Week Long Plans Nov 30-Dec 4

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Metacognitive Strategy : Visualize

Unit 2 Week 1
Essential Knowledge/Understandings
2.1 b, c, d, e
Maintain, see Unit 1

2.2 d

recognize when different words are being used orally to mean the
same or similar things.

2.2 a, b, c
Maintain, see Unit 1

2.3 a e
Maintain, see Unit 1

2.4 a e
Maintain, see Unit 1

2.5 a, b

2.6 a d

2.7 c

Maintain, see Unit 1

Maintain, see Unit 1

2.7 d

use knowledge of synonyms when reading (e.g., small/little,


Comprehension Strategy: Analyze

main idea
text structure
text features
text to text

Whole Group
Word Analysis

E Final
Blends &
F Long
Vowels CVCe


Unit 2
nt Literary
Cecil, the
nts for Text
nsion (Red
Book from
pg. 15;
pg. 26
nts for
ent (Purple
Book from

Maintain, see Unit 1

2.8 a i

set a purpose for reading.

use prior knowledge to predict information, and to interpret

pictures and diagrams.

use titles and headings to generate ideas about the text.

use information from the text to make predictions before, during

and after reading.

use information from a selection to confirm predictions (e.g.,

recall and/or return to the text to locate information to confirm

find evidence to support predictions (e.g., return to text to locate

information, support predictions, and answer questions).

apply knowledge of story structure to predict what will happen

next (e.g., beginning/middle/end, problem/solution).

ask and answer simple who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions to demonstrate understanding of main details and
events in text.

begin to skim for information to answer questions.

explain how illustrations and images contribute to and clarify


describe a characters traits, feelings, and actions as presented in a

story or poem.


nts for
ent (Green
Book from
nts for
ent (Blue
Book from
k Writers

describe how characters in a story or poem respond to key events.

describe the setting and important events of a story.

identify the problems and solutions in stories.

use information from illustrations and words to demonstrate

comprehension of characters, settings, and plots.

compare and contrast characters, setting, and important events in

at least two versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories).

determine the main idea or theme of paragraphs or stories.

begin to use knowledge of transition words (e.g., first, next, and

soon), to understand how information is organized in sequence.

organize information, using graphic organizers (e.g., story map,

sequence of events).

use the framework of beginning, middle, and end to summarize

and retell story events.

describe the structure of a story (e.g., beginning introduces the

story, ending concludes the action).

write responses to what they read (e.g., response logs, write the
story with a new ending).

2.8 j

Maintain, see Unit 1

2.9 g
Maintain, see Unit 1

2.12 a d

Maintain, see Unit 1

pgs. 59-60

Maintain, see Unit 1


use available technology and media for reading and writing,

including in collaboration with peers.

use available media for reading and writing.

ask and respond to questions about material presented through

various media formats.

Week 7
Day 1

Reading Unit 2 Week 1

Day 1

Introduce Analyze Character Think Aloud Visualize

Analyze Characters from a Picture Connect Thinking,
Speaking, and Writing Reflect and Discuss

Day 2

Review Visualize Analyze Character Connect Thinking,

Speaking, and Writing Reflect and Discuss

Day 3

Extend Analyze Character Observe and Prompt for

Understanding Reflect and Discuss

Day 4

Authors Craft: Use Interjections

Day 2

Grammar and Conventions: Proper Nouns

Day 3

Teacher Selected Lesson

Day 4

Authors Craft: Use Sentences of Different Lengths

Day 5

Authors Craft: Write Like You Speak

Read and Summarize Answer Text Dependent Questions

Reflect and Discuss

Day 5

Self-Assessment Constructed Written Response

Ongoing Assessment

Monday, Nov. 30, 2015

7:20-8:00 Homeroom
8:00-8:30 Social Studies
Objective for the week:
Social Studies 2.2 Objectives for the week: The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present,
with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.


Rough Faced Girl.

Lakota Sioux Quiz

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today, we will review Lakota Sioux Indians by reading the book Rough Faced Girl.

TW read book to class.

Guided Practice:
TW ask review questions about the Lakota Sioux/SW respond with sign language L for Lakota and E for Eastern Woodland Indians.

Independent Practice:
SW take a quiz about the Lakota Sioux Indians

TW ask students what they found to be the most different about the Lakota than the Eastern Woodland Indians.

8:30-9:30 Math
The SW demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing that the symbol = in an equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities are not equivalent.


Problem of the day

Whats Next?



Make power point for guided practice.

Complete calendar activities and Free Response poster. Complete problem of the day.

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell class we have working with equalities. Today we are going to use inequalities.

TW again show the balance and how if values are equal, the beam is level. (7=7) (3+4=7) (3+4=5+2) (9-2=6+1)

TW will show an unequal value to demonstrate inequality. (75) (4+21+5) (7-67+6)

Guided Practice:
Students will respond on boards to power point that makes them chose equality or inequality.


Independent Practice:
SW work on worksheet to practice their new skills
TW walk around the room to assist students as needed.
SW help other students as they finish.

TW gather all papers to assess progress as student answer questions for review.

Worksheet for homework.

9:30-10:15 Writers Workshop

Objective: SW learn a strategy for brainstorming ideas for fiction by thinking about home and school events.


Benchmark Writers Workshop Teachers Edition

Document Camera
Brainstorming Graphic Organizer

Anticipatory set:
TW tell students that today we are going to talk about brainstorming ideas for nonfiction stories.

Modeling/Guided Practice:
TW tell students that sometime it is hard coming up with ideas to write about. This is why it came help to just list things that have happened from our own
lives. Once we have a list, we can decide if we want to write about the things on the list or change some details to make our story a realistic fiction.
Using the document camera, TTW write on a piece of paper a list of things that happened in his own life.
Story Ideas:
o Denting my neighbors car

o Forgetting to set my alarm clock

o Getting lost at the outdoor concert
o Losing my car keys at the mall
o Going to my grandmas birthday party
SW T/P/S their own ideas with a partner and then with the class.

Independent Practice:
SW write their own list of ideas they have brainstormed on the graphic organizer.
SW work on a new piece or work on an older piece.

TW gather students on the carpet and ask two students to share some of the ideas they have brainstormed.

10:15-10:30 Interactive Read Aloud

TW read the book The Empty Pot stopping to talk about important details and discuss vocabulary.
SW summarize the story by using the important details.

10:30-10:50 Comprehension Lesson

Objective: Build academic vocabulary and concepts related to the life cycle of a tree. Determine text importance. Identify sequence of events using a graphic
organizer. Identify and discuss nonfiction text features (captions). Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion.

Follow day 3, week 2 of unit 3 in TE.


Benchmark Literacy Teacher edition

An Oak Tree Has a Life Cycle (p. 10-11)
Life Cycle Brainstorm List (BLM 1)
Identify Sequence of Events (BLM 4)
Queue up Flocabulary video

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students, many of you were sick last week, so to kick off the week talking about the differences in fiction and nonfiction we have this video:
TW remind students that we have been identifying sequence using a nonfiction book about the life cycle of an oak tree.
TW say, so far we have seen

TW say, Today, we are going to add to our list and see what happens to the stem.

TW start by reading p. 10-11 of chapter 2
TW reread for close reading and fill this in as he rereads:
At first, the stem ________________.
After flowers, _________________.
Finally, the flowers _______________.

Guided Practice:
With students help, TW fill in the next 4 circles of (BLM 4)

TW say, The author of this book wants us to understand the life cycle of a tree. She needs to tell about the different events in order. To do this, she uses a
sequence-of-events text structure.
TW say, This diagram helps us understand that order. A diagram is a text feature. What other text features can you find in this nonfiction text?
TW draw students attention to the sidebar where they can find signal words.

TW close by reminding students of the list of signal words in their writing folder when they write as well as when they read to identify when an author is
trying to communicate a sequence.

10:50-11:15 Recess
11:15-12:00 Guidance/Art/Computers
12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:40-1:05 Word Study / Read to self
Introduce word sorts as student while others are getting caught up or practicing read to self.

1:05-1:15 Pack up and line up

1:15-1:30 Read Aloud: Miss Daisy Is Crazy
1:30-2:00 Power up
2:00-2:14 Get ready for Dismissal

Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015

7:20-8:00 Homeroom
8:00-8:30 Social Studies
Objective for the week:
Social Studies 2.2 Objectives for the week: The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present,
with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.


Quiz on Sioux
Pueblo booklet

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today we will take a test on the Lakota Sioux Indians.

TW distribute test and office folders.

Independent Practice:
SW take tests

Guided Practice:
TW collect test and introduce Pueblo Indians packet. Read/Discuss/Highlight through page 4.

Independent Practice:
SW color pictures if time allows.

TW gather students and ask what they find different about the Pueblo than the Lakota and Powhatan.

8:30-9:00 Music
9:00-9:30 Computer Lab
9:30-10:15 Math
The SW demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing that the symbol = in an equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities are not equivalent.


Problem of the day

Number of the day

Quick Check

Complete calendar activities and Number of the day poster. Complete problem of the day.

Anticipatory Set:
TW remind students that we have been talking about inequalities and equalities. Today we are going to take a quiz to see just how much we have learned.

Modeling/Guided Practice:
TW tell students but first lets review:
TW display equations on the big white board
SW answer using their sign language. L=less than G=Greater than.

Independent Practice:
SW take CFA Quick Check

TW review any week areas.

Worksheet for Homework with mixed equalities and inequalities.

10:15-10:40 Writers Workshop

Objective: SW learn how to use idea evaluation questions to narrow the writing focus for a procedural text


Benchmark Writers Workshop Teachers Edition

Brainstorming sheet from the day before

Questioning sheet.

Anticipatory Set:
TW yesterday, we came up with a list of ideas that we may want to write about. Today, we will narrow down the list to help us pick which idea we want to
write about.

Modeling / Guided Practice:

TW model using the chart to question a list of ideas. The questions will help to choose the very best ideas. Choosing the very best ideas, will help narrow
the focus.
Ideas for a
Do I like
Do I want to
Do I think someone
realistic fiction
this idea?
share this with
would want to read
about this?
Denting my
neighbors car
Forgetting to set
my alarm clock
Getting lost at
the outdoor
Losing my car
keys at the mall
TW say, once ideas have been questioned, the list will be narrowed of choices to write about. It is from this narrower list that the best idea will be picked.

Independent Practice:
SW use the chart to narrow down their ideas
SW work on a new piece or work on an older piece.

TW gather students back on carpet and ask if anyone has chosen a good story to write yet that they want to share.

10:40-11:00 Interactive Read Aloud

TW read the book Carls Sleepy Afternoon stopping to talk about important details and infer.
SW summarize the story by using the important details.

11:00-11:20 Recess
11:25-12:00 Comprehension Lesson

Objective: Build academic vocabulary and concepts related to the life cycle of a tree. Determine text importance. Identify sequence of events using a graphic
organizer. Identify and discuss nonfiction text features (captions). Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion.

Follow day 4-5, week 2 of unit 3 in TE.


Benchmark Literacy Teacher edition

An Oak Tree Has a Life Cycle
Life Cycle Brainstorm List (BLM 1)
Identify Sequence of Events (BLM 4)

Anticipatory Set:
TW remind students that we have been determining text importance and identifying sequence and to do this, we have been looking at the life cycle of as oak
TW invite students to retell the sequence of chapter 1 & 2 while using signal words and as you point to the sequence chart on (BLM 4).

TW read chapter 3 and the Conclusion to students
With students help, TTW fill in the last circle on sequence chart on (BLM 4).

Guided Practice:
TW invite students to share their conclusions about an oak trees life cycle.
The cycle begins when ______________ .
The tree begins to grow when ____________ .
Then, _____________ grow.
The cycle end when _____________ .

TW close by reminding students that we focused on identifying sequence of events, and we used key words and signal words in the text to help us determine
the sequence.
TW say, You can do this same thing anytime you open a nonfiction book.

12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:40-12:45 Pack Up

12:45-1:15 Read to Self

1:15-2:00 PTA Practice in the GYM
2:00-2:14 Get ready for Dismissal

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015

7:20-8:00 Homeroom
8:00-8:30 Social Studies
Objective for the week:
Social Studies 2.2 Objectives for the week: The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present,
with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.


Items for Making Fry Bread

Pueblo packet
Pueblo Power Point

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today we are going to finish the packet about the Pueblo and make fry bread.

Modeling / Guided Practice:

TW read finish reading/discussing/highlighting the Pueblo booklet
TW show the Pueblo Power Point

Independent Practice:
SW color booklet if time allows.

SW gather back on the carpet to make Fry Bread and discuss Pueblo Indians.

8:30-9:00 Math

The SW demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing that the symbol = in an equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities are not equivalent.


Problem of the day

Whats the Question?

List of groups for centers.

Extra laptops

Complete calendar activities and Free Response poster. Complete problem of the day.

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today we will have math centers.

TW explain the three groups:
Math Games
Mr. Lewis table
TW then tell students in which group they are starting.

Guided Practice:
TW meet with struggling students.

Independent Practice:
SW have 15 min. at each station.

TW ask students if there are any questions they have before the test tomorrow.

Worksheet for homework (1-page quick check).

9:00-9:30 Library
9:30-10:00 Math (continued)
10:00-10:30 Writers Workshop
Objective: SW learn how to use a story planning chart to organize ideas for a realistic fiction story.


Benchmark Writers Workshop Teachers Edition

Sample Story Planning Chart (BLM 4)

Anticipatory Set:

TW use mentor text to model using the sample story planning chart.

Modeling / Guided Practice:

TW display The Writing on the Wall
TW fill Sample Story Planning Chart using the mentor text.

Independent Practice:
SW fill in their own details of their story plan.
SW work on a new piece or work on an older piece.

TW gather students on carpet and encourage them that it looks like your realistic fiction stories are coming along nicely.
TW say I cant wait to see how they all end up.

10:30-11:00 Interactive Read Aloud

TW read the book Thomas Snowsuit stopping to talk about important details and discuss making good choices.
SW summarize the story by using the important details.

11:00-11:20 Recess
11:20-12:05 Comprehension Lesson
Objective: SW learn to utilize punctuation to signal full stops while reading. Demonstrate purposeful pausing, while reading a text and sounding more like

Follow day 1-5, week 3 of unit 3 in TE.


Benchmark Literacy Teacher edition

Fluency poster (text for close reading, p. 48)
Chart paper.

Anticipatory Set:
TW we are going to talk about purposeful pausing and coming to a full stop.

TW tell students that we always emphasis fluency when reading aloud, but there are times that we come to a Full Stop.
TW tell that students that a Full Stop is when a reader pause and rest between words in a sentence. Pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts.
TW ask:
What do you do when you are reading and come to a period? (make a full stop and take a breath)
What other end punctuation signals a full stop? (question mark, exclamation point)
Why do we notice periods, question marks, and exclamation points? (They signal a full stop in the reading.)
TW tell students that good readers know to make a full stop to breathe and to help make sense of what is being read.

Guided Practice:
TW display the fluency poster: School Riddles
TW tell students that these riddles have: periods, question marks, and exclamation marks. Stopping at these will help make the riddles make sense.
TW read the poster: School Riddles with coming to full stops.
TW point out how riddles made since when we come to full stops.
TW reread without coming to full stops.
T/P/S: which reading made more since?
TW/SW make an anchor chart with ideas of how and why we should pause while reading.
We do not run all our words together.
We pause, or rest, between some words.
Pausing divides sentences into meaningful parts.
Pausing makes our reading easier to understand.
Punctuation helps us figure out when to pause.
Punctuation helps us figure out how long to pause.

TW close by telling students that we will find a spot to display the chart for further reference.

12:05-12:35 Lunch

12:35-1:05 Word Study

TW will review how to write a complete sentence and check it using CUPS.
SW write 8 sentences using spelling words and check them for correct conventions.
TW remind students to use adjectives, adverbs, interjections and onomatopoeia to make sentences more interesting.

1:05-1:15 Pack up
1:15-1:45 Read to Self
1:45-2:00 Read Aloud: Miss Daisy Is Crazy
2:00-2:14 Get ready for dismissal

Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015

7:20-8:00 Homeroom
8:00-8:30 Social Studies
Objective for the week:
Social Studies 2.2 Objectives for the week: The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present,
with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.


Pueblo Quiz

Anticipatory Set:

TW tell students that today, we will be taking a quiz on Pueblo Indians.

TW Review with students

Independent Practice:
SW take quiz on Pueblo Indians.

TW gather student back on carpet
TW ask students what they found to be the big differences between the Lakota than the Eastern Woodland Indians, and the Pueblo.

8:30-9:30 Math
The SW demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing that the symbol = in an equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities are not equivalent.


Problem of the day

Whats my Neighbor?

Check point booklets

Complete calendar activities and Number of the day poster. Complete problem of the day.

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today we are taking our unit test on equalities and inequalities.

Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
SW take the 2.22 Check Points test.

How do we feel about what we will be tested on?
Are there any questions before we take the test tomorrow?.

No homework on test days.

9:30-10:00 Writers Workshop

Objective: SW learn strategies for developing a title for a fictional story.


Benchmark Writers Workshop Teachers Edition

Anticipatory Set:

TW tell students that today we are learning how to select the write title for you realistic fiction story

Modeling / Guided Practice:

TW model using the mentor text, Tias Bad Day to show how the title was picked using the elements of the story, focusing in on the character name and how
many times she said she was having a bad day.

Independent Practice:
SW use pieces of their story to craft a title of their book.
SW work on a new piece or work on an older piece.

TW gather students on the carpet.
TW ask three students to share their titles they came up with.

10:00-10:30 Interactive Read Aloud

TW read the book Shrek to stopping to discuss important details and vocabulary.
SW summarize the book using important details.

10:30-11:00 P.E.
11:00-11:20 Recess
11:20-12:05 Word Study
Matching game where students will turn over cards and match words with the same features. Partners will be in
their spelling group.

12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:35-1:05 Comprehension Lesson

Objective: SW learn to utilize punctuation to signal full stops while reading. Demonstrate purposeful pausing, while reading a text and sounding more like

Follow day 1-2, week 1 of unit 4 in TE.


Benchmark Literacy Teacher edition

The Lost Color poster
A Frog Someday poster

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students we have been learning about comprehending while we are reading. We have learned about sequences, coming to a complete stop while we
are reading, and now, we are going to talk about summarizing.

TW tell students that summarizing is saying in one sentence what the whole story or event is about.
TW will display and read, The Lost Color poster.
After, TTW model filling in the boxes at the bottom of the poster with a dry-erase marker.
TW model making a sentence that sums up what the poster was about.
TW tell students that what we have just done is summarize the poster.

Guided Practice:
TW say, Now lets try one together
TW display and read, A Frog Someday poster
TW/SW fill in bottom half of the poster together.
TW/SW come up with a sentence that sums up what the poster was about.

TW close by saying today while you are reading, think of how you would summarize the story you are reading.

1:05-1:15 Pack up
1:15-1:30 Read to Self
1:30-2:00 Power Up
2:00-2:14 Get ready for dismissal

Friday, Dec. 4, 2015

7:20-8:00 Homeroom
8:00-8:30 Social Studies
Objective for the week:
Social Studies 2.2 Objectives for the week: The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present,
with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest.


Jeopardy Power Point.

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today, we will review all three Indian Cultures with the Jeopardy game we promised you from the first week of the Indian unit.

Guided Practice:
TW play Jeopardy game with students, reviewing all three Indians: Pueblo, Sioux, and Powhatan

TW close unit out by asking what students favorite thing that they learned about the Indians was.

8:30-9:30 Math
The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will a) estimate the sum; and b) find the sum, using various methods of calculation.


Problem of the day

Free response


White boards
Complete calendar activities and Number of the day poster. Complete problem of the day.

Anticipatory Set:
TW tell students that today we start a new unit on adding two digit numbers.

TW model for students how to estimate

TW tell students that estimating will help students know if the answer they came up with was correct. Because the estimation is rounded then added, the
answer to the original problem should be with in 10.

Guided Practice:
TW show students a dice game. TTW roll four dice and arrange the dice two on top of two.

Then, TTW convert dice to numbers on the white

estimate, and then solve the problem.
TW repeat this process three times with the help of the students, before continuing.

Independent Practice:
SW take turns, with a partner, playing the game, making sure to estimate before solving each equation?

TW gather students to the carpet, gather all dice, boards, markers, and tissues.
TW try two more times with the whole group to review.

No Homework on Friday!

9:30-10:00 P.E.
10:00-10:30 Writers Workshop
Objective: Learn to edit fiction for capitalization, specifically focusing on proper nouns


Benchmark Writers Workshop Teachers Edition

Queue up Flocabulary video.

Anticipatory Set:
TW start lesson off by playing this video and telling students that we are going to edit for capitalization today.

Modeling / Guided Practice:

Using Tias Bad Day, TTW model correcting capitals in the story.

SW correct the capitals in their own story.
SW work on a new piece or work on an older piece.

TW gather students on the carpet.
TW ask two students to share one of the changes they made to their writing.

10:30-11:00 Interactive Read Aloud

TW read the book Lets Eat! stopping to talk about the Spanish words
SW summarize the story.

11:00-11:20 Recess
11:20-12:05 Comprehension Lesson
Objective: Build academic vocabulary and concepts related to the life cycle of a tree. Determine text importance. Identify sequence of events using a graphic
organizer. Identify and discuss nonfiction text features (captions). Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion.

Follow day 3-5, week 1 of unit 4 in TE.


Benchmark Literacy Teacher edition

Lost Dog poster

Anticipatory Set:
TW remind students that yesterday we learned about summarizing. Today, we will learn more about summarizing.

Modeling/Guided Practice:
TW display and read, Lost Dog poster
After reading, TTW model using the Somebody / Wanted / But / So / Then graphic organizer, filling in each block and building a summary sentence.
TW tell students that they will get a chance to use this sheet today during Read-to-Self.

SW use the Somebody / Wanted / But / So / Then graphic organizer during Read-to-Self time to practice their new skill.

TW close by reminding students of the list of signal words in their writing folder when they write as well as when they read to identify when an author is
trying to communicate a sequence.

12:05-12:35 Lunch
12:35-12:50 Word Study
Administer weekly spelling test to include sort.

12:50-1:00 Pack up
1:00-2:00 Weekly Wrap Up and Read to Self
Clean desks, shop at class store and complete any activities not gotten to this week.

2:00-2:14 Dismissal

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