Pros and Cons of The Legalization of Marijuana

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Zach Fisher

Essay Proposal

1. Why should marijuana be legalized in the U.S?

2. Outline

Introduction and opening paragraph describing how Id like to talk


about the topic

A paragraph of all the factual information about the drug.
Paragraph describing pros of topic, giving information from articles
found from multiple sources to guarantee a wide range views on the


topic to keep it from being to biased for one side.

A paragraph describing all the cons that are against the topic that are
from a source describing a larger group rather than one mans words,


perhaps such as a ballet or survey

A paragraph describing my personal beliefs and what I believe should


be done about the topic.

My concluding sentence and conclusion telling how I feel it will end up
by an educated guess based on how things are going at this particular
moment with our government and our nations voice.

10/14/2015 Evaluation of Sources practice due
11/6/2015 Annotated Bibliography due
11/11/2015 Draft of Bibliographic essay due to peer reviewer by 11:59pm
11/12/2015 Draft due back to author by 11:59pm
11/18/2015 Bibliographic Essay due.
12/2/2015 Digital Portfolio due.

Zach Fisher
Essay Proposal

4. Pros and Cons of the Legalization of Marijuana

A lot can be said in the argument for the legalization of marijuana.
Many people see it as a viable source of revenue for the government, a very
beneficial medical resource that could open the door to cure many ailments,
and also lower crime rates nationwide. People still argue that the legalization
of marijuana will cause problems for our nation as well.
On the side of the pros, I look to an article published by CNN listing the
many different applications for marijuana in todays modern medicine. It
certainly brings a lot of promise to the table and could very well lead to the
breakthrough for ending some serious diseases, such as Alzheimers,
reducing seizures in the epileptic, developing appetites in people who are
taking Chemo Therapy. Marijuana can also be used as a cheaper resource in
the manufacturing of paper and could also be very helpful in this damaged
economy as a good source of state revenue and could be taxed.
The People against Marijuana legalization have argued that it will be
somewhat of a moral loss and we should stand by tradition and stay against
it. They see it as a gateway to start to say drug abuse is okay, which it is not
nor has ever been, but to deny all the benefits of this natural remedy
because some choose to abuse it for recreation, is plain foolish.
I dont know how I feel about the recreational smoking of marijuana
and have always heard both sides of the story. I know Ive seen all it can help

Zach Fisher
Essay Proposal

with and I know there are people that are against using it due to their moral
obligations against drugs, but if we legalize it, will it even matter at that
point? What ends up becoming of this remains to be seen, I like to imagine
we can put all these fears and feelings aside to truly do some good with
something made out to only be terrible substance.

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