Edu 214 Final Project

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1 Title Page

Lonnie Barton
December 7, 2015

Final Project
EDU 214 Steven Saladino
College of Southern Nevada

Section 2 - Position Paper

Dear School Board Member,

Think about your time as a student. Think about what you learned and how you learned it. Think
about how you receive information now. Has that changed from when you were a student? Now fast
forward to current day. As you may have concluded todays world is much different from the world we
all grew up in. Todays world is driven and shaped by technology. Technology is what our society uses
every day rather it is delivering news, communicating with family and friends or simplifying everyday
task that once took hours. It can easily be argued that technology is vital to our everyday living.
Therefore, I would strongly ask that you not support the abandoning of technology at our ABC
Community School.
In a policy brief by Smita Guha titled A comparative Analysis of Present and Preferred Situations
of Elemenraty Grade Teachers Using Computers for Classroom Instruction (2000) it states Considering
the wide range of computer application in todays world, and societys usage of computers in all spheres
of life, teachers and school administrators cannot ignore the need for school children to be exposed to
computer based instruction. The advantages of utilizing technology can include better engagement and
motivation, advanced instructional materials, better communication and interaction, application of real
world skills, and one can argue increased family involvement.
I would argue that it would be negligent as school administrators and educators to ignore the
overwhelming support for the benefit of technology usage in our schools. There are many proven
reasons about why schools should implement technology in the classroom. Some of them include
adapting teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles, encouraging collaboration between
students, preparing the students for the real world environment, helping students stay engaged in
classroom lessons, and many others. In the article, Future of Education: Technology in the Classroom
(2011) Darry Sessoms states its the inevitable future of education. From the ease of communicating
with their teachers via e-mail, to quickly accessing an overabundance of information online about a
particular topic they have learned about in class, technology is needed in today's classroom.
I understand the importance of multiple choice standardize performance exams for national
comparisons, however, to solely concentrate on this one measure will be non-beneficial to the leaner,
the educator, the school, the community and our future. It is very possible to utilize the technology that
we already have to help foster and enhance our teaching strategies to score better on these standardize
testing. Teaching with technology has proven to help students fully understand and comprehend
concepts over the old theory of memorization and fact recital. Like the study conducted by Michael
Varlaro (2003) An An Analysis of Students' Interactions in PeerTutoring Situations states Research
shows that computers strengthen specific skills, foster creativity and problem solving, and enhance the
writing process (2003, p.12). This is where and how we truly are teaching our students.

The National Educational Technology Plan of 2010 (US DOE, 2010) states that we need
revolutionary transformation, not evolutionary tinkering, and we know that transformation cannot be
achieved through outdated reform strategies that take decades to unfold.
Sessoms (2011) also states that Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of
our lives. It affects how we shop, socialize, connect, play, and most importantly learn. With their great
and increasing presence in our lives it only makes sense to have technology in the classroom. We must
not forfeit our chance to teach with technology and arm our future with the necessary skills and tools to
become successful in our technological driven world.

3 - Identification of Standards

Technology is evolving quickly. As a School District, State and Nation we must be sure to accept,
acknowledge and incorporate technology into our lesson plans. Teaching about technology is
important, however, applying the skills and use of technology to our students is fundamental to the
success of understanding life in our technological age. As the Milken Report of States (Klowden &
Wolfe, 2013) Nevada, is Ranked number 47th in regards to technology in the classroom. So we are
fortunate that the Clark County School District has adopted Nevada state educational standards that
mirror the National standards for the 21st century.
There are currently 6 topic areas for national computer and technology standards. The
standards are Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Research and Information
Fluency, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Digital Citizenship and Technology
Operations and Concepts. Each of these national standards comes with a set national indicators that is
used to gage the level at which the student is versed. Each standard also has 4 grade level (2nd grade, 5th
grade, 8th grade and 12th grade) measuring points by which the students should know the material
covered in that specific indicator. It is also important to note that students at the specific grade level
should also have met the standard or indicator form all previous grade levels.
It is satisfying to see that Nevada has adopted the ISTE Standards for Students as part of its
academic standards or curriculum framework. We are only 1 of 10 states that has taken this stance or
position. Also, the Nevada Department of Education has proven its dedication to technology in the
classroom by establishing the Nevada Ready 21 program. The Nevada Ready 21 program transforms K12 education by engaging all students in a personalized, learner- centered education by purposefully
infusing technology into the students daily experience. The Nevada Ready 21s mission is To provide
all Nevada students an equitable, technology-rich education that supports high standards, an engaging
learning environment, and the development of the 21st century skills students will need to fuel the
economic growth of the state. Furthermore, Nevada Ready 21 will support educators in their efforts to
create more engaging and personalized instruction by providing the essential tools and the ongoing
professional development to guide their transformation. This plan was approved by the Nevada
Commission on Education Technology. The Nevada Legislature also showed support by awarding the
program $20 million for the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years. Hopefully Nevada will continue to be
progressive when it comes to education and technology.
The standard that I will be meeting with falls under the Communication and Collaboration
section which is defined as students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of
others. The specific national indicators addressed at the 12th grade level will be A) interact, collaborate
and publish with peers, experts, or others implying a variety of digital environments and media and B) to
communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and

In closing, it is important that as our technology is changing and advancing rapidly that we must
also update and continue to evaluate our local, state and national standards to ensure that they are still
relevant and appropriate for todays students and educators. With clear and aligned standards we will
be successful in incorporating technology into our classrooms and arming our youth with the much
needed skills to flourishing in the future.

4 One Complete Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: Our Leader; The Worlds Thoughts

Grade Level Appropriateness: 10th-12th grade
Technology Content Standard Addressed:
Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Other Content Standard Address:
Literacy In History/ Social Studies
Craft and Structure
Compare the point of view of two or more people/ authors for how they treat/ feel or view
similar topics, including which details they include and emphasis in their respective accounts.
Production and Distribution of Writing
Use technologies, including the internet, to produce, publish and update individual or shared
writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
Content Standard C15.0 The Political Process
Students describe the roles of political parties, elections, interest groups, media, and the public
opinion in the democratic process.
C16. [9-12].2 Analyze the role of US politics and the consequences in world affairs.
C16. [9-12].3 Identify and analyze U.S foreign policy dealing with international issues, Ie.,
diplomacy, economic policy, humanitarian aid, and military intervention.
The student will learn how to use social media applications to conduct qualitative research on thoughts,
attitudes and beliefs on American politics and culture with people from across the world. The student
will also share findings in a question and answer format using a word processor.
Materials needed:

Active Social Media account; Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
Computer/ Tablet or Mobile device to access and use social media applications
Paper and writing utensil to take notes
Word Processing Software to report question and answers
PowerPoint software to combine classroom findings

Suggested Group Size: 1 student maximum


Have students select 2 countries from anywhere in the world. Any 2 countries is acceptable.
Distribute question sheet titled Our leader; Your thoughts to each student. Our Leader; Your
Thoughts worksheet is attached below Exhibit 1.
Give students 15 minutes to examine and review questions
Next step is to locate 1 person from each of their selected countries and start up a conversation
on Social Media.
Students then use active social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find
people in their selected countries.
Have the students ask the set of questions (Our leader; Your thoughts) to the 2 different people
they select online.
In 1 week students will be required to type and submit the answers they receive from the Our
leaders; Your thoughts work sheet.
In addition, students will submit a photo of the people they interviewed holding up a sign that
says ABC Community School Their Name and Their City and Their Country.
Question 3 on the Our Leader; Your Thoughts worksheet also requires another photo of their
answer to be submitted on the word processes question and answers document.
Once all assignments are turned in as a classroom group project we will put together a power
point presentation showing all of the people around the world and their answers to our
classroom questions.
o Attached PowerPoint shows example of 2 students work. If there was a classroom of
30 students the classroom compilation would consist of 60 people from around the
world. These are just 4 examples.
Example is Student 1 Submitted Germany and Denmark, Student 2 submitted
France and Spain. Student 3, etc, etc.
As a class, after reviewing classroom compilation, engage students in discussion to see trends
and thoughts about our U.S leaders and feelings about our next 2016 U.S. leaders.

Student Identifies and makes contact with person
from other countries
Student submits word processed answers from
the responses of other countries
Student collects required 2 photos from each
person in other country
Actively participation in classroom discussion
about trends and thoughts from people around
the world

10 Points
5 Points
5 Points
5 Points

25 Points

Exhibit 1

Our Leader; Your Thoughts


1. What are your thoughts on the current U.S. President?

2. In your opinion, on a scale from 1 5 (one being the lo west & 5
being the highest) how strong of a relationship does the U.S. and
your country have.
3. In your opinion, what 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate would
benefit your country and the world the most? (Answer using a

5 Student Sample

See attached PowerPoint Presentation.

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