ST - Mo: Ther Theresa Engineering College Vagaikulam Internal Assesment Test - 2 Seventh Semester
ST - Mo: Ther Theresa Engineering College Vagaikulam Internal Assesment Test - 2 Seventh Semester
ST - Mo: Ther Theresa Engineering College Vagaikulam Internal Assesment Test - 2 Seventh Semester
1. Define TQM.
2. What is Kaizen?
3. What are the objectives of QFD? ``
4. What are the six big losses?
5. Define quality in terms of Taghchi.
6. What is the need for documentation?
7. What is QS 9000?
8. Define quality cost.
9. Define TPM?
10.What are the benefits of ISO?
SECTION B (80 marks)
Answer ALL questions
11.A. Describe the Demings fourteen points for the improvement of quality management.
B.What are the reasons for Benchmarking? Explain the six important steps in the process
of benchmarking.
12.A.Discuss in detail how the voice of customer is transformed into technical and functional
requirements by QFD.
B. (i) Explain Taguchi loss function in detail.
(ii) List and explain the various measures of performance in evaluating the success
of an organization.
13 .A Explain the various types of costs contributing to the cost of quality. Give examples
for each .
B.What are the objectives of TPM? Explain the pillars of TPM.