Task Idea List

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Ranitea Fetuani


Task Ideas/Activities List

1. Ice Breaker Game: Find somebody who
Give a paper that has yes/no questions on it with three paper clips. Have the
students stand up and mingle. Student A ask student B a question, student B
cannot answer with yes or no. If student B do answer with yes or no, student
A take a paper clip from student B. The winner is the student that has the
most paper clip at the end.

2. Speed Dating
Have the students form two rows with their chairs and facing each other. The
teacher gives the subject, the students will talk to each other for 2 or 3
minutes. The teacher then gives a signal to the students to change their
seats. (Only the student on one side will change seats)

3. Telephone Game

The teacher put the students into groups (depending on how many students
you have). The teacher goes out with one member of each group and give
them the sentence that they will have to repeat to the other group members.
The last student will have to write down the sentence on the board or say it
out loud.

4. Logic Puzzle

Distribute the paper with the wolf, goat and cabbage on it and have the
students work with a partner. First, define the vocabulary words that the
student might use. Have one student from each pair come to the board and
write down their answer. Correct the exercise all together.

5. Create a dialogue
Create a dialogue using one-word utterance. The students choose the topic.
Have them present their dialogue to the class.

6. You are hired!

Have the students prepare a lesson or game in 15 minutes. Give the

materials that the students will have to use. After the 15 minutes, they will
come to the front of the class to present their lesson or game. You will decide
if they are hired or not.

7. Syllable Slap
Write some words on some flashcards, words containing 1 to 6 syllables. Flip
over the cads at the same time. If the words contain the same amount of
syllables, slap on the card. The first one that slap on the card will keep both

8. Karaoke

Have the students sing along as you play song on the computer. Use a
projector so the whole class can sing as well.

9. What would you say if

On the write: "What would you say if...."
On pieces of paper/index cards write some funny, and crazy situations such
as: you went to the store and found a $100 dollar bill on the floor, your
father came home with blonde hair, you just won the lottery, and you arrived
at school only wearing your underwear.
Place the situations in a bag and start pulling out one situation and calling on
a student asking, "What would you do if (then state the situation you pulled
out of the bag/hat)". The student answers then pulls out a situation and asks
another student the question: "What would you do if...


A salad bowl
Cut out pictures of people from magazines, glue them on a sheet of white
paper. Save room at the bottom where you can write information such as
their name, age, job, place of residence, and any other information you want
to add. Give each student one of those sheets and have them talk about the
differences and the similarities between them.


Hot seat
Ask a student to come to the front of the classroom and to take a seat. Each
student of the class asks a question they like, the person that is seated has to
answer. After that, the person on the seat asks five people from the class
their own questions.


I saw a thief!
This is a lesson on describing appearances. First, teach or revise some
vocabulary: parts of the body, hair color, eye color, clothes etc. You can add
distinguishing features for fun such as scars, tattoos, and earrings. Next,
explain the job of sketch artist - this person creates a drawing from a
witness's description. Then, ask the class to form pairs. Student A will be the
sketch artist, Student B is the witness. Tell all the witnesses they have just
seen a thief rob the bank! They must describe the person to the artist, who
draws the picture. Finally, ask the artists to hold up their pictures and
describe the thief to the class.


Spelling Bee
The teacher ask a student to come to the front and give him a word to spell it
out. If the student got it wrong, ask the student to get his dictionary and find
the word. Then he/she will come back and spell it out again.



Put the students into groups. One member of each group comes to the board.
The teacher tells or shows the word that needs to be drawn. The rest of the
team has to guess the word. Once the word has been found, the next
member goes up to the board. The games ends when every member of the
team has been to the board.
Scrambled Eggs
First tell the students you are labeling 3 lucky chairs on your seating chart.
Tell the students if they land on one of those seats at the end of the game
they will receive a prize (candy, homework pass).Begin by selecting a student
to start. That student must get out of his or her seat and approach another
student and start a dialogue. After the conversation is over the student who
began will sit in the seat of the child he/she approached. Now, that student is
out of a seat and must start a conversation with another student. This
continues until everyone is in a new seat. The teacher will then reveal the
winners and hand out the prizes.


Tell us about
Make a set of cards. On one side of each card is the phrase "Tell us about...."
On the other side write various things the students can tell you about, for
example a bad day, something dangerous they did, their favorite place, etc.
In class, have a student pick a card, and everybody has to tell the class about
whatever is on that card.


Talk, Talk, Die!

Get four or five students to stand up in front of the class. Mix some talkative
and quiet ones together. Now, you are going to be the director. Get a topic
from the class, or make one up yourself. The teacher or the director, will point
to one of the student who is standing up front. That student must keep
talking and talking and talking about the topic until you point to someone
else. If they hesitate, stutter, or just don't speak, they "DIE!" It is even more
fun if you tell the rest of the class that they get to yell "DIE!" at someone who
is stuttering, or hesitating, or not talking. If enough of the class yells it loudly
enough, the person is out. The game keep going until you've knocked out all
but one student.


Who, what, where, when, why

Make a 3 inch cube from a cardboard "net". Place Who, What, When, Where,
How, Why, on each face. The class are given a number order. No.1 throws the
die and asks a question to number 2 beginning with the word on the face of
the die which is uppermost.


This is my family
After being introduced the main vocabulary items, i.e. family members,
students are asked to bring photos of their family to the classroom. In small
groups, they have to introduce their family, giving as much information as
they can (names, ages, jobs, etc.)
It is a highly communicative activity and students know more about their
mates' personal lives.


Tongue twister race

Write the tongue twister on the blackboard and we practice it a few times.
Then, give the students 2-3 minutes to practice it themselves. Walk around to
make sure everyone has it.
Make the kids paper rock scissors to see which team goes first. That team
stands up. Start the stop watch and one by one they zip through the tongue
twister! They sit down when they are finished. After the last kid has said the
tongue twister I write the group time on the board. Fastest team wins.
Competition is fierce! The game ends up playing it 3-4 times every class so
take lots of tongue twisters with you!

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