03 Ika Iwori

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1.- Ifa advises the owner of this Odu-Ifa to offer ebo so that he/she can be able to
achieve his/her heart desires and for him/her to have the authority to command
respect among his/her colleagues and subjects. Ifa says that he/she is not given
the necessary respect and honour he/she deserves. However, he/she needs to
offer ebo with 16 rings, 3 roosters, 3 hens, 3 guinea fowls and money. On this, Ifa
Ika fee,
Iwori fee
Awo Oba lo dia fun Oba
Oba n sunkun apa oun o kaye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Apa Oba ni yoo ka
Adabi boruka o ba kawo
Apa Oba ni yoo ka
Ika fee
Iwori fee
They were the awo who cast Ifa for Oba, king
When he was lamenting his inability to have authority over his
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Oba will definitely be in control
Except a ring does not fit into a finger
Oba will surely be in control

2.- Ifa advises a couple to offer ebo for childbearing. They should cooperate
and join hands together in pursuit of the fruit of the womb. Ifa says that the
issue of childbearing is a game of two, which must be played together. Ifa
says that inability to bear a child is as a result of the taboo they are violating.
They must desist from this act if they want to be blessed with children. For the
man, he needs to offer 3 roosters and money; the woman needs to offer 2
guinea fowls and money. They also need to procure 16 snails, white native
chalk, pounded yam, shea butter to feed Orisanla (Obatala). On this, Ifa says:
Ika fee
Iwori fee
Dia fun Oko
A bu fun Iyawo
Won feyinti moju ekun sunrahun tomo
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won gbebo, won rubo
Bemo ti nbi
Bee lafe nre
Ere omo ajose ni o
Ika fee
Iwori fee
They cast Ifa for Oko, husband
And also cast for Iyawo, wife
When they were lamenting their inability to bear children
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
As the brown rat is giving birth
Afe rat too is procreating in abundance
The task of childbearing is a joint one.

3.- Ifa says that there is a particular person that is seriously ill and has a
little chance of survival. The people around such person seem not to have
taken proper attention about the sick person. Ifa says that the person must
quickly offer 1 she-goat, 1 mortar, and money. On this, Ifa says:
Ika woroko bi odo
Dia fun Ewegbemi
Ti nsogbogbo arun
Ti nnaju ati dide
Ebo ni won ni o wa se
Kiku lEwegbemi nku loo ni
A kii jagudu ka too ku o
Ewegbemi nku lo nni
Ika woroko bi odo(alias)
He cast Ifa for Ewegbemi
When he was afflicted with ailments
And was praying for quick recovery
He was advised to offer ebo
Ewegbemi is dying
We cannot struggle too much for one to die eventually
Ewegbemi is on the precipice of death

Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed needs to offer ebo
and feed Egbe because of financial success and to avoid a mysterious
extractor. Ifa says that he/she may be experiencing a mysterious
extraction of her money, that there is the need to offer ebo and feed Egbe
in order to put a stop to it. Else, she will just be losing money mysteriously.
The ebo materials include 4 pigeons and money.
Ile ti ko ba soju eni su
A kii mo okunkun-un ree rin
Dia fun Egbe Ogba

Ti yoo maa loo fon wo kagbo

Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje ole, kolekole nbo
Igara nbo lona
Ole, egbe ogba nbo, ole.
The land which we are not familiar with
It is difficult to walk at night in such land
This was the message of Ifa to Egbe Ogba
The one that will be scattering money in the bush
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Here comes the thief, a house burglar
A bandit is approaching
The thief, Egbe Ogba is fast approaching.


Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed for is suffering
from a particular illness but unfortunately does not have much money on
her to get adequate treatment. Even though the illness can not take her
life but she must offer ebo in order for her to survive the illness. The ebo
materials include 1 he-goat, 4 bottles of palm oil,20 kola nuts, 20 bitter
kola and money. On this, Ifa says:
Nini pOso
Aini pOdan
Ailowo lowo nii gbomo ayeju si koro
Dia fun Olakiiwon
Omo Agbagi tii ba won gbele Edan
Won ni ko rubo
Gbogb isowo ope

Eni gbebo nibe ko waa e\sebo o

Gbogbo isowo ope
Nini pOso
Aini pOdan
Ailowo lowo nii gbomo ayeju si koro
This was the Ifa cast for Olakiiwon
The offspring of Agbagi that reside in the home of Edan
He was advised to offer ebo
All followers of Ope (Ifa)
Whoever advised to offer ebo should comply
All adherents of ope.
6. Ifa says that whoever plans evil against the person for whom this Idu is
revealed will meet with the wrath of Sango. On the other hand she should
not plan together with any one against anybody in order not to incur the
wrath of Sango. She however needs to offer ebo with 4 roosters, 4 hens, 4
guinea fowls, 4 pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:
Oorun ji ni kutu be seriseri
Dia fun Olukoso Lalu
Jenrola omo arigba ota werewere segun
Igba ti nbe laarin osiiri
Ti nbe laarin ota
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Talo n peri i re Oba
Too! Emi o peri i re Alado
The sun emerges at dawn and shines so bright
This was the Ifa cast for Olukoso Lalu
Jenrola, the one that uses 2oo pebbles to conquer enemies

When he was in the midst of adversities

And was also in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Who is speaking evil against you, the king?
Never, I am not the one speaking evil against you

7. Ifa says that this person should offer ebo against contagious diseases and
to propitiate Edan (Ogboni Icon). The ebo materials include 2 he-goats
and money. One of the goats will be offered to serve Edan. On this, Ifa
Ika wiriri
Awo Edan lo dia fun Edan
Edan n torun bo waye
Gbogbo isowo Ope
Ojise Imole n bo.
Ika wiriwiri
The awo of Edan was the one who cast Ifa for Edan
When he was coming from heaven to earth
He was advised to offer ebo
All followers of Ifa
Her comes the emissary of Imole (deity).

Ifa says that theres someone closer to the owner of this Ifa that needs to
offer ebo for childbearing. Ifa says that she has the potential to have
plenty children as she desires. The person needs to offer 2 hens, a velvet
cloth and money. 1 hen to feed Ifa. The stanza reads thus:
Ika fee laa foye

Oko fiiri laa fogba

Dia fun Odongba
Omo adaran bori nitori omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Omo sun niwaju
Omo sun leyin
Laarin omo yooyoo laa gbe nba Odo.
Ika fee is for the elders
Iwori fee is for the youths
This was the Ifa cast for Odongba (pig)
The one covers herself with a velvet cloth because of childbearing
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Behold! Children in the front
Children are coming behind
In the midst of plenty children do we meet Odo







1. Must not mount a horse
2. Must not use indigo

1. Olakiiwon (cannot be short of honour)

2. Adeduntan
1. Administration
2. Music

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