Proyecto de Ingles

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Tania Yisel Martnez Beltrn
Paula Andrea Prez Balln
Naida Yisela Rey Rey


In this work one was speaking on the dangers that exist in the social
networks, there were identified the different characteristics that one
presents in the social networks and since they arise to a world level. Also
there was investigated that population is most affected by this
The social networks offer infinite possibilities, such as, to enter in touch
with people of other countries and cultures, to support the contact with
persons who live to long distance, to exchange experiences and
knowledge and even to stir cultural and political movements into action
by means of the contact with the users, it generates a wide social
knowledge on what it is happening at present but in spite of these
benefits, these networks can be manipulated of a negative form
affecting a wide population vulnerable to fall down in these risks.
Though, there are some shades and specific characteristics of the
dangers that they can present with the use of the social networks. These
can qualify depending the managing that is had and can be of different
forms, it is possible to present in the Harassment on line, labor
Rejections, the Phishing, Malware, Problems of privacy or the Loss of
productivity of the persons, these are some of the dangers that they find
in the social networks, due to this one tries to generate a possible
solution before this problematics, identifying which would be the most
viable solutions concerning these dangers.
To identify the different dangers that are immersed in the social
networks, by means of a bibliographical and theoretical documentation
that allows us to mention the type of the most affected demographic
To analyze by means of theoretical documents the risks that exist in
different social networks that they affect the population
To demonstrate the risks different from the social networks that bear in
mind the implication of information and the type of affected population
What are the different risks found in social networks and how they
affect the population?

The social networks are identified as a form of communication that helps
us to have contact with other persons without being present, also it
helps us to know different persons in the world as well as his culture, his
context and his form of life, but though this one is a method of
communication very used also he presents his faults and one of this one
is the danger that one presents in the moment to relate to other
persons. Due to this we identify certain social networks where it is
possible to present these risks and where the persons are more
vulnerable to fall down in these deceptions.
One of the social networks that we will bear in mind is Twitter which is a
web free application of microblogging that assembles the advantages of
the blogs, the social networks and the instantaneous messenger
company. This new form of communication, it allows to his users to be in
real time contact with persons of his interest across brief messages of
text to which they are named Updates (updates) oTweets, by means of a
simple question: what are you doing? In such a way that the
communication is not direct but it is based on the publication of direct
comments and photos that rise to the social network.
Later we find WhatsApp which is an application of instantaneous
messenger company of payment for intelligent telephones, to send and
to receive messages by means of Internet, complementing services of email, instantaneous messenger company, service of short messages or
system of messenger company multimedia. Beside the messenger
company uses in way text, the users of the passbook of contact can
create groups and be sent mutually, images, videoes and recordings of
audio, this application is a great service of communication though also
he presents certain risks at the moment of speaking with persons who
have the unknown number, also he presents the option of blockade of
contact that it allows to the person to choose with whom it wants to
speak and with whom not.

Also we find the social network Facebook which is very simple: it is a

network that connects persons with persons. When you open an account
in Facebook, you enter a social network that connects friends, relatives

and business partners. In this sense, the most important functionalities

are those that friends allow you to find with the seeker of friends of
Facebook to connect with them and to interact: to tell them things of you
to share resources (web pages, photos, etc.) (ferman, 2010) or even to
realize surveys.
The young people use this social network to search new friends in such a
way that it is a network very easy to intervene in such a way that it is
possible to supplant someone this way to manage to have a direct
contact with another person and cheat her. Also one finds the facility of
obtaining information deprived of the persons as photos or enclosedly
directions had a major risk of facing persons that it supplants others.
Another fundamental point is to describe the persons who more are
immersed in these social networks, the teenagers who meet immersed
in this reality every day, we can describe the adolescence as a stage of
the life, which usually initiates between the 13 and 15 years, in that men
and women experience physical, psychological, emotional and social
changes. The most evident changes are the physicists. These teenagers
on having been those who more frequent the social networks are those
who more have risks, there is demonstrated that many of the cases that
arise are for the irresponsibility of the young persons on not having
taken precautions in the use of these
Though the social networks are useful for million persons day after day,
also it is important bear in mind that his inadequate or irresponsible use
can bring negative consequences. For it, important to know the risks of
the social networks in Internet and be alert.
Between the risks that exist we can find:
The grooming a practice to slant which an adult gains the
confidence of a minor he itself with a sexual intention.
The sexting or exchange of photographies or videoes with erotic
content between the own young persons with those who then
manage to be Extortion causing psychological important hurts.
The ciberbullying I harass across Internet it is a phenomenon that
alarms parents and governmental authorities, since it goes in
increase, with the growth of the social networks consists in they
receive cutting, intimidating and humiliating messages are sent daily
generating fear and pain in the victims and the amusement of the
harassing one. Disclosed secrets, false rumors,

Incitement to the hatred: Prejudices, messages of hatred,

intolerance and called the violence against a person or groups of
persons because of his race, religion, nationality or political ideas,
they multiply and amplify also in the social networks taking
advantage of his characteristic of viralidad.
Problems of privacy: For many, the social networks have turned
into daily files loaded with the richest information about his lives.
From key data and of contact, up to information it brings over of his
friends, his works, interests, routines and activities counted in photos
and comments.
Loss of productivity: Some persons do not manage to control the
time that they spend checking his social networks, managing to
interfere even with other activities as the study and the work.
This type of risks in the social networks can be identified of different
forms and can affect us in different ways. Some of them appear due to
little knowledge that is had of this information or simply he appears for
the facility of the access that is had towards the persons' identification in
the social networks turning into a form mas easy to catch vulnerable
Inside the social networks they find a variety of risks in which the
teenagers meet immersed nowadays facing diverse dangers that affect
his personal familiar and social area, but to be able to avoid to fall down
in these risks it is important to generate a knowledge on these, showing
which are the possible problems which they can meet and as it is
necessary to to confront this danger
Another important point is know the different social networks in which
the teenagers are taking part nowadays in such a way that there could
identify which is the type of relations that exist in these networks and
since it is the conviviality that exists inside the network.
To realize different meetings that promote the social networks as a
benefit for the company, and that these meetings report which are the
different risks and since they must anticipate them from his contexts.

ferman, j. (2010). faceboom. barcelona: alienta.

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