Monologue Deconstruction

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Character Name:

Autobiographical Facts:

What was your parents upbringing like?

Do you have any siblings?

What sort of education did you receive?

What is your health like?

When have the significant major relationships in your life begun?


What do you enjoy doing (music, food etc)?

What do you consider your idiosyncracies to be?

Physical Description:

How old are you?

What is your height/weight?

What clothing do you wear?

What are your grooming habits?

If you had to compare yourself to an animal, what would it be and


What success have you had in your life?

How did these affect how you turned out?

What failures have you had in your life?

How did these affect how you turned out?

In Your Scene:

What time is it?

What aspects of time affect your action?

Where are you? Describe your surroundings.

What actions result from your relationship to this place?

What are the significant objects relating to your surroundings?

What actions do you complete that relate to these objects?

What activities are you up to the moment the scene begins?

What is happening in the scene (explore the tension here)?

What is your relationship to the other characters in the scene?

What is your relationship to the other characters mentioned in the

What has led to these feelings?
What do you like/dislike about them?
In what ways do you need the person in the scene?

In what ways are you vulnerable to the other person in the scene?
What is your super-objective (what do I wish for, need, dream
What is it you need at the beginning of the scene?
What will you try to do to get what you want?
What will happen if you dont get what you need?
What or who is in my way?
What do I do to get what I want?
What can I draw upon from my own life to help create the
characters wants, actions and emotional life? Describe.

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