Federal Fumbles 2015

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My fellow taxpayers:
Welcome to the first annual release of the Federal Fumbles report! Our national debt is careening
toward $19 trillion (yes, that is a 19 followed by 12 zeros), and federal regulations are expanding at a
record pace. Meanwhile families struggle to get home loans, and small businesses struggle to make
ends meet. States are constantly handed unfunded mandates and executive fiats that they are forced
to implement with minimal direction and no way to pay for them. I present this report as a
demonstration of ways we can cut back on wasteful federal spending and burdensome regulations to
help families, small businesses, and our economy begin to get out from under the weight of federal
Cited here are not only prime examples of wasteful spending, but also federal departments or
agencies that regulate outside the scope of the federal governments constitutional role. I firmly
believe my staff and I have the obligation to solve the troubles of our nation, not just complain, which
is why for every problem identified, you will also find a recommended solution. There is a way to
eliminate wasteful, ineffective, or duplicative program spending; develop oversight methods to
prevent future waste; and find ways to get us back on track.
Over the years other Members of Congress, including former Senator Tom Coburn, current Senators
Dan Coats, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Rand Paul, Rep. Steve Russell, along with the House Republican
Study Committee, have offered ideas to eliminate wasteful spending. It takes countless months, days,
and hours to go through agency budgets, GAO reports, and Inspectors General reviews to identify,
research, and fact-check government waste. It should not be this difficult to find out how exactly our
government spends money. Federal spending information should not be limited to Members of
Congress and their staffs. So here is one solution: the Taxpayers Right to Know Act.
In January I introduced the Taxpayers Right to Know Act, which creates a central database for the
financial data of every federal program in all federal agencies and departments. Agencies and
departments would be required to develop performance metrics for all of their programs and
provide a yearly report card. This centralized database would provide an accessible source for
everyone to see how our federal government spends money and how effectively that money is used.
You have every right to know how your government spends your money. Sunlight is the solution to
most of our federal waste.
It is important to remember that while wasteful government spending is harmful, overly
burdensome federal regulations are an equal part of the problem facing American families and
businesses. The federal government diligently tracks total tax collections and annual spending levels.
However, it does not officially account for total government-wide regulatory costs. While certain
regulations are important to keep us safe, the current Administration has churned out new
regulations at a pace that exceeds 3,500 per year.
To put that into perspective, last year, the President signed 224 bills into law but published 3,554
final rules. This means that for every law passed by Congress, the federal government created 16 new
rules. These 3,554 regulations impose significant costs on the American economy. The National
Association of Manufacturers calculated the total cost of federal regulations in 2012 to be a
staggering $2.028 trillion (11 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product). If our $2 trillion federal
regulatory cost were a country, it would be the ninth-largest in the world.

The federal government collected $1.234 trillion in individual income taxes in 2013 but cost
individuals and businesses more than $2 trillion in federal regulations. In 2014 the federal
government published 80 major final regulations that were economically significant,or
regulations that will cost more than $100 million a year. And remember, the costs of those
regulations are passed on to you, the consumer.
Here is a fun fact: last year, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, families spent $14,974
of their average household income on goods and services to cover the cost of federal regulations. Can
you imagine what your family could do with an additional $14,974 for groceries, gasoline, and
savings? Congress owes it to the American people to carefully scrutinize the regulatory process to
ensure regulations work for the people. We can balance responsible regulations with cost-effective
solutions that work for families. If we do not stop the rising tide of excessive federal regulations, how
will the next generation of leaders start the next great American company or afford basic expenses
for the family?
I am a proud father of two wonderful girls. I believe there are endless possibilities for the young
people of today, as they prepare to be the leaders of tomorrow. My primary mission in the U.S. Senate
is to leave the next generation a nation better off than it is today. That is why I leave my family and
my home in Oklahoma to come to Washington, DC, each week. I want our government to provide its
necessary and essential services and protectionsno more, no less. I do not want the federal
government to burden our society with its overregulation and overwhelming debt.
It is time for all elected officials in the Senate, House of Representatives, and White House to set
priorities, then actually do the work. That is our job. For example, one of our top priorities should be
to balance the budget and keep government out of the daily lives of American citizens. An
unnecessary challenge is that we often cannot find the common ground to even set priorities, much
less decide how to accomplish them. We can all agree that the federal government has a job to do. It
is time for us to pick up the ball, and do the work our constituents sent us here to do.
I hope this book provides practical ideas for my fellow Members of Congress, their staffs, and
individuals throughout government who can play a role to eliminate careless federal spending and
burdensome regulations.
In God We Trust,

James Lankford
United States Senator for Oklahoma
To read more on the Taxpayers Right to Know Act, please click here.
To go further in-depth on the cost and size of federal regulations, please visit:
Federal Register: Public Law Numbers
CRS Report: Counting Regulations: An Overview of Rulemaking, Types of Federal Regulations, and Pages in the Federal
National Association of Manufacturers: The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small
Competitive Enterprise Institute: Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State

As you read through this book you will notice each entry starts with a short Quick Stats section that
lists the Conference, Team, Fumble, and How to Recover the Ball. The Conference is either Spending
or Regulation to tell you whether the entry is an example of wasteful or duplicative spending or a
burdensome regulation. The federal agency or department responsible for the problem highlighted is
the Team. The cost of the spending or regulation is the Fumble. How to Recover the Ball is a proposed
solution to either prevent the Fumble from happening again or stop a regulation from burdening
American families and businesses.

Agency for International Development
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Army Corps of Engineers
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Education
Bureau of Land Management
California Gnatcatcher
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Compressed Natural Gas
Congressional Budget Office
Crime Victims Fund
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of the Interior
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Protective Service
Fiscal Year
Fish & Wildlife Service


Food and Drug Administration

General Services Administration
Government Accountability Office
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Inspector General
Internal Revenue Service
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Cancer Institute
National Endowment for the Arts
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Labor Relations Board
National Park Service
National Science Foundation
Office of Management and Budget
Renewable Fuel Standard
Safety & Health Involvement for Truckers
Securities and Exchange Commission
Social Security Administration
Social Security Disability Insurance
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Task Force for Business and Stability Operations
Trade Adjustment Assistance
Unemployment Insurance
Wild Horses and Burros


A $43 Million Gas Station ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Silent Shakespeare ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Subsidized Wind .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
A Tale of Woe, ICE Style ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Federal Student Lunch Standards: The Anti-Popeye .................................................................................................................... 13
Paid Vacation, Federal Style .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Dishwasher Efficiency Standards ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Federal Diets .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Safe Havens for Criminals ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Got Gnatcatchers? ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
CMS Files Secretive Settlement .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
A $4 Million Rebel........................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Academy Awards Museum Subsidy ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Russian Cigarettes ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Toy Guns: Regulatory Hotspot ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
The Truth Is Not Cheap ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Taxpayer-Funded Media Ethics in India ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Caution: Read Before Eating! .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Llamagate........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Stand-by For Delivery (Maybe) ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
More Money, Fewer Results .................................................................................................................................................................... 30
And While We Are at It .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Getting Dressed, Jetsons Style ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
No Rocks for Wars ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Big Billboards, Bigger Regulations ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Pony Pals: Wild Horses of the Wild West .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Casinos Could Hit Jackpot from Taxpayer-Funded Research.................................................................................................... 38
Leatherneck Leftovers ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39
$30,000 for a Beetle? (Not the Volkswagen Kind) ......................................................................................................................... 40
Promises Not Kept....................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
All Lit Up! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Federal Bike Trails ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Funding for Phantom Fuels .................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Law vs. Executive Orders ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Got a Permit for That?................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
USAID: Blame the Afghans, Not Us ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
VA: Return on Solar Investment in just 38.59 Years! ................................................................................................................... 50
Doctor Uncle Sam ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Lifeline Phone Program ............................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Subsidized Sport Stadiums ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Unfunded Mandates to Cities, Tribes, States, and Private Businesses................................................................................... 54
International Marine Turtles of Mystery ........................................................................................................................................... 55
One of these Entitlements is Not Like the Other............................................................................................................................. 56
EPA Power Grab: Final Waters of the United States Rule ....................................................................................................... 57
Organizing around the World: Unions for All .................................................................................................................................. 59
Going Green, Moroccan Style .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
To Advertise or Not to Advertise? That is the Question. ............................................................................................................. 61
Solar Beer........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 62

Regulatory Overtime .................................................................................................................................................................................. 63

Essential Air Service ................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Federal Protective Service Fleet ............................................................................................................................................................ 65
Cross-Cultural Raisins ............................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Indian Coal Country .................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
$5,000 Fiddle Film....................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Drug Deals ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
25,000+ Ineligible Families in Public Housing ................................................................................................................................ 71
Emergency Spending toward an Emerging Debt Crisis ............................................................................................................... 72
A Different One Percent ............................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Government Studies Old Clich ............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Crime Victims Should Not Be Pawns in Budget Game.................................................................................................................. 76
Fed Study on the Ups and Downs of Senior Dating ....................................................................................................................... 77
Out of Sight, Out of Date, Out of Luck .................................................................................................................................................. 78
EPAs $8.4 Billion Clean Power Plan ................................................................................................................................................ 79
Ambassadors (Slush) Fund...................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Amtraks Bottomless Pit ........................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda Machines .......................................................................................................................................... 82
I See Dead People. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
End-of-Year Binge Spending ................................................................................................................................................................... 85
The Hydrology of Hydraulic Fracturing ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Opportunity Cost: The Other Cost of College.................................................................................................................................... 88
The Largest and the Highest ................................................................................................................................................................... 89
The 30-Hour Work-Week......................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Solar Burn ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
FEMA Flaws Could Mean Disaster for Disasters ............................................................................................................................. 93
Nuclear Waste ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Advising Advisors ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Watch out for Snails! .................................................................................................................................................................................. 96
The Exception Should Not be the Rule................................................................................................................................................ 97
$40 Million to Support One of the Finest Hotels Anywhere in the World ........................................................................ 98
Taxpayers Get Their Kicks on Route 66 .......................................................................................................................................... 100
Tell Me How Much You Make .............................................................................................................................................................. 102
Identity Theft Tax Fraud........................................................................................................................................................................ 103
Arrest the Office of Juvenile Justice ................................................................................................................................................... 104
Let Washington, DC, Pick Your Neighborhood ............................................................................................................................. 105
Co-Op Collapse ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Two is Not Better than One .................................................................................................................................................................. 107
Buy More or Fix What You Have? ...................................................................................................................................................... 108
Pricey Empty Rooms ............................................................................................................................................................................... 110
NLRB Hates Small Business.................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Corn Squeeze-Ums for Your Car ......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Taxing the World ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 114
If It Is Worth Doing Once, It Is Worth Doing Eight Times ........................................................................................................ 116
Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ................................................................................................ 117
Regulations Crush Small, Community Banks ................................................................................................................................ 118
Disability is Only for the Disabled ..................................................................................................................................................... 119
Motor Mandates ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 120
Why Communication Matters.............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Out-of-Control Ozone .............................................................................................................................................................................. 123
The Largest Theft of Federal Data in History ................................................................................................................................ 124
Touchdown! ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 126



TEAM: Department of Defense
FUMBLE: $42,718,739 gas station in Afghanistan
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require DOD to submit reports on all completed facility
construction at the one-, three- and five-year marks to certify the facilitys use compared to
the original construction justification

Photo: Central Asia Development Group

In 2009 DOD moved its Task Force for Business

and Stability Operations (TFBSO) from Iraq to
Afghanistan.1 TFBSOs mission was to help build
up the economy of war-torn Afghanistan.2 From
2011-2014 TFBSO spent nearly $43 million in
order to construct a CNG automobile filling
Afghanistan.3 The belief was that a CNG station
would take advantage of the natural gas
reserves within Afghanistan and alleviate the
need for importing fuel. Unfortunately TFBSO
never vetted the feasibility of such a plan. Had
TFBSO vetted the feasibility, it would have
determined there was no natural gas
distribution capability in the country and that
the cost of converting a vehicle to CNG exceeded
the annual income in Afghanistan.4 Would
Americans convert their vehicles to run on CNG
if it costs more than their annual
income? Probably not.

If the outrageous waste of taxpayers dollars is

not enough, DOD was unable to explain the high
cost of the project or any other questions
regarding its planning. The reason for DODs
inability to provide an explanation is DOD closed
TFBSO in March of 2015.5 During its lifetime
TFBSO spent $766 million in taxpayer money,
but DOD claims there are no records or
expertise on TFBSOs activities.6


DOD should not have wasted this much money

on a project that a simple feasibility study would
have shown was unnecessary. Congress also
should have discovered this wasteful project
through simple oversight and brought it to an
end. Congress should work with DOD to ensure
future investments in other countries advance
American interests and actually make a
difference. A $43 million natural gas station
does neither.

For more information, please visit:

SIGAR: DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million Project
Defense News: SIGAR: DoD Spent $43M on 'Ill-Conceived' Afghan Gas Station


TEAM: National Endowment for the Arts
FUMBLE: Tens of thousands of dollars
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require a thorough disclosure and transparency process for federal
grants to ensure funding focuses on items of national interest

In a year when American families had to work 114

days to earn enough money to cover their complete
yearly tax bill,7 NEA awarded a state partnerthe
Virginia Commission for the Arts$683,600 for
various arts-related projects.8 The program
supported tens of thousands of dollars in funding
for silent adaptations of Shakespeares Hamlet and
others at a Washington, DC-area theater.9 The
funding went to support the production costs of the
Shakespeare series. Synetic Theater received its
highest recent award of $60,700 in 2013 from NEAs
partner, Virginia Commission for the Arts.10 Synetic
also received $58,80011 (2011-2012), $54,900
(2012-2013), 12 and $35,100 (2015-2016).13
William Shakespeare was lauded for many things:
his meter, his verse, his complicated characters.
Generations of families have come together to enjoy
productions of Shakespeares sonnets and plays by
film companies, local theaters, and high school
drama classes. But was Polonius right in Hamlet
when he said, Give every man thy ear, but few thy

Photo: Shutterstock


Congress has allowed NEA to drop the ball in this

instance by not providing enough oversight and
guidance for federal grants. American families and
taxpayers should not work until almost May to earn
enough to pay their taxes only to have the
government fund grants that are better suited for
private or state-based funds. Congress must work to
reform the federal grants process to improve
transparency and accountability and fulfill its own
responsibility of overseeing federal agencies and
the federal grants program. National grants should
fund national priorities.

James Bovard published a piece in The Wall Street

Journal on July 13, 2015, entitled, A Silenced
Shakespeare in Washington: Shakespeare without
butter.14 Performing Shakespeares plays using
private funds or state-funded arts programs might
be even butter.

For more information, please visit:

Virginia Commission for the Arts Synetic Theater
Virginia Commission for the Arts 2015-2016 Grant Awards
Virginia Commission for the Arts 2013-2014 Grant Awards
Virginia Commission for the Arts 2012-2013 Grant Awards
Virginia Commission for the Arts 2011-2012 Grant Awards
The Washington Post: National Endowment for the Arts awards $74 million in grants
The Wall Street Journal: A Silenced Shakespeare in Washington
Tax Foundation: Tax Freedom Day 2015



TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: $6 billion
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: End the temporary tax incentive after 23 years
generation capacity has grown more than 3,000
percent nationwide since it was first put into
law.16 As an example, wind now contributes
almost 15 percent of the State of Oklahomas
net power generation.17 Thirty-eight states
have renewable energy portfolio standards,
including wind, that are either mandatory or
voluntary,18 and some have financial incentives
at the state level as well.
Wind efficiency is up dramatically. This quality
energy resource is now fully viable and useful.
Every time the credit is extended another year,
taxpayers pony up more than $6 billion over ten
years for an industry that is already
profitable.19 With trillions in federal debt, this
taxpayer money should be used to pay for
highways, national defense, or deficit

Photo: Shutterstock

Even during the hottest part of summer and the

coldest part of winter, many families still keep
tight control of their homes thermostat.
Electric bills can be expensive and difficult to


There is no longer a need for a federal subsidy

to kick-start wind development; after 23 years
it is fully developed. Wind energy has a place in
the diverse portfolio of many utilities, but the
federal taxpayer should not determine that
place. American families, who are already
worried about their own bills, should not
subsidize the wind as it comes sweepin down
the plain. To protect the taxpayer, I have
introduced S. 2158, the PTC Elimination Act,
which would permanently eliminate this
subsidy from the tax code.

In 1992 Congress created the Wind Production

Tax Credit to kick-start the development of the
relatively young wind energy production
industry. The credit has changed over the last
23 years, but it currently grants a tax credit of
2.3 cents per kilowatt-hour of energy produced
for the first ten years a new wind farm is up and
In terms of boosting a relatively young wind
industry, the credit has wildly succeeded; wind

For more information, please visit:

U.S. Energy Information Administration: Oklahoma Profile Overview
U.S. Energy Information Administration: Most States Have Renewable Portfolio Standards
CRS Report: U.S. Renewable Electricity: How Does Wind Generation Impact Competitive Power Markets?
CRS Report: The Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit: In Brief




TEAM: Immigration and Customs Enforcement
FUMBLE: $6 million to repair a building that remains unsafe
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: ICE should conduct a cost-benefit analysis and a feasibility
study before renovating an existing building, where the cost could exceed $1 million

Talk about a tale of woe! In San Pedro

(essentially Los Angeles, CA), ICE used a former
Service Processing Center to house detainees
until it had to close due to safety concerns. Then
ICE decided to move employees back into the
building while it processed and held illegal
immigrants temporarily.

The tale of woe continues for ICE because the

facility may have limited utility moving
forward, even if ICE manages to make it safe
and serviceable. Since it was designed to hold
detainees, there is not enough parking to make
it suitable for office space. Worse still, there are
no electrical outlets, and the walls are three feet

In 2012 USACE found the San Pedro Processing

Center to be unsafe and recommended ICE
move out completely.20 In 2014 the IG visited
the facility and recommended ICE vacate the
building until the safety issues were corrected.
ICE finally complied.21


Before dropping any additional federal dollars

into this building, ICE needs to settle on a longterm plan. Does ICE really need this building, or
is it better to just start over? It is frustrating
that ICE wasted the $6 million, but demolishing
the building and starting over might be more
cost-effective in the long run. This tale of woe
could have been prevented with a little
planning, a cost-benefit analysis, and a basic
feasibility study. Everyday Americans know the
value of having a plan before starting a big
project. Without a plan projects get expensive
and inefficient very quickly. It is time the
federal government learned the same lesson.

Between 2008 and 2014, ICE spent about $4.2

million to repair the building, and it was still
unsafe for occupancy when the IG visited in
2014.22 In 2015 ICE awarded another $1.6
million to retry to make the building safe.23
Although ICE wanted to repair the entire
facility, it failed to develop a long-term plan to
address all of the problems with the building.
Instead ICE attempted a patchwork of repairs
and renovations in a series of small projects.
Fast forward to the present day, and ICE still
has an unserviceable building at a cost of $6

For more information, please visit:

OIG: Follow-up to Management Alert U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Facility, San Pedro, California
OIG: Management Alert: Employee Safety at the San Pedro Processing Center




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Agriculture
FUMBLE: Feds prevent schools from adequately feeding students
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Include grain requirements amendment in FY 2016 funding
bills and reject centralized meal planning for every school in America

Many American families grew up watching

Popeye on television. He would eat his spinach,
grow strong, and take on the bad guys. The
federal government, evidently wanting all
children to grow up with Popeyes healthy
eating habits, recently changed federal school
lunch requirements with the goal of improving
childhood diets and reducing obesity.
Unfortunately someone forgot that most kids
hate spinach.

schools to implement. For example one USDA

rule establishes limits for meats in lunches
while another sets minimum and maximum
calorie requirements for different grades. In
schools with multiple grade levels, where the
maximum calories allowed for students grades
6-8 (700 calories) are below the minimum
calorie requirement for students grades 9-12
(750 calories), schools were forced to develop
different meal plans.26
The rule also prohibited baked goods with even
trace amounts of cornmeal from inclusion in
school lunches. As a result, lunchtime staples,
such as bagels, may not meet the school
nutrition standards. In the end many students
chose not to eat the meals they were served
because they simply did not like them.
Federally mandated lunch standards actually
cause many students to not eat enough at lunch.
These government meals also do not take into
consideration that dietary needs may differ
from student to student. A senior offensive
lineman on the football team may have
different caloric needs than the freshman
trumpet player. Families know best what their
children should eat for lunch. USDA should not
force on schools burdensome meal standards
that do not provide enough calories for growing
children and are often rejected by students.

Photo: Twitter

To improve childhood diets and reduce obesity,

USDA developed nutritional standards under
the authority of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids
Act of 2010. These rules placed limits on the
amount of meats and grains permitted in school


USDA has various rules for school nutritional

standards. However, the rules often conflict
with each other and are nearly impossible for

Not surprisingly, GAO found that these

regulations were nearly impossible for schools
to implement.27 To improve childrens health

and nutrition at school, GAO recommended

USDA remove the meat and grain limits and
allow schools the flexibility to comply with the
rules. The U.S. Senate Appropriations
Committee addressed GAOs concerns by
providing schools with flexibility to meet USDA
grain and sodium requirements in its FY 2016
Agriculture Appropriations Bill, which was sent
to the full Senate on July 16, 2015.28 When
Congress completes work on the FY 2016

funding bills, this common-sense provision

should be included. But since appropriations
bills only solve these issues for one year at a
time, USDA should step up and provide
American schools the flexibility they need to
improve the health and nutrition of students,
and Congress should reject the notion that
Washington, DC, should plan the school
lunchroom menu each day. The Founders
would be appalled.

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Testimony of Kay E. Brown before the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education,
Committee on Education and the Workforce, House of Representatives
S.1800 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016




TEAM: Government-wide
FUMBLE: Paying employees on administrative leave for months or even years at a time
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Create a clear process to handle employees on administrative
leave; create faster processes for hearings

Leave it to the federal government to find a way

to pay people who are not working. The federal
government has made it a habit to place
workers accused of misconduct on paid
administrative leave for months or even years.
Yes, years!
GAO released a report in fall 2014 to review the
practices of five departments: DOD, VA, USAID,
GSA, and DOI. GAO found these departments
spent a combined $3.1 billion on workers who
were placed on paid administrative leave from
2011 to 2013,29 $775 million of which went
toward the salaries of 57,000 employees who
were off work for one month or longer30. This is
money paid from taxpayers who actually work
hard to earn their salaries.

Photo: Shutterstock

Congress should support a clear process for
agencies to handle employees who are accused
of misconduct or who have been placed on
administrative leave for any other reason. If
someone receives a paycheck, he or she needs
to actually show up for work.

That is a lot of money to waste on not promptly

and efficiently handling employee issues.
Primarily, workers are placed on leave because
they are under investigation for misconduct.
Other reasons include whistleblowing and
disputes among employees. Even for a
complicated case of workplace misconduct, a
more efficient and clear process would reduce
this extreme waste of time and resources.

It is not fair to employees to keep them in limbo

for months or years, and it is definitely not fair
to hard-working American taxpayers to make
them foot the bill for agencies that are unable to
handle employee issues.

For more information, please visit:

The Fiscal Times: Lawmakers Lash Out at Agencies for Paying $3.1 Billion to Idle Workers
GAO: Federal Paid Administrative Leave: Additional Guidance Needed to Improve OPM Data




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Energy
FUMBLE: Allow only 3.1 gallons of water to wash a load of dishes
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Work with industry and the public before drawing up final

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary,

efficient means capable of producing desired
results without wasting materials, time, or
energy.31 Unfortunately, when DOE issued its
higher efficiency standards for household
dishwashers in 2015, they failed to meet the full
definition of the word. The new standards,
which only allowed 3.1 gallons of water to wash
each load of dishes, were issued after already
lowering the limit from 6.5 gallons to 5 gallons
in 2012.32,33

it would also leave families with dirty dishes

that require an additional cycle.34

The Association of Home Appliance

Manufacturers decided to test the new
standards. Accordingly they calibrated their
appliances to meet the new standard and ran
some tests. The dishwashers that used 3.1
gallons of water ended up with so much
residual food on the dishes that they needed to
be rewashed to be usable, which completely
negates any efficiency achieved. In other words
the new standards would save 240 billion
gallons of water over a 30-year period and
reduce energy consumption by 12 percent, but

When the Constitution was written, did the

Framers really dream the federal government
would one day control how Americans wash
their dishes? The constant push for more
regulation and efficiency does have a limit.
When someone in Washington decides industry
must change, the loser is often the consumer
who pays higher prices for a less desirable
product. The federal government must evaluate
products for safety but allow the market and
local codes to drive design.

Families already have enough to worry about

without adding extra loads of dishes to the mix,
simply due to poorly conceived federal
regulations. This is another example of a
regulation, drawn up in an office building in
Washington, DC, that is unworkable for


For more information, please visit:

The Hill: Industry rails against Obamas dishwasher rules
Federal Register: Proposed Rules
Fox News: Appliance industry warns federal dishwasher regs would lead to dirty dishes



TEAM: National Institutes of Health
FUMBLE: $2,658,929 weight-loss program for truck drivers
RECOVERY: Congress should develop clearer expectations for areas of research for NIH

The American economy is powered in no small

part by the thousands of trucks on the road
each day. It is certainly important for
individuals behind the wheel of giant 18wheelers to be healthy. But do taxpayers really
need to spend more than $2.6 million on a
trucker weight-loss intervention program?

This extended program was designed to

determine whether those who successfully
completed the six-month study could maintain
a healthier lifestyle without additional
motivation or training.38 Individuals who
participated in the program and in the entry
phone interview were given a $20 gift card.39
Participants were then asked to self-report
their weight, food intake, and exercise activities
over the phone.40

From 2011 to 2015, NIH awarded Oregon

Health & Science University a total of
$2,658,929 to conduct a cell-phone-based
program for a weight loss competition and
motivational interviewing.35 The federal
SHIFT program included an initial six-month
weight-monitoring program followed by a 30month follow-up study.36 The shocking
conclusion reached in the 2009 report:
individuals who completed motivational
interviewing sessions and computer-based
training were better able to make healthy living
decisions. Those who engaged in the
challenging six-month study were then given
the chance to participate in a 30-month study.37


Encouraging people to make healthier living

decisions is definitely a good thing that should
be doneby doctors, families, and friends, not
the federal government and not at a price tag
for American taxpayers of $2.6 million over
four years.41 NIH should have thought twice
before funding programs when private funding
of research studies is a better avenue. Congress,
in consultation with NIH and other research
institutes, can better assess areas of federal

For more information, please visit:

NIH RePORT: Project Information
US National Library of Medicine, NIH: Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30-Months PostIntervention




CONFERENCE: Regulation (lost trust)

TEAM: Multiple localities, states, and federal immigration enforcement
FUMBLE: Failing to enforce immigration detainer orders
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should pass legislation to prohibit sanctuary cities

Generally sanctuary cities are localities

throughout the U.S. with policies that prohibit
or restrict local police or law enforcement
cooperation with federal immigration efforts.
There are two problems. First, there is no
universal definition of the term sanctuary city,
and it can be used to define many different
types of activities. Second, these noncooperation policies allow criminals to be
released back onto the streets, potentially
endangering American lives.

prisoner after choosing not to charge him for

drug possession.
Releasing criminals who could otherwise be
deported is a common occurrence. In 2014
approximately 12,000 detainers42 were
ignored by cities around the nation. Sanctuary
city policies that ignore crimes committed by
illegal immigrants are unacceptable, and the
policies directly lead to consequences like the
murder of Kathryn Steinle. Most illegal
immigrants are not murderers or criminals, but
those who are criminals should not be released
into American communities to commit
additional crimes.

On July 1, 2015, Kathryn Steinle was fatally shot

in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant who
was previously convicted of seven felonies and
was previously deported on five occasions.
What makes her tragic story worse is that the
illegal immigrant should have already been
deported for a sixth time. In fact immigration
officials had him in custody before transferring
him to the San Francisco Sheriffs Department
on charges of drug possession. Immigration
officials then issued a detainer, which requests
notification before a prisoner is released, so
they could deport him. But San Francisco, a
sanctuary city by its own definition, decided not
to notify immigration officials and released the


Congress should pass legislation to prohibit

sanctuary cities and reaffirm that immigration
policies are determined at the national level,
not by cities and counties. Congress should also
set firm consequences for illegal re-entry into
the country, particularly for those with criminal
convictions. It should not be controversial to
remove illegal felons from the United States.

For more information, please visit:

CRS Report: Sanctuary Jurisdictions and Criminal Aliens: In Brief
Los Angeles Times: Sanctuary Cities: How Kathryn Steinles death intensified the immigration debate



TEAM: Department of Defense
FUMBLE: $283,500 gnatcatcher survey
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should establish a policy that all grants issued by
the Department of Defense must support national security

FWS listed the coastal CAGN, a tiny blue-gray

bird, as a threatened species in 1993. Earlier
this year, DOD issued a grant worth $283,500 to
survey at least ten California gnatcatcher
(CAGN) pairs in order to determine use
vegetation alliance.
Thankfully DOD provides an explanation for
this, which includes monitoring of CAGN nests,
the ability of baby CAGNs to learn to fly, and the
temperature and availability of food around the
nest. The surveyor would also document any
instances of cowbirds, another small bird,
laying eggs in CAGN nests. (Note: Evidently the
Cowbirds tend to do this for some reason.) 43

purpose and rationale for any grant, and

publicly release the findings afterwards.

Photo: Shutterstock

In what universe should DOD spend $283,500

to study the day-to-day life of a tiny bird? How
is American national security strengthened by
this study? DOD should be in the business of
defense, not nature conservancy. First, there is
an entire federal agency that does things like
this: FWS. Second, any project like this,
regardless of the agency in charge, should
always have to publically demonstrate the

Congress should work with DOD to ensure
there are no federal restrictions to the
Department remaining completely focused on
keeping the homeland safe. DOD should not feel
obligated to fulfill the mission of other federal
agencies. It has a tough enough job already.

For more information, please visit:

Grants.gov: Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Use Study and Population Surveys at Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar, California
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Coastal California Gnatcatcher




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
FUMBLE: $1.3 Billion
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should work with CMS to solve the backlog issues
that result in a $1.3 billion settlement

Here is a story about federal inefficiency that

also cost American families a lot of money and
could ultimately result in higher costs and
fewer providers. When Medicare and Medicaid
patients go to a doctor or a hospital, a claim is
filed and, if considered eligible for
reimbursement, the bill is paid directly to that
doctor or hospital. If the claim is denied for any
reason, the hospital has the right to appeal.
Here is where the problem starts: CMS has such
a dysfunctional, disorganized, and backlogged
system that it cannot properly process the
appeals. So instead of taking the time to actually
fix its system, CMS just agreed to partially pay
all the hospitals who appeal an already denied

Medicare Trust Fund without telling anyone or

asking permission.45 Those who rely on
Medicaid and Medicare deserve CMS to be a
good steward in administering the programs,
and taxpayers deserve to know their hardearned dollars are spent appropriately. A major
part of the problem is this: the system of
auditing the providers has so many problems
and mistakes that good providers are treated
like criminals instead of public servants. When
a provider is forced to prove innocence,
enormous numbers of appeals and a huge
backlog are created.

Congress should immediately investigate how
CMS got to this point, why major changes were
not made, and how a more than $1 billion
congressional approval. This cannot happen
again. American families cannot afford it, and
good healthcare providers should not have to
endure it.

In June 2015 CMS settled for $1.3 billion with

1,900 hospitals and paid 300,000 claims
previously deemed medically unnecessary,
which were already reviewed and denied
twice.44 Most of these claims were related to
short inpatient stays, which have long been a
source of abuse and improper claims. But worst
of all, CMS paid these settlements from the
For more information, please visit:

CMS: Inpatient Hospital Reviews

The Washington Free Beacon: CMS Secretive Settlement
Citizens Against Government Waste: CAGW Slams CMS for Secretive Settlement, Payments of $1.3 Billion for Improper
Hospital Claims



TEAM: Department of Defense
FUMBLE: $250 million to train 60 Syrian rebels
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require DOD to continually evaluate programs and move
more quickly to eliminate programs that do not meet expectations

Last year, Congress gave $500 million in federal

tax money to train and provide equipment for
at least 5,400 Syrian rebels fighting against ISIL.
Over the next year, DOD spent about half of that
amount and managed to train an overwhelming
force of 60 fighters. In other words DOD spent
about $4 million per rebel.46


It is good DOD finally recognized that this

training and equipping program did not work.
However, it should not have taken a year and
$250 million to figure that out. DOD should
have evaluated this program at every stage
rather than wait a year to decide its fate. The
federal government absolutely needs to
support those who fight on the ground against
this terrorist group. But Americans deserved to
get more for their tax money. A clear Syria
strategy is long overdue from this White House.
Americans can see the obvious threat, and most
Americans understand that sending 60 rebels
into Syria at a cost of $4 million each is not a
winning strategy.

This resounding lack of success is likely why on

October 9, 2015, the Obama Administration
announced a pause in the program to reevaluate how the U.S. would support those
fighting against ISIL.47 In a press release, DOD
announced it would begin to provide
equipment and weapons to select rebel leaders
instead of training them.

For more information, please visit:

United States Senate Committee on Armed Services: Counter-ISIL Strategy
US Department of Defense: Statement on Syria
Politico: Price Tag for Syrian Rebels: $4 million each
CNN: U.S. suspending program to train and equip Syrian rebels




TEAM: National Endowment for the Arts
FUMBLE: $25,000 for a grant to fund the Oscars museum
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Increased oversight of the award-making process

And the Oscar for Hollywoods best supporting

government agency goes tothe NEA!

us a little bit of flexibility.51 Not only does the

Academy have an impressive capacity to
fundraise from donors, it has a tremendous
amount of internal revenue-generating
capability. In 2013 the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and Sciences generated $101.5
million in revenues, primarily through the
Oscars, and held a net asset balance of $231.5
million.52 Given its substantial financial
prowess, the fact that the Academy even
applied for a federal grant is disconcerting. The
fact that it was awarded is unconscionable.

NEA announced in April that it would award a

$25,000 grant to the Academy of Motion Picture
and Sciences planned museum. According to
NEA, the grant will support the planning of the
historical exhibition and specifically will
solidify content and interpretive strategies to
build on a series of design charrettes held with
filmmakers, artists, scholars, and experts in a
range of disciplines that helped to define the
exhibition's interpretive approaches.48 The
$388 million museum, which is expected to
open in 2017, aspires to celebrate the rich
history of Hollywood and filmmaking
worldwide and will take a look behind the
screen at the artistry and technological
creativity that have made those unforgettable
cinematic moments possible.49
While film buffs are likely elated by the planned
museum, most Americans will question the
need for their tax dollars to help roll out the red
carpet for the well-heeled organization. For
instance the fundraising campaign for the
museum was able to generate $250 million in
record time.50 In the summer of 2014, the
project managers expanded the fundraising
goal by $50 million to create really expansive
and immersive exhibitions and programs
within the museum, and then arriving at some
contingencies just to buffer the budget and give

Photo: Shutterstock/MidoSemsem


Supporting the arts is a noble endeavor. In this

case American moviegoers already contribute
significant support to the box office every year
to enjoy their favorite Hollywood stars and
storylines. They should not be expected to
contribute their tax dollars as well.

For more information, please visit:

National Endowment for the Arts: FY2015 Spring Grant Announcement
Oscars: About
Los Angeles Times: Film academy's museum gets $25,000 grant from the NEA
Hollywood Reporter: Academy Museum Fundraising Chief to Step Down
Guidestar: Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax



TEAM: National Institutes of Health
FUMBLE: $48,500 to study the history of tobacco use in Russia
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Utilize resources to provide greater public health outcomes

NIHs stated mission is to seek fundamental

knowledge about the nature and behavior of
living systems and the application of that
knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and
reduce illness and disability.53 Perhaps
running counter to the mission, in April 2015
NIH announced a $48,500 grant to produce a
book entitled, Cigarettes and Soviets: The
Culture of Tobacco Use in Modern
Russia.54 While the title harkens images of a
James Bond movie, the grant will go to pay a
historian to write the first solo-authored
monograph in Russian or English to explore the
history of tobacco use and governmentinitiated cessation programs in Russia in the
context of the country's complex social,
cultural, and political changes of the past 130

understanding Russia's distinctive history

may suggest different strategies for U.S. policy
initiatives and that it can provide insights into
the successes and failures of government-led
tobacco control efforts. While subjective, it is
likely that most taxpayers would find the merits
of the history of Russian smoking habits outside
the scope of NIHs mission and American
national interests.56

Recently NIH made major medical advances in
Ebola research, gene therapy to treat
hemophilia, blood tests for early detection of
Alzheimers. Four men even regained muscle
control from paralysis after spinal stimulation
therapy.57 These advances truly make a
difference and help families across the nation.
Instead of funding the publication of niche
history books, Congress should push NIH to
continue to concentrate its resources on more
transformative research to provide public
health breakthroughs for the American people.
Leave the study of Russian cigarettes to the

In order to compile the book, the author will

reconstruct the culture of tobacco using
newspapers, journals, industry publications,
etiquette manuals, propaganda posters,
popular literature, films, cartoons, and
advertising images. The supposed hook into
NIH and public health relevance is that

For more information, please visit:

NIH: Mission and Goals
Grantome: Cigarettes and Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco Use in Modern Russia
NIH Office of History: Selected Research Advances of NIH




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: National Institute of Standards and Technology and Customs and Border Protection
FUMBLE: Duplicative toy gun regulations
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should transfer the oversight to one agency for
enforcement; OMB should eliminate regulatory duplication
GAO report found an interesting loophole in the
regulatory structure of the toy gun industry,
confirmed by the regulating agency itself: NIST
staff also noted that because there are few, if
any, domestic manufacturers of toy and
imitation firearms and because most are
imported, NIST regulations on the markings for
toy and imitation firearms are enforced almost
entirely by Customs and Border Protection
(CBP). GAO also noted the possibility for
inefficiency, stating that because the
regulation of toy and imitation firearms falls
outside the scope of NISTs primary mission
and functions and because NIST has no physical
presence at ports of entry, NIST staff stated the
regulation and oversight of toy and imitation
firearm markings may better be administered
by another federal agency.59

Photo: Shutterstock

When asked to think of an industry that faces

particularly duplicative and complex federal
regulations, the financial or energy sectors
come to mind first for most Americans.
However, the federal governments arm
extends into every industry, including toy gun
manufacturers and importers. It is important to
ensure the safety of every child, but perhaps it
can be done in a more efficient manner without
sacrificing safety. GAOs 2015 annual report to
Congress on federal duplication and overlap
describes multiple examples of duplicative
regulations, but the toy gun industry example
stands out in particular.

The difference between a toy gun and a real gun

can result in fatal consequences. When it comes
to childrens safety, the federal government
must get this right.


The regulating authority of the toy gun industry

should be transferred to the entity that actually
has enforcement capability: CBP. Removing
duplicative responsibilities will ensure
regulations are implemented appropriately and
keep toy costs low for parents.

In order to distinguish toy guns from real

firearms, NIST within DOC holds primary
regulatory jurisdiction over toy guns and
imitation firearms.58 This is a serious and
important safety responsibility to protect the
lives of millions of children. However, the 2015

For more information, please visit:

GAO: 2015 Annual Report: Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve
Other Financial Benefits
GPO: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations




TEAM: Department of State
FUMBLE: $545,000 for truth-telling consultants
RECOVERY: Departments should be more selective in the types of training grants they offer;
activities that can be handled internally should be handled internally

The cost of telling the truth? Apparently, it is

$545,000 at State.60 In March 2014 States
School of Leadership and Management sought a
contractor to provide training courses to
senior level officials on effective congressional
testimony and briefing skills.61 The name of
the course? Communicating with Congress:
Briefing and Testifying.62 Additionally the
contractor would assist with the design of
congressional testimony prep classes for
individuals who are nominated to be
ambassadors and one-on-one classes for
individuals set to testify before Congress.

So basically American taxpayers paid more

than $500,000 to have a contractor teach
people how to sit before a congressional
committee and answer questions.
It is understandable that State wants to prepare
its witnesses, perhaps to avoid embarrassing
situations such as the nominee-to-be
Ambassador to China saying, Im no real expert
on China or its nominee for the U.S.
representative in Norway who testified about
the non-existent president of that country.63
But does the federal government really need to
hire an outside contractor to train federal
officials and nominees on how to testify before
Congress and tell the truth? Surely not.


responsibilities to guide federal agencies (not
contractors) to handle training or other
internal matters that could be undertaken by
staff already on the federal payroll. Another
idea is to tell all State Department staff to just
honor any moms advice, When in doubt, tell
the truth.

Photo: Shutterstock

For more information, please visit:

The Washington Times: State Department hires testimony coach to prepare for congressional grillings
Federal Business Opportunities: Congressional Training



TEAM: Department of State
FUMBLE: $25,000 for media ethics training in India
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Suspend the grant program

States Diplomatic Mission to India announced

in July 2015 that it sought proposals for a media
ethics course for journalists in India under the
culturally relevant Blurred Lines moniker.64
Since Indian journalists are part of a global
community of media professionals, as the ad
put it, the course would supply a baseline
understanding of the international industry
standards media should strive to meet.65 In
other words State believes American taxpayers
should sponsor a program to teach Indian
journalists how to be journalists.

should welcome the press corps of other

countries to adopt the best habits of the
American press corps. But that does not mean
American families should pay for it.


Americans are among the most philanthropic

people in the world. There are plenty of
opportunities for individual journalists,
universities, and corporations to spread their
organizational knowledge to other countries.
Congress should work with State to ensure
grant money does not duplicate work the
private sector could do instead.

A free and open press is such an undeniable

right in the U.S. that it is one of the first
protections in the Constitution. Americans

For more information, please visit:

Grants.gov: Blurred Lines: A Media Ethics Course for Indian Journalists
The Weekly Standard: State Dept. to Offer Course on Ethics for Journalists: 'Blurred Lines'



X CONFERENCE: Regulation
X TEAM: Food and Drug Administration
O FUMBLE: $1 billion cost in the first year alone for new menu and product-labeling nutrition
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Allow restaurants and grocery stores to continue labeling
food as they do today or list details on their website
Grocery stores will also be required to list the
caloric values of prepared foods they serve that
are intended to be eaten immediately.
According to the Food Marketing Institute, this
new rule could cost the grocery industry a
colossal $1 billion in compliance in the first year
alone.67 Since these institutions will simply
pass along the increased costs to consumers,
the immediate result of the new menu labels
will be higher food prices for consumers.
Families will pay more for food purchased at
grocery stores and for pizza they order for

Photo: Shutterstock

You are what you eat, and the federal

government wants to make sure you know it.
Starting December 1, 2015, an FDA rule will
require all restaurants, gas stations,
entertainment venues, and grocery stores with
20 or more locations to list the total caloric
value of the prepared food and drinks they
sell.66 For example Dominos Pizza, which
already posts its nutrition information online,
will be required to develop new labels with
caloric values for every pizza sold. Dominos
and Pizza Hut will be forced to label more than
five million potential custom pizza options with
specific caloric intake information, costing
individual stores thousands of dollars.

Trust Americans to pick the food they like and
want. Drop the entire labeling requirement. If
all of the menu labeling cannot be eliminated, at
least consider Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgerss
(WA) Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act
of 2015, which will provide flexibilities to
restaurants to include either the number of
calories contained in a whole menu item or the
number of servings and calories per serving.
Additionally the Act would allow nutritional
information to be provided on an Internet
menu for food establishments where the
majority of orders are delivery or takeout.68

For more information, please visit:

Federal Register: Food Labeling; Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food
The Hill: FDA rolls out ObamaCare menu regs
H.R. 2017 Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act of 2015



CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Agriculture
FUMBLE: Inflexible regulations threaten therapy llamas and common sense
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: The federal government should stop engaging in permitting
processes that are the responsibilities of state and local officials
The owners repeatedly called USDA to try to
follow up on the matter but were informed the
agency only responds to written inquiries.
Eventually the owners stopped showcasing
their llamas to avoid the risk of facing fines. As
a result, Ms. Freund said, They [USDA] just
totally destroyed everything I had planned for
my retirement.70 Citizens who reach out to
their government for help should receive that
help and not a cold shoulder.


Photo: Bryan Berky

Why does a llama need permission from

someone in Washington, DC, to smile for a
camera? State and local permits should suffice.
Americans want safe schools for children and
clean retirement facilities for the elderly. What
Americans do not want is an inflexible and
distant permitting process. When a citizen calls
a federal agency for assistance, the citizen
should never be told the federal agency cannot
help him or her unless the problem is submitted
in writing. Americans do not work for the
federal government; the federal government
works for Americans. Obtaining a livestock
permit should not be more complicated than
capturing a llama on the loose, and it should not
be the business of the federal government.

In February 2015 two llamas quickly became an

Internet sensation when they escaped from
their farm in Phoenix, AZ. Soon after the llamas
escaped, people around the country tracked
their movements via social media until they
were safely returned home.
Nine years before they had their 15 minutes of
fame on cable news networks, the owners, Bub
Bullis and Karen Freund, started raising llamas
to use as therapy animals for the elderly and for
educational purposes. Shortly after the
February incident, USDA officials contacted the
owners to inform them they needed a license to
showcase their llamas, even if people only
took a few pictures with the llamas.69

For more information, please visit:

The Guardian: USDA herding internets celebrity llamas out of the spotlight, owners say

USDA: Regulated Businesses (Licensing and Registration)



X TEAM: Department of Defense
O FUMBLE: $48 million in military supplies for Yemen that never made it out of a Virginia
O RECOVERY: Ensure supplies can be delivered and utilized as intended before purchase
Expired medical supplies, corroded batteries,
and low-grade explosives for airplane ejection
seats are only a small portion of the $48 million
worth of American taxpayer-financed supplies
intended for Yemen that never reached their
intended destination.71 Instead these items sit
in a warehouse in Virginia.

between the Government of Yemen and its

freight shipper.75 Between 2007 and 2012, a
variety of mishaps, including contract disputes
and late payments, resulted in commercial
shippers not moving the items from Virginia to
Yemen.76 In 2012 Yemen ultimately started to
pay the U.S. military to directly ship items still
deemed useable but left many others behind.77

Since 2007 DOD in conjunction with State has

strived to build Yemens capacity to counter
throughout its territory, and secure its
infrastructure and population.72 Home to
AQAP, Yemen is a frequent target of U.S.
interests at home and abroad.73 Americans
safety and security depends on the ability to
neutralize threats in Yemen before they take
shape. To that end the U.S. allocated $108
million in Foreign Military Financing funding to
Yemen, $48 million of which was actually
spent.74 According to GAO, of the equipment
purchased with the $48 million from American
taxpayers, various articles remain stored,
unused, and unshipped due to a dispute

Any foreign aid should accomplish a goal of
increased American security. Americans do not
want our money wasted. Going forward,
Congress should work with DOD to ensure that
when supplies are purchased to aid another
country, there is a vetted plan to deliver them
in a timely manner and that delivery actually
occurs. This plan should include what to do
with the supplies, if they become undeliverable.
American families, many of whom struggle to
afford their own basic needs, should not have to
foot the bill for unused supplies intended for
other countries.

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment that was Never Shipped to Yemen
The Washington Post: More than $600,000 dollars in Yemeni military aid found in a Virginia warehouse




TEAM: Department of Health and Human Services
FUMBLE: $4 billion
RECOVERY: No funds for failed state exchanges; repeal Obamacare

Under Obamacare states were given the option

to set up their own health insurance exchanges
to buy and sell insurance or to allow the federal
government to operate an exchange within the
state. Fourteen states and the District of
Columbia established their own exchanges. The
Obama Administration, eager to support their
efforts, shelled out $4 billion78 from taxpayers
for planning, establishment, and innovator
exchange grantsmore than the federal
government spent on the nationwide federally
facilitated marketplace.

received $184 million81 in federal funds for a

boondoggle that flopped so spectacularly
during its first open enrollment that its
executive director wept at a board meeting,
where it was disclosed that 50,000 applications
for health insurance are sitting in a pile, and
have yet to be entered into a computer
system.82 Obamacare, despite all the massive
brainpower behind it, had some glitches, in the
same sense that the universe has some
So where did all of the money go? GAO reports,
[T]he specific amount spent on marketplacerelated projects was uncertain, as only a
selected number of states reported to GAO that
they tracked or estimated this information.84

Most taxpayers would reasonably expect that a

higher investment would yield a higher return,
but that was not the case. When the 14 states
that established exchanges opened for
business, seven were dysfunctional, disabled,
or severely underperforming.79 For example
Oregons exchange failed to enroll a single
person through its online platform, despite
spending $304 million80 in taxpayer dollars.
Oregon eventually gave up and turned its
exchange over to the federal government.
Marylands exchange failed almost as soon as it
launched. Massachusetts, which already had a
functioning state website for health insurance,

Unimpressed by this display of spending
malfeasance and mismanagement, Congress
declined to offer further funds for state
exchanges. The entire system continues to
drive up healthcare costs and healthcare
complexities. It is time to stop wasting
Americans money on a failed policy.

For more information, please visit:

Reason: Obamacares Failed State Exchanges
Senate Republican Policy Committee: Obamacares Embarrassing and Costly State Exchange Flops
CRS: Federal Funding for Health Insurance Exchanges
GAO: State Health Insurance Marketplaces: CMS Should Improve Oversight of State Information Technology Projects




TEAM: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
FUMBLE: $30,000 per year, per fake enrollee
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Cooperation with congressional investigators, corrective
guidance and regulations, and/or legislation

Among the many promises made to the

American people during the Obamacare debate,
the Administration was very clear that only
qualified low-income Americans would receive
subsidies. It turns out that promise was not
kept either.

per year is $30,000. And when it came time to

re-enroll at the end of 2014, 11 of the false
applicants were able to extend their coverage.
In some cases those applicants were able to
obtain an even more generous tax credit using
just the information they provided during the
initial application.85

As part of a secret shopper investigation

commissioned by Congress to test Obamacares
eligibility enrollment controls, GAO created 18
fictitious identities to apply for premium
subsidies under Obamacare. All but one of the
fake applicants were able to obtain premium
tax credits through telephone and online
applications, despite not actually being real
people. The cost for a fake applicants subsidy


Absent a repeal of Obamacare, CMS, which

oversees the implementation of Obamacare,
investigators and GAO to determine how fake
applicants can get tax credits.

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Preliminary Results of Undercover Testing of Enrollment Controls for Health Care Coverage and Consumer
Subsidies Provided Under the Act
The Wall Street Journal: ObamaCare Undercover




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $1.2 million for a robotic dresser
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require a thorough disclosure and transparency process for
federal grants to ensure funding focuses on items of national interest

Parents around the nation know the daily

struggle of picking out clothes and ensuring
their young children get dressed each day
before school. It seems NSF believes the
challenge does not get easier with age. NSF has
spent nearly $1.2 million to teach robots how to
choose outfit combinations for and dress the
elderly. NSF anticipates spending at least four
years to work through the kinks.86

wholesome entertainment for all ages.

However, American taxpayers do not want to
see their hard-earned dollars funding projects
that try to bring The Jetsons to life. The robotic
dresser is only the newest project in a long line
of NSF efforts to create robotic helpers, all
funded by taxpayers. Congress needs to clearly
define research priorities for the NSF to help
technological advancements can come from
simple research, but not every idea needs
taxpayer money as the national debt moves
toward $19 trillion.


American families love television shows like

The Jetsons because they provide good,

For more information, please visit:

NSF: Robotic Assistance with Dressing using Simulation-Based Optimization
The Washington Free Beacon: Feds Spend $1.2 Million for Robots to Dress Old People




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Securities and Exchange Commission
FUMBLE: $3 to 4 billion cost in the first year for mineral tracking
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should re-address conflict minerals

The Dodd-Frank Act, a massive 2,300-page financial

regulation law enacted in 2010, does more than
complicate business for community banks. As
directed under Section 1502 of this law, SEC created
a regulation on the use of conflict minerals
originating in the DRC.87 Conflict minerals are any
minerals (for example, gold or tin) that can be sold
to finance a countrys internal conflict.

minerals, forcing former miners to find new jobs,

including joining armed rebel groups, which only
deepened unemployment and the conflict.88
Under the rule DOC is required to publish a list of
conflict mineral smelters for the affected companies
to use when completing this rules required
paperwork. But in 2014 GAO revealed this simple
metric was still not issued in time to provide
guidance to the companies.89 While Americans want
to see this violent conflict end, they do not want
their government creating costly regulations that do
little to solve the conflict oreven worse
exacerbate it.

Conflict minerals have been sold for decades to

finance the generations-long conflict within the
DRC. This rules intended goals are to prevent DRC
conflict minerals from being used by American
companies and to reduce conflict in this war-torn
region. SEC estimated the rule will affect 6,000
companies and cost the companies a combined $3
billion to $4 billion in the first year with at least
$200 million in costs each year thereafter. Designed
to remove conflict minerals from U.S. supply chains,
the rule acknowledges it will not generate
measurable, direct economic benefits, and SEC
estimates that generating these reports will require
5.6 million paperwork-reporting hours per year.

American companies now file complicated conflict

mineral forms and can face stiff fines if they do not
file the conflict form saying they have no conflict
minerals. Yes, a company faces huge fines if it does
not report that it has nothing to report.


We can all agree conflict minerals fuel the conflict in

unstable portions of eastern DRC, and American
companies should not purchase conflict minerals.
However, the rule fails to achieve any tangible
results and creates more chaos and confusion, while
costing American businesses billions of dollars. To
fix this mistake, Congress should re-examine more
effective ways to prevent the purchase of conflict
minerals by American companies.

A recent Washington Post article describes how this

well-intentioned rule may have actually
exacerbated the situation. In an effort to comply
with the regulation, the Congolese government shut
down portions of the mining industry and launched
a program to certify that the countrys minerals
were conflict-free. However, the certification
program was plagued with corruption, and many
foreign companies stopped purchasing Congolese

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Conflict Minerals: Stakeholder Options for Responsible Sourcing Are Expanding, but More Information on Smelters
Is Needed
DOC: Conflict Mineral Report
SEC: Conflict Minerals Final Rule
SEC: Form SD Specialized Disclosure Report
The Washington Post: In Congo, trapped in violence and forgotten




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Transportation
FUMBLE: Broad highway regulations threaten Times Square billboards
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Regulators need to calculate the unintended consequences of
their regulations prior to implementation

Times Square in New York City is one of

Americas most iconic locations, but even it is
not protected from an uncertain regulatory
environment. Broadway and 7th Avenue, which
combine to form Times Square, are classified as
major arterial roads under the 2012 Moving
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
(MAP-21) by the National Highway System.
They are also packed with large, iconic
billboards. The 1965 Highway Beautification
Act limits signage along the National Highway
System to 1,200 square feet or less. This 1965
law, originally intended to prevent huge
billboards from obstructing views along
interstates in primarily rural areas, presents an
unfortunate side effect for many of the Times
Square billboards that are significantly larger
than the 1,200 square-foot limit and subjected
to federal scrutiny.90

others because no final resolution has been

announced by the federal government.

Photo: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock


It is time for DC to stop telling every city and

state how large or small their road signs can be.
Millions of American families visit New York
City each year to enjoy Times Square and its
glowing billboards. The existence of lucrative
American landmarks like these billboards (a
Wall Street Journal article noted that one
billboard alone brought in $23 million
annually) should not be threatened by federal
regulators, especially when the original law did
not intend to impact them.92 Regulators should
provide cities and businesses with commonsense flexibility. Congress should also work
with FHWA to bring long-term certainty to
Times Square and the nation by eliminating this

FHWA stated, The penalty for not providing

effective control of outdoor advertising
remains at 10 percent of the funds that would
otherwise be apportioned to the State.91 The
future of these iconic billboards, which serve as
a backdrop for countless tourists, remained
uncertain for several months this year until
FHWA stated the billboards would not be
removed, funding would not be reduced, and an
agreement would be negotiated. However,
uncertainty still exists for New York City and

For more information, please visit:

Federal Highway Administration: National Highway System Questions and Answers
The Washignton Post: How the federal government could use conditional spending to force the removal of Times Square
billboards (UPDATED)
The Wall Street Journal: Ads, Not Tenants, Make Times $quare




TEAM: Bureau of Land Management
FUMBLE: $67.9 million for wild horse management
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Transfer the management and care of the wild horse and
burro populations to private entities
these wild animals protected status and
mandated BLM and the Forest Service to
manage, protect, and control WHBs on public
To comply with the law, BLM must conduct an
annual census of WHBs roaming the 179 Herd
Management Areas in the Westa vast area of
26.9 million acres. BLM must also determine
the number of animals the managed areas can
reasonably sustain. In March 2015 for example,
an estimated 58,150 WHBs roamed ranges able
to tolerate just 26,715. Every year the
population of animals exceeds what the land
can handle, and some of the surplus WHBs are
rounded up and removed to off-range pastures
and corrals, such as the holding facility in Pauls
Valley, OK. Once in these facilities, the animals
are available for sale or adoption, but the
number of willing adopters of wild horses falls
short of the number of horses in excess.
Animals that are passed up for adoption three
times are transferred to long-term, off-range
contract facilities, 20 of which are in Oklahoma.

Photo: Facebook BLM Wild Hourse & Burro Program

The image of majestic wild horsesmanes

flowing against the backdrop of a blazing
sunsetmay be a romantic reminder of the Old
American West. But the truth is that these
creatures are feral descendants of animals that
escaped from or were turned loose over the
centuries by Spanish explorers, settlers,
miners, Native American Tribes, and the U.S.
cavalry. Because wild horses and burros
(WHBs) have virtually no natural enemies, they
have adapted and thrived. For decades the
population of these majestic creatures was kept
in check by rounding them up to sell for
slaughteruntil 1950 when Velma Bronn
Johnston, a.k.a. Wild Horse Annie, began a
crusade to end what she saw as the inhumane
removal of WHBs. The persistence of Mrs.
Johnston and other horse lovers led to the
Hunting Wild Horses and Burros on Public
Lands Act of 1959 and the Wild Free-Roaming
Horses and Burros Act of 1971,93 which gave

However, this is only a stopgap measure, as

WHBs are prolific reproducers whose numbers
double about every four years in captivity. BLM
has tried various forms of birth control in an
attempt to thin the herds, but no effective,
easily-administered remedy has yet been
developed. As a result, the off-range population
alone has continued to climb to an October

2015 count of 47,204 animals to care for and

feed for the rest of their lives.95

Plus, it is just plain expensive. In FY 2014 alone,

costs for the program totaled $67.9 million, 63
percent of which went to off-range holding
expenses at a cost of almost $4 per day, per

But should the federal government be in the

business of managing WHBs anyway? There are
numerous privately funded organizations
already dedicated to looking out for their
interests. Surely these groups could oversee
and protect WHBs more efficiently than BLM,
which recently released a report showing that,
contrary to BLM policy, a private buyer
managed to purchase 1,794 wild horses that
were ultimately sold to other buyers. The
animals were in turn sold to Mexican
slaughterhouses.96 The current federal
program clearly requires ever-increasing
diligence and man hours to find, count, round
up, protect, and otherwise manage the animals.

Of course Americans believe in protecting all of
Gods creatures, but people come first. The U.S.
should stop paying to care for and feed wild
animals and allow humane, private-sector
solutions to manage the WHB population.
Or alternatively give every American child a
free pony on his or her 8th birthday (feed and
saddle not included).

For more information visit:

BLM: Wild Horses and Burro Quick Facts
GAO: Bureau of Land Management: Effective Long-Term Options Needed to Manage Unadoptable Wild Horses
DOI OIG: Investigative Report of Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse Buyer




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $406,419 for a political polarization grant
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Redirect political science funds toward studies of higher
economic and national security merit

A lot of ink has been spilled to explore the link

between political polarization and the media.98
Thanks to NSF, American tax dollars now join
the plight. NSF will provide at least $406,419 to
MIT researchers to attempt to answer the
question, Does media choice cause
polarization or does polarization cause media

policies for the promotion of basic research and

education in the sciences and engineering.100
NSF should stick to that pursuit and reserve the
questions of political persuasion for think tanks
and other disinterested bodies. Polarization has
become an increasing and challenging feature
of American politics. Perhaps there will be a
temporary thaw in the polarization to unite
against such frivolous spending of tax dollars.

It is an existential question that will be a

surefire conversation-starter at any family
dinner, but it is doubtful the substance of the
question merits the use of hundreds of
thousands of taxpayer dollars to advance the
knowledge of whether MSNBC and Fox News
are the cause or result of the American political
system. If the government study does confirm a
linkage, will the response be to limit the First
Amendment right to a free press?

NSF reports that it is only able to fund a fraction
of the 50,000 research proposals it receives
every year.101 NSF undertakes
research that benefits all American families.
Congress should make sure taxpayer dollars
are directed toward transformative research.
Leave existential political persuasion questions
to the talking heads.

NSF is supposed to advance transformative

research, specifically the pursuit of national
For more information, please visit:
Pew Research Center: Political Polarization & Media Habits
NSF: Collaborative Research: A New Design for Identifying Persuasion Effects and Selection in Media Exposure
Experiments via Patient Preference Trials




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $50,000 for random casino numbers
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should work with NSF to ensure grants are not
provided to advance research that private industries can complete

If random is the goal, NSF has a grant for that.

Last year, NSF awarded $50,000 to the
University of Michigan to create a technology
that exploits a new solution space, and
represents one of the first concrete applications
of quantum information science, and has the
potential to draw even more public interest to
the field.102 (Go ahead. Google those terms, and
come back.) The ultimate goal of the program is
to achieve a certifiable random number
generator based on quantum physics. The team
can design an apparatus that will generate
random bits while at the same time certifying
that the bits are randomeven without any
trust in the apparatus used.103 The award
announcement cites companies that manage
electronic transactions and gambling casinos
as two potential businesses that may benefit
from this research.

No one questions the importance of investing in

digital security in this age. However, Americans
should call into question the need to spend
federal taxpayer dollars on a project the private
sector is more than capable of developing on its


NSF conducts areas of research that benefit all

American families, which should be
encouraged. However, Congress should work
with NSF to ensure grants are not provided to
advance research benefiting private industries
that are capable of doing the research on their
own. Banks and casinos, which would benefit
from this research, are more than capable of
funding it without federal assistance. American
families should not be expected to pick up the

For more information, please visit:

Grantome: I-Corps: Practical and Provably Secure Random Number Generator
NSF: I-Corps: Practical and Provably Secure Random Number Generator



TEAM: Department of Defense
FUMBLE: $36 million for an empty command center
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require DOD to submit reports on all completed facility
construction at the one-, three-, and five-year marks to certify the facilitys use compared to
the original construction justification

In January 2010 DOD requested $36 million to

construct a 64,000 square-foot command and
control facility at Camp Leatherneck in the
Helmand Province of Afghanistan. For
perspective a football field including end zones
is only 57,600 square feet. After awarding,
designing, and building the entire project, The
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan
Reconstruction (SIGAR) found in 2013 the


The men and women of Americas armed

services have fought, bled, and died to protect
freedom. If there is a resource they need to
better do their job, they should have it.
However, DOD should do a better job of
ensuring it spends money on resources to
actually help troops, not just create big empty
buildings. Spending money on useless projects
does not make the U.S. safer, and it is unclear
how it advances American interests in
Afghanistan. Congress should require DOD to
submit reports on all facility construction at
one-, three-, and five-year increments to certify
the facilitys use compared to the original
construction justification. Knowing these
reports will be required will cause DOD to
ensure the long-term planning for facility use is
complete before construction begins.

The SIGAR investigation found written

evidence that subordinate commanders
questioned the requirement for the facility but
were later overruled. In the end SIGAR offered
six process-improvement recommendations
that included holding the decision-makers
accountable. DOD only agreed with one of the
recommendations (and partially agreed with
two others) but chose not to hold anyone
accountable. In 2014 the U.S. officially
transferred Camp Leatherneck (including its
$36 million command and control facility) back
to Afghan control.

For more information, please visit:

SIGAR: $36 Million Command and Control Facility at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan: Unwanted, unneeded, and unused
Army Times: Report slams Army officers over unused $36M facility


$30,000 FOR A BEETLE?



TEAM: Fish and Wildlife Service
FUMBLE: $30,000 for American Burying Beetle credits
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Remove the American Burying Beetle from the endangered species list
to avoid unnecessary spending on efforts to protect their habitat

For most Americans $30,000 is a substantial

amount of money that could pay off debt, purchase
a vehicle, or maybe even buy a home. What about
$30,000 to secure a house for a bug? That is the
price some must pay in beetle credits to have
access to land without disturbing the habitat of the
American Burying Beetle, an insect that teeters on
being listed as endangered by the federal
government. The American Burying Beetle was
listed as an endangered species in 1989 as part of
the Endangered Species Act.105 Across the country
its numbers have soared, yet the beetle still remains
listed as threatened by FWS. Companies within the
oil and gas industry have been known to pay
upward of $30,000 per drilling well in beetle
credits to gain access to and develop land on which
the beetle may reside.106 Remember, the companies
who pay for these beetle credits pass that cost on to
you, the American consumer.

land. The population of the beetle continues to soar,

but now FWS is focused on the habitat protection
of the insect. Bugs should never get priority
protection over people. Americans should hope
termites and ants are never labeled threatened by

The federal government has an obligation to serve

as a steward of U.S. land and maintain the habitat for
Gods creatures, but is spending that much really
necessary for an insect that no longer needs such
protection? Surely not. Currently FWS has approved
the Industry Conservation Plan to permit projects in
the beetles habitat for the next year. This is a good
first step to remove the beetle as a hindrance to
further economic development. However, removing
the beetle from the list of endangered species would
bring long-term stability and predictability to those
looking to expand oil and gas activities or develop

To prevent such a deterrent for construction and to

save American consumers from having the costs
transferred to them, the American Burying Beetle
should be removed from the list of endangered
species. While beetle populations continue to
increase across the Midwest, it is apparent the
beetle lacks the primary criteria for remaining on
the list, and Congress should remove it. In the short
term, FWS should continue with its plan to permit
projects in the beetles habitat until the list of
endangered species receives an update.

Photo: Cincinnati Zoo


For more information, please visit:

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: American Burying Beetle Impact Assessment for Project Reviews
Osages You Need To Know: Our Beloved American Burying Beetle




TEAM: Department of the Interior
FUMBLE: Failure to adequately meet trust responsibilities to Indians
RECOVERY: Through in-depth consultation with Tribes and American Indians, Congress should
ensure federal trust responsibilities are met

Through the signing of treaties in the early 1800s

and numerous commitments made over the last
100 years, the federal government has many trust
responsibilities to Tribes and American Indians.
From education, to health care, to economic
development, countless federal programs and
funding opportunities exist for Tribes and
individual American Indians. Indeed, according to
DOI, the entire federal government spent $19.329
billion on programs impacting Indians just this

BIE within DOI has an FY 2015 budget of
$810.531 million.108 BIE is responsible for the
funding of 183 elementary and secondary
schools, 54 of which are directly operated by
BIE.109 BIE also operates two post-secondary
institutions. All of the schools are on or near
Tribal reservations. To be clear: BIE does focus
almost exclusively on students who are not in a
public school system. The only exception is the
Johnson OMalley program, which provides
funding for Indian students in public schools.110

The problem is the federal government fails to

ensure federal programs for Indians actually
make a difference, often placing a premium on
quantity over quality. Programs are also divided,
and many are duplicative with little to no
coordination between DOIs BIA and every other
cabinet-level department. Education programs
for Indians are provided through DOIs BIE, DOEd,
and HHSs housing programs are divided between
BIA and HUD. Job programs for Indians are found
within both BIA and the DOL. Funding for justice
programs can be obtained from the BIA, DOJ, and
even HUD. It is a convoluted mess with no
coordination and in many cases very little
oversight of program management or real
evaluation for effectiveness.

At the same time, DOEd, the federal department

actually tasked with ensuring Americans have
education opportunities, also has responsibilities
to Indians. Of DOEds FY 2015 budget, $123.939
million goes to Indian children in schoolseither
public schools or BIE schools.111 In fact 24 percent
of BIE funding for BIE-operated schools actually
comes from the DOEd.112 HHS also has an
education program focused on funding for Tribal
language preservation. This year the program
provided $4.054 million in three-year grants to
provide language preservation education.113
GAO recently released a report showing that
while BIE schools spend 56 percent more per
pupil than the average public school, its students
are still in dilapidated schools, teachers are
underpaid, and students are not given many
opportunities for success.114 GAO also points out
that BIE lacks the trained staff to properly
administor schools.115 Indeed, BIE has struggled
to even construct a bus barn correctly. BIE funded
a $1.5 million bus barn in South Dakota, but while
a bus is serviced on the hydraulic lift, the doors

The U.S. has an undeniable obligation to American

Indians, and no one in the federal government can
definitively say the federal government meets
that obligation. It is easy to throw more money at
a problem, create new programs, and claim
success. It is quite another matter to actually fix
the problem. Here are a few examples of
inefficient use of federal taxpayer dollars through
mismanagement and duplication:


cannot shut because the barn is not long enough

to properly house a full-size school bus.116

BIA spends $352,850,000 in public safety and

justice programs, which includes $4.7 million for
an Indian police academy, $5.2 million for Tribal
justice support, and $6.25 million for law
enforcement program management.123 Of that
amount BIA law enforcement spends $192.8
million in areas that lack Tribal law
enforcement.124 The problem with all of this is
that more than $400 million is spent between DOJ
and BIA, and what is the result? Murders, sexual
assaults, drugs, and other major crimes occur on
a daily basis with little done to stop them. If all
resources were strategically focused, more could
be done.

Housing and Community Development

Anyone who has spent time on Indian
reservations knows the desperate need for
housing and community development. The
compassion typical of reservation life helps
decrease the number of homeless people in
Indian Country. That compassion usually comes
in the form of welcoming more and more people
into homes, which leads to major overcrowding
followed by HUD stepping in with a $650 million
housing block grant program for Indians, usually
operated by Tribes.117 An additional $66 million
is set aside for community planning and
development in Indian Country.118

Mismanagement of Energy Resources

Tribes throughout the U.S. have tremendous
potential for energy production. Together, Tribes
and individual American Indians own the thirdlargest mineral resources, particularly coal, gas,
and oil. Tribal land can also be utilized to produce
1.1 billion megawatt-hours of electricity from
wind energy and 14 billion megawatt-hours of
solar energy.125 Unfortunately the federal
government often stands in the way of reaching
this potential.

Within DOI, BIA also has an $8 million housing

program and receives $2.2 million for
Admittedly, in a country with a multi-trillion
budget each year, spending $10 million is a drop
in the bucket. However, this amount adds up.
Having two offices in two departments work on
the same issues is inefficient and is actually a
disservice to American Indians.
Law enforcement matters present a unique
problem on reservations. Sometimes Tribal law
enforcement has jurisdiction. Sometimes the
state or local police have jurisdiction, but the
federal government always has jurisdiction. The
federal government also has an important
interest to support the continued development of
Tribal police and court systems. This is why DOJ
provides $30 million for Tribal law enforcement
and has a $33 million grant through the COPS
Hiring Program to assist with hiring and training
police officers.120 DOJ also provides $35.975
million in grants to Tribal governments to enforce
the Violence Against Women Act (or VAWA), an
additional $6.2 million to support the creation of
non-governmental coalitions to combat violence
against women on reservations, and $5 million
for a Tribal youth program to combat
delinquency.121 Tribes can also utilize the funding
from block grants offered by HUD or crime
prevention and safety in the areas that benefit
from the overall grant.122

Earlier this year GAO released a report entitled,

Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Energy
Development on Indian Lands.126 While
acknowledging some Tribes lack the financial
capacity to take advantage of resources, the
report faults BIA for an inefficient and confusing
system that slows down the resource exploration
and development process. For instance GAO
points out that those seeking permits for oil, gas,
or wind energy projects could require permits
from at least BIA, BLM, EPA, and FWS.127 This is
on top of the requirements found in the National
Environmental Policy Act, which mandates that
all federal environmental laws be followed during
Tribal energy development because the land or
resources are managed by the federal
government and federal agencies are involved in
the development process through permitting.128
Unfortunately BIA does not have a process to
determine how long it takes to review
applications and requests, but there is anecdotal
evidence that the process is very lengthy. BIA


reportedly took 18 months to process one wind

lease, more than eight years to review right-ofway applications, and more than three years to
review and approve a different wind energy

Country is not the creation of new programs or

just additional funding. Congress, in thorough
consultation with Tribal governments and all
American Indians, needs to determine the best
way to remove duplicative or inefficient services
and ensure the U.S. meets its trust responsibilities
in the best way possible. If BIA is indeed the best
agency to provide all services and programs for
Tribes, then other federal departments should
eliminate duplicative programs, and BIA should
be reformed to become truly capable of fulfilling
all trust responsibilities. It is possible that each
federal department, serving as experts for their
respective fields, is best tasked to provide
services to Tribes and individual Indians. If so,
BIA should defer to these departments and take
on the role of Tribal advocate. This would allow
BIA to still ensure trust responsibilities are met
by standing next to Tribes as they work directly
with each department and agency.

Even if a Tribe can get through the difficult

permitting process, there are other roadblocks to
energy development. GAO reports that BIA lacks
the data it needs to verify ownership of some oil
and gas resources, easily identify resources
available for lease, or easily identify where leases
are in effect.130 This is generally because BIA has
either lost the information or the information it
does have is old and outdated.
Reform Needed
DOL spends $46 million on programs to assist
American Indians (plus Alaska Natives and Native
Hawaiians) to find jobs and job training.131 BIA
spends $11.463 million on the same thing.132 BIA
provides more than $26 million for tribal roads133
while DOT spends $450 million on the Tribal
Transportation Program.134 Both programs
support the continued construction and
maintenance of roads within Indian Country.
There are many, many more examples.

No matter the best way forward, there should

only be one place for assistance and funding for
education of American Indian children, one place
for assistance and funding for Tribal police and
courts, and one place for assistance and funding
for each Indian program. Congress should
recognize the importance of getting this right.
American Indians deserve the federal
governments best effort, and right now, they are
not getting it.

These programs are not necessarily wasteful, and

the work they intend to accomplish is important.
However, the solution to problems in Indian

For more information on federal funding for tribes and American Indians, please visit:
DOI: FY2016 Federal Funding for Programs Serving tribes and Native American Communities
DOI: Budget Justifications and Performance Information Fiscal Year 2016 Indian Affairs
HUD: Congressional Justifications FY2016
Department of Education: Indian Education Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request
DOL: FY2016 Budget in Brief
DOJ: FY2016 DOJ Request State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance
DOT: FHWA FY2016 Budget
For more information, please visit:
GAO Report: Indian Affairs: Bureau of Indian Education Needs to Improve Oversight of School Spending
GAO Testimony: Further Actions on GAO Recommendations Needed to Address Systemic Management Challenges with
Indian Education
GAO Testimony: Further Actions on GAO Recommendations Needed to Address Systemic Management Challenges with
Indian Education
GAO Report: Indian Energy Development: Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Energy Development on Indian Lands
The New York Times: Higher Crime, Fewer Charges on Indian Land




TEAM: National Park Service
FUMBLE: $65,473 to demonstrate what happens to bugs when the lights go out
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Direct NPS to be more responsible with spending; only
request grant funding when national interests will be advanced

People flock out of the cities on family vacations

to take in breathtaking views and enjoy quiet,
wide-open spaces. People also leave the big
cities because they want to get away from huge
buildings and brightly lit signs that block out
the sky and make it impossible to see the stars
at night. This has been normal human behavior
for as long as there have been cities.

that traditionally have had little to no light

other than sunlight.135
The federal government spent more than
$65,000 to study what happens if someone
turns on a light at night in a rural area. Anyone
raised in a rural area can attest that one way to
attract insects is to turn on a light. This type of
ridiculous spending is why American taxpayers
have been saddled with a debt of approximately
$19 trillion. NPS needs to put down the national
credit card and walk away.

Congress needs to clearly direct NPS, and all
federal agencies for that matter, to be more
responsible with federal spending and only
spend when the national interest is advanced.
Before requesting such a large grant, the NPS
should utilize common-sense knowledge and
perform a cost-benefit analysis of the necessity
for such spending. It seems the more
appropriate place to start would be to
determine whether additional lighting is
necessary and, if not, how that will impact
future national park attendance by families, not

Photo: Shutterstock

Soon the world will also have the chance to

know how the insects feel about brightly lit
cities. In 2015 NPS awarded a $65,473 grant to
study the responses insects have to the
placement of artificial lights and noise in areas

For more information, please visit:

Grants.gov: Development and Testing LIDAR to Study Insect Responses to Light and Noise



X CONFERENCE: Regulation
X TEAM: Department of Transportation
O FUMBLE: Requirement to spend two percent of highway funding on non-motorized
transportation infrastructure
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Put fewer requirements on how state transportation
departments must spend infrastructure dollars
Road and bridge maintenance and construction
is typically funded through a user fee system
each time Americans fill up their cars tank, 18.3
cents from the sale of every gallon of gasoline
and 24.3 cents of every gallon of diesel goes into
the federal highway trust fund for states to
spend on the infrastructure drivers use to get
home every day.136 This system allows
individuals who use the roads and bridges to
pay for them to be in good condition without
charging those who do not use them. Or at least
that is how user fee systems work in theory.
Instead the federally collected dollars in the
highway trust fund are used to fund bike paths,
scenic viewing areas, and the conversion of
abandoned railroad routes into pedestrian
paths, all while roads in many states continue to

updated a four-mile stretch of I-40 in Oklahoma

City from a three-lane highway built to carry
76,000 vehicles daily to a five-lane highway
that could handle up to 173,000 vehicles daily,
clocked in at about $680 million.139 Without
these federal requirements, states could be
empowered to take on more multi-year,
significant projects that help shorten the
commutes of thousands of people and ease the
movement of goods through the vast economy.


The process to determine which projects are

the federal governments responsibility and
how Americans can cover those costs is in need
of reform to be sustainable into the future. Over
the past few years, the highway trust fund has
needed an influx of general revenue funding to
continue to pay for road projects that are
authorized under the law.140 However, the
federal government can implement small
changes to make it easier for states to patch
potholes and build bridges. Not requiring them
to use highway money meant for roads to build
bike paths would be a start. The next step is to
stop the constant expansion of the federal
highway inventory. More miles of road are
added each year to the interstate system; the
U.S. cannot continue to expand the federal
footprint with the same amount of money.

This is all happening because DOT requires

states to spend about two percent of their
highway funding on a program called
Transportation Alternativesinfrastructure
for non-motorized and non-gas taxcontributing transportation infrastructure.137
This two percent is not an insignificant amount
of money. In 2015 two percent of each states
combined allotment amounted to about $820
million.138 By comparison, the massive
reconstruction, a multi-year project that

For more information, please visit:

Federal Highway Authority: Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Oklahoma DOT: I-40 Crosstown
CRS Report: The Federal Excise Tax on Motor Fuels and the Highway Trust Fund: Current Law and Legislative History




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: Billions of dollars in tax credits for non-existent biofuels
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate the incentive for a fuel the market cannot provide

Congress has a knack for mandating the use of

certain goods by consumers and then
subsidizing their production. This is precisely
what the government does with the
production tax credit for cellulosic biofuels,
which are additives blended into the U.S.
gasoline supply in the name of lowering
dependence on foreign oil. Since 2009 biofuels
made from switchgrass and similar feedstocks
received a $1.01 per gallon tax credit.141

creating the necessary supply to meet the

demand created by Congress. EPA finds itself
mandating that Americans use a fuel that does
not exist, even when Congress forced
taxpayers to pay for it.


Despite the significant financial incentive,

which amounts to $55 million each time
Congress enacts a two-year extension of the
credit,143 the goal of spurring technological
advancement in the area of cellulosic biofuel
is simply not working. Congress should
eliminate the costly and ineffective mandate.
American families can understand their
government working to decrease its reliance
on foreign oil and save them money. But the
biofuels tax credit does neither. Congress
cannot pay for a fuel that does not exist.

Not only is this subsidy expensive, it is highly

ineffective. For 2015, the RFS requires that
three billion gallons of cellulosic biofuels be
blended into the gasoline supply.142 But there
is a huge problem; all American
manufacturers of cellulosic biofuels combined
only produced around 100 million gallon, far
less than the required three billion gallons. In
other words the tax credit is unsuccessful at

For more information, please visit:

EPA: Renewable Fuel Standard Program
United States Senate Finance Committee: Provisions in the Chairmans Mark: EXPIRE Act
CRS Report: Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues
CRS Report: The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Cellulosic Biofuels




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Government-wide
FUMBLE: Accountability by Executive Order, not by law
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Enhance agency accountability by codifying Executive Orders
12866 and 13563

Regulations issued by executive agencies

should be tools used to implement laws passed
by Congress. The Legislative Branch creates the
laws, and the Executive Branch implements
them. However, because the legislative process
is often cumbersome and difficult (even though
that is how the Founders intended it), the
regulatory process can be used by the Executive
Branch to advance regulatory policies beyond
those that Congress likely intended. This can
result in oppressive or excessive regulations
that hurt farmers, small businesses, and
everyday Americanswithout due process to
individuals who are affected.

coordinate their regulatory activities and seek

the views of individuals likely to be affected by
the rulemaking.145 Transparency provisions
allow the American people, Congress, and
interested parties to contribute to the
rulemaking process.


Analytical requirements for regulations should

be written into law, passed by Congress, and
not left only as Executive Orders that can be
withdrawn at any time without congressional
approval. Congressional action in this area
would provide the basis for judicial review of an
agencys compliance with the law and would
serve as a reminder to the Executive that
Congress has a role to play in federal rules. This
would give businesses and agencies an
additional layer of guaranteed stability and
constitutionally provided oversight role, could
also remind agencies that they need to stop
issuing burdensome and costly regulations that
hurt American businesses and families.

Executive Orders 12866 and 13563, signed by

Presidents Clinton and Obama, require
significant regulatory actions to be submitted
to the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, part of OMB, for review.144 Under these
Executive Orders, federal agencies are required
to do their due diligence before imposing more
regulations on Americanssuch as assessing
the costs and benefits of proposed rules and
alternatives. They are also directed to

For more information, please visit:

EPA: Summary of Executive Order 12866 Regulatory Planning and Review
Federal Register Archives: Executive Order 12866
Federal Register: Executive Order 13563




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies
FUMBLE: Duplicative, costly federal permits
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass the Federal Permitting Improvement Act

Americas mining operations face ever-growing

duplicative permitting requirements that
prevent them from selling their products like
Northern White sand, which is necessary for
natural gas extraction at home and abroad. In
March 2015 the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on
Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management
held a hearing focused on the federal regulatory
process at which former Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs Administrator John D.
Graham testified on the permitting difficulties
sand miners face.

These duplicative and costly permitting

requirements will force American companies to
relocate their operations and the jobs they
provide to other countries, which would have a
massive impact on the communities that rely on
mining jobs. Many countries environmental
regulations are not as strong as those in the U.S.,
and by forcing American mining jobs to move
overseas, U.S. permitting requirements will
harm both the environment and American


In his testimony Mr. Graham stated that in

order to maintain sand mining operations,
companies in Wisconsin and Minnesota must
secure 15 permits from local and state
authorities in addition to federal permits from
USACE required by the Clean Water, Clean Air,
and Endangered Species Acts. Illustrating how
requirements harm small businesses, Mr.
Graham testified that only large mining
companies can afford the team of lawyers,
engineers, and scientists necessary to navigate
the permitting process.146

The U.S. can start to streamline the process by

sending the Federal Permitting Improvement
Act of 2015 to the Presidents desk.147 This
bipartisan bill would improve the permitting
process and ease duplicative regulatory
burdens by requiring greater transparency,
earlier public participation, and increased
government must work to ensure that federal
regulations do not cause Americans to lose
their jobs.

For more information, please visit:

United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Examining Federal Rulemaking
Challenges and Areas of Improvement Within the Existing Regulatory Process
S.280 Federal Permitting Improvement Act of 2015




TEAM: Agency for International Development
FUMBLE: $7.7 million for an industrial park
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require federal agencies to monitor spending projects to
ensure they have the desired effect

In July 2008 USAID completed the Gorimor

Industrial Park at a cost of $7.7 million and
turned it over to the Afghanistan Investment
Support Agency (AISA). The industrial park in
Balkh Province, Afghanistan, was built to create
more than 900 local jobs, but six years later
only two business and 22 individuals work at
the site. In 2014 the SIGAR inspected the site to
determine why the Gorimar Industrial Park was
not utilized.
The underutilization was intially blamed on the
lack of electricity and water. But when SIGAR
requested contract files to assess whether the
contractor met contract requirements to
provide electricity and water, USAID was
unable to produce themdespite a federal
requirement that agencies keep contracts
greater than $2,000 for six years and three
months after final payment. Absent other
evidence from USAID, it would seem they failed
to properly document and retain contracts. By
the time the inspection ended, USAID blamed
AISA for its inability to manage the park.148

Photo: SIGAR

It is reasonable for hard-working American
taxpayers to expect their government to
properly spend money. Congress must do
better to exercise its oversight responsibilities
to ensure that USAID and all federal agencies
utilize tax dollars responsibly. Congress should
require USAID to put in place reasonable
guideposts to measure the success of all
spending projects. This would include
development grants to ensure that the funds
have had the desired effect.

For more information, please visit:

SIGAR: Gorimar Industrial Park: Lack of Electricity and Water Have Left This $7.7 Million U.S.-funded Industrial Park
Underutilized by Afghan Businesses
Foreign Policy: Afghan Watchdog Finds That If You Build It, They Wont Necessarily Come




TEAM: Department of Veterans Affairs
FUMBLE: $8 million VA solar boondoggle
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: For spending on infrastructure projects, the return on
investment should be less than ten years

The VA facility in Little Rock, AR, moved neverused solar panels to new heightson top of a
parking structure. In April 2015 only two years
after completion and at a cost of $8 million149
from a federal government grant, the hostpial
tore down its never-used solar panels. The
1,400 inactive solar panels were taken down to
make room for a new parking garage that was
approved after the solar panels were

will start to get a return on their investment.151

No American family would ever buy solar
panels for their own home if the return on
investment was greater than a mortgage, so
why should VA?


It is admirable for agencies to look for ways to

save money in the long run, a responsible
budget practice that families do on a daily basis.
But no family would invest in a cost-saving
measure that kicks in after a generation.
Congress should ensure that all federal
spending for buildings and facilities is cost
effective and immediately beneficial.

If that is not bad enough, in response to this

issue, the VA assured Congress taxpayers will
save $207,266 annually once the never-used
panels in Little Rock are activated, which means
that in about 38 years, American taxpayers

For more information, please visit:

VA Letters to Congressman French Hill
Hot Springs Daily: Little Rock VA Throws Away $8,000,000 But Doesnt Pay Arkansas Hospitals For Care




TEAM: Department of Defense
FUMBLE: $25 million
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: DODs medical research should focus on injuries or illnesses
directly related to defense activities

According to NCI, approximately 230,000 new

cases of breast cancer are diagnosed
annually.152 The number is more than a
statistic; most American families have someone
who has fought breast cancer or know someone
who has. It is the second-most common type of
cancer in the world and the most common
cancer for women. It is beyond time to find a
cure and NCI and NIH should lead the way.
There is certainly a national interest in funding
cancer research, but the federal government
should funnel those dollars to a targeted
number of agencies who can continually build
on their cutting-edge developments, rather
than spread a finite number of dollars around a
wide variety of entities.

required, according to the grant solicitation.

DOD looks for innovative, high-risk, highreward research in the earliest stages of idea
development.154 When federal institutions
already do the same thing, this $25 million
could either go toward much-needed defense
capabilities or could be transferred to another
entity already working on breast cancer


This is a admirable goal, but not for DOD, which

should instead focus on national security. Any
federal dollars going toward cancer research
should flow from NCI or NIH, the natural place
for medical research. Congress should work
with DOD to ensure any medical research it
conducts is directly related to injuries or
illnesses occurring in defense-related activities.

In August 2015 DOD offered a $25 million grant

to support promising research that has high
potential to lead to or make breakthroughs in
breast cancer.153 No preliminary data is

For more information, please visit:

Grants.gov: DOD Breast Cancer Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2




TEAM: Federal Communications Commission
FUMBLE: Failure to ensure program requirements meet population and geographic realities
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Implement stricter requirements and oversight for subsidy

FCCs Lifeline program began in 1985 to

provide discounted telephone service to lowincome familiesparticularly those in hard-toreach areas with little access to emergency
landline telephone services. In 2005 the service
was extended to encompass pre-paid cell phone
plans in addition to landline service. FCC
requirements dictate qualified individuals must
meet income requirements at or below 135
percent of the federal poverty guidelines or
participate in specific federal assistance
programs to qualify for the program.155

451 of the states 265,961 Lifeline recipients

qualify for more than $400 each in Tribal
subsidies annually, though most of the
recipients are not Tribal members.158 As a
result, Oklahoma receives the second-largest
allocation of Lifeline funds, which total more
than $128 million.159 Oklahoma accounts for
more than half of the 417,000 Tribal subsidy
recipients in the nation.160
The Tribal Lifeline subsidy was originally
intended to provide discounted telephone
service to low-income Tribal members who
lived on Tribal land and need an emergency
telephone. In June 2015 FCC updated the
Oklahoma Tribal maps to slightly narrow the
geographical scope of qualified territory.161
While this is a small step in the right direction,
to fully address the problem we should move
towards needs-based Tribal designations.

Lifeline is funded through a service fee

(meaning a tax) called the Universal Service
Fund, which is on every Americans phone
bill. In 2014 $1.6 billion was allocated for the
Lifeline program to serve its more than 12
million users.156 The majority of beneficiaries
receive a monthly $9.25 discount subsidy
toward their telephone service cost. However,
due to low telephone availability on Tribal
lands, qualified residences receive an
additional $25 subsidy, which brings the total
monthly subsidy to $34.25.157

The Commission should clearly define Tribal
membership and designated underserved
areas. Individuals who seek the Tribal subsidy
citizenship/membership or residency in
designated underserved areas within Tribal
boundaries. The additional aid should be
reserved for the truly underserved

Since 2005 the Lifeline program has been

riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse. One of the
largest areas of waste is in Oklahoma due to
FCCs broad parameters for Tribal land
boundaries. Historically, FCC classified most of
Oklahoma as Tribal land, which means all but

For more information, please visit:

USAC: 2014 Annual Report
USAC: 2015 FCC Filings
USAC: Lifeline Subscribers by State or Jurisdiction
National Review: What Those Rising Taxes on Your Phone Bill Pay For: A Fraud-Friendly Obamaphone Program



X TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
O FUMBLE: $542 million over the next ten years for tax-exempt bonds subsidizing private
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should act to make stadiums ineligible for use of
tax-free municipal bonds and stop subsidizing multi-million dollar franchises
For the past twenty years, publicly subsidized
stadiums have become an increasingly popular
means for areas to attract and retain
professional teams. The tax-exempt federal
bonds primarily used to subsidize the privately
owned franchises cost the taxpayers millions of
dollars annually, with most of the benefits
accumulating to a select few.162 Projections
from the U.S. Treasury estimate that
eliminating the tax exemption could save the
federal government approximately $542
million over the next ten years.163

issued to build stadiums since 1986, the last of

which matures in 2047, taxpayer subsidies to
bondholders will total $4 billion.164


Public funding should be focused on broader

projects that not only benefit a larger
population, but also serve a more tangible
public policy purpose. Congress should act to
make stadiums ineligible for use of tax-free
municipal bonds and stop subsidizing multimillion dollar franchises.

According to a study by Bloomberg Business,

Over the life of the $17 billion of exempt debt
For more information, please visit:
Department of the Treasury: General Explanations of the Administrations Fiscal Year 2016 Revenue Proposals
GAO: Tax Policy: Tax-Exempt Status of Certain Bonds Merits Reconsideration, and Apparent Noncompliance with
Issuance Cost Limitations Should Be Addressed
Bloomberg Business: In Stadium Building Spree, U.S. Taxpayers Lose $4 Billion




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Government-wide
FUMBLE: Burdensome mandates on governments and private entities
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Create a more transparent process for congressional consideration of
legislation and agency rulemaking through the passage of the Unfunded Mandates Information and
Transparency Act

It is safe to say that most Americans believe

Washington is out of touch. Executive agencies
and Congress have become far too comfortable
forcing laws and regulations on state, local, and
Tribal entities and private businesses without
bothering to figure out the costs others will take
on to carry out the imposing instructions from
Washington. These laws and rules, known as
unfunded mandates, not only stealthily conceal
the true cost of implementation, but they also
place undue burdens on smaller entities that must
comply with the law but do not have the pool of
financial resources available to the federal

Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 1995 was passed

to provide a tool for Congress to examine the
unfunded cost implications of potential legislation
prior to passage and to require executive agencies
to assess unfunded mandates during the
rulemaking process.
However, the law is plagued with loopholes. For
example, a large flaw with the UMRA process is
that it does not apply to regulations promulgated
by independent regulatory agencies like the
National Labor Relations Board, which acts
independently of presidential authority. It also
does not apply to regulations that are published
without a general notice of proposed rulemaking.
A GAO report found that about half of all final
major rules in a two-year span were finalized
without an UMRA analysis of these gaps, even
though the rules had impacts on nonfederal
parties that those affected might perceive as
unfunded mandates.167

Between 1996 and 2014, CBO identified 141

private-sector mandates that will cost more than
$100 million in compliance. During this same time
period, Congress enacted 18 new intergovernmental mandates that cost at least $50
million for compliance of state and local
governments.165 Examples of such costly
unfunded mandates include $13.3 million
annually in administrative costs for local schools
to comply with federal school lunch regulations
and $1.46 billion for automakers to comply with
federal fuel efficiency standards.166 These
expensive mandates inevitably impact American
families who have to spend more money on goods
and services from the regulated business and pay
higher taxes to make up for their local government
compliance costs.

The Unfunded Mandates Information and
Transparency Act of 2015, introduced earlier this
year by Senator Deb Fischer (NE) in the U.S. Senate
and Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) in the House, seeks to
build on previous legislation to hold the federal
government accountable for the mandates it
imposes.168 Congress should quickly pass this bill
to protect American families from the higher costs
and taxes as states, counties, cities, Tribes, and
businesses enforce the unfunded mandates.

The problem of unfunded mandates dictated from

Washington, DC, is not new. In fact the Unfunded

For more information visit:

CBO: A Review of CBOs Activities in 2014 Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Senators Lankford and Fischer Introduce Bill to Bring Transparency to Unfunded Mandates



TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
FUMBLE: $59 million spent over four years on international conservation
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Leverage private efforts, where they exist, on conservation,
instead of investing taxpayer dollars

Using tax dollars collected from hard-working

American families, the federal government
made its species conservation efforts

has put over $18 million toward these



stewardship of the land is an admirable and
accomplishable goal. However, the fund
received nearly $89 million from private
partners from 2008-2012.171 Congress should
stop funding this international conservation
program, which is more than capable of raising
funds on its own. An admirable goal does not
make it a national interest. With an almost $19
trillion national debt, this program cannot be

Beginning in 1988, the federal government

conservation funds to provide technical
assistance for species conservation, law
enforcement, and habitat conservation, for
species including elephants, great apes, and
marine turtles.169 All of these efforts cost
American taxpayers millions of dollars. In the
last two years alone, the federal government

For more information on Multinational Species Conservation Agreements, please visit:

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Multinational Species Conservation Acts
CRS Report: International Species Conservation Funds




TEAM: Social Security Administration
FUMBLE: $5.7 billion
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass H.R. 918, the Social Security Disability Insurance and
Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act of 2015

For some reason the federal government treats

certain entitlement programs (SSDI, UI, and
TAA) the same. UI is for jobless workers who
seek re-employment. TAA provides federally
funded benefits to workers who lost their jobs
due to trade and who have also exhausted their
UI benefits. SSDI, on the other hand, is only for
individuals who cannot perform substantial
work because of a medical impairment that is
expected to last for at least a year.

million from DI and more than $575 million

from UI.173


There are many ways to fix this problem. One

way is for Congress to eliminate the concurrent
benefit of SSDI and UI payments, which would
save $2 billion over ten years.174 If the
concurrent receipt of SSDI, UI, and TAA was
eliminated, the savings would be $5.7 billion
over ten years.175 President Obama suggested
reducing the SSDI benefit in any month that UI
benefits are also received to eliminate the
duplicate payment. The estimated ten-year
savings of the Presidents proposal are just over
$2 billion.176 Congress should analyze all of
these plans and select a way forward that
eliminates duplication and saves taxpayer

SSDI benefits should be for those who truly

cannot work, not for people who can work and
therefore qualify for TAA or UI. However, in FY
2010 at least 117,000 people received SSDI and
UI benefits simultaneously.172 In other words
one part of the federal government considered
them medically impaired and unable to work
while another considered them to be
temporarily unemployed and looking for a job.
GAO estimates the overlapping cash benefits
paid to these recipients totaled more than $281

For more information, please visit:

House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means: Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment
Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act of 2015
GPO: S. 499 The Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act of 2015



X CONFERENCE: Regulation
X TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
O FUMBLE: $500 million per year in costs to businesses and federal intrusion in private water
and land rights
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Federal Water Quality Protection Act; Congressional Review
Act resolution of disapproval; funding limitation in FY 2016 Appropriations Bill
Most Americans can agree that protecting
natural resources and water sources is
important. When it comes to navigable waters
that support interstate commerce, it is even a
constitutional and national responsibility. But
when the agency in charge of administering the
regulation describes the rule as contradict[ory
to] long-standing and well established legal
principles in an internal memo, it should be a
reminder that even EPA cannot create policies
that fall outside of the jurisdiction Congress
gave it.179

Photo: Shutterstock

An expansive definition could mean expensive

changes for anyone using the land for farming,
energy exploration, and building roads and
bridges. The farming community could see the
need for additional permits to carry out
activities that they have done for years, like
fertilizing fields or putting in fences, if these
activities are done near ditches deemed
navigable watersor risk being fined
thousands of dollars for each day they are in
violation.180 This only increases the cost of
goods for American families and with little to
show for it but paperwork.

Since the Clean Water Act was signed into law

in 1972, EPA has defined and regulated
Americas navigable waters, which are waters
that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide
and/or are presently used, or have been used in
the past, or may be susceptible for use to
transport interstate or foreign commerce.177
When EPA and USACE finalized the Waters of
the U.S. (WOTUS) rule on August 28, 2015,
they blew the former definition out of the
water. The new rule expands the definition into
tributaries and small rivers, which were
previously regulated and protected by state
governments, and expands the amount of
jurisdictional determination. The result is
more federal involvement in land-use decisions
and a lessened ability to know whether a
specific project requires a federal permit.

State and local governments have protected

local water sources for years. Because they are
closer to the source, these government entities
know how to do it best. Immediately after the
rules final issuance, 27 states stood up to assert
their authority by suing EPA and USACE. A

federal court then placed a temporary block on

regulation enforcement, noting the burden the
rule placed on state and private entities. In
addition the court noted serious concerns
about whether the rule exceeds EPAs
jurisdiction, as previously articulated by the
Supreme Court. The court also echoed USACE
criticisms of the process by which changes to
the rule were adopted during the rulemaking
process, including whether EPA supported its
policy choices with sufficient science. EPA
should not disregard the limits of its own
authority in the rulemaking process and issue
such a rule that is unsubstantiated by both
science and necessity.

USACE to rewrite the burdensome WOTUS

rule.181 Unfortunately a majority of Senate
Democrats ultimately blocked the bill. Senator
Joni Ernsts (IA) joint resolution of
congressional disapproval of the WOTUS rule
did successfully pass the U.S. Senate on
November 4, 2015.182 This joint resolution
would roll back EPAs WOTUS rule and prevent
the federal government from taking control of
what it broadly defines as navigable
waterways. Congress should also consider
preventing EPA and USACE from implementing
this rule with funding limitations in the
legislation. EPA should restart its rulemaking
on this issue and reach out for valuable input
from all Americansrural farmers to small
business owners.


On April 30, 2015, Senator John Barrasso (WY)

introduced a bipartisan bill to require EPA and

For more information, please visit:

Federal Register: Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States; Final Rule
US Court of Appeals: Sixth Circuit Opinion
Army Corps of Engineers: Waters of the US Memos




TEAM: U.S. Agency for International Development
FUMBLE: $37.5 million
RECOVERY: USAID should support programs that advance national interests

USAID posted a grant notice this year in an

effort to seek applications from all eligible
organizations for a program that can
demonstrate clear, measurable, and meaningful
medium-term results and progress toward a
long-term impact to increase the capacity of
labor organizations (trade unions and civil
society organizations); to promote workers
representation in policy processes; improve
access to justice; advance the effective
worldwide application of core international
labor standards; and improve the welfare and
livelihood opportunities of workers and their
families and communities.183

to promote labor unions around the world with

medium-term results and long-term
impact.184 USAID has had this mission,
advanced through its Global Labor Program
since 1961.185


Every individual is free to promote the ideas

and values in which he or she believes, but it is
far from the federal governments
responsibility to spend millions of dollars to
build the capacity of labor unions in other
countries. This a job better left to international
labor organizations.

This government-speak could be translated

simply as: USAID wants to spend $37.5 million
For more information, please visit:
Grants.gov: Global Labor Program




TEAM: Department of State
FUMBLE: $250,000 to Moroccan biodiversity
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Establish legislative restrictions to the types of grants federal
agencies can fund so appropriations benefit the American interest

The evolution of the green movement in the last

ten years has impacted almost every American
family. A trip to the local store offers a
multitude of choices in products for consumers,
whether they are green, organic, sustainable,
etc. However, in the last several years, the
movement became fashionable throughout the
nation and the world, and now American tax
dollars are used to encourage green policies in
other countries.

Morocco signed a Joint Statement on

Environmental Cooperation in 2006. The 20142017 Plan of Action reflects current priorities
for trade-related environmental activities.187
The Administrations failures involving green
ventures domestically and failed energy efforts
have deprived taxpayers of hundreds of
millions of dollars. So why should American
families really finance such a distant program?

Earlier this year State offered a $250,000 grant

to kick-start the green movement in
Morocco.186 Yes, Morocco. The Administration
promised to promote green growth and green
jobs to help enhance biodiversity conservation
in Morocco and improve management of
ecologically important ecosystems. The U.S. and

To prevent wasteful, unnecessary spending,

appropriations legislation restrictions on the
types of grants federal agencies can fund so the
grant-funded initiatives clearly advance
American national interests.


For more information, please visit:

U.S. Department of State: Morocco: Opportunites for Public Comment
Judicial Watch: U.S. Spends $250,000 to Make Morocco Green




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Federal Communications Commission
FUMBLE: Not treating all public television stations the same
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: FCC should provide equal treatment to all stations

Since the 1930s FCC has reserved some public

television channels and radio stations as noncommercial. This practice is intended to allow
certain channels and stations to be educational
or otherwise beneficial to the public. However,
not all channels are treated equally.

are not extended to PIOs. Public broadcasting

stations can air sponsorships from companies
but not commercials. Allowing PBS to air
commercials would allow growth and would
save taxpayers millions in subsidies. Television
has changed since the 1930s; it is time Congress
catches up.

Non-Commercial Educational (NCE) Public

Interest Obligation (PIO) channels, like KWHBTV 47 in Tulsa, OK, are not treated the same as
Public Broadcasting Stations (PBS). PBS is able
to air sponsorships of for-profit entities, which
basically function as ads. Those opportunities


FCC should work with all broadcasters to

provide equal treatment to all stations to
ensure standards are applied uniformly.

For more information, please visit:

The Library of Congress: Committee Reports: Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill, 2016
FCC: Nonprofit Media



TEAM: Department of Agriculture
FUMBLE: $35,000
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Rural Energy Program grants should assist agriculturerelated projects, not breweries

Throughout this football season, many

tailgaters enjoyed the sun and perhaps an adult
beverage. Last year, USDA took the association
of sun and suds to an entirely new level. In
2014, USDA awarded a $35,000 grant to install
solar panels at a brewery in northern Michigan,
which will support seven percent of their
annual energy needs.188 In 2015 a $13,810
grant was awarded to a Wyoming brewery, also
to install a solar panel.189

national debt, and families across the country

have tightened their belts during tough times.
In an explosion of craft brewery facilities over
the last decade, the industry has grown from
1,500 breweries in 2006 to more than 4,000
breweries this year.190 In 2014 approximately
two new breweries opened every day.191 With a
nearly $20 billion market, the resurgence of the
craft beer industry is a true American success
story.192 However, continued investment and
financial success should be driven by customers
not American tax dollars.

The grant for solar-powered beer is made

possible through the Rural Energy for America
Program (REAP), which was created by the
Farm Bill in 2002 to help expand renewable
energy for farmers and businesses. The
program was initiated with laudable intent, but
it is doubtful taxpayer support for breweries is
within anyones idea of the proper role of the
federal government. This is especially true
when the nation has an almost $19 trillion

While federally supported beer production may
sound reasonable to a few, it is simply not in the
national interest. Congress needs to work with
the USDA to ensure it remains focused on

For more information, please visit:

Taxpayers for Common Sense: Rural Energy for America Program Fact Sheet
USDA: USDA Invests $6.7 Million in 544 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide



CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Labor
FUMBLE: $1.3 billion per year in lost productivity
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: No funds should be issued to implement the regulation

On July 6, 2015, DOL issued a Notice of

Proposed Rulemaking on a proposed rule to
double the salary threshold exemption for
executive, administrative, and professional
employees, known as the EAP or white
collar exemption. In other words DOL plans to
expand who is eligible for overtime pay for
working more than 40 hours a week.193 This
sounds great in a press release, but what is the
real effect?

rule will be fewer jobs with beneftis in rural

America and fewer opportunities to grow into
management. The U.S. needs more job
opportunities not fewer.
What is the cost for all of this? According to
DOL, [A]s the cost of labor rises due to the
requirement to pay the overtime premium, the
demand for overtime hours decreases, which
results in fewer hours of overtime worked.197
The proposed rules analysis estimates the
proposal will cost roughly $255 million in
direct expenses to employers each year. The
annual paperwork burden of the regulation is
estimated to be 231,250 hours.198 The
regulation overall will result in 21.2 million
hours of lost labor each year, which amounts to
$1.3 billion in lost productivity.199

Worker morale would likely decline, notes the

If a business cannot afford the
more expensive overtime pay, it may have to
move its low- to mid-level managers, who may
make less than the $50,440 threshold, from a
salaried position with flexibility and health
insurance to an hourly position, which would
effectively give give them a demotion.195 The
proposed regulation also completely ignores
the cost of living in different areas of the
country. In Oklahoma it only takes around $785
to have the same buying power as $970 per
week nationally.196 So DOL drives up payroll
costs and hinders small, family-owned
businesses ability to hire more workers.

While the rule is not yet finalized, in upcoming
appropriations bill Congress could still act to
withhold funds for implementation, which
would have the effect of preventing the
enforcement of the rule. Revoking funds will
protect employees and employers from the
adverse effects of the proposal.

While DOL wants to forces every company to

give people a raise, the clear consequence of the
For more information, please see:
American Action Forum: White Collar Overtime Expansion
American Action Forum: Overtime Pay Expansion: Who Will the DOLs New Rule Impact?
DOL: Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer




TEAM: Department of Transportation
FUMBLE: $263 million to fund the Essential Air Service
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate the program

Flying around the country on personal jet is

typically a luxury reserved for the rich and
famous. However, travelers to destinations
funded by the Essential Air Service (EAS) may
find themselves flying solo on a commercial jet
sometime soon. The Airline Deregulation Act of
1978 created the EAS program to subsidize
commercial flights to small community airports
that operated before the deregulation of the
airline industry.200 EAS was intended to be a
temporary program to assist these airports with
the transition into the free-market system.

tune of $560 per passenger, even though Dulles

International Airport is a short 78-mile drive
away.204 Approximately $1.4 million is spent
every year on passengers flying in and out of
Franklin/Oil City, PA at a subsidy rate of $927 per
passenger, even though Pittsburgh is only 85
miles away. A flight from Kansas City, MO, to
Great Bend, KS, serves on average only one
passenger per day at the cost of $1.4 million
annually, which is subsidized by taxpayers at a
cost of $2,626 per person.205
Despite some small reforms to restrict program
eligibility, spending on EAS continues to steadily
rise in order to subsidize flights that often have
fewer than ten passengers per day and cost more
than $500 per passenger. GAO found that lowcost flights at non-subsidized airports are often
more convenient and cheaper than EAS flights.206
CBO recommended that Congress consider
eliminating EAS in its budget options.207 Congress
has yet to act on the recommendation.

However, as Milton Friedman said, nothing is so

permanent as a temporary government
program. With expiration looming in 1988,
Congress provided the communities another 10
years to wean off the subsidies, eventually
backtracking on transition and permanently
enacting the EAS in 1996. DOT spent $263 million
in FY 2015 to support the traveling convenience
subsidies, more than quintuple what it was in
1996 in inflation adjusted dollars. 201


A CBS investigative analysis found that 44 of the

113 EAS supported flight routes are two-thirds or
more empty.202 This includes a flight a reporter
took with only 4 other passengers to Devils Lake,
ND, a town of 7,000.203 This twice-a-day route
costs taxpayers $3.2 million annually. Taxpayers
also subsidize flights to Hagerstown, MD to the

It is simply unfair to expect families in 99 percent

of cities to subsidize convenient travel options for
passengers flying in and out of the seldom-used
144 EAS airports. Congress should recognize that
this 37-year temporary program is no longer
essential and should eliminate it.

For more information, please visit:

CRS Report: Essential Air Service
CBS News: Is Essential Air Service wasting taxpayer money?
DOT: EAS Communities
KCTV 5 News: Investigation finds taxpayers fund nearly empty flights
GAO: Commercial Aviation: Status of Air Service to Small Communities and the Federal Programs Involved
CBO: Eliminate the Essential Air Service Program




TEAM: Federal Protective Service
FUMBLE: $2.5 million mismanagement of vehicle fleet
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Institute greater oversight and cost reductions for the federal
vehicle fleet

One federal law enforcement agency has a more

generous vehicle give-away program than
Oprah. A recent oversight report found that
FPS has 101 more law enforcement vehicles
than law enforcement positions at an additional
cost of $9,500 per year.208

FPS report is emblematic of a larger problem

within the entire federal government, namely
the inability to effectively manage its $4 billion
vehicle fleet budget.212
According to a 2012 study by GAO, the number
of federal vehicles, excluding postal and nontactical military, increased about seven percent
since FY 2005 (from 420,000 to 449,000
vehicles)213 While these numbers have since
there remain
questionable vehicle holdings in the fleet,
including: 54 SUVs and 18 heavy trucks for the
Broadcasting Board of Governors, 63 vehicles
for the National Archives, and 92 SUVs for

FPS, which is under DHS, is tasked with

providing security and law enforcement
services to more than 9,500 federal facilities
across the United States. To accomplish its
mission, FPS commands a fleet of more than
1,000 vehicles, which costs American taxpayers
more than $10 million annually.209
A recent report by the IG for DHS found FPS
failed to provide proper oversight and
justification for its vehicle fleet size. In addition
to the aforementioned excess vehicles, the
report found that FPS did not have adequate
justification for 32 administrative vehicles, that
FPS overwhelmingly used more expensive
SUVs without justification for the $1.1 million in
additional costs, and that it could not justify 1.2
million miles of home-to-work miles as
essential to the agencys mission. In total, FPSs
overly generous vehicle fleet policies have cost
taxpayers an extra $2.5 million.210

Administrative and legislative efforts are
necessary to address ballooning vehicle
expenditures. One potential solution would be
the enactment of S. 427, the Drive Less Act
introduced by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH).
The bill seeks to reduce the federal fleet by 20
percent and save the taxpayers $5.6 billion over
ten years.215 This is an important area for
Congress to pick up the ball. Hard-working
American families pay their taxes each year so
their government can properly serve them and
not buy vehicles by the truck load.

Interal agency oversight is vital to ensure

employees efficiently utilize resources to
accomplish each organizations mission.211 The

For more information, please visit:

DHS OIG: The FPS Vehicle Fleet is Not Managed Effectively
GAO: Federal Fleets: Overall Increase in Number of Vehicles Masks That Some Agencies Decreased Their Fleets



TEAM: Department of Agriculture
FUMBLE: $200 million annually
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate the Market Access Program

The Raisin Administrative Committees

infamous raisin reserve was the subject of
much public scrutiny this summer when the
Supreme Court ruled their price control system
kept prices artificially high and violated the
Fifth amendment in Horne v. USDA.216 While
the actions of the raisin lobby to take private
property for public use without just
unconstitutional, the American people may be
surprised to know that the raisin lobby has also
taken $38 million in federal funds to pay for
overseas marketing costs over the past 17
years.217 Federal policy simultaneously tried to
boost demand through marketing support
while maintaining artificial, above-market
prices to reduce demand.

Raisin Administrative Committee already

produces 99.5 percent of all American raisins
and 45 percent of the entire world crop.220

Photo: Shutterstock

The Raisin Administrative Committee is a

group of 46 California raisin growers and
packers who manage the now defunct National
Raisin Reserve. As the Supreme Court
describes in the origin of the Reserve, the
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937
authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to
promulgate marketing orders to help maintain
stable markets for particular agricultural
products. The marketing order for raisins
requires growers in certain years to give a
percentage of their crop to the Government,
free of charge.221 This federally ordained
market-control policy had the impact of
artificially boosting raisin prices. In an 8-1
decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Horne v.
USDA that the National Raisin Reserve was
unconstitutional under the Takings Clause.222

Every year, the USDA Foreign Agriculture

Services (FAS) Market Access Program (MAP)
gives nearly $200 million in American tax
money to companies and trade groups to
subsidize the advertising, market research, and
travel costs of their overseas product
promotions. The MAP is one of five FAS
programs that provides $2 billion annually to
support foreign market access for U.S.
products.218 Annual winners of the federal
funds include successful corporations like Blue
Diamond, Sunkist, and Welchs.219
One annual recipient of MAP funding, the Raisin
Administrative Committee, has received more
than $38 million since 1998, including $3
million in FY 2015, to promote their products
outside the United States. This generous
subsidy is provided in spite of the fact that the

While federal policy created increased raisin

prices that hurt American shoppers, another
federal program used taxpayers dollars to
bolster sales in international markets. One
example of the use of MAP funds was a $3
million advertising campaign in Japan in the
1990s. The campaign featured the animated
dancing raisins and used the theme song I
Heard It through the Grapevine. Tragically the
song could not be translated into Japanese, and
they just ran the ad in English. The result was
incomprehensible shriveled dancing figures
that disturbed Japanese children, who thought
they were potatoes
or chunks of
chocolate. Moreover, their four-fingered hands
made the viewers think of criminal syndicate
members whose little fingers are cut off as an
initiation rite. For some reason the Raisin
Board struggled to sell their product in Japan

during this promotional period, and the U.S.

wound up spending $2 on promotional costs for
every dollars worth of raisins that made it to
the shelves.223

Federal subsidies for advertising costs total
more than $38 million. The federal policy of
artificially limiting supply to boost prices is
contradictory public policy that costs American
families more at the grocery store and on their
taxes. The federal policy to support artificially
elevated raisin prices was eliminated by the
Supreme Court. It is now time for Congress to
take the next step and remove federal support
for private marketing endeavors for select
industries and companies by ending the MAP.

For more information, please visit:

The Wall Street Journal: Supreme Court Strikes Down New Deal-Era Raisin Price-Support Program
USDA: Market Access Program
USDA: Market Development Programs
USDA: MAP Funding Allocations FY 2015
Fresno County Farm Bureau: Whats Being Harvested Now?
Supreme Court of the United States: Opinion: Horne v. Department of Agriculture
IDFA: Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal
Spending Oversight and Emergency Management




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: $76 million for a two-year extension of a coal production tax credit
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Sunset the production tax credit and eliminate unnecessary
regulatory burdens to economic development in Indian coal country

Over the last few years, conversations involving

coal have generally revolved around the federal
governments forced retirement of coal-fired
power plants. Individuals interested in coal
production may find it difficult to believe that
some coal subsidies still exist. Since 2005 coal
produced in Indian country (areas within the
borders or reservation of an Indian Tribe) has
been subsidized at about $2 per ton of coal
sold.224 Each time the credit is extended an
additional two years, it costs a projected $76
million.225 The purpose of the subsidy was to
make production on Indian lands competitive
with coal produced elsewhere and to support
historically depressed economies. This is a
familiar theme in government; if federal
policies and regulations make a product more
expensive, Congress simply provides additional
financial support for its production. Instead of
just writing a check on the taxpayer dime, the
federal government needs to look at the
reasons why production on Tribal lands is so

However, on Indian lands, the federal

government is the regulator, which in turn
results in additional permitting requirements
that do not exist on state and private lands.
These requirements translate to more time and
more money spent to develop projects that
provide high-paying jobs. BIA and federal
regulations have made it so difficult and so
expensive to develop energy on Indian land that
the government gives a subsidy to incentivize

Finding sustainable ways to grow the economy
is critical for the next generation, especially in
Indian Country in light of its historically high
unemployment rate. Congress should work
with Tribes to either allow them to develop
their own regulatory process or at least ensure
federal regulations enforced in Indian Country
are no more stringent than in surrounding
areas. This will allow increased energy
production and more employment in Tribal
areas and also save some of the tax money paid
by hard-working American families.

In the two highest coal-producing states,

Wyoming and West Virginia, state regulators
have primacy over mining programs.226
For more information, please visit:
GPO: Committee on the Budget Committee Print
OSMRE: Regulating Coal Mines




TEAM: National Park Service
FUMBLE: $5,000 documentary on Master Fiddler Roger Howell
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Increase oversight of the grant process
about Madison County Master Fiddler Roger
The grant was funded through the Blue Ridge
National Heritage Area, part of the NPS National
Heritage Partnership Programs. In 2003
Congress designated the Blue Ridge National
Heritage area in recognition of the unique
character, culture, and natural beauty of the
Blue Ridge Mountains and foothills in Western
North Carolina. This legislation also formed a
non-profit to oversee the federal funding,
develop partnerships in the region, fundraise,
and implement projects.228

A $5,000 grant, which is $500 greater than the
monthly income of the average American
family, does not compare to the billions of
dollars of frivolous spending by the federal
government each year.229 However, it is not the
federal governments job to increase local
tourism. With all due respect to Mr. Howell and
his accomplishments, a documentary about a
North Carolina fiddler does not benefit the U.S.
national interest or the American public. There
are surely interested people in North Carolina
or fans of Mr. Howell who could have financed
the documentary instead.

Photo: Roger Howell Documentary Project

Unnecessary federal spending comes in all

shapes and sizes, but it all contributes to the
massive national debt. This year the Liston B.
Ramsey Center for Regional Studies at Mars Hill
University in North Carolina was awarded a
$5,000 grant to produce a documentary film
For more information, please visit:
Blue Ridge National Heritage Area: Grant Award Announcement
Blue Ridge National Heritage Area: About



TEAM: Departments of Defense & Veterans Affairs
FUMBLE: $100 million annual drug deal for VA and DOD
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should align the structure, statutory parameters,
and regulatory guidance across the VA and DOD prescription-buying programs to increase
buying power and reduce costs

Most families and businesses know the value of

quantity purchasing power. This is a lesson the
DOD and VA should learn. In 2012 DOD and VA
separately purchased drugs for 18.5 million
beneficiaries at a cost of $11.8 billion.

Imagine two grocery stores selling milk at $2.00

and $2.70, respectively. Would anyone buy the
milk at $2.70? Of course they would not, but
that is basically what DOD and VA pay.
Americans are savvy shoppers; DOD and VA
should be as well.

GAO surveyed 83 common drugs purchased by

both departments and found that by purchasing
the drug at the lower of either DODs or VAs
price, the taxpayer could have realized a
combined savings of $120 million in 2012. 230
GAO also found inconsistencies in prescription
drug purchasing across Medicare, MedicarePart D, and DOD. Of the 78 common drugs
sampled, Medicare paid the cheapest price,
with Medicare-Part D and DOD overpaying by
as much as 69 percent.231


Those who wore the cloth of our nation have

earned the best treatment, best care, and, if
needed, the best medicine possible. But if the
DOD and VA both buy the same medication,
then they should go together to more costeffectively buy medicine from the private
sector. Congress should work with the DOD and
VA to ensure they have the proper process and
authorization to jointly purchase the medicine
needed by our nations finest.

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Prescription Drugs: Comparison of DOD and VA Direct Purchase Prices
GAO: Prescription Drugs: Comparison of DOD, Medicaid, and Medicare Part D Reimbursement Prices




TEAM: Department of Housing and Urban Development
FUMBLE: $104.4 million in 2015
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: HUD should help local housing authorities relocate overincome tenants

The HUD IG issued an alarming report in July

2015, revealing that more than 25,000 families
receive subsidized public housing despite
exceeding HUD maximum income thresholds.
The HUD IG found $104.4 million will go to
families not qualified for aid instead of those
actually in need.232

fails to help those most in need to afford


Public housing is designed to be a temporary
place for individuals who need help. When
individuals and families remain in taxpayerfunded housing after they get back on their feet,
they prevent those in need from receiving help
and take advantage of their fellow citizens. HUD
should clarify the steps local housing
authorities need to take to relocate overincome families. HUD recently walked back its
initial objections to the IGs findings, but HUD
can still do more to prevent waste and
mismanagement. Rep. David Jolly (FL)
indicated HUD should provide local authorities
with guidance, or Congress should change the
1998 Quality Housing and Work Responsibility
Act to help over-income tenants move out of
public housing to make the space available for
Americans who truly need the benefit.235 This is
a good first step, and Congress should
immediately consider it to help solve this

For example one New York City family living in

a public housing apartment had a November
2013 annual household income of $497,911,
more than seven times the low-income family
threshold of $67,100 in New York City. 233 This
means that a family in genuine need of housing
assistance in New York City cannot move into
an apartment because a family significantly
over the income level is occupying it.
HUD strongly objected to the IGs findings,
arguing that only local housing authorities have
the authority to evict over-income tenants and
that evicting over-income families would work
against HUDs efforts to deconcentrate poverty
in public housing developments."234 While
noting that HUD has limited power over local
public housing authorities, the program still

For more information, please visit:

The Washington Post: Congressman threatens to strip HUD of $104 million because of public housing tenants who make
too much
HUD OIG: Overincome Families Residing in Public Housing Units
The Hill: HUD audit finds 25,000 ineligible families in public housing




TEAM: Departments of State and Health and Human Services
FUMBLE: $2+ billion for 28 patients
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Return excess emergency spending

In 2014, a massive Ebola epidemic spread

across west Africa. It took weeks for the U.S.
government to develop a plan, but eventually
the Administration allotted $5.4 billion in
emergency spending for Ebola containment
and treatment. American troops and foreign aid
were sent to construct 11 treatment centers in
west Africa.

Ultimately $1.4 billion in States emergency

funds for Ebola remained unobligated as of
August 2015.239 HHS had a whopping $1.49
billion on top of that as of September 2015.240
Considering the World Health Organizations
most recent Ebola situation report announced a
grand total of four people in the world
contracted Ebola, where is this money going?241

After conducting an in-depth investigation, the

New York Times, published a blistering article in
April 2015 that detailed the failure of Americas
response to Ebola.236 Their findings showed
that after spending hundreds of millions of
taxpayer dollars and deploying thousands of
troops to west Africa to combat Ebola, only 28
Ebola patients were treated at the 11 treatment
centers built by the United States.237 That is
equivalent to around $72 million per patient. A
Washington Post investigation in January 2015
reported that some of these treatment centers
had not treated a single patient.238

Rather than aimless and reactionary, American
foreign aid needs to be strategic and solutionsoriented. While there is some irony in telling
Congress to not move too quickly, the knee-jerk
response to every crisis causes overreaction.
Since the crisis itself has diminished, the money
should be returned to the U.S. Treasury since it
is no longer needed for its intended purpose.
Ebola emergency funds were all borrowed
funds. Americans should always be there to
help those in need, but the federal government
should not waste money.

For more information, please visit:

The New York Times: Ebola Clinics in Liberia are Seen as Misstep in US Relief Effort
The Washington Post: U.S.-built Ebola treatment centers in Liberia are nearly empty as outbreak fades




TEAM: Agency for International Development
FUMBLE: $335 Million of wasted power
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Before beginning an infrastructure project, agencies should
conduct a feasibility study and ensure the project can be used for its intended purpose

Photo: SIGAR

Since 2002 the U.S. government has spent $110

billion in reconstruction projects in
Afghanistan, including support for the Afghan
National Security Forces; developing roads,
hospitals, schools and dams; and cracking down
on narcotics and corruption in the country.242
One of those projects, Tarakhil Power Plant, a
diesel-fueled power plant constructed outside
of Kabul, Afghanistan, was recently highlighted
by SIGAR in a federal audit that deemed the
power plant as "severely underutilized with
the intermittent use of the costly facility
resulting in damage and premature failure.243

designed and constructed in 2007 as the

primary provider of electricity in Kabul and to
operate on a continual basis, all of which was
clearly defined in the contractors
requirements to build the plant.244
What is worse, the intermittent use of the plant
is actually causing damage to the infrastructure
itself, which was highlighted in a 2014 USAID IG
report as operating on an intermittentrather
than a continuousbasis has resulted in more
frequent starts and stops, which place greater
wear and tear on the engines and electrical
components... This practice, according to the
evaluation, resulted in the premature failure of
equipment, which over time will increase
operations and maintenance costs and could
result in catastrophic failure.245 After almost
ten years, millions of dollars, and little power
generation to show for it, it is only now clear

From February 2014 to April 2015, the Tarakhil

plant produced a mere 0.34 percent (that is 1/3
of one percent) of the total power on the Kabul
grid and exported just 8,846 megawatt-hours of
power, less than one percent of its production
capacity. This output fails to meet the purpose
and intent of the power plant. The plant was

what a colossal waste of taxpayer money it

turned into.

government must learn the lesson of the

Tarakhil Power Plant. There should be sensible
development, reasonable expectations for use,
and a demonstrated need for the project.
Regular oversight should be conducted during
and after development to ensure the project
remains viable.


Before building a power plant, the U.S. should

first determine if the local government can
operate it when the U.S. leaves. As the focus
transitions to electrify Africa, the federal

For more information, please visit:

SIGAR: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Letter
USAID: Afghanistan Fact Sheet




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $149,000
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Raise the standard for meritorious grant proposals and steer
more political science funds toward transformative grants

It is an axiom of American cultural norms that

politics is a taboo subject in social settings.
While it may be a faux pas to engage in this
discussion at the next dinner party, the federal
government will utilize taxpayer dollars to
delve further into the discomfort that people
experience when forced to discuss what some
consider to be privately held political views.

percent of respondents stated that hearing

about government and politicians contributed
to their stress.250 One could argue that the most
stressful thing about politics is the waste and
bloat of government spending, including
researching topics such as this.
As millions of American families come together
this holiday season to enjoy family, food, and
football, many dinner conversations will
inevitability steer toward politics. Some family
members will enjoy sharing their viewpoints
while others will shy away or simply be
annoyed by the dialogue. Regardless of where
one lies on this spectrum, learning that the
federal government will spend nearly triple the
median American salary to explore this clich
will give more reason for heartburn than just
the turkey and gravy.

Last year, NSF awarded a nearly $150,000 grant

for a researcher to better understand which
facets of social interaction about politics are
most stress inducing, for which kinds of people,
and in which contexts.246 The ultimate goal is
to decrease that stress in order to energize and
enfranchise citizens who are discouraged by
our current political system.247 There is no
doubt that civil discourse is critical for a more
successful and vibrant democracy. But it is
doubtful that connecting stress to political
interactions is a topic the agency tasked with
keeping the United States at the leading edge of
discovery should spend scarce federal
resources to study.248


Congress should work with NSF to lay out

parameters and expectations for grants. Before
awarding grants, NSF should show how the
funds will advance American interests and
fulfill NSFs mission.

A recent study found that 86 percent of those

polled experienced some amount of stress
during the preceding month.249 Nearly 40

For more information, please visit:

NSF: Understanding the Mechanisms for Disengagement from Contentious Political Interaction
The Washington Post: Politicians are the No. 1 cause of daily stress in our lives




TEAM: Congress
FUMBLE: Using funding for crime victims as a budget gimmick
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Do not take money out of the CVF to pay for other areas of the
federal budget

Congress created the Crime Victim Fund (CVF)

in 1984 to receive deposits from criminal fines
to fund grants to victims service groups such as
child advocacy centers, domestic violence
shelters, and rape crisis centers. The CVF was
based on the idea that the money collected from
people who commit crimes should be used to
assist victims.251

The catch is, due to poorly conceived budget

scorekeeping methods, the difference between
the cap on spending from the CVF in a year and
the total funds remaining in the CVF is
considered savings that can be used to offset
spending elsewhere. The theory is that if
Congress spends $2 billion from a fund that has
$13 billion available, then the federal
government has saved $11 billion. In reality not
spending the same $11 billion year after year
does not save money at all. As Senator Jeff
Sessions (AL) appropriately described this
process, It would be like a family delaying a
single $500 home repair for ten years and
counting it as $5,000 in savings$500 for
every year the repair didnt take place.254

Instead of supporting crime victims, the CVF

has been used to support out-of-control
congressional spending habits through an
obscure budgetary trick called changes in
mandatory spending, or CHIMPS. In an
accounting gimmick that would make Enron
proud, CVF CHIMPS allow for Congress to spend
the exact same money more than ten times

Yet, with this fuzzy congressional math,

Congress uses the same $11 billion to justify
more than $100 billion in new spending over 10

It works like this. In 2000 Congress set a cap on

funds that can be spent from CVF in a single
year. 252 Any funds that have been deposited in
CVF above that spending cap must remain in
CVF to be used in future fiscal years. Since 2000
the receipts coming into CVF have outpaced
spending that is subject to the annual cap. Thus,
the CVF account has grown to more than $13

Congress should stop trying to trick the
American people through dishonest budgetary
practices. The CVF should be used to support
victims of crime without being raided annually
to cover spending somewhere else.

For more information, please visit:

Office for Victims of Crime: About OVC




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $374,087 senior adult dating study
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require a thorough disclosure and transparency process for
federal grants to ensure funding focuses on items of national interest
research, which predominantly centers
around the actions of senior adults, will cost
taxpayers nearly $375,000.255
The study began in the summer of 2015, and
completion is estimated for late spring of 2018.
That is three years of playing date-doctor with
the unclear objective of obtaining a more
comprehensive understanding of relationship
maintenance efforts.256


Photo: Shutterstock

NSF needs to state with greater clarity how

research findings can practically benefit policy
development. Given the federal governments
debilitating debt debacle, Congress needs to
determine the spending items that realistically
fall within the national interest. Unless this
federal Match.com for seniors develops policy
solutions to bring down the debt, maybe this
one is better left to the private sector.

NSF strikes againthis time by funding

research intended to delve into the dating
habits of single adults over the age of 60. The
study, Understanding Age-Related Changes in
questions whether the mature populations
accumulation of life experience impacts
approaches toward conflict in relationships.
Apparently the existing close relationships

For more information, please visit:

NSF: Understanding Age-Related Changes in Relationship Maintenance Strategies
The Washington Free Beacon: Feds Spend $185,850 Studying the Ups and Downs of Old Peoples Dating Lives




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: All agencies
FUMBLE: Outdated guidance documents from federal agencies
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Conduct regular guidance spring cleanings

Federal regulators often use guidance

documents to explain and clarify their
regulations to the public. Guidance documents
cannot impose new legally binding obligations
regulations issued through the formal
rulemaking process can do that. However,
guidance documents often have the effect of
changing the behavior of businesses that seek
to avoid unnecessary and costly federal
Photo: Shutterstock

In 2015 GAO found that 11 of the 25 subagencies it reviewed did not regularly evaluate
whether issued guidance was effective and
accurate. In one example DOLs Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs
conducted a two-year review of its existing
guidance directives. After reviewing guidance
documents in 2012 and 2013, officials
discovered more than 85 percent of the offices
guidance documents were unnecessary or
outdated.257 While this effort is commendable,
it begs the question: how many other agencies
have outdated or conflicting guidance on their

Federal agencies must do a better job to ensure
their guidance documents are up-to-date and
easy to find and meet the needs of regulated
parties. On November 17, 2015, the Senate
passed two joint resolutions of disapproval
with bipartisan support that would prevent the
EPA from enforcing the CPP.258 By conducting
guidance spring cleanings like the Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs, federal
agencies can avoid confusion and make it easier
for small businesses and other affected entities
to comply with federal mandates.259

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Regulatory Guidance: Selected Departments Could Strengthen Internal Control and Dissemination Practices
DOL: OFCCP Guidance Documents




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
FUMBLE: $8.4 billion regulation to re-engineer the U.S. energy policy
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Revoke this rule and develop all-of-the-above energy policies
to support American jobs

With an astonishing $8.4 billion price tag, EPAS

new Clean Power Plan (CPP) will drastically
raise energy prices for American families and
will place undue burdens on the economy.260
The CPP will force many states to shut down
critical power plants without immediate
replacement sources of energy for homes and
businesses. This means higher costs for families
to heat and cool their homes and higher
electricity bills for everyone. The CPP claims it
gives states the flexibility to meet the 32
percent carbon emissions reduction target.
However, in reality many states simply cannot
reduce their emissions by 1/3 without abruptly
closing existing power plants.261 In Texas
Bloomberg Business reports family electricity
bills will jump by as much as 16 percent by
2030, and the CPP will significantly increase the
chance of blackouts.262

forbids EPA from regulating power plants for

additional hazardous pollutants that are
already regulated by EPA. He goes on to say that
what the President could not achieve through
the legislative process, he directed EPA to
regulate as though it has the legislative
authority to re-engineer the nations electric
generating system and power grid. It does
not.263 EPA continues to make huge promises
of future benefits, but the CPP will certainly
increase the cost of every product that uses
energy to produce.


EPA should develop a true, all-of-the-above

energy plan that focuses on job growth,
affordability, reliability, and sustainability. The
Administration is obsessed with killing all
forms of carbon-based energy, but it fails to
state what is next. Americans use electricity and
energy for their homes, businesses, and
transportation. Increasing the cost only hurts
seniors and those on fixed incomes. Wealthy
environmentalists can afford higher prices;
most Americans cannot.

To make matters worse, CPPs devastating

impact on the economy is not the rules only
major flaw. Preeminent constitutional scholar
(and President Obamas former law professor)
Laurence H. Tribe described the CPP as
unconstitutional in a 2014 Wall Street Journal
op-ed. Mr. Tribe argues the Clean Air Act

For more information, please visit:

EPA: Clean Power Plan for Existing Power Plants
Bloomberg Business: Clean Power Plan to Shutter 4,000 MW of Texas Coal Output
The Wall Street Journal: The Clean Power Plan is Unconstitutional
Science Direct: Employment Trends in the U.S. Electricity Sector




TEAM: Department of State
FUMBLE: $5.75 million
RECOVERY: U.S. spending abroad should advance American national interests

In 2014, State spent $700,000 to conserve a

Buddhist temple in Vietnam264, $40,000 to
document Bengal folk music in India265, and
$33,000 to preserve Jamdani weaving
traditions in Bangladesh.266 Through the years
American taxpayer dollars have their been used
to pick up the tab to rebuild ancient mud forts
in Pakistan,267 fund a log house museum in
Russia,268 and preserve ancient dialects in
South America.269 The American public has
borrowed money from China to fund the
construction of a welcome grotto on a Buddhist
temple in China.270

rather than funneling money into international

historic reconstruction projects.


It is not justifiable to expect American families

to spend millions to help preserve other
nations culturesmany of whom are capable
of preserving their own cultural sites and
artifacts. It is past time to end this program
once and for all. During the next appropriations
season, Congress should simply eliminate the
Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation.
When Americans complain about foreign aid,
this is what they mean.

Projects like these add up to $5.75 million per

year in States annual allocations to its
Preservation,271 which is used to support the
preservation of cultural sites, cultural objects,
and forms of traditional cultural expression
around the world.272 While altruistic in nature,
there is little room for such feel-good spending
on programs that do little to advance
Americans interests. There are plenty of
avenues for American ambassadors and
diplomats to responsibly help other nations,

Photo: State Department

For more information, please visit:
U.S. Department of State: U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2014




TEAM: Amtrak
FUMBLE: Millions of dollars to subsidize Amtraks food and beverage service
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Assess the source of financial losses and revise the food and
beverage service model to meet the needs of Amtraks customers
service not be provided at a loss,275 the
company has yet to adjust the service level on
these routes to meet rider demands. Amtrak
also continues to staff at regular levels during
seasons when ridership is traditionally low.
Moreover, food and beverage staff are required
to report to work one to five hours before
departure time despite staff not needing that
amount of time to perform required duties
prior to leaving. All of this suggests that Amtrak
does not fully understand its staffing needs,
which leads to taxpayers unnecessarily picking
up the tab for riders meals.
Photo: Twitter

This train will continue down a track plagued
by fiscal woes as long as subsidies prevent
accountability for losses. In government
reducing losses from $105.2 million to $72
million is unfortunately a step in the right
direction. In business it is a step toward
bankruptcy. Congress should work with
Amtrak to require it to operate like a business.
Business owners around the nation know that
if they lose enough money, they will go out of
business. Amtrak has unfortunately relied on
federal funding so long that it has not moved
quickly enough to correct its operations.
Americans do not subsidize the food served on
planes and should not subsidize the food on

Amtrak has an expensive appetite. Its food and

beverage services operate at major losses each
year, requiring taxpayers to pick up the
difference. From 2006 through 2012, Amtrak
suffered $609 million in direct losses from
these services alone.273 While Amtrak lost
$105.2 million in 2006 on these services, by
2012 losses were down to only $72 million.
While the trend is headed in the right direction,
the Amtrak IG identified some areas Amtrak has
yet to truly address. For example 99 percent of
revenue losses can be attributed to longdistance routes.274 Despite knowing this and
despite a requirement that food and beverage

For more information, please visit:

Amtrak OIG: Food and Beverage Service: Potential Opportunities to Reduce Losses
CRS Report: Issues in the Reauthorization of Amtrak



TEAM: Department of State
FUMBLE: $5 million Twitter account
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require metrics for CSCC initiatives
project tweets to dissuade would-be terrorists
from joining the jihadi movement.
Is a $5 million taxpayer-subsidized Twitter
account with no way to measure success a good
investment for U.S. taxpayers? It is reasonable
for American taxpayers, who fund this
expensive social media project, to expect there
to be metrics on what the mission is, how to
define success, and who the target audience is.
It is not unreasonable for State to tweet the
facts about global terrorism or to work to get
the truth out about the murderous thugs of ISIL.
There are millions of reasons to turn away
from terrorism, but should it really cost
millions of dollars to tweet about them?
Photo: Screen shot of Twitter

Congress should require better metrics, or
simply metrics at all, for CSCCs initiatives. This
project could be beneficial, but it is up to CSCC
to prove it. Tax dollars from hard-working
American families should be doled out with a
reasonable expectation for how the funds will
be used. American families put thought and
planning into how they spend money. Congress
should ensure
federal agencies and
departments do the same.

States Center for Strategic Counterterrorism

Communications (CSCC), created under an
executive order with a roughly $5 million
annual budget,276 has a fancy name with a 21st
century task all middleschoolers can
accomplish: it operates a Twitter account.
Granted, most seventh graders do not focus
their Twitter feeds on telling the truth about
terrorism, but even they would probably agree
the oddly titled Think Again, Turn Away

For more information, please visit:

Twitter: @ThinkAgain_DOS
The White House: Executive Order I3584 Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications
U.S. Department of State: Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications
The Washington Post: In a propaganda war against ISIS, the U.S. tried to play by the enemys rules




TEAM: Social Security Administration
FUMBLE: Failure to maintain accurate death records means billions in fraud
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass legislation that requires agencies to ensure all numberholder data is accurate and regularly updated

In what would be a boon for the birthday candle

industry, an analysis of SSA files showed that
approximately 6.5 million people who are 112
years old or older are still alive.277 In reality
fewer than 40 individuals in the world ever
reach that age.

In a ghost story that could only be concocted in

Washington, DC, the SSA IG found bank
accounts were opened using active Social
Security numbers (SSNs) belonging to
individuals born in 1886 and 1893. In 2008 an
employer reported wages for an individual who
actually died in 1962.281 Overall, the SSA IG
analysis found more than 66,000 people were
still reporting wages and roughly 4,000 e-verify
checks were run on SSNs that belonged to
people born before June 16, 1901. Despite
being hard-working people, even Americans
slow down after reaching 100 years of age.
Interestingly enough, some of these hardworking citizens over 112 even registered to

A February 2015 report from SSAs IG found

SSA does not have controls in place to annotate
death information on the Numerical
Identification System (Numident) records of
number holders who exceeded maximum
reasonable life expectancies and were likely
SSA maintains a list of the deceased. Known as
the Death Master File (DMF), the list is used as
a reference source for many public and private
institutions to access accurate data of the
American population. SSA gathers death data
from funeral homes, state agencies, surviving
families, and federal agencies. The IG report
found SSA recorded death dates for nearly 1.4
million number-holders in payment records
but neglected to transfer this information to the
master database.279 Because other agencies
rely on the DMF to prevent payments to the
deceased, any slight oversight creates
considerable potential for improper payments.
Inaccuracies in death data recordings also leave
the door wide open for identity theft and fraud,
where an individual could access these
numbers to report wages, open bank accounts,
obtain credit cards or claim fraudulent tax

As of now, the scope of waste and fraud

resulting from this shoddy documentation
remains to be entirely realized. And the
problem remains unresolved due to SSAs
insistence that it is not in the business of
collecting and distributing death records,
despite its long history of doing so.
Unfortunately deflecting blame does nothing to
change the sizable and troublesome gap in
death records and fraud.


The Stopping Improper Payments to Deceased

People Act, introduced by Senator Tom Carper
(DE), may provide a good step forward in
correcting death data discrepancies. The Act
would direct SSA to furnish complete data on
deceased individuals to all appropriate federal
agencies for program integrity purposes. It

would also establish procedures to ensure

more accurate collection of death data by the
possible integration of state and local data.

activity for an SSN that belongs to a person 112

years of age or older. While the federal
government should not prevent anyone from
gaining employment, it seems that more often
than not, a 115-year-old SSN will be used by a
fraudster rather than its rightful owner.

Moreover, SSA should be able to flag a newly

opened bank account, e-verify request, or other

For more information, please visit:

SSA OIG: Audit Report: Numberholders Age 112 or Older Who Did Not Have a Death Entry on the Numident
PBS Newshour: Report: Social Security numbers active for 6.5 million people aged 112
S.1073 Stopping Improper Payments to Deceased People Act




TEAM: Government-wide
FUMBLE: End-of-year spending binge
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass timely appropriations bills and test rollover authority
through a pilot program

September does not only mark the start of

football season. It also marks the last month of
the fiscal year. It is the time of year when
federal agency and department officials face the
use it or lose it dilemma, in which they either
spend any remaining money in their budget or
return the excess funds to Treasury.
Unsurprisingly the data show that use it is the
favored choice.

building where they were left to slowly crumble

in the blazing African sun.284 Remember, all of
this is to avoid returning the funds to the U.S.
Treasury, which would save the federal
government from spending additional tax
dollars collected from hard-working American
State is not the only agency with an affinity for
binge spending at the end of the year. For
example, an IG report on FY 2014 Appalachian
Regional Commission grants found that 75
percent of funds were awarded in the last
quarter of the fiscal year, including 44 percent
in September.285 A recent report conducted by
the DOL IG determined that 44 percent ($212.8
million) of the National Emergency Grants
distributed between July 2011 and June 2014
were awarded at the last minute in order to
avoid expiration of funds.286

Federal agency spending rates are generally

higher at the end of the year. Government-wide,
between 2003 and 2013, 16.9 percent of
obligated contract expenditures occurred
during the month of September more than
twice what we would expect if spending were
split evenly over 12 months at 8.3 percent per
month.282 The worst offender is State, which
spent on average 37.8 percent of its budget in
September, more than quadruple what the
average spend-out rate should be.

The spike in year-end spending cannot be

completely attributable to the use it or lose it
phenomenon. However, the inclination to
spend available funds and protect a
departments budgetary base is realand so
are the wasteful consequences.

As part of the September shop-till-you-drop

spree, State purchased a $1 million granite
sculpture for its London Embassy, spent nearly
$20,000 for books that were used as Christmas
gifts, $1.5 million worth of furniture, $26,315
worth of North Face parkas, and $5 million for
custom handcrafted stemware.283 During
congressional testimony, a former State
employee recounted how a facility manager
needed four flower pots for an African embassy
but instead ordered a truck full of pots because
he wanted to spend excess money in his
facilities budget. The four flower pots were put
in their proper place while the rest were
unloaded and placed out of sight behind a


Spending money to avoid losing it is a huge

disservice to American taxpayers. Congress
should work with federal agencies and
departments to disincentivize this binge
spending. The first step is for Congress to adopt
a budget in a timely fashion so all agencies and
departments can expect funding consistency.

Second, Congress should adopt a trial program

for select agencies that would allow carryover
of funding so instead of binge spending at the
end of the fiscal year, the agency knows it will
continue to have that funding through the

following year. Finally, Congress should also

continue its oversight functions by requiring
justifications for extraordinary spending in the
final months of each fiscal year.

For more information, please visit:

Mercatus Center: Curbing the Surge in Year-End Federal Government Spending
Washington Examiner: Federal bureaucracies go on end-of-year spending sprees to avoid budget cuts
DOL: ETA Needs to Improve Awarding of Year-End National Emergency Grants



CONFERENCE: Regulatory/Spending
TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
FUMBLE: $29.1 million to duplicate existing research on hydraulic fracturing
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Examine existing research prior to undertaking new research
to prevent duplication

How much is too much to spend to find out

something states already figured out?
Apparently the federal government thinks
$29.1 million is a bargain. Congress directed
EPA to study the effect of the oil and gas
fracturing on drinking water resources and
gave it millions of dollars to do so.287 The
project advanced despite research from states,
which did not find a connection between
hydraulic fracturing (a 70-year-old technology)
and ground-water contamination.288

existing state regulations, hydraulic fracturing

is a safe technology that does not endanger
water resources by itself.289


Everyone wants access to clean water

especially rig workers and local oil and gas
companies since they and their families drink
from the same local water supplies as everyone
else. But the federal government should not
abuse taxpayer resources in an attempt to
target industries it does not like. In the future
Congress and agencies should look to existing
research and only invest new money in areas
where legitimate gaps in knowledge exist.

After six years of study, EPA concurred with the

findings made by state studies. In fact its report
reflected common sense. The report concluded
that when done correctly and in line with

To find more information, please visit:

EPA: Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources
CRS Report: Hydraulic Fracturing and Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Issues




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: Failing to adequately check tax returns
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Collect college enrollment data in a timely fashion that
correlates with tax refunds

The U.S. has a world-renowned higher

education system that churns out millions of
accomplished graduates every year. Yet with all
these college graduates the U.S. is unable to
adopt a simple fix to the $5.6 billion in fraud in
the federal tax credit targeted at college
education.290 The American Opportunity Tax
Credit (AOTC) provides a partially refundable
tax credit of up to $2,000 for students enrolled
in higher education programs. The credit was
first made available in tax year 2009 and was
extended through 2017.291

claimed the AOTC provided no supporting

documentation that a student had attended an
academic institution.292 Another 361,000
claims involved students who were not eligibly
enrolled, and 64,000 individuals improperly
received credits for students who were claimed
on other taxpayers returns.293 In fact 250
prisoners improperly received the AOTC.294
TIGTA concluded that more than 3.6 million
taxpayers (claiming more than 3.8 million
students) received more than $5.6 billion in
potentially erroneous education credits ($2.5
billion in refundable credits and $3.1 billion in
nonrefundable credits).295

The AOTC is reserved for individuals who seek

a better future, receive an education, and have
greater economic success. Many college
students work part- to full-time jobs, juggle
academics, and even raise families. IRS has a
responsibility to ensure students and families
have their returns efficiently processed, while
eliminating fraudulent claims.


AOTC fraud is so easy because IRS does not get

enrollment data from the universities on time.
Congress should work with IRS and universities
to move the due-date for forms to IRS earlier. It
should not take a degree from a higher
education institution to come up with a simple
and effective solution. $5.6 billion in fraud is too
much, even for government work.

According to a Treasury Inspector General for

Tax Administration (TIGTA) report examining
2012 returns, at least 1.7 million taxpayers who

For more information, please visit:

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration: Billions of Dollards in Potentially Erroneus Education Credits
Continue to Be Claimed for Ineligible Students and Institutions




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: $17.7 billion in improper tax credits
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Clarify existing EITC requirements and update the processing

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the

nations largest anti-poverty cash program. It
has also earned the ignoble distinction of
having the nations highest improper payment
rate.296 The EITC is a refundable tax credit
program enacted in 1975 as an anti-poverty
measure that incentivizes work by providing
qualified workers a refundable credit on their
income taxes. While the EITC is sound in theory,
in practice it has yet to live up to the
expectation that it will only serve American
families truly in need. With an error rate
ranging from 23 to 28 percent, an estimated
$17.7 billion was erroneously paid in FY 2015,
and $133.9 billion in improper payments were
made in the last 10 years.297

recipient error is the misstatement of income

($5.6 billion in overpayments).300
Not surprisingly fraud and tax preparer errors
also plague the program. Roughly 2/3 of tax
returns that claim the EITC were filed by a tax
preparer. In a 2014 study GAO found that of a
limited sample of 19 paid tax preparers, 17 of
them made mistakes when preparing tax
returns that resulted in an incorrect refund
amount. As GAO reported, Nearly all of the
returns prepared for our undercover
investigations were incorrect to some degrees,
and several of the preparers gave us incorrect
advice, particularly when it came to reporting
non-Form W-2 income (i.e., wage income) and
the EITC.301

An audit by GAO on improper payments found

much of the waste is preventable. The audit
attributed EITCs large error rate to a number
of factors including, complexity of the tax law,
structure of the program, confusion among
eligible claimants, high turnover of eligible
preparers.298 The laws complex eligibility
requirements have led to confusion, especially
regarding child relationship and residency
rules.299 A 2006-2008 EITC compliance study
found the largest issues involved overpayments
from the incorrect claiming of a child ($10.4
billion in overpayments). The most frequent

The EITC program helps incentivize

employment over welfare and helps provide an
important transition for low-income workers
into the middle class. However, allowing $1 out
of every $4 to be doled out erroneously at a rate
of more than $15 billion per year is simply

Congress should explore options to clarify and
simplify the qualifications for claiming a
child. Additionally Congress should consider

creating a two-track process for tax preparers

and returns so certified tax preparers would
have their submissions prioritized and
processed faster. This would allow more time
and scrutiny for returns from non-certified
preparers. It would also incentivize continuing
taxpayer education
overpayments from misinformed tax preparers

and concentrate more resources on potential

fraudulent filings. Such a two-track system
would walk the line between compulsory
federal certification and continuing education
requirements. Programs that encourage
Americans to work should be easily accessible
not confusing and wasteful.

For more information, please visit:

Payment Accuracy: High-Error Programs
Payment Accuracy: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
GAO: Improper Payments: Remaining Challenges and Strategies for Governmentwide Reduction Efforts
CRS: The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Administrative and Compliance Challenges

GAO: Paid Tax Return Preparers: In a Limited Study, Preparers Made Significant Errors




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: $30 billion in regulatory compliance costs
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass the Forty Hours is Full Time Act of 2015

Adding insult to injury in the morass of the

Presidents healthcare law is a provision that
requires all businesses with at least 50 full-time
employees to provide their full-time workers
with health insurance coverage. Under the
Administrations definition, an employee who
works 30 hours per week is considered fulltime, which likely comes as a surprise to many
employees who work 40 hours and are not
compensated for ten hours of overtime.302

to the National Federation Independent

Business, The mandate makes it extremely
expensive to cross the 50-employee threshold.
For example, a mid-sized restaurant that goes
from 49 to 50 employees will face a $40,000 per
year penalty. A business who has more than 50
employees can avoid the penalties by simply
letting go of employees until they get under 50
or they can replace one full-timer with two
part-timers. Estimating the costs of hiring and
expanding will be complex and confusing.304

This mandate was set to take effect in January

2014. But apparently, an election-year
implementation was too burdensome for the
Administration. So in mid-2013 the White
House delayed it until 2015. Luckily for
Administration delayed enforcement of the
mandate once again, giving employers with
fewer than 100 employees until January 1,
2016, to comply. To be compliant for 2015,
these companies were allowed to only provide
coverage for up to 70 percent of their full-time


To prevent the further erosion of jobs in the

economy and increase job opportunities for
American families, Congress should pass--and
the President should signS. 30, the Forty
Hours Is Full Time Act of 2015. This bill,
introduced by Senator Susan Collins (ME) and
co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 41
Senators, would modify the formula for
calculating the number of full-time workers
employed by an applicable large employer
subject to the mandate. The bill would also
define a "full-time employee" as an employee
who works an average of at least 40 hours per

Employers who fail to offer coverage that

satisfies the employer mandate are subject to a
penalty of up to $3,000 per worker. According

For more information, please visit:

NFIB: Employer Mandate CribSheet
American Action Forum: Primer: Employer Mandate
American Action Forum: How the Affordable Care Act and the Employer Mandate Impacts Employers: An Overview



TEAM: Department of Energy
FUMBLE: $5 billion in solar subsidies
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate subsidies that interfere with market choice for
winning and losing technologies
mix. As recently as 2014 solar energy only
approached one percent of total American
electricity generation.308
Hopefully solar power will one day be a
significant contributor to Americas base
power, but it still remains a small supplemental
energy source. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter
called for the creation of a solar bank to
achieve his goal of 20 percent of American
energy coming from solar power by the year
2000.309 More than three decades later, the
federal government still creates incentives and
subsidies for solar power. With multiple failed
solar companies across the nation, it is
important to distinguish when jobs are
created using federal subsidies and when
they are created by market demand and

Photo: Shutterstock

In 2013 American families gave more than $5

billion to the solar industry through a
combination of direct expenditures, tax credits,
The investment only added
4,750 megawatts of solar energy to American
energy generation in 2013.306 Or put a different
way, the taxpayers paid a little more than $1
million dollars for each megawatt added. This
may sound like a high amount of additional
generation. But if a megawatt of solar power
can power about 164 homes, the federal
subsidy breaks down to about $6,418 per home
now powered by solar.307


While it is common for young technologies to

receive a federal boost in their early years,
many energy sources like solar energy are no
longer new. It is time solar energy stands on
its own or at least provides a better return to
consumers and taxpayers. Congress should
eliminate this subsidy or enact requirements
that set a base level of production to qualify.

Even though the industry benefits from a grab

bag of subsidies, it still failed to become even a
modest contributor to the American energy

For more information, please visit:

SEIA: How many homes can be powered by 1 megawatt of solar energy
U.S. Energy Information Administration: Frequently Asked Questions
U.S. Energy Information Administration: Direct Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in FY 2013




TEAM: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FUMBLE: $247 million+ in underutilized technology system
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Exercise congressional oversight to ensure FEMA fully
implements funding and their internal procedures to improve efficiency

Americans are sadly too familiar with weatherrelated tragedies. In neighborhoods all across
the nation, tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes
have destroyed homes and priceless
belongings. In many cases shortly after
humanitarian support arrives, so does FEMA
with a check to help cover the cost of the
damage. For those in immediate need, it is quite
a reliefuntil several months later when they
receive letters requesting the money be
returned because FEMA realized those
individuals did not qualify for funds in the first

American taxpayers investment of $247

To FEMAs credit, after major tornadic storms
in Oklahoma in 2013, the agency successfully
cooperated with numerous faith-based and
non-profit groups on the ground to provide
important assistance to families in need.
Oklahomans are grateful for that assistance, but
FEMA can certainly work toward greater


Congress needs to continue to exercise its

oversight duties to ensure FEMA fully
implements the IGs recommendations: (1)
conduct an assessment of the LSCMS program
to identify resources necessary to ensure
effective management and oversight of the
program, and (2) develop an internal process to
monitor and ensure accurate LSCMS reporting
to OMB. FEMA must implement processes and
procedures to improve efficiency to ensure that
when families receive aid after a disaster, it
does not come back a few months later to
demand its return.

Congresss evaluation of FEMAs poor response

to Hurricane Katrina led to spending $247
million to create the Logistics Supply Chain
Management System, which is intended to help
the agency work with other parts of the federal
government and non-profit aid organizations
after a disaster. 310 Unfortunately, a recent audit
of the program found FEMA does not seem to
know how to actually utilize the system to
coordinate aid after a disaster.311 Apparently
part of the reason FEMA could not properly set
up the system is that it has not properly trained
its employees, which really discredits the

For more information, please visit:

DHS OIG: FEMAs Logistics Supply Chain Management System May Not Be Effective During a Catastrophic Disaster
FEMA: LSCMS Logistics Supply Chain Management System



TEAM: Department of Energy
FUMBLE: Poor contract oversight leading to billions of dollars in cost overruns
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Require the DOE to assess what causes projects to run
significantly over time and over budget to prevent future runaway spending

How many warnings of poor project

management should be necessary for a federal
agency to stop wasting billions of dollars?
Apparently, DOE needs more than 25.

budget or projected timeline by an agencyspecified amount in order to assess whether

any systematic causes can be avoided in the
future.315 NNSA disagreed with this
recommendation, preferring instead to look at
budget and timeline problems on a case-bycase basis. It should come as no surprise that in
a joint NNSA-DOD project to extend the life of
B61 weapons, NNSA realized last year it would
cost $3.6 billion more than expected, and NNSA
had not fixed its problem.316

DOE contracting management has spent 25

years on GAOs high-risk list, which flags areas
of government at risk for runaway spending
and unnecessary duplication.313 Many prime
examples of poor oversight come from the
National Nuclear Security Administration
(NNSA) and show these mistakes are not simply
rounding errors on the federal governments
budget sheet. NNSAs Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel
Fabrication Facility project, which would
enable the disposal of excess weapons
plutonium, was estimated to cost $1 billion in
2002. By 2014 the project ballooned to exceed
$7.7 billion, and the timeline for completion
was delayed by years.314

When American families start projects, like
remodeling their homes they likely start by
ensuring their plans fit within their budget. If
part of the project starts to cost too much and
goes over budget, the family will likely
reconsider the project or stop. Congress should
help DOE undertake a similar review of its
projects to find why cost estimates and
timelines have been so badly forecast. Going
forward DOE should also ensure it fully
analyzes projects to accurately predict costs
and times for completion.

What is troubling is the agency does not appear

to learn from these experiences. GAO
recommended that NNSA prevent these types
of cost escalations and delays by performing a
root-cause analysis for projects exceeding their

For more information, please visit:

GAO: High-Risk Series: An Update
CRS Report: Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Plant and Plutonium Disposition: Management and Policy Issues
GAO: Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services



CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Labor
FUMBLE: $2.4 - $5.7 billion over ten years317
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Withdraw the rule; work with Congress to address changes, if

Federal regulators now want to advise your

advisor. Earlier this year the Department of
Labor launched a fiduciary rule that expands
their control of retirement advice covered by
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974 by including any advice on Individual
Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and annuities by
investment advisors or brokers. The goal of the
newly expanded rule is to prevent any conflict
of interest on the part of those suggesting or
marketing a specific retirement investment.318
This sounds complicated, but it is really simple:
you can only get advice from people they

recommend utilizing safer, lower-yield 401(k)

or other retirement accounts that also come
with lower fees. This is especially true for those
investors who have a smaller amount of money
to invest. It is very likely that advisors would be
afraid to violate their fiduciary duty by
recommending IRAs or annuities due to the risk
that the investments could lose money. At the
same time, investors would lose out on advice
that could potentially bring much higher
Because the risk is higher for middle-class
clients, the new rule also means that most
advisors will only take wealthy clients. It will
thus be harder for most Americans to get good
financial advice except from big investment
firms. Ultimately this rule will make the big
investment companies bigger and cause the
small companies to go out of business.

Currently advisors for 401(k) or other

employee benefit plans are held to a fiduciary
standard, meaning they must always put a
clients interests and account above their own
interests (making money for themselves).
However, a person serving as an advisor on an
IRA or annuity is held to a suitability standard,
meaning he or she has to reasonably believe the
advice given is in the clients best interest.
Under the proposed rule, the suitability
standard would be replaced by the tougher
fiduciary standard. It sounds good, right?


Why is the Department of Labor even in the

business of regulating financial services when
SEC already exists for that purpose? DOL should
withdraw this rule, and Congress, in
consultation with SEC and financial advisors,
should consider whether changes to the current
rule are necessary. If changes are needed,
Congress should enact legislation instead of
allowing a federal agency to create a new rule.

The problem with this change is that it fails to

recognize that IRA and annuity accounts tend to
be higher risk and come with higher fees or
commissions. Under the new rule, a retirement
advisor would likely be forced to only

For more information, please visit:

DOL: Fiduciary Investment Advice
Pensions & Investments: DOL moving forward on new fiduciary standard




TEAM: National Science Foundation
FUMBLE: $50,000 snail card game
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Withdraw the rule; work with Congress to address changes, if

Federal waste is on the rise, and unfortunately

it is not moving at a snails pace. NSF provided
a $50,000 grant to support a project named
Killer Snail: An Interactive Marine Biodiversity
Learning Tool.320 This project is intended to
target elementary school students through the
development of an eBook dramatic story told
from a snail's point of view, and a mobile video
game allowing players to experience and
explore the life of marine snails.321

DOEd and the White House Office of Science and

Technology Policy hosted an Ed Games week
that culminated with the White House
Education Game Jam.324 The event brought
together more than 100 game developers plus
35 teachers, learning researchers, and students
gathered together to develop compelling
educational software to help teach complex
school subjects.325
The Killer Snail project is hardly a compelling
use of NSF funds, especially when the national
debt continues to climb to almost $19 trillion
and other agencies support similar causes.
Although creativity is admirable, one has to
question the allocation of taxpayer funds to a
video game and e-book about a snail, no matter
how lethal it may be.

Thus far, it appears the grant money has only

yielded a physical game. Killer Snails: Assassins
of the Seas is a card game in which the player
has to collect predatory cone snails that prey
on fish, worms and other mollusks, to build a
venom arsenal of potentially life-saving peptide
toxins. Race your opponents to create the
winning venom cocktail and win the game!322
While support for technological innovations in
education should be driven by state and local
funding along with private enterprise, the
federal government also supports the use of
technology in education through DOEd. For
example, DOEds Small Business Innovation
Research program within the Institute of
Education Sciences provides more than $1
million annually to small business firms and
partners for the research and development of
commercially viable education technology
products.323 Additionally, in October 2014


Congress should work with NSF to ensure it

does not fund an area already funded by
another part of the federal government.
Education activities should be handled by
DOEd. The money received from American
taxpayers should be utilized in the most
efficient way possible, which means federal
agencies and departments should avoid
duplicative funding.

For more information, please visit:

NSF: I-Corps: Killer Snail: An interactive marine biodiversity learning tool
American Museum of Natural History: Teen Programs: Killer Snails



X CONFERENCE: Regulation
X TEAM: Departments of Commerce and the Treasury
O FUMBLE: Invoking foreign affairs exceptions in the rulemaking process to issue rules
quickly and without deliberation
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Only use the exception in instances where it is truly
In 1946 Congress enacted the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA), which lays out the
process for administrative rulemaking. The
APA has exemptions for several categories,
one of which is foreign affairs. Any rules that
involve a foreign affairs function are exempt
from the rulemaking procedures, which
means the Administration does not have to
provide any notice and the public is not given
an opportunity to comment on the proposed
rule. The rule can just be announced and
enforced. While the exception is important for
matters of national securityespecially those
that are time sensitive and necessary to
quickly protect citizensit is not intended to
be an absolute. It was designed to be used in
cases that would clearly provoke definitely
undesirable international consequences.326

time-sensitive reason to invoke the foreign

affairs exception. Given this drastic shift in
American foreign policy, the public should
have been afforded an opportunity to
commentespecially those Cuban-American
families who have been impacted by the
Castro regime. Providing notice and seeking
input from the American people is surely not
an undesirable consequence.

Administration to tighten the foreign affairs
exemption to ensure that necessary leeway
remains when making foreign policy decisions
and that rules that change decades of U.S.
policy are created with public input. The
President cannot just create a new policy that
allows him to make any change in any
regulation as long as he says it is for foreign

To meet President Obamas announced policy

changes regarding travel and trade with Cuba
on December 17, 2014, both Treasury327 and
DOC328 used the foreign affairs exception to
publish new rules on the U.S.s relationship
with Cuba. The U.S. has not had formal
diplomatic relations with Cuba since 1961,
and as the President noted, Cuba remains a
nation governed by the Communist Party.
After multiple letters back and forth among
the agencies involved, neither could identify a

We are still a nation of the people, by the

people, and for the people. If anyone in
Washington, DC, cuts out the American people
from the process, we have centralized power
and silenced the voices of millions of people.
There is a right thing to do and a right way to
do it.

For more information, please visit:

DOJ: Administrative Procedure Act: Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
DOC: Fact Sheet: U.S. Department Of Commerce and U.S. Department Of The Treasury Announcement Of Regulatory
Amendments To The Cuba Sanctions




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: $40 million
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate the national historic tax credit
to restore this magnificent building to even
well beyond its original grandeur.331
subisidize the development of old buildings is
made possible by the National Historic Tax
Credit. The credit allows an investor to claim
20 percent of rehabilitation costs for certified
historic structures (or structures in historic
districts) and ten percent of rehabilitation
costs for buildings built prior to 1936.332 The
tax credit has repeatedly been used to offset
the massive price tags for megaprojectslike
Bostons Fenway Park ($40 million) and a
resort on Millionaires Row in Miami, FL ($60
million)that do not need the help of the
American people 333

Photo: Shutterstock

Each year many American families will

undertake some kind of repair or remodel
project around their houses. This may mean
repainting a hallway, replacing a sink, or even
installing a new roof. It is unlikely that many
families will receive federal funding for their
home repair projects, even if the home is old.
However, companies renovating old and
historic buildings might qualify for federal
funding or tax credits for the repairs.

The taxpayer-supported hotel will feature

272 richly furnished guestroomswith lofty
16-foot ceilings, soaring windows, beautifully
restored historic millwork, and glittering
crystal sconces and chandeliers.334 One of
the two presidential suites will be 5,000
square feettwice the average size of an
American family home.335 Each of the suites
will include original fireplaces, wood doors
and moldings, and offer unique amenities
such as separate dining room with pantry and
service entry, his-and-her walk-in closets,
private sauna and steam room, two-person
shower, and VIP direct-elevator access.336
Hotel guests will also be able to enjoy a 5,000square-foot super luxury spa and state-of-theart fitness center.

In June 2013, the Trump Organization was

selected as the developer of the Old Post Office
in Washington, DC, in what the organization
claims to be the most sought-after hotel redevelopment opportunity in the country.329
The Trump Organization is investing $200
million to renovate the prime real estate into
a five-star hotel that will be in a level of
luxury previously unseen in this market.330
When all is said and done, American taxpayers
will chip in $40 million to help cover the costs

While the lucky guests of this palatial hotel

will be awestruck by its glitz and glamour,
taxpayers are unlikely to be amused that they
helped foot the bill through a $40 million tax
credit thanks to the National Historic Tax

their own historic preservation programs.

Eliminating the tax credit would also not lead
to the collapse of iconic historic structures
that have long been protected and preserved
by the federal government. Instead its
elimination will prevent the federal
government from doling out hundreds of
millions of dollars to luxury vacation
destinations, major league baseball teams,
and practically any other renovation project
in a building that is included in the not-soselective list of more than one million
buildings on the National Register of Historic

The National Historic Tax Credit is
duplicative, untargeted, costly, and distortive.
The credit also costs about $1 billion per year
in lost revenue.338 Eliminating the tax break
would not prevent states and localities from
implementing, maintaining, or expanding

For more information, please visit:

NPS: National Historic Tax Credit
NPS: FY2014 Annual Report on Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings




TEAM: National Park Service
FUMBLE: $287,000 annually to support the Route 66 Preservation Program
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate the Route 66 Preservation Program
restoration of restaurants, motels, gas stations
and neon signs, as well as for planning,
research, and educational initiatives.342 While
this program represents a drop in the bucket
compared to the massive shortfalls cited above,
it does highlight Congresss inability to learn
lessons many parents work to teach their
children: the difference between wants and
In 1999 the Route 66 Preservation Program
began as a temporary, ten-year grant program
to help jumpstart preservation efforts on Route
66. Since 2001, more than 100 grants have been
issued for projects along the iconic Route 66
corridor. Federal backing of the program was
originally scheduled to terminate in 2009 and
transition to a non-federal entity. However, in
2008 the once-temporary program was
extended for an additional 10 years, protecting
it and its low-priority spending through 2019.

Photo: Shutterstock

According to the American Society of Civil

Engineers, Americans spend the equivalent of
$101 billion every year on wasted time and fuel
on congested major urban highways, in large
part due to a lack of capital investment.339 On
roads controlled by the Federal Highway
System that cross lands controlled by federal
agencies such as the Forest Service, National
Parks, and Corps of Engineer properties, the
federal government has accrued an $11.55
billion deferred maintenance backlog.340

This years projects include a $25,000 grant for

the Women on the Mother Road: Route 66
Interactive Website and Oral History Project,
$20,565 for the Boots Court Roof Restoration in
Carthage, MO, and $30,800 for structural
restoration to the 1950s Lake Shore Motel,
currently known as the Best Budget Inn, in
Carthage MO. Grants were also awarded to
renovate an abandoned gas station in
Oklahoma and a theatre production in Arizona.
The program has spent more than $200,000 to

Yet in 2015 a federal grant program provided

$20,565 to restore an architectural neon sign at
a motel adjacent to Historic Route 66. The grant
originated from the Route 66 Preservation
Program, an NPS program that provides
$287,000341 annually in grants for the

restore neon road signs, like the one mentioned



Congress should cancel further appropriations

for the program and transition the service to a
non-federal entity, which was supposed to
occur six years ago. Fortunately, there are at
least 15 organizations dedicated to Route 66
that are ready to carry the torch of preserving
Americas Mother Road.344

Route 66 is an iconic highway that should and

will remain an important part in the American
story. However, its historical and cultural
significance does not depend on taxpayer
support for refurbishing roadside attractions.

For more information, please visit:

GPO: Route 66 Corridor, U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Report
NPS: H.R. 146 Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009
NPS: Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Securities and Exchange Commission
FUMBLE: $315 Million to enact the Pay Ratio Disclosure rule
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass regulatory reform legislation that eliminates
unnecessary burdens from the backs of Americas businesses

With 141 rules and regulations yet to be

finalized as part of the financial regulations
imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act, American
businesses will have a wealth of opportunies to
be subjected to new regulatory burdens and
higher compliance costs. Unfortunately, these
costs will be passed on to American consumers.
Most recently SEC finalized the Pay Ratio
Disclosure Rule, which requires all publicly
traded companies to report annually the ratio
of the average employees median salary to the
salary of the CEO.345

Some in Congress and SEC believe that if

companies had to publicly reveal their CEOs
salary and the average salary of other
employees, it would shame companies into
paying CEOs less. In reality the complicated
regulation will only make consumers pay more.
Five years after passage, the Dodd-Frank
legislation still racks up huge compliance costs
to the private sector and requires countless
hours in additional personnel paperwork.347 Of
course the cost for all this compliance is passed
on to consumers in higher prices.

After hearing from thousands of businesses and

other groups, the federal government
estimated the rules total regulatory
compliance cost will be more than $315 million.
Compliance will also require 2.3 million hours
of company personnel time.346 However, as
American businesses have witnessed too many
times, regulatory costs often exceed initial
federal estimateslikely because regulators do
not adequately communicate with those who
will operate under the regulations to allow
them to suggest possible consequences of a
rules implementation.


The Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule is a good

example of the significant regulatory burden
Dodd-Frank continually imposes on businesses
of all sizes. These costs are then passed on to
consumers in the form of higher prices.
Congress should move to eliminate these overly
burdensome rules, recognizing that it is not the
task of the government to shame people.

For more information, please visit:

Federal Register: SEC Rule and Cost Estimates
The New York Times: SEC Approves Rules on CEO Pay Ratio
Davis Polk: Dodd-Frank Progess Report




TEAM: Internal Revenue Service
FUMBLE: More than $5 billion in fraudulent refunds
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Implement accelerated W-2s and identity verification processes

Every year IRS issues more than $300 billion in

tax refunds to more than 110 million
taxpayers. For most taxpayers it is a day when
they can get some of their hard-earned money
back. For others it is the beginning of a
nightmarish realization that someone stole their
identities and filed fraudulent returns on their
behalf. Billions of dollars in fraudulent returns
are paid out every year, and the problem may
only get worse. IRS estimates it paid $5.2 billion
in fraudulent identity theft refunds in 2013, but
that amount could explode to $21 billion as soon
as next year.348

American healthcare system. The best way to

combat identity theft tax fraud is to have a robust
pre-refund strategy rather than try to recover
funds after they are issued. GAO notes that,
Recapturing a fraudulent refund after it is issued
can be challengingif not impossiblebecause
identity thieves often spend or transfer the funds
immediately, making them very difficult to


If Congress designed the system from scratch

today, no one would come up with such a deeply
flawed tax process. But since Americans are used
to getting their returns at a certain date and time
every year, there is reluctance to transition the
refund and implement stronger matching and
anti-fraud measures. The dollar and social costs
of identity theft are too great for the traditional
date of returns to remain the same. Congress
should consider accelerated W-2s and delayed tax
refunds until the W-2s are verified by IRS. This
could apply pressure to incentivize employers to
submit W-2s earlier. Even though matching W-2s
prior to refunds could cause a few refund delays,
it will likely only be a one-time transition issue for
the taxpayer. Ultimately American taxpayers
should be able to trust their government to safely
process their most secure information and create
efficient practices to combat fraudulent identity

Fraudsters take advantage of IRSs pay first, ask

questions later refund model. Under the lookback approach, Rather than holding refunds
until completing all compliance checks, IRS issues
reviews.349 Because of the timing, IRS issues
refunds months before they can match and verify
the information with the W-2s. According to a
GAO report on this process, by March 1, 2012, IRS
had issued about 50 percent of all 2012 refunds
before accessing the W-2 data verified by the
SSA.350 As GAO notes, If IRS had access to W-2
data earlierthrough accelerated W-2 deadlines
and increased electronic filing of W-2sit could
conduct pre-refund matching and identify
discrepancies to prevent the issuance of billions
in fraudulent refunds.351
In many ways the IRS tax refund system is similar
to the pay-and-chase scheme that has plagued the

For more information, please visit:

CNBC: Tax-refund fraud to hit $21 billion, and there's little the IRS can do
GAO: Identity Theft: Additional Actions Could Help IRS Combat the Large, Evolving Threat of Refund Fraud
GAO: Report: Identity Theft: Additional Actions Could Help IRS Combat the Large, Evolving Threat of Refund Fraud



X TEAM: Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
O FUMBLE: An inefficient bureaucratic system where the vast majority of funding for child
abuse victims cannot be used during the original 12-month project period
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Create a system to ensure funding can actually be used
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (OJJDP) awarded 28 Victims of Child
Abuse Act grants from FY 2010-2013, totaling
about $74 million.353 The grants address
important needs for the most vulnerable in
American society: children who have been
abused. The funding helps develop child-abuse
investigations and prosecution programs and
funds national organizations to provide
assistance to attorneys and others involved in
the criminal prosecution of child abuse.354

help them should not have to waste months

wading through processes so they can actually
use the funding.
More importantly this is a missed opportunity.
Victims of child abuse deserve the absolute best
care possible. If the federal government makes
the commitment to step up and help a child in
need, it absolutely must do it. If the federal
government cannot do that, it needs to step
back and allow a non-profit or private entity
that specializes in this areasuch as a church
in the childs communityto deliver the
essential assistance.

For the 28 grants, on average grantees spent

less than 20 percent of the grant during the
According to GAO that is due to OJJDPs
inefficient administrative review and approval
processes that have severely delayed grantees
ability to utilize their funds. This is a waste of
both time and resources that could be spent
helping an abused child. Abused children,
attorneys, and other advocates who step up to


Congress needs to immediately demand that

the OJJDP develop a working system to ensure
the most children possible benefit from the
available aid.

For more information, please visit:

GAO: Victims of Child Abuse Act: Further Actions Needed to Ensure Timely Use of Grant Funds and Assess Grantee
DOJ: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Department of Housing and Urban Development
FUMBLE: Federal planning for local communities
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Allow families to decide where to raise their children

People in Washington, DC, already pick

Americans street signs, storm drains, and
mortgages, so why not let DC choose peoples
neighbors? HUD put forth the Affirmatively
Furthering Fair Housing regulation in August
2015 in order to increase diversity in wealthy
American neighborhoods and reduce housing
discrimination.356 The 377-page rule will
require communities to develop plans to
address segregation and submit their plans to
HUD. Specific federal funding will be contingent
on the adequacy of a communitys plan, which
is determined by HUD.

local communities and states understand the

needs of their residents better than the federal
government.358 Sweeping federal regulations
inhibit flexibility that states say they need to
end housing discrimination.


In addition to forcing misguided federal central

planning on American towns and cities, HUD
estimates the rule will cost 1,250 local
governments a total of $25 million in
compliance costs each year.359 If left unchecked,
the regulation will grant the federal
government colossal power over states and
localities. The Local Zoning and Property Rights
Protection Act, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar
(AZ), would repeal the rule and require HUD to
consult with state and local public housing
officials to develop recommendations to further
the Fair Housing Acts original purpose of
ending housing discrimination.360 Families
know best where they want to raise their
children. This is not a decision the federal
government should attempt to make.

Discrimination in neighborhoods, either in the

ownership or rental market, is unacceptable.
Under the Fair Housing Act, HUD has authority
to address and fight it. HUD should and does use
that authority because discrimination based on
race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial
status, or disability is illegal.357 But new
regulations that make a federal housing agency
the ultimate arbiter of neighborhood design
and tie federal funding to specific plans directly
contradict what many communities want for
the future. With unique and valuable histories,

For more information, please visit:

Federal Register: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
The Hill: Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods
H.R. 1995 Local Zoning and Property Rights Protection Act of 2015
Rasmussen Reports: Voters Say No to Government Role in Neighborhood Diversity



TEAM: Department of Health and Human Services
FUMBLE: $2.4 billion for Obamacare Co-Ops
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Recover lost dollars; no more funds for failed co-op programs

The Presidents healthcare law established a

billion-dollar, low-interest loan program to
create health insurance co-ops, which were
meant to be nonprofit health insurance startups to spur competition with insurance
companies and drive down costs. More than
$2 billion in loans went out, and 23 co-ops
opened their doors.361

skyrocketing premiums but also billions of

wasted dollars on a program that could not
achieve its stated goal of low-cost health
insurance. For example, in Oklahoma some
plans will see a 35-percent premium increase
in 2016.365


While little may be done to reclaim the

millions of lost dollars, HHS should certainly
try. In the meantime Congress has at least not
extended any additional loans for the failed
co-op program. Congress should fulfill its
oversight role by expanding on the IG report
to determine how the failure could have been
preventedprobably by never creating the
insurance co-ops in the first place. Until then
at least stop spending more on a failed
experiment with partially government-run
insurance companies.

The HHS IG found that by the end of 2014,

most of the 23 co-ops had not met their initial
program enrollment and profitability
projections.362 And just like that, co-ops
began closing their doors. Co-ops in Iowa,
Nebraska, Louisiana, Nevada, and New York
shut down. In the week from October 9 to 16
alone, co-ops in four states announced they
would close.363 More than half of the co-ops
will have shut their doors by the end of this
year.364 This leaves thousands of patients at
risk and the taxpayers on the hook for not only

For more information, please visit:

Senate Republican Policy Committee: Obamacare into 2016 Showing More Signs of Failure
HHS OIG: Affordable Care Act Enrollment and Profitability Report




TEAM: Department of Justice
FUMBLE: Duplicative bulletproof vest programs
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Streamline federal programs to reduce overhead and
administrative costs to the programs, allowing more federal funds to be used for bulletproof
vests instead of bureaucracy

The safety of law enforcement officers who

patrol the streets of American communities to
protect families is immensely important. One of
the best ways the federal government can help
them stay safe is to ensure they all have
bulletproof vestsa costly but necessary piece
of equipment. Unfortunately the best intentions
have actually resulted in multiple federal
programs to fund and access bulletproof vests
for law enforcement officers.

as part of the Byrne JAG program instead of BVP

representing a separate line-item in the budget
with separate costs for overhead and
procedures to administer the program.368 By
removing the administrative costs from one
program, more money would actually be
available to put bulletproof vests on law
enforcement officers who need them.


Congress must find ways to streamline

programs and reduce duplication in the federal
government. Providing bulletproof vests to
American police officers is a good thing, but it
does not take two programs to do it. Having two
programs that provide the same thing is not
fiscally responsible.

The DOJs Edward Byrne Memorial Justice

Assistance Grant (JAG) Program366 and the
Bulletproof Vest Program (BVP)367 both
provide bulletproof vests to state and local law
enforcement through grants to local law
enforcement entities. In its FY 2016 budget
request, the DOJ requested to designate the BVP

For more information, please visit:

CRS Report: FY2016 Appropriations for the Department of Justice
DOJ: 2016 Proposed Appropriations Language




TEAM: National Park Service
FUMBLE: Mismanaging current assets and spending millions acquiring more
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Addressing current maintenance backlog with LWCF funds

Perhaps the most popular and often-visited

federal entity, National Park Service
protects and preserves Americas greatest
monuments. Unfortunately for the American
public, the stewardship of these sites was
placed in the hands of Congress, which has
neglected to perform the simple duty of tending
U.S. national treasures. Instead Congress
decided to focus on expanding the federal
footprint by spending hundreds of millions of
dollars to acquire additional land each year.
Meanwhile the federal government has
completely lost the ability to care for the lands
it already controls. The result of this
congressional fumble is about $20 billion in
deferred maintenance needs accrued on federal
lands, including $11.5 billion in NPS.369

sewer lines in Yosemite National Park caused

raw sewage spills nearly a decade after the
deficiencies were reported in a 2006
conditional assessment. The State of California
has threatened $5,000 per day in fines if a
sewage spill occurs again and $10,000 per day
if it reaches the river. NPS warns that if
another major spill occurs, a shutdown of
wastewater flows from Yosemite Valley and
Yosemite View Lodge facilities will impact
visitation by closing facilities served by the
trunk main resulting in impacts for visitors and
a major loss of revenue to the concessioners,
park partners and the park.372
Not only is the river in danger, so are some of
the most famous trees in America. Deteriorated
water pipes first installed in 1932 in the Grove
area at Yosemite National Park leak 39,500
gallons of chlorinated water per day. The leaks
impact the natural hydrological flow, which
damages the health of the 500 mature sequoias
that are about 2,000 years old. An expert on
sequoias speculated the death of a giant sequoia
may be attributed to the over-abundance of
water resulting from the water line leakage.373

Despite federal ownership of 29 percent of all

the land in the U.S., Congress spent $1.7 billion
over the last ten years (including $178 million
in 2015) to acquire additional land through the
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).370
Unfortunately these purchases do not always
come at a cheap price per acre. In the FY 2016
land acquisition priority list, NPS asked to
purchase land in Alaska for $400,000 per acre,
four acres in Florida for $324,000 ($81,000 per
acre), and two acres in Washington for
$790,000 per acre.371

In New Mexico a failing electrical system caused

the loss of power for 21 days, threatens
emergency access and could create wildfires at
Bandelier National Monument. Even right in
Congresss front yard, the water conveyance
system on the National Mall is a dilapidated
and complex network of water lines that was

At the same time these expensive land

purchases push forward, failing 70-year-old

installed by the War Department of the early


Americas most treasured landmarks will be

unavailable to future generations.

NPSs purpose is to preserve and ensure the

federal government is a good steward of
Americas historical monuments and
landscapes for generations to come. However,
in conjunction with Congress, NPS failed to
adequately manage and finance its entrusted
assets. If the federal government continues the
preservation, the maintenance backlog will
continue to grow and the enjoyment of


Congress must correct its priorities and allow

the LWCF to also be used to take care of the
deferred maintenance backlog that impacts the
access and enjoyment of federal lands and
cherished places that the federal government
has a duty to protect. American families should
not buy cars if they cannot afford gas, and the
federal government should not buy more land if
it cannot manage the land for the future.

For more information, please visit:

CRS: Land and Water Conservation Fund: Overview, Funding History, and Issues
NPS: Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justifications
National Parks Traveler: Plans To Restore Mariposa Grove Of Giant Sequoias In Yosemite National Park Open For




TEAM: Government-wide
FUMBLE: $1.67 billion to manage 77,700 unused or under-utilized properties
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Streamline disposal processes and improve accuracy and
accessibility of federal real property database
selling property is hindered by statutory
disposal requirements, the cost of preparing
properties for disposal, conflicts with
stakeholders, and a lack of accurate data.379
Federal real property management has been on
GAOs high-risk list since 2003.380
The process for disposing of properties is also
further complicated by the McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act, which requires
agencies to submit a list of excess properties to
HUD for a review of whether properties are
suitable for use as homeless assistance facilities
before they can be sold. A GAO investigation
found that many private or non-profit agencies
will not use federal properties because they are
not practical as homeless assistance centers,
but the requirement remains.381 One glaring
example of this problem is that DOI is required
to report to HUD on numerous small, remotely
located properties in national parks that it
decided to eliminate, even if the properties are
not accessible by road and only seasonably
accessible by water.382 Overall, only 122
properties of the 40,000 screened have been
transferred for homeless assistance in the
programs 26-year history, with only 81 of
these properties currently in use for homeless
assistance.383 It takes years of work to sell even
one federal property in this painful process.

Photo: Shutterstock

With more than 900,000 buildings and

structures totaling a combined area of three
billion square feet, the U.S. government has an
extensive and varied collection of real estate
holdings.375 While many of the holdings are
critical for providing government services,
interspersed throughout this collection of
viable and necessary properties are
approximately 77,700 unused or underutilized
federally owned properties.376 As of 2010
$1.67 billion was spent to maintain these
unused or underutilized properties.377 In other
words the federal government spent a large
amount of taxpayer money to take care of
property that is seldomif everused.
Instead of getting rid of these properties, many
of the agencies hold on to them because the
legal and budgetary disincentives of a sale
outweigh the benefits of getting rid of a
property.378 That is government speak for it is
too hard. GAO has consistently noted that

In addition to disposal process problems, the

federal government struggles to figure out what
it owns.
GAO found that the federal
government continues to face challenges with
the accuracy and consistency of the Federal

Real Property Profile (FRPP), causing the

federal government to report inaccurate
inventory and outcome information.384 It is
not surprising that the federal government
cannot manage its real estate holdings when it
cannot even measure them.

could start by allowing agencies to have greater

latitude to sell property and expedite the
processes to do so. Congress should also
require agencies to conduct a thorough, real
property assessment and have a full and
accessible federal property database. American
families do not pay taxes every year so their
government can buy and hoard property. They
should be assured that when their government
buys a building or property, it is necessary to
fulfill an essential federal function.


Congress in conjunction with federal agencies

needs to develop a better process for disposing
of unused and unwanted federal property and

For more information, please visit:

GSA: Real Property Disposal
GAO: Federal Real Property
CRS Report: Disposal of Unneeded Federal Buildings: Legislative Proposals in the 112th Congress




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: National Labor Relations Board
FUMBLE: Lost jobs; stunted economy; devastated small businesses
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Pass the Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act, and rein in
the NLRB with greater oversight

Americans love small businesses, especially

locally owned franchises. Franchise employees
such as those at a fast food restaurantare
considered employed by the person who owns
the local franchise, not the main company. That
seems simple and straightforward, right?

him find new work. His agency used to work with

a customer service call center to place temp
workers who were eventually hired full-time by
the call center. But under this new rule, the call
center faces obligations under the new jointemployer standard and cannot take the risk of
accepting temp workers. So Steves agency cannot
place him. Or what about Ann in Oklahoma City,
who has successfully worked as a subcontractor
for a construction business? Ann can no longer
find work because the employers for whom she
used to subcontract cannot take the risk of having
subcontractors.386 Who loses here? Real people.

Enter NLRB.
NLRB recently expanded the definition of joint
employer through a rule that says any indirect
and unexercised control also warrants
classification as a joint employer. That means that
all franchise employeeswhether local or
nationalwill be treated not as employees of the
local small business but of the corporate entity. As
a result, many more businesses will face a litany
of obligations and liabilities they did not expect or
want. In the words of dissenters of the decision,
the new and improved arbitrary definition has
the potential to subject countless entities to
unprecedented new joint-bargaining obligations
that most do not even know they have, to
potential liability for unfair labor practices and
breaches of collective bargaining agreements,
and to economic protest activity, including what
have heretofore been unlawful secondary strikes,
boycotts and picketing.385


The majority of NLRB says that, It is not the goal

of joint-employer law to guarantee the freedom of
employers to insulate themselves from their legal
responsibility to workers,387 which is great as
long as workers can actually find work. NLRB
would have Americans believe that Steve and Ann
are law-school-exam hypothetical of doomsday
scenarios.388 Congress should disagree. S. 2015,
the Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act,
would codify the original joint-employer
standard and relieve businesses of NLRBs
unnecessary intrusion. Congress should pass this
bill and also provide greater oversight of NLRB to
prevent it from further overreach. Congress
should encourage more small business, not force
people to work for megacorporations.

So what does all this mean? Consider these

hypotheticals. Steve of Ardmore, Oklahoma, lost
his last job and turned to a temp agency to help
For more information, please visit:
NLRB: Board Issues Decision in Browning-Ferris Industries
The Wall Street Journal: NLRBs Joint Employer Attack




TEAM: Department of Agriculture
FUMBLE: $100 million in renewable energy research
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should stop forcing Americans to buy more of a product
they do not want

Over the past six years, USDA spent $332 million

on renewable energy research and recently
decided to spend another $100 million.389 On
May 29, 2015, Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack announced USDA would invest up to
$100 million in a Biofuels Infrastructure
Partnership to make more renewable fuel
options available to American consumers.390
Specifically, USDA will administer competitive
grants to match funding for state-led efforts to
test and evaluate innovative and comprehensive
approaches to market higher blends of
renewable fuel (such as E15 and E85).
Americans have access to gasoline for their cars,
but USDA and EPA want Americans to buy more
corn ethanol instead of gasoline.

and cost-benefit estimates of renewable energy

production. In comparison to the initial
investment and efforts toward more renewable
fuel sources, $100 million is just pocket change,
right? Hard-working American taxpayers
probably do not think so.


manufacturing industries really want more
options at the gas pump? Americans are already
offered environmentally friendly vehicle and
fuel options. Developing the infrastructure to
utilize and maintain those fuel options will cost
billions of dollars.
The RFS has been a regulatory disaster with
missed deadlines, increased fuel costs, and
confused consumers. Most vehicles on
Americas roads will void their warrenty if they
use more than E10 gasoline for fuel. But that has
not stopped EPA from trying to force them to
use it. Environmental groups have now rejected
increasing ethanol use because of the massive
water requirements and increased ozone
production. Congress should stop federal
mandates on fuel options and allow the market
to move low-cost energy to consumers. In many
regions of the U.S., ethanol is very affordable; in
some regions it is not affordable. The federal
government must stop forcing taxpayers to
subside ethanol everywhere.

Creating new, higher ethanol blends will require

developing and installing new gas pumps that
are equipped to handle such high levels of
ethanol. Currently typical gas pumps can deliver
fuel containing up to ten percent ethanol (E10)
and no more.
USDA also incentivized more than 850 growers
and landowners, farming nearly 48,000 acres, to
establish and produce dedicated, non-food
energy crops for delivery to energy conversion
facilities. The $332 million invested over the last
six years was used to accelerate research on
renewable energyfrom genomic research on
development of biofuel conversion processes

For more information, please visit:

USDA: USDA to Invest Up to $100 Million to Boost Infrastructure for Renewable Fuel Use, Seeking to Double Number of
Higher Blend Renewable Fuel Pumps
Agri-Pulse: USDA seeks to boost availability of E15, E85 at the pump




CONFERENCE: Regulation (sometimes known as taxes)

TEAM: Department of the Treasury
FUMBLE: Highest corporate tax rate and an uncompetitive tax system
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Reduce the corporate tax rate and transition toward a
territorial tax system

The broken American corporate tax system is

driving businesses and jobs out of the country
in droves. In fact the U.S. corporate tax system
has become so uncompetitive with the rest of
the world that Treasury has issued regulations
to attempt to keep US corporations here against
their will, essentially holding them hostage.
This is a consequence of Congress inability to
take up and pass a long-overdue overhaul of the
tax code.

corporate tax attorneys, lately the word

inversion has become a regular part of our
countrys vernacular. While the process and
dynamics are complex, put simply, an inversion
occurs when a U.S. company merges with an
overseas company and reincorporates in that
foreign country to take advantage of a better tax
system. To put it even more simply, the
uncompetitive American tax code forces
companies to evacuate the U.S., taking jobs and
taxable revenues with them. The tax code has
turned many American corporations into
sitting ducks waiting to be purchased by foreign

Currently the U.S. has the highest corporate tax

rate in the developed world.391 With a statutory
rate of 39 percent (combined federal and state),
the U.S. is ten percent above the Organization
for Economic Co-Operation and Development
(OECD) average.392 To make matters worse, the
U.S. is one of the few countries, and the only one
in the G-7, to deploy a worldwide system.393
There are two ways that countries tax
corporate income earned out of the country:
worldwide and territorial. In a worldwide tax
system, any income earned overseas is still
subject to taxes under the home countries
corporate tax code (most, including the U.S.,
allow the deferral of income earned abroad
until it is returned home). A territorial system
only taxes income earned domestically at the
corporate rate while any income earned
overseas is taxed at the rate of the country in
which it is earned.

An analysis of the roughly $24.5 trillion in

transactions over the last decade determined
that if the U.S. had a 25-percent tax rate, US
companies would have acquired $590 billion in
cross-border assets over the past 10-years
instead of losing $179 billion in assets (a net
shift of $769 billion in assets from foreign
countries to the U.S.).394 Moreover, the report
estimates that the U.S. would have kept 1,300
companies here if the tax code had a 25 percent
While taxes are not the onlyor even the top
consideration for companies looking to merge,
the advantage countries with competitive tax
systems have when deciding where to
incorporate often provides a marginal
advantage to put those countries at the top of
the list. The merger between Burger King and
Tim Hortons is a perfect example of the lack of

In recent years the combination of the high tax

rate and punitive worldwide tax system has
sent a string of U.S. companies fleeing for safer
waters. Once a wonky term reserved for

competitiveness of the U.S. tax system. Burger

King and Tim Hortons was a merger of similarly
positioned companies that was driven by
fundamental business synergies between the
two companiesit made sense regardless of
any tax implications. However, when it came
time to determine where the new company
would be domiciled, the U.S. was never even
considered because of our tax system. If they
would have domiciled in the U.S., the newly
merged company would have lost about $5.5
billion in value over the first five years alone.
Ultimately Canada was chosen as the
headquarters location because of the favorable
tax code.395


The current U.S. corporate tax system inhibits

American companies from competing globally
and impedes their ability to increase domestic
investment and jobs for American families. To
restore competitiveness in an increasingly
globalized economy, Congress must enact
corporate tax reform that lowers the corporate
tax rate and transitions the U.S. toward a
territorial system. The Administration should
stop trying to beat up companies when they
move overseas and should start working with
Congress to prevent the reason for their

For more information, please visit:

CRS Report: The Corporate Income Tax System: Overview and Options for Reform
OECD: Corporate Income Tax Rate table
United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs: Impact of the U.S. Tax Code on the Market for Corporate Control and Jobs Report




CONFERENCE: Overlapping federal inspections

TEAM:Multiple Agencies
FUMBLE: Duplicative laboratory inspection rules
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Agencies should coordinate to avoid duplicative, burdensome

Most families agree the scientific laboratories

that develop the pesticides farmers use to grow
their crops and ultimately feed American
families should be thoroughly inspected to
ensure they follow all applicable rules and
laws. However, multiple federal agencies
should not waste taxpayer money to duplicate
inspection efforts.

officials examined during a 2011 inspection

could have been shared with EPA officials to
increase efficiency.397

Here is a new idea: EPA and FDA should work
together. All federal agencies should coordinate
inspections to save taxpayer money and relieve
our countrys laboratories of the burden of
additional, unnecessary inspections. American
scientists are best able to produce chemicals
that are safe for families when they do not have
to waste time and resources going through
duplicative federal inspections. If agencies
cannot accomplish this on their own, Congress
should design a process that easily allows
agencies to share information and ensure
activities do not directly overlap with the
actions of another agency.

In one particular instance, GAO found that from

2005-2012, both EPA and FDA conducted eight
total inspections of the same pesticide
laboratory for compliance with good laboratory
practices.396 Moreover EPA and FDA failed to
renew an interagency agreement in 2004 that
facilitated interagency coordination on the
inspections of pesticide laboratories, which
could have prevented the burdensome,
overlapping inspections. A representative from
one of the laboratories told GAO that some of
the information in the toxicology studies FDA

For more information, please visit:

GAO: 2015 Annual Report: Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve
Other Financial Benefits




TEAM: Congress
FUMBLE: Creating fake savings in federal spending
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Congress should end the use of budget gimmicks

For most Americans balancing the family

budget is fairly simpleincome earned minus
expenses paid. It is not that straightforward for
the federal government. For years Congress has
used an array of budget gimmicks to create fake
savings in one area of federal spending to justify
more debt spending somewhere else. These
gimmicks have been used recently to pay for
things like highway funding398 and trade
preferences bills.399

government. But it also produces a less stable

pension plan in the future.
A final example is corporate tax shifting, which
is used to satisfy budget constraints that
prohibit legislation from increasing the deficit
over five and ten years. Under this gimmick the
amount of corporate tax owed is higher in the
third quarter of the year and then less in the
fourth quarter. In the end the same amount of
money comes to the federal governmentonly
the timing for when it comes is shifted. No
money is saved. It is simply shifted one month
beyond the budget plan.

One method to accomplish the gimmicks is

called changes in mandatory spending, or
CHIMPS, which are provisions in spending
bills that artificially reduce spending in future
years so Congress can spend the money this
year. If Congress only did that once,it might be
okay. But Congress actually uses the same
savings year after year even though the
money was actually spent years ago.


Using accounting gimmicks to create fake

savings is unacceptable.. Family budgets do not
operate like this, and neither should the
American governments budget. The U.S. cannot
become fiscally responsible if the federal
government is not honest about how to reduce
deficit spending. No company could legally use
any of these accounting gimmicks, and the
federal government should not be able to use
them either.

Another example is pension smoothing, which

lowers the required contributions to pension
plans by employers. This practice produces
more taxable income for the employer, which
results in more revenue for the federal

For more information, please visit:

Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015
Politico: Faking It
The Wall Street Journal: Welcome to the World of Pension Smoothing




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM:Multiple agencies
FUMBLE: $895 billion by 2025
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act

If Dodd-Franks goal was to put a check on big

banks and bolster small community banks, the
2,300-page law certainly missed the mark. The
law created a total of 390 rules and regulations,
and as of September 30, 2015, a total of 249
have been finalizedwith 58 remaining
proposed and 83 yet to be proposed.400 The
American Action Forum estimates that by 2025
Dodd-Frank will cost the American economy a
staggering $895 billion.401

mortgages to buy their first homes or for

important financing to open small businesses. If
banks continue to close down or focus only on
federal compliance, where will families and
small business owners turn? In just one of
countless examples, the Washington Post
reports that a local DC-area bank was forced to
expand its compliance team sevenfold to 35
full-time, non-revenue-generating employees
since Dodd-Franks enactment in 2010.403

New community banks, which give American

families the opportunity to invest in a small
local bank that will in turn invest in their local
community, have essentially stopped opening
across the country in part because of DoddFranks enormous costs. A Federal Reserve
Board report found that from 1990 to 2008,
more than 2,000 new banks were formed,
while from 2009 to 2013 only seven new
banks were formed.402


Recognizing the urgent need to help local

banks, the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking,
Housing and Urban Affairss Financial
Regulatory Improvement Act will fix many of
Dodd-Franks requirements by freeing small
banks from complying with new regulations
that were intended for larger banks. Congress
must pass common-sense legislation like this to
free community banks from Dodd-Franks
shackles and allow them to provide American
small businesses and families with crucial local

Small banks across the country struggle to

comply with Dodd-Franks complex rules.
Families rely on their community banks for

For more information, please visit:

American Action Forum: The Growth Consequences of Dodd-Frank
Federal Reserve: Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New Charter Creation
The Washington Post: Four years into Dodd-Frank, local banks say this is the year theyll feel the most impact
Davis Polk: Dodd-Frank Progress Report




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Social Security Administration
FUMBLE: $1.2 Million
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: SSA should inspect what they expect

The U.S. has always been a generous nation,

especially for those in greatest need.
Individuals and families in need can always
count on a friend, neighbor, or their fellow
Americans to step up and lend a helping hand.

2000 to 2013, the amount of money spent on

Social Security Insurance rose from $33 billion
to $57 billion per year.404 However, from 2000
to 2011, the number of reviews fell from more
than 150,000 to around 45,000 per year.405

The Disability Insurance (DI) program of the

SSA requires anyone on DI to regularly undergo
a Continuing Disability Review (CDR) to ensure
he or she is still disabled and qualifies for
benefits. The requirement should not be
different for child recipients, especially as they
transition to adulthood. Recently the number of
conducted reviews dropped significantly, even
though the number of children qualified to
receive assistance grew dramatically. From


Congress should work with SSA to eliminate the

backlog of CDRs. It should also put in place a
mandatory review for every three years a
person receives assistance through SSI to
ensure reviews are conducted at least that
often. The safety net should be proected for the
disabled by ensuring that only the truly
disabled are in the program.

For more information, please visit:

CATO Institute: Supplemental Security Income: A Costly and Troubled Welfare Program
GAO: Supplemental Security Income: Better Management Oversight Needed for Childrens Benefits



CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
FUMBLE: Requirement to blend biofuels into the gasoline supply
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Eliminate regulations that drive up gasoline prices and risk
destroying car engines

The federal government requires Americans to

put corn in their gas tanks. Originating in a 2005
law (and subsequent 2007 revision), the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) requires
blenders (those who prepare the gasoline that
goes into cars) to incorporate a congressionally
specified volume of biofuels.406 Most of the
mandate is met with ethanol derived from corn,
although in the future much more of it is required
to be met with fuels derived from feedstocks like
straw and wood byproductsa fuel that so far
has failed to be made in volumes anyone can
afford, anywhere near those required under the

compliance credits instead of meeting the

requirement when meeting the mandate would
cause them to breach the blend wall. As the
mandated volume increases over the next seven
years, compliance through credits will become
more likely. Ultimately, what this may mean for
American families is a higher price at the gas
The policy has not yielded great results for
environmental protection either. Research has
shown that corn ethanol is actually worse for air
quality than gasoline, as it contributes to higher
levels of ground ozone.410 Coincidentally, EPA
also sets limits for how high ozone levels may be.
This means EPA is responsible for a regulation
that increases a pollutant and then another to
require a decrease of the same pollutant.

Beyond the not-so-minor detail that one of the

required fuels does not exist in large enough
quantities to meet the mandate, there are many
other problems with the EPA-administered
program that leads to higher prices at the pump.
Prime among them is the constant threat of
hitting the blend wall: motor engines, especially
those in older cars, can only use gasoline with an
ethanol content below ten percent or risk damage
to the engine. If engine damage on a new or old
car results from the use of a fuel with a higher
ethanol content, the manufacturer may void the
cars warranty by forcing consumers to cover the
cost of repairs.408 Blenders are aware of this risk
and have, until now, managed to keep ethanol
content below ten percent. However, one of the
ways they are able to do this is to purchase

The original intent of the RFS was admirable: to
support American energy independence and
protect the environment. Now, ten years later,
foreign oil constitutes the lowest percentage of
total American oil consumption since 1985
because of new American energy discoveries.411 It
is time to do away with a mandate that fails to
meet its goals while imposing higher consumer
costs for families. Corn ethanol in small quantities
is an acceptable fuel, but why artificially increase
American use when it solves nothing?

For more information, please visit:

U.S. Energy Information Administration: Frequently Asked Questions
CRS Report: Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues
CRS Report: Intermediate-Level Blends of Ethanol in Gasoline, and the Ethanol Blend Wall
Nature Geoscience: Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban Sao Paulo due to a Shift from Ethanol to Gasoline Use



CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: All federal departments
FUMBLE: Agencies often fail to consult with public prior to issuance of regulations
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Implement the Early Participation in Regulations Act.

Federal agencies can work together with

stakeholders to develop appropriate and costeffective regulations. When agencies provide
advance notice of rulemaking to businesses and
other impacted entities, positive results
generally follow. That is how the process
should work. However, too often agencies fail to
work with the public early in the process, which
can mean the only choice is the preferred
agency-developed solution. In other words, if
agencies do not talk to the public about a rule, it
is easier for the agency to ignore the publics
interests and just use the rule the agency
originally wanted.

already laid out a preferred path at that point,

before hearing from the general public. Agency
regulations often end up burdening
stakeholders in ways that agencies might not
have predicted. This could be avoided if the
public could provide comments for commonsense solutions.
Abraham Lincoln acknowledged the need for
thorough early planning and once quipped, if
given six hours to chop down a tree I will
spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Everyday Americans, from mechanics to small
farmers, know how regulations affect the
bottom lines of businesses, and regulators
should take their valuable input into account.
One recent case highlighted the importance of
early engagement with stakeholders when the
Department of Labors Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
developed a better regulation as a result of the
publics early involvement.412
A detailed 2015 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
report on labor regulatory initiatives outlines
how the Chamber proactively commented on
an advance notice of OFCCPs regulatory
proposal to strengthen affirmative action
requirements under the Rehabilitation Act. The
Chamber was concerned about five costly
elements of OFCCPs proposed rule regarding
numerical targets for employers that would
likely do little to increase the hiring of
individuals with disabilities. In this instance

Photo: Shutterstock
In general current law only requires notices of
proposed rulemaking, which insufficiently
capture the beginning of the rulemaking
process because agency staff frequently have

OFCCP agreed with the Chamber and adopted

three improvements to the final rule, which
eliminated approximately $250 million of the
original rules estimated first-year costs and
still increased the hiring of individuals with

regulators follow this regulations example,

Congress should pass S.1820, the Early
Participation in Regulations Act of 2015. S.
1820 would require agencies to publish an
advance notice of proposed rulemaking for
major rules. This will provide greater
regulatory predictability to businesses and
enable greater communication between
agencies and the public.


To improve the regulatory system and ensure

For more information, please visit:

Federal Register: Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination Obligations of Contractors and Subcontractors Regarding
Individuals With Disabilities
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Key Labor, Employment, and Immigration, Regulatory Initiatives in the Obama


X CONFERENCE: Regulation
X TEAM: Environmental Protection Agency
O FUMBLE: Costly changes to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ground-level
ozone prior to full implementation of the previous standard
O HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Allow sufficient time to meet existing standards before
considering making them more stringent
In October 2015 EPA finalized a rule to lower
the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) for ground-level ozone (the primary
component of smog) from the current 75 parts
per billion (ppb) standard to 70 ppb. This
seemingly small change comes with a high cost.
A conservative estimate provided by EPA
calculated the cost at $1.4 billion annually for
all states except California.414

offset the increase or may simply not be

allowed to take on new projects.416 The need to
comply inevitably imposes costs on expansion,
so growth becomes harder financially every
time EPA tightens the standard. By the way,
EPAs ethanol mandate for fuel increases ozone.
So EPAs own rules help contribute to ozone

The new standard is being finalized despite the

prior standard not yet achieving full
implementation. As recently as October 2015,
224 counties spanning 25 states were classified
in non-attainment, meaning their ozone levels
exceeded the current 75-ppb standard. This
area affects many people because these 224
countries in non-attainment account for about
40 percent of all Americans.415 The change has
practical implications for any business looking
to grow and for workers looking for jobs. If an
area is not compliant with the standard,
businesses that may contribute to increasing
the ozone level would need to find a way to

Under current law EPA is required to reevaluate the ozone standard every five years,
and update it as appropriate. This timeline is
simply not long enough for areas to achieve
attainment and to truly assess whether the
existing standard is sufficient before EPA must
once again revisit the rule. Congress should
develop a better, long-term approach that will
provide stability for states and businesses. Until
that time Congress should stop EPA from
lowering the NAAQS standards to a level most
communities cannot attain.


For more information, please visit:

CRS Report: Ozone Air Quality Standards: EPAs 2015 Revision
CRS Report: Clean Air Act: A Summary of the Act and Its Major Requirements




CONFERENCE: Regulation
TEAM: Office of Personnel Management
FUMBLE: Loss of personal data of 22 million federal employees
HOW TO RECOVER THE BALL: Protect passwords and increase cybersecurity

OPM provides administrative and personnel

services to the federal workforce nationwide.
To do that it maintains private personal
numbersas part of its employment records
on all past and present federal workers and on
those who have applied for federal service.
OPM also possesses personal information on
federal employees family members and
contractors if that information was included
by a federal worker filing to obtain a security
clearance. Unfortunately, OPM failed to heed
multiple warnings over several years from the
IG to beef up its security systems, even though
OPM subcontractors were also victims of
major cyberattacks.417

To begin repairing the damage, on June 2,

2015, OPM spent almost $21 million for a
credit-monitoring services contract and
insurance coverage. The preliminary contract
insures federal workers up to $1 millionbut
only for one year of coverage.419 On
September 1, 2015, OPM awarded an
additional contract worth $133 million for
three additional years of credit and identity
monitoring and insurance services for
affected federal workers. It is too early to say
whether these measures were sufficient to
protect federal workers from identity theft as
a result of the breachafter all, the attacks
perpetrators could use, sell, or dump the
stolen information at any time. As a result
major federal employee unions sued OPM for
failure to protect their members personal

As a result OPM announced on June 4, 2015,

that its data systems had been breached,
resulting in the potential exposure of an
estimated 4.2 million federal employees. On
July 9, 2015, OPM announced a second cyber
breach that had exposed the personal
information of at least 17.9 million additional
federal employees, their families, and federal
contractors. The breaches were traced back to
hacks that occurred between May and
December 2014, and they exposed the federal
governmentand American familiesto
untold liabilities. The breaches amount to
what experts call among the largest known
thefts of government data in history418 by
compromising the personal information of at
least 22.1 million American citizens.

The federal government still does not know

and may not know for years to comethe
extent of the damage done by the massive
OPM breach. The monetary damage alone
could be astronomical. But perhaps even more
troubling has been OPMs failure to heed
multiple warnings to fortify its security
systems that house federal workers personal
fundamental failure by the federal
government to protect the identities of its own

workers and their families. That harm is


and best practices to address those threats.421

By requiring the federal government to
utilize security controls to protect against
unauthorized access or acquisitions, this bill
will require the federal government to fix its
inconsistent and vulnerable sensitive
information safeguards.


As a result of the OPM breach, on October 27,

2015, the Senate passed the Cybersecurity
Information Sharing Act of 2015 (CISA), which
will ensure better communication about and
preparation for cybersecurity threats across
the federal government and private sectors.
Specifically CISA directs the Director of
Homeland Security and Defense, and the
Attorney General to develop procedures for
sharing information on cybersecurity threats

OPM could also start by directing employees

to change passwords more frequently and
requiring higher authentication standards. A
breach of this magnitude touches millions of
American families and is a violation of the
trust Americans place in the federal
government. OPM must ensure it never
happens again.

For more information, please visit:

The Wall Street Journal: U.S. Suspects Hackers in China Breached About 4 Million Peoples Records, Officials Say
The Hill: Largest federal workers union sues OPM over breach
FedSmith: OPM Releases New List of FAQs on Data Breach
FCW: Exclusive: The OPM breach details you haven't seen


The purpose of this book is to highlight the work needed to make the federal government more
fiscally responsible and less burdensome on the American people. It is not intended to collect dust on
a shelf, sit in somenes email to wait for later, or just receive honorable mention in the history books.
It is truly a guide for next yearto guide us while we work through the federal budget, to encourage
federal oversight, and to remind those of us who work in the federal government that we must be
responsible servants of the people.
This book is also a way for the American people to judge their elected officials and their government.
We identified 100 problems. Over the next year, our charge is to find solutions to these problems and
prevent them from happening againto turn these fumbles into touchdowns, or examples of the
government getting the job done right. Next years edition of Federal Fumbles will have a list of these
touchdowns so American taxpayers can see the improvements made in their government.
Fortunately there are already a few examples from the last year or so where we found solutions to
waste and duplication in the federal government. Here are some examples:

Duplication has long been a problem in the federal government. Between 2011 and 2014,
GAO highlighted 1,100 duplicative federal programs that cost billions each year. These
reports have helped Congress and the Administration eliminate some duplicative programs
and save more than $10 billion. More work needs to be done.422
DOD has already made advancements in consolidating some medical services with the
creation of the Defense Health Agency in 2013. GAO had previously recommended DOD
realign medical services to remove duplication and unify the command structure. DOD
estimated at the time that the reforms would save $46.5 million a year. Way to go, DOD.423
One area of reform in which DOJ has found success is spending on conferences. In 2010 DOJ
spent around $92 million on 1,740 conferences or events. After DOJs IG recommended
reforms to bring these numbers down, in 2014 DOJ spent less than $20 million on 445
events. These numbers can always be lower, but DOJ has made progress. Well done.424


Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 4.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
2 Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 4.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
3 Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 5.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
4 Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 6.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
5 Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 6.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
6 Sopko, John. "DODs Compressed Natural Gas Filling Station in Afghanistan: An Ill-Conceived $43 Million
Project." Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 22 Oct. 2015. 4.
<https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/special%20projects/SIGAR-16-2-SP.pdf >.
7 Pomerleau, Kyle. Tax Freedom Day 2015 is April 24. Tax Foundation. 30 March 2015.
8 Creative Placemaking Guidelines and Report Launched by NEA. Virginia Commission for the Arts. 21 May 2015.
9 (New) Synetic Theater. Virginia Commission for the Arts. <http://www.arts.virginia.gov/PATD_T_SyneticTheater.html>.
10 2013-2014 Grants Awarded as of July 2013. Virginia Commission for the Arts. 1 July 2013.
11 Grants Awarded June 2011 for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Virginia Commission for the Arts. June 2011.
<http://www.arts.virginia.gov/grants/pdf/GRANTS2012.pdf >.
12 2012 2013 Grants Awarded as of July 1, 2012. Virginia Commission for the Arts.
13 Grant Awards. Virginia Commision for the Arts.
14 Bovard, James. A Silenced Shakespeare in Washington. The Wall Street Journal. 13 July 2015.
15 Sherlock, Molly. Electricity Production from Renewable Energies. Congressional Research Service. 14 July 2015.
PDF 2. <http://nationalaglawcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/crs/R43453.pdf>.
16 Brown, Phillip. U.S. Renewable Electricity: How Does Wind Generation Impact Competitive Power Markets?
Congressional Research Service. 7 Nov. 2012. PDF 2.
17 Oklahoma: State Profile and Energy Estimates. Energy Information Administration.
18 Most States have Renewable Portfolio Standards. Energy Information Agency. 3 Feb. 2012.
19 Sherlock, Molly F. The Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit: In Brief. Congressional Research Service. 14
July 2015. 7.
20 Roth, John. Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 11
Dec. 2014. 2-3. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mga/OIG_mga-121114.pdf>.
21 Roth, John. Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 11
Dec. 2014. 1. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mga/OIG_mga-121114.pdf>.


Follow-up to Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 9
July 2015. 3. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2015/OIG-15-112-Jul15.pdf>.
23 Follow-up to Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 9
July 2015. 3. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2015/OIG-15-112-Jul15.pdf>.
24 Follow-up to Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 9
July 2015. 3. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2015/OIG-15-112-Jul15.pdf>.
25 Follow-up to Management Alert ICE San Pedro Service Processing Center. Department of Homeland Security. 9
July 2015. 3. <https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2015/OIG-15-112-Jul15.pdf>.
26 Brown, Kay. School Lunch: Modifications Needed to Some of the New Nutrition Standards. Government
Accountability Office. 27 June 2013. 10. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/655543.pdf>.
27 Brown, Kay. School Lunch: Modifications Needed to Some of the New Nutrition Standards. Government
Accountability Office. 27 June 2013. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/655543.pdf>.
28 Moran, Jerry. S.1800 - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act, 2016, Introduced 16 July 2015. <https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senatebill/1800?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22fiscal+year+2016+Agriculture+Appropriations+Bill%22%5D%7D&re
29 Jones, Yvonne. Federal Paid Administrative Leave: Additional Guidance Needed to Improve OPM Data.
Government Accountability Office. Oct. 2014. 23-26. United States Government Accountability Office.
30 Jones, Yvonne. Federal Paid Administrative Leave: Additional Guidance Needed to Improve OPM Data.
Government Accountability Office. Oct. 2014. 23-26. United States Government Accountability Office.
31 Efficiency. Merriam-Webster. <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/efficient>.
32 Energy Conservation Programs: Standards for Residential Dishwashers. Regulations. 19 Dec. 2014.
33 Appliance Industry Warns Federal Dishwasher Regs Would Lead to Dirty Dishes. Fox News. 20 July 2015.
34 Cama, Timothy. Industry Rails Against Obamas Dishwasher Rules. 20 July 2015.
35 Project Information. National Institutes of Health.
36 Wipfli, Brad, Ryan Olson, and Melanie Koren. Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30Months Post-Intervention. Jan 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3547666/>.
37 Wipfli, Brad, Ryan Olson, and Melanie Koren. Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30Months Post-Intervention. Jan 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3547666/>.
38 Wipfli, Brad, Ryan Olson, and Melanie Koren. Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30Months Post-Intervention. Jan 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3547666/>.
39 Wipfli, Brad, Ryan Olson, and Melanie Koren. Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30Months Post-Intervention. Jan 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3547666/>.
40 Wipfli, Brad, Ryan Olson, and Melanie Koren. Weight Loss Maintenance Among SHIFT Pilot Study Participants 30Months Post-Intervention. Jan 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3547666/>.
41 Project Information. National Institutes of Health.
42 Goodlatte, Bob and Chuck Grassley. Goodlatte and Grassley Press Homeland Security Secretary for Swift Action on
Sanctuary Jurisdictions. Press Release. 6 Oct. 2015. <http://judiciary.house.gov/index.cfm/2015/10/goodlatte-andgrassley-press-homeland-security-secretary-for-swift-action-on-sanctuary-jurisdictions>.
43 "Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Use Study and Population Surveys at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar,
California." Grants. 6 Aug. 2015. <http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=278326>.
44 Inpatient Hospital Reviews. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 26 Oct. 2015
45 Schoffstall, Joe. CMS Secretive Settlement. The Washington Free Beacon. 2 July 2015.
46 Hearing to Receive Testimony on Counter-ISIL Strategy. Committee on Armed Services. 7 July 2015. 19.


"Statement on Syria." Department of Defense. 9 Oct. 2015. <http://www.defense.gov/News/News-Releases/NewsRelease-View/Article/622610/statement-on-syria?source=GovDelivery>.

48 "National Endowment for the Arts FY 2015 Springs Grant Announcement."National Endowment for the Arts. 17
April 2015. 100. <https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/spring-2015-grant-announcement-discipline-listrevised.pdf>.
49 Boehm, Mike. "Film Academy's Museum Gets $25,000 Grant from the NEA." Los Angeles Times. May 2015.
50 Kilday, Gregg. "Academy Museum Fundraising Chief to Step Down." The Hollywood Reporter. 2 Oct. 2015.
51 Kilday, Gregg. "Academy Museum Fundraising Chief to Step Down." The Hollywood Reporter. 2 Oct. 2015.
52 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. 8 May 2014.
53 "Mission and Goals." National Institutes of Health. 9 Apr. 2015. <http://www.nih.gov/about-nih/what-wedo/mission-goals>.
54 Project Information. National Institutes of Health.
55 Starks, Tricia. "Cigarettes and Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco Use in Modern Russia." Grantome.
<http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/G13-LM011893-01A1>. See also:
56 Starks, Tricia. "Cigarettes and Soviets: The Culture of Tobacco Use in Modern Russia." Grantome.
<http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/G13-LM011893-01A1>. See also:
57 Clinical Advances. National Institutes of Health. 7 Jan. 2015. 18.
58 15 C.F.R. 272.1. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title7-vol4/pdf/CFR-2011-title7-vol4-sec272-1.pdf>.
59 "Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve Other Financial
Benefits." Government Accountability Office. April 2015. 65. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/669613.pdf>.
60 Congressional Training. Department of State. 9 July 2014.
61 McElhatton, Jim. State Department Hires Testimony Coach to Prepare for Congressional Grillings. The Washington
Post. 7 Aug. 2014. <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/7/state-department-hires-testimony-coachto-prepare-/?page=all>.
62 McElhatton, Jim. State Department Hires Testimony Coach to Prepare for Congressional Grillings. The Washington
Post. 7 Aug. 2014. <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/7/state-department-hires-testimony-coachto-prepare-/?page=all>.
63 McElhatton, Jim. State Department Hires Testimony Coach to Prepare for Congressional Grillings. The Washington
Post. 7 Aug. 2014. <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/7/state-department-hires-testimony-coachto-prepare-/?page=all>.
64 "Blurred Lines: A Media Ethics Course for Indian Journalists." Grants Department of State. 7 July 2015.
65"Blurred Lines: A Media Ethics Course for Indian Journalists." Grants Department of State, 7 July 2015.
66 Food Labeling; Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments;
Calorie Labeling of Articles of Food in Vending Machines; Final Rule. Federal Register. 1 Dec. 2014.
67 Devaney, Tim. "FDA Rolls out ObamaCare Menu Regs." The Hill. 24 Nov. 2014.
68 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy. H.R.2017 - Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act of 2015. Introduced 23 Apr. 2015.


"Regulated Businesses (Licensing and Registration)." Department of Agriculture. 30 June 2015.



"USDA Herding Internet's Celebrity Llamas out of the Spotlight, Owners Say." The Guardian. 28 March 2015.
71 Johnson, Charles Michael. "Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment That Was Never Shipped to
Yemen." Government Accountability Office. July 2015. 10. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/671412.pdf>.
72 "Congressional Budget Justification: Foreign Operations." Department of State. 2016. 213.
73 "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula." Council on Foreign Relations. 19 June 2015. <http://www.cfr.org/yemen/alqaeda-arabian-peninsula-aqap/p9369>.
74 Johnson, Charles Michael. "Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment That Was Never Shipped to
Yemen." Government Accountability Office. July 2015. 10. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/671412.pdf>.
75 Johnson, Charles Michael. "Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment That Was Never Shipped to
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76 Johnson, Charles Michael. "Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment That Was Never Shipped to
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77 Johnson, Charles Michael. "Security Assistance: Taxpayer Funds Spent on Equipment That Was Never Shipped to
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78 "Obamacare's Embarrassing and Costly State Exchange Flops." Senate Republican Policy Committee. 15 May 2014.
79 Suderman, Peter. "Obamacare's Failed State Exchanges." Reason. 27 Feb. 2014.
80 Mach, Annie and C. Stephen Redhead. Federal Funding for Health Insurance Exchanges. Congressional Research
Service. 29 October 2014. 5.
81 Mach, Annie and C. Stephen Redhead. Federal Funding for Health Insurance Exchanges. Congressional Research
Service. 29 October 2014. 5.
82 Levenson, Michael. "Facing 50,000-application Backlog." Boston Globe. 13 Feb. 2014.
83 Barry, Dave. "Dave Barry's Review of 2013, the Year of the Zombies." The Washington Post. 27 Dec. 2013.
84 Melvin, Valerie. "State Health Insurance Marketplaces: CMS Should Improve Oversight of State Information
Technology Projects." Government Accountability Office. 16 Aug. 2015. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO15-527>.
85 Bagdoyan, Seto. "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Preliminary Results of Undercover Testing of
Enrollment Controls for Health Care Coverage and Consumer Subsidies Provided Under the Act." Government
Accountability Office. 23 July 2014. 6. <http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-14-705T>.
86 "RI: Medium: Robotic Assistance with Dressing Using Simulation-Based Optimization." National Science Foundation.
8 July 2015. <http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1514258&HistoricalAwards=false>.
87 17 CFR Chapter II. <https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/chapter-II>.
88 Raghavan, Sudarsan. "How a Well-intentioned U.S. Law Left Congolese Miners Jobless." The Washington Post. 30
Nov. 2014. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/how-a-well-intentioned-us-law-left-congolese-minersjobless/2014/11/30/14b5924e-69d3-11e4-9fb4-a622dae742a2_story.html>.
89 Gianopoulos, Kimberly. "Conflict Minerals: Stakeholder Options for Responsible Sourcing Are Expanding, but More
Information on Smelters Is Needed." Government Accountability Office. May 2014. PDF 2.
90 "National Highway System Questions & Answers." Federal Highway Administration. 23 May 2013.
91 "National Highway System Questions & Answers." Federal Highway Administration. 23 May 2013.
92 Brown, Eliot. Ads, Not Tenants, Make Times Square. Wall Street Journal. 25 Dec. 2012.
93 "The Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971." Bureau of Land Management.


"History and Facts." Bureau of Land Management. 24 Aug. 2015.

95 "Quick Facts." Bureau of Land Management. 30 Oct. 2015. <
96 "Investigative Report of Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse Buyer." U.S Department of the Interior Office of
the Inspector General. 23 Oct. 2015. <https://www.doioig.gov/sites/doioig.gov/files/WildHorseBuyer_Public.pdf>.
97 Congressional briefing from BLM on June 30, 2015.
98 A Google search for political polarization and media turned up about 138,000 hits, including 11,800 scholarly
99 "Collaborative Research: A New Design for Identifying Persuasion Effects and Selection in Media Exposure
Experiments via Patient Preference Trials." National Science Foundation. 10 Aug. 2015.
100 "NSF at a Glance." National Science Foundation. <http://www.nsf.gov/about/glance.jsp>.
101 "NSF's Merit Review Process." National Science Foundation.
102 "I-Corps: Practical and Provably Secure Random Number Generator."National Science Foundation. 17 Nov. 2014.
103 "I-Corps: Practical and Provably Secure Random Number Generator."National Science Foundation. 17 Nov. 2014.
104 Sopko, John. "$36 Million Command and Control Facility at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan: Unwatned, Unneeded,
and Unused." Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. May 2015.
105 ABB Impacts Assessment for Project Review March 6, 2014. Fish and Wildlife Service Oklahoma Ecological
Services Field Office. 6 Mar. 2014. 1.
106 Storer, Fred. Engineering firm asks Interior Secretary Jewell to address policies of the US Fish and Wildlife
Serviceregarding the endangered American Burying Beetle. Osages You Need to Know. 3 June 2015. 1. <
107 FY 2016 Federal Funding for Programs Serving Tribes and Native American Communities. Department of
Interior. 2015. 1-4.
108 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-2.
109 "Schools." Bureau of Indian Education. <http://www.bie.edu/Schools/index.htm>.
110 "Johnson- O'Malley." Bureau of Indian Education. <http://www.bie.edu/JOM/>.
111 "Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request." Department of Education. 2015.
<http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/budget16/justifications/f-indianed.pdf >.
112 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of Interior.
2015. IA-BIE-7.
113 2015 Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance Grant Awards. Administration for Native
Americans. (2015). <http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ana/news/2015-native-american-language-preservationgrants>.
114 Emrey-Arras, Melissa. "Bureau of Indian Education Needs to Improve Oversight of School Spending." Government
Accountability Office. Nov. 2014. 13. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666890.pdf>.
115 Emrey-Arras, Melissa. "Bureau of Indian Education Needs to Improve Oversight of School Spending." Government
Accountability Office. Nov. 2014. 21. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666890.pdf>.
116 Emrey-Arras, Melissa. "Further Actions on GAO Recommendations Needed to Address Systemic Management
Challenges with Indian Education." Government Accountability Office. 13 May 2015. 18.
117 "Congressional Justifications." Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2015.
118 "Congressional Justifications." Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2015.


"Budget Justifications and Performance Information Fiscal Year 2016 Indian Affairs." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-1.
120 "FY2016 DOJ Request State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance." Department of Justice. 2015. 3.
121 "FY2016 DOJ Request State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance." Department of Justice. 2015. 3.
122 "Congressional Justifications." Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2015. 11-4.
123 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-2.
124 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-2.
125 "Indian Energy Development: Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Energy Development on Indian
Lands." Government Accountability Office. June 2015. 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/670701.pdf>.
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128 "Indian Energy Development: Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Energy Development on Indian
Lands." Government Accountability Office. June 2015. 17. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/670701.pdf>.
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130 "Indian Energy Development: Poor Management by BIA Has Hindered Energy Development on Indian
Lands." Government Accountability Office. June 2015. 18. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/670701.pdf>.
131 "FY 2016 Department of Labor Budget in Brief." Department of Labor. 2015. 10.
132 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-1.
133 "Indian Affairs: Budget Justifications and Performance Information- Fiscal Year 2016." Department of the Interior.
2015. IA-ST-1.
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135 "Development and Testing LIDAR to Study Insect Responses to Light and Noise." National Parks Service. 11 Sept.
2015. <http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=278931>.
136 Kirk, Robert S., and William J. Mallett. "Surface Transportation Program Reauthorization Issues for Congress."
Congressional Research Service. 11 Sept. 2015. 4.
137 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Department of Transportation. 10 Oct. 2015. 4.
138 Kirk, Robert S., and William J. Mallett. "Surface Transportation Program Reauthorization Issues for Congress."
Congressional Research Service. 11 Sept. 2015. 8.
139 "Construction Continues in the I-40 Crosstown Corridor." Oklahoma Department of Transportation. 21 July 2015.
140 Lowry, Sean. "The Federal Excise Tax on Motor Fuels and the Highway Trust Fund: Current Law and Legislative
History." Congressional Research Services. 23 Feb. 2015. PDF 2.


McMinimy, Mark and Kelsi Bracmort. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues. Congressional
Research Service. 22 Nov. 2013. 22.
142 Bracmort, Kelsi. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Cellulosic Biofuels. Congressional Research Service. 31 Aug.
2015. PDF 2.
143 Wyden, Ron. Provisions in the Chairmans Mark: Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform and Efficiency
(EXPIRE) Act. Senate Committee on Finance. 1 April 2014.
144 Summary of Executive Order 12866 Regulatory Planning and Review. 16 Nov. 2015.
145 Regulatory Planning and Review Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993. Federal Register. 4 Oct. 1993.
<https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12866.pdf>. Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review. Federal Register. 21 Jan. 2011. 1-2. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-01-21/pdf/20111385.pdf>.
146 Graham, John D. Testimony of John D. Graham: Examining Federal Rulemaking Challenges and Areas of
Improvement Within the Existing Regulatory Process, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Hearing. 19 Mar. 2015. 7.
147 Portman, Rob. S.280 Federal Permitting Improvement Act of 2015. Introduced 28 Jan. 2015.
148 Sopko, John. "Gorimar Industrial Park: Lack of Electricity and Water Have Left This $7.7 Million U.S.-funded
Industrial Park Underutilized by Afghan Businesses." Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. 27
Jan. 2015. 1-2. <https://www.sigar.mil/pdf/inspections/SIGAR-15-30-IP.pdf>.
149 "Transaction Details." USA Spending.
150 Nabors, Robert L. VAs Solar Panel Project. 20 July 2015. 1-7.
151 Nabors, Robert L. VAs Solar Panel Project. 20 July 2015. 1-7.
152 "Breast Cancer- for Patients." National Cancer Institute. <http://www.cancer.gov/types see: breast cancer>
153 DOD Breast Cancer Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2. Department of Defense. 25 Aug. 2015.
154 DOD Breast Cancer Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2. Department of Defense. 25 Aug. 2015.
155 "Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers." Federal Communications Commission. 6 Nov. 2015.
156 "Moving Forward: 2014 Annual Report." Universal Service Administrative Company. 2014. 9.
157 "Lifeline: Promoting Telephone Subscribership on Tribal Lands." Federal Communications Commission. 28 Aug.
2015. <https://www.fcc.gov/guides/promoting-telephone-subscribership-tribal-lands-0>.
158LI08 Lifeline Subscribers by State or Jurisdiction January 2015 through June 2015. Universal Service
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%20Jurisdiction%20-%20January%202015%20through%20June%202015.xlsx>. For dollar amount, see page one:
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160 LI08 Lifeline Subscribers by State or Jurisdiction January 2015 through June 2015. Universal Service
Administrative Company. 2015.


161 "Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Order on Reconsideration, Second Report and Order, and
Memorandum Opinion and Order." Federal Communications Commission. 22 June 2015. 87.
162 Kuriloff, Aaron and Darrell Preston. "In Stadium Building Spree, U.S. Taxpayers Lose $4 Billion." Bloomberg
Business. 5 Sept. 2012. <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-05/in-stadium-building-spree-u-staxpayers-lose-4-billion>.
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Feb. 2015. 293. <http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/tax-policy/Documents/General-ExplanationsFY2016.pdf>.
164 Kuriloff, Aaron and Darrell Preston. "In Stadium Building Spree, U.S. Taxpayers Lose $4 Billion." Bloomberg
Business. 5 Sept. 2012. <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-05/in-stadium-building-spree-u-staxpayers-lose-4-billion>.
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Mar. 2015. 40. <https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/114th-congress-2015-2016/reports/50051-UMRA2_1.pdf>.
166 National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as
Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Interim Rule. Federal Register. 28 June 2013.
167 Fantone, Denise. "Federal Mandates: Few Rules Trigger Unfunded Mandates Reform Act." Government
Accountability Office. 15 Feb. 2011. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/130/125488.pdf>.
168 Foxx, Virginia. "Unfunded Mandates Information & Transparency Act." 18 Nov. 2015.
169 "Multinational Species Conservation Acts." Fish and Wildlife Service. <http://www.fws.gov/international/lawstreaties-agreements/us-conservation-laws/multinational-species-conservation-acts.html>.
170 Sheikh, Pervaze and M. Lynne Corn. International Species Conservation Funds. Congressional Research Service.
17 Dec 2013. 1.
171 Sheikh, Pervaze and M. Lynne Corn. International Species Conservation Funds. Congressional Research Service.
17 Dec 2013. 1.
172 Hillman, Richard. Security: Overlapping Disability and Unemployment Benefits Should Be Evaluated for Potential
Savings." Government Accountability Office. 31 July 2012. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/593203.pdf>.
173 Hillman, Richard. Security: Overlapping Disability and Unemployment Benefits Should Be Evaluated for Potential
Savings." Government Accountability Office. 31 July 2012. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/593203.pdf>.
174 Morton, William. Concurrent Receipt of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Unemployment Insurance
(UI): Background and Legislative Proposals." Congressional Research Service. 31 July 2015. 17.
175 "Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act of 2015 (H.R.
918)." Committee on Ways and Means. 12 Feb. 2015. <http://waysandmeans.house.gov/wpcontent/uploads/2015/06/HR-918-Fact-Sheet-Final.pdf>.
176 Morton, William. Concurrent Receipt of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Unemployment Insurance
(UI): Background and Legislative Proposals." Congressional Research Service. 31 July 2015. 17.
177 "Definition of Navigable Waters of the US." 33 CFR Part 329.
178 Protection of the Environment Environmental Protection Agency Water Programs. Federal Register. 40 C.F.R
110, 112, 116. <http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/textidx?SID=07b2d546999e30ed5d116dbda9345d0c&mc=true&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title40/40CIsubchapD.tpl>.
179 Peabody, John W. Memorandum For Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. 27 April 2015. Department
of the Army.
180 So, Farmers Have to Get Permits. Whats so Bad About That? American Farm Bureau Federation.


Barrasso, John. S. 1140 The Federal Water Quality Protection Act, Introduced 30 Apr. 2015, 10 Nov. 2015,
182 Ernst, Joni. S.J.Res.22 A Joint Resolution Providing for Congressional Disapproval Under Chapter 8 of Title 5,
United States Code, of the Rule Submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency
Relating to the Definition of Waters of the United States Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Introduced
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183 "Global Labor Program." Agency for International Development. 24 July 2015.
184 "Global Labor Program." Agency for International Development. 24 July 2015.
185 "Global Labor Program." Agency for International Development. 24 July 2015.
186 "U.S. Spends $250,000 to Make Morocco." Judicial Watch. 15 May 2015.
187 "Morocco." Department of State. <http://www.state.gov/e/oes/eqt/trade/morocco/index.htm>.
188 "Michigan Brewery Gets Fed Grant for Solar Panel Project." The Detroit News. 14 Aug. 2015.
189 Freeman, Weldon. "USDA Invests $6.7 Million in 544 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects
Nationwide." Department of Agriculture. 10 June 2015.
190 Watson, Bart. "U.S. Passes 4,000 Breweries." Brewers Association. 28 Sept. 2015.
191 Watson, Bart. "U.S. Passes 4,000 Breweries." Brewers Association. 28 Sept. 2015.
192 "National Beer Sales & Production Data." Brewers Association.
193 Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer
Employees. Department of Labor. 2015. <http://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime/NPRM2015/OT-NPRM.pdf>.
194 Watson, Bart. "New Overtime Rule Add Costs to Small Businesses and Hurts Workers." National Federation of
Independent Business.19 Oct. 2015. <http://www.nfib.com/article/new-overtime-rule-add-costs-to-smallbusinesses-and-hurts-workers-70007/>.
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Independent Business.19 Oct. 2015. <http://www.nfib.com/article/new-overtime-rule-add-costs-to-smallbusinesses-and-hurts-workers-70007/>.
196 Shearman, J. Craig. "One-Size-Fits-All Overtime Proposal Fails to Consider Cost-of-Living." National Retail
Federation. 1 Sept. 2015. <https://nrf.com/media/press-releases/one-size-fits-all-overtime-proposal-fails-considercost-of-living>.
197 "Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer
Employees." Federal Register. 6 July 2015. <https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/07/06/201515464/defining-and-delimiting-the-exemptions-for-executive-administrative-professional-outside-sales-and>.
198 Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer
Employees. Department of Labor. 2015. <http://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime/NPRM2015/OT-NPRM.pdf>.
199 Goldbeck, Dan. ""White Collar" Overtime Expansion." American Action Forum. 13 July 2015.
200 Tang, Rachel Y. "Essential Air Service." Congressional Research Service. 3 Sept. 2015. PDF 2.
201 Tang, Rachel Y. "Essential Air Service." Congressional Research Service. 3 Sept. 2015. 6.
202 "Is Essential Air Service Wasting Taxpayer Money?" CBS News. 24 Feb. 2015.
203 "Is Essential Air Service Wasting Taxpayer Money?" CBS News. 24 Feb. 2015.


"EAS Communities in the 48 Contiguous States Located within 210 Miles from the Nearest Large or Medium Hub
Subject to the $200 per Passenger Subsidy Cap." Department of Transportation. Sept. 2015. 1-4.
205 Oberholtz, Chris. "Investigation Finds Taxpayers Fund Nearly Empty Flights." KCTV5. 24 Feb. 2015.
206 Dillingham, Gerald. "Status of Air Service to Small Communities and the Federal Programs Involved." Government
Accountability Office. 30 Apr. 2014. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-14-454T>.
207 "Eliminate the Essential Air Service Program." Congressional Budget Office. 06 Aug. 2009.
208 "The FPS Vehicle Fleet Is Not Managed Effectively." Department of Homeland Security. 21 Sept. 2015. 4.
209 "The FPS Vehicle Fleet Is Not Managed Effectively." Department of Homeland Security. 21 Sept. 2015. 2.
210 "The FPS Vehicle Fleet Is Not Managed Effectively." Department of Homeland Security. 21 Sept. 2015. 3.
211 "The FPS Vehicle Fleet Is Not Managed Effectively." Department of Homeland Security. 21 Sept. 2015. 4.
212 Motor Vehicle Management Overview, General Service Administration.
<http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104602> see FY2014 Federal Fleet Report.
213 Fleming, Susan. "Overall Increase in Number of Vehicles Masks That Some Agencies Decreased Their
Fleets." Government Accountability Office. 2 Aug. 2012. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/593249.pdf>.
214 Motor Vehicle Management Overview, General Service Administration.
<http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104602> see FY2014 Federal Fleet Report.
215 Shaheen, Jeanne. "S. 427 Drive Lesse Act. Introduced: 10 Feb. 2015. <https://www.congress.gov/bill/114thcongress/senate-bill/427>.
216 Bravin, Jess. "Supreme Court Strikes Down New Deal-Era Raisin Price-Support Program." The Wall Street Journal.
22 June 2015. <http://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-strikes-down-new-deal-era-raisin-price-supportprogram-1434986839>.
217 "Market Access Program (MAP)." Department of Agriculture. <http://www.fas.usda.gov/programs/marketaccess-program-map>.
218 To browse the 5 programs, visit: http://www.fas.usda.gov/programs/search?f[0]=field_topics%3A53
219 "MAP Funding Allocations - FY 2015." Department of Agriculture. <http://www.fas.usda.gov/programs/marketaccess-program-map/map-funding-allocations-fy-2015>.
220 "What's Being Harvested Now?" Fresno County Farm Bureau. <http://www.fcfb.org/News/HarvestTimeSeasons/HarvestTime-All.php>.
221 Marvin D. Horne, et. al., v. Department of Agriculture. 22 June 2015.
222 Bravin, Jess. "Supreme Court Strikes Down New Deal-Era Raisin Price-Support Program." The Wall Street Journal.
22 June 2015. <http://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-strikes-down-new-deal-era-raisin-price-supportprogram-1434986839>.
223 "Testimony of Thomas A. Schatz President, Citizens Against Government Waste." Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management.10 June
2015. 17. <http://www.idfa.org/docs/default-source/d-news/final-testimony-of-thomas-a-schatz__presidentcitizens-against-government-waste__senate-hsgac__6-10-2015.pdf?sfvrsn=2>.
224 "Tax Expenditures Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions. Congressional Research
Service. Dec. 2014. 22. < http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CPRT-113SPRT91950/pdf/CPRT-113SPRT91950.pdf>.
225 "Provisions in the Chairmans Mark: Expiring Provisions Improvement Reform and Efficiency (EXPIRE) Act."
Senate Committee on Finance. 21 May 2014. 8.
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227 "Grant Awards Announced for 2015." Blue Ridge National Heritage Area. 10 Feb. 2015.
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229 DeNavas-Walt, Carmen and Bernadette Proctor. Income and Poverty in the United States: 2014. Census Bureau.
Sept. 2015. 6. <http://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2015/demo/p60-252.pdf>.


Dicken, John. Prescription Drugs: Comparison of DOD and VA Direct Purchase Prices. Government Accountability
Office. April 2013. 9. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/660/654019.pdf>.
231 Dicken, John. Prescription Drugs: Comparison of DOD, Medicaid, and Medicare Part D Retail Reimbursement
Prices. Government Accountability Office. June 2014. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-14-578>.
232 Office of Public and Indian Housing, Washington, DC Overincome Families Residing in Public Housing Units,
Department of Housing and Urban Development. 21 July 2015. PDF 3.
233 Needham, Vicki. HUD audit finds 25,000 ineligible families in public housing, The Hill, 17 Aug. 2015.
234 Needham, Vicki. HUD audit finds 25,000 ineligible families in public housing, The Hill, 17 Aug. 2015.
235 Rein, Lisa. Congressman threatens to strip HUD of $104 million because of public housing tenants who make too
much, The Washington Post, 12 Oct. 2015. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/federaleye/wp/2015/10/12/fla-congressman-says-hell-strip-hud-of-104-million-unless-it-clarifies-policy-on-publichousing-tenants-who-make-too-much/>.
236 Onishi, Norimitsu. Empty Ebola Clinics in Liberia Are Seen as Misstep in U.S. Relief Effort. New York Times. 11
April 2015. <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/12/world/africa/idle-ebola-clinics-in-liberia-are-seen-as-misstepin-us-relief-effort.html>.
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April 2015. <http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/12/world/africa/idle-ebola-clinics-in-liberia-are-seen-as-misstepin-us-relief-effort.html>.
238 Sieff, Kevin. U.S.-built Ebola Treatment Centers in Liberia are Nearly Empty as Outbreak Fades. Washington Post.
18 January 2015. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/us-built-ebola-treatment-centers-in-liberia-arenearly-empty-as-disease-fades/2015/01/18/9acc3e2c-9b52-11e4-86a3-1b56f64925f6_story.html>.
239 Quarterly update provided by the Department of State to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
240 Quarterly update provided by the Department of Health and Human Services to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
241 Ebola Situation Report. World Health Organization. 11 November 2015. <http://apps.who.int/ebola/currentsituation/ebola-situation-report-11-november-2015>.
242 About SIGAR. Special Inspector General for Afganistan Reconstruction.
243 Sopko, John. Tarakhil Power Plant in Kabul, Afghanistan. Letter to Donald Larry Sampler. 7 Aug. 2015.
244 Sopko, John. Tarakhil Power Plant in Kabul, Afghanistan. Letter to Donald Larry Sampler. 7 Aug. 2015.
245 Asa, Randall. Review of Sustainability of Operations at Afghanistans Tarakhil Power Plant. Office of Inspector
General U.S. Agency for International Development. 19 June 2014. 6.
246 Understanding the Mechanisms for Disengagement from Contentious Political Interaction. National Science
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248 About the National Science Foundation. National Science Foundation. <http://www.nsf.gov/about/>.
249 NPR, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Harvard School of Public Health. The Burden of Stress in America. 2014.
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254 Sessions, Jeff. Sessions Outlines Spending Increases and Gimmicks in Appropriations Package. 31 Oct. 2011.
255 Understanding Age-Related Changes in Relationship Maintenance Strategies. The National Science Foundation.
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Regulatory Guidance Processes: Selected Departments Could Strengthen Internal Control and Dissemination
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263 McConnell, Mitch. S.J.Res.23- A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of
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264 U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, Awards List. Department of State. 2014. 1.
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267 The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Annual Report. Department of State. 2011. 61.
268 The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Annual Report. Department of State. 2011. 44.
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270 The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Annual Report. Department of State. 2010. 35.
<http://eca.state.gov/files/bureau/afcp_2010_annual_report.pdf >.
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273 Alves, Ted. Food and Beverage Service: Potential Opportunities to Reduce Losses. Amtrak Office of the Inspector
General. 31 October 2013. PDF 2. <https://www.amtrakoig.gov/sites/default/files/reports/oig-a-2014-001.pdf>.
274 Alves, Ted. Food and Beverage Service: Potential Opportunities to Reduce Losses. Amtrak Office of the Inspector
General. 31 October 2013. PDF 3. <https://www.amtrakoig.gov/sites/default/files/reports/oig-a-2014-001.pdf>.
275 Peterman, David Randall and John Frittelli. Issues in the Reauthorization of Amtrak.Congressional Research
Service. 11 March 2015. 22.
276 Congressional Budget Justification. Appendix 1. Department of State. 2015. 197.
277 Audit Report: Numberholders Age 112 or Older Who Did Not Have a Death Entry on the Numident. Inspector
General for Social Security Administration. 2015. 1. <http://oig.ssa.gov/sites/default/files/audit/full/pdf/A-06-1434030_0.pdf>.
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General for Social Security Administration. 2015. 1. <http://oig.ssa.gov/sites/default/files/audit/full/pdf/A-06-1434030_0.pdf>.


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282 Fichtner, Jason and Robert Greene. Curbing the Surge in Year-End Federal Government Spending: Reforming Use
It or Lose It Rules. Mercatus Center, George Mason University. September 2014. 18.
283 Westwood, Sarah. Federal bureaucracies go on end-of-year spending sprees to avoid budget cuts. Washington
Examiner. 16 July 2015. <http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/federal-bureaucracies-go-on-end-of-year-spendingsprees-to-avoid-budget-cuts/article/2563175>.
284 Sinclair, Dean W. Changing the Culture of Wasteful Spending in the Federal Workforce, Testimony Before the
Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management. 30 September 2015. 1.
285 Memorandum Report 15-12 Area Development Grant Applications and Approvals. Office of Inspector General of
the Appalachian Regional Commission. 27 March 2015. 1.
286 ETA Needs to Improve Awarding of Year-End National Emergency Grants. Department of Labor Office of
Inspector General. 30 Sep. 2015. PDF 2.
287 Tiemann, Mary and Adam Vann. Hydraulic Fracturing and Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Issues.
Congressional Research Service. 13 July 2015. PDF 2.
288 Tiemann, Mary and Adam Vann. Hydraulic Fracturing and Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Issues.
Congressional Research Service. 13 July 2015. 14.
289 Office of Research and Development. Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas
on Drinking Water Resources (external review draft). Environmental Protection Agency. June 2015.
290 Billions of Dollars in Potentially Erroneous Education Credits Continue to be Claimed for Ineligible Students and
Institutions. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Department of Treasury. 27 March 2015. PDF 2.
291 Billions of Dollars in Potentially Erroneous Education Credits Continue to be Claimed for Ineligible Students and
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Institutions. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Department of Treasury. 27 March 2015. 6.
293 Billions of Dollars in Potentially Erroneous Education Credits Continue to be Claimed for Ineligible Students and
Institutions. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Department of Treasury. 27 March 2015. 3.
294 Billions of Dollars in Potentially Erroneous Education Credits Continue to be Claimed for Ineligible Students and
Institutions. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Department of Treasury. 27 March 2015. 3.
295 Billions of Dollars in Potentially Erroneous Education Credits Continue to be Claimed for Ineligible Students and
Institutions. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Department of Treasury. 27 March 2015. 5.
296 High Error Programs. Payment Accuracy. (2015). <https://paymentaccuracy.gov/high-priority-programs>.
297 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Payment Accuracy. 2015. <https://paymentaccuracy.gov/tracked/earnedincome-tax-credit-eitc-2014#learnmore>.


Davis, Beryl. Improper Payments: Remaining Challenges and Strategies for Governmentwide Reduction Efforts.
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299 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Payment Accuracy. 2015. <https://paymentaccuracy.gov/tracked/earnedincome-tax-credit-eitc-2014#learnmore>.
300 Crandall-Hollick. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Administrative and Compliance Challenges.
Congressional Research Service. 9 April 2015. 5.
301 McTigue, James. Paid Tax Return Preparers: In a Limited Study, Preparers Made Significant Errors. 8 April 2014.
302 Holtz-Eakin, Douglas. How the Affordable Care Act and the Employer Mandate Impacts Employers: An Overview.
American Action Forum. 23 July 2014. <http://americanactionforum.org/testimony/how-the-affordable-care-actand-the-employer-mandate-impacts-employers-an-o>.
303 Eagan, Emily. Primer: Employer Mandate, American Action Forum. April 2014.
304 Cribsheet. National Federaltion of Independent Business. 12 July 2013. 2.
305 Direct Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy in Fiscal Year 2013. Energy Information
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306 Solar Market Insight Report 2013 Year in Review. Solar Energy Industry Association. March 2014.
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powered by 1 megawatt of solar energy?Solar Energy Industries Association. <http://www.seia.org/about/solarenergy/solar-faq/how-many-homes-can-be-powered-1-megawatt-solar-energy>.
308 FAQ: What is US electricity by energy source?Energy Information Administration. 31 March 2015.
309 Solar Energy Remarks Announcing Administration Proposals. President Jimmy Carter. 20 June 1979.
310 "LSCMS Logistics Supply Chain Management System." Federal Emergency Management Administration. 10 Nov.
2015. < https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/videos/79442>.
311 FEMAs Logistics Supply Chain Management System May Not be Effective During a Catastrophic Disaster.
Inspector General Department of Homeland Security. Sept. 2014.
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Inspector General Department of Homeland Security. Sept. 2014.
313 Mihm, J. Christopher. High-Risk Series: An Update. Government Accountability Office. February 2015. 294.
314 Holt, Mark and Mary Beth Nikitin. Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Plant and Plutonium Disposition: Management
and Policy Issues. Congressional Research Service 2 March 2015. PDF 2.
315 Mihm, J. Christopher. High-Risk Series: An Update. Government Accountability Office. February 2015. 218.
316 Mihm, J. Christopher. High-Risk Series: An Update. Government Accountability Office. February 2015. 218.
317 Fiduciary Investment Advice. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration. 14 April 2015. 8.
318 Fiduciary Investment Advice. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration. 14 April 2015.
319 Bradford, Hazel. DOL moving forward on new fiduciary standard, Pensions & Investments. 24 August 2015.
320 I-Corps: Killer Snail: An Interactive Marine Biodiversity Learning Tool. National Science Foundation. 15 June
2014. <http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1445413>.


I-Corps: Killer Snail: An Interactive Marine Biodiversity Learning Tool. National Science Foundation. 15 June
2014. <http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1445413>.
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323 Small Business Innovation Research. Institute of Education Sciences. <http://ies.ed.gov/sbir/>
324 Ed Games Week Highlights the Emergence of Video Games in Education. Department of Education.
325 Deloura, Mark. The White House Education Game Jam. The White House. 6 Oct. 2014.
326 Administrative Procedure Act Report of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Page 199.
327 Cuban Assets Control Regulation. Treasury Department. 16 Jan. 2015.
328 Cuba: Providing Support for the Cuban People. Commerce Department. 16 Jan. 2015.
329 Groundbreaking for Trump International Hotel, Washington, D.C. Press Release. 23 July 2014.
330 Guest Rooms & Suites. Trump Hotel, Washington, D.C. <https://www.trumphotelcollection.com/washingtondc/luxury-dc-accommodations.php>.
331 Groundbreaking for Trump International Hotel, Washington, D.C. Press Release. 23 July 2014.
332 Tax Incentives for Preserving Historic Properties. National Park Service. <http://www.nps.gov/tps/taxincentives.htm>.
333 Turner, Greg. Fenway Swings for $40M with Historic Designation. McClatchy-Tribune Business News. 8 Mar. 2012.
334 Lend Lease Starts Construction on Trump International hote, Washington, D.C. PR Newswire. 28 Jan. 2015.
335 Median and Average Square Feet of Floor Area in New Single-Family Houses Completed by Location. Census
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Service. Dec. 2014. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CPRT-113SPRT91950/pdf/CPRT-113SPRT91950.pdf>.
339 2013 Report Card For Americas Infrastructure. American Society of Civil Engineers. March 2013. 7.
340 2013 Status of the Nations Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions & Performance. Department of
Transportation. <https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/2013cpr/chap11.cfm>.
341 National Park Service Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justifications. National Park Service. 2015. ONPS-Summaries-22.
342 Coburn, Tom. Parked! How Congress Misplaced Priorities Are Trashing Our National Treasures. Senator Tom
Coburn, MD. Oct. 2013. 44. <http://www.landrights.org/ActionAlerts/Sen%20Coburn%20Report%20on%20NPSParked-1029131a.pdf>.
343 Search Past Grant Awards. National Park Service. <http://ncptt.nps.gov/rt66/grant-projects/>.
344 Resources. National Historic Route 66 Federation. <http://national66.org/resources/>.
345 Pay Ratio Disclosure. Federal Register. 18 Aug. 2015.
346 Pay Ratio Disclosure. Federal Register. 18 Aug. 2015.
347 Pay Ratio Disclosure. Securities and Exchange Commission. 19 Oct. 2015. 189.
348 White, James R. Identity Theft: Additional Actions Could Help IRS Combat the Large, Evolving Threat of Refund
Fraud. Government Accountability Office. August 2014. 10. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/665368.pdf>.
349 White, James R. Identity Theft: Additional Actions Could Help IRS Combat the Large, Evolving Threat of Refund
Fraud. Government Accountability Office. August 2014. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/665368.pdf>.


White, James R. Identity Theft: Additional Actions Could Help IRS Combat the Large, Evolving Threat of Refund
Fraud. Government Accountability Office. August 2014. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/665368.pdf>.
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Fraud. Government Accountability Office. August 2014. PDF 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/665368.pdf>.
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Fraud. Government Accountability Office. August 2014. Page 13. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/665368.pdf>.
353 Maurer, David. Victims of Child Abuse: Further Actions Needed to Ensure Timely Use of Grant Funds and Assess
Grantee Performance. Government Accountability Office. April 2015. 5.
354 42 U.S.C. 13001b, 13013, 13022, 13023. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2011-title42/html/USCODE2011-title42-chap132.htm>.
355 Maurer, David. Victims of Child Abuse: Further Actions Needed to Ensure Timely Use of Grant Funds and Assess
Grantee Performance. Government Accountability Office. April 2015. PDF 2.
356 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Federal Register. 16 July 2015. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR2015-07-16/pdf/2015-17032.pdf>.
357 Housing Discrimination. Department of Housing and Human Development.
358 Voters Say No to Government Role in Neighborhood Diversity, Rasmussen Reports. 25 June 2015.
359 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Federal Register. 16 July 2015. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR2015-07-16/pdf/2015-17032.pdf>.
360 H.R.1995 - Local Zoning and Property Rights Protection Act of 2015. Representative Paul Gosar. Introduced 23
Apr. 2015, <https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/housebill/1995?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22hr1995%5C%22%22%5D%7D&resultIndex=1>.
361 Levinson, Daniel. Actual enrollment and profitability was lower than projections made by the Consumer Operated
and Oriented Plans and might affect their ability to repay loans provided under the Affordable Care Act, Department
of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. July 2015. ii.
362Levinson, Daniel. Actual enrollment and profitability was lower than projections made by the Consumer Operated
and Oriented Plans and might affect their ability to repay loans provided under the Affordable Care Act, Department
of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. July 2015. ii.
363 Obamacare into 2016 showing more signs of failure. Senate Republican Policy Committee. 20 Oct. 2015.
364 Goldstein, Amy. More than half of ACA co-ops now out of insurance marketplaces, The Washington Post. 3
November 2015. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/more-than-half-of-aca-co-ops-nowout-of-insurance-marketplaces/2015/11/03/5ba95b86-824b-11e5-9afb-0c971f713d0c_story.html>.
365 Fultonberg, Lorne. Oklahoma Obamacare premiums see 35 percent hike, KFOR. 29 Oct. 2015.
366 James, Nathan, Jerome Bjelopera, Kristin Finklea, William Krouse, Lisa Sacco. FY2016 Appropriations for the
Department of Justice. Congressional Research Service. 15 April 2015. 22.
367 Bulletproof Vest Partnership. Department of Justice. <http://ojp.gov/bvpbasi/>.
368 2016 Proposed Appropriations Language. Department of Justice. PDF 11.
369 Vincent, Carol Hardy. Deferred Maintenance of Federal Land Management Agencies: FY2005-FY2014 Estimates.
Congressional Research Service. 21 April 2015. PDF 2.
370 Vincent, Carol Hardy. Land and Water Conservation Fund: Overview, Funding History, and Issues. Congressional
Research Service. June 2015. 2.
371 National Park Service Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justification. Department of the Interior, 2015. LASA-17.


National Park Service Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justification. Department of the Interior, 2015. CONST-40.
373 National Park Service Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justification. Department of the Interior, 2015. CONST-48.
374 National Park Service Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Justification. Department of the Interior, 2015. CONST-46.
375 Federal Real Property. Government Accountability Office. 2015.
376 Hatch, Garrett. Disposal of Unneeded Federal Buildings: Legislative Proposals in the 112th Congress.
Congressional Research Service. 6 Aug. 2012. PDF 2.
377 Hatch, Garrett. Disposal of Unneeded Federal Buildings: Legislative Proposals in the 112th Congress.
Congressional Research Service. 6 Aug. 2012. PDF 2.
378 Hatch, Garrett. Disposal of Unneeded Federal Buildings: Legislative Proposals in the 112th Congress.
Congressional Research Service. 6 Aug. 2012. PDF 2.
379 Hatch, Garrett. Disposal of Unneeded Federal Buildings: Legislative Proposals in the 112th Congress.
Congressional Research Service. 6 Aug. 2012. 1.
380 Wise, David. Federal Buildings Fund: Improved Transparency and Long-Term Plan Needed to Clarify Capital
Funding Priorities. Government Accountability Office. July 2012. 2. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/592377.pdf>.
381 Wise, David. Federal Real Property: Current Efforts, GAO Recommendations, and Proposed Legislation Could
Address Challenges. Government Accountability Office. 16 June 2015. PDF 2.
382 Wise, David. Federal Real Property: More Useful Information to Providers Could Improve the Homeless Assistance
Program. Sept. 2014. 22. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666259.pdf>.
383 Wise, David. Federal Real Property: Current Efforts, GAO Recommendations, and Proposed Legislation Could
Address Challenges. Government Accountability Office. 16 June 2015. PDF 2.
384 Mihm, J. Christopher. High-Risk Series: An Update. Government Accountability Office. Feb. 2015.
385 Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc., d/b/a BFI Newby Island Recyclery, and FPR-II, LLC, d/b/a
Leadpoint Business Services, and Sanitary Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 350, International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Petitioner. National Labor Relations Board. 27 Aug. 2015. 21.
386 NLRBs Joint Employer Attack, Wall Street Journal. 28 Aug. 2015. <http://www.wsj.com/articles/nlrbs-jointemployer-attack-1440805826>.
387 Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc., d/b/a BFI Newby Island Recyclery, and FPR-II, LLC, d/b/a
Leadpoint Business Services, and Sanitary Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 350, International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Petitioner. National Labor Relations Board. 27 Aug. 2015. 21.
388 Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc., d/b/a BFI Newby Island Recyclery, and FPR-II, LLC, d/b/a
Leadpoint Business Services, and Sanitary Truck Drivers and Helpers Local 350, International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Petitioner. National Labor Relations Board. 27 Aug. 2015. 21.
389 USDA to Invest Up to $100 Million to Boost Infrastructure for Renewable Fuel Use, Seeking to Double Number of
Higher Blend Renewable Fuel Pumps. Department of Agriculture. 10 Nov. 2015.
390 Enoch, Daniel. "USDA Seeks to Boost Availability of E15, E85 at the Pump. Agri Pulse. 29 May 2015.


Pomerleau, Kyle and Andrew Lundeed. The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the OECD. The Tax
Foundation. 27 Jan. 2014. <http://taxfoundation.org/blog/us-has-highest-corporate-income-tax-rate-oecd>.
392 Pomerleau, Kyle and Andrew Lundeed. The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Income Tax Rate in the OECD. The Tax
Foundation. 27 Jan. 2014. <http://taxfoundation.org/blog/us-has-highest-corporate-income-tax-rate-oecd>.
393 Matheson, Thornton, Victoria Perry, and Chandara Veung. Territorial vs. Worldwide Corporate Taxation:
Implications for Developing Countries. International Monetary Fund. Oct. 2013. 3.
394 Buying &Selling: Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and the U.S. Corporate Income Tax. Business
Roundtable. 10 March 2015. ii. <http://businessroundtable.org/resources/buying-and-selling-cross-border-mergersand-acquisitions-and-us-corporate-income-tax>.
395 Impact of the U.S. Tax Code on the Market for Corporate Control and Jobs. Majority Staff Report Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations. 30 July 2015. <http://www.hsgac.senate.gov/download/?id=15CC6093-BC054007-824E-BB908928B092>.
396 2015 Annual Report: Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve
Other Financial Benefits. Government Accountability Office. April 2015. 8.
397 2015 Annual Report: Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve
Other Financial Benefits. Government Accountability Office. April 2015. 8.
398 Hatch, Orin. S. 1267 Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015.
399 Public Law 113-159, Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014.
400 Dodd-Frank Progress Report Third Quarter 2015. Davis Polk LLP. 30 Sep. 2015. 2.
401 Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The Growth Consequences of Dodd-Frank. The American Action Forum. 6 May 2015.
402 Adams, Robert M. and Jacob P. Gramlich. Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New
Charter Creation. Federal Reserve Board. 16 Dec. 2015. 1.
403 Bhattarai, Abha and Catherine Ho. Four years into Dodd-Frank, local banks say this is the year theyll feel the most
impact. The Washington Post. 7 Feb. 2014. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/four-yearsinto-dodd-frank-local-banks-say-this-is-the-year-theyll-feel-the-most-impact/2014/02/07/12c7ca48-877e-11e3a5bd-844629433ba3_story.html>.
404 DeHaven, Tad. Supplemental Security Income: A Costly and Troubled Welfare Program. CATO Institute. Aug.
2013. <http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/ssa/supplemental-security-income#_ednref>.
405 Bertoni, Daniel. Supplemental Security Income: Better Management Oversight Needed for Childrens Benefits.
Government Accountability Office. June 2012. 28. <http://www.gao.gov/assets/600/591872.pdf>.
406 Schnepf, Randy and Brent Yacobucci. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues. Congressional
Research Service. 14 March 2013. PDF 2.
407 Schnepf, Randy and Brent Yacobucci. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues. Congressional
Research Service. 14 March 2013. PDF 2.
408 Bracmort, Kelsi. Intermediate-Level Blends of Ethanol in Gasoline, and the Ethanol Blend Wall. Congressional
Research Service. 1 July 2011. 5.
409 Schnepf, Randy and Brent Yacobucci. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Overview and Issues. Congressional
Research Service. 14 March 2013. 16.
410 Salvo, Alberto and Franz Geiger. Reduction in Local Ozone Levels in Urban Sao Paulo due to a Shift from Ethanol to
Gasoline Use. Nature Geoscience. 28 April 2014.


FAQ: How much oil consumed by the United States comes from foreign sources? Energy Information Agency. 15
Sep. 2015. <http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=32&t=6>.
412 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Obligations of Contractors and Subcontractors Regarding Individuals
with Disabilities. Federal Register. 24 Sept. 2013. <http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-09-24/pdf/201321228.pdf>.
413 Key Labor, Employment, and Immigration, Regulatory Initiatives in the Obama Administration. U.S. Chamber of
Commerce. 13 May 2015. 14.
414 McCarthy, James and Richard Lattanzio. Ozone Air Quality Standards: EPAs 2015 Revision. Congressional
Research Service. 29 Oct. 2015. PDF 2.
415 McCarthy, James and Richard Lattanzio. Ozone Air Quality Standards: EPAs 2015 Revision. Congressional
Research Service. 29 Oct. 2015. PDF 2.
416 McCarthy, James and Claudia Copeland. Clean Air Act: A Summary of the Act and its Major Requirements.
Congressional Research Service. 11 January 2013. 4.
417 Final Audit Report: Federal Information Security Management Act Audit 2014. Office of Personnel Management.
12 Nov. 2014. <https://www.opm.gov/our-inspector-general/reports/2014/federal-information-securitymanagement-act-audit-fy-2014-4a-ci-00-14-016.pdf>.
418 Barrett, Devlin, Danny Yadron and Damian Paletta. U.S. Suspects Hackers in China Breached About 4 Million
Peoples Records, Officials Say. The Wall Street Journal. 5 June 2015. <http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-suspectshackers-in-china-behind-government-data-breach-sources-say-1433451888>.
419 Smith, Ian. OPM Releases New List of FAQs on Data Breach. FedSmith. 19 June 2015.
420 Bennett, Cory. Largest federal workers union sues OPM over breach. The Hill. 30 Jun. 2015.
421 Burr, Richard. S.754 - Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015. Introduced 17 Mar. 2015.
422 Dorado, Gene. "Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and
Duplication and Achieve Other Financial Benefits." Government Accountability Office. 8 Apr. 2014.
423 Farrell, Brenda. Defense Health Care Reform: Additional Implementation Details Would Increase Transparency of
DODs Plans and Enhance Accountability. Government Accountability Office. Nov. 2013. 25.
424 Audit of the Department of Justices Conference Planning and Reporting Requirements. Office of the Inspector
General. Sept. 2015. i. <https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2015/a1531.pdf>.


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