Unit 3 A1

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Quantitative Research:

Quantitative research is asking people their opinions in a structured way e.g. a questionnaire this will
help you to produce hard facts and statistics. However to help
you to get realistic and reliable results you should survey people
in fairly large numbers as this will make sure they are a
representative sample of your target audience/market. As an
example this is the same with science experiments as you
produce a hypothesis and try to prove it, also other people
should be able to reproduce your experiment and get the exact
same results as you did therefore producing hard facts and
statistics. However it is not just about presenting you
questionnaire to a large audience of people it is also about
asking the right questions for the answers you need this will also
help you to produce better evidence and reliable statistics e.g.
How many time do you use your local liberty? and then the
respondents would then have to choose from a set of answers: never, once a year, once a mouth, every
week. This gives it a semi-structure and will also make it easier for you when your data is needed to be
collected as everyone has the same choice of a certain set of answers.

What quantitative research is able to tell you?

Is there a market for your product or service?
What target audience/people are your best customers?
How the need of your target audience/customers changing?

Programme Ratings: Barb

Broadcasting audience research board.
These results are based on what is
watched in the UKs 26 million TV
households. By a minute by minute
breakdown on the latest TV shows and
the advertising. In the image to the
right shows the top 10 most watched
TV shows shown on E! on the week of
the 23rd August 2015. With a 7 day
data collected and showing the
thousands of viewers of a particular
episode. E.g. I am cat episode shown
on Sunday with 215 thousand viewers.

Box office: The latest big budget movies and how much money they make,
this is done by how much money they make by the sale of tickets to see the movie in
the cinema. So the theory is that the more money made by box office the more
tickets that have been sold therefore the more people that have seen the movie.
This image shows the Daily Domestic Gross for Wednesday 2nd September 2015,

these are the top movies that made the most money for that day: A walk in the woods made $1,169,00
which roughly converts to 76897.78.

Readership circulation figures: National

readership survey: it provides the most authoritative and
valued (trustworthy) audience research for print e.g.
newspapers and digital advertising. This company show the
number of people that view a magazine by either buying it at
a shop/newspaper agents or by viewing it on their electrical
devises e.g. smartphones, tablets or PC's. As well as how
many people actually even consume the news brand or
magazine across Great Brittan and Scotland. This image shows
that 94% of adults in Great Britain age 15+ read a magazine or
newspaper brand weather that is print or digitally that come
to 48.6million people. 83% read a print newspaper or
magazine and 72% read a newspaper or magazine brand that is consumed digitally via a PC or mobile

Hits on a Website: this is how many

people have viewed the website and sometimes you
can even see what they have clicked on and searched
for by using heat maps that can be viewed on websites
like http://clicky.com/ this lets you also see hits on
thing like your personal twitter so you can see how
many people that have clicked to view your profile.
There are also websites like Twitalyzer
(http://www.twitalyzer.com/) Serious Analytics for
business. This allows people to engage their audiences
on twitter and also tracks to see how much impact they
have had on people by their Klout score. The more of an
impact or an influence (influence is being able to drive
action e.g. make a change or making people aware) This
is just like on twitter when you tweet something and
then another user goes on to then retweet that is
making an influence. The more of an influents (re-tweets)
the higher youre Klout score. This is shown on the image
as you can see on Friday 17th August 2012 was the day
they had the biggest impact: 2.5 and a Klout score of 53.
The image on the left shows the analysis of my own
twitter, it shows that with in the last 28 days my tweet
impressions have risen up to 116.8%. This is the analysis
of one of my own tweets. This single tweet had 139 impressions and 44 total engagements.

Qualitative research: Qualitative research is face to face

interviews (It is important that the owner/business managers dont run the
sessions themselves.) and focus groups, Group discussion is vital. Qualitative
research is about finding out why the buyer has the opinion they do and
getting them to expand their answers this also helps with finding out the
reasons for their attitudes towards a product and driving their decisions. By
getting people to talk about their opinions it can help you understand their
motivation and feelings. Its not about just what they think but also why
they think it. This can help you to develop your product/service to meet the
needs of your target audience this is valuable when you are also developing
a new product.

What can Qualitative research tell you?

What the customer thinks and feels about your product or service.
How the customers choose between different products or suppliers e.g. Tesco or Asda.
How branding, design and packaging can influence the customer and why.
How the price can affect the decision making
As well as things like is the design appealing for the product or the service?

Film Reviews: Sites like rotten

tomatoes allow you to see the top films
and what people think about them and
how good people think they are. This
image shows film that are due to be
released later this week and what people
think of them, websites like this can also
help you to determine if a film is actually
worth you forking out the money to go
watch it. You can also see how highly anticipated a film is as
shown on the image beneath for 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown
although it has not been released yet 99% of the 72 user
ratings want to go see this move along with some written
reviews. Yet with IMDb there is no reviews because of course
it has not been released yet so there are no hard core box
office figures for the writing critics to include. You can also
include your opinion by adding your own rating and putting

whether or not you want to see or if you

are not interested. There are also
websites like IMDb that are more official
and give you a report on the weekends top
movies (image on the left) with critics
review and also statistics with how well this
movie is doing in the box office and how
much money it is making with in the weeks
of it being shown with comparisons to other
weeks. Along with when and also if it did

take the top spot at #1 as well as what other blockbusters it was up against at the time. For example
War Room made $9.3M which to put into prospective is around 6,092,876.40. Taking in $9.3M for
the three-day domestic box office and the #1 spot on the charts. As you can see the comparison of
people own opinions against the real stats, However although IMDb is official it is often that people
with still go to sites such as rotten tomato (www.rottentomatoes.com) because the stats and net
worth of a movie generally mean very little if anything to the general public so therefore we look for
confinement in others and trust other people opinions or are own. Also I found that with sites like
rotten tomatoes it is easier to understand with the simple star ratings, although I do like to know
how much a movie has made in the box office and how big of a blockbuster it actually is and how
long it took it to get to #1 the big numbers honestly mean nothing to me as I dont generally know
the average amount a box office movie makes.

Game Reviews: Game reviews really give you an

insight on the game and what
people think about it with written
reviews from the Graphics to the
story line, character development,
missions and side activitys.
Websites like ING give you a variety
of Games and what format they are
played on to review along with their
own rating and community rating. The image to the
right shows IGN and the communitys rating for The
Witcher 3. The communitys rating is 9.4 this is out of
355 rating from the general public and gamers. Not
only does it give you a score but it also has a review
written that compares the previous games in the series The Witcher 3 is as
dense and deep as the other two games in the series in terms of RPG
mechanics, and the overwhelmingly massive open-world environment. As well
as all the reviews and the main review it also gives you a little brake down of
what the game is actually about. This also puts the review into more prospective
especially if you have not played or heard of the game before. This website also
tells you about individual sections of the game as shown on the left e.g.
walkthrough: How the game pans out. Side Quests: these are generally to gain
more experience or currency (often optional). Cheats & Secrets: faster ways to
level up & gain more experience or exclusive items e.g. armour or weapons.
Witcher Gear: armour and weapons to help make your
character more resistant to damage or stronger. There
are also websites that are just one big review like
Gamesrader+ (www.gamesradar.com) however unlike
ING it also lists a number of pros and cons when
compared to previous features of the series in the
game and also things people felt where good about the
game and things that may/could be improved on. This
screen shot shows the at a glance pros and cons of
Gears of War: Ultimate edition. This review also says
about new features added like new difficulty settings.
With also going in to more detail of the modifications
made to the game and also things that have been kept

the same seen as the Gears of war franchise had been going for ten years since its original release of
the first instalment.

Fanzine websites: Often produce for people who are interested in a certain topic, With
news and updates of the topic.
The most often fanzine websites I
have found are football teams
such as Manchester united and
sport ones. These are often
shared by social media via twitter
and Facebook. These websites are often
one person or a group of people shearing
their opinions in an informative way, they
usually do this by giving you some
information and then also give you there
opinion. With websites like this you can also
view works from certain writers/authors
that write on this page. There are also different blogs in this case they are different
blogs on football, like different countries and the latest news. As seen in the screen
shot on the right, these are the different blogs www.true-faith.co.uk has to offer on


Secondary Research:

Is information that is

already gathered for you and can generally be found in one place. This can also
mean that you are having to gather/ find information from third party sources
such as magazines articles, company websites and other source.

BAPLA: British Association of

Picture Libraries & Agencies. Is
controlled/directed by a
volunteer executive board. Their
work is funded by membership
fees this means that they are
dedicated to helping and
supporting their members they do this by providing
day-to-day business support and also by representing
what they do on an international and national level.
They also have a large list of image suppliers that you
can use images from, a large number of images you
see in media today will be supplied by BAPLA. Just like
this article shown on the left the image would have
been captured by a photojournalist who then BAPLA
would have helped to then find a use for this image
and help to gain the photojournalist more publicity

and business. And this article is about how Daniel Berehulak receives Features award for the New York

Newspapers and circulation lists: This is secondary research that tells you how
many people buy magazines and newspapers and also how many people viewed it online, through twitter
and Facebook. And also who it was viewed buy as in what class of people buy and read it as well as how
many people buy a printed
copy and what the minority
age group is of the readers.
The screenshot to the left
shows the data for the
newspaper the Sun and
compares print to online data.
4,553,000 people read print of
the Sun but only 56,000
people read The Sun from
online. The minority of readers
online are 35+ but the minority
of readers that read it printed
are 65+. It also compares the
class of which people read The
Sun. There is also the data for
both online and print this
shows the total of readers
witch is 4,927,00 and that the
overall most popular age
groupe to buy the Sun is 35+.
With websites like this
(www.newsworks.org.uk) you
can also fine out ever more
information like people who who read newspapers online are more likely to go on travle websites and
that 69% of print readers are adults. Along with websites like this you can also very easly compare other
newspapers like The Times this data is shown on the right as you can see there not as many print readers
as there are The Sun print readers
however the highest minoraty of
people who read The Times are
65+, This can also be because of
the class/platform of people that
read the certain type of

Worldwide web:
Although the internet can be the
best place to fine the information
that we need and it is a
secondary source of research, it is
not always trust worth as
websites like Wikipedia anyone
can write on it but we dont know

how accurate it is or where the people who input this information actually got it from in the first place
and whether or not it was again a reliable source.

Government statistics: Is a way of viewing stats and statistics in problems or issues that
are to do with the government e.g. Crime outcomes in
England and wales 2013 to 2015. Information like this is
gathered and present in tables to be viewed this can be
many issues that are relevant. As well as because it is the
government you are almost guaranteed that this
information is trustworthy. It is also presented in a lot of
detail for example it is broken down into sections just
like with this document on crime outcomes in wales and
England it is a 45 page document that also has
references and links for even more information on this
situation it also has information and data collected from
places and people such as the home office and also their
opinions on the outcome and how they think this
situation/issue and be handled. As well as reports from
working officers and situation they have been faced with
as a result of this crime outcome and whether or not
crime has improved or worsened.

Primary research: is data collected by you

e.g. original data. This can mean that people who work
for a company e.g. marketer design or yourself may need to conduct a research plan but this has to be
done after the researcher has gained some insight on the issue at hand.
Although primary research is not used as much as secondary research it
still represents a significant part of overall marketing research.

Questionnaires: A questionnaire is a selection of questions

where you only have a limited choice of answers to choose from, this
can be on any topic the researcher needs to
collect data for. They are practical as you can
ask the questions that you need the answers
to. The results can usually be quickly and easy
quantified by either you or by the use of a software package. Along with large
amounts of information can be collected from any number of people without it
effecting how reliable you information is. The data that you have once
collected can then be used to compare to other pieces of data you have found
out. However although questionnaires are useful they also have their
disadvantages like you cant feel someones emotion towards a subject, people
believe that it is artificial data as people are limited to put the only options given to them by researchers.
There is also no way to tell if what they are saying is truthful or not. There is also no way of telling how
much thought actually went into the response. People also read differently so may respond to the
question different as they might have not understood what the question was asking.

Surveys: Are where you are ask for your

opinion on a service, these are often done by places
like the NHS on how was your experience at the
hospital, or at hotels as to whether or not you
would stay there again that you have been given
these are a lot like questionnaires but it is often that
you just tick an answer. Surveys are to give feedback and to help the owner with improvements and to
make their service better and also to run smoother.

Audience panels: Are commonly used for obtaining business information about the product
sales. There are two forms of audience panels, one of them is consumer
market, and the other is for collecting business-to-business purchasing
information, It is common that the main group of people that know
about audience panels is the public as it may well be that at some point
they may have been asked to participate in one. They are formed by
asking people to join and that they only participate if they want to
although they are asked it may well be that the group is random
although they are all interested in the subject or are current costumers.
They will then probably be asked some questions and then given some
kind of incentive reward for their participation, this could be cash or a
gift card.


I will conclude the topic of

data gathering agencies and explain what it is certain ones do and what is there purpose.

Data gathering agencies: Barb is a data gathering agency as it gathers data of the most
popular TV shows and how many
people tune into watch a certain
TV program, what time it is the
most popular time to sit and
watch TV in the UK and USA. It
also shows things like what was
the most popular TV show on a
channel and at what time for
example on channel FOX the
number one most watched TV
program of the week beginning
15th February 2015 was The
Walking Dead Season 5 with 1,161,000 views from the public over a 7 day period. Barb also has a TV
player report that some big named channels in the UK participate in e.g. BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky.
RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) is a company that measures a single
audience for a UK radio station that is serving both the BBC and licensed
commercial stations. RAJAR is responsible for setting the research specification,
awarding of the research contracts the third party suppliers and the overall quality
control, the management and delivery of a service and also day to day operations

that are overseen by the chief executive and the research director. All of the decisions that are made are
agreed upon by all aspects of the company including the shareholders.

Purposes of research:

Audience research-

Audience profiling is where you choses a certain advert

to show with a TV program like it is often TV adverts for
childrens toys are shown during the day when it is the
holidays or before or after children go to school on
Childrens TV channels this is so the advert will be more
effective and help to promote and sell the product they
are advertising as the children will see it and then more
likely ask a parent for it. There are very large numbers
of target audiences such as Housewives, housewives
with children (as shown on the right) also the different
classes of men and women. It is just being able to
decide which adverts are appropriate for which target
audience. All of this means that you need to research
things like on average how much TV dose an adult
watch and at what time to they start watching the TV
also what TV programs are they watching.

Audience measurement and

data: There are lots of different ways to measure an
audience as well as how to display this data. BARB is
company that collects data on what people watch
when they are at home in the UK this data is also stores in a way that is easy to view and understand
which of course is important as if you have spent a long time collecting valuable data and then present it
in a way on one can read or understand then it defeats the object of what you are trying to do. IPA
TouchPoints collects data on how people spend their time in the multi-media world it shows a persons
activity on multi-media and how there media usage fits in to a pattern this is recorded over a seven day
period of only half an hour of their media usage. TGI is helping practioners understand consumers, their
attitudes, motivations and behaviours. It is a single source data set that deals with media consumption,
consumer lifestyle and attitudes and overall purchasing habits of adults aged 15-99. It draws an annual
sample of 25,000 and the survey is updated around four times a year there is also a TIG youth survey
that focuses on 7-19 year olds.

Demographics: Is a classification that is used in the UK it refers to social

grade definition, these are used to decide/ measure the classification of people by
their social grade, income and earnings levels. The National Readership Survey
(NRS) is a commercial but non-profit British survey that is concerned with
monitoring, providing estimates and analysing the number and also the nature of
people who read Britains newspapers and consumer magazines. Its funded by the
UK institute of practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Periodical Publishers Association
(PPA) and Newspaper Publishers Association (NAP). The social grade is defined by
the NRS and is widely used as a generic reference for classifying and describing
social classes, especially for consumers targeting and/ or market research by UK
advertising media and publishing sectors.

Geodemographic: It is referred to the range of methods

used to classify and characterize neighbourhoods or local areas based
on their principal of residents living near each other and that they are
more likely to have a similar demographic, socio-economics and lifestyle
characteristics. This is used for a wide range of purposes including direct
marketing, service area analysis, housing market analysis, retail location
and public service targeting.

Market Research: Market research is very important

especially when it comes to the product or company doing well and making a profit, Market research is a
very vital part of development as it can be the early stages to tell you whether or not if your product is
actually going to make you and your company any money or even a profit as it is not just about how you
sell your product but also the advertising and who you are advertising to, what is it that will get their
attention? Make them stop and think that they need that product or go and see that movie.

Production Research: Whatever industry

you work in research is vital, the ability to be able to
research and be able to use that in your work shows that
you can work creatively and efficiently. There are many
topics that need to be researched before you can put
them into uses. Research is something that is done in
result of almost everything that we use/view weather that
be apps, make up, clothing etc. To the things we watch on
TV and at the Cinema from the latest blockbusters to the
ten o clock News and documentaries and even the latest
episodes of Corrie (drama). Research is vital to help the
company make a profit and be able to support its self. As well as to make sure there is no false
information being fed to us as the public as it is vital that when a documentary if presented that is
truthful so that we can learn something from it, However research is not only done for that reason but
also in films to make the emotions are as raw as possible like if a character in a film or TV drama has a
miscarriage although that in its self is a heart-breaking situation you also as a producer want it to be
realistic and respectful to other people as it is a real life event that can happen to anyone along with how
people would react to it as well, as in how the characters emotions effect each other. But you cant just
research how to sell your product but also how much it is going to cost to produce it e.g. employment
whether or not at the end of it if youre going to make a profit on a whole.

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