Applications Software

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Applications Software

- Includes various programs people use to:

Do work
Process data
Play games
Communicate with others
Watch multimedia programs
- Unlike system and utility programs , applications software
are written by or for system users
- When user orders the OS to run a particular program, the OS
transfers the program from the hard drive, diskette, or CDROM into RAM and executes it.
- Written in a particular programming language then
compiled or translated into machine language so the
computer can understand the commands and execute the
- Originally, programs were written only for a specific
computer and could only run in that machine
- However, due to further reserch, programs easily became
compatible with all computer units out in the market.
Programming Languages
- means of communicating with computer
- the only language a CPU can understand is Binary or
machine language
- painfully tedious and virtually impossible to update and
- since the invention of computers, users have longed for
human like languages to manipulate computer software but
is currently still a big problem because its very difficult to
simply translate computer language to human language.
Generations and Levels of Programming Languages
- programming languages are divided into 5 generations or
sometimes into three levels.

- level refers to how close the language is to the actual

- The low-level languages are machine like. Of course, it is
Binary, consists strings of zeros and ones and can be directly
understood by the computer.
- However, it is difficult to use and edit.
1st level

A. Machine language
True language of computers
Any program must be translated into machine language
before the computer can execute it
Only consists of binary numbers 1 and 0 representing the on
and off of electrical impulses
All data like numbers, letters, and symbols are represented
by combinations of binary digits. Example. The number 3 is
represented by eight binary numbers(00000011)
Traditionally, machine languages are machine-dependent,
which means that each model of computer has its own
unique machine language.
B. Assembler Language
Far more English like but still very close to machine
One command in machine language is a single instruction to
the processor
Assembler language instructions have a one-to-one
correspondence with a machine language instruction
Assembler language may be a low level programming
language, it is still being utilized whenever programmers
wishes to manipulate functions at the machines level

C. Third generation Languages

- Includes procedural languages and beginning of second level
in programming languages

- Procedural languages require the programmer to specify

both what the computer is to do and the procedure for how
to do it.
- Far more English like than assembly and machine language
- Although easier, still requires a great deal of study to learn
to use these languages.
- The programmer must learn the words the language
recognizes and must follow a pattern or sequence. A single
comma or period out of place will cause the program to fail
or crash
- Style and sequence of language are called its syntax
- FORTRAN and COBOL are examples of early third generation
- MUMPS Third generation language written specifically for
user in health care settings
- ( massachussetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming
- Mumps was originally developed to support medical records
applications at massachusetts General. MUMPS offers
powerful tools to support database management systems;
useful in cases in which several users have to access the
same databases at the same time
- Mumps is now found in many industries such as banks, travel
agencies, the stock exchange, and of course other hospitals.
- Originally, mumps is both a language and a full OS
- Today, the most popular computer language for writing OSs
is known simply as C. named after an earlier prototype
named simply as B
- There are two important late third generation languages
which grew in importance as the use of the internet grew in
Visual Programming languages
- Programming languages facilitated program development in
graphics based environments
- Visual BASIC(Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
Code and Visual C11.

developed by Sun Microsystems
simple program language that would provide the portability
across differing computer platforms and the security needed
for use on huge, public network like the internet
the world community of software developers and internet
content providers has warmly received java.
Skills in Java are essential for serious web developers
D. Fourth generation Languages
Specialized application programs that require more
involvement of the user in directing the program to do the
necessary work
The user specifies what the program is to do, but not how
the program is to perform the task. The how is already
programmed by the manufacturer of the language program.
E. Fifth Generation Languages
Third level languages
Natural language
User tells the machine what to do in the users own natural
language or through use of a set of very English like
Voice commands are usually associated
true natural language recognition
the problem is that it is very difficult to translate natural
human language into binary codes which the computer
understand in order to execute commands given by the user

Some Assembly Language Examples

a. MOVE 3000,4000
location 4000
b. MOVE D0,D4
c. MOVE 3000,D0
d. MOVE D0,3000
e. MOVE #4000,D4

[4000] [300]

Copy contents of location 3000 to

[D4] [D0]
[D0] [3000]

Copy contents of D0 to D4
Copy contents of location 3000 to

[3000] [D0]

Copy contents of D0 to location

[D4] 4000

Copy the value 4000 to D4

MOVE #4000,5000
g. MOVE (A0),D3
at by A0 to D3
h. MOVE #12,(A0)
MOVE (A1),(A2)
sum in D1
k. ADD


[50004] 4000

Copy the value 4000 to location

[D3] [[A0]]

Copy contents of location pointed

[[A0]] 12

Copy 12 to location pointed at by

[[A2]] [[A1]] Copy contents of location pointed

at by A1 to location pointed at by A2
[D1] [D1]+[D2] Add contents of D1 to D2 and put
[D4] [D4]+12
Add 13 to D4 and put sum in D4
[1234] [[A3]] Add contents of location pointed at
by A3 to location 1234

What is GUI?
Stands for "Graphical User Interface," and is pronounced "gooey." It refers to the graphical interface of a computer
that allows users to click and drag objects with a mouse instead of entering text at a command line. Two of the most
popular operating systems, Windows and the Mac OS, are GUI-based. The graphical user interface was first
introduced to the public by Apple with the Macintosh in 1984. However, the idea was actually taken from an earlier
user interface developed by Xerox.

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