International Business - 16 Case Study

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Some of the key takeaways are that Avon relies heavily on foreign markets for sales and employees due to saturation in the US market. It uses a direct sales model of independent representatives to distribute its products globally with some variations between countries. Maintaining supply and manufacturing networks globally presents challenges in the competitive environment.

Avon primarily uses a direct sales model of independent representatives to take orders and deliver products to customers. It has made some adjustments to this model in different countries like opening stores in China when direct sales were banned. It also aims to share best practices between countries.

Challenges Avon faces include the drawbacks of direct sales like customers not always being able to obtain products when wanted. It's also difficult for Avon to attract higher-income customers while maintaining value. Expanding operations globally also presents supply chain and manufacturing challenges.

International Business

Problem #397427

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Case Study: Avon Calls on Foreign Markets

Prepare a paper discussing the case
Avon Calls on Foreign Markets
Discuss the applicability of each to Avon's global operations.
Why is Avon so much more dependent on its foreign operations than on its home (U.S.)
Discuss socioeconomic and demographic changes that could affect Avon.
How might a global recession, such as the one that began in 2008, impact Avon's operations?
What are the major competitive advantages that Avon has? How easily might other companies
duplicate these advantages?
Avon does not sell within the United States in retail establishments (with the exceptions of kiosks
handled by some of its reps). What are the pros and cons of distributing that way?
If you were advising Avon on the selection of new suppliers, what would be your major concerns
as you evaluate firms that are potential suppliers? What criteria should the company use to make
decisions on where to manufacture their products?
Identify the challenges Avon faces in both maintaining and expanding its global manufacturing
and supply chain network given the dynamics of today's competitive environment.
Avon Calls on Foreign Markets
Avon, founded in 1886, is one of the world's oldest and largest manufacturers and marketers of
beauty and related products. 92 Many are most familiar with Avon through its long- standing ad, '
Ding dong, Avon calling', but the company has recently switched to 'Hello Tomorrow' to change
its image and better reflect the company's new marketing approaches. Where Opportunity
Currently Knocks Avon is headquartered in the United States, but over three- quarters of its sales
and employees are outside its North American division. It seems to be selling everywhere
moisturizer to Inuits above the Arctic Circle and makeup delivered by canoe to residents of
Brazil's Amazon region. It has its own sales operations in 66 countries and territories, and it
distributes to another 44. Altogether, there are about 5.8 million independent representatives
selling Avon products. However, Avon was 28 years old (an adult by human standards) before it
ever ventured abroad, and then only to nearby Canada. Forty years later, a geriatric in human

terms, it moved into its second foreign market, Venezuela. Map 16.1 shows how Avon now
divides the world regionally and the portion of its business in each region. Why Avon Went
Global. So why has Avon put so much emphasis on international expansion in recent years?
First, Avon forecast a slow growth potential in the U. S. market, because there is virtually no
remaining untapped market for cosmetics, fragrances, and toiletries. To grow rapidly in the
United States would mean taking sales from competitors, and the U. S. beauty market is very
competitive. If you doubt this, just try weaving through a large U. S. department store without
being accosted and sprayed on. Avon has preferred to put emphasis on less- competitive markets,
and its latest annual report even states that it expects U. S. growth to be in line with that of the
overall beauty market - which means its domestic sales will depend primarily on the population
growth of women in the cosmetics- using age group. Even if there were a considerable untapped
U. S. market, less than 5 percent of the world's population lives in the United States. Second, you
need to understand Avon's distribution system to appreciate why Avon worried about U. S. sales
in the latter part of the twentieth century.
Avon has always depended on direct selling by contracted independent salespersons (almost
always women working part time and known as 'Avon ladies' or 'Avon representatives'), who sell
to households by demonstrating products and giving beauty advice. These reps place sales orders
with Avon and deliver orders to the customers once they receive them. Historically, these direct
sales have been the backbone of Avon's success. To begin with, direct selling offers Avon a costsavings advantage by enabling the company to maintain a smaller number of employees, keep its
advertising budget low ( the Avon ladies do much of the promotion), and avoid having to pay for
shelf space in stores. The lower costs have facilitated Avon's maintenance of generally lower
prices than those that competitors charge in department stores. Thus Avon has consistently
maintained an image of good value for the money.
Direct selling also offers additional marketing advantages, because word- of- mouth customers
tend to be quite loyal to the Avon ladies they befriend. However, in the late twentieth century, the
outlook for U. S. direct sales of any kind of product looked bleak. Droves of U. S. women were
entering the workforce full time, which made them less receptive to door- to-door salespersons
and less willing to spend time on makeup demonstrations and the arrangements for a later receipt
of their purchases. Because of working full time, the pool of women seeking part- time
employment also seemed to be drying up.
Meanwhile, back in the Home Market In an effort to combat the problem of house- to-house
sales, Avon has allowed reps to open retail outlets, which are usually small kiosks in shopping
malls. Further, Avon ladies have pretty much given up their old ' ding dong' routines by selling
instead to friends and family, to colleagues at work, and through ads on their own Web sites. In
the meantime, the prediction that the pool of part- time job seekers would dry up proved wrong.
Between 1996 and 2007, the number of direct sellers in the United States for all companies
increased from 8.5 million to 15 million, and sales value has increased proportionately. The
global recession has since increased the availability of people to sell independently. When the U.
S. outlook looked gloomy, the outlook in foreign markets looked bright. For example, the lack of
developed infrastructure in the rural areas of such countries as Brazil and the Philippines deters
women from leaving their homes to shop for cosmetics. But in these countries, Avon ladies reach

consumers in some of the most remote areas, because there are ample numbers of potential Avon
ladies. For instance, Avon has 800,000 representatives in Brazil alone. In transitional economies,
Avon's market entry coincided with pent- up demand from the period of centrally planned
economic policies. In rapid- growth economies, such as Chile and Malaysia, Avon taps a growing
middle- class market that can afford its products.
The International Strategy Global Products.
As Avon moved internationally, it pretty much allowed its country managers to decide what
products would sell in their markets. Either Avon's R& D unit in the United States or a local R&
D unit would then develop them. These were largely produced within the country selling them
and included such products as a combination skin cream ( moisturizer, sunscreen, and insect
repellent) in Brazil, skin- lightening creams in parts of Asia, long-lasting citrus fragrances in
Mediterranean countries, technology- driven skin products in Japan, health and wellness
products in Argentina, and bigger bottles of personal- care products in Spain. Once products are
developed, Avon disseminates the information to its facilities else-where. For example, AvonJapan developed emulsion technologies to produce lotions and creams with lighter textures and
higher hydration levels, and many Avon operations in other countries now use the process. Some
Pitfalls of Product Proliferation On the one hand, this decentralization to fit the wants of local
consumers has undoubtedly given consumers the products they want. On the other hand, it has
come with costs. To begin with, the resultant product proliferation has increased manufacturing
costs, which threatens Avon's strategy of maintaining a good profit margin while simultaneously
offering customers a good value for their money.
Next, Avon has depended primarily on its catalogs to promote its products. For instance, it
distributes catalogs every two weeks in the United States and every four weeks abroad. Its
circulation dwarfs that of any other commercial publication. However, as its product line grew to
'13,000 products for the Mexican market alone' the catalogs became too bulky, and the Avon
ladies could not possibly know enough about the line to sell effectively. In 2006, Avon cut its
product line by 25 percent, and it plans to cut the line even more. It is also moving toward more
large-scale centralized production to save on manufacturing costs. Although Avon is paring its
product line, this does not imply a cutback in new products, which are important in the industry.
In fact, Avon has signed exclusive agreements with several universities worldwide (such as in
Australia, China, Japan, and Thailand) to help develop new products.
For example, Asia has long been a leader in herbal and therapeutic treatments. Avon's venture
with Chiang Mai University in Thailand has produced one of Avon's latest products using this
Asian expertise, Anew Alternative, which is purported to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.
Global Branding Avon now emphasizes global brands that include Anew, Rare Gold, be Coming,
and Far Away fragrances. Through standardized branding, Avon creates a uniform global quality
image while saving costs by using uniform ingredients and packaging. Global branding also
helps inform consumers that the company is international. This helps sales in countries such as
Thailand, where consumers prefer to buy beauty products made by foreign companies. Although
Avon prominently displays its name on most of its products worldwide, some of its brand names
differ among countries. For instance, when Avon has made foreign acquisitions, it has sometimes
kept the successful brand name and goodwill it has acquired. For example, when Avon acquired
Justine in South Africa, it kept the Justine name. The company prints instructions in local

languages but may or may not put the brand names in that language.
It sometimes uses English or French brand names, because consumers consider the United States
and France high- quality suppliers for beauty products. For example, Avon sells skin- care
products called Rosa Mosqueta (in Spanish), Revival (in English), and Renaissage (in French) in
Chile, Argentina, and Japan, respectively. In each case, the Avon logo appears prominently on the
products' containers as well. Global Pricing for each country operation sets its own prices to
reflect local market conditions and strategic objectives. However, at times the price difference
between neighboring countries has created demand for contraband shipments from the country
with lower prices - such as has recently occurred between Colombia and Venezuela. The prices
are subject to change for each sales campaign. Avon runs a new campaign with different special
offers every two weeks in the United States and every four weeks abroad. The shortness of
campaigns is helpful for adjusting prices in highly inflationary economies. Avon also has a
strategy of introducing two- tiered products that sell at different prices. The aim is to capture
more up market sales while maintaining the existing clientele. For instance, it has contracted
with Christian Lacroix to develop fragrances that will sell at a higher price than Avon's
traditional ones. Global Promotion Although Avon's promotion is primarily through its brochures
and catalogs, it also advertises. It uses such media as broadcasts and billboards and has four
primary objectives: 'To sell newly launched products'. To accelerate sales in some of its fastestgrowing markets, such as Russia - To recruit reps in places like China - To use a campaign called
'Hello Tomorrow' to change the public perception of its products as unfashionable and outdated
to stylish and modern 'Hello Tomorrow' This campaign is Avon's first global ad campaign aimed
at the image of its overarching Avon brand. Its prior global campaigns aimed at selling specific
products. Despite the global campaign, some of Avon's ads vary by country. For instance, it
sponsors a British TV drama about footballers' wives and one in Russia that includes a character
who sells Avon products. Avon is also using celebrities to help sell its products. The Mexican
film star Salma Hayek is the face of Avon. Academy Award winning actress Jennifer Hudson is
the spokesperson for Imari fragrance. Baseball player Derek Jeter (yes, Avon does have some
products for men too) has his name on a collection of skin- care products. Meeting the Needs of
Women Worldwide Perhaps Avon's most important campaign is to develop a global image as a
company that supports women and their needs, a campaign that has generated favorable publicity
in media reports. Building on this theme, Avon co-hosted a Global Summit for a Better
Tomorrow at the United Nations during International Women's Day, and it gives annual Women
of Enterprise Awards to leading women entrepreneurs. It also publicizes how being an Avon lady
heightens the role of women, which has been particularly successful at attracting new reps in
developing countries such as Malaysia and the Philippines. Undoubtedly, Avon's biggest socialresponsibility projects are its work internationally in fighting breast cancer and domestic
violence. Avon ladies disseminate information about breast cancer along with their promotion
brochures and sell items to raise money for local needs. Avon is the largest corporate donor to
breast cancer research. The fight against domestic violence is a newer Avon program. It is
working through local organizations to pre-vent violence through education and to treat women
who have been victims. Global Distribution Avon basically duplicates its distribution method in
foreign countries, which means that it sells to independent representatives who have taken orders
from customers they have either communicated with or visited. However, there are some
variations. We have already discussed some of the changes in the United States. In Japan, there is
a substantial mail- order business. In Argentina, Avon has beauty centers. Probably the biggest

deviation from direct selling occurred in China, the only single-country division in Avon's global
network. In response to a 1998 Chinese law prohibiting house- to- house sales, Avon quickly
opened about 6,000 beauty boutiques, lined up 9,000 independent stores to carry Avon, and
opened 1,000 beauty counters. Thus Avon made its products available in virtually every corner of
the country.
In 2005, the Chinese government loosened its house- to- house sales regulations but with many
restrictions, such as capping the commission for salespeople and preventing them from recruiting
others to work on a shared- commission plan. Avon seeks to transfer successful practices in one
country to other countries. To encourage the transfer of know- how, Avon brings marketing
personnel from different countries together to share what it calls ' best practices', and it passes on
information from country to country. It also promotes competition among countries, such as
awards for country- level initiatives to improve sales, quality, and efficiency. Looking toward the
Future Avon has several challenges for the future. Although its direct- sales method has been
important in Avon's success, there are drawbacks to it. For one, customers cannot obtain a
product whenever they want it. For another, reps report many returns because customers cannot
always discern exact colors from catalogs. For another, it may be difficult for Avon to capture
clientele in a higher- price category while maintaining the value- for- money clientele. Avon
anticipates that international operations will account for the bulk of its growth in the foreseeable
future. Its products are still not available to a large portion of the world's women. It is already
operating in all four BRIC countries, however, and is the market leader in two of them (Brazil
and Russia).

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