Final Project

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Las Vegas High School

June 24, 2015

By Hayli Jarvis

Position Paper
Today, my goal is to convince you to keep technology in our schools. Our goal as
teachers and administrators is to prepare the young adults that graduate from our institution to be
successful in their studies and careers. Parents, along with business and industry leaders, are
relying on the education system to provide technological training to give these young adults the
tools they need to advance in their futures.
As educators, our goal as a whole, is to prepare our youth with the necessitates they need
to have successful careers and eventually be the leaders of our nation. In order for us to do that
properly however, we need to make sure that we, ourselves, are up to date with the new emerging
technology that our students will be exposed to outside of the classroom. This can be done by
providing workshops, classes and seminars to keep our teachers and essentially our students, one
step ahead of the game.
In order for us to be able to stay one step ahead of the game, new and better software and
technology needs to be sought out to continuously increase educational benefits for our students.
Educational software not only help assist in improving performance is different subjects for
general ed students but as well as students who need a specialized education program. These
students can master complex problem solving and critical thinking skills with the support of
educational technology. Studies of students with disabilities show that technology can expand
students' ability to process and remember information. With this type of software and technology
working hand in hand, our students will be given the materials and support they need to be
successful in all aspects of life.
Not only does technology have our students leaving high school better prepared for
college, it is also improving test scores while they are still in K-12 grades. According to Secure
Edge Networks, there have been many studies done that have shown improvement on test scores,
study habits, and enhanced learning experiences with the integration of iPad usage in the
Ultimately, it comes down to using the many tools we have available to us in this day and
age appropriately and if done so, it will be advantageous to everyone. If we teach students to be
critical thinkers and not just information gatherers, then we are moving in the right direction.
Technological advancements, when used appropriately, will equip our students with the tools
they need to be successful in their futures.
Wainwright, A. (2015). 8 Studies Show IPads in the Classroom Improve Education. Retrieved

Identification of Standards
When reviewing the CCSD: Computer and Technology Education Standards, it was very
black and white both literally and figuratively. These standards were written in March of 2000,
which is now, over 15 years old. Thats more than half my life and not even a fraction of the
technology we have available to us today, was available at that time. The fact that it has not been
updated in so long speaks volume of how much CCSD is struggling. With the many different
programs available, the CCSD standards should definitely reflect them in order to battle for the
usage of technology in classrooms. As far as the break down for the different grade levels, I feel
as if the standards that being set, are fairly low, especially for todays day in age. When I bought
my Apple laptop for school, I brought it to my work (Im a nanny) and the 8 year old I want was
able to set up the different applications I needed and use today. Kids are able to wiz through
technological things, especially when they take great interest in them. With the software
available today, keeping students interested should not be a problem at all so our expectations
with them, should be that much greater.
Nevadas Computer & Technology Standards is very generic and lacks a certain style one
would expect when discussing technology and standards, however, it is very simple to
understand. Right from the beginning, it breaks down definitions, and formatting, making it
simple and allowing anyone who would like to research a topic, access to information directly.
Nevadas Computer & Technology Standards was also put into play in 2010, making it more up
to date, informative and more reliable source for research.
National: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is what every school
board needs to be shooting for, when investing money in the Computer and Technology web
sites. ISTE, has made it extremely simple and informative. I want to focus on using ISTE*s
(student) and ISTE*t (teacher) standard for grading even though there isnt one. With there being
six different standards to focus on, I would want to base grades on the understanding and
comprehension of 1) Creativity and Innovation, 2) Communication and Collaboration, 3)
Research and Information Fluency, 4) Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making,
5) Digital Citizenship and 6) Technology Operations and Concepts.
Throughout section four, I will be using the ISTE*s and my lesson plan will cover the
ISTE*s standards; 1) Creativity and Innovation, 2) Communication and Collaboration, 3)
Research and Information Fluency, 4) Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making,
5) Digital Citizenship and 6) Technology Operations and Concepts.

Lesson Plan: Social Studies

Assignment Goal Chart
Students will be using the Inspiration Software located on the computers to create a goal web
or chart that lists at least two goals from each of the following sections as well as how to obtain
1) Current goals (things you would like to get better at or work on presently)
2) Education goals
3) Career goals
4) Family goals
5) Extra curricular goals (improving at a sport, picking up a new hobby, reading more literature

In the center of the web, include your picture and name

For each goal, be sure to include a picture
Be sure to let your personality shine!
Be colorful and have fun with it!

Step by step directions

1. Open Inspiration
2. Click on Diagram

3. Click on file, save as, and type your name and Goal Chart

4. Copy and paste a picture of yourself in the center with (your names) Goal Chart
5. Create your goal bubbles for each section required. *Feel free to use different shapes
for the subjects located under the symbols library

6. Connect arrows from your picture to each of the five main subject bubbles.

7. For each of the subjects, use the arrows to connect at least two ways to obtain each goal.
Use pictures if/when applicable.
Lesson Plan for Section 4
Name of lesson: Goal Chart
Grade Level Appropriateness: 9-12 (High School)
Technology Content Standard Addressed:
1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5. Digital Citizenship
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Other Content Standard Addressed: Social Studies, Reading , Language Arts

Objective: Carefully think of different goals from the five previously stated sections and how to
obtain them. Use creative and reflective thinking to come up with meaningful, realistic goals. I
want students to dig deep when thinking of their goals and have fun using the Inspiration
Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Use of computers for two days giving the students
plenty of tie to perfect their layout and goals for they will be presented to the class on the third
Rubric for assignment


Met all Requirements-_____/30

Use of Time-






My Example

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