Calculus With Analytic Geometry - Dennis G. Zill

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DENNIS G. ZILL or atl (ts WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY nu B 0 9 Table of Integrals ese w cot du = -eseu+€ cot w du = la|sin u| + C se u du = Inlose u ~ cot ul + C Forms Involving Va? + u> VET de = LVEF E + Lalu VEFR| + OC Va a du Vere ala| Forms Involving Va? = u? VERE da VERE + iat 4c vae e+ ve=e de = Ve =~ a | 10 2 16 Se 2eNeTE-Lhles VIFF C mu 6 1 met wd anand edu e+e sin u du = ~cos u + € soctu du = tan u + € sec u tan u d= see u + C tan w du = Injseo u] + € sce w du = Infsce w+ tan | + C te sie Vane VETO snl VFR tC SETH Stale + VaTF P| +c ” Forms Involving Vu2 = a? Vitae du = EVIE ~ fines VE FaI+e VE Ha de = Mout — VE eS tla + VERA C dee VEE oor! 2 Inu + Viet = a+ “4 MEnF LG 46 Fpille + bul? ~ dala + bu) + 2a4inja + bul) + C "lat be 0 Gam Farin t pina bl ec 2 = 2atnla + ul) + 4 56 ita>o 8 ata ta + ha Ver Va Ba = MSM ne ilar ha 61 du Vath ban [tu wa bu Var ba H+¢ “eVem ae —_—_ Fat au 1a at ow wat br wat by ve Wa Fb de = 250 2aya + tw"? + sie aed + 26h? ~ hab Va ba Varia” 150° « Va+ bu —_ MetW ay = 2Vat beta « Wat a arm 8 fae a war be wd wVat be ne Var bane) Banh Calculus with Analytic Geometry Dennis G. Zill Loyola Marymount University Prindle, Weber & Schmidt Boston PWS PUBLISHERS Prin, Weber & Schmit “+ Duxduy Pres +» PWS Engnoonng 20 Park Plaza » Boson Massachusetts 02116 Copyright © 1985 by PWS Publishers All right reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, oF by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission, in writing, from the publisher PWS Publishers isa division of Wadsworth, Ine. 89 88 87 86 Sponsoring editor: David Palla Production and design: Sara Waller Production coordinator: Helen Walden ‘Text composition: Jonathan Peck Typographers Technical artwork: Y&R Services Prinuing and binding: Rand MeNally Cover design: Kathi Townes Cover printing: New England Book Components (Cover photo: Randall Sider and Gerald Boquist of Technology International Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts. This 9-minute exposure shows the launch of a 3-stage sounding rocket near Far- banks, Alaska, The rocket injected a pair of barium paylosds into clouds’ motions were used to study an aurora in progress. Circumpolar stars include the the lower magnetosphere, and the result constellations of Ursa Minor a top, Auriga a lower left, and ‘Andromeda at lower right moe 76s 4 3 Bron Pbkshers “AB Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Zill, Dennis G. Calculus with analytic geometry Includes index. 1. Calculus. 2. Geometry, Analytic. 1. Tile, (QA303,253 1984 S155 84-7733 ISBNO0-87150-432-4 ISBN 0-87150-432-4 Printed inthe United States of America Preface This book is intended for a three-semester or four- quarter course in calculus for students of science, engi- neering, mathematics, and business. Itreflecs several of ‘my more strongly held, though hardly original, view- points: that a calculus text should present the trigono- ‘metric funetions as early as possible; that it should motivate and explain the idea ofa limit in a manner that is as simple as possible; and that there should be an abun- dance of, and emphasis on, applications. There appear to be (at least) three schools of thought regarding the calculus ofthe trigonometric fune~ tions. In one opinion, the study of these functions should bbe postponed until the second semester or second quarter of the course; in another, only the derivatives and inte- arals of the sine and cosine functions should be intro- duced in the beginning chapters of the text. The third opinion holds withthe early development of the calculus of all six trigonometric functions. Because I feel that stu- dents of mathematics will benefit from working with the trigonometric functions throughout the entire course in calculus rather than in just two-thirds of the course, because a substantial number of students encounter these functions early on in courses in science and engi- neering, because the Chain Rule of differentiation can be illustrated in its full power, because there is a wider vari- ety of applications, and simply because I find calculus to be more interesting, I subscribe to the third opinion. The six trigonometric functions are reviewed in Chapter 1, and their derivatives are considered in Chapter 3. The integrals ofthese functions ae discussed in Chapter 4. Pedagogical Features + Sections marked by an [O] are optional and may be skipped if the instructor so chooses. + Some of the longer sections (such as partial fractions) although unified by subject matte, are partitioned into subsections to facilitate their coverage in several class periods. The exercise sets at the end of these sections are marked to correspond to these subsections. + Alllexamples are set off by three-sided boxes to deline- ate them clearly from the general discussion and are numbered for easy reference. + Important formulas and lists are highlighted by the use of a second color, + Important topics are indicated by means of marginal side heads. + The end of a definition or theorem is designated by a color. + Each chapter begins with its own table of contents and introduction to the material covered in that chapter and, ends with a Chapter Test, which includes true/false and fil-in-the-blanks questions. + Most sections conclude with brief informal discussions labelled Remarks. These discussions include possible applications of the mathematics just covered, a litle bit of history, or a few words of caution to the student on possible misinterpretations or unwarranted generaliza- tions of definitions and theorems. + Illustrations are used generously throughout the text (there are approximately 1200), + Most exercise sets are massive (with over 6000 prob- Jems in the text) and include the usual abundance of, drill problems along with Miscellaneous Problems, which are either more challenging in nature or expound ‘on material not formally presented. + Exervise ses include Calculator Problems, which are intended to be done on a calculator or computer. + Answers (including graphs) to odd-numbered prob- lems are included in the text. +A complete solutions manual for the instructor and a student solutions manual, which provides a detailed solution to every fourth problem, are available. Content ‘There is a great emphasis in Chapter 1 on understanding the key concept of a function. In preparation for later applications of the derivative, the exercises include many problems on setting up a function by interpreting, ‘word descriptions in terms of symbols. ‘Chapter 2 is all about limits. Its my belief that cal- cculus is more tractable for the student, especially for those who have had no prior exposure to it, when the somewhat obscure, albeit precise, epsilon-delta formu- lation of the limit is downplayed in favor of a geometric iv Preface or “intuitive” presentation. I de-emphasize the often ‘unrewarding chase after the unknown ‘delta given the mysterious “epsilon.” Students can gain a tremendous amount of insight into the nature ofa limit by examining graphs and doing numerical calculations. The epsilon- delta definition ofa limit is presented in such a manner that itcan be skipped if desired. I must say, however, that in my own classes, [still expecta student to know and to be able to interpret this formal definition of a limit graphically. I want him or her to know that intuition, graphs, and calculation. may be convincing but often have, soto speak, their own limits. Epsilon-delta proofs are not presented in the text proper; for those desiring them, proofs of some of the basic limit theorems are given in Appendix I. ‘The derivative is motivated in Chapter 3 by both the tangent line problem and the velocity problem, In Chapter 4, 1 have introduced rates and rec- tilincar motion before the discussion of related rates. In the section on related rates I encourage the student to translate words of a problem into symbols and figures, while bearing in mind three components in its solution: What rates are given? What rates do we want? And, What mathematics do we know relating the variables used in the problem? ‘Chapter 5, on the integral, begins with the concept of the antiderivative, or indefinite integral. The substitu- tion method for finding indefinite integrals of powers of functions is the subject of the second section. Summa- tion notation, summation formulas, regular partitions, and finding areas under graphs by computing limits of sums are considered prior o the definition of the definite integral ‘Chapter 6 is concerned with the applications of the integral. These applications are presented before the techniques of integration are considered. I feel that the student should be exposed to both the applications of the derivative and the applications of the integral in the first semester. Since Chapter 6 is quite extensive, the instructor has latitude to choose those topics that are appropriate to his or her course or program. A section devoted to a review of applications such as are length problems, liquid pressure, work, pump problems, sepa- tation of variables, and centroids follows the exar nation of the techniques of integration in Chapter 9. Of course, “standard” applications of the integral such as area, volumes of solids of revolution, and so on, are not simply presented and forgotten but appear in the exercise sets whenever possible The notion of an inverse function is purposely ey Fue 14 Inequalities ° . ach Figure 1.2 Properties of inequalities 1 Functions Real numbers are classified as either rational or irrational. A rational number can be expressed as a quotient a/b where a and b are integers and b #0. A number that is not rational is said to be irrational. For example, %, —6,®, V4 = 2, and 1.32 = {8 are rational numbers, whereas V2, 3/2, and 77are irrational. The sum, diffenenes, nul ncastuator so cea! marmbers i a real number. The quotient of two real numbers is a real number provided the divisor is not zero. ‘The set of real numbers is denoted by the symbol R; the symbols Q and H are commonly used to denote the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers, respectively. In terms of the union of two sets we have R= QUH. The fact that Q and H have no common elements is summarized using the intersection of two sets: @ 1 H = ©, where Z is the empty set. ‘The set of real numbers can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the points on a horizontal line, which is called the number line or real line. A number a associated with a point P on the number line is called the coordi- nate of P. The point chosen to represent 0 is called the origin. As shown in Figure 1.1, positive numbers are placed to the right of the origin and negative numbers are placed to the left of the origin. The number 0 is neither positive nor negative. The arrowhead on the number line points in the positive direction. As a rule the words “point a” and “number a” are used interchangeably with “point P with coordinate a.” ‘The set R of real numbers is an ordered set. A real number a is less than a real number b, written a < 6, if the difference b — a is positive. For example, ~2 <5 since 5 ~ (-2) = 7 is a positive number. On the number line @ a. Thus a number a is positive if @ > O and negative if @ < 0. Expressions such as a <6 or b > aare called inequalities. The following is a list of some properties of inequalities Property (ii) indicates that if an inequality is multiplied by a negative number, then the sense of the inequality is reversed. ‘The symbolism a = b is read “ais less than or equal to 6” and means a are replaced by $ and =, respectively. If a = 0, the number a is said to be Example 1 Intervals Example 2 The Real Numbers 1.1 3 Solve the inequality 2x < Sx +9. Solution First we use (i) to write 2x + (52) < Sx + 9 + (—S4) -3n <9, ‘By multiplying both sides of the last inequality by ~], property (ii) implies a> 3. Ifa < b, the set of real numbers x that are simulianeously less than b and greater than a is written {x |a a} fa.) | &lx= ah | (=, b) | ela < ob} (=, b) | telxs 0} (9,2) | fx] + ° b-a or |b-a a-b o |b—a) ® 0) Figure 1.3 _ Example 4 __ @ |-5|=-(-5 =5. dx-1 iftx-120 a NS (gee 1) if2x-1<0. That is, ee ax-1 ifs} ize-al={ : wart ifx<} The Real Numbers 1.1 5 Example 5 _ si The distance between —5 and 7 is the same as the distance between 7 and —5: |7 = (-5)| = |12| = 12 units, |=5 = 7] = |=12) = 12 units Absolute values and Since |x| gives the distance between a number x and the origin, the solution inequalities of the inequality |x| 0 isthe set of real numbers x that ae less than b aie units from the origin. As shown in Figure 1.4 aS SeS—— |x| 0 6 hi b is the set of real 0 hoo Figure 1.5 unis or ob a ad bra so Figure 1.6 . Example 6 numbers that are greater than b units from the origin. Consequently lx|> ifandonly if x>b or x<-. (1.2) See Figure 1.5. The results in (1.1) and (1.2) hold when < and > are replaced with = and =, respectively, and when x is replaced by x ~ a; for example, |x ~ a| = 6, b > O represents the set of real numbers x such that the distance from x to a is less than or equal to b units. As illustrated in Figure 1.6, |x — a| 2. Solution From (1.2) we have immediately, x>2 or r<-2. ‘The solution is a union of open intervals: (—c2, ~2) U (2, %). Solve the inequality 0 < |x - 2| = 7. Solution The given inequality means 0 < |x — 2| and |x ~ 2| <7. In the first case, 0 < |x ~ 2| is true for any real number except x = 2. In the second ‘case we have -Tsx-257 55x59 or [5, 9]. The set of real numbers x that satisfies both inequalities consists of all numbers in [=5, 9] except 2. Written as 2 union of intervals the solution is (—5, 2) U (2, 9]. See Figure 1.7. In conclusion, the proof of the so-called triangle inequality la + b| s |a| + |b] (1.3) is left as an exercise. Remark Every real number has a nonterminating decimal representation. The rational numbers are characterized as repeating decimals; for example, by long division we see 636363... and 3 = 0.750000. . et Hence, irrational numbers are the nonrepeating decimal numbers. For example, = 3.141592... and V3 = 1.732050... . ‘LL ponrepeatng decimat — The Real Numbers Exercises 1.1 ia 7 ‘Answers to odd-numbered problems begin on page A-16. In Problems 1—4 write the given inequality using interval notation. L-454<20 Bx<-2 a&d8 15. 4x +1>10 16. -: +650 1. 4x2 5-7 It 2s w-scieres wis®iler UM xsdet2sx+6 2, W-x<4xs25 In Problems 23-26 write the given expression without abso- Tute value symbols, 23. |4— al, 4 ~ ais a negative number 24, |~6a, ais a positive number 25, |a + 10), ais greater than or equal to —10 26. | = 1], ais a number in (—1, 1) In Problems 27-30 solve for x. 21. |x| = 36 29, [3 - Sx| = 22 28. |-2x| = 16 30. [12 - fel =x In Problems 3140 solve the given inequality. Write the solution in interval notation. 3h |x| <4 32, |=} <3 33, [1 -2x| <1 34 [5 + 4x] <17 3. [E23] <1 36.0<|x +1) <5 37. |x] > 6 38. |4-2|>0 3, |5— 241>7 40. [r+ 928 AL, IF 1/x <4, does it follow that x > J? 42, If x? < 6x, does it follow that x < 62 43, When equipment is depreciated linearly and loses all its initial worth of A dollars over a period of m years, its value Vinx years (0 < x = n)is given by V = A(I ~ x/n). If @ computer costs $100,000 initially and is depreciated lover 20 years, determine the values of x such that 30,000 5 V5 80,000. 44, According to one theory the most beneficial effect of exercise such as jogging is obtained when the pulse rate is maintained within certain interval. The endpoints fof the interval are obtained by multiplying the number (220 — Age) by 0.70 and 0.85. Determine this pulse rate interval for a 30-year-old jogger. A 40-year-old jogger. Calculator Problems In Problems 45~48 replace the comma between the given pair of real numbers with one of the symbols <, >, or =. Use a calculator. 2 452 a. 929 Miscellaneous Problems The midpoint ofan interval with endpoins a and b is the number (a+ )/2, In robean 49-52 us his infomation to find an inequality |x — c| < d whose solution is the given interval #. 0,8) 50. (1,6 1. (-3, 4 52. (-10, -2) 53. Use —|a| = a = |a| and —|b| = b < |b to prove the triangle inequality (1.3). nt AG the inequalities.) polation gi) 1.2 The Cartesian 1 Functions Plane iris virally impossible to pick up a text, journal, or news magazine without ‘encountering some sort of graphical display of data, such as illustrated in Figure 1.8, in a coordinate plane formed by the intersection of two per- Pendicular nomber lies. In mathematics such a coordinate plane is called a Cartesian plane.* x 1 is 4 8 ‘a tl iW 100 3a a3 80} BE g “ i : a . tii 1 1 3 HY BTS ree wrt temperaure"P) @ Figure 1.9 ys o Figure 1.8 In the following general discussion about the Cartesian plane, we shall assume that the same scale has been used to mark off each number line. The point of intersection of these number lines, corresponding to the number 0 on both lines, is called the origin and is denoted by 0. The horizontal number line is called the x-axis and the vertical line is called the y-axis. Numbers to the right of the origin on the x-axis are positive; numbers to the left of O are negative. On the y-axis numbers above the origin are positive; numbers below O are negative. If P denotes a point in the Cartesian plane, we can draw perpendicular lines from P to both the x and y axes. As Figure 1.9 shows, this determines a number @ on the x-axis and a number 6 on the y-axis. Conversely, we see that specified numbers a and b on the x- and y-axes determine a unique point P in the plane. In this manner a one-to-one correspondence between points in the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs of real numbers (a, b)* is established. We call a@ the x-coordinate or abscissa of the point P; 6 is called the J-coordinate or ordinate of the point. The axes are also called coordinate axes and P is said to have coordinates (a, 6). “Named after René Descartes (1596-1650), a French mathematician and philo- sopher. ‘This is the same notation used for an open interval. The reader should be able to tell from the context of the discussion whether this symbol refers toa point or an interval. Quadrants Distance formula gh 7) Pain 9) [Peer | The Cartesian Plane 1.2 9 The coordinate axes divide the Cartesian plane into four regions known as quadrants. Algebraic signs of the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of any point (a, b), located in each of the four quadrants, are indicated in Figure 1.10(a). Points on a coordinate axis, such as (2, 0) and (0, ~3) in Figure 1.10(b) are not considered to be in any quadrant. This method of describing points in a plane is called a rectangular or Cartesian coordinate system. In this system, two points (a, b) and (c, d) are equal if and only if.a= c and b = d. ea, -4) © Figure 1.10 We can obtain the distance d(P;, P2) between two points P(x, y) and P2(2, y2) from the Pythagorean Theorem. As shown in Figure 1.11 the three points P;, P2, and P; form a right triangle with a hypotenuse of length d and sides of lengths |x, ~ x,| and |y2 — y;|. Thus, a? = |x, — 1)? + [ye — yl? yields the distance formula bi -si-4 a(P,, P2) = Vea =x) + G2 (4) Figure 1.11 Example 1 Find the distance between the points (~2, 3) and (4, 5). Solution By identifying P, as (—2, 3) and P2 as (4, 5) we obtain from (1.4) a(P,, P2) = Va — (-2)" + 6 — 3 = VE +2 = V0 = 2V10. Since (xq ~ x3)? = (x; ~ x2)? and (ya ~ y3)? = (91 ~ y2)*, it does not matter which points are designated Py and P. In other words, d(P;, P2) = d(P2, Pi). 10 Midpoint of a line segment Pils 39) Figure 1.12 Example 2 Pi Graphs 1 Functions ‘Throughout the study of calculus we will use the distance formula many times in proofs and definitions. As a first application, we shall prove that the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment from a point P\(x1, yi) to a point Pa(x2, y2) are ‘See Figure 1.12. If M denotes a point on the segment P;P2 with coordinates ziven in (1.5), then M is the midpoint of PP provided + nity, a) as) a(P,,M) = d(M, Pz) and d(P,, P2) (P1, M) + dM, P2). From (1.4) and a litle algebra we find i esr a(P,, My = (258 - an) + (G22 - y,) ={Ve— a FG = Fd Pd, 1.6) 2 = Vea = Fa, PD.) Evidently d(P;, M) = d(M, P:). Moreover, adding (1.6) and (1.7) gives (Py, P2) as was to be shown. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment from Py(—2, 2) to PAA, 5). Solution From (1.5) we have =2 44261 agg ya2tS 07 2 ‘The midpoint (1, 2) is shown in Figure 1.13. A graph is any set of points (x, y) in the Cartesian plane. A graph can be an infinite set of points such as, the points on the line segment P,P in Figure 1.13 or simply a finite set of points as in Figure 1.8(a). The graph of an equation is the set of points (x, y) in the Cartesian plane that are solutions of the equation. An ordered pair (x, )) is a solution of an equation if substitution of x and y into the equation reduces it to an identity. Example 3 Point plotting The Cartesian Plane 1.2 1m ‘The point (—2, 2) is on the graph of y = 1 — fx? since 8 sith of 2=2 2)? is equivalent to One way of sketching the graph of an equation, often done in elementary courses, is to plot points and then connect these points with a smooth curve. To obtain points on the graph we assign values to either x ory and then solve the equation for the corresponding values of y or x. Of course we need to plot ‘enough points until the shape, of patter, of the graph is evident Example 4 Solution By assigning values of x we find the values of y given in the accompanying table. It seems reasonable that by connecting the points shown x y 3 ¥ -2 2 “fl 3 0 a 1 i 2 0 3 | -¥ © ploting pois Figure 1.14 Symmetry Before plotting points, you can determine whether the graph of an equation possesses symmetry. Figure 1.15 shows that a graph is (@®_ symmetric with respect to the y-axis if both (x, ») and (—x, y) are on the graph; (di) symmetric with respect to the x-axis if both (x, y) and (x, ~y) are on the graph; and (iii). symmetric with respect to the origin if both (x, y) and (~x, ~y) are fon the graph, 122 1 Functions y (mn fis =») * © symmetry with (© symmeny wit © symmeny with Tepe 1 ais ‘een 1 an repent 0 oin Figure 1.15 Tests for symmetry For an equation, (i), (ii), and (i) yield the following three tests for Example 5 symmetry. A graph of an equation is symmetric with respect to (Othe y-axis if replacing x by —x results in an equivalent equati di (iii). the origin if replacing x by —x and y by —y results in an equivalent equation. the x-axis if replacing y by —y results in an equivalent equation; and Determine whether the graph of x = |y| — 2 possesses any symmetry. Solution Test (i): equation. = |y| = 2orx = —|y| + 2 is not equivalent to the original Test (i): x = |—y| — 2 is equivalent to the original equation since |—y| = ly) |-y| — 2 or x = —|y| + 2 is not equivalent to the ‘We conclude that the graph of x = || — 2 is symmetric with respect to the aeaxis. Inspection of Figure 1.14(b) shows pictorially that the graph of y = 1 — }x° has none of the symmetries we are considering. You are encouraged to verify that each of the three tests for symmetry fail to yield an equivalent equation. Detecting symmetry before plotting points can often save time and effort. For example, if the graph of an equation is shown to be symmetric with respect to the y-axis, then itis sufficient to plot points with x-coordinates **We are confining our attention to symmetry with respect to the two coordinate axes and the origin. A graph could, of course, possess other types of symmetries, The Cartesian Plane 1.2 13 that satisfy x = 0. As suggested in Figure 1.15(a), we can find points in the second and third quadrants by taking the mirror images, through the y-axis, of the points in the first and fourth quadrants. Graph x = Solution The entries in the accompanying table were obtained by assigning ‘values to y and solving for x. We have taken y = 0 since we saw in Example 5 that the graph of the equation is symmetric with respect to the x-axis. In Figure 1.16(a) blue is used to indicate points on the graph gained by symmetry. The graph of the equation, which seems to consist of two straight lines, is given in Figure 1.16(b). (2) plating points © gaphote = and syrmetry Figure 1.16 Example 6 x ly 2/4 1|3 o|2 -141 -2}0 | Lot Intercepts When you sketch the graph of an equation, it is always a good idea to ascertain whether the graph has any intercepts. The x-coordinate of a point ‘where the graph crosses the x-axis is called an x-intercept, The y-coordinate of a point where the graph crosses the y-axis is called the y-intereept. In Figure 1.17 the x-imercepts of the graph are x1, 2, and x3. The single y-intercept is y,. Figure 1.18 shows a graph that has no x- or y-intercepts. In Example 4 the x-intercept of the graph is 2; the y-intercept is i. In Example 6 the x-intercept of the graph is ~2; the y-intercepts are ~2 and 2. y rep whic ‘e3gh wih no inaeeps Figure 1.17 Figure 1.18 14 _— Example 7 a ee et Circles 1 Functions Since y = 0 for any point on the x-axis and x = 0 for any point on the yeaxis, we can determine the intercepts of the graph of an equation in the following manner: sintercepts: Set y = 0 in the equation and solve for x, intercepts: Set x = 0 in the equation and solve for y. '®) a Find the intercepts for the graph of (a) y = 4x — 3 and (b) y = a Solution (@ Setting y = 0 yields 0 = 4x ~ 3 or x = 3. Setting x = 0 gives y = ‘The x- and y-intercepts are } and 3, respectively. (2) In the second equation y = 0 if x? + 1 = 0 and x? + 5 +0. Since x? + 5 #0 for all real numbers, we have x* + 1 = 0 or x? = —1. But there are no real numbers that satisfy the last equation. Hence, the graph has no -eintercepts. Now, setting x = 0, the equation gives y = }. i is}. ‘The distance formula (1.4) enables us to find an equation for a very familiar plane curve. A eirele is the set of all points (x, y) in the Cartesian plane that are equidistant from a fixed point C(h, 4). Ifr is the fixed distance, then a point P(x, y) is on the circle if and only if d(C, P) = Ve FQ Equivalently we have the standard form for the equation of a circle with center C(f, k) and radius r: fe @ WP + bP = a9) See Figure 1.19. If t = 0 and k = 0, then the standard form for the equation of a circle with center at the origin is e+ See Figure 1.20, y Figure 1.19 Example 8 Example 9 The Cartesian Plane 1.2 15 Consider the line segment from P\(—2, 2) to P2(4, 5) in Example 2, Find an equation of the circle that passes through P and P; with center at the midpoint M of P,P2 Solution Since the center of the circle is the midpoint MCL, 3), we must have h = 1 and k = 4. The radius r of the circle is either d(M, P,) or dM, P2). Using aim, Py = (2-1 + (2-9) = jE -%4.-,, it follows from (1.9) that an equation for the circle is By squaring out the terms in (1.9) we see that every circle has an alternative equation of the form Ax + Ay? + Cr+ Dy +E Ato. However, the converse is not necessarily true; that is, not every equation of the form Ax? + Ay? + Cx + Dy + E = Oisa circle. See Problems 39-44. Show that x? + y? — 4x + 8y = 0 is an equation of a circle. Find its center and radius. Solution By completing the square in both x and y we see that (-4r y+ O7 +8) becomes (3 = 4 + 9) + (7 + By + 16) = 20 or &-2F + +4? = 20. The latter is the standard form for the equation of a circle with center (2, —4) and radius 2V5, 16 1 Functions Conic sections ‘The circle is just one member of a class of curves known as conic sections. ‘An equation of a conic section can always be expressed in the form Ax? + By? + Cx + Dy + E = 0, where A and B are not both zero. Example 10 Graph 9x? + 16y? 25. Solution First, observe that replacing (x, y) in tum by (—2, y), (% ~y), and (x, =) does not change the given equation. Hence, the graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, x-axis, and the origin. Furthermore, 9(1)° + 16(1)? = 25 indicates that (I, 1) is a point on the graph. Finally, y = 0 implies 9x? = 25. or x= x = 0 implies 16)? = 25 or y= ‘The x-intercepts are ~$ and §; the y-intercepts are ~J and §. By connecting. the points in Figure 1.21(@) with a smooth curve, we oblain the graph in Figure 1.21(b). Observe that the graph is not a circle. (a) ploing pots (©) srph of se yey Se Ie2=25 Figure 1.21 The ellipse When written in the equivalent form 2 oF * GF the equation in Example 10 is seen as a special case of the standard form (1.10) The Cartesian Plane Fora 12 17 the graph of (1.10) is a circle of radius a. If a # b, the graph of (1.10) is called an ellipse with center (hk). Thus, the graph of 9x* + 16y? = 25 is an ellipse with center at the origin. We shall study the ellipse, along with the other conic sections, in Chapter 12. Exercises 1.2 ‘Answers to odd-numbered problems begin on page A-16. In Problems 1-6 the point (a, 5) is in the first quadrant Determine the quadrant of the given point. 1. (@, -8) 2. a) 4. (-a, a) 5. (-a, 6) 3. (-b, -a) 6. (—b, a) In Problems 7-10 find the distance between the given points. 7. P,G, -1), PT, -3) 8. PO, 5), PA-8, -2) 9 PLV3, 0), PO, -VO) 10. PAG, 5), Pal! 3 In Problems 11 and 12 determine whether the given points ‘are the vertices of a right triangle. IL. (16, 2), (—6, ~2), (20, 10) 12. (-2, -8), (0, 3), (-6, -5) In Problems 13 and 14 use the distance formula to deter- ‘mine whether the given points are collinear. 13. (1, 3), (-2, -3), 4, 9) 14, 0, 2), (1, 1), (5, -2) In Problems 15 and 16 solve for x. 15, Py(x, 2), Pa(1, 1), (Ps, Pa) = VIO 16. Py(x, 0), Pa(—4, 38), dlPy, Pa) = 4 117, Find an equation that relates x and y if it is known that the distance from (x, y) to (0, 1) is the same as the distance from (x, ») to @, ~). 18. Show that the point (1, 5) is on the perpendicular bisector of the line segment from P,(1, 1) to P3G, 7). In Problems 19 and 20 find the midpoint of the line segment from Py to P;. 1. PYA,7),PxB—3) 20. P-3, 9. P2(5.3) 21, Ifthe coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment from P\(1, 3) to PaCea, ya) are (3, 4), what are the coordi- nates of P;? 22, Figure 1.22 shows the midpoints of the sides of @ triangle, Determine the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle. 09) 99) Figure 1.22 23. IM is the midpoint ofthe line segment from P,(2, 3) to P,(6, ~9), find the midpoint of the line segment from Py to-M and the midpoint ofthe line segment from Mf to P,. 24. The point P(x, y) with coordinates defined by x = x1 + ria — x1), Y = 1 + PO2 ~ yi) is on the line segment from Pit, 1) to PaGtay Ya). Use Pu, 3), PA, ~9), r=1,r=], and r = 3 and compare your results with Problem 23. Find a point of the way from P, to P:. In Problems 25-32 graph the given equation, Determine any symmetry. 25. y= 2x+1 2.x=y 2% y= aL tay? In Problems 33~38 find an equation in standard form of the circle that satisfies the given conditions. 33. Center (4, -6), radius 8 34, Center (—$, }), radius V2 18 1 Functions 35. Center @, ~4), passing through the origin In Problems 45-48 the given equation is an equation of an 36. Center (6, 2), tangent to the x-axis aiipe::Crpt: 48, 25x* + 4y* = 100 46.2 + 4y? = 36 37. Center (1, 1), passing through (5, 2) 38. Comer a he midpoint ofthe Hine vgment ftom 47. p+ 884521 PAC, 8) w Pa(S, 2), radius } dM, Ps) In Problems 49 and 50 the given equation is an equation of | telpes, Pu th qa Iv sandard fort angie te InPrabins 59-44 decane viciun given equine, OMe, Pet ovation fn ded om amd hs ‘an equation of a circle, If so, give its center and radius, 49, x2 + dy? — 4x + doy + 88 =0 B. ety? thr 6 =0 50, 5x2 + 2y2 + 60x ~ By +178 (M@, 2x? + 2y? — 16x — 40y = 37 AL, ax? + 3y? — 18 + 6 = -2 o Miscellaneous Problems In Problems 51~54 graph the set of points (x,y) that satisfy 42, 2 + y? + Wy + 26=0 the given equation or inequality. 43, 2 ty? 12x + By + S2=0 SL xy =0 52. ay>0 Mey tty a0 53. xy <0 Shy o Example 2 @m

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