Maths Planner

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The key takeaways from the unit planner are that it outlines content and activities for teaching fractions, decimals, and their relationships across year levels 5-6 of the Australian curriculum.

Some strategies discussed for adding and subtracting fractions include using jumps on a number line, making diagrams of fractions as parts of shapes, and understanding the processes for adding and subtracting fractions with related denominators.

Some activities mentioned for teaching equivalent fractions include folding paper strips to construct a fraction wall to explore the relationship between families of fractions, and creating equivalent fraction flowers.


UNIT PLANNER AusVELS Level: 6 Term: 2 Year: 6

Dimension: Number and Geometry Focus: Fractions and Decimals / Real Numbers
Mathematics / Level 3 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals
Content description
Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole
partitioning areas, lengths and collections to create halves, thirds, quarters and fifths, such as folding the same sized sheets of paper to illustrate different unit fractions and comparing the number of
parts with their sizes
locating unit fractions on a number line
recognising that in English the term one third is used (order: numerator, denominator) but that in other languages this concept may be expressed as three parts, one of them (order: denominator,
numerator) for example Japanese
Mathematics / Level 4 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals
Content description
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts
exploring the relationship between families of fractions (halves, quarters and eighths or thirds and sixths) by folding a series of paper strips to construct a fraction wall
Content description
Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line
converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa
investigating the use of fractions and sharing as a way of managing Country: for example taking no more than half the eggs from a nest to protect future bird populations
Content description
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation
using division by 10 to extend the place-value system
using knowledge of fractions to establish equivalences between fractions and decimal notation
Mathematics / Level 5 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals
Content description
Compare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line
recognising the connection between the order of unit fractions and their denominators
Content description
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
modelling and solving addition and subtraction problems involving fractions by using jumps on a number line, or making diagrams of fractions as parts of shapes
Content description
Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths
using knowledge of place value and division by 10 to extend the number system to thousandths and beyond

Page 1

recognising the equivalence of one thousandths and 0.001

Content description
Compare, order and represent decimals
locating decimals on a number line
Mathematics / Level 6 / Number and Algebra / Fractions and decimals
Content description
Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line
demonstrating equivalence between fractions using drawings and models
Content description
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators
understanding the processes for adding and subtracting fractions with related denominators and fractions as an operator, in preparation for calculating with all fractions
solving realistic additive (addition and subtraction) problems involving fractions to develop understanding of equivalent fractions and the use of fractions as operators
modelling and solving additive problems involving fractions by using methods such as jumps on a number line, or by making diagrams of fractions as parts of shapes
Content description
Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies
recognising that finding one third of a quantity is the same as dividing by 3
Content description
Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers
extending whole-number strategies to explore and develop meaningful written strategies for addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to thousandths
exploring and practising efficient methods for solving problems requiring operations on decimals, to gain fluency with calculating with decimals and with recognising appropriate operations
Content description
Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without digital technologies
interpreting the results of calculations to provide an answer appropriate to the context
Content description
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10
Multiplying and dividing decimals by multiples of powers of 10
Content description
Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
connecting fractions, decimals and percentages as different representations of the same number, moving fluently between representations and choosing the appropriate one for the problem being
Mathematics / Level 7 / Number and Algebra / Real numbers
Content description
Compare fractions using equivalence. Locate and represent positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers on a number line
exploring equivalence among families of fractions by using a fraction wall or a number line (for example by using a fraction wall to show that 2/3 is the same as 4/6 and 6/9)
Content description

Page 2

Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions, including those with unrelated denominators
exploring and developing efficient strategies to solve additive problems involving fractions (for example by using fraction walls or rectangular arrays with dimensions equal to the denominators)
Content description
Multiply and divide fractions and decimals using efficient written strategies and digital technologies
investigating multiplication of fractions and decimals, using strategies including patterning and multiplication as repeated addition, with both concrete materials and digital technologies, and identifying
the processes for division as the inverse of multiplication
Content description
Express one quantity as a fraction of another, with and without the use of digital technologies
using authentic examples for the quantities to be expressed and understanding the reasons for the calculations
Content description
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places
using rounding to estimate the results of calculations with whole numbers and decimals, and understanding the conventions for rounding
Content description
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions
justifying choices of written, mental or calculator strategies for solving specific problems including those involving large numbers
understanding that quantities can be represented by different number types and calculated using various operations, and that choices need to be made about each
calculating the percentage of the total local municipal area set aside for parkland, manufacturing, retail and residential dwellings to compare land use
Content description
Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of another, with and without digital technologies.
using authentic problems to express quantities as percentages of other amounts
Content description
Recognise and solve problems involving simple ratios

understanding that rate and ratio problems can be solved using fractions or percentages and choosing the most efficient form to solve a particular problem

Vocabulary Development:
Fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent fraction, mixed number, proper fraction, improper fraction, half, quarter, third, fifth, eighth, whole, part, vinculum, tenth, hundredth,
thousandth, decimal .

Common Assessment Tasks
Assessment FOR learning
Pre assessment

Assessment OF learning
Post assessment

Assessment AS learning
Ongoing assessment
Teacher observation, Maths Online, anecdotal notes,
work samples.

Page 3

1. Identify
related to

2. Equivalent

Warm Up
Purpose to
engage students
(5-15 mins)
Students break up
into groups
according to
abilities and read
the following
picture story books
related to fractions.
Give me Half,
Stuart J Murphy.
If you were a
fraction, Trisha
Speed Shaskan
Full House, Dayle
Ann Dodds
Fractals googols
and other
tales, Theoni
Fraction wall bingo

Identify & articulate the maths
(5-10 mins)

Student Learning Activity

Purpose explicit teaching
(25-35 mins)

Defining the language:

Ask the students what they know
about fractions and any words they
know associated with it. Create a word
splash on the whiteboard/butchers
paper with all the terminology you
come up with *note: you may need to
add in some words that they are
unaware of.
Some of the words you may come up
with are: fraction, equivalent, mixed
number, improper fraction, numerator,
denominator, half, third, quarter, fifth,
sixth, eighth, tenth, hundredth, share,

Making simple fractions

Students use kinder squares and circles to make
displays of a fraction of their choice.

Blue half and quarter
Green, yellow, pink fifths, eighths, sixths
Purple mixed number and improper fractions.

Discuss equivalent fractions. Equivalent

= equal or the same.

Maths online Equivalent Fractions

Can calculate equivalent fractions by
multiplying or dividing the numerator
and denominator by the same number.

Equivalent fraction dominoes

Low low identifying half and quarter maths
Blue dominoes A
Green and Yellow dominoes B
Pink Dominoes C
Purple Fraction, decimal, percentage dominoes

Share/ Reflection
Purpose evidence of
(5-15 mins)
Discuss eachothers
fractions. Clarify that the
denominator is the
number of parts that the
fraction is split into.

Discuss how groups found

the equivalent fractions

Page 4

3. Equivalent

Equivalent fraction

to be displayed on interactive
whiteboard as a whole class

4. Equivalent

Equivalent fraction

5. Ordering

Equivalent fraction

6. Simplifying

Equivalent fraction

Low Low Make simple fractions using kinder

Low low intervention group

Each group has their own pack of cards at level.
Play spoons in groups.

Play game of spoons with a small

group for others to observe. Discuss
how each person needs to get all four
of the same equivalent fraction. Divide
the numerator and denominator by the
same number.
Discuss how you can compare two
Low Low Maths online Comparing to one half
fractions. Making the denominator the
same. Comparing equivalence.
Students order fractions on string using levelled
groups of fractions shared drive

Purple Create their own mixed and improper
fractions to order.

Discuss groups of equivalent fractions Low low play fraction board game
from card packs.
Blue worksheet 1
What do we do to the numerator and
Green/Yellow worksheet 2
denominator to get a fraction to its
Pink Worksheet 3
simplest form?
Purple worksheet 4

Students write down 3

examples from their
games to share.

Play a game of spoons as a

class and discuss the quick
ways to work it out.

Check fractions as a group.

Are they accurately

Create visual display of

what we have learnt about
simplifying fractions.

Page 5

7. Fractions of Multiplication and

a number
Division I have,
who has?

8. Adding and

Equivalent fraction
bingo fraction

Maths Online
Blue Fraction of a number
Green/Yellow Fraction of a whole
number I, fraction of a whole number II
Pink/Purple Fractions of whole

Teacher models 3 varying ways to sort
fractions as a quantity.

Low low play fraction board game. Complete

spin and colour a fraction sheet
Introduction Maths Online as a group.
As students demonstrate understanding they can
move on to complete activity at appropriate level.
Yellow, Pink
/page26.htm (java needs to be up to date) and
/page28.htm (java needs to be up to date) if java

doesnt work

Purple; fraction word problems (saved in our
http://mathszone.webspace.virginmedi folder)
Early finisher continue to complete mathsonline
tasks at individual levels.
Three-quarters of the 84 people in a
restaurant are eating pasta. How many
people are eating pasta?
Complete mathsonline questions at
Low low intervention group
appropriate level
Green: http://www.math-
Special needs: mathsonline level 4,
Fractions of a group
uage=0&memo=&answer=1&x=145&y=37 need to
Below Level: mathsonline level 5,
print or record on board prior to lesson
Addition of fractions;
At Level: mathsonline level 6, Addition Yellow: http://www.math-
with different denominators
Above Level: mathsonline level 7,
addition with different denominators. &memo=&answer=1&x=137&y=17 need to print
or record on board prior to lesson

Pink/Purple: http://www.math-

Discuss how the games

helped us to practise this

What were the quick
strategies we could use?

Group discussion Do we
need to add the top
number and the bottom

Clarify misconceptions
about adding the top
numbers together and
adding the bottom
numbers together.

Page 6

guage=0&memo=&answer=1&x=132&y=19 need
to print or record on board prior to lesson
Early finisher continue to complete mathsonline
tasks at individual levels.
9. Adding like

Equivalent fraction
bingo fraction

10. Adding
Equivalent fraction
fractions with bingo fraction

Fractions with

Basketball game
adding fractions
with unlike

12. Mixed and Basketball game

adding and
fractions with

Visual representation on the board. If

we have something cut into sixths and
2/6 is shaded, then we shade 2 more
parts, how many sixths are shaded?

Low low Introduce fraction wall. Choose

equivalent fractions visually and write them down

Blue, green, yellow Maths online Adding like

Purple Addition and subtraction with different
Whole class explicit instruction.
Low low Equivalent fractions colouring task
Changing to make common
Once confident, move on to Maths Online tasks.

Students complete questions on
Addition with different denominators
whiteboards and clarify any mistakes.
Purple Mixed and improper fractions Maths
Converting worksheet
Make connection between adding and Low low Simple fractions memory game.
subtracting unlike fractions.
Fractions board game
Students complete questions on

whiteboards and clarify any
Subtraction with different denominators
misconceptions before working

Purple Mixed and improper fractions Maths
Converting worksheet
Introduce high students to
Low low- intervention group
independently learning program. Make
sure that they follow the sequence and
do not skip ahead.
Purple complete independent learning tasks.

At level What happens if we have

Questioning and sharing

during explicit instruction.
What did we do wrong?
How can we fix it?
Assess learning through
Maths Online task
Questioning and sharing
during explicit instruction.
What did we do wrong?
How can we fix it?

Assess learning through
Maths Online task
Clarify misconceptions
throughout Maths Online

Clarify misconceptions
throughout Maths Online

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

Page 7

13. Mixed and Basketball game

Converting mixed
and improper

14. Decimal
place value

Decimal Heads

and dividing
decimals by
powers of 10

Play relay game

rounding decimals.
One person says
the decimal. One
person says what
number to round
to. One person
writes answer.

16. Converting Play round the

fractions and world multiplying
and dividing by
powers of 10.

Dicuss how we could change fractions

back the other way.

Low low Simple fractions memory game.

Equivalent fraction flowers.

Students create improper and mixed number
fractions out of paper. Move pieces to show how it
can be improper or mixed.
Model how MAB was intended to be
Low low Fraction wall race. Race to find parts of
used to display decimals.
the fraction wall that add up to the equivalent
e.g. 1.234
fraction needed.
Blue, Green: students role dice and make their
own decimals with MAB (wholes, tenths and

Yellow students role dice and make their own
decimals with MAB (wholes, tenths, hundredths

and thousandths).

Pink, Purple
Early finisher continue to complete mathsonline
tasks at individual levels.
Discuss what we can do to the decimal Low low Play online games from student shared
point when multiplying or dividing my drive.
powers of Complete Maths Online Tasks

Multiplying decimals by 10, 100, 1000

Purple included in initial discussion before

completing independent tasks.

Create fractions, decimals and
Low low intervention group
percentages conversion charts in
At level fraction and decimal mosaic
books. Discuss how to calculate each as
a group.
Blue, green make a mosaic and record the fraction
Model a decimal mosaic and how to
and decimal.
calculate the fraction. Share examples - Yellow, pink: make a mosaic and record the
http://secondarymissrudolph.blogspot. fraction, decimal and percentage (if possible)

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

Class discussion.

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

Page 8

17. Converting
decimals and

Play round the

world converting
fractions and

18. Adding

Various levels matching fractions,
decimals and percentages. Students
enter at individual levels (teacher to
view prior to teaching lesson) model
how to navigate

Purple: memory game can be printed or played

fractions, decimals and percentages. Complete
fraction, decimal and percentage flowers.

Early finisher continue to complete mathsonline
tasks at individual levels.

Special needs: Below Level: At Level:
UCdcd2MsCEY teacher to judge level
Pink, purple: fractions, decimals and percentages,
board game print prior to lesson
ontent/2010gint_on_5758.png and
Early finisher continue to complete mathsonline
tasks at individual levels.
Discuss how we add and subtract
Low Low Adding fractions using cut out paper.
decimals using the same tens system as Complete addition and subtraction crossword at
regular addition and subtraction.

High write feedback
about what they have
completed in the lesson.

High write feedback

about what they have
completed in the lesson.

Page 9

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