AP French - Newtonian Mechanics

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ouay SLL ge PERT SST lS Newtonian mechanics French A = rout Wu OOOO O SEles ee eee erent erent een rir nate ra) en ee ae eset cee Pi nuat er eee reste ene Pee artes pment and use of Newton's eee ese aca one " Re ee Ne ne ey nd Ph.D. degrees from Cambridge Cee eet eet ne ee Meee Oe ee re Pea enn ee rae University of South Carolina as Cent keene Chairman of the Department, In 1962 etn ae eeen aes ern ret eit enn nea eet gr rg oe a ee ee half his time during the past six years to the development of the NOAM meee Preece cee cat) extensive research assignments with the Cavendish Laboratories, the en ete ans Rea tr et) Pease aes i |THE _uprary ee THE HARRIS COLLEGE CORPORATION STREET, PRESTON Retred te Cage Ua enone na net fe st Sat ss ee Pe No 974 c Re wes i976 re ‘FEB 1975, 21, FEB. 1997 The M.LT. Introductory Physics Series Special Relativity A.P. FRENCH Vibrations and Waves A.P. FRENCH Newtonian Mechanics A.P. FRENCH The M.LT. Newtonian Mechanics A. P French Ste Beirne | Sek: Nelson ‘THOMAS NELSON AND SONS (CANADA) LTD. 81 Curlew Drive Don Mills Ontario "THOMAS NELSON (NIGERIA) LTD po Box 336 Apapa Lagos THOMAS NELSON AND SONS (SOUTH AFRICA) (PROPRIETARY) LTD. ‘51 Commissioner Street Johannesburg Copyright © 1971, 1965 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology First published in Great Britain 1971 PRESTON 17 771078 8 (paper . LAAN 17 Tat073 1 fbouds) [POLY Ic Made and printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd, Beecles, Colchester and London Contents Preface xi Prologue 3 PARTI THE APPROACH TO NEWTONIAN DYNAMICS 1 A universe of particles The particulate view 21 Blectrons and nucleons 24 Atoniic nuclei 25 Atoms 26 ‘Molecules; living cello 28 Sand and dust 31 Other terrestrial objects 32 Planets and satellites. 33 Stars 35 Galaxies 36 PROBLEMS 38 2 Space, time, and motion What is motion? — 43. Frames of reference 46 Coordinate systems 48 2 4B Combination of wetor displacements 53 The resolution of vectors 56 Vector addition andthe properties af space 59 Time 61 Unive and standards of length and time 63 Space-time graphs 66 Velociy 67 Instantaneous velocity 68 Relative velocity and relative motion 72 Planetary motions: Prolemy versus Copernicus Prosiems 78 3 Accelerated motions Acceleration — 85 The analysis of straight-line motion 87 ‘A comment on extraneous root 93 Trajectory problems in two dimensions 95 Froe fall of individual atoms — 98 Other features of motion in free fall 102 Uniform circular motion 105 Velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates Prosiews 108 4 Forces and equilibrium Forces in stale equilibrium 116 Unis of force — 118: Equttibrium conditions; forces as vectors 119 Action and reaction in the contact of objects 123 Roratlonal equiltbrium; torque 124 Forces without contact; weight 128 Pulleys and strings 130 PROBLEMS — 132 5 The various forces of nature ‘The basie tynes of forces 139 Grasitational forces 140 Eteciric and magnetic forces 145 Nuclear forces 147 Forees beiween neuaral atoms — 148 Contact forces 150 Frictional contact forces 152 Concluding remarks 154 prosiems 154 vi 7” 85 105 15 139 6 Force, inertia, and motion 161 The principle of inertia 161 arce and inertial mass: Newton's law 164 Some comments on Newton's law 167 Seales of mass and force 170 The effeet of a continuing force 173 The incariance of Newion's law; relaiolty 173. Invariance with specific force las 176 Newton's law and time reversal 178 Concluding remarks 180 Prosems — [8/ PART II CLASSICAL MECHANICS AT WORK Using Newton’s law 187 Some introductory examples 188 ‘Motion in two dimensions 194 Motion in @ circle 198 Curcitinear motion with changing speed 200 Circular paths of charged particles in uniform magnetic elds 202 Charged particle in a magnetic field 205 ‘Mass spectrographs 206 The fracture of rapidly rotating objects 208 ‘Motion against resistive forces 210 Detailed analysis of resisted motion 213 Motion governed by viscosity 218 Growth and decay of resisted motion 221 Air resisrance and “independence of motions” 225 ‘Simple harmonic motion — 226 ‘More about simple harmonic motion 231 PROBLEMS 234 Universal gravitation 245 The discovery of uncersal gravitation 245 The orbits of the planets 246 Planetary periods 249 Kepler's third law 252 The moon and the apple 256 Finding the distance t0 the moon 259 The gravitational attraction of a large sphere 261 Other satellites of the earth 265 The value of G, and the mass of the earth 268 Local variations of 2 270 The mass of the sun 274 Finding the distance 10 he san — 275 Mass and weight 279 Weighdessness 285 Learning about other planets 286 The moons of Jupiter 288 ‘The discovery of Neptune 291 Gravitation outside the solar system 295 Einstein's theory of gravitation 299 prosums 301 | 9 Collisions and conservation laws The laws of impact 308. The conservation of linear momentum 309 ‘Momentum as «vector quantity 310 Action, reaction, and impulse 313 Extending the principle of momentum conservation 318 The force exerted by a sireami of particles 321 ‘Reaction from a fluid jet 324 Rocket propulsion 327 Collisions and frames of reference 331 Kinetic energy in collisions 333, The zero-momentum frame 335. Collision processes in 1wo dimensions 339 Elastic nuclear collisions — 342 Inelastic and explosive processes 346 What is a collision? 351 Interacting partiles subject to external forces 382 The pressure ofa gas 354 The neutrino 356 "ae 10 Energy conservation in dynamics; vibrational motions direction 567 Integra of motion 368 Work, energy and power 373 Grol otal More abot one-dimensional Tie enrty method jor one-dimensional moons 581 2. Same exampes ofthe energy method "386 The harmon sell bythe nergy metod 393 SinaDosclons in gveel 95 The ner csllatr asa to-boty protien 397 Coton process mcling every sorge 00 Theduaomie moleoue 405 roetene aI! 376 tuations 379 viii 307 367 11 Conservative forces and motion in space 423 Extending the concept of conservative forces 423 Acceleration of two connected masses 425 Object moving ina vertical circle 426 An experiment by Galileo 429 ‘Mass on a parabolic track 431 The simple pendulum — 434 The pondalu as a harmonic oscillator 437 The pendalum with larger amplitude 440 Universal gravitarion: « conservative central force 442 A gravitating spherical shell 446 A gravitating sphere 450 Escape velocities 453. More about the eviterta for conservative forces 457 Fields 461 Equipotential surfaces and the gradient of potential energy 463 Motion in conservaive fields 466 The effect of dissipative forces 470 Gauss's law 473 Applications of Gauss's theorem 476 PRoBLEms — 473 PART III SOME SPECIAL TOPICS. 12 Inertial forces and non-inertial frames 493 Motion observed from unaccelerated frames 494 ‘Motion observed from an accelerated frame 495, Accelerated frames and inertial forees 497 Accelerometers 501 “Accelerating frames and gravity 504 Centrifugal force 507 Centrifages SI Corialis forces S14 Dynamies on a merry-go-round — $18 General equation of motion in a rotating frame 519 ‘The earth as a rotating reference frame 524 The tides 531 Tidal heights; effect of the sun 535 The search for a fundamental inertial frame 538 ‘Speculations on ihe origin of inertia $42 Promems S46 13 Motion under central forces 555 Basie features of the problem 535 The law of equal areas 557 The consercation of angular momentum 560 ix Energy consercation in cenural force motions 563 Use of the effective potentialenergy eurces 565 Bounded orbiis 508 Unbounded orbits 569 Circular orbits in an incerse-square force field — 572 Small perturbation of a cireular orbit S74 The elliptie orbits of the planets 577 Deducing the incerse-square law from the ellipse 583 Eliptc orbits: analytical treatment 585 Energy in an elliptic orbit — 589 Motion near the earth's surface S91 Interplanetary transfer orbits $92 Caleulating an orbit from initial conditions $95 A family of related orbiis 596 Central force motion as a two-body problem 598 Deducing the orbit from the force law 600 Rutherford scattering 604 Cross sections for scattering 609 Alpha pariicle scaering (Geiger and Marsden, Philosophical Magazine excerpis) 612 An historical note — 615 PROBLEMS 6/7 14 Extended systems and rotational dynamics 627 ‘Momentum and kinetic energy of a many-particle system 628 Angular momentum — 632 Angular momentum as a fundamental quantity — 636 Consercation of angular momentum — 639 Momenis of inertia of extended objects 643 Two theorems concerning moments of inertia G47 Kinetic energy of rotating objects 651 “Angular momentum conservation and kinetic eneray 654 Torsional oscillations and rigid pendulums 659. ‘Motion under combined forces and tongues 664 Impulsive forces and torques 6658 Background to gyroscopic motion 671 Gyroscope in steady precession 677 More about precessional motion 680 Gsroscopes in navigation 683. Aioms and muctet as gyroscopes 656 Gproscopie motion in erms of F = nm — 688 Nutation 691 The precession of the equinoxes 694 Prosiems 700 Appendix 709 Bibliography 713. Answers to problems 723 Index 733 Preface ‘THe work of the Education Research Center at M.LT. (formerly the Science Teaching Center) is concerned with curriculum im- provement, with the process of instruction and aids thereto, and with the learning process itself, primarily with respect to students at the college or university undergraduate level. The Center was established by M.LT. in 1960, with the late Professor Francis L. Friedman as its Director. Since 1961 the Center has been sup- ported mainly by the National Science Foundation; generous support has also been received from the Kettering Foundation, the Shell Companies Foundation, the Victoria Foundation, the W. T. Grant Foundation, and the Bing Foundation. ‘The M.LT. Introductory Physics Series, a direct outgrowth of the Center's work, is designed to be a set of short books that, taken collectively, span the main areas of basic physics. The series seeks to emphasize the interaction of experiment and intui- tion in generating physical theories. The books in the series are intended to provide a variety of possible bases for introductory ‘courses, ranging from those which chiefly emphasize classical physies to those which embody a considerable amount of atomic and quantum physics. The various volumes are intended to be compatible in level and style of treatment but are not conceived asa tightly knit package; on the contrary, each book is designed to be reasonably self-contained and usable as an individual com ponent in many different course structures. xi xii ‘The text material in the present volume is designed to be a ‘more of less self-contained introduction to Newtonian mechanics, such that a student with little or no grounding in the subject can, by beginning at the beginning, be brought gradually to a level of considerable proficiency. A rough guide to the possible use of the book is suggested by its division into three parts. Part I, The Approach to Newtonian Dynamics, is intended to serve two pu poses. Firs, it does discuss the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics, more or less from scratch. Second, it seeks to place the study of mechanics squarely in the context of the world of physical phenomena and of necessarily imperfect physical theories. This is a conscious reaction, on the author’s part, against the preserta- tion of mechanics as “applied mathematics,” with the divorce- ‘ment from reality and the misleading impression of rigor that this hhas engendered in generations of students (especially, alas, those brought up in the British educational system), ‘The student who already has some expertise in using Newton's laws will find little of an analytical or quantitative sort to learn from Part I, but he ‘may still derive some value and interest from reading through it for its broader implications. Part Il, Classical Mechanics at Work, is undoubtedly the heart of the book. Some instructors will wish to begin here, and relegate Part I to the status of background reading. The initial ‘emphasis is on Newton’s second law applied to individual objects. Later, the emphasis shifts to systems of two or more particles, and to the conservation laws for momentum and energy. A fairly lengthy chapter is devoted to the subject that deserves pride of place in the whole Newtonian scheme—the theory of universal ‘gravitation and its successes, which can still be appreciated as a pinnacle in man’s attempts to discover order in the vast universe in which he finds himself. Part III, Some Special Topics, concerns itself with the prob- lems of noninertial frames, central-force motions, and rotational dynamics. Most of this material, except perhaps the fundamental features of rotational motion and angular momentum, could be regarded as optional if this book is used as the basis of a genuinely introductory presentation of mechanics. Undoubtedly the book as a whole contains more material than could in its entirety be covered in a one-term course; one could, however, consider using, Parts I and Il as a manageable package for beginners, and Parts IT ‘and IIL as a text for students having some prior preparation, xiii One of the great satisfactions of classical mechanics lies in ‘the vast range and variety of physical systems to whieh its princi- ples can be applied. The attempt has been made in this book to ‘make explicit reference to such applications and, as in other books in this series, to “document” the presentation with appropriate jons from original sources. Enriched in this way by its own history, classical mechanics has an excitement that is not, in this author's view, surpassed by any of the more recent fields of physical thory. This book, like the others in the series, owes much to the thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions of many people, both students and instructors. A special acknowledgment in connection ‘with the present volume is due to Prof. A. M. Hudson, of Occiden- tal College, Los Angeles, who worked with the present author ia the preparation of the preliminary text from which, five years later, this final version evolved. Grateful thanks are also due to Eva M, Hakala and William H, Ingham for their invaluable help in preparing the manuscript for publication. ‘A. B. FRENCH. Cambridge, Massachusetts July 1970 Newtonian mechanics In the Beginning was Mechantes. MAX VON LAUE, History of Physics (1950) 1 offer this work as the mathematical principles of philosophy, ‘for the whole burden of philosophy seems to consist in this— ‘from the phenomena of motions to investigate the forces of ‘nature, and then from these forces to demonstrate the other Phenomena. NEWTON, Preface to the Principia (1686) Prologue ONE OF THE Most prominent features of the universe is motion. Galaxies have motions with respect to other galaxies, all stars have motions, the planets have distinctive motions against the background of the stars, the events that capture our attention most quickly in everyday life are those involving motion, and even the apparently inert book that you are now reading is made up of atoms in rapid motion about their equilibrium positions, “Give me matter and motion,” said the seventeenth-century French philosopher René Descartes, “‘and I will construct the universe.” There can be no doubt that motion is a phenomenon ‘we must learn to deal with at all levels if we are to understand the world around us, )— Tsaac Newton developed a precise and powerful theory ) regarding motion, according to which the changes of motion of any object are the result of forces acting on it.(In so doing he” ‘ereated the subject with Which this book is-concerned and which is called classical or Newtonian mechanics (Tt was a landmark in fhe history of science, because it replaced-a merely descriptive Jaccount of phenomena with a rational and marvelously successful [scheme of cause and effect. Indeed, the strict causal nature of ‘Newtonian mechanics had an impressive influence in the develop- ‘ment of Western thought and civilization generally, provoking fundamental questions about the interrelationships of science, philosophy, and religion, with repercussions in social ideas and other areas of human endeavor. Classical mechanics is a subject with a fascinating dual character, Fort starts out from the kinds of everyday experiences that are as old as mankind, yet it brings us face to face with some of the most profound questions about the universe in which we find ourselves. Is it not remarkable that the flight of a thrown pebble, or the fall of an apple, should contain the clue to the ‘mechanics of the heavens and should ultimately involve some of ‘the most basic questions that we are able to formulate about the nature of space and time? Sometimes mechanics is presented as, though it consisted merely of the routine application of self evident or revealed truths. Nothing could be further from the case; itis a superb example of a physical theory, slowly evolved and refined through the continuing interplay between observation and hypothesis. The richness of our first-hand acquaintance with mechanics is impressive, and through the partnership of mind and eye and ‘hand we solve, by direct action, innumerable dynamical problems without benefit of mathematical analysis. Like Moligre’s famous character, M. Jourdain, who learned that he had been speaking prose all his life without realizing it, every human being is an expert in the consequences of the laws of mechanics, whether or not he has ever seen these laws written down. The skilled sports- ‘man or athlete has an almost incredible degree of judgment and control of the amount and direction of muscular effort needed to achieve a desired result. It has been estimated, for example, that the World Series baseball championship would have changed hands in 1962 if one crucial swing at the ball had been a mere millimeter lower.’ But experiencing and controlling the motions cof objects in this very personal sense is a far ery from analyzing them in terms of physical laws and equations. It is the task of classical mechanies to discover and formulate the essential principles, so that they can be applied to any situation, pat- ticularly to inanimate objects interacting with one another. Our intimate familiarity with our own muscular actions and their consequences, although it represents a kind of understanding (and an important kind, too), does not help us much here. ‘The greatest triumph of classical mechanics was Newton's ‘own success in analyzing the workings of the solar system—a feat immortalized in the famous couplet of his contemporary and. admirer, the poet Alexander Pope: 4B, Kiekpatrick, Am. J. Py. 31, 606 (1963), Prologue ‘Nature and Nature's Laws lay hid in night God said “Let Newton be,” and all was light. ‘Men had observed the motions of the heavenly bodies since time immemorial. They had noticed various regularities and had learned to predict such things as conjunctions of the planets and eclipses of the sun and moon. Then, in the sixteenth century, the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe amassed meticulous records, of ‘unprecedented accuracy, of the planetary motions. His assistant, Johannes Kepler, after wresting with this enormous body of in- formation for years, found that all the observations could be summarized as follows: 1. The planets move in ellipses having the sun at one focus. 2. The line joining the sun to a given planet sweeps out ‘equal areas in equal times, 3. The square of a planet's year, divided by the cube of its ‘mean distance from the sun, is the same for all planets. This represented a magnificent advance in man’s knowledge of the mechanics of the heavens, but it was still a descripti rather than a theory. Why? was the question that still looked for fan answer. Then came Newton, with his concept of force as the ‘cause of changes of motion, and with his postulate of a particular law of force—the inverse-square law of gravitation. Using these he demonstrated how Kepler’s laws were just one consequence ofa scheme of things that also included the falling apple and other terrestrial motions. (Later in this book we shall go into the de~ tails of this great achievement of Newton's.) If universal gravitation had done no more than to relate planetary periods and distances, it would still have been a splen- did theory. But, like any other good theory in physics, it had predictive value; that is, it could be applied to situations besides the ones from which it was deduced, Investigating the predic- tions of a theory may involve looking for hitherto unsuspected phenomena, or it may involve recognizing that an already familiar phenomenon must ft into the new framework. In either cease the theory is subjected to searching tests, by which it must To which there isthe almost equally famous, although facetious, ripose: It did not last; the Devil, howling “Ho, Let Einstein be!” restored the status quo. (Sir John Squire) 5 Prologue stand or fall, With Newton’s theory of gravitation, the initial tests resided almost entirely in the analysis of known effects— ‘but what a list! Here are some of the phenomena for which Newton proceeded to give quantitative explanations: 1, The bulging of the earth and Jupiter because of their rotation, 2. The variation of the acceleration of gravity with latitude ‘over the earth’s surface. 3, The generation of the tides by the combined action of sun and moon, 4. ‘The paths of the comets through the solar system. '5. The slow steady change in direction of the earth's axis of rotation produced by gravitational torques from the sun and moon, (A complete cycle of this variation takes about 25,000 years, and the so-called “precession of the equinoxes” is a mani- festation of it) This marvelous illumination of the workings of nature represented the last part of Newton's program, as he described it in our opening quotation “... and then from these forces to demonstrate the other phenomena.” This modest phrase con- cceals not only the immensity of the achievement but also the magnitude of the role played by mathematics in this develop- ment. Newton had, in the theory of universal gravitation, created what would be called today a mathematical model of the solar system. And having once made the model, he followed out a host of its other implications. The working out was purely mathematical, but the final step—the test of the conclusions— involved a return to the world of physical experience, in the detailed checking of his predictions against the quantitative data of astronomy. Although Newton's mechanical picture of the universe was amply confirmed in his own time, he did not live to see some of its greatest triumphs. Perhaps the most impressive of these was the use of his laws to identify previously unrecognized mem- bers of the solar system. By a painstaking and lengthy analy of the motions of the known planets, it was inferred that dis- turbing influences due to other planets must be at work. Thus it ‘was that Neptune was discovered in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. In each case it was a matter of deducing where a telescope should 'be pointed to reveal a new planet, identifiable through its chang- ing position with respect to the general background of the stars. 6 Prologue ‘What more striking and convincing evidence could there be that the theory works? Probably everyone who reads this book has some prior acquaintance with classical mechanics and with its expression in ‘mathematically precise statements. And this may make it hard to realize that, as with any other physical theory, its development was not just a matter of mathematical logic applied undis- criminatingly to a mass of data, Was Newton inexorably driven to the inverse-square law? By no means. It was the result of ‘guesswork, intuition, and imagination. In Newton’s own words: “I began to think of gravity extending to the orbit of the Moon, and . .. from Kepler’s Rule of the periodic times of the Planets . deduced that the forces which keep the Planets in their orbits ‘must be reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centers about which they revolve; and thereby compared the force requisite to keep the Moon in her orbit with the force of gravity at the surface of the Earth, and found them to answer pretty nearly.” An intellectual leap of this sort—although seldom as great as Newton’s—is involved in the creation of any theory ‘or model. It is a process of induction, and it goes beyond the facts immediately at hand. Some facts may even be temporarily ‘brushed aside or ignored in the interests of pursuing the main idea, for a partially correct theory is often better than no theory at all. And at all stages there is a constant interplay between ‘experiment and theory, in the process of which fresh observations are continually suggesting themselves and modification of the theory is an ever-present possibility. The following diagram, the relevance of which goes beyond the realm of classical mechanics, suggests this pattern of man’s investigation of matter and motion. [> _ Laws of Motion —InoucTion > Observations and Experiments , matical <= oepvcrion— —_ateata Laws of Force Predictions ‘The enormous success of classical mechanics made it seem, at one stage, that nothing more was needed to account for the whole world of physical phenomena. This belief reached a pinnacle toward the end of the nineteenth century, when some Prologue Speed of, Tight Speed ‘optimistic physicists felt that physics was, in principle, complete. ‘They could hardly have chosen a more unfortunate time at which to form such a conclusion, for within the next few decades physics underwent its greatest upheaval since Newton, The dis- covery of radioactivity, of the electron and the nucleus, and the subtleties of electromagnetism, called for fundamentally new ideas, Thus we know today that Newtonian mechanics, like every physical theory, has its fundamental limitations. The analysis of motions at extremely high speeds requires the use of ‘modified descriptions of space and time, as spelled out by Albert Binstein’s special theory of relativity. In the analysis of phe- nomena on the atomic or subatomic scale, the still more drastic ‘modifications described by quantum theory are required, And ‘Newton's particular version of gravitational theory, for all its suecess, has had to admit modifications embodied in Einstein's general theory of relativity. But this does not alter the fact that, in an enormous range and variety of situations, Newtonian ‘mechanics provides us with the means to analyze and predict the ‘motions of physical objects, from electrons to galaxies, Its range of validity, and its limits, are indicated very qualitatively in the figure below. In developing the subject of classical mechanics in this book, ‘we shall try to indicate how the horizons of its application to the physical world, and the horizons of one’s own view, can be ‘gradually broadened. Mechanics, as we shall try to present it, is not at all a cut-and-dried subject that would justify its description Unphysical Domain ? ? Relativistic ‘Quantum Mechanics Relativistic Cosmology Relativity Physics Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Cosmological Physics 10-"m 10-"m 10"m Nucleus ‘Atom Galary Size Prologue ‘as “applied mathematics,” in which the rules of the game are sven at the outset and in which one’s only concern is with apply- ing the rules to a variety of situations. We wish to offer a dif- ferent approach, in which at every stage one can be conscious of working with partial or limited data and of making use of as- sumptions that cannot be rigorously justified. But this is the essence of doing physics. Newton himself said as much, At the beginning of Book III of the Principia he propounds four “Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy,” of which the last runs as follows: “In experimental philosophy we are to look upon proposi- tions inferred by general induction from phenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phenomena occur, by which they may either be made more accurate, or liable to exceptions.” The person who waits for complete information is con the way to dooming himself never to finish an experiment or to construct a useful theory. Lest this should be taken, however, as an encouragement to slipshod or superficial thinking, we shall end this introduction with a little fable due to George Polya. He writes as a mathematician, but the moral for physicists (and others) is clear. The Logician, the Mathematician, the Physicist, and the Engineer “Look at this mathematician,” said the logician. “He observes ‘that the first 99 numbers are less than 100 and infers, hence, by ‘what he calls induction, that all numbers are less than a hundred.” “A. physicist believes,” said the mathematician, “that 60 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. He examines a few more cases, such as 10, 20, and 30, taken at random (as he says). Since 60 is, also divisible by these, he considers the experimental evidence sufficient.” “Yes, but look at the engineers,” said the physicist. “An engineer suspected that all odd numbers are prime numbers. ‘At any rate, I can be considered as a prime number, he argued. ‘Then there come 3, 5, and 7, all indubitably primes. Then there comes 9; an awkward case; it does not seem to be a prime num- "This cautionary tale isto be found in a book entitled Induction and Analogy {in Maskematies, Princeton Univesity Press, Princeton, NJ, 1958. This volume and its companion, Partras of Plausible Inference, make delightful reading for any scientist. Prologue ber, Yet II and 13 are certainly primes. ‘Coming back to 9," he said, ‘I conclude that 9 must be an experimental error.’ But having done his teasing, Polya adds these remarks. It is only too obvious that induction can lead to error. Yet it is remarkable that induction sometimes leads to truth, since the chances of error seem so overwhelming. Should we begin with the study of the obvious cases in which induction fails, or with the study of those remarkable cases in which induction succeeds ? ‘The study of precious stones is understandably more attractive than that of ordinary pebbles and, moreover, it was much more the precious stones than the pebbles that led the mineralogists to the wonderful science of crystallography. With that encouragement, we shall, in Chapter 1, begin our approach to the study of classical mechanics, which is one of the most perfect and polished gems in the physicist’s treasury. We ‘end this Prologue, however, with some preparatory exercises. EXERCISES—HORS D'OEUVRES 10 ‘The literal meaning of the phrase “hors d’ocuvre” is “outside the work.” The exercises below correspond exactly to that definition, although it is hoped that they will also whet the appetite as hors d'oeuvres should. They deal mostly with order- ‘of-magnitude estimates (i.e. estimates to the nearest power of 10) and judicious approximations—things that play an important role in a physicis’s approach to problems but seldom get em- pphasized or systematically presented in textbooks. For example, ‘everybody learns the binomial theorem, but how many students think of it as a useful tool for obtaining a quite good value for the hypotenuse of a right triangle, by the approximation 24698 wa(14 ernment) Pe ee one ees reer eeaiee eee esate aise Lam Ree eae eae comes ee eet ole neery oar ee ea er eet eae area een aes eee Bee gar er ean eae acceiae Prologue viscosity or turbulence is going to be the chief source of resistance for an object of given speed and linear dimensions? An awareness of the effects of changes of scale can give valuable insights into the properties of systems. [A beautiful example of this is the well-known essay by J. B.S. Haldane, “On Being the Right Size," which is reprinted in The World of Mathematics, Vol. UL G.R. Newman, ed.), Simon and Schuster, New York, 1956.] By the use of such methods and ways of thought one can deepen one's appreciation of physical phenomena and can improve one’s feeling for what the world is like and how it behaves. It is surprising how much one can do with the help of a relatively small stock of primary information—which might in- clude such items as the following: Physical Magnitudes Gravitational acceleration (g) 10 m/sec? Densities of solids and liquids 10-108 kg/m* Density of air at sea level 1 kg/m? approx.) Length of day 10® sec (approx.) Length of year 3.16 X 107 sec = 107 sec Earth’s radius 6400 ken Angle subtended by finger thickness at arm's length 1° (approx.) Thickness of paper 0.1 mm (approx.) ‘Mass of a paperclip 0.5 g (approx.) Highest mountains, deepest oceans 10 km approx.) Earth-moon separation 3.8 x 10° km Earth-sun separation 15 X 10° km Atmospheric pressure Equivalent to weight of Tkg/em? or a 10-m, column of water Avogadro’s number 6.0 x 107° ‘Atomic masses 1.6 X 10-77 kg to. 4x 10-95 kg, Linear dimensions of atoms 10-"" m (approx.) ‘Molecules/em® in gas at STP 27x 10" Atoms/em* in solids 10°* (approx.) Elementary charge (e) 1.6 x 10-'°C Electron mass 10~"? kg (approx.) Speed of light 3 x 10° m/see Wavelength of light 6 X 10-7 m (approx.) 11 Exercises~ hors d'oeuvres 12 Mathematical Magnitudes nix 10 logins ~ 0.60 e= 27 — logive ~ 0.43 Jogio2 = 0.30 logio-r ~ 0.50 logio3 ~ 0.48 loge 10 = 2.3 ‘Angle (radians) = arc length/radius. Full circle = 2 rad. Trad = 0.16 X full circle ~ 57°. ‘Solid angle (steradians) = area/(radius)?, Full sphere = 4x sr. I sr = 0.08 X full sphere. Approximations Binomial theorem: Fors <1, ty stan By (+x w143x (=o? wl dee tx? Forb @y xe reese y=rsing Figure 2-4 shows examples of the use of these coordinate systems. We shall on various occasions be making use of unit vectors that represent displacements of unit length along the basic co- ‘ordinate directions. In the rectangular (Cartesian) system we shall denote the unit vectors in the x and y directions by i and j, respectively. The position vector r can be written as the sum of its ‘two vector components: (in two dimensions) r= xd + yf en In the polar coordinate system, we shall use the symbol e, to denote a unit vector in the direction of increasing r at constant @ and the symbol ey to denote a unit vector at right angles to F in the direction of increasing @. (The use of the symbol ¢ for this purpose comes from the German word for unit, which is Coordinate systems ae | HUDSON RIVER aoa a 50 cs Cc) Fig. 2-4 (@) Example of Cartesion coordinates in use—a portion of mid- town Manhattan, New York City. (6) Example of plane polar coordinates in sea radar scope face with afew lnciptent thunderstorms (June 3, 1970). North s shown as azimuth, The heaoy clrles of r = const are at 100 km, 200 km: the lighter circles are spaced by 25 km. (Photograph courtesy of Department of Meteorology, MILT) nheit.”) In this polar-coordinate system, the vector r is simply ‘equal to re,, and one might wonder why the unit vector eg is introduced at all. As we shall see, however, it becomes very important as soon as we consider motions rather than static displacements, for motions will often have a component per- pendicular to r. ‘Although the above coordinate schemes are the most familiar ones—and are the only ones we shall be using in this book for ‘two-dimensional problems—it is worth noting that any mapping of the surface that uniquely fixes the position of a point is a possible system. Figure 2-5 shows two examples—one a non- orthogonal system based on straight axes, and the other an orthogonal system based on two sets of intersecting curves. Such systems are introduced to capitalize on the kinds of symmetry that particular physical systems may possess. Space, time, and motion Sl Fig. 2-5 (a) Oblique coordinate system, of the kind ‘thot i frequently used in Minkovskt dlagrams (space time diagrams) in special relaucty. (b) Orthogonal ceurctinar coordinate system, made of tniersectng sets of confocal elites and hyperbolas. If itis necessary to specify all three of the spatial coordinates of a point, the most generally useful coordinate systems are the three-dimensional rectangular (Cartesian) coordinates (x, y, 2), ‘and spherical polar coordinates (+, ,). ‘These are both illus- trated in Fig. 2-6(a), The Cartesian system is almost always ‘chosen to be right-handed, by which we mean that the positive z direction is chosen so that, looking upward along it, the process of rotating from the positive x direction toward the positive y direction corresponds to that of a right-handed screw. It then follows that the cyclic permutations of this operation are also right-handed—from +-y to +z, looking along +x, and from +2 to +x, looking along +y. You may note that the two- dimensional coordinate system, as shown in Fig. 2-3(a), would on this convention be associated with a positive z axis sticking up toward you out of the plane of the paper. Introducing a unit vector k in the +2 direction, analogous to the i and j of Eq. (2-2), wwe can write the vector r as the sum of its three Cartesian vector ‘components: rexityitek ey Coordinate systems Fig. 2-6 (a) Coordinates ofa point in three dimensions, showing both spherical polar and right-handed Cartesian coordinates. (b) Pint located by angular coordinates (latitude and longitude) on a sphere, and the unit vectors of a local Cartesian coordinate system atthe point in dueston ‘The description of the position or displacement in spherical polar coordinates makes use of one distance and two angles. (Notice that three dimensions requires three independent co- ordinates, whatever particular form they may take.) The distance is, as with plane polar coordinates, the distance r from the chosen crigin, One of the angles [the one shown as @ in Fig. 2-6(a)] is simply the angle between the vector r and the positive z axis; it is known as the polar angle. The other angle represents the angle between the zx plane and the plane defined by the z axis andr. It can be found by drawing a perpendicular PN from the end point P of r onto the xy plane and measuring the angle be- tween the positive x axis and the projection ON. This angle (y) is called the azimuth. The geometry of the figure shows that the rectangular and spherical polar coordinates are related as follows: x = rsin 8008 @ y= rsin 8 sin g e4 z= rcosd If we set 0 = 7/2, we make z = 0 and so get back to the two- 52. Space, time, and motion dimensional world of the xy plane. The first two equations of (2-4) then give us rose y= sing Itis very unfortunate that a long-established tradition uses the symbol 6, as we ourselves did earlier, to denote the angle between the vector r and the x axis in this special two-dimensional case. This need not become a cause for confusion, but one does need to be on the alert for the inconsistency of these conventions. We have all grown up with one important use of spherical polar coordinates, the mapping of the earth’s surface. This is indicated in Fig. 2-6(b). The longitude of a given point is just the angle y, and the latitude is an angle, », equal to x/2 — 8. (This entails calling north latitudes positive and south latitudes negative.) At any given point on the earth's surface a set of three ‘mutually orthogonal unit veetors defines for us a local coordinate system; the unit vector e, points vertically upward, the vector ¢ points due south, parallel to the surface, and the third unit vector, €,, points due east, also parallel to the surface. As with the plane polar coordinates, the vector r is given simply by rer, COMBINATION OF VECTOR DISPLACEMENTS. Fg 27 (a) Suc ceestve displacements ona plane; the final positon is independent ofthe order in which the displacements are ‘made. (0) Addition of scceral dsplace- ‘ment vectors in a plane. ‘Suppose we were at @ point P; on a flat horizontal plane [Fig 2-7(a)] and wished to go to another point Ps. Imagine that we ‘chose to make the trip by moving only east and north (represented by +x and -+y in the figure). We know there are two particularly 53. Combination of vector displacements Fig. 2-8 Scalar multiples of a given straightforward ways of doing this: (1) travel a certain distance sy due east and then a certain distance s, due north, or (2) travel sy due north, followed by sz due east. ‘The order in which we take these two component displacements does not matter; we reach the same point Py in either case. Our representation of the vector r in Eq, (2-2) as the sum of the individual vectors xi and 4) is an example of such a combination. This simple and familiar property of linear displacements exemplifies an essential feature of all those quantities we call vectors and is not confined to combinations at right angles. Thus, for example, in Fig. 2-7(b) we illustrate how three vector displacements, A, B, and C, placed head to tail, can be combined into a single vector displacement S drawn from the original starting point to the final end point. This is what we mean by adding the vectors A, B, and C. The order in which vectors are added is of no consequence; thus successive displacements of an object can be combined according. to the vector addition law, without regard to the sequence in Which the displacements are made. What we mean by a vector quantity, in general, is that it is a directed quantity obeying the same laws of combination as positional displacements, We shall often be concerned with forming a numerical multiple of a given vector. A positive multiplier, n, means that wwe change the length of the vector by the factor n without chang- ing its direction. The negative of a vector (multiplication by ~1) is defined to mean a vector of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction, so that added to the original vector it gives zero. A negative multiplier, —n, then defines a vector reversed in diree- tion and changed in length by the factor n. These operations are illustrated in Fig. 2-8. Subtracting one veetor from another is accomplished by noting that subtraction basically involves the addition of a nega tive quantity. Thus if vector B is to be subtracted from vector A, ‘we form the vector —B and add it to A: A-B=A+(CB) Space, time, and motion Fig. 2-9 Additon and subsraction of ‘two given vectors. [Note that the magn tude of the vector dligerence may be here) larger than the Fig. 2-10 Consire- tion ofthe relative ‘postion vector of one ‘point (Ps) with rex spect 10 another point @. @ In Fig. 2-9 we show both the sum and the difference of two given vectors. We have deliberately chosen the directions of A and B to be such that the vector A — Bis /onger than the vector A ++ B; this will help to emphasize the fact that vector combination is something rather different from simple arithmetical combination. ‘The evaluation of the vector distance from a point P; to a point P2, when originally the positions of these points are given separately with respect to an origin O [see Fig. (2-I0)], is a direct application of vector subtraction. The position of P2 relative to Py is given by the vector rz such that (The subscript 12” is to be read as “one-two” and is a common, notation in the description of two-particle systems.) Similarly, the position of P relative to Pz is given by the vector ray = ty — ta. Clearly ta = —ri2. 55 Combination of vector displacements Fig. 2-11 (@) Com ponents of a cen ‘ector in mo diferent rectangular coord. nate systems related ‘by an angular ds in the xy lane. (8) Com ponents of a given tector tha retangue lar coordinate system ‘aed in a oblique co- lacement ordinate system, THE RESOLUTION OF VECTORS! In discussing the description of a given vector in terms of its components, we have indicated that this is a process that can be operated in either direction. ‘There is the analysis (resolution) Of the vector into its components in a given coordinate system, or there is the synthesis (addition) of the vector components to reconstitute the original vector. There is, however, an important difference between these two operations. The vector sum of the components is unique—it is the particular vector that we are cconsidering—but the process of resolving the vector into com= ponents can be done in an infinity of ways, depending on the choice of coordinate system. If we are using a coordinate system based on orthogonal axes (whether Cartesian or polar or anything else), the com- ponents of the vector are easily found by multiplying the length of the vector by the cosine of the angle that the vector makes with each of the coordinate axes in turn, Thus, for example, if ‘we had a vector A confined to the xy plane [see Fig. 2-11(a)] its components in the xy coordinate system are given by As = Acosa Ay = Acos 8 We know that = (n/2)— a, but by introducing the two separate angles we have a formalism that lends itself to being 11L is hoped that this section may be helpful in a general way, but the only feature that wil be specifically needed ater is the scalar product of two arbi- trary vectors. $6 Space, time, and motion 57 ‘extended to the case of three dimensions, making use of the three separate angles a, 8, and 7 that the vector makes with the three axes. In this more general case there is no simple connection between the angles themselves, but we have the relationship costa + cos + costy = 1 ‘Our two-dimensional case corresponds to putting Y = x/2. ‘The total vector A in Fig. 2-11(a) can of course be written Aa Alt Ad = CAcosa)i + (Acos 8} A very convenient way of expressing such results is made possible by introducing what is called the scalar product of two vectors. ‘This is defined in general in the following way: If the angle be- tween any two vectors, A and B, is 8, then the scalar product, S, is equal to the product of the lengths of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle 6. This product is also called the dot product because it is conventionally written as AB. Thus we have scalar product (S) = A+B = ABcos@ If for the vector B we now choose one or other of the unit vectors ‘of an orthogonal coordinate system, the scalar product of A with the unit vector is just the component of A along the direction characterized by the unit vector: A= Ad AR AS Thus the vector A can be written as follows A= ADF AD This result can, in fact, be developed directly from the basic statement that A can be written as a vector sum of components along xand y: Aa Ait AS Forming the scalar product of both sides of this equation with the unit veetor i, we have Ada, D+ AGD Now (1-4) = 1 and (j-1) = 0, because these vectors are all of unit length and the values of @ are 0 and 2/2, respectively. Thus The resolution of vectors we have a more or less automatic procedure for selecting out and evaluating each component in turn. If one were to take this no further, the above development would seem perhaps pointlessly complicated. Its value becomes more apparent if one is interested in relating the components of a given vector in different coordinate systems, Consider, for example, the second set of axes (x, y’) shown in Fig. 2-11(a); they are obtained by a positive (counterclockwise) rotation from the original (x,y) system. The vector A then has two equally valid representations: Am Ad + Ad Ad + AV If we want to find Ay! in terms of A, and 4y, we just form the scalar product with # throughout. This gives us Ar adv asi Leaking F210) we hong soni: penta (aaa Hence 4 econ 0+ Ay sin Similry, As = AMI + AGI = Aveon(E+0) + Aycose Therefore, Aj = ~Ansind + A, cos This procedure avoids the need for tiresome and sometimes awkward considerations of geometrical projections of the vector ‘A onto various axes of coordinates. ‘The same approach can be useful ia vector is to be resolved into nonorthogonal components. Consider, for example, the situation shown in Fig. 2-L1(b). The axes are the lines Os; and 052, and the components of the vector A in this system are OE ‘and OF, If we denote unit vectors along the coordinate directions by e: and ez, we have 58 Space, time, and motion A= ser + s22 = Ad + Ad If we form the scalar product throughout with, let us say, e1, wwe have sy + s2(e2"e1) = Asli e1) + AG 00) Given a knowledge of the angles between the various axes, this is a linear equation involving the two unknowns s; and 5. A second equation can be obtained by forming the scalar product throughout with e, instead of e;, and it then becomes possible to solve for s; and s2 separately. It is important, in this case, to recognize that the base vectors e; and es are no longer or- thogonal, so that the scalar product (¢) €2) does not vanish. ‘The use of oblique coordinate systems of this kind is, however, rather special, and as a rule the resolution of a veetor along the three independent directions of an orthogonal coordinate system is the reasonable and useful thing to do. VECTOR ADDITION AND THE PROPERTIES OF SPACE* 59 You may be tempted to think that the basic law of vector addi- tion, and the fact that the final result is independent of the order in which the combining vectors are taken, is more or less obvious. Let us therefore point out that it depends crucially on having cour space obey the rules of Euclidean geometry. If we are dealing with displacements confined to a two-dimensional world as represented by a surface, it is essential that this surface be flat. ‘This is not just a pedantic consideration, because one of our ‘most important two-dimensional reference frames—the earth's ssurface—is curved. As long as displacements are small compared to the radius of the curvature, our surface is for practical pur- poses flat, our observations conform to Euclidean plane geometry, and all is well. But if the displacements along the surface are sufficiently great, this idealization cannot be used. For example, 1 displacement 1000 miles eastward from a point on the equator, followed by a displacement 1000 miles northward, does not bring one to the same place as two equivalent displacements (ie., again on great circles intersecting at right angles) taken in "This section can be omitted without loss of continuity. Vector addition and the properties of space Fig. 2-12 Successve displacements on a sphere are not com- mutate ifthe stzes of the dsplacements ‘are not small com pared 1 the ras of the sphere. the opposite order; it misses by about 40 miles! (Sce Fig. 2-12.) ‘This means, in effect, that the correctness of vector addition is a matter for experiment and that tests for departures from it can bbe used to make deductions about the geometrical prope Of the space in which we operate. For example, we could take the results of sensitive measurements on the difference between the two possible ways of making two successive displacements fon a sphere and use the data to deduce the radius of the sphere. When we acknowledge that the space of our ordinary ex- perience is really three-dimensional, then, of course, we look at the foregoing analysis from a different point of view. We recog- nize that displacements on the surface of a sphere can actually bbe seen as displacements in a three-dimensional world that obeys. Euclidean geometry rather than in a merely two-dimensional world that appears, within itself, to be non-Euclidean. But at this point a very interesting speculation suggests itself: Can we ssay that our space of three dimensions is rigorously Euclidean? Is it possible that the result of adding displacements along the three basic coordinate directions is dependent to some minute extent on the order of addition? If this were discovered to be the case, then we might proceed by analogy and introduce a fourth spatial dimension, associated with some characteristic radius of curvature, such that our non-Euclidean space of three dimensions could be described as Euclidean in a “hyperspace” of four dimensions. 60 Space, time, and motion TIME, 61 Some distinguished scientists, beginning with the great Karl Friedrich Gauss (“the Prince of mathematicians”)! have sought by direct observation to test the validity of Euclidean geometry, by measuring whether the angles of a closed triangle add up to exactly 180°. (For example, in the non-Euclidean space repre- sented by the surfuce of a sphere, the angles of a triangle add up to more than 180°.) No departure from a Euclidean character for three-dimensional space has been detected through such observa- ‘tions. The concept that space may, however, be “curved,” and that this curvature might be revealed if one could only carry out observations over sufficiently great distances, occupies an im- portant place in theoretical cosmology. ‘You may have read about the curvature of space in another ‘connection—Einstein’s theory of gravitation—which describes Jocal gravitational effects in terms of a modification of geometry in the space surrounding a massive object such as the sun. We shall ‘not pursue this topic here, although we shall touch on it very briefly at the end of our account of gravitation in general (Chapter 8). In the preceding sections we have developed the basic analysis of spatial displacements. To describe motion we must link such displacements to the time intervals during which they occur. Before considering this as a quantitative problem, let us very briefly supplement the remarks that we made at the beginning of the chapter concerning the actual nature of time. This is, of course, a huge subject that has engaged the thoughts and specula- tions of men—philosophers, scientists, and humanists alike— ‘throughout history, and continues to do so. We shall not presume to do more than to examine one or two aspects of the problem from the standpoint of physical science. ‘The sense of the passage of time is deeply embedded in every one of us. We know, in some elemental sense, what time is. "Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) was one of the outstanding mathema- ticians of al time. In the originality and range of his work he has never been surpassed, and probably never equaled, He delved doeply into astronomy ‘and geodesy and was perhaps the frst to recognize the possibly of & non- Euclidean geometry for space. See E.T. Bell's essay about him in The World of Mathematics J. R. Newman, e.), Simon and Schuster, New York, 1956. Time But can we say what it is? The distinguished Dutch physicist H. A. Kramers once remarked: “My own pet notion is that in the world of human thought generally, and in physical science particularly, the most important and most fruitful concepts are those to which itis impossible to attach a well-defined meaning.”"" To nothing, perhaps, does this apply more cogently than to time. Nevertheless, if one tries to analyze the problem, one can perhaps begin to see that it is not entirely elusive, Even though a defi tion of time may be hard to come by, one can recognize that our concept of the passage of time is tied very directly to the fact, that things change. In particular we are aware of certain recurrent events or situations—the beats of our pulse, the daily passage of the sun, the seasons, and so on. We almost subconsciously ‘reat these as though they are markers on some continuous Tine that already exists—rather like milestones along a road. But all we have in terms of direct knowledge is the set of markers; the rest is an intellectual construction, Thus, although it may be valuable to have an abstract concept of time continuously flowing, our first-hand experience is only the observed behavior of device called “a clock.” In order to assign a quantitative measure to the duration of some process or the interval between, two events, we simply associate the beginning and end points with readings on a clock. It is not essential that the clock make use of recurrent phenomenon—one need only consider ancient devices such as water clocks and graduated candles, or modern parallels such as continuously weakening radioactive sources— but we do ask that it provide us with a means of marking off successive intervals in some recognizable way, and most such devices do, in fact, make use of repetitive phenomena of some kind. How do we know that the successive time intervals defined by our chosen clock are truly equal?” The fact is that we don't; it is ultimately a matter of faith. No clock is perfect, but we have learned to recognize that some clocks are better than ‘others—better in the sense that the segments into which they divide our experience are more nearly equal. A doctor observes his wristwatch and tells us that our pulse is irregular; the wrist- watch, however, is found to be itself irregular when compared Physical Selences and Hunan Values (a symposium), Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1947. 62 Space, time, and motion more critically against a erystal-controlled oscillator; the oscil- lator wanders noticeably when checked against a clock based on atomic vibrations. Whether or not the uniform flow of time, as an ultimate abstraction, has any physical meaning, the remarkable fact is that we approach the measurement of time as if this steady flow existed. We evaluate the behavior of any given clock by observing its consistency and reproducibility, so that in using it we can quote its measure of a time or a time interval with a specified range of possible error. And then, when we proceed from individual measurements to general equations involving time, we introduce the symbol 1 and treat t as a continuous variable in the mathematical sense. UNITS AND STANDARDS OF LENGTH AND TIME 63 ‘Most of our discussion of motion will be in terms of unspecified positions and times, represented symbolically by r, 4, and so on. It should never be forgotten, however, that the description of actual motions involves the numerical measures of such quan- tities and the use of universally accepted units and standards, Our choice of acceptable standards of both distance and time is, the result of a continuing search for the highest degree of con- sistency and reproducibility in such measurements. The evolution and present state of this process is briefly summarized below. Length The current standard of length—the meter—was introduced, along with the rest of the metric system, in the drive for scientific and cultural order that developed in France in the latter half of the 18th century. The meter was originally intended to repre- sent 1 ten-millionth (107) of the distance from pole to equator of the earth along a meridian of longitude. But it proved im- Possible to construct any sufliciently precise standard on the basis of this definition, and the meter was then defined as the length of a particular metal bar kept in Sevres, near Paris, and finally as a multiple of the wavelength of a characteristic spectral line—most recently (since 1960) as being a distance equal to 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of orange-red light from the isotope krypton 86. Although the use of the extremely small units of length Units and standards of length and time represented by light waves means that the meter can be defined with immense precision—to 1 part in 10° or better—there is the disadvantage that an object as long as a meter cannot be directly measured, in a one-step process, in terms of light waves from ordinary sources, The reason is that the measurements depend con observing optical interference effects that begin to wash out if the distance in question becomes more than about 1 ft. The development of lasers has completely transformed this situation, and interference effects have been observed up to path lengths of over 100m. It thus seems quite probable that the meter will fat some future date be defined in terms of an optical wavelength obtainable from a laser source, perhaps one of the characteristic spectral lines of neon in a helium-neon laser. Time ‘The process of defining a standard of time involves a feature that sets it significantly apert from the establishment of a standard of length. This is that, as Allen Astin has remarked: “We cannot choose a particular sample of time and keep it on hand for reference.” We depend upon identifying some recurring phe- nomenon and asswmning that it always supplies us with time intervals of the same length. The standard of time—the second—was originally based on tie assumed constancy of the earth’s rotation, It was first defined as being equal to 1/86,400 of a mean solar day—i.e, the average, ‘over 1 year, of the time from noon to noon or midnight to mid- night ata given place on the earth’s surface. This is an awkward Aefinition, because the length of the day, as measured from noon to noon, is not a constant; it varies because the earth's speed ‘and its distance from the sun are continuously changing during cone complete orbit. A logically more satisuctory definition of the second can be based on the sidereal day—the time for any given star to return to the same position overhead. Ifthe earth’s rotation were truly uniform, the length of every sidereal day ‘would be the same. Tin fact, it has gradually come to be recognized, thanks to *Allen V, Astin, “Standards of Measurement,” Sci. Am, 218 (6), 50 (1968). ‘Some people would, however, argue that even a solid tangible bar asa length standard is equally vulnerable on philosophical and logical grounds. 64 Space, time, and motion 65 the extraordinary precision of astronomical measurements ex- tended over thousands of years, that neither the length of the solar year nor the earth's rate of rotation on its axis is exactly constant, the latter in particular being subject to minute but abrupt variations. The year has been found to be lengthening, at the rate of about } sec per century, so that in 1956 the second was redefined as being equal to 1/31,556,925.9747 of the tropical year 1900. (A tropical year is defined as the interval of time ‘between two successive passages of the sun through the vernal equinox. We shall not attempt here to describe just how one “latches on” to a second of the year 1900 for calibration pur- poses.) It should be recognized that the variations being dis- cussed here are fantastically small, as is implied by the ability to define the year in terms of the second to 12 significant figures. Finally, in 1967, the use of atomic vibrations to specify a time standard was adopted by international agreement; it defines ‘the second as corresponding to 9,192,631,770 cycles of vibration {in an atomic clock controlled by one of the characteristic fre- quencies associated with atoms of the isotope cesium 133. Quite apart from the practical challenge of defining units and standards of time with the maximum attainable precision, there are some questions of fundamental interest involved. Does time as defined by celestial motions, controlled by gravitation, keep step at all epochs with time as defined by atomic vibrations, controlled by electric forces within the atom? It was suggested in 1938 by P. A. M, Dirac! that the constant of universal gravita~ tion might be slowly changing with time—with a “time constant” on the order of the age of the universe itself, Le., about 10° years. If this were true, our astronomical and atomic standards ‘would, in the long run, be found to reveal discrepancies. This matter of units and standards is one that most of us do not bother our heads with. We think we know well enough ‘what is meant by a meter and a second; and a ruler or a watch is usually near at hand. But perhaps the above discussion may help to suggest that the detailed story of how these basic mea- sures are defined, redefined, and made more and more precise is a quite fascinating business—especially, perhaps, for time, to "Dirac, a British theoretical physicist, was one of the leaders in the develop- ‘ment of quantum theory around 1926-1930, He was awarded the Nobel riz for this work: Units and standards of length and time which astronomical observations over the centuries have con- tributed data of a refinement that almost passes belief." ‘SPACE-TIME GRAPHS Fig. 2-13 Example of a space-time graph {fora onesdimen- sion motion. (From the PSC film, ‘Straight Line Kine- rmatis," by B. M. Hafner, Education Development Center Film Siutio, Neston, Mass, 1959.) 66 ‘The primary data in the description of any motion will be a set of associated measures of position and time. Such data might, for example, be a tabulation in an astronomer’s logbook, or a single stroboscopic photograph such as Fig. 2-1. In general the statement of position at any instant will require the use of three coordinates, corresponding to the three independent di: mensions of space. In many circumstances, however, the motion ‘may be confined to a plane, requiring two coordinates only, or to a single line, so that a single positional coordinate suffices. In this last case, and especially if the motion is along a straight line, it is often extremely convenient to display the motion in Distance Time *For further reading s6e, for instance, A Introduction 10 the Physics of Mass, Length and Time, by N. Feather, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1959, On the mater of time in particular, which probably holds the greatest interes, the following books and articles are recommended: J.T. Fraser (ed), The Voices of Time, George Braziler, New York, 1966: T. Gold and D. L. ‘Schumacher (eds), The Nature of Time, Corneli University Press, Ithaca, NLY., 1967; G. M. Clemence, “Standards of Time and Frequency,” Science, 123, 967 (1956); Lee Coe, “The Nature of Time,” Am. J. Phys, 37, 810 (19699; Richard Schlegel, Time and she Physical World, Dover, New York, 1968, Space, time, and motion VELOCITY terms of a space-time graph in which, as @ rule, the time is re- garded as an independent variable, plotted along the abscissa, and the position is plotted along the ordinate. Figure 2-13 shows such a graph. Tt has the great merit tha it conveys directly, in a way that a numerical table cannot, a complete picture of a given motion, One can immediately identify points of maximum and minimum distance from the origin, regions of time in which the motion temporarily ceases altogether, and so on.! ‘The central concept in the quantitative description of motion is that of velocity. It is a vector. The quantitative measure of velocity, in the case of one-dimensional motion, is one of the first pieces of information that we can extract from a space-time graph such as Fig. 2-13. Our way of designating velocities— miles per hour, meters per second, and so on—is a constant reminder of the fact that velocity is a derived quantity, based on these separate measures of space and time. Has it ever struck you that although physicists have invented names for the units of measurement of all sorts of physical quantities, they have never introduced special names for units of velocity? (Seafaring men have done it, though, with their unit the knot, equal to 1 nautical mile per hour.) In nature itself, things seem to be quite otherwise, for although we have not as yet identified anything that is directly recognizable as a fundamental natural unit of length or time, we do find a fundamental unit of velocity—the magnitude (c) of the velocity of light in empty space: € = (2.997925 -& 0,000001) x 10 m/sec Tt has become customary in high-energy particle physics to express velocities as fractions of c. And in a comparable way, in connection with high-speed flight, the Mach number is used to express the speed of an aircraft as a fraction or multiple of the speed of sound in air. But this does not alter the fact that Such graphical representations of correlated quantities often provide a much ‘more immediate and vivid insight into a situation than do numerical tab- ulations or alaetvaic formulas, and even a rough sraph, sketched freehand, fan be & great aid {0 thinking about a siwation. facility In drawing and interpreting graphs as expressions of physical relationships is well worth developing, 67 Velocity is in terms of the number of units of distance per unit of time. ‘The measurement of a velocity requires at least two measure~ ments of the position of an object and the two corresponding measurements of time. Let us denote these measurements by (r1,t1) and (F2, 2). Using these we can deduce the magnitude and direction of what we can loosely call the average velocity between those points: However, this average velocity is not, in most cases, a very interesting quantity. Sometimes we may find that a graph of s versus 1 (let us assume a one-dimensional motion) is a straight Tine, so that the value of » deduced from any two pairs of values sand tis the same, But there is a much more basic and general problem: What can we do about defining and evaluating the velocity at an arbitrary instant in a nonuniform motion such as that represented by Fig. 2-13? The next section is devoted to this ‘question, which is of fundamental importance to the whole of the mathematical analysis of motion. INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY 68 Richard P, Feynman tells the story of the lady who is caught for speeding at 60 miles per hour and says to the police officer: “That's impossible, sir, I was traveling for only seven minutes.’ The lady's objection does not convince us (or the police officer); we understand that what is at issue is not the persistence of a uniform motion for a long time but the property of the motion as measured over a time interval that might be arbitrarily short, In order to talk about this in specific terms, imagine that along- side a straight section of a road in each direction from a chosen point, P, we have placed a set of equally spaced poles, say at ‘This story, further embellished by Feynman with entertaining and instrutive etals, can be found in The Feynman Lectures on Physies, Vol. 1 (R. P. Feynman, R. B, Leighton, and M, Sands, eds), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Macs, 1963. These lectures, of wonderful freshness and originality, range ‘over the whole of physics and provide rich and exciting fare for everyone, ‘whether a beginner of a veteran in the subject. Feynman, one of the most ‘oustanding physicists of our time, was awarded the Nobel prize in 1966 for his fundamental contributions to quantum fed theory. Space, time, and motion Fig. 2-14 Arrange- ‘ment for inferring the Instantaneous velocity of acar as it passes the potat P. S.meter intervals (see Fig. 2-14). On each pole is an electric clock with a sweep second hand. The clocks are synchronized and run continuously. A movie camera is placed opposite each pole, 50 as to photograph the pole, the clock face, and the road. A car comes along the road; the cameras are set running and the Photographic records are developed. It is like the photofinish ‘of a race. Each film will contain one frame in which, let us say, ‘the front bumper of the car is more of less exactly in line with the pole, We now assemble the records. Take the data for the poles jn pairs, equal distances before and after the central point P. For a given pair let the separation in distance be called As (a multiple of 10m) and let the difference of time readings be called Af. ‘Then the ratio s/s is the average velocity over the range of distance Ax centered on P, Now construct a graph, as shown in Fig. 2-15(a), of As/Af as a function of As. Unless the ‘motion of the car has been extraordinarily erratic, the points can be fitted by a smooth curve that flattens out for the smaller values of As. We extrapolate it backward, and the value of 4s/At for As = 0 is our measure of the instantaneous velocity at the central point P. We could equally well plot the values of ‘s/t against the time intervals Ai, as shown in Fig. 2-15(b);, the value of As/At at At = O is again the same, even though the Fig.2-15- (Boake ttn ofthe inser taneous selcty da dy exraearion 10 As = ofa graph of 125 /at against 3 @ Eeatuaton of the inant etoity dif by extol lion 1985 = Oofa graph of s/t agaist a. 69 Instantaneous velocity Fig. 2-16 The “slope” of a graph of one physical ‘quantity against another isnot primarily geometrical i 1s defined by the rato ofthe changes AQ and 3g, each ‘measured in whatever units are appropriate ‘graph itself looks somewhat different. And here, in physical terms, is what we mean by evaluating the limit of the average velocity, when the range of position or time over which As/A¢ is evaluated is shrunk to zero. The provess described above corresponds to the mathe- ratical process of determining a derivative—in this case, of displacement with respect to time. Using the standard calculus notation, which in the context of the above discussion almost speaks for itself, we write as _ de instantancous velocity » = fim 5 = (25) ‘The quantity ds/dr, a synonym for the limit of 45/4, is, in mathe- ‘matical parlance, the first derivative of s with respect to «In ‘geometrical terms, it represents the slope of (a tangent to) the ‘graph of s versus fat a particular value of ¢. TA note concerning the meaning of the word “slope” in agxaphs of physical data is in order. The sraph—e.g., as in Fig. 2-16— isa display of the numerical measure of one physical ‘quantity plotted against the numerical measure of another, using seales that are entirely arbitrary and dictated by convenience alone. Thus there is, in general, no physical significance to the inclination of such a line as measured by a protractor. By “slope” wwe mean simply the ratio of the change in the quantity repre- sented on the ordinate to the corresponding change in the quan- tity represented on the abscissa—e.g., (Qz — Q1)/(a2 — 91). In this ratio, numerator and denominator are each a pure number times a unit, and the slope is then expressible as the quotient of these numbers, labeled with its own characteristic units—eg., meters per second.) If the same ideas as above are applied to changes with time of the displacement in space, we arrive at a general definition of instantaneous velocity as a vector: oe ‘jaan s eo In Fig, 2-17(a) we indicate what the evaluation of Ar entails. ct eer eye rae Perea is fig 2170) fe tna lly tr ng ime, and motion Fig. 2-17 (a Vector t f diagram to define a tal change of pos ton.) tae feo lc Cimon ioae ma to this curve; this is implicit in the definition With this departure from straight-line notion, we shall draw attention to the distinction that is made technically (but not always faithfully observed) between the words velocity and speed. ‘The speed is the magnitude of the vector velocity v. The speed is thus, by definition, « positive, scalar quantity. ‘The v that figures in our analysis of straight-line motion has, in fact, represented the velocity; it may take on negative as well as positive values, which of course is all the information needed to specify the ireetion of motion in the one-dimensional ease. Even if we are dealing with motion along a single straight line, the use of the vectorial description of position and velocity will be necessary if displacements are referred to an origin not Fig. 2-18. (a) Vector postions ina straighrline motion, refered toa origin not on the line. (b) Corresponding diagram fora curilnear path. n neous velocity con the line itself. It is, in fact, a very instructive thing to consider a straight-line motion from this point of view [see Fig. 2-18(a)}. ‘because it helps us to see the one-dimensional situation in its larger context. We can become accustomed to the idea that the displacement vector Ar is, in general, in a different direction from the position vector r, when the latter is referred to an arbitrary origin O. This then makes the transition from the description of a rectilinear path to the description of an arbitrary curved path [Eig. 2-18(6)] seem less abrupt. It also emphasizes the fact that although it may be very convenient, in the case of straight-line ‘motion, to choose an origin on the line itself, this is certainly not necessary and may not always be possible RELATIVE VELOCITY AND RELATIVE MOTION R Since the vector velocity is the time derivative of the vector dis- placement, the velocity of one object relative to another is just the vector difference of the individual velocities. Thus if one object is at r, and another object is at r2, the vector distance R. from object 1 to object 2 is given by Renan ‘The rate of change of R is then the velocity, V, of object 2 relative to object 1, and we have ®_ dey _ des Yoana at es: Venom en This relative velocity V is the velocity of object 2 in a frame of reference attached to object 1 In discussing frames of reference earlier in this chapter, wwe pointed out how the choice of some particular frame of reference may be advantageous because it gives us the clearest picture of what is going on. Nothing could illustrate this better than the practical problems of navigation and the avoidance of collisions at sea or in the air. Imagine, for example, two ships that at some instant are in the situation shown in Fig. 2-19(a). ‘The veetors v5 and vs represent their velocities (which we take to be constant) with respect to the body of water in which they both Space, time, and motion Fg. 2-19 (0) Paths of no ships mocing ‘at constant velocity ‘along courses that inerscet, ®) Path of. ship B relative 10 ship A, showing that they do not collide even though thelr pashs move. The paths of the ships, extended along the directions of motion from the initial points A and B, intersect at a point P. Will the ships collide, or will they pass one another at a safe distance? The answer to this question is not at all clear if we stick to the ocean frame, but if we describe things from the standpoint of one of the two ships the analysis becomes very straightforward. Let us imagine that we are standing on the deck of the ship marked 4. Putting ourselves in that frame of reference ‘means giving ourselves the velocity v; with respect to the water. But from our standpoint itis as if the water, and everything else, were given a velocity equal and opposite to vy. Thus to every ‘motion as observed in the ocean frame we add the vector —¥1, as implied by Eq. (2-7). This automatically, and by definition, brings A to rest, as it were, and shows us that the velocity of the ship B, relative to A, is obtained by combining the vectors v2 and —v,, as shown in Fig. 2-19(b). ‘The vector distance between the ships is unaffected by this change of viewpoint. So now we ccan see the whole picture. B follows the straight line shown, as indicated by several suecessive positions in the diagram. It will miss A by the distance AW, the perpendicular distance from A to the line of V. The time at which this closest approach occurs is equal to the distance BN divided by the magnitude of V. Thus 2B seems to sweep across A's bow, more or less sideways. If you have had occasion to observe a close encounter of this sort, ‘specially if it is out on the open water with no landmarks in sight, you will know that it can be a curious experience, quite 73 Relative velocity and relative motion disturbing to the intuitions, because the observed motion of the ther ship seems to be unrelated to the direction in which it is pointing. PLANETARY MOTIONS: PTOLEMY VERSUS COPERNICUS Some of the most fascinating problems in the study of motion, and in particular of its relative character, have arisen in man’s attempts to elucidate the motions of the heavenly bodies, in- cluding our own earth, through space. Observational astronomy, the first of the exact sciences, has yielded data of marvelous accuracy for several thousand years. But the question has always ‘been how to interpret these data, Let us consider some of the ‘main features of the problem. ‘The first thing to recognize is that naked-eye astronomy is, g.2-20 (a) Pash of Venus among the stars during a 5- ‘month period, showing reversed (retrograde) ‘motion at one stage. (©) Simitar 08 of ob- sercalons on Mars. (Both diagrams after EM. Rogers, Physis for the In- auiring Mind, Princeton University Press, Princeton, Nab 1960.) 74 Space, time, and motion 15 almost exclusively, the study of directions rather than distance: ‘These unaided observations reveal nothing about the distances of the stars. The great Greek astronomers Aristarchus (third century B.C.) and Hipparchus (~150.p.c.) did make reasoned estimates of the distances of sun and moon (the latter very successfully,” but the only direct clues to the distances of the planets are through such quantitative evidence as changes of apparent brightness with time, suggesting that whatever the wnces of the planets from the earth may be, they undergo systematic variations. Thus, as is still the practice, the positions of astronomical objects are defined in the first place in terms of their directions only (this being all we need to find them with a telescope) and can be described as if they were points on the surface of a sphere of large but arbitrary radius—the celestial sphere—with its center at the earth, and with a polar axis and an equator defined by the earth's own axis of rotation (cf. Fig. 2-2) In these terms the primary data on the motions of the planets are of the type shown in Fig, 2-20. Its already a tribute to the genius of the early astronomers. that they were able to visualize such strange-locking paths as the projections, on the celestial sphere, of orbital motions of various kinds. In particular, the belief took hold that the orbits must be combinations of circular motions. This is not the place to go into a detailed account of the problem; some outstandingly fine accounts exist elsewhere. Instead, we shall simply focus on an idealized presentation of the two main models: an earth- centered (geocentric) or a sun-centered (heliocentric) solar system. The most intuitively reasonable picture of the universe, in terms of everyday experience, is undoubtedly one that places the earth at the center of everything. Not one of us, without benefit of hindsight, could interpret his first impressions in any ‘other way, and the ancient descriptions, such as the biblical one in Genesis, are entirely justifiable in these terms. It was the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy (~150 A.0.) who built this picture into a quantitative model of planetary motions and 'See the problems atthe end of ths ehapter, and also Chapter 8 See, for example, EM. Rogers, Physics for the Ingaring Mind, Princeton Univesity Press, Prisceton, NJ, 1960, Chaps. 12-18, or E. C, Kemble, Physical Science, lis Siructure and Development, MIT Press, Cambridge, ‘Mass, 1966, Chaps. 1-5; or any ofa number of excellent books on elementary astronomy. Planetary motions: Ptolemy versus Copernicus 16 Fig. 2-21 (a) Apparent motion of planet as explained In the Peolemate system, The planet P maces om the epieycle whose center C follons a circular path around the earth, E, (8) Copernican explanation of obserced ‘motion. The epieycle of (a) is seen as being a reflection of the earth's own motion around the sun, described it in his great work, the Almagest. Figure 2-21(a) illustrates the essential features. Setting aside the effects of the carth’s daily rotation, the motion of the sun is an approximately circular path, with a period of 1 year, around the earth, E, as center. The motion of a planet, however, is compound. It can be fairly closely approximated by imagining that a point C travels uniformly around a circular path, and that the planet, P, travels in another circular path with respect to C as center. This extra circle is called an epicyele; the combination of these two motions, if they are in the same plane, gives rise to a complicated path that can have backward loops as shown. Precisely the same result would be obtained if we interchanged the roles of the two circles. (Verify this.) If we now imagine viewing this motion from the earth, and projecting it onto the celestial sphere or to any other constant distance, we obtain almost the kind of variation of angular posi tion that is shown in Fig. 2-20. We can come even closer by tilting the plane of the epicycle out of the plane of the primary "This path, which caries the sun eastward through the constellations around the celestial sphere, is known as the ecliptic. Space, time, and motion 1 circle a little, To fit the motion of particular planet it is neces sary to choose appropriate values for the ratio of the radii of the two circles and also for the times to make one complete circuit of each. It is a noteworthy fact that in two cases (Mercury and Venus) the period of the primary circle is exactly | sidereal year (.e., the period for one complete orbit of the sun around the ecliptic), and in the other three cases (Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) the period of the epicycle is 1 sidereal year. Indeed, this can be taken as the crucial clue to what we now regard as the truer picture. Suppose that we now place the sun at the center, as in Fig. 2-21(b), and make the earth travel around a circle that has the same radius as the epicycle in Fig. 2-21(a). Then if the planet, P, travels around another simple circle, of radius equal ‘to that of the primary circle in Fig. 2-21(a), the relative positions and velocities of E and P can be made precisely the same as before. We have drawn the positions of E and P in the two diagrams to display this exact correspondence, ‘The reason for the appearance of the sidereal year in one or other of the two ‘component motions of a planet in the Ptolemaic model is now very clear, and much of the arbitrariness of the whole description disappears. It is this new, heliocentric, description with which we associate the name of Copernicus. He presented it in great detail in his principal work, De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestiun (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres”) published in 1543, the year of his death. Actually, the first suggestion that ‘the sun occupied the central position had been made about 1800 years carlier by Aristarchus, who from other observations knew ‘hat the sun was much bigger than the earth (although he seri- ously underestimated just how huge and distant itis). There is no record, however, that the heliocentric theory was developed in quantitative detail before Copernicus. It is interesting, by the way, to note his clear understanding of the relativity of motion. Here is a translation of his own statement of the principle: “For all change in position which is seen is due to a motion either of the observer or of the thing looked at, or to changes in the position of both, provided that these are different. For when things are moved equally relatively to the same things, no motion is perceived, as between the object seen and the observer.”" From Arthur Betty, A Short History of Astronomy, Dover Publiations, [New York, 1961. Planetary motions: Ptolemy versus Copernicus PROBLEMS 8 Given the persistent intrusion of the sidereal year into the Ptolemaic scheme, it may seem surprising that the heliocentric jcture did not prevail at a much earlier stage, especially when possibility had been recognized by Aristarchus about 400 years before Ptolemy's day. It must be remembered, however, that we have been presenting a greatly oversimplified model of the solar system, and the ancient astronomers were legitimately worried over discrepancies between these idealized models and the precise, hard facts of observation, Both Ptolemy and Coper- nicus were driven to introduce numerous auxiliary circular motions to obtain even approximate agreement between theory and observation. The Copernican scheme, in the form in which Copernicus himself developed it, was not in fact notably less arbitrary or less complex than the Ptolemaic. Not until the theory could free itself of the circle as the basis of all celestial motion was a fundamental solution to be finally attained, al- though the introduction of dynamical considerations—the laws of force and the laws of motion—transformed the context within which the observations were interpreted. We shall come back to these questions in Chapter 8 and, more fully, in Chapter 13. 2-1 Starting from & point that can be taken as the origin, @ ship travels 30 miles northeast in a straight line, and then 40 miles on 4 course that heads SSW (a dicection making a counterclockwise angle of 2474 witha reference line drawn eastward). Find the x and {coordinate ofits final postion (x eastward, » northward) and its stance from the starting point. 2-2 The scalar (dot) product of two vectors, A~B, is equal to AB c08 945, where #9 isthe angle between the vectors. (a) By expressing the vectors in terms of their Cartesian compo- nents, show that AaBs + AyBy + ABs 08 Bay = = (&) By using the relation between rectangular and spherical polar coordinates (Eq. 2-4), show that the angle 12 between the radii to two points (R, 01, ¢1) and (R, Bs, ¢x) on a sphere is given by 05 812 = cos 4; cos #2 + sin By sin 82 c0s (¢2 — 1) (Note that the distance between the two points as measured along the Space, time, and motion 9 ‘reat circle that passes through them is equal to R@s2, where O19 is expressed in radians, This can be used, for example, to calculate mileages between points on the earth’s surface.) 2-3. (@) Calculate the Cartesian coordinates of New York, US.A. (IP N, 74° W) and Sydney, Australia (34°, 151° E). Take an origin of coordinates at the earth's center, with a = axis through the north ppole and an x axis passing through the equator at the zero of longitude. ‘The earth's mean radius is 6370 km. (b) Find the distance slong an imaginary straight tunnel bored through the earth between New York and Sydney. (©) Compare the result of (b) with the shortest practicable route between these points by a great-ircle flight. You can either calculate this, using the result of Problem 2-2(b), or measure it directly on @ lobe with the help of a piece of string 2-4 (@) Starting from a point on the equator of a sphere of radius R, a particle travels through an angle « eastward and then through an ‘angle 8 along a great circle toward the north pole. If the initial position of the point is taken to correspond to x = R, y= 0, = 0, show that its final coordinates are R cos « cos 8, Rsin a cos, and sin 8. Verify that x? +»? + 2? = R?. (b) Find the coordinates of the final position of the same par~ ticle if it frst travels through an angle a northward, then changes course by 90° and travels through an angle 8 along a great circle that starts out eastward. (© Show that the straightline distance As between the end points of the displacements in (a) and (6) is given by As? = 2R%(in 8 — sina cos )* (@) Using the above result, check the statement in the text (p. 60) that there is a difference of about 40 miles in the end points of (1) a displacement of 1000 miles eastward on the earth along the equator, followed by a displacement 1000 miles north, and (2) a dis- placement of 1000 miles north, followed by a displacement of 1000 miles starting out eastward on another great circle. (Put Ra = RB = 1000 miles, The approximation cos @ = 1 — 62/2 will be found vseful.) 2.5 If you found yourself transported to an unfamiliar planet, what ‘methods could you suggest () To verify that the planet is spherical? (©) To find the value of its radius? 2-6 The radius of the earth was found more than 2000 years ago by Eratosthenes through a brilliant piece of analysis. He lived at Alex- andria, at the mouth of the Nile, and observed that on midsummer day at noon, the sun's rays were at 72° to the vertical (see the figure). He also knew that the people living at a place 500 miles south of Problems Alexandria saw the sun as being directly overhead at the same date ‘and time. From this information, Eratosthenes deduced the value of the earth's radius. What was his answer’? 2-7 thas been suggested that a fundamental unit of length is repre- sented by a distance about equal to a nucleon diameter, and that @ fundamental unit of time is represented by the time it would take @ light signal Ge, the fastest kind of signal achievable) to travel across ‘a nucleon diameter. Express the radius of the universe and the age of the universe in terms of these units, and ponder the result. 28 A particle is confined to motion along the x axis between re- fiecting walls at x = O and x ~ a. Between these two limits it moves freely at constant velocity. Construct a space-time graph ofits motion (@) If the walls are perfecly reflecting, so that upon reaching ther wall the particle's velocity changes sign but not magnitude. (@) If upon each reflection the magnitude of the velocity is reduced by a factor f(ie.,02 = ~fo) 2-9 Apartile thet stats atx = Oatr ~ Owith velocity +e (along.») collides with an identical particle that starts at x = xo at ¢ = O with velocity —v/2. Construct a space-time graph of the motion before and after collision (@) For the case thatthe particles colide elastically, exchanging velocities. () For the case that the particles stick together upon impact, 2-10 A particle moves along the curve y = Ax? such that its x posi tion is given by x = Br () Express the vector postion of the particle in the form 1 = xi-+ 9h (b) Calculate the speed v (= ds/di) of the particle along this path at an arbitrary instant ¢ 2-11 The refraction of light may be understood by purely kinematic considerations, We need to assume that light takes the shortest pace, time, and motion 81 (timewise) path between two points (Fermat's principle of least time). Referring to the figure, let the speed of light in medium 1 be oy and in ‘medium 2, o2. Calculate the time it takes light to go from point to point B as a function of the variable x, Minimize with respect to x, Given that r= e/m and v2 = c/a ‘whore the n's are known as indices of refraction, prove Snell's law of refraction my sin 8 2-12 At 12:00 hours ship A is 10 km east and 20 km north ofa certain port, Itis steaming at 40 km/hr in a direction 30° east of north. At ‘the same time ship B is $0 km east and 40 km north of the port, and is steaming at 20 km/hr in direction 30° west of north. (@ Draw a diagram of this situation, and find the velocity of B relative to A. (©) IF the ships continue to move with the above velocities, what is their closest distance to one another and when does it occur? 2-13 The distance from 4 to B is f. A plane flies a straight course from A to B and back again with a constant spced V’ relative to the air. Calculate the total time taken for this round trip if a wind of speed v is blowing in the following directions: (@) Along the line from A to B. (©) Perpendicular to ths line. © Atan angle @ to this line. ‘Show that the time ofthe round trip is always increased by the existence of the wind. 2-14 A ship is steaming parallel to a straight coastline, distance D offshore, at speed V. A coastguard cutter, whose speed is > (<¥) sets ‘out from a port to intercept the ship. Problems Bulge rotates to keep pace with moon— rotation th’ dally (@) Show that the cutter must start out before the ship passes a point a distance D(V? — v2)!/2/v back along the coast. (Hint: Draw fa vector diagram to show the velocity of the cutter as seen from the ship) (b) If the cutter starts out at the latest possible moment, where ‘and when does it reach the ship? 2-15 With respect to the “fixed stars,” the earth rotates once on its ‘axis in one sidereal day—that is how the sidereal day is defined. (@) The length of the year is about 366 sidereal days. By what amount is the mean sofar day (from noon to noon) longer than the sidereal day? (b) The moon completes one orbit with respect to the stars in 27.3 sidereal days, That is, in this time the line from earth to moon turns through 360° with respect to the stars. The time between cor- responding high tides on successive days is longer than 1 solar day (24h) because ofthis motion of the moon. (The high tide is an ocean bulge at a fixed direction with respect to the moon—see the figure.) Show that the daily lag is close to $0.5 min (60 min = iy solar day). 2-16 (a) The orbital radii of Venus and Mars are 0.72 and 1.52 times the radius of the earth's orbit. Their periods are about 0.62 and 1.88 times the earth's year, Using these data, construct diagrams by which to find how the apparent angular positions of Venus and Mars change with time as seen from the earth, assuming that the orbits of all three planets lie in the same plane. Compare your results with Fig. 2-20. (B) With respect to the ecliptic (the plane of the earth’s own Corbit) the planes of the orbits of Venus and Mars are tilted by about 3.5° and 2°, respectively. Consider how the apparent paths of Venus ‘and Mars are affected by this additional feature. 2-17 (a) What methods can you suggest for finding the distance from the earth to the moon (without using radar or space fight)? 82 Space time, and motion (6) The astronomer Hipparchus, more than 2000 years ago, found the distance of the moon as a multiple of the earth's radius by observing the duration of a total eclipse of the moon by the earth Gee the figure). The rays from the sun have a spread of directions of about -£3°, and the moon itself subtends an angle of just about 4° (ie same as the sun within about 2%). The moon takes about 29 days to circle the earth, and the duration of the total eclipse is about ‘hr. Use these data to obtain the moon's distance. 2-18 The astronomer Aristarchus had the idea of comparing the distances of the sun and the moon from the earth by measuring the angular separation § between them when the moon was exactly half full Gee the figure). Using our present knowledge of what these distances are, criticize the feasibility of the method. Aristarchus found @ = 87", What result would this imply? Caleulate what the angle really is and what error would be introduced in the distance if this angle were uncertain by 0.1. 83 Problems At present it is the purpose of our Author merely to investigate and to demonstrate some of the properties of accelerated motion (whatever the cause of this acceleration ‘may be). GALILEO, Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638) 3 Accelerated motions ACCELERATION ROM THE PURELY descriptive point of view, the central feature of motion is velocity—the instantaneous rate of change of position with time, But we must dig a litle deeper to get to the ‘quantity that proves to be the crucial one in relating motion per se (kinematics) to motion as governed by forces (dynamics). This is acceleration, the rate of change of velocity with time. ‘Again we shall develop the basic ideas in the first instance in the context of straight-line motion. If the instantaneous velocity is found to be a linear function of time, as in Fig. 3-1(a), then we conclude that the instantaneous acceleration is the same at all times and equal to the slope of the graph as evaluated from any ‘two points on it. If, on the other hand, the values of the instan- taneous velocity define some sort of curve, as in Fig. 3-1(b), then we must obtain the instantaneous acceleration at a par- ticular value of ¢ by a limiting process: instantaneous acceleration a = jim S© = Sy ar 7 de Cy ‘Thus the acceleration is the first derivative of the velocity with ‘The units in which this is expressed will be delined by our chosen unit of| ‘velocity divided by whatever unit of time is found convenient. For example, the accoloration of a car is expressed most effectively and vividly in m.p.h. per second, But in the more analytical weatment of motions it is almost ‘sential to use the stme time units throughout, e., expressing velocities jin m/sec and accelerations in m/sec*. Otherwise, when we see a symbol ‘such a 4, we have to stop and ask ourselves which ofthe diferent units its measured ia, and that makes for confusion and error. 85 Fig. 3-1 (@) Graph of oversust fora uniformly accelerated ‘motion. (8) Motion with warying accelerae Hon, In the indicated time intereal a the ‘cceleration is egatice. respect to time, If, however, we wish to tie our definition of acceleration to a primary record of position against time, then we can write it as the second derivative of s with respect to ¢: as a G2) In general, we must be ready to take into account a variation of velocity in direction as well as magnitude. This then requires us to consider the acceleration explicitly as a vector quantity. Just as we previously considered vectorial changes of position, so now we can show the instantaneous velocity vectors at two neighboring instants, as in Fig. 3-2, and can proceed to a state- ‘ment of the instantaneous vector acceleration, a: ‘As far as kinematics by itself is concerned, there is no good reason why we should stop here. We could define and evaluate the rate of change of acceleration, but in general this does not represent information of any basic physical interest, and so our discussion of mechanics is based almost exclusively on the three quantities displacement, velocity, and acceleration. ‘You may feel, especially if you have some prior familiarity with calculus, that we have gone to excessive lengths in our dis- wv wii) “ao Fig, 3-2 Small change of a velocity that is changing in both magnitude and direction. 86 Accelerated motions cussion of instantaneous velocity and acceleration. But make no mistake about it; these are very subtle concepts. The notion that an object could both be af a certain point and moving past that point was one that perplexed some of the best minds of antiquity. Indeed, itis the subject of one of the famous paradoxes of the Greek philosopher, Zeno, who contended that if an object, was moving it could not be said to be anywhere." If you want to test your own mastery of these ideas, try explaining to someone how an object that is at a certain point with zero velocity (ie., instantaneously at rest) can nonetheless move away from that point by virtwe of having an acceleration, It really isn’t trivial. THE ANALYSIS OF STRAIGHT-LINE MOTION 87 Given a detailed record of position versus time in a straight-line ‘motion, the procedures that we have described enable us to find the associated variations of velocity and acceleration. The sequence of diagrams in Fig. 3-3, going from top to bottom, shows an example of this. But how about the converse of this process: given the acceleration as a function of time, to infer the sraphs of velocity and displacement? The basic definitions of velocity and acceleration suggest the appropriate procedure for doing this. From Eq. (3-1) we see that the change of velocity Av in a short time Ais given, at least approximately, by the equation Of course, “approximately” is not good enough, but we recognize that the smaller we choose A¢ to be, the more nearly is Ae an accurate statement of the change of v. Again we resort to a ‘graphical presentation. In Fig. 3-4(a) we show a graph of ac- celeration versus time; it then becomes apparent that a Ar can be read as the area of a narrow rectangular strip, the top of which cuts across the curve of a versus 1. From there it is a short step to concluding that the over-all change of o between two given values of ¢ is obtained by summing all such rectangular con- tributions. (We must, of course, recognize that wherever a is negative, the area represented by a Av, and hence the change of &, is also negative.) We then imagine that the widths Af are made 10n a quite diferent basis, the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics expresses our inability to measure both the position and the velocity of ‘moving object with arbitrarily high precision. The analysis of straight-line motion Fig. 3-3. Set of r= lated graphs showing the time dependence of @ postion, (@)velocty, and (© acceleration. 88 vanishingly small so that the sum of all the strips coincides, in this limit, with the area under the smooth curve of a versus 1. ‘This is then written mathematically as a definite integral: mao f ato) de es ‘where we write a(i) to show that the acceleration is to be con- sidered as a specific function of time. Most often this integral is evaluated up to some indefinite time 1, starting from some chosen zero of time at which the velocity is eo, ‘Thus we put Notice, then, that our integral, starting from knowledge of the acceleration as a function of time, gives us only the change of velocity during the time ¢, Information about the value of » at 1 = 0 (or at some other specific time) must be supplied sep- Accelerated motions ff = % @ O) Fig. 3-4 (@) Graphical integration ofa graph of ‘acceleration versus time 1 find change of elect (8) Graphical integration of velocty-time graph to find displacement, rately; vo is a typical example of a constant of integration that requires some knowledge of the initial conditions—or of the specific value of v at any one value of t. In like manner, given the curve such as that of Fig. 3-4(b) of » against ¢ (which may represent the initial data or may itself hhave come from the above integration of the acceleration function) ‘we can proceed to find the distance traveled. It is represented by the area contained between the velocity-time curve, the # axis, tnd the ordinates at two given values of f: en f w(t co) Again it is most usual to evaluate the integral from ¢ = 0 up to fan arbitrary time, and again a constant of integration—the position so at ¢ = 0—must be supplied: Very often, of course, it is possible to choose so = 0, but one should never forget that the area included under the velocity time graph gives us only the change of position. ‘The simplest applications of these kinematic equations, for a= Oora = constant, are undoubtedly familiar to you. In the first case the velocity-time graph is simply a rectangle, as shown in Fig. 3-5(a). If the acceleration is constant (but not zero), 89 The analysis of straight-line motion Fig. 3-5 (@) Veloc~ lty-time graph forthe special case of 2270 ‘acceleration. (#) Velocty-time graph fora constant (positive) acceler. Hon. Fig. 3-5(b) is appropriate. The magnitude of the constant ac- celeration is given by vot a= slope = This conforms to the definition of acceleration in Eq. (3-1). If we took «as given, then we would obtain this same result by integration, according to Eq. (3-4), ‘The area in Fig. 3-S(b) that represents the distance traveled can be thought of as made up of the two shaded regions as shown, Hence 5 = 50 = vot + Ho — vo)! Combining the last two equations, we get 5 = 50 = vot + far? which we can recognize also as the result of evaluating the integral in Eq. (3-6) with 0(0) = vo + at: It is sometimes convenient to remove all explicit reference to the time, by combining Eqs. (3-7) and (3-8). This gives us v8 = v9? + als — 50) oy Accelerated motions a1 For ease of reference, we repeat these equations below as a group: Kinematic = 00 +ar G10) ‘equations 2? = vo? + 2als — 50) (@-108) (alia onty for constant a) 5 = so + vor + dar? (3-100, Although these mathematical expressions for accelerated motion are tidy and extremely useful, it should be remembered that a truly constant acceleration is never maintained indefinitely For example, the problems that everyone learns to solve on free fall under gravity, using a constant acceleration g, really do not, correspond to the facts, because air resistance causes the ac celeration to become less as the velocity increases. For low velocities the error may not be big enough to worry about, but it is there. Later we shall be dealing with situations in which the acceleration varies in some mathematically well-defined way with position or time, Thus the emphasis will shift away from Eq. (3-10) and toward the more general statements expressed in Eqs. (4) and (3-6). Another very important factor in solving real problems in kinematics is the digital computer. Whether or not the acceleration is described by a mathematically convenient function, the actual technique of getting numerical answers to problems on motion—e.g., the path of a rocket or a satelite— will be the summation of small but finite contributions, corre- sponding to the strips of Fig. 3-4. ‘The program for solving problems in motion is then represented not by mathematical integrals, but by equations such as the following: v(t +80) = of + al dr 0) = v0 + Dats) dr st $M) = 5) + oA s(t) = 50 + Dol ar ean There are many problems in motion that can be handled as one-dimensional problems, even though the space in which dynamical processes go on is a space of three dimensions. A prime reason for this is that it is often feasible to resolve the ‘vectors of position, velocity and acceleration into their com- ponents in a rectangular coordinate system and then proceed to work with the separate components. Under these conditions, as ‘we have mentioned before, it is not necessary to make use of vector notation as such, even though we know that we are dealing The analysis of straight-line motion 92 ith directional quantities. It becomes sufficient to choose an axis of reference along the given line of the motion and adopt a convention that selects one direction along this axis as positive and the opposite direction as negative. Which we choose as positive is arbitrary, but having made a choice for the purpose of a particular problem we must stick to it. Directed quantities that are to be found as a result of a calculation—e.g,, the un- known final coordinate, x, of a particle moving along a straight line—will always be taken as measured along the positive direc- tion of the axis. If the answer comes out negative, this auto- ‘matically tells us that the final position is on the negative side Of the origin. In other words, it is not necessary (and may be actually inadvisable, because it can lead to confusion) to inject preconceived ideas as to which sign or direction a quantity will be found to have; the mathematics will do it for you. Example. A particle starts out at t = 0 from the point Xq = 10 m with an initial velocity o9 = 15 m/sec and a constant acceleration a = —5 m/sec* in the x direction. Find its velocity and position at ¢ = 8 sec. We have 20 = vo + at 28) = 15 + (—58) = —25 m/sec Also. x() = x0 + vot + dar? x8) = 10 + UB) + K-58)? = 30m Thus at ¢ = 8 sec the particle has passed back through the origin to a point on the far side and is traveling in the direction of in- creasingly negative x. ‘The whole progress of the motion up to 1 = 8sec is shown in the two graphs of Fig. 3-6. Notice how such information is provided ata glance in these diagrams. One sees at once how the velocity falls to zero at 1 = 3 sec and at 1 = 6 see becomes equal and opposite to its initial value, One sees how the maximum value of x corresponds to the instant at which v reaches zero and reverses sign, and that the particle returns to its original displacement (x9) at ¢ = 6 sec when v has reached the negative of its initial value v9, so that the total area under the velocity-time curve up to that instant is zero. Even though this is a very simple and straightforward example, it dis- Accelerated motions Fig. 3-6 (a) Veloc- lty-time graph for specie values of in- tal velocity and con- stant (negative) acceleration. (Postion veraus time for the motion represented in (2). plays many features that are worthy of note. And seeing how the various details fit together will greatly strengthen one’s grip of basic kinematics. ‘A COMMENT ON EXTRANEOUS ROOTS Occasionally, in turning the mathematical handle in the solution of the kinematic equations, one cranks out extraneous roots that are contrary to the physical situation. How does one recognize these “incorrect” answers and when can they be discarded? ‘Many of these extrancous answers have their origin in the fact that in solving a problem we always state initial conditions which specify the situation at the moment we first begin to follow the motion of the particle at ¢ = 0. Specifying the position and velocity at 1 = 0 does not tell us anything whatsoever about the past dynamical history of the particle. Indeed, it is of no con- sequence whatsoever how the particle attained these initial values. For example, if we think of the motion of a body falling freely from rest at an initial height h above the earth's surface, we have 93 A comment on extraneous roots v9 = O and yo = A. We may have held the body at its initial position and released it from rest, or we may have thrown it upward so that it rises to a maximum height h. The motion of the particle subsequent to the instant of time (t = 0) when it was at the height / with zero velocity is identical in both cases. ‘The most frequent source of extraneous roots is the equation relating displacement to time in motion with constant acceleration i.e, Eq. (3-10c). Mathematically, this is a quadratic equation for ¢ and must be solved as such if the displacement is given and the time is to be found. Because initial conditions alone do not give us information about the earlier motion of the particle (unless additional relevant data are given), a root of this equation corresponding to a negative value of t may not be valid. To illustrate this, consider the problem used as an example in the last section. Suppose we ask for the value of ¢ at which x = 0. We have x@ = 10 + 151 = $7 Putting x = 0, we get the following quadratic equation: P-6r-4=0 with the roots 1 = 3 + V/13 = 66sec or —0.6sec. Figure 3-6(b) makes quite apparent the origin of these two roots and shows how the negative root follows from an extrapolation of the graph backward into the region of times prior to = 0. But that may be quite unjustified. We might, if asked, say: “Oh yes, I held the particle at +10 m from the origin until ¢ = 0 and then fired it off in the positive x direction with its initial velocity of 15 m/sec.” If that were the case, the solution x = Oat ¢ = —06 sec would be a complete fubrication; one would be forced to recognize that it simply did not correspond to reality. One should not, however, discard extraneous roots without first asking, in the way we have just done, whether there is a clear physical reason for doing so. The matter of extraneous roots has had an interesting con- sequence in the history of physics. In quantum mechanics, developing a relativistically correct equation led to two values for the total energy of an electron: positive and negative. Nega- tive values were initially rejected outright as having no physical significance, After all, what meaning can one attach to a kinetic ‘energy less than zero? However, at a later time, P. A. M. Dirac investigated more carefully the nature of these negative energy Accelerated motions Fig. 3-7 Mealized parabolic trajeciory ‘for motion under grav- ity nthe absence of states and was led to a highly successful theory of electrons which predicted the existence of positrons and other “antimatter” particles. TRAJECTORY PROBLEMS IN TWO DIMENSIONS 95 One of the most famous and widely studied problems in motion is that of free fall near the earth’s surface. It provides an illus tration of the fact that, in the rectangular-coordinate system represented by horizontal and vertical directions, the two ortho- ‘gonal components of the motion are completely independent (provided that air resistance is negligible—see p. 225). ‘The path of an object may be treated as two, separate motions occurring simultaneously, and each may be analyzed as if the other were not present. Galileo, in his Dialogue on the Two Chief World ‘Systems (1632), first recognized this fact." We shall consider the motion of an object hurled with initial speed vp at an angle @ as shown in Fig. 3-7 from a height "The accomplishments of Galileo Galilei, born in Psu in 1564, the year of ‘Shakespeare's birth and Michaclangelo's death, are often cited as the be- inning of modern science. Galileo's publication on astronomy, Dialogue ‘on The Two Chief World Syms, incorporated the Copernican model and Jed to conflicts with church authorities. While technically a prisoner of the Inquisition, Galileo turned to the studies of mechanics and published (1638) surreptitiously in Holland the results of his investigations “Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning Two New Sciences Pertaining ‘to Mechanics and Local Motion," commonly refered to as Two New Sciences ransated, Dover Publications, New York). ‘These books, written largely in the form of imaginary conversations, have a surprisingly modern favor, ‘and impress one with Galleo's insight and intellectual sophistication. They fare well worth reading. Trajectory problems in two dimensions above a level plain. As you know, an approximation to the actual motion is obtained by assuming that the horizontal component of velocity, va, remains constant and that the vertical component of velocity, ny, is subject to a constant acceleration of magnitude g (= 9.8 m/sec!) downward. This approximate description of ‘the motion works well provided that the effects of air resistance are unimportant, which generally speaking requires compact (Gense) objects and fairly low velocities. Later we shall consider cases in which the resistive effects are important and our present- idealized picture of the motion becomes seriously inadequate. Let us now see how to answer the following questions: 1, How long is the object in fight? 2. What is the range R (the horizontal distance traveled)? 3. What is the velocity upon striking the ground? We shall choose our origin of coordinates at the starting point of the particle, and we shall take the positive coordinate directions to be upward (y) and to the right (x). The values of the initial and final coordinates, the initial velocity components, and the acceleration components are then as shown in Fig. 3-8. Fig. 3-8 Analysis ofthe motion of Fig. 3-7 in terms of separate horizontal and vertical components. 96 Accelerated motions 97 A note about signs is in order here. The acceleration due to gravity is represented by a vector, g. In this book we shall ‘use the symbol g to represent the scalar magnitude of this vector. ‘That is, g denotes the positive quantity equal to 9.8 m/sec? ot 32{ft/sec®. This is in accord with the usual convention in which the symbol A represents the positive scalar magnitude of any vector A. Afier a coordinate system has been chosen, and if the upward vertical direction is taken to be positive, then the y com- ponent of the vector g becomes —g (i.e, ay = —9.8m/sec*). In some situations it may be convenient to choose the downward direction as positive. In this case the y component of g must be set equal to +g, We must of course be consistent, within a given calculation, about what we mean by the positive coordinate direction, but we are completely free to take whichever choice we please; the actual content of the final answers cannot depend on this.] We return now to the trajectory problem, as depicted in Figs. 3-7 and 3-8: 1. How long is the object in flight? We know the initial velocity, the initial and final values of ‘y, and the vertical acceleration. Therefore, if we take Eq. (3-10c), ‘as applied to motion in the y direction, we know everything except the time of fight ¢: Y= Pot + hayt® ie, (oo sin Bo)t + Ha)? We solve this equation and take the positive root as the physically relevant one. 2. What is the range R? “Apply Eq, (3-10e) to the horizontal-component problem: vost + ast? R = (00.605 Bo)t + 0 = (00 C05 80) In this we substitute the specific value of ¢ obtained in cal- culation 1. Trajectory problems in two dimensions 3. What is the velocity upon striking the ground? ‘The components of ¥ may be found from Eq. (3-10b) using the value of r obtained from calculation 1 Be = vot ast by = Boy + ant be = cpcosty vy = vosin dy + (—a)r ‘Then from these components we have Magnitude of v: v= (24 +0,") % Direction of y: tan @ = (in this case tan 0 will be negative, because @ represents a direc- tion pointing downward below the horizontal.) Alternatively, ‘we can calculate the magnitude of v? directly from Eq. (3-106) as follows: oe? = D9? c08? Bo 0/2 + 2ayy = vo® sin® 60 + 2(—eX—A) ‘Therefore, = 0.8 + oy? = v0? + 2h ‘The direction of v can then be calculated from the relation sin @ = FREE FALL OF INDIVIDUAL ATOMS: 98 ‘Atoms moving ina vacuum cast sharp shadows and give evidence of traveling in straight lines. On the other hand, it must surely be true that atoms and molecules, as samples of ordinary mater, are subject to the usual free fall under gravity at the earth's surface, The effect is not very noticeable because evaporated atoms have high average speeds—about the same as a rifle bullet—but it is measurable. How far would a beam of atoms Gaitialy moving horizontally) fall vertically under gravity while traveling a horizontal distance L at such speeds? Figure 3-9(a) illustrates the problem. It would be just lke the trajectory prob- Jem of the last section, except that this time we take the horizontal distance as given and then solve for the vertical distance y. If an origin is taken at the point O as shown, from which the atoms Accelerated motions Fig. 3-9 (a) Treo tory of atoms in ecu witha ini horizontal velocity. The vertical displace- tment is greatly exag- erated. (b) Para- Dale traiectory of ‘atoms i a atomic ‘ears shat must pass ‘rough the slits A ‘and B 10 reach the detector D. start out horizontally with a speed v, we have Horizontal component: x= voat + dat? Therefore, Lae Vertical component: Y= vot + day? ya 0+ Har which upon substitution for ¢ gives us =2(t\ mets) Suppose that we apply this result to a beam of atoms with a speed of about 500 m/sec. In traveling a horizontal distance of 1m, the time of flight would be 1/500 sec (2 msec) and we should have 98(1\? a sn (er ‘The deviation from a straight-line path is thus extremely small, only a few hundredths of a millimeter. Despite the small size of the effect, it has been studied with 99 Free fall of individual atoms precision in an experiment by Estermann et al. Their arrange- ment was as shown schematically in Fig. 3-9(b). Atoms of cesium or potassium were evaporated out of an “oven” at about 450°K inside a vacuum system. Since the atoms emerge from the ‘oven in a variety of directions, the beam was collimated by two slits 4 and B on the same horizontal level, as shown. ‘The slits ‘were about 0.02 mm wide. The beam of atoms was detected by 4 horizontal hotowire detector D, also about 0.02 mm across.” ‘As Fig, 3-9(b) shows, any atom that reaches the detector must have a smal initial upward component velocity at A in order to negotiate the slit system. However, from a point midway be- * tween A and B where the beam is horizontal, the trajectory is Just like that shown in Fig. 3-9(a). ‘The detector is moved vertically across the beam and the ion current, produced by atoms that strike the wire, is recorded. In the absence of any gravitational deflection, the intensity dis- tribution across the beam should be trapezoidal as in Fig, 3-10(a) because the central region would be bordered by “penumbra” regions that are a consequence of the twoslit system. Some results are shown in Fig, 3-10(b). ‘The most obvious feature of these graphs is that they reveal 1 wide spread of speeds in the atoms of a beam. Some atoms are moving so fast that they are scarcely deflected at all; others are moving so slowly that their deflection is many times greater than the most probable deflection (which corresponds to the maximum of the intensity distribution). The complete curve must reflect a characteristic distribution of speeds of the atoms in the oven at a particular temperature. We shall not consider the detailed shape of the intensity pattern but will fix attention on the deflection of the peak. A. comparison of the graphs for cesium and potassium makes it ‘obvious that potassium atoms (atomic mass = 39) move on the 41, Estermann, O. C. Simpson, and O. Stern, Phys. Rew, TL, 238 (1947), Similar experiments were teported at about the same time on the freefall of thermal neutrons—see L. J. Rainwater and W. W. Havens. Phys. Reo, 70, 136 1946). 2A neutral C3 oF K atom, striking the hot wire, becomes ionized by losing fan electron, A nearby electrode at a negative potential with respect to the ‘wire will collect these positive ions and the resultant current flow can be ‘elected with a sensitive electrometer or galvanometer. fa thin straight wire {is use, it acts asa detector of with equal to its own diameter. Some atoms (Ge, the halogens) tend to capture electrons and form negative ions; the sign of the potential ofthe electrode can be adjusted accordingly 100 Accelerated motions ven ‘slit 4 101 Detector current erica ine varchar ial lewelor Yertcaline Graph showing detect aE, response for various positions aldng vertical axis slit 8 (a) Fig. 3-10 (@) Magnified detail of geometrical image formed by atoms mocing in straight lines through two slits, Th intensity Is proportional othe area ofthe source that can be “seen by the detector in any given position. (@) Actual dota onthe deflection of beams of cesium and ‘potassium atoms, [After I. Estermanr, 0. C. Simpson, ‘and 0. Stern, Pays. Rev., 71, 238 (1947).] average much faster than cesium atoms (atomic mass = 133) at comparable temperatures. This is an expression of the fact that the molecules of different gases at the same temperature have equal average kinetic energics—a result that we quote without further discussion at this point. As for the actual magnitude of the thermal velocities, let us look at the peak of the cesium curve. It is displaced relative to the center of a gravitation-free beam by about 0.11 mm, Now in the arrangement shown in Fig. Free fall of individual atoms 3-9(b), if AB = BC = L, then an analysis of the trajectory will show (see Problem 3-10) that atoms of speed o will be displaced downward by a distance y given approximately by Hence vu Substituting the values L = Im and y = for the approximate speed, » = 300 m/sec. ‘This very beautiful and delicate experiment was used as @ test of the theoretical velocity distribution of atoms at a given ‘temperature.’ We cite it here as a nice illustration that atoms, like baseballs or earth satellites, follow curved paths under the action of gravitational forces. Since the motion takes place in a ‘vacuum itis, in fact, a more justifiable application of the idealized laws of free fall than are the more usual problems of objects ‘moving through the air. You may wonder if it is possible to demonstrate the freefall of individual electrons in a similar way This is an immensely more difficult problem, because whereas ‘atoms, being electrically neutral, experience only the gravitational acceleration, electrons are exposed to stray electric forces that completely swamp all gravitational effects unless extraordinary precautions are taken. Nonetheless, some experiments have ‘been attempted on this problem, although the interpretation of ‘the results is a rather complicated affair. -1X 10m we get, OTHER FEATURES OF MOTION IN FREE FALL 102 In the idealized description of motion of a freely moving object near the earth’s surface, the horizontal component of velocity always remains constant and the vertical acceleration always has the same value, ¢ (downward). It may be intresting to point out that, under these assumptions, every trajectory associated with the same value of the constant horizontal velocity, vos, forms part of a single parabola—a kind of universal curve (32 Fig. 3-11) on which one can mark in the beginning and end points of any particular trajectory, as shown. There is nothing profound 1A similar experiment, using velocity-seleced atoms, has been reported by 1N. B. Johnson and J. C. Zorn, Am. J. Phys. 31, $54 (1968). Accelerated motions Fig. 3-11 “Univers arab” that em ‘osies all posible parabolic trajectories fora given downward ‘acceleration and a alven horizontal component of sefoety. ‘The heaily marked part of the curse between points C and D corresponds tothe ‘atomic beam trajece tory of Fig. 3-8). 103 about this, but it can be useful in helping one to see any in- dividual trajectory as part of a larger scheme. For example, it makes very clear the relation between the two atomie-beam paths shown in Fig, 3-9. ‘A closely related feature is the way in which the total velocity vector changes during the course of the motion. This is illus- trated in Fig. 3-12. Suppose that the initial velocity is repre- sented by the vector v;. Then the velocity v2, ata time Af later, is obtained by adding to v; a vertical (ownward) vector a Af as shown. Similarly, every vector representing the instantaneous velocity at a subsequent stage in the motion has its end point on f vertical line drawn from the end of v;. This result embodies the fact that the horizontal component of every such vector has the same value Yet another aspect of this same free-fall problem is illus trated by the venerable demonstration of the hunter and the Fig. 3-12 Array of successive velocity eciors fora motion In vohich the accel- ‘eration i constant and vertcally down. ward, asin freefall under gravity i the absence of alr re- sistance. (This type of diagram is known 5 a hodograph) Other features of motion in free fall 104 Fig. 3-13 Classic monkey-shooting demonsration. The bullet andthe monkey undergo equal gravitational dis- placements in equal times and are doomed 10 meet ifthe ‘monkey let gos Soon ashe sees the gun fired. monkey. The hunter aims directly at the monkey as it hangs from a limb (sce Fig. 3-13). This is really a mistake, because it ‘makes no allowance for the fact that the bullet follows a parabolic path as shown, But the monkey makes a compensating mistake. Seeing the gun aimed directly at him, he lets go of the limb as soon as he sees the flash of the gun. Thus the bullet and the monkey begin falling at the same instant (ignoring any delays due to the time of transit of the light flash and—Iess justifiably — the reaction time of the monkey). It then follows that, in what- cever time it takes for the bullet to travel the horizontal distance from the gun to the vertical line of the monkey's descent, both bullet and monkey receive the same contributions, }g1°, to their displacement as a result of the gravitational acceleration alone. ‘Thus the bullet's trajectory crosses the line of the monkey's fall at a point that is bound to be reached at the same time by the monkey—with dire consequences to himself. Note that this result is independent of both the speed of the bullet and the value of g; it requires only that the bullet would, in the absence of gravity, go straight to the monkey's original position. Quite remarkable, on the face of it, yet easily understood in terms Of the basic analysis of accelerated motion, Accelerated motions Fig. 3-14 (a) Small displacement (P,P) ina uniform irear motion. (b) Velocity vectors atthe beginning and end ofthe short element of path. (e) Vector diagram {or the evaluation of the change of velocity, UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION 105 Probably the most interesting direct application of the vector definitions of velocity and acceleration is to the problem of motion in a circular path at some constant speed. In this case, if the center of the circle is chosen as an origin, the vector r always has the same length and simply changes its direction at a ‘uniform rate. The instantaneous velocity is always at right angles, to r, and its magnitude o is constant. From this we can readily calculate the acceleration. For during a short time, Af, the distance traveled is v Ar, from P, to P; along a circular arc [Fig. 3-14(@)]. The angle A@ between the two corresponding, directions of ris therefore given by 4p = 2At Imagine that the bisector of this angle is drawn (Fig. 3-14(b)] and consider the changes in velocity parallel and perpendicular to this bisector. Initially the velocity has a component o sin(A @/2) away from O, and v cos(48/2) transversely. Subsequently it has ‘a component v sin(A9/2) toward O, and again v cos(Ad/2) trans versely in the same direction as before. Thus the change of velocity is of magnitude 2v sin(M9/2) toward O. Figure 3-14(@) shows how this same result comes from considering a vector Uniform circular motion diagram in which Av is defined as that vector which, added to v1), gives v(t + AD. ‘As A# is made vanishingly small, sin(S¢/2) becomes in- istinguishable from 4¢/2 itself (in radian measure). ‘Thus we ‘ean put lay] = 20 sin(ae/2) > ve But 49 = v At/r, so we have lav = 0% Ar/r Hence the magnitude of the acceleration is given by (Uniform circular motion) fal = — Gr) and its direction is radially inward, regardless of whether the circular path is being traced out clockwise or counterclockwise. This is called the centripetal acceleration (literally, ‘‘center- seeking”) associated with any circular motion. ‘The need for a ‘dynamical means of supplying this acceleration to an object is an essential feature of any motion that is not strictly straight, be- ‘cause any change in the direction of the path implies a component of Av perpendicular to v itself VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION IN POLAR COORDINATES 106 ‘The result of the last section, and other results of more general application, are very nicely developed with the help of polar coordinates in the plane. The use of this type of analysis is particularly appropriate if the origin represents a center of force ‘of some kind—e.g., the sun, acting on an orbiting planet. The starting point is to write the position yector r as the product of the scalar distance r and the unit vector e,: rere, G43) We now consider the change of r with time. This can arise from ‘a change of its length, or from a change of its direction, or from ‘Mathematically, this approximation is equivalent to (in@)/¢ — 1 for +0. We shall be using this approximation often. For a discussion of it ‘sce for example, G, B, Thomas Jt, Caleuus and Analytic Geometry, 3rd ed, ‘Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1960, p. 172. Accelerated motions Fig. 3-15. (a) Vector change of dsplace- mont, ar, daring a short time Bt in @ w= form cirealar motion, (©) Changes inthe ust vectors 6, and ey luring as, showing how de, ts parallel to ey and Aes fs paralel (Gut opposite) toe. 107 ‘a combination of both. For the present we shall limit ourselves toccircular motion, in which the length ofr remains constant. The ‘change of r in a short time Af is then as shown in Fig. 3-15(a), which is almost the same as Fig. 3-14(a). The direction of this change (Ar) is in the direction of the unit vector e drawn at right angles to e, as shown in Fig. 3-15(b). Its magnitude, as is clear from Fig. 3-15(a), is equal to r A#. Thus we can put ar = rAfer Dividing by 44, and letting Ar tend to zero, we then have the result (Circular motion) y= % = rey Gay ade If we designate do/dr by the single symbol , for angular velocity (measured in rad/sec), we have (Circular motion) y= are = ves G14) The derivation of the above result embodies the important fact thatthe unit vector e, i changing with time. Although its length is by definition constant, its direction changes in aecord with the direction ofr itself. In fact, we can obtain the explicit expression ofits rate of change as a special case of Eq. (3-14a), with p= 1 See) = Fer = oes 15) In an exactly similar way, as Fig. 3-15(b) shows, a change of implies a change of the other unit vector, e- Ifthe change of # is positive, as shown, it can be seen that the change of ei inthe ection of ~e,; iti piven by the equation Velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates PROBLEMS a wo Se) = — Fer = wer 150) ‘This possible time dependence of the unit vectors in a polar- coordinate system is a feature that has no counterpart in rectan- gular coordinates, where the unit vectors f, J, and k are defined to have the same directions for all values of the position vector F. Once we have Eqs. (3-144) and (3-140) we can proceed to calculate the acceleration by taking the next time derivative. If we limit ourselves to the case of uniform circular motion, both ‘rand « are constant, so we have (Uniform circular motion) iene 16) ‘Thus the result expressed by Eq. (3-12) falls out automatically, together with its correct direction. If we label this acceleration specifically as a radial acceleration of magnitude a,, we can put 1f, still restricting ourselves to motion in a circle, we remove the condition that the motion be uniform, then the acceleration vector a has a transverse component also. Starting from Eq. G-14b), we have (Arbitrary circular motion) cay, ‘The radial component of ais the same as we obtained for uniform circular motion (since dé/di = v/r = ), but it is now joined by a transverse component, as. Thus we have (Arbitrary circular J% ~~ p= “8? = OP et to" ded Oa ae ae (where w = d6/dt) 6-18) 341 At £=0 an object is released from rest at the top of a tall building. At the time 7» a second object is dropped from the same point, (@) Ignoring air resistance, show that the time at which the lerated motions objects have a vertical separation Ji given by a a z How do you interpret this result for ! < Agr (&) The above formula implies that there is an optimum value of fo 80 that the separation / reaches some specified value at the earliest possible value of ¢, Calculate this optimum value of ¢o, and interpret the result. 3-2 Below are some careful measurements taken on a stroboscopic photograph of a particle undergoing accelerated motion. The distance is measured from the starting point, but the zero of time is set at the first position that could be separately identified: Time Distance (em) (Gn strobe flashes) in photo ° 0.36 1 084 2 47 3 157 4 200 5 233 6 3.08 7 3m 8 439 Plot a straight-line graph, based on these date, to show that they are fitted by the equation s = 4a(r — 10), and find ro. 3-3. A child's toy car rolling across a sloping floor is known to have ‘a constant acceleration, Taking x — 0 at = 0, it is observed that the car is at x = 3mat¢ = 1sec, and at x = 4mat 1 = 2sec. (a) What are the acceleration and initial velocity of the car? (b) Plot the position of the car as a function of time up to t= 4see, (©) When is the ear at x = 2m? 3-4 The faculty resident of a dormitory sees an illegal water-filled balloon fall vertically past his window. Having lightning reflexes, he ‘observes that the balloon took 0.15 sec to pass from top to bottom of his window—a distance of 2m, Assuming that the balloon was re- leased from rest, how high above the bottom of his window was the suilty party? 3-5 The graph on the next page is an actual record of distance versus time in a straight-line motion. 109 Problems 110 (2) Find the values of the instantaneous velocity at ¢ = 25, 45, and 65 see. (©) Sketch a graph of » as function of ¢ for the whole trip. (© From (b) estimate very roughly the times at which the ac- celeration had its greatest positive and negative values. 3-6 In 1965 the world records for women's sprint races over different distances were as follows: Om 72sec 100yd 10.3 sec 100m —I1.2see (@) Make an accurate graph of distance in meters versus time in seconds. (b) The graph will show you that the data can be wel fitted by assuming that a sprinter has a certain acceleration a for a short time 7 and then continues with a constant speed o. Set up the equation for distance x in terms of a, 7, and (©) Find the numerical values of », a, and 7 that fit the de- scription given in (b). If this description is correct, what is the dis- ‘tance in meters traveled by the sprinters before they reach their steady velocity’? 3-7. Two cars are traveling, one behind the other, on a straight road. Each has a speed of 70/ft/sec (about SO mph) and the distance be- tween them is 90 ft, The driver of the rear car decides to overtake the car ahead and does so by accelerating at 6 ft/sec? up to 100 ft/sec (about 70 mph) after which he continues at this speed until he is 90 f¢ Accelerated motions iu ahead of the other car. How far does the overtaking car travel along the road between the beginning and end of this operation? Ifa third car were in sight, coming in the opposite direction at 88 ft/sec (60 mph), ‘what would be the minimum safe distance between the third car and the overtaking car at the beginning of the overtaking operation? (If ‘you are a driver, take note of how large this distance is.) 3-8 In Paradise Lost, Book I, John Milton describes the fall of Vulean from Heaven to earth in the following words: from Morn ‘To Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve, A Summer's day; and with the setting Sun Dropt from the Zenith like a falling Star (it was this nasty fall that gave Vulean his limp, as a result of his being thrown out of Heaven by Jove.) (8) Clearly air resistance can be ignored in this trip, which was ‘mostly through outer space. If we assume that the acceleration had the value g (9.8 m/sec?) throughout, how high would Heaven be according to Milton's data? What would have been Vulcan’s velocity ‘upon entering the top of the atmosphere? (©) (Much harder) One really should take account of the fact that the acceleration varies inversely as the square of the distance from the earth’s center. Obtain revised values for the altitude of Heaven and the atmospheric entry speed. 3-9. A particle moves in a vertical plane with constant acceleration. Below are values of its x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates at three successive instants of time: 130 xm ym 0 4gi4 4.054 2x 10-2 5.000 4,000 4x 10-* 5.098 3.958 Using the basie definitions of velocity and acceleration (e, = Ax/At, ete), calculate (@) The x and y components of the average velocity vector during the time intervals 0 to 2 X 10-# sec and 2 X 10-2 to 4 x 10? se. (b) The acceleration vector. 3-10 (a) The figure [similar to Fig. 3-9(b)] shows a parabolic atomic- ‘beam trajectory in vacuum, passing through two narrow slits, @ tance Z apart on the same horizontal level, and traveling an addi- tional horizontal distance L to the detector. Verify that the atoms arrive at the detector at a vertical distance y below the first slit, such Problems. that y = gL?/o?, where v is the speed of the atoms. (You can assume y

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