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The 2013 SONA Technical Report

Prepared by:
The Office of the President of the Philippines

A. Institutionalized and Sustained Good Governance Reforms

Promoted Public Accountability .................................................................. 1

Promoted Transparency .............................................................................. 6
Enhanced Citizens Participation in Governance ....................................... 11
Upheld National Peace, Security, and Integrity ......................................... 13
Received Growing Recognition for Good Governance and Economic
Reforms .................................................................................................... 23
6. Pursuing Growth through Legislation ........................................................ 26
B. Strengthened Macroeconomic Fundamentals
1. Improved Growth Trajectory and Increased Market Confidence ................ 27
2. Expanded Trade Opportunities and Increased Investments ........................ 31
A. Provided Direct and Immediate Assistance to the Poor

Increased Support to the Poor ................................................................... 38

Empowered the Poor towards Self-Reliance .............................................. 43
Expanded Access to Health Care ............................................................... 45
Provided Relief and Rehabilitation Assistance to Victims of Calamities ...... 53

B. Enhanced Capability for Employment

1. Invested in Education and Training for Competitiveness ............................ 56
2. Increased Opportunities for Employment and Economic Activity ............... 60
3. Ensured the Protection of Workers Rights and Welfare ............................. 77
C. Built Safer and Disaster-Resilient Communities
1. Mitigated Effects of Climate Change and Disasters .................................... 82
2. Managed Flood Risk in Metro Manila and Other Areas ............................. 85


1. Annual GOCC Dividends .................................................................................. 2
2. RIPS, RATS, and RATE Cases Filed during the Aquino Administration ................ 5
3. Human Rights Violations Allegedly Committed by AFP Personnel.................... 21
4. Number of TIP Convictions and Persons Convicted ......................................... 21
5. Annual GDP Growth Rates and Average Inflation ............................................ 28
6. Approved Foreign Investments ......................................................................... 34
7. Share of PEZA Investments per Administration and Average Monthly PEZA
Investments per Administration ...................................................................... 34
8. Social Services Budget ..................................................................................... 37
9. Palay Production (20102013) ......................................................................... 69
10. Rice Importation (20102013) ...................................................................... 70

1. National Crime Situation ................................................................................. 14
2. Witness Protection Program ............................................................................. 18
3. Growth of Construction Spending and the Construction Industry ..................... 28
4. Tax Revenues as a Percentage of GDP (Tax Effort) ........................................... 29
5. National Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio ....................................................... 30
6. Interest Payment Ratios .................................................................................... 30
7. Selected Banking Indicators ............................................................................. 30
8. Top Merchandise Exports................................................................................. 32
9. Share of Electronics to Total Exports 2010-May 2013....................................... 32
10. PH Coco Water and Coir Exports (20092012) .............................................. 33
11. IT-BPM Revenues and Employment ............................................................... 35
12. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Annual Targets and Accomplishments . 39
13. 2013 Compliance Rates for Sets 1 to 6 ........................................................... 39
14. Comparison between Pantawid and Non-Pantawid Households .................... 40
15. Improvement on Nutritional Status of Daycare Children ................................ 43
16. PhilHealth Annual Enrollment ....................................................................... 46
17. Expanded Z Benefit Package .......................................................................... 48
18. Summary of Availment of Case Type Z Benefit Package ................................. 49
19. HFEP Annual Accomplishments..................................................................... 51
20. List of Typhoons (20102012)........................................................................ 53
21. Summary of Calamity Fund and Quick Response Fund Releases .................... 54
22. Completed Housing Units in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City ........................ 55
23. Addressing the 2010 Backlog in Basic Education Inputs ................................. 57
24. Basic Education Inputs Targets (20142016) .................................................. 58
25. Selected Tourism Indicators ........................................................................... 64
26. Irrigation Services Development Program ...................................................... 66

27. Target Schedule for Rice Exports (2013) ......................................................... 71

28. LAD Accomplishments vs Targets .................................................................. 72
29. LAD Targets (20142016) .............................................................................. 73
30. Power Generation Mix .................................................................................. 77
31. Comparative Compensation Benefits for SSS and GSIS Members .................... 78
32. Projected Funding Requirements for the AFP ................................................. 79
33. Status of the AFP/PNP Housing Program ........................................................ 81
34. Completed Multi-Hazard Mapping of the 28 Most Disaster-Prone Areas ........ 83
35. Status of Multi-hazard and Geohazard Mapping ............................................ 83
36.Target Schedule of Relocation ........................................................................ 88

The Presidents Midterm Report

Responding to the Challenges of Inclusive Growth
We are at a critical point and the next three years will be crucial to our development
agenda. With the new mandate vested by the midterm elections to our leaders at the
national and local levels, we put in partners for our good governance reforms and
social intervention programs to be sustained, expanded, and accelerated.
When we assumed office in mid-2010, guided by the campaign battle cry kung
walang corrupt, walang mahirap, we committed to restore peoples trust in our public
institutions, provide them wider participation in governance, and ensure that the poor
and vulnerable benefit from the fruits of our development efforts.
Our people and the international community bear witness to the national
transformation that has occurred as we endeavored to deliver on our commitments the
past three years. Through our good governance reforms, we created a climate of
confidence and optimism that translated to economic dividends, allowing us to devote
more resources to our priority programs and projects.
Despite these, we are deeply aware that we have an unfinished agendainclusive
growth, where the poor fully share in the dividends of economic development,
remains a challenge. To achieve this, we shall continue our bias for the poor and
marginalized; further sharpen our focus on their needs, cushion the impacts of
economic, social, and environmental hazards on their lives, and provide them the
social protection that will allow them to break free from the cycle of poverty.
These we shall strive to achieve, as we endeavor to preserve present and future gains
towards our overarching goal, making them irreversible, with our people, the
Presidents bosses, playing a critical role.

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance


The increasingly solid performance of the economy in the past three years is largely
attributed to the good governance reforms that have transformed the nation and the
way it is perceived by the international community. The challenge is to consolidate
the gains of good governance to ensure that these not only translate to good
economics but are used to improve the quality of life of all Filipinos, especially the
poor and the vulnerable.

A. Institutionalized and Sustained Good Governance Reforms

The government endeavors to make the pillars of good governance
accountability, transparency, and citizen participation in decision-making
processesthe norm in government operations to achieve and sustain desired

1. Promoted Public Accountability

To sustain public trust in the government and its institutions, the Aquino
Administration holds public officials to the highest standards of integrity and
accountability in the use of public funds. In pursuit of this, the government
ensured that accountability is embedded in government processes and
mechanisms, and relentlessly pursued those who betrayed public trust for
personal gain.
a. Reformed Budget Processes for Greater Accountability

The General Appropriations Acts (GAA) for FYs 2011, 2012, and
2013 were enacted before the end of the year, which gave
government agencies time to properly implement projects within the
timeline set, avoiding costly delays, particularly in the case of
infrastructure projects.

The government continued the periodic review and evaluation, in

terms of relevance and status of implementation, of major
government programs through the Zero-Based Budgeting approach to
avoid wastage and ensure prudent use of public funds.

For 2013, using the Program Budgeting Approach, P158.9 billion in

uncommitted resources were focused on the implementation of
critical multi-agency convergence programs such as the Tourism
Development Program, Transport Infrastructure Program, Agriculture
Development Program, Conditional Cash Transfer Program,

2013 SONA Technical Report | 1

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Universal Health Care Program, Education Program, and Climate

Change Adaptation Program.

In the preparation of the P2.268 trillion 2014 budget, all departments

and agencies were directed, using the Budget Priorities Framework
(BPF), to design their respective budget proposals in line with the
Social Contract and the updated midterm Philippine Development
Plan. The BPF identifies where the poorest people are and the areas
with the greatest potential for development. Departments were
directed not only to prioritize their resources for these programs and
areas but also to tighten their collaboration for greater impact.

To emphasize its results and performance focus, the government,

starting in 2012, made the release of the Performance Based Bonus
contingent on the verified achievement by national government
agencies (NGAs), state universities, and government corporations of
their performance targets, which include basic good governance

b. Accountability in Government Owned or Controlled Corporations


The remittances of GOCCs to the national government under this

Administration posted significant increases compared to the previous
administration. This indicates their more responsible management,
helped by the creation of the Governance Commission for GOCCs
(GCG) pursuant to RA 10149 (GOCC Governance Act of 2011). The
law mandated the GCG to ensure that government corporations are
managed responsibly and transparently.
Figure 1: Annual GOCC Dividends (in P billion)


7.497 5.324




5.061 5.658
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Source: BTr

2013 SONA Technical Report | 2

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

In June 2013, the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) remitted P1

billion, its highest remittance since its creation in 1977.1

Two GOCCs, which used to post losses, are now able to post
earnings and contribute to government coffers:
From P34 million losses in 2010, the Metropolitan Waterworks
and Sewerage System (MWSS) reported a net income of P333
million in 2011 and P1.98 billion in 2012. From P150 million in
2012, the MWSS has remitted around P345 million in 2013.2
The Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) rebounded from
P950 million in losses in 2011 to a net income of P870 million in
2012. It remitted P365.06 million to the national government in

While GOCCs remit dividends to the national government per the

Dividends Law of 1994,4 the government also provides subsidies to
GOCCs to finance specific projects that have great social benefits,
such as health insurance (PhilHealth), food (NFA), and housing

From 2010 to 2013, PRAs total dividend amounts to P2.443 billion, which is higher than the P676.82 million
total dividends remitted from 1996 to 2009.
The amount represents the remittances turned over during the GOCC Dividends Day on 03 June 2013
composed of dividends from 2012 and other statutory remittances.
The amount represents the remittances turned over during the GOCC Dividends Day on 03 June 2013
composed of dividends from 2012 and other statutory remittances.
The Dividends Law of 1994 (RA 7656, Sec. 3) requires GOCCs to remit as dividends at least 50 percent of
their annual net earnings as cash, stock or property dividends to the national government. Exempted from
this are GOCCs mandated by law to administer real or personal properties or funds held in trust for the use
and benefit of its members.

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Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

MRT and LRT Subsidy

MRT and LRT operations receive significant government subsidy,
which may be re-channeled to finance high impact services to
benefit an even greater number of Filipinos.
LRT 1 and 2
Average Daily Numbers (in '000)
Passengers (number)
Expenditures (in P)
Gross Rail Revenue (in P)
Per Passenger (in P)
Gov't Subsidy/Passenger
2012 Operating Expenses, Revenues, and Subsidies/Advances
(in P billion)
Subsidies (MRT)/Advances (LRT)
Total Subsidies/Advances
Source: DOTC

c. Relentless Campaign against Corruption

Aside from the plunder charges filed against a former president and
former officials of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO)
for the alleged misuse of the P366-million PCSO Intelligence Fund,
cases were also filed in the Sandiganbayan against the following:
A former TESDA official charged with six counts of violation of
the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (RA 3019) in relation to
irregularities in the utilization of funds for various projects5;
Former high-ranking officials of the Philippine Amusement and
Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) charged for misappropriation of
P186 million allegedly contributed to a party-list and of P26.7
million for the production of a movie, and for the use of rice
donations to typhoon victims in electioneering activities; and
A number of PNP officials charged for irregularities in fund
disbursements, such as the purchase of 75 defective police rubber
boats in 2008 (P131.6 million); disbursement of the PNP

These include: Ladderized Education Program of the TESDA (LEPTES) and the Nordic Development FundTESDA; and the disbursement to the Tagipusuon Cooperative and Tagipusuon Foundation, Inc. for
implementation of the Expanded Education for All Program.

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Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

intelligence fund for their travel expenses to Russia in 2008

(P6.93 million); and the purchase of second-hand helicopters in
2009 and 2010 (P104.99 million).6

Government has also been increasingly more aggressive in filing

cases against tax evaders, smugglers, and erring employees in the last
three years under the Run After Tax Evaders (RATE), Run After the
Smugglers (RATS), and Revenue Integrity Protection Service (RIPS)
programs, as shown below:
Figure 2: RATE, RATS, and RIPS Cases Filed during the Aquino

Cases Filed










2010 (Jul-Dec)





2013 (Jan-July)

Source: DOF

The BIR is widening the tax base for self-employed individual

taxpayers (SEIT) to 1.8 million through information sharing with the
LGUs, DTI, and PRC; to increasing expected average tax collected
from each SEIT to P200,000; and setting benchmarks per profession
and per industry. The BIR noted that SEIT tax payments and
participation in the tax effort are both low. From 2010 to 2012, a
large number of SEITs, including doctors, lawyers, accountants, and
media professionals, paid under P60,000 in income tax.

To further strengthen and intensify the governments fight against

graft and corruption, the Office of the President (OP) entered into a
memorandum of agreement with the Office of the Ombudsman
(OMB) to establish an implementation and review mechanism on the
commitments of the government under the United Nations
Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). The agreement
institutionalized an Integrity Management Program, which

On 06 June 2012, criminal cases were filed against the respondents before the Sandiganbayan, pending
trial as of 27 May 2013.

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Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

harmonized the corruption prevention programs of the OP and the


2. Promoted Transparency
Recognizing the value of information in people empowerment, as well as
the deterrent effect of transparency on corruption, the government instituted
reforms that allowed more transparency in government operations and in
the use of public funds.
a. Transparency Seal
In compliance with the Transparency Seal requirement of the 2012 and
2013 GAAs,7 the websites of all 22 line departments, as well as all 358
executive offices, now feature information about their respective
budgets, bids, public offerings, and project implementation status for
public access and scrutiny.
b. Online Access to Government Information
Additional online facilities were also established to complement the
governments transparency thrust.

The Budget ng Bayan website was launched to provide citizens with

an interactive platform about the National Budget and its utilization.

Through the electronic Transparency and Accountability Initiative for

Lump-Sum Funds (eTAILS) Project, the DBM website provides
information on lump-sum fund releases processed, including the
priority development assistance fund and internal revenue allotment

c. Transparency in Local Governments

The government also adopted the Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) for
local government units (LGUs), requiring them to post, in
conspicuous places, print media, and websites, information about
their local finances, bids, and public offerings, for public access and

The 2011 GAA requirement was mandatory disclosure of budget information, and was monitored by the
GGAC cluster. This was changed to the maintenance of a Transparency Seal on their official websites in
2012 and 2013 GAAs (RA 10155, Section 93; National Budget Circular No. 542 s. 2012 - Reiterating
Compliance with Section 93, the Transparency Seal Provision, of the General Appropriations Act of 2012" )
The 35 executive offices mentioned do not include NSC since it has no website.

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Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Compliance with the FDP continued to increase since its

implementation: from 1,3719 LGUs in 2010 to 1,55310 LGUs in
2012 (98 percent of the total 1,59111).
From 25,186 barangays in 2011, 34,135 barangays (86 percent of
the total 39,538 nationwide12) disclosed their budgets, statements
of income and expenditures, financial transactions, and annual
procurement plan in 2012.

Aside from complying with the FDP, LGUs that also exercise sound
fiscal management, and planning and performance monitoring are
conferred the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH). For 2010, 30 LGUs
were conferred the SGH; for 2011 and 2012, the recipients were
1,327 and 1,365, respectively.

SGH passers qualify for assistance from the Performance Challenge

Fund (PCF), an incentive fund 13 for local development projects. 14
From 2010 to 2012, 990 SGH-qualified LGUs received a total of
P1.51 billion to help fund 1,309 projects 15 for local economic
development, poverty reduction, and climate change adaptation and
mitigation. Some 507 of the 1,309 projects have been completed,
while 616 are ongoing. The rest are being reviewed for compliance
with administrative requirements.

d. Reforms in Public Works

Reforms in public works promoting right projects, right cost, right
quality, right people, and right-on-time project implementation have
resulted in savings and sped up project completion.

To have genuine competitive bidding, the DPWH implemented

reforms in its procurement processes to promote transparency and
competition, and reduce opportunities for collusion.
In the past, bidders were required to submit as many as 20
documents, which provided too much discretion on the part of



65 provinces, 126 cities, and 1,180 municipalities excluding ARMM

73 provinces, 137 cities, 1,343 municipalities excluding ARMM
Excluding ARMM. Monitoring of ARMM LGUs compliance to the FDP is undertaken separately.
Total number of barangays as of 31 December 2013 and excludes those in ARMM.
Provinces can receive P7 million; cities, P3 million; and municipalities, P1 million subsidy from the PCF.
Projects that can be funded are those aligned with any of the following priorities: the Millennium
Development Goals, local economic development, disaster risk reduction and management and climate
change adaptation, and ecological solid waste management.
LGUs that did not receive the PCF have either failed to submit project proposals or passed the SGH in the
third round of assessment, during which time the PCF allocation has been depleted.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 7

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

the DPWH evaluating authorities. The DPWH streamlined

processes and reduced the number of required documents to only
five starting in the fourth quarter of 2010.
Starting December 2012, the DPWH removed the submission of a
Letter of Intent as a requirement for purchasing bid documents.
This does not only reduce opportunities for collusion among
interested bidders but also encourages the participation of more
The DPWH is also piloting an electronic bidding (e-bidding)
system in its Central Office to replace the current manual
submission and opening of bids. This will reduce face-to-face
interaction between its personnel and prospective bidders, further
reducing opportunities for collusion. Full implementation of the
system in all its offices is targeted for 2016.
In addition, prospective bidders may now download bid
documents through the DPWH website and pay at any of its
offices nationwide, instead of going to the DPWH office that will
procure and/or implement the project.

These reforms, together with strict adherence to the competitive

bidding guidelines, have enabled the DPWH to save P18.4 billion
from July 2010 to June 2013. These savings are being used by the
government for additional projects, which include roads, bridges,
and flood control and disaster-related rehabilitation projects.16
A notable example of a project that generated significant savings is
the Tagumbao Bridge and Approaches being constructed across
Tarlac River in Gerona, Tarlac. The Projects total approved budget
for the contract (ABC) is P334.31 million, but the winning bid
amounted to only P226.27 million, or 32.3 percent lower than the
ABC. The bridge is targeted for completion in June 2014. DPWH
proposes to use the P108 million savings realized for Phase II of the
Project, which includes the construction of a dike system within the
bridge area.


The DPWH also implemented financial management reforms to

ensure that contractors are paid on time. These include using a
document tracking system to monitor payments to contractors,

A total of P502.28 million out of the DPWH savings was utilized for disaster-related rehabilitation projects
due to Typhoon Sendong. These include clearing/improvement of roads, construction of access roads and
bridges, or construction of drainage system for relocation sites such as the Xavier Ecoville and Indahag
Relocation Site in Cagayan de Oro City, and Kapuso Village Housing Project in Iligan City, Lanao del Sur.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 8

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

and conducting dialogues with Philippine contractors to get their

feedback and recommendation. From the previous average
processing time of 7.5 days, the DPWH has reduced processing time
of payments to less than 6 days upon submission of required
documents by the contractors.

Improved DPWH operations and closer monitoring of projects have

resulted in the completion of several projects ahead of schedule. Out
of the total 41,959 infrastructure projects from 2010 to 2013, 36,826
projects (88 percent) have been completed as of 30 June 2013. Of
these, 9,292 projects (25 percent) were completed ahead of
Projects completed ahead of schedule include the C-3 Road/Quezon
Avenue Interchange 18 and Plaridel Bypass Road-Contract Package
II,19 which were both completed three months before their respective
target completion dates.

The governments commitment to deliver vital infrastructure has

enabled the completion of long-delayed projects.
The Aluling Bridge (P191.37 million) is a 180 lm bridge across
Abra River that connects the towns of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur and
Tadian, Mountain Province. The Project was conceptualized in
1978, but the work accomplished was damaged in 1990 due to
flooding. In 1999, the DPWH restarted the Project, which was
completed only in March 2013. 20 With the completion of the
bridge, residents will no longer have to brave crossing the Abra
River, which is dangerous especially during the rainy season.
Average travel time between Cervantes, Ilocos Sur and Tadian,
Mountain Province was reduced from an hour to 30 minutes,
benefiting around 1,247 motorists per day.21
The Candelaria Bypass Road Project (P557.50 million) is a 7.29
km concrete road with three bridges (176 lm) and a box culvert
(60 lm) in Candelaria, Quezon. The Project was conceptualized
in 1998 but construction started only in August 2008, and was





These projects include those that were started during the previous administration.
The appropriation for the Project is P694.2 million, while the total amount as bid is P430 million. It was
completed in September 2012, ahead of its December 2012 target.
Total project cost is P593.61 million, P113 million lower than the approved budget of P706.54 million. It was
completed in November 2012, three months ahead of its February 2013 target.
Construction was delayed and took about 14 years to complete due to unpredictable weather conditions; a
vehicular accident in 2004 involving the workers; and typhoons and flooding, which washed away concrete
girders and craneway, among others.
This refers to annual average daily traffic along the Cervantes-Bontoc Road as of 10 February 2013.

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Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

completed in June 2012. It decongested traffic along the Daang

Maharlika Highway by 40 percent as about 11,645 motorists per
day are diverted to the bypass road.22
The Laguindingan Airport Development Project (P7.85 billion) is
an international-standard domestic airport in Misamis Oriental. It
is expected to benefit at least 1.6 million passengers per year and
help boost tourism in Northern Mindanao. The feasibility study
and master plan for the Laguindingan Airport were submitted to
former President Corazon Aquino in 1991 but actual construction
started only in 2008. The airport started Visual Flight Rules-only23
operations in June 2013 and is expected to have operational
Instrument Landing Systems24 by May 2014.
The Ternate-Nasugbu Road (P860 million) Project is a 6.045 km25
tourism road, which includes a two-lane tunnel and four bridges
that connect the coastal towns of Ternate, Cavite and Nasugbu,
Batangas to Metro Manila. It is expected to promote tourism by
improving access to existing major beach resorts in these areas. It
was conceptualized in 1994 but construction started only in
January 2009. The DPWH fast-tracked the construction of the
Project and opened the road to the public on 01 July 2013 instead
of the original target completion date of September 2013.26 The
Project reduced average travel time between Manila and
Nasugbu, Batangas via Tagaytay City from 4 hours and 30
minutes to 3 hours.27







The DPWH increased the standard thickness of concrete pavement

from 230 mm to 280 or 300 mm, for the same cost, for all roads
constructed starting 2011. This will extend the service life of roads,
reduce maintenance cost, and make the quality of the countrys
national roads at par with international standards.

Average daily traffic along the Daang Maharlika Highway was reduced from 29,113 motorists per day to
17,468 motorists per day following the construction of the bypass road.
Visual Flight Rules airports may handle commercial operations even without navigation aid installed. Airport
traffic guided by the ground crew and flight service station personnel.
A system of radio navigation intended to assist aircraft in landing by providing lateral and vertical guidance,
which may include indications of distance from the optimum point of landing.
The Project also involves the concreting of the existing two-lane, 1.432 km gravel road; construction of four
bridges (82.6 lm); construction of the 2-lane Kaybiang Tunnel (303 lm); construction of a new two-lane
asphalt road (4.310 km); and provision of drainages and slope protection works.
While the road is already passable, the DPWH is still undertaking slope protection works in a portion of the
road in Barangay Sapang, Ternate and targets to complete these in September 2013.
Around 684 motorists/vehicles per day (projections for 2013) will benefit from the road project. However, the
volume of traffic is expected to increase as more motorists will be encouraged to use the road due to the
significant time savings from the shorter travel time.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 10

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

e. Streamlining Business Processes

The Philippine Business Registry (PBR), a single-window online

transaction processing system, expands connectivity of national
government agencies with LGUs in facilitating faster business
transactions. Since its implementation in 2012, the business
registration processes of DTI, BIR, SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG
have been reduced from 4 to 5 days to 30 minutes. The PBR has
been rolled out in all DTI offices nationwide and has been used in
Quezon City and Valenzuela City since 2012.

To address the high cost of doing business at the local level, 926 out
of the 1,634 cities and municipalities nationwide have streamlined
their business permits and licensing systems, resulting in reduced
processing time and less opportunities for corruption.
The positive results of these measures are reflected in the February
2012 National Competitiveness Council Survey among businessmen,
showing that 93 percent of the respondents experienced a
streamlined business process without using grease money to speed
up their business applications.

Through the enhanced business name registration system (eBNRS),

the required electronic forms to be filled out were reduced from 9
pages to 1; and approval of application from 4 to 8 hours to less than
15 minutes. This contributed to more business names being
registered, from 278,802 in 2010 to 329,390 in 2012.

Other development plans for local governments to be implemented

by the DILG include the institutionalization of the Seal of Business
Competitiveness 28 and the streamlining of the issuance of
building/construction and occupancy permits in the towns and cities
in the nine tourism clusters. 29

3. Enhanced Citizens Participation in Governance

The Administration widened opportunities for public engagement with
government to increase their involvement, and stake, in the success of
government undertakings.


The Seal is conferred upon an LGU that demonstrates able and sustained leadership in ensuring strong
foundation for local economic transformation. For an LGU to be conferred with the Seal, it has to pass the
Business Competitiveness Ranking Audit which is used as the assessment tool to determine an LGUs
ability to optimize its resource endowment and to build on a policy of local government-private sector
partnership towards economic transformation.
Central Visayas; Metro Manila and CALABARZON; Central Luzon; Palawan; Western Visayas; Davao
Gulf and Coast; Northern Mindanao; Bicol; and Laoag-Vigan

2013 SONA Technical Report | 11

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

a. Bottom-Up Budgeting
To pursue the Administrations poverty alleviation agenda, the
government mandated targeted LGUs in the poorest municipalities and
cities to craft local poverty reduction action plans (LPRAPs) and identify
the basic needs and services that they need for inclusion in the budgets
of participating national agencies. As a result, the basic needs of 595
cities and municipalities for potable water, electrification, farm-to-market
roads (FMRs), and agricultural support services, among others, were
integrated in the budgets of nine NGAs30 and two GOCCs31 in the 2013
GAA. For 2014, LPRAPs of 1,226 cities and municipalities were
integrated in the budgets of 12 NGAs32 and a GOCC33.
b. Participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Budget Partnership Agreements (BPAs) between national agencies34 and
CSOs strengthened institutions through stakeholder consultation. For the
2012 and 2013 budgets, five line departments35 and a GOCC,36 and ten
line departments 37 and four GOCCs, 38 respectively, prepared their
budgets39 with the aid of CSOs.40
Examples include DSWDs Bantay, 41 Gabay 42 , Kaagapay, 43 Tulay 44
programs, where CSOs serve as the "third eye" of the DSWD, helping in
the delivery of basic social services to the poor, implementing
development government projects, and instituting transparency and
accountability mechanisms to fight corruption.
As of 01 July 2013, 421 CSOs have partnered with DSWD through a
Memorandum of Agreement.






The following agencies were involved in the BUB as they are the most engaged in the delivery of services at
the municipal level: DA, DAR, DENR, DepEd, DILG, DOE, DOH, DOLE, and DSWD.
PhilHealth and NEA
Said agencies were selected because they were provided with big appropriations in the national budget for
economic and social services under the Key Result Areas of the Aquino Administration.
DA, DAR, DSWD, DPWH, and DepEd
DBM National Budget Memorandum No. 536, Guidelines on Partnership with Civil Society Organizations
and other Stakeholders in the Preparation of Agency Budget Proposals, 31 January 2012.
Agencies for the implementation of participatory budgeting were selected on a pilot basis, per NBC 536, s.
2012 and National Budget Memorandum 109, s. 2011.
Mechanism to fight corruption
Mechanism for extending technical assistance
Anti-poverty programs and projects
Facilitation action, feedback, and monitoring

2013 SONA Technical Report | 12

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

c. Pera ng Bayan
Through the Pera ng Bayan website (www.perangbayan.com), citizens
have become the governments partners in monitoring tax evaders,
smugglers, and erring BIR and BOC employees. Since the website was
launched in 2010, the Pera ng Bayan has received 2,587 citizen reports,
1,596 of which have been forwarded to the concerned agencies, and 52
have been resolved.45

4. Upheld National Peace, Security, and Integrity

Recognizing that the gains in good governance reforms cannot be sustained
without peace and security, the Aquino Administration took a decisive step
towards achieving lasting peace in Mindanao and in all parts of the country.
At the same time, the government adhered to the tuwid na daan principle in
the international arena by standing firm on its rights to its territories and
maritime entitlements under international law, believing that doing so
would also help protect those of its neighbors. It consistently championed
diplomacy and strict adherence to international law, even as it worked to
achieve a minimum credible defense posture for the country.
a. Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB)

The government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) signed
the historic FAB on 15 October 2012. The FAB, with its four annexes,
outlines the general features of the political settlement between the
government and the MILF.
The Panels signed the Annex on Transitional Arrangements and
Modalities 46 on 27 February 2013 and the Annex on Revenue
Generation and Wealth-Sharing on 13 July 2013.
Two other annexes are still being finalized: a) Power-Sharing
between the Central Government and the Bangsamoro
Government; and the b) Normalization Process, which includes
the demobilization, disarmament, and reintegration (DDR)


Aside from the two Annexes, the Parties produced important

documents and reached agreements relative to the implementation of
the FAB:

Resolved refers to reports that do not involve legal matters and that have been addressed.
Lays down the modalities by which prospective Bangsamoro political entity will be established.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 13

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Third Party Monitoring

Team (TPMT) was signed on 25 January 2013. The TPMT held its
first organizational meeting during the 38th Formal Exploratory in
July 2013; and
TOR for the Independent Commission on Policing was signed on
27 February 2013.

On 25 February 2013, the President appointed the 15 members of

the Transition Commission (TransCom), which shall craft the
Bangsamoro Basic Law. 47

Parallel to the government and MILF efforts on the FAB, the

government launched the Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program on 11
February 2013, signaling the concrete and immediate delivery of
peace dividends from the FAB through the implementation of quickgestation, high-impact socio-economic projects exclusively for MILF
communities, which focus on health, education, and livelihood.

b. Ensured Safer Communities

The government ensures that it is able to respond to the needs of the
communities it protects by intensifying its anti-criminality efforts and
continually strengthening the police force.

The total number of crimes reported throughout the country has

continually decreased from 2010 to 2012. Likewise, the PNPs
performance in solving crimes has continually improved.
Table 1: National Crime Situation

Total Crime Volume

Crime Solution Efficiency Rate (%)
Source: PNP






GPH: Akmad A. Sakkam, Johaira C. Wahab, Talib A. Benito, Asani S. Tammang, Pedrito A. Eisma, Froilyn
T. Mendoza, and Fatmawati T. Salapuddin; MILF: Robert M. Alonto, Abdulla U. Camlian, Ibrahim D. Ali,
Raissa H. Jajurie, Melanio U. Ulama, Hussein P. Munoz, Said M. Shiek, and Mohagher Iqbal, who will serve
as Chairperson.
Figures include all crimes recorded by the police precincts and exclude crimes reported to National Support
Units (NSUs) to avoid duplication, since crimes are likely reported to police precincts first before being
elevated to NSUs. The exclusion of NSUs in the computation of the Total Crime Volume and Crime Solution
Efficiency (CSE) Rate started only around end-2012. However, 2010 and 2011 figures have also been
adjusted for comparison purposes.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 14

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Among the PNPs flagship anti-crime initiatives is the Pulis Nyo Po sa

Barangay (PSB) Program under which 33,720 PSBs were deployed to
serve as focal persons, as well as to conduct community engagement
activities in all 42,028 barangays nationwide.
Likewise, the PNP implemented the National Tourist-Oriented Police
for Community Order and Protection Program under which 1,878
tourist policemen were deployed to 1,018 Tourist Assistance Desks
established nationwide.

To enhance the capability of the police force, the government

procured additional 74,879 (59,904 plus 14,97550) units of Glock 17
9mm pistol to fill the shortage of almost 50 percent to achieve a 1:1
police-to-pistol ratio by end-2013.

In previous years, the PNP conducted price canvass and

determination from local firearm dealers and suppliers. Previously
canvassed prices for long firearms are as follows:
In 2005, the DBM procured Gas-Operated Cal. 5.56 rifles with an
ABC of P3.95 million, and with a recommended price of P95,000
per unit. The PNP received 40 units of said rifles at an awarded
price of P93,000 per unit in 2012.
In 2009, the PNP processed the procurement of 297 units of Gas
Piston Type rifles,51 with a recommended unit price of P118,888.
However, the procurement failed in the post-qualification stage.
Currently, the PNP is processing the procurement of 23,325 units of
long firearms (Gas-Operated Cal. 5.56, M-4 platform), at P65,000
each, to equip 90 percent of police personnel performing field patrol
with long firearms. The lower recommended unit price was reached
through the introduction of Internet canvassing, which allows
comparison of prices offered by international and local suppliers.




CSE Rate is the percentage of solved cases out of the total number of crime incidents handled by law
enforcement agencies for a given period of time. A case shall be considered solved when the following
elements concur: (1) the offender has been identified; (2) there is sufficient evidence to charge him; (3) the
offender has been taken into custody; and (4) the offender has been charged before the prosecutors office
or court of appropriate jurisdiction. A case shall also be considered solved when some elements beyond
police control prevent the arrest of the offender, such as: (a) when the victim refuses to prosecute after the
offender is identified; or (b) the offender dies or absconds.
The 14,975 represents the number of pistols purchased through repeat order from out of the more than
P200 million savings, after the public bidding of 59,904 pistols.
Gas Piston is a recent type of Cal. 5.56.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 15

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The PNPs actual personnel strength increased by 12,862 from

134,328 in 2010 to 147,190 in 2012. As of April 2013, the PNP has
146,085 52 police personnel, of which only 63 percent performs
actual field duty, while an estimated 54,000 (37 percent) do
administrative work.
To increase the number of police personnel doing actual field duty,
the government will hire 30,000 non-uniformed personnel (NUPs),
starting this year, to replace the police personnel doing administrative

Recognizing that crimes and terrorist acts are perpetrated not only by
local lawless elements but also by transnational entities, the
government enacted the following: a) the Ex Parte Application of
Court Order (RA 10167), which granted authority for the Anti-Money
Laundering Council to undertake ex parte 53 inquiry into suspicious
financial transactions after securing court approval without the need
to inform the suspects; b) the amendment to the Anti-Money
Laundering Act, expanding the list of covered institutions and
transactions (RA 10365); and c) the Terrorist Financing Prevention
and Suppression Act of 2010 (RA 10168) defining the crime of
terrorism financing.

c. Probed Potential Abuses of Authority

Murder charges have been filed against 14 PNP personnel and 11

AFP personnel involved in the 06 January 2013 alleged rub-out
incident that left 13 fatalities in Atimonan, Quezon. A panel was
formed to conduct the preliminary investigation, and Obstruction of
Justice charges were filed against eight members of the PNP and a
member of the AFP.

The DILG-PNP initiated an investigation on the killing of two alleged

members of the Ozamiz Robbery Hold-up Group, in an alleged
encounter that transpired between policemen and motorcycle-riding
men, who supposedly attacked the police convoy while transporting
the suspects. The PNP Regional Director of Region IV-A and the
police escorts were immediately relieved from their posts after the
The DOJ also directed the NBI to conduct a probe on the incident.



The attrition in police personnel strength (1,105) from year-end 2012 to date can be attributed to retirements
and separation from service of personnel for various reasons (e.g., dismissal, resignation, death).
With respect to or in the interests of one side only or of an interested outside party.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 16

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The DOJ has filed administrative cases against four Bureau of

Immigration (BI) employees and a DOTC employee, relative to the
undocumented departure of a Korean national. A prosecutor has
been assigned to conduct preliminary investigation in related
criminal cases.

d. Safeguarded the 2013 Elections

Pursuant to PNPs campaign for Secure and Fair Elections (SAFE)

2013, it implemented various measures against threat groups
including Private Armed Groups (PAGs) and organized crime groups,
which resulted in the following:
Sixty-three percent reduction of PAGS from 112 during the
election period in 2010 to 41 in 2013;
Apprehension of 172 PAG members from 01 October 2012 (filing
of candidacy) to 17 June 2013, and recovery of 336 firearms for
the same period; 54 and
Reduction of election-related violent incidents recorded from the
start of the filing of candidacy until the end of the election period:
229 incidents with 121 persons killed in 2007; 189 incidents with
116 persons killed in 2010; 77 incidents with 39 persons55 killed
in 2013.

In 2013, the ARMM successfully held the national and local

elections, with only one precinct in Maguing, Lanao del Sur56 having
a failure of elections, which is a marked improvement over the
failures of elections in the following localities:
Six municipalities in Lanao del Sur57 and a barangay in Sumisip,
Basilan in 2010; and
Thirteen municipalities in Lanao del Sur,58 four municipalities in
Maguindanao,59 and some barangays in Sumisip and Al Barka,
Basilan in 2007.





As of 19 June 2013, the PNP is still monitoring 45 PAGs with estimated strength of around 700 members
and 2,380 firearms.
As 17 July 2013, out of the 77 reported incidents, only 45 have been validated as election-related. The PNP
is still validating the others.
The Board of Election Inspectors did not proceed to the polling center due to shots discharged from firearms
of unidentified amed men. As such, no election took place.
Kapai, Lumba-Bayabao, Tugaya, Marogong, Bayang, and Butig.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 17

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The PNP has also been implementing since 2012 OPLAN Katok,
which involves the conduct of house visits to identified holders of
expired firearm licenses. As of 30 June 2013, the PNP has conducted
house visits involving 491,929 unrenewed firearm licenses (92.3
percent of the targeted 532,981 unrenewed firearm licenses),
facilitated the processing for renewal of 99,399 firearm licenses, and
confiscated 6,657 firearms.

e. Reformed Justice Sector

To provide the poor with enhanced access to justice, the DOJ

terminated the imposition of fees in the filing of criminal complaints
with the National Prosecution Service (NPS).
The Public Attorneys Office (PAO) has increased its capacity to serve
more clients with the assignment of one public attorney in two
organized court salas.60 Clients served and services rendered by the
PAO increased significantly from 4.80 million in 2010 to 6.74
million in 2012. As of March 2013, the PAO has served more than
1.22 million clients.

The increasing budget for the Witness Protection Program in the past
years has allowed it to admit more witnesses and increase their
benefits. This has helped improve the conviction rate, validating the
effectiveness of the Program, considering that the non-appearance of
witnesses often results in the dismissal of most criminal cases filed in
Table 2: Witness Protection Program
Budget (in P million)
Witnesses covered
Conviction rate (in %)
Source: DOJ







The Administration is also working with the Supreme Court (SC)

through the Justice Sector Coordinating Council, which was
convened by the Chief Justice to enhance the interaction among the

Pualas, Bayang, Masiu, Kapai, Lumba-bayabao, Ganassi, Marantao, Butig, Tugaya, Sultan Dumalundong,
Lumbaca-Unayan, Ganassi and Marogong.
Barira, Buldon, Kabuntalan, and Pagalungan.
Pursuant to RA 9406, reorganizing and strengthening the PAO, the ideal number of public attorneys
nationwide is one for every organized court sala.
At the end of the previous administration, 447 witnesses were covered by the Witness Protection Program.
As of 19 July 2013

2013 SONA Technical Report | 18

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

pillars of justice. This Council, which includes the Secretaries of DOJ

and DILG, and with them, the prosecution service, the PAO, and the
PNP, seeks to implement a stricter system to ensure full attendance
by witnesses, especially government witnesses, including the police,
and ensure no undue delays by any of the pillars of justice.

Complementary to the Administrations efforts at enhancing access to

justice, the SC, since August 2012,63 continued the implementation of
and initiated new programs in the judiciary:
Continued the Expanded Justice on Wheels (EJOW) Program,
which sends mobile courts (buses) to the different jails in the
country to expedite the trial of criminal cases. Other than the jail
and docket decongestion component of the EJOW, the Program
also consists of jail visitation, court-annexed mediation, medical
and dental mission, free legal aid to inmates, and information and
dissemination campaign for barangay officials.
Also, the recently launched Judgment Day Program aims to
decongest jails by bringing trial court judges to conduct hearings
in prison facilities and other venues. The SC pilot tested the
Program simultaneously in Manila, Quezon City, Angeles City,
Cebu City, and Davao City on 18 June 2013.
Together, the EJOW and Judgment Day programs have resolved a
total of 1,488 civil and criminal cases and enabled the release of
a total of 790 accused.
The Hustisyeah! Case Docket Decongestion Program, an intense
inventory, assessment and implementation of court-specific
decongestion plans, was operationalized on 17 July 2013.
Launched the first electronic court system for trial courts in
Quezon City. The E-court Program aims to speed up the
assignment and verification of cases, and to provide instantaneous
retrieval of information for the public, judges, and court
personnel, thereby ensuring transparency and reducing sources of
Promulgated new rules of procedure aimed at reducing litigation
time, use of too much paper, and the start of electronic filing of
pleadings in the SC. The SC is also studying reforms in other rules


The new Chief Justice was appointed in August 2012.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 19

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

of procedure intended to further decongest jails and cut down

litigation time in both civil and criminal cases.

To further aid in the faster processing of cases in courts, the

government has reduced the vacancy rate in the Judiciary to 22.63
percent as of 18 June 2013 (87 vacancies). The OP is now studying
the list of judicial nominees by the Judicial and Bar Council, which
will further reduce the vacancy to 20.2-18.9 percent.

f. Protected the Dignity and Human Rights of Every Filipino

Ensuring peaceful and safe communities is complemented with laws
protecting the dignity and human rights of every Filipino.

The Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act (RA 10353) was

signed into law on 21 December 2012. The first of its kind in Asia,
the law criminalizes enforced disappearances, institutes preventive
measures, and provides a mechanism for reparation and redress.
Prior to RA 10353, the President had issued Administrative Order No.
35, which creates a high-level Inter-Agency Committee to monitor,
investigate, and prosecute cases of extra-legal killings, enforced
disappearances, torture, and other grave violations of human rights.

The AFP also ensures that members of the security forces uphold human
rights and International Humanitarian Law.
The AFP released the AFP Soldiers Handbook on Human Rights
and International Humanitarian Law, which integrates human
rights principles in the guidelines of AFPs conduct of operations.
The AFP also designated Human Rights Officers 64 down to the
battalion level to enhance the AFP's campaign on the observance of
human rights.

The commitment of the AFP to human rights has not only resulted in the
significant decrease in human rights cases filed against the military, but
also to the speedy action of the military leadership against human rights
violators within its ranks.


The second officer in command is automatically designated as the Human Rights Officer.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 20

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Figure 3: Human Rights Violations Allegedly Committed by AFP Personnel












Mission Related


2013 (1st Sem)

Of the total 164 cases, 47 have been resolved and recommended for delisting in the
CHR list, while the remaining 117 are either for resolution or for further investigation.
Source: DND

Governments capacity to combat trafficking in persons (TIP) was also

strengthened with the signing of the Expanded Anti-TIP Act of 2012
(RA 10364) on 06 February 2013. The law, among others, expands
the definition of TIP, criminalizes cases of attempted TIP, and
removes the confidentiality protection previously extended to the
As of 15 July 2013, the country has secured a total of 109 TIP
convictions (cases) involving 129 perpetrators. Eighty or 73.4 percent
of the total 109 convictions from 2004 (or when the law became
effective)66 were secured under this Administration. Also, of the 129
persons convicted, 99 were convicted during the first three years of
this Administration.
Figure 4: Number of TIP Convictions and Persons Convicted





Convictions (Cases)
2003-June 2010

Persons Convicted
July 2010-15 July 2013

Source: DOJ



Members of the media can now publish or broadcast the names and other circumstances of offenders to
give a fair warning to the public not to do business with them and avoid being victimized.
The Anti-Trafficking Persons Act of 2003 (RA 9208), which was signed on 26 May 2003, became effective in

2013 SONA Technical Report | 21

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

On 25 February 2013, the President signed the Human Rights

Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013 (RA 10368),
recognizing the heroism and sacrifices of victims of human rights
violations committed during the Marcos regime and acknowledging
the States obligation to provide reparation to them and/or their

In the Ampatuan, Maguindanao Massacre Case, the government filed

58 murder cases before the Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch
221. A total of 196 accused have been officially charged,68 of which
102 are under detention or custody,69 one has died, and 93 are still at
large. The Prosecution has presented a total of 130 witnesses to date.

g. Territorial Integrity through Diplomacy and Defense Capability

The government defended the countrys territorial integrity and national
sovereignty through diplomacy and adherence to international law.

On 22 January 2013, the Philippines initiated arbitral proceedings70

under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) to establish the Philippines sovereign rights and
jurisdiction over its maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea

Aside from the legal track, the Philippines actively engaged the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in underscoring the
importance of the full and effective implementation of the
Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC)
in its entirety, and in pushing for the early conclusion of a Code of
Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) to ensure the peaceful
resolution of disputes, guarantee maritime security, and maintain
regional stability.

Parallel to the peaceful pursuit of its territorial disputes, the government

prioritized the building of a minimum credible defense posture for the
country through the AFP Modernization and Capability Upgrade
Program (AFPM/CUP).



Sec. 2, RA 10368
DOJ originally filed murder charges against 197 persons but in 2010, the Court excluded or dropped from
the information one police officer for lack of probable cause.
92 of whom are already arraigned, and 82 of whom are undergoing trial (including the main suspects
accused Andal, Sr. and Jr.; and Zaldy Ampatuan).
GPH sent a Note Verbale to H.E. Ma Keqing, Chinese Ambassador to the PH, containing the Notification
and Statement of Claim on the matter.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 22

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

On 06 December 2012, the President signed RA 10349 (An Act

Amending RA 7898, Establishing the Revised AFP Modernization
Program and for Other Purposes), which extends the implementation
of the AFPM/CUP for another 15 years and provides a five-year initial
funding of at least P75 billion for the Program. 71

The government completed a total of 33 projects in 3 years,

compared with the 43 projects completed during the whole 9 years
of its predecessor.72 These include the acquisition of the following:
BRP Gregorio del Pilar (first of two Weather High Endurance
Cutters [WHEC]73);
BRP Tagbanua (the first locally-built landing craft utility);
Eight Sokol Combat Utility Helicopters;
60 field ambulances; and
Mobility equipment (1 and 1 ton troop carrier trucks).

The Philippines is currently negotiating the procurement of 12 units

of F/A-50 aircraft from the Republic of Korea with a total cost of
P18.98 billion (P1.58 billion/unit).

The AFP will also procure 50,629 units of M4 Caliber 5.56mm

Assault Rifles for P1.94 billion (P38,402.13/unit), which is
significantly lower than the P3.19 billion (P63,000/unit) ABC. This is
a result of the AFPs strict adherence to transparent and accountable
bidding process.

5. Received Growing Recognition for Good Governance and Economic

The country has been receiving commendations from local and international
observers for the success of its governance reforms, concretely translated in
general improvement in its ratings in the following:
a. The countrys ranking in the Transparency Internationals Corruption
Perceptions Index has improved from 134th in 2010 to 105th in 2012.74
Moreover, Transparency Internationals 2013 Global Corruption
Barometer (GCB) reports that 37 percent of Filipino respondents perceive



Prior to the enactment of RA 10349, the government has released P27.62 billion, compared to the P26.27
billion released during the previous administration (2001-June 2010).
The first project under the AFPM/CUP was only completed in 2003 due to the late release of fund for the
The second WHEC, BRP Ramon Alcaraz, is expected to arrive on 04 August 2013.
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012, http://www.transparency.org/cpi2012/results.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 23

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

that corruption in the country has decreased over the past two years.
This is a significant improvement from the 2010 GCB, which reported
that only 6 percent of Filipino respondents believed that the level of
corruption in the country had decreased since 2007, with 69 percent of
the respondents believing that the level of corruption in the country had
b. The Administration received record high public net satisfaction rating of
+57 in December 2012 from a record low rating of -4576 just before the
end of the previous administration in the SWS survey conducted for the
period. It also recorded consistent higher net satisfaction ratings vis--vis
its predecessors.77
c. The countrys ranking in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global
Competitiveness Index improved from 85th in 2010 to 65th (out of 144) in
2012.78 Notable factors contributing to the ascension of the Philippines
in ranking are:

The Institutions pillar, which leaped by 23 notches, the highest

among the 12 pillars of competitiveness and consistent with local
surveys on public confidence. Among the indicators under the
institution pillar where the country ranked high are trust in politicians
(+33), transparency of government policymaking (+23), and
management of government spending (+27).

The ranking in terms of the quality of roads, 79 which has been

steadily improving, from 114th in 20102011 to 100th in 20112012,
and to 87th in 20122013.80

d. The Philippines rank in the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom also

improved by 10 notches, from 107th to 97th, out of 177 countries that the
Washington-based Heritage Foundation 81 included in the Index. The
country earned an Economic Freedom Score of 58.2 vis--vis last years





Transparency International, Global Corruption Barometer, http://www.transparency.org/gcb2013.

SWS, Third Quarter 2010 Social Weather Survey: Net satisfaction with general performance of National
SWS, First Quarter 2013 SWS Survey: Net satisfaction with National Administration at very good at +53,
11 June 2013, http://www.sws.org.ph/pr20130611.htm.
World Economic Forum, Global Enabling Trade Report 2013, http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global
WEF, Global Competitiveness Report, 20102011, 20112012, and 20122013.
The GCR includes 139 countries/economies in 2010-2011; 142 countries/economies in 2011-2012; and 144
countries/economies in 2012-2013.
Launched in 1995, the index evaluates countries according to four broad areas of economic freedom: rule of
law; regulatory efficiency; limited government; and open markets. Based on its aggregate score, each of 177
countries graded in the 2013 index was classified as free (i.e. combined scores of 80 or higher); mostly
free (70-79.9); moderately free (60-69.9); mostly unfree (50-59.9); or repressed (under 50).

2013 SONA Technical Report | 24

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

score of 57.1, posting the highest improvement in Southeast Asia. This

was credited to improvements in investment freedom and freedom from
e. Governments aggressive efforts to promote tourism have also resulted in
a number of recognitions for the country, which include the following:
"The Best Tourist Destination" in 2012 from the Oriental Morning
"The Most Romantic Destination" in 2012 from the Shanghai Morning
One of top destinations by the Conde Nast Traveler of London in
One of the 46 places to go to by the New York Times in 2013;
One of the 15 Hottest Travel Destinations of 2013 by
Travel+Leisure Magazine;
Best diving destination, together with Malaysia, in the Pacific and
Indian Oceans by the Scuba Diving Magazine;
Jumped 12 places from 94th in the WEF 2011 Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Index82 to 82nd in 2013, making the Philippines the
most improved country in the Asia Pacific region;
El Nido (Palawan), Puka Beach (Boracay), and Palaui Island (Cagayan
Valley) have been included in CNN's World's 100 Best Beaches; and
Palawan has been named World's Best Island for 2013 by
Travel+Leisure Magazine.
f. Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poors conferred investment grade status
(BBB-) to the country on 27 March 2013 and 2 May 2013, respectively,
while the Japan Credit Rating Agency upgraded the country one notch
above investment grade (BBB) on 7 May 2013. These will increase the
capacity of the economy to create quality employment opportunities for
the people through the expected influx of foreign investments and
cheaper borrowing costs for domestic firms.
Meanwhile, Moodys Investor Service recently cited the countrys strong
growth in the first quarter of 2013, improved revenue receipts on
stronger tax compliance, and midterm election results validating the
Administrations strong mandate as welcome developments that will
boost the countrys credit profile.


The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report published by WEF assesses economies worldwide based on
their policies to develop the travel and tourism sector.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 25

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

6. Pursuing Growth through Legislation

For the 16th Congress, the Administration will pursue the following
measures, among others:
a. Transparency and Accountability in Administration of Fiscal Incentives/
Fiscal Incentives Rationalization, which seeks to institutionalize a tax
incentive management and transparency system to make the present
system of granting fiscal incentives more transparent and make those that
grant these incentives more accountable. Under the proposal, all tax
incentives that investment promotion agencies and other government
agencies grant to private individuals and corporations shall be accounted
for in the annual budget of the government.
b. Amendments to the Cabotage Law, which seeks to remove from local
shipping operators the exclusive privilege of conducting coastwise trade
and allow foreign shippers to engage in the same, thereby enabling the
country to benefit from lower prices and greater efficiency brought about
by open competition. The proposed legislation will also include
provisions rationalizing sea transport costs.
c. Bangsamoro Basic Law, which is intended to serve as the charter for the
Bangsamoro political entity, specifying the features of the ministerial
form of government, wealth and power-sharing arrangements between
the national government and the Bangsamoro, procedures for ratification
of the law, and transitional procedures from the current ARMM to the
election of the first members of the Bangsamoro assembly/ parliament.
d. Land Administration Reform Act and National Land Use Policy, which
seek to institutionalize land use planning as a means for the rational and
just allocation, utilization, management, and development of the
countrys land resources, including forests and watersheds, as well as
provide policies for special land use concerns.83 Physical framework and
land use plans shall be formulated at the national, regional, and local
levels, and institutional mechanisms shall be created to resolve land use
conflicts and integrate/monitor land use development efforts.
e. Uniformed Personnel Pension Reform, which seeks to ensure the
sustainability of the retirement benefits and pension system of the
uniformed personnel.


Such as agricultural lands, forest lands, coastal zones, ancestral domains, mineral lands, tourism areas,
energy resources, settlements development, industrial development areas and infrastructure development

2013 SONA Technical Report | 26

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

B. Strengthened Macroeconomic Fundamentals

Increased confidence in the countrys leadership and the reforms that it
instituted in critical areas of governance has strengthened and fuelled one of the
fastest growing economies in East and Southeast Asia in the first quarter of
2013. The increased economic activity can be seen in the expansion of trade,
increase in investments, growth of industries, and creation of quality
employment opportunities for the people.

1. Improved Growth Trajectory and Increased Market Confidence

The outstanding performance of the economy in 2012 was sustained in

the first quarter of 2013. The economy grew by 6.8 percent in 2012 and
by 7.8 percent in the first quarter of 2013, up from the 3.6 percent
growth in 2011. The countrys first quarter growth in 2013 is faster than
the growth rate of China (7.7 percent), Indonesia (6.0 percent), Thailand
(5.3 percent), Vietnam (4.9 percent), Japan (4.1 percent), Taiwan (1.7
percent), and Korea (1.5 percent) in the same period.
On an annual basis, real per capita income in the first quarter of 2013
increased by 6.1 percent, faster than the growth in any quarter since
2010. Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) upgraded its
growth forecast for the country from 6.0 percent to 7.0 percent in 2013
and from 5.5 percent to 6.0 percent in 2014, citing healthy domestic
demand and targeted government spending in infrastructure and social
services as important sources of growth.


Total employment has risen from 36.04 million in 2010 to 37.60 million
in 2012. The share of wage and salary workers increased from about 54
percent in April 2010 84 to about 57 percent in the April 2013 survey.85
This suggests that the economy may be undergoing a process of
transformation where seasonal, intermittent, and less productive jobs are
gradually giving way to more stable, continuous, productive, and
remunerative employment.

Heightened domestic demand spurred the growth of the manufacturing

sector amidst the continued fragility of the global economy. It expanded
by 9.7 percent and accounted for 2.2 percentage points (28.5 percent) of
GDP growth, with food, household appliances, communication
equipment, chemical and chemical products, transport equipment, and
machinery and other equipment leading the expansion. The growth was
accompanied by a 138,000 increase in individuals employed in the

Total Employment in April 2010: 35.413 million and Wage and Salary Workers in April 2010: 19.283 million.
Total Employment in April 2013: 37.819 million and Wage and Salary Workers in April 2013: 21.731 million.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 27

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

manufacturing sector from 3.02 million in January 2012 to 3.16 million

in January 2013.86

The economy is also getting a boost from the double-digit surge in public
and private construction spending in the last four quarters. Construction
spending grew by 10.2 percent in the second quarter of 2012, 19.2
percent in the third quarter of 2012, 30.4 percent in the last quarter of
2012, and 33.7 percent in the first quarter of 2013.
Table 3: Growth of Construction Spending and the Construction Industry
Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Q4 2012 Q12013
Construction Spending
Construction Industry
Source: NSCB






Remarkable growth was achieved alongside a slowdown in the increase

in prices of basic commodities. The average inflation rate of 3.2 percent
in 2012 was lower than the average inflation rates for the same year in
Indonesia (4.3 percent), Singapore (4.6 percent), Vietnam (9.1 percent),
and India (9.3 percent). Average inflation for the first half of 2013 was at
2.9 percent, which is lower than the 3.0-5.0 percent target for 2012 to
A stable price environment improves the purchasing power of the
people, especially the poor. This leads to their consumption of higher
quality food and/or increased spending in other necessities such as
education and health care.
Figure 5: Annual GDP Growth Rates and Average Inflation




























GDP Growth

2012 2013*



*2013 data is for the 1 quarter.

Sources: NSCB and NSO


Based on actual estimates of 3.024 million in January 2012 and 3.162 million in January 2013.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 28

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Fiscal sustainability is the new standard of the national government.

Strong revenue collections allowed the national government to increase
spending while keeping the deficit within ceiling.
The 2012 fiscal deficit stood at P242.83 billion or 2.3 percent of GDP,
which was within the P279.11 billion program. This is lower than the
2010 fiscal deficit of P314.46 billion or 3.5 percent of GDP.
The closing of loopholes, running after tax evaders and smugglers,
simplifying processes, and investing in information technology and
human resources improved compliance and enforcement, yielding an
annual average increase of P40 billion in tax collections under this
Table 4: Tax Revenues as a Percentage of GDP (Tax Effort)
Tax Effort (Total)
Tax Effort (BIR)
Tax Effort (BOC)
Source: DOF




For the first five months of 2013, the deficit reached P42.84 billion,
lower than the P162.11 billion deficit during the same period in 2010.
The amendments to excise taxes on sin products generated an additional
P7.7 billion in revenues during the first five months of 2013.
Proactive liability management has resulted in declining debt levels as a
percentage of GDP, longer maturities, and lower interest payments.
The debt-to-GDP ratio has fallen to 48.9 percent in the first quarter of
2013 from 53.6 percent at the start of this Administration, indicating
improved capacity to bear debt. The government is targeting a debtto-GDP ratio of 40.0 percent by 2016.
The average maturity for debt (domestic and external) was extended
from 7.9 years at the start of this Administration to 10.9 years at the
end of 2012.
The share of interest payments to total disbursements also declined
from 19.3 percent in 2010 to 17.6 percent in 2012, while the share
of interest payments to total revenues declined from 24.4 percent in
2010 to 20.4 percent in 2012. Since 2010, almost P60 billion per

2013 SONA Technical Report | 29

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

year that would have gone to interest payments has been freed up for
other government priorities.
Table 5: National Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio
NG Debt-to-GDP Ratio
Includes P55.6 billion on-lending to PSALM, net of which results to 50.9%
Includes P55.6 billion on-lending to PSALM, net of which results to 48.4%
Source: DOF
Table 6: Interest Payment Ratios
Interest Payments
As a percentage of GDP
As a percentage of Expenditures
As a percentage of Revenue
Source: DOF






The country continues to build up foreign exchange reserves that buffer

the economy from external shocks. The countrys Gross International
Reserves (GIR) increased from US$48.7 billion as of end-June 201087 to
US$81.6 billion as of end-June 2013. This is equivalent to 11.8 months
worth of imports of goods and payments of services and income. It is
also sufficient to cover 8.3 times the countrys short-term external debt
(original maturity) and 6.0 times if principal payments of medium- and
long-term external debt due within the next 12 months is included
(residual maturity). The latter is substantially higher than the international
benchmark88 of 1.0.

The banking systems ample loanable funds and the low interest rate
environment help facilitate the financing of companies expansion plans,
raising the countrys productive capacity.
Table 7: Selected Banking Indicators (in P billion)
Total Assets
Deposit Liabilities
Total Loan Portfolio
Source: BSP




Growth (%)

It is enough to cover 8.3 months worth of imports of goods and payments of services and income, and 8.9
times the countrys short-term external debt based on original maturity.
The traditional rules of thumb suggested by institutions such as IMF to guide reserve adequacy is that
countries should hold reserves covering 100 percent of short-term debt or the equivalent of 3 months worth
of imports.
Gross total loan portfolio

2013 SONA Technical Report | 30

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

As a sign of confidence, the private sector has started major investments

that would not have been possible without the stability and level playing
field that this Administration steadfastly pursues.
The Daang Hari-SLEX Link Road, the Administrations first PPP
project, was awarded to Ayala Corporation in December 2011, just
18 months after this Administration assumed office. The winning
bidder offered P902 million for the concession agreement to build
and operate the 4 km toll road. This amount was more than twice the
minimum bid of P371 million set by the government.
On 30 August 2012, after numerous failed biddings in previous
administrations, Ayala Land, Inc. (ALI) was awarded the 74 ha
property within the Food Terminal, Inc. (FTI) Complex in Taguig City
through competitive bidding. ALI, which offered P24.33 billion,
bested two other bidders. This amount is close to double the value of
an unsolicited proposal received for the property in May 2010.
On 06 May 2013, San Miguel Corporation (under Optimal
Infrastructure Development, Inc.) was declared as the winning bidder
for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a 7.15 km
elevated expressway that will interconnect the three NAIA Terminals
and improve access to the PAGCOR Entertainment City. The winning
bidder offered an upfront payment of P11 billion and agreed to
finance the Project even without the P6.5 billion concessional loan90
offered by PAGCOR concessionaires.
A number of major conglomerates have also announced expansion
plans in the areas of real estate, health care, infrastructure, tourism,
energy, aviation, and retail.

2. Expanded Trade Opportunities and Increased Investments


Merchandise exports grew by 7.9 percent from US$48.30 billion in 2011

to US$52.10 billion in 2012, the highest recorded export earnings in the
countrys history. Export growth in 2012 was due to the increased export
of metal components, woodcrafts, furniture, and other products. Their
growth helped mitigate the effects of the weaker demand for electronic
products in 2012.

The PAGCOR concessionaires offered to provide subsidy in the form of a loan with no interest rate, payable
in ten years, and exclusive of a 10-year grace period.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 31

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Table 8: Top Merchandise Exports (in US$ million)

Electronic Products
Machinery and Transport Equipment
Woodcrafts and Furniture
Metal Components
Articles of Apparel and Clothing
Source: DTI









Table 9: Share of Electronics to Total Exports 2010-May 2013 (in US$ billion)
Total Exports
January to May 2013
Sources: DTI and NSO

Although electronics exports accounted for 43.9 percent of total exports

in 2012, its share to total exports has been declining since 2010. To
enhance the competitiveness of the electronics and semiconductor
industry, DOST established the Advanced Device and Materials Testing
Laboratory (ADMATEL). 91 ADMATEL houses various advanced
equipment for materials and sample products testing of the electronics
and semiconductor industry. The domestic presence of this facility
removes the need to avail of testing services outside the country.
Meanwhile, the value of coco water and coir exports has maintained its
growth momentum. The country exported US$18.71 million worth of
coco water in 2012, 916.8 percent higher than the US$1.84 million
posted in 2010 while coco coir exports expanded by 64.1 percent from
US$2.06 million in 2010 to US$3.38 million in 2012.


The President attended the Inauguration of ADMATEL held on 31 May 2013.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 32

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Table 10: PH Coco Water and Coir Exports (20092012)

Coco Water

(in US$

% Increase

Coco Coir
% Increase
(in US$
*Figures may not add up due to rounding.
Source: DTI

(in million

(in metric

% Increase

% Increase

Foreign direct investments (FDI) 92 grew by 54.0 percent from US$1.8

billion in 2011 to US$2.8 billion in 2012, outpacing those of Malaysia
(-35 percent), Indonesia (2.0 percent), Thailand (10.8 percent), and
Singapore (1.2 percent).
Investment promotion agencies93 recorded increasing trends in approved
foreign investments in the past three years, the bulk of which came from
manufacturing companies such as Nestle Philippines, Inc., Suzuki
Philippines Inc., and Toyota Motors Philippines Corp. In addition,
average foreign investment commitments from the second half of 2010
to the first quarter of 2013 amounted to P260.9 billion, 118.5 percent
higher than the P119.4 billion average from 2001 to the first half of



FDI covers actual investments where ownership by the foreign enterprise is at least 10 percent, and follows
the internationally-recognized Balance of Payments (BOP) methodology prescribed by the IMF.
Board of Investments (BOI), Clark Development Corporation (CDC), Philippine Economic Zone Authority
(PEZA), Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB), BOIAutonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BOI-ARMM), and Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA)

2013 SONA Technical Report | 33

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

Figure 6: Approved Foreign Investments (in P billion)







57.98 46.09














Source: NSCB

Investment pledges approved by the Philippine Economic Zone

Authority (PEZA) grew by 91.9 percent from P43.61 billion in the first
half of 2012 to P83.69 billion in the same period in 2013. The bulk of
these investments were from Japanese companies such as Funai Electric
Philippines, Inc., Cebu Mitsumi, Inc., and Ibiden Philippines, Inc., which
manufacture electronics and semiconductor products.
In addition, 34.6 percent (P827.08 billion) of all registered investments
in PEZA from 1995 to June 2013 were registered within three years of
this Administration.
Figure 7: Share of PEZA Investments per Administration and Average Monthly
PEZA Investments per Administration (in P billion)









Ramos (3 years and 4 months)

Estrada (2 years and 7 months)
Arroyo (9 years and 5 months)
Aquino (3 years)

Ramos Estrada Arroyo Aquino

Source: PEZA

2013 SONA Technical Report | 34

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The governments focused efforts to improve the investment climate have

contributed to the remarkable gains in the following industries:
IT-BPM94 hubs moved up in the rankings of Tholons95 2013 Top 100
Outsourcing Destinations: Manila (from 4th to 3rd) and Cebu City
(from 9th to 8th). The cities of Davao, Santa Rosa, Iloilo, Bacolod, and
Baguio are also in the Top 100.
The industrys revenues reached US$13.2 billion in 2012, 20 percent
higher than the US$11.0 billion posted in 2011. Full-time employees
in the industry also increased by 21.4 percent from 639,728 in 2011
to 776,794 in 2012.
Table 11: IT-BPM Revenues and Employment
(in US$ billion)
Direct Employment
(in thousands)
Sources: DTI and BPAP









The country is the fifth largest player in the global shipbuilding

industry after China, Korea, Japan, and Brazil based on combined
Gross Tonnage (GT)97 of ships manufactured. The industrys growth
momentum is evident in the increase in the combined GT of ships
manufactured in the country, which grew by 80.4 percent 98 from
1.14 million tons in 2011 to 2.05 million tons in 2012, and the
increase in the value of the countrys ship exports, which grew by
63.8 percent from US$659 million in 2011 to US$1.08 billion in
2012. There are approximately 45,000 shipyard workers in the






Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), formerly BPAP, now
uses the term Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) in describing the
industry to veer away from the negative perception of outsourcing which connotes such as the taking away
of jobs from source countries like the US and UK.
Tholons is a leading full-service Strategic Advisory firm for Global Outsourcing and Investments. It releases
annual rankings of the top 100 outsourcing destinations around the world.
Per IBPAP, the Game Developers Association of the Philippines (GDAP) and the Health Information
Management Outsourcing Association of the Philippines (HIMOAP) made upward revisions of their 2011
employment numbers. This increased the IT-BPMs employment from previously reported 638,000 to
Gross tonnage refers to the measure of the overall size of a ship. (Source: International Convention on
Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969)
Based on the actual figures of 1,136,292 in 2011 and 2,050,332 for 2012

2013 SONA Technical Report | 35

Consolidating the Gains of Good Governance

The countrys impressive economic performance over the past three years gained
for it the labels Asias Rising Star, 99 Asias Rising Tiger, 100 and brightest
spark.101 The dividends from this performance continue to be channeled to social
protection and development programs towards inclusive growth.


Glenn Levine, Philippines Outlook: Asias Rising Star, Moodys Analytics, 24 April 2013.
WB Philippine Country Director Motoo Konishi, 2013 Philippine Development Forum, 5 February 2013.
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Economic Insight: South East Asia,
http://www.icaew.com/~/media/Files/About-ICAEW/What-we-do/economic-insight/7487-3-icaew-sea-q22013-web.pdf, 29 May 2013.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 36

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs


Committed to using the gains of good governance to improve the quality of life of
all Filipinos, particularly the poor and the vulnerable, the government continues to
intensify social protection and sustain an environment conducive to investments
and job generation for a broader-based and inclusive economic growth. These
programs are purposive, directed towards strengthening peoples resilience amidst
shocks, helping them rise above poverty and empowering them towards selfreliance.
The Aquino Administration aims to increase the number of Filipinos above the
poverty line from 72.1 percent (or 68.9 million) of the 95.6 million estimated
population in 2012 to 83.4 percent (or 85.1 million) of the 102.1 million estimated
population in 2016. It may be noted that in 1991, 66.9 percent (or 41.6 million) of
the 62.1 million estimated population were above the poverty line.
Social services have been
allocated the largest and
from P415.84 billion
2010 to P699.44 billion in
2013 or a 68.2 percent
increase. For
2013, the
sector received 34.9
percent of the P2.006
trillion National Budget,
accounting for an estimated
5.9 percent of the 2013

Figure 8: Social Services Budget (in P billion)













Social Services Budget



National Budget

Source: DBM

Aside from enacting into law the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
and the Sin Tax Reform Bills, landmark legislation that had been languishing in
Congress for years, the Administration also sought to institutionalize other measures
that will help the poor, in partnership with the Legislature. Some of these are as
follows: (a) mandatory basic immunization for all infants and children102 through
RA 10152; (b) the Early Years Act (RA 10410), institutionalizing a national system
for Early Childhood Care and Development 103 to provide health, nutrition, early



Includes vaccine-preventable diseases such as tuberculosis; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; poliomyelitis;
measles; mumps; rubella or german measles, hepatitis B, influenza type B(HIB)n, and other types as may
be determined by the Secretary of Health.
A comprehensive and integrative system that involves multi-sectoral and interagency collaboration among
government agencies, service providers, families and communities, private sectors, non-government
organizations, professional associations, and academic institutions.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 37

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

education, and social services development programs for young children; 104 and (c)
extension of the Lifeline Rate for at least another 10 years, amending the
Electrification Power Industry Reform Act (RA 10150), for end-users who cannot
afford to pay electricity consumption at full cost.

A. Provided Direct and Immediate Assistance to the Poor

The government has adopted a convergence approach, using common targeting
mechanisms, like the National Household Targeting System for Poverty
Reduction (NHTS-PR) and the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture
The NHTS-PR identifies who and where the poor are, thus ensuring that
government resources are maximized, leakages (where non-poor are included)
reduced, and deprivation (where poor are excluded as beneficiaries)
minimized. The RSBSA aims to improve the delivery of basic services and the
provision of adequate facilities to the agriculture and fishery sectors105 through
better targeting, ensuring that areas that need the most intervention are

1. Increased Support to the Poor

a. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program





The Program is the core of the Administrations convergence

initiatives, providing immediate financial support to eligible poor
households listed in the NHTS-PR, conditional upon their
compliance with human capital formation interventions in education
and health.

The government significantly expanded the Programs coverage from

786,523 registered households in July 2010 107 to 3.93 million
households as of June 2013 or a 399 percent increase. The Programs
budget increased by 343 percent from P10.00 billion in 2010 to
P44.26 billion in 2013.

Young children aged zero to four years; children aged zero to eight with special needs and disabilities; and
children who are blind, deaf or deaf-blind.
The RSBSA is a nationwide database of baseline information on farmers, farm laborers, and fisherfolk from
identified provinces, as well as geographical coordinates of agricultural and fishery worker households.
These data will be used as basis for developing programs and policies for the agriculture and fishery
sectors. The RSBSA is an interagency effort among DBM, NSO, DA, DAR, DILG, and NAPC.
Farmers and fisherfolk from 75 provinces have been registered and the data for 20 provinces has been
processed and is available for the use of government programs.
The 760,357 registered households as mentioned in the Presidents 2012 SONA was estimated based on
the reported 2010 target (1,015,000) less the reported registered households from July to December 2010
(254,643). The 786,523, on the other hand, is the actual total number of households registered as of 27 July

2013 SONA Technical Report | 38

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

By 2014, the Program will cover a cumulative target of 4.30 million

Table 12: Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Annual Targets and
Registration of Households
(in million)
(in P billion)
(as of 26 June 2013)
Figures may not add up due to rounding off.
Source: DSWD

Households compliance with the Programs conditions, which will

serve as basis for the release of grants, is done using the Compliance
Verification System. As of March 2013, compliance rates of
household beneficiaries in all program conditions are all above 95
Table 13: 2013 Compliance Rates for Sets 1 to 6 (as of March 2013)
Number of
Number of
Attendance in daycare
center/pre-school for children
45 years old
Attendance in primary and
secondary schools for
children 6 14 years old
Check-up/immunization for
pregnant and children 05
years old
Deworming for children 614
years old in elementary level
Family Development Session (FDS)
Attendance to FDS by
Source: DSWD

2013 SONA Technical Report | 39

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

A study done by the World Bank (WB) in 2012 illustrated the

Programs positive impact on beneficiaries, compared to nonProgram beneficiaries.108
Table 14: Comparison between Pantawid and Non-Pantawid Households
Bringing children to school
Daycare enrollment
School enrollment (611 years)
Keeping children in school
School attendance (611 years)
School attendance (1214 years)
Mothers use of health services
Antenatal care
Post-natal care at home
Childrens use of health services
Vitamin A (05 years)
Weighing (05 years)
Deworming (05 years)
Deworming (614 years)
Source: DSWD

Further, family-beneficiaries spending on education increased by 38

percent and on health by 34 percent.

To help sustain the more than 280,000 households graduating from

the Program this year (first batch), 109 appropriate capacity-building
interventions will be provided under the Sustainable Livelihood
Program, which has two tracks:
Microenterprise development, which provides capital seed fund
to the beneficiaries through the Self-Employment Assistance
Kaunlaran (SEA-K), microfinance institutions, and partner
NGA/NGOs; and
Employment Facilitation through DPWHs Trabahong Lansangan
for drivers, construction workers, and office clerks, and DENRs
Bantay Gubat for forest guards.



The WB and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) funded the impact evaluation on
Pantawid Pamilya entitled, Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program Impact Evaluation 2012. WB
and the DSWD led the study, in coordination with AusAID and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), while
the Social Weather Station (SWS) conducted the surveys.
More than 280,000 Set 1 households are supposed to be graduating in December 2013 but with the
proposed expansion of the Program to support the children beneficiaries until high school, they may not be
graduating by this year. Their children will continue to receive education grants until they finish high school.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 40

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Of the 3.93 million registered households, 95,593 households are

covered under the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer (MCCT), 110
with the following categories:
MCCT for Families in Need of Special Protection (MCCT-FNSP)
aims to provide and strengthen the safety, protection, and
development of children in families in difficult circumstances and
to mainstream these families into the regular CCT. As of June
2013, a total of 44,238 households have been registered under
the Program.
MCCT for Homeless and Street Families (MCCT-HSF) aims to
contribute to the reduction of street families, as well as respond to
the development needs of their children through the provision of
cash grants for education, health, and other interventions. As of
June 2013, a total of 1,581 households have been registered
under the Program.
MCCT for Extended Age Coverage (MCCT-EAC) covers Pantawid
Pamilya households who were not able to complete the five-year
program period for no longer having children aged 014 years
old. It is a pilot project to see the differential effect of having
grants extended to an older group of children (specifically
children aged 15 to 17) as basis for further program enhancement.
As of June 2013, a total of 49,774 households have been
registered under the Program.
The convergent efforts of DSWD-DOH-DepEd, aimed at ensuring
that there are classrooms and health facilities in CCT areas, are
complemented by the deployment of health professionals.

Further, under the Expanded CCT (ECCT), the DSWD will cover high
school-aged children 15 to 18 years old 111 to help them complete
secondary education thereby enabling them to help augment their
familys income.
The implementation of the ECCT is supported by several studies (e.g.,
WB and Philippine Institute for Development Studies) highlighting



Launched in 2012, MCCT is a component of Pantawid Pamilya, which caters to HHs who are not covered by
the regular CCT due to lack of permanent residence. Specifically, it focuses on street families, itinerant
indigenous families, displaced families due to man-made and natural disasters, families with differentlyabled children, child laborers, children in conflict with the law, and other families with members with terminal
disease, exploited, abandoned, victims of trafficking, etc.
Regular Pantawid Pamilya covers households with children aged 0-14 years old.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 41

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

the importance of expanding the age coverage of Pantawid Pamilya

for the following reasons:
Majority of those aged 15 to 18 years old do not go to school
either because of the high education cost, or are employed or
looking for work.
Enrollment rate remains high (above 90 percent) until children are
aged 12 years old and starts falling by the age of 13.
Enabling children to finish high school increases their opportunity
to get better and higher-paying employment.
In terms of earning potential, a person who has finished high
school would get an average wage which is 40 percent higher
than someone who has reached some years of elementary
The cash grant for high school education is P500 per child, which is
P200 higher than the cash grant for elementary education.113
For 2014, the proposed budgetary requirement for the ECCT is P12.3
billion for cash grants to support 42.1 percent of the 10.2 million
eligible children. This is on top of the regular budget for Pantawid
Pamilya for 2014.
b. Supplementary Feeding Program
The Program aims to improve and sustain the nutritional status of
children enrolled in government daycare centers through the provision
of hot meals for 120 days, prepared by volunteer parents using locally
grown ingredients. It also aims to improve knowledge, attitude, and
practices of children, parents, and caregivers 114 through intensified
nutrition and health education.115
As of June 2013, a total of 1.72 million children in 46,362 daycare
centers or 98 percent out of the targeted 1.76 million children for SY
20122013 have been served in partnership with the LGUs. For the first
month of SY 20132014, the Program has already benefited 121,166
children of the targeted 1.78 million for the current school year.116




Celia Reyes, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Policy Note No. 2013-02: Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino: Why deepening matters in achieving its human capital objectives, February 2013.
For households covered under Sets 2 to 7, additional P200 will be provided for high school children aged 12
to 14 years old because P300 will already be covered in the regular budget.
There is no study yet on the effect of the Program on childrens school performance and attendance.
DSWD, Inputs to the SONA 2013, emailed to PMS on 09 May 2013; and DSWD in 2012: Moving Ahead
Unliquidated funds from the LGUs (from other DSWD-funded programs), and delays in the required bidding
and procurement process prevented the simultaneous implementation of the Program.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 42

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Partial data on the nutritional status of daycare children indicate a

noticeable improvement in the weight of those who were classified
underweight when the Program started.
Table 15: Improvement on Nutritional Status of Daycare Children
Children classified
as underweight
Decrease in %
upon entry
as of June 2013
Source: DSWD

c. Social, Old-Age, and Disability Pension

Indigent Senior Citizens (SCs) aged 77 years old and above without
pension and support from the family 117 are provided a P500 monthly
social pension to augment their daily subsistence and medical needs, 118
pursuant to RA 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010). Likewise, a
total of P2.35 billion was provided to qualified indigent SCs in the
country from 2011 to first quarter of 2013.
In compliance with a Presidential commitment in SONA 2012, a total of
56,785 pensioners, of the 57,508 previously receiving less than P5,000
monthly, started receiving the minimum P5,000 GSIS old-age and
disability pension in January 2013.119

2. Empowered the Poor towards Self-Reliance

a. Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan - Comprehensive and Integrated
Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS)



As a poverty reduction program, KALAHI-CIDSS strengthens the

capacities of community groups to analyze and identify their
development needs, manage public resources, implement prioritized
community projects, participate more fully in decisions that affect

Indigent SCs who may not have pension or source of income but has support from family are not qualified to
receive pension. Beneficiaries are identified through the NHTS-PR. Indigent SCs are described to be frail,
sickly, and bedridden. It also includes disabled SCs.
Beneficiaries are those identified under the NHTS-PR.
The 723 pensioners who did not receive the minimum pension did not have or were late in submitting their
account number, or had suspended accounts for various reasons, among others. Once they met the
requirements, their pension will be processed.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 43

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

their welfare, and exact more responsive governance at the local

From 2010 to 2012, KALAHI-CIDSS has funded a total of 3,804
community sub-projects amounting to P4.23 billion benefiting
784,523 households.

KALAHI-CIDSS was chosen as one of this years recipients of the

Development Impact Honor Awards by the U.S. Treasury, beating
over 40 other candidates. The award recognizes developmentoriented programs supported by multilateral development banks
worldwide for attaining quality results and instituting innovations and
risk mitigation strategies, among others.

b. Sustainable Livelihood Program

Under the Program, beneficiaries are either provided capital

assistance for starting and managing microenterprise through the
SEA-K and through microfinance institutions, or referred and
employed through linking with various partner agencies and
From January 2011 to May 2013, a total of 219,200 poor households
were served through the Program. Out of all the households served,
81.6 percent (178,779) are Pantawid Pamilya households while 18.4
percent (40,421) are non-Pantawid households. The Program has
served 56 percent of its targeted 321,624 Pantawid households. Seed
capital amounting to P982.09 million has been released to the

c. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

The government recognizes the potential of MSMEs to generate
employment and serve as an engine for countryside development. To
promote their development, the government implements various
programs and projects to enhance their access to finance and markets, as
well as improve their productivity and efficiency.

The countrys banking system, which includes government financial

institutions, allocated P387.68 billion for MSMEs as of end-

2013 SONA Technical Report | 44

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

December 2012, a 25.6 percent increase from the P308.55 billion

allocated in 2010.120

The Small Business Corporation 121 and the People's Credit and
Finance Corporation 122 released P49.34 billion to 29,716 SME
borrowers; and P32.21 billion to more than 1.56 million
microenterprises from July 2011 to December 2012.

The DTI initiated the Shared Services Facility (SSF) Project in 2012,
which sets up common services facilities/production centers for some
processes to give MSMEs access to better technology and more
sophisticated equipment. Of the total P700 million fund for 862 SSF
projects for 2013, P458.94 million have been approved for 710 SSF

3. Expanded Access to Health Care

a. National Health Insurance Program (PhilHealth)





As of April 2013, PhilHealth enrollment 123 rate was 81 percent or

79.13 million124 of the projected population, higher compared to the
62 percent enrollment rate or 57.20 million of the projected
population in 2010.

As mandated by RA 9501 (Magna Carta for MSMEs), all lending institutions are required to set aside a
portion, at least 8 percent for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and at least 2 percent for medium
enterprises, of their total loan portfolio.
The Small Business Corporation is a GOCC with the authority to offer a wide range of financial services for
small and medium enterprises engaged in manufacturing, processing, agribusiness, and services.
The Peoples Credit and Finance Corporation is a GOCC tasked to mobilize resources for microfinance
services for the marginalized sector.
Enrollment refers to those enlisted in PhilHealth.
5.3 million poor families were enrolled in PhilHealth through national government subsidy, and an additional
4.55 million were enrolled in partnership with LGUs.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 16: PhilHealth Annual Enrollment

(in million)
(in million)


Source: PhilHealth


Enrollment Rate (%)


86 (as of September 2012)
84 (as of December 2012)
79 (as of December 2012-Actual
81 (as of April 2013-Actual Count)

[i] Decrease in enrollment rate from 86% (in September 2012) to 84% (in December
2012) was due to a change in multiplier, from 5 to a range of 2 (NCR)-5.5 (Bicol and
ARMM) with statistical discrepancy of +/-3 of total figures, depending on regional
family size plus actual number of members and dependents in the PHIC database.
The use of multiplier was to estimate the number of the Sponsored Program-LGU
dependents not in the database.
[ii] Change from 84% to 79% is due to PhilHealths decision in March 2013 to use
actual head count instead of multipliers.

In terms of benefits payment, PhilHealth paid more than 4.80

claims in 2012 amounting to P47.20 billion or an average of
per claim. This average is a 19 percent increase from the
average claim in 2010 (3.5 million claims amounting to


The increase in the average amount per claim between 2010 and
2012 can be attributed to the introduction of the 23 Case Rates
Package, which accounted for 55 percent or 2.65 million of the total
4.80 million claims in 2012, as well as the introduction of the Type Z
benefits, for which PhilHealth paid a total of P7.95 million or an
average of P116,911 per claim in 2012.
Meanwhile, the increase in the number of claims between 2010 and
2012 can be attributed to increased PhilHealth membership,
particularly in the NHTS-PR, and increased awareness brought about
by PhilHealths intensified information campaign.


On 19 June 2013, the President signed RA 10606 (An Act Amending

the National Health Insurance Act of 1995), which mandates the
provision of comprehensive health care services to all Filipinos
through a socialized health insurance program that will cover the

Against the projected population for the year

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

health care needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly, persons with

disabilities (PWDs), women, and children and provide free health
care services to indigents.
It provides that all Filipinos shall be covered by the NHIP, where
NHIP will be compulsory in all provinces, cities, and municipalities
nationwide, notwithstanding the existence of LGU-based health
insurance programs. The PHIC, DOH, LGUs, and other agencies
including non-governmental organizations and other national
government agencies shall ensure that members in localities shall
have access to quality and cost-effective health care.126

PhilHealth has also introduced more health packages, which can be

availed by all PhilHealth-covered members and their dependents:
The 23 Case Rates Package, adopted in September 2011, provides
subsidy for health interventions for the most common medical
cases and surgical procedures, including dengue, pneumonia,
asthma, typhoid fever, radiotherapy, caesarean section, and
cataract operation. The amount of assistance ranges from P6,000
to P38,000.127
The Z Benefit Package, launched on 02 July 2012, covers
catastrophic diseases (i.e., early stage breast cancer, standard risk
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and low to intermediate
risk prostate cancer). It is implemented in 22 government
hospitals nationwide to help defray the high cost of treatment that
usually causes severe financial burden to patients and their
families. The amount of support ranges from P100,000 to
P600,000. 128 This has been expanded to include some cardiac
operations (Expanded Z Benefit Package).
The Expanded Z Benefit Package, launched in February 2013,
further improves financial risk protection by covering additional
catastrophic diseases. The amount of support ranges from
P175,000 to P550,000.




The highlight of the new law is on the coverage of Sponsored Program (SP) members. Previously, the
coverage of SP members was uncertain and unsustainable because of the process of identifying them and
the counter-parting of premium contributions between the national and local governments were dependent
on the priority and systems of each LGU. Under said set-up, the achievement of Universal Health Care will
take longer. With RA 10606, the process of identifying the poor/indigent is clearly laid out (i.e., it will be done
by DSWD using a proxy means test or any other similar method) and once identified by DSWD, the poor
family will be enrolled by the national government.
PhilHealth Circular No. 011-2011 entitled, PhilHealth Case Rates for Selected Medical Cases and Surgical
Procedures and the No Balance Billing Policy.
PhilHealth Circular No. 30-2012 entitled, Case Type Z Benefit Package for Acute Lymphocytic
(Lymphoblastic) Leukemia (ALL), Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Kidney Transplant.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 17: Expanded Z Benefit Package

Benefit Package
of Benefit
(in P)
Standard Risk Coronary Artery
Bypass Graft Surgery
(Bara sa ugat ng puso)

Total Correction of Tetralogy of

(for ages 110 years old)
(Butas at maling posisyon ng
malalaking ugat sa puso)
Closure of Ventricular Septal
(for ages 15 years old)
(Malalaking butas sa puso)
Accelerator and Brachtherapy
(Kanser sa kwelyo ng matres)

Providing Hospital/s*


Philippine Heart Center

Vicente Sotto Memorial
Medical Center (Cebu)
Southern Philippines
Medical Center



Jose Reyes Memorial

Medical Center
Hospital (PGH)
*Limitations to specific hospitals are based on the facilities and expertise
needed for said procedures
Source: PhilHealth

As of 30 June 2013, a total of 164 patients have benefited from

the Package, with PhilHealth paying 173 claims129 amounting to
P30 million.


The number of patients does not correspond to the number of claims as there are patients with more than
one claim. Payments were done in 1-3 tranches depending on the Z benefit package availed (e.g., surgery
and chemotherapy for breast cancer).

2013 SONA Technical Report | 48

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 18: Summary of Availment of Case Type Z Benefit Package as of 30

June 2013
Total Number of
Patients Served
Benefit Package
No Balance
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Breast Cancer




Prostate Cancer

Kidney Transplantation



Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Tetralogy of Fallot

Ventricular Septal Defect

Note: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, Tetralogy of Fallot and Ventricular Septal
Defect are additional Z packages implemented in February 2013, part of
Expanded Z Benefit.
Source: PhilHealth

The No Balance Billing (NBB) Policy, which prohibits government

health facilities from charging any fee exceeding the 23 case rates
package, was adopted in September 2011. Program beneficiaries
belong to the Sponsored Program, which is composed of the NHTSPR- and the LGU-identified indigents. The NBB Policy is now applied
to the Z Benefit and Expanded Z Benefit Package.

The remaining 19 percent of the population who are non-PhilHealth

members can be categorized as follows: workers in the informal
economy, 130 indigenous people, minors, street and orphaned
children, workers with no regular employment,131 self-employed and
professionals,132 informal settlers,133 overseas Filipinos,134 elderly from
the informal sector, and emancipated minors, among others.135
Non-PhilHealth members but are assessed to be poor by the DSWD
using the means testing protocol, may be covered under the Point of




These include farmers, fisherfolk, vendors, informal settlers, elderly, and those who may be considered as
near poor.
These include seasonal workers, apprentices, and end-of-contract workers.
These include doctors, lawyers, and other professionals.
Composed largely of the urban poor
These include land-based and sea-based workers, and undocumented workers in other countries including
residents of other countries.
Children who get married or who became mothers before reaching age 21 are no longer considered
dependents and have to enroll as members themselves.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Care scheme, which is being pilot tested in several hospitals. 136

Under this scheme, the hospital will pay for the patients PhilHealth
membership premium for the first year to immediately cover
hospitalization.137 The name of the patient will be forwarded to the
DSWD for possible inclusion in the NHTS-PR. Meanwhile, those
who are determined to be non-poor shall be encouraged to pay their
premiums as individually paying members.
The scheme is targeted to be rolled out in all DOH-retained hospitals
by the third quarter of 2013 and in all LGU hospitals by end-2013,
pending the joint evaluation by DOH and PhilHealth.
LGUs also play an important role as they are in a strategic position to
map out their constituencies and identify sectors which are not yet
covered by PhilHealth. As such, the LGUs will now:
Require proof of PhilHealth membership before doing business
with a private individual or group. This would ensure that
business establishments, particularly the small enterprises, would
provide PhilHealth coverage to their employees and personnel.
Serve as collecting agents for PhilHealth as a number of LGUs
already collect premiums for PhilHealth with incentives for doing
Operate local hospitals and ensure that the facilities under their
jurisdiction are fully manned and equipped to meet the growing
demand brought about by increasing PhilHealth coverage. In
addition to hospitals, PhilHealth also engages other providers like
RHUs, maternity clinics, and tuberculosis Directly-Observed
Treatment Short Course centers, among others.
b. Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP)



The Program ensures wider access to quality health care, particularly

for PhilHealth-covered beneficiaries living in areas far from town
centers, by upgrading and rehabilitating government health facilities
in these areas. These facilities are in a CCT area, and/or in the NAPC
Poorest of the Poor Municipalities and Cities. It may be noted that 91

Rizal Medical Center, Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, Quirino Memorial Medical Center, East Avenue
Medical Center, Las Pias General Hospital, Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center, and Eastern Visayas
Medical Center. One of the considerations in the selection of these hospitals is the readiness of their
information system that is needed for this program.
The admitting hospital shall pay the premium of P2,400 to PhilHealth (same rate as Sponsored Program).
PhilHealth in turn, will already cover the cost of hospitalization of the critical poor.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

percent of the 1,223 NAPC-identified municipalities and cities from

the top 20 poorest provinces were given HFEP projects from 2010 to
The Program has received increasing funding from 2010 to 2013,
with a total of P33 billion utilized for 4,518 health facilities761
LGU hospitals and 70 DOH hospitals, 2,367 rural health units
(RHUs), and 1,320 barangay health stations (BHSs)in all 80
provinces, 1,491 municipalities, and 3,432 barangays. It is worth
noting that the Programs budget for 2013 (P13.56 billion) is 317
percent higher than the P3.25 billion allocated in 2010.
Table 19: HFEP Annual Accomplishments
(in P billion)
(e.g., Upgrading,
rehabilitation, provision of
Allocation Utilization
equipment, etc.)***
4.15* 172 hospitals, 106 RHUs,
and 267 BHSs
7.09 308 hospitals, 973 RHUs,
and 546 BHSs
8.05** 380 hospitals, 296 RHUs,
and 81 BHSs
314 hospitals, 1,648
(As of 22
RHUs, and 478 BHSs
May 2013)
1,174 hospitals; 3,023
RHUs; and 1,372 BHSs
*Additional funding of almost P1 billion was from the realignment of the 2009
budget for Family Health and Katas ng VAT.
**Includes P3 billion from PPP
*** Some health facilities received more than one project.
Figures may not add up due to rounding off.
Sources: DOH and DBM

Through appropriate placement of investments, upgraded health

facilities can now provide services that it could not offer before:
Computed Tomography Scanners (CT Scans) are already
functional at the Philippine Orthopedic Center (POC) (Quezon
City),139 Paulino J. Garcia Regional Medical Center (Cabanatuan
City), Jose B. Lingad Regional Medical Center (Pampanga), Bicol
Regional Training and Teaching Hospital (Legazpi City), Eastern



From 2010 to 2013, there were 5,569 HFEP funded projects. These projects were implemented to 4,518
health facilities. Some of the facilities received more than one project (e.g., hospitals have multiple phases
implemented in every fiscal year.
The POC received the latest CT Scan after 18 years.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Visayas Regional Medical Center (Tacloban City), Luis Hora

Regional Hospital (Mountain Province), San Jose Public
Dispensary and Occidental Mindoro Provincial Hospital
(Occidental Mindoro).
Heart-Lung-Kidney Centers were established in Luzon, Visayas,
and Mindanao to improve accessibility to specialized care,
reducing the number of patients going to Metro Manila, their outof-pocket expenses, and timeliness of their treatment.
- Bicol Regional Teaching and Training Hospital (Legazpi City)
o Seven open heart surgeries done for children with
congenital heart diseases.
- Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (Cebu City)
o Fifty-three (53) kidney transplant surgeries, 12 open heart,
valvular replacement and congenital cardiac surgeries, and
45 angioplasty procedures done.
- Northern Mindanao Medical Center (Cagayan De Oro City)
o Eleven open heart surgeries from March to June 2013
- Region 1 Medical Center (Dagupan City)
o Five kidney transplant surgeries done under the NBB
Linear Acceleration Machine (LINAC) was provided to Davao
Regional Hospital (Tagum City). This is the first governmentowned cancer center facility outside Manila that offers complete
chemotherapy and more advanced radiation therapy using
LINAC. Since its inauguration in 08 January 2012, said facility has
treated 259 cancer patients.

From 2014 to 2016, a total of 5,326 hospitals, RHUs, and BHSs will
be covered under the HFEP. These include health facilities in all the
remaining areas in the NAPC, NHTS-PR, and CCT lists not funded
from the 2010-2013 HFEP budget.

c. Health Professionals in Far-Flung Areas

The government deploys health professionals to far-flung areas to
address the lack of medical practitioners and ensure that even those
geographically distant will receive reliable health care. Like the
recipients of HFEP, the area where health professionals are deployed
must be a priority/focus municipality identified by NAPC, CCT area
identified by DSWD, or an area with an HFEP facility. In general, health
2013 SONA Technical Report | 52

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

workers for deployment must be from or near the area, or are willing and
committed to work in the area of need:

594 municipalities are covered by the Doctors to the Barrios (DTTB)

Program from 2010 to June 2013;

30,801 registered nurses under the Registered Nurses for Health
Enhancement and Local Service (RN Heals) from 2011 to February
2013; and
46,987 Community Health Teams (CHTs) as of March 2013,
spearheaded by a midwife or nurse that provides assistance to poor
households, particularly for Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries.

4. Provided Relief and Rehabilitation Assistance to Victims of Calamities

From July 2010 to 2012, the country faced 46 typhoons and 1,019 nontyphoon related disasters140 that affected more than 5.6 million families and
caused around P93.13 billion in damages.
Table 20: List of Typhoons
July December 2010
11-14 Jul
19-20 Jul
3-5 Aug
7-9 Aug
27-28 Aug
29-31 Aug
2-4 Sept
15-19 Sept
16-21 Oct

23-28 Oct


3-4 Apr
6-11 May
23-28 May
9-10 Jun
17-20 Jun
21-25 Jun
9-10 Jul
15-16 Jul
17 Jul




31 May - 5 Jun
14-18 Jun
20 Jun
26-29 Jun
16-17 Jul
20-21 Jul
28 Jul-2 Aug
12-16 Aug
19-25 and 27-29
23-26 Aug
11-15 Sep
20-29 Sep
2-5 Oct
8-16 Oct
22- 26 Oct


1-9 Dec
25-27 Dec


25-28 Jul
28 Jul-5 Aug
31 Jul-1 Aug
21-29 Aug
8 Sep
12-13 and
17-18 Sep
24-28 Sep
28 Sep-2 Oct
10-14 Oct
15-18 Dec

Source: NDRRMC

In response to these, the government released P11.17 billion from the

Calamity Fund and the Quick Response Fund:

Such as flashfloods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic activities, and tornadoes, among others.
Entered and left PAR as a typhoon

2013 SONA Technical Report | 53

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 21: Summary of Calamity Fund and Quick Response Fund Releases (2010
(in P)
Regular Calamity
July-Dec 2010
Source: DBM

Moreover, to help the victims of natural calamities, the government, through

Pag-IBIG, continues to provide slashed interest rates from 10.75 percent to
5.95 percent under its Calamity Loan Program. From July 2010 to March
2013, a total of P20.2 billion in loans were extended to 1,056,752 Pag-IBIG

Typhoon Pablo, which was the most destructive typhoon in 2012,

affected more than 711,682 families (6.24 million individuals) from
Regions IV-B, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, and ARMM.
Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental were the worst hit provinces
with 186,390 families (745,560 individuals) affected or 62 percent of the
provinces total population of 1.2 million.
To ensure that all government efforts for these areas are effective,
streamlined, and harmonized, Task Force Pablo was organized in
December 2012. As of June 2013, the following interventions have been
provided to the two provinces:
Emergency Relief Assistance
- A total of 1.5 million food packs were provided to the affected
- Under the Cash-for-Work Program, 52,317 individuals were
provided with emergency employment (e.g., rice production,
debris clearing, vegetable production, etc.), each with an average
earning of P226 per day or amounting to a total of P118.24
- Medicines were distributed to 84,447 individuals, and 699
medical and technical teams were mobilized for medical
consultations and psychosocial support.
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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Housing and Relocation

- Of the 53,106 target number of houses to be constructed, 50 units
have been completed and turned over on 04 May 2013. A total of
17,609 will be completed and turned over by end-2013, and
35,447 units will be completed and turned over within 2014.

Typhoon Sendong, which hit the country in late 2011, is considered as

one of the deadliest typhoons in the past 12 years. It affected 131,618
families (698,882 individuals) from Regions VI, VII, IX, X, XI, CARAGA,
and ARMM and damaged 51,144 houses (37,559 partially damaged and
13,585 totally damaged).
Through the government and private sectors joint efforts, 9,377
permanent houses have been constructed out of the 16,470 target
housing units:
Table 22: Completed Housing Units in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City
Funding Source of
Completed Units
Cagayan de Oro
Iligan City
Source: DSWD

Of these 9,377 completed units, 3,155 were government funded while

the rest were funded by the private sector. As of 19 June 2013, 8,260
permanent houses have been turned over, while the remaining 1,117
have yet to be turned over pending the installation of water and
electricity by the concerned LGUs.
An additional 3,132 housing units will be completed and turned over by
December 2013 and another 1,242 units by April 2014. Construction of
the remaining 2,719 housing units is on hold pending completion of the
land acquisition process.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

B. Enhanced Capability for Employment

Education and training are the governments core strategies in investing in
human capital, reducing poverty, and enhancing competitiveness.

1. Invested in Education and Training for Competitiveness

a. K to 12 Basic Education Program (RA 10533)

The shift from 10 to 12 years of basic education, mandated under RA

10533, and enacted into law through the strong partnership between
the Executive and Legislative Branches, places the countrys basic
education curriculum at par with international standards. It is
expected to produce globally competitive graduates who are
equipped with the basic skills needed for employment, higher
education, or entrepreneurial endeavors.
The Program decongests the previous basic education cycle, which
was designed to teach a 12-year curriculum in just 10 years, allowing
sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills.

It covers one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary, and six

years of secondary education, which consists of four years of junior
high school (JHS) and two years of senior high school (SHS).
The SHS Core Curriculum, which will be taken by all students,
will ensure that all basic education graduates are ready for higher
education. It covers seven Core Learning Areas in
Communication, Language, Literature, Mathematics, Natural
Science, Philosophy, and Social Sciences. These were developed
based on the College Readiness Standards of CHED.
SHS will also include three Tracks, which will provide students
with specialized training and preparation for specific career
options, as follows: Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood,
and Sports and Arts.142 These specializations will equip graduates
with basic competencies and skills relevant to the job market, as
the development of the K to 12 curricula is being overseen by a
consultative committee composed of representatives from DepEd,
CHED, TESDA, DOLE, PRC, DOST, and business chambers.


For example, the Academic Track will have three Strands: Business, Accountancy, and Management (BAM);
Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM).

2013 SONA Technical Report | 56

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

DepEd adopted a phased implementation of the Program, starting

with the introduction of universal kindergarten in SY 20112012. The
new Grades 1 and 7 curricula started in SY 20122013 and the new
Grades 2 and 8 curricula started this SY 20132014. Curricula for the
successive grade levels will be progressively introduced thereafter.

The provision of basic education inputs contributes to the creation of

an adequate and conducive learning environment in support of the
curricular reforms.
The 2010 backlogs of 61.7 million textbooks and 2.5 million
school seats have been eliminated in compliance with the
Presidents end-2012 deadline. The additional 700,000 textbook
requirement for SY 20112012 has likewise been eliminated.
The 2010 backlog of classrooms, teachers, and sanitation facilities
is being resolved with urgency and is targeted for completion by
Table 23: Addressing the 2010 Backlog in Basic Education Inputs
Target Date of
Accomplishments to Date
July 2010 to date indicated)
Backlog* Accomplishment



43,424 classrooms constructed

as of 30 June 2013




94,367 teachers hired as of 12

July 2013**




26,773 completed and procured

as of March 2013
* The 2010 basic education inputs backlog was computed per school based on
the needed resource requirements of the student population.
** These reflect accomplishments against the total 102,623 new teaching
positions created from FY 20102013. DepEd is still verifying the final count of
LGU-hired and kinder volunteer teachers as of SY 20122013.
Source: DepEd

The 43,424 classrooms constructed as of 30 June 2013 are more

than double the total number of 17,305 classrooms constructed
from 2005 to the early half of 2010. On the average, about
14,475 classrooms per year have been constructed under this
Administration, as compared to an average of 3,146 classrooms
built in previous years.
The 2010 backlog of 145,827 teachers is being addressed through
the creation of 102,623 new teaching positions from FY 2010 to
2013, as well as through the LGU-hired and Kinder volunteer
2013 SONA Technical Report | 57

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

teachers. The number of new teaching positions created from FY

2010 to 2013 is more than double the total number of the 47,192
teaching positions created from FY 2005 to 2009.
DepEd will continue to pursue the provision of basic education
inputs needed due to incremental enrollment, implementation of
the K to 12 Basic Education Program, regular wear and tear,
effects of natural disasters, and improvement of the learning
Table 24: Basic Education Inputs Targets (20142016)








Around 70,000



More than 70,000


(No targets available as of




School Seats

* The 2015 to 2016 targets include, among others, the projected need for SHS
implementation starting SY 2016-2017, when an estimated 1.1 million students will
enroll in Grade 11 that will result to 2 million Grades 11 and 12 enrollees by SY
2017-2018. The targets are also dependent on factors such as the development of
SHS delivery mechanisms, which may include enrollment of public JHS graduates
in private schools through various schemes.
** These targets will come from various fund sources, including the GAA.
*** The 2014 classroom construction target comprises 15,241 to address current
need based on 2012 incremental enrollment; 8,996 to be replaced due to regular
wear and tear, and effects of natural disasters; and 9,242 to address need based
on the projected 2014 incremental enrollment.
**** The final textbook targets for 20152016 depend on the development of the
curriculum, which is still being finalized.
Note: As of SY 2012-2013, there are 20,674,892 students enrolled in public
schools. Of this number, 15,032,994 are elementary and 5,641,898 are secondary

Source: DepEd

b. Roadmap on Public Higher Education


The Roadmap, adopted in May 2012, provides the vision and the
reforms needed in public higher education institutions (HEIs) to
improve their efficiency, upgrade their quality, and enhance the
access of Filipinos to quality education in state-funded institutions. In
pursuit of these, CHED has undertaken the following, among others:

These may include Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) or
public-private partnership schemes.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 58

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Closed or phased out 301 programs of State Universities and

Colleges (SUCs) considered substandard, inefficient, duplicative,
and/or outside their mandate;
Identified and supported 19 SUC Centers of Excellence and
Centers of Development (COEs and CODs) 144 in various
disciplines, as well as 28 in private HEIs. This is in addition to the
existing 254 COEs and CODs in both public and private HEIs
Several COEs and CODs in selected areas, such as agriculture
and engineering, also received financial support. These were
identified based on the areas of study needed to boost the
countrys competitiveness in emerging technologies; and
Implemented the Students' Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty
Alleviation (SGP-PA), a new scheme under the Student Financial
Assistance Program (StuFAP) in Academic Year 20122013, to
increase the number of higher education graduates among poor
households. The beneficiaries come from identified poor
households covered under DSWDs Pantawid Pamilya and are
residing in the 609 focus municipalities for poverty reduction. The
beneficiaries shall be the first in their family to be given the
opportunity to earn a college degree.
For 2012, 4,041 students have benefited under the Program with
a budget of P500 million, which is 100 percent of the agency
target for the year.
c. Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)
The TWSP, as implemented by TESDA, provides skills training to
improve the beneficiaries qualifications and options for work, in five key
employment-generating industries: (i) agri-fishery; (ii) tourism and
semiconductor/electronics and automotive.
From July 2010 to June 2013, the Program has produced 503,521
graduates. From 2013 to 2016, it will fund 533,000 scholarship slots for
technical-vocational training.


COEs and CODs are distinctions bestowed upon an HEIs academic unit, which has exhibited exemplary
and/or above average performance, in teaching, research, and extension in its discipline.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 59

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

The 2012 Impact Evaluation Study (IES) of the Program showed that 62.4
percent of technical-vocational education and training (TVET) graduates,
which include TWSP graduates, were able to find employment within an
average period of six months. In particular, the average employment rate
of TWSP graduates is estimated at 65.0 percent, which is higher than the
2012 overall employment rate of the TVET graduates. Among the five
industries, graduates from electronics/semi-conductor programs showed
the highest employability at 85.0 percent; the IT-BPM program graduates
also showed significantly high employment rate at 70.9 percent.
d. The Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF)
To align the qualifications of jobseekers with those required by available
jobs, DOLE, in collaboration with DepEd, CHED, TESDA, PRC, DOST,
and in consultation with different industries, has pursued the
implementation of the PQF. This will establish a national standard of
skills and competencies to ensure that graduates are able to meet the
needs and expectations of potential employers. The PQF was
institutionalized through EO No. 83, which was signed by the President
on 01 October 2012, and its IRR was issued in December 2012.

2. Increased Opportunities for Employment and Economic Activity

To ensure inclusive growth, the government is promoting an environment
that encourages private sector generation of employment opportunities for
the people.
a. Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure projects have been programmed to provide reliable
channels for business supply chains and access to tourist destinations,
supporting growth in employment generating sectors such as
manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, IT-BPM, and construction. The
governments infrastructure program also promotes productivity and
facilitates the delivery of social services and participation in economic

To address the concerns of commuters and businesses (e.g., long

travel time due to traffic congestion, high logistics cost and
overcrowding in airports), the government is working to achieve the
following by 2016:
Pave the entire national road network and rehabilitate and
upgrade bridges along national roads to provide faster and safer
2013 SONA Technical Report | 60

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

mobility for motorists and commuters, and facilitate trade and

access to markets and tourism areas;
Reduce daily transport cost for commuters in Metro Manila by 8.5
percent from P2.36 billion in 2013 to P2.16 billion in 2016 by
providing more convenient means of transportation and
encouraging the use of urban mass transport such as trains and
intermodal transport facilities;
Metro Manila Integrated Transport System (ITS)
Among the projects being pursued to reduce traffic congestion in
Metro Manila is the development of the Metro Manila ITS. The
ITS involves the establishment of three transport terminals that
will serve as drop-off points for commuting passengers going to
and from the provinces. The ITS project will ease traffic
congestion by eliminating around 8,285 provincial buses plying
EDSA and other main thoroughfares in Metro Manila. The ITS
terminals are expected to be complete by December 2015 and be
fully operational by January 2016.
To fast-track the implementation of the project, the government
will construct temporary/interim terminals, which are expected to
be complete within 2013.
Bring down logistics costs by 8 percentage points (from 23
percent in 2013 to 15 percent by 2016)145 through investments in
efficient transport infrastructure (e.g., improvement of Davao Sasa
Port) and issuance of effective policies and regulations (e.g.,
reduction of shipping costs); and
Provide adequate infrastructure support to key tourism areas
through the development of access roads, airports, and ports. For
instance, the DOTC is simultaneously undertaking the
construction of 3 new airports, major upgrading and rehabilitation
of 6 airports, and minor upgrading/rehabilitation of 48 airports.


To achieve these goals and accelerate infrastructure development,

the national government has continuously increased its budget
allocation for infrastructure: by 21.44 percent from P211.81 billion in

The logistics costs refer to the average share of transportation cost to the overall cost of the good. For rice,
for example, if a kilo costs about P30, the share of the average transport cost presently is about P7 or 23
percent of the total price. The DOTC aims to lower this to P4.50 or 15 percent by 2016.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

2011 to P257.22 billion in 2012; and by another 14.58 percent from

the 2012 budget to P294.71 billion in 2013.146 Out of the P294.71
billion allocation for 2013, P91.83 billion or 31.2 percent has
already been disbursed from January to May 2013.
Pursuing PPP in Infrastructure Development
The Program was initially faced with issues such as outdated project
feasibility studies, a bureaucracy in need of re-tooling in technical
proficiency, and a public disillusioned by a series of transactions
shrouded in secrecy and tainted by cronyism.
Responding to these issues, the government later on re-aligned
project objectives with its priorities, improved the capacity of
implementing agencies and promoted a fair and transparent process
to encourage more qualified bidders and regain the publics trust.
While these measures lengthened the over-all PPP process, the
government is now in a much better position to close the country's
infrastructure gap with the private sector as a close partner. For
example, the plans for the LRT Line 1 South Extension Project and
Mactan Cebu International Airport Project were reviewed and
restructured from their original forms to ensure the fairness and
competitiveness of the undertakings and get the highest level of
quality and efficiency that the private sector can offer.
The gains of due diligence, transparent processes, and competitive
biddings are evident in the projects that have been awarded. For
example, the Daang Hari-SLEX Link Road was awarded in just 18
months after the Aquino Administration assumed office, with the
government receiving more than twice the minimum bid for the
concession agreement.147 The NAIA Expressway Project-Phase II was
awarded to a bidder that gave an upfront payment of P11 billion,
when the government was willing to give P6.5 billion concessional
(Please see Annex for matrix of infrastructure projects.)



The figures refer to yearly adjusted GAA levels as indicated in the Budget of Expenditures and Sources of
Financing (BESF). The figures include a) Congressional insertions; and b) portion of the capital transfer to
LGUs (mainly from 20 percent IRA intended for development Fund and Special Shares), which are spent for
infrastructure projects.
The government received P902 million for the concession agreement, which is more than twice the minimum
bid of 371 million set by the government.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

b. Tourism

The success of the efforts to project the country as a viable tourist

destination is best appreciated in its contribution to the generation of
employment and income for local communities and individual
workers in the industry. To this end, the DOT and DSWD are
currently developing a plan to maximize the contribution of tourism
to local communities148.

The tourism sector directly employed an estimated 3.8 million

individuals in 2011, a 3.5 percent increase from an estimated 3.7
million in 2010.
It also contributed P571.3 billion or 5.9 percent of GDP in 2011,
10.2 percent higher than the P518.5 billion or 5.8 percent
contribution to GDP in 2010. The industry targets to reach an 8.7
percent share of GDP 149 and directly employ 7.4 million
individuals150 in 2016.

The industry surpassed the four-million international tourist arrival

mark for the first time with 4.3 million visitors in 2012, 21.4
percent151 higher than the 3.5 million visitors posted in 2010.152 The
DOT targets to reach 5.5 million international tourist arrivals in 2013
and 10 million in 2016.
Domestic travelers, on the other hand, reached 37.5 million in 2011,
surpassing the original target of 29.1 million for the year and 35.5
million for 2016. This prompted the DOT to raise the 2016 domestic
tourism target to 56.1 million travelers.
In 2012, there were 6,873 establishments with a total room supply of
162,403 nationwide. This prompted the private sector, such as
Solaire Resort in Paraaque City and Raffles and Fairmont Hotels and
Resorts in Makati City, to invest in the tourism sector. Despite this,
an additional 37,352 more rooms are needed by 2016.




Either as tourist destinations or as supplier communities

The target is still below the average share of tourism to the global economy of 9.3 percent and Southeast
Asian economy of 11 percent in 2012.
Tourism employment target for 2016 has been revised from 6.8 million to 7.4 million due to the adjustment of
domestic travelers target from 35.5 million to 56.1 million in 2016.
Based on the actual tourist arrival figures of 3,520,471 in 2010 and 4,272,811 for 2012
The industry reached around 3.1 million international tourist arrivals before the Aquino Administration came
in 2010.

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To help promote investments in accommodation facilities, the

government is offering fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to potential
tourism enterprise investors.
Table 25: Selected Tourism Indicators







International Visitors
(in million)








Domestic Travelers
(in million)








Share to GDP (%)








Tourism employment
(in million)








Tourism receipts
(in P billion)

892.6 1,120.2 1,312.1 1,504.0 1,679.1 1,957.5 2,307.2


995.7 1,152.0 1,298.6 1,409.2 1,607.1 1,852.1

Foreign Visitors
109.2 124.5 160.1* 205.4 269.9
*Actual international visitor arrivals and receipts for 2012
Source: DOT




To achieve set goals, the DOT, DPWH, and DOTC have collaborated
for the improvement of connectivity infrastructure (roads, airports,
and ports) leading to priority tourist destinations throughout the
country. DOT estimates that it would require approximately P63.13
billion to implement a sustainable tourism destination infrastructure
program by 2016.
As of 25 May 2013, the DPWH and DOT have initially identified
202 priority tourism road projects with an estimated funding
requirement of P53.38 billion. Of this amount, P25.34 billion has
been released from FY 2011 to FY 2013 153 , while the remaining
P28.04 billion will be considered in the DOT-DPWH Convergence
Program and/or from other DPWH programs for 2014 to 2016. In
addition, the DOTC allocated an estimated amount of P5.01 billion
for the development of ports and airports in key tourist destinations in
(Please see Annex for matrix of infrastructure projects)


P16.44 billion was sourced from the DOT-DPWH Convergence Program FY 2011 to FY 2013, while the
remaining P8.90 billion was sourced from other DPWH programs FY 2011 to FY 2013 (e.g., upgrading,
preventive maintenance).

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

The government is also strengthening the aviation industry cognizant

of its vital role in facilitating not only tourism, but also trade and
industry. The President signed RA 10378 in March 2013, which
rationalizes the taxes imposed on foreign carriers (air and
shipping). 154 The law aims to address the clamor of the airline
industry for equal tax treatments between local and foreign air
carriers and encourage the re-entry of aviation players that have left
the country in the past due to unequal tax treatment (e.g., Air FranceKLM), among others.
Further, the government, through the Civil Aviation Authority of the
Philippines (CAAP) and DOTC, instituted reforms to align Philippine
air safety standards and practices with those of international
organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO). These reforms resulted in the lifting by ICAO of the
Significant Safety Concerns (SSC) on Philippine civil aviation in
March 2013 and the lifting of the EU ban on Philippine Airlines (PAL)
on 10 July 2013.
The lifting of the ICAO SSCs is expected to positively contribute to
the restoration of the United States Federal Aviation Administration
(US-FAA) Category I status since most of the findings of US-FAA are
based on ICAOs Standards and Recommended Practices. It also
assures ICAO members of the countrys commitment to international
aviation safety standards.

c. Investments in Agriculture and Fishing

The agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing sector grew by 3.3 percent
in the first quarter of 2013, higher than the 1.1 percent growth in the
same period in 2012. The sector accounted for 11 percent of GDP in the
first quarter of 2013 and employed almost one-third of the countrys
labor force in April 2013.155
Low agricultural productivity has led to high poverty incidence among
those employed in the sector. In 2009, farmers (36.7 percent) and
fisherfolk (41.4 percent) were the most poor among the basic sectors. To
increase the overall agricultural output and address the high incidence of
poverty in the agriculture and fishing sector, the government is
intensifying investment efforts that will optimize productivity, improve


RA 10378 removed the 3 percent Common Carriers Tax on receipts and income derived by foreign carriers
from transporting passengers; and exempted the foreign carriers from paying the 2.5 percent Gross
Philippine Billings Tax on the carriage of passengers, cargo, or mail, provided that the same exemption is
granted by the carriers home country to the Philippines.
The sector employed 11.844 million individuals out of the 37.819 million individuals employed.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

income, and create jobs. The government is also pursuing the following:
development of agricultural infrastructure (i.e., irrigation, farm-to-market
roads [FMRs], and fish ports); expansion of access to formal credit;
enterprise development; and protection and regeneration of natural
resources, among others.

Irrigation development transforms rain-dependent rice farms into

more productive areas by allowing as many as five cropping seasons
every two years, from the usual two cropping seasons in one year. 156
In 2012, irrigation development was at 55 percent, up by two
percentage points from 53 percent in 2010.157
NIA has contributed to the continuing improvement of palay
production through the intensive generation of new areas, restoration
works, and rehabilitation158 of existing irrigation systems. From 2011
to end-June 2013, NIA has generated 101,698 ha of new areas,
restored 89,275 ha, and rehabilitated 417,351 ha.

Table 26: Irrigation Services Development Program (as of 30 June 2013)

New areas
53,572 39,822
74 145,762 249,224
53,870 43,992
109,636 124
14 112,752
179,641 101,698
57 145,612 89,275
61 347,094
417,351 120
Source: DA

Among the major irrigation projects is the P11.2 billion Jalaur River
Multi-Purpose Project II (JRMP II) in Calinog, Iloilo. This Project,
which was conceptualized in 1960 and set to be the first large-scale
reservoir dam outside of Luzon, will benefit around 24,000 farmers in
two cities and 23 municipalities in Iloilo by providing year-round
irrigation to 31,840 ha of farmland. The Project will increase annual
rice production in the coverage area by 103 percent from 141,945
metric tons (MT) to 287,958 MT per year and increase annual





There are normally two cropping seasons in one year: the wet season (May to October) and the dry season
(November to April). One crop cycle is usually 120 days or 4 months.
Out of the countrys 10.3 million ha of agricultural land, the estimated potential irrigable area is 3.1 million
Rehabilitation works improve the efficiency of existing irrigation systems. While rehabilitation projects do not
expand harvest areas, such projects are crucial to avoid the deterioration of the existing facilities which can
result to a decrease in harvest areas.
Accomplishments of 2011 programmed projects finished in 2012 and 2013 are still counted under 2011
Includes accomplishments for allotments received out of calamity funds.
Accomplishments of 2012 programmed projects finished in 2013 are still counted under 2012

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sugarcane production by 34 percent from 112,250 MT to 150,000

MT per year. Further, through a proposed hydropower plant, it also
has the potential to generate an additional 6.6 MW of power supply
for Panay. The Project will also supplement the supply of water for
domestic and industrial use for Iloilo City and nearby
municipalities. 162 Other incidental benefits of the Project include
flood mitigation and the promotion of ecotourism. It will also provide
an estimated 17,000 and 32,000 jobs during its construction and
operation, respectively.

The construction and rehabilitation of FMRs are critical in the

development of rural areas, facilitating the efficient exchange and
transport of agricultural products and raising farm income.
Since 2011, the DA and DPWH have improved the design of FMRs
to adapt to the impact of climate change (i.e., increase in thickness
and width, and inclusion of drainage and railings). Further, all
programmed projects are now concrete roads, instead of the usual
gravel road. From 2011 to June 2013, a total of 839.38 km of better
quality, concrete FMRs have been constructed and rehabilitated. 163
These projects have connected 1,147 barangays to main road
networks and markets, benefiting almost 300,000 farmers. For 2014,
DA and DPWH shall construct 1,000 km of FMRs with a proposed
budget of P12 billion (at P12 million/km) based on DPWHs
upgraded specification.164

In the case of highland agricultural areas where the construction of a

road network is not feasible, the Agricultural Tramline Program165 is
making significant progress in providing an alternative means of
transporting produce at lesser costs.
From 2011 to June 2013, a total of 100 tramline facilities 166 have
been established in 34 provinces167 and two cities,168 benefiting about





These are the municipalities of Cabatuan, Leganes, Oton, Pavia, Sta. Barbara, and San Miguel.
Rehabilitation works involve the concreting of old gravel FMR projects.
Increase from the previous width of four meters to five meters with 1.5-meter shoulder on each side, and
from thickness of six inches to eight inches. The upgraded specification would also include the construction
of cross drainage as necessary.
Average length of one tramline is 0.8 km and is estimated to cover at least 25 ha of farmland/vegetable
Funding for 44 out of the 100 tramlines was sourced from the 2008 Malampaya Fund (P100 million) while 53
were funded under the 2009 DA regular fund (P100 million); and the remaining three units were funded
under the High-Value Commercial Crops (HVCC) Budget.
Provinces of Benguet, Kalinga, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Abra, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Nueva Ecija,
Bataan, Tarlac, Laguna, Quezon, Occidental Mindoro, Albay, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Negros
Occidental, Iloilo, Antique, Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Zamboanga Sibugay, Bukidnon, Davao del Sur, Compostela
Valley, Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Agusan
del Norte, and Agusan del Sur.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

7,500 farmers. In Carranglan, Nueva Ecija, the Capintalan tramline

system has reduced the hauling time of tomatoes, rice, and
vegetables to five minutes from 40 minutes when manually
transported. The transport cost of produce has also been reduced
from P50 per 50-kg sack to P10. For 2013, 29 more tramline projects
are undergoing construction.169

The reliance of the coconut industry on copra for livelihood170 is one

of the reasons cited for the poverty among coconut farmers as gross
income from this is only P20,000 per year. To help raise the income
and productivity of coconut farmers, the government, through the
Philippine Coconut Authority, is currently implementing coconut
intercropping as a livelihood intervention under the Kasaganaan sa
Niyugan ay Kaunlaran ng Bayan (KAANIB) Programs Enterprise
Development Project (EDP). 171 Coconut intercropping involves the
planting of high-value crops in available spaces under coconut
In 2012, 90 KAANIB EDP sites have been established, benefiting
10,000 farmers. Around 5,500 ha of coconut farms were
intercropped with cacao, 173 coffee, 174 banana, 175 pineapple,
rambutan, durian, and citrus fruits. For 2013, an additional 434 sites
benefiting more than 30,000 coconut farmers will be developed, of
which 300 sites (15,000 ha) will be intercropped with coffee.

The government is also enhancing the access to credit of farmers and

fisherfolk to further boost their agricultural productivity.
In 2012, P1.12 billion was released under the Agro-Industry
Modernization Credit and Financing Program (AMCFP), 176 a 127
percent increase from the P495.4 million released in 2011. From
2010 to April 2013, a total of P2.56 billion was released to 100,648
farmers and fisherfolk.






Cities of Zamboanga and Davao.

Of the 29 units under construction, seven units will be funded from the 2008 Malampaya Fund, six units from
the 2009 DA Regular Fund, and 16 units from the 2012 HVCC Fund.
About 70 percent (2.45 million ha) of the coconut farms are monocropped. This means that most of the
coconut farms have not yet been maximized to augment the income of the farmers.
KAANIB Program is a set of interventions (e.g., replanting, introduction of crops and livestock diversification)
which aims to increase productivity in small coconut farms.
Priority intercrops under the project include coffee, cacao, banana, pineapple and corn. Aside from
intercrops, livestock raising (e.g., goat and cattle) under the coconut trees is also considered an option to
raise the productivity of the farm.
Intercropping coconut with cacao is estimated to yield gross income of P89,000/ha/year.
Intercropping coconut with coffee is estimated to yield gross income of P172,400/ha/year.
Intercropping coconut with banana is estimated to yield gross income of P102,325/ha/year.
The AMCFP is the umbrella financing program of the DA for the agriculture and fishing sector.

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Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

The intensified efforts during the first half of this Administration have
resulted in substantial gains in improving agricultural productivity and
achieving rice self-sufficiency.177 In 2010, milled rice178 production was
just at 10.32 million MT, translating to a rice self-sufficiency ratio (SSR)179
of only 81 percent. In 2012, through government efforts to improve palay
production and manage the demand for rice, the countrys rice SSR rose
to 94 percent. By end of 2013, with milled rice production target of
13.03 million MT, the DA expects to achieve 100 percent rice selfsufficiency.180
Figure 9: Palay Production (20102013) (in million MT)





Average palay production from 2010 to 2012 is 16.83 million MT, which is
13.48 percent higher than average production in the previous administration.
The figure for 2013 is target production level.
Source: DA




The record gains in palay production have led to lower levels of rice
importation. Total rice imports 181 were dramatically reduced from
2.47 million MT in 2010 to just 492,966 MT in 2012. NFAs actual
imports volume was reduced by 95 percent from 2.25 million MT in
2010182 to 119,777 MT in 2012.

Self-sufficiency in food staples means the country must produce the national food requirement while
maintaining a buffer stock to be used in times of need.
Based on 65 percent milling recovery rate used in converting palay to milled rice.
Using the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations formula for Self-Sufficiency Ratio:
SSR=[Production/(Production + Imports Exports)]*100
Barring natural disasters that may significantly affect production.
Not including volume imported as MAV commitment of the country under the WTO
Includes 51,300 MT contracted in 2010 but arrived in 2011 and 67,550 MT contracted in 2010 but arrived
early in 2009

2013 SONA Technical Report | 69

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Figure 10: Rice Importation (20102013) (in million MT)


2,250,946 200,000
Private Sector 219,961 654,995
Source: DA








As the country moves toward rice self-sufficiency, the DA has

embarked on the commercial exportation of premium rice
varieties,183 which officially commenced on 09 May 2013 with the
shipment of 35 MT of Jasponica and premium black rice to Dubai.184
This marked the first time in 40 years that the country exported rice
in commercial volume with government support provided from the
time of planting up to harvesting. 185 As of 22 July 2013, a total of
106.55 MT have been exported, which is already more than the 100
MT target for the year. About 97 MT more are targeted for
exportation within the year.

With the higher value of premium rice varieties in the international market, the exportation program also
serves as a strategy in balancing trade, in view of the continued obligation of the country under WTO to
allow rice importation
The shipment contained 20 MT of Jasponica rice (long grain, aromatic, white and brown rice) from Nueva
Ecija, and 15 MT of premium black rice from North Cotabato.
The last time the country exported a comparable volume of rice was in 1973. However, this was in the form
of payment to an international obligation and not for commercial distribution.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 70

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 27: Target Schedule for Rice Exports (2013)

(in MT)
Long Grain Aromatic (Jasponica)
May 2013
from Nueva Ecija (20 MT) and Black
Rice from North Cotabato (15 MT)
Long Grain Aromatic from Davao
Hong Kong
HK, Macau,
Black Rice and assorted Upland
Aromatic and Pigmented varieties
from Mindanao
White Aromatic Rice from Mindanao
July 2013
and Central Luzon
Long Grain Aromatic Red Rice from
July 2013
Southern Luzon
Assorted Long Grain Aromatic and
Pigmented Rice from Southern
Luzon and Mindanao
Middle East
Long Grain Aromatic (Jasponica )
USA/Canada Cordillera Heirloom Rice from Ifugao
*Actual volume shipped out.
Source: DA

Increased agricultural productivity translates to rural growth and

development, benefiting the countrys farmers and farm workers. In
2012, the average net return of producing palay per ha was
P19,891.00, a P4,061.00 increase compared to P15,830.00 in 2010.

Government, through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program

(CARP), continues to pursue coverage of the remaining landholdings
for equitable land ownership and sustainable rural development. It
has streamlined the land acquisition and distribution (LAD) process,
through policy issuances, to safeguard the welfare of landless farmers
and farmworkers.
Records show that government-owned lands or lands voluntarily
offered by private owners account for more than three-fourths (76
percent) of lands distributed by past administrations since the
Marcos-era, effectively leaving behind lands which are problematic
and more tedious to acquire. This Administration is therefore left with
a balance more than 60 percent of which will have to be covered
through compulsory acquisition. It, however, adapted to its current
situation by institutionalizing the One-DAR concept to address the
workforce constraint, which hampers the LAD process. Moreover, the
2013 SONA Technical Report | 71

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

DAR has been working in close coordination with the Land Bank of
the Philippines, the DENR, and the Land Registration Authority in
order to address problems in land acquisition and distribution.
From July 2010 to June 2013, the DAR acquired 389,719 ha of
arable land, and distributed 358,686 ha to Agrarian Reform
Beneficiaries (ARBs).
Table 28: LAD Accomplishments vs Targets
% Net
% Gross
Jul Dec
Jan Dec
Jan Dec
Jan Jun
*JulyDec 2010 accomplishments cannot be compared against a target as
DAR targets are identified per annum.
Source: DAR

It is worth noting that LAD targets prior to 2013 were set using the
available database from the previous administration which did
not accurately reflect status of the landholdings to be covered by
this Administration, and was not able to capture those that were
supposed to be in the advanced stage of the LAD process which
turned out to be problematic. In 2012, DAR conducted a
nationwide review of all claim folders 187 pending at municipal
and provincial offices with the intent of cleaning up the database.
This resulted in a more realistic target setting and the creation of a
database reflective of the actual status of landholdings.
The government commits to acquire the Gross LAD Balance of
823,393 ha and distribute the Net LAD Balance of 648,393 ha by
the end of this Administration. The Net LAD Balance assumes that
175,000 ha out of the Gross LAD Balance as of 30 June 2013 will
go to landowners retention (each landowner is allowed 5 ha


The Gross Area is the sum of the CARP Area and non-CARP area or portions that have not been distributed
to ARBs because they cannot be covered (e.g., above 18 percent slope undeveloped, creeks, barangay
roads, etc.) while CARP Area are those actually distributed to ARBs.
A Claim Folder contains all documents required in acquiring and distributing a particular landholding which
are gathered throughout the entire land acquisition and distribution process.

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Table 29: LAD Targets (20142016)





2013 (D)




JanJune 2016




Targets in no. of ha based on the Net LAD Balance awarded to

ARBs with Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOA)

Problematic Lands include landholdings requiring judicial reconstitution of

title, judicial correction of title, with pending court cases, etc.
Target (Net LAD Balance as basis) + Problematic lands once resolved
The remaining target for July to Dec 2013, from a total of 260,000 ha, was
approved in the 2013 GAA, including 160,000 with CLOA and 100,000 for
pipelining in 2013 and for distribution in the first semester of 2014


Source: DAR

As confirmed by DOJ Opinion No. 59 (2013), DAR can continue

acquiring and distributing private agricultural landholdings
covered by CARP even beyond 30 June 2014 as long as the
owners of these landholdings have already voluntarily offered to
sell their lands to DAR or have already been issued Notices of
Coverage (NOCs).
The DAR is on its track in accomplishing its task to issue
NOCs. Out of the remaining 54,375 landholdings (covering
452,131 ha) which are still to be distributed under compulsory
acquisition as of June 2013, the DAR has already issued NOCs
covering 36,732 landholdings (295,778 ha). This means that the
DAR is set to issue NOCs for 17,643 landholdings (156,353 ha) 188
in the next few months up to June 2014. The DAR is restricted by
the CARPER to only begin covering landholdings, which are
below 10 ha (under Phase 3-B) starting 01 July 2013. Therefore,
the DAR can only issue NOCs covering these beginning April
2013. There are 36,025 landholdings below 10 ha covering
208,382 ha.
The government is likewise committed to complete the
distribution of lands in large landholdings throughout the country.
CLOAs for qualified beneficiaries in Hacienda Luisita will be
generated and registered with the LRA by the third quarter of this

Subject to change: (1) Lands assumed to be under compulsory acquisition may be voluntarily offered by its
landowners before NOCs are sent to them; (2) Landowners who have signified their intent to voluntarily offer
their land but failed to formalize it may be subjected to compulsory acquisition and sent NOC; (3) NGOs and
CSOs have until September 2013 to submit list of lands that are not included in DARs list.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 73

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

year. On 27 February 2013, DAR released the Final Masterlist

containing the names of 6,212 qualified beneficiaries. Per
approved segregation plan, the total distributable area is around
4,100 ha (which translates to 6,600 sq. m for each of the qualified
beneficiaries), while 400.87 ha will not be distributed to
individual beneficiaries but will be provided to them as common
areas such as firebreaks, which will also serve as access roads to
the farm lots of the beneficiaries, fishponds, canals, roads, etc.
The lot allocation for the beneficiaries has started on 18 July 2013
and will continue almost daily up to 21 August 2013. As lots are
allocated in each barangay, DAR will immediately generate the
CLOAs (or land titles given to beneficiaries of CARP-awarded
lands), submit these to the Register of Deeds for registration, and,
by September 2013, distribute copies of the CLOAs to the
The same effort and intensity the DAR Provincial Office of Tarlac
is giving and spending for the distribution of Hacienda Luisita is
being given and spent by all other offices of DAR with respect to
their targets.
To address the high poverty incidence among fisherfolk, the government
is implementing resource regeneration and livelihood programs;
upgrading and rehabilitating existing fish ports; and establishing new
ones in strategic areas to improve the value of fisheries production and
trigger economic activity in these areas.




DA and DILG implemented189 the closed season190 for the fishing of

sardines in an almost 14,000 sq. km conservation area in East Sulu,
Basilan Strait, and Sibuguey Bay from November to February, starting
in 2011 up to 2013191 to allow fish stocks to be replenished. In the
Zamboanga Peninsula, this resulted in the growth of the total
production volume of sardines by 6 percent from 146,446 MT in
2011 to 155,754 MT in 2012. Unloadings in regional fish ports in the
area also showed a 49 percent increase from January to September
2012 compared to the same period in 2011. Following this success,

Joint DA-DILG Administrative Order No. 1, s. 2011, entitled Establishing a Closed Season for the
Conservation of Sardines in East Sulu, Basilan Strait, and Sibuguey Bay. Using BFAR vessels, BFAR,
DILG, and the Philippine Coast Guard jointly patrol the areas for conservation during the implementation of
the closed season.
Closed season prohibits any person, association, or corporation to kill or catch, or cause to be killed or
caught or taken, any of defined sardines species in the conservation areas using commercial purse seine,
commercial ringnet, commercial bagnet and scoop net. Purchasing, selling, or possession of sardines
caught in the area is also prohibited.
Closed season for the first year of implementation is from 01 December 2011 to 01 March 2012.

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the closed season scheme was replicated in the Visayan Sea from
November 2012 to March 2013.

The DA is also implementing the Fish Cage for Livelihood Program to

encourage fisherfolk to shift from fish hunting to the more productive
fish farming. In 2012, 488 cages were established across the country,
benefiting about 2,000 fisherfolk. For 2013, P16.8 million has been
allocated for the establishment of 76 more fish cages.

Such steps, in conjunction with other government programs supporting

the fishing subsector, have resulted in 5.9 percent growth of the
subsectors Gross Value Added (GVA), at current prices, from P182.85
billion in 2011 to P193.65 billion in 2012. In the first quarter of 2013,
the GVA of the subsector at current prices grew by 9.9 percent to P49.69
billion from P45.23 billion during the same period in 2012.

To sustain the rebound in fisheries production and to further improve

the governments livelihood support for fisherfolk, the government
has implemented mechanisms to develop new fishing grounds and
provide infrastructure and greater market access for municipal
The National Payao192 Program is being implemented to develop
fishing grounds that are yet to be utilized such as the Benham
Rise.193 By establishing a strategic area through the deployment of
payao units, the time and cost spent searching for fish are
reduced, increasing fishing efficiency. For 2013, P69.8 million
has been allocated for 1,110 units of payao, which will benefit at
least 33,000 fisherfolk nationwide.
As of July 2013, 1,104 units have been procured, 148 units of
which have been deployed in the waters of Benham Rise, West
Philippine Sea, Polilio Island, Basilan, and Sulu. For 2014, 606
units are proposed to be deployed along Regions I, III, and IV-B in
the West Philippine Sea area, and along Regions II, III, IV-A, V,
VIII, XI, and XIII in the Pacific area.
Fisheries resources, especially in the eastern seaboard, are still left
untapped despite their enormous potential. One of the reasons is



Payao is the local term for a Fish Aggregating Device (FAD), which is used to lure fish in marked spots.
FADs are considered as one of the most effective fishing technologies that significantly contributed to
marine fisheries production in the country.
Benham Rise, which is located off the provinces of Isabela and Aurora in East Luzon, is a 13 million ha area
rich in yellow fin and blue fin tuna, blue marlin, skipjack and round scad, among others. The United Nations
has declared the area as part of Philippine territory on 12 April 2012.

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the lack of facilities in those areas such as fish ports, landings and
docking facilities. To help address the concern, the government
targets to develop 23 fish port sites in 2013 and 21 more in
2014. 194 Also in 2014, the DA proposes to construct eight Ice
Plant and Cold Storage (IPCS) facilities. These facilities will help
reduce postharvest losses and allow fisherfolk to command higher
prices by preserving the freshness of their fish catch.
d. Sitio Electrification
Through the DOEs Sitio Electrification Program (SEP), the government is
energizing rural areas to improve the quality of life, spur economic
activity, and generate employment for the rural populace. The
accelerated SEP targets to energize 36,000 sitios by end-2016. From the
start of its implementation in October 2011 up to June 2013, 8,581 sitios
have been energized at an average cost of P618,000 per sitio, which is
more cost-effective compared to the previous administrations average of
P870,000 per sitio.
e. Power Generation Mix
Energy is needed to sustain the countrys growing economy and serve as
catalyst for improvement of lives of the people. Towards this end, the
government is pursuing an energy strategy towards self-sufficiency,
affordability, and stability by diversifying its power generation sources.
The government is balancing availability of baseload capacities using
traditional sources (i.e., coal, oil-based, and natural gas) and
environment-friendly, renewable energy sources (e.g., hydro,
geothermal, wind, solar, and biomass).


Bataraza, Palawan is among the proposed sites for development in 2014.

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Table 30: Power Generation Mix

Fuel Type
Natural Gas
RE + Natgas
Source: DOE

% share
(in GWh)

% share
(in GWh)

The DOE, through the NEA, is set to implement the Modular Generator
Sets (Gensets) Program as one of the measures to address the interim
(2013 to 2015) power supply situation in Mindanao. Gensets will be
offered to electric cooperatives (ECs) in the area at a low interest rate to
be embedded in their distribution systems. However, the ECs will
shoulder the costs of the operation and maintenance of the gensets.

3. Ensured the Protection of Workers Rights and Welfare

a. Compliance with Labor Laws
The enforcement of labor standards, such as the proper implementation
of safety and anti-child labor measures, is strengthened with the addition
of 372 Labor Law Compliance Officers (LLCOs) charged with educating
companies and workers on labor rights and laws, as well as with
assessing, enforcing, and monitoring their compliance with such. DOLE
targets to complete the hiring of said officers to bring their total to 534 by
October 2013.
b. Welfare and Benefits of Workers and Uniformed Personnel

Reforms in the Social Security System (SSS) are being pushed to

ensure fund perpetuity and reduce its unfunded liability. SSS
contribution rate (10.4 percent) is only half of GSIS rate (21 percent).
For the Fund to last 70 years, which is the international standard for
fund perpetuity, the contribution rate should be 14.1 percent.
Since 1980, members contribution rate has only been increased
twice (in 2003 and 2007), whereas across-the-board pension
increases have been implemented 21 times. This has resulted in SSS
2013 SONA Technical Report | 77

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unfunded liability195 estimated at P1.1 trillion in 2011. If members

contribution is not increased, the Funds liability will increase by 8
percent per year and its actuarial life is projected to last until 2039
(28 years).
To address these, the SSS, in consultation with labor and employer
groups, has proposed to increase members contribution rate from
10.4 percent to 11 percent.196 This will help reduce SSS unfunded
liability by 13 percent, or P141 billion, and extend its fund by three
years (up to 2042).

Compensation benefits received by government employees have

been increased to be at par with the benefits received by private
sector workers through the issuance of EO Nos. 134 and 135197 on 23
April 2013. These mandate the provision of carers allowance,
increase in daily allowance during a temporary disability, funeral
benefits, and physicians professional fees.
Table 31: Comparative Compensation Benefits for SSS and GSIS
Members (in P)
Carers Allowance
Temporary Total Disability
Physicians Professional
First Visit
General Practitioner
Succeeding Visits
Sources: DOLE and GSIS





On 11 September 2012, DBM, DepEd, and GSIS signed a MOA for

the payment of the governments share in the unremitted GSIS
premium contributions involving 784,602 DepEd personnel

The difference between the present value of future benefits and operating expenses vis--vis current assets
and the present value of future contributions. It is caused by the existing structural imbalance in funding.
0.6 percent increment to be divided equally between employer and employee. This is equivalent to an
additional P6.00 for every P1,000 increment in the members MSC.
Entitled Granting of Carers Allowance to Employees Compensation Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
and Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Pensioners in the Public Sector and Increasing the Amount of
Employment Compensation Benefits for Employees in the Public Sector, respectively.
As stipulated in EO Nos. 134 and 135, s. 2013

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nationwide (excluding ARMM), which amounted to a total of P20.96

billion DepEd liabilities to GSIS as of May 2012.
As of 04 April 2013, GSIS has released more than P487.82 million for
93,782 active, separated, and retired DepEd employees.

The government sees as well the urgent need to rationalize the

retirement benefits and pension of retired uniformed personnel due to
its unsustainable funding requirements, which will have significant
impact on the national budget for years to come.
For the AFP 199 and PNP 200 alone, the government has allocated a
combined total of P54.48 billion in 2012 and P61.29 billion in 2013.
The DBM estimates that the budgetary outlay for the pension
requirements of the AFP and PNP would reach P80.64 billion in
2016. If the current system continues, the pension paid from the
national budget for AFP retirees will, in time, overtake the salary paid
to active servicemen.

Table 32: Projected Funding Requirements for the AFP (in P billion)
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
36.80 38.44 39.70 39.10 43.84 49.53 56.27 64.19
Personnel 49.29 51.52 53.45 53.47 57.05 60.92 65.17 69.85
Source: DBM



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
PS Active Military



The current pension system for the AFP is prescribed by Presidential Decree Nos. 361 (Providing for an
Armed Forces Retirement and Separation Benefits System) and 1638 (Establishing a New System of
Retirement and Separation for Military Personnel of the AFP and for Other Purposes).
The current pension system for the PNP is prescribed by Republic Act No. 8551 (An Act Providing for the
Reform and Reorganization of the PNP and for Other Purposes, Amending Certain Provisions of RA 6975).

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To address the problem, the DBM, DOF, and DND are currently
considering the following, as proposed under the pension reform bill:
Removal of the indexation to salary of active members;
Establishment of a fund for new entrants to be managed by GSIS,
wherein members will contribute to the fund; and
Deactivation of the AFP - Retirement and Separation Benefits

On 20 May 2013, the DND-AFP launched its Integrated Business

Plan (IBP) during the Joint Signing of the Expanded National
Convergence Initiative (NCI)201 among DA, DAR, DENR, DILG, and
DND. The IBP is an income-generating strategy to optimize military
reservations for productive use, with a two-pronged purpose: (1)
provide sustainable livelihood projects for soldiers, retirees, and even
former rebels; and (2) derive income from either the lease of the
camps or from profit-sharing schemes of the agro-industrial business
Initially, three AFP camps were identified for IBP projects, as follows:
Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija under the Philippine Army's (PA)
7th Infantry Division: bamboo plantation (3,000 ha) and cassava
plantation (15 ha);
Camp Kibaritan in Bukidnon under the PA 4th Infantry Division:
coffee plantation (1,000 ha) and other high value crops (200 ha);
Camp Peralta in Capiz under the PA 3rd Infantry Division: palm
oil plantation202 (5,000 ha).



Through the continued implementation of the AFP/PNP Housing

Program, the government uplifts the morale and welfare of our
uniformed personnel.

Promotes a framework of sustainable agriculture and rural development through integrating people,
economy and environment; optimizing resources and creating substantial effect in the short-term; and
facilitating model-building across ecosystems, production systems, and rural poverty sectors/small
producers in the long-term
Currently under evaluation.

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Table 33: Status of the AFP/PNP Housing Program (As of 19 July 2013)
Phase I
Phase II
P4.6 billion
P8.5 billion
500 million for the
additional 2,498 units for
May 2011 March 2012
March 2012 August
Housing Units to
21,800 (AFP/PNP)
be Built
2,498 (BJMP/BFP)
Allocation of
10,900 units to the AFP
14,040 units to the AFP
Housing Units
10,900 units to the PNP
14,040 units to the PNP
2,498 units to BJMP/BFP
1,810 units to the BFP
1,060 units to the BJMP
250 units to the BuCor

Housing Units
Awarded to

No. of Sites and


Target Date of

21,800 units
(as of March 2012)
2,498 units
(as of June 2013)

All units awarded to

10,900 units to the AFP
10,900 units to the PNP
2,498 units to BJMP/BFP
15 sites total, located
throughout Luzon
(Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna,
and Rizal)
June 2012
September 2013

26,050 units completed

(as of 19 July 2013)
11,722 units for AFP
11,722 units for PNP
1,304 units for BFP
782 units for BJMP
520 units for BuCor

31 sites total, with at least

one site in every region

September 2013

Source: NHA



In line with the Convention on Domestic Workers Rights, the

Domestic Workers or Kasambahay Act (RA 10361) was signed into
law on 18 January 2013. The law sets the minimum wage in various
locales and the entitlement of domestic workers to humane
treatment, access to education, and medical assistance.

In November 2011, DBM released an additional 500 million for the construction of 2,498 housing units for
the BJMP and BFP personnel. As of June 2013, the additional 2,498 housing units were completed.
On 21 February 2013, NHA submitted the revised allocation of 31,200 housing units in Phase II that includes
BuCor employees. A total of 250 housing units from the BJMP (188) and BFP (62) were re-allocated to

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C. Built Safer and Disaster-Resilient Communities

Aware of the countrys vulnerabilities to the effects of climate change, the
government put in place interventions to reverse environmental degradation
and to improve the resiliency of local communities. The 2012 Environmental
Performance Index 205 has recognized these efforts when it categorized the
Philippines as a global strong performer in environmental performance 206 .
From being 50th in 2010, the country jumped to 42nd place in 2012 out of 132
countries, outranking Australia (48th), the Unites States (49th), Singapore (52nd),
and Indonesia (74th), which are all under the modest performer category.

1. Mitigated Effects of Climate Change and Disasters

Based on the World Risk Index 2012, 207 the Philippines is the third most
vulnerable to disaster risks and natural hazards among 173 countries,
experiencing an average of 20 tropical cyclones each year and other
climatic and extreme weather aberrations such as the El Nio
phenomenon.208 These disasters strain government fund, with an average of
P15 billion in annual direct damages, and more adversely, hamper the
governments poverty reduction efforts.
To mitigate the effects of climate change, the government has put in place
the policy framework and implementing mechanisms at the national and
local levels.






The National Climate Change Action Plan, the National Strategic

Framework on Climate Change, and the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan209 have been formulated to provide the
institutional and policy landscape for the effective implementation of
disaster risk reduction. These also systematically integrate the various

The EPI ranks countries on performance indicators tracked across policy categories that cover both
environmental public health and ecosystem vitality. These indicators provide a gauge at a national
government scale of how close countries are to be established environmental policy goals. (Source:
A higher rank indicates that a country or region is closer to achieving its established goals in environmental
The United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security, the Alliance Development
Works, and The Nature Conservancy calculate risks by the extent to which communities are exposed to
natural hazards and the degree of vulnerability, which is dependent on social factors such as public
infrastructure, governance, condition of the environment, among others. (Source: World Risk Report 2012,
Lasco, Rodel D. and Rafaela Jane P. Delfino. Institutional and Policy Landscapes of Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific: A Joint Project of the World Agroforestry
Centre (ICRAF) Philippines and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat
(UNISDR) Asia and Pacific Regional Office. September 2010.
The NDRRM Plan defines the responsibilities of government agencies on DRRM in the pre- and postdisaster phases in the following thematic areas: Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and

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disaster risk management and climate change adaptation activities,

coordination, and financing mechanisms of the government.

To prevent and mitigate hazards, as well as prepare for disasters, the

government under the READY Project 210 completed the multi-hazard
mapping of the 28 most disaster-prone areas:
Table 34: Completed Multi-Hazard Mapping of the 28 Most Disaster-Prone
As of June 2012
Antique, Aurora, Bohol, Cavite, Dinagat Island, Eastern
Samar, Iloilo, Laguna, Leyte, Northern Samar, Pampanga,
Southern Leyte, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur,
As of December Abra, Agusan del Sur, Benguet, Cagayan, Catanduanes,
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, Rizal,
Quirino, Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay
Source: DOST

Multi-hazard maps identify areas that are prone to various natural

hazards such as, ground rupture (active faults), ground shaking,
liquefaction, earthquake, earthquake-induced landslides, tsunamis,
lahars, and volcano-related hazards, rainfall-induced landslides and
A multi-hazard map for the Greater Metro Manila Area211 (the GMMA
READY Project) is also being developed and is targeted for completion
on or before the first quarter of 2014.
Table 35: Status of Multi-hazard and Geohazard Mapping


disasterprone areas
and cities

(as of
(as of July

(as of
(as of



Next Steps
Completion Multihazard map for
Metro Manila
within 2014
Completion of
balance of 1,138
completed by



Hazards Mapping and Assessment for Effective Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
Metro Manila areas, Laguna, Cavite, Bulacan, and Rizal. Other government mapping efforts such as those
which are being developed by the MGB (e.g., for areas prone to rain-induced landslides) and PHIVOLCS
(e.g., for areas prone to volcanic activity, earthquake, tsunami, liquefaction, etc.) will cover the rest of the

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Furthermore, the National Geohazard Mapping and Assessment Program

is continuously generating geohazard maps with a 1:10,000 scale, which
are more detailed and enhanced than the 1:50,000 scale maps
completed in 2010. The Program targets the completion of the
geohazard maps for the 1,634 cities and municipalities, and targeted for
completion by 2014. As of June 2013, the mapping and assessment of
496 cities/municipalities have been completed.
Geohazard maps aim to identify areas that are prone to rainfall-induced
flooding and landslides, and those frequented by rainfalls and typhoons.
The OCD spearheads the READY Project in coordination with the
mandated hazard mapping agencies (i.e., PHIVOLCS, PAGASA, MGB,
and NAMRIA). Said agencies regularly coordinate to avoid overlap of
their activities.

The Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (Project NOAH)

was launched in July 2012 as an integrated flood early warning system. It
targets to install a total of 1,000 devices composed of 600 automated
rain gauges and 400 water-level monitoring stations (WLMS) along the
countrys 18 major river basins212 (RBs) by December 2013. As of 19 July
2013, a total of 525 devices have been deployed, of which 400 have
been installed.
In 2013, the DOST started training its field personnel, including its
regional disaster councils and local government staff, in the installation,
maintenance, and troubleshooting of the devices.
Also, the Flood Information Network (FloodNet Project) and the DREAMLidar 213 Mapping Project, both components of NOAH, are targeted for
completion by December 2013. FloodNet aims to come up with
computer models for the major RBs, while the DREAM-Lidar Mapping
Project intends to produce more accurate 3D flood inundation and
hazard maps of the countrys flood-prone areas, major river systems, and
watersheds. As of 18 July 2013, 13 floodplains214 located in the 18 RBs,
and the Lucena and Infanta flood plains have been Lidar-mapped.
Meanwhile, eight rivers215 have been 3D flood-modeled.




These are: (1) Cagayan; (2) Mindanao; (3) Agusan; (4) Pampanga; (5) Agno; (6) Abra; (7) Pasig-MarikinaLaguna; (8) Bicol; (9) Abulug; (10) Tagum-Libuganon; (11) Ilog-Hilabangan; (12) Panay; (13) Tagoloan; (14)
Agus; (15) Davao; (16) Cagayan de Oro; (17) Jalaur; and (18) Buayan-Malungon.
Disaster Risk Exposure Assessment for Mitigation Light Detection and Ranging Project
These are: (1) Pampanga; (2) Agno; (3) Cagayan de Oro; (4) Iligan; (5) Tagaloan; (6) Jalaur; (7) Panay; (8)
Hilabangan; (9) Buayan-Malungon; (10) Bicol; (11) Davao; (12) Agusan; (13) Magasawang Tubig.
These are: Marikina, CDO, Iponan, Iligan, Mandulog, Pampanga, Angat and Davao.

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As a result of NOAH, no deaths in Marikina City were reported during

the onslaught of Habagat on 06 to 08 August 2012.
Further, a repeat of a Sendong-like disaster was prevented in Cagayan de
Oro (CDO) when the local government received adequate warning
before a six-meter rise in water level in the CDO River. The increase in
water level led to floods in the city but did not result in any casualties.

Eight Doppler Radars, 216 which provide real-time information for

accurate weather and rainfall forecasting, have been operational in
Subic, Hinatuan, Tagaytay, Cebu, Tampakan, Virac since March 2012,
Aparri since November 2012, and Guiuan in Eastern Samar since June

Tsunami monitoring and warning systems have also been installed in the
gulfs of Lingayen (one tsunami detector and one alerting siren in
Bolinao, three alerting sirens in Dagupan, and one in Lingayen) and
Albay (one tsunami detector and four alerting sirens in Rapu-Rapu, and
four alerting sirens in Legazpi City).

Disaster management will be further improved with the launching of the

Mobile and Operating System for Emergency Services (MOSES) tablet on
23 July 2013. MOSES is a device which provides real-time information
on weather forecast, rain precipitation, flood maps, and cyclone updates,
and serves as a communication gadget between barangay officials and
local disaster managers from the DOST Control Center.
A total of 150 MOSES tablets will be initially distributed to barangay
officials and local disaster managers in the NCR for pilot-testing. The
development and testing of the device will be funded under DOSTs
Technology Incubation for Commercialization Program.

2. Managed Flood Risk in Metro Manila and Other Areas

Floods have a debilitating effect particularly on the poor who are unable to
easily cope and recover from disasters. As the problem is multi-faceted and
would involve a number of agencies and LGUs, the government has crafted
the Master Plan for Flood Management in Metro Manila and Surrounding
Areas,217 using the river basin approach to flood management. The Plan will
provide a sustainable long-term flood management strategy to be fully


These are in addition to the existing two upgraded Doppler radars in Baler (2008) and Baguio (2009).
The plan includes a set of priority structural and non-structural measures. The projects will undergo
individual feasibility studies and detailed design prior to implementation.

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implemented up to 2035, covering not only Metro Manila, but also the
surrounding provinces (i.e., Rizal, Laguna, and parts of Bulacan).

Recognizing the urgent need to ease flooding in these areas, the

government approved an initial P5-billion funding for high-impact flood
control projects, which will provide immediate effects within 15 to 18
months of their implementation. These projects are now in various stages
of implementation. 218

In addition to the high-impact flood control projects, the DPWH is

implementing 416 projects worth P6.2 billion 219 in Metro Manila
involving the improvement of drainage, esteros, waterways, and
riverways, to improve their carrying capacity. 220 These include the
construction/rehabilitation of the Blumentritt Interceptor Catchment
Area221 (drainage system) from Estero De Sunog Apog to Piy Margal in
Sampaloc, Manila amounting to P600 million, which started in March
2013 and targeted to be completed in July 2014.

To complement these efforts, the government allocated MMDA P1.6

billion to rehabilitate and upgrade 12 priority pumping stations, which
will benefit a total of 804,662 people or roughly 161,000 families living
in 361 barangays in three cities.222
The DPWH is implementing 3,998 flood control and drainage projects
nationwide worth P32.08 billion. 223 Of these projects, 76 percent or
3,029 projects have been completed.





The DPWH has also been developing master plans and feasibility studies
for flood control and drainage projects in 56 river basins 224 (e.g.,
Pampanga, Tagoloan, Cagayan, Agno, Imus, Bicol, and Cagayan de
Oro), for implementation from 2009 to 2034. Further, the DPWH,
DENR, DA, and DAR have collaborated to implement water-related

There are 12 completed sub-projects as of 25 June 2013 in Valenzuela City, Bulacan, Malabon City,
Marikina City, Pasig City, and Rizal.
Funded under 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 Infrastructure Program
This includes the construction of pumping stations.
The Blumentritt Interceptor has a total length of 3.306 km and a total volume capacity of 36,048.72 cubic
meters (cu. m).
There are two pumping stations in Pasay; nine in Manila; and one in Makati. The procurement process will
take over a month starting in the first week of July and will be finished by first week of August. As such, the
project is expected to be finished in 240 days or 8 months after the receipt of the winning bidder of the notice
to proceed (NTP).
Funded under 2011, 2012, and 2013 Infrastructure Program
These 56 river basins were identified from JICAs study in March 2008, which was based on natural and
socio-economic conditions, including economic efficiencies, and consideration of possible investment and
strategic importance.

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convergence projects in river basins since 2011. 225 This approach

optimizes the benefits and impact of the governments water
development projects.

As of 13 July 2011, there are 1,502,336 informal settler families (ISFs)

nationwide, 226 584,425 of which are in the National Capital Region
(NCR), while the remaining 917,911 are in other regions.
Of the ISFs in NCR, 104,219 reside in danger areas that include: esteros,
riverbanks, waterways, shorelines, garbage dumps, railroad tracks, and
other public places (e.g., sidewalks, roads, and parks and playgrounds).
Of the ISFs living in danger areas, 60,130 live on waterways.

Fully cognizant of the need to clear the communities living on

waterways to not only get the inhabitants out of harms way but also to
effectively deal with a major contributor to flooding, the President
directed the immediate clearing by DILG, MMDA, DPWH, SHFC, NHA,
and DSWD227 of the eight priority waterways228 in Metro Manila and the
consequent relocation of affected ISFs.

With an initial budget of P10 billion, 19,440 ISFs out of 60,130 ISFs
living on waterways will be relocated to off-city and in-city resettlement
A total of 7,900 ISFs from San Juan and Tullahan Rivers will be
prioritized and will begin to be relocated from 01 August to 01
September, and 01 September to 01 October 2013, respectively, since
these rivers have the potential of moving a huge amount of water into
Manila Bay and such relocation has the support of their respective LGUs.
Below is the target schedule of relocation:




The DPWH constructs flood-control projects in critical watershed and flood-prone areas; DENR implements
projects to protect, rehabilitate, and manage watersheds; DA undertakes water-resource projects for
irrigation purposes; and DAR develops agrarian areas within river system areas.
NHA estimates that of the 1.5 million ISFs: (1) 584,425 (38.9 percent) are located in NCR; (2) 198,873
(13.24 percent) in Northern and Central Luzon; (3) 393,261 (26.18 percent) in Southern Luzon; (4) 104,022
(6.92 percent) in Visayas; and (5) 221,755 (14.76 percent) in Mindanao.
DSWD will conduct biometric scanning and disburse the P18,000 to ISFs living on top of esteros/waterways.
These eight priority waterways are: (1) Pasig River; (2) San Juan River; (3) Tullahan River; (4) Manggahan
Floodway; (5) Maricaban Creek; (6) Tripa de Gallina; (7) Estero de Maypajo; and (8) Estero de Sunog Apog.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 87

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

Table 36: Target Schedule of Relocation

Proposed Resettlement Sites
Name of
No. of
1. San Juan
01 Aug 4,217 Smokey
01 Sept
Mountain, Manila; Heights,
Jose del Monte,
Bistekville, QC
2. Tullahan
01 Sept 3,683 Tala and Camarin
01 Oct
Caloocan, and
3. Tripa de
01 Oct 5,321
Trece Martires,
01 Nov
Baras, Rizal
4. Pasig River
Trece Martires,
Mountain, Manila Cavite
Tanay, Rizal
5. Maricaban
01 Nov 4,634 Orosa, Taguig
Trece Martires,
01 Dec
6. Manggahan
MMDA Depot,
Tanay and Baras,
7. Estero de
1,585 Sunog
8. Estero de
Bocaue, Bulacan
Source: NHA

The government is preparing to file civil actions for cancellation of title

against private property owners who have extended their properties on
the San Juan and Tullahan rivers. The government is also preparing to
take administrative action against private property owners whose
properties encroach on danger zones/public easements in the same sites.

Among the 19,440 ISFs either living on top of waterways or within the
three-meter easement, those who opt for immediate transfer to
resettlement areas will receive an P18,000 resettlement assistance; those
whose resettlement sites are in-city but not ready for occupancy will be
provided P18,000 (in tranches) as rental assistance.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 88

Prioritizing the Delivery of Basic Services and Social Protection Programs

On 19 June 2013, DBM released P374.4 million to DSWD 229 for the
payment of the subsidy under its Interim Shelter Fund for Informal Settler
Families Program.

The NHA has targeted 28,398 housing units for ISFs, of which 12,926
are completed for off-city resettlement as of July 2013. Of the completed
units, 8,084 units have been turned over to ISFs living in danger areas.
The remaining 4,842 units are allocated for the relocation of ISFs living
along the priority waterways.
A total of 8,534 housing units in Bulacan, Cavite, and Rizal are expected
to be completed by the first quarter of 2014. A total of 6,080 housing
units in Manila, Caloocan, Valenzuela, Pasig, Mandaluyong, Navotas
(for in-city resettlement) and San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, are expected
to be completed by the third quarter of 2014 while 858 housing units
will result from CSO proposals.





Meanwhile, the SHFC, through its High Density Housing Program

window, 230 will provide up to P400,000 loan assistance 231 to fund the
Peoples Proposals,232 to be used for the construction of housing units in
in-city or near-site relocation sites.

Breakdown of the P374.4 million as follows: (a) P349,920,000 for the Interim Shelter Fund for the 19,440
ISFs (P18,000 each per ISF); and (b) P24,449,400 for administrative and mobilization costs.
The HDH Program, which provides loan assistance to organized communities of ISFs living in danger areas
in NCR, is an in-city or near site relocation or a land sharing arrangement wherein a significant number of
ISFs are accommodated in multi-story buildings.
The maximum ceiling for the loan is P400,000, with an interest of 4.5 percent per annum, for a maximum of
30 years. To make the loan affordable, SHFC adopted a graduated amortization scheme which will allows
beneficiaries to pay lower monthly amortizations on the first year with a gradual increase of 10 percent up to
10 years. The succeeding monthly amortization after the 11 year is fixed.
Peoples Proposal is the involvement of the ISFs themselves in the planning and implementation stages of
their housing and other shelter facilities.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 89

National Road Development
A good and well-maintained road network supports and improves the countrys
competitiveness. Towards this, the government shall pave all remaining unpaved
sections of the national road network (7,256 km) by 2016. For 2010 to 2013, it
allocated P70 billion for the purpose. An estimated P101 billion is needed to complete
the program on top of the P70 billion. 233
Table 37: Paving of the National Road Network
Type of National
(in km) January
2010May 2013
Arterial Roads
Secondary Roads
Source: DPWH



Aside from paving roads, the DPWH also targets to make all temporary bridges along
national roads permanent by 2016. From January 2010 to May 2013, the DPWH has
made permanent 6,647 lm of temporary bridges, which is 48 percent of the 13,839 lm
target until 2016.
In partnership with the DOT, the DPWH is also improving and upgrading roads
leading to priority tourist destinations in support of the countrys targets to achieve 10
million international tourist arrivals and 56.1 million domestic travelers by 2016.
Table 38: Key Tourism Road Projects
Road Description and Location
1. Ternate-Nasugbu Road
A 6.045 km tourism road connecting the
coastal towns of Ternate, Cavite and
Nasugbu, Batangas to Metro Manila
Will improve access to major beach resorts
such as Puerto Azul and Caylabne
Will reduce travel time between Nasugbu,
Batangas and Manila from four hours and
30 minutes (currently via Tagaytay
Highway) to three hours upon project

(in P

(in P

The road has been
passable since 01
July 2013, with
some slope
protection works
still ongoing.
Target full
completion is in
September 2013.

The specific targets are to pave all unpaved sections of the national arterial road network by 2014 and
national secondary road network by 2016, based on the 2010 Road Condition Data. The targets exclude
newly converted national roads and constructed gap sections along predetermined road alignment in 2011
and succeeding years.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 1

2. Access Roads to the Underground River,

Bahile Macarascas Sabang Road (City
Rehabilitation/reconstruction of 3.75 km of
Salvacion Sabang Stretch Tapul Bahile
Road (National Secondary Road)
Upgrading (gravel to concrete) of 1.85 km



Started in January
2013 and targeted
for completion in
August 2013



Started in March
2011 and
completed in June



Started in 2012 and

targeted for
completion in 2014



Started in 2012 and

targeted for
completion in 2016



Started in 2013 and

targeted for
completion in 2016.

The road projects will improve access to the

Puerto Princesa Underground River and other
tourist attractions in the area (e.g., mangrove
forest tour, white sand beaches).
3. Ambangeg Junction National Road to
Mount Pulag
A local road with an entry point at
Ambangeg Junction along GurelBokod
KabayanBuguiasAbatan national road
and ends at a ranger station. The project
(gravel to concrete paved) of 6 km section
of the road
The ranger station is the staging point for
local and foreign hikers and backpackers
to Mount Pulag, the highest mountain peak
in Luzon.
The project will make travel to Mt. Pulag
and Kabayan Caves in Kabayan, Benguet
more convenient.
4. Access Roads to Donsol, Sorsogon
Pioduran-Donsol-Sta. Cruz Road
A local road that starts at Brgy Bororan,
Donsol, Sorsogon and ends at junction of
Ligao-Pioduran Road at the Poblacion of
Pioduran, Albay. The road traverses
coastal areas and rolling mountainous
The Project is divided into two sections:
Donsol, Sorsogon Section - Involves the
upgrading (gravel to paved) and
improvement of 8.6 km of road, and
construction of two bridges; and
Pioduran, Albay Section - Involves the
improvement of about 10 km road and
construction of a bridge.
Guinobatan-Jovellar-Donsol Road
Involves the construction/concreting of
24.90 km of road

2013 SONA Technical Report | 2

The road projects will improve access to

Donsol for whale shark watching.
5. Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS)
Circumferential Road, Phase I
The Project involves the construction, road
opening, and upgrading of 37.437 km
priority sections out of the total 96.301 km
length of the provincial road.
Tourist attractions in IGACOS include
Pearl Farm Beach Resort, Tridacna
Culture, diving area, and the Samal
Botanical Garden.



Started in 2012 and

targeted for
completion in 2016

Sources: DPWH and DOT

Infrastructure Support to the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)

Consistent with the goal of promoting inclusive growth, the Aquino administration is
promoting infrastructure development in Mindanao, including ARMM. Improving
connectivity contributes positively to the peace and order situation, and ultimately, to
improving economic conditions in ARMM. Since 2011, the DPWH has been
implementing P8.78-billion worth of high-impact projects in the region.
Cost of Projects (in P billion)


Lanao del Sur

Support Program
(FY 2011 to FY

Saudi Fund for

Development -assisted
Mindanao Roads
Improvement Projects**

(FY 2011 to
FY 2013)



Note: An additional P2.73 billion was requested from the DBM for additional priority projects and for the
completion of projects previously funded under the TISP-ARMM.
*Figures do not add up due to rounding
** Refers to total contract cost of projects
Source: DPWH

In September 2012, the DPWH completed three bridges 235 along the Sanga-SangaBato-Bato-Lapid-Lapid National Road in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi. Previously, travel by sea
from Bongao to mainland Tawi-Tawi took two hours and 30 minutes. With the
completion of the bridges, average travel time was reduced to 30 minutes (by land),


The Saudi Fund for Development provides financial assistance for the implementation of development
projects (e.g., infrastructure) in developing countries. These loans are made available quickly without
conditions, with up to 50 years repayment periods and 10-year grace periods, among others.
These bridges are Bridge I (39.624 lm) along Lapid-Lapid Section; Bridge II (101.745 lm) along Bukawan
Dakula Section; and Bridge III (30.48 lm) along Sanga-Sanga Section in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi. The total
project cost of the three bridges is P297 million, funded from the DPWH Budget FY 2009 to FY 2011.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 3

benefitting around 100,000 residents in the area. The bridges also improved
connectivity between Bongao, the capital town of Tawi-Tawi; the Sanga-Sanga
Airport; and the Municipalities of Languyan and Panglima-Sugala.
Aside from these, the DPWH is also pursuing the completion of circumferential roads
and other major roads that will improve inter-provincial connectivity within the
region. For one, the Lake Lanao Circumferential Road (110.39 km) will reduce travel
time around Lake Lanao from three hours to one hour and 45 minutes, benefitting
around 608,000 residents.236 The project was originally approved for implementation
in 2002 but has been delayed due to, among others, the peace and order situation in
the project area.237 The DPWH targets to complete the project in February 2015.
Other major road projects in ARMM for completion in 2014 include the Basilan
Circumferential Road (133 km)238 and the Cotabato City East Diversion Road (13.27
Airport and Seaport Development
Most Philippine airports are unable to keep up with growing passenger demand, and
the government recognizes that this must be addressed to support the growing number
of tourist and investors visiting the country. As such, the DOTC has undertaken the
following reforms in planning and implementing airport projects:

Implementing airport projects simultaneously, allowing the government to finish

more key airport projects. This is in contrast with the previous administrations
piecemeal implementation of projects; and

Constructing key airport projects using government funds and engaging the private
sector for the operations, maintenance, and future expansion rights under a PPP
arrangement, allowing the airport project to commence quickly while still
harnessing the benefits of PPP.


The Project starts at Marawi City and passes through the Municipalities of Ditsaan-Ramain, Bubong, BuadiPuso, Molundo, Taraka, Tamparan, Masiu, Lumbayanague, Lumbatan, Bayang, Binidayan, Pualas,
Ganassi, Madamba, Madalum, Bacolod Kalawi, Balindong, and Marantao, and ends back at Marawi, Lanao
del Sur.
The Lake Lanao Circumferential Road (under the Mindanao Roads Improvement Project) was originally
approved by the NEDA ICC-Cabinet Committee in 2002, with target implementation period from 2005 to
2008. However, the project was approved for loan extension twice (in November 2009 and September 2012)
due to implementation delays resulting from change in project design, slow disbursement, and peace and
order situation in the project areas, which halted or slowed down construction.
The Basilan Circumferential Road starts at Isabela City and passes through Lamitan City and the
Municipalities of Tuburan, Al-Barka, Tipo-Tipo, Ungkaya Pukan, Sumisip, and Maluso, and ends at
Tumahubong, Basilan. The project will reduce travel time around Basilan (through the entire stretch of the
circumferential road) from three hours and 45 minutes to two hours, benefitting around 450,000 residents.
The Cotabato City East Diversion Road will provide an alternate route to decongest traffic along Sinsuat
Avenue in the Central Business District of Cotabato City. It starts along Marbel-Allah-Cotabato Road in
Cotabato City and ends at Cotabato City-Lanao/Davao City Road. It also passes through the Municipalities
of Datu Odin Sinsuat and Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao. Upon completion, the project will reduce average
travel time going to and from Cotabato City town proper from 50 minutes to 25 minutes.




2013 SONA Technical Report | 4

The government is undertaking the construction of 3 new airports, major upgrading

and rehabilitation of 6 airports, and minor upgrading/rehabilitation of 48 airports.
Table 39: Selected Big-ticket Airport Development Projects
Bicol International Airport (Daraga)
Ongoing procurement of consulting services for
the updating of the Detailed Engineering Design
Development of a new airport in
Daraga, Albay to replace the
(DED), preparation of bidding documents, and
Legazpi Airport
construction supervision
Airside civil works (e.g., runway) targeted to start
by August 2013 and be completed by February
Landside civil works (e.g., Passenger Terminal
Building) targeted to start by March 2014 and be
completed by September 2016
Air navigation facilities targeted to be installed by
June 2014 and completed by December 2016



Tacloban Airport
Phased implementation of airside
civil works (e.g., concreting of apron
and taxiways)
Implementation of landside civil
works (e.g., demolition of existing
structures, construction of a new
access road, parking area,
passenger terminal building, cargo
terminal building, and air traffic
control tower building)

Implementation of airside civil works started in May

2013 (22% accomplishment as of 19 July 2013)
and is targeted for completion by April 2014
Landside civil works are targeted to start by
September 2014 and be completed by December

New Bohol (Panglao) International

Development of a new airport in
Panglao Island to replace the
Tagbilaran Airport

Detailed construction drawings have been

completed and the bidding for the construction
works is set to begin
Construction targeted to start in March 2014 and
be completed by September 2016

Puerto Princesa Airport

Development Project
Construction of a new Passenger
Terminal Building (PTB) and cargo
terminal building, among others, and
privatization of airport Operations
and Maintenance (O&M)

Construction targeted to start by December 2013

and be completed by May 2016

Laguindingan Airport
Construction of a new internationalstandard domestic airport to serve
Northern Mindanao and replace
Lumbia Airport (Cagayan de Oro

Opened as a Visual Flight Rules only airport on

15 June 2013 and will have an operational
Instrument Landing Systems by June 2014

The airport will operate with no navigation aid installed, with airport traffic to be handled/advised by the
ground crew and flight service station personnel.
A system of radio navigation intended to assist aircraft in landing by providing lateral and vertical guidance,
which may include indications of distance from the optimum point of landing.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 5

City) and Balo-i Airport (Iligan City,

Lanao del Norte)
NAIA Terminal 1 Rehabilitation
Structural retrofitting of the NAIA
Terminal 1 (e.g., renovation of
passenger movement areas)
Upgrading of the Passenger
Terminal Building
Upgrading/installation of Mechanical,
Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire
Protection works

Ongoing review of the appropriate design

approach for the retrofitting of the structure
Construction of all works targeted to start by
December 2013 and be completed by June 2015

NAIA Terminal 3 Full

Structural retrofitting and
rehabilitation/ upgrading of
electromechanical systems (ES)
necessary for the full operation of
the terminal

Structural retrofitting works started in December

2012 and completed on 21 July 2013
The signing of the Completion Work Agreement
and start of works for the 23 ES is targeted within
July 2013 and expected to be completed by June

Source: DOTC

The DOTC is also pursuing the night-rating242 of eight provincial airports (i.e., Butuan,
Cotabato, Dumaguete, Tuguegarao, Dipolog, Roxas, Ozamis, and Busuanga Airports)
to help decongest passenger traffic at NAIA by allowing airlines to offer flights to and
from these airports at night, providing passengers greater flexibility in scheduling their
trips. The projects are targeted to be awarded by the fourth quarter of 2013 and
completed by December 2014.
DOTC and PPA are also working on the development/improvement of 18 ports (e.g.,
Iloilo, San Jose, Naga, Kalibo, and Catarman), which is expected to increase passenger
traffic and improve access to tourist destinations in Iloilo, Mindoro Occidental,
Camarines Sur, Aklan, and Northern Samar, among others. Of the 18 ports, 5 are
targeted for completion by end-2013, an additional 8 ports by 2014, and the rest are
expected to be substantially completed before the end of the Presidents term in 2016.
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
The government is promoting PPP as an alternative financing scheme in developing
long-term infrastructure projects. In undertaking PPPs, the government fosters wider
participation of the private sector as partners in development under fair, transparent
and competitive processes. While the development of quality PPP projects may take
time, this scheme will ensure that government is able to deliver the needed public
services at the highest level of quality and efficiency that the private sector can offer.
PPP also drives innovation through the sharing of skills and knowledge between public
and private partners.

Refers to the installation and/or upgrading of airport equipment (e.g., communication and lighting equipment)
to allow take-off and landing operations at night

2013 SONA Technical Report | 6

Moreover, PPP projects not only provide investments necessary for infrastructure from
the private sector, but also generate additional revenues for the government. For
instance, the Daang Hari-SLEX Link Connector and NAIA Expressway Project-Phase II
generated P902 million and P11 billion in revenues, respectively, from the upfront
payment of the winning contractor.
Out of the 11 major PPP projects approved by the NEDA Board as of end-June 2013,
10 have been rolled out. 243 Of these, three projects have been awarded, with
construction of two projects ongoing.
Table 40: Rolled Out PPP Projects
Daang Hari-SLEX Link Road Project
Construction of a 4 km, 4-lane paved toll road that will
connect Bacoor, Cavite to SLEX

Project is 30% complete as
of 25 June 2013. Target
completion is June 2014.

PPP for School Infrastructure Project (PSIP)-Batch I

Construction of 9,303 classrooms in Regions I, III, and IV-A,
for 418,545 students

Ongoing construction of
2,142 classrooms (23% of
the total 9,303 classrooms
under the project) as of 15
July 2013
Target completion is in
April 2014

Construction of 10,679 classrooms with toilets and furniture in
5,167 public schools in 14 regions across the country

Target construction period:

October 2013 to November

NAIA Expressway-Phase II
Construction of a 7.15 km, 4-lane elevated expressway that
will interconnect the three NAIA terminals and will provide
better access to the PAGCOR Entertainment City

Target construction period:

January 2014 to September

Mactan Cebu International Airport (MCIA) New Passenger

Terminal Building (PTB) Project
Construction of a new PTB, which will increase the MCIAs
capacity from 4.5 million passengers per year to 8.2 million

Ongoing procurement of
project concessionaire

LRT Line 1 South Extension Project

Extension by 11.7 kms from the existing Baclaran station to
Bacoor, Cavite, projected to increase ridership from 566,715
passengers per day to 820,389

Target start of construction

of depot is in May 2014,
while start of civil works for
the terminals, viaducts, and
electromechanical systems
is in August 2014

Target construction period:

May 2014 to April 2017

Full operations targeted to


Rolled out projects refer to those that have been advertised and issued Invitation to Prequalify to
Bid/Invitation to Bid (solicited projects) or undergone Swiss Challenge/Comparative Proposals (for
unsolicited projects). Of the 11 NEDA Board approved PPP projects, only the NLEX-SLEX Link Connector
Road, an unsolicited project, is yet to be rolled out. The Swiss Challenge for the project will be conducted
from January to March 2014.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 7

Automated Fare Collection System

Development of a contactless and integrated automatic fare
collection system in LRT Lines 1 and 2 and MRT 3 to replace
the existing magnetic stripe collection technology

start by June 2018

Target System development
period: December 2013 to
November 2014
Full system operations
targeted by April 2015

Rehabilitation and O&M of the Angat Hydro-Electric Power

Plant (AHEPP) Auxiliary Turbines 4 and 5
Rehabilitation, modernization, and O&M of the AHEPP
Auxiliary Turbines 4 and 5 with a concession period of 20
years, exclusive of the rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation works:
2014 to 2016

Modernization of the Philippine Orthopedic Center (MPOC)

Development of a new specialty tertiary orthopedic hospital;
supply, installation, and O&M of IT facilities; and O&M of the
entire Philippine Orthopedic Center

Target construction period:

January 2014 to June 2016

Cavite-Laguna (CALA) Expressway

Construction of a 47 km, 4-lane highway from Kawit, Cavite to
Mamplasan, Laguna

Target design and

construction period:
February 2014 to March

Sources: PPP Center, DPWH, DOTC, MWSS, DepEd, and DOH

In addition, the government is tapping PPP to implement big-ticket projects that will
address traffic congestion in Metro Manila, particularly EDSA, which impedes
productivity and economic development.

The government is pursuing the construction of two elevated expressways that will
directly connect NLEX and SLEX: the Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 and the NLEXSLEX Link Connector Road.
The 14.3 km, six-lane Skyway Stage 3 will start from Balintawak, Quezon City to
Buendia, Makati, using predominantly the median of Quirino, G. Araneta and A.
Bonifacio road network. The total length of the Skyway Stage 3 includes the 5.5
km, six-lane section from Buendia, Makati to the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines (PUP) in Sta. Mesa, Manila that it shares with the NLEX-SLEX Link
Connector Road.
The remaining 8.0 km of the four-lane NLEX-SLEX Link Connector Road will run
along the Philippine National Railways right-of-way, starting from C3 Road in
Caloocan City crossing Espaa, Manila towards PUP, Sta. Mesa, continuing to the
shared section.
Average travel time from NLEX to SLEX passing through any of the two proposed
expressways is expected to be reduced from the current 1.5-2 hours to just 15-20
minutes. Average travel time from Clark, Pampanga to Calamba, Laguna is
expected to be reduced from approximately 3 hours to 1 hour and 40 minutes. The
expressway projects will jointly benefit about 55,000 motorists per day.
2013 SONA Technical Report | 8

To complement these, the government is also pursuing the development of the

Metro Manila Integrated Transport System (ITS), which involves the establishment
of three transport terminals that will serve as drop-off points for commuting
passengers going to and from the provinces. The ITS project will ease traffic
congestion by eliminating around 8,285 provincial buses plying EDSA and other
main thoroughfares in Metro Manila. The ITS terminals are expected to be
completed by December 2015 and be fully operational by January 2016.
To fast-track the implementation of the Project, the government will construct
temporary/interim terminals. The construction of the temporary Southwest terminal
is expected to be completed within July 2013 and operation will commence not
later than 06 August 2013. The temporary North and South terminals are expected
to be completed by December 2013.

2013 SONA Technical Report | 9

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