Environmental Impact Assessment For Highway Projects

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Date: - 12/03/2010

Health, Safety & Environment Management

Assignment on

Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway


Submitted To :-

Prof. A.K.Garg

Submitted By:-

Mr. Ashish Salvi (P51018)

Miss. Rashmi Priya (P51051)

Miss. Samta Mishra (P51054)

Mr. Saurabh Kumar (P51059)

Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Projects


Like people, most organizations are heavily dependant on roads to distribute

their goods & to carry their executives & sales people. Yet, though once seen as the
engine of progress, roads are facing increasing criticism around the world. A highway
is a main road for travel by the public between important destinations, such as cities,
large towns, and states. Highway designs vary widely and can range from a two-lane
road without margins to a multi-lane, grade-separated expressway, freeway, or

Impact due to construction of highways include the noise and dust from
construction, the use of non-renewable aggregates, the loss of natural habitats and
green space and increase in traffic (with all its impacts). The best practice is to
undertake an environmental impact assessment (EIA) before the road is designed.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is defined as “the process of

examining the environmental effects of the development – from consideration of the
environmental aspects at design stage, through to the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement, evaluation of the EIS by a competent authority and
the subsequent decision as to whether the development should be permitted to
proceed, also encompassing public response to that decision”.

The EIA methodology promotes a practical and dynamic process of

environmental protection that allows significant adverse impacts to be avoided or
mitigated throughout the entire planning and design process. Road planning and
design is an iterative process where planning and design evolve in response to
environmental and other considerations. This ensures that environmental
considerations become an integral part of the overall route corridor selection and
road scheme planning and design process.

Anticipated Impacts Due To Highway Construction Project

Encroachment on precious ecology :

The proposed routing of the highway encroaches upon precious ecological

resources, including forests and swamps. This also disturbs the natural habitats of a
lot of creatures and animals leaving on the encroach land. The ecological disturbance
is likely to occur.
The construction activities will drive some wildlife away from their habitats,
particularly migratory birds. The construction period will last for quite a long time
(3–4 years) and many migratory birds within about 500 m of the proposed
expressway will leave their currently roosting and feeding places and move away.

During road construction, the vegetation on the acquired land will be

destroyed, and the local ecosystem is changed. In addition, the destruction and
fragmentation effect of the road construction may diminish the habitats for some of
the animal species, so that there may not be enough roosting places any more for
them to survive.

During operation, the traffic noise, traffic lights at night and vehicle emissions
may cause some adverse impacts on the wildlife around the road.

Adverse impact on historical/cultural monuments :

The nearby structures to highway projects are adversely affected due to the
pollution and environmental disturbances created by the project. During the
construction phase, huge amount of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and CO (Carbon
Monoxide) gases are released into the atmosphere. The gas poses a threat to ancient
monuments as they are made up of lime which reacts with these gases in presence
of water/moisture. The most prominent example of this is Taj-Mahal.

Impairment of fisheries/ aquatic ecology and other beneficial water uses :

The water bodies like lake, pond or river which are close to the highway site
get affected by the construction activity. The workers and staff living near to the site
uses the water from these water bodies and in turn pollute them causing harm to
aquatic ecology. The rain water may wash away the chemicals and other hazardous
product to the water body affecting the oxygen content of it. This will lead to
impairment of fisheries.

Water quality :

The Project will involve the construction of small and large bridges, which will
be built with hollow piers and deep foundations with bored piles. The pile drilling
operation will generate a great amount of spoil of water.
Major sources of potential water pollution were identified as

(i) Increased soil erosion during construction, which may cause water pollution with

(ii) Wastewater pollution caused by large construction sites, in particular bridge


(iii) Potential pollution associated with the construction of bridge foundations with
bored piles

(iv) Pollution caused by surface runoff and service area wastewater.

Water quality impacts due to construction sites :

Wastewater and hazardous materials (fuel, oil, acids, caustics, etc.) may drain
into streams and drainage areas, causing pollution to surface water or groundwater.
This is particularly true for large construction sites, construction campsites, and
staging areas where workers, construction equipment, and building materials are
most concentrated.

a) Expressway Runoff :

Rainwater washes out atmospheric pollutants, picks up roadway

deposits, and runs off into rivers. The impact of the initial runoff pollutants on
the water quality

b) Wastewater Effluent from the Service Area :

There will be fuelling and service stations as well as offices, hotels, and
restaurants for the passengers in the service area. Sanitary wastewater
effluent from these facilities as well as wastewater generated by car washing,
maintenance, and repair operations will be generated.

Erosion and Siltation :

The wearing away, detachment and transportation of soil from one place to
another place and its deposition by moving water, blowing wind or other causes is
called soil erosion. Large numbers of trees and plantation has to be removed for
construction of highway. This leads to loosing of the soil, soil disturbance, and
exposure of bare soil surface. This causes problem of soil erosion and siltation during
rain or heavy wind. The most severe problems will be associated with embankment
construction in the plain area, road sections with heavy cuts and fills, borrow and
spoil sites, as well as bridge and culvert construction sites, particularly on rainy days.

Environmental aesthetics :

Roads project involves cutting of trees, soil filling and cutting operation. This
disturbs the natural aesthetic of the environment (scenic value). Some expressway
components like large bridges and interchanges will create visual impacts and detract
from the natural beauty of the area. The lack of resurfacing/ replanting of exposed
areas are also the leading factor to aesthetic reduction.

Noise and Vibration :

During the construction stage massive equipments like excavators, power

shovels, dumpers, compacters, loader etc are used. This causes considerable
vibrations in nearby areas. They also produce high noise levels. This all disturbs the
natural surroundings and creates unfavourable conditions for the living creatures.
The vibrations may affect the structures nearby.

Air pollution hazards :

The project results in discharge of air pollutants from machines and motor
vehicles, especially carbon monoxide, which under adverse conditions could cause
severe air pollution hazards to nearby area and communities.

a. Air Quality Impacts during Operation :

If project area is a non-attainment area for TSP and CO, with their
background concentrations well exceeding the applicable air quality
standards. The vehicle emissions and fugitive dust emissions from the
expressway will add to the problem.

b. Air Quality Impacts during Construction :

Construction activities particularly earthworks; increased traffic and the

use of cement, asphalt, and other building materials will produce
excessive airborne dust and toxic asphalt fumes, causing a major impact
on air quality within the project area. It was observed that the TSP
concentration at a distance 50 m to the leeward of a concrete mixing
plant can be 1.368 mg/Nm3, & 0.619 mg/Nm3 at 100 m.
Highway run-off pollution :

Surface runoff from highways may contain sufficient petroleum drippage plus
spilled material (including toxic and hazardous materials) which can adversely affect
aquatic ecology and environmental aesthetics.

Affect on Natural resources :

The Project will disrupt some existing irrigation systems, particularly in the
plain areas where the road will be constructed on filled-up embankment. This
fragmentation will also affect the existing flood-relief channels and natural drainage
of the area.

Land Acquisition :

 The loss in agricultural products due to farm land decrease

 Another extra land is needed during the construction period for temporary
use (construction camp sites, staging areas, access roads, borrow and spoil sites, etc.)

 Some buildings will be demolished and wire poles will be removed, and one
small enterprise may be moved.

Preparation Of Environmental Examination Report

Following checklist is used to analyze severity of project on different

environmental parameters like ecological disturbance, aquatic ecology etc. The effect
on environment is rated according to severity of impact i.e. small, moderate, major.
Based on the prepared checklist, Environment examination report is prepared to
analyze the impact on environment.
Checklist for Environmental Parameters for Highway Projects
Actions affecting Recommended Significant effect
environmental Damage to feasible
resources and Environment Protection Small Moderate Major
values Measures
Careful planning
Encroachment on Loss to precious
to minimize and
precious ecology ecology
offset losses
Encroachment on Careful planning
Loss of these
historical/cultural/ to minimize and
monument/areas offset losses
Impairment of
Impairment of
fisheries/aquatic Careful planning
ecology and of to minimize and
beneficial water
other beneficial offset losses
Excessive soil
erosion and
Erosion and resurfacing or
impairment of
Siltation replanting of
exposed area
water quality
Careful planning
Environmental Loss of scenic
to minimize and
aesthetics values
offset losses
Nuisances to Careful planning
Noise and
travellers and to minimize and
neighbours offset losses
Nuisances to
Air pollution Control of motor
travellers and
hazards vehicle emission
Careful planning
Highway runoff
Loss of ecology to minimize and
offset losses
Serious Careful planning
Highway spills of health/safety and O&M and
hazardous hazards to competent
material travellers and emergency
neighbours cleanup

The environmental impact caused due to road project can be reduced by adopting
following measures:

I. Removing only the necessary vegetation; applying for permits to cut down
trees. Revegetation of green areas.

II. Make up embankments. Disposal of surplus earth. Disposal of waste (Plan for
processing solid and liquid waste)

III. Performing of the cultural heritage protection plan. Covering or dampening

uncovered soils.

IV. Green areas, ornate. Maintenance. Soil protection. Water protection.

V. Wastewater effluents from the service area will be treated by a chemical and
biological treatment system in accordance with applicable standards before
discharge into the nearby irrigation system.

VI. To minimize the visual impacts, the following measures will be taken:

a. Minimize cut and fill slopes where possible and, in particular, avoid
steep cut slopes;

b. Implement site-specific landscaping and re-vegetation on both sides of

the road, all cut slopes, and disturbed land, making the expressway a
beautiful green corridor; and

c. Design bridges, interchanges, and do their infrastructure in such a way

as to achieve consistency with the surrounding natural landscape, local
buildings, and facilities in terms of form, colour, and texture.

VII. To minimize the nighttime noise impacts, noise suppressors will be used on
construction equipment where feasible. High noise machinery will not be
allowed to operate in the proximity of a school when classes are in session,
and also from 22:00 to 6:00 hrs when there are residential areas nearby

VIII. establish greenbelt between the road and the villages and school to reduce
noise level and air pollution during operation

IX. To minimize the dust impact, construction fields and major access roads and
haul roads will be watered on a set schedule, particularly in the dry season.
Construction materials storage and concrete mixing plants will be sited more
than 100 m away, and asphalt mixing plants 300 m away in a downwind
direction from residences and schools. All the mixing equipment will be
closed systems with dust extractors.

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