Interaction Analysis

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To obtain satisfactory performance for the assigned interaction analysis assignment

the student will identify:

3 therapeutic communication techniques that they utilized in their patient

2 ba rriers/b locks to t he rap eu tic comm u n icatio n that they recognized
having used/occurred in the interaction
3 behavioral responses that the patient demonstrated that are characteristic
of maladaptive coping &/or characteristic of an identified DSM-5 disorder
Identify stage of nurse-client relationship
*** Neither taping nor written recording of information is to be done during interaction
with the client
Nurse communication;
Interpretation of Communication;
Therapeutic & non therapeutic
1)Verbal &
2)Non Verbal
2) Clients behavioral responses
Verbal &
3)Stage of nurse-client
Non Verbal
Hi, my name is Jennifer, I am a
nursing student from JC. I will be
here till about 1pm. How are you
feeling today?- takes a seat in chair
next to client, lean forward and
make and keep eye contact

I feel alright.- Client sits in

chair with head down, hands
in lap, staring at floor.
Speaks monotone with little
facial expression.
Do you feel any improvement in
your mood after ECT yesterday?lean forward, hands in lap, keep eye
Yes. Yes I think it has. Am I
in the group therapy in this
room or the other room.- Pt
looking towards window,
finger tapping on table

Because nothing else has

worked. I am tired of living
like this- Pt sighs, head
down, looking at floor.

Why did you choose ECT

treatment?- leaning forward, still
trying to make eye contact

Therapeutic verbal communication- Inform the

client, ask open ended question to elicit patient
Non therapeutic- leaning forward, maintain eye
contact, sitting next to client
Client Block- does not make eye contact
Lack of pitch to voice and facial expressions as
well as lack of eye contact can be an indicator of
depressive disorders.
Non therapeutic- leaning forward and making eye
contact shows interest. Also keeping hands in lap
and not crossing arms to show openness to
Client block- lack of eye contact, changing the
Finger tapping could be a sign of anxiety.
Changing the subject could be that the client isnt
comfortable discussing his treatment
Block from nurse- Asking why?
Statement of I am tired of living like this can be
indicative of hopelessness, which can be sign of
depressive disorder

Pg 2 of interaction analysis assignment form

Nurse communication;
1)Verbal &
1) Verbal &
2) Non Verbal
2) Non Verbal

Interpretation of Communication;
1) Therapeutic & non therapeutic
2) Clients behavioral responses
3)Stage of nurse-client
Have you ever thought of harming Working

yourself?- lean in, try to make eye Non-therapeutic- sitting closer shows active
contact, sits closer to client
Yes- pt looks up, appears to
be lost in thought
Have you ever attempted
suicide?- sitting close to client,
trying to make eye contact
Yes, I ended up in the
hospital for 6 months.- pt
still not maintaining eye
contact, hands clasped,
resting on table.

Im tired. I dont want to live

like this. Dont want to be a
burden. My son takes care of
his grandma. I dont want to
make life harder for him.
Helping me with everything,
he already has too much to
do. Looks like theres the
lunch cart.- pt does make
eye contact briefly, then
excuses himself for lunch

Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal

ideations, or attempted suicide are symptoms that
are present in major depressive disorders.

Therapeutic Communication- Active listening

Shows concern for the clients emotional wellbeing
and personal safety. Attempting to understand
clients reasoning.
What causes you to want to end
your life?

Client block- Changing the subject

Pt may be uncomfortable discussing suicidal
ideation and prior attempt. Pt may be trying to
rationalize why suicide is an option for him. Also
negative view of self can be seen in depressive
End of working phase. Client has ended the
Resolution Phase
This conversation occurred on my second day on
the adult unit. I can see now where there were
blocks in communication and moving forward I
can learn from this experience to better my
communication skills to maintain the best
therapeutic response to clients as possible. I was
nervous and that made it difficult to think of what
I wanted to say and how. But overall I think I had a
good interaction with my client.

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