Career Path Reflection

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Sheila Mace

Professor John Hannaford

01 November 2015
Career Path Reflection
From the time I was a young girl, my goals were pretty straight forward. All I wanted was
to have my own family and most importantly become a mom. I have always had compassion for
children of all ages. I was asked to babysit constantly, by a lot of family and their friends, but I
did not mind. Children have a special place in my heart because they do not get a voice and are
often over-looked. In a very small place in the back of my mind, I would have liked to become a
teacher but college was not something that was financially feasible for my parents. I worked a
few different jobs but I felt I was stuck in a hole with them. I worked to earn money without
thought of where I was headed. I just knew to financially survive, I had to work. Now several
years later I find myself wanting and needing more in my life. At age 51, starting college for the
first time, I am much older than the normal college aged student. My goal is to set a career path
and follow it thoroughly to the end, as if I had set it at age eighteen. I realize every path will have
bumps in the road and may even come to a fork where I have to decide which direction to go
next. I also realize it is time to do something for ME, so falling down and not getting back up is
not an option.
In 2010, I started as a seasonal employee for H&R Block as a Customer Service
Professional (CSP) or basically a receptionist. I started to realize how much I enjoyed working
with clients of all ages, the office setting, and the organization concept of working in an office.

Last year I decided I would like to pursue this type of job on a permanent full-time basis:
however, I was constantly being told I did not have the correct experience or training. I did some
research on the Ivy Tech website and realized there was opportunity to achieve a certificate for
Microsoft Office Specialist which included what I needed for training. Unfortunately, it was
not financial aid eligible and since I am putting myself through college that was not going to
work. Through more research and information from Ivy Tech, I discovered I could get an
Associates Degree in Office Administration that included the Microsoft Office programs and
was indeed financial aid eligible. That leads me to August of 2015, my first day of college and
my first time back in school since 1982.
One of the assignments in my Student Success class was to complete the ICE (Indiana
Career Explorer) project, which consists of three assessments that lead to a summary of where
my career interests are. While I was thinking my mind was made up about what direction I was
going in my education, ICE showed me my interests were secretly laying somewhere else. My
pathway results showed that Early Childhood Development and Services was my cup-of-tea sort
of speak. Second and third on the list were Performing Arts and Personal Care Services, which
are two things I do not see myself doing. Fourth and fifth are Family & Community Services and
Professional Support Services, both are related to children. It almost felt like ICE was opening
up a long-time locked door that I had forgotten was there, which is my compassion for kids. I am
really torn now because I enjoy Customer Service so much and I was sure Office Administration
was the way to go for me. I have tossed around in my head the options of changing degrees but
the fear of starting over is as great as the day I decided to go to college in the first place. I have to
wonder if it is me just doubting my abilities or am I doubting my decision. The ICE project

definitely has left me asking myself questions but it also reminded me of my passion for giving
care to children.
Another project I did was the Learning Styles Inventory. A series of 32 questions are
given and the answers are either a X, Y, or Z. After I answered the questions that pertained to me,
the next step was to score the Learning Styles Inventory. I had to add up how many Xs there
were, Ys and Zs and the highest score was my preferred learning style. If you had more Xs
your learning style was Auditory, if you had more Ys your learning style was Kinesthetic and
finally if you had more Zs your learning style is Visual. I had eight Zs so my learning style is
Visual (SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT). This result was me 100% and the tips it gave me for help in
learning is something I will use.

Highlight important items in your textyou will be able to visually recall them later.
Use flashcards to help you remember and see key vocabulary words or items.
Visualize the organization and arrangement of key words or paragraphs in your text.
Recopy important charts, graphs, diagrams, and tables to visually memorize them.
Close your eyes and picture or see what you need to remember.
The last project I did to prepare for this journal was the Cognitive Style Inventory (CSI)

that determines ones natural Myers Briggs Personality Type. This survey states the classic
question is: Am I this way because I learned it or is this just the way I am? You are given four
questions and each question has two parts: a general description of the preference choice and a
list of paired statements. You are to use both parts to form an opinion on your more dominant
preference. It sounds very complicating but it was quite simple and did not take a lot of time. The
results of this summary was also pretty close to describing me exactly.

I have introverted characteristics: I think/reflect first and then act, I require an amount of
private time, Im motivated internally and sometimes closed to the outside world, and I

prefer one-to-one communication and relationships.

I have sensing characteristics: Mentally live in the now and attend to present
opportunities, use common sense and create practical solutions, memory recall is rich in
detail and facts, and I like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are

fuzzy. I agree with everything except my memory.

I have feeling characteristics: I instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on
people in decision situations, naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions, naturally
seek consensus and popular options, and I am unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic

reaction to disharmony.
I have judging characteristics: plan details in advance before moving into action, focus on
task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on, work best and
avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines, and naturally use targets, dates and
standard routines to manage life.
It is amazing to me how these different surveys, studies, and assessments seem to know

me like a book. It has been exciting and an eye-opener getting these results. The question Am I
going to change my career path, does not have an answer yet. I can say; however, whether I
change from Office Administration to Childhood Development, my goal is ME. It is my time to
take a journey on the road of life with little fear and a whole lot more confidence.

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