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The passage discusses how different groups such as the Tohono O'odham and Bedouin have adapted to live in desert environments through utilizing local resources for food, water and shelter.

Desert people find food through hunting, gathering and limited farming. They find water sources like oases and wells. Their shelters include tents woven from animal hair/materials. Camels also provide transport, food and other resources.

The Sonoran, Sahara, Gobi and Atacama deserts are mentioned. Characteristics include rainfall amounts, temperatures, terrain features and example peoples. The Sahara is the largest and driest.

Desert People

A Reading AZ Level P Levelled Book

Word Count: 898


Written by
David Meissner

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Bedouin: (BED-oo-in)
Tohono Oodham: (toe-hoe-noh OH-eh-dom)

Written by David Meissner

Desert People
Level P Levelled Book
Learning AZ
ISBN 1-59827- 987- 4
Written by David Meissner
All rights reserved.



Fountas & Pinnell
Reading Recovery


Table of Contents
What Is a Desert?.................................... 4
Desert Living .......................................... 5
The Tohono Oodham ............................ 7
The Bedouin .......................................... 12
More Desert People.............................. 17
Glossary ................................................. 20

Sunrise in the desert

What Is a Desert?
Would you know a desert if you
saw one? Would it have camels or
rattlesnakes? Would it have sand
or rocks?
Earth has many different kinds of
deserts but all deserts are dry. They
usually get less than 25.4 centimetres
(10 in) of rain a year. Some deserts are
very cold but most are sunny and hot.
Desert People Level P



310,100 sq km

North America

Good rainfall for

the desert

9,064,960 sq km


Very hot and

very dry

1,036,000 sq km


Cold and windy


139,860 sq km

South America

Driest desert in
the world



World Deserts Comparison Table


Stony, sandy soil, Sand, salt

basins, lava



Gravel plains,
mountains, sand

Flat basins,

Desert People Level P


In this book, you will learn about two

desert peoples: the Tohono Oodham
and the Bedouin. Both of these groups
have found ways to adapt and live
successfully in their desert homelands.


For thousands of years, desert people

have used what they found in their local
areas to get food, water and shelter.
Each desert is different and each desert
has its own solutions.

Tohono Oodham Bedouin

How do people stay alive in such hot,

dry places? Where do they find food
and water? How do they build their


Desert Living

Compare these four deserts. Notice that they are all different.

Finding shade in the desert can be challenging.

The Sonoran Market

The Sonoran Desert can be a difficult
place to live. Months may pass without
rain. Summer days can reach 49 Celsius
(120F). Winter nights can be freezing

The Tohono Oodham

Tohono Oodham
means desert
people. The
Tohono Oodham
are Native
Americans who
still live in the
Sonoran Desert.
Long ago, the
For many years, they were
Oodham slept
called the Papago. Today,
Tohono Oodham is the
in round homes
official name of the tribe.
made of dried mud,
branches and grass. There was one main
room with a fire pit. Families slept on
grass mats. Fires gave them light and
heat during cold winter nights.

For a desert, the Sonoran is full of

life. Historically, the Tohono Oodham
lived where 30.5 centimetres (12 in)
of rain fell each year. The rainfall
supported many plants and animals.
Shady trees, cacti and flowers all grew
there. Many insects, birds, rabbits and
other animals lived there, too.

Word Wise

Desert: a dry, barren area of land, especially one

covered with sand, that is desolate, waterless, and
without vegetation.*

*This is the official New Oxford American Dictionary definition of desert.

Desert People Level P

The Sonoran Desert is home to many kinds of life.

The Tohono Oodham hunted
rattlesnakes, rabbits and birds in the
desert. In the mountains, they killed
deer, mountain sheep and sometimes
even bears.

The desert is filled with resources, if you know where to look.

A Different Kind of Shopping

The desert was the Tohono Oodham
market. When they needed vegetables,
they planted seeds. When they needed
water, they went to a spring. When they
needed meat, they hunted.
Fruits and Vegetables
In the early summer, Oodham people
planted seeds. In the late summer, the
rains flooded the fields. The Oodham
grew corn, beans and other vegetables.
In the winter, they grew wheat, peas
and fruits.
Desert People Level P

A desert jackrabbit


Desert Foods
The Tohono
Oodham also
gathered wild
desert foods like
chilli peppers,
Prickly pear cactus fruits
onions, beans
and cactus fruits. In the mountains,
they found acorns, roots and pine nuts.
Oodham men even made four-day trips
to the ocean to get salt!
The Oodham traded salt and cactus
syrup with other native peoples for
corn, beans and wheat. This food helped
the Oodham during long periods
without rain.
Drinking Water
Some Oodham villages were near springs
and streams. Inhabitants of other villages
dug wells in the ground. Many people
lived far away from water. Young girls
hiked into mountain canyons to get water.
Desert People Level P


Bedouin tents are low to the ground so the wind will not blow
them over.

The Bedouin
Can you imagine moving to a new
place every week? Another desert
people, known as the Bedouin, moved
from place to place on camels in search
of food and water. Because they moved
so often, the Bedouin owned very few
items. Bedouin means people of
the desert.
The Bedouin lived in tents. In a few
hours, they could pack up and move.
Today, many Bedouins still travel the
Syrian, Arabian and Sahara deserts.

Desert People Level P



Gobi Desert

The Sahara is more than sand. It also

includes mountains, valleys and oases.
An oasis is a place in a desert where
water creates a rich green area.

Arabian Desert

Australian Desert

Less rain falls in the Sahara than in

the Sonoran Desert. Fewer plants and
animals live there. The Bedouin had to
travel far in search of food and water.

Sahara Desert

Kalahari Desert

The Sahara Desert is the largest desert

in the world: 9 million square kilometres
(3.5 million sq mi). In some parts, it rains
less than 25 millimetres (1 in) per year!

Deserts cover roughly one-fifth of the Earths surface. Can you find the Sonoran Desert? The Sahara Desert?

Sonoran Desert

Atacama Desert

An oasis in the Sahara Desert

Camping with Camels

Arabian camels gave the Bedouin
shelter, clothing, food and rides.
The Bedouin wove camel hair into tents
and clothing. They also drank camel
milk and ate camel meat. They even
burned camel dung for campfires!
Camels can go a long time without
water. Arabian camels can walk
50 kilometres (30 mi) in a day. They can
carry up to 270 kilograms (600 lbs) on
their backs.

The Bedouin hunted desert animals for
food. Sometimes trained dogs rode with
the Bedouin to track animals. Can you
imagine a dog riding a camel?
Drinking Water
The Bedouin knew where to find oases.
They dug wells to pull water from the
ground. They carried the water in bags
made of camel skin.

Arabian camels have

one hump.

Desert People Level P

Fruits and Vegetables

The Bedouin did
not grow many
crops but in late
summer, they
camped out near
oases with date
palms. Bedouins
ate some dates
fresh and dried
People living around the
Sahara Desert have been
others to save
eating dates for at least
for later.
6,000 years.



More Desert People

The Tohono Oodham and the Bedouin
are just two of the worlds desert
peoples. There have been many more.

Atacama Indians in South America lived

in the dry Atacama Desert. They raised
guinea pigs and llamas. They also
planted crops.

Australian Aborigines hunted with

spears and with throwing sticks. Women
gathered food. The Aborigines wore
very little clothing. They slept by the
warm campfire.

Kalahari Bushmen in southern Africa carry small bows.

Bushmen lived in the Kalahari Desert.

Women gathered plants and roots.
Men hunted with bows and arrows.
Aboriginal children at a playground near Alice Springs, Australia

Nomads travelled the cold and windy

Gobi Desert. They raised sheep, goats
and cattle. They lived in round tents.
Desert People Level P


For thousands of years, people have

found food, water, shelter and more in
the desert. Desert people have learned
how to live in these beautiful and
challenging lands.




Do you think you could grow

food like the Tohono Oodham?

You probably could! Ask a teacher, parent

or friend to help you. Be careful, you might
plant a seed in their head too!

Grow Your Own Food

1 Find out what kinds of fruits, vegetables

and herbs grow in your area.

2 Decide what you want to grow

and buy the seeds.

adapt (v.)

to adjust to new
conditions (p. 5)

Aborigines (n.)

the native people of

Australia who lived
there before Europeans
came (p. 17)

Desert (n.)

the high-desert region

in northern Chile
(p. 18)

Bushmen (n.)

one of the native

peoples of southern
Africa (p. 18)

dung (n.)

animal manure (also

known as poo)
(p. 15)

nomads (n.)

people who move from

place to place with no
permanent home
(p. 17)

oases (n.)

fertile places in the

desert that have water
(p. 13)

3 Choose a sunny spot with soft soil.

(You can also fill a pot with soil.)

4 Get help from someone who knows

how to grow plants (or read the

instructions on the seed packet).
5 Dig a shallow hole.
6 Place a seed in the hole

and wait for the seed

to grow!

Desert People Level P



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