Biology 2 3 Unit Plan - Gas Exchange Diversity in Animals
Biology 2 3 Unit Plan - Gas Exchange Diversity in Animals
Biology 2 3 Unit Plan - Gas Exchange Diversity in Animals
Selected life process is GAS EXCHANGE. The three taxonomic/functional groups selected are...
o MAMMALS using humans (Homo sapiens) as the example
o FISH using salmon (Oncoryhnchus gorbuscha) as the example
o INSECTS using a tree locust (Anacridium aegyptium) as the example
Skills developed:
Asking questions
Problem solving
Recording observations
Dissection skills
competencies addressed:
Using language, symbols, and texts
Managing self
Participating and contributing
Formative assessment: Ample opportunity for formative assessment suggested below in the unit
Summative assessment: Internally assessed at the end of the topic with a test.
Credits: 3
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
Duration: 15 lessons/3 weeks teaching time not including assessment task. This is only a guide-allow for
flexibility certain topics such as concentration gradients, counter current flow and diffusion (where
understanding is essential to the assessment)
Accompanying Resource: Powerpoint Slideshow Biology 2.3: Diversity of Gas Exchange Systems in
Animals created by Ross Stephen.
Practical Work: Three dissections are suggested so that students have the opportunity to see with their
own eyes the structures and adaptations in each of the three taxonomic groups. A number of other
activities/demonstrations are suggested in the unit plan below.
SOLO Taxonomy: All specific learning outcomes in the unit are linked to SOLO taxonomy. The table below
summarises the indicators of relevant level.
State, list, describe, identify, draw
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
Learning Outcomes
Key Content
Demonstration of breathing
using a bell jar apparatus
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
- Identify the need for a gas
exchange system in mammals
- Identify the adaptations of
mammals that provide it with
the ability to maximize the
opportunity of their habitat
with respect to G.E. (3)
- describe how the gas
exchange surface is made
permeable to oxygen and
carbon dioxide (2)
- describe how diffusion
distance is minimized in
mammals (3)
- explain how a concentration
gradient of the respiratory
gasses is maintained in
mammals (3)
- Concentration gradients:
o Trachea and physical process of breathing
o Cellular respiration creates a high
concentration of CO2 in the blood
- High CO2 concentration gradient at the lungs
and exchanges CO2 for O2.
Lesson 6: Sheeps Pluck Dissection
- Identify the structures
- Dissection: Sheeps pluck (Ensure technicians
involved in gas exchange (1)
are advised in advance)
o Relate back to the mammalian
- Identify the adaptations of
adaptations previously discussed (pluck is
mammals with respect to gas
very similar to that of human lungs.
exchange. (3)
o Observe visual structures prior to cutting
- Exercise: Mammalian gas exchange system
summary exercise
Ensure students are identifying
correct structures and question
them about their function
Summary exercise: Draw, label
and describe the features of
mammalian gas exchange
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
Lessons 7 -8: Gas Exchange in Fish (Salmon Oncorhynchus sp.)
- describe the anatomy of the
- General structure of gas exchange system in
fish (Salmon) gas exchange
system (1)
- Adaptations may include:
- Identify the adaptations of
o Operculum to protect gills
Salmon that provide it with the
o Water movement
ability to maximize the
o Gill structure
opportunity of their habitat
o Filament structure
with respect to G.E. (3)
- Diffusion distance: How is it minimised?
- describe how the gas
o Constant moisture
exchange surface is made
o Lamellae structure
permeable to oxygen and
o Thickness of capillary walls
carbon dioxide (1)
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
exchange. (3)
- Concentration gradient:
o Air sacs beat inside the insect to maintain
constant gradient inside and out the body
o Air influx is maintained by muscular
contractions and also the beating of wings
(for winged insects)
Unit Plan - Biology 2.3 (AS 91155): Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or
animals to their way of life.
Lesson 14 -15: Comparison Between the Taxonomic Groups
**These two lessons are reserved for revision of the topic with the aim of drawing together the structure and
adaptations of the gas exchange system across the three taxonomic groups.
- Compare and contrast the
Suggested Questions
During these lessons provide
suitability of each system for
direction only.
the habitat of each animal (3) o Discuss why there is diversity in gas
exchange systems.
- Identify attributes and
o Compare and contrast the G.E. surface in fish
limitations of each system and
Have available a number of
and mammals. Identify the features of each
link to the animals habitat (4)
resources and revision activities
that enable maximum efficiency in water and
that students will engage with.
- Suggest the reasons for
o Compare concentration gradients that apply
diversity in gas exchange
Provide exam style questions
to each organism
systems in animals (4)
o Compare and contrast the impact of the G.E.
Revision games where students
System on the potential body size of the
- Show understanding of
come up with their own
diversity in gas exchange
questions such as snakes and
o Explain why diffusion is adequate for small
systems by linking ideas (4)
ladders, question doom
invertebrates while others such as insects
require a tracheal system.
o Explain how the counter current system in
fish enables them to obtain enough oxygen to
maintain its energy requirements.
o Explain how the structure of the lungs
enables mammals to provide a large, moist
surface area for gas exchange.
o Explain how insects use a combination of
opening and closing of spiracles with body
movements to control to volume of air
entering the tracheal system