120 graduates. Before coming to
Australia for higher education he has served at BTCL as a sales and
commissioning Engineer for 2 years. In 2001 he has enrolled for PhD
candidature at Swinburne University, Hawthorn, Australia and has
successfully completed his degree in December, 2005. In a short professional
experience Dr Hossain has published more than 10 articles in different
journals and conference proceedings in national and international level almost
in every year. Recently he is working on different projects running at MIST
supervising students at various levels. He is trying to develop a vehicle that
can climb up the stairs and MAV that can fly with an automatic controlling
system. His expertise on CFD, Fluid Dynamics, Machine Design, and CAD
modeling helps him to build up himself as a good academician and
researcher. Rather than leading a luxurious life in Australia Dr Hossain has
returned back to Bangladesh, and started serving his own developed country
so that people of Bangladesh could be benefited through his stimulated
research work and knowledge sharing with students. Dr Hossains life is a
fine example of someone who worked hard to make the difference not only
for himself but for the lives of millions of his fellow Bangladeshis.


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