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Welcome to the JReport Designer User's Guide

This User's Guide describes JReport Designer. JReport Designer is a report development environment
that enables sophisticated report design and presentation of critical business data. Report designers
can easily access data from any data source and generate highly formatted reports to deliver
information to authorized end users in the most relevant and intuitive manner.
This guide is written for report developers or Java application developers that want to embed JReport
reports into their application.

Other JReport documentation

This guide is one in the complete JReport documentation set. The documentation set includes the

Getting Started with JReport

JReport Tutorial

JReport Server User's Guide

JReport Server Monitor User's Guide

JReport Desktop Viewer User's Guide

Server API Javadoc

Designer and Catalog API Javadoc

What's New in This Release

This document describes the new features of JReport in this release.

JReport Server
Performance Improvements with the advanced report engine are focused on faster response time
and better scalability. Through internal system tuning and minimizing redundancy, JReport now has a
smaller footprint with faster response time for on-demand report generation, report delivery, and
interactive reporting and analysis.

Faster Expanding/Collapsing Actions in Crosstab. Adjusted the default value for the property
Expand Detail Data on crosstabs to improve the performance.
Reduce SQL calls when Interacting with Cascading Parameters. The unnecessary accesses to
the database are reduced when running reports with cascading parameters.
Use Derby as the Default JReport System Database. JReport changed its default system
database from HSQLDB to Apache Derby to provide better performance and support transactions
with higher reliability.
Support Bind Variables in JReport Server System Database. Bind variables are now supported
in most of JReport Server system databases to improve JReport Server performance.
Reduce the Response Time of a Single Event. Further improved the web control feature by
supporting executing combined actions of changing parameter value, sorting, and filtering that is
triggered by one event.
The Remote Dispatcher Is Enhanced. You can now dispatch RMI Server Pages requests in
multiple server environment without modifying any of your code. For details, see Dispatching
RMI Server Pages requests in multiple server environment in the JReport Server User's Guide.

Usability is improved with a simpler interface and more tools that enhance productivity.

Redesign the UI of Using the Saved Parameter Values When Specifying Parameter Values
for Running or Scheduling Reports. The new UI is more intuitive and easier to use. For details,
see Parameters in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Add Command Buttons to the Report Set/Task/Version Tables. Now on the JReport Console
page, you can handle reports, tasks, or versions with a quicker access of command buttons.
New UI Standard for JReport. JReport Server, JReport Viewer, JReport Studio and JReport Server
Monitor now use a consistent UI standard. Arrangement has also been taken to the presentation of
tabs and options so as to make the UI clearer and nicer.

New Functional Features to provide enhanced capabilities in security, report output and more.

Cached Report Data. JReport now supports Cached Report Data (CRD), which is a cached subset of
data fetched from the database according to certain conditions and is used for retrieving data for
reports instead of the database. Cached Report Data provides several benefits, for example, reports

can be run from a specific point in time such as a month end report or quarter end report without
going back to the DBMS to get the original data, users running a report will all see the same view of
the data, thus the data will not change minute by minute based on current DBMS updates. This can
provide a huge performance advantage and reduce the load on the DBMS when multiple users use
the same query for their reports. For details, see Managing cached report data in the JReport Server
User's Guide.

Support User Defined Resource Properties. By providing the Custom Field feature, user defined
resource properties are supported. For details, see Working with custom fields in the JReport Server
User's Guide.
Use an External Method for Profiling Data. You can now monitor the JReport Server performance
via an external method: JMX MBean API or Web Service API. For details, see Monitoring the server
performance in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Support Global NLS. Now you can create global NLS resources on JReport Server, which can be
shared by all report sets in both JReport Designer and JReport Server to reduce your translation cost.
For details, see NLS Editor and Creating global NLS for report sets in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Support Setting Report Set Status. Users/groups/roles which have the Update Status permission
of a report set can now change the status of the report set to specify whether a report set can be
run. The purpose is to allow report sets to temporarily by made not runnable without having to delete
them and republish them to make them available.
Add a New Server Database Branch. The new database branch is called system database. It
holds resources of the global server scope, such as server.properties, global NLS, etc. The original
system or systables database is now addressed as realm database since it is specific to a realm. The
profiling database remains as before. For details about the three databases, see Data dialog in the
JReport Server User's Guide.
Support Installation on 64-bit Operating Systems. All JReport installers have been upgraded
and can now work on all 64-bit operating systems as well as on 32-bit OSs.

Standards Support is further enhanced in JReport 10.

Support Itext 1.5.4. The Itext version JReport supports is now upgraded to 1.5.4.
I18N Support on Server UI. JReport Server now supports the Java I18N standards, so that it can
be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.

JReport Web (ad hoc reporting and analysis)

JReport Web enables reports to be accessed through a web browser via Dynamic HTML, or AJAX. With
JReport Web technology, reports can be modified using dynamic filter, sort, and drill capabilities.

Field Format Improvement for Crosstab Drill. Field format now will be kept when drilling in
Enhanced Speed When Opening Reports. Unnecessary calls to the DesignService APIs have been
removed when opening reports in DHTML format, which decreases the number of calls to the
Designer APIs and improves performance.
Categorize Resources in the Field Drop-down List. Now category folders are added to the field
drop-down list of the condition panel so that the resources are easier to pick and duplicate resource
names are avoided in multiple fields.

Redesign the Export Dialog. The new UI is better organized and easier to use. For details, see
Export dialog in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Mark the Resources in Use in the Resource Tree. Resources referenced by the current selected
component are now displayed checked in the resource tree, so that user can easily find out the
resources are being used.
JReport Viewer Dialogs And Menus Are Simplified. When creating a report with the report
wizard, if there is only one cube available in the current catalog, the Data screen is now hidden from
the wizard and this cube will be used to create the report by default. Meanwhile, if there is only one
style available to be applied to any report, all the style related commands, dialog tab and wizard
screen are not displayed now.
Support the Web Action of Linking to a Customized Page. With the new web action
user_popCustomizedPage(), you can get a customized page, which by default shows all the
parameters the current report uses if it has parameters. You can change the parameter values to rerun the report. Meanwhile, you can customize the page to make it display what you need by using
the DHTML API. For details, see the Customized Page dialog in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Support Drill-Up Action and Drill Filter Panel. The drill-up action is now supported on crosstab,
table, and banded object in analytic reporting. In addition, when you perform the drill actions, if any
filters are created, the Drill Filter panel will be displayed, showing the filters. Thus, with the Drill Filter
panel and drill-up action support, you can drill back and forth to change the data scope as required.
For details, see Automatic drilling in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Basic and Advanced Modes of the Filter Dialogs. Filter related dialogs now support two modes:
basic and advanced. The basic mode provides functions for creating simple filter conditions that are
connected by ADD and OR operators. The advanced mode enables the building of more complex filter
conditions via the grouping of conditions. Moreover, a filter inspector is provided for listing all the
filters a report set is using. For details, see Filter dialog in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Support Four New Web Controls. These four types of web controls are added: parameter control,
parameter form control, filter control, and navigation control. For their usages, see Applying web
controls in the JReport Server User's Guide.

Studio Reports Solution is aimed at easier and faster report creation and design, faster report
execution, easier customization, and better presentation style using a newer Rich Internet Application
(RIA) Web 2.0 interface. For details, see Studio Reports in the JReport Server User's Guide.

Scalable Architecture separates layout intensive tasks (rich client) from data intensive tasks
Business Views as Data Sources for Studio Reports. Business views are used as data sources
for studio reports and are created and managed in JReport Designer. A business view is similar to a
report cube except that there is no hierarchical relationship between the data objects in a business
view. For details, see Business views.
New Ad Hoc Report Wizard Based on AJAX is configurable for both of business and technical
users, facilitates the creation of complex reports with multiple components in a tabular style layout.
The Report Wizard supports new table templates covering all common table structures. It also allows
for easy creation of a report cover page and back page for more formal presentations. For details,
see JReport Studio Wizard in the JReport Server User's Guide.
JReport Studio is the rich internet application (RIA) with robust interactive functions, where you
open and edit studio reports. You can insert components, apply filters, parameters, and CSS styles,
set up links among studio reports, and export and print report results. For details, see Studio Reports
in the JReport Server User's Guide.

Open and Edit Studio Reports in JReport Designer. JReport Designer supports downloading
studio reports from JReport Server, opening, creating and editing studio reports, and publishing
studio reports to server. For details, see Working with studio reports.
Support Client Side Report Layout in JReport Studio/Wizard. In JReport Studio/Wizard, a new
engine is employed to support client side report layout to improve JReport Server performance and

JReport Designer

Support Web Service Data Source. JReport now supports web services defined by WSDL 2.0 as
data sources. For details, see Web service data sources.
Support Refreshing XML Schema. You can now modify the XML schema of an existing XML data
source via the Import XML Schema screen of the XML Connection Wizard. Once you finish modifying
and click the newly added Refresh button in the screen, the new schema information will be reloaded
according to what you have changed.
Table Enhancement. A new table structure is provided so each group, detail and summary field can
be held within its own column. In addition, more operations and functions are supported on tables.
For details, see Creating a table report, Managing columns/rows in a table and Table properties.
Catalog Browser Layout Enhancement. Resources in the Catalog Browser are re-organized
according to their relationship to make the resource tree structure clearer.
Customizable Data Sources in Catalog. You can now change the default data source name,
rename and delete the data sources in a catalog freely. For details, refer to Creating a catalog.
Support Inner Join Type. A property - Explicit Inner Join - is added to JDBC connection in the
Catalog Browser for controlling whether to use Explicit Join notation or Implicit Join notation in the
Where clause for inner joins. On some DBMS system, using explicit join notation improves
Improved Indentation on Nested Groups. When multiple groups are inserted into a banded
object or a table via the report wizard, by default, the indent of the groups is 0 now which means the
groups will not be indented. However, you can customize the group indent according to your own
requirements by setting the Customize group indent option in the Options dialog.
Customize DHTML Display Name for Actions. When customizing the field display names, you can
now further define where the display names will be used in specific components. For details, see
Customizing the field display names.
Define Default View Format When Designing Reports. A property - Default Format for Viewing
Report - is added in the Report Inspector at the report level for predefining the default report view
format. The property works when viewing or directly running the report in JReport Server.
Support More W3C CSS Properties. JReport now supports more W3C CSS 2.1 standard
properties, which allows you to create various CSS styles to change the visual presentation of your
reports. Meanwhile, an option - Show warning message when CSS properties are not supported by
JReport - is added in the Options dialog, for controlling whether to show the unsupported CSS
properties when applying CSS styles.
Refresh the Catalog Reference Table by API. You can now use the method public boolean
refreshReference(CrossReferenceConfigure referenceConfigure) in the Catalog API to refresh the

reference table of a catalog. For details, see Refreshing the reference table of a catalog.

Download Resources from JReport Server. You can now download the resources managed on
JReport Server to your local disk and further modify them in JReport Designer. This is particularly
useful for Web Reports (.wls) to allow you to add additional customizations to the templates using
JReport Designer then republish them to the server. For details, see Downloading resources from
JReport Server.
Consistently Support Hex for Designer Formula Color Picker. The Designer formula color
picker now supports RGB hexadecimal value of colors. It shows the RGB hexadecimal value of the
specified color, or you can enter the RGB hexadecimal value of a color manually.
Customize the Sheet Name for Report in Excel Result. When exporting a report to Excel, you
can now define the sheet name for the report in the exported Excel result file by setting the property
Sheet Name of the report.
Add Postfix Number to Subreport Worksheets in Excel Result. A property - Sheet Name
Postfix - is added on subreport, with which you can define how to add the postfix number to the
sheets in which the subreport will be put when exporting the report to Excel.
Chart Can Be Created Through the Report Wizard Along with the Banded/Crosstab/Table
Using the Same Group and Summary Fields. For details, see Creating a banded report.
Reduce the Memory JRMemoryAppeneder Holds. You can now use the method
setUsedMemoryAppender(boolean use) in the Engine Bean to reduce the memory
JRMemoryAppeneder holds. For details, see Reducing the memory JRMemoryAppender holds.
Formula Control Enhancement on Properties of Crosstab Fields. Most of the properties for
crosstab fields and labels can now be controlled by formulas. JReport automatically filters formulas
that are not supported for a property.
Format for Aggregate Fields in Crosstab Is Now Unified. Rather than setting the format for
detail, each sub-total and each grand-total a single format can be specified for all values for a
crosstab cell.
Support Importing User Defined Formula Classes via UI. You can now import user defined
formula classes in two ways: using the "import" statement or via dialog. The dialog also enables
editing class alias. By providing different aliases one UDF class can be imported more than once. The
imported UDF classes' functions are displayed in the UDF node in the Functions panel of the Formula
Editor. You can perform on UDF functions just like on the other built-in functions. For more, see User
defined formula functions.
Support Displaying Instance Name. A property Instance Name is added to all the objects in the
Report Inspector to show the instance name for each object. The instance name is required when
using the API methods.
Map Enhancement. The Map feature is further improved in several respects: you can now define
the area tips when you import areas from a .shp file in the Select Area Name dialog; in the Reset All
dialog, you can not only reset all the properties for map areas including the labels and summary
fields inside the areas globally, but also choose some specific properties you want to apply global
settings. You can also control whether or not the label for the area will be displayed when the size of
the area is changed to be smaller than the label, by using the option Automatic Filling Labels in the
Map Canvas Setup dialog.
Show the Value Label on the Value Axis in Percent. JReport now provides an option, Show

Percent, in the Format Value(Y)/(Y2) Axis dialog, by controlling whether the value label on the value
(Y)/(Y2) axis of a chart can either be displayed as value, or be shown in percent.

Support New Chart Types. Two new chart types, Bullet Chart and Donut Pie Chart, are now
supported in JReport.
Showing/Hiding Table Columns by Constant Level Formula. The property Invisible on table
columns can now be controlled by constant level formulas.
Support Linking Crosstab and Another Report with Conditions. You can now make a specified
field in a crosstab link with another report with conditions.
Support More Data Source Types for Binding Parameter With Column. When binding a
parameter with a column, you can now select the column in the following data sources: tables and
views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and user defined data sources. For details, see Creating a
Expanding/Collapsing Data Enhancement in Crosstab. With the Expand Data property on
DBFields and formulas added in to a crosstab as dimensions, you can specify which dimensions'
details can be expanded/collapsed in DHTML format. For details, see Expanding/Collapsing a crosstab.
Support Showing/Suppressing Specified Row/Column Subtotals in Crosstabs. In a crosstab,
you can now control which subtotal of rows/columns will be suppressed, and which will be shown, by
using the Suppress Row Subtotal dialog and Suppress Column Subtotal dialog.
Extend Contents in Table Column/Crosstab Field Automatically. When the contents in a table
column/crosstab field needs more space to completely display, you can automatically adjust the
width of the table column/crosstab field according to their contents, by using the property Auto Fit.
Web Control Enhancement. You can now add the value "All" to a list/drop-down list by using the
Insert Fields dialog. Then when All is selected as value of the list/drop-down list at runtime, all filter
actions defined on the list/drop-down list will not take effect, and if you applied some other web
action that needs value from the list/drop-down list, a Null value will be returned.
Link to Multiple Components in a Report. When linking a report with another one, you can
specify multiple components in the target report to be interlinked with the primary report, no matter
if they are based on the same dataset or not, and set separate link conditions for each component.
For details, see Linking a report to another report.
Alternating Line Color Control in a Crosstab. A property group Alternating Line Color is added to
crosstab, which allows you to define a specified color for the fields in the same rows or columns in a
New Look and Feel for JReport Designer. Based on JDK 6, JReport Designer now uses the new
Java Swing look and feel rather than the original Metal look and feel of previous versions.
Support Skip First N in Chart. For details, see Setting Order/Select N condition for category/series

Resolved/Known Issues in This Release

This document describes the resolved issues and any known issues for JReport Designer in this release.

Resolved issues

Case #



Reports that have a lot of sub-reports now work correctly without throwing a
ClassCastException or getting a page calculation error.


The Export to XML dialog now works with the Only Data option.


Stored procedures now work correctly using the SQL Server 2008 version.


All of the cascading parameters are now listed in the .cat.xml file.


The result of the stored procedure now works according to the user's parameter value


Reduced memory usage when user exports a report to Excel with the Preserve Report
Formatting option checked.


Enabled the outer join function for the queries using XML data sources.


The exported Excel file now works fine after user exports a report to Excel format.


The image quality now stays good in PostScript result format after user's JReport
Designer is upgraded from V7 version.


User can now specify a formula for the Suppress property of a chart object and run the
report on JReport Designer without getting an IndexOutOfBounds exception.



Reports can be renamed and saved normally now.



Enhanced null data checking in data source definitions to avoid java.lang.




Now the Auto Join setting can be used with XML data sources to automatically join
parent and child data.



The user defined density works normally now when user sets only Horizontal Density or
Vertical Density.



The fonts of exported PDF files now display normally after user exports reports to PDF



When user copies and pastes a query in a catalog, the catalog can be successfully
compiled because in the new query we now generate a different name for



The exported Excel file now works fine after user exports a chart containing only one
item on the series axis.



Now after user exports a chart to HTML file, it shows complete tip information when
user moves the mouse pointer over any text in the graph.



The exported Excel file containing a chart report now displays normally after user
saves the file and opens it again.



The exported Excel file containing a chart report now displays normally when user
opens it with MS Office 2010 version.

Known issues
Compiling formulas in JReport under JDK 6 or higher gets warnings
Since generic type is introduced to JDK 6 or higher version, when compiling formulas in JReport under

JDK 6 or higher, you may come across warning messages as follows:

Note: Test.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
You may see that the situations are logged as Javac errors. However, the warning messages do not
prevent Javac from creating .class files and reports can still run correctly.
In this case, you can simply ignore the messages and the logged errors.
Summary field disappears from design view when deleting table column
If a summary is inserted in the GroupFooterPanel of a table, when you delete a column from the table,
or unmerge the cell of the group footer row, sometimes you may find the summary field disappears
from design view, however, from the report structure tree in the Report Inspector, you can still find the
object. You can reset its coordinate related properties so as to make the summary field display again.
Report data get cut off in PDF result
When you export a report to PDF format, if the report contains a large amount of data but its page
mode is specified to be continuous page mode, or its page size is set to be larger than 200 inches, you
will find that in the PDF result some data of the report are cut off. This is because in one PDF page, the
data displayed can no larger than 200 inches.

API change
jet.formula.ParamDesc.value has been set to private now. You can use getDisplayValue(DbValue
paramvalue, java.util.Locale locale) instead.
For example:
ParamDesc desc = new ParamDesc();
... ...
desc.getDisplayValue(desc.getValue(), Locale.getDefault());

JReport Product Overview

JReport delivers operational business intelligence to enterprise applications through powerful embedded
JReport is a complete Java reporting solution that provides sophisticated enterprise reporting, ad hoc
reporting, and data analysis. A 100% Java EE architecture and a rich set of APIs allow JReport to be
seamlessly embedded into any application, providing end users with a transparent interface to easily
generate reports, share information, and analyze data. With JReport, any report can be made
interactive, extending the "life" of a report by allowing users to easily sort, group, navigate, and filter
via the Web. This wide range of functionality, including the ability to drill down on data, enables users
to quickly derive value from their business intelligence.
This chapter describes the JReport product in the following sections:

Features of JReport

JReport product architecture

Reporting a problem or requesting a feature

Visiting our web pages for more information

Features of JReport
JReport Designer supports report development. JReport Designer provides the following features:

Interactive IDE

Sophisticated report design

Precise, flexible layout

Reusable report objects

Access any data source

JReport Server supports report generation and management. JReport Server has the following

High performance engine

Scale to any workload

Seamless integration SDK

Pure Java EE deployment

Scheduling, distribution, alerting & versioning

JReport Web supports information delivery. JReport Web has the following features:

Interactive DHTML technology

Dynamic sort, filter, drill, pivot, convert

Ad hoc reporting

Taglib to customize JSPs

Flexible output formats: PDF, Excel, XML, RTF, e-mail and more

JReport product architecture

The JReport solution spans a 3-tier architecture.

JReport Designer is a Swing-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables

sophisticated report design and presentation of critical business data. It provides an intuitive interface,
reusable report components, flexible layout, and a toolset for designing and testing reports. With
JReport Designer, you can build reports using simple drag and drop techniques or by using the Report
Wizard. Data can be accessed from any data source to design and preview reports in order to deliver
information to end users in the most relevant and intuitive manner. Rapid creation and modification of
report templates is accomplished by toggling between design mode and view mode where the report
will be displayed with the actual dataset. Once report design is complete, the template is published to
the JReport Server for generation, delivery, and management.

JReport Server is a 100% Java report generation and management tool. It enables efficient
management, sharing, scheduling, versioning, and delivery of reports and enables reporting to be
integrated into the workflow of any Java application. The high-performance engine can scale to any
workload. Report results can be saved to a versioning system, sent to enterprise/workgroup printers,
or e-mailed. With JReport, reports can be viewed in any modern enterprise format including DHTML,
HTML and standard business documents, such as PDF, Excel, and RTF.
JReport Web enables reports to be accessed through a web browser via Dynamic HTML, or AJAX. With
JReport Web technology, reports can be modified using dynamic filter, sort, and drill capabilities. Using
JReport Web's advanced capabilities, users can drag and drop columns to and from an existing report,
dynamically change chart types, pivot crosstabs, add groups, convert report components or create an
entirely new report.
JReport SDK - All JReport functionality can be accessed through Java APIs using JSP pages, servlets,
or standalone applications.

Reporting a problem or requesting a feature

If you are having trouble running JReport Designer or encounter any problems during reporting, take
the following steps to troubleshoot it yourself first:
1. Check whether the system on which JReport Designer is running meets the system requirements.
2. Check the configuration of your JDBC drivers. JReport Designer supports database connections via
various JDBC drivers and ODBC data sources via Sun's JDBC-ODBC bridge.
Note: You need to install the JDBC or ODBC driver before installing JReport Designer. For
more information about how to install the driver please refer to the appropriate JDBC or
ODBC manuals.
For more information, see Setting up the JDBC driver.
3. Check the FAQ in the Customer Care Portal for frequently-asked questions and their solutions.
If the problem persists, report it to Jinfonet Support ([email protected]) with the following
1. Describe the precise steps leading to the problem.
2. Run the batch file called jrenv.bat in the <install_root>\bin folder, which will generate a file
called report.env in the current directory. Send this file to us.
3. Send us the catalog file (*.cat and*.fml) and the report file *.cls that you are having problem with.
4. Start JReport Designer with the batch file DJReport.bat. Running this batch file will generate the
log file in the <install_root>\logs directory. Try to reproduce the problem, and send this log file
to us.
5. In order to resolve the technical issues that you have reported, we need to access your report
data so that we can recreate and analyze the problem. Regardless of the size of your database, we
only require access to the data returned by the query of the particular report. We will execute a
confidentiality agreement with you if necessary.
To extract the report data, in the Catalog Browser, right-click on the data object that your report
is using, select Create Cached Query Result. Input the data file name and click the Save
button. The query result will be saved in the file. Send us all the files <file name>.* (including the
description file also). If the primary report contains subreports, repeat this also for each subreport.

Visiting our web pages for more information

Products information
Release information
News center
Demo center
Products download center
White papers
JReport product documentation
JReport Javadoc
JReport technical support center

Reporting Process Overview

This chapter describes an overview of each phase of the report development process:
1. Creating the initial report
To create a new report, use the Report Wizard. Reports can also be built piece-by-piece instead of by using the
wizard, or a report can be created based on an existing report.
For more information, see Creating a report.
2. Fine-tuning the report
You can arrange the layout as required. Or you can use the Report Inspector to modify the report objects
created by the Report Wizard. Properties and values of all objects in a report are displayed in a property sheet
for you to view and change interactively. The properties for different objects in Report Inspector will be
displayed dynamically. See Properties in the Report Inspector for details about each object's properties. In
addition, many properties can be controlled dynamically by using a formula. See Using formulas to control
object properties for more information.
3. Testing the report
While developing your report, you can test it any time to preview the result. For more information, see
Previewing a report.
4. Exporting the report
JReport Designer can export report results to various formats such as Text, HTML, PDF, PostScript File, Mail,
Applet, Excel File and Fax. To export the report, use File > Export To.
See Exporting report results for more information.
5. Publishing the report
When your report is ready to be published, you will need access to the JReport Server in the runtime
environment. If the JReport Server is accessible from the host on which JReport Designer is running, you can
publish from JReport Designer. Otherwise, you will need to copy the catalog and report template to the host
on which the JReport Server is running and perform the publishing process from the JReport Server.
See Publishing resources for more information about publishing reports from JReport Designer.
This chapter also describes an overview of using the JReport APIs to develop a report in the following topic:

Developing a report programmatically

As described above, a report is developed and tested with JReport Designer, saved as a .cls file, and then published
to an instance of JReport Server. The process can also be achieved from within a Java application by using the
Designer API, JReport Engine Bean, and JReport Result Viewer Bean as follows:

JReport Designer API

import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import jet.api.*;
import jet.jetc.*;
import jet.universe.exception.*;
DesignerUserInfo userInfo=new
Designer desg
= new Designer(path, cat, userInfo);
desg.setLog(new FileOutputStream(log), "8859_1");
//Opening an Existing Report
report = desg.open(name);
//Getting Handles
handle = desg.getHandles(report, Designer.IMAGE)[0];
//Changing the Property Value
//Change the image "coffee.gif" to "ship-logo.gif"
desg.set(handle, "PictureName", "ship-logo.gif");
//Change the image position
desg.set(handle, "X",
//Change the image width
desg.set(handle, "Width", 4.76f);

By creating a Designer instance in your Java program, you can modify an existing report or create a report (based
on the existing catalog and query) with the methods provided by Designer API.

JReport Engine Bean

import jet.bean.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
Then, we will create an instance. To report with JReport Engine Bean, you should create an instance of it first. The
constructor of JReport Engine Bean has no parameter. After the object is created, set the report home, report file,
catalog file, result file (if necessary), parameter values (if necessary). After runReport(), call the export or print
methods for exporting report result file to multiple output.
bean = new JREngine();

JReport Result Viewer Bean



Then, we will create an instance. To run with JReport Result Viewer Bean, you should create an instance of it first.
The constructor of JReport Result Viewer Bean has no parameter. After the object is created, set the report name,
set temp path (if not set then the current path will be the default). After runReport(), call the export or print
methods for exporting report result file to multiple output. The important thing is that the report name here is the
report result generated by JReport Engine. In other words, the report result file is generated by JReport Designer,
JReport Engine Bean or JReport Server.
bean = new JRResultViewer();
bean.setShowInfoLevel(bean.vDebug | bean.vError);

Installing, Running and Uninstalling

JReport Designer can run on both the Windows and Unix platforms. In this chapter, you will be shown
how to install and uninstall JReport Designer in your computer. Also, after reading this chapter, you will
have a basic understanding of the launch files in JReport Designer.

System requirements

JReport Designer Live license

Suppported databases

JReport Designer on Windows

JReport Designer on Unix

Silent installation

Solving installation problems

JReport Designer launch files

Command-line startup

System requirements
The following table shows the basic system requirements for installing JReport Designer. Check your
system to make sure that all the requirements have been met before installation.
JReport Designer System Requirements
Recommended Requirements Minimum Requirements

Windows, Unix, Linux

Windows, Unix, Linux


Intel Dual Core Xeon 2.8GHz

Intel P4 Xeon 3.0GHz


3 GB

2 GB


1 GB free

1 GB free


6 or above

6 or above

Client Requirements Recommended

Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 3, and higher versions, or Google Chrome 5.

You can download a JDK version at http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp.

Note: JReport supports Java VMs from Sun and IBM. Other vendor's Java VMs may cause unexpected
errors. Jinfonet technical support welcomes any feedback on the use of any other Java VMs.

JReport Designer Live license

The JReport Designer Live license controls the data sources for ad hoc Page Layout Reports and Web
Layout Reports (also called Studio Reports) and the creation of Web Layout Reports from those data
sources on JReport Designer. The Live license allows you to utilize the following features on JReport

Create and edit report cubes, business cubes, and business views. These are data sources created in
JReport Designer for ad hoc Page Layout Reports and Web Layout Reports.

Create Web Layout Reports from business views.

Export and print Web Layout Reports.

Publishing Web Layout Reports and previewing them in JReport Studio also require that JReport
Server has a JReport Server Live license.
Downloading reports which use business views, report cubes or business cubes as data source from
JReport Server also requires that JReport Server has a JReport Server Live license.

See also JReport Server Live license in the JReport Server User's Guide for details about the features
the license controls.

Supported databases
JReport supports all of the current mainstream databases as well as most databases which support
ODBC or JDBC drivers. The following table lists the databases and JDBC drivers that have been tested
with JReport. If you are using any of the databases listed below, you are recommended to use the
corresponding driver version with JReport although any driver which the DBMS supplier recommends is
also fine. Also, if you encounter problems when using a database or driver version that is not listed
here, you can contact Jinfonet Support ([email protected]) for help.


Driver File Name

JDBC Driver

Example URL








msbase.jar; msutil.
jar; mssqlserver.jar






com.inet.tds.TdsDriver jdbc:inetdae7:<host>:1433?








JDK1.4: ojdbc14.jar




JDK1.4: ojdbc14.jar









Db2java.zi; db2jcc.jar com.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.





com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app. jdbc:db2:test



(Linux, Unix and
jar (Linux, Unixand
Windows, z/OS,
OS/390,z/OS, iSeries





com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app. jdbc:db2:test







PostGre SQL 8.0





mysql-connector-java- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver








mysql 4

mysql-connector-java- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver



mysqlmysql-connector-java- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
5.0.2-alpha- 3.1.5-gamma-bin.jar




mysql-connector-java- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver



mysql 5

mysql-connector-java- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver








com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc. jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:5000/master




com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc. jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:5000/master

PostGre SQL 8.0





Cache 4






org.apache.derby.jdbc. jdbc:derby:D:\derby\demo\databases

Note: If you want to use the DB2 app connection, you need to install the client and configure the net
address first.

JReport Designer on Windows

Installing JReport Designer on Windows
Follow the steps listed below to install JReport Designer on Windows:
1. Download the JReport Designer installation file for Windows jrpsetup.exe from the Jinfonet
download center: http://www.jinfonet.com/downloadjreport/.
2. Run jrpsetup.exe and follow the default prompts to install.
During the installation, pay attention to the following:

The Installation Wizard will first find a JVM to get started. If no JVM is found, the JReport installer
will fail to launch. To resolve this issue, you can try either way:

Set JAVA_HOME in system environment.

Install JReport from a DOS command by specifying the LAX_VM option for the Installation Wizard as
jrpsetup.exe LAX_VM "C:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\java.exe"
The JDK path should use absolute path and be quoted by "".

You are recommended to use JDK 6 or higher versions.

The installer allows you to add additional class paths. Also, after installation, you can choose to add
them manually into the JReport.bat or setenv.bat file in <install_root>\bin.
If you select to install JReport Designer into a folder that already contains an existing copy, the
installer will replace the packages and create new batch/script files. Meanwhile, a copy of the old
batch/shell files will be kept for your reference. You are recommended to use the batch/script files
that come with the installer to ensure that all new packages have been added into the class path.

Running JReport Designer on Windows

Use one of the following ways to run JReport Designer on Windows:

Double-click the JReport Designer 10 shortcut on your desktop.

Click Start > All Programs > JReport 10 > Designer.

Run the JReport.bat/JReport.sh file located in <install_root>\bin.

Run the startup batch file from a MS-DOS command prompt. For example, assume that JReport
Designer has been installed in C:\JReport\Designer, you can type the following commands:
C:\>cd JReport\Designer\bin

Uninstalling JReport Designer on Windows

Use either of the following ways to uninstall JReport Designer on Windows:

From the Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs, and then select JReport Designer 10 to
remove it.
Run uninstaller.exe in <install_root>\_uninst.

Note: The uninstaller removes all files that were generated by the installer, while any files that were
created later by the program are retained. These files should be removed manually.

JReport Designer on Unix

Installing JReport Designer on Unix
To install JReport Designer on Unix, follow the steps below:
1. Download the JReport Designer installation file for Unix jrpsetup.bin from the Jinfonet download
center: http://www.jinfonet.com/downloadjreport/.
2. Click the executable file jrpsetup.bin to launch the Installation Wizard. Alternatively, you can open
a console window, and change the directory to the location of the jrpsetup.bin file. The following
are examples of the commands that can be used.
$ cd thepath
To make jrpsetup.bin executable, type the command:
$ chmod +x jrpsetup.bin
To run jrpsetup.bin:
$ ./jrpsetup.bin
3. Once the Installation Wizard has been successfully loaded, you can then follow the default prompt
to install JReport Designer.
During the installation, pay attention to the following:

The Installation Wizard will first find a JVM to get started. If no JVM is found, the JReport installer
will fail to launch. To resolve this issue, you can try either way:

Set JAVA_HOME in system environment.

Specify a JVM for Installation Wizard with the option LAX_VM as follows:
$ ./jrpsetup.bin LAX_VM "/home/jdk1.6.0_17/bin/java"
The JDK path should use absolute path and be quoted by "".

You are recommended to use JDK 6 or higher versions.

Running JReport Designer on Unix

To run JReport Designer on Unix, run the script file JReport.sh in <install_root>/bin. You can modify
this script file by adding additional classes before launching JReport Designer.
$ ./JReport.sh

Uninstalling JReport Designer on Unix

To uninstall JReport Designer on Unix, execute uninstaller.sh in <install_root>/_uninst.

Alternatively, you can open a console window, and change the directory to the location of the
uninstaller.sh file. The following are examples of the commands that can be used:
$ cd thepath
Run the uninstaller file:
$ ./uninstaller

Silent installation
JReport provides a file for installing JReport Designer silently without user participation in the
installation process, both on Windows and Unix platforms.
Follow the steps below to install JReport Designer silently:
1. Download the file DesignerInstall.properties from the Jinfonet website.
2. Run the following command, and JReport Designer will be installed in the designated path:
$ ./jrpsetup.bin -i silent -f DesignerInstall.properties
Or $ ./jrpsetup.bin LAX_VM "USER_JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -i silent -f DesignerInstall.
properties (recommended)

When installing JReport Designer silently, make sure you do not use overwrite installation, instead,
install it to a new directory.
When you install the Update or Service Pack silently, edit the file update.properties in
<install_root>\help\designer\samples to your own requirements. This file is used to create an
option file (i.e. response file) for the Installation Wizard. It predefines all the information that is
required for the installation.
You can also create a property file and save it as follows:

Modify the above lines according to your own environment and configurations.

Solving installation problems

This section is trying to help you solve the problems you encounter during the installation.

Where to find log information

If error occurs during the installation, you can check the log information recorded to find out what the
problem is. Where logs are generated depends on when the installation process get stuck:
If the installation is cancelled before you click the Install button on the installation wizard, logs are
created on the desktop for Windows and in the userhome directory for Unix/Linux.

If the installation is cancelled after you click the Install button on the installation wizard, logs are
created in the logs folder in the installation root directory.

Besides, on a Windows platform, you can choose to specify the log destination that should use absolute
path and log file name when launching the installation wizard:
jrpsetup.exe -D$INSTALL_LOG_NAME$="Install.log" -D$INSTALL_LOG_DESTINATION$="D:\temp"
$ ./jrpsetup.bin -D$INSTALL_LOG_NAME$="Install.log" -D$INSTALL_LOG_DESTINATION$="/opt/
Feel free to send your questions to [email protected].

An issue on Windows Vista

When running JReport Designer's installer on Windows Vista, the installer cannot find the browser and
the installed JDKs, or when running installers of other JReport products, the installer cannot find the
installed JDKs. These browsers are supported in JReport Designer's installer: Internet Explorer, Firefox,
and Google Chrome.
By default Vista's security settings are stricter than Windows 2000, XP, and 2003. The children
processes do not inherit the execution right from their parent process.
Make the compatibility property of the installer file (.exe) available:
1. Right-click the installer file, and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Compatibility mode panel of the Compatibility tab, check the Run this program in
compatibility mode for option, and then select Windows 2000 from the drop-down list.
3. Click OK.
4. Run the installer.

JReport Designer launch files

You can find a set of utilities in the directory <install_root>\bin. All of these batch files (Windows)/
script files (Unix) can be edited to suit different circumstances. However, you need to make sure of
their functions before doing this. In addition, the information in this topic is current at the time of
release, however, due to changes that take place during the release cycle it may no longer be valid.
The most current information can be found in the Readme.html file with each version in the path

This tool is for starting the Catalog Doctor in order to make changes to the catalog.
java <-Dreporthome=reporthome> jet.builder.JReport [-options] [reportfile]

Print out this message.
Enable output debug message.
Enable output error message.
Output message to .\<file> or the default.

This tool is for starting JReport Designer in logging mode. In case of problems, you are requested to
launch JReport Designer with this batch file/script file in order to track detailed log information.
Running this batch file/script file generates log file in the <install_root>\logs directory.
java <-Dreporthome=reporthome> com.jinfonet.designer.JReport [-options][reportfile]

Print out this message.
Enable output debug message.
Enable output error message.

This tool is for removing the evaluation mark from reports. If you have purchased the JReport product
and is successful in running JReport Designer with the new key, but the evaluation watermarks are still
left, you will need to run this batch file to remove the evaluation watermarks. Run the batch file with
the report names to be converted with the full path as parameter.
java -Dreporthome=<drive>:<path> jet.report.EvlConverter
[[drive:][path][filename] +]

Econvert.bat [ReportName.cls]
Example: Econvert.bat C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\TutorialReports\*.cls

This tool is for generating the report environment file report.env in the current directory. This file can
help the Jinfonet support staff assist you when you run into problems.

This tool is for starting JReport Designer.
java <-Dreporthome=reporthome> com.jinfonet.designer.JReport [-options][reportfile]

Print out this message.
Enable output debug message.
Enable output error message.

Note: You may need to set an appropriate -Dfile.encoding option in the file to start JReport
Designer in order to view characters correctly.

This tool is for running this batch file to display the tutorial help.


This tool is for importing ObjectDataSource.

java com.jinfonet.jdbc.model.wizard.ModelWizard [-options]

Print out this message.
Enable output debug message.
Enable output error message.
Output message to JGUIEditor.log or .\<file>.

This tool is for starting JReport Designer without the JIT option.
java <-Dreporthome=reporthome> com.jinfonet.designer.JReport [-options][reportfile]

Print out this message.
Enable output debug message.
Enable output error message.

This tool is for converting property values. Running this batch file will display a window from which you
can modify many properties of a selected report file. This is most useful when you want to modify
several properties using the same value at the same time. For example, if a Label and several DBFields
share the same background of blue, and now you want to change them all to transparent, you can
simply use this tool.

This tool is for replacing user ID and license key.
rp UID Key

This tool is for converting old report schema to be current version.
rptconv "-source=source_path" ["-target=destination_path"] [-r] [-s]

Specify the source path of the reports that are to be converted.
Specify the destination path for the converted reports.
Replace the source report with the converted version.
If this option is set, ["-target=destination_path"] will be ignored.
If both "-r" and "-target" are not specified, the converted reports are saved in the same directory as
the source reports and named as "converted_SourceReportName".

Convert all the reports in the specified directory, including the reports in all subdirectories.


To convert a single report:

rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls" "
This will convert C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls to C:\temp
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls" "
This will convert C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls, save the
converted report to C:\temp, and name it as "1.cls.xml" (if license allows).
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls"
This will convert C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls, save the
converted report in the same directory, and name it as "converted_InvoiceReport.cls".
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls" -r
This will overwrite C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\InvoiceReport.cls.

To convert all reports (*.cls, *.rpt, *.clx, *.cls.xml) in a directory:

rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports" "target=C:\temp"
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports and save the converted
reports to C:\temp. The converted reports use the same file names as source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports" "target=C:\temp" -s

This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports and in the subdirectories and
save the converted reports to C:\temp. The converted reports take the same file names and directory
structure as source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports" "target=C:\temp\*.cls" -s
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports and in the subdirectories and
save the converted reports to C:\temp. The converted reports take the same directory structure as
source reports and the suffixes of their file names are all changed to ".cls".
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports" -r -s
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports and in the subdirectories.
The converted reports overwrite the source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports"
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports. All the converted reports
are saved in the same directory and named as "converted_SourceReportName".

To convert a type of reports with same suffixes in a directory:

The usage is similar to converting a directory. You can specify the wildcard to filter reports, for
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports\SampleReports\*.cls" "target=C:
This will convert all the reports with the suffix ".cls" in C:\JReport\Designer\demo\reports
\SampleReports and save the converted reports to C:\temp.


There must be one and only one catalog file in the directory where the reports to be converted
If the reports to be converted contain UDO or UDF, make sure the corresponding classes or jars are
included in the class path of rptconv.bat/rptconv.sh.

Command-line startup
You can launch JReport Designer from the Command Prompt window. This method is optional on some
platforms (Windows for example) and preferred on others. Using command-line startup enables you to
use the command-line syntax options.
java -Dreporthome=path -classpath path jet.builder.JReport -vError -vDebug -help
The command line arguments for JReport Designer are described below. Note that the setup process
creates several startup batch files which may contain additional parameters.

Specifies the directory where JReport Designer has been installed. This parameter is required. When
you set the report home, upon launching, JReport will try to find jslc.dat and report.ini files in
<install_root>\bin and check whether they are valid. jslc.dat is the License control file. If you
open report.ini, you will find configuration information, including the temp path, template path and
the help path. JReport uses the temp path for exporting temporary files, so you should make sure
that the temp folder specified in report.ini actually exists.
Assume that JReport Designer has been installed in C:\JReport\Designer, this parameter is Dreporthome=C:\JReport\Designer.

-classpath path
Tells the Java interpreter the class path. It is usually used for appending the JReport Designer lib
path to the Java class path. For example, assume that JReport Designer has been installed in C:
\JReport\Designer and Java (JDK1.x.x) has been installed in C:\java, this parameter is then:
-classpath C:\java\lib\classes.zip;C:\jreport\designer\lib\report.jar;

Turns off just in time compiling, which sometimes creates problems.
Enables JReport Engine to generate an SQL statement with full outer join syntax instead of with
abbreviated syntax.
Sets the maximum Java heap size.
Logging and debugging switches
You can use the following two command switches together to track detail debug and error

-vError - Enables JReport Designer to output error messages. If you start Designer with this
command in the command-line, correspondingly in the LogConfig.properties file, value of the
engine Error level will be set to ERROR and value of the engine Trace level will be set to OFF.
-vDebug - Enables JReport Designer to output information and warning messages. If you start
Designer with this command in the command-line, correspondingly in the LogConfig.properties file,
value of the engine Error level will be set to WARN and value of the engine Trace level will be set to

You can specify the log file format, such as Text, or HTML. You can then decide whether or not to

append the log files to an existing file, or to create a new file. You can even specify the log layout
using the abundant options that JReport provides. To do this, you need to edit the file LogConfig.
properties in <install_root>\bin. For detailed information on how to configure logging and
debugging information, see the LogConfig.properites file.

Prints the help message.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

Reports created in JReport Designer 7 or prior must be converted to Version 10 before they can be
modified with JReport Designer 10. The conversion procedure is described below. However, JReport
Version 7 or prior reports can continue to be published to, and run by JReport Server 10 without any
To upgrade Version 7 or prior reports to Version 10:
1. Be sure that JReport Designer 10 has been installed in a folder that does not contain any previous
versions of JReport Designer. If it does, uninstall and reinstall to a new directory.
2. Convert a set of reports by either of following methods:

Run the conversion tool rptconv.bat/rptconv.sh which is located in <install_root>\bin.

Convert a report by opening it directly and then saving it with JReport Designer 10.

A Version 7 or prior report is converted to a flow layout report with a banded object. A banded object
has the same report sections that a Version 7 or prior report template has, however in Version 10 the
sections are called panels. Any other data objects in the Version 7 or prior report are converted to the
corresponding data containers within the banded object.
All converted reports can be used in the same way as a new Version 10 report that contains a banded
object. You can insert other components into the banded panels as described in Component placement.
In addition, the features of Version 10, such as page mode, displays types, CSS styles and so on can
be applied to the converted reports. However, in the converted reports, the layout cannot extend
beyond the banded object as it can for a new report created in Version 10. That is, while you can insert
components into the banded object created as a result of the migration, you cannot insert components
after the banded object. If your reports require this functionality, you will need to re-create the report
as a new report in Version 10.
Note: Migrated reports need to be analyzed to determine how Version 10 functionality can best be
applied. For example, converted reports that share a dataset should be combined into report sets to
take full advantage of Version 10 performance improvements. Contact Jinfonet Professional Services
for assistance if desired.

Report Development Environment

This chapter focuses on the layout of the JReport Designer reporting environment, and the functions of each component of JReport
Designer. For simple operations, you have been given a brief how-to introduction. Other complex commands associated with this
topic have been covered in detail in the specific feature's chapters and sections.
The JReport development environment consists of the parts as illustrated in the following diagram.

Menu bar


Resource View panel

Inspector panel

Toolbox panel

Catalog Browser panel

Search Result panel

Design/View area

Menu bar
The following menus are available on the menu bar. Click the links to get details.

File menu

Edit menu

View menu

Insert menu

Format menu

Report menu

Window menu

Help menu

File menu
The File menu contains the following items:

Report Set
Creates a report set. For details, see Creating a report set.
Creates a report in the current report set. For details, see Creating a report.
Studio Report
Creates a blank studio report. For details, see Creating a studio report.
Creates a query. For details, see Creating a query.
Business Cube
Creates a business cube. For details, see Creating a business/report cube.
Data Source
Creates a data source. For details, see Data Source Connections.

Opens an existing report set. For details, see Opening a report set.
Open Recent
Lists recently accessed files for you to open.
Closes the active report set.
Close All
Closes all open report sets.
Saves the active report set.
Save As
Saves the active report set with a different name in the current directory.
Save To
Saves the active report set with a different name to another directory. This command will also merge
the report's resources to the other directory by either creating a new .cat file (if there is no .cat file in
that directory), or merging with the existing .cat file (if a .cat file already exists in that directory).
For details about saving report sets in JReport Designer, see Saving a Report Set.
Catalog Management

New Catalog
Creates a catalog file. For details, see Creating a catalog.
Open Catalog
Opens a catalog file. For details, see Opening a catalog.
Save Catalog
Saves the open catalog file.
Save Catalog As
Saves the open catalog file with a different name to another directory.
For details about saving catalogs in JReport Designer, see Saving a catalog.

Import From

JReport Report Set

Imports reports to a report set from another report set in the same catalog. For details, see
Importing reports into a report set.

Export To
Exports the current report result to JReport Result, HTML, PDF, Excel, Text, RTF, XML, PostScript, Mail,
Fax, or Applet format. For details, see Exporting report results.
Publish and Download

Publish to Server
Publishes resources from their original location to JReport Server. For details, see Publishing
resources remotely.
Publish to Local Directory
Publishes resources from their original location to a local directory. For details, see Publishing
resources locally.
Download from Server
Downloads resources on JReport Server to a local directory. For details, see Downloading resources
from JReport Server.

Opens the Options dialog to configure JReport to suit your requirements.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to set up page properties.
Print Preview
Switches to the view mode for you the preview the report result.
Prints the current report result. For details, see Printing report results.
Closes JReport Designer. If there are any files not saved, you will be prompted to save them.

Edit menu
The Edit menu contains the following commands:
Reverses a previous action.
The counter-operation of Undo.
Erases an object and places it in the clipboard.
Copies an object and places it in the clipboard.
Takes an object from the clipboard and places it into the report.
Erases an object from the report.
Select All
Selects all the objects in the report.
Find DBField
Finds a specific DBField in the report.
Parameter Order
Sets the parameter order. For details, see Editing the display sequence of parameters.
Freeze Field in Table
If checked, the fields in a table will be stopped from accepting any mouse or keyboard events.
Merges two or more cells in a table or tabular.
NLS Editor
Shows the NLS Editor for you to edit NLS file. For details, see NLS Editor.
CSS Style
Shows the CSS Editor for you to manage CSS styles. For details, see Managing CSS styles.

View menu
The View menu contains the following commands:
Preview As
Previews the report result in various formats. For details, see Previewing a report.
Specifies whether or not to show the Standard, Format, NLS Language, Insert, View, and Alignment
toolbars. You can customize the toolbars by clicking the Customize item.
Resource View
Specifies whether or not to show the Resource View panel.
Report Inspector
Specifies whether or not to show the Inspector panel.
Catalog Browser
Specifies whether or not to show the Catalog Browser panel.
Specifies whether or not to show the Toolbox panel.
Status Bar
Specifies whether or not to show the status bar.
Page Layout
Specifies whether or not to show the report in page layout style, which displays the page margins and
enables multiple pages to be continuous.
Page Header
Specifies whether or not to show the page header.
Page Footer
Specifies whether or not to show the page footer.
Specifies whether or not to show the vertical and horizontal rulers.
Specifies whether or not to show guidelines.
Specifies whether or not to show page margins.

Specifies whether or not to show grids.

Snap To Grids
Specifies whether or not to snap an object to grids when you move it by dragging and dropping. If
checked, aligning objects will be made easy.
Grid Size
Opens the Set Grids dialog to set grid settings.
Display Attributes
Opens the Display Attribute dialog to specify the precision of fractional data, the unit of measurement
in the report, and the resolution.
Show Hidden Objects
Specifies whether or not to show invisible objects in design mode. If you have checked this item, all
hidden objects (with the Invisible property value being true) will be shown in design mode however
marked with two triangles.
High Precision View
Specifies whether to display reports in high precision when from the design mode to the view mode. If
unchecked, low precision will be used. For detailed information about high/low precision, see Precision
By default, this option is enabled. You can also set its default value in the Options dialog (File >
Options > General > High Precision View).
Data Buffer Information
Opens the Data Buffer Information dialog to view the information of data buffer in the current report
and its subreports.
View Mode Language
Sets the language for previewing the report result in view mode.

Insert menu
The Insert menu contains the following commands:
Inserts a DBField into a report. For details, see Inserting a DBField in a report.
Inserts a formula field into a report. For details, see Inserting a formula in a report.
Inserts a summary field into a report. For details, see Inserting a summary field in a report.
Inserts a parameter field into a report. For details, see Inserting a parameter field in a report.
Creates and edits the criteria by which the fields of certain components are grouped and sorted. For
details, see Grouping the data.
Inserts and creates labels into a report.
Text Box
Places and creates a text box into a report.
Places a BMP, JPEG, or GIF image into a report.
Inserts a barcode into a report. For details, see Barcodes.
Inserts a rank object into a report. For details, see Ranks.
Inserts a table into a report. For details, see Inserting a table.
Inserts a crosstab into a report. For details, see Inserting a crosstab.
Inserts a chart into a report. For details, see Inserting a chart.

Inserts a tabular into a report. For details, see Inserting a tabular in a report.
Banded Object
Inserts a banded object into a report. For details, see Inserting a banned object.
Inserts a subreport into a report. For details, see Inserting a subreport.
Inserts a map into a report. For details, see Inserting a map.
Inserts a user defined object into a report. For details, see Inserting a UDO into a report.
Special Fields
Inserts a special field which are not fetched from the database into a report.
Drawing Objects
Draws lines, boxes, arcs, ovals, and round boxes in a report.
Web Controls
Inserts web controls into a report. For details, see Web controls.
Multimedia Objects
Inserts multimedia objects into a report, including flash files, applets, Windows Media files, and
RealMedia files. For details, see Multimedia objects.
Page Break
Inserts a page break after the current page in a report.
Page Panel
Inserts a page panel after the current page in a report.

Format menu
The Format menu contains the following items:
Conditional Formatting
Opens the Conditional Formatting dialog to add some conditional formats to the selected field.

Move Backward
Places the selected object that overlaps one or more objects behind the current overlapping object.
Move To Back
Places the selected object that overlaps one or more objects behind all the overlapping objects.
Move Forward
Brings the selected object that overlaps one or more objects to the front of the current overlapping
Move To Front
Brings the selected object that overlaps one or more objects to the front of all the overlapping


Shifts the selected object to the left.
Shifts the selected object to the right.
Shifts the selected object to the top.
Shifts the selected object to the bottom.
Vertical Center
Aligns the selected object in the center vertically.
Horizontal Center
Aligns the selected object in the center horizontally.
Vertical Distribute Space
Spaces the selected object evenly in a vertical direction.
Horizontal Distribute Space
Spaces the selected object evenly in a horizontal direction.
Aligns the content of the selected object to the left boundary of the object .
Aligns the content of the selected object to the center of the object.

Aligns the content of the selected object to the right boundary of the object.
Adjusts horizontal spacing so that the content is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins
in the selected object.

Text Style

Specifies whether or not to bold the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to italicize the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to underline the text in the selected object.


Positions the selected object to the default location.
Positions the selected object to "flow" relating to its surrounding objects.
Sets the selected object to the location you specify by dragging and dropping or setting the X and Y

Report menu
The Report menu contains the following commands:
Dataset Management
Manages existing datasets. For details, see Managing datasets.
Edit Display Name
Specifies the field display names for the Sort, Filter, Search dialogs and the Drill menu items in JReport
Viewer. For details, see Customizing the field display names.
Edit Sort and Filter
Predefines sort and filter conditions for banded objects/tables/charts/crosstabs. For details, see
Predefining sort and filter conditions.
Opens the Bursting dialog to enable the current report to become a bursting report.

Window menu
The Window menu contains the following commands:
Cascades the design windows of the open report sets.
Tile Horizontally
Tiles the design windows of the open report sets horizontally.
Tile Vertically
Tiles the design windows of the open report sets vertically.
Adjusts the open report sets.
Note: Besides the above, you may see one or more items labeled file names, and the item
representing the current report set is marked with a check. You can click an item to activate the
window of the report set that it represents.

Help menu
The Help menu contains the following commands:
Displays the JReport Tutorial.
User's Guide
Displays the JReport Designer User's Guide.
Welcome Page
Shows the Welcome Page.
Jinfonet Software Home Page
Accesses Jinfonet Software website.
Online Support
Opens the Jinfonet online support page.
Knowledge Base
Opens the page which directs to the Jinfonet knowledge base.
About JReport
Brings out the About JReport Designer window. This window shows general product information about
JReport Designer.

By default, JReport Designer provides the following toolbars:

Standard toolbar

Format toolbar

Insert toolbar

NLS Language toolbar

View toolbar

Alignment toolbar


You can customize the toolbars according to your requirements. To do this:

1. Right-click the space on any toolbar and select Customize from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Customize Toolbars dialog, define the toolbar as required.
You can also access this dialog by clicking View > Toolbar > Customize.

If you want to reset the toolbars to the default, right-click the space on any toolbar and then click
Reset on the shortcut menu.

Standard toolbar
This toolbar by default contains the following buttons:
New Report Set
Creates a new report set. For details, see Creating a report set.
Opens a report set.
Saves the current report set.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to set page properties of the active report in the current report set.
Shows the Print dialog for you to print the active report in the current report set. The dialog varies
according to the printing method you choose.
Preview As
Previews the report result in the specified format. For details, see Previewing a report.
Erases an object and places it on the clipboard.
Copies an object and places it on the clipboard.
Takes an object from the clipboard and places it into the report.
Deletes the selected object.
Reverses a previous action.

The counter-operation of Undo.
Find DBField
Finds specific DBFields in a report.
Freeze Field in Table
Stops the fields in a table from accepting any mouse or keyboard events, or releases the status of
Merge and Split
Merges cells in a table or tabular, or split a tabular cell, or unmerge a merged cell in a table.

Format toolbar
This toolbar contains the following buttons and drop-down list boxes by default:
Font Face
Specifies the font face of the text in the selected object.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text in the selected object.
Specifies the style group applied to the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to bold the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to italicize the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to underline the text in the selected object.
Adjusts horizontal spacing so that the content is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins in
the selected object.
Aligns the content of the selected object to the left boundary of the object.
Aligns the content of the selected object to the center of the object.
Aligns the content of the selected object to the right boundary of the object.
Background Color
Specifies the background color of the selected object.

Font Color
Specifies the color of the text in the selected object.
Conditional Formatting
Opens the Conditional Formatting dialog to add some conditional formats to the selected field.

Insert toolbar
Below are the buttons contained in this toolbar by default:
Insert DBField
Inserts a DBField into a report. For details, see Inserting a DBField in a report.
Insert Formula
Inserts a formula field into a report. For details, see Inserting a formula in a report.
Insert Summary
Inserts a summary field into a report. For details, see Inserting a summary field in a report.
Insert Parameter
Inserts a parameter field into a report. For details, see Inserting a parameter field in a report.
Insert Group
Creates and edits the criteria by which the fields of certain components are grouped and sorted. For
details, see Grouping the data.
Insert Label
Inserts a label into a report.
Insert Text Box
Creates and places a text box into a report.
Insert Image
Places a BMP, JPEG, or GIF image into a report.
Insert Barcode
Inserts a barcode into a report. For details, see Barcodes.
Insert Rank
Places a rank object into a report. For details, see Ranks.
Insert Table

Inserts a table into a report. For details, see Inserting a table.

Insert Crosstab
Inserts a crosstab into a report. For details, see Inserting a crosstab.
Insert Chart
Inserts a chart into a report. For details, see Inserting a chart.
Insert Tabular
Inserts a tabular in a report. For details, see Inserting a tabular in a report.
Insert Banded Object
Inserts a banded object into a report. For details, see Inserting a banned object.
Insert Subreport
Inserts a subreport into a report. For details, see Inserting a subreport.
Insert Map
Inserts a map into a report. For details, see Inserting a map.
Insert UDO
Inserts a user defined object into a report. For details, see Inserting a UDO into a report.
Insert Special Field
Inserts a special field in a report. You can click the downward triangle to show all the available special
Insert Drawing Object
Draws a drawing object in a report.
Insert Web Control
Inserts a web control. You can click the downward triangle to show all supported web control types. For
details, see Web controls.
Insert Multimedia Object
Inserts a multimedia object into a report. For details, see Multimedia objects.

NLS Language toolbar

This toolbar contains the following buttons and drop-down list boxes by default:
View Mode Language
Specifies the language in which to view the report result. For details, see Previewing a NLS report.
NLS Editor
Shows the NLS Editor for you to edit NLS file. For details, see NLS Editor.

View toolbar
The following buttons or drop-down lists are contained in this toolbar by default:
Shows or hides the Toolbox panel.
Catalog Browser
Shows or hides the Catalog Browser.
Shows or hides the Report Inspector.
Page Layout
Specifies whether or not to show the report in page layout style, which displays the page margins and
enables multiple pages to be continuous.
Show Hidden Object
Specifies whether or not to show hidden objects.
View Percent Box
Lists percentages with which you can zoom in or out of a report.

Alignment toolbar
The Alignment toolbar provides the following buttons by default:
Align Left
Shifts the selected object to the left.
Align Right
Shifts the selected object to the right.
Align Top
Shifts the selected object to the top.
Align Bottom
Shifts the selected object to the bottom.
Align Vertical Center
Aligns the selected object to the center vertically.
Align Horizontal Center
Aligns the selected object to the center horizontally.
Vertical Distribute Space
Spaces the selected object evenly in a vertical direction.
Horizontal Distribute Space
Spaces the selected object evenly in a horizontal direction.
Move To Back
Places the selected object that overlaps one or more objects behind all the overlapping objects.
Move To Front
Brings the selected object that overlaps one or more objects to the front of all the overlapping objects.
Move Backward
Places the selected object that overlaps one or more objects behind the current overlapping object.

Move Forward
Brings the selected object that overlaps one or more objects to the front of the current overlapping
Change Position
Click the downward triangle to change the position of an object.

Resource View panel

The Resource View panel, which can be displayed by clicking View > Resource View on the menu bar, is
an integrated interface for managing the resources that are used in the current report set. It consists of
a toolbar, a dataset drop-down list, and a field panel as shown below:

The toolbar includes the following buttons:

This button varies according to what view you select. It provides a shortcut menu for you to switch
among the view modes (Query View, Dataset View, and Dataset List View). The Query View mode
lists all available resources for the current report set. The Dataset View mode also lists all these
resources, however with a checkbox left to every resource for you to select (for a dataset coming
from a hierarchical data source, there are no such checkboxes). The Dataset List View mode lists the
resources you have selected in the dataset view mode.
Dataset Filter
Filters out some unnecessary data.

Search Resource
Searches the required resources in the Resource View panel. See the topic below for details.
This button is for editing the selected object if it is a query, formula, summary or parameter.
According to what you have selected, clicking this button will bring out different dialogs.
Opens the Properties dialog of the selected object. You can edit the properties as desired.
Link with Editor
If this check button is selected, the Dataset drop-down list will show the dataset bound to the
currently selected object; or else the drop-down list will always show the dataset you have selected
from the drop-down list, until you will select another one.

Dataset drop-down list

This drop-down list box lists all the datasets used in the current report set. The first item <Choose Data
from...> provides access to creating a dataset.
Fields panel
This panel lists all available resources for the current report set in a tree structure. The DBFields,
formulas, summaries, and parameters in this panel respond to right-clicking events, and thus provide
you with shortcuts for viewing and editing their properties, editing formulas/summaries/parameters,
creating new formulas/summaries/parameters, and operating queries.

Searching for resources in the Resource View panel

You can search the resources you want in the Resource View panel as shown below:
1. Click

on the Resource View toolbar to display the Search dialog.

2. Provide a search condition in the Search Expression text box. Use "*" to stand for any string, and
use "?" to stand for any character.
3. Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if you want JReport to distinguish between uppercase and
lowercase characters when searching.
4. Specify the search scope by selecting the radio button Selected Resources or Search In.

Selected Resources: If you have selected a resource in the resource tree, when you bring out
the Search in Resource Viewer dialog, this radio button is selected and JReport will search for
the resources from the selected resource.
Search In: If it is selected, JReport will search for the resource from the Resource View panel.

5. Click the Search button to search for the resource you want.
The result will be listed in the Search Result panel which has three columns: Resource Name,
Resource Type and Resource Path. You can sort the search result alphabetically by clicking the
column headers. Select a search result from the Search Result panel, the resource node that
contains it will be expanded and with that resource highlighted in the Resource View panel.

Inspector panel
The Inspector panel can be displayed by clicking View > Report Inspector on the menu bar, or the
Report Inspector button

on the View toolbar.

A report set may contain one or more reports, and each report contain a report body. You can use the
toolbar to focus on one of the three levels, namely the report set, report, and report body.

Only shows the current report and its contents (including TOC of the report and datasets used in the
report) in the Report structure panel.
Goes down a level, i.e., clicking this button will switch from the report set level to the report level, or
from the report to the report body.

Goes up a level, i.e., clicking this button will switch from the report body level to the report level, or
from the report to the report set.

Report structure panel

This panel shows all the objects in the current report in a tree structure.
The display name of each object in this tree can be edited. To do this, select the object in the panel,
after 2 or 3 seconds, click it again and the name will become editable, then give the object a new name
and press Enter on the keyboard to confirm.
Properties panel
This panel lists all the properties of the object selected in the report structure panel. Each type of
object has its own set of properties. Depending on the object type, the properties that a certain object
holds may greatly differ from those of another. The Properties sheet has two columns: Name and
Value. You change how an object appears and behaves by changing its value in the Value column. In
addition, you can click the button
on the title bar to get detailed explanation about each property.
For details about properties of each object, see Properties in the Report Inspector.

Toolbox panel
You can click View > Toolbox on the menu bar, or the Toolbox button
the Toolbox panel.

on the View toolbar to show

This panel lists all the objects that can be inserted into a report, which are classified as JReport
Component, Web Control, and Multimedia Object. In fact, it is a shortcut to some items on the Insert
menu. The method to create an object using the Toolbox panel is to drag a button representing that
object from the Toolbox panel to the desired location in the report design window.

Catalog Browser panel

Clicking View > Catalog Browser on the menu bar, or the Catalog Browser button
toolbar will show the Catalog Browser panel.

on the View

This panel lists all data sources, report sets, and styles belonging to the current catalog file (.cat) in
three tabs: Data, Report Sets, and Styles. This is a useful interface which simplifies the work of report
design and the management of the actual resources you use.
Data tab
In this tab, you can manage data sources and their contents used by the catalog.
Report Sets tab
Manage your report sets in Folder view. You can divide them up into different types. In this way, you
can manage them just like processing files in a file system. You can add, open, delete, move, rename
and search for items. For details, see Report Set Manager.
Styles tab
From the Styles tab, you can create and edit styles. For details, see XSD styles.

The following are buttons on the Catalog Browser toolbar:

The first button on the toolbar, which may change according to the currently selected object. Usually,
this button contains a plus sign. Click this button to create a new object of the selected type. For
example, if a query is currently selected, you can click this button to create a new query.
Save Catalog
Saves the current catalog.
Copies the selected entity to the clipboard.
Fetches the entity from the clipboard and pastes it in a suitable node.
Deletes the selected entity.
Configure Reference
Allows you to select data sources and resource types that you want JReport Designer to monitor. For
details, see Using a reference table to clarify resource relationships.
Refresh Reference
Refreshes the reference relationship information in order to make it consistent with the catalog
Export Reference
Exports the reference relationship information to a text file.
Opens the Options dialog to set options for editing a catalog or reports.
Data Source Driver Manager
Manages cached query results. For details, see Managing cached query results.
Defines the pre-join paths formed by the relationships among the tables in the data source you
specified. For details, see Pre-joins.
Data Mapping Editor
Maps the data values of resources in a catalog to a certain language. For details, see Data Mapping

Filter View
Excludes some elements from the view in the Catalog Browser. For details, see Filtering resources.
Searches the required resources in the current catalog. For details, see Searching for resources.
Expand /
Expands or folds the Properties sheet of the Catalog Browser.

Search Result panel

This panel lists the result of searching for a particular resource.

Resource Name
Lists the resource names.
Resource Type
Shows the resource types.
Resource Path
Displays the resource paths.

Design/View area
The Design/View area, or report-designing window, comprises of the following parts:
Title bar
The title bar shows the filename of the report set, and three buttons for you to minimize, maximize and
close the active report set.
Design tab
The Design tab is a WYSIWYG area for laying out your report. You can make use of rulers, grids and
guidelines to position objects.
View tab
The View tab is for previewing the report layout and result. In this tab there is a toolbar which consists
of the following buttons:

First Page
Displays the first page of the report.
Previous Page
Displays the previous page of the report.
Next Page
Displays the next page of the report.
Last Page
Displays the last page of the report.
Shows the table of contents.
Refresh Data
Updates any changes you created in your data.
Refetch Data
Re-fetches data to re-run the report.
Click this button if you want JReport to stop generating the report.
Navigates to the last view.

Navigates forward.

Drag Tool
Drags the page up and down.
Click this button, and place your mouse pointer on any blank area of the report. When the mouse
pointer becomes a small hand, you can drag the page.

Zoom In Tool
Enlarges the page.
Zoom Out Tool
Click to view the page in a smaller size.

Report tab bar

The report tab bar is for switching among reports in a report set. It also provides a shortcut menu that
allows you to rename, duplicate, or remove a report. For details, see Managing reports in a report set.

A catalog is a report set repository. Every report set must exist within the context of a catalog. A
catalog contains two types of data: a physical file that records data sources and object definitions used
by the reports in the catalog, and the report set files themselves. These two types of data, the report
set files and the catalog file, are stored in the same directory.
JReport Designer supports two formats of catalog files. One is the .cat file, which is in binary, and the
other is the .cat.xml file, which is in XML format. The .cat format catalog can be manipulated (opened,
saved, and edited) only by JReport Designer since it is a proprietary binary file. The XML format catalog
has many advantages. It has more readability and controllability. You can modify the catalog freely,
according to your requirements, without using any other special editor. Howerver, the operation of .cat.
xml format catalog in JReport Designer is the same as that of .cat format catalog. The difference
between these two is the underlying structure in which they are organized. By default, the XML format
catalog feature is not enabled. Contact Jinfonet Support ([email protected]) to upgrade your
license key if desired.
JReport Designer comes with four catalogs: JinfonetGourmetJava, SampleComponents,
SamepleReports and TutorialReports. Both the JinfonetGourmetJava and TutorialReports catalogs are
used for the JReport Tutorial manual, and the rest two are samples for you to learn JReport Designer.
This chapter describes the following topics and tasks related to catalogs:

What is in a catalog file?

Advantages of catalogs

Creating a catalog

Saving a catalog

Opening a catalog

Merging catalogs

Managing resources in a catalog

Maintaining catalogs

What is in a catalog file?

A catalog file stores all of the object definitions that you have created while developing the reports that
are also stored in the catalog. This includes data source definitions, component customizations, style
definitions, and more. The following illustration summarizes the content of a catalog file:

A database connection defines the database information from which the catalog retrieves its raw data.
For example, it specifies the driver such as JDBC driver (for JDBC), or the data source name (for JDBCODBC bridge), and the user ID and the password for connecting to the raw data. In this way, a
connection is the gateway to the raw database.
Tables/Views, stored procedures, imported queries (SQL files) and queries are all based on the JDBC
connection. Queries are built using the interactive query designer and are based on the tables/views
from the database. Only after you have added the tables/views to the catalog, can you build queries.
Stored procedures are defined in the database. They function like queries, and can be used as data
sources for reports.
Imported queries, that are SQL statements in an external file, can be added to the catalog and also
function as queries.
Functionally, imported queries (SQL files), stored procedures and queries are all the same. However,
queries depend on the tables/views added, while stored procedures and imported queries (SQL files)
only need to connect with your database (you do not necessarily have to add the database tables).
User data sources (UDS) and hierarchical data sources (HDS) are also like queries, but users write the
code for fetching the records. They are independent from the JDBC connection.

Business/Report cubes are a semantic layer - a view of the data source that you create for a business
analyst to use to create analytic reports. Business cubes are based on tables of a data source, while
report cubes are built from specific queries.
Business views resemble report cubes except that there is no hierarchical relationship between the data
objects in business views. Business views enables end users to create studio reports that are oriented
toward presentation rather than slicing and dicing data.
Parameters are used to control the report content at runtime. They are most often used for entering
data selection criteria.
Formulas and summaries are objects that are computed at runtime.
Containers, styles, special fields, and drawing objects can each be customized by setting a wide range
of object properties.

Advantages of catalogs
The main advantage to catalogs is that they provide a way to organize related reports and make it easy
for these reports to share objects, have a consistent look and feel, and be moved to different systems.
Catalogs also provide these additional benefits:

Visual database - working off-line

From a system that is offline from the database, you can still continue to develop the reports that will
access it. This is because the architecture of your database (tables/views, queries, and parameters)
is stored in the catalog.
Sharing defined data fields and formulas among reports
Multiple reports can use data fields and formulas that have already been defined and saved in the
Reference table
JReport provides a reference table that can keep track of all the objects used in all the reports in a
catalog. In addition to helping you build well-designed reports, this feature makes object names
changes easier to manage.
Default values for objects
You can set the default values for certain catalog objects. Once set, their values do not need to be
individually set in the report after they have been inserted.

Creating a catalog
A report set can only exist within a catalog. Therefore you must create and open a catalog before you
create or edit a report.
A catalog is represented at the operating system level as a directory that contains the catalog file (.cat)
as well as the other report objects.
To create a catalog:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog on the menu bar.
If necessary, JReport Designer will prompt you to save changes to the current open catalog. Only
one catalog can be open at a time.
2. In the New Catalog dialog, enter the name for the catalog in the Name field.
3. In the Data Source Name field, input the name for the data source that will be created along with
the catalog (when creating a catalog, by default, a data source will be created in the catalog at the
same time). Make sure the name you give follows the Java class naming rule.
4. Specify the path where to save the catalog in the Directory field. You can also click the chooser

to browse to and select the directory in which to create the catalog.

5. Click OK to create the catalog.

The Catalog Browser displays with the data source created just now for the catalog. You can then
set up the required connection to connect your data source to the catalog. For details, see Data
Source Connections.
Note: The catalog name must include the extension (.cat or .xml) and the directory you choose must
not already contain a catalog file.
JReport Designer supports the Multiple Data Sources feature, which means in one catalog, you can
connect to as many data sources as you need.
To connect another data source to a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Do either of the following:

In the Catalog Browser, select the data source node, then click the New Data Source button
on the Catalog Browser toolbar.

Click File > New > Data Source on the menu bar.

2. In the New Data Source dialog, specify a name for the data source in the Data Source Name field,
select the connection type, then click OK.
3. Set up the connection according to your requirements.
When multiple data sources are created in a catalog, you need to specify which data source will be the
default one for the catalog (by default, the data source that is created along with the catalog is the
default data source of the catalog). To do this, right-click the data source which you want to use as the
default data source, then click Set as Default on the shortcut menu. A catalog must have one and

only one default data source.

In addition, you can rename and delete the data sources in a catalog if required.

To rename a data source, right-click the data source and select Rename from the shortcut menu. In
the renaming box, enter a new name for the data source, then click outside the box to confirm the
To delete a data source, right-click the data source, on the shortcut menu, click Delete. The default
data source cannot be deleted.

Saving a catalog
To save a catalog, click File > Catalog Management on the menu bar, then select from the following

Save Catalog
Saves the open catalog. The type, name and location were specified on the Input New Catalog Name
dialog when you first created the catalog.
Save Catalog As
Saves the open catalog in the selected alternate format. Options are .cat or .cat.xml. The .cat.xml
file can be in the same directory as the .cat file.

A directory can contain only one catalog file other than the .cat and .cat.xml of the same catalog. To
merge multiple catalog files, see Merging catalogs.

Sharing catalog files among multiple report developers

By default, the report set file and resources referenced by this report set are created and saved in the
current catalog. You can also save a report set or other resource to a catalog other than the one in
which it is created. All the catalog resources related to this report set will then be merged into that
catalog. This can allow a team of report developers to share resources. Each report developer can work
on a local version of the catalog, and then use the Save To command to have his catalog "uploaded" to
a universal catalog. The Save To command saves not only the report set files, but also the resources
(query, formulas, and parameters) that are referenced by this report set.
For details about how to share catalog files, see Saving a report set to a different catalog.

Opening a catalog
You can open a catalog explicitly, by using the Open Catalog command, or you can open it implicitly, by
opening one of the report sets in the catalog. For details about opening a report set, see Opening a
report set.
To open a catalog explicitly:
1. Click File > Catalog Management > Open Catalog on the menu bar.
If necessary, JReport Designer will prompt you to save changes to the current open catalog. Only
one catalog can be open at a time.
2. In the Open Catalog File dialog, browse to and select the catalog you want to open and then click
the Open button.
The Catalog Browser displays that lists the resources in the specified catalog.

Merging catalogs
Two catalogs can be merged. The merge operation occurs when you save a report set to another
directory in which a catalog of the same name already exists.

Specifying the checking level

When merging catalogs, JReport Designer will check for differences between the two catalogs. You can
specify the checking level to suit your requirements.
To specify the checking level:
1. Click File > Options. The Options dialog displays.
2. In the Catalog category, select the required level in the Merge Catalog box. Options are:

Identify All Differences

JReport Designer will check for all differences between the two catalogs. All the resources of the
report will be displayed in the Merge dialog with all the conflicting resources marked.
Identify Critical Differences
JReport Designer will check for differences that can cause the engine to fail when running the
report. All the resources of the report will be displayed in the Merge dialog with any critical
conflicting resources marked. As a result, when this option is selected, some different values
may be returned when you run the saved report later.
Ignore Differences
Does not show differences between the two catalogs. If there are conflicts, they will remain in
the resources of the target catalog. As a result, when this option is selected, a saved report
might not run later.

3. Click OK in the Options dialog to accept the settings.

When you merge the two catalogs, resources that have the same mapping names in the two catalogs
may conflict with each other (have different property values). JReport Designer will check the
differences for you according to the level specified.

Merging catalogs
With the checking level specified, you can then start to merge catalogs.
1. Open a report set in the catalog that you want to merge with another catalog.
2. Click File > Save To on the menu bar. The Save To dialog appears.
3. Choose a directory where a catalog of the same name exists, and then save the report. If you
specified the checking level as Identify All Differences or Identify Critical Differences, the Merge
dialog will be displayed for dealing with conflicting resources.

4. Highlight one conflicting resource in the resources to be merged panel, and then select the

Rename - Renames the selected conflicting resource, and copies it to the target catalog with a
new name.
Replace - Replaces the target catalog with the selected conflicting resource from the source
catalog. In this case, the reports that use this object in the target catalog will be impacted.
Skip - Keeps the value in the target catalog for the selected conflicting resource. In this case,
the report that uses this object in the source catalog will be impacted.

5. Click the Differences button and the Properties Differences dialog appears.

The properties values of the conflicting resource from the two catalogs will be displayed in this
dialog with any differences highlighted. Click the Previous / Next button in the dialog, and it will
go to the previous/next conflicting resource. Click Close to close the dialog.
6. Click the Target Relation button in the Merge dialog.
The name of the resource and its parent node in the target catalog will then be displayed in the
Target Relation dialog.
For example, sometimes a resource is marked in the Merge dialog, but in the Properties
Differences dialog, no difference is shown between the two resources. In this case you can use
this button to check whether the parent nodes of the two resources are different.
7. Click Close to close the Target Relation dialog box and return to the Merge dialog.
8. Click the Merge button when you finish. JReport Designer will save the report according to the
changes that you have made.
9. Publish the catalog and the reports and test to ensure all the reports are working properly.

Sometimes, though some objects are marked in the Merge dialog, in the Properties Differences
dialog, you will not find these differences. The reason is that some children of the two objects are
JReport Designer checks parameters based on the whole catalog. For example, assume that there is
a parameter named Param1 in DataSource1 of the source catalog, and there is also a parameter
named Param1 in DataSource2 in the target catalog. These two parameters in different connections
will be checked as a conflicting resource. You must rename the parameter in order to get a correct

Managing resources in a catalog

You use the Catalog Browser to add, remove, or modify the resources in a catalog. The Catalog
Browser provides a hierarchical view of the resources, report sets, and styles in the current catalog:

To access the Catalog Browser, click View > Catalog Browser on the menu bar. See Catalog Browser
panel for information about the panel.
This section describes the following tasks related to managing resources in a catalog:

Adding and editing resources

Copying, deleting and renaming resources

Setting resource properties

Searching for resources

Filtering resources

Using a reference table to clarify resource relationships

Adding and editing resources

It is easy for you to create or add resources, and to edit the existing resources in a catalog using the
Catalog Browser.

Adding a resource
Although there are a variety of resources in a catalog, the ways you create them are fairly similar select a resource node of the type that you want to create, and then create them using either toolbar
buttons or context menu.
To add a resource:
1. Open the catalog to which you want to add the resource.
2. In the Catalog Browser, expand the data source where the resource will be added, then right-click
a resource node or object of the type that you want to create and select Add XXX. The
appropriate object editor or dialog will then be displayed.
For example, if you want to create a formula, right-click the Formulas node and select Add
Formula. The Formula Editor window will be displayed. Create the formula in the window.

Editing a resource
To edit any of the existing resource in a catalog, locate the resource in the Catalog Browser resource
tree, right-click the resource and select Edit XXX from the shortcut menu. Then, the corresponding
editor or dialog will appear for you to edit the resource.

Copying, deleting and renaming resources

You can copy, delete, and rename catalog resource objects in the Catalog Browser.

To copy a resource object, select the resource object, on the toolbar of the Catalog Browser, click
the Copy button

. To paste it, click the Paste button

To delete a resource object, right-click the resource object, on the shortcut menu, click Delete.
To rename a resource object, double-click the resource object, edit the resource name, and then
click outside the renaming box to confirm the change.
You can also rename objects by using the Properties sheet:
1. Select the resource object, and click the Expand button
show the Properties sheet.

on the Catalog Browser toolbar to

2. Select the property Name, type a new name in the Value field. You need to enable the editable
mode for the Properties sheet before you can do this, that is, you need to uncheck the option
Forbid editing data object properties in the Options dialog.
Note: Renaming an object may impact the reports that use it. You must be aware of the reports
currently using this object so that you can update those reports.

Setting resource properties

When you click the Expand button
on the Catalog Browser toolbar, the property list of the selected
resource will be displayed. See Properties in the Catalog Browser for detailed explanation about
properties of each resource.
By default, the properties in the Catalog Browser cannot be edited. To make the properties editable:
1. On the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Options button

(or click File > Options).

2. In the Options dialog, select Catalog in the Category box.

3. Uncheck the option Forbid editing data object properties, then click OK in the dialog to
confirm the change.
Example: Specifying the display width of a field
You can define the default width of a field (DBField, formula, summary or parameter) by setting the
Display Width property in the Catalog Browser. To do this:
1. Make sure that the property values are editable in the Catalog Browser.
2. Highlight the field in the Catalog Browser, right-click it and then select Properties from the
shortcut menu.
3. In the Properties sheet, set the value for Display Width as required.

If the Display Width value is not set in the Catalog Browser, it will be inserted with the width defined
in the template. This is the width you selected when creating the report.
Assume that you have set the Display Width of a field, and you insert the field using the wizard or by
dragging and dropping, its width may be adjusted according to the paper size. However, if you insert
the field in design mode, the defined width will not be changed.

Setting default values for resources

You can set the default values for the properties of resources in the Catalog Browser, so that you do
not need to set them each time you insert them into your report. To do this:
1. Select the resource with the properties you want to set.
2. Click

on the Catalog Browser toolbar to show its properties.

3. In the Properties sheet, change the values of the properties to suit you requirements.
The properties listed in the Properties sheet are the default values for the selected resource. You can
change the property values here, and the next time you insert the resource, the value you specify here
will be used as a default value.

The resources that can have default values are table/view columns, formulas, parameters, summaries,
SQL columns, procedure columns and user data source columns. The query column does not support
this feature.

Searching for resources

When there are too many resources in a catalog, sometimes you may find that it is difficult to locate
where a resource is from the Catalog Browser. JReport provides you with a searching function which
enables you easily find the required resources.
To search resources in a catalog:
1. Open the catalog where you want to search resources.
2. In the Catalog Browser, click the Search button

on the toolbar to display the Search dialog.

3. Provide a search condition in the Search Expression text field. Use "*" to stand for any string, and
use "?" to stand for any character.
Note: JReport can only search resources in the leaf node of the catalog resource tree.
4. Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if you want JReport to distinguish between uppercase and
lowercase characters when searching.
5. Specify the search scope by selecting the radio button Selected Resources or Search In.

Selected Resources: JReport will search from the resource you have selected in the Catalog
Browser before you bring out the Search in Catalog dialog.
Search In: Search for the resources from the specified data source. If there are multiple
connections in this catalog, select the data source you want from the drop-down list.

6. Click Search to search for the resource you want.

All the matched results will be listed in the Search Result panel which has three columns:
Resource Name, Resource Type and Resource Path. You can sort the search result alphabetically
by clicking the column headers. Select a search result from the Search Result panel, the resource
node that contains it will be expanded and with that resource highlighted in the Catalog Browser.

For example, if you want to find the DBField Customer Name in the Queries node, first select the node
, then in the Search dialog, input Customer Name in the Search
in the Catalog Browser, click
Expression field, check the scope as Selected Resource and click the Search button. The results will
then be displayed in the Search Result panel. You can click any of the results to highlight it in the
catalog resource tree.

Filtering resources
JReport allows you to filter the data resources in a catalog and remain only the useful resources for you.
To filter resources in a catalog:
1. In the Catalog Browser, click the Filter View button

on the toolbar and the Filter View dialog

2. Provide a filter condition in the Filter Expression text box. Use "*" to stand for any string, and use
"?" to stand for any character. Also you can leave this text box blank.
3. Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if you want JReport to distinguish between uppercase and
lowercase characters when filtering.
4. In the Select the elements to include in the view panel, select the resources you want to remain in
the Catalog Browser by checking the checkbox in front of each resource.

If you want to select/deselect all the resources under one certain data source, check/uncheck
the checkbox of the data source node.

If you want to select/deselect all the resources in the panel, click the Select All/Deselect All

5. Click the OK button to filter the resources.

The fitter result will be the union of the resources those match the filter condition and the selected
resources from the Select the elements to include in the view panel.

Using a reference table to clarify resource relationships

With the development of reports and catalogs, the relationships among the catalog resources may
become increasingly complicated. You might be wondering if and where an SQL or a formula is used by
a resource in a catalog or report. You might hesitate to rename a resource because you don't exactly
know what other resources are currently using it and, if you rename it, what result it would cause. To
help you manage catalog resources, JReport provides you with a tool - the reference table.
JReport monitors the resource reference information in the catalog and stores this information in the
reference table. You can select the resource types that can be registered in the reference table.
With the reference table, when you rename a resource object, JReport Designer will scan the reference
relationships between it and other resource objects. It will then prompt you to update the changes in
the resources that are referencing the object, helping you reduce the risk of resource not applicable.
Most resources in the catalog can be included in the reference table, such as connections (tables,
views, stored procedures, SQLs, queries, report cubes, and business cubes), user data sources,
hierarchical data sources, formulas, summaries, parameters, and reports.
This section describes the usage of the reference table as follows:

Configuring the reference table

Before JReport can start to monitor and record the resource reference information in the reference
table, you must first have the reference table configured. In the Reference Table Configuration dialog,
you can choose the resource types that are to be added to the table. Then, JReport will monitor the
reference relationships among objects of these resource types, and store the relationship information in
the database.
To configure the reference table:
1. On the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Configure Reference button
Reference Table Configuration dialog.

to open the

2. Check the data sources you want JReport to monitor in the Data Source box.
3. In the Catalog Resource Types box, check the resource types that are to be added to the
reference table.
In order to improve product performance and provide you with more flexibility, JReport allows you
to choose the resource types that you want to monitor by yourself. Note that JReport will only
monitor the referencing relationships among the resource types that you have selected. The
resource types that have not been selected will not be monitored, even if they may have
referencing relationships to the selected resource types. Therefore, if you are not sure that the
resource types you have selected hold all the possible reference relationships within themselves, it
is recommended that you select as many resource types as possible to avoid incomplete
For example, in the Reference Table Configuration dialog, selecting only the formula resource type
means that for a formula, only the formulas referencing this formula will be recorded in the
reference table, although other resources, such as queries, summaries, and reports which are also
using this formula will not be shown in the reference table. If you rename this formula, you will
only be prompted to update the change in the formulas using it, ignoring any other resources also
using it.
4. Click OK. The referencing relationships among the objects of the checked resource types will then
be monitored.

Viewing a resource object's referencing relationships

After you have configured a reference table, you can view the referencing relationships for a specific
resource object. To do this:
1. In the Catalog Browser, browse to the resource object with the reference relationships that you
want to view.
2. Right-click the resource object, and then click Reference Entities on the shortcut menu.
3. The Reference Entities dialog will then appear, listing all the catalog entities that are using the
selected resource object.
Note: In the Reference Entities dialog, you can right-click any of the query, formula, parameter or
summary entity which uses the specified resource object to edit it, and right-click any report entity to
open the report.

Refreshing and exporting the reference table

The reference table information is stored in a database, which provides reliable stability. However, in
some circumstances you may need to refresh the reference table to retrieve the correct reference
relationship information. To refresh the reference table, on the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the
Refresh Reference button

You can also export the reference table information to a text file. To do this:
1. On the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Export Reference button

2. In the Save Reference dialog, specify the location where you want to save the file.
3. Click Save to save the file.

Maintaining catalogs
JReport Designer provides a tool - JReport Catalog Doctor for you to maintain catalogs and diagnose
problems with catalogs. After reading through this chapter, you will understand how to use the Catalog
Doctor to diagnose the specific components of catalogs: connections, tables and fields, formulas and
summaries, and queries.
The following topics describe how to use the Catalog Doctor:

Errors the Catalog Doctor can detect

Using the Catalog Doctor

Diagnosing and fixing problems

Errors the Catalog Doctor can detect

With the Catalog Doctor you can diagnose and validate data objects in a catalog. Since the data objects
in a catalog are constructed independently from each other, the Catalog Doctor diagnoses each type of
data object independently. For example, when it checks formulas, it only looks into the definition of
parameters and DBFields in the current catalog. The system does not check whether the DBFields exist
in the connected database. When the system checks the queries, it will only look for the mapping fields
which are currently in the catalog, and does not confirm whether the formulas are valid.
For your convenience, in the following statements database refers to a raw database connected via
JDBC or ODBC, mapped table/view refers to a table/view in a catalog, raw table/view refers to a table/
view in a raw database, and raw column refers to the columns in a raw database.
Mapped table/view and DBField
Checks whether the raw table/view of a mapped table/view exists in the database.

Checks whether the raw column of a DBField exists in the database. If it exists, then it checks to see
whether the stored information such as SQL Date type matches the raw column in the database.

Formulas and summaries

Checks to see whether the formulas and summaries have correct syntax. It checks whether the
remapped parameters and DBFields need to be remapped again.


Checks whether the mapped tables/views referenced by the query exist in the catalog.

Checks whether or not the mapping fields are valid.

Whether the DBFields of the table/view match those saved in the query.

Whether or not the formulas and parameters can be found in the catalog.

Using the Catalog Doctor

The following topics explain how to use the Catalog Doctor.

Starting the Catalog Doctor

In <install_root>\bin, there is a batch file named CatDr.bat. The Catalog Doctor can be started by
running this batch file.
You can also start it by issuing the following commands from an MS-DOS command prompt:
>cd c:\jreport\designer\bin

Loading a catalog
To load a catalog into the Catalog Doctor for diagnosing, take the following steps:
1. Click File > Open to bring up the Open Catalog File dialog.
2. Select a catalog file, and click Open.

Saving a catalog

To save the open catalog to the current file, click File > Save.

To save the open catalog to another file, click File > Save As.

Merging catalogs
With the Catalog Doctor, you can also merge the resources from two catalogs into one. However,
before merging, you need to first specify at which level the differences between these two catalogs will
be checked by the Catalog Doctor.
To specify the checking level:
1. Click File > Options.
2. In the Merge Catalog box of the Options dialog, specify the checking level.

Identify all differences

The Catalog Doctor will check for differences between the two catalogs. All the resources of the
report are displayed in the Merge dialog with all conflicting resources marked.
Identify critical differences
The Catalog Doctor will check for any differences that may cause the engine to fail to run a
report. All the resources of the report are displayed in the Merge dialog with any critical
conflicting resources marked.
Ignore differences

Does not show the differences between the two catalogs. Any conflicts will remain in the target
3. Click OK to accept the setting.
With the checking level specified, you can then start to merge catalogs.
To merge catalogs:
1. Open the target catalog in the Catalog Doctor by clicking File > Open.
2. Click File > Import, and then select the catalog that is to be imported.
3. In the Import From Catalog dialog, select the resources from the catalog, and click OK.
4. The selected resources may conflict with those in the target catalog. The conflicting resources will
be marked with red question marks.
5. Click the Rename button to rename, or the Replace button to replace. You can also click the
Skip button to skip.
6. Click the Differences button to see the property values of the objects in the target catalog and
the sources catalogs. Different property values will be highlighted.
7. Click the Target Relation button to see the relationship between the object and its parent node.
8. Repeat the steps above to manage conflicting resources, and then click the Merge button to
merge the two catalogs. If the connections in the two catalogs connect to different data sources,
you will be asked to modify the existing data source in the target catalog. For safety purposes, it
is better to create a new data source.
9. Click File > Save to save the changes and exit the Catalog Doctor.
10. Launch JReport Designer, and open the merged catalog. The resources you just imported are now
available and new data sources have been created.

Diagnosing and fixing problems

After opening a catalog, you will then be shown the Catalog Doctor. All the resources in the open
catalog will be listed in the left panel of the Catalog Doctor window. Select a resource from the
resource tree. In the right panel, you will see the information of the selected resource.
You should diagnose the resources in the following order: connection > tables and fields > formulas
and summaries > queries.

The Catalog Doctor can be used to diagnose connections in the following aspects:

Finding information of the current connection

Select a connection from the resource tree. The connection information will be displayed in the left
Modifying the current connection
Right-click the connection in the resource tree, and then click Modify on the shortcut menu. The Get
JDBC Connection Information dialog will appear. You can now modify the connection.
For a JDBC-ODBC bridge, you should give the ODBC data source name, and the user ID and
password (if necessary).
For a JDBC driver, uncheck Use ODBC Data Source, and check JDBC Driver. Fill in the class name
of the driver, the URL, user ID and password (if necessary).
You can also change the properties values in the Properties panel directly. Select a property value,
and then choose or type in the value.

Tables and fields

The Catalog Doctor can be used to diagnose tables and fields in the following aspects:

Finding all the mapping tables, views and DBFields in the catalog
In the resource tree, expand the Relational node, then go to the Tables or Views node and reveal it.
All the mapping tables, views and DBFields in the catalog will then be listed. The icon in front of each
object has a specific meaning, which indicates whether the object is valid or not.
The following are descriptions of the icons in front of each object:
: Table
: Table which does not exist in the database
: Table which has invalid fields
: View
: View which does not exist in the database
: View which has invalid fields

: Field
: Field which does not exist
: Field with a name which can be found in the database, but has a type mismatch.

Finding the stored information of a mapping table/view or a DBField

Select a table/view or a DBField on the resource tree to find its stored properties. The information
will be listed in the Properties panel.
Finding all the raw tables/views
Select a table/view in the Tables and Fields node. All the raw tables/views will be shown in the
Choose from following to Re-Map panel. Each item there shows the name of a table/view.
Getting the raw columns in a raw table/view
First select a mapping table/view, then choose a raw table/view from the Choose from following to
Re-Map panel. The raw columns will be shown in the bottom right panel.
Note: If you select a mapping table/view with an existing raw table/view, the raw table/view
will automatically be selected.

Deleting a set of mapping tables, views or DBFields

To delete the mapping object, you can use one of the following methods:

Select an object from the resources tree, right-click and on the shortcut menu click Delete.

Click the Delete button

Select the object and press Delete on your keyboard.

on the toolbar after selecting the object.

To delete a set of mapping tables, views or DBFields, select the objects you want to delete, and click
on the toolbar (or press Delete on your keyboard).

Re-mapping (Updating) a mapping table/view

First select the mapping table/view that is to be updated from the resource tree. Then, select the raw
table/view which the mapping table/view refers to from the Choose from following to Re-Map panel,
and click the Update button

on the toolbar.

Note: The tree is sorted by the validation status of each object (invalid objects are listed
ahead). So, after you have updated a mapping table/view, the order of the objects will probably
change. If the table was invalid and becomes valid after updating, it will be listed after the
invalid objects.

Re-mapping (Updating) a DBField

Before updating a DBField, you must make sure that the mapping table/view of the DBField is valid.
That is, the raw table/view that the mapping table/view refers to exists in the database.
Select the DBField you want to update from the resource tree, choose the raw column you want the
DBField to refer to in the bottom right panel, and then click the Update button on the toolbar.

Adding tables/views
or the Add View button
on the toolbar, or on the resource tree
Click the Add Table button
select a table, right-click and select Add Tables from the shortcut menu. In the Add Table/View
dialog, select the tables/views you would like to add, and click Add. To finish adding, click Done.

Adding a DBField
Select a table or a column from the resource tree, right-click and on the shortcut menu click Insert
Column to bring out the Add Column dialog. Then select the column you want and click Add. When
you have finished adding columns, click Done to close the dialog.

Formulas and summaries

The Catalog Doctor can be used to diagnose formulas and summaries in the following aspects:

Finding all the formulas and summaries in the catalog

Expand the Formulas and Summaries node on the resources tree. The formulas and summaries in
the catalog will be listed in the tree. They will be sorted by their validity and names. If the icon of a
formula/summary is marked by a cross, it means it is invalid (it fails on compiling).
Finding the compile Error message of a formula/summary
Select the formula/summary that is to be checked. The compile error messages will then be
displayed in the Error panel.
Replacing a mapping field with another in formulas and summaries
A frequent error is caused when the mapping fields are not found in a catalog. In which case, you will
need to replace the mapped field in formulas/summaries with a valid one.
1. Select the formula/summary that contains unknown fields on the resource tree.
2. Click the Replace All button in the Error panel. The Replace dialog appears.
3. Input the field name that is to be replaced in the Mapping Name text box.
4. Click the Browse button, the Mapping Fields Browse dialog appears.
5. In the Tree View tab, you can select an existing field to replace the unknown field.
6. In the List View tab, you will see the mapping fields in alphabetical order and the type for each
mapping field. If the mapping field is a DBField, you will see the tables/views it belongs to.
Select the field you want to use as a replacement and click OK.
7. Click the Replace button in the Replace dialog.

Editing a formula/summaries
Select the formula/summary to be edited, and click the Edit button in the Error panel.
Removing formulas/summaries
Select the formulas/summaries that are to be removed, then, do one of the following:

Right-click and on the shortcut menu, click Delete.

Click the Delete button

Press the Delete key on your keyboard.

on the toolbar.

The Catalog Doctor can be used to diagnose queries in the following aspects:

Finding all the queries in the catalog

Expand the Queries node in the Relational node. All the queries will be listed in the resources tree.

Finding the tables/views selected in a query

Select a query and expand it. All the tables/views will be listed.
Finding the DBFields selected from a table/view in a query
Select a query and expand it, then click on a table/view and expand it. All the DBFields in the table or
view will be listed.
Finding the formulas or computed columns selected in a query
Formulas and computed columns are listed before mapping tables/views.
Editing a query
Select the query that is to be edited, and click the Edit button in the Error panel (or right-click the
query, and select Edit Query from the shortcut menu).
Deleting queries, DBFields, formulas, computed columns and a table/view selected in a
To delete the object, you can use one of the following methods:

Select an object from the resources tree, right-click and on the shortcut menu click Delete.

Click the Delete button

Select the object and press Delete on your keyboard.

on the toolbar after selecting the object.

Saving a query as a cached query result

Select the query that is to be saved as a cached query result, and click Run (or right-click a query,
and on the shortcut menu, click Create Cached Query Result).

Data Source Connections

JReport Designer requires access to your data source so that it can import the database schema; this
information allows JReport to automatically build the queries that provide the data for the report. Data
source connections are defined, named, and stored in the catalog along with the reports and other
resources that use them.
JReport is extremely efficient when working with data sources that are in a relational database
software. The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Java Database Connectivity - Open Database
Connectivity (JDBC-ODBC) connections are the basic approaches for connecting to a database for data.
Other data source types can also be accessed.
This chapter describes the following categories of data source connection-related tasks:

JDBC connections: Connects to a relational database via a JDBC driver or JDBC-ODBC bridge.

XML connections: Connects to and transforms an XML hierarchy model to a relational model.

User defined data sources: Through the UDS API, JReport Designer can access data from an external
data source, such as a text file or Lotus Notes, which is not stored in a database or when there is no
JDBC driver available.
Hierarchical data sources: JReport Designer directly supports XML format data source by wrapping
the provided HDS API. JReport Designer's built-in classes can implement the XML format hierarchical
data source interface. You can directly import an XML data source to a catalog using the Catalog
Web service data sources: JReport Designer supports web service defined by WSDL 2.0 as data
source. You can directly add a web service data source to a catalog by importing a WSDL file.

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of different data source connections. Open the following report set to see the
connection examples: <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\DataSourceConnections.

JDBC connections
JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces written
in the Java programming language which enables SQL statements to be executed against virtually any
relational database.
The JDBC-ODBC bridge allows ODBC drivers to be used as JDBC drivers. This bridge is a JDBC driver
which implements JDBC operations by translating them into ODBC operations. To ODBC it appears as a
normal application program.

In JReport Designer, not all the data types supported by JDBC can be used. The data types that
supported in JReport Designer are: Bit, Tinyint, Smallint, Integer, Bigint, Float, Real, Double,
Number, Decimal, Char, VarChar, LongVarChar, Date, Time, TimeStamp, Binary, LongVarBinary,
Blob, Clob, Array, nVarChar, and Distinct.
For the Blob, Clob, and Array types, you cannot browse their data in the Catalog Browser. And for
the Distinct type, due to a limitation of JDK, the based SQL Type cannot be obtained. So you need to
indicate it manually after you import these types of data.

This chapter describes the following tasks related to JDBC connections:

Setting up the JDBC driver

Setting up a JDBC connection

Setting up OOJDBC connections

DBMS objects in a JDBC connection

Setting up the JDBC driver

To connect to a database via a JDBC driver:
1. Install the JDBC driver according to the instructions provided by the JDBC driver provider.
2. Edit JReport.bat/JReport.sh or setenv.bat/setenv.sh in <designer_install_root>\bin, by
appending the class path for the JDBC driver.
Note: The step for appending the class path is very important. The same changes made to JReport
Designers class path must be made to the class path for JReport Server too. A missing JDBC driver in
the JReport start-up batch file or command line will result in a "ClassNotFoundError message" when
you try to run a report. Meanwhile, if you want to use the DHTML preview feature in JReport Designer,
you also need to append the class path for the JDBC driver to setenv.bat/setenv.sh in
The following are two examples of setting up the JDBC driver.
Example 1: Installing a Sybase JDBC driver
1. Install Sybase JDBC driver jconn2.jar.
2. Modify setenv.bat by appending the archive file path and file name of the driver to the set
ADDCLASSPATH system variable:
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;c:\jconnect\jconn2.jar;
Or edit JReport.bat/JReport.sh in C:\JReport\Designer\bin (/opt/JReport/Designer/bin) by
appending the archive file of the driver to the class path:
Change: ... classpath "%REPORTHOME%\lib\SwingDesigner.jar;%REPORTHOME%\lib
To: ... classpath "%REPORTHOME%\lib\SwingDesigner.jar;c:\jconnect\jconn2.jar;%
Example 2: Installing an Oracle JDBC driver
1. Install Oracle JDBC driver ojdbc14.jar.
2. Modify setenv.bat by appending the archive file path and file name of the driver to the set
ADDCLASSPATH system variable:
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;c:\orc\thin\lib\ojdbc14.jar;
Or edit JReport.bat/JReport.sh in C:\JReport\Designer\bin (/opt/JReport/Designer/bin) by
appending the archive file of the Oracle thin driver to the class path:
Change: ... classpath "%REPORTHOME%\lib\SwingDesigner.jar;%REPORTHOME%\lib
To: ... classpath "%REPORTHOME%\lib\SwingDesigner.jar;c:\orc\thin\lib\ojdbc14.jar;%

Limiting the size of the fetch data buffer

If you are using a database which supports the JDBC method Statement.setFetchSize(), you can
request the database retrieve a specified number of rows in each read instead of all rows which
minimizes memory usage which can improve performance. It can also avoid Java heap out of memory
errors when doing large queries. JReport provides a property setFetchSize in the JdbcDriversConfig.
properties file for you to do this, which is located in the <install_root>\bin directory.
The following is an example of setting the setFetchSize property in the JdbcDriversConfig.properties file
and detailed description of each property:
DriverName_D1 = MySQL-AB JDBC Driver
Vendor_D1 = MySql.com
Version_D1 = 3.0.8-stable ($Date: 2003/05/19 00:57:19 $, $Revision: $)
setFetchSize_D1 = 5000

Database driver name that should be used to establish a connection. You can use connection.
getMetaData().getDriverName() to obtain the value.
The vendor of current JDBC driver. It is a string value.
The version of current JDBC driver. You can use connection.getMetaData().getDriverVersion() to
obtain the value.
The number of rows retrieved in each buffer from the database. It is an Integer value that should be
larger than 0 and less than or equal to getMaxRows(). The default value is different according to the
driver in use. You can refer to your own database driver specification.
It is a user-defined name used to mark a group of driver settings different from the other groups.

Specifying where to implement the maximum query run time and number of records
In the JdbcDriversConfig.properties file, you can also specify where the properties, Maximum Rows and
Maximum Duration, will be implemented, on JReport side or on the database side. For details about
usage of these two properties, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
The following is an example of setting the two properties:
DriverName_D2 = Oracle JDBC driver
Vendor_D2 = Oracle
Version_D2 =
supportMaxRowPushDown_D2 = true
supportMaxDurPushDown_D2 = true

Database driver name that should be used to establish a connection. You can use connection.
getMetaData().getDriverName() to obtain the value.

The vendor of current JDBC driver. It is a string value.

The version of current JDBC driver. You can use connection.getMetaData().getDriverVersion() to
obtain the value.
Specifies where the property Maximum Rows will be implemented, on JReport side or on the
database side. By default, it is set to true, which means the property will take effect on the database
side. If it is set to false, the property will take effect on JReport side.
Specifies where the property Maximum Duration will be implemented, on JReport side or on the
database side. By default, it is set to true, which means the property will take effect on the database
side. If it is set to false, the property will take effect on JReport side.
It is a user-defined name used to mark a group of driver settings different from the other groups.


If there are more than one group with the same group marking name, the last group will be adopted.
If the sign # is seen before "DriverName" of a group, or if setFetchSize is given a negative value, the
whole group will be disabled.

Setting up a JDBC connection

This procedure assumes you have set up the JDBC driver as described in the previous task.
Note: The URL format is regulated by the driver itself. That is, different drivers have different URL
formats. The format of the driver template in JReport Designer jdbcdrivers.properties is jdbc.
where, JDBCDriverName is the JDBC driver name that can be auto-loaded when JReport starts up and
":" is the delimiter between two driver names. JReport will search from the first and find one that can
work with the driver, URL, and user name and password in the catalog.
Below is an example of the jdbcdrivers.properties file which specifies an Oracle thin driver and an
Interbase thin driver:
To set up a JDBC connection:
1. Create a catalog which contains a default data source, then in the Data tab of the Catalog
Browser, expand the node of the data source, right-click the Relational node and choose Add
JDBC Connection from the shortcut menu.
If you want to set up the connection by adding a data source to an existing catalog and then
defining the connection on the data source, open the catalog, select any data source contained in
on the Catalog Browser toolbar, then in the New Data
it, click the New Data Source button
source dialog, specify the name of the data source, select the JDBC connection type and click OK.
2. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, specify the options as required.

3. Click OK to set up the connection, and you will be prompted with a message box showing the
status of connecting to the JDBC driver.
You have four ways to set up a JDBC connection:

Setting up by adding an existing connection

1. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, select the connection from the Connection List.
This list contains previously added connection information.
2. The JDBC URL and JDBC driver name will then appear in the corresponding text fields. Click OK.
Note: The format of the connection information should be JDBC URL/(JDBC Driver Name). For
example: jdbc:odbc:jinfonet/(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver).

Setting up an ODBC connection

1. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, check the Use ODBC Data Source box.
By default, the Use ODBC Data Source checkbox is checked. It indicates that the name you
input in the DSN Name field is the ODBC data source name.
2. Enter the DSN name in the DSN Name field.
3. Input the user name and password to enable accessing the database through the ODBC data
source, and then click OK.

Setting up a JDBC connection

1. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, uncheck the Use ODBC Data Source checkbox.
2. Check the Driver checkbox and specify the driver in the text field that follows.
3. In the URL text field, specify the URL of the JDBC driver.
4. Input the user name and password respectively, and then click OK.
Tip: After entering the JDBC URL, user name and password, you can leave the Driver text field
empty and instead supply it in the property file - jdbcdrivers.properties.

Setting up a connection via the WebLogic 6.1 connection pool

1. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, uncheck Use ODBC Data Source, and then
check the Use Connection Pool checkbox.
2. In the URL text field, specify the URL of the JDBC driver.
3. Input the user name and password respectively, and then click OK.


Upon the finishing of setting up the connection, the Add Table dialog will be displayed, prompting
you to add tables from the database to the connection. If you want to add tables at a later date, click
When creating any of the above connections, if your database has some special requirements, you
can click the Options button to modify the options according to your requirements.

The following examples show how to set up connections via specific JDBC drivers:

Example 1: Setting up a connection via the Oracle JDBC driver

Example 2: Setting up a connection via the Sybase JDBC driver

Example 3: Setting up a connection via WebLogic 6.1 Connection Pool

Example 1: Setting up a connection via the Oracle JDBC driver

Assume that:

You have already installed the Oracle JDBC driver, and have appended the archive file (ojdbc14.jar)
of the thin driver to the ADDCLASSPATH variable in the file setenv.bat in <designer_install_root>
The Oracle database server is with the name p02_wuhb, port number 1521, database orcl, user
name scott and password tiger.
A catalog has been created with a default data source.

Take the following steps to set up a connection which connects JReport Designer to a database via the
Oracle JDBC driver:
1. Start JReport Designer and open the catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the node of the default data source, right-click the
Relational node and select Add JDBC Connection from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, uncheck the Use ODBC Data Source option.
4. Check the Driver checkbox, and enter the JDBC driver class name oracle.jdbc.driver.
OracleDriver in the Driver text field.
5. In the URL text field, specify the URL in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:<port>:
<SID>. In this example, enter jdbc:oracle:thin:@p02_wuhb:1521:orcl.
6. Input the user name scott and password tiger respectively.
7. Click OK to set up the connection.

Example 2: Setting up a connection via the Sybase JDBC driver

Assume that:

You have already installed the Sybase JDBC driver and have appended the archive file of the driver
to the ADDCLASSPATH variable in the file setenv.bat in <designer_install_root>\bin.
The Sybase database server is with the name SybSever, port number 5000, database pubs2, user
name sa and password 123456.
A catalog has been created with a default data source.

Take the following steps to set up a connection which connects JReport Designer to a database via the
Sybase JDBC driver:
1. Start JReport Designer and open the catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the node of the default data source, right-click the
Relational node and select Add JDBC Connection from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, uncheck the Use ODBC Data Source checkbox.
4. Check the Driver checkbox, and enter the JDBC driver class name com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver
into the Driver text field.
5. In the URL text field, specify the URL in the format jdbc:sybase:Tds:<hostname>:<port>/<SID>.
In this example, enter jdbc:sybase:Tds:SybServer:5000/pubs2.
6. Input the user name sa and password 123456 respectively.
7. Click OK to set up the connection.

Example 3: Setting up a connection via WebLogic 6.1 Connection Pool

Assume that a catalog has been created with a default data source in JReport Designer. Take the
following steps to set up a connection which connects JReport Designer to a database via the WebLogic
6.1 Connection Pool:
1. Set up the WebLogic Connection Pool.
a. Assume that the WebLogic Server has been started, access the console through a web
browser (http://host:7001/console). Then, go to the left panel, and expand the JDBC
b. Click the Connection Pools node. All the defined connection pools will be displayed in the
right panel.
c. Click the Configure a New JDBC Connection Pool link.
d. In the Configuration tab, define the connection pool as below. Then, click the Create button.
Name: jinfonet
URL: jdbc:odbc:jinfonet
Driver Classname: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
2. Check the Connection Pool.
In the Monitoring tab, click the link Monitor all Active Pools to check if the pool is active. You
will see the connection pool that you just created appear in the Monitoring tab.
3. Click the Targets tab, and add examplesServer to the Chosen column (in order to assign the
connection pool to the server). Then, click Apply to save your changes.
4. Set up the data source.
a. Click the Data Sources node in the JDBC node. In the right panel, click the Configure a
New JDBC Data Source link.
b. In the Configuration tab, enter the values in the following fields as below:
Name: jinfonetDS
JNDI Name: jinfonetDS
Pool Name: jinfonet
c. Click Create. The new data source will then be added in the Data Sources node in the left
5. Click the Targets tab and add examplesServer in the Available column to the Chosen column.
Then, click Apply to save the changes.
6. Add weblogic.jar to setenv.bat.
To connect via the WebLogic Connection Pool in JReport Designer, you will first need to add
weblogic.jar in <weblogic_install_root>\wlserver6.1\lib to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of
setenv.bat. In this example, supposing that you have installed JReport Designer in C:\JReport
\Designer, and WebLogic in C:\bea, you will have to modify setenv.bat in C:\JReport\Designer
\bin to add C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic.jar to the ADDCLASSPATH variable as follows:

set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;C:\bea\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic.jar;
7. Set up the connection.
a. Start JReport Designer and open the catalog.
b. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the node of the default data source, rightclick the Relational node and select Add JDBC Connection from the shortcut menu.
c. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, uncheck Use ODBC Data Source, and check
Use Connection Pool. The string weblogic.jinfonet.pool.Driver will automatically be
displayed in the Driver text field.
d. Fill in the URL jdbc:weblogic:jinfonet:@<hostname>:7001:jinfonetDS, where
@<hostname> is the host name or IP address of the WebLogic Server, 7001 is the port on
which the WebLogic Server listens, and jinfonetDS is the JNDI Name of the data source.
Then, click OK.
Note: The data types longbarbinary and BigDecimal are not supported when a WebLogic Connection
Pool is used.

Setting up OOJDBC connections

OOJDBC (Object Oriented Java Database Connection) is defined to cover an OODS (Object Oriented
Data Source) with a JDBC interface. It is similar to a JDBC driver and is based on Java application, EJB
(Enterprise Java Bean), LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol), which can be defined as a
database. JReport has also developed a tool named Model Wizard, which you can run to import data via
XML data source.
Here is the main frame for OOJDBC:

OOJDBC includes Model Wizard and OOJDBC Driver.

Model Wizard
Open/Save model file
Define a Java class as a table
Define a method as a column
How to access the instance of the class
Read the table/column definitions from model file
Return meta-data to JReport
Construct QUERY data
Return record to JReport

The following sections explain how to import different kinds of data sources via OOJDBC into a JReport

Using XML file as a data source via OOJDBC

Using class file as a data source via OOJDBC

Using EJB as a data source via OOJDBC

Using CSV file as a data source via OOJDBC

Using XML file as a data source via OOJDBC

JReport Designer supports XML as a data source which can be accessed via OOJDBC.
The following examples explain how to use XML file as a data source via OOJDBC:

Example 1: Importing the XML file indirectly

Example 2: Importing the XML file directly

Example 3: XML file with dynamic parameters

Example 1: Importing the XML file indirectly

In this example, employee.xml in <install_root>\help\designer\samples will be used. Store it to
<install_root>\Demo\Reports\TutorialReports first. Then follow the steps below to import the file to a

Importing the XML file using the Model Wizard

To import the XML file employee.xml using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Run ModelWizard.bat in <install_root>\bin..
2. In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Add Table.
3. In the Add Table dialog, specify the class and table name as required. Here, we fill in the Table Name as
employee and ClassName as com.jinfonet.jdbc.RecordResult (a class of Jinfonet). Then click the Parse



Column Name

Methods of the class you have defined.

SQL Type

Returned type of your column name. You can double-click the field and choose the
SQL type you want.


Precision of the current column. You can click on the field and change it manually.


Scale of the current column. You can also click on the field and change it manually.


Current status of the column (null or not). You can double-click on the field and
choose the current status: Nullable, No Nulls or Nullable Unknown etc.


If your DBField contains $, you should check it.


Click to add new columns.


Click to remove the selected column.

Modify Column

Click to modify parameters of the current table.


Click to add the table.

Direct Access Path

Click to select the path for the table. OOJDBC driver can save and restore the table
you have defined through this path.

Add Indirect Path


Cancels the operation and closes the Add Table dialog.

4. Click the Remove button to get rid of all the existing columns in the Add Table dialog, and then click the
Add button to add a new column.
5. In the Access Indirect Columns dialog, specify the data type of the column.
In this example, we will add a column of String type, so click java.lang.String in the ReturnType column of
the Methods box, then click the Add button. Click OK to return to the Add Table dialog.

Note: If you want to use dynamic parameter, you can choose the option Is Dynamic in the Access
Indirect Columns dialog. For details, see Example 3: XML file with dynamic parameters.
6. In the Add Table dialog, click Direct Access Path to define the accessing path of the table in the Access
Method dialog.
a. Fill in com.jinfonet.jdbc.xml.XMLReader in the Root Class Name text field, click the Parse button
and check Show Static Methods Only.
b. Click the shown method. In the Parameters box, fill in the default values for param0 and param1 as
required. For example, for param0, fill in file:///C:/JReport/Designer/Demo/Reports/
TutorialReports/employee.xml, then for param1, fill in record employee root employee column
first_name 12 path document.employee.first_name.

The following are explanations about the parameters.

param0 is the valid XML file name with its path.

param1 is the query sentence for selecting the column to be used for reporting from the XML file.
record is the keyword, followed with the XML file name (without the extension .xml). Following this is
another keyword column with the actual tag name from the XML file.

Below is the part quoted from employee.xml:


Since first_name is required, you should then give the actual tag name here. The number afterwards
is the SQL type of the column. "12" is for String type. For detailed information about Java SQL types,
refer to JDK package java.sql.types.java.

In param1, the order of the columns is dependent on the default values given when adding the
The SQL type BINARY, VARBINARY and LONGVARBINARY are not supported.

7. Click OK to return to the Add Table dialog.

Now you can see that the column has been added in the Add Table dialog. You can rename the default column
me by editing in the Column Name column. You are recommended to give the name as the actual tag definition in
e .xml file, for example first_name.

Click the OK button, and the table employee will now have been added to the Object Source Wizard.

In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file. You should
ve it to <install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we save it as employee.odf.


If you use dynamic parameters, that is you check the Is Dynamic option, the syntax of the method is an array
of Boolean values which indicates which parameter is dynamic at runtime. If the parameter is dynamic the value
should be prompted and initialized before executing an SQL. In addition, when you choose the option Is
Dynamic, this parameter will be passed to JReport Designer. After you create a connection in the Catalog
Browser, you will find it in the Parameters node.
The same ODF file cannot exist in both <install_root>\lib and the directory where the catalog is located.
If you have purchased the readable key, you can also save the ODF file (oojdbc data definition file) to XML
format (with extension .odf.xml). For files which have already been saved with an .xml extension, in order to
make them available, you can manually change the extension from .xml to .odf.xml.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the generated employee.odf into a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.

3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the path. The
catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if you saved the ODF
file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new connection with the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text field that
c. Type jdbc:jinfonet:object:@Filename in the URL text field. @Filename should be the ODF file name.
In the example, it is jdbc:jinfonet:object:@employee.
d. Click OK to set up the connection.
5. In the Add Table dialog, select the table employee and click Add.
6. Click Done to close the Add Table dialog.
Now, the table employee will have been added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.
Note: When you publish the catalog and its report sets to JReport Server, whether the ODF file is located in
<install_root>\lib or in the directory where the catalog is located, it will be deployed to the path where the
catalog is located in the server side.

Example 2: Importing the XML file directly

The process of importing an XML file with Model Wizard (as explained in Example 1) can be simplified with JReport's built-in XML file
import functionality, and is very easy to use.
In this example, orgchart_data.xml in <install_root>\help\designer\samples will be used. Store it to <install_root>\Demo\Reports
\TutorialReports first. Then follow the steps below to import the file to a catalog.

Importing the XML file directly using the Model Wizard

To import the XML file directly using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Run ModelWizard.bat in <install_root>\bin. The Object Source Wizard will then appear.
2. Select File > Import XML Files to bring up the Import XML dialog.
3. Click Open to browse to the file orgchart_data.xml.
4. Check Column for all elements and change their format and type if necessary (for the details about how to set the format, see
Examples of format).

5. Click OK and the table OrgChart will now have been added to the Object Source Wizard.
6. In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file. You should save it to
<install_root>\lib or to the directory where the catalog will be located. Here, we save it as orgchart.odf.
Note: The same ODF file cannot exist in both <install_root>\lib and the directory where the catalog will be located.
Examples of format
When using certain SQL types, you should input a standard format in the Format cell in the Import XML dialog. There are some examples:

If the time format is like Tue Aug 27 16:04:00 BST 2002, you should select:
Type: TimeStamp
Format: EEE MMM dd hh:mxm:ss zzz yyyy
If the time format is like 2002-11-22 11:09:08, you should select:
Type: TimeStamp
Format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
If the time format is like 11/18/2002 08:20:00, you should select
Type: TimeStamp
Format: M/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss
If the time format is like 1999-12-05, you should select:
Type: date
Format: yyyy-MM-dd
If the time format is like 08:20:00, you should select:
Type: time
Format: hh:mm:ss
If the number is like 50,600, you should select:
Type: integer
Format: ###,###
If the currency is like $50,600, you should select:
Type: integer
Format: $###,###

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the generated orgchart.odf file into a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the path. The catalog should be located
in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if you saved the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created
also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new JDBC connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text field that follows.
c. Type jdbc:jinfonet:object:@Filename in the URL text field. @Filename should be the ODF file name. In the example, it is
d. Click OK to set up the connection.
5. In the Add Table dialog, select the table OrgChart and click Add.
6. Click Done to close the Add Table dialog.
Now, the table OrgChart will be added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.
Note: When you publish the catalog and its report sets to JReport Server, whether the ODF file is located in <install_root>\lib or in
the directory where the catalog is located, it will be deployed to the path where the catalog is located on the server side.

Example 3: XML file with dynamic parameters

When you design a report from the tables imported through OOJDBC, and the tables have the same input
parameters, but you don't want to input the same parameters again, JReport provides a way to allow you to bind
parameters in a catalog, so they can share the same parameter value.
This example demonstrates how to import tables with dynamic parameters from the ODF file generated by the
Model Wizard.

Importing the XML file using the Model Wizard

To import an XML file with the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Run ModelWizard.bat in <install_root>\bin. The Object Source Wizard will then appear.
2. Add two tables as shown in Example 1. The first table named employee1 has one String type column, and the
second table named employee2 has one Int type column. They have the same input parameter for param0.
The default value is h:\xml\employee.xml. Make sure to check the option Is dynamic.
3. In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file. You should
save it to <install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we save it as xmlparam.odf.

If you choose the option Is Dynamic, this parameter will be passed to JReport Designer. After you create a new
connection, you will find this parameter in the node Parameters in the Catalog Browser.
The same ODF file cannot exist in both <install_root>\lib and the directory where the catalog is to be

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the generated ODF file into a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the path. The
catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if you saved the ODF
file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a parameter that is of String data type and is named path. This parameter will
be bound to the parameters in the tables that were imported through OOJDBC.

5. Create a new connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog as follows:

6. The Add Table dialog appears prompting you to add the listed tables. Select the table employee1 and click
the Add button. The Dynamic Parameter used in oojdbc tables dialog will then be displayed. Uncheck the
checkbox in the New column and select the parameter path from the drop-down list to bind param0 to the
parameter path.

7. Repeat the above step to add the employee2 table and bind its parameter param0 to the parameter path.
Now the parameters in the two tables will share the same parameter path.
8. Click the New Report Set button

on the Standard toolbar to develop a report on the newly inserted

9. When viewing the report, the Enter Parameter Values dialog will be displayed, asking you to input the
parameter. You will only need to input the path of imported XML file once since the parameter is shared with
the parameters in the two tables.

Modifying the dynamic parameters

You can modify the links between the parameters in OOJDBC and parameters in the JReport catalog. To do this:
1. Launch the Catalog Browser in JReport Designer.
2. Select the table with the dynamic parameters that are to be modified. Right-click on the specified table, and
then select Parameters from the shortcut menu.
3. Highlight the parameter in the catalog, and then select the parameter from the drop-down list to bind it to the
parameter in OOJDBC.

Using class file as a data source via OOJDBC

This example shows how to generate the ODF file in a different way using the file demo.zip in
<install_root>\help\designer\samples, which contains all the necessary classes and methods
needed for making the OOJDBC data source work with Java objects.

Before the OOJDBC data source works with Java objects, you should do the preparations, which are
detailed in the following two steps:
1. You should define a class that specifies the column name and the method of getting data from this
column. In this example, the class Products.java in demo.zip takes this role. This class file
contains the method public int getProductID(), which implies that the column name is ProductID
and you can get the product ID via this method.
2. You should publish a method to access a group of products. That means OOJDBC needs a result
set with multiple rows, and each row is one of the products, so that you should define a class that
can retrieve the rows. In this example, the file SQLReader.java in demo.zip takes this role. In this
file, there is a static* method JCollection execSQL(String jdbcDriver, String url, String sql), and
this method returns a collection that contains the rows of the products. This collection can be one
of the following three classes java.util.collection for Java2, java.util.Vector for Java1.1 and com.
jinfonet.jdbc.obj.JCollection for both.
Also, the batch files used to start the Model Wizard, JReport Designer and JReport Server should be
modified before you can import the product table and use it to generate reports. To do this:
1. Save demo.zip in <install_root>\help.
2. Add it to the class path of the batch file setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin of both Designer and
Server. The setenv.bat updates the classpath for both ModelWizard and Designer.

Importing the class file using the Model Wizard

To import the class file using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Start the Model Wizard ( ModelWizard.bat).
2. In the Object Source Wizard, click Add Table and the Add Table dialog will be displayed.
3. In the ClassName field, type com.jinfonet.jdbc.demo.Products, input demo in the Table Name
field, and then click the Parse button.
4. Click Direct Access Path. In the Access Method dialog, input com.jinfonet.jdbc.demo.
SQLReader in the Root Class Name field. Then click the Parse button. In the Methods box, select
the method execSQL, and in the Parameters box, fill in the default values as below:
Param0 (the driver of the database): org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
Param1 (the connection URL of the database): jdbc:hsqldb:c:\JReport\Designer\Demo\db
Param2 (the user name): sa

Param3 (the password): (no value)

Param4 (the SQL statement): select * from products
5. Press the OK button and the table demo will now have been added.
6. In the Object Source Wizard, select File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file.
You should save it to <install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we
save it as demo.odf.
Note: The same ODF file cannot exist in both <install_root>\lib and the directory where the
catalog is located.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the ODF file to a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the
path. The catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if
you saved the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new connection with the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog
as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text
field that follows.
c. Type jdbc:jinfonet:object:@Filename in the URL text field. @Filename should be the .odf
name you have saved but do not include the extension. So in the example, it should be jdbc:
d. Click OK to set up the connection.
5. In the Add Table dialog, select the table demo and click Add.
6. Click Done to close the Add Table dialog.
Now, the table demo has been added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.
Note: When you publish the catalog and its reports to JReport Server, whether the ODF file is located
in <install_root>\lib or in the directory where the catalog is located, it will be published to the path
where the catalog is located on the server side.

Improvement of OOJDBC in this example

JReport provides an interface com.jinfonet.interfaces.query.TableFilter and a simple implementation
com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.TableFilterImpl, which can be used in this example to improve the performance of
the select and WHERE clauses in a query. You can extend TableFilterImpl to create your own Reader
class. In addition, a demo FilterSQLReader.java in the file demo.zip has been made for your reference.
Note: If you are using FilterSQLReader.java instead of SQLReader.java, you should input com.jinfonet.

jdbc.demo.FilterSQLReader in the Root Class Name field of the Access Method dialog.

Using EJB as a data source via OOJDBC

JReport Designer can support any data source through UDS. However, to implement it, users need to
be able to code with the Java language. In this case, the usage of UDS is confined to more advanced
users. To resolve the problems, JReport has defined OOJDBC to cover an OODS (Object Oriented Data
Source) with a JDBC interface which supports EJB as a data source via OOJDBC (currently JReport
supports EJB2.x). OOJDBC is similar to a JDBC driver and is based on Java application, EJB (Enterprise
Java Bean), LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol), which can be defined as a database.
The following examples explain how to use EJB as a data source via OOJDBC:

Example 1: EJB deployed to Java EE

Example 2: EJB deployed to BEA WebLogic Server 5.1

Example 3: EJB deployed to BEA WebLogic Server 6.1

Example 1: EJB deployed to Java EE

This example shows how to use an EJB deployed to Java EE as a data source and import it to a JReport
catalog via OOJDBC.
Follow the steps below to achieve your goal:
1. Installation
2. Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard
3. Importing the ODF file into a catalog

You are required to install the following before you can import EJB using the Model Wizard:
1. Install Java EE. You can download it from http://java.sun.com/javaee/downloads/index.jsp. After
the installation of Java EE, you will find j2ee.jar in <java_ee_install_root>\lib.
2. Install Jaxp1.1. You can download it from http://java.sun.com/xml/download.html. After
installation, you will find three jars xalan.jar, crimson.jar and jaxp.jar in <jaxp1.1_insatll_root>.
3. Install JReport Designer. You will then find the batch file ModelWizard.bat and JReport.bat in
<designer_install_root>\bin, which are for starting JReport Designer and the Model Wizard.
Add the four jars into the class paths of the two batch files or to the ADDCLASSPATH variable in
setenv.bat which is used by both. For example:
...c:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\java -classpath g:\java\classes;c:\jaxp1.1\xalan.jar;c:
\jaxp1.1\crimson.jar;c:\jaxp1.1\jaxp.jar; com.jinfonet.jdbc.model.wizard.
Note: After you have deployed your EJB to the Java EE server, a Jar will be returned in the root
directory. In this example, Java(TM) Pet Store Demo of jps1.0 in Java EE has been used. Note that
versions later than jps1.0 are not supported. After deploying to the Java EE server, estoreClient.jar is
returned to the root directory. Add it to the batch file ModelWizard.bat. For example:
...-classpath "c:\jps1.0\estoreClient.jar;c:\jaxp1.1\xalan.jar;c:\jaxp1.1\crimson.jar;c:

Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard

Make an EJB initializing class that is coded by Jinfonet, and is for looking up EJBHome by the JNDI
This example uses Java(TM) Pet Store Demo. JNDI name is estore/catalog. The class name is com.sun.
estore.catalog.model.Category. This table is defined by users. Users can get the table they request
through parsing the class.
1. Run the modified batch file ModerWizard.bat in <designer_install_root>\bin and the Object
Source Wizard will then be displayed. Click Add Table.

2. In the Add Table dialog, enter com.sun.estore.catalog.model.Category in the ClassName field

and define the table name as Category. Then click the Parse button.
3. Click the Direct Access Path button to define the accessing path in the Access Method dialog.
a. Fill in com.jinfonet.jdbc.ejb.EJBInitializer in the Root Class Name field. Then click the
Parse button.
b. In the Parameter box, find the DefaultValue column and fill in estore/catalog by which the
EJB in the Java EE server will be accessed. Check the CastTo option, and enter com.sun.
Note: After you enter the DefaultValue, you should press Enter on your keyboard, or an
error will occur. When you set cast to, you should also start the Java EE server by
running j2ee.bat in <java_ee_install_root>. And you should also choose


4. If you want to use a dynamic parameter, check the option Is Dynamic. The syntax of the method
is: an array of Boolean values to indicate which parameter is dynamic in runtime. If the parameter
is dynamic the value should be prompted and initialized before the SQL is executed.
5. Click Next. In the next dialog, choose create as the method name.
6. Click Next, and now you can see the return type of the method name getCategories defined
7. Click OK and the table Category will now have been added.

In the Object Source Wizard, select File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file.
u should save it to <designer_install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we
ve it as ejb.odf.


If specifying to apply dynamic parameters, that is, you check the option Is Dynamic, the parameter
will be passed to JReport Designer. After you create a connection in the Catalog Browser, you will
find the parameter in the Parameters node.
The same ODF file cannot exist in both <designer_install_root>\lib and the directory where the
catalog is located.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the ODF file that is generated when you imported the EJB using the Model Wizard, take the
following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
Note: Before you start creating reports, you should first start your database. In this
example, start cloudscape in <j2sdkee1.2_install_root>.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the
path. The catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if
you saved the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.

4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new connection with the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog
as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text
field that follows.
c. Type jdbc:jinfonet:object:@Filename in the URL text field. @Filename should be the .odf
name you have saved. So in the example, it should be jdbc:jinfonet:object:@ejb.
d. Click OK.
5. In the Add Tables dialog, select the two tables in the Tables box, and click the Add button.
Now, the tables will have been added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.

Example 2: EJB deployed to BEA WebLogic Server 5.1

In this example, you will be shown how to use an EJB that is deployed to a BEA WebLogic Server 5.1 as a
data source and import it to a JReport catalog via OOJDBC.
Follow the steps below to achieve your goal:
1. Installation
2. Deploying the EJB to WebLogic
3. Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard
4. Importing the ODF file into a catalog

You are required to install the following before you can begin this example:

Install JReport Designer. In this example, we installed JReport Designer to C:\JReport\Designer.

Install BEA WebLogic Server. To download BEA WebLogic server, go to the BEA WebLogic website: http://
www.weblogic.com/licbeta.html, and install and configure your server. Here, we install the BEA WebLogic
Server to D:\Weblogic.
After installation, you will find weblogicaux.jar in <weblogic_install_root>\lib. Add weblogicaux.jar into
the class path of the batch files of both JReport Designer and Model Wizard.
In this example, we use the property value Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY = weblogic.jndi.
WLInitialContextFactory to create the connection, and the class weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory is
located in D:\Weblogic\classes. So you should also add D:\Weblogic\classes into the class path of the
batch files that start both JReport Designer and Model Wizard.

Install Jaxp1.1. You can download it from http://java.sun.com/xml/download.html. After installation, there
will be three jars xalan.jar, crimson.jar and jaxp.jar in the installroot of Jaxp1.1. Add these three jars into
the class path of the batch files that start both JReport Designer and Model Wizard.
Add some system property values into the batch files. In this example, we set -Djava.naming.factory.
initial="weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" -Djava.naming.provider.url="t3://
localhost:7001" to connect to BEA WebLogic Server.

After performing these steps, the batch file that starts the Model Wizard should look something like this:

C:\jdk1.6.0_17\jre\bin\java.exe" "-Dinstall.root=C:\jreport\designer"
-classpath "C:\jreport\designer\lib\report.jar;C:\jreport\designer\lib\resource.jar;
-Djava.naming.factory.initial= "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"
com.jinfonet.jdbc.model.wizard. ModelWizard %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Deploying the EJB to WebLogic

To deploy the EJB to a BEA WebLogic Server, take the following steps:
1. Make the EJB include methods to return Collection or JCollection.
After you have installed BEA WebLogic server, you will find several EJBs. In this example, the entity
bean examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean will be used. The JNDI name is beanManaged.
AccountHome. The remote interface is examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.Account.class. The home
interface is examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountHome.class. Before deploying it, you will have to
provide a method which returns java.util.Collection or com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.JCollection. JCollection is an
interface coded by Jinfonet.
In the Model Wizard, you will need to inform the OOJDBC driver of the method with which to use to fetch
data. The OOJDBC driver can only accept a method which returns java.util.Collection or com.jinfonet.
In this example, we change AccountBean.java to include the following method:
* Finds all EJBeans.
* @return Enumeration EJBean Primary Keys
* @exception javax.ejb.EJBException
* if there is a communications or systems failure
public Collection ejbFindAllAccounts(){
log("getAllAccounts ()");
HashSet col = new HashSet();
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
con = getConnection();
ps = con.prepareStatement("select id from ejbAccounts");
ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
String pk;
while (rs.next())
pk = rs.getString(1);
return (Collection)col;
catch (SQLException sqe)

log("SQLException: " + sqe);

throw new EJBException (sqe);
finally {
cleanup(con, ps);

And we add a method in AccountHome.java:

* Finds all EJBeans.
* Returns a Collection of found EJBean primary keys.
* @return Collection of Account
* @exception javax.ejb.FinderException
if there is an error while accessing the persistent storage
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException if there is a communications
* or systems failure
* @see examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean
public Collection findAllAccounts()
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

2. Create the ejb-jar file.

After calling javac.exe of JDK 6 to compile EJB classes, create a standard EJB jar file, including XML
deployment descriptors. Then use the tool WebLogic EJB Deployer to create a deployable Jar file.
3. Deploy the EJB.
In Step 2, the Jar ejb_basic_beanManaged.jar has been created. Now put the Jar into the class path of
the WebLogic Server, edit the weblogic.properties file to include the new EJB. After stopping and
restarting the WebLogic Server, you can access the EJB in a client. To do this, first create 20 accounts,
and then add the Jar ejb_basic_beanManaged.jar into the class path both in the batch file of JReport
Designer and that of Model Wizard.

Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard

Make an EJB initializing class that is coded by Jinfonet and is for looking up the EJBHome by the JNDI name.
The JNDI name of the entity bean examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean is beanManaged.
AccountHome. The remote interface is examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.Account.class. The home interface is
To import the EJB using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Run the modified batch file ModelWizard.bat in <designer_install_root>. The Object Source Wizard
will then appear.
2. Click Add Table and define a table named Account, and then click the Parse button. The Add Table
dialog will then appear.
3. Click Direct Access Path in the Add Table dialog to define the accessing path of the table in the Access
Method dialog.
a. In the Root Class Name text box, fill in com.jinfonet.jdbc.ejb.EJBInitializer, and then click the

Parse button. For DefaultValue, enter JNDI name beanManaged.AccountHome, and select
CastTo as examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountHome.
Note: After you fill in DefaultValue, you should press Enter in your keyboard, or an error will
occur. Also, before you set CastTo, you should start the BEA WebLogic server. Choose
first, followed with the down arrow. These actions will connect to the server.
4. Check the option Is Dynamic if you want to use dynamic parameters. The syntax of the method is: an
array of Boolean values to indicate which parameter is dynamic at runtime. If the parameter is dynamic,
the value should be prompted and initialized before the SQL is executed.
5. Click Next, and then select the method findAllAccounts as the method name.
6. Click OK, and the table Account will now have been added.

In the Object Source Wizard, select File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file. You
ould save it to <designer_install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we save it as


If you use dynamic parameters, that is, you check the option Is Dynamic , the parameter will be passed to
JReport Designer. After you create a connection in the Catalog Browser, you will find the parameter in the
Parameters node.
The same ODF file cannot exist in both <designer_install_root>\lib and the directory where the
catalog is located.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

Here you will be shown how to load the table Account into a catalog file, and create reports with it.
Before starting JReport Designer, make sure that the class path includes the relative jar files and path, and
has set relative system property values. In this example, the batch file for starting JReport Designer is as
-classpath :\JReport\Designer\lib;C:\jreport\designer\lib\report.jar;
-Dreporthome=C:\JReport -Djava.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
jet.report.ide.JReport %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

To import the ODF file into a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the path.
The catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if you saved
the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.

4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new connection with the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog as
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text field that
c. Enter jdbc:jinfonet:object:@File name in the URL text field. @File name should be the .odf name
you saved. In the example, it is jdbc:jinfonet:object:@weblogic.
Now, the table will have been added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.

Example 3: EJB deployed to BEA WebLogic Server 6.1

This example shows how to use an EJB that is deployed to BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 as a data source
and import it to a JReport catalog via OOJDBC.
Follow the steps below to achieve your goal:
1. Installation
2. Modifying and rebuilding the EJB
3. Setting up the demo data source
4. Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard
5. Importing the ODF file into a catalog

You are required to install the following before you can start developing reports using EJB 2.0:

Install WebLogic Server 6.1 in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta.

Install JReport Designer in D:\JReport\Designer.

Install Jaxp 1.1 in D:\jaxp1.1.

Download EJB 2.0 class package from http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/docs.html.

The downloaded class package is called ejb-2_0-pfd2-class.zip. Save it to your disk and unzip the ejb.
jar from this package to your D:\downloads\jdk\EJB\2.0 directory.

Download EJB Upgrade 2.0 from http://commerce.bea.com/downloads/weblogic_server.jsp.

The package name is ejb20.zip. Unzip ejb20.jar inside this package to D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\lib,
and modify the file startWeblogic.cmd in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\mydomain to include the
ejb20.jar in the class path as the following:
set CLASSPATH=.;D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\lib\ejb20.jar;....

Modifying and rebuilding the EJB

The demo EJB Account.java, AccountBean.java and AccountHome.java will be used in this example. They
are located in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\samples\ejb20\basic\beanManaged.
Take the following steps to modify an rebuild the EJB:
1. Modify the source code of the EJB.
a. Modify AccountBean.java by adding the following two functions:

/*This function is used to display the primary key in your report

( a limitation to the java.lang.Object return type). */
public String getPrimaryKeyString() {
// return (String) ctx.getPrimaryKey();
return accountId;
* Finds all EJBeans.
* @return Enumeration EJBean Primary Keys
* @exception javax.ejb.EJBException
* if there is a communications or systems failure
public Collection ejbFindAllAccounts() {
log("getAllAccounts ()");
HashSet col = new HashSet();
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
con = getConnection();
ps = con.prepareStatement("select id from ejbAccounts");
ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
String pk;
while (rs.next()) {
pk = rs.getString(1);
return (Collection)col;
} catch (SQLException sqe) {
log("SQLException: " + sqe);
throw new EJBException (sqe);
} finally {
cleanup(con, ps);

Note: Remember to add import java.util.HashSet; into the AccountBean.java file.

2. Modify AccountHome.java by adding the following function:
* Finds all EJBeans.
* Returns an Collection of found EJBean primary keys.
* @return Collection of Account
* @exception javax.ejb.FinderException
if there is an error while accessing the persistent storage
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException if there is a communications
* or systems failure
* @see examples.ejb.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean
public Collection findAllAccounts()
throws FinderException, RemoteException;

3. Modify Account.java by adding the following function:

/*used to display the primary key in reports
public String getPrimaryKeyString() throws RemoteException;
4. Modify Client.java which is used to create EJB objects. The comments included below are the
statements used to remove the EJB objects:
/* log("Removing beans...");
for (int i=0; i<numBeans; i++) {

Modify the file build.cmd in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\samples\examples\ejb20\basic

eanManaged as below:
* Begin of build.cmd ***

EM Copyright (c) 2000-2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

EM You must set your environment by running the setExamplesEnv shell script
EM prior to executing this script.
T CLASSPATH=D:\jdk1.6.0_17\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\downloads\jdk\EJB\2.0\EJB.JAR;
T WL_HOME=D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta
T APPLICATIONS=D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\mydomain\applications
T EX_WEBAPP_CLASSES=D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\examples\
T CLIENT_CLASSES=D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\examples\clientclasses
EM Create the build directory, and copy the deployment descriptors into it
dir build build\META-INF
py *.xml build\META-INF
EM Compile EJB classes into the build directory (jar preparation)
\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\javac -classpath %CLASSPATH%
build Account.java AccountHome.java ProcessingErrorException.java
EM Make a EJB jar file, including XML deployment descriptors
\bea\jdk130\bin\jar cv0f std_ejb20_basic_beanManaged.jar META-INF examples
EM Run EJBC on jar file
\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\java -classpath %WL_HOME%/lib/weblogic_sp.jar;
logic.ejbc -compiler D:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\javac build\std_ejb20_basic_beanManaged.jar
EM Compile servlets and EJB interfaces into
B-INF/classes directory of the Examples Web App
EM This ensures that the EJB can be accessed by JSPs
d servlets of the Examples Web App
\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\javac -classpath %CLASSPATH%
%EX_WEBAPP_CLASSES% Servlet.java Account.java AccountHome.java
EM Compile EJB interfaces & client app into the clientclasses directory
\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\javac -classpath %CLASSPATH% -d %CLIENT_CLASSES%
count.java AccountHome.java ProcessingErrorException.java Client.java

* End of file build.cmd ***

Execute build.cmd to build up ejb20_basic_beanManaged.jar.

Setting up the demo data source

Set up the demo data source following the steps below:
1. Copy cloudscap.jar in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\samples\eval\cloudscape\lib\ to D:\bea
2. Modify startWeblogic.cmd in D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\mydomain to include cloudscape.
jar in the class path and set the home of cloudscape as D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\samples\eval
\cloudscape\data (location of the database):
set CLASSPATH=.;...D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\lib\cloudscape.jar;
echo on
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -hotspot -ms64m -mx64m -classpath
%CLASSPATH% -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain
-Dweblogic.Name=myserver "-Dbea.home=d:\bea"
-Dweblogic.management.password=%WLS_PW% -Dreporthome=D:\jns520 weblogic.Server

3. Start the WebLogic Server from the Start menu.

4. Use the web browser to connect to the console through http://localhost:7001/console.
5. Expand Service > JDBC and select the Connection Pool node. From the right panel, click on the
link Create a new JDBC Connection Pool.
6. Define the Connection Pool as below:
Name: demoPool
URL: jdbc:cloudscape:demo
Driver Classname: COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver
Properties: autocomit=true
7. Click on the Create button to create the connection pool.
8. Click the Target tab, and add myserver to the Chosen list. Then click on the Apply button.
9. In the Monitoring tab, click the link Monitor all Active Pools to check if the pool is active.
10. Click Data Source from the left pane in JDBC node.
11. Click Configure a new JDBC Data Source to create a new data source.
12. In the Configuration tab, input the following information:
Name: demoPool
JNDI Name: examples-dataSource-demoPool
Pool Name: demoPool

13. Click the Create button to create this data source.

14. Click the Targets tab to add myserver to the right text field, and then click the Apply button to
apply these changes. Now your demo data source for the beans is set up.
15. Run the class Client.class to create EJB objects. The class has been compiled when you run build.
cmd, and will be outputted to D:\bea\wlserver6.1_beta\config\examples\clientclasses
directory. The command should be as follows:
D:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\java -classpath D:\jdk1.6.0_17\jre\lib\rt.jar;
examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.Client t3://localhost:7001

Importing the EJB using the Model Wizard

The JNDI name of the entity bean examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.AccountBean is ejb20beanManaged-AccountHome. The remote interface is examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.Account.class.
The home interface is examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.AccountHome.class.
To import the EJB using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Modify ModelWizard.bat in D:\jreport\designer\bin as below:
"D:\jdk1.6.0_17\jre\bin\java.exe" "-Dinstall.root=D:\jreport\designer"
-classpath D:\jreport\designer\lib\report.jar;D:\jreport\designer\lib\resource.jar;
com.jinfonet.jdbc.model.wizard.ModelWizard %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

2. Start the Model Wizard using the modified batch file. The Object Source Wizard will then appear.
3. Click the Add Table button and define a table named Account, and then click the Parse button. The
Add Table dialog will then appear. In this method, only the balance value is stored while creating
EJB objects in Client.java, so you can remove the columns deposit, withdraw, and isIdentical,
leaving only the columns balance and PrimaryKeyString.
4. Click Direct Access Path in the Add Table dialog to define the accessing path of the table in the
Access Method dialog.
a. In the Root Class Name field, enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.ejb.EJBInitializer, and then click the
Parse button. In DefaultValue, enter JNDI name ejb20-beanManaged-AccountHome, check
CastTo and select examples.ejb20.basic.beanManaged.AccountHome.
Note: After you fill in DefaultValue, you should click Enter on your keyboard, or the error
will occur. Also, before you set CastTo, you should start the BEA WebLogic Server. You
should also choose

first. These actions will connect you to the server.

5. Check the option IsDynamic if you want to use dynamic parameters. The syntax of the method is:

An array of Boolean values to indicate which parameter is dynamic in runtime. If the parameter is
dynamic, the value should be prompted and initialized before executing SQL.
6. Click Next. Then select the function findAllAccounts as the method name.
7. Click OK and the table Account will now have been added.

In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file. You
ould save it to <designer_install_root>\lib or the directory where the catalog will be. Here we save it


If you use dynamic parameters, that is, you check the option Is Dynamic, the parameter will be
passed to JReport Designer. After you create a connection in the Catalog Browser, you will find the
parameter in the Parameters node.
The same ODF file cannot exist in both <designer_install_root>\lib and the directory where the
catalog is located.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

Here, you will be shown how to load the table Account into a catalog file, and create reports with it.
Before starting JReport Designer, make sure that the class path includes the relative Jar files and path,
and has set the relative system property values.
In this example, the batch file of JReport Designer is as below:
"D:\jdk1.6.0_17\jre\bin\java.exe" "-Dinstall.root=D:\jreport\designer"
-classpath "g:\temp\jdbc\d.zip;D:\jreport\designer\lib\report.jar;
jet.report.ide.JReport %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

To import the ODF file into a JReport catalog:

1. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the
path. The catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if
you saved the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new connection with the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog
as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.

b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text field
that follows.
c. Enter jdbc:jinfonet:object:@File name in the URL text field. @File name should be the .odf
name you saved. In the example, it is jdbc:jinfonet:object:@weblogic61.
d. Click OK. The Add Table dialog appears. Select a table to be added, then click Done.
Now, the table will have been added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.

Using CSV file as a data source via OOJDBC

JReport Designer supports CSV as a data source which can be accessed via OOJDBC.
Here is an example demonstrating how to import a CSV file to an ODF file generated by the Model
Wizard. In this example, employee.csv in <install_root>\help\designer\samples will be used. Store
it to <install_root>\Demo\Reports\TutorialReports first. Then follow the steps below to import the
file to a catalog.

Importing the CSV file directly using the Model Wizard

To import the CSV file directly using the Model Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Run ModelWizard.bat in <install_root>\bin. The Object Source Wizard will then appear.
2. Select File > Import Text Files to bring up the Open Text Files dialog.
3. Browse to the file employee.csv and then check the First Line Is Column Name checkbox.
4. Click Open and the table Employee will now have been added to the Object Source Wizard.
5. In the Object Source Wizard, click File > Save. You will then be prompted to save the ODF file.
You should save it to <install_root>\lib or to the directory where the catalog will be located.
Here, we save it as employee_csv.odf.
Note: The same ODF file cannot exist in both <install_root>\lib and the directory where
the catalog will be located.

Importing the ODF file into a catalog

To import the generated employee_csv.odf file into a JReport catalog, take the following steps:
1. Start JReport Designer.
2. Click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog.
3. In the Input New Catalog Name dialog, specify the catalog name, the data source name and the
path. The catalog should be located in the directory where you saved the ODF file. For example, if
you saved the ODF file in C:\odf, the new catalog should be created also in C:\odf.
4. In the Catalog Browser, create a new JDBC connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information
dialog as follows:
a. Uncheck Use ODBC Data Source.
b. Check the Driver checkbox, then enter com.jinfonet.jdbc.obj.ObjectDriver in the text
field that follows.
c. Type jdbc:jinfonet:object:@Filename in the URL text field. @Filename should be the ODF
file name. In the example, it is jdbc:jinfonet:object:@employee_csv.
d. Click OK to set up the connection.

5. In the Add Table dialog, select the table Employee and click Add.
6. Click Done to close the Add Table dialog.
Now, the table Employee will be added into the catalog. You can use it to develop reports as required.
Note: When you publish the catalog and its reports to JReport Server, whether the ODF file is located
in <install_root>\lib or in the directory where the catalog is located, it will be published to the path
where the catalog is located on the server side.

DBMS objects in a JDBC connection

Tables/Views, stored procedures and SQL files are all from the raw database. If you want to use them
in JReport Designer, you first have to add them to a catalog via the JDBC connection you set up which
connects JReport Designer to the database driver.
This section details how to work with these objects separately:


Stored procedures

Predefined SQL files

Tables and views are mapped objects of the tables and views in the raw database that a connection
refers to. Mapped objects have mapped names that can be different from their names in the raw
database. A catalog stores information about the real tables/views mapped, such as the name,
qualifier, and owner.
Since tables/views are only mapped objects, they can be mapped and then re-mapped. That is, the
information of the real tables/views stored in a catalog is changeable. This is useful when you are offline from your database. You will still be able to see the table structure and generate reports. In
addition, when changing the connection, for example, from an Access database to an Interbase, you
will only need to re-map all the tables/views in the catalog as opposed to creating a new catalog.

Adding tables/views to a catalog

The way to add tables and views stored in the database to a catalog via the JDBC connection you set
up is the same. Below is the procedure for adding tables, and you can take the same steps to add
views to a catalog.
To add tables to a catalog:
1. Do either of the following:

Right-click the JDBC connection and select Add Tables from the shortcut menu.
Right-click the Tables node of the JDBC connection and select Add Table from the shortcut
Right-click any folder in the Tables node of the JDBC connection if you have already created
some and select Add Table from the shortcut menu.
Right-click an existing table in the JDBC connection if there is and select New Table from the
shortcut menu.

The Add Table dialog appears.

2. From the Database Catalogs drop-down list, select the required catalog, then specify a schema in
the selected catalog from the Schemas box.
3. Click the Load Tables button. The tables contained in the selected schema will then be displayed
in the Tables box.
4. Check the Include System Tables option if you want to have the system tables available in the
Tables box.
5. Check Include Added Table to make the tables that have been added to the connection available
in the Tables box.
6. Choose the required tables in the Tables box, and then click Add.
To choose consecutive tables, click the first table, press and hold down Shift, and then click the
last table. To choose tables that are not consecutive, press and hold down Ctrl, and then click
each table.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to add tables from other catalogs and schemas.
8. To add certain tables by name or by patterns in their name, select the Table Name Pattern
checkbox. The wildcard % will then be displayed in the text box.
For example, if you want to add tables beginning with AL, you can type AL% (case sensitive) in
the text box, and click the Load Tables button. All the tables beginning with AL in the selected
schema will then be displayed in the Tables box. Choose the tables that are required by clicking

Add. They will then be added to the connection.

9. After adding the required tables, click Done to close the dialog.

When you have added some tables to a catalog, you can then set up pre-joins between them. For
detailed information, see the chapter Pre-joins.
If you have selected schemas in the Schema tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog
when setting up the connection, when you add tables, by default only the selected schemas will be
listed in the Schemas box of the Add Table dialog, however, you can check the Show All Schemas
option to show all the schemas. It is the same case when adding views.
When adding tables, if the Include Added Table option is checked in the Add Table dialog, when you
click the Add button to add a table that has already been added to the connection once, the Input
Table Name dialog will be displayed, prompting you to give the new table a different name. It is the
same case when adding views.

Refreshing tables/views
The tables/views in your catalog are a temporary deposit to improve the performance when you design
and test your report. Your database keeps changing over the time. However, these will not be reflected
automatically in your catalog. To synchronize your tables/views in the connection and database, you
can choose to refresh the table/view information using the Refresh command on the shortcut menu of
the table/view. Then when the refreshing job is done, a reporting dialog will be shown, summarizing
the changes and operations that have been taken.

Organizing tables/views
You can organize the tables/views, which have been added to a catalog via a JDBC connection, by
arranging them in different folders in the Catalog Browser.
To add a folder:
1. Right-click the Tables/Views node, or any existing folder and select Add Folder from the
shortcut menu.
2. A new folder is added to the Tables/Views node, or in the selected folder. Type a name for the
folder in the editing area, and then click outside to confirm the change.
To move tables/views to a folder:
1. Right-click the table/view you want to move in the Tables/Views node and select Move To from
the shortcut menu.
2. In the Move Table/View dialog, select the folder to which the table/view will be moved, then click

Removing and adding columns to tables/views

By default, when you add a table/view, you add all the columns reside in the table/view. However,
JReport gives you the flexibility to remove columns in a table/view, leaving only the columns useful to
your reports. Additionally, your database keeps changing over the time. You can add the columns to

the table after you delete them or the database has been updated.
To remove a column from a table/view:
1. Select the column you want to remove.
2. Right-click the column and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
To add columns to a table/view:
1. Right-click the table/view to which you want to insert columns, then select Insert Column from
the shortcut menu.
2. In the Add Column dialog, select the required columns from the Columns box.
There will be no available column in the Columns box if you do not delete any in the table/view
before, or no update has been made to the database. That is to say, you cannot add columns that
do not belong to the table/view.
3. Click the Done button to add the columns to the table/view.
Tip: If you want to add all the columns in a table/view at a time, you can also choose to refresh the
table/view, which synchronizes the table/view in catalog with the one in your database.

Previewing the column data of tables/views

In the Catalog Browser, you can preview the data for a database column, which enables you to have a
general idea about the field contents, field type, and other useful information related to this field.
To preview the data of a column:
1. Right-click the column with the data you want to preview, then on the shortcut menu, click
Browse Data.
2. The data of this column is shown in a list in a dialog, which also includes other information
including the field type, precision, scale and number of records.

Stored procedures
A stored procedure is a compiled program, consisting of one or more statements and is saved into a
database. The statement in a stored procedure can be an SQL statement or a control flow statement,
such as an If-else statement or a Loop statement. A stored procedure is stored in the DBMS, so that it
can be called locally or remotely. In addition, a stored procedure can return a value, single result set or
multiple result sets. Currently, JReport supports stored procedures that return a single result set. If a
stored procedure returns more than one result set, the first one will be used by JReport.
As a program, a stored procedure can take parameters. There are three types of parameters: IN, OUT
and INOUT. The IN parameter lets you pass values to the procedure. The OUT parameter returns
values to the caller. The INOUT parameter enables you to pass initial values to the procedure, and then
returns the updated value to the caller.
In addition, JReport Designer provides you with the Data Manager which allows you to control the data
retrieval of your stored procedures that function as queries, including the number of rows to be
displayed and the duration required for the retrieval. It can also keep access information from previous
runs of a stored procedure (for details, see Data Manager).

Adding stored procedures

To add procedures stored in the database to a catalog via a JDBC connection, take the following steps:
1. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, right-click the Stored Procedures node of the JDBC
connection, and then click Add Stored Procedure on the shortcut menu. The Add Stored
Procedures dialog displays.

2. The dialog lists all the stored procedures in the Stored Procedures box in a three-level tree. The

top level is SQL-catalog, the second is SQL-schema and the last level is stored procedures. Select
the required stored procedures, and then click Add.
3. If any of the selected procedure contains parameters, the Stored Procedure Parameters dialog will
appear for you to input the required values. These values will be saved inside the stored
procedure object, and will be used as the default value when executing this procedure. You can
edit the stored procedure parameters at any time. For details, see Editing parameter values.
4. When finished, click the Done button to close the dialog.
When a stored procedure has been added into a catalog, JReport will in turn do the following:

Retrieve the stored procedure's information from DBMS via JDBC.

Prompt you to provide the values of IN and INOUT parameters if the stored procedure has them.

Execute the stored procedure once in order to get the result set.

Create the field objects of the procedure object according to the result set returned.

You will then be able to use the field objects to design your reports.

Not all database management systems (DBMS) support database stored procedures. In such a case,
you may see nothing in the Procedures box.
When adding a stored procedure, you may get the following error:
[DBS-B]Could not find stored procedure 'test1;1'.
This is because test;1 becomes quoted when JReport Designer finds the semicolon in it. To remove
the quotation marks, you will have to modify your connection information. To do this:
1. Right-click your connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu to bring out the
Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
2. Select the Qualified tab, then in the Quote Qualifier box, check the User Defined radio button
and remove all the characters from the Extra Characters and Quote Character text boxes.
3. Click OK to confirm the settings.

Due to the unique nature of Oracle stored procedures, you are unable to add them directly into a
JReport Designer connection. Thus, the usage of JReport Designer is limited when you use an Oracle
database. As an alternative, JReport has developed the user data source API which can use a stored
procedure in Oracle. For details, see Oracle stored procedure UDS.

Editing parameter values

When you add a stored procedure that contains parameters, you will be asked to input values for its
parameters. These values will then be saved inside the stored procedure object in the catalog, and will
be used as the default values when executing the stored procedure. You can edit stored procedure
parameters at any time. Also, the IN type parameter is available for use with a stored procedure in a
report the same as any other JReport parameter.
To edit the parameter values of a stored procedure:
1. Right-click the stored procedure, then click Parameters on the shortcut menu to bring up the
Stored Procedure Parameters dialog.

2. This dialog lists all the IN and INOUT parameters in the stored procedures. Double-click the Value
cell to edit the value of each parameter.
3. Double-click the bindParameterName cell to bind the IN and INOUT parameters in the stored
procedure to an existing catalog parameter with the same type. You can input the parameter
name as @parametername. By default, the bound parameter will be the one with the same name
of the IN and INOUT parameter which is automatically created when adding the stored procedure.
4. Click OK to apply the changes to the parameters.

Updating stored procedures

If you make any changes to stored procedures in the database, you will need to update them in the
connection so that the reports built on them will work properly. To do this:
1. Select any stored procedure, right-click it, and click Update on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Add Stored Procedures dialog, select the stored procedures you want to update, and then
click the Update button.

Developing reports from stored procedures

When you have added some stored procedures to a catalog, you can then use them to develop reports
as required.
1. Make sure the catalog where the stored procedure is located is open, then click the New Report
Set button

on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the New Report set dialog, specify the title and layout of the first report in the report set as
required, then click OK.
3. In the Data screen of the report wizard, choose the stored procedure with which you want to build
the report, then follow the report wizard to create the report.

Note: When running a report which is built on a stored procedure, you will need to specify the values
for the IN and INOUT parameters defined in the stored procedure. The values stored inside the stored
procedure object in the catalog will be the default values. For details about specifying the values, see
Editing parameter values in this document.

Creating cached query results for stored procedures

By default, when you run a report, JReport Engine fetches data from the database using the JDBC
driver. For reports that are built on stored procedures which function as queries, JReport enables you
to create cached result files and save them somewhere in your machine. Then, when you view these
reports, you can choose to use the data from the cached query result file as opposed to the database.
For details about cached query results, see Cached query results.

Predefined SQL files

For users who wish to write their own SQL statement, JReport enables them to put the SQL statement
into a file and then load them from this file. Note that at present each SQL file can only contain one
SQL statement.
Usually, you can save the file containing the SQL statement as a plain text file (.txt). The SQL
statement here supports the SQL 92 standard. Although for different databases, it may vary. The basic
statement is:
Nested query is also supported.
The following is an example of an SQL file:
SELECT Catalog."Product Type Name", Catalog."Product Type ID",
Catalog.Description, Products.Category,
Products."Product ID", Products.Price, Products."Product Name",
Customers.Region, Customers."Contact Position", Customers.Country,
Customers."Customer ID", Customers.Address2, Customers.Address1,
Customers."Contact Title", Customers.Phone, Customers."Contact Last Name",
Customers.City, Customers.Fax, Customers."Contact First Name",
Customers."Annual Sales", Customers."Customer Name", Customers."Postal Code",
Orders."Order ID", Orders."Required Date", Orders."Customer ID",
Orders."Shipping Cost", Orders."Ship Date", Orders."Order Date",
Orders."Employee ID", Orders.Shipped, Orders."Payment Received",Orders."Ship Via"
FROM Catalog, Products, Customers, "Orders Detail", Orders
WHERE (Products."Product Type ID"=Catalog."Product Type ID")
AND ("Orders Detail"."Product ID"=Products."Product ID")
AND (Orders."Customer ID"=Customers."Customer ID")
AND (Orders."Order ID"="Orders Detail"."Order ID")
AND (( Customers.Country='USA' ))

The SQL files can work like queries in JReport, but there are two basic differences:

A query is based on the tables/views added from a raw database, which means, if you have only set
up a connection, but have not added any tables or views into the catalog, you will not be able to
build a query. However, after you have set up a connection, even if you have not added any tables or
views, you can still import an SQL file into a catalog, and then build reports on it.
Queries built using the interactive query designer will work with other tables/views when you create
or modify a working set. That is, if you design a report using interactively created queries, you can
add additional objects from tables/views into the working set afterwards. However, when you design
a report using an SQL file, you will only be able to use the contents already included in the SQL file.
Due to this, you should make sure that you have included all the required fields in your SQL file.

In addition, JReport Designer provides you with the Data Manager which allows you to control the data
retrieval of your SQL files that function as queries, including the number of rows to be displayed and
the duration required for the retrieval. It can also keep access information from previous runs of an
SQL file.

Adding SQL files to a catalog

After you have set up the JDBC connection and created some SQL files, you can then add them to a
catalog. To do this:
1. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, right-click the Imported SQLs node of the JDBC
connection, then click Add SQL on the shortcut menu to display the Select SQL File dialog.
2. Browse to the SQL file and click Open.
3. In the Input SQL Name dialog, enter a name for the SQL file in the SQL Name text box, then click
OK to add the SQL file to the connection.

The format of an SQL file, such as comments, is remained when it is added into a JReport catalog.
You can use parameters in the WHERE clause of an SQL file to filter the dataset. For example, in the
above mentioned SQL file, if you want to use a parameter to return a result set in which the
customer ID is greater than the parameter, then the WHERE clause would be like this:
WHERE (Products."Product Type ID"=Catalog."Product Type ID") AND ("Orders
Detail"."Product ID"=Products."Product ID") AND (Orders."Customer
ID"=Customers."Customer ID") AND (Orders."Order ID"="Orders Detail"."Order ID") AND
( ( Customers.Country='USA' )) AND (Customers."Customer ID" > @id)
Where, id is a parameter created in the catalog.

In addition, you can use constant level formulas in the SQL file to calculate your data.

Updating an SQL file

If you make any changes to SQL files in the database, you will need to update them in the connection
so that reports built on them can work properly. To do this:
1. Select any SQL file, right-click it and select Update from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Select SQL File dialog, select the SQL files you want to update, and then click Open.
3. In the Select Catalog dialog, select a catalog from the From DB Catalog drop-down list.
4. Click the OK button to close the dialog.

Developing reports from SQL files

When you have added some SQL files to a catalog, you can then use them to develop reports as
1. Make sure the catalog where the SQL file locates is opened, then click the New Report Set

on the Standard toolbar.

2. In the New Report set dialog, specify the title and layout of the first report in the report set as
required, then click OK.
3. In the Data screen of the report wizard, choose the SQL file with which you want to build the

report, then follow the report wizard to create the report.

Creating cached query results for SQL files

By default, when you run a report, JReport Engine fetches data from the database using the JDBC
driver. For reports that are built on imported SQL files which function as queries, JReport enables you
to create cached result files and save them somewhere in your machine. Then, when you view these
reports, you can choose to use the data from the cached query result file as opposed to the database.
For details about cached query results, see Cached query results.

XML connections
An XML connection contains relational data which is transformed from an XML data source.
JReport Designer supports parsing of the schema from XML instances, or importing them from XSD and
then transforming them to relational tables. The tables can then be added to the current connection
from the transformed relational tables and accessed in the same way as JDBC-supplied tables.
This section describes the following tasks:

Importing an XML schema

Transforming an XML schema to a relational schema

Setting up an XML connection

Managing tables in an XML connection

Importing an XML schema

Before an XML schema is transformed to relational tables, it must be imported. JReport Designer
provides two ways for you to import an XML schema: importing from an XSD file or parsing from an
XML instance. After importing, in order to provide a precision schema to be transformed, you can
supplement or modify properties of the imported schema according to your requirements.
This section describes the following tasks related to importing XML schemas:

Importing from an XSD file

Importing by parsing an XML instance

Supplementing information for the XML schema

Importing from an XSD file

In order to transform the imported XML schema to the relational schema, you can choose to import an
XML schema by importing the structure of an XML data source and the information of its elements that
are recorded in an XSD file.
You should be aware of the following about XSD in order to generate a correct imported XML schema:

Data type conversion table

Before the data type defined in the XSD file can function with JReport Designer, it should first be
converted into a corresponding data type when the XML schema is imported, following the rules in the
conversion table below.
XSD Data Type

SQL Data Type



















































































XSD syntax supported by JReport Designer

In JReport Designer, not all XSD syntax can be supported. The following diagram shows the XSD
syntax that is supported by JReport Designer and syntax is in accordance with the W3C standard:
XML Schema::=

Text description of the XML Schema:

annotation*, ((element declaration | SimpleType| ComplexType | notation), annotation*)*;

When a ComplexType is being defined, the element of which cannot be declared as an anonymous
Neither loop nor network structures can be defined in the ComplexType, so direct or indirect
recursion cannot occur when defining a ComplexType. That is, the type of the element declared in
the ComplexType cannot be that defined in the current direct or indirect context.
Only the anonymous attribute definition is supported by JReport Designer.

The following are diagrams show the detail syntax of elements in the above diagram:

Element Declaration::=

Text description of the Element Declaration:

element declaration:= annotation?, SimpleType | ComplexType;


Text description of the SimpleType:

anonymous simpleType definition | simpleType definition;
Note: The SimpleType here should be of the schema built-in type, such as xs:string.

Anonymous SimpleType Definition::=

Text description of the Anonymous SimpleType Definition:

annotation?, (restriction | list);
Note: List type here cannot support some functions, such as minLength, and maxLength.

SimpleType Definition::=

Text description of the SimpleType Definition:

name, annotation?, (restriction | list)


Text description of the ComplexType:

anonymous ComplexType definition | ComplexType definition;

Anonymous ComplexType Definition::=

Text description of the Anonymous ComplexType Definition:

annotation?, (ComplexContent | ((all | choice | sequence)?, attribute*));

ComplexType Definition::=

Text description of the ComplexType Definition:

name, annotation?, (ComplexContent | ((all | choice | sequence)?, attribute*));


Text description of the All:

annotation?, element*;


Text description of the Choice:

annotation?, (element | choice | sequence)*;


Text description of the Sequence:

annotation?, (element | choice | sequence)*;

Importing by parsing an XML instance

In order to transform the imported XML schema to the relational schema, you can also choose to parse
an XML data source to get the XML structure. You should be aware of the following points about XSD in
order to generate a correct imported XML schema.

The way to import XML schema from XSD is recommended, because when you import an XML
schema by parsing an XML instance, data types in the schema may not very accurate and all
elements will be parsed in one tree.
The XML schema structure will be parsed to a lot of complex elements which begin with XML root
node. You can specify data types for the imported XML schema if you know data types accurately,
otherwise it will be specified as default of JReport Designer. (For the details about data types and the
XML structures supported by JReport Designer, see the section Importing from an XSD file).

Supplementing information for the XML schema

When importing an XML schema, you can modify the properties or supplement some necessary
information of the XML schema according to your own requirements in order to make it more useful to
The following are some special properties and its description for your reference:
Displays the name of an element (

), attribute (

) or a reference of element (

) in the XML

Data Type
Specifies the data type of an element or attribute. The data type is imported when importing the XML
schema from XSD file or given by JReport when parsing from XML source. This property on a reference
of element cannot be modified.
Format Pattern Type
This property is activated when you modify properties for data of Date, Time or DateTime type in the
XML schema. It can be Default or Customized:

If Default is selected, the lexical formats inspired by ISO 8601 will be used for Date, Time or
DateTime data following the specification XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.
If Customized is selected, the Format Pattern dialog will appear for you to specify patterns to format
the Date, Time or DateTime data in the XML schema (for details, see Appendix 1: Details of format

Format Pattern
This property is available when you specify to parse data from the XML instance at runtime.
Is Multiple
Indicates whether or not an element occurs more than once in the XML instance. By default, the value
of the Is Multiple property is affected by the value of its maxOccurs property in the XSD: if the value of
maxOccurs property is greater than 1 or unbounded, it is true; otherwise, it is false. You can modify
this property according to your own requirements.
Specifies whether or not to set the data type of an element or attribute as List. This property on a
reference of element cannot be modified.

List Delimiter
Specifies the delimiter to separate items in the list. Now only the following delimiters are
supported: , . ; ! / \ | and space. Space will be specified by default.

The following two properties are alternative:

Default Value
Specifies the default value for an element or attribute. If there is no specific value of an element or

attribute in the XML schema, the default value you specify here will be applied; otherwise, the value in
the XML schema for this element or attribute will be applied.
Fixed Value
Specifies the fixed value for an element or attribute, which will be applied no matter there is a value for
the element or attribute.

Transforming an XML schema to a relational schema

After you finish importing an XML schema, you can transform it to relational tables. In the
transformation process, elements in the XML schema will be transformed to either tables or columns in
tables according to the idiographic transformation rules, and the hierarchical logic in the XML schema
will be maintained in the transformed relational schema.
Pick a topic from the following to get details about the transformation:

Transformation rules

XML hierarchical logic in relational schema

Transformation rules
When an XML schema is transformed to a relational schema automatically, the following transformation
rules will be applied:
A simple element in the XML schema will be transformed according to the following two rules:

If the Is Multiple property is set to true, elements will be transformed to a relational table.
Contents of the simple element will be transformed to records of a column in the table and the
column is named the same with the element.
If the Is Multiple property is set to false, contents of the simple element will be transformed to
columns in the table transformed from the parent element of the simple element, and columns are
named the same with the simple element.
Note: The value of the Is Multiple property of a simple element is defined by the value of its
maxOccurs property in the XSD. If you modify it and make it not match with the maxOccurs
property in the transformation process, the element will be transformed according to the Is
Multiple property regardless of the maxOccurs property. The following are the two conditions:

If the value of maxOccurs property of a simple element in XSD is greater than 1 or

unbounded, but its Is Multiple property is modified to False in the transformation process,
then only the last content of this element in XML instance can be transformed to a column.
If the value of maxOccurs property of a simple element in XSD is less than or equals to 1, but
its Is Multiple property is modified to True in the transformation process, then the element will
be transformed to a table with only one column and one record.

Attributes of an element in the XML schema will be transformed to columns in the table, which is
transformed from the element.
A complex element in the XML schema will be transformed to a relational table. Contents of complex
elements may contain three kinds of sub-nodes: text, simple element and sub-complex element.

Text in the XML will be ignored in the transformation process.

Each simple element will be transformed to a column in the table according to the rules above.

Each sub-complex element will be transformed to a table according to the rules above.

Here presents four illustrative examples for you to understand the transformation rules more easily:

Example 1: Transforming a simple element occurred more than once to a table

Example 2: Transforming a simple element occurred once or not occurred to a column

Example 3: Transforming an attribute of an element to a column

Example 4: Transforming a complex element to a table

Example 1: Transforming a simple element occurred more than once to a table

In the example, Employee is a simple element and its Is Multiple property is true according to the value
of maxOccurs in the XSD which is 10, so it will be transformed to a table, named Employee. And
contents of the simple element will be transformed to records of a column with the same name as the
Employee table.
The following is a segment of an XSD file:
<xs:element name="Employee" maxOccurs="10" type="xs:string"/>

The following is a segment of the corresponding XML instance:


The following table, named Employee, is the result which is transformed from the simple element
occurred more than once in the XML instance:

In the result, these two columns - NodePrimaryKey and NodeForeignKey are generated by system
automatically in the transformation process, and the column Employee is transformed from contents of
the simple element.
Note: If the value of the maxOccurs property in the XSD is greater than 1 or unbounded, the simple
element will occur more than once in the XML, and the Is Multiple property is true by default, but if you
set Is Multiple to false in the transformation process, only the last element of the simple element in the
XML will be transformed to a column of a table, which is transformed from the parent element of the
simple element.

Example 2: Transforming a simple element occurred once or not occurred to a column

In the example, Employee is a simple element and its property Is Multiple is false according to the
value of maxOccurs in the XSD which is less than or equals to 1, so the simple element Employee will
be transformed to a column, named Employee in the Employees table which is transformed from the
parent element.
The following is a segment of an XSD file:
<xs:element name="Employee" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="1"/>

The following is a segment of the corresponding XML instance:


The following table, named Employees, is the transformed result which is transformed from the parent
element of the simple element:

In the result table, these two columns - NodePrimaryKey and NodeForeignKey are generated by system
automatically in the transformation process, and the column Employee is transformed from the simple

Example 3: Transforming an attribute of an element to a column

In the example, the complex element - Employees will be transformed to a table, named Employees,
the sub-elements Employee will be transformed to another table, named Employee, and attributes of
these sub-elements will be transformed to columns in the Employee table.
The following is a segment of an XSD file:
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:long"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd tring"/>
<xsd:attribute name="age" type="xsd:int"/>

The following is a segment of an XML file:

<Employees groupId="1";>
<Employee id="1", name="John", age="23"/>
<Employee id="9" name="Sally" age="22"/>

The following table named Employees is transformed from the parent element - Employees:

In the result table, these two columns NodePrimaryKey and NodeForeignKey are generated by system
automatically in the transformation process.
The following table named Employee is transformed from sub-elements - Employee:

In the result table, these two columns NodePrimaryKey and NodeForeignKey are generated by system
automatically in the transformation process and the foreign key in the Employee is mapped to the
primary key in the Employees table.

Example 4: Transforming a complex element to a table

In the example, the element StockMarket is of complex type and its property Is Multiple is true
according to the value of maxOccurs in the XSD file which is 10, so StockMarket will be transformed to
a table, named StockMarket and its sub-elements such as: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and
ID will all be transformed to columns of the table automatically.
The following is a segment of an XSD file:
<xs:element name="StockMarket">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="10">
<xs:element name="Date" type="xs:date" />
<xs:element name="Open" type="xs:double" />
<xs:element name="High" type="xs:double" />
<xs:element name="Low" type="xs:double" />
<xs:element name="Close" type="xs:double" />
<xs:element name="Volume" type="xs:double" />
<xs:element name="ID" type="xs:long" />

The following is a segment of a corresponding XML file:


The following table named StockMarket is the transformed result:

In the result table, these two columns NodePrimaryKey and NodeForeignKey are generated by system
automatically in the transformation process and the columns- id, Date, Open, Low, Close, Volume are
transformed from sub-elements of the complex element StockMarket.

XML hierarchical logic in relational schema

The XML hierarchical logic will be maintained in the transformed relational schema. The parent-child
relationship in the XML schema can be maintained by the following two ways:

If the parent and children nodes are transformed to different tables, the parent-child relationship will
be maintained by primary key and foreign key in tables, and this relationship can be reproduced by
applying the join of the primary key and foreign key.
If the children nodes can be transformed to columns, the parent-child relationship in the XML
hierarchical logic will be maintained in the including relationship of table-column.

Setting up an XML connection

To set up an XML connection to connect a JReport catalog to an XML data source, follow the steps below:
1. Create a catalog which contains a default data source, then in the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the
node of the data source, right-click the Relational node and choose Add XML Connection from the shortcut
If you want to set up the connection by adding a data source to an existing catalog and then defining the
connection on the data source, open the catalog, select any data source contained in it, click the New Data
on the Catalog Browser toolbar, then in the New Data source dialog, specify the name of the
Source button
data source, select the XML connection type and click OK.
2. In the Import XML Schema screen of the XML Connection Wizard, provide the required information for importing
an XML schema.

If Import from XSD is selected from the Schema Type drop-down list,
a. Click the Browse button behind the Schema Name field to specify the schema file.
b. From the Starting Node drop-down list, specify the starting node accordingly.
c. Specify the XML instance file. You can specify the file directly or use a parameter to do this at runtime.

To specify the file directly, check the URI radio button, and click Browse to specify the instance file. To
use a parameter to specify the file at runtime, check the Parameter radio button and then select the
parameter from the Instance drop-down list or click

to create one.

d. Check the Validate with schema before fetching to validate whether or not values in the XML instance
is valid according to the W3C standard and the selected XSD schema.
e. Click the Time Zone and Locale button to specify the time zone and the locale as required.

If Parse from XML Instance is selected from the Schema Type drop-down list, specify the instance file and time
zone and the locale as required.

When done, click Next to go to the next screen.

3. In the Modify Schema Properties screen, supplement and modify the element properties as required and then click
4. In the Transform XML Schema screen, select an XPath to be the transforming start point, and then click Next.
5. In the Transformed Relational Schema screen, check the transformed result, and then click Next.
6. In the Add Table screen, add the required tables to the connection, and check the Generate the default pre-join
path checkbox for generating default pre-join paths for tables of the XML data source.
7. Click Finish to confirm the transformed result and finalize the transformation process.
See also XML Connection Wizard for additional help about options in the wizard.

Managing tables in an XML connection

A table contains fields mapped to attributes, simple elements, contents of complex elements, and other
nodes in XML files. Queries can be built on these tables and a report is developed from a query or
something else which is functionally similar.
This document shows how to add more tables to an XML connection, organize the tables, etc.

Adding tables
To add tables which are transformed from an XML file to an XML connection, follow the steps below:
1. Do either of the following:

Right-click the XML connection and select Add Tables from the shortcut menu.
Right-click the Tables node of the XML connection and select Add Table from the shortcut
Right-click any folder in the Tables node of the XML connection if you have already created
some and select Add Table from the shortcut menu.
Right-click an existing table in the XML connection if there is and select New Table from the
shortcut menu.

The Add Table dialog appears.

2. Click the Load Tables button. The tables contained in the schema that is transformed from the
XML file will then be displayed in the Tables box.
3. Choose the required tables in the Tables box, and then click Add.
To choose consecutive tables, click the first table, press and hold down the SHIFT key, and then
click the last table. To choose tables that are not consecutive, press and hold down CTRL, and
then click each table.
4. After adding the required tables, click Done to close the dialog.

Refreshing tables
The tables in your catalog are a temporary deposit to improve the performance when you design and
test your report. Your data source keeps changing over the time. However, these will not be reflected
automatically in your catalog. To synchronize your tables in the connection and data source, you can
choose to refresh the table information using the Refresh command on the shortcut menu of the table.
Then when the refreshing job is done, a reporting dialog will be shown, summarizing the changes and
operations that have been taken.

Organizing tables
You can organize the tables in an XML connection by arranging them in different folders in the Catalog

To add a folder:
1. Right-click the Tables node, or any existing folder and select Add Folder from the shortcut menu.
2. A new folder is added to the Tables node, or in the selected folder. Type a name for the folder in
the editing area, and then click outside to confirm the change.
To move tables to a folder:
1. Right-click the table you want to move in the Tables node and select Move To from the shortcut
2. In the Move Table dialog, select the folder to which the table will be moved, then click OK.

Removing and adding columns to tables

By default, when you add a table, you add all the columns reside in the table. However, JReport gives
you the flexibility to remove columns in a table, leaving only the columns useful to your reports. To
remove a column from a table, right-click the column and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
Also, you can add the columns back to a table after you have removed them. To do this:
1. Right-click the table to which you want to insert columns, then select Insert Column from the
shortcut menu.
2. In the Add Column dialog, select the required columns from the Columns box.
There will be no available column in the Columns box if you do not delete any in the table before.
That is to say, you cannot add columns that do not belong to the table.
3. Click the Done button to add the columns to the table/view.
Tip: If you want to add all the columns in a table at a time, you can also choose to refresh the table,
which synchronizes the table in catalog with the one in your database.

User defined data sources

JReport Designer can access data from an external data source, such as a text file, or Lotus Notes,
which is not stored in a database, or when there is no JDBC driver available.
In addition, JReport Designer provides you with the Data Manager which allows you to control the data
retrieval of your UDS that function as queries, including the number of rows to be displayed and the
duration required for the retrieval. It can also keep access information from previous runs of a UDS (for
details, see Data Manager).
However, due to the unique nature of Oracle stored procedures, you will not be able to add them into a
JReport catalog directly. The usage of JReport is therefore limited when you use an Oracle database.
However, JReport has developed a user data source class that can use stored procedures in Oracle.
Pick a task from the following:

Adding a UDS to a catalog

Developing reports from UDS

Oracle stored procedure UDS

Adding a UDS to a catalog

To add user defined data sources to a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Open the catalog to which you want to add the UDS.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the UDS is to be added,
then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source from the
shortcut menu. The Add User Data Source dialog appears.

3. In the Name field, specify a name for the UDS as required.

4. Provide the class name with package name in the Class Name field. You can also click Browse to
find the class file. The class you entered should actually exist and can be found by JReport
Designer, which means the class should be in the class path of the system environment. After
filling in this field, the class name of the interface that the class implements will be displayed
automatically behind The class implements:.
5. Specify the parameter for the UDS in the Parameter box. The parameter string must match the

format defined in the UDS class. You can use parameters predefined in a JReport catalog in the
parameter string, and the format used in the string is "@" + parameter name. For example, if the
parameter string of a UDS is SQL=select * from employee, and you want to use the parameter sql
in a catalog to replace the part after "=" in the string, then the parameter string of the UDS will be
6. Check the Specify Columns option to enable the column definitions list and add column
definitions. If you don't specify the column definitions, JReport will get them from the result set

The name of a column. It should have the same validation with a common table column. The
default names for column definitions are column1', column2' etc.
The data type of the column.
Precision, Length, Scale, Radix
The default value for each SQL type. Click the cell and modify the value if necessary.
Indicates whether the value of the column can be null. X stands for NoNulls, stands for
Nullable and ? stands for Nullable Unknown.

7. Click OK to add the UDS.

See also the examples in Developing reports from UDS for details about how to add some specific UDS
to a catalog.
Note: JReport Designer supports the Dynamic UDS feature. This feature improves performance
significantly by retrieving the selected fields. At runtime, an option is provided for you to pick up the
columns you want to see in the report. Also, JReport Designer will generate dynamic report according
to user's selection. For details, see Example 4: Developing reports with dynamic UDS.

Developing reports from UDS

When you have added the required UDS to a catalog, you can then use it to develop reports as you like.
To develop a report from a UDS:
1. Make sure the catalog where the UDS is located is open, then click the New Report Set button
on the Standard toolbar.
2. In the New Report set dialog, specify the title and layout of the first report in the report set as
required, then click OK.
3. In the Data screen of the report wizard, choose the UDS with which you want to build the report.
4. Follow the report wizard to create the report.
See also Creating a report for details about how to create reports in JReport Designer.
The following examples show how to develop report from some specific UDS:

Example 1: Developing reports from flat file UDS

Example 2: Developing reports from SQL data source UDS

Example 3: Developing reports from Java object data source UDS

Example 4: Developing reports with dynamic UDS

Example 1: Developing reports from flat file UDS

This example is a plain text file AddressesList.txt (available in <install_root>\help\designer
\samples), which contains data information in a dummy table:
Laurena Croft 34826 Atwood St.
New York City NY 10004
Jonathan Hopkins 5062 Brandon Green Ave.
Minneapolis MN 55402
Jeremy Miner 9283 Cherry Leaf Lane
Palo Alto CA 94303


You will notice that each line sequentially records the name, address, state, region, zip code, country, email address and other information. In this example, you will be shown how to add an UDS using the
data stored in a formatted text file. You can modify this example to meet your requirements.

Compiling and running the Address UDS

There are three classes used in this example and their source code are AddressListUDS.java,
AddressListResultSet.java and AddressListResultSetMetaData.java. The data file is AddressesList.txt. All
these files are available in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.
If you use your own UDS classes, you must be sure that the class files can be found when running. So,
make sure that the directory is classpath/package name. For this demo's UDS classes, the classes
belong to a package named help. Copy the above necessary files in <install_root>\help, and add the
additional entry into the class path statement of the batch file that starts your JReport.
For example, on Windows, if you installed JReport into the default directory C:\JReport\Designer,
1. Copy the above necessary files to C:\JReport\Designer\help.
2. Compile the Java files.
javac -classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar" Address*.java
3. Add the additional entry into the class path statement of the batch file that starts your JReport.
... -classpath C:\JReport\Designer;...

Adding the Address UDS to a catalog

After compilation, you can now add the UDS to a JReport catalog.
1. Start JReport Designer with the batch file you just modified.
2. Open an existing catalog.
3. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data souce to which the UDS is to be added,
then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source from the
shortcut menu.
4. In the Add User Data Source dialog, enter the following information:

Name: The name you want to use for identifying the UDS in JReport. Here we use Address.

Class Name: The class name of the UDS. You can type one in or click Browse to select a class
file. Here we use help.AddressListUDS.
Parameter: AddressesList.txt

5. Click OK to add the UDS.

Developing a report with the Address UDS

Now that the Address UDS has been successfully added to the catalog, you can use it to develop
reports as required. For details about how to create reports in JReport Designer, see Creating a report.

Example 2: Developing reports from SQL data source UDS

This is a fairly complex example, which executes an SQL statement and returns a ResultSet through
Below is the Java code for class definition:
import jet.datasource.*;
public class SQLDataSource implements JRUserDataSource {
// Define data.
public ResultSet getResultSet(String param)
throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.
* Free the resources such as: Connection, Statement, ResultSet.
public void releaseResultSet() throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.

The following explains the above code.

The format of the String variable parameter is

For example, we used HSQL DB as data source, and C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\db\DemoDB as the
hsql db path; "sa" as the user's name, "" as the password, and select * from authors as the SQL
string. The parameter string may be similar to:
\DemoDB"&USER=sa&PSWD=&SQL=select * from employee
If you want to use predefined parameters in the JReport catalog, you can input the parameter string
Where, @sql is a parameter predefined in the catalog, and its default value is "select * from
employee". The default value of @un is "sa".

Note: Every time when running, java.sql.Resultset must return the same meta data (UDS
fields), including the number and order of fields, and the field properties such as column name,
SQL type, precision, scale, nullable, currency, and array.
The getResultSet() method will parse the parameter string, build a connection to the URL, and then
execute the SQL statement.
The releaseResultSet() method will release the resource such as Connection, Statement, and


Compiling and running SQLDataSource

There is one class used in this example and its source code is SQLDataSource.java, which is available
in <install_root>\help\designer\samples. In this example, SQLDataSource will return the result set
from demo hsql db. You should set up the hsql db path in the URL string and point it to the demo
database at <install_root>\Demo\db\DemoDB.
Store SQLDataSource.java in <install_root>\help, and compile it to generate SQLDataSource.class.
Append the path <install_root> to the class path that starts your JReport Designer, so that
SQLDataSource can be found at runtime.

Adding the SQLDataSource UDS to a catalog

After compilation, you can now add the UDS to a JReport catalog.
1. Start JReport with the batch file you just modified.
2. Open an existing catalog.
3. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the UDS is to be added,
then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source from the
shortcut menu.
4. In the Add User Data Source dialog, enter the required information.
If you check the Specify Columns option, the column definitions list will be enabled and you can
add column definitions. If you don't specify column definitions, JReport will obtain them from the
result set automatically.
Here, we will not specify column definitions. Instead, we will use the default ones from the
ResultSet and the ResultSetMetaData. Enter employees in the Name field and help.
SQLDataSource in the Class Name field. In the Parameter box, enter:
\DemoDB"&USER=sa&PSWD=&SQL=select * from employee
Make sure that the five bold parts in the above line must be capitalized.
5. Click OK to add the UDS.

Developing a report with the SQLDataSource UDS

Now that the SQLDataSource UDS has been successfully added to the catalog, you can use it to
develop reports as required. For details about how to create reports in JReport Designer, see Creating a

Example 3: Developing reports from Java object data source UDS

The JReport Designer UDS can use any Java object as a data source for you to create reports. To
implement this function, JReport Designer provides a class UDSForJavaBean, in which the getResultSet
() method creates instances for the interface JavaBeanDataProvider, and then uses the method init() to
initialize the data of the created instances.
Below is the Java code for class definition:
public class UDSForJavaBean implements JRUserDataSource {
// Define data.
public ResultSet getResultSet(String param)
throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.
* Free the resources such as : Connection, Statement, ResultSet.
public void releaseResultSet() throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.

The interface JavaBeanDataProvider is defined as follows:

public interface JavaBeanDataProvider
public void init(String dataID, Properties initprops)
throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;
public Class getMetadataJavaBean()
throws ClassNotFoundException;
public Object next() throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;
public boolean requireDetails(String collectionPropName);
public int getMaxShareTimes(String collectionPropName);
public int getTimeoutForSubCollection(String collectionPropName);
public void exit()throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;

For examples of how to create reports using the Java object data interface, JReport provides you with
two demos which are in UDSForJavaBean.zip in <install_root>\help\designer\samples. All the
classes and interfaces the demos require are also compressed in UDSForJavaBean.zip.

Demo 1: Creating reports from simple Java object UDS

Demo 2: Creating reports from Java object UDS with multi-levels of collections

Demo 1: Creating reports from simple Java object UDS

Before running the demo, you need to do the following:
1. Extract UDSForJavaBean.zip which locates in <install_root>\help\designer\samples to <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean. You need to create
the UDSForJavaBean directory.
2. Compile all the java files.
javac -classpath <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean;<install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar;<install_root>\lib\log4j-1.2.8.
jar; <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean\*.java
3. Copy data.txt in <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean to <install_root>\bin.
4. Add the path <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean in the ADDCLASSPATH variable in setenv.bat in the <install_root>\bin directory.
In this demo, a Java object named Person will be used as the data source, you can find the person.java file in <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport
\uds\javabean\beans. It is defined as follows:
public class Person implements Serializable
private String gender;
private String ssn;
private String emailAddress;
private Date birthDate;
private Long newbornWeight;
private YesNo isDataVerified;
private Name name;
private Address currentMailingAddress;
private Phone currentWorkPhone;n;
* @return the birthDate.
public Date getBirthDate()
return birthDate;

Similar to the code above, other attributes of the Person object are defined by other Java objects, such as currentMailingAddress which is defined by the
Address class.

Creating a report from the Person Java object

Take the following steps:
1. In JReport Designer, open an existing catalog, then in the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the UDS is to be added.
2. This demo uses generated data, in order to get the real collection of the data objects, create two parameters before importing the Person Java object as


Name: pUseFakeData (Specify whether to use generated data when running the report.)
Value Type: Boolean
Prompt Value: True
Name: pNumOfFakeData (Specify the number of data records to generate that will be shown when running the report.)
Value Type: Integer
Prompt Value: Any integer number

For details about how to create parameters, see Creating a parameter.

3. Right-click the User Defined node, and select Add User Defined Data Source from the shortcut menu.
4. In the Add User Defined Data Source dialog, enter Person in the Name text field.
5. For the Class Name field, click the Browse button, go to <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean, and then choose
UDSForJavaBean.class, which will import the class jreprot.uds.javabean.beans.Person with full class name.
6. In the Parameter box, type in the following string:
All the highlighted names in the parameter string above are the key words for the information required by this UDS and related Java class. See the detailed
explanation below:

JavaBeanDS_DataProvider is used to specify the Java class which implements jreport.uds.javabean.JavaBeanDataProvider interface, and will return
the list of required data objects at runtime in this demo, it is a list of Person objects.
JavaBeanDS_RuntimeDataID is a reserved value used as a key to get data objects from the DataCenter.
GBeanProvider_* are required values for the special data provider - jreport.uds.javabean.GenericBeanDataProvider - which is specified by

You can use this provider (jreport.uds.javabean.GenericBeanDataProvider) or create your own provider by implementing the interface jreport.uds.javabean.
7. Click OK to add the UDS.
8. Create a standard banded report with this UDS using the report wizard.
9. Click the View tab to run the report. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, type 3 as the value of the parameter pNumOfFakeData, and click OK. Three
records will be returned. However, the data you get now is the generated data, because in the parameter string of the UDS, you have specified the value of
the key word GBeanProvider_UseFakeData to true.
10. In order to get the real collection of data objects, the parameter pUseFakeData will be used to control the value of the key GBeanProvider_UseFakeData
value dynamically as follows.
In the Catalog Browser, right-click the UDS Person and click Edit User Defined Data Source on the shortcut menu. In the Edit User Defined Data Source
dialog, modify the value of GBeanProvider_UseFakeData to @pUseFakeData in the Parameter box.
11. Run the report again and specify the value of pUseFakeData as false to get the real collection of data at runtime.
Note: The key word GBeanProvider_RptDataInitializer in the data provider jreport.uds.javabean.GenericBeanDataProvider is used to specify the Java
class name which implements jreport.uds.javabean.RptDataInitializer interface. So if you are using the data provider jreport.uds.javabean.
GenericBeanDataProvider, you just need to provide a class which implements jreport.uds.javabean.RptDataInitializer to return a collection, list, or
array of the data objects according to different reports and parameters. Also, jreport.uds.javabean.GenericBeanDataProvider can recognize vector,

collection and array of objects and retrieve the objects inside of the collection one by one.

Methods in the demo

jreport.uds.javabean.GenericBeanDataProvider implements the interface of jreport.uds.javabean.JavaBeanDataProvider by using the following methods:

void init(String dataID, Properties initprops) throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;

Class getMetadataJavaBean() throws ClassNotFoundException;
Object next() throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;
boolean requireDetails(String collectionPropName);
int getMaxShareTimes(String collectionPropName);
void exit()throws JavaBeanDataProviderException;

This method is called by UDSForJavaBean to ask the data provider to prepare the data collection/list by the given initProperties. Basically, the initProperties
are the name and value pairs parsed from the UDS parameter string.
For example, the GenericBeanDataProvider will get the list of properties with the following keys:
The values for those keys will be used by GenericBeanDataProvider to prepare the data collection. For example, if the value of GBeanProvider_UseFakeData is
true, the GeneridBeanDataProvider will use the fake data, otherwise it will create an instance by the class name provided by GBeanProvider_RptDataInitializer
and ask the data initializer object to return the collection of data objects.

This method is called back from the UDS to get the bean class in order to construct the meta data for UDS. For GenericBeanDataProvider, the Java bean class
in the collection is passed in by the key GBeanProvider_BeanClsName when you define this data source by UDS.
This method is called back from the UDS to fetch the next data object as a record for the report at runtime. For GenericBeanDataProvider, the init() method
constructs the data object collection, and the next() method is going to check if the collection is a Vector, Collection, or array of objects to determine
automatically how to get the next object from the constructed collection.
This method is called back from theUDS when the JReport engine closes the result set returned by UDS. For GenericBeanDataProvider, it will call the data
initializer to close if the data is constructed by data initializer.
This method is called back by the UDS to check if a certain collection attribute from Java bean needs to be displayed in the metadata.
The sub-collection attribute from the Java data object could be shared among sub-reports. This is the call-back method from the UDS to determine the
maximum number of times that a certain sub-collection object is going to be shared by the current report. If your report is trying to share the same subcollection of a Java data object more than this specified value, you will get an error at runtime. However, if your report actually needs to be shared less than
the number specified, the data will stay in the buffer without being cleaned.

The implementation of this interface will be used by GenericBeanDataProvider to provide the collection of Java objects for different reports and parameters.

The following methods need to be implemented for this interface:

public Object getDataCollection(Properties props)throws RptDataInitializerException;
public void close();

This method is called by GenericBeanDataProvider to return the data collection object. The input props are passed down from GenericBeanDataProvider and
includes all the values passed down into the init() method of the GenericBeanDataProvider.
This method is called back by GenericBeanDataProvider when exit() function is called there.

Demo 2: Creating reports from Java object UDS with multi-levels of collections
Before running the demo, you need to do the following:
1. Extract UDSForJavaBean.zip which locates in <install_root>\help\designer\samples to <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean. You need to create
the UDSForJavaBean directory.
2. Compile all the java files.
javac -classpath <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean;<install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar;<install_root>\lib\log4j-1.2.8.
jar; <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean\*.java
3. Copy data.txt in <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean to <install_root>\bin.
4. Add the path <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean in the ADDCLASSPATH variable in setenv.bat in the <install_root>\bin directory.
Sometimes, the attributes of a Java object are defined by other lists/collections, such as the Java object SimpleBeanTest in <install_root>\help
\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean\beans. It is defined as follows:
public class SimpleBeanTest implements Serializable {
private String test;
private long l;
private int i;
private int[] intarray;
private Person[] persons;
private Collection addresses;
private Date dMyDate;

From the code above, you can see that the Java class SimpleTestBean contains an array of Persons, a collection of addresses and an array of Int values.
For this kind of Java object, JReport Designer can create a report that gets records from the SimpleTestBean, but it cannot show the list of persons information
in the same report. If you want to create such a report - each record comes from the SimpleBeanTest object, and for each record, display the list of persons
information - you have to use the primary report and subreport to implement this function. For how to do it, see the demo below.

Creating the primary report

1. In JReport Designer, open an existing catalog, then in the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the UDS is to be added.
2. Create a parameter as follows, which is used to specify the number of data records to generate that will be shown when running the report.
Name: pNumOfFakeData
Value Type: Integer
Prompt Value: Any integer number. Note that the parameter must have at least one value that is larger than 0, otherwise you will get exceptions when
viewing reports.
For details about how to create parameters, see Creating a parameter.
3. Right-click the User Defined node and click Add User Defined Data Source on the shortcut menu.
4. In the Add User Defined Data Source dialog, type SimpleTestBean in the Name text field.

5. For the Class Name filed, click the Browse button, go to <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean, and then choose
UDSForJavaBean.class. The UDS class UDSForJavaBean.class will import the class jreport.uds.javabean.beans.SimpleTestBean with full class name.
6. In the Parameter box, type in the following string:
All the highlighted names in the parameter string above are the key words for the information required by this UDS and related Java class. See the detailed
explanation below:

GBeanProvider_ListOfDetailProps specifies the following items:

The list of property names of sub-collections that will be displayed in the meta-data

How many times that this report is going to share the sub-collection per main object

The timeout for the shared data in the DataCenter in milliseconds (the default value is 1 minute).

In this demo, only the sub-collection property persons will be imported from the SimpleTestBean class, and the share time is 1. If you want to create
another subreport using addresses, you have to specify the value for this key word as the following:
and different properties are separated by the symbol $.

The value of this key word is used to construct the fake data for SimpleTestBean collections. Each Java class can have multiple sub-collection objects,
and it is allowed to not construct the values of these sub-collection objects if you do not want to use it. However, if you do not specify them here in this
parameter string as <property name>,<property class name>$<property name>,<property class name>, the fake data for those sub-collections will
not be constructed, and problems will occur when running the report on fake data.

7. Click OK and the UDS SimpleTestBean is added. In the Catalog Browser, you will see that persons appears in the resource tree in the SimpleTestBean node.
8. Create a report set named MainRpt.cls, and create a standard banded report in it as the primary report based on the UDS SimpleTestBean.

Creating the subreport

1. Expand the data source in the catalog to which you want to add the UDS for the subreport.
2. Create a parameter as follows, which is used to specify whether to use generated data when running the report.
Name: pUseFakeData
Value Type: Boolean
Prompt Value: True
3. Create another parameter named pRunTimeDataInfo of String type, which will be used when setting up the link between the primary report and the
Name: pRunTimeDataInfo
Value Type: String
Prompt Value: persons
4. Right-click the User Defined node and click Add User Defined Data Source on the shortcut menu.
5. In the Add User Defined Data Source dialog, type PersonsAsSubRpt in the Name text field.

6. For the Class Name text box, click the Browse button, go to <install_root>\help\UDSForJavaBean\jreport\uds\javabean, and then choose
7. In the Parameter box, type in the following string:
All the highlighted names in the parameter string above are the key words for the information required by this UDS and related Java class. See the detailed
explanation below:

JavaBeanDS_RuntimeDataID is defined to use a parameter which will be the link point from the subreport to the sub-collections in the primary report
GBeanProvider_RptDataInitializer's value is jreport.uds.javabean.SubRptCollectionDataInitializer, which is our built-in data provider set up especially
for the subreport to return the collection of data by referencing the sub-collection in the primary report. The referencing information is passed via the
parameter value @pRunTimeDataInfo which will be used when we set up the link between the primary report and the subreport.
The class name for GBeanProvider_BeanClsName is Person because the subreport will use the Person object.

8. Click OK, and the UDS PersonsAsSubRpt is added.

9. Create a report set named SubRpt.cls, and create a table report in it as the subreport based on the UDS PersonsAsSubRpt.

Linking the primary report and the subreport

1. In the Catalog Browser, create a formula named NotUseFakeData to return false all the time, for example, return false. This formula will be passed into
the subreport as the value of the parameter pUseFakeData in the subreport, so that when the subreport runs with the primary report, it will always use the
data from the primary report instead of constructing the fake data itself.
2. Open MainRpt.cls, add a new detail panel into the report.
3. Selected the newly added panel and click Insert > Subreport. When a box attached to your mouse pointer, click in the panel and the Subreport dialog is
4. Click the Browse button, choose SubRpt.cls as the subreport, then in the Parameters tab, specify values for the parameters as follows:





NotUseFakeData (gives a false value to the parameter)


persons (specifies to use the sub-collection persons of the primary report as the data source of the subreport at

5. Click OK to insert the subreport.

6. Run the primary report, and you will find that the corresponding persons information is displayed in the subreport.
7. If you want to insert another subreport which shares the same sub-collection with SubRpt.cls, you should modify the value of the key word
GBeanProvider_ListOfDetailProps in the primary report UDS parameter string to GBeanProvider_ListOfDetailProps=persons,2,30000. That changes the
share amount of the persons property from 1 to 2.
For more information about subreport in JReport, see the section Subreports.

Example 4: Developing reports with dynamic UDS

JReport Designer supports the Dynamic UDS feature. This feature improves performance significantly
by retrieving the selected fields. At runtime, an option is provided for you to pick up the columns you
want to see in the report. In this way, JReport Designer generates a dynamic report according to your
In this example, SQLDataSource is used to illustrate the usage and effect of the Dynamic UDS feature.
Assume that you have generated SQLDataSource.class, start JReport Designer with the modified batch
file (for details, see Compiling and running SQLDataSource).
1. Open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the UDS is to be added.
3. Right-click the Parameters node and select Add Parameter from the shortcut menu.
4. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter the following:

Name: sql

Value Type: String

Prompt Values:
select * from employee
select salary from employee
select employeeid, employeeposition, hiredate, notes, salary, photo from employee
For details about how to create a parameter, see Creating a parameter.

5. Right-click the User Defined node, and then select Add User Defined Data Source from the
shortcut menu.
6. In the Add User Data Source dialog, enter the following information:

Name: employees

Class Name: help.SQLDataSource

Parameter: DRIVER="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"&URL="jdbc:hsqldb:C:\\JReport\\Designer\

The UDS employees will now have been added to the catalog.
7. Click
on the Standard toolbar to open an existing report set, and then select File > New >
8. In the New Report dialog, specify the name and layout of the report as required and then click
Create. Here, we choose to create a table report.
9. In the Data screen of the Table Wizard, check the New radio button and choose the UDS
employees from the User Defined node. Then, click Next to go to the next tab.
10. In the Display screen, add the fields EMPLOYEEID, employees_NOTES, employees_SALARY and

HIREDATE to be displayed in the table, edit their display names to ID, Notes, Salary, Hire Date,
and then click Next.
11. In the Group screen, specify to group on the field EMPLOYEEPOSITION.
12. Skip the Summary screen and in the Layout and Style screen, specify to display the report in the
Warm style.
13. Click Finish to create the report.
14. Click the View tab to view the report. You will then be prompted to enter a parameter.
15. Select select * from employee as the parameter, and you will see that data for all fields has
been retrieved.

16. Go back and run this report again. This time, choose select salary from employee. You will
notice that no groups are divided and the group name changes to NULL. This is because only the
field employees_SALARY has been selected this time. JReport Designer will make no reference to
the employees_Position column, on which the group is based.

Note: To make a dynamic UDS work fine, if the SQL statement at runtime doesn't include all the UDS
columns, you need to make sure that none of the UDS columns' properties is edited, that is the Specify
Columns option in the Add User Data Source dialog should be unchecked, otherwise exceptions will be
produced when the SQL statement is used to generate dynamic report from the UDS.

Oracle stored procedure UDS

Due to the unique nature of Oracle stored procedures, you cannot add them directly into a JReport
catalog. In this sense, the usage of JReport Designer is limited when you use an Oracle database. As a
substitute, JReport has developed the user data source API which can use stored procedures in Oracle.
The class is named OracleProcedureUDS, in the package jet.datasource.oracle.
Note: Your oracle.jdbc.driver should use at least ojdbc14.jar.
Pick a task from the following:

The UDS class

Adding an Oracle stored procedure


The UDS class

To use stored procedures in Oracle with JReport Designer, JReport developed a user data source class. The class is named
OracleProcedureUDS, and can be found in the package jet.datasource.oracle.
In the Add User Data Source dialog, the format of the PARAMETER string is in either of the following:


indexn&OUTPARAM=datatype1,index1; datatypen,indexn

Substitute the words in lower case according to your requirements.


drivername - The name of JDBC driver, for instance: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.

url - A database URL of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname, for instance: jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbserver:1521:orcl.

user - The database user on whose behalf the Connection is being made, for instance: scott.

password - The user's password, for instance: tiger.

owner - The owner of the procedure, for instance: scott. It can also be left empty.

procname - The name of the Stored Procedure, for instance: getAuthor.

sql - The SQL statement used to call the procedure or function. For instance, with regards to procedure: {call getAuthor
(?, ?)} and for function: {? = getAuthor(?, ?)}.
index - The index of the output parameter with data type equal to Ref Cursor. The start index is 1.
valueX - The value of the parameter separated by ',' and the data types must correspond to the ones defined in the
DBMS. If valueX should contain a set of values, for example, 10, 20, and 30 together serve as valueX, you will need to
use '\\' to escape the comma.
For example, if the PARAMVALUE part of the PARAMETER string is as follows:
Then the parameter values will be parsed as follows:
ParaValue1 =10,20,30
ParaValue2 =30,10,23
ParaValue3 =null
ParaValue4 =a
ParaValue5 =null
Or, instead of typing the parameter values one by one in the above PARAMETER string, you can also use the parameters
in the catalog to substitute the parameter values. For example,
In this case, in the Create/Edit Parameter dialog, the prompt value of parameter PARAM1 must be typed as follows:

datatypeX - The name of the data type mapping to JDBC. The name is the same as the static variable name in java.sql.
IndexX - The index of the input parameter. It is natural number and integer.

An example of the PARAMETER string

&USER=scott&PSWD=tiger&OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=getAuthor&SQL={call getAuthor(?, ?, ?}

If you want to change the connection dynamically, you can define the parameters in this way:
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver=@driver, jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbserver:1521:orcl=@url, scott=@user,
The PARAMETER string will then be either of the following:

{call getAuthor(?, ?,?}&REFCURSORINDEX=2&PARAMVALUE=0.5,1999-7-10

DRIVER=@driver&URL=@url&USER=@user&PSWD=tiger&OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=getAuthor&SQL={call getAuthor
(?, ?,?}&

You can change the parameter dynamically to suit your requirements.

Note: When your PARAMETER string contains characters such as: At sign(@), ':', double quotation mark('"'), or other
strings that do not need to be parsed by JReport, you can use a pair of double quotation marks to quote them. For
example, your PARAMETER string may be:
Here, @ is a character used by the URL. If you add this PARAMETER string into a catalog, JReport will regard 204 as the
name of a parameter in the catalog. The correct form is:

Adding an Oracle stored procedure

Suppose that the Oracle stored procedure is defined as below:
Package SHDEMO as type curtype is ref cursor;
end SHDemo;
Procedure empquery (param1 in varchar2, cur OUT SHdemo.curtype)
lcur shdemo.curtype;
open lcur for select * from EMP WHERE JOB = param1;
end empquery;
To add the stored procedure into a JReport catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open the catalog to which you want to add the stored procedure.
2. In the Catalog Browser, expand the data source the stored procedure is to be added, then rightclick the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source.
3. In the Name field of the Add User Data Source dialog, specify a name for the UDS.
4. In the Class Name field, input the UDS class jet.datasource.oracle.OracleProcedureUDS.
5. In the Parameter box, enter any of the following three:

&USER=scott&PSWD=tiger&OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

&USER=scott&PSWD=tiger&OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

6. Click OK, and the UDS class will be added into the catalog.

The UDS class is in a package named jet.datasource.oracle. When it is being added into the Catalog
Browser, it requires classes in package oracle.jdbc.driver. So before adding it, make sure the class
path contains the package oracle.jdbc.driver.
In the PARAMETER string,

If you do not specify the connection information, the connection defined on the data source, to
which the stored procedure UDS is added will be used as the default connection. In this scenario,
use the third parameter string listed above, and the connection can be changed at runtime via
datasource.xml, Engine API or Server API in JReport Server.

If you use the second PARAMETER string listed above, make sure the parameter value @job1
contain value, datatype, and index.

The procedure must contain one and only one OUT parameter of the REF CURSOR type. If the
procedure doesn't have such a parameter, it cannot be added into the JReport catalog since JReport
cannot create a report without a ResultSet. If it contains additional OUT parameters they will be
The default format of Date and Time data type is:
Date: yyyy-MM-dd
Time: hh:MM:ss
Timestamp: yyyy-MM-dd hh:MM:ss.SSS
You can modify the format in the Date Format tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.

The following are some specific examples of adding Oracle stored procedures UDS to a catalog:

Example 1: Stored procedures defined outside of a package

Example 2: Stored procedures declared and defined in a package and package body

Example 3: Functions defined outside of a package

Example 4: Functions declared and defined in a package and package body

Example 1: Stored procedures defined outside of a package

Suppose that the Oracle stored procedure is defined as:
type curtype is ref cursor;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE empquery (p_job in varchar2, cur OUT SHDEMO.curtype) as
lcur SHDEMO.curtype;
open lcur for
select * from EMP WHERE JOB = p_job;
END empquery;
To add the stored procedure into a JReport catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the stored procedure is
to be added, then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source.
3. In the Name field of the Add User Data Source dialog, specify a name for the UDS.
4. In the Class Name field, input the UDS class jet.datasource.oracle.OracleProcedureUDS.
5. In the Parameters box, enter one of the following:

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery&SQL={call empquery(?,?)}

6. Click the OK button, and the UDS class will then be added into the catalog.

Example 2: Stored procedures declared and defined in a package and package body
Suppose that the Oracle stored procedure is defined as:
type curtype is ref cursor;
PROCEDURE empquery_proc(p_job in varchar2, cur OUT DEMO_PKG.curtype);
end DEMO_PKG ;
PROCEDURE empquery_proc(p_job in varchar2, cur OUT DEMO_PKG.curtype) AS
lcur DEMO_PKG.curtype;
open lcur for
select * from EMP WHERE JOB = p_job;
end empquery_proc;

To add the stored procedure into a JReport catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the stored procedure is
to be added, then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source.
3. In the Name field of the Add User Data Source dialog, specify a name for the UDS.
4. In the Class Name field, input the UDS class jet.datasource.oracle.OracleProcedureUDS.
5. In the Parameter box, enter one of the following:

&OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery_proc&SQL={call demo_pkg.empquery_proc(?,?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery_proc&SQL={call demo_pkg.empquery_proc(?,?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=empquery_proc&SQL={call demo_pkg.empquery_proc(?,?)}

6. Click the OK button. The UDS class will then be added into the catalog.

Example 3: Functions defined outside of a package

Suppose that the Oracle stored procedure is defined as:
type curtype is ref cursor;
return SHDEMO.curtype
lcur SHDEMO.curtype;
open lcur for
select * from dept where dname = p_dname;
return lcur;
To add the stored procedure into a JReport catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the stored procedure is
to be added, then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source.
3. In the Name field of the Add User Data Source dialog, specify a name for the UDS.
4. In the Class Name field, input the UDS class jet.datasource.oracle.OracleProcedureUDS.
5. In the Parameter box, enter one of the following:

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery&SQL={? = call deptquery(?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery&SQL={? = call deptquery(?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery&SQL={? = call deptquery(?)}


6. Click the OK button. The UDS class will then be added into the catalog.

Example 4: Functions declared and defined in a package and package body

Suppose that the Oracle stored procedure is defined as:
type curtype is ref cursor;
Procedure empquery_proc (p_job in varchar2, cur OUT SHDEMO_PKG.curtype);
Function deptquery_func (p_dname in varchar2) return SHDEMO_PKG.curtype;
Procedure empquery_proc (p_job in varchar2, cur OUT SHDEMO_PKG.curtype)
lcur SHDEMO_PKG.curtype;
open lcur for
select * from EMP WHERE JOB = p_job;
end empquery_proc;
Function deptquery_func (p_dname in varchar2) return SHDEMO_PKG.curtype
lcur SHDEMO_PKG.curtype;
open lcur for
select * from dept where dname = p_dname;
return lcur;
end deptquery_func;

To add the stored procedure into a JReport catalog, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the stored procedure is
to be added, then right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data Source.
3. In the Name field of the Add User Data Source dialog, specify a name for the UDS.
4. In the Class Name field, input the UDS class jet.datasource.oracle.OracleProcedureUDS.
5. In the Parameter box, enter one of the following:

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery_func&SQL={? = call shdemo_pkg.deptquery_func(?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery_func&SQL={? = call shdemo_pkg.deptquery_func(?)}

OWNER=SCOTT&PROCNAME=deptquery_func&SQL={? = call shdemo_pkg.deptquery_func(?)}

6. Click the OK button. The UDS class will then be added into the catalog.

If you get an "ArrayOutOfBound" error or a "Not all variables are bound" error while importing a stored
procedure, you can check the below points:

Make sure the OWNER is correct.

If your stored procedure is defined in Package/Package Body and the PROCNAME argument does not
contain package name, but the call argument contains.
Make sure that your REFCURSORINDEX has been set correctly.
For example, if you have defined that the Out cursor is the third argument in your stored procedure,
then REFCURSORINDEX should be 3.

When you get a NegativeArraySizeException error while running a report designed with a stored
procedure, you can check whether some UDS columns return a negative scale (right-click the UDS
column, select Properties, and then check Scale). If yes, it means that your original table column called
by the stored procedure is likely to be of a Float data type. This returns the wrong Scale for the UDS
column. Follow the steps below to modify the UDS column's scale:
1. Open the Catalog Browser and click the Options button

on the toolbar.

2. In the Category box of the Options dialog, select Catalog, uncheck the option Forbid editing
data object properties, and then click the OK button.
3. Highlight the UDS column name that you are having the problem with and click the Expand
on the toolbar to show the Properties sheet. Now you can change the property values,
such as SQL type, precision, and scale to the correct values. For instance, you can change the
negative scale of the problematic column to the correct value.

Hierarchical data sources

JReport Designer supports hierarchical data sources (HDS). This feature uses the hierarchical data
source API provided by JReport.
In addition, as the XML technology has become a popular standard for data interchange on the web,
JReport Designer directly supports XML format data source by wrapping the provided HDS API. JReport
Designer's built-in classes can implement the XML format hierarchical data source interface. You can
directly import an XML data source to a catalog using the Catalog Browser.
The following are some specific topics about working with HDSs in a catalog:

Adding an HDS to a catalog

HDS with a parallel structure

Developing reports from HDS

Adding an HDS to a catalog

You have two ways to add an HDS to a catalog:

Adding a general HDS

1. Open the catalog to which you want to add the HDS.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which the HDS is to be
added, then right-click the Hierarchical node, and then select Add General Hierarchical
Data Source from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Add General Hierarchical Data Source dialog, click the Browse button to specify the HDS
class name, and type a number in the Parameter box.
4. Click Load Tree. The data source tree will then be parsed. Modify the column properties in the
Columns box as required.
5. Click OK to add the HDS.

Importing an HDS from an XML file

1. Select Import XML Hierarchical Data Source from the shortcut menu after right-clicking the
Hierarchical node.
2. In the Import XML Hierarchical Data Source dialog, click the Browse buttons to specify the XML
URI and XSD URI as required.
3. Click the Load Tree button to load the structure of the XML file. The root of the file will then be
listed in the Root Name text box. Modify the column properties in the Columns box as required.
4. Click OK to import the HDS into the catalog.

The following examples explain the above two methods in detail:

Example 1: Adding a general HDS

Example 2: Importing an HDS from an XML file to a catalog

Example 1: Adding a general HDS

JReport Designer provides you with a set of hierarchical data source APIs that allow you to import a
customized hierarchical data source.

Compiling the source files

There are three classes used in this example. Their source code files are HierarchicalDataSource.java,
HierarchicalDatasetMetaData.java, and HierarchicalDataset.java, which are available in <install_root>
\help\designer\samples. In this example, the HierarchicalDataSource.java will return the result set
from the demo hsql db.
1. Store the above three files in <install_root>\help. Modify the demo hsqldb path in both
HierarchicalDatasetMetaData.java and HierarchicalDataset.java.
2. Compile the Java files to generate HierarchicalDataSource.class, HierarchicalDatasetMetaData.
class, and HierarchicalDataset.class.
3. Append the path <install_root>\help to the class path that starts your JReport Designer, so
that at runtime the HierarchicalDataSource can be found.

Adding the HDS to a catalog

After compilation, you can now add the HDS to a JReport catalog.
1. Start JReport with the batch file you just modified and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which to add the HDS, then
right-click the Hierarchical node, and then select Add General Hierarchical Data Source from
the shortcut menu. The Add General Hierarchical Data Source dialog appears.

3. Click the Browse button to find the class HierarchicalDataSource.class.

4. Type a number in the Parameter box. Then, only the records whose employee ID is less than this
number will be fetched.
5. Click Load Tree. The data source tree will then be parsed.
6. Modify the column properties in the Columns box as required.
7. Click OK to add the HDS.

Example 2: Importing an HDS from an XML file to a catalog

To import an HDS from an XML file, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which to add the HDS, then
right-click the Hierarchical node, and then select Import XML Hierarchical Data Source from
the shortcut menu. The Import XML Hierarchical Data Source dialog appears.

3. Provide the information respectively according to your data source information.

JReport Designer supports all kinds of URI as the XML data source. See the detailed information

If you want to specify a schema file for the XML data source file, you must first make sure that
the schema file path specified in the XML data source file is consistent with the path you
specified in the XSD URI field, and that this file actually exists. Click the Load Tree button to
load the structure of the XML file. The root of the file will then be listed in the Root Name field.
Modify the column properties in the Columns box as required.

JReport Designer supports static string inline with multiple parameters, for example:
It is the URL used to run the sample report StockMarket.cls to the XML format in JReport
Server. Type the URL into the XML URI text field, and click the Load Tree button, the structure
of the returned XML stream will be loaded in the Structure panel (before doing so, make sure
that JReport Server is started). Modify the column properties in the Columns box as required.
The colon ':' and '@' symbols are used to identify JReport parameter names. If these symbols
are used in your XML URI and you do not want JReport to parse them as parameters, you must
add quotation marks to them. For example, when you browse to d:\test\employee.xml, you
can quote it either as "d:\test\employee.xml" or d":"\test\employee.xml.
Note that you should check the No Security Checking option in the Advanced panel in the
JReport Server Administration > Configuration page before parsing this URL. In addition,
JReport parameters can be dynamically referenced in the URI for setting different values at

4. Click OK to import the HDS.


An XML data source file without any schema file is also allowed. That is, you can leave the XSD URI
entry empty. However, the data type VARCHAR will be used for all the columns in the data source.
See details about the XSD file.
JReport Designer also supports dynamic XML URI. The XSD file defines the structure of the XML
format HDS and the XML file in fact only provides the data, so one XSD file can match more than one
XML file. That enables you to develop reports with dynamic XML URI. For details, see Example 1:
Developing a report from an HDS with dynamic XML URI.
When importing the XML file, you have to define the types of some data in the Format column. For
example, if it is Date type, such as 1978-03-12, in the corresponding Format column, type in yyyyMM-dd. If the data is $12,345.32, in the corresponding Format column, type in $##,###.##.
By default, the value of the Scale column is 0. So, for decimal type data, you will have to specify the
scale value in its corresponding Scale column. That is, modify this value to the number of digits that
you want to appear to the right of the decimal point. For example, if the data is 123.23, then in the
Scale column, modify this value to 2.
For the Currency, and Array columns, check them if required.

When specifying a schema file for the XML data source file, due to the schema file being complex,
there are some limitations:

Namespace: Now, only default namespace (3w) is supported by JReport Designer. You can define
a prefix, such as xs, or xsd, but the value of elementFormDefault must be qualified. The value of
attributeFormDefault should be unqualified, but JReport Designer will not allow you to add prefixes
before the attributes of the elements.
Type: If a customized complexType or simpleType is used, do not add the prefix to the value of
the type, while if the built-in simpleType or complexType is used, the prefix must be added.

The XSD file

When you import an XML format HDS with an XSD file, the XML file only provides the data to the
JReport Designer reports, while the structure and data type etc. of the data from the XML file is defined
in the XSD file. That is, the structure of the HDS is determined by the XSD file. You should be aware of
the following points about the XSD file in order to generate a correct report based on an XML format
HDS with an XSD file.
Data type conversion table
Before the data type defined in the XSD file can function with JReport Designer, it should first be
converted into a corresponding data type when the XML format hierarchical data source is imported,
following the rules in the conversion table below.
XML Data Type

JReport Data Type





















SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNSIGNEDINT, //4294967295


SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNSIGNEDSHORT, //65535


SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNSIGNEDBYTE, //255




















Note: When you import data of List type from an XSD file, you can define the delimiter through the
property List Delimiter in the Report Inspector.
XSD structure supported by JReport Designer
In JReport Designer, not all XSD structures can be supported. The following diagrams show which
structures are supported by JReport Designer.

The ComplexType

The Element type in the diagram can be of simpleType, ref, or complexType (it is different from the
ComplexType in the root of this diagram. It can be global complexType but cannot be the anonymous
one. If you have defined a complexType named A, and in this complexType A redefined an element
as complexType named B, then the elements belong to complexType B must be of the simpleType).
The Attribute type in the diagram should be of the anonymous type or of the schema built-in type,
such as xs:string.

The SimpleType

SimpleType here should be of the schema built-in type, such as xs:string. List type here cannot
support some functions, such as minLength, and maxLength.

The Element

ComplexType here can include both global and anonymous complexType. The anonymous type
means you do not give a name to the type, for example,

<xs:element name="aa">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Julie P. Adams"/>

From the code above, you can see that the simpleType in the element aa has no name specified.

HDS with a parallel structure

Hierarchical data sources with a parallel structure are also supported by JReport Designer, and are
hence called parallel HDS. The difference between the general HDS and the parallel HDS is that the
parallel HDS contains more than one parallel branch, which will be presented in different Parallel Detail
(PDT) panels in a banded object in JReport Designer.
Data in a parallel HDS is organized in a tree structure, which contains branches and leaves. Among
these branches, there are some parallel branch nodes that split the trunk of the data source tree into
deeper and more complex branches. The following is a figure illustrating the parallel HDS structure.

A leaf in parallel HDS refers to a column (DBField), nodes that contain no sub-nodes.
A branch in parallel HDS is a special table that contains leaves or sub-branches.

Parallel branches

If the contents of two branches have no parental relationships, these branches are called parallel
Note: The way of using a parallel HDS is the same as with general HDS in JReport Designer. There are
however, some key points that you should be aware of when you use a parallel HDS to develop reports.
For details, see Example 2: Developing a report from a parallel HDS.

Developing reports from HDS

When you use hierarchical data sources to create reports, you need to be aware of its limitations and
unique features. For example, reports created from an HDS are automatically grouped, and an HDS
cannot be directly used to create charts and crosstabs. That is to say, if you want to create a chart or
crosstab from an HDS, you will need to put it in a banded object, which is created on the HDS, and
make the chart/crosstab inherit the dataset of the banded object.
To develop a report from an HDS:
1. Make sure the catalog where the HDS is located is open, then click the New Report Set button
on the Standard toolbar.
2. In the New Report set dialog, specify the title and layout of the first report in the report set as
required, then click OK.
3. In the Data screen of the report wizard, choose the HDS with which you want to build the report.
4. Follow the report wizard to create the report.
See also Creating a report for details about how to create reports in JReport Designer.

As hierarchical data sources can only be used to create banded objects, in the New Report dialog,
you can only choose to create a standard banded, horizontal banded or mailing label report using the
report wizard.
Since reports created from HDS are automatically grouped, in the Group screen of the banded report
wizard, you can neither add more groups by fields nor remove the existing ones. However, you can
make changes to the existing group criteria. For example, you can replace a group by field with
another one.
When you want to publish reports created from XML format hierarchical data sources to JReport
Server, the following method is recommended:
1. In the Catalog Browser, select the HDS that is used by the report from the Hierarchical node,
and then expand the Properties sheet.
2. Change the URI property of the HDS to a relative path, for example, leaving only the name of
the XML file.
3. Create a new folder, and copy the report, the catalog, the XML file and the XSD file (if any) to
the newly created folder.
4. Click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Server to publish the folder (for details, see
Publishing resources remotely).
5. Start JReport Server. You will now be able to run the report on it.

The following are some specific examples about developing reports from HDS:

Example 1: Developing a report from an HDS with dynamic XML URI

Example 2: Developing a report from a parallel HDS

Example 1: Developing a report from an HDS with dynamic XML URI

The example explains how to develop a report from an HDS with dynamic XML URI:
1. Click File > Catalog Management > Open Catalog to open an existing catalog.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source to which to add the HDS.
3. Right-click the Parameters node and select Add Parameter from the shortcut menu.
4. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter a name for the parameter, choose String as the Value
Type, and in the Prompt Values box, type in the URI of the XML file from which you HDS will be
imported (for details, see Creating a parameter).
5. Right-click the Hierarchical node in the Catalog Brower, and then select Import XML
Hierarchical Data Source.
6. In the Import XML Hierarchical Data Source dialog, browse for the XML file. Then in the XML URI
box, type in @ParameterName. For example, if you named the parameter in step 2 as XML_URI,
here you should type in @XML_URI. In the XSD URI box, specify the URI of the corresponding
XSD file. Then click OK (for details, see Importing the XML format HDS to a catalog).
7. Create a report with the imported HDS. When you view the report, type in the URI of the XML file
which matches the XSD file in the parameter. The report will then display the corresponding data.
In addition, you can also use another way to develop report with dynamic XML URI as explained below:
1. In the Catalog Browser, import an XML HDS with an XSD file, and then create a report with the
imported HDS.
2. Create a parameter using the above method.
3. In the Catalog Browser, go to the node of the imported HDS, expand the Properties sheet, and
then change the property URI to @ParameterName.
4. Now you can view the report with dynamic XML file.

Example 2: Developing a report from a parallel HDS

The method for developing a report from a parallel HDS is the same as from a general HDS. However,
take note of the following when building reports from parallel HDSs.
Groups in parallel HDS
When you insert a group by field, its children will also be inserted.
The parallel structure in the parallel HDS is represented as groups in JReport Designer. So, when you
develop a report from a parallel HDS, it will automatically be grouped. By default, JReport Designer will
use the first found field as the group by field. Note that you can neither add a new group by field nor
remove the group by fields that are automatically added. However, if there is more than one field
available to with which to group the sub-tables, you can replace the group by field with one of the
other available fields.
Rules for inserting an object

Objects in different branches should be placed in the banded object panel they belong to. That is, a
banded object panel cannot hold objects which belong to different branches.
The children of a branch, including the columns, formulas, summaries, sub-branches, and children of
the sub-branches, can be inserted into any of their parent panels. If the parent panel is shared by
more than one branch, that is, if the parent panel works as a trunk (global panel), it can be shared
by the children of all the branches it holds. However, note that each instance of a panel, such as a
report/page/group header/footer panel, and detail panel, can only hold the children from the same
branch. If you want to insert the children of different branches into the shared global panel, you will
have to create as many instances of this panel as per the number of branches, and then insert the
children of each branch into these panels.
Where a formula/summary can be inserted depends on the branch attributes of the formula/
summary. Generally speaking, when a formula/summary creates relationships with a column, it will
obtain the same branch attributes as those of the related column, and it can be placed in the panels
where the column can be placed.
A global formula, which is not associated with any branch columns, can be placed to any position of
the report.

When you remove a branch using the report wizard, the related panel will also be removed.
A chart based on a field can only be placed in its own panels, which include most of the global
panels, except for the detail panel.
A crosstab must be built upon data of the same branch, and it should be placed in the location
where the branch data resides.
Where a text box object can be inserted depends on the branch attributes of the columns
(formulas/summaries) that it contains. A text box object can hold only the data of the same branch.

Web service data sources

JReport Designer supports web services defined by WSDL 2.0 as data sources. You can add a web
service data source to a catalog by importing a WSDL file.
This section describes the following tasks:

Setting up a web service connection

To set up a web service connection to connect a JReport catalog to a web service data source, follow
the steps below:
1. Create a catalog which contains a default data source, then in the Data tab of the Catalog
Browser, expand the node of the data source, right-click the Relational node and choose Add
Web Services Connection from the shortcut menu.
If you want to set up the connection by adding a data source to an existing catalog and then
defining the connection on the data source, open the catalog, select any data source contained in
on the Catalog Browser toolbar, then in the New Data
it, click the New Data Source button
source dialog, specify the name of the data source, select the Web Service connection type and
click OK. The Web Service Data Source dialog will then be displayed.

2. Specify a WSDL file to create the web service connection.

If you want to use a WSDL file on your local disk, check the Local File radio button, then click
the Browse button to browse for the file.
If you want to use a WSDL file through a URI, check the URI radio button, then input the URI
string in the text field that follows and specify the user name and password for assessing the
WSDL file.

3. Click the Options button to show the additional settings.

4. Click the Time Zone and Locale button to specify the time zone and the locale as required.
5. If you want the catalog or schema, or both of them to be used in data manipulation, make the
selection in the Qualified Name Pattern panel according to your requirements.
6. Input the number of seconds in the Time Out text field to specify how long to wait to get the

WSDL file.
7. Check Pre-join if you want to enable the Pre-join feature when building a query or defining join
relationships in business cubes.
8. Click the Security Configuration button to display the Security Configuration Setting dialog to
configure the security policy.

9. Specify the user name and password for the username token to be used in the security policy.
10. Specify the type for the key store from the Key Store Type drop-down list.
11. Click the Browse button next to the Key Store File field to specify the key store file.

12. Input the password in the Key Store Password text field to get the access to the key store file.
13. In the Client Key box, specify the alias name to be used as client signature in the key store, and
set the password for the name.
14. In the Server Key box, specify the alias name and password to be used to get the server-side
certification or public key in the key store.
15. When done, click OK to go back to the Web Service Data Source dialog.
16. Click the OK button in the Web Service Data Source dialog to set up the web service connection.
Note: When you configure the security policy for a web service connection, except for Key Store Type,
all the other options in Security Configuration Setting dialog can be controlled by constant level
formulas. However, the formula control is only available after the web service connection is already set
up, that is when you edit an existing web service connection.

Adding tables to a web service connection

After setting up the WSDL connection, all the information of the web service defined in the WSDL file
will be stored in the catalog. You can add tables to a web service connection based on this information.
Queries can be built on these tables and a report is developed from a query.
To add tables to a web service connection:
1. Select the Tables node of the web service connection, right-click it and then on the shortcut
menu, click Add Table. The Add Table dialog appears.

2. Specify a service from the Service Name drop-down list.

3. All the operations included in the selected service will be listed in the Operation Name drop-down
list. Select one as required. Then the input message of the operation will be displayed, you can
define the value for it if necessary.
If the Input Message column is empty, that is to say, the input message has its own defined
values, there is no need for you to provide it the value.
4. In the Value column, type in the value in the text field, or define a constant level formula or
parameter to be the value of the input message.

5. Type the number of seconds in the Time Out text field to specify how long to wait to get the
specified service and operation information defined in the WSDL file.
6. When done, click the OK button to accept the changes and exit the dialog.

Editing the operation used to create tables

After creating the table, the service and operation you have selected to create the table will be
displayed under the Tables node of the web service connection in the Catalog Browser. You can edit the
information of the operation if necessary. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Select the operation node, right-click it and then select Edit from the shortcut menu. The Edit
Operating Calling Property dialog appears.

2. In the Input Message column, select the input message you want to edit, then modify its value in
the text field of the Value column as required. You can either input the value, or define a constant
level formula or parameter to be the value of the input message.
3. Type the number of seconds in the Time Out text field to specify how long to wait for the
operation to complete.
4. When done, click OK to accept the changes and exit the dialog.

Removing and adding columns to tables

By default, when you add a table, you add all the columns JReport finds in the table. However, JReport
gives you the flexibility to remove columns in a table, leaving only the columns useful to your reports.
To remove a column from a table, right-click the column and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
Also, you can add the columns back to a table after you have removed them. To do this:
1. Right-click the table to which you want to insert columns, then select Insert Column from the
shortcut menu.
2. In the Add Column dialog, select the required columns from the Columns box.
There will be no available columns in the Columns box if you do not delete any in the table first
since all columns are added automatically to start.
3. Click the Done button to add the columns to the table.

After tables have been added to a catalog, you can now use them to build reports. However, in your
daily work, you may often be dealing with a set of tables in your queries. You will have to define
relationships and create joins among different tables every time you create a new report. For XML data
source, if the parent and children nodes are transformed to different tables, joins will be embodied by
the parent-child relationship, which is maintained by primary key and foreign key in tables.
JReport Designer provides you with a pre-join feature. The pre-join information is one kind of resource
information stored in the catalog. It is saved in a standalone file with the extension .pre, and shares
the same prefix as the catalog file. It is not used at report runtime. In JReport Designer, when you
open a catalog, the pre-join file is opened at the same time. When you save the catalog, the pre-join
file is also saved.
Using the pre-join feature, you can do the following:

Creating joins between tables

Modifying a join

Defining join paths

Editing, deleting and renaming join paths

Saving the relationships together with a catalog

Creating joins between tables

The Pre-join Editor is a convenient tool for you to predefine the relationships among tables all at once.
To predefine joins among tables in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog on which you want to define join relationships.
2. In the Catalog Browser, select a data source to activate the Pre-join button

on the toolbar if it is disabled.

3. Click the button, then in the Select Data Source dialog, select the date source on which the joins will be created
and click OK. The Pre-join Editor window appears.
4. Click the Arrange button to organize the tables that have been added to the catalog.
5. Now you can make joins among tables by using mouse drag and drop. Point to one column in the source table,
press and hold the mouse button, then, move the pointer to the other column in the target table and release the
mouse button. A green line with a join button
will be shown, linking the two columns. This represents that a
join has been created.
6. Repeat the above step to set up more joins.

Modifying a join
Once a join has been established, you can modify it at any time if required. To do this:
1. Double-click the join button

to display the Join Options dialog.

2. If you want an outer join made, check the Outer Join option, then specify the format of the join as
required: SQL92 or Use'+'.
Note: You cannot make outer joins for XML data sources.
3. Edit the join conditions in the Condition panel according to your requirements.
4. When done, click OK to accept the changes.

See also Join Options dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Outer Join
There are two kinds of join formats: SQL92 and Use'+'. With conventional joins, records that do not satisfy the
join condition are eliminated from the result. An outer join preserves these records in the result and replaces
the missing values with nulls. JReport calls the join left (right) outer join if the records in the left (right) side
table are preserved. For example, consider the following two tables:
Table 1









Table 2









The conventional join of Customer.C# = Order.C# will produce the following result:










The left outer join of Customer.C# = Order.C# will produce the following result:













The right outer join of Customer.C# = Order.C# will produce the following result:













The full outer join of Customer.C# = Order.C# will produce the following result:





















Defining join paths

After you have made joins among the tables in the Pre-join Editor window, you can then use them to
define paths, which can be used for creating/editing queries and setting up joins in business cubes later.
To define a join path:
1. Click the Paths button on the toolbar of the Pre-join Editor window.
2. In the Save Pre-join Path dialog, click the New button and type a name for the new path in the
Input Path Name dialog (by default the name will be Path1, Path2, etc), and then click OK.

3. In the Select Pre-join dialog, you will see that all the joins you have made are displayed in the All
Joins box. Choose the joins you want and click

to add them to the left box.

4. Click OK to dismiss the dialog and return to the Save Pre-join Path dialog.
5. Click the New button and follow the steps above to form a new path. You can select Hide Joins
Added in Other Paths to hide the joins that have been used by the existing paths in the All Joins
6. After you have finished specifying paths, click OK in the Save Pre-join Path dialog to confirm the
7. Click the OK button in the Pre-join Editor.

The feature of multiple joins (more than one join existing between two tables) is supported.
In JReport Designer, the joins in one path should never form a loop (any table in this path will have
direct or indirect joins with all the other tables). If you specify a path which forms a loop, JReport
Designer will prompt you to re-select the joins.
You cannot define a path completely having all the same joins as with existing paths. If you have
specified a path that is the same as an existing path, JReport Designer will prompt you to re-select
the joins.

Editing, deleting and renaming join paths

After you have specified the paths, you can edit, delete and rename them as required. To do this, click
the Paths button on the toolbar of the Pre-join Editor window to bring out the Save Pre-join Path

To edit or delete a path:

1. Highlight the path you want to edit or delete in the Pre-join Paths box.
2. Click the Edit or Delete button.

To rename a path:
1. Highlight the path you want to rename in the Pre-join Paths box.
2. In the Rename box, type the new name, and then press Enter to confirm.

Saving the relationships together with a catalog

You can save the relationships by clicking OK on the Pre-join Editor toolbar. Note that the pre-join
information won't really be saved to disk until you save the catalog. After you have saved the catalog,
you can then use the just created pre-join to develop reports.

If you have made joins and defined at least one path, you can click OK to close the Pre-join Editor
If joins have been made but no path defined,

If there are no join loops among the joins: after you have clicked OK, a default path named Path1
which includes all the joins you have made will be defined by JReport Designer. A message box will
then be displayed to ask whether you accept the default path (click Yes), or you can modify the
default path (click No).
If there are join loops among the joins, after you have clicked OK, the Save Pre-join Path dialog
will appear for you to define at least one path.

Relational databases typically contain many rows of data, with each row constituting a separate record.
Most relational database queries retrieve only a portion of the records contained in a table. The WHERE
clause qualifies the query command statement to limit the data to specific records from the tables.
Queries are a higher-level object in a catalog. Its concept is similar to that in the database. The
working objects a query can select include tables/views (DBFields), formulas or summaries, and
parameters, and the tables/views it can select from are the mapped tables/views defined in a JReport
catalog. In this way, a query is independent from the raw database. You can use queries to view,
change and analyze data in different ways, and JReport can help you with the building of various
professional reports based on queries. When making a query, you can place criteria or restrictions on
the data to extract only the required data from the database. For example, instead of having to view all
the customers of your company, you can view just the customers from Japan. To do this, you specify
conditions that limit the results to the records with Country field = "Japan".
JReport Designer provides you with an interactive query designer - the Query Editor, to build any
queries as you like. It also enables you to build queries using the pre-join feature.
In addition, JReport Designer provides you with the Data Manager which allows you to control the data
retrieval of your queries, including the number of rows to be displayed and the duration required for
the retrieval. It can also keep access information from previous runs of a query (including imported
SQL, stored procedure and UDS which function as queries).
The following topics describe queries:

Creating a query

Using pre-joins in queries

Editing a query

Previewing a query

Creating and modifying a union query

Locking queries

Developing reports from queries

Dynamic queries

Query modifiers

Cached query results

Data Manager

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how queries could be used in a report. For the query example, open

Creating a query
To create a query in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the required catalog, then do either of the following:

In the Catalog Browser, expand the data source in which you want to create the query, then expand
the Relational node in the data source. In the connection node, right-click the Queries sub node and
select Add Query from the shortcut menu.
Click File > New > Query on the menu bar, specify the data source in which the query will be
created, then click OK.

2. In the Input Query Name dialog, give a name for the query and click OK. The Query Editor window

3. On the Query menu, click Add Table to add tables to the query.

4. Check the columns you want in each table. To select all, click *.
5. Join the tables added to the query as required.
Based on the Auto Join options that are selected in the Query Editor category of the Options dialog,
JReport will join the tables automatically. However, if the pre-join feature is enabled for the data source
connection where the query is created, the auto join settings will not take effect, instead, JReport applies
the pre-joins to the added tables. You can also add more joins among these tables.
6. Create filters on the query.
7. Add some computed columns and formula fields to the query if required.
8. Select Apply from the Query menu to save the query.
When a query has been added to a catalog, you can further edit it to suit your requirements.
Note: Normally, a query returns all the records that match its search criteria without considering whether
there are duplicated ones. You can decide to get only one copy for each record by checking Select Distinct on
the Query menu. When this option is enabled, SQL SELECT statements are treated as SELECT DISTINCT
statements. The query will search for identical records and ensures to return them only once instead of
returning duplicate records from the database.

Using pre-joins in queries

JReport Designer provides you with the option of choosing whether or not to use the Pre-join feature
when creating queries. If you want to use it, you must have this option enabled.
To turn on the Pre-join feature:
1. Make sure Forbid editing data object properties in the Catalog category of the Options dialog is
2. Right-click the current data source connection node in the Catalog Browser and select Properties
to expand the Properties sheet.
3. Set the Pre-join property of the connection to true.
Then, when you add tables contained in the connection to the query, which have been predefined some
join relationship, the pre-joins will be automatically applied to the tables.
Note: If you are using a JDBC connection, you can turn on the pre-join feature in another way:
1. Right-click the connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog, switch to the Pre-join tab, check the Pre-join
option, and then click OK to confirm.

Creating queries using pre-join

When you create a query using the pre-join feature, the following cases may appear:

If JReport Designer needs other tables to bridge the tables you have added, you will be prompted to
decide whether to add another table to the query. For example,

Suppose you've added table A and C to your query, a message box will then appear asking you
whether you want to add table D in order to create links between tables A and C.
Note: The prompt message appears only when the option Show warning message when adding
tables is selected in the Query Editor category of the Options dialog. Otherwise, JReport will add
the bridged table automatically without any prompt.

If there is more than one paths available in the pre-join, as with this case,

You've added table A and C to the query, and there are two paths available - ABC and ADC. JReport
Designer will ask you for the path ABC or ADC.
JReport Designer provides two methods for seeing the path information of a query:

In the Catalog Browser, expand the Properties sheet and select the query that uses the pre-join
path. You will then see a property called Path Name which shows the name of the path used.
In the Query Editor window, click the Show Paths button.

Editing queries using pre-join

One query is bound with at most one path. Once a path has been specified for a query, when you
modify the relationships among the tables, you can make changes to a specific query based on that
path, but the path itself will not be changed. When you edit a query, the following cases may appear:

Adding tables to a query that has already been specified a path - If more than one path is suitable
after the tables have been added, the specific path will still be used. That is, you cannot choose
another path to replace the original one.
If the path specified for a query is deleted - In the Query Editor, the Show Paths button will be

Editing a query
You can edit queries added to a catalog at any time. To edit a query, in the Data tab of the Catalog
Browser, right-click the query and select Edit Query from the shortcut menu, then in the Query Editor
window, edit the query as required. For example, you can add some extra tables to the query and
define join relationship among these tables.
See also Query Editor window for additional help about options in the window.
This section details how to edit an existing query as follows:

Adding/deleting tables

Joining tables in a query

Filtering the fields of a query

Editing the SQL statements of a query

Creating computed columns in a query

Adding formula fields to a query

Adding/deleting tables

To add some extra tables to a query:

1. In the Query Editor window, select Add Table from the Query menu to bring up the Add Table

2. Select a schema from the Schemas box if the database supports schema. The tables contained
in the selected schema will then be displayed in the Tables box.
3. If required, check Include Added Table to make the tables that have been added to the query
available in the Tables box.
If this option is checked, when you click the Add button to add a table that has already been
added to the query once, the Input Table Name dialog will be displayed, asking you to give the
new table a different name.
4. Select the required tables in the Tables box and then click the Add button (or double-click the
required table to add it to the query).
5. Click the Done button to close the Add Table dialog.

6. Click Arrange Tables in the Query menu to organize the tables.

7. Select the required columns in each table. The columns will be displayed in the criteria panel of
the Query Editor.

To remove tables from a query:

1. Select the table that you want to delete in the Query Editor window.
2. Click Delete Table on the Query menu.
3. Repeat the above steps to delete other tables.


For tables added to a query, you can decide whether or not show the full name of the fields (with
table names) by checking the option Show Mapping Names on the Query menu.
After deleting a table from a query, any joins based on the table will be moved.
In the criteria panel, if you do not want to show the table names for the selected columns, you can
uncheck Show Table Names on the Query menu.

To delete a column in a table, select the column in the criteria panel and click Delete Column on
the Column menu. You can also undo the deletion by finding the field in the table and placing a check
mark beside it.

Joining tables in a query

You have two ways to create joins between tables in a query, automatically or manually. Any joins defined
between two tables are represented as arrows connecting the key fields from the two tables.

Joining tables automatically

The Auto Join option on the Query menu enables you to join tables together automatically based upon the
default criteria. You can choose to join tables in a query by any of these criteria.

Foreign Keys
If there is a column that is defined as foreign key in one table and a primary key in another at the same
time, these two tables will be joined together.
Primary Keys with Same Names
If a column is defined as a primary key in one table and appears in another at the same time, these two
tables will be joined together.
Same Column Names
Tables with the same column name will be joined together.


When adding tables to a query, only when you have clicked the Done button in the Add Table dialog to finish
the operation, can the tables be automatically joined together based on the auto join criteria. If you choose
to exit the Add Table dialog by directly clicking the close button of the dialog, the auto join criteria will not
be applied to the tables you add.
If you have specified to use pre-joins in your queries, the Auto Join feature will not take effect.

Joining tables manually

To create manual joins, take one of the following two ways:

Position the mouse pointer over the column that will be the source of the join, then click and hold the left
mouse button while dragging the join away from the source column to the destination column.
Select the columns from two tables while pressing CTRL, and then click Query > Join Columns.

The join relationship is then established between the tables. When more than one relationship is required
between two tables, you can create multiple joins between them.

Editing a join
No matter a join is created automatically or manually, you can further edit it if required. To do this:
1. Double-click the join button

in the join line to display the Join Options dialog.

2. Check the Outer Join option to set the join an outer join, then specify the format of the join as required:
SQL92 or Use'+'.
3. Edit the join conditions in the Condition panel according to your requirements.
4. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
See also Join Options dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Alerting when Cartesian product is used

A Cartesian product is used when tables link together with no specifications.
For example, Table A has three values: A, B and C. Table B has three values: 1, 2 and 3. Value A matches
value 1, value B matches value 2, and so on. This is a specific match. However, a Cartesian product could have
value A matching with 1,2 and 3, and value B matching with 1, 2 and 3, and so on. Depending on the data
values, Cartesian products can produce a large and complicated dataset as unnecessary information may be

You can specify whether to alert when this happens as follows:

1. On the Query menu of the Query Editor, click Current Query Options.
2. In the Query Option dialog, check or clear Warning when Cartesian Exists.

Filtering the fields of a query

You can specify certain criteria for the fields of a query to be retrieved from the database via a filter, so
that when you build reports on the query, the returned results will be narrowed down. In addition, you
can also apply sub-queries to a filter. You can type your filter criteria both in the format of a filter and a
QBE (Query By Example). The overall conditions will include them both. Always come to SQL to view
your conditions.
Note: If a query uses a parameter in its search criteria, you can decide what the query does in case
that the parameter value is NULL at runtime (for example, not provided). You can choose to remove
the parameter condition from the query's criterion, or treat the parameter value as a default value (0)
or an empty string, which can cause great difference in your report result.
To remove the parameter condition from a query if this happens, check Ignore Predicate If
Parameter Value Is Null on the Query menu.
For string type parameters, when the value is left blank, if the Ignore Predicate If Parameter Value Is
Null is checked, the value of this parameter will be considered as NULL, and this predicate will not
appear in the where clause; if not checked, it will be treated as an empty string ("").

Filtering with the QBE format

Filtering with the filter format

Using sub-queries in filters

Filtering with the QBE format

The criteria panel in the lower part of the Query Editor window is for you to filter out some unnecessary
records in a query. This filter is in the format of Query by Example (QBE).
When filtering with the QBE format, you are prompted to type the search criteria into a template
resembling the data record. The advantage of query-by-example retrieval is that you don't need to
learn a query language to frame a query. All the data fields are shown to you, and all you need to do is
to enter the information that restricts the search to the required criteria. Any fields left blank, however,
will match everything.
The columns and menus allow you to specifically define criteria for the fields in JReport Designer. For
example, if a field is labeled REGION, and this field is a list of all 50 states in the United States. If you
only want to see information from California (CA) and New York (NY), in the criteria menu, you can pick
out CA and NY by placing their names in the column as seen below.

You just need to type in NY and CA. JReport Designer automatically places the ='xx' (equal sign and
quotes) in the column for you. Below is a list of the syntax available:

Comparison predicates ( =, >, <, >=, <=, <> ).

BETWEEN predicate (example: BETWEEN 1 AND 100).

IN predicate (example: NOT IN (1, 3, 5)).

LIKE predicate (example: LIKE '%apple%').

NULL predicate (example: IS NOT NULL).

Filtering with the filter format

Compared with QBE, the filter provides you with more flexibility with entering your conditions. The
expression includes not only the DBField selected, but also formulas and parameters. You can also
manually type in strings that are supported by the database.
To filter with the filter format, select Filter from the Query menu to bring out the Search Condition

Specifying expressions:
The expressions are the main section of the filter. To place a criterion, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.
2. In the field text box, specify the field to be filtered. You can either type in the name of the field
manually or click

to specify the field in the Expressions dialog.

3. From the operator drop-down list, select an operator as required.

4. In the value text box, type the value of how to filter the field manually or click
value in the Expressions dialog.

to specify the

5. If you want to add more conditions, click the Add Condition button, define the conditions and then
set the relationship between the condition lines as required.
6. When done, click OK to accept the settings.

The symbols at the bottom of the Expressions dialog allow you to modify the expression according to
your requirements.
In addition to setting the condition value by selecting from the Field Value tab, you can also type the
value in the Expression text box. If the value is of String type, it should be as 'aaa' with a quote mark.
The quote mark can be typed by yourself or be added by JReport Designer automatically. To have the
quote mark automatically added by JReport Designer, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Options button

on the Catalog Browser toolbar.

2. In the Options dialog, switch to the Query Editor category and check Automatically add
quotation marks on table and column names.
3. Click OK to save the settings.

When you specify the value of a filter condition, you can use sub-queries to narrow down the result
with the second tab Subquery in the Expressions dialog (see Using sub-queries in filters).

See also:

Search Condition dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.
Dynamically filtering queries for additional information about how parameters can be used to filter
queries dynamically.

Using sub-queries in filters

When filtering the fields of a query with the filter format, you are also enabled to use sub-queries to
narrow down the result. The following are syntaxes that can be used in sub-queries.
Quantified predicate
A quantified predicate compares a value with a set of values.

expression----+- = --+- SOME --+-++++++++-

( subselect )
<> -+ ANY
! = --+ ALL
<= --+
! > --+
>= --+
! < --+


The subselect must specify a single result column and can return any number of values, whether
they are null or not.

When ALL is specified, the result of the predicate is:

False if the specified relationship is false for at least one value returned by the subselect.
Unknown if the specified relationship is not false for any values returned by the subselect and at
least one comparison is unknown because of a null value.

When SOME or ANY is specified, the result of the predicate is:

True if the result of the subselect is empty, or if the specified relationship is true for every value
returned by the subselect.

True if the specified relationship is true for at least one value returned by the subselect.
False if the result of the subselect is empty, or if the specified relationship is false for every value
returned by the subselect.
Unknown if the specified relationship is not true for any of the values returned by the subselect
and at least one comparison is unknown because of a null value.

SELECT qty FROM sales WHERE qty>= ALL (SELECT qty FROM sales)

EXISTS predicate
The EXISTS predicate tests for the existence of certain rows.

- [ NOT ] EXISTS--(subselect)
The subselect may specify any number of columns and,

The result is true only if the number of rows specified by the subselect is not zero.

The result is false only if the number of rows specified by the subselect is zero.

The result cannot be unknown.

pub_id = publishers.pub_id AND type = 'business')

IN predicate
The IN predicate compares a value with a set of values.

expression----+-- [NOT] IN --+-- ( subselect )
In the subselect form, the subselect must identify a single result column and may return any number
of values, whether null or not null.

SELECT distinct pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles
WHERE type = 'business')

The following example explains how to apply a sub-query when filtering a field:
1. Create a query named mainin in the catalog, add the table Customers and select the following
columns: Customers_Customer ID, Customer Name, Customers_City, and Customers_Region.
2. Click Filter on the Query menu to open the Search Condition dialog.
3. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.
beside the field text box. In the Expressions dialog, select the column
4. Click
Customers_Customer ID, then close the dialog.
5. Select in as the operator from the operator drop-down list.
6. Click
beside the value text box. In the Expressions dialog, click the Subquery tab. Select an
existing query in the catalog to be the sub-query. If you want to edit the selected query, click the
Edit Subquery button. To create a new sub-query, click the New Subquery button.
Here, we create a new query named subin, add the table Orders, select the column
Orders_Customer ID, and add a condition "Ship Via=Express Delivery" in the Search Condition
7. Click OK. The sub-query subin will then be added into the value text box. Click OK to close the
Search Condition dialog.
Now, the sub-query subin will be applied to the filter when you build a report that uses the
Customers_Customer ID column.

Editing the SQL statements of a query

In the Query Editor window, if you click the SQL button (or the View > Edit SQL menu command), a
window will then be displayed showing the SQL statements used to execute the query like below.

You can edit the query statements in the text area as follows:

To check whether it can be parsed back to the structured PSQL query correctly, click Parse. Whether
the query statement is valid or not, a message box will be displayed to show you the result.
To see whether it can be successfully processed, click Execute.
To accept the changes you have made, click OK. JReport Designer will then parse and execute the
query statements and dispose the Query Editor window.


If there are parameters in this query, their default values will be used to construct statement.
If JReport Designer fails in parsing or restoring the query statements, a message box will be
displayed asking you whether to apply the changes anyway. If you choose yes, a statement string
will then be recorded in the PSQL query. However, after that, the structured statement may be not
tally with the statement string.

Customized SQL mode

When creating a query using the Query Editor, JReport allows you to copy and paste your own SQL
statement directly in the SQL window as explained above. However, because JReport query parser
follows the SQL 92 standard, sometimes JReport is not able to parse the customized SQL statement. In
this case, a warning message is displayed after you click the OK button in the SQL window asking
whether to continue using the customized SQL statement. If you choose Yes, the customized SQL mode
is enabled, in which all the functions in the Query Editor will be disabled, and you can only edit the
query by modifying the SQL statement in the SQL window.
During the customized SQL mode, you can see the Customized SQL Mode option in the Query menu of
the Query Editor is enabled and checked. By unchecking this option, you can go back to use functions
of the Query Editor, in which case, the customized SQL statement will be lost and the SQL statement
generated by JReport will be applied instead.
Note that you are required to guarantee the correctness of the customized SQL statement since
JReport will not parse it.

Creating computed columns in a query

To create a computed column in a query, follow the steps below:
1. In the Query Editor window, select Create Computed Column from the Column menu. The
Create Computed Column dialog will then appear.

2. Input a name for the column in the Computed Column Name text box.
3. Compose your functions for the column.
4. When done, click the OK button to create the computed column.

In the lower part of the Create Computed Column dialog, you can see some functions and tables/
columns of the query. These are just for your reference. You can specify the expression by yourself in
the editing text box, only if the expression can be accepted by your database.
The functions in this dialog are not from the JReport system. They are from the database you are
connected to.
If you change your data source, some of these functions may no longer exist. For each database, a
different set of supported functions will be returned. The following functions will help you with writing
an expression.

+: Add numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

-: Subtract numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

*: Multiply numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

/: Divide numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

=: Equate fields together.

": Place quotations on long character strings or names that have blanks in them (example: place
quotes on values such as "New York" or "Washington DC").

||: Place fields together in the same Expression menu. (Example: "New York" || "Washington DC").

(): Place your fields in parentheses.

Adding formula fields to a query

Besides the table columns, you can also add some formula fields to a query.
To add a formula field to a query:
1. In the Query Editor window, click Column > Add Formula Field on the menu bar.
2. In the Add Formula Field dialog, choose the required formula in the Formulas box and then click
Add. The formula will then be placed into the criteria panel in the lower part of the Query Editor,
which means that you can reference the formula in the query.
3. Repeat the above step until you have added all the required formula fields, and then click Close.
The formulas are added to the current query.

When you add a formula field, if the table that contains the field doesn't exist in the query, this table
will be automatically added to the query.
You are not able to edit a formula in the Add Formula Field dialog.
After a formula field has been added to a query, if you want to replace it with another one, you can
double-click its name in the criteria panel, and then choose the required field in the Replace Formula

Previewing a query
To preview a query, follow the steps below:
1. In the Query Editor window, click the Preview button
dialog will then appear.

on the toolbar. The Preview Option

2. Specify the options in the dialog to suit your requirements.

Tip: The values shown in the text boxes as soon as the Preview Option dialog appears are
the default values. These values can be specified in the Query Editor category in the Options
3. Click OK. The Preview window will then appear.

Note: If the query has parameters, when you click the OK button, the Enter Parameter
Values dialog will be displayed. After you enter the parameter value, the Preview window will
appear showing the corresponding records.
4. Click
to browse the records. If the type of the result set is
TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, the last page button will be disabled until you have browsed the last page.
on the toolbar. Click the Stop button
5. To refetch the result set, click the Refetch button
to stop JReport from refetching the result set is required.
6. To print the result set, click the Print button
printing, click the Print Preview button

. If you want to preview the result set before


7. If you want to set up the page parameters, click File > Page Setup.
8. Click File > Close, or the close button of the window to close the Preview window.
Note: In the Preview window, JTable is used to display the result set. When you open the window, the
result set is cached, and when you close the window, the result set is released.

Creating and modifying a union query

The Union option in the Query menu of the Query Editor enables you to combine specified records from
more than one query into a result set.
To create a union query:
1. Right-click on a selected query (here we call it primary query) and select Edit Query.
2. In the Query Editor, select Union from the Query menu, and then click Create.
3. Specify a name for the query in the Input Query Name dialog, and then click OK.
4. A new Query Editor will be opened. Create the query as required in the editor.

When creating a union query, note that the selecting order should refer to the order in the primary
query. The SQL type and the number of the selected columns should match those in the primary
query. For example, if you select two columns in the primary query, the first one is of Integer type,
and the second one is of String type. Then, in the union query, you should also first select an Integer
column, and then a String type column.
A union query can't support formulas and parameters.

After a union query is set up, you can also modify it at any time.
To modify a union query:
1. Right-click on the primary query and select Edit Query.
2. In the Query Editor, click Query > Union > Select to bring up the Union(s) dialog.

3. To add a union to the query, select a union from the Queries box, and then click
union from a query, select a union from the Union box, and then click

. To remove a

4. In the Union box of the dialog, select the Attribute column to specify the type of the union.

: No duplicate records will be returned.

: All records will be returned.

5. When done, click OK to confirm the changes.

Locking queries
Normally in JReport Designer, queries are free to be shared among reports, which could increase the
potential risk of being changed unexpectedly. When a query is shared by more than one report, it can
be changed by any of those reports, which means you must be very careful to avoid causing impacts to
other reports when you modify the shared query for one report. However, JReport provides you with
the flexibility to lock a query to prevent it from being changed by unauthorized person.

Creating a user to a query

Before you can lock or share a query, you need to claim the query by creating a user to it.
To creating a user to a query:
1. Right-click the query you want to claim and select Create User from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Create Query's Username and Password dialog, type in the user name and password.
3. Click OK to confirm the information.
When a user has been created for a query, you can modify the user information or remove the user as

To modify the user information, right-click the query and select Modify User from the shortcut
menu. In the Modify User Information dialog, provide the old user name and password and click OK.
Then, in the Modify Query's Username and Password dialog, type in the new user name and
password as required and click OK.
To remove a user, right-click the query and click Delete User on the shortcut menu. In the Remove
User dialog, provide the user and password information and click OK. The query is then free to be

Note: A query can be claimed by only one user, that is to say, you can create only one user to a query.

Locking or sharing a query

Using the Share property of a query, you can lock or unlock it according to your requirements. By
default, the Share property of a query is true, which means that all queries in a catalog can be shared
among multiple reports, until you lock them.
To lock or unlock a query:
1. Select the query that you want to lock or unlock.
2. Click the Expand button

on the Catalog Browser toolbar to show the Properties sheet.

3. Locate the Share property and set its property to true or false. If it is true, the query can be
shared among reports and can be modified. Otherwise, the query is locked and can be neither
used in new reports nor modified by unauthorized person.
Make sure that you have enabled the editable mode for the Properties sheet before editing the

property values, that is to say, you have unchecked the option Forbid editing data object
properties in the Options dialog.
You can also lock or unlock a query in the following way:
1. Right-click the query that has already been claimed by a user and select Set Share Property
from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Set Query's Share Property dialog, provide the user information and check or clear the
Share option as required.
3. Click OK to confirm the change.

If a query has not yet been claimed by any user, when you set its Share property in the Properties
sheet, you will be prompted to claim the query by creating a user to it.
If a query is locked, it is password protected. Unless you provide valid user information, you will
neither be able to create a report directly using that query nor make changes to the query, including
setting its Share property.

Developing reports from queries

JReport Designer helps you build various professional reports based on queries. When building reports
on queries, you can place certain criteria or restrictions on the data in order to extract only the
required data from the database.
Note that sometimes after you have designed a report, you may want to use another query to run it.
Instead of building another report from scratch, JReport Designer allows you to change the query name
directly in the Report Inspector. In which case, you should make sure that the new query uses the
same tables as the original one. You are not recommended to use this method until you are familiar
with JReport Designer.
To develop a report from a query:
1. Make sure the catalog where the query locates is opened, then click the New Report Set button
on the Standard toolbar.
2. In the New Report set dialog, specify the title and layout of the first report in the report set as
required, then click OK.
3. In the Data screen of the report wizard, choose the query with which you want to build the report.
4. Follow the report wizard to create the report.
See also Creating a report for details about how to create reports in JReport Designer.

Dynamic queries
You can build queries using the Query Editor or from an imported external SQL file. Either way, the
queries should be predefined. However, sometimes you may want to specify the query at runtime. For
example, in the catalog, you build the query "select customers_id from customers", but at runtime, you
may want to fetch data from another table - customers1. The query should be updated according to the
table index, such as "select customers_id from customers1". JReport provides a new feature called
dynamic query. With this, queries can be dynamically generated, which allow you to fetch data from
different tables at runtime.
In this section, you will be shown how to make use of dynamic queries via the dynamic query interface
as follows:

The dynamic query interface

Using dynamic queries

The dynamic query interface

The dynamic query interface SQLStmtCreator is stored in the archive file - JREngine.jar in
<install_root>\lib. It is contained in the package toolkit.db.api, and can be applied to any existing
query in a catalog.

How the dynamic query interface works

The following flowchart illustrates how the interface works when creating a dynamic query. The
QueryInfo object is passed from the JReport Engine to the interface as an input. Then, the completed
SQL statement is returned from the interface. Finally, the completed SQL statement is sent to the
database to get the result set for the report.

Method of the dynamic query interface

This interface is very simple with only one method: getSQLStmt(QueryInfo queryInfo);
It receives information of a query and returns an SQL string. QueryInfo is a container that contains all
information to build an SQL string. Users can call getXXX() methods to get all information step by step.
The structure of QueryInfo is as follows:

Driver, URL, User, Password, DateFormat, TimeFormat, TimestampFormat, TransactionIsolation level,
ReadOnly, QualifiedNamePattern, ExtraNamePattern, EncodingPattern
Column array
All the selected columns. Elements in this array are ColumnInfo object. ColumnInfo contains Mapping
Name, Real Name, Table Info and Expression (if this is a computed column).

Selected tables. Elements in this array are TableInfo objects. TableInfo contains Mapping Name, Real
Name, Correlation Name, Schema, and Catalog.
Elements in this arrays are JoinInfo objects. JoinInfo includes Column from, Column to, Operator,
and Join type.
Part of the where condition. It is retrieved from the query builder. Elements in this array are QBEInfo
objects. QBEInfo contains ColumnInfo with QBE condition bound to this column.
Part of the where condition. It is retrieved from the advanced search condition in the query builder.
Elements in the array are AndInfo objects. AndInfo contains Left expression, Operator, Right
expression, and Logic.
If the dynamic query is for a subreport, the SubLinks is used for the additional WHERE clause to filter
data, and this is the way to link the dynamic query to the main report. Elements in this array are
composed of SubLinksInfo objects. SubLinkInfo contains Column, Operator and Value.
Parameters (array)
Parameters used for creating a query. Users are required to encode parameters that the database
can recognize. The elements in this array are ParameterInfo objects. ParameterInfo contains Name,
Type and Value.
Elements in the array are OrderByInfo objects. OrderByInfo contains Column and sorting direction.
Other Information
Query name, IsDistinct, and WherePortionString. The value of WherePortionString is set via JRengine.

Reference: See JReport Javadoc toolkit.db.api.SQLStmtCreator interface in <install_root>\help


Using dynamic queries

Before you can use dynamic queries, you are required to first make some preparations.
1. Compile the Java file that you write and append the path of the compiled Java file with a valid
path to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat.
2. Set the value of the connection property SQL Statement Creator.
The dynamic query interface is set as a property in the JDBC connection object in a catalog.
In JReport Designer, launch the Catalog Browser, expand the Relational node, select the JDBC
connection, right-click it and select Properties from the shortcut menu to display the properties
of the connection. You will then see the SQL Statement Creator property, which is used to set the
real class name of the dynamic query object.
Here are a couple of examples:

You implemented the interface by the class UserSQLStmtCreatorImpl, then input the property
value as UserSQLStmtCreatorImpl;@para1;@para2. Para1 and Para2 are parameters used to
specify criteria while creating the query.
School year which changes at runtime, requires to be inserted into the report template so that
the input value for the runtime parameters can be passed to the dynamic query interface via
QueryInfo object, in order for a corresponding SQL statement to be returned.

Binding parameters is not supported by this feature.

By default, you are not permitted to change the property values in the Catalog Browser. To
make the property values editable, on the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Options
. In the Options dialog, select Catalog in the Category box and uncheck
forbid editing data object properties. Then, go back to the Catalog Browser, and
highlight the column name that you want to edit to change or set the property values for.

3. Set the value of the query property Enable SQL Statement Creator.
In the Catalog Browser, in the Properties sheet of a highlighted query, there is a property named
Enable SQL Statement Creator, which indicates whether or not the query uses the dynamic query
interface to get the result set. When it is set to true, the query can be re-generated at runtime
using the dynamic query interface.

An illustrative example
You are provided with a demo program, SQLStmtCreatorImpl.java in <install_root>\help\designer
\samples, which implements the dynamic query interface. This demo is for changing the table name of
the query sent to the database. Specifically, when you run the report, if you enter 1 as the tableIndex
parameter, the query will dynamically change to Customers1. If you do not enter anything, you will get
the result set from the Customers table.

The following example explains how to compile the required files and use dynamic queries in a report:
1. Compile SQLStmtCreatorImpl.java.
Assume that JReport Designer has been installed in C:\JReport\Designer, and the class files of
the MappingNameFinder.java are in C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples:
javac -classpath c:\jreport\designer\lib\JREngine.jar;c:\jreport\designer\help
\designer\samples SQLStmtCreatorImpl.java
Note: To compile SQLStmtCreatorImpl.java you will need another file MappingNameFinder.
java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.
2. Modify the batch file setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin by appending the SQLStmtCreatorImpl.
java path into the batch file's ADDCLASSPATH variable:
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;C:\jreport\designer\help\designer
3. Start up JReport Designer.
4. Click File > Open. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file
SampleComponents.cat in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents, then open the
sample report BandedObjectReport.cls.
5. Launch the Catalog Browser, expand the Data Source 1 node, right-click the Parameters node,
click Add Parameter on the shortcut menu, then create a type-in parameter of String type
named tableIndex (leave the other settings to their default).
6. Expand the Relational node in Data Source 1, and then select the JDBC connection.
on the toolbar, then
7. Unfold the property list of the connection by clicking the Expand button
set the value of the SQL Statement Creator property as SQLStmtCreatorImpl;@tableIndex.
The parameter tableIndex is used to specify which table is to be selected at runtime.
8. Select the query QueryForBandedObject in the Catalog Browser, and set the value of its
property Enable SQL Statement Creator to true.
9. Save the catalog and view this report.
10. The Enter Parameter Values dialog appears. When you input 1 as the value of the tableIndex, the
report will run on the table Customers1, and when you input nothing as the value of the
tableIndex, the report will run on the table Customers.

Query modifiers
Query modifiers, also called WHERE portions in JReport, are the WHERE clauses in SQL select
statements. In JReport, the SQL select statements are called queries. Both queries and query modifiers
are stored in the catalog, and query modifiers are saved in the catalog independently (not related to
queries). When a report is running, JReport will construct the SQL statement based on the query used
in the report and may substitute the WHERE clause in the SQL statement if there is a given query
The query modifier can be stored in the catalog in two formats: structure and string. In the structure
format, the groups of conditions are stored. The query modifier consists of many condition groups and
the groups are connected by a logical operator. Each condition consists of many conditions and the
conditions are also connected by a logical operator. Each condition consists of a left expression, the
relationship operator and a right expression. In string format, the text of the query modifier is stored.
Before running a report, you can specify a query modifier to the JReport system via the Engine Bean,
so that you can generate the report on different data (for details, refer to Defining query range via the
WHERE portion).

Adding a query modifier

To add a query modifier, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog to which you want to add the query modifier.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source, then the Relational >
connection > Queries node.
3. Right-click the Query Modifiers node and select Add Query Modifier from the shortcut menu.
The Query Modifier Editor dialog displays.

4. Enter a name for the query modifier in the Name text box and specify its type in the Type dropdown list, Structure or String.
5. Select a query from the Query drop-down list to build the query modifier. You can click the Show
Query button to view the query if required.
6. In the editing area, edit the query modifier as required.
If String type has been selected, a text editor will be shown where you can key in the WHERE
clause. If the Structure type has been selected, a condition editor will be displayed where you can
construct the query modifier by clicking buttons (for details about how to set the condition, see
Filtering with the filter format).
7. Click the Check button to check the validity of the query modifier according to the query.
The validity of a query modifier is defined as: all the fields and formulas referred to by the query
modifier are available to the chosen query. This validation check also ensures that the query
modifier will work with the specified query.
8. Click the Show SQL button to view the string of the query modifier.
9. When done, click OK.

Cached query results

By default, when you run a report, JReport Engine fetches data from the database using the JDBC
driver. For reports that are built on queries (and imported SQL files, stored procedures and UDSs which
function as queries), JReport Designer enables you to create cached result files and save them
somewhere in your machine. Then, when you view these reports, you can choose to use the data from
the cached query result file as opposed to the database. This is very useful for working on the design of
a report while you are off-line and do not have a DBMS connection. Additionally, it is helpful when you
need to send data and reports to Jinfonet Support for assistance.

Creating a cached query result

JReport Designer provides you with two ways to create cached query results, the first is with the
Catalog Browser panel and the second is with the Resource View panel.

To create a cached query result file in the Catalog Browser panel:

1. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, select the data object for which you intend to create the
cached query result file.
2. Right-click the data object, and select Create Cached Query Result from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Save Cached Query Result dialog, specify the file name with or without an extension and
the folder to where you want to save the result file.
4. Click OK and the cached query result file will be saved to the specified folder.

To create a cached query result file in the Resource View panel:

1. Open a report.
2. In the Resource View panel, right-click the query on which the report is built and select Create
Cached Query Result from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Save Cached Query Result dialog, specify the file name with or without an extension and
the folder to where you want to save the result file and then click OK.

Using a cached query result to run a report

To run a report on a cached query result, follow the steps below:
1. Launch JReport Designer and open a report.
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the dataset used by the report and
specify its Data Driver property in the Properties panel as follows:
jrquery:/jet.universe.resultfile.UResultFileResultSet;Full path of the cached
query result
For example, if the cached query result has been saved to C:\JReport\Designer\Cached with the
file name test, the property value should be jrquery:/jet.universe.resultfile.

3. Click the View tab to view the report. You will now see that the report data has been retrieved
from the cached query result file.
Note: If you check the option Use cached query result in the Catalog category of the Options dialog,
whenever you view a report, a dialog will prompt you to choose a cached query result to run the report.

Managing cached query results

You may find it inconvenient to input a property value that is long and complicated. To help you with
this, JReport Designer provides a tool for managing your cached query results, the Data Source Driver
Assume that a cached query result file orderstat_cached for the query OrderStat in the catalog file
SampleReports.cat has been created and saved in C:\JReport\Designer\Cached. To use the Data
Source Driver Manager, follow the steps below:
1. Click File > Catalog Management > Open Catalog in JReport Designer.
2. In the Open Catalog File dialog, select to open the catalog file SampleReports.cat.
3. In the Catalog Browser, click the Data Source Driver Manager button
open the Data Source Driver Manager dialog.

4. Click the Add button, and the Data Source Editor dialog appears.

on the toolbar to

5. Input a name for the driver in the Driver Name box. Here, we name it OrderStat.
6. Check the URL radio button and input the URL as follows:
jrquery:/jet.universe.resultfile.UResultFileResultSet;Full path of the cached
query result
In the example, the URL is jrquery:/jet.universe.resultfile.UResultFileResultSet;C:
Note: If you check the Driver radio button to specify the driver, you will need to input the
class name and parameter of the driver as below:

Class Name: jet.universe.resultfile.UResultFileResultSet

Parameter: Full path of the cached query result (C:\JReport\Designer\Cached
\orderstat_cached in this example)

Then, a URL will be generated according to your input information.

7. Click OK to add the driver to the Data Source Driver Manager.
8. Repeat the above steps to add more drivers to the manager.
9. In the Data Source Driver Manager dialog, all the added drivers will be listed in the Data Source
Driver Manager box. If you want to remove a driver, select the driver and click the Remove
button. To edit a driver, select the driver and click the Edit button.
10. Click OK to close the dialog.
Upon running a report using a cached query result, you can choose an appropriate driver from the Data
Driver property's drop-down list directly without inputting the long value manually.

Data Manager
The Data Manager in JReport Designer allows you to control the data retrieval of your queries, including
the number of rows to be displayed and the duration required for the retrieval. It can also keep access
information from previous runs of a query (including imported SQL, stored procedure and UDS which
function as queries).
This topic shows the usage of the Data Manager as follows:

Limiting the query run time and number of records

There may be many records in a table on which you are to build a report. After you have generated the
query and designed the rough report, you may only want to preview several lines of records for testing,
in which case, you can take advantage of the two query properties - Maximum Rows and Maximum
Duration which allow you to limit the run time and number of records, saving time and resources.
Taking InvoiceReport.cls as an example:
1. Click File > Open in JReport Designer.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file SampleReports.
cat in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open InvoiceReport.cls in the
3. Adjust the Maximum Rows and Maximum Duration properties of the query Invoice on which the
report is built to suitable levels. You can adjust the values in either of the following ways:

In the Catalog Browser, right-click the query and select Properties from the shortcut menu. In
the Properties sheet, change the property values as required, then press Enter on your
keyboard to apply the change.
In the Resource View panel, right-click the query and click Properties on the shortcut menu. In
the Properties dialog, edit the property values as required and then press Enter to confirm.

Here, modify the value of Maximum Rows to 10 and change the value of Maximum Duration to 1
second. This specifies the maximum elapsed time to be one second, and that within this duration
no more than ten records will be fetched.
Tip: If you find that you are unable to edit the properties, make sure that you have
unchecked the Forbid editing data object properties option in the Options dialog (File >
Options > Catalog > Forbid editing data object properties).
4. View the report. You will find that only ten rows are fetched within one second.

You can decide where the two properties will be applied, on JReport side or on the database side, by
configuring the JdbcDriversConfig.properties file. For details, see Specifying where to implement the
maximum query run time and number of records.
If the value of the Maximum Rows/Maximum Duration property is zero or a negative number, it
means the number will be unlimited.

If the number you specify for Maximum Rows/Maximum Duration is equal to or more than that
required for running all the records in your report, Maximum Rows and Maximum Duration will be
It is not recommended to specify both of the properties at the same time. Sometimes the time
information for large-data reports may not be very accurate. For example, if you specify 5 seconds,
you may find that it takes 7 seconds, since this time also includes the time for writing the history
information to a file.
Click the Refetch Data button
on the toolbar of the View tab to run the report again if you find
that the specified properties have not taken effect.
These two properties apply to the specified query, not the report. For a report with a subreport,
specifying the properties for a query used by the main report will not have any effect on the
subreport's query, and vice versa. For example, Report A.cls uses query Q1, and Report B.cls uses
query Q2. B.cls is inserted to A.cls as a subreport. Maximum Rows for Q1 is modified to 3. The main
report will now only fetch three records, whereas Q2 for subreport B.cls will not be affected. To limit
the subreport records, you will have to restrict Q2.

Viewing a query's running history

An important function of the Data Manager is to keep track of the run information of queries. By
default, the information is not recorded and shown in the Data Manager to improve performance. If you
want to show the history information, you need to first add the command line
alwaysShowDMRecord=true in the file report.ini in <install_root>\bin. Then, the history information
will be recorded in a file in <install_root>\dm. In this folder, JReport generates a subfolder for each
catalog. For example, if the JReport sample report is run, a folder SampleReports will be created in
<install_root>\dm. In addition, a file with a .dmt extension corresponding to the query will be
created in the subfolder to store the run history information.
To change the Data Manager information output location (the default is <install_root>\dm), edit
report.ini in <install_root>\bin. Change the location in the argument dmPath=C\:\\JReport\
\Designer\\dm to the location where you would like the information to go to. For instance, dmPath=C\:
\\temp\\dm. Make sure that the folder you specify in the report.ini argument already exists.

Viewing the Designer-side run history information of a query

1. Open the file report.ini in <designer_install_root>\bin and add the command line
alwaysShowDMRecord=true as below. Here, it is assumed that JReport Designer has been installed
to C:\JReport\Designer.
#Thu Apr 19 13:57:30 GMT+08:00 2007

2. Open a report and adjust the Maximum Rows and Maximum Duration properties of the query on
which the report is built to suitable values.
3. Click the View tab to view the report.
4. In the Resource View panel (or the Catalog Browser panel), right-click the query the report uses
and choose Data Manager from the shortcut menu. You will now find that the run information of
the query is displayed in the Data Manager dialog. You can sort the items by Date, Time, Rows,
Duration, Report, simply by clicking the column title.

When the values Maximum Duration and Maximum Rows are 0, the history record will not be
The Data Manager allows you to find details of current and previous runs of a query.

The following is an example to demonstrate how to use the Data Manager with the sample report
InvoiceReport.cls. Here assumed that the command line alwaysShowDMRecord=true has been added to
the file report.ini in <designer_install_root>\bin:
1. Click File > Open on the menu bar.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file SampleReports.
cat in <designer_install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open the sample report
InvoiceReport.cls but do not view it.
3. Click View > Catalog Browser.
4. In the Catalog Browser, right-click the query Invoice and select Data Manager. The Data
Manager dialog is shown without any history information, since the report has not yet been run.
5. Close the Data Manager, then specify Maximum Rows as 5 and Maximum Duration as 3 in the
Catalog Browser for the Invoice query.
6. Click the View tab to run the report. After the report result is shown, go to the Data Manager. You
will now see the history of this first run of the query. The history information will include when the
report is run - date and time, the running duration, the number of rows displayed, and the report
that uses the query.
7. Close the report, and use the query Invoice to create another report report1.cls.
8. Run report1.cls, then the run information will be appended as a record in the Data Manager, but
the Report field it shows will be report1.

Viewing the Server-side run history information of a query

1. Open the report.ini file in <server_install_root>\bin and add the command line
alwaysShowDMRecord=true to it.
2. Publish a report that has had its query properties Maximum Rows and/or Maximum Duration set in
JReport Designer to JReport Server (for details, see Publishing resources remotely).
3. Run the report on JReport Server. The Server Engine will save the query run information, but does
not have a GUI to display it. In order to view the information, you will need to use the Data
Manager in JReport Designer.

4. Open the report on JReport Server and start JReport Designer. Make sure that you have pointed
the dmPath argument in the file report.ini in <designer_install_root>\bin to the output
location (containing the dm folder) of the server. Then in JReport Designer, open the
corresponding query in the Catalog Browser to show its server-side run history information.

A parameter is a variable whose value is input at runtime. If a report contains a parameter, you will
need to specify a value for the parameter when running the report. For example, if each time a report
is run, an editor for the report would like to have his/her name placed in the report. You can simply
insert a parameter directly into the report, and then each time you run the report, the value of the
editor's name can be inserted. The runtime parameter dynamically controls your report result.
Also, you may want to input order date as an input parameter when running a report so that only
orders on that date are displayed. In this way, parameters can be used as part of the query condition
(search criteria), so that only the records which satisfy the specified parameter values are retrieved. In
addition, JReport parameters can also be used for dynamic grouping or sorting.
Parameters defined in a catalog can be used in different reports. They can also be edited at any time.
Click the following links to get details:

Creating a parameter

User defined format for parameters

Parameter application cases

Creating a parameter
To create a parameter in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog file in which you want to create the parameter.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source that will include the parameter, right-click the
Parameters node, and then select Add Parameter to bring up the Create Parameter dialog.

3. In the Name field, input a name for the parameter.

4. Select a parameter type from the Value Setting drop-down list.
5. In the values section, specify the parameter values as required. The section varies with the type you select
from the Value Setting drop-down list.

For Type-in Parameter:

1. Specify the data type of the parameter value from the Value Type drop-down list.
2. Click

to add a value line, double-click in it and then type in a value of the specified data type.

3. Repeat the second step to add more values.

To adjust the order of the values, click
and then click


; to remove any unwanted value, select it in the list

4. Specify the value which will be set as the default selected value in the Enter Parameter Value dialog by
selecting it from the list.

For Bind with Single Column:

1. From the Source drop-down list, select the required data source type: Tables and Views, Stored
Procedures, Imported SQLs, or User Defined. Then, all fields in the specified catalog data source of the
type will be available for value selection.
2. Select a field from the Bind Column drop-down list. This field is used to filter the query when running a
report with the parameter.
3. If you want the values of another field to be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog, which
makes more sense to report end users than the values of the Bind Column field, select that field from
the Display Column drop-down list.

For Bind with Cascading Columns:

1. From the Data Source drop-down list, select the required data source among these types: tables,
views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and user defined data sources. Then, all fields in the
specified catalog data source will be available for value selection.
2. Click

to add a parameter row.

3. Click in the Bind Column cell and select a field from the drop-down list.
4. If you want the values of another field to be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog, which
makes more sense to report end users than the values of the Bind Column field, click in the Display
Column cell and then select that field from the drop-down list.
5. Click in the Parameter cell to create the parameter. A name for the parameter will then be
automatically added by JReport.
6. Repeat step 2 to 4 to create more parameters. Make sure that the selected Bind Column fields are of
cascading relationship one level by one level down. In this way a group of cascading parameters will be

To adjust the order of the parameters, click

cascading group, select it and then click

; to remove any unwanted parameter from the

6. In the Options box, set options for the parameter according to your requirements.
7. When done, click OK to create the parameter.

User defined format for parameters

How can you define formats for different types of parameters? The most commonly used are the Date
and Time formats.

Date format syntax

To specify the time format, use a time pattern string. In this pattern, all ASCII letters are reserved as
pattern letters, and are defined as follows:




Era designator






Month in a year

Text & Number

July & 07

Day in a month



Hour in am/pm (1~12)



Hour in a day (0~23)


Minute in an hour



Second in a minute






Day in a week



Day in a year



Day of the week in a month


2 (2nd Wed in July)

Week in a year



Week in a month


Am/pm marker



Hour in a day (1~24)



Hour in am/pm (0~11)


Time zone


Pacific Standard Time


Escape for text


Single quote


The count of pattern letters determines the format.

Text: 4 or more pattern letters -- use full form, < 4 -- use short or abbreviated form if one exists.

Number: the minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded to this amount. However,
Year is handled in a different way. If the number of letter 'y' is 2, then the year will be truncated to 2
Text & Number: 3 or over, uses text, otherwise uses number.
Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z'] and ['A'..'Z'] will be treated as
quoted text. For example, characters such as ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@' will appear in the resulting time
text even if they have not been single quoted.
A pattern containing any invalid pattern letter will result in a thrown exception during formatting or


Format Pattern: "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z"

Result: 1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT
Format Pattern: "EEE, MMM d, ''yy"
Result: Wed, July 10, '96
Format Pattern: "h:mm a"
Result: 12:08 PM
Format Pattern: "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz"
Result: 12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time
Format Pattern: "K:mm a, z"
Result: 0:00 PM, PST
Format Pattern: "yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa"
Result: 1996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM

Decimal number format syntax




A digit

A digit, zero shows as a star

Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format

A digit, zero shows as a space

Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format

A digit, zero shows as absent

Placeholder for decimal separator

Placeholder for grouping delimiter

Shows the interval to be used

Separates formats

positive and negative.

If there is no explicit negative sign, - is prefixed

"0.00" -> "0.00;-0.00"

Divides by 100 and shows as a percentage

Any other characters can be used in the prefix or


String format syntax




Any string of zero or more characters.

WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds

all book titles with the word
'computer' anywhere in the book title.

_ (underscore)

Any single character.

WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all

four-letter first names that end with
ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).


Any single character within the specified

range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).

WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen'

finds author last names ending with
arsen and beginning with any single
character between C and P, for
example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and
so on.


Any single character not within the specified

range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).

WHERE au_lname LIKE 'de[^l]%' all

author last names beginning with de
and where the following letter is not l.

Parameter application cases

In JReport, parameters can be used in many situations. That is, you can apply parameters to many
complicated tasks. The usage of parameters in JReport Designer can greatly facilitate your reporting
The following topics detail the usages of parameters:

Using parameters in reports

Referencing parameters in a formula

Dynamically filtering queries

Supplementing WHERE portions

Binding a parameter to a DBField

Applying RLS to a parameter

Filtering a parameter with another parameter

Dynamically grouping/sorting report data

Editing the display sequence of parameters

Controlling multiple parameters

Importing parameter values

Applying all values to a parameter in SQL statement

Reference: If you would like to reference parameter features showed in sample reports, you can open
the report set Parameter_*.cls in the catalog file SampleComponents.cat, which is located at

Using parameters in reports

When you have created some parameters in a catalog, you can then use them as components in
reports. For details, refer to the topic Parameter fields.

Referencing parameters in a formula

A formula which references parameters will return values according to the parameter values. To
reference a parameter in a formula, follow the syntax: @ParameterName.
Here is an example of a formula which displays the URL for a company. The URL is based on the value
for the parameter Company.
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat, in the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data
source and create a type-in parameter named p_Company of String type (leave the other settings
to their default).
2. In the same data source, create a formula named CompanyURL in the Formula Editor window as
"http://www." + @p_Company + ".com"
Here, you can either manually type @p_Company, or you can select it from the Parameters node
in the Fields panel (if you choose this option, the @ sign will automatically be inserted).
3. Insert the formula into a report.
4. View the report result, and type the string Jinfonet when prompted to enter the parameter value
for p_Company. You will then find that the value of the formula becomes http://www.jinfonet.com.
This is a simple example of referencing a parameter in a formula. Here, the formula is placed directly
into a report. You will better understand the benefits of referencing parameters in formulas which are
used to control object properties.

Dynamically filtering queries

You can use parameter in a WHERE clause so that the query result can vary each time according to the
entered parameter value. See the following example.
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat, then in the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source
and create a type-in parameter named IDSet of Integer type with the default values 1, 10, and 20, and
enable the Allow Multiple Values option.
2. In the same data source, create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers. Select all the fields
contained in the table.
3. Filter the records of the query by adding a condition as below in the Search Condition dialog (for details,
see Filtering with the filter format):

4. Create a table report based on the query as follows: have the fields Customer ID, Customer Name, City
and Phone displayed in the table and apply the default style.
5. View the report. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, click

next to the value field of IDSet.

6. In the Enter Values dialog, uncheck the All option, add the listed values 1, 10, and 20 to the right box,
and then click OK. You will find that the records with Customer ID equal to 1, 10 and 20 have been

7. View the report again. This time, in the Enter Values dialog, remove 1, 10, and 20 from the Selected
Values box first. Enter the values 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, and 25 in the Enter Values field and add them into the
Selected Values box one by one. Then click OK. Now, the records for the specified Customer IDs are

To view the report with full data, select the All option and then click OK in the Enter Values dialog.


The parameter's data type should be set according to the field type and the manner in which you use the
parameter. For example, if the field is a number, define a parameter to be Number type also.
If you set the parameter format to be @ParameterName, to specify a String type value, your typed value
should be without single quotations, for example, USA. Once you input a parameter value with single
quotation marks, the quotation marks will be recognized as a part of the parameter value.
However for the format :ParameterName, to specify a String type value, your typed value should be with
single quotations, for example, 'USA'. If the data type is Number, the parameter value should be like: 1234.

Supplementing WHERE portions

JReport allows you to filter a query at runtime. To do this, you can call the method setWherePortion() of
JReport Engine Bean (see Defining query range via the WHERE portion). However, by calling this method, the
original WHERE portion of the query will be replaced. If you want to append the runtime WHERE portion to the
original one instead of replacing it/them, you can do it in the following way:
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat, then in the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source
and create a type-in parameter named p_Portion of String type (leave the other settings to their default).
2. In the same data source, create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers. Select all the fields
contained in the table.
3. Create a table report based on the query, and have the fields Customer ID, Customer Name, City and
Phone displayed in the report.
4. In the Resource View panel, right-click the node that represents the query, and then select Edit Query
from the shortcut menu.
5. In the Query Editor, click Query > Filter.
6. In the Search Condition dialog, add two condition lines (WHERE portions) for the query as below (for
details, see Filtering with the filter format):

The colon is used to append the parameter value (of String type) to the first condition row instead of
replacing it.
7. Click OK to apply the change to the query.
8. View the report, and in the Enter Parameter Values dialog, write a WHERE portion in standard SQL syntax
as value of p_Portion, for example, CUSTOMERID<20. Then, both of the two WHERE portions will be used
to filter the query.

Binding a parameter to a DBField

JReport provides a mechanism which links each field value of a "display column" with the exact value of a
"bind column". When you select the field value from the "display column", the field value of the "bind column"
is sent to the query to filter the query result.
For example, if you specified customer ID to query data, but you would like to select customer name not
customer ID in the parameter specifying dialog which appears at runtime, you can do so by using the
functionality - Parameter Binding.
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat and in the Catalog Browser, expand the data source where to
create the parameter.
2. Right-click the Parameters node and then click Add Parameter.
3. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter BindColumn in the Name field, select Bind with Single Column
from the Value Setting drop-down list, select Tables and Views from the Source drop-down list, then
select Customer ID from the Bind Column drop-down list, and choose Customer Name from the
Display Column drop-down list.
Note: Selecting a display column different from the bind column will establish a link between the
two columns (DBFields). When you select the field value from the display column, the corresponding
field value of the bind column is actually assigned to the parameter.
4. In the same data source, create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers. Select all the fields
contained in the table.
5. Create a standard banded report based on the query, and have the fields Customer ID, Customer Name,
City and Phone displayed in the report.
6. In the Resource View panel, right-click the node that represents the query, and then select Edit Query
from the shortcut menu.
7. In the Query Editor, click Query > Filter.
8. In the Search Condition dialog, add a condition for the query as below (for details, see Filtering with the
filter format):

9. Click OK to apply the changes to the query.

10. Click the View tab to view the report. All the customer names will be listed in the Enter Parameter Values
dialog. You can select a value from the list to query data with the customer ID instead of customer name.

Applying RLS to a parameter

When a parameter is bound with another column, you can apply a record-level security policy (RLS) in the
data source, which is defined on the bound column, to the parameter, then at runtime, end users will only see
data which the SID allows to view display in the parameter value drop-down list.
The following example explains how to apply RLS to the value drop-down list of a parameter in detail.
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat and in the Catalog Browser, expand the data source where to
create the parameter.
2. Right-click the Data Source Security node and then click Add Security.
3. Name the security policy CusCountry and in the Security dialog, check Valid RLS.
4. Click Add to add the user John, which has the permission to view the Canada records in the Country
column only.

5. Add another user David which has the permission to view records in the United Kingdom only.
For details about how to set up a RLS policy, refer to Setting up a connection-scope security policy.
6. In the same data source, right-click the Parameters node and then click Add Parameter.
7. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter pCountry in the Name field, select Bind with Single Column
from the Value Setting drop-down list, and bind the parameter with the Country column. In the Options
box, select CusCountry as value of Record Level Security, and then set the Distinct option to true.
8. Create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers. Select all the fields contained in the table.
9. Create a standard banded report based on the query, and have the fields Customer ID, Customer Name,
Country and Phone displayed in the report.
10. In the Resource View panel, right-click the node that represents the query, and then select Edit Query
from the shortcut menu.
11. In the Query Editor, click Query > Filter.
12. In the Search Condition dialog, add a condition for the query as below (for details, see Filtering with the

filter format):

13. Click OK to apply the changes to the query.

14. View the report, and in the Security Identifier dialog, enter John and click OK, the Enter Parameter
Values dialog will then be displayed.
15. Click the parameter value drop-down list, and you can see that only Canada is displayed for the user SID.
16. View the report again and this time enter the user SID David. You will find that only the value United
Kingdom is displayed in the parameter value drop-down list this time.

When applying an RLS policy to a parameter bound with a column, you must make sure the parameter
bound column and the column used to set conditions in the RLS policy are in the same table. In addition, if
the RLS policy also contains conditions defined on other columns, all the columns must be in the same table,
and the RLS policy cannot contain parameters and formulas; otherwise, when you apply the RLS to the
parameter, the RLS would not work properly.
When you have applied an RLS policy to a parameter and then you click the SQL button in the Create
Parameter dialog to edit the SQL statement of the parameter, the parameter value drop-down list may be
Null because the changed SQL statement may not match the permissions of the RLS.
To have the RLS applied to a parameter work on JReport Server, the users for the RLS must be imported
from the server. If the users are created in JReport Designer, you need to first create these users on JReport
Server, and then in JReport Designer, synchronize the security information with JReport Server by means of
importing security information from the server with the Merge option checked.

Filtering a parameter with another parameter

You can use the value of one parameter to filter another one. The following examples show you the two
methods that you can use to achieve this purpose.
Method 1
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat and in the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source
2. Right-click the Parameters node and then click Add Parameter.
3. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter CasParam in the Name field, select Bind with Cascading
Columns from the Value Setting drop-down list, and then select Customers of the Tables type from the
Data Source drop-down list.
4. Click
to add a parameter row, select Region as the Bind Column and Display Column, and then click
in the Parameter cell to create the parameter in the cascading group.
5. Click
to add another parameter row, select Country as the Bind Column and Display Column, and
then click in the Parameter cell.
6. Click
to add one more parameter row, select City as the Bind Column and Display Column, click in the
Parameter cell, and then click OK in the dialog.
7. In the same data source, create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers and select all the fields in
the table.
8. Filter the records of the query by adding a condition as below in the Search Condition dialog (for details,
see Filtering with the filter format):

9. Create a table report based on the query, and have the fields Customer Name, City, Country and Region
displayed in the report.
10. View the report and the Enter Parameter Values dialog appears.
11. From the region drop-down list, select a region, then only the countries in the selected region will be
displayed in the country drop-down list. Choose a country from the list, and then only the cities in the
selected country will be displayed in the city drop-down list.

12. Click OK. You will now find that only the specified records are shown.
Method 2
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat and in the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source
2. Right-click the Parameters node and then click Add Parameter.
3. Create a parameter named ParamRegion, select Bind with Single Column from the Value Setting dropdown list, select Tables and Views from the Source drop-down list, select Region as the Bind Column
and Display Column. Then in the value cell of the Import SQL option, you can see the following statement:
4. Create another parameter named ParamCountry. Bind it with the column Country, then click
value cell of Import SQL and edit its SQL statement as below:

in the


5. Create one more parameter named ParamCity. Bind it with the column City, and then edit its SQL
statement as below:
SELECT CUSTOMERS.City FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE (Customers.Country=@ParamCountry)
6. In the same data source, create a query CustomersInfo on the table Customers and select all the fields in
the table, and filter the records of the query by adding a condition as below:
7. Create a table report based on the query, and have the fields Customer Name, City, Country and Region
displayed in the report.
8. View the report. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, you can use the value of ParamRegion to filter the
value of ParamCounty, and use the value of ParamCounty to filter the value of ParamCity.

Dynamically grouping/sorting report data

An important usage of parameters is to use them to dynamically group and sort data in a report, which
enables you to specify the grouping and sorting conditions at runtime according to the varied
For details, refer to the sections Grouping data dynamically and Sorting data dynamically.

Editing the display sequence of parameters

If several parameters have been used in a report, when you run the report, the parameter tabs in the
Enter Parameter Values dialog will be displayed in a random sequence. However, sometimes you may
want to have the parameters displayed orderly. JReport provides a sorting parameter function which
enables you to edit the parameter sequence. To use this feature, follow the steps below:
1. Open a report set which contains several parameters.
2. Click Edit > Parameter Order to open the Parameter Order dialog.

3. All the parameters used in the report are displayed in the dialog. Select a parameter, and then
click Move up and Move down to adjust the sequence.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.
5. Run the report. You will now find that the parameters are displayed in the sequence that you

Controlling multiple parameters

When multiple parameters are used in a report, but you only want to show some of them when running it, you can
group them and then select the parameter you want for the report. This function can be implemented by the
Parameters type parameters. See the example below:
1. Open the demo catalog SampleReports.cat in <intall_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports.
2. In the Catalog Browser, expand Data Source 1, then right-click the Parameters node and select Add
3. In the Create Parameter dialog, enter GroupParam in the Name field, select Parameters from the Value
Type drop-down list, then add three parameters as the default values of GroupParam as shown in the
following image:

4. Open an existing report set. Insert the parameters P_Category, P_Month, P_Country, and GroupParam into a
report of the report set.
5. View the report, and the Enter Parameter Values dialog appears. You can select the parameter you want from
the GroupParam drop-down list.

Select @P_Category, the P_Category parameter is displayed in the dialog and you can select or type in a
value for the parameter. If you select @P_Month,@P_Country, then both the parameters P_Month and
P_Country will be displayed for you to specify values with which to run the report.

Importing parameter values

When you view a report set with parameters, the Enter Parameter Values dialog will be displayed,
showing the parameters the report set uses for you to input values. The default values shown in the
dialog are fixed at the development time. However, showing a default, fixed value which is dated
makes no sense to users.
JReport provides an interface for importing different default values from an outside class file so that the
default values can be specified flexibly. There is only one method for this interface:public Hashtable
promptValues(String paramsName[]);
Reference: JReport Javadoc jet.util.ImportParamValues interface in <install_root>\help\designer
The following are the general steps for importing parameter values from a class file:
1. Define a Java class file. For help, see our sample programs ParamTest.java and TestParamList.
java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples. To import parameter values, implement the
interface jet.util.ImportParamValues in your Java file. The class definition may be as follows:
package help.;
import java.util.*;
import jet.util.*;
public class ParamTest implements ImportParamValues
public ParamTest()
public Hashtable promptValues(String paramsName[])
//Class body

The following explains the code:

The package name can be defined by yourself. In our sample code, we use help as the package
Since the interface ImportParamValues is in the package jet.util, you will have to import the
class package jet.util.*.
A public constructor method without parameters is required.

2. Compile the Java file to generate the class file.

3. Append the class path to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of the file setenv.bat in <install_root>
4. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.

5. Open the report set with the parameter value that you want to import.
6. In the Report Inspector, set the property Import Parameter Values of the report set to be the class
name that you just generated with the package name, and set Parameter List Auto to false.
Be default, the node that represents the report set level is not displayed in the Report Inspector. You

can select any report contained in the report set in the tree first and then click the Up button
the toolbar to make it displayed.

Ensure that the parameter format in the class file is consistent with that in JReport, specifically, that
the parameter format used in the class file is parsed when viewing the report set so that the correct
data records will be returned.
When you implement the interface jet.util.ImportParamValues and use its function promptValues( ),
ensure that:


The parameter of this function is a String array which contains the names of the parameters.
The return value of this method is a Hashtable, its keys are parameter names used in the report
set and its values are vector objects which contain the parameter values.

When there are subreports in a main report, setting the properties Import Parameter Value and
Parameter List Auto will not affect them. That is, you have to set these properties in the main report
and subreports separately.

The following two examples explain how to import parameter values and what you should be aware of
while using this feature:

Example 1: Importing from a database

Example 2: Importing from a class file

Example 1: Importing from a database

In the sample program ParamTest.java, different values were assigned to the parameter p_StartDate
by accessing values from an HSQL database. In addition, the sample report set CustomerAnalysis.cls
uses this parameter in the query condition. So here, we use this demo report set as an example to
explain how to import parameter values from a database, so that you do not need to type in the values
one by one while specifying the parameter default value (note that in this example we assume your
JReport Designer is installed in the default path, that is C:\JReport\Designer).
1. Compile ParamTest.java to generate ParamTest.class, and store the class file in C:\JReport
javac -classpath c:\JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar; ParamTest.java
2. Append C:\JReport\Designer\help to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat in C:\JReport
3. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
4. Open CustomerAnalysis.cls.
5. In the Report Inspector, find the report set property Import Parameter Values, and input the
class name with the full package name. In this example, input help.ParamTest, and then set the
property Parameter List Auto to false.
Tip: The report set node is not shown in the resource tree of the Report Inspector by default.
To have it shown, select the report node in the tree (in this example, the CustomerAnalysis
node), and then click the Up button

on the Report Inspector toolbar.

6. Save the report set and catalog, and then view the report result.
7. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, click the drop-down list of the parameter. You will find that
all the values you specified in ParamTest.java have been imported into the list.
8. Select one of the values with which to view the report.
9. Publish the saved report set CustomerAnalysis.cls to JReport Server (for details, see Publishing
resources remotely).
10. Append C:\JReport\Designer\help to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat in
11. Start JReport Server with the modified batch file.
12. Load your web browser to access the JReport Server Console Page. You will then have the same
parameter values as you did in JReport Designer.
Note: In the sample ParamTest.java, we used the method compareToIgnoreCase( ) to compare the
parameter name in the class file with the one in your report. This method is not case sensitive when
performing the comparison.

Example 2: Importing from a class file

In addition to Example 1, another example of applying the feature of importing parameter values is to
specify your required default values. When you group/sort data dynamically with a parameter, when
viewing the report, a dialog will be displayed, in which you will find many default values in the dropdown list. However, since you do not need so many values with which to group/sort, you can specify
your required default values in a Java class, and then import them. For help, refer to the sample
program TestParamList.java.
To specify the default parameter values in a class file and then import them, follow the steps below:
1. Compile TestParamList.java to generate TestParamList.class, and store the class file in
2. Append <install_root> to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin.
3. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
4. Create a report with a dynamic group/sort using the parameter ImportPara (for details, see
Grouping data dynamically and Sorting data dynamically).
5. Set the report set property Parameter List Auto to true in the Report Inspector, and view the
report. Many values will be listed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog.
6. Set Parameter List Auto to false, Import Parameter Value to help.TestParamList, and view the
report again. You will now see that only four values are displayed as defined in TestParamList.java.
Note: If you want to use a parameter as grouping/sorting criteria, you will need to make sure that the
parameter values are within the columns used in the report's query. In addition, the name should be
consistent with the column names defined in the catalog. For example, the query of the report joins
two tables: Orders and Orders Detail. In the Catalog Browser, expand the query used by the report.
You will then see all the columns from the two tables. Make sure that the values returned are within
them and consistent with the column names.

Applying all values to a parameter in SQL statement

If a parameter allows multiple values and is enabled to use one single value "All" to represent all its
values (the way to enable the "All" value is to set Enable the "All" Option to true when creating or
editing the parameter), when you use the parameter in an imported SQL, you should embed each IN
condition in parenthesis to enable the "All" value to work properly.
For example, there are two parameters: @pCountry and @pID. Suppose that they both can allow
multiple values and have enabled the "All" option and you would like to reference them in an imported
SQL query, you should embed each IN condition in parenthesis as follows:
select... from ... where ... and ... and (country in @pCountry) and (customerid in
There is another case in which you should also embed each IN condition in parenthesis when using
such parameters for the same purpose: when you create or edit a JReport query via the Query Editor,
you choose to modify its SQL statement manually. If the customized statement fails to be parsed by
JReport and you would like to save the statement anyway, then it is up to you to guarantee the
statement correctness. In this case, you should embed each IN condition in parenthesis.

Summaries allow you to generate functions for your data, such as count, average, sum, and standard
deviation. Summary functions are based on how you initially grouped the data. For example, if you
grouped your data according to country, and you have two groups (US and Canada). Then, if you
specify to perform a summary break by country group, you will get the summary result for each group.
A summary is a special kind of formula, but it is often used for DBField or an existing formula.
Summary functions can also be realized with formula functions. Since summaries are frequently used in
reports, JReport provides you with an easy-to-use GUI for this purpose.
The following topics describe summaries in detail:

Summary functions

Creating a summary

Using summaries in reports

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how summaries could be used in a report. For the example, open

Summary functions
The following are functions that can be used for creating summaries.

Total count of all the values in a field. The value will be shown in the Group Footer. For example, if
you have six fields in a group, the value generated by Count will be 6.
This function sums up all the numerical values in a field. The value will be shown in the Group Footer.
For example, if a field contains 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25, the Sum function will return 75.
This function finds the smallest numerical value in a field. The value will be shown in the Group
Footer. For example, if a field contains 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25, the Minimum function will return 5.
This function finds the largest numerical value in a field. The value will be shown in the Group Footer.
For example, if a field contains 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25, the Maximum function will return 25.
This function takes the average of all the numerical values in a field. The value will be shown in the
Group Footer. For example, if a field contains 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25, the Average function will return
Distinct Count
This function takes a total count of all the distinct fields in a report. This value will be shown in the
Report Footer. For example, if you have forty three fields in your report and three fields have
identical values, the value generated by Distinct Count will be 41.
Population Standard Deviation
This function uses the following equation to compute its value. PSD takes the square root of the
Population Variance.

Standard Deviation
This function uses the following equation to compute its value. SD takes the square root of the

Population Variance

This function uses the following equation. PV sums up the square of the difference between a value
and its average, and then divides the result by the total number of values.

This function uses the following equation. Variance sums up the square of the difference between a
value and its average, and then divides the result by the total number of values subtracted by one.

Creating a summary
To create a summary in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the required catalog, then in the Catalog Browser, expand the data
source in which you want to create the summary.
2. Right-click the Summaries node and click Add Summary on the shortcut menu. The New
Summary dialog displays.

3. Select <Create> in the Summaries drop-down list.

4. Select a function from the Function drop-down list for your field to be summed by.
5. Select a field for the summary to compute from the Resource box, then click
Summary On.
6. If required, specify to which group the summary will be applied.

If Static Summary is checked, select the field from the Resource box and then click

next to

next to Group By. And if the field you select is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can
further specify to which level the data will be grouped by by selecting a special function from the
Special Function drop-down list. If Customize is selected, you can set the function by your own
in the Customized Function dialog.

If Dynamic Summary is checked, first select Up or Down from the drop-down list, then in the
combo box, select a value or input an integer, which should be between 0 to 127, to specify the
group on which the summary will take effect.
For example, if you select Up or Down and input 0 in the combo box and insert this summary
into any group, the summary will take effect on this group; if you select Up and input 1 and
insert this summary to a group, the summary will take effect on the group higher than the
group where the summary is inserted, and if you specify Down and 1, it will take effect on the
lower group; and the rest may be deduced by analogy.

If the dynamic summary is to be used in a chart, when defining the summary, you must
choose Down from the Group By drop-down list; if it is to be inserted to other data
containers, the summary must be defined on Up level.
When you insert a dynamic summary into a report and there is no corresponding group
level to match settings of the dynamic summary, an error message will be generated.

7. Click the Apply button to add the new summary to the catalog. The Summary Name dialog will
then be displayed, asking you to name the summary. Enter a name as required, and then click OK.
8. Click the OK button in the New Summary dialog to close the dialog.

Using summaries in reports

When you have created some summaries in a catalog, you can then use them as component in reports.
For details, refer to the topic Summary fields.

Formulas are objects that are computed at runtime, which allow you to manipulate field data by
performing calculations on it. They control the data that will be displayed, and can even create new
data not directly available from the database.
A formula is a symbolic statement of the manipulations that are to be performed on certain data before
it is printed onto your report. For example, if your report contains an @Sales field and an @Cost field,
and you want to create an @GrossProfit formula, you can designate its value as @Sales - @Cost.
@GrossProfit is a simple formula that tells JReport to subtract the value of the @Cost field from the
value of the @Sales field, and then to print the result. Formulas can be used to calculate numeric
values, compare one value to another and select alternative actions based on the comparison. Also,
they can be used to join multiple text strings into a single string. In general, formulas can be used to:

calculate information you cannot directly obtain from database data fields.

compare data.

join text with data.

convert data from one form to another.

enhance formatting options with text strings.

do other things that customize your reports.

Meanwhile, in JReport, there is a type of formulas which are refer to as constant level formulas. These
kind of formulas never refer to a DBField, page level special fields (the value of the special field is
ready at the time when the report result is generated), or other constant level formulas. The allowed
constants that can be referred to by the formulas are: parameters, the special field User Name,
constant values such as aaa, and the combination of the above three.
The following are some specific topics about JReport formulas:

Creating a formula

Formula examples

User defined formula functions

DBArray in formulas

Using formulas in reports

Using formulas to control object properties

Note: Currently JReport formula searches for javac based on the java.home option, but this way may
fail under some user environments. To ensure the formulas can work, you are recommended to use the
javac_path option to specify the full path of javac yourself, for example, set -Djavac_path=c:
\jdk1.6.0_17\bin\javac.exe in the startup file of JReport.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how formulas could be used in a report. For the example, open <install_root>


Creating a formula
To create a formula in catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog to which you want to add the formula.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the data source in which to create the formula, then right-click the
Formulas node, and then select Add Formula from the shortcut menu.
3. Enter a name for the formula in the Input Formula Name dialog and click OK. The Formula Editor window will then be

4. Compose the formula by selecting the required fields, functions and operators from the Fields, Functions and Operators
panels. You can also write the formula by yourself in the editing panel.
5. To comment a line, click the Comment/Uncomment button

on the toolbar.

6. If you want to bookmark a line so that it can be searched easily later, click the Bookmark button
7. Click the Check button

to check whether or not the syntax of your formula is correct.

8. When done, click the OK button to add the formula.

See also Formula Editor window for detailed explanations about options in the window.

You should have some knowledge of the formula syntax before you can successfully compose a formula with no errors. To
learn the formula syntax, refer to topics in Formula syntax.
If you refer to any field in the formula, the reference name for that field will be prefixed with an @ sign. If the field name
contains spaces, the reference name in formula will be quoted with double-quotation marks (""). For example, if the field
name is Customer Name, then the reference name will be @"Customer Name".
When formulas reference display names or mapping names, the names should not contain any of below characters if the
names are not quoted by double-quotation marks "":
"~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", "|", "\\", ":", ";", "\", " ' ", "<", ",",
">", ".", "?", "/"

Expression @Customer#; will cause a syntax error. But @"Customer#" is ok.

If a field has the display name Category.Measure, when adding it to a formula, quote it as "Category.Measure" or

The number of the "if-else" statements in a formula is limited to 190. When this number is reached, you should use the
"select-case" statement instead.
In the Fields panel, if the summaries or parameters you want to use have not been predefined in the catalog, you can create
them by your own by clicking the New Summary button
see Creating a summary and Creating a parameter).

or the New Parameter button

on the toolbar (for details,

Formula examples
The following are some formula examples.

Example 1: TerritoryUSA
if (@State in ["CT", "ME",
"NorthEast, USA"
else if ( @State in ["DC",
"MidAtlantic, USA"
else if ( @State in ["CO",
"Rockies, USA"
else if ( @State in ["AZ",
"South, USA"
else if ( @State in ["AL",
"SouthEast, USA"
else if ( @State in ["AK",
"West, USA"
else if ( @State in ["IL",
"MidWest, USA"

"MA", "NH", "NY", "RI", "VT"])

"DE", "MD", "NJ", "PA", "VA"])
"ID", "KS", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NM", "ND", "SD", "UT"])
"AR", "LA", "MO", "OK", "TX"])
"FL", "GA", "MS", "NC", "SC"])
"CA", "HI", "OR", "WA"])
"IN", "LA", "KY", "MI", "MN", "OH", "TN", "WI", "WV", "WY"])

Purpose: In your sales report, you want JReport to print out which territory the customer belongs to
according to the abbreviated state names stored in the State field.
Explanation: In the six else-if statements, JReport will retrieve the value of the State field, and
compare it with the values in brackets []. If a value matches the value in brackets, the formula will
return the territory name.

Example 2: DateToMonth
Number m = Month ( @"Order Date" ) ;
String str = "";
if ( m == 1 )
str = " January Sales"
else if( m == 2 )
str = " February Sales"
else if ( m == 3 )
str = " March Sales"
else if( m == 4 )
str = " April Sales"
else if( m == 5 )
str = " May Sales"
else if ( m == 6 )
str = " June Sales"
else if ( m == 7 )
str = " July Sales"
else if( m == 8 )

str = " August Sales"

else if ( m == 9 )
str = " September Sales"
else if( m == 10 )
str = " October Sales"
else if ( m == 11 )
str = " November Sales"
else if ( m == 12 )
str = " December Sales"

Purpose: In your sales report, you want JReport to print out the month name of the orders, so that you
can compare the orders of each month in a year.
Explanation: Since the database field Order Date is of the TimeStamp data type, the built-in function
Month (DateTime) is first used to extract the month portion of Order Date. Then, the else-if statement is
used to decide the month according to the return value of the function, and assigns a String value which
contains a relative month name to the pre-declared string variable str.

Example 3: SectionInvisible
boolean s;
if (pagenumber==1){
else s=false

Purpose: This formula is used to control the Suppressed property of a certain section such as Page
Header, so that the section will be suppressed on the first page of the report.
Explanation: Since it is only required to suppress the section on the first page, if only the Suppressed
property of the section is set to true in the Report Inspector, then it will be suppressed on every page. In
this formula, a Boolean type variable is first declared. Then, an else-if statement is used to decide
whether or not the page is the first page. If the statement is true, true is assigned to "s". If the
statement is false, false is assigned false to "s". In this formula, pagenumber is a special field.

Example 4: Running total of page

You can use the running total function to calculate the sum of one page. And to use the running total
function, you have to create a set of formulas.
1. Create a formula named Formula1 as below to initial a global variable as the sum variable. And
insert it into the BandedPageHeader panel.
global number pagetotal;
2. Create a formula named Formula2 as below to accumulate the value. And insert it into the Detail
pagetotal=pagetotal+@"YTD Sales";

3. Create a formula named Formula3 as below to display the sum of one page. And insert it into the
BandedPageFooter panel.
return pagetotal;

Example 5: Running total of group

This example will accumulate the total of the successful and failed shipments for each group.
1. Create a formula named Formula1 as below to initial the value. And insert it into the group header.
global integer iFail;
global integer iSuccess;
2. Create a formula named Formula2 as below to accumulate the value of the successful and failed
shipments, and insert it into the Detail panel.
3. Create a formula named Formula3 as below to return the successful shipments and the failed
shipments, and insert it into the group footer.
return "Total successful shipments is "+ iSuccess +" and total failed shipments is
"+ iFail;

User defined formula functions

When the built-in functions do not satisfy your requirements, you can design your own formula
functions. JReport provides you with user defined formula (UDF) functions. You can first write the code
to implement a function, and then import it as a class when you build a formula.
However, when you want to develop a Java file to implement a function, only the following data types
can be used for interacting with JReport products (pass parameters and return parameters): DbBigInt,
DbDouble, fCurrency, DbBit (using for boolean type), DbChar (using for String), DbDate, DbTime,
DbTimestamp, DbBinary, fText (using for Long VarChar), fImage (using for long VarBinary), fIntArray,
fNumArray, fCurArray, fBoolArray, fStrArray, fDateArray, fTimeArray, fDateTimeArray, fBinaryArray,
fTextArray, fImageArray, fIntRange, fNumRange, fCurRange, fBoolRange, fStrRange, fDateRange,
fTimeRange, fDateTimeRange. All the data types that start with 'f' belong to the package jet.formula.*.
The other data types belong to the package jet.connect.*. For details, refer to JReport Javadoc jet.
formula and jet.connect packages in <install_root>\help\designer\api.

Importing UDF classes

To import a user defined formula class, follow the steps below:
1. Develop your own Java program that implements the functions you need.
2. Compile the Java program and add it to the class path of the batch file with which you start
JReport Designer.
3. Start JReport Designer and open the Formula Editor.
4. Import your class file in either of the following two ways:

Using the "import" statement:

import instName from "ClassName";

instName is the instance name that you give when you load the class. It is a global variable,
you can use it in your formulas in the current data source.
ClassName is the class name defined in your class file. If the class file is put in the package jet.
formula.javaformula, only the class name is required. However, if it is in your own package,
you must specify the qualify name of the class.
For example, the following declaration assumes the class MyFunctions is in package jet.
import myfunc from "MyFunctions";
And the following declaration allows user defined UDF class in any package, supposing the
class is com.mycom.MyFunctions:
import myfunc from "com.mycom.MyFunctions";

You should write the import statement only without anything else in a separate formula
so as to avoid importing unwanted things.
You should avoid giving the same instance name when importing the same UDF.

5. Using dialog:
a. On the File menu of the Formula Editor, click Import UDF Classes.
b. In the UDF Classes dialog, click the button

c. In the Import UDF Class dialog, input the class name with full package path and then click
d. The class with package path is displayed. Click OK.

Using UDF functions

When your class is successfully imported, the functions defined in the class will be displayed in the UDF
node in the Functions panel of the Formula Editor. You can then call the functions in a formula by
double-clicking them or using the following statement:
Where, MethodName is the method name in your class. You can call methods in your class as many
times as you want by loading this class only once.
If you want to view the formula references of any UDF function, select the function and click Formula
References on the Formula menu, or right-click the function and click Formula References on the
shortcut menu, then the UDF References dialog will be displayed, showing all the formulas that
reference the UDF function if there are.

Example of using UDF functions

In this example, a demo Java program MyFunctions.java which is put in the package jet.formula.
javaformula will be used to illustrate how to write record data to a file using UDF functions. You can get
the Java source file from <install_root>\help\designer\samples.
Take the following steps:
1. Compile this Java file to generate the class file.
javac -classpath "<install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar;<install_root>\lib\report.jar;"
2. Edit the batch file that starts JReport.
You should create directories jet\formula\javaformula and copy the class file generated to that
folder. When you add class path, just add the root path. For example, suppose that the class file is
located in C:\test\jet\formula\javaformula, you can append C:\test into the ADDCLASSPATH
set in the batch file.
3. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file.
4. Create a new formula to load this class and open a file on disk by calling the methods in
MyFunctions.java. Here we define the formula (fmlA) to load the class and call the method to open

a temp file:
import myfunc from "MyFunctions";
global integer filehandle = myfunc.openfile("e:\\test\\data.txt", false);
Note: If the class file is in your own package com.mycom other than jet.formula.javaformula,
import the class in a formula as follows:
import myfunc from "com.mycom.MyFunctions";
5. Compose a formula (fmlB) to call the method to write data into the temp file:
string contents ="";
contents = @"Customer Name"+"\t"+ @Country+"\t"+ @Phone + "\t"+ PageNumber + "\n";
myfunc.write(filehandle, contents);
The return value of the last statement is the formula result.
6. Compose another formula (fmlC) to close the temp file:
If the statement PageNumber is added to the formula, the formula will be calculated after the
page break, which means that the calculation point is controlled.
7. We have now defined three formulas (fmlA, fmlB, fmlC) in the above three steps. You can use it in
a report as with a normal one.
Note: Now in JReport, the '8859-1' encoding is not required any more and the UDF functions you
define should be able to return the correct unicode strings. Thus, if you have UDF fuctions created in
previous JReport versions which still return '8859-1' encoded strings, you may need to modify them to
make them return unicode strings.

DBArray in formulas
JReport Designer supports a multiple-value field, which contains a set of values in a single field, in a
formula. Using the multiple value field is the same as using an array in a formula. You can refer to a
field with multiple values as with a normal field in a formula, such as @FIELDNAME, and then use the
array functions that JReport Designer provides in the Formula Editor to manipulate the values in it.
JReport Designer first converts this field into a normal array, and then manipulates it in the usual way.
For example, normally an array in a formula is manually defined as follows:
Integer myArray[4]=[1, 2, 3, 4]; //Datatype ArrayName[ArraySize]=[ArrayContent];
The array may be referred to in this way:
integer myInt=3;
myInt in myArray;
If a field, named myField, for example, contains a similar array value, it can be referred to similarly:
integer myInt=3;
myInt in @myField;

Using formulas in reports

When you have created some formulas in a catalog, you can then use them as component in reports.
For details, refer to the topic Formula fields.

Using formulas to control object properties

One of the biggest features that formulas have is that you can use formulas to control the property
values of objects at runtime. This provides you much more control, allowing you to customize your
report and have flexibility to control the way objects are displayed based on the data values.
When you edit the property values of an object in the Report Inspector, you may notice that if you click
some properties, there will be a button

appearing on the right of the drop-down arrow, and when

and also the value cell will become empty.

you click this button, it will change to be another button
Then when you click the drop-down arrow, a drop-down menu will be listed. If you select one item in
the list, the property will be controlled according to the return value of the formula. This is called
conditional formatting in JReport.

Usually when you open the drop-down list of this kind of property, there is no formula to be selected
directly unless you have created some in the catalog before building the report. You can also click the
<Create Formula> item in the drop-down list to create one as required.
When you are composing a new formula that directly binds to a property using the Report Inspector,
make sure the data type of return value is the same as the property type. Otherwise, the new
formula will not be bound to this property, although it will be created in the catalog data source.

Example: Changing the banded panel background color at runtime

This example uses the formula MColor to control the Background property of the detail panel of a
banded report at runtime. You can find this formula in the catalog SampleReports. The following is the
content of the formula:
String sc = "" + (@MColor_RecordNumber *10 );
Number idx = InStr(".",sc);
if(idx != -1)
sc = Left(sc, idx);
if(Length(sc) < 2)
sc = "0" + sc;
String s = "0x00" + sc + "7f";
return s

In this example we will vary the middle hexadecimal digits of the RGB color values. The Red value is
fixed at 0x00, the Blue value is fixed at 0x7f. The Green value will change according to the number of
records displayed. Record 1 will use color 0x00107f, Record 2 will use 0x00207f, and so on.
Take the following steps:
1. Create a standard banded report in JReport Designer.
2. In the design area, select the detail panel (DP) of the banded object.
3. In the Properties panel of the Report Inspector, click the value cell of property Background, and


. From the drop-down list, select MColor.

4. Click the View tab to view the report. The report will be shown somewhat as below, depending on
the report you use.

Report Sets
A report set is a container which holds multiple reports. It is a manageable set of reports that are
designed for the same purpose, or related purposes. Reports developers can design, maintain, run and
schedule these reports together. Reports in the same report set can share the same parameters and
Comparing with the single-report management system before, the Report Set feature is designed to
improve the product performance, avoid wasting data sources by sharing them in the report set, and
manage and maintain reports more easily for the report developers.
In addition, when more than one report set is opened, you can use items in the Window menu to
manage the design windows of the report sets in a way you prefer.
The following topics detail the functions of report sets:

Creating a report set

Opening a report set

Importing reports into a report set

Managing reports in a report set

Saving a report set

Report Set Manager

Creating a report set

To create a report set, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > New > Report Set on the menu bar (or the New Report Set

on the Standard toolbar).

2. In the New Report Set dialog, select the layout of the first report in the report set.
Since a report set cannot be empty, you will also need to create a report in it when creating the
report set. See Creating a report for details about how to create the first report in a report set.
3. Click OK to create the report set.

Opening a report set

To open a report set with all its reports, follow the steps below:
1. Start JReport Designer and click File > Open (or click the Open button
toolbar) to display the Open Report Set dialog.

on the Standard

2. Click Browse to select a catalog of your choosing.

3. In the Report Sets tab, specify the corresponding types for reports that you want to open in the
Report Sets of Type drop-down list, and then select one or more report sets in the list for opening.
If you want to open one or more report sets that you have opened recently, switch to the Recent
tab, and then select one or more report sets that you open recently to open.
4. Click Open to open the report sets that you specified.

JReport Designer supports opening more than one report set at one time.
If you just want to access some recently open reports, click File > Open Recent and then select the
reports one by one from the sub-menu.
When you open a self-contained report set, JReport will prompt you to specify the way in which you
want the report set to be opened. For details, refer to the Open As dialog.

Importing reports into a report set

JReport enables you to import reports to a report set from another report set in the same catalog, and
specify dataset for the imported components according to your requirements.
To import reports from another report set:
1. Click File > Import From > JReport Report Set.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, specify the report set that contains the reports you want to import,
then click Open.
The Select Report dialog appears.

3. Select the reports that you want to import.

4. If you want to customize datasets used by components within the to be imported reports, check
the Customize Dataset for Components option. Then click OK and the Customize Dataset
dialog will be displayed.

5. All components in the selected reports, which have self-bound datasets, will be listed in the dialog.
Specify which dataset you want the component to use by clicking its Dataset Name cell and
choosing from the drop-down list.
6. Click OK to import the reports with specified datasets to their components. The imported reports
will be listed after the existing reports in the report set.

Managing reports in a report set

This section presents to you how to manage reports in a report set with the report tab bar as follows:
Inserting a new report into a report set

1. On the report tab bar, right-click any report tab and select Insert from the shortcut menu.
2. In the New Report dialog, specify the layout of the new report, then click OK.
3. Create the report according to your requirements.
Copying a report

To copy a report, on the report tab bar, right-click the report you want to copy and click Copy on the
shortcut menu. Then,

If you want to make a copy of the report within the current report set, right-click any report tab
and select Paste from the shortcut menu. You will then be prompt to give the report a new name.
Specify the name as required.
If you want to copy the report to another report set of the same catalog, open the report set to
which the report will be copied, then right-click any report tab and select Paste from the shortcut
Moving a report to another report set
1. On the report tab bar, right-click the report you want to move and click Cut on the shortcut
2. Open the report set where the report will be moved.
3. Right-click any report tab and click Paste on the shortcut menu.

Renaming a report
1. On the report tab bar, right-click the tab that represents the report with the name you want to
change and click Rename on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Input Report Name dialog, enter a new name for the report.
3. Click OK to confirm the name.

Duplicating a report
To make a duplicate report in the current report set, right-click the tab that represents the report on
the report tab bar, and then click Duplicate on the shortcut menu.

Removing a report
To remove a report from a report set, right-click the tab that represents the report on the report tab
bar, and then click Remove on the shortcut menu.
Note: Since a report set cannot be empty, you will not be able to remove all of the reports in
the report set.

Saving a report set

After you have created or modified a report set, you should then save it in order to be able to load it
the next time.
By default, report set files contain a .cls suffix. This is the format that provides optimal performance in
the JReport toolset. Report set files can also be stored in the following formats:

Report Set Source File (.rpt)

The report set source file is a file saved in text format, which can be edited in any text editor.
Self Contained Report Set (.clx)
The self-contained report set is a binary report set file, which contains not only the report set's layout
but also the catalog with its own resources.
XML Format Report Set (.cls.xml)
The XML format report set follows the XML standard, which can be edited with both JReport Designer
and external XML editors. Report set that contains customized user defined objects (UDO) cannot be
saved to XML format.
Note: The XML feature for report sets is under license control. To obtain the special key, contact
Jinfonet Support ([email protected]).

Saving a report set in its current format

To save a report set in its current format, click File > Save on the menu bar. If the report set to be
saved is new, the Save Report Set As dialog will appear for you to input a name.
This operation can also be accomplished by pressing the Ctrl + S keys.

Saving a report set in a different name in the current directory

1. Click File > Save As on the menu bar.
2. In the Save Report Set As dialog, type a new file name in the Report Set Name field.
3. Select a report set type from the Report Sets of Type drop-down list.
4. Click Save to save the report set in the new name.

Saving a report set to a different catalog

Since the resources for a catalog file are shared by all report sets based on it, if you have different
developers develop report sets at the same time, and you want to use the same catalog in order for all
the resources to be reused, you can have them save their report sets with their related resources to a
"universal" catalog file. In this way, the to-be-saved report set's resources such as queries, formulas,
and parameters will be merged into the target "universal" catalog file.
To save a report set to a different catalog:

1. Click File > Save To on the menu bar.

2. Browse to the location of the target catalog, then click Save.
3. In the Warning message box, click Yes.
This saves your report into a target catalog file, which means:

The report sets and the relevant files alike will be copied to the directory where the target
catalog file is located.
The resources (query, formulas, parameters, and so on) that are referenced by this report set in
the current catalog will be merged to the target catalog.
If the connection does not exist yet in the target catalog, it will be added using the same
connection information as in the source catalog.

In this way, even while users work with their own individual catalog files, they can still publish their
report sets and associated resources to the target "universal" catalog file. Note that JReport does not
handle the concurrent issue. Two people cannot update the "universal" catalog at the same time.
See also Merging catalogs for more information about the Save To command.

Report Set Manager

All created report set files (.cls) are physically placed in the same directory where the catalog file
resides. Due to this, you will not be able to get detailed information about a report set until it is opened
in JReport Designer. For example, if you want to find a report set with a special condition, you will have
to load each report set. For just a few report sets, this is not a problem. However, the case is different
when there are many report sets.
JReport provides you with a tool for managing report sets by means of adding them into folders with
the Report Set Manager (the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser). It helps you divide the report
sets into different types at your disposal. You can build folder items in the manager, helping you to
divide the report sets into different types at your disposal. Then, the report sets can be added to the
folder, and worked on just like processing files in a file system--add, open, delete, move, rename and
search items. In all, the feature of report set folder implemented in catalogs enables you to manage
your report sets in a way that can better satisfy your requirements.
The following are some concepts used in the Report Set Manager:

Folder Item: A container in which you can operate report set items or sub folder items.
Report Set Item: This represents a report set. You can edit name, keywords and description
properties of this item.

In the Report Set Manager, you can manage your report sets as follows:

Adding an item
To add a folder item to the Report Set Manager:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, select a folder and right-click it.
2. Select Add Folder from the shortcut menu.
Now, a new folder will have been added as a sub node, and the default name for the folder is Folder1,
Folder2.... However, you can rename the folder as required. To do this, right-click the folder item and
select Rename from the shortcut menu, then type a new name in the name box, and then click outside
the box (or just press Enter on your keyboard).
To add a report set item to the Report Set Manager:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, right-click the folder to which you want to add the
report set.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Add Report Set.
3. In the Choose Report Set dialog, select a report set. Here you can select multiple report sets at a
time. Then, click Open.
Now, the selected report set will have been added to the specified folder. You can double-click any
report set item in the Report Set Manager to open the report set. The default name of the report set
item is the file name of the report set. However, you can give the item another name as you would
with a folder item.

A report set can be added to multiple folders in case you want to include it in multiple categories.

Searching for a report set item

Wildcard searches for report set name in the Report Set Manager are supported. To search a report set
item, follow the steps below:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, select a folder item and right-click it.
2. Click Search on the shortcut menu to display the Search Reports dialog.

3. Specify the search condition and click the Search Now button to start searching. Matched results
will be listed in the search result box.
4. If you want to start another search, click the New Search button and set the condition using the
method described above.

Exporting the report set information to a table

You can export report set information in the Report Set Manager to a table in a DBMS. The default
name of the table is ReportsInfo. You can change the name as required. Each row of the table is a
report set description. To do this:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, select the root folder Reports and right-click it.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Export. The Get JDBC Connection Information dialog will then
3. Fill in the required fields, and then click the OK button.

4. Give a name for the table, and then click OK in the Input dialog.
Note: If a table already exists, it will be replaced. So you must be sure that there are no duplicate
names in the DBMS.

Moving an item to another folder

Any items added to the Report Set Manager can be moved to another folder if required. To do this:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, select the item that you want to move and rightclick it.
2. Click Move to on the shortcut menu.
3. The Move Reports dialog will then appear. All the available folders will be listed in the dialog.
4. Select the folder you want the item to be moved to, and click OK. The item will then be moved to
that folder.

Deleting items
By using the Catalog Browser, you can delete a report set from the file system.
To delete a report set or a folder or multiple items:
1. In the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser, select the report set or the folder or the multiple
items on the Reports tree, and then take either of the following ways:

Press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Click the Delete button on the toolbar of the Catalog Browser.

Right-click and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

2. A Warning message box is displayed. Check the option Also delete report files from file
system if you want to remove them from your local directory permanently. Otherwise leave the
option unchecked and only remove the items from the virtual tree.
3. Click Yes in the box. If a report set is selected, the report set will be deleted. If a folder is
selected, the folder and all its contents will be removed.
If a report set is deleted manually from the local file system, later when you open the Catalog Browser,
you will see the node icon that represents the report set is marked with a red cross. You can use the
above method to remove the unused node.

A report in JReport is not only a passive document used only for reading or viewing but also a business
document that contains the predefined data. It is a form that typically contains data from many
unrelated records or transactions.
JReport reports are usually composed of different components, with each component serving different
purposes. They have the same functions as with general reports, but also include additional unique
In addition, the report templates in JReport use a flow layout model, which means paragraphs and
components in the report body can flow from one page to another, maintaining their sequence.
This chapter details JReport reports in the following sections:

What is flow layout?

Creating a report

Designing a report page

Editing a report

Previewing a report

Making high-efficiency reports

See also Report Bursting for information about how to design a bursting report in JReport Designer.

What is flow layout?

Report templates in JReport use a flow layout model. That is, paragraphs and components in the report
body can flow from one page to another, maintaining their sequence, and the Position property controls
whether a component is to be part of the flow, or separate from it. Besides the report body, tabular
cells and text boxes themselves in JReport can also act as flow layout containers.
The following topics explain some features related to the flow layout model.

The Position property

In a flow layout model, objects are positioned relative to one another or absolutely. The Position
property controls the position of components in the flow layout container, which can be the report
body, a tabular cell or a text box. Components placed in other areas, such as table cells or banded
panels are not affected by the Position property.
The Position property can be one of the following values:

The component will be positioned at the location in which it is inserted. The X and Y coordinate
properties are disabled. The position of the component cannot be moved other than by having its
insertion point moved. This can happen when the text flow preceding the insertion point expands.
The component will be positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted. The offset is
determined by the X and Y coordinate property values. This value is not available for some kinds of
The component will be located at the position specified by dragging and dropping or by setting its X
and Y coordinate property values. The component insertion point does not change, for instance it is
not affected by having text inserted before it.
When components in the same flow layout container have their Position property value set to
Absolute and overlap, you can set the display order of the objects by right-clicking the object and
then selecting an item from the Move submenu (or clicking the corresponding move button on the
Alignment toolbar).

Move Backward
Moves the component one step towards the back.
Move to Back
Moves the component to the back.
Move Forward
Moves the component one step closer to the front.
Move to Front

Moves the component to the front.

You can change the position of a component by changing its Position property in the Report Inspector,
or by right-clicking the component and choosing the required item from the Position submenu.
Reference: For more information about this topic, see W3C standard about Visual formatting model.

Paragraphs are created when text is entered directly into a flow layout container, that is the report
body, a tabular cell or a text box.

To input text, simply position the mouse pointer in the report body, a tabular cell, or a text box and
type the text.

To create a new paragraph, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

To exit a paragraph, click the mouse pointer anywhere outside of the paragraph.

To format a paragraph, position the mouse pointer anywhere in the paragraph and click Paragraph
on the shortcut menu. For details, refer to Formatting paragraphs in a text box.

Creating a report
Before you can create a report, you first have to create a report set or open an existing report set.
JReport provides you with eight report layouts as follows, which are designed for serving different
reporting requirements:

Standard Banded Report

A report containing a vertical banded object.
Table Report
A report containing a table.
Chart Report
A report containing a chart.
Crosstab Report
A report containing a crosstab.
Horizontal Banded Report
A report containing a horizontal banded object.
Mailing Label Report
A report containing a banded object, which is in the form of a mailing label layout.
Tabular Report
A report with a tabular which partitions the report page into several parts.
Blank Report
A report with nothing in it.

The following topics explain in detail about how to create a report in a specific layout:

Creating a banded report

Creating a table report

Creating a chart report

Creating a crosstab report

Creating a tabular report

Creating a blank report

Creating a banded report

When creating a banded report, you can choose in which layout the banded object in the report will be,
that is, you can choose whether to create a standard banded report, a horizontal banded report or a
mailing label report, according to your requirements.
The steps for creating a standard banded report, horizontal banded report and mailing label report are
mostly the same, just that the banded object is positioned differently in each report layout: one in a
vertical way, one horizontally and one in the form of mailing labels.
Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a standard banded/horizontal banded/
mailing label report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. In the dialog, specify the title of the report, select the Banded/Horizontal Banded/Mailing
Label layout and click OK. The corresponding report wizard will then be displayed.
3. In the Data screen of the wizard, specify the dataset on which the banded object will be built.

To build the banded object on a new dataset created from the catalog resources, check the New
radio button, and then select the data source of the dataset. If the given data resources are not
what you want, click the <Add xxx...> item to create one. In addition, if you choose to create
the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to further modify the query if
To build the banded object on an existing dataset in the report set, check the Existing radio
button, and then select the dataset as required (click the Modify button to modify the selected
dataset if necessary). You can also click the <Add Dataset...> item to create one as required.

4. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed in the
banded object. Modify the display name of any added field if necessary by double-clicking its
Display Name cell. And if required, click the Sort Fields By button to specify how to sort data in
the banded object (for details, refer to the same topic on table).
5. In the Group screen, add the fields as the grouping criteria, and then specify the sorting direction
of each group in the Sort column (for details, see the same topic on table).
6. To add summaries, go to the Summary screen. In the sum on panel (the panel on the right),
specify the group to which the summary will be applied (if you select Banded Object, the summary
will be based on the whole dataset), add a field from the Resources panel as the summary field,
and then select the function for the summary from the Aggregate Function column.
7. If you want to create a chart together with the banded object in the banded header panel, go to
the Chart screen. Select the chart type you like. From the Category drop-down list, select the field
you want to display on the category (X) axis of the chart. You can choose from the group by fields
of the banded object on which some summaries are added. Choose the field to be displayed on the
series (Z) axis of the chart from the Series drop-down list, where all the group by fields of the
banded object are listed. From the Show Values drop-down list, select the field you want to

display on the value (Y) axis of the chart. You can choose from the summary fields which are
calculated based on the field you specify to display on the category axis of the chart.
8. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed in the banded object.
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the
field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to
compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type
the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.
9. If you are creating a mailing label report, in the Layout screen, specify the label size and the gap
between the labels.
10. In the Style screen, specify the title and style of the banded object, and if required, click the Page
Setup button to set the page settings.

Create a Banded Report

Creates a restricted version of a flow layout report, one that can contain a single banded object
only. This layout option is intended to provide compatibility with JReport Version 7 report
Create a Flow Layout Report Containing a Banded Object
Creates a report that contains a banded object mapped to the specified dataset. This layout
option is specified by default.

11. When done, click Finish to create the report.


When you want to create a banded report on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique
features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.
If you have added several group by fields to the banded object in the Group screen, when the report
is created, these groups will be indented according to the Customize group indent option setting in
the Options dialog. You can configure this option in advance to have the groups indented according
to your requirements.
If you have added some summaries to the banded object in the Summary screen, when the report is

JReport will automatically give the summaries some proper name labels to help you clarify the
meaning of the numbers. The auto generated labels are controlled by the Text property in the
Report Inspector. You can also manually edit the text of the label later by setting this property.
By default, the summaries that have the same function will be aligned horizontally in the banded
object. If you want to align summaries of the same function vertically, check the option Align
summaries vertically in the Options dialog in advance.

See also:

Banded Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

Horizontal Banded Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

Mailing Label Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

Banded objects for details about the banded object component.

An example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that

have examples of report layout types. For the banded report layout example, open <install_root>

Creating a table report

Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a table report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. In the dialog, specify the title of the report, select the required table type: Group Above, Group
Left, Group Left Above, or Summary Table, then click OK. The Table Wizard will then be displayed.
3. In the Data screen of the wizard, specify the dataset on which the table will be built.

To build the table on a new dataset created from the catalog resources, check the New radio
button, and then select the data source of the dataset. If the given data resources are not what
you want, click the <Add xxx...> item to create one. In addition, if you choose to create the
dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to further modify the query if required.
To build the table on an existing dataset in the report set, check the Existing radio button, and
then select the dataset as required (click the Modify button to modify the selected dataset if
necessary). You can also click the <Add Dataset...> item to create one as required.
Note: When you want to create a table report on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to
the unique features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.

4. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed in the
table. Modify the display name of any added field if necessary by double-clicking its Display Name
column. If required, click the Sort Fields By button to specify how to sort data in the table. And if
you want to hide these newly added fields in the table, check Hide Detail.
5. In the Group screen, add the fields as the grouping criteria, and then specify the sorting direction
of each group in the Sort column. If you want the columns created for the group by fields shown,
check Show Groups in Columns. And if necessary, check Combine Group Headers with
Detail Row to place all the group by fields in the detail row, or Combine Group Headers to
place them in the most inner group header row.
6. To add summaries, go to the Summary screen. In the sum on panel (the panel on the right),
specify the group to which the summary will be applied (if you select Table, the summary will be
based on the whole dataset), add a field from the Resources panel as the summary field, and then
select the function for the summary from the Aggregate Function column. From the Position and
Column columns, specify where to place the added sum on field in the table.
7. If you want to create a chart together with the table in the report body, go to the Chart screen.
Select the chart type you like. From the Category drop-down list, select the field you want to
display on the category (X) axis of the chart. You can choose from the group by fields of the table
on which some summaries are added. Choose the field to be displayed on the series (Z) axis of
the chart from the Series drop-down list, where all the group by fields of the table are listed. From
the Show Values drop-down list, select the field you want to display on the value (Y) axis of the
chart. You can choose from the summary fields which are calculated based on the field you specify
to display on the category axis of the chart.

8. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed in the table.
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the
field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to
compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type
the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.
9. In the Style screen, specify the style of the table, and if required, click the Page Setup button to
set the page settings.
10. When done, click Finish to create the report.
See also:

Table Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

Tables for details about the table component.

An example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that
have examples of report layout types. For the table report layout example, open <install_root>

Creating a chart report

Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a chart report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. In the dialog, specify the title of the report, select the Chart Report layout and click OK. The
Chart Wizard will then be displayed.
3. In the Data screen of the wizard, specify the dataset on which the chart will be built.

To build the chart on a new dataset created from the catalog resources, check the New radio
button, and then select the data source of the dataset. If the given data resources are not what
you want, click the <Add xxx...> item to create one. In addition, if you choose to create the
dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to further modify the query if required.
To build the chart on an existing dataset in the report set, check the Existing radio button, and
then select the dataset as required (click the Modify button to modify the selected dataset if
necessary). You can also click the <Add Dataset...> item to create one as required.

4. In the Type screen, specify the type of the chart.

To create a single type chart, check the Single Type radio button, and select the required type
from the Chart Type box and its sub type accordingly.
To create a combo type chart, check the Combo Type radio button, and the click the <Add
Combo Type> item to add the required combo type to Primary Axis and Secondary Axis

5. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed on the
category (X) axis, series (Z) axis, and value (Y) axis of the chart, and define some special group,
special function and Order/Select N condition on the category/series field if required.
6. To apply some filters to the chart so as to reduce the data displayed in the chart, go to the Filter
screen and define the filter conditions as required.
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the
field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to
compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type
the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.
7. In the Layout screen, with the Data category selected in the Options list box, you can specify the
category/series start and end offset, whether or not to reverse the category/series field value
sequence, and whether or not to swap groups. Besides, you can set whether or not to show the
titles, axes, walls, gridlines, and legend. If yes, set the titles for the chart, the category axis and
the value axis respectively. If you choose not to display a certain axis, the labels and tick marks
along the axis will be hidden as well.
8. In the Style screen, specify the style of the chart, and if required, click the Page Setup button to

set the page settings.

9. When done, click Finish to create the report.

When you want to create a chart report on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique
features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.
If you specify to create a pie chart, you can add several fields to be displayed on the value axis of
the chart as long as the fields are of Numeric type. However, you can add formulas and DBFields to
the axis at the same time, but when a summary has been added to the axis, no other DBFields or
formulas can be added.
If you have defined a subtype of the Stock type, in the Display screen, you should add fields for the
subtype in the order indicated by the subtype name, e.g., if you define the Open-High-Low-Close 2-D
subtype, then you should add four fields to the Show Values box for this subtype, and arrange them
to the order of Open-High-Low-Close by clicking the buttons


See also:

Chart Wizard for detailed explanation about options in this wizard.

Charts for details about the chart component.

An example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that
have examples of report layout types. For the chart report layout example, open <install_root>

Creating a crosstab report

Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a crosstab report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. In the dialog, specify the title of the report, select the Crosstab layout and click OK. The Crosstab
Wizard will then be displayed.
3. In the Data screen of the wizard, specify the dataset on which the crosstab will be built.

To build the crosstab on a new dataset created from the catalog resources, check the New radio
button, and then select the data source of the dataset. If the given data resources are not what
you want, click the <Add xxx...> item to create one. And if you choose to create the dataset
from a query, you can click the Modify button to further modify the query if required.
To build the crosstab on an existing dataset in the report set, check the Existing radio button,
and then select the dataset as required (click the Modify button to modify the selected dataset
if necessary). You can also click the <Add Dataset...> item to create one as required.
Note: When you want to create a crosstab report on a hierarchical data source, pay attention
to the unique features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.

4. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources box to the Columns and Rows
boxes respectively to make them displayed on the columns and rows of the crosstab. For the
added fields, you can specify their display names in the Label column which will label the rows and
columns (by default the Label column is blank and no label will be created for the rows and
columns), the background color in the Color column, set the sorting manner of the field values by
, and adjust their display order by clicking
. Then, add the fields as
aggregate fields to the Summaries box and specify the aggregate functions and labels for the
added fields as required. If necessary, click the Comparison Function button to set the
comparison function.
5. If you want to create a chart together with the crosstab in the report body, go to the Chart screen.
Select the chart type you like, from the Category and Series drop-down lists, where all the fields
that have been added to the columns and rows of the crosstab are listed, choose the fields to be
displayed on the category (X) axis and series (Z) axis of the chart, then select the field you want
to display on the value (Y) axis of the chart from the Show Values drop-down list, you can choose
from all the aggregate fields in the crosstab.
6. To apply some filters to the crosstab so as to reduce data displayed in the crosstab, go to the
Filter screen and define the filter conditions as required.
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the
field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to
compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type
the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.

7. In the Layout screen, specify the layout of the crosstab.

8. In the Style screen, specify the style of the crosstab, and if required, click the Page Setup button
to set the page settings.
9. When done, click Finish to create the report.
See also:

Crosstab Wizard for detailed explanation about options in the wizard.

Crosstabs for details about the crosstab component.

An example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that
have examples of report layout types. For the crosstab report layout example, open <install_root>

Creating a tabular report

A tabular report makes you to better design the report page. It is in fact a report with a tabular which
partitions the report page into several parts. You can insert objects and texts into the tabular cells, and
their layout will be controlled by the cells.
Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a tabular report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. Specify the title of the report and select the Tabular layout, then click OK.
3. In the Tabular Wizard, specify the number of rows and columns, and the border width and tabular
width according to your requirements.
4. Click Finish to create the report.
When a tabular report is created, you can then insert components and texts into the tabular cells as
required, and their layout will be controlled by the cells. A tabular report helps you better design the
report page. For details about how to work with tabulars, refer to Tabulars.

Creating a blank report

Assume that you have already opened a report set, to create a blank report within it:
1. Do either of the following to open the New Report dialog.

Click File > New > Report on the menu bar.

On the report tab bar, right-click the tab of an existing report in the report set and click Insert
on the shortcut menu.

2. Specify the title of the report, select the Blank Report layout and click OK.
3. In the Choose Data dialog, specify the dataset on which the report will be built.

To build the report on a new dataset created from the catalog resources, check the New radio
button, and then select the data source of the dataset. If the given resources are not what you
want, click the <Add xxx...> item to create one. And if you choose to create the dataset from a
query, you can click the Modify button to further modify the query if required.
To build the report on an existing dataset in the report set, check the Existing radio button, and
then select the dataset as required (click the Modify button to modify the selected dataset if
necessary). You can also click the <Add Dataset...> item to create one as required.

4. When done, click OK and a blank report will then be created. You can then insert the required
objects into the report as described in the Components chapter.

Designing a report page

A report page is a medium which contains the layout result for a single page of a report. At runtime, in
a report, a page or multiple pages can be generated according to the page panel settings. Also, each
page has its own page headers and page footers, which are controlled by the page panel settings for
The following sections detail how to use the JReport Designer Page function to design a report page:

Page panel

Page headers and footers

Page settings

Page break

Page mode

Page panel
A page panel is a template to design a page. You can define information for it and meanwhile
information for pages designed with this page panel will be defined accordingly. Here, information
covers all factors of a page, including page size, margin, and orientation. Also, you can define the page
headers and page footers for a page panel. By default, a page panel has only one page header and
page footer, but you can also set more and remove them according to your requirements.
In addition, JReport Designer also supports multiple page panels. With multiple page panels, you have
to define each page panel's page settings individually.

Inserting a page panel

When inserting a page panel into a page, you can choose whether the new page will keep the original
page settings or it will apply new settings.
Inserting a page panel where the new page keeps the original page settings

1. Click Insert > Page Panel.

2. In the Page Panel dialog, select Keep the current page settings.
3. Click OK to insert the panel.
Inserting a page panel where the new page has new page settings

1. In the Page Panel dialog, select Use a new page setting.

2. Click OK. The Page Setup dialog will then appear for you to adjust the settings for the new page

Removing a page panel

To remove a page panel, set the mouse pointer to the beginning of the page panel and then press the
Backspace key.

Page panels can be inserted into the report body level.

Page panels can be inserted into banded reports which satisfies the following conditions:

The parent of the banded object is the report body.

The Position property value of the banded object is set to static.

There isn't any existing page panel in the report body.

Page headers and footers

Page headers and footers are areas in the top and the bottom page margins, where you can add any
JReport components. They are added to the current page settings. Any page that uses the same
settings automatically receives the header or footer that you add. You can insert fields, such as page
numbers and chapter headings, in headers and footers in a text document.
A page header and page footer will be generated at the same time when a report is created, except for
banded layout reports. For a banded layout report, a page header and page footer can only be
generated after you insert a page panel into a banded panel.
You can choose to show or hide them according to your own requirements by checking or unchecking
the View > Page Header or View > Page Footer command.

Page settings
Settings for a page are the same as with a page panel which is used as a template to design this page.
All pages designed with the same page panel will apply the same page settings. So, you just need to
set the settings for a page panel to apply them to these pages.

Adjusting the page settings

To adjust the page settings, the following are two ways for you to choose:

Adjusting through the Page Setup dialog

1. Click File > Page Setup to bring up the Page Setup dialog.

2. Set properties of paper, orientation and margin for the current page. You can also click Set
Default to apply the default values for each option.
3. Click OK to apply your settings.

Adjusting through the Report Inspector

1. Click View > Report Inspector.
2. In the Report Inspector, select a PagePanel node with the properties you want to set.
3. Set properties of Paper, Orientation and Margin for the specified page panel node according to
your requirements.

Page break
A new page will be generated in a report only when the space in a page has been fully occupied or
there exists a break control in this page, for example, a page break that is inserted in the page.
To insert a page break, Click Insert > Page Break.

Page breaks can be inserted into the report body level.

Page breaks can be inserted into banded objects only when the following conditions have been met:

The parent of the banded object is the report body.

There isn't any existing page panel in the report body.

Its Position property of the banded object is set to static.

Page mode
In JReport Designer, you can set the page mode of a report: pagination mode and continuous mode.
This section describes these two page modes and how to switch between them.

Pagination mode
In pagination mode, the page shape and size can be specified in the page panel settings. Once set, the
contents of the report will be laid out according to these specifications. If the contents exceed the
specified size, the page break control will start a new page with the same size.
In addition, the total page size is determined both by the contents' size and by the page breaking
control, such as Fill Whole Page, On New Page, Page Breaker.

Continuous mode
In continuous page mode, only the component breaking control will work. The whole report is laid out
in a single page, and has no specific shape and size. If no component breaking control has been set, all
of the components will be laid out in the same page, and the size of the page will depend on the size of
the contents.
In addition, all of the properties set in pagination mode will be simply skipped, including the page
breakers in page panel. In this way, if there is more than one page panel in a report, all contents
contained in different page panels will be laid out in the same page, and only the first page panel's
page header and footer will be laid out.
Component breaking rule
In continuous page mode, JReport Designer provides you with an option for breaking a component in
continuous page mode. This kind of breaking is not based on space, but on logic. For example, you can
set a group break to occur every 20 detail sections, no matter how big these 20 detail sections are.
The following three components have logic break functionality: banded object, table and crosstab:

For banded objects, the logic break acts only on the sub-components - detail panel and group panel.

For tables, the logic break acts only on the sub-components - table detail and table group.

For crosstabs, the logic break acts on the whole crosstab.

And, several properties are related to the component logic break:

For banded objects and tables, there are two relative properties: Current Block Index and Items per
For crosstabs, besides the two properties mentioned above, there are also four extra properties:
Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items per Row Block and Items per Column

Switching between the two page modes

To switch between the two page modes, you can choose either of the following ways:

Select or unselect Page Layout on the View menu.

Click the Page Layout button

on the Report toolbar.

Editing a report
After a report is built up, you can make further modifications to the report, in order to make it better
satisfy your requirements. In JReport, to edit a report is actually to edit the components in it. This
section only lists the basic operations used for editing a report. For more details, you can refer to the
specific section of each component in the chapter Components.
Note: The other way to edit a report is by changing its properties in the Report Inspector. For detailed
property descriptions, see Properties in the Report Inspector.

Inserting other components into a report

After the initial design work of a report, you are also free to insert more components into the report. To
insert a component, you can either use the menu command or the Toolbox panel.

Duplicating the components

You can duplicate any component in a report without creating it the second time.
1. Select the component which you want to duplicate.
2. Right-click the component and then select Copy from the shortcut menu (or click the
corresponding menu command or toolbar button).
3. In the required position, right-click your mouse, and then click Paste.

Resizing the components

To resize a component in a report, follow the steps below:
1. Select the component with the size you want to change, and the sizing handles will then appear
along the four boundaries of the component.
2. Drag a sizing handle to resize the component to the required size.
3. Repeat the steps to resize other components.

Changing the position of components

The position of a component in a report can be Static, Relative or Absolute. To change the position of a
component, right-click it and then on the shortcut, select the required item from the Position submenu.
In addition, when the position of some components in a report is set to Absolute, these components will
be overlapped each other. You can decide the display order of the components by moving them
backwards or forwards. For details, see Position property.

Showing components in a TOC tree

Some components in a report can be set up to show in a table of contents. Then when previewing the
report in JReport Format, viewing it in JReport Viewer, exporting it to PDF or HTML format, TOC
Browser can be used to locate the corresponding component.
To show a component in a TOC tree:
1. Select the component node in Report Inspector.
2. Set its TOC Anchor property to true.
3. Specify its display value for it by setting the Anchor Display Value property.
JReport also allows you to specify other properties for a TOC tree as you like, including its CSS style,
colors and fonts. You can specify these properties by selecting TOC node in Report Inspector.

Deleting components from a report

If you find any components contained in a report are not required, you can use either of the following
two ways to remove it from the report:

In the Report Inspector, select the node which represents the component and press the Delete
button on your keyboard.
In the design area, right-click the component and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

Previewing a report
In the process of designing a report, you can preview the report at any time in the following two ways:

Previewing a report in JReport format

Previewing a report in other formats

Moreover, if a report is developed with National Language Support, when you preview it, you can
specify the language in which you want the report to display.

Previewing a report in JReport format

To preview a report in JReport format when designing it at any time, just click the View tab, which then
causes the JReport Engine to run the report. The result is then shown in the viewer. To optimize
performance, JReport Designer displays report pages before they have been completely generated. For
details about the options in the View tab, see Design/View area.
In addition, when previewing a banded object, you are enabled to dynamically sort the records and drill
down the aggregate level fields.

Dynamic sort
You can sort the records in a banded object dynamically in the View area. To do this:
1. Point to the field you want to sort.
2. Right-click the field and select the option Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the shortcut

You can drill down on aggregate level fields in a banded object. Drill-down is made possible where
there is a summary for a group. For example, if a banded object has been grouped by Customer
Region, and the group summary is on Annual Sales. When previewing the banded object, if you point
the mouse at the total annual sales for a region, it will turn into a small hand. Click on the total, and
the drill-down report for the selected region will be displayed.

By default, in cases like the above, JReport's convention is to hide the detail panel of each group and
only show it in a drill-down report. To do this, select the detail panel, and go to the Report Inspector.
Set its Invisible property to true. Then view the banded object again, and it will be shown without

Note: After some modifications in the design area, if you find the report is shown very quickly and the
changes are not applied in view mode, this means you need to click the Refresh Data button
the toolbar to re-run your report.


Previewing a report in other formats

JReport also allows you to preview your report in the following formats: DHTML, HTML, PDF, Excel,
Text, RTF, XML and PostScript.
To preview a report in other formats, take one of the following:

On the View menu, select the specific format from the Preview As submenu.
Click the Preview As button
drop-down list.

on the Standard toolbar and select the required item from the

On the File menu, select Export To and select the format you want to use.

By selecting one of the formats in the View > Preview As menu, the report will be exported to a
temporary file which will automatically be opened in the format with the appropriate application. The
temporary file will be removed when you exit JReport Designer.
By selecting one of the formats in the File > Export To menu, the report will be exported to a file in the
same directory as the catalog but will not be opened automatically. The exported file can be used to
email or share with other members of your team for review purposes and will not be removed

The function of previewing a report in DHTML is enabled only if you have checked the option Server
for previewing reports in DHTML or Studio when installing JReport Designer.
The preview server is a web ad hoc disabled server, and it supports only one user and one report set
JReport Designer and the preview server are running in two separated JVMs. The preview server
applies -Djreport.url.encoding=UTF-8 in the startup batch file and this setting covers URL
encoding/decoding. Therefore, when you preview a report in DHTML format, if the name of the report

or its report set or catalog file contains non-Latin characters, you need add -Djreport.url.
encoding=UTF-8 into the startup batch file of JReport Designer as well; otherwise the preview will fail.
When previewing a report in DHTML format,

Make sure the JDBC driver's class path has been appended to setenv.bat/setenv.sh in
If the report contains some user defined objects (UDO), to have them work correctly in the preview
server, you need to compile your Java files again using report.jar and JREngine.jar in the
<install_root>\server\lib directory, modify the udo.ini file in <install_root>\server\lib and
append the classes to the class path of JRServer.bat in <install_root>\server\bin. For details,
see Creating a UDO manually.
If the report contains some user defined data sources (UDS) or user defined formulas (UDF), you
can use the classes you have compiled for using in Designer, but remember to append the classes
to the class path of JRServer.bat in <install_root>\server\bin.

Making high-efficiency reports

The following ways are provided for you to make reports efficient, reliable, and fast at runtime.

Suppress all useless panels in a banded object, such as Group Header and Footer panels which are
not adding values to the report.
To do this, select the panel, go to the Report Inspector, and then change the property Suppress to
This is more efficient than hiding the panel.

Set the precision (length) of DBFields or record level formulas to the size of the maximum value you
need to display in the report. Make them larger than necessary wastes resources.
To do this:
1. Make sure the option Forbid editing data object properties is unchecked in the Catalog category
of the Options dialog.
2. Go to the Catalog Browser, expand the Properties sheet.
3. Select the DBField or record level formula, then change the Precision property to an appropriate

You can improve the report performance by setting the data buffer size to a larger value.
By default, the size of data buffer is 2MB. When data exceeds the default size, data will be written to
disk, which will slow down the report processing. JReport Designer enables you to set data buffer size
by specifying two properties of a dataset or subreport in the Report Inspector: Records per Page and
Max Page Number. For details, see Data Buffer.

Adjust Result Buffer.

The result buffer is used to store the report result in pages. Its default size is 4 which indicates 4
pages of the report result are allocated to the result buffer, other pages will be stored on disk. If you
have enough memory, to get better performance, you can increase the result buffer size to store
more pages of report result.
To adjust the result buffer size, in the Report Inspector, highlight the node which represents the
report, and then change the value of Result Buffer Size to the number of pages you want to hold in

Adjust Excel Buffer for exporting to Excel.

The Excel buffer is used to store the report result in excel buffer sheets when exporting to Excel
format. Its default size is 1, which indicates 1 sheet of the report result are allocated to the result
buffer; other sheets will be stored on disk. If you have enough memory, you can increase the Excel
buffer size to store more sheets of excel format report result in memory. For details, see Setting the
Excel buffer size.

When running a report to the Delimited Format (such as the CSV format) on JReport Server, the
property Fast Pass can help you speed up the generation process. Setting Fast Pass to true will
enable you to specify the position of the object you want to display in the result file, thus JReport will

not calculate the position for every object during the generation process.
To use this method:
1. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the report and set the properties Fast
Pass and Columned to true.
2. For each DBField or label, set the exact coordinate using the properties Column Index and Row
For example, set the properties Column Index=0 and Row Index=2 for a DBField, JReport
Designer will put this DBField into the first column and the third row in the generated Text file.
3. Set the property engine.single_thread=false in the file server.propertise in
<server_install_root>\bin. This enables the property Fast Pass to take effect when running
the report to the Delimited Format.

Cache Section.
The Cache Section property is used to cache the objects in the Detail panel of a banded object
instead of creating them repeatedly. You can set Cache Section in the Report Inspector to true to
improve the performance.
Note: Cache Section doesn't work if there is crosstab, text object, chart, etc. in the Detail panel
of the banded object, because these objects contain child-DBFields.

Cache Value (only for DBFields).

The Cache Value property is used to cache the layout attributes (font size, font face, width and so
on) of DBFields when exporting the report to any format. To get better performance, set it to true in
the Report Inspector.

A dataset is the set of data built from the result of a query, and can optionally have filters applied to it.
A dataset contains not only DBFields, but also any formulas, summaries, and parameters that use the
A dataset has a name, which by default is the name of the resource on which it is created. You can
view items in a dataset by choosing the Dataset View mode from the toolbar of the Resource View

When you create a report or a data component, you specify whether a new dataset is created for it or
an existing one is used. Having components and reports use an existing dataset whenever possible will
have a dramatic effect on the performance of your reports in the runtime environment. This is because
each dataset is created by running a query against the database, and that is the most expensive part
of running a report in terms of execution time.
This chapter describes the following topics related to datasets:

Creating a dataset

Managing datasets

Creating a dataset
The dataset is created automatically when a query is created and mapped to a report. You can also
create a dataset independently, and then use it on a report later. This section describes the ways to
create a dataset as follows:

Creating a dataset while creating report

When you create a report other than in the tabular layout, a dataset is created at the same time, either
empty or containing some data fields, depending on whether data fields are added to the report.

If you specify to create the report in one of the following layouts: Standard Banded Report, Table
Report, Chart Report, Crosstab Report, Horizontal Banded Report or Mailing Label Report, in the Data
screen of the corresponding report wizard:

Check the New radio button and specify the source on which the dataset will be created. Then,

If you go on to the next screens of the report wizard and select some data fields to display in the
report, the dataset will contain the selected data fields.

Check the Existing radio button and click <Add Dataset...> in the dataset tree. In the New
Dataset dialog, specify the source on which the dataset will be created, give a name for it, then
click OK to create the dataset.

If you click Finish directly in the report wizard, an empty dataset will be created.

If you click Finish directly in the report wizard, the dataset will be empty.
If you go on to the next screens of the report wizard and select some data fields to display in the
report, the dataset will contain the selected data fields.

If you choose to create a blank report, you will be prompted with the Choose Data dialog to specify a
dataset for the report.

Check the New radio button and specify the source on which the dataset will be created. Then click
OK, and an empty dataset will be created.
Check the Existing radio button and click <Add Dataset...> in the dataset tree. In the New
Dataset dialog, specify the source on which the dataset will be created, give a name for it, then
click OK. An empty dataset will be created.

Creating a dataset from the Report menu

To create a dataset by using the Report menu, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click Report > Dataset Management on the menu bar.
2. In the Dataset Management dialog, click the Add button.
3. In the New Dataset dialog, specify the data source on which the dataset will be built.
4. Enter the name of the dataset in the New Dataset Name field.

5. Click OK, and an empty dataset will be created.

Creating a dataset via the Resource View panel

Another way to create a dataset is by using the Resource View panel. To do this:
1. In the Resource View panel, choose <Choose Data From...> from the dataset drop-down list.
2. In the New Dataset dialog, specify the source on which the dataset will be built.
3. Enter the name of the dataset in the New Dataset Name field.
4. Click OK, and an empty dataset will be created.

Managing datasets
After you have created some datasets in a report set, you can manage them according to your
requirements, for example, you can add data fields to a dataset or filter the dataset. To do this, click
Report > Dataset Management on the menu bar, and the Dataset Management dialog will be
displayed, in which you can manage your datasets as required.

Adding data fields to a dataset

You can add additional data fields to a dataset, as long as they come from the source on which the
dataset is created. To do this:
1. In the Dataset List box of the Dataset Management dialog, select the dataset to which you want to
add data fields.
2. From the Available Resource box of the Data tab, select the required data fields and then click
to add them to the dataset.
3. When done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.

Filtering data fields in a dataset

1. In the Dataset List box of the Dataset Management dialog, select the dataset with the data fields
you want to filter, then click the Filter tab.
2. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.
3. Specify the field, operator and value accordingly to create the filter expression.
4. Click Add Condition to define another condition line and set the relationship between the two
lines if required.
5. When done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
Note: You can use parameters to dynamically filter datasets as you do with queries. For details about
parameter's usage on this, refer to Dynamically filtering queries.

Optimizing a dataset
You can enlarge or decrease the scope of retrieved data for a dataset, and therefore make a
balanceable decision between better performance and special usage cases/demands. To do this:
1. In the Dataset List box of the Dataset Management dialog, select the dataset with the name you
want to optimize.
2. Click the Optimize Dataset button.
3. In the Optimize Dataset dialog, choose a retrieved data scope for the dataset.

Only Columns Used in Report Set

Only data columns used in the current report set are retrieved at runtime. This way ensures the
best performance since the least data is retrieved.
All Columns in Dataset
All data columns defined in the dataset are retrieved at runtime.
All Columns in Query
All data columns in the query that the dataset is based on are retrieved at runtime. The
performance of this way is not as good as the other two.

4. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.

Renaming a dataset
1. In the Dataset List box of the Dataset Management dialog, select the dataset with the name you
want to modify.
2. Double-click the Name cell of the dataset.
3. Input a new name in the cell and press Enter to apply the changes.
Note: You are not recommended to rename a dataset that has been used by other components
randomly. Renaming a referenced dataset may cause reports which contain components based on the
dataset not to work.

Removing a dataset
After you have created one or more datasets in a report set, you can choose to remove them if they
are no longer required for the report set. To do this:
1. In the Dataset List box of the Dataset Management dialog, specify the dataset you want to
2. Click the Remove button to remove the specified dataset.
3. When done, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
Note: If you remove a dataset directly in this way, any data containers created based on the dataset
will not work. So, when you want to remove a dataset, it is recommended that you first remove the
data containers which reference this dataset.
See also Dataset Management dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Components are the objects that you can place in a report. JReport provides a full set of components that
allow you to present and control the report data and presentation in a wide variety of ways.

Component categories
Components in JReport can be classified as follows:

JReport components: labels, text boxes, images, barcodes, ranks, tables, horizontal table, crosstabs,
charts, tabulars, banded objects, subreports, UDOs, maps
Fields: DBFields, formula fields, summary fields, parameter fields
Web controls: form, text field, password, text area, checkbox, radio button, image button, button,
drop-down list, list, expand/collapse group, parameter control, parameter form control, filter control,
navigation control

Multimedia objects: applets, flash files, real media files, windows media files

Drawing objects: lines, arcs, boxes, ovals, round boxes

Special fields: Print Date, Print Time, Fetch Date, Fetch Time, Record Number and many more.

Components can be bound to a dataset

Some components can be bound with a dataset or inherit data from the dataset of their parents. These
components are table, chart, crosstab and banded object, and they are also referred to as data containers.
You can set up link conditions between two data container components which have a parent-child
relationship. For more information, see Setting up a data container link.

Component placement
Components can be placed within banded objects or some other components, as well as onto an empty
area of a report. JReport Designer indicates whether or not the target location is valid for the component.
The following tables lists the report areas that are valid targets for the various components, listed on the
Report layout areas and the components they can contain
Report Layout Area


DT panel

BF panel

GF panel












Formula field

Special field




Text box







Web control


Barcode and rank components can be inserted in a report layout area that is valid for the component on which the
barcode or rank is based. For example, a rank component that represents a DBField is allowed in the report layout
areas in which a DBField component is allowed.


This chapter describes each component in more detail:



Formula fields

Summary fields

Parameter fields

Special fields

Text boxes


Banded objects










Drawing objects

Web controls

Multimedia objects

A label is an object that contains a string. It is typically a brief description used to identify a field or
other value nearby. In JReport, the display type of a label can be changed, that is you can map the
string to another value or image to be displayed instead.
The following tasks related to labels are described in this section:

Inserting a label

Editing and formatting a label

Binding a link to a label

Changing the display type of a label

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the label component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ForLabel.cls.

Inserting a label
Labels can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
You can use either of the following methods to insert a label:

Using menu/toolbar command

Click Insert > Label on the menu bar (or the Insert Label button
on the Insert toolbar), then
click the mouse button in the location where you want the label to be displayed.

By dragging and dropping

Drag Label from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

A label with the default text "Label" is inserted. Now, you can customize its appearance and
behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future
use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

Editing and formatting a label

The text of a label can be edited or formatted.
To edit a label:
1. Double-click the label to select the text, or single-click and then drag to select a portion of the text.
2. Type the replacement text.
You can also modify a label's text by using the Text property value in the Report Inspector.
To format a label:
You can format the label text with the Format toolbar, for example, you can change the font size, color,
and alignment of the text.
To format a label, first select the label, and then perform any of the following tasks:

To change the alignment of a label, click the required alignment button: Justify

. The text in the label will then be aligned according to your selection.

To change the font face, click the Font Face Box

and then select the
required font from the drop-down list. The fonts introduced with * are True Type Fonts. Refer to the
chapter True Type Fonts for more information.
To change the font size, click the Font Size Box
and then select the required size
from the drop-down list (or enter the required value in the text box and then press Enter).
To change the font style, click the corresponding font style buttons on the Format toolbar: Bold
, Italic

or Right

, Left

and Underline

To change the background color of the label, click the Background Color button
foreground color of the label text, click the Font Color button

; to change the

Binding a link to a label

To bind a link to a label, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the label and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu. The Master/Detail Report
dialog will then appear.
2. Specify the target to which the label will be linked from the Link to drop-down list and then set the
options for the target.

A Report
If you create a link to a report, when viewing the result, you can view another report by clicking
the label (for details, see Linking a report to another report).
Master/Detail Report
If you create a link to a detail report, when viewing the result, you can view the detail report by
clicking the label (for details, see Linking a report to a detail report).
to select a field which contains URL information or
Enter the link in the Hyperlink box, or click
create a formula to represent a URL to set the hyperlink, and then specify the frame from the
Target Frame drop-down list.

An E-mail
You can use the text boxes and drop-down list to compose e-mail address. For example, a field
"Company" contains company information such as "Jinfonet", you can input "sales" in the first
text boxes, select "Company" from the drop-down list, and input ".com" in the second text box.
With this, you can click the label at runtime so as to write an e-mail to the corresponding
recipient. You can also type "[email protected]" into the first text box and leave the dropdown list and the second text box empty, and thus clicking the label (or any field value) will
write an e-mail to the specific address. For studio reports, enter the address in the text box.

3. When done, click OK to close this dialog.

Changing the display type of a label

The display type of a label can be changed, that is to say, you can map the label to another value or
image to be displayed instead.
JReport provides 13 kinds of display types: text, image, barcode, rank, text field, hidden field, text
area, checkbox, radio button, image button, button, list, and drop-down list.
To change the display type of a label:
1. Right-click the label and select Display Type to open the Display Type dialog.
2. In the Type box, select the required type.
3. Set the options for the selected type in the Options panel.
4. Click the OK button to close the dialog.
A label can be displayed as one of the following general types:

As text

As image

As barcode

As rank

Note: The display type of a label can also be changed to a web control, including text field, hidden
field, text area, checkbox, radio button, image button, and button. A label cannot be displayed as list or
drop-down list. For details about how to make settings of these display types, see Using basic web

As text
To define the display type of a label as text, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the label and select Display Type from the shortcut menu to open the Display Type
2. In the Display As box, select Text.
3. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the text. Then after the report is exported
to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the text, the tooltip will be displayed.
If you want to use a formula to control the tip, click
and select a formula from the drop-down
list. You can also click the <CREATE FORMULA> item in the list to create one as required.
4. Bind some web actions to the label in the Web Behaviors box (for details, see Applying web
5. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
Note: If you have specified a tooltip for the text, when the report is opened in HTML or DHTML format,
the tooltip will be displayed differently on different browsers:

On Internet Explorer, the tip text will be automatically wrapped if its length exceeds the maximal tip
width the browser allows. In addition, for Internet Explorer, you can manually make some text
displayed in a new line by adding &#10 or &#13 ahead of the text when editing it in the Tool Tip field.
On Firefox, the tip text will be displayed in one line with the maximal tip width the browser allows,
and the text that cannot be displayed within the width will be cut off and replaced by ellipsis.

As image
To define the display type of a label as image, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the label and select Display Type from the shortcut menu to open the Display Type dialog.
2. In the Display As box, select Image.

3. In the Web Options panel, click the Browse button to specify the image source.
For a DBField, formula, or a summary, you can also check the From DBField radio button to make the
value of the DBField/formula/summary the image source. If you choose this option, the Decode Type
drop-down list is enabled, from which you can specify the type for decoding the image.
4. Type the name of the image in the Name field.
5. Type a string in the Alternate Text field to serve as content when the image cannot be displayed.
6. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the image. Then after the report is exported to
HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the image, the tooltip will be displayed.

7. Specify the scaling mode of the image from the Scaling Mode drop-down list, and the maximum scaling
ratio in the Max Ratio field. By default the scaling ratio of the image is not limited.
The following are the available scaling modes:

actual size - If selected, the image will be shown in its actual size.

fit image - If selected, the image will be scaled to be wholly shown.

fit width - If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the width of the image viewer.

fit height - If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the height of the image viewer.

customize - If selected, the image will be scaled according to the width and height that you specify in
the Width and Height box.

8. Specify the size of the image.

If you choose to use the original size of the image, check the Original Size option.
If you want to use customized image size, uncheck Original Size, and then set the display width and
height of the image in the Width and Height fields. Check the Constrain Proportion option if you want
to constrain aspect ratio of the image when setting the width and height.

9. Specify the rotation degree of the image in the Rotation field.

0 - No rotation.

Positive value - Rotates the image clockwise.

Negative value - Rotates the image anticlockwise.

10. Bind some web actions to the label in the Web Behaviors box (for details, see Applying web actions).
11. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
The source, tooltip, name and alternate text of the image can be controlled by formula. To do this, click the

next to the text field and select a formula from the drop-down list. You can also click the
formula button
<CREATE FORMULA> item in the list to create one as required.

If you have specified a tooltip for the image, when the report is opened in HTML or DHTML format, the
tooltip will be displayed differently on different browsers:

On Internet Explorer, the tip text will be automatically wrapped if its length exceeds the maximal tip width
the browser allows. In addition, for Internet Explorer, you can manually make some text displayed in a
new line by adding &#10 or &#13 ahead of the text when editing it in the Tool Tip field.
On Firefox, the tip text will be displayed in one line with the maximal tip width the browser allows, and the
text that cannot be displayed within the width will be cut off and replaced by ellipsis.

When you rotate an image, the rectangle that holds the image maintains its original size, which may result
in that the image exceeds the field border and therefore the parts that extends outside of the border will be
cut off.

As barcode
To define the display type of a label as barcode, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the label and select Display Type from the shortcut menu to open the Display Type dialog.
2. In the Display As box, select Barcode.

3. In the Web Options panel, select the required barcode type from the Symbology drop-down list. You can
preview the format of the selected symbology in the Preview box (for details about the different
symbologies of barcodes, see Appendix 2: Barcode symbologies).
4. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the barcode. Then after the report is exported to
HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the barcode, the tooltip will be displayed.
and select a formula from the drop-down list. You
If you want to use a formula to control the tip, click
can also click the <CREATE FORMULA> item in the list to create one as required.
5. From the Scale Mode drop-down list, select the unit for the values of Quiet Zone, Narrow Width,

Supplement, Height and Ratio.

6. Specify the space around the barcode in the Quite Zone field (most symbologies require quiet zones that
precede and follow the barcode).
7. Change the default value of the barcode in the Default Message field (if necessary). If you check Use
Default Message, the message will be used as the barcode value when you view the report result.
Otherwise, the message will only be used in design mode.
8. Specify the supplement of the barcode (if necessary).
If you select the barcode type as Code 39, Code 128/128A/128B/128C or Codabar, you will not need to
set the supplement.
9. Set the barcode bar width in the Narrow Width field, and the height of the bars in the Height field.
10. Specify the width ratio of the thick bar to the thin bar in the Ratio field if you selected the barcode type as
Code 39 or Codabar. The ratio can only be 2.0 or 3.0. Any ratio values not equal to 2.0 or 3.0 will be
regarded as 2.0.
11. Specify the rotation angle in degrees in the Orientation field (if necessary).
12. Select the Enable Checking Digits checkbox if you want to include check digits in the barcode.
13. If you selected the barcode type as Code 39, Code 128/128A/128B/128C, or Codabar, then you can check
Display HR to display the barcode numbers together with the barcode.
14. Bind some web actions to the label in the Web Behaviors box (for details, see Applying web actions).
15. Upon finishing, click OK to close the dialog.
A barcode can also be inserted into a report as a component. For details, see the section Barcodes.

If you have specified a tooltip for the barcode, when the report is opened in HTML or DHTML format, the
tooltip will be displayed differently on different browsers:

On Internet Explorer, the tip text will be automatically wrapped if its length exceeds the maximal tip width
the browser allows. In addition, for Internet Explorer, you can manually make some text displayed in a
new line by adding &#10 or &#13 ahead of the text when editing it in the Tool Tip field.
On Firefox, the tip text will be displayed in one line with the maximal tip width the browser allows, and the
text that cannot be displayed within the width will be cut off and replaced by ellipsis.

As rank
To define the display type of a label as rank, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the label and select Display Type from the shortcut menu to open the Display Type dialog.
2. In the Display As box, select Rank.

3. In the Options panel, click the Browse button to select an image file to be the default image (used if a
value does not fit any of the specified value ranges).
4. Type a string in the Default Image Alternate Text field. The string will be displayed when the default
image cannot be loaded or is unavailable.
5. In the Default Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the default image. Then after the report is
exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the image, the tooltip will be displayed.
6. Specify the rotation degree of the default image in the Default Image Rotation field.

0 - No rotation.

Positive value - Rotate the image clockwise.

Negative value - Rotate the image anticlockwise.

7. In the Value Range box, specify different ranges according to your requirements. For each value range,
you should specify the minimum value, maximum value, image, alternate text, tooltip and rotation. A
value, which is larger than or equal to the minimum value of a range and less than the maximum value,
will be displayed as the image, or the alternate text if the image cannot be loaded or is unavailable. For a
value belonging to two or more overlapping ranges, the highest range in the Value Range box will apply.


to add or delete a range, and


to adjust the order of the ranges.

8. Bind some web actions to the label in the Web Behaviors box (for details, see Applying web actions).
9. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close this dialog.

Ranks can also be used as component and inserted into a report directly. For details, refer to the section
If you have specified a tooltip for the rank image, when the report is opened in HTML or DHTML format, the
tooltip will be displayed differently on different browsers:

On Internet Explorer, the tip text will be automatically wrapped if its length exceeds the maximal tip width
the browser allows. In addition, for Internet Explorer, you can manually make some text displayed in a
new line by adding &#10 or &#13 ahead of the text when editing it in the Tool Tip field.
On Firefox, the tip text will be displayed in one line with the maximal tip width the browser allows, and the
text that cannot be displayed within the width will be cut off and replaced by ellipsis.

When you rotate an image, the rectangle that holds the image maintains its original size, which may result
in that the image exceeds the field border and therefore the parts that extends outside of the border will be
cut off.

DBFields, or database fields, are fields directly from databases, user data sources, hierarchical data sources, or
XML data sources.

Inserting a DBField in a report

DBFields can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a DBField into a report, you can use either of the following two ways:

Using dialog
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the DBField and do one of the

Click Insert > DBField on the menu bar.

Click the Insert DBField button

on the Insert toolbar.

The Insert Fields dialog appears.

2. Select a dataset from the dataset drop-down list, and all resources in the selected dataset will then be
listed in the DBField List box.
3. Select the required DBField and specify its layout in the Insert Layout box.

4. Click the Insert button to insert the DBField into the destination.

By dragging and dropping

In the Resource View panel, select a dataset from the dataset drop-down list, then select the required
DBField and drag it to the destination.

When a DBField has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating
a CSS style).

To insert more than one DBField with the Insert Field dialog, you can select them one by one with the Ctrl
key, or you can make a continuous selection with the Shift key.
You cannot use the Insert Fields dialog to insert a DBField into a crosstab.
If you insert a DBField into the detail panel of a banded object or table, the name of the DBField will
automatically be inserted as a label into the corresponding header panel. Otherwise the field and its name
label will be placed in the same panel. If you do not want to insert the field name automatically, you can
uncheck Insert field name label with field in the Options dialog (File > Options > Component > Insert
field name label with field).

Adding a summary for a DBField

To add a summary for a DBField:
1. Right-click the DBField and select Summary Function from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Insert Summary dialog, specify the summary settings as required.
3. When done, click Insert.
For more information, see Inserting a summary in a report.

Changing the display type of a DBField

The display type of a DBField can be changed, that is to say, you can map the DBField to another value or
image to be displayed instead.
To change the display type a DBField:
1. Right-click the DBField and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Type box, and set the options for the
selected type in the Option panel.
3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
For details about display types, see Changing the display type of a label.

Binding a link to a DBField

You can make a DBField linked with another report, a URL or an e-mail. To do this:
1. Right-click the DBField and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu to display the Master/Detail
Report dialog.
2. From the Link to drop-down list, specify the target to which the DBField will be linked.

3. Set the options for the target as required.

4. When done, click OK.
For details about different link targets, see Binding a link to a label.

Adding conditional formats to a DBField

You can add some conditional formats to a DBField, then when the specified condition is fulfilled, the defined
format will be applied to the field values for distinguishing.
To add conditional formats to a DBField:
1. Select the DBField and then do one of the following:

Click Format > Conditional Formatting on the menu bar.

Click the Conditional Formatting button

Right-click the DBField and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.

on the Format toolbar.

The Conditional Formatting dialog appears.

2. Click the button

above the Condition box. The Edit Conditions dialog appears.

3. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.

4. From the field drop-down list, select the field on which the condition will be based.
5. Choose the operator with which to compose the condition expression from the operator drop-down list.
6. From the value drop-down list, specify the value of how to build the condition. You can also type in the
value manually.
7. Click Add Condition to add another condition line and define the relationship between the two condition
lines if required.
8. When done, click OK to save the condition.
The newly added condition will then be displayed in the Condition box in the Conditional Formatting dialog.
9. In the Format box of the Conditional Formatting dialog, set the format which will be applied to values of
the DBField when the specified condition is fulfilled, for example, the font face, font size, font color, etc.
10. Repeat the above steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
11. When done, click OK to save the settings.
See also Conditional Formatting dialog and Edit Conditions dialog for details about options in the dialogs.

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports that have
examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the DBField component example, open

Formula fields
Formula fields are calculated from DBFields, other formulas, summaries, and parameters, so they can
present information that DBFields cannot do.

Inserting a formula field in a report

A formula field can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement. Before you can
insert a formula field into a report, you need to define it. For details about how to define formulas, see
Creating a formula.
To insert a formula field into a report, you can use either of the following two ways:

Using dialog
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the formula and do one
of the following:

Click Insert > Formula on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Formula button

The Insert Fields dialog appears.

on the Insert toolbar.

2. Select the required formula from the Formulas node, then specify its layout in the Insert Layout
3. Click the Insert button to insert the formula into the destination.

By dragging and dropping

Select the required formula from the Formulas node of the Resource View panel, then drag it to the

When a formula field has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and
behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future
use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

No matter which way you take, if the given formulas are not what your want, you can click the <Add
Formula...> item to create one as required.
If you insert a formula into the detail panel of a component, the name of the formula will
automatically be inserted as a label into the corresponding header panel. Otherwise the formula and
its name label will be placed in the same panel. If you do not want to insert the name label
automatically, you can uncheck Insert field name label with field in the Options dialog (File >
Options > Component > Insert field name label with field).

Changing the display type of a formula field

The display type of a formula field can be changed, that is to say, you can map the formula field to
another value or image to be displayed instead.
To change the display type a formula field:
1. Right-click the formula field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Type box, and set the options
for the selected type in the Option panel.
3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
For details about display types, see Changing the display type of a label.

Binding a link to a formula field

You can make a formula field linked with another report, a URL or an e-mail. To do this:
1. Right-click the formula field and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu to display the Master/
Detail Report dialog.
2. From the Link to drop-down list, specify the target to which the formula field will be linked.
3. Set the options for the target as required.
4. When done, click OK.
For details about different link targets, see Binding a link to a label.

Adding conditional formats to a formula field

You can add some conditional formats to a formula field, then when the specified condition is fulfilled,
the defined format will be applied to the field values for distinguishing.
To add conditional formats to a formula field:
1. Right-click the formula field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Conditional Formatting dialog, click the button

to add a condition.

3. Set the format that will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.
4. Repeat the above two steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
5. When done, click OK to save the settings.
For more details about conditional formatting, see Adding conditional formats to a DBField.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the formula field
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\UsingFormula.cls.

Summary fields
A summary is a special kind of formula. A summary generates a count, average, sum, standard
deviation or other transformation of a set of data values. A summary applies to a defined group of data.

Inserting a summary field in a report

Summaries can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement. Before you can insert a
summary field into a report, you need to define it. For details about how to define summaries, see
Creating a summary.
To insert a summary field into a report, you can use either of the following two ways:

Using dialog
1. Select the DBField in the report to which you want the summary to be applied.
2. Do one of the following:

Click Insert > Summary on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Summary button

Right-click the DBField and select Summary Function from the shortcut menu.

on the Insert toolbar

The Insert Summary dialog appears.

3. From the Function drop-down list, specify the function of the summary.
4. If the report is grouped, select to which group level the summary will be applied from the Group

By drop-down list. If None is select, the summary will be added based on the whole report.
5. Click the Insert button to insert the summary into the destination.

By dragging and dropping

Select the required summary from the Resource View panel, then drag it to the destination. If the
given summaries are not what you want, click the <Add Summary...> item to create one as

When a summary field has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and
behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future
use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

Summary fields can only be inserted into the header/footer/detail panel of a banded object or cells in
the header/footer/detail panel of a table. However, if you have specified a group by field when
creating the summary, it can be inserted into the corresponding group panels.
If you insert a summary into the detail panel of a component, the name of the summary will
automatically be inserted as a label into the corresponding header panel. Otherwise the summary
and its name label will be placed in the same panel. If you do not want to insert the name label
automatically, you can uncheck Insert field name label with field in the Options dialog (File >
Options > Component > Insert field name label with field).

Changing the display type of a summary field

The display type of a summary field can be changed, that is to say, you can map the summary field to
another value or image to be displayed instead.
To change the display type a summary field:
1. Right-click the summary and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Type box, and set the options
for the selected type in the Options panel.
3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
For details about display types, see Changing the display type of a label.

Adding conditional formats to a summary field

You can add some conditional formats to a summary field, then when the specified condition is fulfilled,
the defined format will be applied to the field values for distinguishing.
To add conditional formats to a summary field:
1. Right-click the summary field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Conditional Formatting dialog, click the button

to add a condition.

3. Set the format that will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.
4. Repeat the above two steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.

5. When done, click OK to save the settings.

For more details about conditional formatting, see Adding conditional formats to a DBField.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the summary field
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\UsingSummaries.cls.

Parameter fields
A parameter in JReport is a variable whose value is determined at runtime. The runtime parameters
help you dynamically control your report results.

Inserting a parameter field in a report

Parameter fields can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement. Before you can
insert a parameter field into a report, you need to create it. For details about how to create
parameters, see Creating a parameter.
To insert a parameter field into a report, you can use either of the following methods:

Using dialog
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the parameter and do
one of the following:

Click Insert > Parameter on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Parameter button

The Insert Fields dialog appears.

on the Insert toolbar.

2. Select the required parameter from the Parameters node, then specify its layout in the Insert
Layout box.
3. Click the Insert button to insert the parameter into the destination.

By dragging and dropping

Select the required parameter from the Resource View panel, then drag it to the destination.

When a parameter field has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and
behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future
use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

No matter which way you take, if the given parameters are not what your want, click the <Add
Parameter...> item to create one as required.
If you insert a parameter into the detail panel of a banded object or table, the name of the
parameter will automatically be inserted as a label into the corresponding header panel. Otherwise
the parameter and its name label will be placed in the same panel. If you do not want to insert the
name label automatically, you can uncheck Insert field name label with field in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Component > Insert field name label with field).

Changing the display type of a parameter field

The display type of a parameter field can be changed, that is to say, you can map the parameter field

to another value or image to be displayed instead.

To change the display type a parameter field:
1. Right-click the parameter field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Display As box, and set the
options for the selected type.

To change the display type of a parameter to list or drop-down list, select the item List or Dropdown List, and then in the Web Options panel, set the name and title. You may notice that a
default list item had been added, and its value is the parameter. If you check Use Runtime
Value, when running the report, you need to specify a value for the parameter, and then the
item same as the value will be selected in the list or drop-down list by default; if you uncheck
the option, the Selected text box will be enabled for you to input a value and the item same as
this value will be selected. For the List type, you can check Allow Multiple Selections to enable
more than one item selected.
For other display types, refer to Changing the display type of a label for details.

3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.

Binding a link to a parameter field

You can make a parameter field linked with another report, a URL or an e-mail. To do this:
1. Right-click the parameter field and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu to display the
Master/Detail Report dialog.
2. From the Link to drop-down list, specify the target to which the parameter field will be linked.
3. Set the options for the target as required.
4. When done, click OK.
For details about different link targets, see Binding a link to a label.

Adding conditional formats to a parameter field

You can add some conditional formats to a parameter field, then when the specified condition is
fulfilled, the defined format will be applied to the field values for distinguishing.
To add conditional formats to a parameter field:
1. Right-click the parameter field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Conditional Formatting dialog, click the button

to add a condition.

3. Set the format that will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.
4. Repeat the above two steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
5. When done, click OK to save the settings.
For more details about conditional formatting, see Adding conditional formats to a DBField.

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the parameter field
examples, open the following report sets: <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents
\Parameter.cls, and <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ParameterField.cls.

Special fields
Special fields are defined by JReport and allow you to easily obtain system information and reportrelated data and add it to your report. The special fields are as follows:

Print Date
Prints today's date (or the current date from your computer).
Print Time
Prints the current time from your computer.
Fetch Date
Prints the date when the data is retrieved from the database.
Fetch Time
Prints the time when the data is retrieved from the database.
Record Number
Prints the record number (usually placed in the Details panel).
Group Name
Prints the group name (usually placed in the Group Header/Footer panel).
Total Records
Prints the total number of records after all the filter conditions are performed, except the ones
created in the Filter dialog of JReport Viewer, and the Group Filter dialog and top N or bottom N
condition in JReport Designer.
Total Fetched Records
Prints the total number of records which take part in grouping calculation. The possible result of the
special field is as follows:

If you don't set any filter condition in the Filter dialog of JReport Viewer, print the very number of
the record obtained after setting the property Maximum Records.
If you set filter conditions in the Filter dialog of JReport Viewer, print the number of records
obtained after performing the filters, even though you have set the property Maximum Records
before setting the filters.

Group Number
Prints the group number (usually placed in the Group Header/Footer panel).
Total Group Number
Prints the total group number (usually placed in the Group Header/Footer panel).
Page Number
Prints the page number of the report which it is placed in.
Global Page Number
Prints the global page number of the whole report wherever it is placed.
Total Page Number
Prints the total page number of the report which it is placed in.

Global Total Page Number

Prints the global total page number of the whole report wherever the field is placed.
SQL Statement
Prints the SQL statements used to execute the query.
User Name
Prints the User ID used when logging onto JReport Server. When viewing the report in JReport
Designer, it will return NULL, while when running the report on JReport Server, it will return the
name used to log onto the server. The User Name special field can be used in different data sources
as follows:
Condition of




SQL File

User Name


Supported in
the Parameter
box in the Add
Data Source


Supported in
the Parameter
box in the Add
User Data
Source dialog.

Supported in
the SQL

User Name
used in a






Modified Date
Prints the last modified date of the catalog.
Modified Time
Prints the last modified time of the catalog.
Task ID
Prints the internal task ID (a unique time stamp). This special field only works in the JReport Server
environment. It returns a NULL value when running in JReport Designer.
Page N of M
Prints a specific page number out of the total page number of the report which the field is placed in.
You can specify the format of this special field. To do this, select this special field, then in the Report
Inspector, find the Format property and choose an item from the shortcut list. Besides the items
listed here, you can also customize the format. For example, if you want it displayed as "This is page
n of m pages", you can input the format string "This is page @PageNumber of @TotalPageNumber
pages" into the Format text box.
Global Page N of M
Prints a specific global page number out of the global total page number. You can specify the format
of this special field in the Report Inspector. The operation is the same as Page N of M.

Note: Page Number, Total Page Number and Page N of M in the following conditions in versions after
V8 are different from those in versions prior to V7:

In V7 and prior, the Page Number, Total Page Number and Page N of M which are placed in a
subreport will calculate the page number of the subreport if the value of the property Embed in a
subreport is set to true. And if you set Embed to false, the Page Number, Total Page Number and
Page N of M will work as global special fields, it will calculate the page number of the main report.
While in V8 and after, the Page Number, Total Page Number and Page N of M which are placed in a
subreport will calculate the page number of the subreport no matter you set the property Embed to

true or false.

Referencing special fields in a formula

Some special fields can be used in formulas. They are User Name, Print Date, Print Time, Fetch Date,
Fetch Time, Modified Date, Modified Time, Record Number, Page Number, Global Page Number, Total
Records and Total Fetched Records. They can all be divided into two types (page level and constant
level) according to the time when their values are ready.
Page level
The value of this special field is ready at the time when the report result is generated. A formula which
references a page-level special field is treated as a page-level formula. In which, the formula is
calculated more than once.
The special fields of this type are: Fetch Date, Fetch Time, Record Number, Page Number, Global Page
Number, Total Records and Total Fetched Records.
Constant level
The value of this special field is ready at any time before the engine runs. A formula which references a
constant-level special field is treated as a constant-level formula, and is calculated only once.
The special fields of this type are: User Name, Print Date, Print Time, Modified Date and Modified Time.

Inserting a special field into a report

Special fields can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a special field into a report:
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where the special field is to be inserted.
2. Do one of the following:

Click Insert > Special Fields, and click the corresponding command on the submenu.
Click the down arrow on the Insert Special Field button
select the required special field from the drop-down list.

on the Insert toolbar and

3. Click in the destination to insert the special field.

When a special field has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and behavior by
setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details,
see Creating a CSS style).

Changing the display type of a special field

The display type of a special field can be changed, that is to say, you can map the special field to
another value or image to be displayed instead.
To change the display type a special field:
1. Right-click the special field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.

2. In the Display Type dialog, specify the required display type in the Type box and set the options
for the selected type in the Option panel.
3. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.
For details about display types, see Changing the display type of a label.

Binding a link to a special field

You can make a special field linked with another report, a URL or an e-mail. To do this:
1. Right-click the special field and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu to display the Master/
Detail Report dialog.
2. From the Link to drop-down list, specify the target to which the special field will be linked.
3. Set the options for the target as required.
4. When done, click OK.
For details about different link targets, see Binding a link to a label.

Adding conditional formats to a special field

You can add some conditional formats to a special field, then when the specified condition is fulfilled,
the defined format will be applied to the field values for distinguishing. However, conditional formatting
applies only to the two special fields: Page Number and User Name.
To add conditional formats to the special field Page Number/User Name:
1. Right-click the special field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Conditional Formatting dialog, click the button

to add a condition.

3. Set the format that will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.
4. Repeat the above two steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
5. When done, click OK to save the settings.
For more details about conditional formatting, see Adding conditional formats to a DBField.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the special field
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ForSpecialFields.cls.

Text boxes
Similar to a word processing document, a text box is an object that holds text (a single character, a
single word, entire sentences, or paragraphs). Editing in a text box is just like working in a word
processor. You can cut, copy and paste selected text easily, and format the text as needed. In addition,
a text box can hold other components.

Inserting a text box into a report

A text box can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a text box into a report, use either of the following ways:

Using menu/toolbar command

Click Insert > Text Box on the menu bar (or the Insert Text Box button
on the Insert
toolbar). If the mouse pointer is in the report body or a tabular cell, a text box will be inserted there
upon finishing. Otherwise, you need to click the mouse button in the desired location to place the
text box there.

By dragging and dropping

From the Toolbox panel, drag Text Box to the desired location in the report which allows the
insertion of a text box, and a text box will then be created.

After a text box has been inserted into a report, you can double-click it to input text. You can also
customize its appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be
saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

Formatting paragraphs in a text box

Paragraphs are created when text is entered into a text box. In JReport, you can easily format the
paragraphs, for example, the alignment style, indentation format or line spacing. To do this:
1. Right-click anywhere in the paragraph and click Paragraph on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Paragraph tab of the Format Text dialog,

To specify the alignment style of the paragraph, select the required option from the Alignment
drop-down list: left, center, right or justified.
To set the indentation formats of the paragraph, in the Indentation box, specify the left and
right indent distance in the Left and Right fields. If you want to set the paragraph to be
indented, select first line or hanging from the Special drop-down list, then input a number in
the By text box. This will create a first-line indent or hanging indent in the paragraph using the
inputted number as the indent distance.
To adjust the spacing before or after the paragraph, enter the required amount of spacing in the
Before or After field.

To change the spacing between the lines in the paragraph, select the required item from the
Line Spacing drop-down list. If at least, exactly or multiple is selected, enter the required
amount of space or the number of lines in the At box.

3. When done, click OK to accept the changes.

You can also set the indentation formats of a paragraph by simply moving the tap stop icons on the
ruler. To do this, position the mouse pointer anywhere on the paragraph, then,

To create a first-line indent or hanging indent, drag


To change the left indent, drag

To change the right indent, drag

to the position where you want the text to

to the position where you want the paragraph to start.

to the position where you want the paragraph to end.

Formatting the text in a text box

The text you enter into a text box can be formatted to suit your requirements. For example, you can
change the font size, color, alignment, and highlight the text with a distinguishing color. To do this:
1. Select the text you want to format, right-click and click Font on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Font tab of the Format Text dialog, specify the font settings.
3. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
You can also format the selected text by clicking the corresponding buttons on the Format toolbar, or
commands of the Text Style submenu on the Format menu.

Finding or replacing a text string

To find a character string in a text box:
1. Right-click anywhere in the text box and select Find a String from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Find tab of the Find and Replace dialog, specify the string you want to search for and set
the other settings as required.
3. Click the Find Next button to start finding the specified string.
Similar to finding text, if you want to replace a string in the text box with another one,
1. Right-click anywhere in the text box and select Replace from the shortcut menu, the Find and
Replace dialog will then be displayed with the Replace tab selected.
2. Specify the settings according to your requirements and click the Replace or Replace All button
to replace the next or all the specified string with another one.

Importing and exporting text

To import text into a text box from an external file (.txt or .rtf):
1. Position the mouse pointer at the location where you want to insert the imported text, then rightclick and select Import External File.

2. In the Import a File dialog, select the .txt or .rtf file you want to import and click OK.
The text of the file is inserted in the text box.
To export the text from a text box:
1. Position the mouse pointer on the text, right-click and select Save to RTF File.
2. In the Save RTF File dialog, specify the name of the file and click OK.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the text box example,
open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ForTextBox.cls.

Tables give you great control over how to present data, including placing fields, grouping them, and
sorting them. A table is composed of rows and columns, and each contains several cells. With such a
structure a table is a good way to show any two-dimensional dataset.
In JReport, tables are data containers, which means that a table displays the results of a query and you
can apply some filters to narrow down the records displayed in it. Also, when a table is inserted into
another data container, you can set up data container link between the table and its parent.
Meanwhile, in order to meet the requirements from voice agents used by people with eyesight
disabilities, JReport supports exported table components in the HTML data table format to get a section
508 compliant result. For detailed descriptions, refer to Accessibility.
Pick a task from the following:

Inserting a table

Modifying a table

Grouping the data

Sorting the data

Filtering the data

Managing columns/rows in a table

Formatting cells in a table

Setting up a data container link

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the table component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\TableReport.cls.

Inserting a table
To insert a table into a report, take the following steps:
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the table. A table can be
inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
2. Do one of the following:

Click Insert > Table on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Table button

Drag Table or Horizontal Table from the Toolbox panel.

on the Insert toolbar.

3. In the Table Type dialog, choose a type for the table you want to insert and click OK. The Create
Table wizard is then displayed.
4. In the Data screen of the wizard,

If you are inserting a table into a normal report, define or select the dataset on which the table
will be created.

If checked, the table will be built on a new dataset created from the catalog resources.
If checked, specify the dataset in the current report set from which the table will be created.
If checked, the table will be built on the dataset which is used by its parent.

If you are inserting a table into a studio report, select a business view in the current catalog on
which the table will be created.

5. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed in the
table. Modify the display name of any added field if required by double-clicking its Display Name
column. If required, click the Sort Fields By button to specify how to sort data in the table. And if
you want to hide these newly added fields in the table, check Hide Detail.
6. In the Group screen, add the fields as the grouping criteria, and then specify the sorting direction
of each group level in the Sort column. If you want the columns created for the group by fields
shown, check Show Groups in Columns. And if necessary, check Combine Group Headers
with Detail Row to place all the group by fields in the detail row, or Combine Group Headers
to place them in the most inner group header row.
7. To add summaries, go to the Summary screen. In the sum on panel (the panel on the right),
specify the group to which the summary will be applied (if you select Table, the summary will be
based on the whole dataset), add a field from the Resources panel as the sum on field, and then
select the function for the summary from the Aggregate Function column. From the Position and
Column columns, specify where to place the added sum on field in the table.
8. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed in the table. If you are

inserting the table into a studio report, you can select a predefined filter of the specified business
view if there is from the Filter drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined in the list to define
a new filter.
9. In the Style screen, specify the style of the table as required.
If you have specified to insert the table into a banded object, by default the table will inherit its
parent's style. If you want to apply another style to the table, uncheck the Inherit Style option
and then select the required style from the Style box. For more information, see Inheriting the
style from a data container.
10. Click Finish to insert the table.
If you have used the menu or toolbar command to insert the table and specified to insert it to
position other than the report body or tabular cell, after clicking Finish in the wizard, you need to
click the mouse button in the destination once again in order to insert the table there.
After a table has been created, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting properties in
the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS

When you want to create a table on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique features
of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.
When you insert a table into a banded report with the dataset inherited from the banded report, you
can not insert the table into the BandedPageHeader and BandedPageFooter panel.

Modifying a table
Once a table has been created, you can further modify it by accessing its shortcut menu wizard which
is composed by a set of screens that are similar to the wizard screens used to create the table. For
example, you can change the data used by the table, apply some grouping, sorting criteria to the table,
and so on.
To modify a table after it has been created:
1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the Table Wizard.
2. In the Data screen, specify a new data source for the table if required.
3. In the Display screen, specify the fields you want to display in the table and how to sort records in
the table.
4. In the Group screen, specify the grouping criteria, and then the sorting direction of each group
level in the Sort column.
5. In the Style screen, select the style you want to apply to the table.
6. When done, click Finish to accept the changes.
See also Table Wizard for details about options in the wizard.

Due to the specialty of hierarchical data sources, you are not allowed to specify an HDS as the new
dataset of the table.
In the Display screen, the newly added fields will be put to the end of the existing fields, and you
cannot re-adjust the order of the fields as you did when creating the table.
For a normal report, when you have specified a new dataset for the table, if there are existing fields
in the table that cannot match the new dataset, they will be marked with a red cross icon. You can
to select fields from the new dataset to replace them. Then when you
use the Replace button
finish the modification, the new dataset and fields you specify will be displayed in the table and those
remaining fields that cannot be matched to fields in the new dataset will be removed from the table

For a studio report, if you specify a new business view for the table, the current table data will be
lost and when you finish editing, a new table will be created.

Aggregating on a detail column

You can summarize the data in a detail column if required. To do this:
1. Right-click the detail column and select Aggregate On from the shortcut menu. The Aggregate
On dialog is displayed.

2. From the Function drop-down list, specify a function to summarize the field in the detail column.
3. Specify the Group By option.

If the table has groups and you want the summary to be applied on certain group level, check
Group By and select the corresponding group by field from the drop-down list below.
If you want the summary to be applied on the whole dataset, check Group By and do not select
any field from the drop-down list below.
If you want to create a dynamic summary, keep Group By unchecked. Then the summary will
be applied on every group level and the whole dataset at the same time.

4. When done, click OK.

Then, a summary which is given a default name Function_DetailFieldName will be created and saved in
the current catalog. You can use it in other reports if required.

Grouping the data

Data in a table is usually organized into groups based on certain criteria. You can define multi-level groups in your table either when
creating it or after the table has been built. In this section, you will be shown how to define groups in an existing table.
To group data of an existing table:
1. Select the table and do one of the following:

Click Insert > Group on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Group button

Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.

on the Insert toolbar.

2. In the Table Wizard, select the Group screen.

3. Select the field from the Resources panel as the grouping criterion, and then click
to add it to the group by panel (the
panel on the right). And if the type of the group by field is Numeric/String/Date/Time, you can select a special function for the
field as required.
4. Set the sorting manner of groups at this group level in the Sort column.

5. Click the Select N button to specify the Select N condition.

6. If you want to filter groups at this group level, click the Group Filter button, and then specify the filter conditions.
7. Repeat the above steps to add more groups.
8. Click Finish to apply the settings.
One or more GH-GF (group header and group footer) row pairs with the selected group fields will have been added to the table.
The following are some specific topics about grouping:

Specifying special function for group by field

Setting the sort manner

Specifying the Select N condition

Filtering the groups

Grouping data dynamically

Specifying special function for group by field

If the field which is added as the grouping criterion is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select
a special function for the field in the Special Function column to group the data as required. This is
called "grouping data by intervals" in JReport. It enables you to group data more clearly and logically,
and to summarize data more effectively.
The following is a short description of each special function.
Functions for Numeric-typed group by fields



All the records that have the same field value will be displayed together as a

Up to 5

The records will be grouped by intervals of 5.

Up to 10

The records will be grouped by intervals of 10.

Up to 50

The records will be grouped by intervals of 50.

Up to 100

The records will be grouped by intervals of 100.

Up to 500

The records will be grouped by intervals of 500.

Up to 1000

The records will be grouped by intervals of 1000.

Up to 5000

The records will be grouped by intervals of 5000.

Up to 10000

The records will be grouped by intervals of 10000.

Functions for String-typed group by fields




All the records that have the same field value will be displayed together as a

For 1st letter

The records, of which the field values' first letter is the same, will be grouped

For first 2 letters

The records, of which the field values' first two letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For first 3 letters

The records, of which the field values' first three letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For first 4 letters

The records, of which the field values' first four letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For first 5 letters

The records, of which the field values' first five letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For last 1 letter

The records, of which the field values' last letter is the same, will be grouped

For last 2 letters

The records, of which the field values' last two letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For last 3 letters

The records, of which the field values' last three letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For last 4 letters

The records, of which the field values' last four letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

For last 5 letters

The records, of which the field values' last five letters are the same, will be
grouped together.

Functions for Date/Time-typed group by fields




All the records that have the same field value will be displayed together as a

For each second

The records, of which the field values are in the same second, will be grouped

For each minute

The records, of which the field values are in the same minute, will be grouped

For each hour

The records, of which the field values are in the same hour, will be grouped

For each day

The records, of which the field values are in the same day, will be grouped

For each week

The records, of which the field values are in the same week, will be grouped

For each bi-week

The records, of which the field values are in the same bi-week, will be grouped

For each half month

The records, of which the field values are in the same half month, will be
grouped together.

For each month

The records, of which the field values are in the same month, will be grouped

For each quarter

The records, of which the field values are in the same quarter, will be grouped

For each half year

The records, of which the field values are in the same half year, will be grouped

For each year

The records, of which the field values are in the same year, will be grouped

Customized function
In the special function list for all the above data types, there is an item called Customize. By selecting
this item, you can define special functions.

Defining special function for Numeric type fields

1. Select a Numeric-typed group by field and then click Customize in the Special Function dropdown list to display the Customized Function dialog.

2. Specify the way in which you want to group the data.

If you want to group the data by intervals, check the By Intervals radio button, then define the
interval in the Numerical Value text box.
If you want to group data by certain range, check the Within Range radio button, specify the
range in the Within text box and select how to apply the range: apply to increasing data or
decreasing data.
3. Check Keep values outside of the range in special group if you want to put values that do
not fall within the specified interval or range in a new group, then give a name for the group in
the Special Group Name text box.
4. Click OK to save the settings.
Note: When grouping Numeric typed data by intervals, JReport follows this rule: all values in
each range are >= the minimum value in the range and < the maximum value in the range, and
0 is the offset for the intervals.
For example, if you specify to group the following values by intervals of 5: -8, -6, -5, -3, -1, 0,
1, 3, 4, 5, 8, the results will be as below:



-10 to -5

-8, -6

-5 to 0

-5, -3, -1

0 to 5

0, 1, 3, 4

5 to 10

5, 8

Defining special function for String type fields

1. Select a String-typed group by field and then click Customize in the Special Function dropdown list to display the Customized Function dialog.

2. Specify the group intervals as required.

For example, to group records by the first N letters of the group by field values, select First

from the drop-down list and then enter N in the text box. Note that the number of letters should
be an integer no larger than 255.
3. If you want to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters when grouping, check
Case sensitive when grouping; otherwise, check in which way you want to convert the group
names: Uppercase, Lowercase or No Conversion.
Note: If you check Case sensitive when grouping, No Conversion will be checked as the
default converting method.

Check Keep values outside of the range in special group if you want to put values that do not
fall within the specified interval in a new group, then give a name for the group in the Special Group
Name text box.

Click OK to save the settings.

Defining special function for Date/Time type fields

1. Select a Date/Time-typed group by field and then click Customize in the Special Function dropdown list to display the Customized Function dialog.

2. Specify the group intervals by inputting a value in the Time text box and then selecting the
required item from the drop-down list behind.
3. Define the offset with which you want to group the data.
By default, JReport takes 1/1/1970 00:00:00 as the offset. If you want to define the offset by
your own, check the Customized Value radio button and then click the calendar button to
choose the required offset.

4. Specify which day will be used as the first day of a week as required.
5. Check Keep values outside of the range in special group if you want to put values that do
not fall within the specified interval in a new group, then give a name for the group in the
Special Group Name text box.
6. Click OK to save the settings.

Setting the sort manner

After a group has been added, you need to specify in which manner groups at current group level will
be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in ascending order.
Groups will be sorted in descending order.
No Sort
Groups will be arranged in their original order.
Special Group
Selecting this item will bring out the User Defined Group dialog for you to define how to group your

For example, if you place a field named Score for grouping which contains student scores that range
from 0 to 100, and you want to group the students in 5 ranks, namely rank A: 90~100, B: 80~89, C:
70~79, D: 60~69, and E: 0~59. You can set the following with the User Defined Group dialog.
Group Name




Op1: 90, Op2: 100


Op1: 80, Op2: 89


Op1: 70, Op2: 79


Op2: 60, Op2: 69



There will be five groups in the order from A to E. If you want to change the order of the groups, you
can also do so via the User Defined Group dialog.
See also User Defined Group dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Sort Group By
Selecting this item will bring out the Sort Group By dialog for you to define how to sort the groups.
You can specify some fields in the dialog, then the groups will be sorted by the values of the first
record in each group on the related fields.
The following example shows how to sort groups by a specific field.
Suppose that you have created a table based on the query EmployeeInformation in the catalog file
SampleReports.cat as follows: added the fields Hire Date, Name, Home Phone and Salary to be
displayed in the table, set the field Employee Position as the group by field and Ascend as the sort
order, then applied the default style to the table.

For the example, specify the sorting criteria as below:

1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the group by field Employee Position in the
group by panel, then select Sort Group By from the Sort column.
3. In the Sort Group By dialog, add the field Salary to the sort by panel, set the sorting manner as
Ascend, then click OK.

4. Click Finish in the Table Wizard to apply the settings.

5. View the table again and you will find that the groups are sorted based on their first record's
Salary values.

Specifying the Select N condition

Sometimes, you may want to show data of certain range in a group or some groups in a table. To
achieve this, you can use the Select N feature. By specifying a Select N condition, you can decide how
many records or groups will be displayed in the table. You can also use an Integer-typed parameter to
control the value of Select N.

To display the top or bottom N records in a table:

1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the Table node in the group by panel, and then
click the Select N button.
3. In the Select N dialog, you will see that The whole object is displayed in the In text field. Select
an item from the Select N drop-down list.
By default, All is selected, which means that all records will be displayed.
If you select Top or Bottom, then you can further specify a number in the combo box below. You
can also use an Integer-typed parameter to define the Top/Bottom N condition dynamically.
Supposing the number or the value you will specify for the parameter is N, when you view the
result, you will find that only the first or last N records in the whole table or in each group (if any
group has been defined) are retrieved.
4. Click OK to go back to the Table Wizard.
5. When done, click Finish to apply the settings.

To display the top or bottom N groups in certain group level of a table:

1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the group by field in the group by panel, and then
click the Select N button.
3. In the Select N dialog, you will see that the field you have just selected is displayed in the In text
field. From the Select N drop-down list, select Top or Bottom, and then further specify a number
or an Integer-typed parameter. If the number or the parameter value is N, then the first or last N
groups in that group level will be displayed.
4. To display all the other groups that do not match the Select N condition (which are by default
hidden) in an additional group, check the Other box and type a name for the additional group.
5. Click OK to go back to the Table Wizard.
6. Upon finishing, click Finish to apply the settings.


The Select N conditions for the whole object and each group are not mutually exclusive, so you can
set them individually.
If you use an Integer-typed parameter to define the Top/Bottom N condition dynamically at runtime,
you should make sure that the parameter has at least one default value that is larger than 0,
otherwise you will get exceptions when viewing the report.

Example of applying Select N conditions

The following example shows how to set the Select N conditions, both for the whole table and the groups
in the table in detail.
1. Create a table based on the query EmployeeInformation in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as
follows: add the fields Name, Hire Date, Employee Position and Notes to be displayed in the table,
set the field Assigned Region as the group by field and Descend as the sort order, and apply the
default style to the table.

2. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the Table node in the group by panel, and then
click the Select N button.
4. In the Select N dialog, select Top from the Select N drop-down list and enter 2 in the combo box.
5. Click OK to go back to the Table Wizard.
6. Select the group by field Assigned Region in the group by panel and click the Select N button
7. In the Select N dialog, select Top, enter 2, check the Other box and enter Others in the text field.
8. Click OK to close the Select N dialog, then click Finish in the Table Wizard to accept all settings.

9. View the table again.

You can find that the first 2 records in each group (the group Latin America has only one record)
have been retrieved, and then the first 2 groups (North America, and Latin America) are displayed,
with the records in the rest group combined into an additional Others group.

Filtering the groups

As the name suggests, the Group Filter feature is based on groups. If a group satisfies the filter condition, all the records in this group
will be shown. If the group doesn't satisfy the condition, then the whole group will not be displayed in the table.
Suppose that you have created a table based on the query EmployeeInformation in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as follows: added
the fields Hire Date, Name, Home Phone and Salary to be displayed in the table, set the field Employee Position as the group by field and
applied the default style to the table. Since no group filter condition has been set, there are three groups in the table: Marketing, Sales
Representative and Vice President.

Example 1: Show groups where the lowest employee salary is less than 50000
1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Group screen of the Table Wizard, select the group by field Employee Position, the Group Filter button will then become
available. Click it to display the Group Filter dialog.

3. Fill in the following information in the dialog:



Field Name (before Occurs


Field Name (after Occurs With)











4. Click OK to close the dialog and then Finish in the Table Wizard to apply the settings.
5. View the report result. You will find that only the two groups Marketing and Sales Representative are displayed, while the group Vice
President that does not fit this condition is ignored.

Example 2: Show groups in which the highest-salary employee was hired before Jan. 1, 1989
In this example, you need to set the Group Filter dialog as below:


Field Name (before Occurs


Field Name (after Occurs








Hire Date




When you view the report result, you will find that this time only the group Vice President is displayed.

Example 3: Show groups where at least one "not highest" employee salary is larger than 50000
In this example, you need to set the Group Filter dialog as below:


Field Name (before Occurs With)

Field Name (after Occurs With)











When you view the report result, you will find that this time only the two groups Marketing and Vice President are displayed.


In the Value field of the Group Filter dialog, you can input a constant or parameter.
For String type constants, you can type the string without quotation marks. For Date/Time type constants, you have to follow the Date/
Time format specified in the Date Format tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
Ensure that the report result contains at least one record; otherwise JReport Designer will throw out an error message.

Grouping data dynamically

As described earlier you can make a multi-level group report by selecting a field as grouping criterion
for the report. However, because the grouping criteria are definite, if you want to group several times
according to different grouping criteria but based on the same table in the database it is cumbersome.
For example, you want to make three employee list reports with different grouping criteria, the first
one is grouped by their first name, the second one is by the hire date and the third one is by their
salary, then you have to repeat the steps of setting query, selecting fields as grouping criteria, and so
on, which is not efficient.
For this case you can use the Dynamic Grouping feature of JReport Designer, which means grouping
criteria is a dynamic process. You don't need to repeat the same steps to make multiple reports with
different grouping criteria. You can just predefine a parameter using String value type and add it to the
group list. Then when you run the report, the parameter dialog prompts the end user to select a field to
group by. All the acceptable group by fields are listed in a drop-down list. You can select any of them
as grouping criterion.

Example of using dynamic grouping

Assume that you have created a table based on the EmployeeInformation query in the SampleReports.
cat catalog, which displays the fields Name, Home Phone, Employee Position and Salary, and applies
the default style.

To apply the dynamic grouping conditions, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the Table Wizard.
2. In the Resources panel of Group screen, click <Add Parameter...> in the Parameters node.

3. In the Create Parameter dialog, create a type-in parameter named GroupBy of String type (leave
the other settings to their default), then click OK.
4. Specify to group the report on the just created parameter GroupBy and use Ascend as the
sorting order.
5. Click Finish in the Table Wizard to accept the settings.
6. Click the View tab to view the report. You will then be prompted to specify the parameter value.
The parameter value drop-down list will show all available fields (including the DBFields in the
query EmployeeInformation and formulas which are related to these DBFields).

7. Select Employee Position from the value drop-down list and data in the table is then grouped by
positions of the employees.

To group the data by hire date or salary, the end user would need to select Hire Date or Salary
from the drop-down list.

Sorting the data

By default, the records in a table are displayed randomly; they are displayed in the order they are
returned from the fetch operation. You can specify that JReport sort the records in a table, and also
within the groups in table, if any.
The following example shows how to set the sorting criteria in a table.
Suppose that you have created a table based on the query EmployeeInformation in the catalog file
SampleReports.cat as follows: added the fields Hire Date, Name, Home Phone and Salary to be
displayed in the table, set the field Employee Position as the group by field and Ascend as the sort
order, then applied the default style to the table.

For the example, specify the sorting criteria as below:

1. Select the table and do one of the following:

Click Insert > Group on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Group button

Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.

on the Insert toolbar.

2. In the Table Wizard, click the Display screen, then click the Sort Fields By button.

3. In the Sort Fields By dialog, select the field Hire Date as the sort by field from the Resources
panel and click
to add it to the sort by panel, select Ascend from the Sort column, then click
OK to accept the changes.
4. Click Finish in the Table Wizard to apply the settings.
5. View the table again and you will find that the records in each group are displayed in ascending
order by Hire Date.

Sorting data dynamically

Similar to dynamic grouping, sorting can also be defined at runtime. Using the table in the above
example, you can apply a dynamic sort on it as follows:
1. Right-click the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Table Wizard, click the Display screen, then click the Sort Fields By button.
3. In the Sort Fields By dialog, remove the sort by field Hire Date set in the above example.
4. In the Resources panel, click <Add Parameter...> in the Parameters node.
5. In the Create Parameter dialog, create a type-in parameter named SortBy of String type (leave
the other settings to their default), then click OK.
6. Add the just created parameter SortBy as the sort by field.

7. Click Dynamic Sort in the sort order drop-down list of the Sort column.
8. In the Specify Sort Order for dialog, input SortBy Order, then click OK to close the dialog.
9. Click OK in the Sort Fields By dialog to accept the changes.
10. Click Finish in the Table Wizard to apply the settings.
11. View the report result. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, select a field from the SortBy dropdown list and specify the sorting manner in the SortBy Order drop-down list.

Here, we choose Salary from the SortBy list and DESCENDING from the SortBy Order list. The
records within each group are displayed in descending order according to their salary values.

Filtering the data

You can apply some filters to a table so as to reduce the records displayed in the table.
To add filter conditions to a table:
1. Right-click the table and select Format Filter to display the Edit Filter dialog. div_filter')">See the
2. If you are working with a studio report, the Filter drop-down is available, listing all the predefined
filters of the business view on which the table is created. You can select one from the drop-down
list to apply, or select User Defined in the list to define a new filter as required.
3. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.
4. In the field text field, specify the field on which the filter will be based.
5. From the operator drop-down list, set the operator with which to compose the filter expression.
6. In the value text field, specify the value of how to filter the field.
7. To add another line of filter expression, click the Add Condition button and define the expression
as required. Then from the logic drop-down list, specify the relationship between the two filter
8. Repeat the above steps to add more filter expressions if necessary.
To make some conditions grouped, select them and click the Group button, then the selected
conditions will be added in one group and work as one line of filter expression. Conditions and
groups together can be further grouped. To take any condition or group in a group out, select it
and click Ungroup.
To adjust the priority of the conditions, select it and click the Up or Down button.
To delete a condition line, select it and click the Delete button.
9. When done, click OK to create the filter.
Then when you preview the table, only data satisfying the specified filter conditions are shown.
See also Edit Filter dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Managing columns/rows in a table

Cells in a table are organized into columns and rows. You can resize, insert, and delete columns/rows, convert between group and detail
columns, and specify to show or hide certain columns in a table.
Note that some operations on table rows and columns are achieved by first selecting a table cell, and you may find that sometimes, a cell
is entirely occupied by a field or label, and it is difficult to select the cell, in which cases, you need to first resize the field or label or the cell
and then click the blank in the cell so as to select it.

Resizing a column/row
You can take either of the following ways to resize columns/rows of a table:

To resize a column, drag the boundary on the right side of the column to the required width. If the boundary is not the rightmost one,
the column width will change, but the total width of the table will not change. If you want to change both the column width and the table
width, press the Shift button on the keyboard while dragging. To resize a row, drag the boundary below the row to the required height.
Both the row height and the table height will change. If you want to change just the row height, press the Shift button on the keyboard
while dragging the boundary, which is not the last boundary.
Select a table cell, right-click it and then click Row Height or Column Width to access the corresponding dialog. Type a value in the
dialog, click OK, and the height/width of the row/column in which the cell is located will then be changed according to your specification.

Inserting a row
1. Select a cell in the table, right-click it and then click Insert on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Insert dialog, specify where the row will be inserted, above or below the selected cell.
3. Click OK. A new row will then be inserted into the table according to your selection.

Inserting a column
A table can have the following types of column: common column, summary column, detail common and group common. You can insert any
type of column into a table as you want.
To insert a common column:

Select a cell in the table, right-click it and click Insert on the shortcut menu. In the Insert dialog, specify where the column will be
inserted, before or after the selected cell, then click OK. A new common column will then be inserted into the table in the position you
Select a column in the table, right-click it, then on the shortcut menu, click Insert > Common Column. A new common column will
then be inserted before the selected column.
Select the table, right-click it, then on the shortcut menu, click Insert > Common Column. A new common column will then be
inserted as the last column in the table.

To insert a detail/summary column:

1. Select the table or a column in the table, right-click it, then click Insert > Detail Column/Summary Column on the shortcut menu.
2. In the corresponding insert column dialog, specify the resource you want to use for the new column.
3. Click OK. A new detail/summary column will then be inserted. However the position to which the column will be inserted differs
according to where the shortcut menu is accessed. If you use the column shortcut menu to insert the column, the new column will be
placed before the selected column; if you use the table shortcut menu to insert the column, it will be placed after the last detail/
summary column, or as the last column in the table when there is no detail/summary column.
To insert a group column:
1. Select the table or a column in the table, right-click it, then click Insert > Group Column on the shortcut menu. The Insert Group
Column dialog is displayed.

2. In the Resources panel, select the field you want to use for the new group column and click
to add it as the group by field, then
specify the sorting direction of the newly added group in the Sort column, and if the type of the added field is Numeric/String/Date/
Time, select a special function for the field from the Special Function column as required (for details, see group the data).
3. Specify the position of the group by field: Group Above, Group Left Above, or Group Left.
4. Repeat the above two steps to add more group columns if required.
5. Click OK to insert the group columns.
The next time when you open the Insert Group Column dialog to add more group columns, all the added group by fields will be listed
in the dialog. You can choose to remove or edit them if required.

Showing certain columns

1. Right-click the table and select Show Column from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Show Column dialog, all the columns in the table are listed, with text in cells of the table header row representing
corresponding columns. Check the columns you want to show.
3. Check Auto Sort if you want to list the columns alphabetically.
4. Click OK to accept the changes.

Hiding a column
You can use any of the following methods to hide a table column:

Select the column to be hidden, right-click it, and select Hide Column from the shortcut menu.
Select the table, right-click it and select Show Column from the shortcut menu. In the Show Column dialog, uncheck the column to be
Select the cell in the table header, which is in the column you want to hide, right-click the cell and select Hide Column from the

shortcut menu. If the table has more than one header row, use the header in the first row to access the Hide Column command.

Converting a column
You can convert a group column into a detail column, and vice versa.

To convert a group column into a detail column, select the group column, right-click it, and select Convert to Detail from the shortcut
menu, then the conversion is done.
To convert a detail column into a group column:
1. Select the detail column you want to convert, right-click it, and select Convert to Group from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Select Group Position dialog, specify the position for the newly converted group by field in the dialog.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Notes: A detail column can not be converted to a group column in the following two conditions:

The field bound with the detail column is also added as group by field at the same time.

The field bound with the detail column is unable to be used as group by field.

Deleting a column/row
1. Select a cell which is in the column/row to be deleted, right-click it, and then select Delete from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Delete dialog, select Column or Row.
3. Click OK. The column or row will then be deleted from the table.
Besides, you can also select the specific column or row to be deleted, right-click it and select Delete from the shortcut menu to delete it.
Note: There must be at least one table detail row (TD) in a table. Therefore, if a row is the only detail row of a table, it cannot be deleted.

Formatting cells in a table

Cells in a table can be easily formatted.

To merge cells, select adjacent cells, right-click and select Merge (or click the Merge button
the Standard toolbar).


To unmerge cells, right-click it and select Unmerge from the shortcut menu. The cell will then be
split into multiple cells.
Unmerging is the reverse operation to merging, and therefore only previously merged cells can be

To format the borders of a table cell, take the following steps:

1. Right-click the cell and select Format Border from the shortcut menu to display the Format Cell

2. Specify whether the borders will be displayed or not by checking None, Box or Custom. If
Custom is checked, you can click
left, right, top, or bottom border.

, or

3. Specify the border color from the Color drop-down list.

4. Set the border style in the Style list box.
5. When done, click OK to accept the changes.

to set the visible/invisible status of the

Setting up a data container link

A data container link is used to set up a relationship between the parent and child data containers. It

A set of link conditions which are used to dynamically filter out data of the child data container.
A set of parameter links (if the child data container has parameters) which are used to assign some
fixed values to the child container parameters so that at runtime, you do not need to enter values for

Assume that you have created a standard banded report showing the customer information. Then, you
insert a table into the detail panel of the banded object, which displays the order information. Now you
want to set up some link conditions between these two containers, so that when you view the report, a
table will be generated according to the ID of the customer as follows:

To achieve this, select the table and right-click it. On the shortcut menu, click Data Container Link,
then specify the settings as required in the Link Data Container dialog.

Generally, data container link functions the same as subreport links. The only difference is that you do
not need to specify a specific component that is linked with the parent data container, since you have
selected the child as the target of the links. For details about how to set up data container link, refer to
Creating sub links, Setting up parameter links, Returning values to the primary report.

Banded objects
A banded object is a kind of component that can present grouped data and detailed data. A banded
object is composed of several banded panels with which you can easily organize data fields and other
In JReport, banded objects are data containers, which means that a banded object displays the results
of a query and you can apply some filters to narrow down the records displayed in it. Also, when a
banded object is inserted into another data container, you can set up data container link between the
banded object and its parent.
The following topics describe banded objects:

Inserting a banded object

Modifying a banded object

Managing data of a banded object

Managing banded panels

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the banded object
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\BandedObjectReport.cls.

Inserting a banded object

To insert a banded object into a report, perform either of the following:

Using the report wizard

1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the banded object. A
banded object can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
2. Do one of the following to open the Create Banded Object wizard:

Click Insert > Banded Object on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Banded Object button

on the Insert toolbar.

3. In the Data screen of the wizard, define or select the dataset on which the banded object will be

If checked, the banded object will be built on a new dataset created from the catalog
If checked, specify the dataset in the current report set from which the banded object will be
If checked, the banded object will be built on the dataset which is used by its parent.

4. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed in the
banded object, then modify the display name of any added field if necessary by double-clicking
its Display Name column.
If you want to have data in the banded object sorted in a desired order, click the Sort Fields By
button, then specify the fields on which the sorting will be based and the sorting manner as
required (for details, see the same topic Sorting the data on table).
5. In the Group screen, add the fields as the grouping criteria, and then specify the sorting
direction of each group level in the Sort column (for details, see the same topic Grouping the
data on table).
6. To add summaries, go to the Summary screen. In the sum on panel (the panel on the right),
specify the group to which the summary will be applied (if you select Banded Object, the
summary will be based on the whole dataset), add a field from the Resources panel as the sum
on field, and then select the function for the summary from the Aggregate Function column.
7. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed in the banded
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from
the field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with
which to compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo
box, type the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.

8. In the Style screen, specify the style of the banded object.

If you have specified to insert the banded object into another banded object, by default the
banded object will inherit its parent's style. If you want to apply another style to the banded
object, uncheck the Inherit Style option and then select the required style from the Style box.
For more information, see Inheriting the style from a data container.
9. Click Finish to insert the banded object.
If you have specified to insert the banded object in the report body, the banded object will be
inserted there upon clicking the Finish button; otherwise, click the mouse button in the location
to insert the banded object.
By dragging and dropping

1. From the Toolbox panel, drag Banded Object to the destination in the report where allows the
insertion of a banded object, and a blank banded object will then be created.
2. In the Resource View panel, select the dataset you want to use in the banded object from the
dataset drop-down list. If you want to create a new dataset for the banded object, select
<Choose Data from...> from the list and new a dataset in the New Dataset dialog.
3. Drag the required fields in the specified dataset from the Resource View panel into the banded
After a banded object has been created, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see
Creating a CSS style).

When you want to create a banded object on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique
features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.
When inserting a banded object using the report wizard,

If you have added several group by fields in the Group screen, when the banded object is created,
these groups will be indented according to the Customize group indent option setting in the
Options dialog. You can configure this option in advance to have the groups indented according to
your requirements.
If you have added some summaries in the Summary screen, when the banded object is created,

JReport will automatically give the summaries some proper name labels to help you clarify the
meaning of the numbers. The auto generated labels are controlled by the Text property in the
Report Inspector. You can also manually edit the text of the label later by setting this property.
By default, the summaries that have the same function will be aligned horizontally in the banded
object. If you want to align summaries of the same function vertically, check the option Align
summaries vertically in the Options dialog in advance.

When you insert an object whose height is determined at runtime into the BandedPageFooter panel
(for example, a subreport), but do not set the height of the panel high enough to hold this object,
the object might get overlapped with the ones that are in the panel which is above the BPF panel at
When you insert a banded object into a banded report with the dataset inherited from the banded
report, you can not insert the banded object into the BandedPageHeader and BandedPageFooter

Modifying a banded object

Once a banded object has been created, you can further modify it by accessing its shortcut menu
wizard which is composed by a set of screens that are similar to the wizard screens used to create the
banded object. For example, you can change the data or even the dataset used by the banded object,
apply some grouping, sorting criteria to the banded object, and so on.
To modify a banded object after it has been created:
1. Right-click the banded object and select Banded Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the
Banded Wizard.
2. In the Data screen, specify a new dataset for the banded object if required.
3. In the Display screen, specify the fields you want to display in the banded object and define how
data will be sorted in the banded object.
4. In the Group screen, specify the grouping criteria, and then the sorting direction of each group
level for the banded object.
5. In the Style screen, select the style you want to apply to the banded object.
6. Upon finishing, click Finish to accept the changes.
See also Banded Wizard for details about options in the wizard.

Due to the specialty of hierarchical data sources, you are not allowed to specify an HDS as the new
dataset of the banded object.
In the Group screen, the newly added fields will be put to the end of the existing fields, and you
cannot re-adjust the order of the fields as you did when creating the banded object.
When you have specified a new dataset for the banded object, if there are existing fields in the
banded object that cannot be found in the new dataset, they will be marked with a red cross icon.
to select fields from the new dataset to replace them. Then
You can use the Replace button
when you finish the modification, the new dataset and fields you specify will be displayed in the
banded object and those remaining fields that cannot be matched to fields in the new dataset will be
removed from the banded object automatically.

Managing data of a banded object

With JReport Designer, you can group, sort, and filter data in a banded object easily so as to organize
data in the banded object in a more readable way. The operations for setting group, sort and filter
conditions for a banded object are similar to those for a table, so you can refer to the following topics
on table for details:

Grouping the data

Sorting the data

Filtering the data

Note: When a banded object is created on an HDS, even though you can define some filter conditions
on the banded object via the Format Filter dialog, the conditions will not be applied when the banded
object runs due to the specialty of HDS. However, if you want to narrow down the data displayed in
such kind of banded objects, you can make use of the dataset filter.
In addition, you can insert a web control, Expand/Collapse Group, to the group header panel of a
banded object so that end users in JReport Viewer can use the web control to expand/collapse records
in groups of the banded object. Note that, this feature works only in continuous page mode.
To insert to a Expand/Collapse Group web control in a banded object:
1. Make sure to uncheck the Page Layout command on the View menu.
2. Select the group header panel, then do one of the following:

Click Insert > Web Control > Expand/Collapse Group on the menu bar.
Select Expand/Collapse Group from the Insert Control Objects drop-down list
the Insert toolbar.


3. Click on the group header panel, and the web control will be inserted there.
After publishing the report set to JReport Server and run it in JReport Viewer, end users will be able to
use the web control which appears like a plus or minus sign to expand or collapse a group (i.e., to
show or hide the details of that group). Furthermore, you can use two properties of a group panel to
set the expanding/collapsing state of all groups in the corresponding group level. That is, the Expand
Detail Data property controls whether or not to expand the groups, and the Shrink Footer property
controls whether or not to hide the group footer panel when collapsing the group.

Managing banded panels

By default, a banded object consists of these panels: a Banded Header (BH) panel, a Banded Page
Header (BPH) panel, a Detail (DT) panel, a Parallel Detail (PDT, this is only for the banded objects
which are created on HDS) panel, a Banded Page Footer (BPF) panel, a Banded Footer (BF) panel, and
several Group Header (GH) and Group Footer (GF) panels if the data in the banded object is grouped.
JReport Designer allows you to perform the following tasks related to the banded panels.
Adding a banded panel

Select a panel of the same type, right-click it and select Insert Panel After. A blank panel will be
inserted into the banded object.
Deleting a banded panel

To delete a banded panel from a banned object, right-click the panel and select Delete. Note that
you cannot delete a panel of a certain type if it is the only one of that type.
Hiding a banded panel

To hide a banded panel from view, right-click the panel, and then click Hide.
Showing a hidden banded panel

1. Check the item Show Invisible Objects on the View menu, and the hidden panel will then be
displayed and marked with two triangles.
2. Right-click the banded panel, and click Show on the shortcut menu to release its hidden state.
Resizing a banded panel

For a vertical or cross banded object, drag the boundary below the banded panel until the panel is
at the required height.
For a horizontal banded object, drag the boundary on the right side of the banded panel until the
panel is at the required width.

A crosstab summarizes data and presents the summaries in a compact row and column format. In
JReport, crosstabs are data containers, which means that when a crosstab is inserted into another data
container, you can set up data container link between the crosstab and its parent (for details, see the
section Setting up data container link).
Meanwhile, in order to meet the requirements from voice agents used by people with eyesight
disabilities, JReport supports exported crosstab components in the HTML data table format to get a
section 508 compliant result. For detailed descriptions, refer to Accessibility.
Pick a task from the following:

Inserting a crosstab

Modifying a crosstab

Defining comparison functions in a crosstab

Expanding/Collapsing a crosstab

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the crosstab
component example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Crosstab.cls.

Inserting a crosstab
To insert a crosstab into a report, use either of the following two ways:

Using the report wizard

1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the crosstab. A crosstab
can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
2. Do one of the following to open the Create Crosstab wizard:

Click Insert > Crosstab on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Crosstab button

on the Insert toolbar.

If you are inserting the crosstab into a studio report, you can also drag Crosstab from the
Toolbox panel to display the wizard.

3. In the Data screen of the wizard,

If you are inserting a crosstab into a normal report, define or select the dataset on which the
crosstab will be created.

If checked, the crosstab will be built on a new dataset created from the catalog resources.
If checked, specify the dataset in the current report set from which the crosstab will be
If checked, the crosstab will be built on the dataset which is used by its parent.

If you are inserting a crosstab into a studio report, select a business view in the current
catalog on which the crosstab will be created.

4. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources box to the Columns and Rows
boxes respectively and set the other settings according to your requirements. Add the fields as
aggregate fields to the Summaries box and specify the aggregate functions for the added fields.
If necessary, click the Comparison Function button to set the comparison function.
5. To apply some filters to the crosstab so as to reduce the data displayed in the crosstab, go to
the Filter screen and define the filter conditions. If you are inserting the crosstab into a studio
report, you can select a predefined filter of the specified business view if there is from the Filter
drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined in the list to define a new filter. For how to
define a filter, refer to Filtering the data.
6. In the Layout screen, specify the layout of the crosstab.
7. In the Style screen, set a style for the crosstab.
If you have specified to insert the crosstab into a banded object, by default the crosstab will
inherit its parent's style. If you want to apply another style to the crosstab, uncheck the Inherit
Style option and then select the required style from the Style box. For more information, see

Inheriting the style from a data container.

8. Click Finish to insert the crosstab.
If you have specified to insert the crosstab in the report body or tabular cell, the crosstab will be
inserted there upon clicking the Finish button; otherwise, you need to click the mouse button in
the destination once again in order to insert the crosstab there.

By dragging and dropping (not supported for studio reports)

1. From the Toolbox panel, drag a Crosstab to a destination in the report which allows the
insertion of a crosstab, and a blank crosstab will then be created.
2. In the Resource View panel, select the dataset you want to use in the crosstab from the dataset
drop-down list. If you want to create a new dataset for the crosstab, select <Choose Data
from...> from the list and new a dataset in the New Dataset dialog.
3. Drag the required fields from the Resource View panel to the position of row header, column
header or aggregate in the crosstab. Then the rows, columns and aggregates will be created.

When a crosstab has been created, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see
Creating a CSS style).

When you want to create a crosstab on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique
features of HDS. For details, refer to Developing reports from HDS.
When you insert a crosstab into a banded report with the dataset inherited from the banded report,
you can not insert the crosstab into the BandedPageHeader and BandedPageFooter panel.

Modifying a crosstab
Once a crosstab has been created, you can further modify it by accessing its shortcut menu wizard
which is composed by a set of screens that are similar to the wizard screens used to create the
crosstab. For example, you can change the data used by the crosstab, reset the layout and style of the
To modify a crosstab after it has been created:
1. Right-click the crosstab and select Crosstab Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the
Crosstab Wizard.
2. In the Data screen, specify a new data source for the crosstab if required.
3. In the Display screen, specify the fields you want to display in the crosstab.
4. In the Layout screen, specify the layout of the crosstab.
5. In the Style screen, set a style for the crosstab.
6. Upon finishing, click Finish to accept the changes.
See also Crosstab Wizard for details about options in the wizard.

Due to the specialty of hierarchical data sources, you are not allowed to specify an HDS as the new
dataset of the crosstab.
For a normal report, when you have specified a new dataset for the crosstab, if there are existing
fields in the crosstab that cannot match the new dataset, they will be marked with a red cross icon.
to select fields from the new dataset to replace them. Then
You can use the Replace button
when you finish the modification, the new dataset and fields you specify will be displayed in the
crosstab and those remaining fields that cannot be matched to fields in the new dataset will be
removed from the crosstab automatically.

For a studio report, if you specify a new business view for the crosstab, the current crosstab data will
be lost and when you finish editing, a new crosstab will be created.

After finishing the modification, you can also apply some filter conditions to narrow down the records
displayed in the crosstab the same as you do for a table (for details, see Filtering the data). However, if
the crosstab is created on an HDS, the conditions you define in the Format Filter dialog will not be
applied when the crosstab runs due to the specialty of HDS. Therefore, if you want to filter the data
displayed in such kind of crosstabs, you need to make use of the dataset filter.

Defining comparison functions in a crosstab

A comparison function refers to calculations of percentage, permillage, or difference between:

subtotal and grand total

subtotal of inner group and subtotal of outer group

values of aggregate field and subtotal

values of aggregate field and grand total

To define comparison functions in a crosstab:

1. Right-click the crosstab and select Crosstab Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the Crosstab Wizard.
2. In the Display screen, select an aggregate field in the Summaries box and then click the Comparison Function button.
The Comparison Function dialog is displayed.

3. From the Function drop-down list, select the required function: Percentage, Permillage or Difference.
4. Specify a position for the comparison function.

Comparison Function Spans on Row Direction

The comparison function will be placed into the column total cell of the crosstab.
Comparison Function Spans on Column Direction
The comparison function will be placed into the row total cell of the crosstab.

5. Numbers that form the calculation of the comparison function are determined by the Break by and Refer to drop-down
Items in the Break By drop-down list vary with the position of the comparison function. It specifies the first parameter
(aggregate or subtotal) of the comparison function.
All available items are displayed in the Refer to drop-down list according to what you have selected from the Break By
drop-down list. These items are outer group subtotal and grand total. Select one as the other parameter of the
comparison function.
6. Click OK and you can see that a new field is added into the Aggregates box. Set the display name for the field as
7. Repeat the above steps to define more comparison functions.
8. When done, click Finish in the Crosstab Wizard to apply the settings.
9. View the report. You will get the values of the comparison function.

Example of using the comparison function

Assume that you have created a crosstab on the query WorldWideSales in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as follows:
added Product Type Name and Category in the Products table as the column fields, Country and State in the Customers table
as the row fields, Quantity in the Orders Detail table as the aggregate field and specified Sum as the aggregate function,
applied a filter "Country = Canada OR Country = France", set the crosstab to be Vertical Layout (Number of Rows: 1), and
applied the style Classic. With these settings, the crosstab shows information about product sales volume in each state of
Canada and France as follows:

Now, you want to define a comparison function in the crosstab to show the percentage of each state's sales volume to the
grand total. To do this:
1. Right-click the crosstab and click Crosstab Wizard on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Display screen of the Crosstab Wizard, select Quantity in the Summaries box, then click the Comparison
Function button.
3. In the Comparison Function dialog, select Percentage from the Function drop-down list, check Comparison Function
Spans on Row Direction, specify Product Type Name as the break by field and choose Grand Total from the Refer
to list.
4. Click OK in the Comparison Function dialog to return to the Crosstab Wizard, then click Finish in the wizard to accept
the settings.
5. In the Report Inspector, modify the value of the Format property of the fields corresponding to the percentage to #,###.
##% (the fields are represented as QUANTITY9, QUANTITY10 and QUANTITY11 respectively in the Report Inspector).
6. View the crosstab again and you will find that a percentage is added to the right of each state's sales volume.

Expanding/Collapsing a crosstab
If a crosstab has more than one row/column group level, you can specify whether or not to enable the crosstab to
be expanded at runtime, and set the default expanding/collapsing state of groups in outer level. This behavior is
controlled by two properties: Expand Data and Expand Detail Data.

Expand Data: A property on both crosstab, and DBField or formula added into crosstab as dimension (group
level). The property on crosstab controls whether or not to enable end users to expand/collapse dimensions in a
crosstab, and when it is enabled, you can use the property on certain DBField or formula to specify whether this
dimension can be expanded/collapsed respectively.
Expand Detail Data: A property on DBField or formula added into the crosstab as dimension (group level). It
specifies whether or not to display the details of this field by default.

Note: These two properties works only in continuous page mode, and after setting the two properties, if you have
further modified the crosstab layout, they may not take effect.
The following example shows how to use the two properties:
1. Create a crosstab report on the query WorldWideSales in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as follows: add
Product Type Name and Category in the Products table as the column fields, Region, Country and State in
the Customers table as the row fields, Quantity in the Orders Detail table as the aggregate field and specify
Sum as the aggregate function, set the crosstab to be Vertical Layout (Number of Rows: 1), and apply the
style Classic to the crosstab.
2. In the Report Inspector, set the Expand Data property of the crosstab to true.
3. Set the Expand Data property of the DBField Country to false, and the Expand Detail Data property of the
DBField Product Type Name to false.
4. Uncheck Page Layout on the View menu.
5. Save the crosstab.
6. Click View > Preview As > DHTML to preview the report in DHTML format. You can then click the buttons
with a plus or minus sign to expand/collapse the Region and Product Type Name dimensions, and since the
Expand Detail Data property of Product Type Name is set to false, you will find the details of this dimension
are not expanded by default.

A chart organizes and graphically presents data in a way that makes it easy for end users to see
comparisons, trends, and patterns in data. It represents the report data in a visually straightforward
form. A chart is based on the chart platform. On the platform, the chart paper, the legend, and labels
make up the chart. You can create a chart that contains only simple DBFields, or a complicated chart
that contains DBFields, groups, summaries, and even formulas. Normally, DBFields, summaries, and
formulas in a report are represented in a chart using chart data markers, and groups are used to
produce category names and data series names. DBFields can also be used as category names.
In JReport, charts are data containers, which means that when a chart is inserted into another data
container, you can set up data container link between the chart and its parent (for details, see the
section Setting up data container link).
This section describes the following tasks related to charts:

Chart elements

Chart types

How data is represented in a chart

Inserting a chart

Modifying a chart

Formatting chart elements

Creating dynamic charts in Excel

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the chart component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Chart.cls.

Chart elements
In a report template, a chart consists of three basic areas: the platform, paper, and legend. The chart
platform is a container for other chart elements, and the chart paper holds walls, axes, data markers,
axis values, and category names.

Chart platform
The container of other chart elements, such as chart paper and chart legend.
Chart paper
The canvas on which the main chart is drawn. The chart paper contains walls, axes, data markers,
axis values, and category names.
Chart legend
The chart legend is a box which identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series or
categories in a chart. The chart legend may contain one or more legend entries; each entry is
composed of an icon and a label.
Chart label
A chart label can be used as the chart title or axis title. You can insert a label anywhere inside a chart.
Axis values
Each axis is divided by some tick marks, and each tick mark is associated with a value which is by
default along the axis.

Category names
DBField and formula values can be used as category axis names.
Data series names
DBField and formula values can be used as series names.
Data markers
Data markers with the same pattern represent one data series. Each data marker represents one
value from the chart data.
A hint message that displays the value of a data marker when you move your mouse pointer over the
data marker.

Chart types
The following table lists the JReport chart types.
Clustered Bar 2-D

Clustered Bar. Displays and compares data values across


Stacked Bar 2-D

Stacked Bar. Displays and compares the contribution of each data

value to a total across categories.

100% Stacked Bar 2-D

100% Stacked Bar. Displays and compares the percentage that

each data value contributes to a total across categories.

Clustered Bar 3-D

Clustered bar with a 3-D visual effect.

Stacked Bar 3-D

Stacked bar with a 3-D visual effect.

100% Stacked Bar 3-D

100% stacked bar with a 3-D visual effect.

Bar 3-D

3-D Bar. Displays and compares data values across categories

and series.

Clustered Bench 2-D

Clustered Bench. Displays and compares data values across


Stacked Bench 2-D

Stacked Bench. Displays and compares the contribution of each

data value to a total across categories.


100% Stacked Bench 2-D 100% Stacked Bench. Displays and compares the percentage
that each data value contributes to a total across categories.

Clustered Bench 3-D

Clustered bench with a 3-D visual effect.

Stacked Bench 3-D

Stacked bench with a 3-D visual effect.

100% Stacked Bench 3-D 100% stack bench with a 3-D visual effect.

Bench 3-D

3-D Bench. Displays and compares data values across categories

and series.

Line 2-D

Line. Displays trend over categories.

Stacked Line 2-D

Stacked Line. Displays the trend of the contribution of each data

value over categories.

100% Stacked Line 2-D

100% Stacked Line. Displays the trend of the percentage each

data value contributes over categories.

Line 3-D

Line with a 3-D visual effect.

Area 2-D

Displays the trend of the values over time or categories.

Stacked Area 2-D

Stacked Area. Displays the trend of the contribution of each data

value over categories.



100% Stacked Area 2-D

100% Stacked Area. Displays the trend of the percentage each

data value contributes over categories.

Area 3-D

Area with a 3-D visual effect.

Stacked Area 3-D

Stacked area with a 3-D visual effect.

100% Stacked Area 3-D

100% stacked area with a 3-D visual effect.

Clustered Pie

Pie. Displays the contribution of each data value to a total over

time or categories.

Clustered Donut

Donut. Displays the contribution of each data value to the

Category total. The size of each piece is proportional to the sum
of the items. Each Series value will create a new instance of the

Radar 2-D

Radar. Displays and compares the data values relative to a center


Gauge Dial 2-D

Gauge. Usually displays the performance of each member in a

group, using three colors, green, yellow, and red (by default) to
represent three levels: normal, alert, and error. This type,
displays each data value by a dial.

Gauge Bar 2-D

Gauge. Displays each data value with a bar.

Gauge Bubble 2-D

Gauge. Displays each data value with a colored bubble.





Surface 3-D

Surface. Indicates what level of different values reside in, and

shows the cross-relationships between category and series.

Scatter 2-D

Compares pairs of values.

Scatter Straight Line 2-D

Scatter with data points connected by smoothed lines.

Scatter Curved Line 2-D

Scatter with data points connected by lines.

Bubble 2-D

Compares sets of 3 values. Similar to a scatter chart with the

third value displayed as the size of the bubble marker.

High-Low 2-D

High-Low. Requires values of two fields.

High-Low-Close 2-D

High-Low-Close. Requires values of three fields.




Open-High-Low-Close 2-D Open-High-Low-Close. Requires values of four fields.

Bullet 2-D

Bullet. Replaces the meters and gauges that are often used on
dashboards. Its linear design not only gives it a small footprint,
but also supports more efficient reading than radial meters.


Combination charts. Two or more types of data markers are used

to represent different data values.


How data is represented in a chart

This section describes how data is represented in a chart.
A single chart (except the Stock type) can generally display two- or three-dimensional data, each
dimension corresponding to an axis of the chart. A chart displaying three-dimensional data includes the
three axes: category axis, series axis, and value axis. A chart will not contain the series axis if it only
shows two-dimensional data. The data field displayed on the value axis must be of numerical type. If
the chart is of a 3-D subtype, or any subtype of the Pie, Radar, Gauge, or Surface, its value axis can
only show one data field; otherwise the value axis can show more than one data field.
A single chart can be based on only detailed records of a dataset, that is, no summary information is to
be revealed by the chart. This kind can only display two-dimensional data. For example:

You can also create a chart containing summary information. This kind of chart can display either twoor three-dimensional data. The following is an example showing a three-dimensional-data chart. Notice
that the data field in the series axis always holds a higher group level (outer group) than that in the
category axis.

If you would like the value axis to display more than one data field, the data fields must be of a same
level, that is, all these fields are DBFields or formulas of the dataset (for two-dimensional-data chart),
or they are summaries of a same group level (for three-dimensional-data chart).
With respect to a Stock chart, it is designed specially for representing stock trends. You can think of it
as a two-dimensional-data chart which must show more than one data field in its value axis. The
number of data fields is decided by the subtype of the Stock chart.
A combo chart is different from a single chart in that it has two value axes -- the primary value axis
and the secondary value axis, and each value axis can represent one or more subtypes. You can add
one or more data fields to any subtype of the two axes and all data fields in the two value axes must

be of a same level. Notice that some subtypes are not applicable for combo charts.

Inserting a chart
To insert a chart into a report, follow the steps below:
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the chart. A chart can be
inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
2. Do one of the following to open the Create Chart wizard:

Click Insert > Chart on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Chart button

Drag Chart from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

on the Insert toolbar.

3. In the Data screen of the wizard,

If you are inserting a chart into a normal report, define or select the dataset on which the chart
will be created.

If checked, the chart will be built on a new dataset created from the catalog resources.
If checked, specify the dataset in the current report set from which the chart will be created.
If checked, the chart will be built on the dataset which is used by its parent.

If you are inserting a chart into a studio report, select a business view in the current catalog on
which the chart will be created.

4. In the Type screen, specify the type of the chart.

To create a single chart, check the Single Chart radio button, and then select the required type
from the Chart Type box and its subtype accordingly.
To create a combo chart, check the Combo Chart radio button. You can see that the Chart Type
Groups box lists the two value axes: the primary axis (Y1) and the secondary axis (Y2), and an
<Add Combo Type> item is displayed for each axis. A default chart subtype has been added to
the primary axis. To add an additional subtype to an axis, click the corresponding <Add Combo
Type>, and you will find that a subtype has been added. To change any subtype listed in the
box, select it, then choose your required chart type from the Chart Type box, and click the
thumbnail for the subtype you want in the Sub Type box. To delete a subtype, select it and click

5. In the Display screen, add the required fields from the Resources panel to be displayed on the
category axis, series axis and value axis of the chart, and define some special group, special
function and Order/Select N condition on the category/series field if required.
6. To apply some filters to the chart so as to reduce the data displayed in the chart, go to the Filter
screen and define the filter conditions. If you are inserting the chart into a studio report, you can

select a predefined filter of the specified business view if there is from the Filter drop-down list to
apply, or select User Defined in the list to define a new filter. For how to define a filter, refer to
Filtering the data.
7. In the Layout screen, with the Data category selected in the Options list box, you can specify the
category/series start and end offset, whether or not to reverse the category/series field value
sequence, and whether or not to swap groups. Besides, you can set whether or not to show the
titles, axes, walls, gridlines, and legend. If yes, set the titles for the chart, the category axis and
the value axis respectively. If you choose not to display a certain axis, the labels and tick marks
along the axis will be hidden as well.
8. In the Style screen, select a style for the chart.
If you have specified to insert the chart into a table or a banded object, by default the chart will
inherit its parent's style. If you want to apply another style to the chart, uncheck the Inherit
Style option and then select the required style from the Style box. For more information, see
Inheriting the style from a data container.
9. Click Finish to insert the chart.
If you have used the menu or toolbar command to insert the chart and specified to insert it to
position other than the report body or tabular cell, after clicking Finish in the wizard, you need to
click the mouse button in the destination once again in order to insert the chart there.
When a chart has been created, you can further format its elements according to your requirements.
You can also customize its appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector,
which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

When you want to create a chart on a hierarchical data source, pay attention to the unique features
of HDS (for details, refer to Developing reports from HDS). Moreover, when a chart is created on
HDS, only the fields that are of Integer or Number data type in the HDS can be added to the value
axis of the chart.
If you want to insert a chart into the BandedPageHeader panel of a banded object, make sure the
chart has its own dataset.
If you specify to create a pie chart, you can add several fields to be displayed on the value axis of
the chart as long as the fields are of Numeric type. However, you can add formulas and DBFields to
the axis at the same time, but when a summary has been added to the axis, no other DBFields or
formulas can be added.
If you have defined a subtype of the Stock type, in the Display screen, you should add fields for the
subtype in the order indicated by the subtype name, e.g., if you define the Open-High-Low-Close 2-D
subtype, then you should add four fields to the Show Values box for this subtype, and arrange them
to the order of Open-High-Low-Close by clicking the buttons


Modifying a chart
Once a chart has been created, you can further modify it by accessing its shortcut menu wizard which
is composed by a set of screens that are similar to the wizard screens used to create the chart. For
example, you can change the data used by the chart, modify the chart type, and so on.
To modify a chart after it has been created:
1. Right-click the chart and select Chart Wizard from the shortcut menu to display the Chart Wizard.
2. In the Data screen, specify a new data source for the chart if required.
3. In the Type screen, specify the type of the chart.
If you want to change the chart type, you may need to first remove all chart data. Specially, if you
change a combo type to a single type or vice versa, JReport will prompt you to make sure because
all chart data will be removed automatically.
4. In the Display screen, specify the fields you want to display in the chart, and define some special
group, special function and Order/Select N condition on the category/series field if required.
5. In the Layout screen, specify settings for the chart elements.
6. In the Style screen, select a style for the chart.
7. When done, click Finish to accept the changes.
See also Chart Wizard for details about options in the wizard.

Due to the specialty of hierarchical data sources, you are not allowed to specify an HDS as the new
dataset of the chart.
While changing a type of 2-D chart to another type of 2-D chart, or a type of 3-D chart to another
type of 3-D chart, all the previous properties will be kept. Nevertheless, when changing a 2-D chart
to a 3-D chart, the properties of the Z axis, the Y-Z wall, and the floor of the 3-D chart will be set to
default values (since a 2-D chart does not have the Z axis, the Y-Z wall, or the floor), and all other
properties will be taken from the 2-D chart. When changing a 3-D chart to a 2-D chart, the properties
of the Y2 axis of the 2-D chart will be set to default values (since a 3-D chart does not have the Y2
When both special functions and Select N conditions are defined in a chart, the former takes higher
priority. That is to say, grouping data by intervals takes effect before Top/Bottom N.
For a normal report, when you have specified a new dataset for the chart, if there are existing fields
in the chart that cannot match the new dataset, they will be marked with a red cross icon. You can
use the Replace button
to select fields from the new dataset to replace them. Then when you
finish the modification, the new dataset and fields you specify will be displayed in the chart and those
remaining fields that cannot be matched to fields in the new dataset will be removed from the chart

For a studio report, if you specify a new business view for the chart, the current chart data will be

lost and when you finish editing, a new chart will be created.
After finishing the modification, you can also apply some filter conditions to narrow down the records
displayed in the chart the same as you do for a table (for details, see Filtering the data). However, if
the chart is created on an HDS, the conditions you define in the Format Filter dialog will not be applied
when the chart runs due to the specialty of HDS. Therefore, if you want to filter the data displayed in
such kind of charts, you need to make use of the dataset filter.

Defining special groups for category/series values

You can define how to group values on the category/series axis of a chart. To do this:
1. In the Display screen of the Chart Wizard, click the Special Group button below the Category/
Series box to bring out the User Defined Group dialog.

2. Click the Add button to add a grouping line and specify the Group Name, Operator and Operand
as required. Repeat this to add more group criteria.
For example, if you place a field named Score for grouping which contains student scores that
range from 0 to 100, and you want to group the students in 5 ranks, namely rank A: 90~100, B:
80~89, C: 70~79, D: 60~69, and E: 0~59. You can set the groups as follows:
Group Name




Op1: 90, Op2: 100


Op1: 80, Op2: 89


Op1: 70, Op2: 79


Op2: 60, Op2: 69



There will be five groups in the order from A to E. If you want to change the order of the groups,
you can also do so via the User Defined Group dialog.
3. Check Keep values outside of the range in special group checkbox if you want to put the
values that are not included in the specified criteria in a new special group, and then provide a
name for the special group in the Special Group Name text field.
4. Click OK to accept the settings.
5. When done, click Finish in the Chart Wizard to apply the changes.
See also User Defined Group dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Grouping data on the category/series axis by intervals

If the data type of the field displayed on the category/series axis of a chart is of Numeric/String/Date/
Time type, you can specify some special function to the field so as to group data on the axis by
To group data on the category/series axis of a chart by intervals:
1. In the Display screen of the Chart Wizard, click the Special Function button below the Category/
Series box.
2. In the Special Function dialog, select the special function for the category/series field from the
Function drop-down list (for details about the special functions, refer to Specifying special function
for group by field), then click OK.
3. Click Finish in the Chart Wizard to apply the selected special function to the field.

By default, the special function for field on the category axis is the same as that of the summary
displayed on the value axis. When you change the special function for the category field, the
summary's special function will not be affected.
If you have defined a special function to the group by field of a table or banded object, and then
insert a chart in the table or banded object which inherits dataset from the parent and has the same
grouping structure with the parent, the special function defined for the very field will be applied to
the chart too. However, you can specify another special function to the field on the chart axis
according to your requirements.

Setting Order/Select N condition for category/series field

Sometimes, you may want to show only certain category/series values in a chart and make the values
sorted according to a specified order. To achieve this, you can use the Order/Select N feature. By
specifying a Order/Select N condition, you can decide how many category/series values will be
displayed in a chart and how the values will be sorted. You can also use an Integer-typed parameter to
control the value of Select N.
To specify the Order/Select N condition for the category/series field in a chart:
1. In the Display screen of the Chart Wizard, click the Order/Select N button below the Category/
Series box to display the Category/Series Options dialog.

2. In the Category/Series Order box of dialog, specify the sort order of the category/series values.

Values on the axis will be sorted in an ascending order.
Values on the axis will be sorted in a descending order.
No Sort
Values on the axis will be sorted in the original order in database.

3. Specify the Select condition to All, Top N or Bottom N.

If selected, all category/series values will be shown in the chart.
Top/Bottom N
If selected, the combo box to the right will be enabled and you can specify an integer number in
the text field, or select a parameter which returns an integer from the drop-down list to
dynamically define the Top/Bottom N condition, then only the first or last N (N is the number
you specify by the integer or parameter) category/series values will be shown in the chart.
Note: If you use an Integer-typed parameter to define the Top/Bottom N condition
dynamically at runtime, you should make sure that the parameter has at least one default
value that is larger than 0, otherwise you will get exceptions when viewing the report.

4. Check the Based On checkbox and specify values for the options that follow.
If Based On is unchecked, the order for the first or last N values will be based on what you specify
in the Category/Series Order box of the dialog; if you check it, the order will be based on values of

the summary field and the sort direction you specify via the drop-down list and radio buttons next
to Based On.
5. If you have selected Top N or Bottom N from the Select drop-down list, you can check the
Remaining Categories In checkbox and then type a character string in the text field to the right,
so that the category/series values beyond the first or last N range will be merged into the group
with the name as that character string.
6. If necessary, check Skip First and input a number M in the text field to the right, then the first M
category/series values will be skipped, and the Select N condition will begin with M+1. The
skipped values will be merged into the Remaining Categories group.
7. When done, click OK to accept the settings.
8. Click Finish in the Chart Wizard to apply the changes.
The following example shows how to control the number of field values that will be displayed in a chart.
1. In the TutorialReports.cat catalog, create a chart report based on the OrderListbyDate query,
select the Clustered Bar 2-D chart type and add the summary Sum_ProductSalesbyProductID to
the value axis. The report result looks as follows:

2. Right-click the chart in the report and select Chart Wizard from the shortcut menu to open the
Chart Wizard.
3. In the Display screen, click the Order/Select N button below the Category box.
4. In the Category Options dialog, set the Select condition to Top 6, based on
Sum_ProductSalesbyProductID descendingly, then check the Remaining Categories In checkbox
and input Other into the text field so as to put the categories that do not meet the condition into
the Other group. Click the OK button.

5. Click Finish in the Chart Wizard.

6. View the report. It now shows as follows:

7. Back to the Design mode and repeat step 2 and 3.

8. In the Category Options dialog, check the Skip First checkbox and input 2 in the text field, then
click OK.
9. Click Finish in the Chart Wizard.
10. View the report again. The result changes as follows:

Formatting chart elements

After a chart has been created, you can further format it according to your requirements.
This section describes how to format elements of a chart as follows:

Formatting the platform

Formatting the paper

Formatting the legend

Formatting the axes

Formatting the wall/floor

Formatting the gridlines

Formatting the labels

Formatting the bars

Formatting the lines

Formatting the areas

Formatting the pies

Formatting the radar

Formatting the gauge

Formatting the surface

Formatting the scatter

Formatting the bubbles

Formatting the stock

Formatting the bullets

Formatting the platform

The platform of a chart is the container of the other chart elements, such as the paper, legend, and
To format the platform of a chart:
1. Right-click any chart element, and select Format Platform from the shortcut menu to show the
Format Platform dialog.
2. In the Fill tab, set the fill and transparency settings of the platform.
Click the color image button and select a color swatch to fill the platform (you can also directly
type the hexadecimal value of the desired color in the text box). If the color swatches cannot meet
your requirement, click More Colors to open the Pick a color dialog, with which you can set a full
range of color. If required, click More Fill Effects to specify a gradient, a texture or an image as
the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog.
3. In the Border tab, set the border mode, including the border style, color, transparency, line style,
thickness, end caps style, and line joint mode, and if you specify the line joint mode to be joint
round, you can set the the radius for the border joint. You can also specify whether the border is
to be outlined, and whether or not to automatically resize the border dashes if the border is drawn
with dashes.
4. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Platform dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the paper

The paper of a chart is the canvas on which the main chart is drawn. It contains walls, axes, data
markers, axis values, category names, etc.
To format the paper of a chart:
1. Right-click any chart element and select Format Paper from the shortcut menu to show the
Format Paper dialog.
2. Set the scaling ratios or rotation angles for axes in the paper.

If the chart is of 2-D type, in the General tab, drag the slider to scale up or down the display
size of the chart along the X or Y axis. Check the Constrain Proportion option to set the same
scaling ratios for both X and Y axes.
If the chart is of 3-D type, in the Rotate tab, set the rotation angle for the chart, and specify the
scaling ratios for the X, Y and Z axes accordingly. You can either click
, or
, and
then drag the chart thumbnail in the preview box to rotate the chart around the origin point, X
axis, Z axis, or Y axis, or adjust the degrees directly in the spinners.
Tip: You can rotate a 3-D chart in another intuitive way as explained below:
1. Right-click anywhere in the chart and select Rotation Mode from the shortcut menu.
2. Hold the mouse button and move the pointer to the desired position, then release the
mouse button to confirm.
To quit the rotation mode, right-click anywhere in the chart and click Editing Mode
on the shortcut menu.

3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes (for details, refer to Formatting the
4. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Paper dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the legend

Chart legend is a box to identify the patterns or colors assigned to the data categories in a chart. A
chart legend may contain one or more legend entries, and each entry is composed of a mark and a
To format the legend of a chart:
1. Right-click any chart element, and then select Format Legend from the shortcut menu to show
the Format Legend dialog.
2. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the legend (for details, refer to
Formatting the platform).
3. In the Placement tab, specify the way in which the legend will be placed.
In the Position box, specify whether the legend will be placed at the left, right, top, or bottom of
the chart, and then set the alignment style accordingly in the Alignment box. If Auto is selected,
the legend will be placed somewhere automatically.
In the Legend-Label Gap box, specify the vertical and horizontal margins between the legend
entries and the legend boundaries, and the vertical and horizontal spacing between legend entry
Check the Reverse Legend checkbox to specify whether the legend entries will be re-arranged in
a reverse order.
4. In the Font tab, specify the font formats of the legend entry labels, including the font face, size,
color, transparency, rotation angle, shearing angle, and effects such as style, strikeout, underline
and so on.
5. In the Orientation tab, set an angle for legend entry labels so as to rotate them. You can either
drag the Text hand in the Orientation box or type a value in the Angle spinner to set the angle.
6. In the Format tab, specify the data format of the legend entry labels. However, the settings in this
tab take effect only when the property Label Format Source of the chart legend in the Report
Inspector has been set to Legend Label Format.
Select a category from the Category box, then select a format from the Format box and click Add
to add it to the Stack box. You can add more than one format, and in the event that one of the
formats is not necessary, you can clear it by clicking Remove.
7. In the Mark tab, specify the options for formatting the legend entry marks.
By default, JReport Designer uses 15 styles for the marks. To add a style, select a mark item from
the Mark Items drop-down list, and then click
to add it to the Mark Items box. The legend
marks will repeat within the mark items you have defined. If you have defined more mark items
than the actual legend marks, the redundant mark items will not be adopted. You can click
, or

to remove a mark item, or to arrange the order of the these items.

To change the style of a mark item, select it in the Mark Items box and then choose a new one
from the Mark Items drop-down list. To change the fill mode of a mark item, select it and set the

fill color/effect and the fill transparency in the Fill box.

In the Icon box, you can specify the horizontal and vertical alignment styles, and gap between
entry mark and entry label for the legend entry. You can also set the width and height for the
legend entry marks. You can preview the effect real-timely in the Preview box.
8. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Legend dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the axes

To format an axis of a chart, take the following steps:
1. Right-click any other chart element, and on the shortcut menu, select the axis name from the
Format Axes submenu to bring out the corresponding Format Axis dialog.
Note that pie charts do not have axes.
1. In the Axis tab, specify settings for the axis.
In the Option box, specify the number of the labels to be shown along the axis, the frequency at
which the axis will be labeled, whether or not to only draw the axis (hide the labels), and whether
or not to show gridlines perpendicular to the axis.
In the Line box, set the line color, style, transparency, and thickness of the axis.
In the Labels box, set the gap between the labels and the axis, and whether or not to draw the
axis labels for the best result effect.
2. In the Tick Mark tab, specify settings for the tick marks.
In the Tick Mark box, specify whether or not to use the same settings as the axis line for the tick
marks, and if not, the color, style, transparency and thickness.
In the Major Tick Mark and Minor Tick Mark boxes, you can set options respectively for major and
minor tick marks, including whether to show these marks, the position if to show, and length of
3. In the Font tab, format the font of axis labels, including the font face, size, color, transparency,
rotation angle, shearing angle, and effects such as style, strikeout, underline and so on.
4. In the Orientation tab, set an angle for axis labels so as to rotate them. You can either drag the
Text hand in the Orientation box or type a value in the Angle spinner to perform the operation.
5. In the Format tab, specify the format of the data format of the axis labels.
Select a category from the Category box, then select a format from the Format box, and click Add
to add it to the Stack box. You can add more than one format, and in the event that one is not
necessary, click Remove to clear it.
6. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
See also Format Category(X) Axis dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the wall/floor

You can format the wall and floor of a chart at any time. Note that 2-D charts do not have floor, and
pie charts do not have floor or wall.
To format the wall of a chart:
1. Right-click any chart element, and on the shortcut menu, click Format Walls > Format Wall to
display the Format Wall dialog.
2. Set the fill mode for the wall and bound wall, and the color, style, transparency and thickness of
the wall border as required.
3. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
To format the floor of a chart:
1. Right-click any chart element, and on the shortcut menu, click Format Walls > Format Floor to
display the Format Floor dialog.
2. Set the fill mode for the floor, and the color, style, transparency and thickness of the floor border
as required.
3. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.

Formatting the gridlines

To format the gridlines of a chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any chart element, and select the desired entry from the Format Gridlines submenu to
display the corresponding Format Gridlines dialog.
Note that pie charts do not have gridlines.
2. Specify the line color, style, transparency, and thickness of the gridline.
3. When done, click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.

Formatting the labels

In JReport Designer, you can add as many labels as required into a chart. To add a label to a chart,
right-click any chart element and select Add Label from the shortcut menu. A label with the text Label
will then appear at the upper left corner of the chart platform. To remove a label, right-click it and
select Remove.
This section shows you how to format the labels (including titles) of a chart to make them more
To format the label in a chart:
1. Double-click the label, or right-click the label and select Format Label from the shortcut menu to
bring out the Format Label dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify the label text, whether or not to attach an icon to the label, the icon
settings if applying an icon, the position of the text in the label box, and the icon position relative
to the text.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, specify the fill and border modes for the label (for details, refer to
Formatting the platform).
4. In the Font tab, set the font settings for the label.
5. In the Orientation tab, set the rotation angle of the label text and the icon.
6. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Label dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the bars

To format the bars in a bar or bench chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any bar in a bar/bench chart, and then select Format 2D Bar or Format 3D Bar from
the shortcut menu to bring out the Format Bar dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify the general settings of the bars.
In the Size and Layout boxes, set the size and layout of the bars. If the chart is a clustered 2-D
chart which contains the data series (Z axis data), you can further specify the gap between the
bars. For a 2-D chart, you can also set the style of the bars to be normal or cylinder, and if you
want to add a 3-dimensional effect to the bars, set the Use Depth option to true and specify the
depth and direction as required.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the bars (for details, see Formatting
the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern that will be
applied to the bars, and check Vary Colors by Value to specify whether or not to change the bar
color by value.
4. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show static data labels for every bar, and if to
show, the position of the label related to the bar. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the font
formats and effects of the labels.
5. When done, click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.
See also Format Bar dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

If the chart is a combo chart composed by bars and areas/lines, when you set the depth properties
for the bars, they will be applied to the areas/lines as well, and vice versa.
For 3-D charts, the Show Static Data Label checkbox in the Data Label tab is grayed out. However,
you can still see the data labels by moving the mouse pointer over the bars when viewing the report
result in view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
If you set the style of the bars to be cylinder, the style can take effect only when the Use Depth
option is set to true at the same time.

Formatting the lines

To format the lines in a line chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any line in the line chart, and then select Format 2D Line or Format 3D Line to bring
out the Format Line dialog.
2. In the General tab,

For a 2-D line chart, set the layout style and thickness of the lines and the style, width and
height of the nodes in the lines. If you want to add a 3-dimensional effect to the lines, set the
Use Depth option to true and specify the depth and direction as required.
For a 3-D line chart, set the thickness of the lines.

3. In the Fill tab, set the fill and transparency settings of the lines.
Click the color image button and select a color swatch to fill the lines (you can also directly type
the hexadecimal value of the desired color in the text box). If the color swatches cannot meet
your requirement, click More Colors to open the Pick a color dialog, with which you can set a full
range of color. If required, click More Fill Effects to specify a gradient, a texture or an image as
the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog. Click the Pattern List button to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the lines if required.
For a 2-D line chart, you can also set the fill and transparency settings of the areas that are
formed by the chart axes and the lines the same as you do to the lines.
4. In the Node tab (the tab is available to 2-D lines only), specify the style, width, fill color, height
and transparency of the line nodes in the Shape box. In the Border box, set the border properties
of the line nodes, including border color, transparency, line style and thickness.
5. In the Border tab (the tab is available to 3-D lines only), set the border mode of the lines,
including the border style, color, transparency, line style, thickness, end caps style, and line joint
mode. You can also specify whether the border is to be outlined, and whether or not to
automatically resize the border dashes if the border is drawn with dashes.
6. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show static data labels for every node, and if to
show, the position of the label related to the node. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the font
formats and effects of the labels.
7. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Line dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

If the chart is a combo chart composed by lines and areas/bars, when you set the depth properties
for the lines, they will be applied to the areas/bars as well, and vice versa.
For 3-D charts, the Show Static Data Label checkbox in the Data Label tab is grayed out. However,
you can still see the data labels by moving the mouse pointer over the lines when viewing the report
result in view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.

Formatting the areas

To format the area of an area chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any area in the area chart, and then select Format 2D Area or Format 3D Area to
display the Format Area dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the layout style of the area chart.
For a 2-D area chart, if you want to add a 3-dimensional effect to the areas, set the Use Depth
option to true and specify the depth and direction as required. You can also set to show the lines
that represent the data categories by checking High-Low Lines.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the areas (for details, see Formatting
the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern that will be
applied to the areas.
4. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show static data labels for every area node, and if
to show, the position of the label related to the area node. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the
font formats and effects of the labels.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Area dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

If the chart is a combo chart composed by areas and bars/lines, when you set the depth properties
for the areas, they will be applied to the bars/lines as well, and vice versa.
For 3-D charts, the Show Static Data Label checkbox in the Data Label tab is grayed out. However,
you can still see the data labels by moving the mouse pointer over the areas when viewing the report
result in view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.

Formatting the pies/donuts

To format the pies/donuts of a pie/donut chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any portion of a pie/donut in the pie/donut chart, and then select Format Pie/Donut
to open the Format Pie/Donut dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the general settings for the pies/donuts.
In the Gap Amount field, enter a number to set the distance between every two adjacent pies/
donuts. In the Explode Amount field, enter a number to specify the distance between the sections
in each pie/donut and the pie/donut center. In the Data Label Type field, specify the type of the
data labels for the pie/donut sections. For a donut chart, you can also specify the radius
percentage of the donut hole to the total pie circle by setting the option Donut Hole.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the sections (for details, see
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the sections.
4. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show static data labels for every section, and if to
show, the position of the label related to the section. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the font
formats and effects of the labels.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Pie dialog and Format Donut dialog for detailed explanation about options in each

Formatting the radar

To format a radar chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any line which connects two value nodes in the radar chart, and then select Format
Radar from the shortcut menu to bring out the Format Radar dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify the general settings of the radar.
Set whether or not to show the category name in the radar chart, whether or not to fill the areas
formed by value nodes of a same data series in the radar chart, and if to fill, the transparency of
the fill. For the lines connecting value nodes, you can set the thickness, the node style, and the
node width and height. For the numeric axes, you can set the style for their arrows in the Arrow
Style box.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the areas, and the fill mode will also
apply to the value nodes (for details, see Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button
in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern that will be applied to the areas.
4. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show static data labels for every value node, and
if to show, the position of the label related to the node. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the font
formats and effects of the labels.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Radar dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the gauge

A gauge chart can be formatted to take some special appearances. The formatting options vary with
the subtypes: Gauge Dial 2-D, Gauge Bar 2-D, and Gauge Bubble 2-D.
To format a dial gauge chart:
1. Right-click any pointer in a dial of the dial gauge chart, and then select Format Dial Gauge to
display the Format Dial Gauge dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify the general options for the dials in the chart.
In the Circular box, set the start angle and stop angle of the dials, the dial curve style, the width
of the dials, and the relative size of a dial. In the Pointer box, set the pointer style and arrow
style. In the Color Range box, specify whether or not to fill the dial with colors, and if to fill, set
the minimum and maximum values, color, and name for the three predefined ranges in each dial.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the pointers (for details, see
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the pointers.
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the dial pointers while viewing the report result in
view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
To format a bar gauge chart:
1. Right-click any data marks in a scale of the bar gauge chart, and then select Format Bar Gauge
to display the Format Bar Gauge dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the general options for the bar gauge chart.
In the Option box, decide the layout of the scales in the gauge chart. In the Range Border box, set
the color, style, transparency, and thickness of the scale borders. In the Color Range box, specify
the minimum and maximum values, color, and name for the three predefined ranges in each scale.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the data marks (for details, see
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the data marks.
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the data marks while viewing the report result in
view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
To format a bubble gauge chart:
1. Right-click any bubble in the bubble gauge chart, and then select Format Bubble Gauge to
display the Format Bubble Gauge dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the general options for the bubbles in the chart.

In the Option box, set the left margin, top margin, relative radius of the bubbles, and whether or
not to draw horizontal/vertical grids. In the Value box, set the minimum and maximum values. In
the Color Range box, specify the minimum and maximum values, color, and name for the three
predefined color ranges. If the value represented by a bubble is in a range, its color will be the
one of that range.
3. In the Border tab, set the border mode for the bubbles (for details, see Formatting the platform).
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the bubbles while viewing the report result in view
mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
See also Format Dial Gauge dialog, Format Bar Gauge dialog and Format Bubble Gauge dialog for
detailed explanation about options in each dialog.

Formatting the surface

To format the surface of a surface chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any node in the surface, and then select Format Surface to display the Format
Surface dialog.
2. In the Fill and Border tabs set the fill and border modes for the surface (for details, refer to
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the surface.
3. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the surface while viewing the report result in view
mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
4. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
See also Format Surface dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the scatter

To format the lines of a scatter chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any node in the scatter chart, and then select Format Scatter to display the Format
Scatter dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the general options for the scatter chart.
In the Layout box, specify the layout of the chart. In the Line box, specify the thickness of the
lines that connect the nodes if you have set the layout to Straight Line or Curved Line. In the Node
box, set the node style, width and height as required.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the nodes (for details, refer to
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the nodes.
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the nodes while viewing the report result in view
mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. Click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog.
See also Format Scatter dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the bubbles

To format the bubbles in a bubble chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any bubble in the bubble chart, and then select Format Bubble to display the Format
Bubble dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify whether or not to apply a 3D visual effect to the bubbles.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the bubbles (for details, see
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the bubbles.
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the bubbles while viewing the report result in view
mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. When done, click OK to apply the changes.
See also Format Bubble dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the stock

To format the lines of a stock chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any stock line in the stock chart, and then select Format Stock to display the Format
Stock dialog.
2. In the General tab, set the color and thickness of the stock lines. If the chart is a Open-High-LowClose stock chart, you can specify the up color to indicate that the opening price is lower than the
closing price, the down color to indicate that the opening price is higher than the closing price, and
the width of the stock bars.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, set the fill and border modes for the stock bars (for details, refer to
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the stock bars.
4. In the Data Label tab, set the font formats and effects of the data labels. The data labels will be
shown when you move the mouse pointer over the stock line while viewing the report result in
view mode, or in HTML/DHTML format.
5. When done, click OK to apply the changes and return to the report.
See also Format Stock dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Formatting the bullets

To format the bullets in a bullet chart, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click any bullet in the bullet chart, and then select Format Bullet from the shortcut menu
to bring out the Format Bullet dialog.
2. In the General tab, specify the size of the bullets by setting the width of featured measure,
comparative measure and qualitative ranges respectively.
3. In the Fill and Border tabs, you can set the fill and border modes for the bullets (for details, see
Formatting the platform). Click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab to specify the color pattern
that will be applied to the bullets, and check Vary Colors by Value to specify whether or not to
change the bullet color by value.
4. In the Data Label tab, specify whether or not to show data labels for every bullet, and if to show,
the position of the label related to the bullet. In the Font and Effects boxes, set the font formats
and effects of the labels.
5. When done, click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.
See also Format Bullet dialog for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.

Creating dynamic charts in Excel

You can make data in a chart map to a single cell in Excel, then when you change the data in a cell, the
corresponding change will also be displayed in the chart. This kind of chart is called dynamic chart. To
create a dynamic chart in Excel, the chart should use the same data as a banded object or table, which
is exported to Excel together with the chart. That is to say, each data value in the chart must
correspond to the one in the banded object or table. Moreover, the option Preserve Report Formatting
should be selected when exporting the report to Excel.
To have the same data with a banded object or table, you must meet the following conditions for the
chart before exporting the report to Excel:
When the chart inherits data from the banded object or table:

The chart should have the same group structure as that of the banded object or table.
The following example further explains what the same group structure means.
A banded object has two groups: group 1 and group 2 (group 1 is the higher level)

When the chart is to be inserted into the banded header panel:

Add the summary 2 based on group 2 to the value axis, then group 2 will be added to the
category axis, and group 1 will be added to the series axis.
Add the summary 1 based on group 1 to the value axis, then group 1 will be added to the
category axis, and no value will be added to the series axis.

When the chart is to be inserted into the group header panel 1 which displays group 1, only
summary 2 based on group 2 can be added to the value axis. Then group 2 will be added to the
category axis, and no value will be added to the series axis.
When the chart is to be inserted into the group header panel 2 which displays group 2, the value
axis cannot contain any summary value.

Different conditions apply to detail charts and summary charts:

A detail chart does not contain summary value on the value axis, but DBFields. The DBFields on
the value axis and the value on the category axis must be in the detail panel of the banded
object or table, and should not be hidden.
A summary chart contains summary value on the value axis, and the summary on the value axis
must be in the banded object or table, and should not be hidden.

When the chart does not inherit data from the banded object or table:

The chart should use the same dataset as the banded object or table.

The chart should have the same group structure as that of the banded object or table.

The chart should have the same filter/sort condition, Top N condition and special function as that of
the banded object or table.

The chart can only be inserted into the banded header/footer panel or outside of the banded object.

Different conditions apply to detail charts and summary charts:

For a detail chart,

DBFields on the value axis must be in the detail panel of the banded object or table, and
should not be hidden.
The category value must be in the detail panel of the banded object or table, and should not
be hidden.
If the chart, banded object or table has a Top N condition, then the chart will not be mapped to
the banded object or table.

For a summary chart, the summary on the value axis must be in the banded object or table, and
should not be hidden.

The following example shows how to use the Dynamic Chart feature in Excel. Here the chart inherits
data from its parent banded object.
1. Open the catalog file TutorialReports.cat, and create a query Products in Data Source 1 of the
catalog based on the table Products. Check all the columns in the table.
2. Create a standard banded report based on the query Products. The banded report displays the
following fields: Products_Product ID, Product Name and Price, and is grouped by Category and
Products_Product Type ID (Category is the higher level).
3. In the Resource View panel, click <Add Summary...> from the Summaries node and create a
summary named Sum_Price which uses the function Sum, sums on Price in the Products table,
and applies to the Products_Product Type ID group level.
4. Drag the summary to the footer panel of the Products_Product Type ID group level in the banded
5. Click Insert > Chart to insert a 2-D bar chart into the banded header panel. The chart inherits
the dataset from the banded object (make sure Current is checked in the Data screen of the
Create Chart wizard), displays Products_Product Type ID on the category axis, Category on the
series axis, and Sum_Price on the value axis.
6. Right-click the chart and select Chart Wizard from the shortcut menu.
7. In the Chart Wizard, switch to the Layout screen, select Export in the Options box and then
select BandedObject from the Mapping Component drop-down list, then click Finish.
8. Click File > Options. In the Options dialog, check the option Check the availability of dynamic
chart for Excel in the General category, then click OK.
This option is provided to check if the chart can be correctly mapped to the banded object when
you save the report or export it to Excel.
9. Click File > Export To > Excel to export the report to Excel (make sure Preserve Report
Formatting is checked in the Export to Excel dialog).
10. Open the exported result file in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\TutorialReports.

11. Change the price of Jamaican Rum and Torrefazione Italia to 30.00, and you will find that the
value of the chart is changed accordingly.


You cannot make charts of bubble, stock and scatter types to be dynamic charts if they have
summary value on the value axis.
Chart and the summary used in the chart cannot be inserted into the repeated panel of the banded
object or table.
For summary chart, only value axis can be mapped to each single cell in Excel. That is to say, when
you change the data in Excel, the corresponding value axis will also be changed.

A tabular is a component designed to lay out other components. Unlike a table component, that is used
to display a dataset, a tabular is a set of cells that can each display a dataset in a component.

Inserting a tabular in a report

A tabular can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a tabular into a report, use either of the following ways:

Using dialog
1. Do one of the following to bring out the Insert Tabular dialog:

Click Insert > Tabular on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Tabular button

on the Insert toolbar.

2. Specify the number of rows and columns, and the border width and tabular width as required.
3. Click the OK button to close the dialog.
If the mouse pointer is in the report body or a cell of another tabular, the tabular will be
inserted there upon clicking OK. Otherwise, you need to click the mouse button in the desired
location to place the tabular there.

By dragging and dropping

From the Toolbox panel, drag Tabular to the desired location in the report which allows the insertion
of a tabular, and a tabular will then be created there.

After a tabular has been created in a report, you can then:

Insert the required components into the tabular cells. The components that can be inserted into a
tabular cell are listed in Component placement.
Double-click a tabular cell and then input and modify text in it.

You can also customize the tabular appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report
Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

Merging and splitting tabular cells

In a tabular, adjacent cells that form a rectangle can be merged into one cell.

To merge adjacent cells, select them, right-click and select Merge from the shortcut menu (or click
the Merge button

on the Standard toolbar). These cells will then be merged into one cell.

To split a cell, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click the cell and select Split from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Split Cell dialog, check whether the cell will be split into rows or columns, and then
specify how many rows/columns the cell will be split into.
3. Click OK, and the cell will then be split according to your selection.

Resizing, inserting and deleting columns/rows in a tabular

To resize a column of a tabular, drag the boundary on the right side of the column until the column
is the width you want. If the boundary is not the rightmost one, the column width will change, but
the total width of the tabular will not change. If you want to change both the column width and the
tabular width, press the Shift button on the keyboard while dragging. To resize a row, drag the
boundary below the row until the row is the height you want. Both the row height and the tabular
height will change. If you want to change just the row height, press the Shift button on the keyboard
while dragging the boundary, which is not the last boundary.
To insert a column/row into a tabular, select a cell and right-click it. On the shortcut menu, click the
corresponding inserting column/row item and a column/row will then be inserted according to your
To delete a column/row from a tabular, select all the cells in this column/row, right-click, and then
select Delete Column/Delete Row from the shortcut menu.

Formatting text and paragraphs in a tabular cell

The text and paragraphs you create in a tabular cell can be easily formatted. For example, you can
change the font face, font color of the text, the indentation of any paragraph. You can even find and
replace a text string with another one easily as with a word processor. For detail, refer the specific
topics in the Text boxes section.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the tabular component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\TabularReport.cls.

A report that is inserted into a report is referred to as the subreport. Subreports are inserted and
managed just like a component in a primary report, but a subreport itself is created and managed just
like a primary report. You can specify relationships between the primary report and the subreport as
well as have JReport pass values to the primary report or the subreport. A primary report can have
more than one subreport.
This section describes the following topics related to subreports:

Inserting a subreport

Formatting a subreport

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the subreport
examples, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Subreport_*.cls.

Inserting a subreport
A subreport can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a subreport into a report:
1. Open the primary report.
2. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the subreport, then click
Insert > Subreport on the menu bar (or the Insert Subreport button
toolbar). Then,

on the Insert

If the destination is the report body or a tabular cell, the Subreport dialog will be displayed.
If the destination is a banded panel, click the mouse button in the panel to open the Subreport

3. In the Subreport dialog, click the Browse button to select the report set which contains the report
you want to use as the subreport. This report set must belong to the same catalog as the primary
4. Select the required report as the subreport from the Subreport drop-down list, where the names
of all the reports in the specified report set are displayed.
5. In the Field tab, click the Add button beside the Component in Report box. In the Choose
Component dialog, add the components in the subreport you want to be interlinked with the
primary report with conditions. If the required components use different datasets, you need to add
them respectively, however, as long as the components are based on the same dataset, you can
add them all at a time.
6. Select a component from the Component in Report box and set up links between the primary
report and the component as required (for details, see Creating sub links). Repeat this to define
the link condition between other components in the subreport and the primary report.
7. If the subreport has parameters, and you do not want to enter values for them at runtime, you
can click the Parameter tab to assign values to the parameters. For details, see Setting up
parameter links.
8. If you want the subreport to return certain values to the main report, click the Return Value tab
and specify the settings according to your requirements (for details, see Returning values to the
primary report).
9. Click OK to insert the subreport.
When a subreport has been inserted into a report, you can use the Format Subreport dialog to format
this subreport. You can also customize its appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report
Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).

When inserting subreports, you need to avoid link loop. For example, if you have inserted report B
into report A as its subreport, then you cannot insert report A into report B as its subreport again.

You can use the option Show real view of subreport in the Options dialog (File > Options >
General > Show real view of subreport) to specify whether or not to show the detailed subreport
structure in the primary report in design mode. However,

For subreport with multiple pages, only the report body in the first page will be shown in the
primary report.
For cascading subreport, only the first layer of the subreport will be shown in the primary report.

Formatting a subreport
You use the Format Subreport dialog to format a subreport. To access this dialog, right-click a
subreport and choose Format Subreport.
This dialog supports the following tasks related to formatting subreports:

Creating sublinks

Setting up parameter links

Returning values to the primary report

Creating sublinks
A sublink is a way to connect the primary report and the subreport. When you define a sublink, JReport
will match the records with equal relationships within the subreport and the primary report. You can
apply one or more links to make the subreport and the primary report interlinked.
The following example explains the use of sublinks in detail.
Assume that you have two report sets in the same catalog: one contains a customer report which has a
banded object inside and displays information of customer ID, country, city and phone, and the other
contains an order report which contains a crosstab showing information of customer ID, product name
and quantity. Now, you want to insert the order report as subreport into the customer report, and set
up a link between them, so that when the end users views the customer report, a subreport will be
built for each customer based on the order report, showing order records for only the specified
To achieve this, take the following steps:
1. Open the report set that contains the customer report in JReport Designer.
on the
2. Select the detail panel of the banded object and click the Insert Subreport button
Insert toolbar. A box is then attached to the mouse pointer to indicate it is ready to place the
3. Click in the panel and the Subreport dialog is displayed.
4. Click the Browse button to select the report set that contains the order report as the subreport.
5. In the Field tab, click the Add button.
6. Check CTCrossTab in the Choose Component dialog, then click OK. The component is listed in
the Component in Report box.
7. Add the Customers_CustomerID field in the customer report to the Field box, a link is then
automatically set up as below:



Customers_Customer ID


8. Click OK to apply the settings.

9. Preview the customer report. You will find that a crosstab is generated for each customer based on
the customer ID.

Note: When creating sublinks, you need to avoid link loop. For example, if you set the links between
the primary report A and subreport B (report A -> report B), you cannot set the link back to report A
(report A -> report B -> report A).

Setting up parameter links

If a subreport contains parameters, the values must be supplied at runtime. You can map the subreport
parameters to DBFields, formulas or parameters which are contained in the dataset of the component
where the subreport is inserted in the primary report, and are of the same data types as the subreport
The following example shows how to set up parameter links between a primary report and a subreport.
Assume that you have two report sets in the same catalog: ReportSet A (with Report A in it) and
ReportSet B (with Report B in it). Report B has a parameter PToday (Date type). Then, you insert
Report B as subreport into Report A. When you view Report A, you will be prompted to enter value for
its subreport parameter PToday. However, you do not want to enter the value each time you run
Report A and instead want to give it a fixed value. To achieve this, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click Report B and select Format Subreport.
2. In the Subreport dialog, click the Parameters tab (this tab is disabled if the subreport does not
contain any parameters).
3. In the Parameters column, you can see PToday is listed there and a same parameter is assigned
to it by default in the Value column.
4. Click the value drop-down list where all the DBFields, formulas and parameters of Data type in the
dataset of Report A are listed. Here, we select MYTODAY which is a predefined formula and
returns a value ToDate(2006,01,01).

5. Click OK to apply the settings.

6. View Report A, and no parameter dialog will be displayed prompting you to enter the value since
the formula value is passed to PToday.

If a subreport parameter is mapped to another parameter, you will still be prompted to input the
value at runtime. In the Enter Parameter Values dialog, the parameter name you see is that of the
mapping parameter.
If a subreport parameter is mapped to a formula, the parameter will obtain value automatically from
the mapping formula.

Returning values to the primary report

You can make values of the subreport return to the primary report. To do this:
1. Right-click the subreport and select Format Subreport from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Subreport dialog, click the Return Value tab.
3. In the Component in Report box, check the component in the subreport, the fields of which you
want to use to return value to parameters of the primary report, then the Field in Subreport box
will list all available fields used by the selected component.
4. Select the field that you want to assign to a parameter in the primary report, click
, and a
parameter in the primary report of the same data type will be displayed in the Parameters column
of the Return Value box. If the automatically assigned parameter is not what you need, select the
required one from the parameter drop-down list.
5. If required, select another component in the Component in Report box and set more mapping
fields for parameters in the primary report.
6. When done, click OK to apply the settings.

When passing values between the subreport and the primary report, you should pay attention to
avoiding parameter loop, which may occur as this case: parameter A of the primary report is
assigned to parameter B of the subreport in the Parameters tab, while in the Return Value tab, B is
assigned to A. In this case, the values of A and B will depend on the default values and the position
relationship between the two parameters.
When you insert the subreport, you should insert it before the parameter, or the parameter will not
be the expected value.
To use the return value parameter in a formula, you need to add pagenumber in the first line in the
For example, all the formulas which referenced the return value parameter should be like:
... ... ...
... ... ...

If the subreport will cross page, the result of the formula may not be the expected value because the
return value will only be calculated when finishing laying out the subreport.

An image is a digital representation of a picture. JReport supports the following image formats: .bmp, .
gif, .jpg, and .png.
This section describes how to use the image component.

Inserting an image into a report

An image can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert an image into a report:
1. Position the mouse pointer at the destination where you want to insert the image.
2. Do one of the following to display the Select an Image dialog.

Click Insert > Image on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Image button

Drag Image from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

on the Insert toolbar.

3. Specify the image you want to insert.

If you want to use an image from your local file system, use the Look in drop-down list to
browse for the image, then click Open. If the image file is not in the current catalog directory,
you will be prompted to copy it to the directory.
If you want to use an image via URL, enter the URL in the URL field and then click OK.

4. Click Open to insert the image into the destination.


If want to use an image via URL and you are in an intranet, to successfully access the image, you
need to add the parameters -DproxyHost=XXX -DproxyPort=XX to JReport Designer's startup file
JReport.bat, which is located in <install_root>\bin.
If you insert an image via URL into a report, when the report is saved, only the URL information will
be saved into the report template.

When an image has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and behavior by
setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details,
see Creating a CSS style).

Binding a link to an image

You can make an image link with another report, a URL or an e-mail. To do this:
1. Right-click the image and select Detail Report on the shortcut menu.

2. In the Master/Detail Report dialog, specify the target to which the image will be linked from the
Link to drop-down list and then set the options for the target.
3. When done, click OK.
For details about different link targets, see Binding a link to a label.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the image component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ForImage.cls.

A map is a special kind of image in JReport. It contains a picture and certain areas that are bound with
groups in a banded object. Map features only work in the HTML and DHTML report output formats.
This section describes the following tasks related to maps:

Inserting a map

Binding data to a map

Adding Conditional formats to map areas

Binding Data to a map

Controlling labels and summary fields in each specific map area

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the map component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\MapReport.cls.

Inserting a map
Before you can insert a map, you need to create a tabular report or a banded object.
To insert a map into a report:
1. Select a tabular cell, or the banded header/footer, group header/footer, or banded page header/
footer panel of the banded object.
2. Click Insert > Map on the menu bar, or the Insert Map button
Editor window appears.

on the Insert toolbar. The Map

3. If you want to use an image as background of the map, click Insert > Background Image on the
menu bar of the Map Editor window, then click
the image.

in the Map Background Image dialog to specify

4. Next is to add areas to the map. You can do this either by importing from an previously saved XML
file or an ESRI file which has been defined with some area information, or by drawing the areas
manually, or using a combination of these two.

To import the predefined map areas, click File > Open in the Map Editor window, then in the
Import Map Area dialog, specify the .xml file or .shp file that contains the required area information
and click Open to import the areas. If you choose to import the map areas from a .shp file, you
need to further specify a field in the ESRI shape file to define area name of the map, and if
required, you can also select fields from the ESRI shape file to define the area tooltips.
To draw the areas manually, first check the Insert Mode item on the Edit menu to switch the Map
Editor to insert mode.
To draw an area, click the left mouse button to pick the start point of the area. Move the mouse
pointer and click the left mouse button to select the other points. The points will be connected
automatically. When you move the mouse pointer to the start point, a square will appear indicating
that the area will be closed. Click the left mouse button to finish drawing the area. If you want to
undo your last line, click the right mouse button.

5. If you want to further change the shape or position of the areas, uncheck Insert Mode on the Edit
menu to change the Map Editor to edit mode.
To change the shape of an area, move the mouse pointer over the border or the points of the area.
When it becomes a cross, choose a point on the line and drag it to create a new point. You can also
choose a point of the area and drag it to a new position. If there are three points on one line, the
middle point will be deleted automatically.
To move an area, move the mouse pointer close its border. When it changes to a four-headed arrow,
drag the area to a new position.
Tip: If you have specified a background image for the map, and the size of it is not the same as
that of the map object, you can click Insert > Match Background Image in the Map Editor
window to resize the map object so as to make it match the size of the background image.
6. To bind data to the map areas, click Insert > Bind Data, then specify the settings according to your
requirements (for details, refer to Binding data to a map).
7. If you want to add some conditional formats to the map areas, click Format > Conditional
Formatting, then define the conditions and formats as required (for details, refer to Adding
conditional formats to map areas).
8. To make the map areas link to other reports, URLs or emails, set the Detail Report or Link property
on the map areas as required (for details, refer to Binding links to map areas).
9. In the Map Area Inspector panel, edit properties of any area, label, summary field and line in the
map if necessary.
10. If you want to save the area information you have defined in a file for future use, click File > Save
As. In the Save Map Area dialog, specify the directory where you want to save the file and a name
for it, then click Save. Then, when you create a report with a map next time, you can choose to
import areas from the saved XML file.
11. When done, click File > Save to save the changes to the map and close the Map Editor window.
12. Click the mouse button in the tabular cell, or banded panel to insert the map.
When a map has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see
Creating a CSS style).
See also Map Editor window for details about options in the window.

Binding data to a map

You can make a map bound with a dataset, so as to make values displayed on the map areas. To
achieve it:
1. In the Map Editor window, click Insert > Bind Data, or the Bind Data button
The Map Data Binding Wizard appears.

on the toolbar.

2. In the Data screen of the wizard, define or select the dataset with which the map will be bound.

If checked, the map will be bound with a new dataset created from the catalog resources.
If checked, specify the dataset in the current report set with which the map will be bound.
If checked, the map will be bound with the dataset used by its parent.

3. In the Group screen, add a field as the grouping criteria to group data in the specified dataset. You
can add only one group by field.
4. In the Summary screen, add the fields as the sum on fields, and specify the function as required.
Data in each group will then be calculated based on the selected fields using the specified
function, and the summary results will be displayed accordingly on map areas the names of which
match with values of the group by field.
5. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed on the map areas.
To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the
field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to
compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type
the value of how to filter the field or click

to specify the value in the Values window.

6. Click Finish button to apply setting and leave the dialog.

See also Map Data Binding Wizard for more details about options in the wizard.

Adding conditional formats to map areas

When the map areas are bound with data, you can add some conditional formats to them, then when the
specified condition is fulfilled, the defined format will be applied to the specified map areas.
To add conditional formats to the map areas:
1. In the Map Editor window, click Format > Conditional Formatting, or the Conditional Formatting

on the toolbar. The Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog appears.

2. Click the Add button to add a condition in the Edit Conditions dialog.

3. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.

4. From the field drop-down list, select the field on which the condition will be based.
5. Choose the operator with which to compose the condition expression from the operator drop-down list.
6. Click
next to the value box to specify the value of how to build the condition. You can also type in the
value manually.
7. Click Add Condition to add more condition line and define the relationship between the condition lines if
8. When done, click OK to save the condition.
The newly added condition will then be displayed in the Map Area Condition box in the Map Area
Conditional Formatting dialog.
9. In the format box of the Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog, set the format which will be applied to
the specified map areas when the specified condition is fulfilled, including the fill color, border color,
border style, and border width.
10. Repeat the above steps to add more conditions and define the format for each condition.
To edit a condition, select the condition from the Map Area Condition box, click the Edit button, then edit

the condition in the Edit Conditions dialog.

To remove a condition and the corresponding format, select the condition from the Map Area Condition
box and then click the Remove button.
11. When done, click OK to save and apply the settings.
See also Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog and Edit Conditions dialog for details about options in the

Binding links to map areas

You can make the map areas linked with other reports, some URLs or emails.

Linking a map area to a URL/email

1. Select the node that represents the map area in the Map Area Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, find the Link property and then click

in the value cell.

To link the area to a URL, in the displayed dialog, select A URL from the Link to drop-down list,
enter the link in the Hyperlink box, or click
to select a field which contains URL information or
create a formula to represent a URL to set the hyperlink, and then from the Target Frame dropdown list, specify where to load the linked target.

To link the area to an email, in the displayed dialog, select An Email from the Link to dropdown list, then compose the e-mail address with the text boxes.
For example, a field "Company" contains company information such as "Jinfonet", you can input
"sales" in the first text boxes, select "Company" from the drop-down list, and input ".com" in
the second text box. With this, you can click the area at runtime so as to write an e-mail to the
corresponding recipient. You can also type "[email protected]" into the first text box and leave
the drop-down list and the second text box empty, and thus clicking the area will write an email to the specific address.

3. When done, click OK to accept the settings.

Then, when the map is viewed in HTML or DHTML report format, you can click the area to open the URL/
email it is linked to, and when it is viewed in PDF format, you can click the label or summary field of
this area to open the URL/email bound with the area.

Linking a map area to another report/detail report

Before you can link any map area to another report or to a detail report, you should make sure that the
map is bound with a dataset.
To link a map area to another report:
1. Select the node that represents the map area in Map Area Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, find the Link property and then click

in the value cell.

3. In the Link Report dialog, specify the settings according to your requirements (for details, see
Linking a report to another report).
4. When done, click OK to apply the changes.
Then, when the map is viewed in HTML or DHTML report format, you can click the area to open the
linked report according to the specified link conditions, and when it is viewed in PDF format, you can
click the label or summary field of this area to open the linked report.

To link a map area to a detail report:

1. Select the node that represents the map area in Map Area Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, find the Detail Report property and then click

in the value cell.

3. In the Master/Detail Report dialog, specify the settings according to your requirements (for
details, see Linking a report to a detail report).
4. When done, click OK to apply the changes.
Then, when the map report is published to JReport Server and run in JReport Viewer, you can click the
area to open the detail report according to the specified link conditions.

Controlling labels and summary fields on map areas

You can control the labels and summary fields on the map areas by taking the following operations in
the Map Editor window:

Formatting labels/summary fields

To format a label/summary field on a map area, first select it, and then perform any of the following

To change the alignment, click the required alignment button on the Map Editor toolbar: Justify
, Left
, Center
or Right
, or click the corresponding command from the Format >
Align submenu. The content in the label/summary field will then be aligned according to your

To change the font face, click the Font Face Box

and then select the
required font from the drop-down list. The fonts introduced with * are True Type Fonts. Refer to
the chapter True Type Fonts for more information.
To change the font size, click the Font Size Box
and then select the required size
from the drop-down list (or enter the required value in the combo box and then press Enter).
To change the font style, click the corresponding font style buttons on the toolbar: Bold

and Underline

, or the commands from the Format > Text Style submenu.

To change the background color, click the Background Color button

color as required.
To change the foreground color, click the Font Color button

and then specify the

and then select the desired color.

Setting properties for labels/summary fields on map areas

In the Map Area Inspector panel of the Map Editor window, you can set properties of the labels/
summary fields on the map areas. The label/summary field properties can be set either globally or

To set the properties globally, in the Map Area Inspector panel, expand the Map Global Setting
node, select the sub node representing the label/summary field, then in the Properties panel, set
the properties as required.
To set the properties for any label/summary field in specific, in the Map Area Inspector panel,
select the node representing the label/summary field, edit the Use Default property of the label/
summary field to false, then set its properties.

For details about properties of labels and summary fields in a map, refer to Labels and Summary
fields in the Property References chapter.

Making labels/summary fields automatically connected with map areas

You can drag the labels/summary fields out of the areas they describe and place them at other

places, however, after you do this, you will not be able know clearly the connection between each
label/summary field and the corresponding area. To keep you from being confused, JReport provides
you with the Auto Connector property on labels and summary fields on map areas, by enabling which
a line will automatically be drawn between the label/summary field and the area it describes when
the label/summary field is dragged out of the area. This property can also be set globally for all the
labels/summary fields in a map and for each label/summary field in specific.
For the automatically drawn lines, you can set the properties if required.

Hiding labels/summary fields

To hide a label/summary field, right-click it and select Hide from the shortcut menu. To show a
hidden label/summary field again, select the node representing it from the Map Area Inspector panel,
then set its Invisible to false.

A user defined object (UDO) is an object inherited from JReport system's object. You can add and
modify new properties, as well as other existing methods and specify new methods for modifying your
UDO. UDOs, which have been appended to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.bat in
<install_root>\bin, can be inserted as components into a report and consequently become a part of
the report.
For details about the usage of UDOs, refer to User defined object.

A barcode can be used as a component and directly inserted into a report. To do this:
1. Do one of the following to open the Barcode Expert dialog.

Click Insert > Barcode on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Barcode button

on the Insert toolbar.

2. Select a dataset from the Barcode Resources drop-down list, and then specify the source of the
barcode: a DBField, formula, summary, or parameter.
3. Select the required barcode type from the Symbology drop-down list. You can preview the format
of the selected symbology in the Sample box (for details about barcode symbologies, see
Appendix 2: Barcode symbologies).
4. Select the unit for the values of the quiet zone, narrow width, supplement, height and ratio from

the Scale Mode drop-down list.

5. Specify the space around the barcode in the Quite Zone field (most symbologies require quiet
zones that precede and follow the barcode).
6. Set the barcode bar width in the Narrow Width field.
7. Specify the supplement of the barcode if necessary. If you select the barcode type as Code 39,
Code 128/128A/128B/128C or Codabar, you will not need to set the supplement.
8. Set the height of the barcode bars in the Height field.
9. Specify the width ratio of the thick bar to the thin bar in the Ratio field if you selected the barcode
type as Code 39 or Codabar. The ratio can only be 2.0 or 3.0. Any ratio value not equal to 2.0 or
3.0 will be regarded as 2.0.
10. Change the default value of the barcode in the Default Message field if necessary.
11. Select the Enable Checking Digits checkbox if you want to include check digits in the barcode.
12. If you have selected the barcode type as Code 39, Code 128/128A/128B/128C, or Codabar, then
you can check Display HR to display the barcode numbers together with the barcode.
13. Upon finishing, click Insert to close the dialog, then click the mouse button in the location where
you want the barcode to be displayed.

Where a barcode can be inserted in a report depends on what you have selected as its source.
You can also create a barcode component by first inserting a DBField, formula, summary or
parameter and then changing its display type to barcode.

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the barcode component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Barcode.cls.

A rank is a component that is based on the value of another component - a DBField, formula,
summary, or parameter. One or more values for these fields can be mapped to an image known as the
rank. The rank component allows you to convert raw data values to easy-to-understand graphical cues
or to hide sensitive details but still convey the general data value to the report end users.
To insert a rank into a report:
1. Do one of the following:

Click Insert > Rank on the menu bar.

Click the Insert Rank button

Drag Rank from the Toolbox panel to the report.

The Rank Expert dialog appears.

on the Insert toolbar.

2. The Rank Resources drop-down list displays the dataset available for the current insertion, and the
list box below shows its fields, including DBFields, formulas, summaries and parameters.
Select the field you want to insert as rank from the list box. You can also create formulas,
summaries, and parameters here.
3. Click the Browse button to select an image file to be the default image (used if a value does not
fit any of the specified value ranges).
4. Type the alternate text of the default image in the Default Image Alternate Text box, which will be
displayed when the image cannot be loaded or is unavailable.
5. In the Value Range box, specify the minimum value, maximum value, image and alternate text
respectively in the Minimum, Maximum, Image, and Alternate Text columns. Click



. A value, which is larger
add or delete a range. To adjust the order of the ranges, click
than or equal to the minimum value of a range and less than the maximum value, will be
displayed as the image, or the alternate text if the image cannot be loaded or is unavailable. For a
value belonging to two or more overlapping ranges, the highest range in the Value Range box will
take effect.
6. Click Insert in the dialog, then click the mouse button in the location where you want the rank to
be displayed.

Where a rank can be inserted in a report depends on what you have selected as its source.
You can also create a rank by first inserting a DBField, formula, summary or parameter, and then
changing its display type as rank.

Suppose that you want to define product quality rank based on customer grading, and you want to
define three levels:
50-70, Poor
71-90, Good
91-100, Excellent
Specify the following in the Value Range box:
1. In the first range line, set the minimum and maximum values as 50 and 70 respectively in the
cells of the Minimum and Maximum columns. Go to the Image cell, and then click <Browse...> to
select an image to represent the rank. Click the Alternate Text cell and enter Poor.
2. Click
to add another line. Set the minimum and maximum values as 71 and 90, select
another image to represent the rank and enter Good in the Alternate Text cell.
3. Add one more line, and set the values, image and name for Excellent in the same way as before.
You have successfully defined a rank for product quality.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the rank component

example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\Rank.cls.

Drawing objects
You can add arcs, ovals, boxes, round boxes and lines to your report.
Drawing objects can only be inserted into banded objects. To insert a drawing object into a report, you
can use either of the following two methods:

Click Insert > Drawing Objects on the menu bar, then click the drawing object (Line, Box, Arc,
Oval, or Round Box) you want to insert on the submenu.
Select an item from the drawing object drop-down list

on the Insert Toolbar.

Then, move your mouse pointer to the insertion point, drag the mouse button till you are satisfied with
the drawing object's size and proportions. The selected drawing object will then be inserted into your
report at the specified position. Note that only boxes, horizontal or vertical lines can be presented in
DHTML format.
When a drawing object has been inserted into a report, you can customize its appearance and
behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector.
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the drawing object
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\ForDrawingObject.cls.

Web controls
Web controls are report components designed to be similar to the kinds of controls found on web
pages. JReport provides some web controls such as text fields, drop-down lists, and buttons that are
usually used in web pages. In most cases, web controls are not used independently. They are bound
with some web actions, or put into a form. When a web control is bound with some web actions which
will be triggered on certain events, any of the events applied to the web control will perform the web
actions. You can also add some web controls into a form, and then define the form according to your
requirements, so that the inputs at runtime can be submitted to JReport Server and thus be processed.
Based on the different functions and usages, web controls are divided into two types: basic web
controls and advanced web controls. For the basic web controls, you need to bind web actions to them
by yourself, however, advanced web controls are defined with specific web actions or are used for
specific purposes so that you can use them directly. In addition, the basic web controls can be inserted
into normal reports only, while the advanced web controls are supported in both normal reports and
studio reports.
This section explains how to use web controls in JReport as follows:

Using basic web controls

Using advanced web controls

Applying web actions

Making web controls work in a form

See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the web control
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\WebControls_*.cls.

Using basic web controls

Basic web controls refer to the following: Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, Radio Button, Image Button,
Button, Drop-down List, and List. They can be used in normal reports only, and can be inserted into the
report areas listed in Component placement.
This section describes how to use the web controls separately.

Text field
To insert a text field and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the text field:

Drag Text Field from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Text Field, then click the mouse button in
the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Text Field from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired location in
the report.

2. Right-click the text field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display Type
dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, select the type of the text field: Standard or
Standard means that the text field will be a normal text field. Password means that the text field
will be a password box in which the typed characters will be displayed as asterisks.
4. Enter the name, value for the text field in the Name and Value fields.
5. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the text field. Then after the report is
exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the text field, the tooltip will be
6. Set the character width in the Display Width field, and the maximum number of characters the
user can enter in the Max Length field.
7. Check the Read Only option if you would like to set this text field to be read-only.
8. Check the Disabled checkbox if you want to make the text field disabled.
9. Bind some web actions to the text field in the Web Behaviors box.
10. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close this dialog.

Hidden field

A hidden field is visible only in design mode.

To insert a hidden field and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the hidden field:

Drag Hidden Field from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Hidden Field, then click the mouse button in
the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Hidden Field from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired location
in the report.

2. Right-click the hidden field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display Type
dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, specify the name and value of the hidden
4. Bind some web actions to the hidden field in the Web Behaviors box.
5. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.

Text area
A text area allows you to input a multi-line string.
To insert a text area and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the text area:

Drag Text Area from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Text Area , then click the mouse button in
the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Text Area from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired location in
the report.

2. Right-click the text area and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display Type
dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, enter the name, value of the text area in the
Name and Value fields.
4. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the text area. Then after the report is
exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the text area, the tooltip will be
5. Set the character width in the Display Width field.
6. Specify the number of lines that the text area will allow in the Number of Lines field, and choose
whether or not to wrap the text by selecting true or false from the Auto Wrap drop-down list.

7. Check the Read Only option if you would like to set this text area to be read-only.
8. Check the Disabled checkbox if you want to make the text area disabled.
9. Bind some web actions to the text area in the Web Behaviors box.
10. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close this dialog.

Checkbox/Radio button
The way to insert and define the values of a checkbox and radio button is the same.
To insert a checkbox/radio button and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the checkbox/radio button:

Drag Checkbox/Radio Button from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Checkbox/Radio Button , then click the
mouse button in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Checkbox/Radio Button from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the
desired location in the report.

2. Right-click the checkbox/radio button and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The
Display Type dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, specify the name, value of the checkbox/
radio button in the Name and Value fields.
4. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the checkbox/radio button. Then after the
report is exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the checkbox/radio button,
the tooltip will be displayed.
5. Set Initially Checked to true if you want the checkbox/radio button to be selected by default.
6. Check the Disabled checkbox if you want to make the checkbox/radio button disabled.
7. Bind some web actions to the checkbox/radio button in the Web Behaviors box.
8. Upon finishing, click OK to close this dialog.

Image button
To insert an image button and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the image button:

Drag Image Button from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Image Button, then click the mouse button
in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Image Button from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired

location in the report.

2. Right-click the image button and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display Type
dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, click the Browse button to specify the image
source. For a DBField, formula, or a summary, you can also check the From DBField radio button
to make the value of the DBField/formula/summary the image source. If you choose this option,
the Decode Type drop-down list is enabled, from which you can specify the type for decoding the
4. Enter the name, value of the image button in the Name and Value fields.
5. Type a string in the Alternate Text field to serve as content when the image cannot be rendered.
6. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the image button. Then after the report is
exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the image button, the tooltip will be
7. Check the Disabled checkbox if you want to make the image button disabled.
8. Specify the scaling mode of the image button from the Scaling Mode drop-down list, and the
maximum scaling ratio in the Max Ratio field. By default the scaling ratio of the image button is
not limited. If it is set to any value greater than 0, the actual scaling ratio will be less than or
equal to it.
9. Specify the size of the image button.

If you choose to use the original size of the image, check the Original Size option.
If you want to use customized image size, uncheck Original Size, and then set the display
width and height of the image in the Width and Height fields. Check the Constrain Proportion
option if you want to constrain aspect ratio of the image when setting the width and height.

10. Bind some web actions to the image button in the Web Behaviors box.
11. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.

A button is for submitting or resetting a form.
To insert a button and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the button:

Drag Button from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > Button, then click the mouse button in the
desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Button from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired location in the

2. Right-click the button and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display Type dialog
will appear.

3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, enter the name, value of the button in the
Name and Value fields.
4. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the button. Then after the report is
exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the button, the tooltip will be
5. Select the action of the button: None, Submit Form or Reset Form.
6. Check the Disabled checkbox if you want to make the button disabled.
7. Bind some web actions to the button in the Web Behaviors box.
8. Upon finishing, click OK to close this dialog.

List/Drop-down list
List and drop-down list are generally called multivalue containers. A list or drop-down list provides a list
of values for users to select from. While, a drop-down list occupies a smaller space than a list box so
that a report can be laid out more compactly.
To insert a list/drop-down list and define its values:
1. Do one of the following to insert the list/drop-down list:

Drag List/Drop-down List from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

On the menu bar, click Insert > Web Controls > List/Drop-down List , then click the mouse
button in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select List/Drop-down List from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired
location in the report.

2. Right-click the list/drop-down list and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. The Display
Type dialog will appear.
3. In the Web Options panel of the Display Type dialog, enter a name for the list/drop-down list in
the Name field.
4. In the Tool Tip field, enter the tooltip you want to show for the list/drop-down list. Then after the
report is exported to HTML or DHTML, when you hover the mouse over the list/drop-down list, the
tooltip will be displayed.
5. Specify the item labels and the value of each item in the items box by inputting some strings as
the labels and values respectively.
If you want to use a DBField/formula field/parameter field to control the value, click
in the
Value column to insert one with the Insert Fields dialog, and then select the format for the
inserted field from the drop-down list in the Item Label column. Check the All radio button in the
Insert Field dialog if you want to add an All value to the list/drop-down list. Then when All is
selected as value of the list/drop-down list at runtime, all filter actions defined on the list/dropdown list will not take effect, and if you applied some other web action that needs value from the
list/drop-down list, a Null value will be returned.
6. If the display type is defined as List, you can check the Allow Multiple checkbox if you want to

allow multiple items to be selected.

7. In the Selected field, specify the selected value for the list/drop-down list.
8. Specify to use the runtime value as the selected value by checking Use Runtime Value.
9. If you want to disable the list/drop-down list, check the Disabled option.
10. Bind some web actions to the list/drop-down list in the Web Behaviors box.
11. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
See also Display Type dialog for details about options in the dialog.
After a basic web control has been inserted, you can customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see
Creating a CSS style). You can also bind a link to a basic web control in the same way as you do to a
label (for details, see Binding a link to a label).

The display type of a basic web control can also be changed after it has been created. Basic web
controls other than list and drop-down list can be converted to each other, and can be displayed as a
general type. You may notice that these web controls have a common Class Type property value
"Label" in the Report Inspector, and this signifies that these web controls are labels in nature.
List and drop-down list can be converted to each other, while cannot be displayed as any other type.

DBFields, parameter fields, formula fields, summary fields, special fields, and images can also be
displayed as a basic web control type. From this view, these objects can be considered as basic web
controls too.
Some of the basic web control values can be controlled by formulas. To control a value by a formula,

click the button

behind the text field of the value and then select a formula from the drop-down
list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click the <CREATE FORMULA> item in the
list to create one as required.

If you have specified a tooltip for any basic web control, when the report is opened in HTML or
DHTML format, the tooltip of the basic web control will be displayed differently on different browsers:

On Internet Explorer, the tip text will be automatically wrapped if its length exceeds the maximal
tip width the browser allows. In addition, for Internet Explorer, you can manually make some text
displayed in a new line by adding &#10 or &#13 ahead of the text when editing it in the Tool Tip
On Firefox, the tip text will be displayed in one line with the maximal tip width the browser allows,
and the text that cannot be displayed within the width will be cut off and replaced by ellipsis.

Using advanced web controls

Advanced web controls refer to Expand/Collapse Group, Parameter Control, Parameter Form Control,
Filter Control, and Navigation Control. They can be used in both normal reports and studio reports, and
can be inserted into the report areas listed in Component placement (except the table cells in studio
This section describes each of the web controls and how to use them in detail.

Expanding/Collapsing group records

You can insert the web control, Expand/Collapse Group, to the group header panel of a banded object
so that end users can use the web control to expand/collapse records in groups of the banded object.
For details, refer to Managing the data of a banded object.
Note: Banded object is not supported in studio reports, so you cannot use the Expand/Collapse Group
web control in studio reports.

Using parameter control to specify a parameter to a report

A parameter control is a web control that is bound with a parameter used by the current report. By
specifying values to the parameter in a parameter control at runtime, you can pass the parameter
values to JReport and run the report with the specified values.
Parameter controls do not support inserting cascading parameters. If you want to do this, use
parameter form controls instead.
To insert a parameter control into a report:
1. Do one of the following:

Drag Parameter Control from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

Click Insert > Web Controls > Parameter Control on the menu bar, then click the mouse
button in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Parameter Control from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired
location in the report.

The Insert Parameter Control dialog appears.

2. In the dialog, specify the parameter you want to add to the parameter control from the Select a
Parameter box, which lists all the parameters except cascading parameters used in the current
report set.
3. When done, click OK to insert the parameter control into the desired destination.

Using parameter form control to run report sets

A parameter form control is a web control that is bound with the parameters used by the current report
set or other report sets. By specifying values to the parameters in a parameter form control at runtime,
you can make the report sets run with the specified parameter values.
To insert a parameter form control into a report:
1. Do one of the following:

Drag Parameter Form Control from the Toolbox panel to the destination.
Click Insert > Web Controls > Parameter Form Control on the menu bar, then click the
mouse button in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Parameter Form Control from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the
desired location in the report.

The Insert Parameter Form Control dialog appears.

2. Specify the target report sets to run using the parameter form control.

To run the current report set, select Current Report, then specify the parameters used to run
the report set from the Select Parameters box.
To run other report sets, select Others, then select the report sets you want to run. All the
parameters used by the selected report sets are displayed in the Parameter Information box. If
all the selected report sets contain no parameters, you cannot finish the dialog.

3. Specify whether to include the Submit button in the parameter form control. If Submit is included,
it is used to submit the parameter values end users specify in the parameter form control. If
Submit is not included, once end users change the value of a parameter in the parameter form
control, the new value will be applied automatically.
4. When done, click OK to insert the parameter form control into the desired destination.

Using filter control to filter report data

A filter control is used to filter one or more data containers, which refer to banded objects, tables,
charts, and crosstabs, in a report using the same data source. A filter control can do filtering based on
one field.
To insert a filter control into a report:
1. Do one of the following:

Drag Filter Control from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

Click Insert > Web Controls > Filter Control on the menu bar, then click the mouse button
in the desired location in the report.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
select Filter Control from the drop-down list, then click the mouse button in the desired
location in the report.


The Insert Filter Control dialog appears.

2. In the dialog, browse to the required data source, then select a field in the data source on which
the filter control is based.
3. When done, click OK to insert the filter control. Then at runtime, all values of the specified field
will be listed in the filter control. End users can select one or more values to apply.
In addition, after a filter control is inserted into a report, you can further modify it if necessary. To do
1. Right-click the filter control and select Edit Filter Control from the shortcut menu. The Filter On
dialog appears.

2. Edit the field used in the filter control if required.

3. By default the filter control applies to all the data containers in the report that are using the same
data source as the filter control's field. You can specify the exact data containers to be applied. To
do this, click the More Options button, then from the Apply to box, specify the target data
containers to which the filter defined by the filter control will be applied. The Apply to box lists all
the data containers in current report that are based on the data source the selected field is in.
4. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
After inserting filter controls in the report, you can also insert a navigation control for undoing/redoing
the value selection in the filter controls. For details about the usage of navigation control, see Using
navigation control to undo/redo value selection in filter controls.

Using navigation control to undo/redo value selection in filter controls

A navigation control can be considered as an accessorial control for filter controls and is used to deal
with the value selection operations in all the filter controls in the same report.
To insert a navigation control into a report, do either of the followings:

Drag Navigation Control from the Toolbox panel to the destination.

Click Insert > Web Controls > Filter Control on the menu bar, then point to the destination
where you want to add the navigation control and click the mouse button.
On the Insert toolbar, click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
and select
Filter Control from the drop-down list, then point to the desired destination and click the mouse

A navigation control is a combination of three buttons:

Goes back to the previous value selection status and refreshes the report data accordingly.
Removes all the value selection histories and all the filter conditions based on the selections, and
refreshes the report data accordingly.
Goes forward to the next value selection status and refreshes the report data accordingly.

By default, these three buttons are displayed as normal buttons, however, you can change their button
type to be image button if necessary. To do this:
1. Select the target button, right-click it and select Button Type > Image Button from the shortcut
2. In the Image Button dialog, click Browse to specify the path or input the URL of the image source
directly in the text field.
3. Click OK to confirm.
If you want to get back the normal button type, you just need to right-click the target image button,
and select Normal Button from the Button Type submenu.

If you save a report set containing a parameter form to another directory or publish it to local
directory or to JReport Server, the report sets that you selected in the parameter form in order to run
will not be saved or published along with the report set.
After an advanced web control has been inserted, you can customize its appearance and behavior by
setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for
details, see Creating a CSS style).
End users can also insert these advanced web controls (except Expand/Collapse Group) into reports
at runtime the same as report designers would do in JReport Designer. For details about how to use
the web controls at runtime, see Applying web controls in the JReport Server User's Guide.

Applying web actions

A web action can be bound to a web control, and then when the trigger event, such as click occurs, the
web action will be performed. This allows you can customize a web control, make it respond to some
events, and execute corresponding actions, such as sorting and filtering. For example, you can insert a
button in JReport Designer and associate an action with the button's onclick event. Then, when you
view the report in JReport Viewer and click the button, the defined operation will be executed.
The following table lists the events that can be used to trigger web actions:



Fires when the object loses the input focus.

Data Change

Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed.


Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.


Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button on the object, opening the
shortcut menu.


Fires when the user double-clicks the object.


Fires when the object receives focus.

Key Down

Fires when the user presses a key.

Key Press

Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key.

Key Up

Fires when the user releases a key.

Mouse Down

Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.

Mouse Move

Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object.

Mouse Out

Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object.

Mouse Over

Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.

Mouse Up

Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object.


Fires when the size of the object is about to change.


Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object.


Fires when the current selection changes.

To bind some web actions to a web control:

1. Insert the required web control into your report by dragging the corresponding button from the
Toolbox panel.
2. Right-click the web control, and then select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Web Behaviors box of the Display Type dialog, choose an event from the Events column,
and then click

in the Actions column.

4. In the Web Action List dialog, select the required action and then click OK.

If the selected web action is Filter, Sort or Parameter, the Web Action Builder dialog will then
appear. Specify the settings according to your requirements and then click OK to return to the
Display Type dialog.
If the selected action needs no parameter, the Web Action List dialog will be closed and you will
return to the Display Type dialog.
If the selected web action needs parameter, the Parameters dialog will be displayed for you to
input the parameter value. For parameters that refer to instance name, you can input the
mapping name of the instance, or the display name plus the prefix "&" as the parameter value.
Click OK after specifying to return to the Display Type dialog.

5. Click

and repeat Step 3 and 4 to add more web actions.

. Then, when an event that has
6. Adjust the order of the added web actions by clicking
been bound with more than one action happens, the upper action will be triggered first.
7. Click OK to apply the settings and close the Display Type dialog.
Then, when you run the report in JReport Viewer, the occurrence of any of the specified events will fire
the actions that have been bound to the web control. For detailed usages of these web actions, see the
following sections:




Other web actions

Example of applying web actions

Note: You can define your own web actions by adding API functions into both the file API.js located at
<designer_install_root>\lib\html\javascript\dhtml and the same-name file located at

The Filter web action enables you to filter the records in a banded object, table or crosstab.
To bind the Filter web action to a web control:
1. Insert the required web control into your report by dragging a button from the Toolbox panel.
2. Right-click the web control, and then select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Web Behaviors box of the Display Type dialog, choose an event from the Events column,
and then click

in the Actions column.

4. In the Web Action List dialog, select Filter and click OK. The Filter - Web Action Builder dialog

5. From the Get Input from drop-down list, specify where to get the web control, which may be a
form, or other in report.
6. From the Apply Action to drop-down list, select a component whose records will be filtered.
7. In the Filter on column, specify the field on which to filter the records. The field may be a column
in the component, or be specified by the value of a web control.
8. Specify the operator and value. The value may be input by yourself, or be the value of a web

9. If necessary, specify And or Or in the More column so as to add a new filter condition or you can

to add a new filter condition.

To delete a filter condition, click

. To adjust the order of the filter conditions, click


10. Click OK to accept the settings.

Besides the way of binding the Filter web action to a web control, a standalone web control can achieve
the same purpose: filter control which is used to filter specified data containers in a report. For details
about the usage of the web control, see Using filter control to filter report data.

The Sort web action enables you to sort the records in a banded object.
To bind the Sort web action to a web control:
1. Insert the required web control into your report by dragging the corresponding button from the
Toolbox panel.
2. Right-click the web control, and then select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Web Behaviors box of the Display Type dialog, choose an event from the Events column,
and then click

in the Actions column.

4. In the Web Action List dialog, select Sort and click OK. The Sort - Web Action Builder dialog

5. From the Get Input from drop-down list, specify where to get the web control, which may be a
form, or other in report.
6. From the Apply Action to drop-down list, select a banded object whose records will be sorted.
7. In the Sort on column, specify the field on which to sort the records. The field may be a column in
the banded object, or be specified by the value of a web control.

8. Specify the sort value. The value may be Ascending or Descending, or be the value of a web
9. If necessary, click

to add a new sort condition.

To delete a sort condition, click

10. Click OK to accept the settings.

. To adjust the order of the sort conditions, click


The Parameter web action enables you to run a report set, especially a report set with parameters.
To bind the Parameter web action to a web control:
1. Insert the required web control into your report by dragging a button from the Toolbox panel.
2. Right-click the web control, and then select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Web Behaviors box of the Display Type dialog, choose an event from the Events column,
and then click

in the Actions column.

4. In the Web Action List dialog, select Parameter and click OK. The Parameter - Web Action Builder
dialog appears.

5. Specify the handler which will receive the parameters of the web action. The handler may be the
default one in the current server, or in another server specified by Customized Path.
6. From the Get Input from drop-down list, specify where to get the web control, which may be a
form, or other in report.
7. Specifies whether to apply the action to run a report set or refresh the current. If you choose to
run a report set, click the Browse button to specify the report set or use a web control to retrieve
the report set name, then select the window or frame in which the report set will be opened from
the Target Frame drop-down list.
8. The parameters used by the specified report set will be automatically listed in the parameters box.
Specify the value for each parameter.
9. Click OK to accept the settings.
See also Parameter - Web Action Builder dialog for details about options in the dialog.
Besides the way of binding the Parameter web action to a web control, two standalone web controls
can achieve the same purposes: parameter control which is used to specify a parameter to a report and
parameter form control which is used to run report sets. For details about the usages of the two web
controls, see Using parameter control to specify a parameter to a report or Using parameter form
control to run report sets.

Other web actions

Except for Filter, Sort, and Parameter, all the other web actions haven't a web action builder. These
web actions can be applied directly or with some parameter values.
The table below explains the usages of these web actions:
Web Action



Refreshes the report data automatically at certain interval.


Specifies the interval at which JReport will automatically

refresh the report data.
Data type: Integer (positive)


Shows records with the field value equal to one of the last N
field values in a component.

Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the DBField name based on query.

Data type: String
Value Format: MappingName


Specifies the value for N.

Data type: Integer (positive)


Changes combo chart type.


Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance

name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as
the value here. However, the value should follow certain
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies whether the axis displaying the type is the primary

axis or not.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the index of the type.

Data type: Integer
Value: An integer equal to or larger than 0 and equal to or
less than the value after the total number of all chart types
minus 1.


Specifies the chart type to change the original type to.

Data type: Sting
Value: You can choose among these 2-D types: bar/bench,
line, area, and stock. Valid values should use the chart type
names listed right after the sample images in the Chart
types document.


Changes a specific property of a component.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the property name.


Specifies the property value.


Specifies whether the property value is a formula or real

Data type: Boolean


Changes single chart type.


Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance

name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as
the value here. However, the value should follow certain
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies whether the axis displaying the type is the primary

axis or not.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the chart type to change the original type to.

Data type: Sting
Value: Valid values should use the chart type names listed
right after the sample images in the Chart types document.


Changes the report style.



Specifies the name of a CSS or XSD style , for example, CSS

style name: Classic, XSD style name: Classic*.
Shows the To Crosstab dialog for converting a chart to a


Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance

name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as
the value here. However, the value should follow certain
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Closes the report set.


Closes the report.


Shows the To Chart dialog for converting a crosstab to a


Specifies the instance name of the crosstab. Since instance

name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as
the value here. However, the value should follow certain
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Deletes the report.

Downloads report result in a format. Its usage is similar to


Represents the format.

Data type: Integer
Value: 0 for HTML; 2 for PDF; 3 for Postscript; 4 for RTF; 5
for TEXT; 6 for Excel; and 7 for XML.


Specifies the downloading options.

Data type: String array
Value: The value format is:


Drills to a specific dimension on a component.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the qualified name of the dimension based on

business cube.
Data type: Sting
Value Format: BusinessCubeTreeRootNode.ParentNode.
There can be no parent node or 1 or more levels of parent



Closes the report set.

Filters the data in a component on a field.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the DBField name based on query.

Data type: String
Value Format: MappingName


Specifies the operator for the filter criterion.

Data type: String
=: "eq"
>: "gt"
>=: "geq"
<: "lt"
<=: "leq"
!=: "neq"
IN: "in"
NOT IN: "notin"
LIKE: "like"
NOT LIKE: "notlike"
NOT BETWEEN:"notbetween"
IS NULL:"isnull"
IS NOT NULL:"isnotnull"


Specifies the operand.

Data type: String


Turns to the first page.


Expands or collapses a specific group.


Specifies the group to be expanded or collapsed.

Data type: HTML object. You can use "this" to represent the
current group.


Turns to the last page.


Turns to the next page.


Exports report result to a format.


Represents the format.

Data type: Integer
Value: 0 for HTML; 2 for PDF; 3 for Postscript; 4 for RTF; 5
for TEXT; 6 for Excel; and 7 for XML.


Specifies the export options and their values.

Data type: String array
Value: The value format is:


Filters the data in a component on multiple fields.


Specifies the DBField names based on query.

Data type: String array
Value Format: [MappingName1,MappingName2,


Specifies the operators for the filter criteria.

Data type: String array
Available values are the same as those for operator of


Specifies the operands.

Data type: String array


Specifies the logic relationships between two neighboring

filter criterions. The logic can be "AND" or "OR".
Data type: String array


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Locates a string in the report.


Specifies the string to find.

Data type: Sting


Specifies whether to search the whole report content or a

specified field.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the DBField name based on query.

Data type: String
Value Format: MappingName


Specifies whether or not to search from the bottom to the

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether or not to match case when searching.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether or not to match whole word.

Data type: Boolean


Sorts the data in a component on multiple fields.


Specifies the DBField names based on query.

Data type: String array
Value Format: [MappingName1,MappingName2,


Specifies the sorting orders.

Data type: Boolean array
Value Format: For example: [true,false,false,...] (true for
ascending, false for descending).


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Opens a report set.


Specifies the catalog of the report set.

Data type: String
Value: You should use the catalog file path in the server
resource tree. /USERFOLDERFATH/admin/ stands for the My
Reports folder, and / stands for the Public Reports folder.


Specifies the report set name.

Data type: String
Value: You should use the report set file path in the server
resource tree. /USERFOLDERFATH/admin/ stands for the My
Reports folder, and / stands for the Public Reports folder.


Specifies whether or not to open a new browser window for

the report set.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies parameter names and values for opening the report

Data type: 2-dimensional string array
Value Format: [[[name1],[value1]],[[name2],[value2]],...]


Turns to the previous page.


Pops up the Customized Page dialog, which by default

displays all the parameters used in the current report if it
contains parameters.


Redoes an action.


Refreshes the report.


Shows the Rename Report dialog.


Resets the report.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Rotates a crosstab.

Specifies the instance name of the crosstab. Since instance

name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as
the value here. However, the value should follow certain
Data type: Sting
Value Format: &DisplayName


Saves the report set.


Shows the Resource View panel.


Shows the Filter dialog.


Shows the help about a specific dialog, or shows the index

page of the JReport Viewer help documentation if null.

ID of the specific JReport Viewer dialog help file.

Data type: Five-digit integer starting with 4, for example,


Shows the New Report dialog.


Shows the Open Report dialog.


Shows the Page Properties dialog.


Shows the Printable Version dialog.


Shows the Save As dialog.


Shows the Export dialog.


Shows the Search dialog.


Shows the Sort dialog.


Shows the TOC Browser.


Shows the Toolbox.


Shows the User Information bar.


Sorts the data in a component on a specific field.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the DBField name based on query.

Data type: String
Value Format: MappingName


Specifies the sorting order.

Data type: Boolean
Value: true for ascending, and false for descending.


Stops JReport from refreshing the report data automatically.

Shows records with the field value equal to one of the top N
field values in a component.


Specifies the instance name of the component. Since

instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be
used as the value here. However, the value should follow
certain format.
Data type: String
Value Format: &DisplayName


Specifies the DBField name based on query.

Data type: String
Value Format: MappingName


Specifies the value for N.

Data type: Integer (positive)


Undoes an action.


Zooms the report in or out to a specific magnification.


The magnification ratio in percent. It should be an integer

between 0 and 400.

Note: If you are very familiar with usages of the web actions, you can select the first item Input an
Action, and then input the action name with parameter (if necessary).

JReport Viewer dialog help file IDs

The following list is for your reference when specifying the value of the parameter helpId applied in the
web action user_showHelp.


Help File


Chart Wizard



Crosstab Wizard



Banded Wizard



Table Wizard



Data Field Properties dialog



Filter dialog



Image Properties dialog



Label Properties dialog



New Report dialog



New Toolbar Name dialog



Open Report dialog



Options dialog



Page Properties dialog



Print dialog



Report Properties dialog



Save As dialog



Export dialog



Search dialog



Select Values dialog



Sort dialog



Special Field Properties dialog <install_root>\help\server\en\userguide\HTML\dialog



Split dialog



Top N dialog



To Chart dialog



Bottom N dialog



Format Paper dialog



Format Platform dialog



Crosstab Properties dialog



Group Properties dialog



Multi Value Properties dialog



Parameter Field Properties




Report Body Properties dialog



Banded Object Properties




Banded Panel Properties




Table Properties dialog



Table Cell Properties dialog



Table Row Properties dialog



Tabular Properties dialog



Tabular Cell Properties dialog



Text Box Properties dialog



To Crosstab dialog



Conditional Formatting dialog



Chart Definition dialog



Convert Data Fields dialog



Report Parameter dialog



Format Legend dialog



Format Label dialog



Encoding dialog



PDF Encrypt Option dialog



PDF Sign Option dialog



Max Records dialog



Rename Report dialog



Save Report Template dialog



Select Color dialog



New Report Set dialog



Turn to Page dialog



Zoom dialog



Query Filter dialog



Edit Conditions dialog



Order/Select N dialog



Apply Style dialog



Insert Image dialog



Add Measure dialog



Formula Editor dialog



Select Resource dialog



Enter Values dialog



Edit Measure dialog



Customized Page dialog



Button Properties dialog



Filter Control Properties dialog <install_root>\help\server\en\userguide\HTML\dialog



Insert Filter Control dialog



Insert Parameter Control




Insert Parameter Form

Control dialog



Navigation Control Properties




Parameter Control Properties




Parameter Form Control

Properties dialog



Aggregate On dialog



Insert Detail Column dialog



Insert Group Column dialog



Insert Summary Column




Select Group Position dialog



Select Field dialog


Component property names

The following list is for your reference when specifying the value of the parameter propertyName
applied in the web action user_changeCompProperty. Note that the property names here can be
recognized by classes and are different from the names provided in the Report Inspector, which are
just display names of component properties. However, you can figure out the corresponding display
names according to the property names.
For details about the descriptions of the component properties and their values, see Properties in the
Report Inspector where display names are used.

Property Name


ArcAngle, Background, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, BottomAttachCol,

BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY, BottomAttachRow, ExportToDHTML,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Invisible, RecordLocation, StartAngle, Style,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopAttachCol, TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, TopAttachRow, class


Alt, BoundaryColor, BoundaryStyle, BoundaryWidth, Coordinates, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillColor, Invisible, Link, Name,
RecordLocation, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, Type, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnWidths, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, LeftLine, Pattern, RecordLocation,
RightLine, ShowBorder, ShowColumns, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, class,


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CanCrossPage, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible,
Label, LeftLine, OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style,
SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, ToBottom, TopLine, Underlay,
Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CanCrossPage, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible,
Label, LeftLine, MergeToNextPanel, OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine,
ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


AnchorDispValue, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, Cache,

ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue,
Height, Invisible, LeftLine, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Style, SuppressEmpty,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, TopLine, Width, X, Y, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, RecordLocation,
RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, SuppressInLastPage,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, MergeToNextPanel,
RecordLocation, RemoveBlankRow, RepeatInDetailPanel, RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style,
SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Underlay, Width,


BottomMargin, Height, LeftMargin, Orientation, PageType, RightMargin, TopMargin, Width


Background, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachPosX,

BottomAttachPosY, BottomAttachRow, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Invisible, RecordLocation, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopAttachCol, TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, TopAttachRow, class


BottomMargin, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, IconAlignment, IconBorderPenColor,

IconBorderPenEndCaps, IconBorderPenLineJoint, IconBorderPenOutlined,
IconBorderPenStyle, IconBorderPenThickness, IconBorderPenTransparency,
IconBorderPenVariabledDash, IconFillPatternColor, IconFillPatternGradientEndColor,
IconFillPatternGradientEndX, IconFillPatternGradientEndY,
IconFillPatternGradientStartColor, IconFillPatternGradientStartX,
IconFillPatternGradientStartY, IconFillPatternGradientStyle, IconFillPatternImageFile,
IconFillPatternImageHeight, IconFillPatternImageLayout, IconFillPatternImageWidth,
IconFillPatternImageX, IconFillPatternImageY, IconFillPatternTextureBackColor,
IconFillPatternTextureForeColor, IconFillPatternTextureStyle, IconFillPatternTransparency,
IconFillPatternType, IconHeight, IconStyle, IconTextGap, IconWidth,
LabelBackgroundBorderPenColor, LabelBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps,
LabelBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint, LabelBackgroundBorderPenOutlined,
LabelBackgroundBorderPenStyle, LabelBackgroundBorderPenThickness,
LabelBackgroundBorderPenTransparency, LabelBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash,
LabelBackgroundBorderStyle, LabelBackgroundBottom, LabelBackgroundFillPatternColor,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartColor,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartX, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageFile,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageX,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageY, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureBackColor,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureForeColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle,
LabelBackgroundFillPatternTransparency, LabelBackgroundFillPatternType,
LabelBackgroundLeft, LabelBackgroundRight, LabelBackgroundTop, LabelTextFontName,
LabelTextFontSize, LabelTextFontStyle, LabelTextPatternColor,
LabelTextPatternGradientEndColor, LabelTextPatternGradientEndX,
LabelTextPatternGradientEndY, LabelTextPatternGradientStartColor,
LabelTextPatternGradientStartX, LabelTextPatternGradientStartY,
LabelTextPatternGradientStyle, LabelTextPatternTextureBackColor,
LabelTextPatternTextureForeColor, LabelTextPatternTextureStyle,
LabelTextPatternTransparency, LabelTextPatternType, LabelTextPenColor,
LabelTextPenEndCaps, LabelTextPenLineJoint, LabelTextPenOutlined, LabelTextPenStyle,
LabelTextPenThickness, LabelTextPenTransparency, LabelTextPenVariabledDash,
LabelTextRotation, LabelTextShearing, LabelTextSpecialEffect1, LabelTextSpecialEffect2,
LabelTextStrikethrough, LabelTextUnderline, LabelTextWordWrap, LeftMargin, RightMargin,
Style, Text, TextAlignment, TopMargin, Width, X, Y, class


AutoSize, BottomMargin, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, IconAlignment,

IconBorderPenColor, IconBorderPenEndCaps, IconBorderPenLineJoint,
IconBorderPenOutlined, IconBorderPenStyle, IconBorderPenThickness,
IconBorderPenTransparency, IconBorderPenVariabledDash, IconHeight, IconStyleList,
IconTextGap, IconWidth, LabelFilterSource, LabelHSpacing, LabelTextFontName,
LabelTextFontSize, LabelTextFontStyle, LabelTextPatternColor,
LabelTextPatternGradientEndColor, LabelTextPatternGradientEndX,
LabelTextPatternGradientEndY, LabelTextPatternGradientStartColor,
LabelTextPatternGradientStartX, LabelTextPatternGradientStartY,
LabelTextPatternGradientStyle, LabelTextPatternTextureBackColor,
LabelTextPatternTextureForeColor, LabelTextPatternTextureStyle,
LabelTextPatternTransparency, LabelTextPatternType, LabelTextPenColor,
LabelTextPenEndCaps, LabelTextPenLineJoint, LabelTextPenOutlined, LabelTextPenStyle,
LabelTextPenThickness, LabelTextPenTransparency, LabelTextPenVariabledDash,
LabelTextRotation, LabelTextShearing, LabelTextSpecialEffect1, LabelTextSpecialEffect2,
LabelTextStrikethrough, LabelTextUnderline, LabelTextWordWrap, LabelVSpacing,
LeftMargin, LegendBackgroundBorderPenColor, LegendBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps,
LegendBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint, LegendBackgroundBorderPenOutlined,
LegendBackgroundBorderPenStyle, LegendBackgroundBorderPenThickness,
LegendBackgroundBorderPenTransparency, LegendBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash,
LegendBackgroundBorderStyle, LegendBackgroundBottom,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndColor,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartX, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageFile,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageX,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageY, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureBackColor,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureForeColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle,
LegendBackgroundFillPatternTransparency, LegendBackgroundFillPatternType,
LegendBackgroundLeft, LegendBackgroundRight, LegendBackgroundTop, LegendFilter,
Placement, ReverseLabels, RightMargin, Style, SubPlacement, TopMargin, Width, X, Y, class


AnchorDispValue, AntiAliasing, Cache, CategoryEndOffset, CategoryFilter,

CategoryStartOffset, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, GotoDetail, GroupValueFormat, Height, HintFilter, HyperLink,
Invisible, PatternList, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenColor,
PlatformBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint,
PlatformBackgroundBorderPenOutlined, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenStyle,
PlatformBackgroundBorderPenThickness, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenTransparency,
PlatformBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash, PlatformBackgroundBorderStyle,
PlatformBackgroundBottom, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternColor,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageFile, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageX, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageY,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTransparency,
PlatformBackgroundFillPatternType, PlatformBackgroundLeft, PlatformBackgroundRight,
PlatformBackgroundTop, PrimaryDataFilter, ReverseCategory, ReverseSeries, RowIndex,
SecondaryDataFilter, SeriesEndOffset, SeriesFilter, SeriesStartOffset, ShowLegend,
SortCategory, SortSeries, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, SwapGroup,
TOCAnchor, Width, X, XHyperLink, Y, ZHyperLink, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, LeftLine,
RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine,
Width, X, Y, class, position


DisplayName, Drill, Filter, ResourceName, Search, Sort


Background, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height,

RecordLocation, ShowBorder, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, Width, class,


Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CacheValue, ColumnName,

DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,
EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Format, GotoDetail,
Height, HorizontalAlignment, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle,
RecordLocation, RightLine, Shadow, ShadowColor, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle,
Underline, ValueDelimiter, VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, paddingbottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top


Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CacheValue, ColumnName,

DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,
EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Format, GotoDetail,
Height, HorizontalAlignment, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle,
RecordLocation, RightLine, Shadow, ShadowColor, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle,
Underline, ValueDelimiter, VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, paddingbottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top


AnchorDispValue, AvoidOrphanHeader, Background, BlockGap, BorderColor,

BoundaryValue, Cache, ColumnIndex, ColumnTotalOnLeft, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,
ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Hasborder, Height, HorizontalGap, Invisible,
RecordLocation, RepeatRowHeader, RowIndex, RowTotalOnTop, Style,
SuppressColumnHeader, SuppressEmpty, SuppressRowHeader, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, VerticalGap, VerticalLayout, Width, X, Y,
canExpandData, class, currentColBlockIndex, currentRowBlockIndex, isOutSideAggTitle,
isTableStyle, itemsPerColBlock, itemsPerRowBlock, position, repeatAgg


Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CacheValue, ColumnName,

DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,
EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Format, GotoDetail,
HorizontalAlignment, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, Orderby, PatternColor, PatternStyle,
RecordLocation, RightLine, Scope, Shadow, ShadowColor, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle,
Underline, ValueDelimiter, VerticalAlignment, WordWrap, class, id, isExpandData, paddingbottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top


Background, BindColumn, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV,
ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, Filterable, FontFace,
FontSize, Foreground, GotoDetail, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link,
MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, Scope, Shadow,
ShadowColor, Sortable, StrikeOut, Style, SuppressAggreate, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, Text, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline,
VerticalAlignment, WordWrap, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right,


Background, BindColumn, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV,
ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, Filterable, FontFace,
FontSize, Foreground, GotoDetail, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link,
MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, Scope, Shadow,
ShadowColor, Sortable, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, Text,
TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline, VerticalAlignment, WordWrap, class,
id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top


Background, BindColumn, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV,
ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, Filterable, FontFace,
FontSize, Foreground, GotoDetail, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link,
MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, Scope, Shadow,
ShadowColor, Sortable, StrikeOut, Style, SuppressAggreate, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, Text, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline,
VerticalAlignment, WordWrap, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right,


AnchorDispValue, AutoFit, Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

CacheValue, ColumnIndex, ColumnName, DataMappingFile, DetailReport, DisplayNull,
EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV,
ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, FontFace, FontSize,
Foreground, Format, GotoDetail, Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine,
Link, MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow,
ShadowColor, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull,
TOCAnchor, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline, ValueDelimiter,
VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, paddingright, padding-top, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CacheSection, CanCrossPage,

ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage,
Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RemoveBlankRow,
RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TileDetailSection, TileHorizontal, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class,
currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock


Disabled, ExternalCSSClassValue, FormAction, FormId, FormMethod, FormName,

FormTarget, Style, class


Accesskey, Alt, Background, Checked, Class, Dir, Disabled, ExportToDHTML,

ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, ID, Invisible, Name, Size, Src, Style, Suppressed,
TabIndex, Title, Value, Width, X, Y, class, onblur, onchange, onclick, ondblclick, onfocus,
onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout,
onmouseover, onmouseup, position


Background, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,

ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, RecordLocation, RowIndex, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, Width, X, Y, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CanCrossPage, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible,
Label, LeftLine, MergeToNextPanel, OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine,
ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CanCrossPage, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible,
Label, LeftLine, MergeToNextPanel, OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RemoveBlankRow,
Repeat, RepeatInDetailPanel, RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


AnchorDispValue, Cascade, Grant, KeepGroupTogether, RepeatWhileGF, ShrinkFooter,

TOCAnchor, currentBlockIndex, isExpandData, itemsPerBlock


DataDriver, Function, MaxPageNumber, MaxRecords, QueryEditor, RecordSecurity,

RecordsPerPage, SecurityName, dsName, queryName


Alt, AnchorDispValue, ColumnIndex, ColumnNumber, DetailReport, Disabled,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, GotoDetail, Height,
HorizontalAlignment, ID, Invisible, Link, LinkCatalog, MaxScalingRatio, Name, PictureName,
RecordLocation, Rotation, RowIndex, RowNumber, ScalingMode, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, TabIndex, Title, TransferStyle, Value,
VerticalAlignment, Width, X, Y, class, onblur, onclick, ondblclick, onfocus, onkeydown,
onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover,
onmouseup, position


AutoFit, ColumnIndex, Content, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,

ExternalCSSClassValue, HBarHeight, Height, Invisible, RecordLocation, RowIndex, Style,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, VBarWidth, Width, X, Y, background, class, enabled,
fontBold, fontFace, fontItalic, fontSize, foreground, name, position, url, visible


Alt, ColumnIndex, ColumnNumber, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,

EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExecClassName, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, HorizontalAlignment, HtmlStyle, Invisible, RecordLocation,
RowIndex, RowNumber, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, URL,
VerticalAlignment, Width, X, Y, autoFit, background, class, displayImage, displayValue,
fontBold, fontFace, fontItalic, fontSize, foreground, original, position, target, toolTipText,


Background, ColumnIndex, DisplayImage, DisplayValue, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FontBold, FontFace, FontItalic, FontSize, Foreground,
Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, RecordLocation, Rotate, RowIndex, Style,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, VerticalAlignment, Width, X, Y, class, position


BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY, BottomAttachRow,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Invisible, LineColor, LineStyle,
LineWidth, RecordLocation, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopAttachCol, TopAttachPosX,
TopAttachPosY, TopAttachRow, class


AltContentType, AnchorDispValue, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

ColumnIndex, ColumnName, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, ImageSource, Invisible, LeftLine, Name, RecordLocation,
RightLine, RowIndex, ShowFlag, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor,
TopLine, Width, X, Y, class, position


AutoFit, Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, CacheValue,

ColumnIndex, ColumnName, DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel,
EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,
ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground,
Format, GotoDetail, Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth,
PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow, ShadowColor,
StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull, TopLine,
TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline, ValueDelimiter, VerticalAlignment, Width,
WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top,


AutoFit, Background, BindColumn, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

ColumnIndex, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF,
ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions,
Filterable, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, GotoDetail, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation,
RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow, ShadowColor, Sortable, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, Text, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline,
VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, paddingright, padding-top, position


Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground,
Height, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Style, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Width, X, Y, class, id, position


Accesskey, Alt, Archive, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ClassID,

CodeBase, ColumnIndex, Declare, ExportToDHTML, ExternalCSSClassValue, HSpace,
Height, Invisible, LeftLine, Name, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, StandBy, Style,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TabIndex, Title, TopLine, Type, Usemap, VSpace,
Width, X, Y, class, position


DataDriver, Function, MaxPageNumber, MaxRecords, QueryEditor, RecordSecurity,

RecordsPerPage, SecurityName, dsName, onDemandQueryName


Background, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachPosX,

BottomAttachPosY, BottomAttachRow, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Invisible, RecordLocation, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopAttachCol, TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, TopAttachRow, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, RecordLocation,
RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, SuppressInLastPage,
Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, RecordLocation,
RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, BranchName, CacheSection,

CanCrossPage, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue,
FillWholePage, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, OnNewPage, RecordLocation,
RemoveBlankRow, RightLine, ShowBottomLine, Style, SuppressBlankSection, Suppressed,
SuppressedIfNoRecords, TileDetailSection, TileHorizontal, TopLine, Underlay, Width, class,
currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock


AnchorDispValue, BranchName, Cascade, Grant, KeepGroupTogether, RepeatWhileGF,

ShrinkFooter, TOCAnchor, currentBlockIndex, isExpandData, itemsPerBlock


AnchorDispValue, AutoFit, Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

ColumnIndex, DataMappingFile, DetailReport, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel,
EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,
ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Format, GotoDetail,
Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, Parameter,
PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow, ShadowColor,
StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, SuppressedIfNull, TOCAnchor,
TopLine, TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline, VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap,
X, Y, class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, position


DataDriver, Function, MaxPageNumber, MaxRecords, QueryEditor, RecordSecurity,

RecordsPerPage, SecurityName, dsName, queryName


AfterInitParameter, AfterRun, AppletHeight, AppletWidth, BeforeRun, ColumnWidthList,

Columned, EmbeddedFonts, ExcelBufferSize, FastPass, ImportJavaScript, NoTempFile,
PageBackground, PrecisionSensitive, ResultBufferSize, RowsPerSheet,
ShowSubHeaderFooter, ShrinkFooter, StyleGroup, StyleGroupOfDHTML, StyleGroupOfExcel,
StyleGroupOfFax, StyleGroupOfHTML, StyleGroupOfPDF, StyleGroupOfPS,
StyleGroupOfRST, StyleGroupOfRTF, StyleGroupOfText, StyleGroupOfXML,
currentBlockIndex, isExpandData, itemsPerBlock, nationalLanguageSupport


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, LeftLine, RecordLocation, RightLine,
RowIndex, Style, SuppressEmpty, TOCAnchor, TopLine, class


ImportParamValues, ParaListAuto


Background, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachPosX,

BottomAttachPosY, BottomAttachRow, CornerFactor, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Invisible, RecordLocation, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopAttachCol, TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, TopAttachRow, class


AnchorDispValue, AutoFit, Background, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine,

ColumnIndex, DetailReport, DisplayNull, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,
EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, FieldType, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Format, GotoDetail,
Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth, PatternColor,
PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow, ShadowColor, StrikeOut,
Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, TopLine, TransWhileToHtml,
TransferStyle, Underline, VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y, class, id, paddingbottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, position


AnchorDispValue, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, Cache,

ColumnIndex, Embedded, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, LeftLine, MaxPageNum, OnNewSheet,
RecPerPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, SRQueryName, SRSecurity,
SRSourceName, SheetName, Style, SuppressEmpty, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TOCAnchor, TopLine, Width, X, Y, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, LeftLine, RecordLocation,
RightLine, Scope, Style, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Width, class


AnchorDispValue, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, Cache,

ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FreezeField, Height,
Horizontal, Invisible, LeftLine, RecordLocation, RightLine, SelectStartPosition, SelectType,
Style, SuppressEmpty, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, TopLine, Width,
X, Y, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine,
OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Width, class, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine,
OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Width, class


AnchorDispValue, Cascade, Grant, KeepGroupTogether, TOCAnchor, currentBlockIndex,



Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine,
OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Width, class


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, FillWholePage, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine,
OnNewPage, RecordLocation, RightLine, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TopLine, Width, class, repeat


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML,

ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible, Label, LeftLine, OnNewPage,
RecordLocation, RightLine, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TopLine, Width,


AnchorDispValue, Background, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,

ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, HorizontalAutoSize, Invisible, RowIndex, Style,
Suppressed, TOCAnchor, VerticalAutoSize, Width, X, Y, class, position


Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnIndex, ExportToCSV,

ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, HorizontalAlignment,
LeftLine, RightLine, RowIndex, Style, TopLine, Width, X, Y, class, repeatContent


CanCrossPage, FillWholePage, OnNewPage


CanCrossPage, FillWholePage, OnNewPage


AnchorDispValue, Background, BorderColor, BorderWidth, BottomLine, ColumnIndex,

ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, ExternalCSSClassValue, Height, Invisible,
LeftLine, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords,
TOCAnchor, TopLine, VerticalAlignment, VerticalAutoSize, Width, X, Y, class, position


AnchorDispValue, AutoFit, Background, BindColumn, Bold, BorderColor, BorderWidth,

BottomLine, ColumnIndex, DetailReport, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML,
EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, ExportToCSV, ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS,
ExternalCSSClassValue, FilterOptions, Filterable, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground,
GotoDetail, Height, HorizontalAlignment, Invisible, Italic, LeftLine, Link, MaxWidth,
PatternColor, PatternStyle, RecordLocation, RightLine, RowIndex, Shadow, ShadowColor,
Sortable, StrikeOut, Style, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, TOCAnchor, Text, TopLine,
TransWhileToHtml, TransferStyle, Underline, VerticalAlignment, Width, WordWrap, X, Y,
class, id, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, position


Background, Bold, ExternalCSSClassValue, FontFace, FontSize, Foreground, Italic,

RootLabel, StrikeOut, Style, Underline, class

Exporting option keys

The following list is for your reference when specifying the value of the parameter optionValues applied
in the web actions user_oneStepExport and user_downloadReport. Note that the option keys here can
be recognized by classes and are different from the option names provided in JReport Viewer UI which
are just display names of exporting options.

Export Option

Available Value



true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


0 (Internet Explorer), 2

Specifies the web browser type.


0 (decided by JReport), 1
(GIF), 2 (JPG), 3 (PNG).

Specifies the type of the images in the result file.


0 (VISIBLE), 1 (HIDDEN), 2

Specifies the overflow type.



Any integer between 1 and


Specifies the HTML resolution.


Any string

Specifies the title for the HTML file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to export chart in Java

applet format.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to embed the cascading

style sheet in the exported HTML files.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to generate an HTML file

for each page of the report result.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to contain hyperlinks in

the HTML file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to contain page

numbers in the HTML file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to include the drilleddown file in the exported HTML file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to remove the original



true, false

Specifies whether or not to make the font size

fixed in the web browser.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to remove the margin.


true, false

Specifies whether or not the mode is to be

Simulated Printing Mode.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to set the mode as

Standard Mode.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to contain the TOC in

the exported PDF file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to include the drilleddown file in the exported PDF file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to encrypt the report



true, false

Specifies whether or not to compress the images

in the report.


Any integer between 1 to 100.

Specifies the percentage with which to compress

the images in the report.


0: Acrobat 3.0 and later.

Specifies the encryption compatibility.

1: Acrobat 5.0 and later.


Any string

Specifies the password for opening the PDF file

when encrypt=true.


Any string

Specifies the password for printing and editing

the PDF file when encrypt=true.


0: Prevents users from

printing the file.

Specifies the PDF printing mode.

4: Allows low resolutionprinting.

2052: Allows high-resolution


0: Prevents users from making Defines which editing actions are allowed in the
any changes to the file).
PDF file.
1024: Allows inserting,
deleting, and rotating pages.
256: Allows users to fill in
form fields and adding digital
32: Aallows users to fill in form
fields and add digital
signatures and comments.
40: Allows users to do
anything except extracting
2108: Allows all.




true, false

Specifies whether or not to allow users to copy

the file contents.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to let visually impaired

users read the document with window readers.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to replace a field value

of a record with that of its previous record if the
field value is null.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to compress the

clearance between columns.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to use Windows end-ofline characters.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to use the standard data



true, false

Specifies whether or not to mark the fields in the

exported file with quotation marks.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to contain all headers

and footers in the report.


Any single character

Specifies the delimiter.


An integer

Specifies the user-defined character width.


An integer

Specifies the user-defined character height.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


0 (All Keep Existing), 1 (All

Disabled), 2 (All Enabled).

Specifies the word-wrap setting.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to use the new layout



true, false

Specifies whether or not to include the shapes

(drawing objects) in the exported file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to export the result in

Excel 2000 format.





true, false

Specifies whether or not to apply the advanced



Any string

Specifies the page header text.


Any string

Specifies the page footer text.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to print gridlines when

printing the exported Excel file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to only contain the

database column information in the exported
XML file.


An existing schema file with its Specifies the name of an existing schema file
full path.
with its full path with which to generate the XML


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to apply a flow layout

when exporting the report to RTF.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to remove the margins

in the RTF file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to



true, false

Specifies whether or not to export and open the

result file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to save the result to a

local file.


true, false

Specifies whether or not to remove the margins

in the PS file.

Example of applying web actions

In this section, a sample report is built for guiding you through the process of applying web actions step by step.

Creating the sample report

1. Design a standard banded report based on the WorldWideSales query in the SampleReports.cat catalog (make sure to
remove the report title in the New Report Set dialog), which shows the following detail fields: Country, Product Type Name,
Product Name, Unit Price, Quantity, Discount, and the formula Total ( @"Unit Price" * @Quantity - @"Unit Price" *
@Quantity * @Discount/100), applies the filter "COUNTRY = China AND PRODUCT TYPE NAME = Decaf", and uses the
Classic style.
2. Insert a crosstab into the report and place it below the banded object. The crosstab shares the same dataset with the banded
object, comprises the column field: Product Type Name, row field: Category, and aggregate field: Total (aggregate function:
Sum) and applies the Classic style.
3. Click View > Page Header on the menu bar to have this panel visible, then set its Height property to 1.0 in the Report
Inspector to hold all the web controls that will be inserted in the report later.
4. Save the report set.
The following text details how to set web actions and use them.

Applying web actions without parameters

First, we want to allow the report user to click a button in the report to show the Search dialog of JReport Viewer. To achieve this:
1. Select the page header panel and click Insert > Web Controls > Button to insert a Button web control in it.
2. Right-click the button, and select Display Type from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Web Behaviors box of the Display Type dialog, specify Event to Click, then click
in the Actions column and choose
user_showSearchDialog from the Web Action List dialog to be web action of the button, then confirm the settings.
4. Go to the Report Inspector and et the Text property of this button to Search.
5. Save the report set.

Applying web actions with parameters

Now we want to allow the report user to rotate the crosstab in the report and to change the report style.
1. Insert another Button web control in the page header panel of the report and place it next to the Search button.
2. Specify the Click event and user_rotateCrosstab action to the button as explained above, then set &CTCrossTab to be the
value of the action parameter instanceName (CTCrossTab is the name of the crosstab we can see in the report structure
panel of the Report Inspector, and here the symbol & shall be prefixed to the crosstab name).
3. In the Report Inspector, edit the Text property of the button to Rotate Crosstab.
4. Insert a Label object in the page header panel and place it below the two buttons, then resize the label and edit its text to
"Change Report Style To:".
5. Insert a Drop-down List web control next to the label.
6. Right-click the drop-down list and click Display Type shortcut menu.
7. In the Display Type dialog, add these items and corresponding values to the drop-down list (to add an item line, click
Item Label




Classic Blue


Classic Green







Then, in the Web Behaviors box of the dialog, set Event to Data Change, Action to user_changeStyleTo, and specify the
value for the web action parameter styleName to this.value.

8. Save the report set.

Applying web actions with the Builder Wizard

The actions Filter, Sort and Parameter have a Builder Wizard. Now we would like to use the wizard to allow the report user to sort
records in the banded object by one of the specified fields.
1. Insert another Drop-down List web control into the page header panel, and place it below the above web controls. The dropdown list is displayed as MultiValueContainer1 in the Report Inspector.
2. Right-click the drop-down list and click Display Type shortcut menu.
3. In the Display Type dialog, add these items and corresponding values to the drop-down list:
Item Label


Unit Price




4. Insert a List web control next to the drop-down list. The list is displayed as MultiValueContainer2 in the Report Inspector.
5. In the Display Type dialog for this list, add these items and corresponding values:
Item Label






6. Insert a Button web control and place it next to the list, then right-click the button and click Display Type on the shortcut
7. In the Display Type dialog, specify Event to Click and Action to Sort, then in the Sort - Web Action Builder dialog, select
MultiValueContainer1 from the Sort on column, and MultiValueContainer2 from the Sort Value column. Confirm the
settings, and go to the Report Inspector to modify the Text property of the button to Sort.

8. Save the report set.

Previewing the report set in DHTML and applying the web actions
1. Click View > Preview As > DHTML to preview this report set in DHTML format.

2. Click the Search button and the Search dialog will then be displayed.
3. Click the Rotate Crosstab button, the columns and rows of the crosstab will then be rotated.

4. Select a style from the Change Report Style To drop-down list, for example, select Classic Green, and the report style will
change to the selected one. It affects both the banded object and the crosstab.

Note: You may notice that the value of the drop-down list will not change to the selected one after the report style has
been updated. To update the drop-down list value to the current report style, you should append another action
user_changeCompProperty to the event Data Change to the drop-down list.
5. Select a field name from the third drop-down list and then the sorting direction from the list. Here we select Unit Price and
Descending respectively, then click the Sort button.
The records in the banded object will now be sorted based on the Unit Price values descendingly.

Making web controls work in a form

In order to make web controls accept user inputs and submit requests to JReport Server, you must add
the web controls to a form and then define some properties of the form.

Creating a form
To create a form in a report, you can do either of the following:

Click Insert > Web Controls > Form.

Drag Form from the Toolbox panel to the report.

The following are commands on the shortcut menu of a form:

Unmark Form: Deselects this form.

Delete Form: Deletes this form.

Remove All Controls: Removes all the objects added to the form.

Properties: Shows the properties of the form.

Adding an object to a form

To add an object to a form, right-click the object, and on the shortcut menu, select the required item
from the Add to Form submenu. The object can be added to a new form or an existing one. In JReport
represents a form. If you click the icon, you will find that the form and all the
Designer, the icon
objects added to it are enclosed by a red dashed outline.
After an object has been added to a form, if you want to remove it from the form, you can right-click
the object and select Remove from Form from the shortcut menu.

Making web controls work in a form

After adding web controls to a form, you need to make the web controls cooperate, that is, you must
set some properties of the form so as to organize the web controls and define their working mode. To
do this, select the form, open the Report Inspector, and then edit the properties of the form.
Here is an example illustrating the use of form. In this example, a text field and a button in a report
enable the report user to search for a particular string with Google.
1. Create a report set which contains a blank flow report.
2. In the report, insert two web controls: a Text Field and a Button.
3. Right-click the text field, select Display Type from the shortcut menu, then in the Display Type
dialog, set the following options (leave other options to the default values):
Name: q
Value: "" (null)

Max Length: 30
4. Right-click the button, click Display Type on the shortcut menu and set the following options in
the Display Type dialog:
Value: Google
Action: Submit Form
5. Select the two web controls, then right-click and select Add to Form > Add to New Form from
the shortcut menu.
6. Set the properties of the form in the Report Inspector as follows:
Form Action: http://www.google.com/search
Form Method: get
Form Target: blank
7. Save the report set and preview it in DHTML format.
Now you can input a string up to 30 characters in the text field, and then click the button Google
to search for that string. The search result will be displayed in a new browser window.
Note: For a table, if you add a field to a new form, the form will be created in the first cell of the table
row which contains the field, and fields in the previous table rows cannot be added to this newlycreated form. If you add columns before the first cell, then fields in these columns of the same table
row also cannot be added to the form.

Multimedia Objects
Multimedia objects, including Applet, Flash, RealMedia, and Windows Media objects can be inserted in
the report areas listed in Component placement.
The following explains how to insert different multimedia object into a report:

Inserting an applet object

1. Click Insert > Multimedia Objects > Applet (or drag Applet from the Toolbox panel to the
report) to display the Applet Parameter dialog.

2. Type the code for this applet in the Code field.

3. In the Plug-in Page field, set the URL of the plug-in page. By default, it is http://java.sun.com/
4. Click the Browse button next to the Archive field to specify the archive file (.zip or .jar).
5. Click OK in the dialog to insert the object in the required location.
When you use a Java technology-enabled web browser to view a report that contains an applet, the
applet's code will be transferred to your system and executed by the web browser's Java Virtual
Machine (JVM).

Inserting a flash object

1. Click Insert > Multimedia Objects > Flash (or drag Flash from the Toolbox panel to the
report) to display the Flash Parameter dialog.

2. Click the Browse button to select a flash file, or type the URL of a flash file in the File Name/URL
3. In the Plug-in Page field, set the URL of the plug-in page. By default, it is http://www.
4. Specify the properties so as to control the options when playing the flash file in JReport Viewer or
JReport Studio.
5. Click OK in the dialog to insert the object in the required location.
When you view the report result with a web browser in which the Flash Player plug-in has been
installed, the media file will be played according to your settings.

Inserting a RealMedia object

1. Click Insert > Multimedia Objects > RealMedia File (or drag RealMedia File from the
Toolbox panel to the report) to display the RealPlayer Parameter dialog.

2. Click the Browse button to select a RealMedia file, or type the URL of a RealMedia file in the File
Name/URL field.
3. In the Plug-in Page field, set the URL of the plug-in page. By default, it is http://www.real.com/.
4. Specify the properties so as to control the options when playing the media file in JReport Viewer or
JReport Studio.
5. Click OK in the dialog to insert the object in the required location.
When you view the report result with a web browser in which the RealPlayer plug-in has been installed,
the media file will be played according to your settings.

Inserting a Windows Media object

1. Click Insert > Multimedia Objects > Windows Media File (or drag Windows Media File from
the Toolbox panel to the report) to display the Windows Media Player Parameter dialog.

2. Click the Browse button to select a Windows Media file, or type the URL of a Windows Media file
in the File Name/URL field.
3. In the Plug-in Page field, set the URL of the plug-in page. By default, it is http://www.microsoft.
4. Specify the properties so as to control the options when playing the media file in JReport Viewer or
JReport Studio.
5. Click OK in the dialog to insert the object in the required location.
When you view the report result with a web browser in which the Windows Media Player plug-in has
been installed, the media file will be played according to your settings.
When a multimedia object has been inserted into a report, you can further edit it if required (to do this,
right-click the object and select Edit WebOLEObject from the shortcut menu). You can also customize
its appearance and behavior by setting properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS
style for future use (for details, see Creating a CSS style).
See an example: The SampleComponents catalog, included with JReport Designer, contains reports
that have examples of how each component type could be used in a report. For the label component
example, open <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleComponents\MultimediaObject.cls.

DHTML Features
Reports developed by JReport Designer can be published to a standalone JReport Server or to web
applications integrated with JReport Server. After that they can be viewed and analyzed in JReport
Viewer. Certain DHTML features require a report to be pre-configured in JReport Designer before being
published to JReport Server.
Pick a task from the following:

Using business/report cubes

Linking reports

Obtaining detailed information from a banded object

Customizing the field display names

Predefining sort and filter conditions

Setting filter options for a field

See also the chapter JReport Viewer - Interactive Reports in the JReport Server User's Guide for details
about how to use these features in JReport Viewer.
Note: In addition to the above features, JReport allows you to create a table of contents for DHTML use
by setting the TOC Anchor and Anchor Display Value properties for each component in a report, then in
JReport Viewer, you can use the TOC Browser to locate the component. For details about how to show
components in a TOC tree, see Editing a report.

Using business/report cubes

A business/report cube provides report users with a business-oriented view, and calculations on a data
source. It contains database connections and relationships between cube elements that are required for
creating the specific business area reports for static and analysis reporting. The business/report cube
shields report end users from having to understand physical structure, and enables the easy building of
Business/report cubes enable end users to build reports and analyze data based on a set of cube
elements that they can understand. For example, they do not need to worry about where the data
source is from (local or remote), or what the data source is (Oracle, Sybase, etc.). Business/report
cubes also enable IT professionals to maintain control of business data and to ensure its integrity, while
presenting end users with an intuitive view of the underlying data structures.
However, for a report designer, there is a little difference between a business cube and a report cube,
that is, a business cube is based on tables and views, while a report cube is based on a query, stored
procedure, imported SQL file, or user defined data source.
In addition, ad hoc reporting and data analysis in JReport Viewer requires that report components are
created based on a business cube or report cube, or if created on a query, the applied query fields can
be converted to corresponding cube elements in an existing report cube which is based on the query.
You can specify whether to make the conversion automatically or allow JReport to prompt you when
the conversion is required.
For information about how to use business/report cubes in JReport Viewer as a report end user, see
Analytic reporting in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Pick a task from the following:

Business/report cube elements

Adding a business/report cube

Editing a business/report cube

Converting query-based components to report cube-based

Note: A JReport Designer Live license is required in order to use this feature. If you do not have a Live
license please contact your Jinfonet Software account manager to obtain a license.

Business/report cube elements

The following are elements contained in business/report cubes.

Categories are the main tools for organizing data. They are components which correspond to particular
collections of data in the data source. They are grouped in folders that are named to reflect information
collections. A category can contain several subcategories.
Organizing data required by a user into multiple categories or multiple levels of categories is
meaningful, and makes it easy to use. End users can use categories to find data elements they need to
use without knowing the underlying table names although sometimes the table names are used as

Dimension objects
Dimension objects are cube elements that are the basis for analysis in a report. They present the
availability and key performance of data, and characteristically return text data or dates, and answer
the following question: who, when, what, where and which. A dimension object can be inserted
wherever a field can be inserted, as a column or row in a crosstab, or as a group field or detail field in a
table or banded object or as a category or series in a chart. They may be based on DBFields such as
region and country or they could be based on formulas such as the year, quarter, or month portion of a
date field.

Measure objects
Measure objects are numeric cube elements that are calculated dynamically at run time. Measures can
be used alone or calculated with other fields. A measure object can be inserted wherever a summary
can be inserted. For instance, it can be inserted into the group header or footer panel in a table or
banded object, or into a crosstab as an aggregate field. A measure object can also be used as a detail
field in a banded object or table although it will display the same aggregate value for every detail line.
JReport calculates values based on the group level at which the measure object is inserted such as total
sales, average order size and number of orders from a customer.

Detail information objects

Detail information objects provide additional information. It can be bound to a database field, group
object, aggregation object or category/subcategory. Detail objects are used for displaying detailed field
values such as address and phone number for a customer in a table or banded object. Detail objects
cannot be used in crosstabs and charts.

Adding a business/report cube

To add a business/report cube to a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Catalog Management > Open Catalog to open the catalog to
which you want to add the business/report cube.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the desired data source, then the Relational node
in the data source. In the connection node, right-click the Business Cubes node, and select Add
Business Cube from the shortcut menu. Or, on the main menu bar, click File > New >
Business Cube.
To add a report cube, expand the Imported SQLs, Stored Procedures, User Defined or
Queries node in the desired data source of the catalog, select the source on which the report
cube will be based, right-click its Report Cube node and then click Add Report Cube.
3. In the Input Business/Report Cube Name dialog, enter a name for the business/report cube, and
then click OK. The Business/Report Cube Editor window is then displayed.
4. Add elements to the business/report cube and configure security on the elements.
5. Define hierarchies on the business/report cube to allow end users to drill report data down to
particular dimensions.
6. Create some filters on the business/report cube to narrow down records if required.
7. For a business cube, you can also set up joins among the tables added to it.
8. Click the Save button

on the toolbar of the window to save it.

9. Click File > Close to close the window. The business/report cube will now have been added to the

Editing a business/report cube

You can edit business/report cubes added to a catalog at any time.

To edit a business cube, right-click the business cube in the Business Cubes node and select Edit
Business Cube from the shortcut menu.
To edit a report cube, select the query, stored procedure, imported SQL file, or user defined data
source, on which the report cube has been defined, in the Report Cube node, right-click the report
cube and then select Edit Report Cube from the shortcut menu.

Then, in the Business/Report Cube Editor window, edit the business/report cube as required. For
example, you can add some elements to it and define hierarchies.
The following topics show how to edit an existing business/report cube in detail:

Adding elements

Configuring security

Defining hierarchies

Creating filters

Setting up and editing joins

See also Business Cube Editor window and Report Cube Editor window for additional help about options
in each window.

Adding elements
You can add more elements to a business/report cube at any time to suit your requirements.

Adding a category
To add a category, follow the steps below:
1. In the Business/Report Cube Editor window, select the business/report cube (or any existing
category) in the right panel, right-click and then click Add Category to display the Category
Property dialog.

2. In the General tab, set the name and display name for the category in the Name and Display
Name text fields. The name and display name must be unique at current level.
3. Type a description for the category in the Description text box if required, which will be shown
when you hover the mouse pointer over the category in the Resource View panel of JReport
4. Click the Security tab and set permission to the category as required (for details, see Configuring
5. Click OK. A new category will be added to the business/report cube (or a selected category). You

can then add cube elements to it.

Adding a cube element

To add a cube element, take either of the following two ways:

Adding via dialog

1. Select the business/report cube or a category into which to add the cube element, right-click it
and then select Add Cube Element from the shortcut menu to bring up the Add Cube Element

2. In the General tab, decide the type of the cube element by selecting the corresponding item
from the Type drop-down list. It can be Dimension, Measure or Detail Info.
3. In the Name text field, specify the name of the cube element as required. The name must be
unique at current level.
4. Click the chooser button
the cube element.

next to the Mapping Name text field to specify the mapping field of

5. Specify the display name of the cube element in the Display Name text field.
By default, the display name is the same as the mapping name. You can change it according to
your requirements. The display name must be unique at current level.
6. If you choose to create a measure object, click the Aggregate Function drop-down list to
specify the aggregate function for the object.

7. Specify the tooltip and description of the cube element in the Tip and Description text boxes
respectively if required, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over the cube
element in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
8. Click the Security tab and set permission to the cube element as required (for details, see
Configuring security).
9. When done, click OK to close the dialog.
Tip: If you want to add a detail information object to a dimension or measure object, you can
right-click the dimension/measure object, select Add Detail Information from the shortcut
menu and then add the detail information object as required.
Adding by dragging

In the Business/Report Cube Editor window, drag a table, DBField, formula or summary from the
Resource Objects panel to the business/report cube or a category. Then, all DBFields in the table, the
DBField, formula or summary will be added as cube element into the business/report cube or that
category. JReport will determine their types automatically. Moreover, you can drag a DBField of the
data type other than Integer and Date or a formula to a dimension or measure object to add it as a
detail information object.
For all the elements in a business/report cube you can,

Edit and rename them at any time by right-clicking an object and selecting the corresponding
editing command from the shortcut menu.
Delete them if required by choosing Delete from the shortcut menu, clicking the Delete button
on the toolbar, or dragging them from the right panel to the Resource Objects panel.

For a report cube, if you want to enable data analysis on a component with it, for components
designed in JReport Designer and then published, you must add the corresponding cube elements for
all fields in the component, that is, each group field (column/row field in crosstab or category/series
field in chart) has a corresponding dimension object, each detail field has a corresponding dimension/
measure/detail information object, and each summary/aggregate field has a corresponding measure
object (matching the aggregate function and field both).

Configuring security
JReport Designer allows you to allocate security permissions to different principles (users, groups and
roles), and thus you can make the cube elements in a business/report cube available only for some
special principles.
To configure security for a business/report cube, follow the procedure below:
1. Add or import principles.
2. Set the permissions to the cube elements of the business/report cube.
3. Save the catalog to save the security configuration.

Adding or importing principles

Before you can configure security for a business/report cube, you first need to define the principles. To
do this, in the Business/Report Cube Editor window, click Tools > Security Configuration to display
the Security Configuration dialog. You can either add principles manually or import them from JReport

To add principles manually, follow the steps below:

1. In the Security Configuration dialog, check the Add Role/Group/User manually option.

2. In the Role/Group/User tab, click the Add button to add a role/group/user, and give a
description for it as required.
3. Click OK to save the settings.

To import principles from JReport Server, you must first make sure that JReport Server has been
started. Then,
1. Check Import from JReport Server in the Security Configuration dialog.
2. Click the Options button, and specify the connection information in the Import from JReport
Server dialog, then click OK to connect to the server.
3. All the principles defined in JReport Server will then be imported, and you can click OK to save

Setting permissions
To set permissions to the cube elements of a business/report cube, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the cube element in the Business/Report Cube Editor window, and then choose the
corresponding item for editing the cube element.
2. In the Edit Cube Element dialog, click the Security tab and set permissions to the element as

The Visible permission controls whether a principle can view the business/report cube element in
the resource tree of JReport Viewer and whether he or she can perform actions based on the

element. These actions include inserting, removing, grouping by, drilling down, drilling to, and
drilling to by value. Filtering and sorting are not under security control.
3. Click OK to save the permission settings.

Saving the configuration

When you save the catalog, the permission settings are also saved and they are saved in an
authorization file in the same folder as the catalog file. The catalog and authorization files have the
same file name but different extensions, for example, if the catalog file is test.cat, the authorization file
will be named test.auth. The authorization file is loaded by the cube authorization manager of its
catalog during runtime.
Tip: You can also configure security for categories and cube elements when creating them, that is, in
the Category Property or Add Cube Element dialog, switch to the Security tab, and then set the
permissions as above. If there is no principle specified to the business/report cube, the Security
Configuration dialog will be displayed automatically for you to add or import principles.

Defining hierarchies
Hierarchies can be defined in a business/report cube to allow users to drill report data down to particular
dimensions in JReport Viewer.
To define a data hierarchy:
1. In the Business/Report Cube Editor window, click Tools > Hierarchy Management. The Hierarchy Editor
dialog will then appear.

2. Click <Add Hierarchy...> in the Hierarchy box to add a hierarchy. Click the Rename button to rename
the hierarchy if necessary.
3. Select dimensions that have been added to the business/report cube from the Dimension box and click
to add them to the hierarchy. Click

to add all the existing categories as hierarchies of the

business/report cube. To remove a dimension from a hierarchy, first select it and then click
Delete button.
4. Adjust the order of the dimensions by clicking the Move Up or Move Down button.
5. If you want to add another hierarchy, click <Add Hierarchy...> and repeat the above steps.
To adjust the order of the added hierarchies, click the Mover Up or Move Down button.

or the

To delete a hierarchy, select it in the Hierarchy box and then click the Delete button or

. If you want

to remove all the hierarchies in the business/report cube, simply click

6. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
Note: When you add dimensions to a hierarchy, make sure that the chosen dimensions have a logical
relationship with each other so that the group hierarchy can be set up correctly.

Creating filters
To provide flexibility and convenience to end users playing with ad hoc reports, JReport provides two
options to narrow down the records:

Built-in filter: It is defined in JReport Designer for business cubes only and transparent to the end
users running the business cube reports.
Predefined filter: It is predefined on the Designer side for both business and report cubes. Ad hoc
end users can choose to apply such filter when designing/modifying reports based on the business/
report cube.

Defining and applying built-in filters

The following example shows the usage of built-in filters:
1. In the SampleReports catalog, create a business cube called CustomersCube with the Customers
Next, we will create a built-in filter Country='USA' in the business cube.
2. In the Business Cube Editor window, click the Filter button

on the toolbar to display the Filter

3. Click
behind the field text box. In the Cube Element Resources dialog, select Country and
click OK.
4. Select = from the operator drop-down list.
5. Click
next to the value text box. In the Values dialog, click the Value sub tab, double-click
USA and it will be added to the value box, then close the dialog.
6. Click OK to save the filter. The filter is used as a built-in filter in the CustomersCube business
7. Click File > Catalog Management > Save Catalog to save the catalog.
8. Publish the catalog to JReport Server.
9. Create reports in JReport Viewer based on the business cube, the filter will be automatically
applied to the business cube, that is to say, the report will get data from USA only.

Defining and applying predefined filters

You can also predefine some filters in business/report cubes for ad hoc users to choose when designing/
modifying a live report. Let's use the following example to show the basic usage. Note that our
example is based on a business cube, the same steps are applied to report cubes as well.
1. Create a business cube called CustomersOrdersCube with the Customers and Orders tables.

2. In the Business Cube Editor window, click the Predefined Filter button
display the Predefined Filter dialog.

on the toolbar to

3. Click the New button, double-click in the Name cell of the filter and change its name to
CustomersFilter, then in the Condition panel, click the Add Condition button and define the
filter as Customer ID>=25.
4. Click the New button to add another filter and name it OrdersFilter, then define the filter as
Shopping Cost=150.
5. Click OK in the Predefined Filter dialog to save the filters.
6. Save the catalog and publish it to JReport Server.
7. Create reports based on the business cube in JReport Viewer, and you can choose which filter you
want to apply.
For detailed explanations about how to use the predefined filters in JReport Viewer, refer to Applying
filters to business/report cubes in the JReport Server User's Guide.

When the resources that are used in some predefined filters are removed from the business view,
the next time when you open the Predefined Filter dialog, you will be prompted with warning
messages showing the details and the filters will be removed automatically from the dialog as well.
If you want to input values manually in the filter dialogs, pay attention to the following rules:

String Value
Rules: Quote the values with single quotes.
Example1: Customers_Country='USA'.
Example2: Customers_Country in 'Australia','Germany','Mexico'
Date Value

Default input format supported in JReport Designer is the same as the format of the values
available in the Values dialog.
Default input format supported in JReport Viewer is 'MM/dd/yyyy' for Date, 'hh:mm:ss a' for Time
and 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a' for Timestamp.
Both the above formats are only the input value format in the filter dialogs, and filters are done in
the RDBMS side and some RDBMS have special requirements for the date format, so you need to
make sure the date formats specified in the Data Format tab of the Get JDBC Connection
Information dialog are supported by your database.

Setting up and editing joins

A business cube is based on tables (including views). By default, there is no relationship between the
tables. In order to make them correlated, you need to define joins among them. To do this, in the
Business Cube Editor window, click Tools > Join Editor and the Business Cube - Join Editor window
will then be displayed with which you can set up joins easily as required.
Note: Because a report cube is based on a query, stored procedure, SQL file, or user defined data
source, which may already contain some relationship among tables, you cannot set joins for it.
See also Business Cube - Join Editor window for detailed explanation about options in the window.
Pick a task from the following:

Adding tables

Creating joins between tables

Editing a join

Adding tables
When you open the Business Cube - Join Editor, you will see all the tables (including views) that have
been added to the business cube when you create it. If you find that you require some extra tables to
create joins, you can add them as follows:
1. In the Business Cube - Join Editor window, click Table > Add Table to display the Add Table
2. Select a schema from the Schemas box if the database supports schema. The tables that are
contained in the selected schema and are not included in the business cube will then be displayed
in the Tables box. Choose the required tables, and then click the Add button.
3. Click the Done button to close the dialog. Then, all the selected tables/views will be shown in the
right panel of the Join Editor window.
4. Click the Arrange button to organize the tables.
Now, you can define joins among the selected tables as required.

Tables that have been added to a business cube can be deleted if not required. To do this, select the
table in the Business Cube - Join Editor window, and then click Table > Delete Table. However, a
table with a join to another table cannot be deleted.
If you want to hide a table which is not a part of a join, click
in the upper right corner of the
table. To redisplay hidden tables, in the Business Cube - Join Editor window, click Table > Table
Properties to show the Table Properties dialog, then move the hidden tables from the Hide Tables
box to the Show Tables box (you can also use this dialog to hide tables without join relations).

Creating joins between tables

Joins between tables in a business cube can be created in the following methods:

Creating joins manually

To create joins manually, tables must be retrieved from a database and a relationship, called a join
condition, must be specified between at least one column from each table. To do this:
1. In the Business Cube - Join Editor window, position the mouse pointer over the field that will be
the source of the join.
2. Click and hold the left mouse button while moving to the destination field.
3. The join relationship is then established between the tables. When more than one relationship is
required between two tables, you can create multiple joins between them.

Creating joins automatically

Joins can also be made automatically by selecting the corresponding item from the Auto Join command
of the Table menu in the Business Cube - Join Editor window. You can choose to automatically join
tables either By Name or By Primary Key.

When automatically joining tables by name, a join between two tables, within which two fields share
the same name and same data type, will be added.
When automatically joining tables by primary key, a join between two tables, within which two fields
have the same name, same data type and one of the fields is and must be the table's primary key,
will be added.

Creating joins by inheriting data source pre-joins

If the Pre-join feature is enabled for a data source connection, when you create joins for business
cubes in this data source, the joins can be inherited from pre-joins of the data source.
To make business cube joins inherit from data source pre-joins:
1. Make sure the Prejoin property of the data source connection is set to true (see details).
2. In the Business Cube - Join Editor window, click Table > Add Table.
3. In the Add Table dialog, add the required tables to the business cube and click Done.
Tables that have been defined some pre-join relationships in the data source will be automatically
joined together.
When you use pre-joins for creating business cube joins, you may meet the following cases:

If JReport Designer needs other tables to bridge the tables you have added, you will be prompted to
decide whether to add another table to the business cube.
If there is more than one path available in the pre-join, you will be asked to choose which path you

want to use.

Any joins defined between two tables are represented as arrows connecting the key fields from the
two tables.
If the Pre-join option is enabled for a data source connection, the Auto Join feature will not take
effect when defining joins for business cubes in the data source.
If you use pre-joins for creating business cube joins, even though the tables involved in the business
cube joins are not contained in the business cube as cube elements, the business cube joins inherited
from pre-joins will be applied to any resources in the business cube, which reference table fields used
in the pre-joins.
If there are any loops between the joins, they will be listed in the All Loops panel. When you select a
loop in the panel, the joins forming the loop will be highlighted both in the All Joins panel and the
right panel of the Join Editor window. You can double-click any loop to get detailed information about
the loops in the Properties dialog, and edit the selected join in a loop by clicking
join line.

at the end of the

After building a join in a business cube, the corresponding DBField names will be recorded in this
join. If you rename any DBField later, the internal record will not change, and you have to reestablish a join to apply the new name.

Editing a join
After a join has been set up, you can edit it at any time as required. To do this:
1. In the Business Cube - Join Editor window, right-click the join in the All Joins box and choose Edit Join
in the right panel). The Join Options dialog appears.
(or double-click its join button

2. Check the Outer Join option to set the join an outer join, then specify the format of the join as required:
SQL92 or Use'+'.
3. Edit the join conditions in the Condition panel according to your requirements.
4. When done, click OK to accept the changes.
See also Join Options dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Besides, if you find that some joins are unnecessary or their names are not intuitive, you can delete or rename

To delete an existing join, right-click the join in the All Joins box and choose Delete from the shortcut menu
(or click the Delete Join button in the Join Options dialog).
To rename an existing join, right-click the join in the All Joins box and choose Rename from the shortcut
menu. The name of the join will then become editable. Enter a name in the name box and press Enter on
your keyboard (or click somewhere outside the box).

Converting query-based components to report cube-based

In order for a query-based report component created in JReport Designer, such as table, crosstab,
chart, and banded object, to be able to perform analytic reporting actions on when you work with them
in JReport Viewer, JReport needs to convert the component from query-based to report cube-based.
This section describes how JReport performs the conversion work and what a report designer should
pay attention to in order to increase the opportunity of success in the conversion.

When the conversion is required

The conversion is required when the JReport Viewer end user is trying to perform an analytic reporting
action such as drilling through data on a table, crosstab, chart, or banded object which is created based
on a query.
There is a report level property available in the Report Inspector of JReport Designer: Automatic Cube
Initialization, which controls whether a dialog will be displayed to the user to convert the dataset to a
cube when the user requests an analytic action. By default, this property is set to false which means
the cube will not be automatically initialized until the user does an analysis action such as dragging a
new field onto the report. After that action, the cube is initialized and normal drilling and other actions
will work properly. If you expect users to use the cube actions such as drilling, you should set this to
true so that the conversion will be done automatically when opening the report set in JReport Viewer
without the need for an explicit analysis action.

What makes the conversion successful

The success of the conversion lies in two aspects: there should be at least one report cube in the query
on which the report component is created, and the fields used in the component have corresponding
cube elements which have been defined in the report cube.
To ensure success of the conversion, the report designer should avoid the cases illustrated in What
cannot be converted.
Tip: The report designer can create a complete and full-function report cube for the required query, in
this way, all fields in the query are able to be converted since there are always corresponding cube
elements found in the complete report cube. To create such a complete report cube, create a
dimension and a detail information for each DBField and formula, and create a measure for each

How to convert
The following lists what types of fields in the query will be converted to what types of elements in the
report cube:
When Query Fields Are Used As

Cube Elements

Group by field | crosstab dimension | chart X axis | chart Z



Crosstab aggregation


Chart Y axis & summary based on fields and function


Chart Y axis & a Number data type element

Detail information

Others & there are corresponding detail information

elements in the report cube

Detail information

Others & there are not corresponding detail information

elements in the report cube


What cannot be converted

The following list shows the cases in a query-based component that do not support conversion. The list
supposes that all the involved query fields have their corresponding cube elements in the report cube
based on the query:

Static summary (except that used as chart Y axis or current group by level).

Dynamic summary (except when group by level = 0).

Formula that references summaries.

Page level formula, that is, the formula calculated after the whole report finishes rendering.

Group by DBField or formula while the group has a special function.

Group by parameter.

Parameter on chart X axis | chart Y axis | chart Z axis.

Chart in a banded object while the data of the chart is inherited.

Table, crosstab, or banded object whose data is inherited.

Table, crosstab, chart, or banded object when one of its children components cannot be converted
(the children components exclude blank components and those having already been converted).

Linking reports
In most cases, your reports are affiliated with one another, with each report emphasizing one or more
aspects of a bigger picture. Relationships can be set up in order for users to browse from one report to
another through the relationship "channels" created.
You can achieve an inter-report relationship network by setting up the join/filter/link conditions
between two reports in the same catalog. You can use one report to hold comprehensive report data,
and another to show detailed information relating to a specific topic. Then, when you view the main
report at runtime, you can gain access to the linked or detail report by clicking a trigger, which is an
object defined in the main report to load a linked or detail report. Usually, you can use a field (DBField,
summary, formula, parameter, or special field), an image or a label as a trigger object.
Pick a task from the following:

Linking a report to another report

Linking a report to a detail report

Linking a report to another report

A report can be linked to another report, after which the trigger object in the primary report can be clicked in
order to jump to the linked report to obtain information about the trigger object. In JReport Designer, it is
very simple to set up the link relationship between two reports.
1. Open the report or create a new report which will be used as the primary report.
2. In the report, select an object to be the trigger for loading the linked report.
3. In the Report Inspector, scroll down the Properties panel to find the property Link of the object, then
in the value cell to show the Link Report dialog (or right-click the trigger object, click Detail
Report on the shortcut menu, then select A Report from the Link to drop-down list in the dialog).

4. Click the Browse button to specify the report set in the same catalog that contains the report you want
as the linked report. Then, select the report name from the Report drop-down list.
5. In the Condition tab, click the Add button beside the Component in Report box. In the Choose
Component dialog, add the components in the linked report you want to be interlinked with the primary
report with conditions. If the required components use different datasets, you need to add them
respectively, however, as long as the components are based on the same dataset, you can add them all
at a time.
6. Select a component from the Component in Report box, then specify the link condition between the
primary report and the component as follows:
a. Select a given field/formula from the left box and click
displayed in the Fields(Primary) column.

to add it to the Field box. It will then be

b. Choose an operator from the drop-down list in the OP column. The operator can be "=", "<>", "<",
">", "<=", ">=", or "IN".
c. Specify the field/formula of the linked report from the drop-down list in the Fields(LinkedReport)
column. All fields in the linked report of the same value type as the selected primary report field
will be available.
d. If necessary, you can specify other link conditions by specifying the primary report field, the
operator, and the corresponding field in the linked report. Note that the relationship among these
link conditions is AND, which means that JReport will fetch linked report data which meets all of the
7. Select another component from the Component in Report box and repeat the above steps to set its link
condition with the primary report.
8. From the Default Linked Component drop-down list, select which component in the linked report will be
linked with the primary report by default. Then, when the primary report is opened in HTML, PDF or
Excel format, the page where the data that meet the predefined condition in the specified component in
the linked report will be displayed by default after you click the link.
9. If the linked report contains one or more parameters, the Parameters tab will be enabled. In this tab,
you can assign field of the primary report to parameter of the linked report. Then, when running the
linked report from the link, the field value of the primary report will be assigned to the parameter
10. Check Pass style group information down to the linked report to transfer style information from
the primary report to the linked report, so that the style of the primary report will apply to the linked
11. From the Target Frame drop-down list, select where the linked report will be loaded. This setting will be
applied only when the primary report is opened in DHTML format, or in JReport Studio if it is a studio
12. Click OK to apply the settings.
Then, when the primary report is opened in DHTML, HTML, PDF or Excel format, or in JReport Studio if it is a
studio report, when you click the trigger object in the primary report, you will find that the linked report is
displayed according to the specified link conditions.
See also Link Report dialog for additional information about options in the dialog.

When linking reports, you need to avoid link loops. For example, if you have linked report A to report B,
then you cannot link report B back to report A again.

The conditions specified in the Condition tab are used for setting up the searching criteria between the two
linked reports, which means after you click the trigger object in the primary report, the pages containing
the data that meet the conditions in the linked report will be displayed. However, when running the
primary report in DHTML format or in JReport Studio, the conditions are used for filtering, that is, only the
data that meet the conditions in the linked report will be displayed.

Linking a report to a detail report

Reports in the same catalog can be joined together in order to create a master/detail report group. Usually,
the master report holds comprehensive data, while the detail reports hold related detailed information. A
detail report can also be the master report of another report. In this way, you can set up more pairs of
master/detail reports, where many reports are joined together, eventually leading to the formation of a
report chain. However, in a master/detail report group, crosstab reports cannot be used as the master.
To link a report to a detail report, that is to set up a master/detail relationship between two reports,
1. In JReport Designer, open the report that you want to use as the master report.
2. Select an object to be the trigger for loading the detail report.
3. In the Report Inspector, scroll down the Properties panel to find the property Detail Report of the
in the value cell to bring out the Master/Detail Report dialog (or right-click the
object, then click
trigger object and click Detail Report on the shortcut menu).

4. Click the Browse button to specify the report set in the same catalog which contains the report you
want for the detail report, and then select the report name from the Report drop-down list.
5. Click
beside the Component in Report field. In the Choose Component dialog, specify which
component in the detail report you want to be interlinked with the master report with conditions. You
can select more than one component as long as the components are based on the same dataset.
6. Specify the join relationship in the Anchor tab. The join between the master and detail report can only
have one condition. For example, the join can be: (Detail report) Product ID = (Master report) Product
ID. The join condition should be as:
(Detail RPT) expression1 operator (Master RPT) expresion2
To make the join more meaningful, expression1 should be a column or record level formula in the
GROUP section of a component in the detail report; and expression2 should be a column or record level
formula in the DETAIL section of a component in the master report. This is because generally the
master report is used to present comprehensive data, and the detail report to present more detailed
information. To specify the join condition,
a. Select a field/formula from the Column in Detail drop-down list. If this list does not offer the
required field/formula, then you will need to specify the component with the data source that
contains the specific field/formula. To do this, select the component from the Component in Report
drop-down list.
b. Choose the operator from the Operator drop-down list. The operator can be "=", "<", ">", "<>",
"<=", or ">=".
c. Specify the field/formula of the master report from the Column in Master drop-down list. This field/
formula should be of the same data type as the selected field/formula of the detail report.
7. If you want to filter the detail report data, switch to the Filter tab to specify the conditions.
This tab is very similar to the Condition tab in the Link Report dialog. You can refer to the procedure in
Linking a report to another report for details. The only difference is that with the Field box in the Filter
tab here, there is an extra column More, with which you can specify the relationship between filter
conditions to be AND or OR.
8. If there is at least one parameter applied in the filters of the queries that the detail report uses, the
Parameters tab will be enabled. In this tab, you can assign field of the master report to parameter of
the detail report. Then, when running the detail report from the link, the field value of the master report
will be assigned to the parameter automatically.
9. If both reports use the same encoding and DB settings, you should check the option Use the same
encoding and DB settings for the detail report as that of the master report. If this option is not
checked, when the detail report is triggered at runtime, you will be prompted to specify the encoding
and DB settings for the detail report.
10. From the Target Frame drop-down list, select where the detail report will be loaded.
11. Click OK to confirm.
After a set of master/detail reports have been defined in JReport Designer and published to JReport Server,
they can be viewed in DHTML. The detail report supports all the DHTML operations, such as sort, filter, drill,
and search.
See also Master/Detail Report dialog for additional information about options in the dialog.


The join and filter conditions work together. If you want to set a single condition, you can use join
(anchor). If you want to set a group of conditions, you can use the filter conditions together with a join
condition. The relationship between the join and filter conditions is "Join condition AND (filter conditions)".
If you specify to load the detail report in a new browser window, the detail report will be opened
independently when you click the trigger in JReport Viewer. That is to say, the join and filter conditions you
have set between the master report and detail report will not be applied.

Obtaining detailed information from a banded object

In a banded object which contains group information, you may only care about the details in a certain
group. To meet your expectation, JReport provides a function: go-to-detail.

Going to detail from a field/label/image

If a banded object contains group information, then a field (DBField, parameter, formula, summary,
special field), label, or image in a group header/footer panel of the banded object, including the case
that the field, label or image is in a tabular cell or text box which is in the banded object's group
header/panel panel, can be used to obtain information of that group. To do this:
1. In JReport Designer, open a report which contains a grouped banded object.
2. Select the object which will be used for going to detail, set its property Go to Detail to true in the
Report Inspector.
3. Find the property Detail Target Frame, then from its value drop-down list, select the target
window or frame in which to display the detailed information.
4. Publish the report set to JReport Server and run the report set in JReport Viewer.
5. Click the object to apply the go-to-detail action, or you can right-click the object and then select
Go to Detail, then the related group information will be displayed.

The Go to Detail property is enabled by default for summaries on the group header/footer panel of a
banded object. This is the same case when the formulas on the group header/footer panel of a
banded object are group level formulas.
Go-to-detail from a summary or group level formula can also be performed in view mode in JReport
Designer, and on HTML/PDF report outputs.

Going to detail from a map

A map in a grouped banded object can also be used for going to detail with the following preconditions:

The map inherits dataset from the banded object.

The banded object has at least two groups.

The map is inserted in the group header/footer panel that is not the lowest level group of the banded

To go to detail from a map:

1. In JReport Designer, open a report which contains a grouped banded object with a map.
2. Select the map, then in the Report Inspector set its property Go to Detail to true, from the Detail
Target Frame value drop-down list, select the target window or frame in which to display the
detailed information.

3. Publish the report set to JReport Server and run the report set in JReport Viewer.
4. Click the map to apply the go-to-detail action, or you can right-click the map and then select Go
to Detail, then the related group information will be displayed.

Going to detail from a chart

A chart in a banded object can also be used for going to detail, however, some preconditions must be

The value axis of the chart shows summary information.

The chart inherits dataset from the banded object, and has no data container link with the banded
In the case that FieldA and FieldB are respectively displayed on the series and category axes of the
chart, then the two fields must be group fields of the banded objects, and FieldA is one-level higher
than FieldB, and the chart must be inserted into the header/footer panel of the group which is onelevel higher than FieldA (if FieldA is the highest group level in the banded object, then the chart
should be inserted into the banded header/footer panel). In the case that the chart only shows FieldB
as category information (no series axis), then FieldB must be a group field of the banded object, and
the chart must be inserted into the header/footer panel of the group which is one-level higher than
FieldB, or the banded header/footer panel if FieldB is the highest level.

The following example shows how to obtain detailed information from a chart:
1. Design a report set, and create a standard banded report in it based on the query WorldWideSales
in Data Source 1 of the catalog file SampleReports.cat. The standard banded report displays the
following fields: the DBFields Product Name, Unit Price, Discount and Quantity and the formula
Total, is grouped by Country, State and Category (Country is the highest level and Category the
lowest), and applies the Classic style.
2. In the Resource View panel, click <Add Summary...> from the Summaries node and create a
summary named Sum_Total, which uses the function Sum, sums on the formula Total, and applies
to the Category group level, then drag the summary to the footer panel of the Category group
level in the banded object.
3. Insert a Bar 3-D chart into the header panel of the Country group level. The chart inherits the
dataset from the banded object (make sure to check the Current radio button in the Data screen
of the Create Chart wizard), and displays Category on the category axis, State on the series axis
and Sum_Total on the value axis.
4. In the Report Inspector, set the Go to Detail property of the chart to true.
5. Save the report set and click View > Preview As > DHTML to preview it in DHTML format.
6. Turn to page around 25 to view records in the USA country.

7. Now point to the bar of State=CA and Category=Bold, the mouse pointer will become a hand.
Click the bar and the result will be regenerated.

8. If you click a label on the category axis of the chart, you will go to detailed information concerned
with the product category represented by that label; if you click a series axis label, detailed
information about the state indicated by the label will be displayed.
Note: For a chart, its Hyperlink, X Hyperlink, and Z Hyperlink properties allow you to set a URL for the
graphic objects (such as bars, benches, etc.), category axis labels, and series axis labels respectively.
If you have set any of the three properties, the corresponding object will no longer support the go-todetail function in JReport Viewer, and clicking it will go to the URL. If Interactive is set to true and you
have set Hyperlink, X Hyperlink, and/or Z Hyperlink, double-clicking the corresponding part of the chart
will go to the URL you set.

Customizing the field display names

In JReport Viewer, you can drill around report data, sort report data on certain fields, search a report for some text, and filter the report
data using filter conditions. When you perform these operations, you will be working with field mapping names. However, with just the
field mapping names, you may find it inconvenient for end users, especially when the field mapping name is obscure. To help you,
JReport provides a display name customizing function for you to define the column names as required, and also to specify the actions
which the display names will take part in.
To customize the field display names, follow the steps below:
1. Open a report set in JReport Designer.
2. Click Report > Edit Display Name on the menu bar to display the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog.

3. Select a dataset from the Report Dataset drop-down list, and all the fields in the dataset will be shown in the mapping name box.
4. To make the resource names sort automatically, check the Auto Sort checkbox.
5. Specify the display names for the fields in the Display Name column. A formula can be selected as the display name of the field.
6. Select another dataset and repeat the above steps to edit the display names of fields in it.
7. If required, you can click the Advanced button to further customize the display names in specific component in the Edit DHTML
Display Name for Component dialog.

8. From the Component drop-down list, select the component you want to customize.

Tip: You can also right-click a component and then select DHTML Display Name from the shortcut menu to display the Edit
DHTML Display Name for Component dialog. However, if the dialog is opened in this way, only the component you right-click on
will be listed in the Component drop-down list.
9. In the action columns, check the corresponding checkboxes to indicate whether the actions are enabled for the fields. Check the
checkbox on the action column header if you want the corresponding action to be enabled for all fields. If any action is not
supported on the selected component type, the corresponding column will be disabled.
When an action is checked for a field, the field's display name instead of mapping name will be shown in the corresponding dialog or
sub menu in JReport Viewer. If you uncheck the box for any field in any action column, the field will not be available for the action.
Moreover, if you set the display name of any field to be blank in the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog, all actions will be disabled for
the field, which means end users will not be able to perform all these actions on the field in JReport Viewer.
10. Upon finishing, click OK to accept the changes.
Note: If you set the display name of any field to be blank, the field will not be shown in the lists where display names are displayed in
JReport Viewer.

Predefining sort and filter conditions

You can predefine some sort and filter conditions for data components, which refer to banded objects, tables,
charts and crosstabs, in reports, so that when the reports are published to JReport Server and are loaded in
JReport Viewer, data in the components will be displayed in the order you prefer, or be narrowed down as you

Predefining sort conditions

To predefine sort conditions for a data component, follow the steps below:
1. Select the component to which the sort conditions will apply.
2. Click Report > Edit Sort and Filter to show the Edit Sort and Filter dialog. The Sort tab is active by

3. In the Fields panel, all the fields in the dataset the component uses are displayed. Select the field by which
to sort the data from the panel and click
select all of them and then click

to add it to the Sort By panel. To sort by two or more fields,

4. To modify the sorting direction for a field, select


(ascending) or

(descending) in the Direction

5. To change the sorting priority of the fields, select the field in the Sort By panel, and then click
move it up or down.



6. Click OK to accept the settings.

Predefining filter conditions

To predefine filter conditions for a data component, follow the steps below:
1. Select the component to which the filter conditions will apply.
2. Click Report > Edit Sort and Filter to show the Edit Sort and Filter dialog, then switch to the Filter tab.

3. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.

4. From the field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based.
5. From the operator drop-down list, set the operator with which to compose the filter expression.
6. In the value combo box, type the value of how to filter the field or select the value from the drop-down list.

7. Click Add Condition to define another condition line and set the relationship between the two lines if
8. When done, click OK to apply the settings.
See also Edit Sort and Filter dialog for details about options in the dialog.

If the Customize Display Name feature hasn't been applied to the dataset on which the component is created,
when you open the Edit Sort and Filter dialog, there will be no fields displayed either in the Fields panel of the
Sort tab or the field drop-down list in the Filter tab, in which case, you need to click the Edit DHTML Display
Name button in the dialog first to enable the feature on the dataset. You can also modify the display names in
the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog if desired.
The predefined sort and filter conditions will neither affect the preview result in JReport Designer, nor the
result produced from being run in formats other than DHTML.

Setting filter options for a field

In JReport Viewer, when you right-click a field (including DBField, formula, summary and label) you will
find the Filter submenu. This submenu can list items such as Remove Filter, Top N, Bottom N, and
More. With these menu items you can easily filter the records. If you do not want to show some of the
four items for a field, you can set the filter options in JReport Designer as follows.
1. Select the field and locate its Filter Options property in the Report Inspector.
2. Click

to bring out the Filter Options dialog.

3. Check the items you want to show on the Filter submenu of the field in JReport Viewer, and then
click OK.
4. The properties value will be generated, equal to sum of values of those selected items. The items
and corresponding values when checked are as below:
Remove Filter: 1
Top N: 2
Bottom N: 4
More: 8
Default: 16
5. After saving the report set and publishing it to JReport Server, you will see the effect.
Note: In the Filter Options dialog, only when Default is deselected will the rest four checkboxes be
enabled. If you check Default, they will be disabled, but their values will still affect the Filter Options
property value. If Default is checked (Filter Options >= 16), which items will be displayed on the Filter
submenu in JReport Viewer will be determined by settings in the Profile dialog in JReport Server (Profile
> Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default Properties > Filter Menu).

Studio Reports
JReport provides the studio reporting solution which is aimed at easier and faster report creation and
design, faster report execution, easier customization, and better presentation style using a newer Rich
Internet Application (RIA) Web 2.0 interface. A studio report contains only one report and uses .wls as
the file suffix.
The data sources that can be used to create studio reports are business views that are resources built
on top of queries. A business view is similar to a report cube except that there is no hierarchical
relationship between the data objects in a business view. Report cube dimensions are business view
groups and report cube measures are business view aggregations. Create business views when your
end users are primarily interested in higher quality presentation style reports and do not need the slice
and dice analytic capability. Use report cubes when users are primarily interested in analyzing the data
from many dimensions. Both business views and report cubes can be built on top of the same query to
support both types of users. Business views are created and managed in JReport Designer.
In JReport Designer, you can create studio reports based on business views, and publish them to
JReport Server. JReport Designer supports opening, creating, and editing of studio reports.
In JReport Server, end users can create studio reports via the JReport Studio Wizard using a browser
and open and edit studio reports via JReport Studio (for details, see the Studio Reports chapter in the
JReport Server User's Guide). Studio reports created in JReport Server can also be downloaded to
JReport Designer for editing.
This chapter contains the following topics:

Business views

Working with studio reports

Note: A JReport Designer Live license is required in order to use this feature. If you do not have a Live
license please contact your Jinfonet Software account manager to obtain a license.

Business views
Business views are used as data sources for studio reports and are created and managed in JReport
Designer. A business view provides report users with a business-oriented view of their data and
formulas in a query based data source. It contains database connections and relationships between
view elements that are required for creating studio reports.
Business views shield report end users from having to understand physical structure, and enable the
easy building of complex reports containing multiple components. Business views enable end users to
build reports and analyze data based on a set of view elements that they can easily understand. For
example, they do not need to worry about where the data source is from (SQL, stored procedure,
view), or what the data source is (Oracle, Sybase, XML). Business views also enable IT professionals to
maintain control of business data and to ensure its integrity, while presenting end users with an
intuitive view of the underlying data structures.
The following detail information is available:

Business view elements

Adding a business view

Editing a business view

Business view elements

The following are elements contained in business view.

Categories are the main tools for organizing data. They are components which correspond to particular
collections of data in the data source. They are grouped in folders that are named to reflect information
collections. A category can contain several subcategories.
Organizing data required by a user into multiple categories or multiple levels of categories is
meaningful, and makes it easy to use. End users can use categories to find data elements they need to
use without knowing the underlying table names although sometimes the table names are used as

Group objects
Group objects are view elements that are the basis for organizing data in a report. They present the
availability and key performance of data, and characteristically return text data or dates, and answer
the following question: who, when, what, where and which. A group object can be inserted wherever a
field can be inserted, as a column or row in a crosstab, or as a group field or detail field in a table or as
a category or series in a chart. They may be based on DBFields such as region and country or they
could be based on formulas such as the year, quarter, or month portion of a date field.

Aggregation objects
Aggregation objects are numeric view elements that are calculated at run time based on the group
objects in the report. Aggregations can be used alone or calculated with other fields. An aggregation
object can be inserted wherever summaries can be inserted. For example, aggregations can be inserted
in the group header or footer panel of a table, as an aggregate field in a crosstab, or as the value in a
chart. JReport calculates values based on the group level at which the aggregation object is inserted
such as total sales, average order size and number of orders from a customer.

Detail objects
Detail objects provide additional information. It can be bound to a database field, group object,
aggregation object or category/subcategory. Detail objects are used for displaying detailed field values
such as address and phone number for a customer in a table. Detail objects can not be used in
crosstabs and charts.

Adding a business view

The most efficient way of creating a business view is by converting a report cube. To do this:
1. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, locate a report cube, right-click it, then select Create
Business View from the shortcut menu.
2. A business view with the same name as the report cube will be added under the Business View
node at the same level as the Report Cube node in the query.
You can also create a business view manually. Follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Catalog Management > Open Catalog to open the catalog to
which you want to add the business view.
2. In the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, expand the Imported SQLs, Stored Procedures, User
Defined, or Queries node in the desired data source of the catalog, select the source on which
the business view will be based, right-click the Business View node and then click Add Business
3. In the Input Business View Name dialog, enter a name for the business view, and then click OK.
4. In the Business View Editor window, add the elements to the business view and configure security
on the elements.
5. Create some predefined filters for the business view if required.
6. Click the Save button

on the toolbar of the window to save it.

7. Click File > Close to close the window. The business view will now have been added to the

Editing a business view

You can edit a business view in a catalog at any time.
To edit a business view, select the query, stored procedure, imported SQL, or user defined data source
on which the business view has been defined, in its Business View node, right-click the business view
and then select Edit Business View from the shortcut menu. Then, in the Business View Editor
window, edit the business view as required.
The following topics show how to edit an existing business view in detail:

Adding elements

Creating predefined filters

Configuring security

See also Business View Editor window for additional help about options in the window.

Adding elements
You can add more elements to a business view at any time to suit your requirements.

Adding a category
To add a category, follow the steps below:
1. In the Business View Editor window, select the business view (or any existing category) in the
right panel, right-click and then click Add Category to display the Category Property dialog.

2. In the General tab, set the name and display name for the category in the Name and Display
Name text fields. The name and display name must be unique at current level.
3. Type a description for the category in the Description text box if required, which will be shown
when you hover the mouse pointer over the category in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
4. Click the Security tab and set permission to the category as required (for details, see Configuring
5. Click OK. A new category will be added to the business view (or the selected category). You can
then add view elements to it.

Adding a view element

To add a view element, take either of the following two ways:

Adding via dialog

1. Select the business view or a category into which you want to add the view element, right-click
it and then select Add View Element from the shortcut menu to bring up the Add View
Element dialog.

2. In the General tab, decide the type of the view element by selecting the corresponding item
from the Type drop-down list. It can be Group, Aggregation or Detail.
3. Click the chooser button
the view element.

next to the Mapping Name text field to specify the mapping field of

4. Specify the display name of the view element in the Display Name text field.
By default, the display name is the same as the mapping name. You can change it according to
your requirements. The display name must be unique at current level.
5. If you choose to create an aggregation object, click the Aggregate Function drop-down list to
specify the aggregate function for the object.
6. Specify the tooltip and description of the view element in the Tip and Description text boxes
respectively if required, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over the view
element in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
7. Click the Security tab and set permission to the view element as required (for details, see

Configuring security).
8. When done, click OK to close the dialog.
Tip: If you want to add a detail object to a group or an aggregation object, you can right-click
the group/aggregation object, select Add Detail from the shortcut menu and then edit the
detail object as required.
Adding by dragging

In the Business View Editor window, drag a table, DBField, formula, or summary from the Resource
Objects panel to the business view or a category. Then, all DBFields in the table, the DBField,
formula, or summary will be added as view element into the business view or the category you drop
it into. JReport will determine the type automatically which may not meet your requirements. You
can edit the view element to change it to the required type. Moreover, you can drag a DBField of
data type other than Integer and Date or a formula to a group or aggregation object to add it as a
detail object.
For all the elements in a business view you can,

Edit and rename them at any time by right-clicking an object and selecting the corresponding
editing command from the shortcut menu.
Delete them if required by choosing Delete from the shortcut menu, clicking the Delete button
on the toolbar, or dragging them from the right panel to the Resource Objects panel.

The display names of the view elements in a category must be unique, and the category display
names also should be unique in a business view.

Creating predefined filters

You can predefine filters in business views for end users to choose when they design or modify studio
reports. The following example shows the basic usage.
1. In the TutorialReports catalog, create a business view called SalesView with the query
2. In the Business View Editor window, click the Predefined Filter button
display the Predefined Filter dialog.

on the toolbar to

3. Click the New button, double-click in the Name cell of the filter and change its name to
CustomersFilter, then in the Condition panel, click the Add Condition button and define the
filter as Customers_Customer ID>=25.
4. Click the New button to add another filter and name it OrdersFilter, then define the filter as
Order Date=2007-12-23 00:00:00.000.
5. Click OK in the Predefined Filter dialog to save the filters. You can then apply them when creating
or editing studio reports based on the business view in JReport Designer or in JReport Studio after
you publish the corresponding catalog to JReport Server.

When the resources that are used in some predefined filters are removed from the business view,
the next time when you open the Predefined Filter dialog, you will be prompted with warning
messages showing the details and the filters will be removed automatically from the dialog as well.
If you want to input values manually in the filter dialogs, pay attention to the following rules:

String Value
Rules: Quote the values with single quotes.
Example1: Customers_Country='USA'.
Example2: Customers_Country in 'Australia','Germany','Mexico'
Date Value

Default input format supported in JReport Designer is the same as the format of the values
available in the Values dialog.
Default input format supported in JReport Studio is 'MM/dd/yyyy' for Date, 'hh:mm:ss a' for Time
and 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a' for Timestamp.
Both the above formats are only the input value format in the filter dialogs, and filters are done in
the RDBMS side and some RDBMS have special requirements for the date format, so you need to
make sure the date formats specified in the Data Format tab of the Get JDBC Connection
Information dialog are supported by your database.

Configuring security
JReport Designer allows you to allocate security permissions to different principles (users, groups and
roles), and thus you can make the view elements in a business view available only for some special
To configure security for a business view, follow the procedure below:
1. Add or import principles.
2. Set the permissions to the view elements of the business view.
3. Save the catalog to save the security configuration.

Adding or importing principles

Before you can configure security for a business view, you first need to define the principles. To do this,
in the Business View Editor window, click Tools > Security Configuration to display the Security
Configuration dialog. You can either add principles manually or import them from JReport Server.

To add principles manually,

1. In the Security Configuration dialog, check the Add Role/Group/User manually option.
2. In the Role/Group/User tab, click the Add button to add a role/group/user, and give a

description for it as required.

3. Click OK to save the settings.

To import principles from JReport Server, you must first make sure that JReport Server has been
started. Then,
1. Check Import from JReport Server in the Security Configuration dialog.
2. Click the Options button, and specify the connection information in the Import from JReport
Server dialog, then click OK to connect to the server.
3. All the principles defined in JReport Server will then be imported, and you can click OK to save

Setting permissions
To set permissions to the view elements of a business view,
1. Right-click the view element in the Business View Editor window, and then choose the
corresponding item for editing the view element.
2. In the Edit View Element dialog, click the Security tab and set permissions to the element as

The Visible permission controls whether a principle can view the business view element in the
resource tree of JReport Studio and whether he or she can perform actions based on the element.
These actions include inserting and removing. Filtering and sorting are not under security control.

3. Click OK to save the permission settings.

Saving the configuration

When you save the catalog, the permission settings are also saved and they are saved in an
authorization file in the same folder as the catalog file. The catalog and authorization files have the
same file name but different extensions, for example, if the catalog file is test.cat, the authorization file
will be named test.auth. The authorization file is loaded by the view authorization manager of its
catalog during runtime.
Tip: You can also configure security for categories and view elements when creating them, that is, in
the Category Property dialog or Add View Element dialog, switch to the Security tab, and then set the
permissions as above. If there is no principle specified to the business view, the Security Configuration
dialog will be displayed automatically for you to add or import principles.

Working with studio reports

This section introduces what you can do with studio reports in JReport Designer:

Components supported in studio report

Creating a studio report

Using dynamic resources in studio report

Previewing a studio report

Saving a studio report

Opening a studio report

Components supported in studio report

Components are the objects that you can place in a report. JReport provides a full set of components that allow you to present
and control the report data and presentation in a wide variety of ways.
Studio reports support the following report components:











Special fields
All special fields are supported to insert into studio reports in JReport Designer. However, due to the characteristics of
JReport Studio, only these can be rendered and edited in JReport Studio: User Name, Modified Date, and Modified Time.

Multimedia objects

Four web controls: parameter control, parameter form control, filter control, and navigation control

Creating a studio report

To create a studio report:
1. Click File > New > Studio Report on the menu bar.
2. A blank studio report with a tabular of one cell is displayed. You can then split the tabular, insert components to the
tabular cells, and modify the component properties if required. For details, see the corresponding topics about the specific
component in the Components chapter.
Note: The resources, components, properties and options that are not supported by studio reports are not enabled on the user

Using dynamic resources in studio report

When working with a studio report, sometimes you may find that the view elements that have been predefined in the business
view the studio report uses cannot meet your requirements, in which case, you can create some dynamic resources and use
them in the report to get the desired data. Then when you save the studio report, the dynamic resources will be saved along
with it as its resources.
Dynamic resources that can be used in studio reports include formulas and aggregations.

Creating and using dynamic formulas

To create a dynamic formula:
1. In the Resource View panel of the main window, or in the Resources panel of the component wizard, expand the Dynamic
Resources > Formulas node, click <Add Formula>, then enter a name for the new formula. The Formula Editor will
be displayed.

2. Compose the formula by selecting the required fields, functions and operators from the Fields, Functions and Operators
panels. You can also write the formula by yourself in the editing panel.
For details about the functions and operators, refer to Built-in functions and Operators.
3. Click the Check button

to check whether or not the syntax of your formula is correct.

4. Save the formula and exit the formula editor.


You can only save a dynamic formula with no errors into a studio report.

Currently, global variables are not supported in dynamic formulas.

When formulas reference display names or mapping names, the names should not contain any of the following characters if
the names are not quoted by double-quotation marks "":
"~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", "|", "\\", ":", ";", "\", " ' ", "<", ",",
">", ".", "?", "/"

Expression @Customer#; will cause a syntax error. But @"Customer#" is ok.

If a field has the display name Category.Aggregation, when adding it to a formula, quote it as "Category.Aggregation" or

Once a dynamic formula has been created, you can then drag it from the Resource View panel to the desired position in the
report as a detail object, or use it when working with component wizard.
Also, if you want to further edit an existing dynamic formula or remove any formula that is not required, right-click the formula
and then select the corresponding command on the shortcut menu.

Creating and using dynamic aggregations

You can also create dynamic aggregations by mapping them to the available resources such as group objects, detail objects in
the current business view, and the dynamic formulas that have been created in the studio report.
To create a dynamic aggregation:
1. In the Resource View panel of the main window, or in the Resources panel of the component wizard, expand the Dynamic
Resources > Aggregations node, then click <Add Aggregation>. The Add Aggregation dialog is then displayed.

2. In the Aggregation Name text field, specify the name of the dynamic aggregation.
3. Click

next to the Mapping Name text field to specify the field on which the dynamic aggregation is based.

4. From the Aggregate drop-down list, specify the aggregate function.

5. When done, click OK to create the dynamic aggregation.
Once a dynamic aggregation is created, you can then drag it from the Resource View panel to the desired position in the report
to get the desired data, or use it when working with component wizard. Later if you want to further edit any dynamic
aggregation or delete it, right-click the aggregation and then select the corresponding command on the shortcut menu.

Previewing a studio report

To preview a studio report, do either of the following:

Click View > Preview As > Studio Report on the menu bar.

Click the Preview As button

on the Standard toolbar and then select Studio Report.

The studio report will then be opened in JReport Studio. You can also click the View tab directly to preview the studio report in
JReport format.
The function of previewing a studio report in JReport Studio also requires that:

You have checked the option Server for previewing reports in DHTML or Studio when installing JReport Designer.

You have a JReport Server Live license for your JReport Server.
The preview server is a web ad hoc disabled server, and it supports only one user and one report concurrently.

JReport Designer and the preview server are running in two separated JVMs. The preview server applies -Djreport.url.
encoding=UTF-8 in the startup batch file and this setting covers URL encoding/decoding. Therefore, when you preview a
studio report in JReport Studio, if the name of the report or catalog file contains non-Latin characters, you need add Djreport.url.encoding=UTF-8 into the startup batch file of JReport Designer as well; otherwise the preview will fail.
When previewing a studio report in JReport Studio,

Make sure the JDBC driver's class path has been appended to setenv.bat/setenv.sh in <install_root>\server\bin.
If the report contains some user defined data sources (UDS), you can use the classes you have compiled for using in
Designer, but remember to append the classes to the class path of JRServer.bat in <install_root>\server\bin.

Saving a studio report

To save a studio report, click File > Save on the menu bar. This operation can also be accomplished by pressing the Ctrl + S
keys. If the studio report to be saved is new, the Save Report Set As dialog will appear for you to input a name.
To save a studio report with a different name in the current directory:
1. Click File > Save As on the menu bar.
2. In the Save Report As dialog, type a new file name in the Report Set Name field.
3. The studio report file type (.wls) is the only default value in the Report Sets of Type drop-down list.
4. Click Save to save the studio report with the new name.
To save a studio report to a different catalog, refer to Saving a report set to a different catalog.

Opening a studio report

To open a studio report:
1. Click File > Open.
2. In the displayed dialog, browse to find the catalog that contains the studio report you want to open.
3. In the Report Sets tab, select *.wls from the Report Sets of Type drop-down list.
4. All the studio reports in the current catalog will be displayed. Select the desired studio report and then click Open.

Report Bursting
In a large enterprise reporting deployment, it is important to handle both large amounts of data as well
as a large number of users. Report bursting enables running a report once and distributing the report
results to multiple recipients who each will receive a subset of the report results.
Bursting reports can be distributed to e-mail or FTP addresses, to disk, to the JReport versioning
system, or to the security system members such as users, groups, and roles.
This chapter explains what a bursting report is and how to design a bursting report in JReport Designer.
For details about how to submit a scheduled task which contains a bursting report and viewing the
status of the bursting task and stopping it, see Scheduling a task containing a bursting report in the
JReport Server User's Guide.
Pick a task from the following:

What is a bursting report

Designing a bursting report

Built-in functions for bursting

What is a bursting report

A report applied with at least one bursting schema is called a bursting report. A bursting report can
have multiple bursting schemas with each a unique schema name.
Bursting schema defines how data is split and who receives each subset of the split data. A valid
bursting schema includes:

Bursting key

The dataset applied to the bursting key

Bursting recipient

Mapping relationship between bursting key and recipient


The bursting report always means the main report. If both the main report and its sub report are
bursting reports, the system will only execute the bursting task according to the main report, and the
sub report will be processed as a normal report.
If you load a report which was created in V8.2 containing only one bursting schema, JReport will
create a default name for the schema. The default name is BurstingSchema.
If the end user has applied security information or filters to the data and the system cannot obtain
the bursting key, it will not send the result.

Bursting key
When running a bursting report, JReport will split the data according to a condition. The condition is the
bursting key. The system will generate multiple results according to this key. For example, sending a
credit card bill to every consumer according to the credit card ID. The credit card ID here is the
bursting key.
Make sure the DB columns used for the bursting key are sortable in the DBMS, otherwise the bursting
results may be unpredictable.
The following data types can be used for the bursting key:






Bursting dataset

The bursting key must be created based on an existing dataset. The bursting key can be composed of a
single DB column or multiple DB columns in the dataset. When multiple columns are selected, the
system will split the data according to each unique combination of the columns.

Bursting recipient
The bursting task generates multiple results and sends them to different places. We define the places
as the recipient. The recipient determines to which addresses or physical locations the report results
will be sent.
In recipient, the following kinds of addresses are supported:
Principals in JReport Server security system (user, role and group)

You can specify a DB column that provides information to locate the users in the server security
The report results can be sent to two places:

For user: Sending to e-mail addresses or private folders of the users defined in the DB column.

For role: Sending to e-mail addresses or private folders of all users belonging to the role.

For group: Sending to e-mail addresses or private folders of all users belonging to the group.
E-mail: You can specify a DB column of e-mail addresses.

Disk: You can specify a DB column that contains directories or full paths with file name. If it is a
directory, the system will add the bursting result with the name generated by the system into the
directory. If it is a full path, the system will generate the result with the specified file name and add
it into the path.
If the system finds that there is a file with the same name as the generated bursting result file, it will
not send the result file into the path and will record a message into the log.

FTP: You can specify a DB column of FTP addresses.

Versioning system: You can specify a DB column that provides directories in the resource system of
the JReport Server.

Default name for bursting result files

Sometimes you may not want to provide a file name for each bursting result when defining recipients.
The bursting system will give it a name as generated by the system.
The default name format is: ReportName + "_" + BurstingKey + suffix (result format type). When
there are multiple bursting key columns, connect each one by the character "_".
Converting to String
When a bursting key is of one of the following data types, it will be converted into String so as to make
a valid result file name:

Integer, Float, Character: Same as Java, these data types are transferred to String directly.
Date and Time: All date and time formats will be transferred to the date format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:

Currency: Currency will be transferred to the number without the currency mark ($ or others).

Name length
In the JReport Server resource system, the resource name only supports up to 64-character length. If
a bursting result file name is longer than that, the system will trim it down automatically.
In order to avoid the same name in the same path, an index will be appended to the result name, for
example: report1_USA_Maryland1.pdf, report1_USA_Maryland2.pdf.

Mapping relationship between bursting key and recipient

Relationships must be set up between bursting keys and bursting recipients in order to make clear
which subset of report results will be sent to which addresses.
For each bursting key column, there must be only one unique recipient column to map to it. The data
type of a recipient column must be consistent with the bursting key column it maps to. The user
interface dialog only displays the matchable columns.

Designing a bursting report

To create a bursting report in JReport Designer, follow the steps below:
1. Design a report and then click Report > Bursting on the menu bar to display the Bursting dialog.

2. Check the Enable Bursting Report option.

3. Click the New button next to the Schema Name box to add a bursting schema for the report. By
double-clicking the schema name you can rename it as required.
4. In the Mapping panel, create the mapping relationship between the bursting key and the recipient
according to your requirements.
5. In the Recipient panel, specify the recipient addresses.
6. If you want to create another schema for the report, repeat steps 3 - 5.
7. Click OK to apply the settings.
8. Save the report and publish the report set containing the report to JReport Server.
See also Bursting dialog for detailed information about options in the dialog.
Tip: When you finish designing a bursting report, you may want to check it with data. However, when
you preview bursting report in JReport Designer, JReport runs the bursting report with all of the data,
and if a large dataset is involved it may take a long time or run out of memory before completing. To
avoid this from happening, you can limit the number of records by setting the Maximum Rows property
of the query.
Reference: A sample report set containing a bursting report named SaleStatForRegion.cls is provided
in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports.

Built-in functions for bursting

Two built-in functions are added in formulas for controlling bursting report result.

Boolean isRunBursting()
Returns true if the report is running based on bursting schema, else returns false.
String currentBurstingSchema()
Returns the names of the currently applied bursting schemas. When isRunBursting() returns false,
the returned value for currentBurstingSchema() is NULL.

Note: Formulas referring isRunBursting() or currentBurstingSchema() are not allowed to be used in

queries or datasets.
The following is an example of using the two functions.
Suppose that a report is first grouped by VP, and next by Manager as follows:
Group by VP,
Group by Manager,
To distribute relative results to all VPs and managers, you can define two schemas as below and apply
them together in a task:

Bursting Key






VP, Manager


Then write a formula:

if ( isRunBursting() && currentBurstingSchema() != "VP" )
return true
return false;
Next use the formula to control the Suppress property of the group headers and group footers in the VP
group panel.
Then all results to the managers will hide the VP level.

National Language Support

JReport products implement a National Language Support (NLS) feature, which allows reports to be run
in different languages.
In JReport Designer, you can use the two editors to edit NLS for reports: Data Mapping Editor and NLS
Editor. With the Data Mapping Editor, you can create data mapping files for resources in a catalog, and
the target language information of the resources will be stored in the data mapping files. Using the NLS
Editor, you can translate the language-dependent text in the labels to any language you want and
modify the format and font properties for objects used in a report set as well. Then when the report set
runs, JReport Engine retrieves the language-dependent information according to the current locale in
order to make the report result match the locale setting.
NLS for report sets can also be edited on JReport Server. For detailed information, see NLS at report
set level in the JReport Server User's Guide.
The following topics detail how to use the NLS feature in JReport Designer:

Editing NLS in JReport Designer

Previewing an NLS report

Localizing page navigation links in HTML report outputs

Editing NLS in JReport Designer

The NLS feature is supported for the language-dependent text in the label objects, DBFields,
parameters, formulas, summaries, and some special fields (Print Date, Fetch Date, Modified Date, Page
N of M, Global Page N of M). JReport Designer provides with two editors to edit NLS:

Data Mapping Editor

The Data Mapping Editor is used to map data values of resources in a catalog to a certain language,
so that when you use the resources in reports, you can choose to display them in the mapped
NLS Editor
The NLS Editor is used to edit the language information in the labels of a report set, and stores the
information in a NLS property file.

Data Mapping Editor

With the Data Mapping Editor, you can create data mapping files to map data values of resources in a
catalog to a specific language as you like. A data mapping file is a properties file used to store the
target language information for resources in a catalog (DBFields, parameters, summaries and
formulas). One data mapping file stores one kind of language, and the name of the file is in the format
"FileName_language_locale.properties". The abbreviations of the language and locale are used in the
mapping file name. For example, the German mapping file name will be like this: FileName_de_DE.
properties. The lower case "de" indicates the language is German, the upper case "DE" indicates the
region is Germany. If all German regions can use the same file then the file name can be just
FileName_de.properties. For the detailed information about the abbreviation for each language and
locale, see Appendix 3: Language and Region name list for National Language Support.

Creating a data mapping file

To create a data mapping file, that is to map the data values of resources in a catalog to a certain
language, follow the steps below:
1. On the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Data Mapping Editor button
Mapping Editor.

to display the Data

2. Click the New button and the Create Data Mapping File dialog appears.

3. In the File Name field, specify the name of the mapping file.
4. Click the Language drop-down list and select to which language the data values in the catalog
will be mapped.
5. Click OK, and a property file will then be created in the folder where the catalog file is.

6. In the Data Mapping Editor, click the Import Key button to import the resources with the data
value you want to map from the Import Key dialog.

7. Double-click cells in the Map to Value column to specify the mapping values for the imported
resources according to the selected language.
8. When done, click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.
Note: From the Import Key dialog, you can only import values of DBFields in a catalog. If you want to
map values of other resources like formulas, summaries and parameters, in the Data Mapping Editor,

and specify the value in the Current Value column and Map to Value column accordingly.

Editing a data mapping file

To edit an existing data mapping file:
1. In the Data Mapping Editor, click the Load button.
2. In the Load Data Mapping File dialog, select the data mapping file you want to edit and click Open.
3. Information that has been saved in the file will then be loaded in the Data Mapping Editor. You can
import/add more values to map, or delete some by clicking

4. When done, click OK to finish editing.

Applying a data mapping file in a report

To apply the data mapping file in a report, follow the steps below:
1. Open a report that contains DBFields, formulas, summaries or parameters that have data mapping
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the object, and then in the Properties
panel, set the data mapping file name (without the language and locale part) of the object as the
value of the property Data Mapping File. For example, if the data mapping file name is
Category_de_DE.properties, set the property value as Category.
The data mapping file cannot take effect now because there is no NLS property file for the report. You
have to create a corresponding NLS property file for the report using the NLS Editor. For details, see
Creating NLS property files.

NLS Editor
The NLS Editor is used to create and edit NLS property files for report sets. With the NLS Editor, you can translate the
language, and modify the format, font size and font face of the target language.
To display the NLS Editor, do either of the following:

On the Edit menu, click NLS Editor.

Click the NLS Editor button

on the NLS Language toolbar.

The NLS Editor will then be displayed.

Creating NLS property files

You can create NLS property files for a report set either by using the report set level resources (local NLS resources),
or by using NLS resources that are created on JReport Server and can be used globally for all report sets in JReport
(global NLS resources), or by using a combination of these two. For details about global NLS, see Creating global NLS
for report sets in the JReport Server User's Guide.

To create NLS property files using global NLS resources:

1. In the NLS Editor, check the Use Global NLS radio button.
2. Click the Add button

above the Language box.

3. In the Add Language dialog, select the required languages in which you want the report set to display, then click
OK. The Connect to JReport Server dialog is then displayed.

4. Type in the host and port of the remote JReport Server in the Host and Port text fields.
5. When using a standalone server, enter /jrserver in the Servlet Path text field or the context root of your web
application if deployed as a war or ear fie such as /jreport/jrserver.
6. If the server has been integrated with another web server that supports SSL, select the SSL (Security Socket
Layer) checkbox to create an SSL connection.
7. Check Remember connection information to enable JReport Designer to remember the connection
information, and then provide the user name and password of the server.
8. Click Connect. The global NLS resources defined for the selected languages are now displayed in the Display and
Font tabs.
9. If the global NLS resources have been updated on JReport Server, click Synchronize with Server to download
the latest resources from the server.
10. When done, click OK to close the dialog.
To create NLS property files using local NLS resources:
1. In the NLS Editor, check the Use Local NLS radio button.
2. Click the Add button

above the Language box.

3. In the Add Language dialog, select the required languages in which you want the report set to display, then click

OK to confirm and go back to the NLS Editor.

4. The selected languages are now listed in the Language box of the NLS Editor. Select a target language from the
box to edit NLS information for it.
5. In the Display tab, the types of the objects in the report set and and items need to be translated are listed in the
Type and Key columns. Give all the corresponding target language text in the Translate in <language> column. If
you have already downloaded the global NLS resources for the target language from JReport Server, you can also
click Fetch from Global NLS to fetch the corresponding display information.
6. In the Format tab, the formats used in objects of the report set are listed in the Key column. Provide the
corresponding format in the Format in <language> column for the target language.
Note: To edit the format of the special fields Page N of M or Global Page N of M, you should first edit its
format too, for example, Page <N> of <M> or Global Page <N> of <M> in the Report Inspector, and then
in the Format tab of the NLS Editor dialog, a new line Page <N> of <M> or Global Page <N> of <M> will be
listed and you can translate Page, of, Global Page into the desired language. N and M must be formatted as
<N> and <M> in order to avoid errors.
7. In the Font tab, the font face and font size used in objects of the report set are listed in the Key column. Give the
font face and font size you want for the target language in the Font Face and Font Size columns. If you have
already downloaded the global NLS resources for the target language from JReport Server, you can also click
Fetch from Global NLS to fetch the corresponding font information.
8. Select another language and edit NLS for it as shown above.
9. When done, click OK to close the dialog.
Note: When you have added some languages to the NLS Editor, a set of NLS property files will be generated in the
directory where the current catalog exists according to the languages you have selected. One file is for one language
with the name ReportName_language_locale.properties. The abbreviations of the language and locale are used in the
NLS property file name. For example, the German NLS property file name for Report1 will be like this: Report1_de_DE.
properties. For detailed information about the abbreviation for each language and locale, see Appendix 3: Language
and Region name list for National Language Support.

Previewing an NLS report

After you develop a report with National Language Support, you can preview it by selecting the
language in which you want the report to display.
To preview a report with NLS, you can choose either of the following two ways:

Previewing it after selecting the required language

1. In design mode, select a language from the language drop-down list

2. Click the View tab to preview the report. You can also click View > Preview As to preview the
report in other format.

Previewing it before selecting the required language

1. In the Report Inspector, click the report node and then modify the National Language Support
property to true.
2. Click the View tab, and select a language from the language drop-down list
to preview the report.

Localizing page navigation links in HTML report outputs

When a report is exported to HTML format, the names of page navigation links in the report, such as First, Previous,
Next, and Last, can be localized according to your requirements.
To localize the link names:
1. Create the sub directories in <designer_install_root> as follows: <designer_install_root>\resources
\report\languages\[language-locale]\properties. For example, C:\JReport\Designer\resources\report
For detailed information about the abbreviation for each language and locale, see Appendix 3: Language and
Region name list for National Language Support.
2. Create a report.properties file in the properties directory.
3. Open the property file and copy the following contents to it:
# The following is the report properties file format that can localize the link names in HTML.
4000107=@CurrentPageNumber; of @TotalPageNumber;

4. Translate the text after = to the specified language.

For the line "4000107=@CurrentPageNumber; of @TotalPageNumber;", you just need to translate "of" to the
desired language. In the HTML outputs, @CurrentPageNumber will be replaced by the current page number, and
@TotalPageNumber by the report total page number.
5. Save the property file with UTF-8 encoding.
6. Copy the property file to the <jdk_install_root>\bin directory.
7. Convert the contents in the property file into Unicode using native2ascii.exe in <jdk_install_root>\bin by
running the following command:
C:\jdk1.6.0_17\bin>native2ascii -encoding utf-8 report.properties > newreport.properties
Note: When you convert your property file to the same directory as the original one, you need to give it a
new name instead of replacing the original in order to avoid problems.
8. Delete report.properties in <designer_install_root>\resources\report\languages\[language-locale]
\properties and copy newreport.properties in <jdk_install_root>\bin to it, and then name the property file
back to report.properties.
9. Start JReport Designer and open a multi-page report, select the language defined for the property file from the
language drop-down list

on the NLS toolbar.

10. Click File > Export > HTML to export the report to HTML, and then in the exported HTML results, you will find
that the page navigation links are displayed in the language you specified.

JReport style is one of the most important concepts in both JReport Designer and JReport Server. A
style in JReport is a set of object attributes that you can assign to components in your report to alter
their appearance and characteristics. When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of property
entries at once. For example, you may want to format the headings of a report to make them stand
out. Instead of formatting them step by step as 12pt, Arial, and center-aligned with a blue background,
you can simply achieve the same goal in one step by applying a predefined style that contains the style
properties you want.
JReport supports two kinds of styles, XSD style and CSS style. This chapter presents their usages
Pick a task from the following:

XSD styles

CSS style

Applying a style to a report

Inheriting the style from a data container

XSD styles
An XSD style, that is a style group in the Catalog Browser, can hold a large amount of predefined
object properties, giving you more controls over the appearance and presentation of your report. By
using XSD styles, you can create various visual presentation sets from a single report, and change the
visual presentation of your report at runtime.
XSD styles are a JReport specific format and not an industry standard so you may want to use CSS
styles which are an industry standard.
By simply selecting a style group at runtime, you can change the look and feel of your report in a
dramatic way. JReport style groups can be nested, where the parent group is used as a container of
other groups. The style group feature makes it easy to save and apply styles without repeatedly
designing them each time.
This section explains how to manage XSD styles using the Styles tab of the Catalog Browser as follows:

Creating an XSD style

Modifying an XSD style

Editing the XSD style files

Creating an XSD style

To create an XSD style, that is to add a style group in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog to which you want to add the style group.
2. In the Styles tab of the Catalog Browser, right-click any of the existing group, and select New
Style Group from the shortcut menu.
3. In the New Style Group dialog, enter the name and description of the group.
4. Click OK. A new style group will be added to the tree.
5. Right-click the group and then click New Style.
6. Specify the Style Name, Style Types and Description in the New Style dialog. Then, click OK.
7. In the Save Style dialog, add the properties for the style in the All Properties list and change the
property values as required.

8. When done, click Save to add the style to the group.

9. Repeat the above steps to add more styles to the group.

Now, an XSD style will have been created. You can then apply the style to your reports.

The root of the style group tree can only hold style groups. The styles must reside in the style
groups. You cannot create a style directly in the style group tree root.

You cannot create style groups in the Default style group.

The name of each style group must be unique in the style group tree.

Each style has a style type to indicate its application scope, e.g., a style with Label type can only be
applied to label objects, and a style with DBField type can only be applied to a DBFields.
You can create more than one style for a style type, and apply different styles to report objects of
the same type. For example, suppose that you have a number of DBFields in your report, such as
address fields, totals, and quantity fields. You probably will not want all the fields to look the same.
You can create two or more styles, using the same style type - DBField, and then apply them
separately to the fields that you want to distinguish.
You can apply a default style to all the objects that hold the same type.
In the Default style group, create a new style, making sure that the style name and style type are
the same, for example, style name=Label, style type=Label. Then, modify the style properties. Then,
when a new object of the specified type is inserted into the report, the default style will be applied to
it automatically. Note that you can see the difference only at runtime.

Modifying an XSD style

After an XSD style has been set up, you can further modify it as follows to suit your requirements.

Duplicating an XSD style in the group tree

1. In the Styles tab of the Catalog Browser, right-click the style group that your want to duplicate.
2. Select Copy Style Group from the shortcut menu.
3. Right-click the node where you want to duplicate the style group, and select Paste Style
Group. A new group with all styles within it will be duplicated in the tree.

Editing an XSD style

1. Right-click the style group and select Edit Group from the shortcut menu. The Edit Style Group
dialog will then appear.
2. In the All Styles List, specify the styles that are to be included in the group, and click
to add
them to the Selected Styles List (or, you can remove some existing styles from the group by


3. If you want to create a new style in the group, click the New Style button and specify the
properties of the style as required.
4. When done, click OK to finish editing.

Editing a style in an XSD style

1. Right-click the style that you want to edit and select Edit Style from the shortcut menu.
2. In the Save Style dialog, edit the style as required.
3. When done, click OK to apply the changes.

Removing an XSD style from a catalog

1. Right-click the style group that you want to remove and select Delete from the shortcut menu
(or press Delete on your keyboard).
2. Click OK in the warning message to confirm the removal.
Note: The default XSD style can neither be deleted nor nested.

Editing the XSD style files

In addition to editing the styles (style groups) in JReport Designer, you can also edit the XSD format styles (style
groups) outside JReport Designer.
When you save a catalog, the style information is saved to disk at the same time. The related file will be located
as below:
File Name

File Description




Style Group Structure in the




Group/Style information

Catalog Folder (The directory where the

catalog resides)

The CatalogName_stl.xml file keeps the style group structure information. The following shows an example:
The style group structure in Catalog Browser:

The corresponding
information in
<?xml version="1.0"

The StyleGroupName_stl.xsd file keeps the group/style information, which in the above sample will be as follows:
The file content of ClassicBlue_stl.xsd:

As you can see in the above code sample, an XML style group file contains style group information, style
information, and the style property entry information. You can edit the attributes of an element.

To add a style entry, copy and paste the style information section, and then modify the attributes.

To add a style property entry, copy and paste any element line, and then modify the attributes.

To delete a style entry or style property entry, select the corresponding section, and delete it.

To add a new style group, follow the steps below:

1. Copy and paste an existing XML style group file.
2. Rename it using the required name (Format: GroupName _stl.xsd).
3. Change the default attribute in the GroupName element line using the required group name. Make sure
that the name is the same as the group name specified in the XML style group file name.
4. Add a new line for this group in the CatalogName_stl.xml file. For example, if the new group name is
GroupA, you would then insert the following line to the file:
<StyleGroup name="GroupA"></StyleGroup>
5. Modify the XML style group file (GroupName_stl.xsd).
6. Open the catalog in JReport Designer, and you can see the changes.


The value you type for the default attribute must be consistent with other attributes in the element, and is
recognized by JReport Designer.
For example, if you want to change the Font Face property, you must type a proper font name that JReport
supports for the default attribute, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and so on. You cannot type strings
that are not recognized by JReport. Otherwise, the element will not take effect at runtime.

Make sure that the GroupName attribute is consistent with the XML style group file name.
For example, with GroupA in the XML file, the GroupName attribute is:
<xs:attribute name="GroupName" type="xs:string" default="GroupA"></xs:attribute>
The XML style group file name should then be GroupA_stl.xsd.

CSS styles
A CSS style file is like a style group, which contains a set of styles with many predefined properties. In
JReport, the CSS style file, which is defined according to CSS 2.1 standard of W3C, is supported.
Properties of all of the components in a report can be controlled by a CSS file. You can customize, edit
and save a CSS style with visible UI of the CSS Editor in JReport Designer, and can also compile and
save a CSS file manually according to the W3C standard. After that, these CSS style files can be
imported to apply to a component. By using JReport CSS styles, you can create various visual
presentation sets from a single report, and change the visual presentation of your report.
JReport supports some of the W3C CSS 2.1 standard properties at present, which are backgroundcolor, border-style/border-top-style/border-bottom-style/border-left-style/border-right-style, color,
font-size, height, padding/padding-top/padding-bottom/padding-left/padding-right, text-align, and
This section explains how to create CSS styles and manage them in detail.

Creating a CSS style

Managing CSS styles

Creating a CSS style

You can apply a CSS style that is created directly using the properties provided in JReport Designer.
To create a CSS style in JReport Designer:
1. Right-click an object in the design area and then select Save Style from the shortcut menu to
bring out the New CSS Style dialog.

2. Define the type of the CSS style as required:

To create a custom style that can be applied as a class attribute to a range or block of text,
select the Class option and then enter a name for the style in the Selector Name combo box.
Note: Class names must begin with a period and can contain any combination of letters
and numbers (for example, .myhead1). If you don't enter a beginning period, JReport
Designer automatically enters it for you.

3. To redefine the default formatting of a specific tag, select the Tag option and then select a tag
from the Selector Name combo box.
4. To define the formatting for a particular combination of tags or for all tags that contain a specific
ID attribute, select the Advanced option and then enter one or more tags in the Selector Name
combo box or select one from the box.
5. Select the location in which the style will be defined in the Add Selector to Type drop-down list.

If you want to create an external style file, select New Style Sheet File and click OK. Then,
a. In the Save CSS As dialog, specify the name of the new CSS file.

b. Click Save to save the file and the CSS Style Definition dialog appears.

c. Define the properties of the CSS file. When done, click Save to save the CSS file.

If you want to embed the style in an existing CSS file, select any of the existing style and click
OK. Then,
a. In the CSS Style Definition dialog, define the properties of the style as required.
b. When done, click Save to save the file.

Managing CSS styles

In JReport Designer, you can manage CSS styles at any time in the CSS Editor, including: importing,
duplicating, editing, exporting and removing a CSS style.
To access the CSS Editor, click Edit > CSS Editor, and the CSS Editor dialog will then be displayed.

To import a CSS style:

1. Click the Import button in the CSS Editor dialog.
2. In the Import CSS File dialog, select the CSS style you want to import and click Open.
Note: In the imported CSS styles, only the valid property names, which match with those in
JReport Designer, will take effect.

To duplicate a CSS style:

1. Select the CSS style you want to duplicate from the CSS File box.
2. Click the Duplicate button.

To edit a CSS style:

1. Select the CSS style you want to edit from the CSS File box.
2. All the style sheets in the style file will be displayed in the Styles box. Select the one you want
to edit and click the Edit button.

3. In the CSS Style Definition dialog, edit properties for the selected style sheet as required.
4. Click Save to confirm the editing.

To export a CSS style:

1. Select the CSS style you want to output from the CSS File box, and click the Export button.
2. In the Save As dialog, specify the directory to locate the CSS style.
3. Click Save to save the CSS style to the specified directory.

To remove a CSS style:

1. Select the CSS style file you want to remove in the CSS File box.
2. Click the Remove button to remove the style.

Applying a style to a report

You can apply a style in the process of creating a report or at any time when designing a report. During
report design, if you have applied more than one style to a component, the last style always covers the
previous style.

Applying a style to a report via the report wizard:

1. Select the required style from the Style box in the Style screen of the report wizard.
2. Click Finish to close the wizard and the selected style will be applied to the report.

Applying a style to a report via the style drop-down list on the toolbar:
1. In the design area, select the components to which you want to apply a style.
2. Select the required style from the style drop-down list

on the Standard

Applying a style to a report via the Report Inspector:

1. In the Report Inspector, click the report root node, scroll down the Properties panel to find the
Style Group property entry.
2. Select the style group that contains the style you want to apply from the drop-down list. The
style applied in this way is an XSD style.
3. When you click the View tab to view the report, the Select Style Group dialog appears,
prompting you to select a group with which you want to view the report.


There are 15 sets of demo XSD styles provided by JReport, which can be applied to crosstabs,
tables, banded objects and DBFields converted from previous versions. Other components can only
apply the XSD styles which are created by yourself. XSD styles are primarily for compatibility with
previous versions.
By default, the demo XSD styles are not included in either the Style box of the report wizard or the
style drop-down list on the toolbar. If you want to have them displayed, uncheck the option Only CSS
styles available in the style list in the Options dialog.
If you choose to apply a style to a report by setting the Style Group property, later when you publish
the report to JReport Server, the Publish Font and Style dialog will be displayed for you to select the
style groups you want to publish.
When applying CSS styles, you may get warning message showing the CSS properties that are not
supported by JReport. If you want to cancel the warning message, uncheck the option Show warning
message when CSS properties are not supported by JReport in the Options dialog.

Inheriting the style from a data container

The four types of data containers - table, crosstab, chart, and banded object - can remember the style
applied to them and therefore their style can be inherited by another component or a new segment
inserted into them.
When inserting a component or a new segment into a table, crosstab, chart, or banded object, by
default the former will inherit the style from the latter. However, when inserting a table, crosstab,
chart, or banded object via the component creation dialog into a table or banded object, JReport
provides you with the opportunity to cancel the way of inheriting style and instead specify a new style
to the component. In this case, the inserted component reserves its own style independent from the
style of the parent data container.
An option Inherit Style is provided for enabling a table, crosstab, chart, or banded object to inherit the
style from a parent table or banded object. It is available:

In the component creation wizard when inserting a table, crosstab, chart, or banded object into a
table or banded object via the Insert menu.
In the Style screen of the report wizard of a table, crosstab, chart, or banded object which is in a
table or banded object.
In the style list on the toolbar. The Inherit Style here only works on the objects which are in a table,
crosstab, chart, or banded object.

When modifying the style of one of the four types of data containers, if the child component's style
type is Inherit Style, it will change to apply the new style accordingly. However if the child component
has a style, it will reserve its own style.

Security in a report is a kind of privilege control. This chapter demonstrates controlling access to
reports and different subsets of data by means of defining report security. No matter to whom you
need to provide information, JReport Designer allows you to control access to it according to your
Generally, report security can be classified into three groups: cached report bursting, record level and
column level. After which, users will then only see what the access privileges allow.
See also Report security system in the JReport Server User's Guide for details about how report
security is applied at the server side.
Security in this chapter is introduced as follows:

Cached report bursting

Record-level and column-level security

Security Context Support

Cached report bursting

Cached report bursting is a security mechanism for controlling access to data at the group level in a
report. By defining which groups of data are available to which users, groups, or roles, report results
are created for each user, role and group. When a user accesses the report result, JReport checks the
user, group and role of the user and merges the groups of data in the report the user is authorized to
see and displays it to the user. Cached report bursting is implemented with these security properties on
the group panel: Cascade, Grant, Groups, and Roles. The feature enables different users to view
different data groups according to their access privileges. It also applies to nested groups.
Cached report bursting operates 2 different ways depending on the output format selected and if the
report is ran on-demand or scheduled.

Scheduled DHTML and HTML reports will create a report result with the report data for all possible
users. This allows the report to run with a single query to the DBMS to create the report for all users
in one pass. It is similar to report bursting, however, report bursting does not support DHTML and it
makes a separate physical report result for each user and the administrator needs to manually
restrict access to the results. When a user views the report result using cached report bursting,
JReport Server will use the security identifier of the user to restrict access to the data in the report to
the specific groups the security identifier is allowed to view. The end result is the same as the
bursting report in that the user sees only his data, the advantage to the administrator is there is only
one version result to manage.
On-Demand reports and scheduled non-DHTML and non-HTML reports build a separate data result
for each request containing only the data the security identifier allows. In this way, it is similar to a
report using Record-level Security; however, the setup mechanism is different.

Setting up a cached report bursting policy for a report

The Cascade, Grant, Groups, and Roles properties are provided for building a report with cached report
bursting. For details about the properties, see Security.
Below is an example which illustrates how to set cached report bursting:
1. In JReport Designer, create a banded report for customer information which is grouped by the
Country field.
2. Create a formula to control the Grant property value. This formula returns a String value
indicating which user will have the privilege to access which group of data.
Here, we write the formula Burst_User to set the security identifier as follows:
if (@Country == "China" || @Country == "Canada")
return "admin";
if (@Country == "USA")
return "jennifer";
"admin" and "jennifer" are two users assigned by the JReport Server administrator. The above
formula states that, the user "admin" is authorized to view only the China and Canada groups,
while the user "jennifer" can only view the USA group. If the formula is written as below:
if ( @Country =="USA")

return "user1|user2|user3";
Then, user1, user2, and user3 can view the USA group.
Note: The returned value specified in the formula must be the same as the user ID defined in
JReport Server. Also, the user ID is case sensitive.
3. Create a formula Burst_Group to control the Groups property value. This formula returns a String
value indicating which group of users will have the privilege to access which group of data.
return 'group1';
return 'group2';
4. Create a formula Burst_Role to control the Roles property value. This formula returns a String
value indicating which role will have the privilege to access which group of data.
return 'role1';
return 'role2';
5. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the group. Then, in the Security section of
the Properties panel, set Cascade to true, the Grant property's value to the formula Burst_User,
Groups to Burst_Group, and Roles to Burst_Role.
Since the control of report access is not possible without user ID, the significance of this function is
only apparent when other users try to access a report after it has been published to JReport Server.
When an end user views a report with cached report bursting on JReport Server, the corresponding
group will be displayed according to the security identifier.
In the above example, if "admin" belongs to group1 and role1, he will be able to view the China,
Canada, Italy, and Japan groups. jennifer will be able to view only the USA group if she belongs to
group2 and role2.
See also the following topics in the JReport Server User's Guide for details about how to work with
cached report bursting on the server side:

Viewing a report with cached report bursting

Scheduling a report with cached report bursting

Example: E-mailing billing reports

Record-level and column-level security

The record-level security (RLS) and column-level security (CLS) of JReport Designer allow you to
control user access to different subsets of data and ensure that people only see what they are
supposed to see: record-level security allows you to define which records are to be revealed to any
given user, while column-level security allows you to define which report column is revealed to any
given user. This enables you to provide different users with accordingly different, but appropriate
contents. No matter to whom you need to provide information, a plant manager or thousands of
customers, JReport Designer allows you to control access to information according to your
JReport Designer have two types of the security policies, one is a security policy based on a data
source connection (connection-scope security policy), and the other is a security policy based on a
single report (report-scope security policy). Record-level security can be applied simultaneously to both
connection and report scopes. However, if a report-scope security policy has already been applied to a
report, it will override a connection-scope security policy applied to the report. That is, report-scope
security policies have a higher priority than connection-scope security policies.
Pick a topic from the following to get details about the security policy:

Connection-scope security

Report-scope security

Connection-scope security
A connection-scope security policy is used to refer to a data source security entry in a catalog. It allows
you to control user access to different subsets of data, and ensures that people only see what they are
supposed to see: certain records and/or columns.
If you want to implement the same security policy in a group of reports, you can simply apply an
existing security policy to the reports, without having to repeatedly build the security information for
each report. The following diagram illustrates the security structure of the connection-scope security

The users for connection-scope security fall into two categories: User Defined and Server. The user
defined user is created in JReport Designer, while the server user is imported from JReport Server.
The roles for connection-scope security fall into two categories: User Defined and Server. The user
defined role is created in JReport Designer, while the server role is imported from JReport Server.
The groups for connection-scope security fall into two categories: User Defined and Server. The user
defined group is created in JReport Designer, while the server group is imported from JReport Server.
Security Policy
Permissions can be assigned to users, roles, and groups. A role/group can have more than one user,
and a user can belong to more than one role/group. The permissions that a user may have depends
on the permissions of the roles/groups it belongs to and its own permissions. The inheritance
relationship is logic OR.
For example, if user U1 belongs to two roles and two groups, such as R1, R2, G1, and G2. The
permissions he/she will have are the permissions collections of the roles, groups and itself, which is
P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5, as shown in the following diagram.

The group and role relationships are the same. Here is another example, if group G1 has two roles,
R1 and R2, together with its own permissions, the users in group G1 will have P1, P2, and P3, and
also the permissions assigned directly to the users.
When calculating a user's permissions, the permission collections of its roles and groups are first
calculated using logical OR. If the calculation result conflicts with the user permissions, the user's
permissions will have priority. That is, if one access right is permitted for the user's groups and roles
but denied by the user's permissions, the user will not be permitted to have this access right.
The major steps for using RLS and CLS with a connection-scope security policy are as follows:
1. Set up the security policy.
You use this step to set up the security policies for different report categories. The predefined
security policies work within a connection range.
2. Apply the security policy to your reports.
After you have defined the security policies, you can then apply them to your reports respectively.
3. Publish the reports with RLS (CLS) to JReport Server and run them.

Pick a task from the following:

Setting up a connection-scope security policy

Editing a connection-scope security policy

Applying a connection-scope security policy to a report

Setting up a connection-scope security policy

To set up a connection-scope security policy, or in other words, to add a data source security entry to a
data source connection in a catalog, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the required catalog, then in the Catalog Browser, select the data
source to which you want to add the security policy.
2. Right-click the Data Source Security node, and select Add Security from the shortcut menu.
3. In the Input Security Policy Name dialog, enter a name for the security policy, click OK, and the
Security dialog will be displayed.

4. To apply record-level security, check the Valid RLS box. To apply column-level security, check the
Valid CLS box.
5. In the User tab of the dialog, click the Add button to add a new user to whom the policy will be
a. In the User dialog, provide the name, title, and e-mail information of the user respectively in
the corresponding fields.

b. Specify to which roles and groups the user belongs to if required.

c. Click the Permissions button to set permissions for the user in the Security Permissions
Setting dialog.
d. Check the Policy Setting radio button. If you have Policy No Limit selected, then all the
records and columns will be available to this user.
e. In the Record Level Security tab (

To build condition statements, specify the expression in the first field. It can be DBFields,
formulas, parameters, or some special fields. Select an operator from the Operator dropdown list, and then specify the value to complete the editing of a row. If you want to append
a new row, in the More drop-down list, select AND or OR.



Specifies the relationship between two expression statements as logical AND. If

this line is the last line in the expression list, when you select AND or OR, a new
line will be appended to the end of the list.


Specifies the relationship between two expression statements as logical OR. If

this line is the last line in the expression list, when you select AND or OR, a new
line will be append to the end of the list.

Insert Row Inserts a new line behind the current line.

Delete Row Deletes the current line.

New Group Adds a new expression group to the list. The relationships between two groups
can be:

AND - Logical AND relationship between two groups. Records satisfying

both condition groups will be retrieved.
OR - Logical OR relationship between two groups. Records satisfying either
one of the condition groups will be retrieved.
AND NOT - Records satisfying the first and not the second condition group
will be retrieved.
OR NOT - Records satisfying the first or not the second condition group will
be retrieved.

f. In the Column Level Security tab (

Choose Allow all to show all the columns to the user, or Deny all to hide all the columns
from the user.
Check the Select Column option and check the boxes to select the DBFields, formulas,
parameters, or summaries. You can set the selected items to be shown or hidden from the
user by checking the Allow or Deny option. For the unselected columns, the user will have
no permission on them.

g. Click OK to finish permission assigning and return to the User dialog. Then click OK.
6. Add groups and roles using the same way in the Group and Role tabs.
7. Upon finishing, click the OK button to create the security policy.

Editing a connection-scope security policy

When a connection-scope security policy has been set up, that is a data source security entry has been
added to a connection, you can further edit it according to your requirements.
To editing a connection-scope security policy, in the Data tab of the Catalog Browser, select the data
source that contains the security policy, right-click the security entry in the Data Source Security node
and select Edit Security from the shortcut menu. In the Security dialog, edit the security policy as

To add more users/roles/groups, select the corresponding tab and click Add.
To delete a user/role/group, click the corresponding tab, select the user/role/group, and then click
To edit a user/role/group, click the corresponding tab, select the user/role/group, and then click

In addition, with the Security dialog, you can import security information from JReport Server, or
import/export security information from/to external XML files as you like.

Importing security information from JReport Server

Besides defining users, roles and groups in JReport Designer, you can also use the users, roles and
groups defined in JReport Server by importing user/role/group information from the server. Before
importing, make sure that JReport Server has been started. Then:
1. In the Security dialog, click Security > Import from JReport Server.

2. In the Import from JReport Server dialog, specify the server information as required.

3. Specify whether to replace or merge users, roles and groups with JReport Server by checking the
corresponding radio button.
4. Click OK to start importing.

You must be a user in the administrators group in order to log in to perform the importing.
The users/roles/groups from JReport Server will be marked as Server in the Source field in the
Security dialog, while others defined in JReport Designer will be marked as UserDefined.
A user from JReport Server cannot be reassigned to (or removed from) a role from the server.
Similarly, a role from the server cannot be re-assigned to (or removed from) a user from the server.
So, if both users and roles are obtained from the server, you will not be able to change their parental
You cannot assign a role from the server to a local user (UserDefined), while a user from the server
can be assigned to a local role.

During importing, if any users/roles, whose source names are Server, have the same names as
those on the server, their properties will be refreshed with new information from the server, for
example, role, or group information and parental relationships. However, their permission settings
will be reserved. Specially, if a user from the server has been assigned to any roles defined in
Designer, then these roles will be reserved in its members list.

Importing/exporting security information from/to external XML files

You can import or export your security information from/to external XML files (*.acl.xml). To do this,
on the Security menu of the Security dialog, click Import from File or Export to File.
The security information contained in the XML file is shown as below:

You can create your own XML format security information files according to the above structure.
However, the best way to generate an XML security information file is to use the Security dialog. With
this dialog, you can edit the security information, and then export it to an external XML file.
For example, if the simple security policy has been set up as below:
User Name:


Belongs to Role:



(@"Customer ID">=5 AND @"Customer ID"<=10) AND @"YTD Sales"<=65000

Role Name:


Belongs to User:


The corresponding XML code would be:

<ACL version="1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

<Left>@&quot;Customer ID&quot;</Left>
<Left>@&quot;Customer ID&quot;</Left>
<Left>@&quot;YTD Sales&quot;</Left>

Note: If you want to use XML security information, you must first purchase a special license. For more
information, contact Jinfonet Support ([email protected]).

Applying a connection-scope security policy to a report

To apply a connection-scope security policy to a report, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report to which you want to apply the security policy.
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the dataset the report uses in the
Datasets node.
3. In the Security section of the Properties panel, select a required security policy for the Security
Policy Name property.
4. Preview the report and the Security Identifier dialog will pop up.
5. Type the user SID, then click OK to see the result. You will not be able to view any records if the
user SID you enter doesn't exist in the defined security policy.
After you have applied a connection-scope security policy for a report in JReport Designer, you can
then publish it to JReport Server as normal. Then when you log onto JReport Server as different users,
you will find that the security settings have been applied to the report. That is, different users will only
see the data they are supposed to see. However, as the user defined users and roles in a connectionscope security policy may not be recognized by JReport Server, if your security policy contains such
users/roles, you need to first create these users and roles respectively on JReport Server, and then in
JReport Designer, synchronize the security information with the server by means of importing security
information from the sever with the Merge option checked.
Note: Security policies for the primary report and subreport can be set and applied individually, with
different combinations causing different results. The relationships between the security policy settings
and the try-viewing results are shown in the following table:


Users in Policy

Users NOT in Policy

No security policy is applied to either the primary report or the subreport. Users can
therefore view all records in both reports.

Can view specified records in the primary

report and all records in the subreport.

Can view no records in the primary report

and all records in the subreport.

Can view all records in the primary report

and specified records in the subreport.

Can view all records in the primary report

and no records in the subreport.

Can view specified records in both the

primary report and the subreport.

Can view no records in either the primary

report or the subreport.

- Security policy has been set and applied.

- Security policy has not been set and applied.

Report-scope security
The record-level security (RLS) can be of report scope, which is based on the security information file. That is, you
can use the security information file to set the security policies for a report. Report-scope security policy doesn't
support column-level security (CLS).
Report-scope security has a higher priority than connection-scope security. That is, if in a report, both connectionscope and report-scope security have been applied, only the report-scope security will take effect.

Setting up a RLS policy for a report

The following example shows you how to set up a record-level security policy for a report:
1. Click File > Open in JReport Designer.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file SampleReports.cat in
<install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open the sample report EmployeeInformation.cls.
3. In the Report Inspector, select EmployeeInformation in the Datasets node.
4. In the Security section of the Properties panel, click
open the Record Level Security Information dialog.

to the right of the Record Security property entry to

5. Click the Add button to add a condition line and edit the security information as required by clicking
corresponding cells.
Since the record-level security policies are file-based, you can just create a new text file, add the security
settings, and then link the file to your report. Below are steps detailing how to import the security information
from a text file.
a. In the Record Level Security Information dialog, click the Import Text button.

b. In the Select Record Level Security File dialog, specify the text file that contains the predefined security
information and click Open.
c. Information set in the text file will be displayed in the Record Level Security Information dialog. Click the
cells to edit them if required.
d. Click OK to make the security policy applied.
6. Click OK to close the dialog.
7. Click the View tab to view the report. You will then be prompted to provide security ID (SID), which refers to
the user name. Type the SID, and then click OK. Only the records which satisfy the condition will be displayed.
After you have set up RLS for reports in JReport Designer, you can then publish them to JReport Server as normal.
Then, when you log onto JReport Server as different users, you will find that the record-level security settings have
been applied to the report. Different users will only see the data that they are supposed to see.

In the Record Level Security Information dialog, the data values provided in the drop-down list may not be valid
for your database, because they are data values that have already been reformatted using your date format
settings in JReport. For detailed information on how to set the date format in JReport Designer, see the Date
Format explanation of the document Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
If you want to use more values in one cell, use "|" to separate them (applies to User, E-mail, and Title column).
This is useful when you want to apply the same conditions to multiple users. For example, if you want user1,
user2, and user3 to share the same security setting, list user1, user2, and user3 in the same cell, separated by
"|", and then define the security conditions.
Currently, you cannot save the security information to a file.
If you want to apply more than one condition expression to a user, you can edit the condition expressions in
several individual lines, typing in the same user name for each line. For such compound conditions, the
relationship among them is logical OR.
For example, both Customer ID >= 10 and Customer Name = 'Absolute Java' together will cause JReport
Designer to retrieve records where customer ID is larger than or equal to 10 and the record with customer name
equal to Absolute Java.
If you want to use logical AND for the relationship between each condition expression, use a formula that returns
a Boolean value to filter the records. To specify the formula name for a report, in the Properties panel, select or
type the formula name in the Function property entry.
For example, if user1 should only see records which satisfy the condition State = 'CO' and Customer ID >= 10,
the formula should be:
if ( @State == 'CO' && @"Customer ID">= 10 ) return "user1"
If both the Record Level Security Information dialog and a formula have been used to control the security
information, both will take effect. The relationship between them is logical OR.

When creating the text file to include the security information, use TAB to separate each column, and always
keep the headings (User, Role, Column, and so on) in the first line of the text file. For example,








Customer ID



[email protected]



Customer Name

'Absolute Java'


Customer Name


('Absolute Java','American Coffee


[email protected]





('(212) 555-3462','(317) 5551274')

[email protected]


Security Context Support

Security Context Support refers to a new set of functionalities that JReport products provide to support
Unify NXJ Security Context. Other than using the security system of JReport, Security Context Support
allows Unify NXJ developers to write code that obtains user profile information from the security
database. Security Context Support may be useful for any developer who uses Java EE Security.
Click a link from the following to get details:

Configuring JReport products

Security Context APIs

Using Security Context

Configuring JReport products

Configuring JReport Designer
By default, JReport Designer uses its own security system. If you want to enable the Security Context
Support, you will first need to configure the config.xml file in <designer_install_root>\bin.
1. Add the elements <SecurityContextFactory value=""/> and <DeployWizardFactory value=""/
> as the child of the element <Option>.
2. Implement classes to the attribute values. For example, part of the config.xml file might be as

<SecurityContextFactory value="com.utify.JRSecurityContextFactoryImpl"/>
<DeployWizardFactory value="com.utify.JRDeployWizardFactoryImpl"/>

3. Add the root path of the implementing class packages to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.
bat in <install_root>\bin.

Configuring JReport Server

Security Context interfaces in JReport Server are different from those of JReport Designer, and you will
have to implement the Server interfaces separately.
1. Before you can use the Security Context feature, first configure the server.properties file in
Open the server.properites file, and then modify (add if it doesn't exist) the value of the property
com.jinfonet.securityContextFactory to be that of your SecurityContextFactory implementing class
package and name as follows:
com.jinfonet.securityContextFactory = mypackage.myclass
Note: Alternatively, you can add the parameter D com.jinfonet.
securityContextFactory = mypackage.myclass to the file JRServer.bat with which you
start your JReport Server.
2. Add the root path of the implementing class packages to the class path of the file JRServer.bat.

Security Context APIs

JReport provides a set of APIs to support the Security Context feature, including JReport Designer API
and JReport Server API.

JReport Designer API

Package: jet.acl.api
Usage: This interface is used to help the user to create an instance of SecurityContext.
Method: getSecurityContext(javax.swing.JFrame frame, java.util.Vector roles)

frame - The parent window.

roles - The role list defined by RLS (record-level security).

Returns: The SecurityContext object.

Package: jet.datasource
Usage: A JRSecurityUserDataSource provides data to JReport for generating reports. The
JRSecurityUserDataSource class is developed by users of JReport. It can provide data from a flat file,
non-relational database, or application data.
The data returned by this class is in ResultSet object, so users will need to create a ResultSet instance.
Then, JReport will use the instance to fetch the data. Users can also create their own ResultSet class.
Method: getResultSet(SecurityContext sc, java.lang.String param)
Method description: Gets the data in ResultSet according to parameters.

sc - A SecurityContext object, which is implemented by the user.

param - The parameter that is to be used for UDS.

Returns: The ResultSet object.

Package: jet.datasource
Usage: A JRSecurityHierarchicalDataSource provides data to JReport for generating reports. The
JRSecurityHierarchicalDataSource class is developed by users of JReport. It can provide data from a flat

file, non-relational database, or application data.

The data returned by this class is in JRHierarchicalDataset object, so users will need to create a
JRHierarchicalDataset instance. Then, JReport will use the instance to fetch the data. Users can also
create their own JRHierarchicalDataset class.
Method: getHierarchicalDataset(SecurityContext sc, java.lang.String param)
Method description: Gets the data in JRSecurityHierarchicalDataset according to the security context
and parameters

sc - A SecurityContext object, which is implemented by the user.

param - The parameter that is to be used for HDS.

Returns: The JRHierarchicalDataset object.

JReport Server API

Package: jet.server.api
Usage: SecurityContextFactory is an interface that is used to help you implement security context.
Method: getSecurityContext(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String
resource, int versionNumber)
Method description: Returns the SecurityContext of a specified resource.

realmName - The realm name of the current active realm of the server.
userName - The user name, for a schedule task it is submitter, for an advance run task, it is login
resource - The resource of the server. Now, it is only limited to report resource in the server. For
example, /SampleReports/CustomerAnalysis.cls
versionNumber - The version number of the resource.

Returns: The SecurityContext of the specified resource.

Package: jet.server.api
Usage: SecurityContext is an interface that is used to help you implement security context.

getEmail() - Returns the e-mail address of the user.

getRoles() - Returns the roles the user belongs to.

getSalutation() - Returns the salutation of the user (e.g., Mr., Mrs., etc).

getUserName() - Returns the user name.

Using Security Context

Using in the Formula Editor
The Formula Editor now allows you to pass the Security Context to a user-defined formula (UDF)
You can call getSecurityContext () in your formula, which will pass the returning object to your UDF
function. The method getSecurityContext() returns a DbSecurityContext type object, which provides
the method get () to get the Security Context instance transfer from Server or Designer.
DbSecurityContext is a new data type for the SecurityContext object, since the data type of all the
variables used in UDF functions should be DbValue.
The following is an example.
Import userClass from "UserFunction";
userClass.getData(getSecurityContext(), @country, );

Using in the Deployment Wizard

JReport provides you with two API methods which allow you to bring out your own publishing tool.

Package: com.jinfonet.designer.deployment.api

Usage: DeploymentWizard is an interface used for implementing the customized publishing wizard.

Method: deploy (Frame frame, String catFullPathName, String reporthome).


frame - The frame of the deployment box.

catalogFullPath - The full path name of the catalog file.

reporthome - The report home path.


Package: com.jinfonet.designer.deployment.api
Usage: DeploymentWizardFactory is an interface used for implementing the customized deployment

Method: getDeploymentWizard()

Method description: Returns the DeploymentWizard.

Working principle

Loading DeployWizardFactory class name from configuration information:

In JReport Designer, there is a config.xml file in <install_root>\bin. This file corresponds with the
Options dialog. You can make it configurable by modifying the XML file. Designer loads information
from the XML file and configures the Options dialog when it starts up.

Getting DeployWizardFactory class name and showing the customized deployment wizard:
When you click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Server in JReport Designer, it will first
check if there is deployWizardFactory in the ReportOption, and will then try to create new instance by
the class name. If the class of the customized deployWizard has been successfully loaded, its wizard
will be shown. Otherwise, the default publish wizard will be shown.

Using in viewing report

When you click on the View tab to view a report that requires the security context to run, JReport
Designer will use the implemented JRSecurityContextFactory to instantiate the SecurityContext
instance which will be used to execute the report.

Report Result Formats

As you develop reports in JReport Designer, you can print the report results or export them to a file
without publishing to JReport Server. For information about publishing reports, see Publishing
This chapter describes the following topics:

Printing report results

Exporting report results

Printing report results

JReport relies on the JDK to create the printable version of report results. By default the JDK 1.4
printing method is used, but you can use other versions if needed.

Specifying printing options

Before you can print reports, you need to first specify the printing options in the Options dialog.
To specify printing options:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Options. The Options dialog appears.
2. Select Print in the Category box, and select a method of your choosing from the Print panel. By
default, the Use JDK1.4 printing method is selected.
3. If you want to separate a large page during printing, select Separate large pages. When you
print a report with a report page size which is larger than the print paper size, the report will be
printed in multiple pages serially. That is, JReport will automatically separate a large page of a
4. Click the Apply button to save the changes, and then click the OK button to close the dialog.

Printing with the JDK 1.4 printing method

Compared with JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.2, the JDK 1.4 printing method provides you with a more diverse
selection of options for printing reports, such as paper tray, and color appearance.
To print a report with the JDK 1.4 printing method:
1. Specify the printing method as Use JDK1.4 printing method in the Print category of the Options
2. Open the report you want to print.
3. Click File > Print (or click the Print button

on the Standard toolbar). The Print dialog

4. Follow the window instructions to specify the settings.

5. Click Print to print the report.

Printing with the JDK 1.1 printing method (deprecated)

The JDK 1.1 printing method is quick in speed, but the print quality cannot be guaranteed.
To print a report with the JDK 1.1 printing method:
1. Specify the printing method as Use JDK1.1 printing method in the Print category of the Options
2. Open the report you want to print.
3. Click File > Print (or click the Print button

on the Standard toolbar). The Print dialog

In order to overcome the limitation of JDK 1.1.x, JReport is required to be calibrated on the very
first print so that the lines and text can be printed correctly. You will only need to calibrate once
for each printer that JReport uses. Click the Test button, and follow the window instructions.
4. Click OK to print the report.

Printing with the JDK 1.2 printing method (deprecated)

The JDK 1.2 printing method will provide you with a satisfactory result, even for .gif files, but is slow in
To print a report with the JDK 1.2 printing method:
1. Specify the printing method as Use JDK1.2 printing method in the Print category of the Options
2. Open the report you want to print.
3. Click File > Print (or click the Print button

on the Standard toolbar). The Page Setup dialog

4. Specify the settings according to your requirements. You can click the Printer button to change
the printer properties.
5. Click OK to print the report.

Exporting report results

You can export report results to the following file formats:

To mail

To JReport result



To Excel

To Text



To PostScript

To fax

To Applet


You can export the report data in either design or view mode. However, if you modify the report
after opening it, it is recommended to use view mode to export the report data. To do this, click the
on the toolbar. The data will then be reView tab, and then click the Refresh Data button
fetched from the database. After which you can export the report data to the required format.

When exporting to JReport result, you can specify which reports in the current report set you want to
export, however, when you export to other formats, only the report that is opened in the current
report set will be exported.

To mail
If you want to send the results of a report in a report set to other people, you can attach it to a mail.
Be aware that before you can export the report results via e-mail, you must first have your report mail
system configured. Otherwise, a warning message will be displayed when you try to export to mail.
Here when exporting a report set to mail, only the current specified report of a report set in JReport
Designer will be exported.

Configuring the report mail system

To configure the report mail system, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Options.
2. In the Options dialog, select the Export to category.
3. In the E-mail tab, set up the SMTP Server, Port, Mail Box and Default Mail Format respectively.
4. Check the Server requires authentication if the mail server requires authentication.
Note: If the mail server does not need authentication but you check the Server requires
authentication, the mail may not be sent successfully due to the mail server.
5. Check Compress Attachment as Java Archive to compress the mail before sending out.
6. Click OK to finalize the changes.

Exporting the report results to mail

Now you can export your report results to mail as follows:
1. Open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > Mail to access the Export to Mail dialog.

4. Specify addresses for TO, CC, and BCC respectively.

5. Input the mail subject in the Subject field.
6. If your SMTP server requires authentication, specify the required information in the SMTP Logon
Information panel.
7. Enter some comments for the mail in the Comments text box, and what you write here will be
shown in the text part of your mail.
8. Select the required mail format and set the parameters for the format as required (for details

about the parameter settings, refer to Export to Mail dialog).

9. Click OK, and the report results will then be sent to the specified mail address. The recipient can
open the mail normally, using Outlook Express, or any other mail processing product.
Note: If you select E-mail Result in HTML E-mail Format as the mail format, the comments that you
input will be overwritten by the report.

To JReport result
A JReport result file is JReport's proprietary version of the report results. This file can only be viewed by
JReport Server or JReport Desktop Viewer. You can also display .rst files in your application by calling the
JReport Result Viewer Bean.
To export the results of a report set to JReport result:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that is to be exported.
2. Click File > Export To > JReport Result. The Export to JReport Result dialog appears.

3. Type a name and specify a directory for the result file.

4. In the Result box, specify the report(s) in the report set you want to export.

5. If you want to export the report set to a zip file, check the Zip option.
6. Specify the precision level with which you want to export the reports from the Precision Level dropdown list.
7. Click OK, and a .rst file will then be generated in the specified directory.

To make the specified precision take effect, you need to make sure that the Precision Sensitive property
of the selected reports is set to true. For details, see Report Property - Precision Sensitive.
The precision you specify in the Export to JReport Result dialog has higher priority than the one in the
Export to category of the Options dialog.

To export the results of a report to an HTML file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > HTML.
4. In the Web Wizard, specify the settings as required.

5. When done, click Finish to generate the file.

See also Web Wizard for detailed explanations about options in this wizard.
The following example shows you how to export the results of a report to HTML format and view the exported file via
a web browser, taking the sample report set CustomerAnalysis.cls in SampleReports.cat as an example:
1. Click File > Open on the menu bar.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file SampleReports.cat in
<install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open CustomerAnalysis.cls in the catalog.
3. Click File > Export To > HTML to open the Web Wizard.

4. In the Report tab, specify the web page name as required. Here we use the default one
CustomerAnalysis_CustomerAnalysis. Make sure that Multiple Files, Drilldown and DHTML are checked.
5. In the Directory tab, specify where the exported result files will be saved. Here we save them in the default
directory C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\.
6. In the Chart Applet tab, select Image Chart > GIF.
7. Click Finish to start generating the files.
8. Open the directory C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\ and find the exported files.
9. Open the file CustomerAnalysis_CustomerAnalysis_1.html.
10. The Table of Contents (TOC) is displayed in the left pane, including the names of groups and subgroups. If you
click a group, the relative contents will be shown in the right pane.
11. Since Drilldown is checked when exporting the report, you can drill down on a summary by placing the mouse
pointer over the summary and clicking it when the mouse pointer becomes a hand.

Note that summaries should be inserted into your report in advance. They cannot be hidden or suppressed;
otherwise you will not be able to get drilldown files.

When exporting a multi-page report to HTML, you can localize the page navigation link names. For detailed
information, refer to Localizing the page navigation links in HTML report outputs.
Multimedia and shapes (except for straight lines and boxes) in reports cannot be exported to HTML.
For mainly meeting the requirements from voice agents used by people with eyesight disabilities, JReport supports
exported tables/crosstabs in the HTML data table format with SCOPE=Row/Column to get a section 508 compliant

result. For detailed descriptions, refer to Accessibility.

After you export a report to a HTML file, you may view it with charts in a web browser. If that, you must ensure
that the chart can be displayed correctly, make sure that you have enabled Additional Unsigned Permissions in the
web browser. For example, to do this in Internet Explorer:
1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2. Switch to the Security tab, and then click Custom Level.
3. Scroll down Settings, and set Java Permissions to Custom.

To export the results of a report to PDF file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > PDF.
4. In the Export to PDF dialog, specify the settings as required.

5. When done, click OK to generate the file.

See also Export to PDF dialog for detailed explanations about options in this dialog.
The following example shows how to export the results of a report to PDF format and view the exported
result file, taking the sample report set CustomerAnalysis.cls in SampleReports.cat as an example:
1. Click File > Open on the menu bar.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file SampleReports.cat in
<install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open CustomerAnalysis.cls in the catalog.
3. Click File > Export To > PDF to open the Export to PDF dialog.
4. Specify the path where the files will be exported and the file name as required. Here we use the default
path C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\ and default name
5. Make sure that TOC, Drilldown and Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics are

6. Check the Encrypt option to set the document open password and permissions password in the Encrypt

7. Check the Sign option to set a digital ID for the PDF file in the Sign Digital ID dialog.

8. When done, click OK to generate the files.

9. Open the directory C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\SampleReports\ and fine the exported files.
10. Open the file CustomerAnalysis_CustomerAnalysis.pdf with the inputted document open password
or permissions password using the Adobe Acrobat software.
11. The Table of Contents (TOC) is displayed in the left Bookmarks panel, and includes the names of both
groups and subgroups. If you click a group, the contents will be shown in the right pane.
12. The signature is displayed in the left Security Settings panel, and all information you set can be found
13. Place the mouse pointer over a summary field. When it becomes a hand, click to view the details of the
Note that summaries should be inserted into the report in advance. They cannot be hidden or
suppressed; otherwise you will not be able to get the drill-down files.
Also, since the option Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics is checked when exporting
the report, when zooming in the chart, you will find that the chart is a vector graphic which never

If you check Compress Image in the Export to PDF dialog, the transparent image will be compressed, but
the transparent attribute will be ignored.
JReport stores the finished pages in RAM before the pages are finally written to a PDF file. When the result
file is too large, you may find that you are low on RAM, leading to an OutOfMemoryError. You can solve
this problem by changing the maximum heap size (-Xmx100m). Also, you can use the old method

(Simulated Printing).

If the color mode of your display adapter is less than 256 colors, when you export to PDF file using the
standard method, charts cannot be compressed. This is because JReport catches an image with less than
256 colors as a GIF image. A GIF image cannot be compressed.
When you export a report which has summary fields, if the Drill Down checkbox is checked, every
summary field in this report will generate a new file which is linked in the main file.
In the Sign Digital ID dialog, by default, the information of Digital ID File and Password are checked. If
there are any problems, the error messages will prompt you, such as Unable to import the chosen Digital
ID file! or Incorrect password! and so on.
Before exporting a report using true type fonts, you should select a report name in the Report Inspector,
and then set Embeddedfonts equal to all true type fonts that you have used in the report. Otherwise the
PDF files may not be displayed correctly.
When you export a web control object, barcode or UDO to PDF, if you select Generate charts and barcodes
using vector graphics, the results will be the vector graphic; if you select the Generate charts and barcodes
using images, the results will be the bitmap.
When a report, in which there is an object beyond its container, is exported to PDF, the overstepped part
will be ignored in PDF file, but the overstepped part of objects in a paragraph can still be exported to PDF.
In order to get a better effect, Acrobat Reader 6.0 is recommended.

To Excel
To export the results of a report to an Excel file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel to display the Export to Excel dialog.

4. Specify the destination of the exported file (make sure that the folder you specify here does exist).
5. From the Word Wrap drop-down list, select a word-wrap setting for the exported Excel file.
6. Set the other options.

To make the layout of the result file match that of the original report, check Preserve Report
Formatting, and then specify the available settings according to your requirements.
To export the report results to a general Excel file, check Normal Formatting, in which case,
you can set the Columned property value for the report in the Report Inspector to decide
whether the exported Excel file will be in columned format or not (when exporting a mailing
label report to an Excel file, do not set the Columned property to true). If the Columned
property is set to true, the exported Excel file will be in columned format.
To export the report results to an Excel 2000 file, check Excel 2000.

7. When done, click OK to start exporting.

See also Export to Excel dialog for detailed explanations about options in this dialog.

Multiple colors and languages in a report can be exported to an Excel file, but multiple pie charts and
the arc drawing object cannot be. For example, Excel only supports 56 kinds of colors, if there are
more than 56 kinds of colors in a report, when you export the report to Excel, some colors will be
When exporting a report to Excel,

Paragraphs and texts in the report will be exported as objects.

Gauge and surface chart in the report will be exported as bar chart while stock chart will be
exported as image.
If the report contains a drop-down list, only the value selected in the list will be exported.
If you set an object's Export to Excel property to false, the object and other objects contained in it
will not be exported.

When Excel 2000 is selected in the Export to Excel dialog, formulas, barcodes, images, HyperLink
property, charts and all drawing objects will not be supported, therefore, we recommend to not use
this format when exporting report results to Excel.

The following are some specific topics related with exporting the report results to Excel:

Setting the Excel buffer size

Setting the maximum number of rows for every worksheet

Setting the Excel column width

Realigning objects for a better appearance in the exported Excel file

Specifying subreport location in the exported Excel file

Controlling banded object panels in the exported Excel file

Improving the performance of exporting to Excel

Related topics:

Creating dynamic charts in Excel

Setting the Excel buffer size

You can store the report result in Excel buffer sheets when exporting to Excel format. To do this:
1. Select the node that represents the report in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Excel Buffer Size property as required.
The default size is 1, which indicates that 1 sheet of the report result will be allocated to the result
buffer, while the other sheets will be stored onto disk. If you have enough memory, to improve
performance, you can increase the Excel buffer size to store more sheets of the excel format
report result.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel.
4. In the Export to Excel dialog, make sure Excel 2000 is not checked and set the other options as
5. Click OK to start exporting.
Note: The Excel Buffer Size property takes effect only when the Excel 2000 option in the Export to
Excel dialog is not selected.

Setting the maximum number of rows for every worksheet

You can control the maximum number of rows in every worksheet in the exported Excel file. To do this:
1. Select the node that represents the report in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Rows per Sheet property as required.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel.
4. In the Export to Excel dialog, set the options as required.
5. Click OK to start exporting.
Note: When exporting a report to Excel, rows in the same page of the report cannot be separated and
exported to different worksheets, thus the number of rows that is exported to a worksheet may be
greater than the maximum number of rows that you set for the property Rows per Sheet.
For example, if you set the value of Rows per Sheet to 100, all the contents of the first page will be
exported to the first worksheet. After that, the rows of the first worksheet will be tested automatically
by JReport Designer. If the number of rows is less than 100, the next page will still be exported to the
first worksheet, even if the number of rows in the first page and the next page is greater than 100; If
the number of rows in the first page is equal to or more than 100, a new worksheet will be generated
and the second page will be exported to the new worksheet.

Setting the Excel column width

You can set the width of each column for the exported Excel file in JReport Designer. To do this:
1. Select the node that represents the report in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Column Width List property as required.
Type the width for the columns in turn, using a semicolon (;) to separate each value. If you don't
want to specify the width for a certain column, omit the value. JReport will then use the default
value (8) for the column.
For example, the value list 12;15;;20 makes the first column width 12, the second 15, the third 8,
which is the default value, and the fourth 20.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel.
4. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
5. Set the other options as required.
6. Click OK to start exporting.

The Column Width List property takes effect only when the report's Columned property is set to true
and the Normal Formatting option in the Export to Excel dialog is selected.
If a report contains a subreport, the Column Width List property for the subreport is disabled when
exporting the report to Excel.

Realigning objects for a better appearance in the exported Excel file

Normally, when a report is exported to an Excel file, the position and size of the objects in the original
report are automatically rearranged by JReport Designer. However, you can also arrange most objects
manually, especially for exporting to Excel, so that they can be well-aligned in the exported Excel file.
Before you can resize or reposition an object, you should set the Columned property of the report to
true, then:

Relocating an object for exporting to Excel

1. Select the node that represents the object in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Column Index and Row Index properties. The values you specify
here determine the object's location in the exported Excel file.
Note: If the Position property of an object is set to static, its Column Index and Row Index
properties will not take affect when the report is exported to Excel result.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel.
4. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
5. Set the other options as required and click OK to start exporting.
The object in the exported Excel file will then be located according to its Column Index and Row Index
property values.
Alignment for drawing objects is different from other objects. The following explains the difference in
1. Select the node that represents the drawing object in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the following properties as required: Top Attach Column, Top Attach
Row, Bottom Attach Column, Bottom Attach Row. These four properties together determine the
coordinates and size of the drawing object.
The first pair of the properties (Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row) locates a cell and uses its
upper left corner as the upper left corner of the drawing object, while the second pair (Bottom
Attach Column, Bottom Attach Row) locates another cell and uses its upper left corner as the
lower right corner of the drawing object.
For example, if the properties for an oval are set as:
Top Attach Column: 1, Top Attach Row: 2, Bottom Attach Column: 3, Bottom Attach Row: 4
Then, the upper left cell will be A2 and the lower right cell will be C4.

The value you set for the Top Attach Column (Top Attach Row) property should be always
larger than that for the Bottom Attach Column (Bottom Attach Row) property.
The arc object cannot be shown in Excel and therefore these four properties for arc does
not work.

3. Click File > Export To > Excel.

4. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
5. Set the other options as required and click OK to start exporting.
The drawing object in the exported Excel file will then be aligned according to the four property values.

Resizing an object for exporting to Excel

1. Select the node that represents the object in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Column Number and Row Number properties as required. The
values you specify here determine the object's size in the exported Excel file, and only a few
objects, such as images, charts, and user-defined objects, have these two properties.
3. Click File > Export To > Excel.
4. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
5. Set the other options as required and click OK to start exporting.
The object in the exported Excel file will then be resized according to its Column Number and Row
Number property values.

Specifying subreport location in the exported Excel file

If a report contains a subreport, you can specify where the subreport where be put in the exported
Excel file in the following way:
1. Open the report you want to export, which contains a subreport.
2. Select the node that represents the subreport in the Report Inspector.
3. In the Properties panel, set the On New Sheet property as required.

If you want to put the subreport in the same worksheet together with the primary report, set
the value to false.
If you want to put the subreport in a new worksheet in the exported Excel file, set the property
value to true, then enter a name for the new worksheet in the Sheet Name property's value cell.
Make sure the name you specify here isn't used by any other worksheets.

4. Click File > Export To > Excel.

5. In the Export to Excel dialog, make sure Reserve Report Formatting is selected.
6. Set the other options as required.
7. Click OK to start exporting.
If you set On New Sheet to true, after exporting the report successfully, you will find that the
primary report is exported into the first worksheet, and there are some links on it. Click the links
to go to the subreport in the second worksheet of the Excel file.
Note: If the subreport are cut into several pages, that is to say you have defined some page settings
on the subreport, the links in the primary report will be subreport1_0, subreport1_1, subreport1_2 and
so on. You can click the link to see the corresponding part you want.

Controlling banded object panels in the exported Excel file

You can control panels of a banded object in the exported Excel file by settings the following three

Merge to Next Panel: Merges current panel to the next panel. It applied to BandedHeader,
BandedPageHeader, GroupHeader, and GroupFooter panels.
Repeat in Detail Panel: Repeats certain panel with the Detail panel. It applied to GroupHeader and
BandedPageHeader panels.
Remove Blank Row: Removes blank rows in the panel. It applied to BandedPageHeader, GroupHeader,
and Detail panels.


The three properties take effect only when the Columned property of a report is set to true.
There is an operation order when those three properties work together: first, Merge to Next Panel;
second, Repeat in Detail Panel; third, Romove Blank Row.

Merging panels in the exported Excel file

You can specify to merge the BandedHeader, BandedPageHeader, GroupHeader, or GroupFooter panel in
a banded object into the panel next to it in the exported Excel file. To do this:
1. Make sure the Columned property of the report that contains the banded object is set to true.
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the panel you want to merge.
3. Set the value of the Merge to Next Panel property to true.
4. Click File > Export To > Excel.
5. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
6. Set the other settings according to your requirements and click OK to start exporting.
In the exported Excel file, you can find that the specified panel has been merged to the panel next to it.

When two or more objects in the to be merged panels have the same Row Index and Column Index
property values, after merging the panels, in the exported Excel file, the objects will be merged into
one cell, and they will be located in the cell based on this rule: the object whose X/Y property value is
smaller than others will be put to front, and Y has higher priority than X. However, you can improve
the appearance of the report by relocating the objects.
Don't set the property Merge to Next Panel to true for the last GroupFooter panel. That will make the
exported Excel file incorrect.
Don't set the property Merge to Next Panel to true for the panel that contains crosstab or subreport.


Suppose there is a standard banded report which displays the fields Customer Name, Annual Sales, and
is grouped by Customer_Country and Customer_Region.

Then we set the Columned property of the report to true and Merge to Next Panel of the first
GroupHeader panel to true as well, save the report and export it to Excel. We can see that the two group
by panels are merged into one and fields in the two panels are put in one cell in the exported Excel file.

In order to improve the layout of the Excel result, now we specify the Column Index and Row Index
properties of the objects as below:


Column Index

Row Index

Save the report and export it to Excel again. We can see that fields in the Excel file are shown more
clearly this time.

Repeating objects in the GroupHeader or BandedPageHeader panel in the Detail panel

If you want to repeat objects in the GroupHeader panel or BandedPageHeader panel in the Detail panel
of a banded object in the exported Excel file, follow the steps below:
1. Make sure the Columned property of the report that contains the banded object is set to true.
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the panel you want to repeat.
3. Set the value of the Repeat in Detail Panel property to true.
4. Click File > Export To > Excel.

5. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.

6. Set the other settings according to your requirements and click OK to start exporting.
In the exported Excel file, you can find that objects in the specified panel are repeated in the Detail panel.

When the objects in the GroupHeader/BandedPageHeader panel have the same Row Index and
Column Index property values with those in the Detail panel, and you specify to repeat the
GroupHeader/BandedPageHeader panel in the Detail panel, in the exported Excel file, the repeated
objects will be put in the same cells with the ones in the Detail panel based on this rule: the object
whose X/Y property value is smaller than others will be put to front, and Y has higher priority than X.
However, you can improve the appearance of the report by relocating the objects.
When you specify to repeat a GroupHeader panel, if there is a chart in the panel, the chart cannot be
If a banded object contains more than one group by fields, that is to say, it has several GroupHeader
panels, when you specify to repeat the first GroupHeader panel in the Detail panel, it will be repeated
in the second GroupHeader panel as well.

Removing blank row in a panel

The property Remove Blank Row is provided to make the report look compact in the exported Excel file.
It applied to BandedPageHeader, GroupHeader, and Detail panels of a banded object.
To remove blank rows in the exported Excel file:
1. Make sure the Columned property of the report that contains the banded object is set to true.
2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the panel where blank rows may appear in
the Report Inspector.
3. Set the value of the Remove Blank Row property to true.
4. Click File > Export To > Excel.
5. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
6. Set the other settings according to your requirements and click OK to start exporting.
In the exported Excel file, you can find that there will be no blank rows in the specified panel.

Improving the performance of exporting to Excel

Normally, when a report is being exported to an Excel file, the coordinates of the report objects are
calculated by JReport Engine, and can require a great deal of processing time. However, you can
arrange the coordinates of the report objects manually at design time, so that the extra position
calculating time can be saved. To do this:
1. Select the node that represents the report in the Report Inspector.
2. In the Properties panel, set the Columned property for the report to true.
3. Set the values of Column Index and Row Index for each object to define the position of the object
in the exported Excel file.
4. Click File > Export To > Excel.
5. In the Export to Excel dialog, select Normal Formatting.
6. Set the other options as required.
7. Click OK to start exporting.

To Text
JReport supports exporting to both a regular Text file and a CSV file.

Exporting the report results to a Text file

Exporting the report results to a CSV file

Improving the performance of running a report to Delimited Format on JReport Server

Exporting the report results to a Text file

To export the results of a report to a Text file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > Text to display the Export to Text dialog.

4. Specify the destination of the exported file.

5. Make sure that the Delimited Format checkbox is unchecked.
6. Specify other settings according to your requirements.
7. Click OK to perform the export operation.
See also Export to Text dialog for details about options in the dialog.
Note: When exporting a report to a Text file, pay attention to the following:

The property Columned of the report will be ignored.

Each object in the exported result file will be located according to its dimension values (x, y, width
and height) you set in the Report Inspector.

The list object could not be exported to a Text file.

If the report contains drop-down list object, only the selected value in the list can be exported.

The objects, which seem in the same line in other formats (such as PDF), may be in the different
lines, or some unwanted blank lines will be generated. The exception is caused by the differences
between the dimension values - y and height.

Exporting the report results to a CSV file

When exporting the results of a report to a CSV file, you can set the property Columned to decide
whether to export the results to a general CSV file or a columned CSV file. If you set the property to
false, the report will be exported to a general CSV file. If you want to export the report to a columned
CSV file, set the property to true.
The following is an example about exporting a report to a general CSV file:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. In the Report Inspector, select the root node that represents the report and set the property
Columned to false.
4. Click File > Export To > Text to bring up the Export to Text dialog.

5. Specify the destination of the exported file as required.

6. Check Delimited Format checkbox, and then select CSV Delimited from the Format drop-down
7. To enable records to be aligned well in the exported file, you are recommended to check Use
Quote Mark. Otherwise, the commas in data values such as $78,321.00 will conflict with the
delimiter (comma), and may potentially cause the data to be separated incorrectly when the

exported file is further processed by other applications. The following shows an example:
Scarsdale,The Java King,(914) 657-9823,(914) 657-8745,$78,321.00
As shown above, it is difficult to determine whether the value is $78321.00 or $78 and 321.00.
8. Click OK to start exporting.
See also Export to Text dialog for details about options in the dialog.
When exporting a report to a CSV file, you may want to export only some of the objects in the report
instead of the whole report. To achieve this, you can do it as follows:
1. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the object you want to export to the
result file.
2. Set the property Export to CSV of this object to true.
3. Repeat the above steps to specify other objects that you want to export.
4. Set this property to false for all the other objects that you do not want to export.
5. Click File > Export To > Text.
6. In the Export to Text dialog, specify the directory and name of the exported file.
7. Make sure that you have checked the Delimited Format box, and selected CSV Delimited format.
8. Click OK to start exporting.
Then, the exported file will only contain objects whose Export to CSV property value has been set to
true. Note that if you set the Export to CSV property of an object to false, all the object's children will
not be exported regardless of their individual Export to CSV properties.
No matter the report is exported to a general CSV file or a columned CSV file,

The data of each field should be in one column. If there is no data in a column, empty strings (" ")
will be placed there automatically. In which case, the empty strings cannot be compressed. Only if
there is no data in the entire line, can a row be compressed when you check the Compress option.
In the Export to Text dialog, if you select Custom Delimited, you should export the report to a .txt
file instead of a .csv file. Then, open the exported file with Excel, and the Text Import wizard will
be displayed. In this wizard, check the Delimited radio button, click Next, check Other on the
Delimiters panel and key in the delimiter you specify in the Export to Text dialog, and then click
Finish to view the results.
When you specify to export a report to a general CSV file,

Objects in the exported file will be located according to its dimension values (x, y, width, height)
you set in the Report Inspector.
In the exported file, you may find that some column names are not aligned with their DBFields, so
they may be displayed in different columns. To resolve this problem, make both the column names
and its DBFields to be left aligned and adjust their location using the same Geometry X before
exporting it to a general CSV file.
When you specify to export a report to a columned CSV file,

Objects in the exported file will be located according to their Row Index and Column Index property

values. When setting values for these two properties, pay attention to the following:

Make sure that the Row Index and Column Index property values for all objects in a report do
not conflict with each other. Otherwise, some objects may be replaced.
If either the Row Index value or Column Index value of an object is less than 1, JReport will
ignore this object and all its children.

In the exported file, you may find that some column names are not aligned with their DBFields.
They may be displayed in different columns. To resolve this problem, set the Column Index value
of the column name and its DBField to the same; if they are different, adjust it manually before
exporting it to CSV format.
If the report contains drawing objects, you need to manually adjust these objects' geometry
properties, which are Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column and Bottom
Attach Row.
You are not recommended to export a mailing label report to a columned CSV file.

Improving the performance of running a report to Delimited Format on JReport Server

When exporting a report to Text, if you want to improve the performance of running a report to
Delimited Format (such as the CSV format) on JReport Server, you are first required to set certain
settings in JReport Designer. After which you can then publish the report to JReport Server for running
to Delimited Format. See the example below:
1. Start JReport Designer and open the report you want to run to Delimited Format on JReport
2. In the Report Inspector, browse to the root node of the report, find the two properties Fast Pass
and Columned, and then set them to true.
3. Choose the object you want to display in the result file, and then set the location for where you
want it to be shown in the result file.
To do this, select the object, and set its Column Index and Row Index properties in the Report
Inspector as required. ColumnIndex refers to the column where the object will be located, and
RowIndex refers to the row where the object will be located in the result file. The numbers of the
column and row start with 1, and are counted within its parent. For example, if you want to place
the object in the first column and the second row in the detail section, set ColumnIndex = 1 and
RowIndex = 2.
4. Go to the server.properties file in <server_install_root>\bin, and change the property engine.
single_thread = false. This enables the property Fast Pass to take effect when running the report
to Delimited Format.
5. Publish the report to JReport Server. When you run or schedule the report, after you choose the
To Text format, select the Delimited Format box, and then click Submit to generate a Delimited
Format file.

When the Fast Pass property is set to true, in the report header panel, the values of the objects that
use global parameters to make calculations will be incorrect. Page level calculation, such as Page
Number and Total Page Number, will also be incorrect. In order to avoid such errors, you should
move these objects from the report header panel to the report footer panel.
Remember to set the positions for objects with the Column Index and Row Index properties.
Otherwise, all the objects will be located in the first column and the first row of the result file.

To export the results of a report to a RTF format file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > RTF to access the Export to RTF dialog.

4. Specify the directory and file name respectively in the Directory and File name text boxes. If you
don't specify the name, JReport will apply the report name as the default RTF file name.
5. Check the No Margin checkbox to remove the margins that are originally set while you design the
6. Check Best Editing to apply the flow layout when exporting.
7. Click OK, and a file with the extension .rtf will be generated.

If Best Editing is checked, the results can be edited easily, but the layout may be different from that
you designed, because some flow layout properties will not be supported by JReport RTF exporter,
such as clear, relative and so on.
In the Best Editing mode, one report just has one default tab which is in the last paragraph, so
others will be ignored.
In order to get a better effect, Microsoft Office Word 2003 is recommended.

To export the results of a report to an XML format file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > XML to bring out the Export to XML dialog.

4. Specify the destination of the exported file in the Export to field box.
5. In the Schema File Name field, specify an XSD file to export the report to an XML file based on the
specified XSD file.
6. Check the Only Data checkbox to only export data of this report.
7. When done, click the OK button, and a file with the extension .xml will be generated.
The following are some notes you should be aware of when exporting report results to XML:

The existing schema file that you specify must also be generated from this report. If you use other
schema files, a NullPointerException exception will be thrown out.
If the existing schema file that you specify contains only data, and you have cleared the Only Data
checkbox in the Export to XML dialog, the exported XML file will then only contain database column
information. The content of the exported XML file will be consistent with the schema file it is based
If you delete an element node or an attribute node from the existing schema file, the exported XML
file which is based on it, will not contain the corresponding column. In a not only data schema file,
only the removal of an element used in a formula control property will affect an exported XML file
which is based on it.
Example: Deleting an element node from a schema file affects the exported XML file which
is based on it
Let's take EmployeeInformation.cls as an example.
1. Click File > Open on the menu bar.
2. In the Open Report Set dialog, click the Browse button to open the catalog file

SampleReports.cat in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\SampleReports, then open the sample

report EmployeeInformation.cls.
3. Export EmployeeInformation.cls to an XML file. You will then get two files:
EmployeeInformation_report1.xml and EmployeeInformation_report1.xsd.
4. Open the EmployeeInformation_report1.xsd file, and delete
EmoloyeeInformation_report1_ReportBody_PagePanel_PageHeaderPanel_ label3 from
5. Export EmployeeInformation.cls to an XML file again. This time, specify the modified
EmployeeInformation_report1.xsd as the file to base it on.
The newly exported EmployeeInformation_report1.xml file will not contain information about
EmoloyeeInformation_report1_ReportBody_PagePanel_PageHeaderPanel_ label3.

If you do not want to see all the property values in a generated XML file, you can comment out any
unwanted properties in this way:
1. Open the file JRXMLTag.properties located in resource.jar in <install_root>\lib.
2. Add a question mark in front of any unwanted properties to comment them out. See below:
Change: Suppressed=Suppressed
To: ?Suppressed=Suppressed
3. When you export the report to XML, the exported XML file will not contain the property
Suppressed for each report object.
4. Save the property file and refresh the one in resource.jar.
In addition, when you uncheck Only Data, and add an @ sign in front of the value in JRXMLTag.
properties, the property listed in the Element node will then move to the Attribute node.
For example, in JRXMLTag.properties,
Change: StartYPos=StartYPos
To: StartYPos=@StartYPos
You will now find that the StartYPos property is now listed in the Attribute node.
Before adding the @ sign in front of the value, the StartYPos property will have been listed in
the Element node.

To PostScript
To export the results of a report to a PostScript file, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > PostScript to access the Export to PostScript dialog.

4. Specify the directory where the export PostScript file will be saved. If the directory does not exist,
an error message will be produced.
5. Enter the name for the exported file.
6. Check No Margins if you want to remove the margins that have been set to the report at design
7. When done, click OK to perform the export operation.
Note: When you export a report to a PostScript file, some objects in this report may be located
imprecisely. You can print your report with PDF in order to get the accurate printed results. Therefore,
you are recommended to export report to PDF rather than to PostScript.

To fax
JReport Designer provides the feature of exporting the report results to fax either via a fax machine or
a fax server. If you require this feature to be enabled, you will first need to configure your running
Download the files listed in the tables below from our website (http://www.jinfonet.com/download/third
party tool/JavaCommAPIV2 Win32.zip or http://www.jinfonet.com/download/third party tool/
JavaCommAPIV2 Solaris.zip), and put them in the specified locations:

For Windows
File Name








For Solaris
File Name








Meanwhile, before you can export report results to fax, you need to have settings of the fax machine or
fax server configured. Otherwise a warning message will be displayed when you try to export to fax. To
do this:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Options on the menu bar.
2. In the Options dialog, select the Export to category.
3. In the Fax tab, specify via which you want to fax the report results: fax machine or fax server.
4. Configure settings of the fax machine/server as required (For details about the settings, refer to
Export to - Fax).
5. Click OK to accept the changes.
Now, you can export your report results to fax as follows:
1. Open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > Fax on the menu bar.
4. In the Export to Fax dialog, specify the settings as required.

5. When done, click OK to generate the file.

See also Export to Fax dialog for details about options in the dialog.

To Applet
JReport Designer can collaborate with a web server by exporting a report as an applet to a server. After
publishing it to the server, you can then retrieve it by accessing the server.

Exporting the report results as an Applet to a server

To export the results of a report as an applet to a server, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, open the report set that contains the report you want to export.
2. On the report tab bar, click the tab that represents the report.
3. Click File > Export To > Applet.
4. In the Enter Server Location dialog, key in the server name and port number in the Server Name
of Port text boxes, and then click OK.
5. In the Export to Applet dialog, specify the directory and file name respectively.
For example, browse to the location where you want to save the file, type exapplet.htm as the file
name, and then click Save. The file exapplet.htm and the report result exapplet.rst will then be

Viewing the exported result file

Before viewing the exported result file of JReport using a web browser, you first need to make sure that
your web server supports applets. Then,
1. Copy the file viewer12.jar in <server_install_root>\lib to the document root directory of the
web server.
2. Copy the result file *.rst and *.html generated when exporting to any directory of the web server.
For example, copy A.rst and A.html into <webserver_install_root>\test.
3. Edit A.html (with a text editor) to make sure that all paths are valid. For example, change:

codebase="/" (which refers to the location of viewer12.jar)

value="/test/A.rst" (since we copied A.rst in <webserver_install_root>\test.)

width=800 height=600

4. Run the web browser with the web server to view the results.

Before you can view the results in a web browser, make sure you have enabled Additional Unsigned
Permissions for the web browser.
To enable the option in Internet Explorer:
1. Open the Internet Explorer, then click Tools > Internet Options.

2. In the Security tab, click Custom Level, scroll down Settings to set Java Permissions to
Custom, click Java Custom Settings.
3. In the Edit Permissions tab, check Run Unsigned Content.
4. Click OK to accept the changes.

JReport Server also supports requesting the report result in an applet from a web browser.

Publishing and Downloading Resources

JReport Designer is a 100% Java swing based report design tool. Developed report sets, studio reports
and catalogs can be published to run in distributed environments. You can publish your resources from
JReport Designer to your local computer or to JReport Server. Meanwhile, resources managed on
JReport Sever can also be downloaded to a specified folder on your local computer, and further
modified in JReport Designer if required.
The following information is available:

Publishing resources

Downloading resources from JReport Server

Publishing resources
JReport Designer, as a report design tool, allows you to publish your resources from JReport Designer to your local computer or to
JReport Server.

Publishing resources locally

Publishing resources remotely

Publishing resources locally

JReport Designer supports publishing resources locally. That is, publishing resources to any directory on your computer or across your
To do this, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Local Directory to bring up the Publish to Local Directory

2. Click the Browse button to select a catalog, or type the catalog name with its full path directly into the From Catalog text field, and
then press Enter to specify the catalog. All the report sets in the specified catalog will then be displayed in the Select Report Set box.
3. Select the report sets that you want to publish from the Select Report Set box and click the arrow button to add them to the box on
the right, or directly drag the reports you want to publish from the Select Report Set box to the box on the right. If no report set is
selected here, only the catalog will be published.
4. Specify a directory for the catalog and report sets that are to be published.
Click the Browse button to the right of the To Local Directory text field, and locate a directory in the Get Directory dialog. Or you
can type a directory in the text box directly. If you type in a directory which does not exist, JReport Designer will automatically
create it for you.
5. Click Next to view or modify properties of the data source connection.
First, select a data source from the Catalog Data Source drop-down list, and then the connection properties of the selected data
source will be displayed. If the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, you can click the Modify button to modify
properties of the data source connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
6. Click the Finish button to publish the catalog and report sets.
See also Publish to Local Directory dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Publishing resources remotely

To publish your resources to JReport Server, follow the steps below:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Server. The Connect to JReport Server dialog appears.

2. Type in the host and port of the remote JReport Server in the Host and Port text fields.
3. When using a standalone server, enter /jrserver in the Servlet Path text field or the context root of your web application if deployed
as a war or ear file such as /jreport/jrserver.
4. If the server has been integrated with another web server that supports SSL, select the SSL (Security Socket Layer) checkbox to
create an SSL connection.
5. Check Remember connection information to enable JReport Designer to remember the connection information, and then provide
the user name and password of the server.
6. Click Connect. The Publish to JReport Server dialog is then displayed.

7. Click the Browse button next to the Publish Resource From text field to find the directory where your resources are located, and the
resources in the specified directory will be loaded automatically. If you choose to type in the directory in the text field directly, you
need to press Enter on the keyboard to load the resources in that directory.
8. In the resource tree panel, check the checkboxes in front of the resources that you want to publish.
9. In the Publish Resource To text field, specify the folder on the server where the resources are to be published. Use the default
location (the My Reports node in the server resource tree) or click the Browse button to specify a location on the server.
Note: If you want to publish the resources to a double-byte-character folder on the server, you need to add -Djreport.url.
encoding="UTF-8" to JReport.bat/JReport.sh in <install_root>\bin.
10. Select a to-be-published resource in the resource tree panel and then click the More Options button to set properties for the
11. In the Properties tab,
a. In the Resource Node Name text field, specify a name to be displayed in the server resource tree for the resource. You can type

a name in the text field or click the Browse button to select a resource name from the Select Resource Name dialog, where all
resource names of the same type as the selected resource, which are contained in the Publish Resource To path, are displayed.
b. In the Resource Description text box, type a brief description to describe the resource.
c. If a report set is selected, specify the status of the report set by selecting the required item from the Status drop-down list.
d. If a folder is selected, type a real path in the Resource Real Path text field. If no path is specified, the default path will be used.
e. Specify custom field values for the resource if there are custom fields enabled on JReport Server. A custom field can be
regarded as a resource property. For details, see Working with custom fields in the JReport Server User's Guide.
f. Check Apply Archive Policy to apply an archive policy to the resource.
12. In the Permissions tab, check the Enable Setting Permissions option to specify permissions for the selected resource (this tab is
available only when you have specified to publish the resources to the Public Reports folder on the server).
13. If the selected resource is a catalog, the Connection tab will be activated. You can view and modify properties of the selected data
source connection as required.
First, select a data source from the Catalog Data Source drop-down list, and then the connection properties of the selected data
source will be displayed. If the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, you can click the Modify button to modify
properties of the data source connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
14. Repeat steps 6 - 9 to set properties for other resources as required.
15. Click OK to publish the resources. If the resources that you are publishing contain reports that use style groups or have special
fonts, a dialog named Publish Font and Style will be displayed for you to specify them.
See also Publish to JReport Server dialog for details about options in the dialog.

If you have made some changes to the to-be-published resources, but haven't saved them, before publishing starts, JReport will save
the changes automatically to ensure the resources published to the server are the latest.
After resources have been published to JReport Server, you may find that the publish time shown on the server UI is different from the
client time. That is because the publish time takes the server time instead of the client time.

Downloading resources from JReport Server

Resources managed on JReport Server can be downloaded to your local computer and further modified
using JReport Designer.
To download resources from JReport Server:
1. In JReport Designer, click File > Publish and Download > Download from Server. The
Connect to JReport Server dialog appears.

2. Type in the host and port of the remote JReport Server in the Host and Port text fields.
3. When using a standalone server, enter /jrserver in the Servlet Path text field or the context root
of your web application if deployed as a war or ear fie such as /jreport/jrserver.
4. If the server has been integrated with another web server that supports SSL, select the SSL
(Security Socket Layer) checkbox to create an SSL connection.
5. Check Remember connection information to enable JReport Designer to remember the
connection information, and then provide the user name and password of the server.
6. Click Connect. The Download from JReport Server dialog is then displayed.

7. In the Download Resource From text field, specify the folder on the server where to download
resources. Use the default location (the My Reports node in the server resource tree) or click the
Browse button to select a folder on the server. The resources in the specified folder will then be
loaded automatically in the resource tree panel.
8. In the resource tree panel, check the checkboxes in front of the resources that you want to
9. Click the Browse button next to the Download Resource To text field to specify the path to which

resources will be downloaded, or type in the directory in the text field directly.
10. Click the OK button to download the resources from JReport Server.
When the resources are successfully downloaded from JReport Server, you can then open them in
JReport Designer, and further edit them if required. However, if any report set is created in JReport
Viewer based on business/report cubes, it can only be previewed in JReport Designer.
See also Download from JReport Server dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Resources in the Public Reports folder of JReport Server are secured via permissions. If you specify
to download resources from that folder, which resources you can see in the resource tree panel and
which resources you can download are determined by the user name with which you use to connect
to the server. You can only view the resources on which you have the Visible permission in this panel
and download resources on which you are assigned the Read permission. For details about resource
permissions, refer to Changing resource and folder properties in the JReport Server User's Guide.
Downloading reports which use business views, report cubes or business cubes as data source from
JReport Server requires that JReport Designer and JReport Server each has its own Live license.

JReport SDK
JReport is a Java-centric object-oriented reporting tool written entirely in Java. With the bean
components, provided by JReport, you can easily incorporate JReport into your own applications. The
JReport Beans can be used inside IDE tools such as Eclipse, NetBeans, and WebSphere Studio. By
combining the power of JReport bean APIs and the reusability of JReport beans, you do not need to
open a JReport GUI each time to run, print, or diagnose the problems of a report.

Altogether, JReport SDK includes the following:

JReport Engine Bean

JReport Result Viewer Bean

JReport Catalog Bean

JReport Designer API

JReport Catalog API

User data source API

Hierarchical data source API

User defined objects

JReport exit functions

Note: The JReport Design Bean is a discontinued product, and has been removed from the JReport

JReport Engine Bean

JReport Engine Bean provides a programming API for the report running and exporting process. It
enables you to:

Run the result for a pre-developed report.

Assign new values for the predefined objects in the report, and then run the result with the new
values. These objects include parameter, WHERE portion, data driver, and connection.
Export the report result to different file formats (HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, Postscript, Text, CSV, Applet,
E-mail, XML and Fax) or to a printer.

The following topics detail how to use JReport Engine Bean:

Installing the Engine Bean

Preparations for calling the Engine Bean

Deploying Runtime components

Engine Bean properties

Programming with the Engine Bean

Deploying the Engine Bean as an EJB to an application server

Installing the Engine Bean

When you install JReport Designer, which by default is installed in C:\JReport\Designer, JReport
Engine Bean is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the main components as
below in <install_root>:

Archive file for JReport Engine Bean.
Configuration file.
Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system.
Resources of JReport Designer.
lib\xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar
Jar files used when exporting to XML.
Jar file for JReport Result Viewer Bean.
Jar file used when exporting to HTML with images that are to be embedded as a chart applet in the
HTML file.
Register of user defined objects.
Jar file used when exporting to mail.
Jar file used when exporting to mail.
Jar file used when exporting to PDF.
Jar file used for the Asian fonts.
Jar file used when exporting to Excel.
Jar file used to parse xml files.
Jar file that provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex,
Phonetic and URLs.
Readme.html, License.html

Release information.

help\designer\samples\MyNLSBundleInfo.java, TestEngineBean.java, TestWherePortion.

java, LocalWherePortion.java
Samples to demonstrate how to call and use JReport Engine Bean.

Note: * represents the files that are required when JReport Engine Bean is called.

Preparations for calling the Engine Bean

Before calling the Engine Bean, you must make sure that:

Since the only archive file for Report Engine Bean is JREngine.jar. You will need to set the class path
environment variable before you can compile and run the program. Append the following string to
the class path:

Before you call the methods for exporting a report to Mail, PDF, Excel or XML format, you first have
to add the corresponding class files or jars with a valid path into your class path.

Mail: mail.jar and activation.jar

PDF: itext_1.5.4.jar

Excel: poiHSSF_151.jar

XML: xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar

When you set the reporthome in the Engine Bean, JReport will retrieve information from the file
report.ini in <install_root>\bin and then check whether it is valid by setting a runtime key in the
bean. If you then open report.ini, you will find that the configuration information, including the
temporary path, template path and the help path. JReport Engine Bean uses the temporary path to
export temporary files. You should therefore make sure that the temporary folder specified in report.
ini exists.

Deploying Runtime components

When you only use JReport Runtime instead of JReport Designer, you should deploy the Engine Bean
Runtime components, which include the following files:

JReport Engine Bean.
Result Viewer Bean.
Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system.
Jar file used when exporting to HTML with images that are to be embedded as a chart applet in the
HTML file.
Registers user defined objects.
Configuration file.
Jar file used when exporting to mail.
Jar file used when exporting to mail.
Jar file used when exporting to Excel.
Jar file used when exporting to PDF.
Jar file used for the Asian fonts.
Used to configure log mechanism.
Used to parse xml files.


In your code, if you set the reporthome as c:\\jreport\\designer, the file report.ini will be read in
the directory c:\jreport\designer\bin. You will find in this file the configuration information,
including the temporary path, template path and the help path. JReport Engine Bean will use the
temporary path to export temporary files. You should therefore ensure that the temporary folder
specified in the file report.ini exists.
If you only want to generate a report, you will only need JReport Engine Bean. While if you want to

view a report result file, you will also need JReport Result Viewer Bean.

Engine Bean properties

JReport Engine Bean contains the following properties. All the data types of these properties are of Java
string. The properties are listed below:



The JReport Runtime user ID.


The JReport Runtime key.


The home path where report.ini and other JReport system files exist.


The name of the report which will be run by the engine.


The name of the catalog which contains all the required objects used in the report.


The string containing the parameter values, separated by a comma (',').


The name of the parameter value file. This will be ignored if paramValues has
been specified.


The name of the result file.

The following methods are used for assigning values to the above properties:


setKey ("key")







runReport( ) or runReport(boolean genRst)


UID - The JReport Runtime user ID.

Key - The JReport Runtime key.

HomePath - The installation path for JReport Designer. Strictly speaking, if you set the ReportHome
as c:\\jreport\\designer, then the first thing JReport Engine Bean will do when running a report is
to check the jslc.dat and report.ini files in c:\jreport\designer\bin are valid.
reportName - A string which contains both report path information and the report name.
catName - A string which contains both catalog path information and the catalog name (the report
path and the catalog path may be different).
ValuesString - A string which assigns a new value to the parameter used in the current report. The
parameter should be the one defined in the catalog.

If more than one parameter is needed in a report, you can pass multiple parameters in the
paramValues string. The ValuesString format is: paraName1=paraValues1, paraName2=paraValue2
where paraName1 and paraName2 are the parameter names and paraValue1 and paraValue2 are the
values. The comma is the separator operator, and the equal sign for separating the parameter name
and parameter value. If the parameter name or parameter value contains a separate operator
(comma or equal sign), it will need an escape. JReport has therefore provided an escape operator -- \
\. If you put the escape operator before the separator operator, it will not be treated as a separator
operator. For example:
* the parameter string is: "param1=aaa\\,aa,param2=bbbbb,param3=ccccc"
it will be parsed to:
the value for param1 is aaa, aa
the value for param2 is bbbbb
the value for param3 is ccccc
* the parameter string is: "pa\\=ram1=aaa\\,aa,param2=bbbbb,param3=ccccc"
it will be parsed to:
the value for pa=ram1 (name) is aaa, aa (value)
the value for param2 is bbbbb
the value for param3 is ccccc
When passing multiple parameters in the paramValues string, note that you do not have to set all
parameter values. If you do not set a parameter value, JReport will use the default value. Also, if you
want to know the report's parameters without running reports, you can call the method
getReportParams(). This method will return a vector, and each element of this vector is jet.formula.
ParamDesc. The class ParamDesc has five public properties:

name - Parameter name. This property is of String type.

type - Parameter type. This property is of String type.

promptText - Parameter prompt text. This property is of String type.

value - Parameter value. This property is of String type.

isColumn - Indicates whether the parameter must be of DB column name type or of Boolean type.
If the parameter is of DB column name type, its value must be an available group field. By calling
the method getAvlGroupFields(), it will return a vector which contains all the available group fields.
However, note that if more than one parameter is of DB column name type, their values cannot be
the same.

ParamFileName - The name of the parameter value file. This will be ignored if paramValues has
been specified. The format of the parameter file is: one parameter name-value pair will take one line,
and another parameter name-value pair will start from a new line. Each line is formatted as
paramname=paramvalue, and you are also provided with the escape operator (\\) for equal sign
same as above.
ResultFileName - The name of the result file. If you want to generate a report result file (with an .
rst extension), then set the result file name (with an .rst extension) with a full file path. For example,
setResultFile("c:\\temp\\test.rst"). The resultFile contains both the path and the file name
information. If there is no path specified, the current path will be used. If there is no file name
specified, the reportName will be used (with an .rst extension).


When you call JReport Engine Bean in your application program, your Runtime user ID and Runtime
key are required.
The method runReport( ) has the same effect as setLoadReport ("yes").
When JReport Engine Bean runs the report result, it will generate an .rst file first. However, you may
want to run the report result and then export it to other formats such as HTML and PDF without
generating an .rst file. This feature is now supported. The method runReport( ) and runReport(true)
are equivalent, and each method will always generate an .rst file. If you do not want to generate an .
rst file, you can call runReport(false). This method will print, and output the report result without
generating an .rst file and the performance will also be improved.

Programming with the Engine Bean

JReport Engine Bean can be used to export a specified report in a report set into multiple file formats
(DHTML, HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, Postscript, Text, CSV, Applet, e-mail) or to a printer. By calling JReport
Engine Bean, you can run a report under conditions specified by yourself in order to obtain the report's
result information. Further more, you can also perform certain operations on the report on the basis of
the report result.
Go through the following topics to further understand how to program with the Engine Bean:


Using the Engine Bean

Illustrative examples

Before programming with the Engine Bean, you need to import the Engine Bean classes by adding the following
import statements to the beginning of your program. The first import statement is added to import the bean class:
import jet.bean.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
Then, you need to create an instance of the Engine Bean.
Note: When you call the Engine Bean in your program, you should first set the JReport Runtime user ID and key.
bean.setUID("JReport Runtime User ID");
bean.setKey("JReport Runtime Key");
After the object has been created, set the reporthome, report file, catalog file, result file (if necessary), and
parameter values (if necessary).

Note: You can run or export a self-contained report by calling JReport Engine Bean. Suppose you want to run a selfcontained report called CustomerAnalysis.clx, which is saved in C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports
\SampleReports. You will not need to set the catalog name in your code, you can just set the report home, report
file, and specify whether to output the debug or error information (if necessary) and log file (if necessary) as below:
bean.setShowInfoLevel( bean.vDebug | bean.vError );

With the JReport Engine Bean object, you can manipulate and access many reports, without needing to create a
bean for each one. JReport Engine Bean provides many useful methods, which you can call before or after the
runReport() method.

Using the Engine Bean

After making the required preparations, you can now use the Engine Bean to perform tasks.
The following topics detail how to program with JReport Engine Bean to achieve certain goal:

Showing log information

Getting the running status of a report

Exporting report results to different file formats

Printing reports

Defining query range via the WHERE portion

Adding a query to a catalog

Specifying the data source driver

Setting the cached query result

Applying National Language Support (NLS)

Rendering customized NLS information

Getting the report communicator

Modifying user information

Setting the connection information

Setting the result set

Getting JReport Engine Bean's version number

Getting the page orientation of a report page

Getting DBField information

Working with single thread

Getting the runtime key

Reducing the memory JRMemoryAppender holds

Feeding input/output stream to JReport Engine

Showing log information

The two properties showInfoLevel and logFile are used for controlling debug, error and other
information. The following two methods are used to set values for these properties:

vDebug, vError and vOff are used for showing and turning off debug and error information.
LogFileName specifies where the debug, error and other information will go. LogFileName contains
both the path and the file name. If no path or file is specified, the default is used. Only the log file
specified here will take effect when running reports, and the log files specified before will be closed.


To make LogConfig.properties work, you should set -Dreporthome=<reporthome> in the batch file
and not use bean.setShowInfoLevel( bean.vDebug/bean.vError ) in your programs.
If you use bean.setLogFile("LogFileName") in your programs, the log file path and name will be this
one, otherwise, the log file is the default one in <reporthome>\logs\.
If the reporthome in -Dreporthome=<reporthome> is different from that you set in the program, the
former will be applied.

Getting the running status of a report

The method getStatus() returns a status message after runReport() in JReport Engine Bean is called. If
you use the method getStatus() before runReport() is called, it will only return "No report load" for that
the method just stores static value. The getStatus() method may return one of the following messages:

Error: Cannot find the resource file JRsIndex.jrc! - This is caused by the incorrect setting of the
report home path.
Error: Cannot open the catalog "Catalog Name"! - JReport Engine Bean cannot open the specified
catalog file.
Error: Cannot open the report "Report Name"! - JReport Engine Bean cannot open the specified
report file.
Error: Cannot open the parameter file "Parameter file name"! - JReport Engine Bean cannot open the
specified parameter file.

Error: Unknown format in Parameter values! - The parameter values string is in the wrong format.

Other errors - JReport Engine Bean has encountered other exceptions.

Exporting report results to different file formats

There are several methods with which JReport Engine Bean can export a result file (.rst extension) to
the different file formats (HTML, PDF, TEXT, XLS, PS etc.). The example program TestEngineBean.java
in <designer_install_root>\help\designer\samples demonstrates how to use them. The function
of one method can be varied with different parameters.

The method exportToHtml(java.lang.String htmlFileName) will take the method exportToHtml(java.
lang.String htmlFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean bUsingTable, boolean
bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser) using the default parameter values
such as: exportToHtml("HtmlFileName", false, true, false, true, true, true, JREngine.IE).
Before the method exportToMail is called, the mail server should first be configured with the following
configMailServer(String SMTPServerIP, String MyMailAddress, int SMTPServerPort)
SMTPServerIP is the mail server IP address.
MyMailAddress is the sender's mail address.
SMTPServerPort is the mail server port.




The method exportToText(java.lang.String textFileName, boolean isNormalText) will take the

method exportToText(java.lang.String textFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char
delimiter) using the default parameter values such as:
exportToText( "TextFileName", isNormalText, false, ' ').

The method exportToText(java.lang.String rstFileName, java.lang.String textFileName, boolean

isNormalText) will take the method exportToText(java.lang.String rstFileName, java.lang.String
textFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter) using the default parameter
values such as:
exportToText( "ResultFileName", "TextFileName", isNormalText, false, ' ').






If you want to export the report result to fax, you need to download the files listed in the table below

from the website http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/index.html, and then put them into the
specified locations (on Windows).
File Name








Printing reports
The following methods are provided for printing reports:

printReport( )
printReport(Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11)
printReport(Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11, boolean bSeparateLargePage)
printReport(Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11, boolean bSeparateLargePage, String jobName)
printReport (Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11, boolean bSeparateLargePage, String jobName, String printer)
printReport(java.lang.Object job, boolean bInteractive, java.lang.Object pf, boolean bInBackground,
JReportPrintListener jreportprintlistener, int useJDK, java.lang.String jobName, java.util.Vector
attributeInfo, java.lang.String printer)
getPrintStatus( )


printJob - The job of this printing.

pageFormat - Description of the size and orientation of a page that is to be printed.

bInteractive - A Boolean value. If you set it to false, the Print Setup dialog will not be shown.

bInBackground - A Boolean value. If you set it to true, the Print dialog will not be shown.

bUseJDK11 - A Boolean value. If you set it to true, JDK1.1.x will be used to print the report.
Otherwise, if you set false, the JDK that you are currently running will be used to print the report.
The JDK 1.1 printing method is quick in speed but the printing quality cannot be guaranteed. The JDK
1.2 method will give you a satisfactory result, even for a .gif file. But it is slow in speed.
bSeparateLargePage - A Boolean value. If the report page size is larger than the print paper size,
and you want to separate a large report page during printing, you should set this property to true. If
the print page size chosen is less than the report page size, the report will then be printed in multiple
pages serially. This means that a large page of a report will automatically be separated. After you set
this parameter to true, for JDK1.2 or later, the Page Format dialog will be displayed. In this dialog,
you can choose the page format for printing. However, for JDK1.1.x, you will have to change the
page format with which you want to print in the Print dialog (click the Property button, and then
choose page format).
jobName - A String value of the job name. When printing, the defined job name will be listed in the
window, which can show the information such as the status and owner of a document.
printer - The name of the printer used to print the report. Note that if you set bUseJDK11 to false,
you will not be able to set the printer, and instead will be required to use the default printer.
job - The print job of this print action. It is an instance of PrintJob or PrinterJob.

bUseJDK - An Integer value. If you set it to 0, the method JDK1.1 will be used to print the report. If
you set it to 1, the method JDK1.2 will be used to print the report. If you set it to 2, the method
JDK1.4 will be used to print the report. The JDK 1.1 printing method is quick in speed but the
printing quality cannot be guaranteed. However, the JDK 1.2 method will return you with satisfactory
result, even for a .gif file. But it is slow in speed. JDK 1.4 provides further options, such as specifying
the paper tray.
attributeInfo - A vector where the elements are String.
Each String has been defined in interface PrintConfig. Interface PrintConfig is located in package jet.
bean. For example, you can implement PrintConfig and call its fields as below:


The first method printReport() is called to start the print. It will then take the third method using
default parameter values such as:
printReport(null, null, true, false, false, false)
The second and third method allows you to pass the parameters -- printJob, pageFormat,
bInteractive, bInbackground, bUseJDK11 and bSeparateLargePage.
The third printing method (with the bSeparateLargePage parameter) is not recommended. It may
cause some unexpected errors, for example, you may get an extra blank page.
After printing is started, the method getPrintStatus() can be used to show the print job status.
Returned values of getPrintStatus() are:
"No print job"
"No report load"
Other error messages if there are errors.


Example 1
Under JDK1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.2 printing method (boolean bUseJDK11), you can call the
printReport method, as shown below
PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
bean.printReport(printJob, printJob.defaultPage(), false, false, false);
Or, if you do not want to getPrinterJob, simply call:
bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, false);

Example 2
Under JDK1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.1 printing method, you are best recommended to not
getPrintJob. Instead, just can call:
bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, true);

Example 3
Under JDK 1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.1 printing method and select a network printer, you can

call the printReport method as shown below:

bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, true, false, "job1", "\\\\GUOF\\HP
LaserJet 6L Pro PCL5e");

Example 4
Under JDK 1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.1 printing method and select a local printer, you can call
the printReport method as shown below:
bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, true, false, "job1", "HP LaserJet 6L Pro

Defining query range via the WHERE portion

JReport Engine Bean provides methods for adding, deleting, saving and getting a new WHERE portion
in a catalog. Note that the join relationships of the tables will remain in the new WHERE clause. By
specifying the name of the WHERE portion, you can pick it out from the report catalog and bind it with
the current query:

Sets a named WHERE portion from the catalog to the query of the current report. If this WHERE
portion is not found in the catalog, "false" will be returned.
Sets the WHERE portion in String format to the query of the current report.
saveWherePortion(queryName, WherePortionString)
Saves the WHERE portion in String format with the specified query name in the report catalog.
Deletes a specified WHERE portion from the report catalog, updates and saves the catalog after
Gets the available query fields from the query of the current report. This will return an enumeration
of the names of fields, formulas and parameters and their corresponding data types which are
required to build up the WHERE portion and validate the condition.
Gets an enumeration of the names of all the WHERE portions saved in the report catalog.
Saves the current catalog. Returns "true" if successfully saved.


queryName - The name of the WHERE portion in the SQL query.

SQL - The specific WHERE portion.

Adding a query to a catalog

The method AddFileQuery(strName, fileName) adds the file query (customer query) specified by the
fileName to the current catalog.

strName - The name of the file query in the catalog.

fileName - The name of the SQL file (the SQL file is the file which contains the SQL statement).

Specifying the data source driver

The method setDataDriver() is used to specify the user data source driver. JReport can use the user
data source driver as the data source of a report. By default, JReport uses a JDBC connection. Only
when the report works with a user data source can users call this method.
Note: This method is mutually exclusive with the method of setResultSet(). You can only use one of
them at the same time.

dataDriver - The URL that specifies the User Data Source. For example: jrquery:/

Setting the cached query result

The method setResultSet() is used to set the cached query result to work with JReport. When this
method is called, JReport will load the specified cached query result and generate reports with its data.
Note: This method is mutually exclusive with the method of setDataDriver(). You can only use one of
them at the same time.

cachQueryResultSetFile - The full file path of Cached Query Result. For example "c:\myresult\XXX.

Applying National Language Support (NLS)

JReport products support a National Language feature. If you specify to apply NLS, when you design
and save a report, the language-dependent text of the Label object will be extracted to a resource file (.
properties). You can then make a copy of the resource file, and modify the text in the copied file for
another language. When JReport is running, JReport Engine Bean will retrieve the language-dependent
text according to the current locale. The end user will then get a report result that matches his locale

setLocale(Locale currentLocale)

setEncoding(String encoding)


At runtime, you can specify the encoding and locale for rendering the report result accordingly.
However, make sure that when you design the report, you set it to support NLS, and that you have
created the property file for the language you want to apply.
In addition, JReport also provides the method Vector getAvailableLocales(String clt), which gets all of
the Locales that the current report supports. The parameter clt is the current client's locale. If clt is in
current report Locales, it is moved to the index at zero.

Rendering customized NLS information

Except for providing customized NLS information for a specific report set using NLS Editor in JReport
Designer, now an NLSBundleInfo interface is provided in JReport Engine Bean for rendering customized
NLS information to different report sets via API dynamically.
These methods are contained in the NLSBundleInfo interface:

An integer value representing the usage of the NLS information, defined as INFOTYPE_TEXTREPLACE,
getDataMapped(String dataValue)
It will be called if getBundleUsage() is INFOTYPE_DATAMAPPING or INFOTYPE_DATAMAPPING +
getTextReplace(int replaceID, String originText)
It will be called if getBundleUsage() is INFOTYPE_TEXTREPLACE or INFOTYPE_DATAMAPPING +
getFontStyleReplace(String fontFace, double fs_inch)
It will be called if getBundleUsage() is INFOTYPE_TEXTREPLACE or INFOTYPE_DATAMAPPING +
It specifies whether the NLS information is empty. Value type is boolean.


String dataValue - Value of the DBField, summary and formula.

int replaceID - An interger value, such as TEXTREPLACE_FORLABEL,
String originText - The original text in labels, parameter prompts, TOC anchors, display texts of
columns and the display format of fields.

String fontFace - Field's font face.

double fs_inch - Field's font size, measured in inch.

Suppose you have had a class to implement the NLSBundleInfo interface, you can then use the Engine
Bean to render customized NLS information to a report set as follows:
bean.setNLSBundleInfo( info );
Reference: See the sample class MyNLSBundleInfo.java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples
about how to implement the NLSBundleInfo interface.

Getting the report communicator

The method getReportCommunicator() is used to get the report communicator.
The communicator here is a class defined by JReport. This method launches and runs JReport Engine
Bean, but no result file will be generated. It returns the communicator of this report.
You are recommended to use this method with JReport Engine Bean and setCommunicator() with
JReport Result Viewer Bean, which is as below:

Modifying user information

The method modifyUserInfo(String strUserName, String strPassword) is for modifying the user
information: user ID and password.

Setting the connection information

The following methods are used to set the connection information:

setConnection(String strURL, String strUID, String strPSWD, String strJdbcDriver)

setConnection(String strURL, String strUID, String strPSWD, String strJdbcDriver, boolean
setConnection(String dataSourceName, String strUID, String strPSWD)
setConnection(String dataSourceName, String strURL, String strUID, String strPSWD, String
strJdbcDriver, boolean fetchSupportInfo)
setConnection(String dataSourceName, String strURL, String strUID, String strPSWD, String

These methods enable users to set the connection information before running a report. You can let the
user specify the user ID and the password before running a report to ensure security. Another
application of this method is for users to be able to select a different database before running reports,
in order to see different report results. Usually in this case, the two databases have the same structure
which eases the work of having to build another catalog.
This method may be called as below:

String strURL - The URL of the database. For the format of the URL, refer to the instructions of your
JDBC driver.

String strUID - The user ID for the driver.

String strPSWD - The user's password for the driver.

String strJdbcDriver - The fully qualified name of the class. This class is responsible for connecting to
the database and fetching data. For example, com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver or oracle.jdbc.driver.
OracleDriver. If not specified, the default one will be used.
boolean fetchSupportInfo - Set to true to get the user support information from the DBMS. This class
will only work when the user has set the connection object or URL.

Setting the result set

The method setUserResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet userResultSet) is used to set the result set required to
run a report. It may be called as below:
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();


userResultSet - The JDBC ResultSet object created by the user. Users should release this by

Getting JReport Engine Bean's version number

The method String getVersion() is used to get the version number of your JReport Engine Bean.
You can use this method as below:
bean = new JREngine();
The method will then print out:

JReport Engine Bean version: 8.1.0;

Build Number: 838;

Getting the page orientation of a report page

The method getPageOrientation() is used for getting the orientation of the report page. You should call
this method after calling the runReport method. The return value is an int value, and it can be
LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT. If it is -1, it makes no sense, and it is incorrect. For example, if you called it
before calling runReport method.

Getting DBField information

The method getDetailsFields() is used to get information of all DBFields in the Detail panel, including
the DBFields in the Detail panel of a subreport that has been inserted in the Detail panel. This method
returns a vector which contains name, type and the SQL type of the DBFields.
Note: The method will return DBField information, whether the Detail panel is invisible or it is

Working with single thread

This method checks whether the current engine is single-threaded. The returned value is of Boolean
type. If the current engine is single-threaded, it will return true, otherwise it will return false.
setSingleThread(boolean single)
This method can be set to run the engine with a single thread. It is especially used in an environment
such as EJB, which only allows single thread when performing transactions.


single - Set to true if you want to use single-thread. Otherwise, the default multi-threaded engine
will be used.

Getting the runtime key

When JReport Engine Bean has been called in an application program, user ID and runtime key are

Gets and returns the JReport Runtime user ID.
setUID(String uid)
Sets the JReport Runtime user ID to call JReport Engine Bean.
Gets and returns the JReport Runtime key.
setKey (String key)
Sets the JReport Runtime key.


uid - The JReport Runtime user ID.

key - The JReport Runtime key.

Reducing the memory JRMemoryAppender holds

The property usedMemoryAppender is used for controlling whether to use the appender function of
JRMemoryAppender class. You can use the method setUsedMemoryAppender(boolean use) to set
values for the property.

boolean use - A Boolean type parameter which specifies whether to use boolean to control the
memory appender.

Note: You can use the method setUsedMemoryAppender(boolean use) only when the property
usedMemoryAppender is set to true.

Feeding input/output stream to JReport Engine

By feeding input/output stream instead of files to JReport Engine, you can control the input/output
stream via the stream API directly.
The stream API consists of two types of function APIs:

Input stream API for feeding data via InputStream to JReport Engine.

Output stream API for retrieving exported report via OutputStream from JReport Engine.

Input stream API

Input stream API provides a programmable way to specify data for JReport products besides the URI.
For supporting input stream API, the following requirements should be met:

Relational XML data source or hierarchical XML data source.

XML format data input stream from which JReport Engine fetches data.

An interface Jet.datasource.InputStreamFactory is provided in the Engine Bean for you to implement so

that JReport Engine can create your customized InputStream instance from your InputStreamFactory
implementation. The following is the method in the interface:

Creates a new input stream.

Except for implementing the InputStreamFactory interface, you need also call either of the two
methods in order to use input stream:

setXmlStreamFactory (java.lang.String datasourceName, InputStreamFactory

Sets customer class which implements InputStreamFactory for Relational XML Data Source.

datasourceName - Indicates data source name.

streamFactory - User implemented InputStreamFactory.

setHDSStreamFactory (java.lang.String datasourceName, java.lang.String HDSName,

InputStreamFactory streamFactory)
Sets customer class which implements InputStreamFactory for Hierarchical XML Data Source.

datasourceName - Indicates data source name.

HDSName - Indicates Hierarchical XML Data Source name, also as the folder name following the
path Data_Source_Name\Hierarchical.
streamFactory - User implemented HDS InputStreamFactory.

Reference: See the demo XmlStreamSample.java for input stream API usage in <install_root>\help


Output stream API

Output stream API enables exporting current report and specified result file as output stream in
common file formats, such as PDF, RTF, Excel, Text, and PostScript.
You can use output stream API as follows:
... ... JREngine bean = new JREngine();
... ...//initialize bean
OutputStream output=new FileOutputStream("filename");
... ...//initialize outputstream
bean.exportToPdf(output); ... ...

Illustrative examples
After you installed JReport Designer, you can find the following illustrative sample programs for using the Engine
Bean in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.

A sample program. Here is an explanation of how TestEngineBean.java works, and how it uses the methods
provided by JReport Engine Bean.
First, the example file TestEngineBean.java contains hard-coded paths. These must be modified before they can be
compiled and run. For example, assume that JReport Designer has been installed to C:\JReport\Designer, the
Test B section can be modified as follows:

The result file will be saved in the C:\JReport\Designer\temp directory and the result file name will be
In addition, TestEngineBean.java will also show how to use JReport Engine Bean to export the result file (.rst
extension) to the different file formats (HTML, PDF, TEXT, etc.).
Assume that SalesAnalysisbyRetailStore.rst has already been generated by JReport Engine Bean, you can then
export it to the different file formats:
bean.exportToText("C:\\JReport\\Designer\\temp\\CustomerAnalysis.txt", true);

C:\\JReport\\Designer\\temp\\... is the location where users specify the new generated files. Finally,
TestEngineBean.java will call the methods to add, delete, save and get the WHERE portion in the report catalog:
bean.saveWherePortion("WherePortionCustomerID","@\"Customer ID\" < 20");
bean.setWherePortion("((@\"Customer ID\" > 10) and (@\"Customer ID\" < 20))");

To run TestEngineBean.java, you need to use the following command to compile it first:
javac -classpath C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
C:\JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar; TestEngineBean.java

Here, it is assumed that C:\JReport\Designer is the location where JReport Engine Bean has been installed to,
and it is the current directory when users execute these commands. The sample program can then be run with the

following command:
java -classpath C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
C:\JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar; TestEngineBean
java -Dreporthome="C:\JReport\Designer"
-classpath C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
C:\JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\hsqldb.jar; TestEngineBean

When the sample program is complete, you will notice a temporary file <reportname>.rst. For this particular
sample program, it will either be customerlist.rst or phaseorder.rst depending on which report has been executed.
These result files can be read and displayed by either JReport Viewer (the thin client viewer) or JReport Result
Viewer Bean.

TestWherePortion.java and LocalWherePortion.java

Sample programs purely for the method operated on a WHERE portion. You can add, save and delete a new WHERE
portion just as you would with TestEngineBean.java. The difference is that the user can do all of these things in his
own report home, catalog and report file. These result files can be read and displayed by either JReport Viewer (the
thin client viewer) or JReport Result Viewer Bean.
To compile and run these sample programs, you can use the same way as compiling and running TestEngineBean.

Deploying the Engine Bean as an EJB to an application server

JReport is written entirely in Java in order to take full advantage of Java architecture. You can integrate
JReport Engine Bean easily into your applications, and view or print reports on them.
Pick a task from the following:

Deploying to WebLogic 8.1 on Windows/Linux

Deploying to WebSphere 5.1 on Windows/Linux

Deploying to JBoss 4.0.1

Deploying to WebLogic 8.1 on Windows/Linux

This demo shows how JReport Engine Bean can be deployed as an EJB to WebLogic Server 8.1 on Linux
and Windows. The steps below are based on Linux. For Windows, the procedure is similar to Linux,
where you only need to change the path information.
In this demo, an EJB client application is created, which calls an EJB module deployed in WebLogic
Server 8.1. In the EJB module, the session bean calls JReport Engine Bean to run and export a report
to the PDF format. The image below illustrates the working structure of this demo.

JReport Engine Bean is the module running report templates against a data source and exporting report
results to the specified format such as html, pdf, rtf and so on (see Exporting report results to different
file formats for methods about exporting report result to other formats).
The steps for this demo are as below:
1. Preparation
2. Wrapping the Engine Bean into a session bean
3. Building the EJB and running the client application

To prepare for this demo you will need to install the Weblogic Server 8.1 and JReport Designer. Follow
the steps below:
1. Install WebLogic Server 8.1 to /home/bea/weblogic81.
2. Download Java EE SDK from http://java.sun.com.
3. Assume that you have installed JReport Designer in /home/jreport/designer. You will get
JReport Engine and related libraries in /home/jreport/designer/lib.

JREngine.jar - It is required.

log4j-1.2.8.jar - Required. It is called by JReport Engine to generate log information at runtime.

sac.jar - Required. It is used to parse xml files.

hsqldb.jar - Necessary for this demo. This demo runs a report against HSQL database, and
hsqldb.jar is the hsqldb driver.
itext_1.5.4.jar - Necessary for this demo. It is used to export to PDF.

Note: JReport Engine Bean in JReport Designer is of single thread. That is, you can only have it run
one report at a time. To build your production EJB which calls JReport Engine Bean for concurrent
multiple reports, contact Jinfonet Support about the JReport Server Engine product.

Wrapping the Engine Bean into a session bean

When deploying JReport Engine Bean as an EJB to WebLogic 8.1, JReport Engine Bean should be
wrapped into a session bean. For more information, refer to the demo program provided by JReport in
ejbweblogic81.zip in /home/jreport/designer/help/designer/samples.

Building the EJB and running the client application

You can use ant to make an EAR file in WebLogic 8.1. Take the following steps:
1. Create a folder enginebean in /home/bea/weblogic81/samples/server/examples/src/examples/
2. Copy all the files in the package ejbweblogic81.zip to the folder enginebean.
3. Modify the files in the package ejbweblogic81.zip.
Change the path and key information in JREngineClient.java according to your own environment,
and change the reporthome in the file build.xml to /home/jreport/designer.
4. Start the WebLogic example server using the following command:
5. Set the environment variables by executing the env.sh file.
6. Build the EAR file and deploy by running the following command:
7. Check whether the above configuration is successful by running the following command:
ant run
8. The BUILD SUCCESSFUL information will be displayed in the console when the configuration is

Deploying to WebSphere 5.1 on Windows/Linux

This demo shows how JReport Engine Bean can be deployed as an EJB to WebSphere 5.1 for both
windows 2000 professional and Linux. The steps below are based on Windows. The procedure for Linux
is similar, where you only need to change the path information.
In this demo, an EJB client is HttpServerlet which calls EJB module deployed in the same WebSphere
5.1. In the EJB module, the session bean calls JReport Engine Bean to run and export a report to the
HTML format. The below image illustrates the working structure of this demo.

JReport Engine Bean is the module running report templates against a data source and exporting report
results to the specified format such as HTML, PDF, RTF and so on (see Exporting report results to
different file formats for methods about exporting report result to other formats).
The steps for this demo are as below:
1. Preparation
2. Developing the EJB session bean and the servlet that calls the EJB
3. Deploying the EAR file and starting the servlet

To prepare for this demo, you will need to install the following:
1. Install WebSphere 5.1 to C:\websphere5.1.
2. Install WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1 (abbreviated as WSAD) to C:\IBM. In this
demo, we will use WSAD to:

develop EJB session beans

develop EJB client servlet

generate deployment descriptors

generate the ear file for the later deployment

3. Install JReport Designer to C:\JReport\Designer. You will then have the following JReport Engine
Bean and related libraries in C:\JReport\Designer\lib:

JREngine.jar - It is required.
log4j-1.2.8.jar - Required. It is called by JReport Engine to generate log information at
sac.jar - Required. It is used to parse xml files.
hsqldb.jar - It is necessary for this demo. This demo runs a report against HSQL database, and
hsqldb.jar is the hsqldb driver.

This demo will export the report result to the HTML format. If you want to export the report result
to other formats, add the corresponding class files or jars. They are:

Mail: mail.jar and activation.jar

Excel: poiHSSF_151.jar

XML: xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar

PDF: itext_1.5.4.jar

Note: JReport Engine Bean in JReport Designer is of single thread. That is, you can only have it run
one report at a time. To build your production EJB which calls JReport Engine Bean for concurrent
multiple reports, contact Jinfonet Support about the JReport Server Engine product.

Developing the EJB session bean and the servlet that calls the EJB
In WSAD, first create a project that contains the framework of the EJB and the servlet which calls the
EJB. Then, go to their editors to modify the code for the EJB and servlet. Follow the steps below:
1. Start WebSphere Studio 5.1. Create a new Java EE project named JReportEJBDemo.
To create the new project JReportEJBDemo,
a. Select Project from the File menu. The New Project dialog will then appear.
b. Highlight Java EE on the left panel in the New Project dialog, and then choose Enterprise
Application Project from the right panel. Click the Next button in this dialog. You will then
be taken to the New Enterprise Application Project dialog. Then, click Next in this dialog
c. Type JReportEJBDemo into the Project name text box, and click Next.
d. Click New Module and on the New Module Project dialog, select EJB Project and Web
Project. Then, click the Finish button.
e. You will now see that JReportEJBDemoEJB and JReportEJBDemoWeb have been generated.
Click Finish.
f. Add source files for the EAR.
i. Right-click Utility JARs in JReportEJBDemo, and click Import from the shortcut menu.
The Import dialog appears. Select File System from the Select an import source panel,
and then click the Next button.

ii. Click the Browse button and select the directory C:\JReport\Designer\lib. Select the
files JREngine.jar, log4j-1.2.8.jar, sac.jar and hsqldb.jar. For the Into folder text
box, click the Browse button and select JReportEJBDemo. Then, click Finish in the
Import dialog.
2. Create an EJB session bean named JReport for JReportEJBDemoEJB.
a. From the Java EE Hierarchy tree, expand EJB Modules, right-click Session Beans in
JReportEJBDemoEJB, and on the shortcut menu, click Session Bean from the sub-menu of
b. In the New Enterprise Bean dialog, click Next.
c. This dialog helps you "Create a 2.0 Enterprise Bean". Type JReport in the Bean name text
box. Type demo in the Default Package text box. Click Next to go to the next dialog which
shows the Enterprise Bean Details (perform no actions in this dialog except for clicking Next).
Then, click Finish.
d. Now, in the Java EE Hierarchy tree, three EJB classes have been generated in the Session
Beans node. They will automatically have been named JReportHome, JReport, and
JReportBean. Note that JReportHome is the EJB home class, JReport is the EJB object class
and JReportBean is the EJB bean class.
3. Edit the three EJB classes.

JReportHome: Insert a method which is used to create the EJB object.

JReport: Insert methods which have been defined to call JReport Engine Bean.

JReportBean: Implement the methods in the JReport class (the EJB object class).

4. Check the JNDI name.

Double-click the session bean JReport. In the right panel, find out the JNDI Name, which will be
used in the servlet lookup later.
5. Put external classes/jars to the WSAD compiler.
a. Right-click JReportEJBDemoEJB, and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
b. Select Java Build Path on the left panel.
c. In the Libraries tab. Then, click the Add External JARs button to add JREngine.jar (go to
C:\JReport\Designer\lib, rename the file JREngine.jar to JREngine.jar).
d. In the Order and Export tab, check JREngine.jar, and move it to the top. Then, click OK.
6. Add JREngine.jar, log4j-1.2.8.jar, and hsqldb.jar to the class path which is used to run the EJB.
a. On the Window menu, click Other from the sub-menu of Open Perspective.
b. Select Plug-in Development in the Select Perspective dialog.
c. In the Package Explorer, expand JREportEJBDemoEJB in META-INF of ejbModule. Then,
double-click MANIFEST.MF to open it.
d. In the Dependencies panel of the JAR Dependency Editor, select all the jar files in the JAR or
Module column.
7. Use WSAD to build the container classes and deployment descriptors for the EJB.

a. Right-click JReportEJBDemoEJB in EJB Modules, and click Deployment and RMIC Code
from the Generate sub-menu. Check JReport.
b. Click Finish in the Generate Deployment and RMIC Code dialog and the changes will be
saved at the same time.
8. Export this JReportEJBDemoEJB to a jar.
a. Right-click JReportEJBDemoEJB and select Export EJB JAR File from the Export submenu.
b. In the Export dialog, specify a directory in the Destination text box. Use the default name
JReportEJBDemoEJB. The JReportEJBDemoEJB.jar will be generated in the specified path.
9. The EJB, which is JReportEJBDemoEJB, is now ready. Next, you should finish the servlet code in
the created web module, that is JReportEJBDemoWeb, to call this EJB via RMI. To generate the
servlet code,
a. Double-click JReportEJBDemoWeb. In the Web Deployment Descriptor, click Details of
Servlets and JSPs panel.
b. Click New to bring out the New Servlet dialog. Type JRServer in the Class name text box,
and click Finish. The JRServer.java is generated.
c. Add the following code into the JRServer.java.
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
Object objRef = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jreport");
JReportHome home =(JReportHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objRef,
this.jreport = home.create();

Note: The above code Object objRef = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jreport") calls

AliasName jreport. Therefore, we will create an alias name for the EJB in the web
i. Double-click JReportEJBDemoWeb in the References panel. Then click Details.
ii. In the EJB References panel, click Add, and rename New EJB Ref to jreport.
iii. In the Details panel, click Browse to the right of the Lin text box. Then, select
JReportEJBDemoEJB in the Location panel in the EJB Selection dialog, and click
iv. In the WebSphere Bindings panel, check the JNDI Name, to make sure that it is
the same as the name mentioned in step four.
10. Double-click JReportEJBDemoWeb in the Pages panel, and click Details. In the Login panel,
select Basic from the Authentication method drop-down list. Type index.jsp in the Realm name
text box.
11. Create index.jsp.
i. Switch to Plug-in Development Perspective, in the Package Explorer, in
JReportEJBDemoWeb, right-click WebContent, and select File from the New sub-menu.
ii. In the New File dialog, type index.jsp in the File name text box, and then click Finish.
iii. Write your JSP page code into the index.jsp file.

Now, both the EJB and the servlet are ready in the same application. The next step is to export an
R file which includes the EJB and web project.

a. In the Java EE Hierarchy tree, select JReportEJBDemo, right-click it and click Export EAR File.
b. In the Export dialog, specify a directory in the Destination text box, using the default name
JReportEJBDemo. JReportEJBDemo.ear will be generated in the specified directory.

Deploying the EAR file and starting the servlet

To deploy the EAR file:
1. Open the WebSphere Administration page.
2. Select Install New Application in Applications in the left panel of the page.
3. For the Preparing for the application installation section, click the Browse button of the Local
path. Then, go to the directory where JReportEJBDemo.ear exists, and select it.
4. Click Next for all the following steps until finish, and save the task.
To start the servlet:
1. Select Enterprise Application in Applications in the left panel of the administration page.
2. In the Enterprise Application panel, select JReportEJBDemo and then click the Start button.
3. Use a web browser to load the JSP page. For example, the URL may be like this:
Note: When deploying JReport Engine Bean as an EJB to WebSphere5.1, JReport Engine Bean is
wrapped into a session bean. For more information, refer to the demo program in ejbWebsphere51.zip
in C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples.

Deploying to JBoss 4.0.1

Take the following steps to deploy JReport Engine Bean as an EJB to JBoss 4.0.1:
1. Preparation
2. Building and deploying the JReport demo program
3. Running the client application
4. Managing the entity beans

Assume that:

Java SDK 6 has been installed to C:\jdk1.6.0_17;

JReport Designer has been installed to C:\JReport\Designer;

JBoss 4.0.1 with integrated Tomcat 4.1.24 has been installed to D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24.

In order to simplify your work, you are provided with a zip called ant_jreport_ejb.zip, which can be found in
<designer_install_root>\help\designer\samples. You can extract it to D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat4.1.24 directory. This zip file contains a build utility Ant and the JReport EJB demo source code.

Ant is a third party tool, which compiles the Java source code, builds the EJB.jar, and deploys the JAR by
copying it to JBoss's deploy folder.
A file called build.xml is also included in the zip file. This is required by the Ant utility for working out what to
compile and how to build your JARs. It gives the Ant utility information about how to compile and deploy your
Java programs and EJBs. You can find the build.xml file in the D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24
\workbook\jreport_ejb folder created by the extraction process.
If you need to know more about the Ant utility, visit the Ant project at the Jakarta website at http://jakarta.

In jreport_ejb folder, there is a folder src, which contains the JReport EJB demo source code (workbook/src/
main/jreport) and two xml files used in JBoss deployment (workbook/src/resources/META-INF).

Building and deploying the JReport demo program

Follow the steps below to build and deploy the demo program:
1. Copy JREngine.jar in C:\JReport\Designer\lib to D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\client.
2. In the Command Prompt window, switch to the D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\workbook
\jreport_ejb folder that is created by the extraction process.
3. Set the JAVA_HOME and JBOSS_HOME environment variables to point to where your JDK and JBoss 4.0.1
have been installed:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.6.0_17
set JBOSS_HOME=D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24

4. Add Ant to your execution path.

D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\workbook\jreport_ejb> set PATH=..\ant\bin;%PATH%
5. Change the path and key information in JREngineClient.java according to your own environment in the file
6. Issue the command Ant and press the Enter key as follows:
A screen message will then be shown as below:
Buildfile: build.xml
[javac] Compiling 1 source file to
[jar] Building jar:
[copy] Copying 1 file to D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\server\default\deploy
Total time: 3 seconds

The ejb_jrengine.jar has now been successfully built and deployed to D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24

Running the client application

Perform the following tasks:
1. Open a Command Prompt window, and change to the D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\bin
2. Invoke the JBoss Server using run.bat, located in <JBossServer_install_root>\bin folder.
Note: Before you run the batch file, be sure to add the bold part of the following to the class path:
set JBOSS_CLASSPATH= C:\JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.
\JReport\Designer\lib\hsqldb.jar; %JBOSS_CLASSPATH%;%JAVAC_JAR%;%RUNJAR%
3. In another Command Prompt window, run the JREngineClient application by invoking ant run.client_jreport.
Remember to set your JBOSS_HOME and PATH environment variables.
D:\jboss-4.0.1_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24\workbook\jreport_ejb>ant run.client_jreport
The output of JREngineClient will look something like this:

Buildfile: build.xml
[java] ReportHome: true
[java] ReportName: true
[java] CatName: true
[java] RstName: true
[java] getStatus = OK
[java] exportToPdf OK
[java] Exit
Total time: 15 seconds

Three files: CustomerList.pdf, CustomerList.rst and JReport.log, specified in JREngineClient.java, will be

generated in C:\JReport\Designer\temp.
Note: You will need a User ID and a JReport Runtime Key to run the JReport client application. If you do not
have this, contact Jinfonet Software sales at [email protected] or visit Jinfonet website http://www.jinfonet.
com for more information.

Managing the entity beans

Every EJB in JBoss is deployed and managed as a JMX MBean. You can view and manage EJBs deployed within
JBoss through your web browser by accessing the JMX management console. The console is available at http://

JReport Result Viewer Bean

JReport Result Viewer Bean is used to view local JReport result files generated by JReport Engine.
JReport Engine can be called in three different ways: by JReport Designer, by JReport Server, or by
JReport Engine Bean. That is, the report result file .rst can be generated by JReport Designer, JReport
Server and JReport Engine Bean.
JReport Result Viewer Bean enables you to:

Show the report result file .rst.

Export the report result to multiple file formats (HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, Postscript, Text, CSV, Applet,
E-mail) and to printer.

Reference: See also the JReport Designer Javadoc jet.bean.JRResultViewer class in

The following sections provide a detailed introduction about JReport Result Viewer Bean:

Installing the Result Viewer Bean

Result Viewer Bean properties

Programming with the Result Viewer Bean

Installing the Result Viewer Bean

When you install JReport Designer, which by default is located in C:\JReport\Designer, JReport Result
Viewer Bean is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the main components in
<install_root> as below:

Jar file for the Result Viewer Bean.
Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system.
Jar file for exporting to mail.
Jar file for exporting to mail.
Archive file used when exporting to XML.
lib\xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar
Jar files used when exporting to XML.
Jar file used when exporting to PDF.
Jar file used for the Asian fonts.
Jar file used when exporting to Excel.
If RPTExecutor UDO has been inserted into a report, to view the correct result, this jar file should be
added to the class path that starts the Result Viewer Bean.
Readme.htm, License.htm
Release information.
A sample program to demonstrate how to display the result.


* means that these files are required when you call the Result Viewer Bean.

Other files without * should be added to your class path to call the Result Viewer Bean.
For example, when you use the Result Viewer Bean to export to mail, you should add mail.jar and
activation.jar with a valid path to your class path. When you use the Result Viewer Bean to export to
XML, you should add resource.jar with a valid path to your class path. When you use JReport Engine
Bean to export to Excel, you should add poiHSSF_151.jar with a valid path to your class path, and
when you use JReport Engine Bean to export to PDF, you should add itext_1.5.4.jar with a valid path

to your class path.

Result Viewer Bean properties

JReport Result Viewer Bean has four properties: reportName, showInfoLevel, logFile and loadReport.
The following methods are used to set the values of these properties:

setReportName ("ReportName")


setShowInfoLevel (vDebug/vError/vOff)

setLogFile ("LogFileName")

setLoadReport ("Yes/No")


ReportName - Specifies the name of the JReport result file that is to be viewed. It contains both the
path information and the file name.
Note: Here the report name is the result file name with an .rst extension (NOT the report file .

theTemporaryPath - The temporary file path. When the bean runs, the temporary files will be written
in this path. You should set the full path of the temporary files in this method as:
If you do not set the temporary path, the default path is the directory from where the Bean will be

vDebug/vError/vOff - These are used for showing and turning off debug and error information.
LogFileName specifies where the debug, error and other information will go. LogFileName contains
both the path and the file name. If no path or file is specified, the default will be used.
Yes/No - Indicates whether or not to start to view the result of the report (the file specified by

Programming with the Result Viewer Bean

JReport Result Viewer can be used to view local JReport result files generated by JReport Engine. You
can show the report result file ( .rst) and export the report result to multiple file formats and to printer,
by calling JReport Result Viewer Bean in three different ways: by JReport Designer, by JReport Server,
or by JReport Engine Bean.
The following topics describe how to program with JReport Result Viewer Bean:


Using the Result Viewer Bean

An illustrative example

Before programming with the Result Viewer Bean, you need to import the classes of the Result Viewer
Bean by adding the following import statements to the beginning of your program. The first import
statement is added to import the bean class:


Then, you need to create an instance.

To run with the JReport Result Viewer Bean, you should first create an instance of it. The constructor of
the Result Viewer Bean has no parameter. After the object has been created, you should then set the
report name and temp path (if not set, the current path will be used).
bean = new JRResultViewer();
bean.setShowInfoLevel(bean.vDebug | bean.vError);

With the JReport Result Viewer Bean object, you can show the report result and export it to other
formats or to printer. You do not need to create a bean for each report. The Result Viewer Bean
provides many useful methods.

Using the Result Viewer Bean

After making the required preparations, you can now use the Result Viewer Bean to perform tasks.
The following topics detail how to run with the Result Viewer Bean to achieve certain goal:

Exporting report results to different file formats

Printing reports

Getting the page orientation of a report page

Browsing report pages

Zooming reports

Getting field results by listening to the click event

Setting the report communicator

Setting the user input stream

Exiting from the Result Viewer Bean

Exporting report results to different file formats

There are several methods with which JReport Result Bean can export a result file (.rst extension) to
different file formats (.htm, .pdf, .txt, etc.):
Export to HTML

exportToHtml(string HTMLFileName)

exportToHtml(string HTMLFileName, HtmlParameter Parameter)

exportToHtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean

bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean Absolute, int iBrowser)
exportToHtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean
bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser,
exportToHtml(string RSTFileName, string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean
isMultiFile, boolean UsingTable, boolean Hyperlink, boolean PageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int
iBrowser, boolean bincdrilldownfile, boolean noMargin)
exportToHtml(string rstFileName, string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile,
boolean bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser,
boolean bincdrilldownfile, boolean noMargin, int resolution)
Export to DTHML

exportToDhtml(string HTMLFileName)
exportToDhtml(string RSTFileName, string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean
isMultiFile, boolean bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int
iBrowser, boolean bincdrilldownfile, boolean noMargin)
exportToDhtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean
bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser, boolean
bincdrilldownfile, boolean noMargin, int resolution)
exportToDhtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean
bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser)
exportToDhtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean
bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser, boolean
exportToDhtml(string HTMLFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean
bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser, boolean
bincdrilldownfile, boolean noMargin)
Export to PDF

exportToPdf(string PDFFileName)

exportToPdf(string FileName, PDFParameter Parameter)

exportToPdf(string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin)

exportToPdf(string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin, boolean isSimPrintMode)

exportToPdf(string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin, boolean isSimPrintMode, int isCompressImage)

exportToPdf(string RSTFileName, string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin, boolean isPrintMode, int

isCompressImage, boolean isTransparent)
exportToPdf(string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin, boolean isSimPrintMode,
int isCompressImage, boolean isTransparent, boolean bToc, boolean bDrill, string password)
exportToPdf(string PDFFileName, boolean noMargin, boolean isSimPrintMode, int
isCompressImage, boolean isTransparent, boolean bToc, boolean bDrill)
Export to Text

exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText)

exportToText(string TextFileName, TextParameter Parameter)

exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, int udchWidth, int unchHeight)

exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter)

exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter,

boolean compress)
exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter,
boolean compress, boolean quoteMark)
exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter, int
udchWidth, int udchHeight, boolean compress, int resolution, boolean quoteMark, boolean
exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter, int
udchWidth, int udchHeight, boolean compress, int resolution, boolean quoteMark, boolean
hasHeadfoot, boolean forWindows)
exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, int udchWidth, int udchHeight, boolean
compress, int resolution)
exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, int udchWidth, int udchHeight, boolean
compress, int resolution, boolean quoteMark)
Export to Excel

exportToXls(string XLSFileName)

exportToXls(string XLSFileName, ExcelParameter Parameter)

exportToXls(string XLSFileName, int isWordWrap)

exportToXls(string XLSFileName, int isWordWrap, boolean isBiff8)

exportToXls(string XLSFileName, int isWordWrap, boolean isBiff8, int param)

Export to PS

exportToPS(string PSFileName)

exportToPS(string PSFileName, boolean noMargin)

exportToPS(string PSFileName, PSParameter Parameter)

Export to RTF

exportToRtf(string RTFFileName)

exportToRtf(string RTFFileName, boolean noMargin)

exportToRtf(string RTFFileName, RTFParameter Parameter)

Export to XML

exportToXML(string XMLlFileName, boolean isMultiFile, boolean isOnlyData)

exportToXML(string XMLFileName, boolean isDataOnly, string xsdFile)

exportToXML(string XMLFileName, boolean isDataOnly)


HTMLFileName - The name of the HTML format result file with a full path.
bChartApplet - A boolean value which specifies whether or not the chart in an HTML file is an applet.
The default value is true.
isMultiFile - A boolean value which specifies whether or not HTML is generated to a single file or to
multiple files. The default value is true.
bUsingTable - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to use HTML table format when
exporting HTML files. The default value is false.
bHyperLink - A boolean value which specifies whether or not a hyperlink is generated. The default
value is true.
bPageNum - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate page numbers. The default
value is true.
bAbsolute - A boolean value which specifies whether the font size is absolute or relative. The default
value is true.
iBrowser - An int value which specifies whether or not the web browser is IE. 0 means IE. The
default value is 0.
Drilldownfile - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate the drilldown HTML files in
the file list. The default value is false.
RSTFileName - The name of the result file (.rst extension) that is to be converted to the required
PDFFileName - The name of the PDF format result file with a full path.
isSimPrintMode - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to use Simulated Printing Mode
(true) or Standard Mode (false) (To PDF). By checking the Standard Mode, the exporting speed will
be much improved. The default value is false.
isCompressImage - An int value which specifies the compression ratio of the image in a report (To
PDF). The values range from 1 to 100. The default value is 20.
isTransparent - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to keep the background of the GIF
image transparent.

TextFileName - The name of the Text format result file with a full path. true/false is to set whether
this text file is in normal Text format or standard Data format. The standard Data format text file is a
text file where each row represents a single record in the report. It can be used as a text datasource
for exchanging data with other applications.
isNormalText - A boolean value which specifies whether or not the text file is in normal text format.
When it is set to false, the output format is in standard data format. The default value is true.
isRepeat - A boolean value which specifies whether or not the same contents are repeated. The
default value is false.
delimiter - A character used in SDF (Standard Data Format) format. The delimiter will only be used
when the "isNormalText" parameter is set to false. The default delimiter is a blank space.
compress - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to remove empty lines or redundant
delimiters in the exported text file. The default value is false.

XLSFileName - The name of the Excel format report result file with a full path.

PSFileName - The name of the Postscript format result file with a full path.

RTFFileName - The name of the Rich Text Format file with a full path.

noMargin - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate a file without a page margin.
The default value is false.
chWidth - User defined char width used in plain text format. It would be ignored if the value is 0 or
less than 0. When exporting to Text, the default value is -1.
chHeight - User defined char height which is used in plain text format. It would be ignored if the
value is 0 or less than 0. When exporting to Text, the default value is -1.
XMLFileName - The XML file name.
isMultiFile - A boolean value which specifies whether XML is generated to a single file or to multiple
isOnlyData - A boolean value which specifies whether or not only the database column information is
exported to an XML file. Otherwise, all the report details, including all the properties will be exported.
The default value is false.

parameter - A parameter contains some special settings for exporting to different file formats.

resolution - An int value which is used to specify resolution for different exported file formats.

password - A string value which is used to set the password when exporting to a PDF file that
contains a password.
bToc - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate TOC for the PDF file.
bDrill - A boolean value which specifies whether or not to apply drill-down function to the exported
PDF file.
quoteMark - A boolean value specifies whether or not quote characters will be kept in standard
format text file.
hasHeadfoot - A boolean value specifies whether or not page header and footer will be contained
when exporting to TEXT.
forWindows - A boolean value specifies whether the CR-LF in Windows convention or the LF in Unix

convertion will be used as the end-of-line character.

udchWidth - An int value which is specified for each unit of the horizontal density between columns.

udchHeight - An int value which is specified for each unit of the vertical density between columns.

isWordWrap - An int value which specifies a word wrap setting option.

NOWORDWRAP - Disables the Word Wrap property for all components.

WORDWRAPALL - Enables the Word Wrap property for all components.

isBiff8 - A boolean value specifies whether or not to export reports to an Excel 2000 file.

KEEPORIGIN - Keeps all the original settings of each component's Word Wrap property as specified
in the report.

param - An int value specifies whether or not to include drawing objects in the exported Excel file. If
isBiff8 is set to true, drawing objects will not be included in the result file, because they cannot be
exported to Excel 2000 files.

NOEXPORTSHAPE - Drawing objects will not be exported to Excel files.

EXPORTSHAPE - Drawing objects will be exported to Excel files.

XSDFile - A string value indicates the schema file on which the exported XML file is based. If it is set
to null, a new XSD file will be output.


Method exportToHtml(string HtmlFileName) will use the method exportToHtml(string HTMLFileName,

boolean bChartApplet, boolean isMultiFile, boolean bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean
bPageNum, boolean bAbsolute, int iBrowser) using default parameter values, such as: exportToHtml
("HtmlFileName", false, true, false, true, true, true, JRResultViewer.IE).
Method exportToText(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText) will use the method exportToText
(string TextFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean isRepeat, char delimiter) using default
parameter values such as: exportToText( "TextFileName", isNormalText, false, ' ').

Printing reports
There are five methods provided for printing a report.

printReport(Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11)
printReport(Object printJob, Object pageFormat, boolean bInteractive, boolean bInBackground,
boolean bUseJDK11, boolean bSeparateLargePage)
printReport(java.lang.Object job, boolean bInteractive, java.lang.Object pf, boolean bInBackground,
JReportPrintListener jreportprintlistener, int useJDK, java.lang.String jobName, java.util.Vector
attributeInfo, java.lang.String printer)


bInteractive - A Boolean value. If you set it to false, the Print Setup dialog will not be shown.

bInBackground - A Boolean value. If you set it to true, the Print dialog will not be shown.

bUseJDK11 - A Boolean value. If you set it to true, it will use JDK1.1.x to print the report. Otherwise
if you set it to false, it will use the JDK that you are running to print the report. The JDK 1.1 printing
method is quick in speed but the printing quality cannot be guaranteed. The JDK 1.2 method will
provide a satisfactory result, even for a .gif file, but it is slow in speed.
bSeparateLargePage - A Boolean value. If the report page size is larger than the print paper size,
and you want to separate a large report page during printing, you should set this property to true. If
the print page size you choose is less than the report page size, the report will be printed in multiple
pages serially. This means a large report will be separated automatically. For JDK1.2 or later, after
you have set this parameter to true, the Page Format dialog will be shown. In this dialog, you can
choose the page format in which you want to print. This page size will then be used for printing. For
JDK1.1.x, however, you must first change the page format in the Print dialog (click the Property
button, then choose the page format).
job - The print job of this print action. It is an instance of PrintJob or PrinterJob.
bUseJDK - An Integer value. If you set it to 0, it will use the method JDK1.1 to print the report. If
you set it to 1, it will use the method JDK1.2 to print the report. If you set it to 2, it will use the
method JDK1.4 to print the report. The JDK 1.1 printing method is quick in speed but the printing
quality cannot be guaranteed. However, the JDK 1.2 method will return you with a satisfactory
result, even for a gif file, but it is slow in speed. The method JDK1.4 provides further print options,
such as specifying the paper tray.
attributeInfo - A vector with String elements. Each string has been defined in interface PrintConfig
which is located in package jet.bean. For example, you can implement PrintConfig and call its fields
as shown below:

Example 1

With JDK1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.2 printing method (boolean bUseJDK11), you can call the
printReport method as shown below:
PrinterJob printJob=PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
bean.printReport(printJob, printJob.defaultPage(), false, false, false);
Or, if you do not want to use getPrinterJob, you can simply call:
bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, false);
Example 2
With JDK1.2 or later, if you use the JDK1.1 printing method, you are best recommended not to use
getPrintJob, instead you can call:
bean.printReport(null, null, false, false, true);

The first method printReport() is called to start printing. It will take the third method using default
parameter values such as:
printReport(null, null, true, false, false, false)
The second and third method allows you to pass the parameters - printJob, pageFormat,
bInteractive, bInbackground, bUseJDK11 and bSeparateLargePage.
The third printing method (with the bSeparateLargePage parameter) is not recommended. It may
cause some unexpected errors, for example, you may get an extra blank page.
After printing has started, the method getPrintStatus() can be used to get the print job status.
Returned values of getPrintStatus() are:
"No print job"
"No report load"
Other error messages if there are errors.

Getting the page orientation of a report page

The method getPageOrientation() is used to get the orientation of the report page. You should call this
method after calling the runReport method. The return value is an int value, and can be LANDSCAPE or
PORTRAIT. If it is -1, it makes no sense, and is incorrect. For example, you may have called it before
calling runReport method.

Browsing report pages

The methods listed here are also available to JReport Result Viewer Bean.

The methods getCurrentPageNumber() and getTotalPageNumber() are used to return the current
page number and the total number of pages of the current report onto the screen.
The method int gotoPage(int pageNumber) is used to display the page specified by PageNumber on
the screen. If PageNumber is out of the range of the current report, the first page (if the
pageNumber is less than 0), or the last page will be shown on screen. The returned value is the
current page number.
The methods firstPage(), prevPage(), nextPage() and lastPage() are used to show the specified page
on the screen.

The return value of the above methods is a string, and can be:


"No more page"

Other error messages such as "No report load".

Zooming reports
If you want to zoom in or out of a report, there is a method named zoom(ratio) that will meet this

ratio - Integer type, representing a percentage value.

Example 1
If you want to enlarge the report by two times the original size, you can use the method in this way:
Example 2
If you want to reduce the report size by half, you can use the method in this way:
Reference: To see another example, see TestResultBean.java in <install_root>\help\designer

Getting field results by listening to the click event

When you click a field in the viewer, you can get the entire record of the field. The interface in package
jet.thinviewer named ClickActionListener can implement this function. This interface is defined as:
interface ClickActionListener
void clickOnField(jet.connect.Record currentRecord);

If you have a class which wants to listen to the click event of a field, this class can implement this
interface. Then, after you have instantiated a bean, you can add the ClickActionListener.

This action must be implemented before running the report. Finally after the report has been shown
and you click on a field, the ClickActionListener's method clickOnField will be called, and you will then
get the values of all columns in that field from the parameter currentRecord.
To see an example, see TestResultBean.java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.

Setting the report communicator

The method SetReportCommunicator(Communicator) is used to set the report communicator.

communicator - The Communicator here is a class defined by JReport. After users set the
communicator, the viewer will load the report from this communicator, not the result file.

You are recommended to use getReportCommunicator() in JReport Engine Bean, and use the method
setCommunicator() in JReport Result Viewer Bean. That is,

Setting the user input stream

To view the result file with JReport Result Viewer, you will usually set the report name to a physical .rst
file, or if you want to set the stream of the .rst file, you can use the methods below:
setInputStream(InputStream ins, boolean zip)


ins - The user input stream.

zip - Whether the result is compressed or not. To see whether the result is compressed or not, you
can call the method below:
boolean isZipStream(InputStream ins)


ins - The user input stream.


true - Compressed stream.

false - Uncompressed stream.

Exiting from the Result Viewer Bean

The method exit() should be called when you want to quit from JReport Result Viewer Bean. It will
perform some clean up work, such as deleting temporary files. It is important to free up the resources
of the result file, so remember to follow this method.

An illustrative example
There is a sample program called TestResultBean.java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples included in the
JReport Result Bean package.
The properties for the report are very simple, and you will only need to set the ReportName. Note that here the report
name is the report result .rst file generated by JReport Engine (JReport Designer, JReport Engine Bean or JReport
Server). It is not a .cls file. By calling the runReport and show() methods, the report result will be displayed.
As with the JReport Engine Bean, the report result can be exported to other formats such as HTML, PDF, RTF or to a
printer. You will need to use the appropriate methods and parameters.
To run TestResultBean.java, you can use the following command to compile the sample program first (assume that
JReport Designer has been installed to C:\JReport\Designer):
javac -classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\JRResultviewer.jar;
C:\JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\itext_1.5.4.jar" TestResultBean.java

JReport Catalog Bean

JReport Catalog Bean provides a programming API for manipulating and accessing a JReport catalog. A
catalog is used for holding all the resources used for building reports in JReport.
JReport Catalog Bean enables you to:

Create an empty catalog.

Add objects to a catalog.

Remove objects from a catalog.

Get an object description in a catalog.

The following are some specific topics about JReport Catalog Bean:

Installing the Catalog Bean

Catalog Bean classes

Programming with the Catalog Bean

Installing the Catalog Bean

When you install JReport Designer, which by default is located in C:\JReport\Designer, JReport
Catalog Bean is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the main components
in <install_root> as below:

Class library that contains the Catalog Bean.
Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system.
License control file.
Configuration file.
The test tool of the Catalog Bean with a graphics user interface.

JReport Catalog Bean is combined with JReport Engine Bean and is stored in the same class library
called JREngine.jar. You will need to set the class path environment variable before you can compile
and run the program. Append the following string to the class path:

Catalog Bean classes

JReport Catalog Bean contains several classes: JRCatalog class, JRCatalogException class and
ConnectionDesc class. Read this section to get detailed information.

JRCatalog class
The JReport Catalog is the principal class that manipulates and accesses a catalog. The application
creates a JReport Catalog instance, and uses JReport Catalog methods to manipulate the catalog.
JReport Catalog has two properties:

reportHome - The string that contains the installation path of JReport Catalog Bean.
catName - The string that contains the full file path of the catalog. This path is used when loading or
creating a catalog.

JRCatalogException class
JRCatalogException is the class that describes the error information. This exception is thrown when an
error occurs. This exception describes many kinds of errors. The error code in the exception represents
the exception type. The error code and error message can be viewed through public means.

ConnectionDesc class
ConnectionDesc is the class that describes the JDBC connection information. This class is used to
create/modify connections and get connection information.
Reference: JReport Designer Javadoc jet.bean.JRCatalog, jet.bean.JRCatalogException and jet.
universe.ConnectionDesc classes in <install_root>\help\designer\api, which includes all the
documents generated by Javadoc.

Programming with the Catalog Bean

A catalog is used to contain all resources used for building reports in JReport Designer, and JReport
Catalog Bean provides a programming API for manipulating and accessing JReport catalogs. JReport
Catalog Bean allows to achieve functions such as, creating an empty catalog, adding objects to a
catalog, removing objects from a catalog, and getting object description in a catalog.
Go through the following topics to further understand how to program with JReport Catalog Bean:


Using the Catalog Bean

An illustrative example

Test tool program

Before programming with the Catalog Bean, you need to import the Catalog Bean classes by adding the
following import statements to the beginning of your program. The first two import statements are
added to import the Catalog Bean, and exception classes. The third is added to import the connection
description class.
import jet.bean.JRCatalog;
import jet.bean.JRCatalogException;
import jet.universe.ConnectionDesc;

Then you need to create an instance of the Catalog Bean. The constructor of the Catalog Bean has no
parameter. After the object has been created, you should then set the report home to the object.
JRCatalog jrCatalog = new JRCatalog();
jrCatalog.setReportHome("c:\\jreport") ;
With the Catalog Bean object, you can manipulate and access many catalogs. You do not need to
create a bean for each catalog.
You can load an existing catalog or create a new catalog. After a catalog has been created or loaded,
you can manipulate it before closing it. The closeCatalog method closes a catalog, releases resource
and clears up the temporary file. Also, the program requires using the closeCatalog method when
operations on it have been completed.

Using the Catalog Bean

After making the required preparations, you can now use the Catalog Bean to perform tasks.

Creating a catalog
The method newCatalog creates an empty catalog according to the catalog name that is set in
catName, and saves it to disk.
When creating a new catalog, the directory of the catalog name should exist and contain no catalog
files. You should make sure of this before you start creating the new catalog.
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Loading an existing catalog

The method loadCatalog is used to load a catalog according to the catalog name that is set in catName.
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Manipulating a catalog
A catalog can be manipulated by the actions of adding, deleting and editing of objects within it. A
catalog contains many kinds of objects. These objects include connections, tables, views, file queries,
stored procedures, queries, WHERE portions, formulas, summaries and parameters.
For example, you can modify the connection, the name, the URL, the user, the password and the driver.

ConnectionDesc conDesc=new ConnectionDesc();
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Getting information
You can get information about objects in a catalog via some methods.
For example, you can get the connection information via the method getConnectionDesc().
ConnectionDesc conDesc = bean.getConnectionDesc();
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Saving a catalog
Changes to a catalog are saved to a disk only when the method saveCatalog is used.
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Handling exceptions
When an error occurs, the JRCatalogException is thrown out. Your program will catch the exception and
handle the error.
The exception describes the error code and detailed message as follows:

Code: 0
Message: "System initialize failed."
Description: The system initialization process failed. The Catalog Bean needs to be initialized to
resolve the environment. This error is caused by reasons such as wrong report home, and bad
Detail: The reason why the initialization failed.
Code: 1
Message: "The catalog name is null."
Description: The catalog name is null. The catalog name should be set before the loadReport() or
newReport() methods are used.
Detail: None.
Code: 2
Message: "Creating the catalog failed, because the specified directory does not exist or there is an
existing catalog in that directory."
Description: Cannot create a catalog in the specified directory, because the directory does not exist
or there is a catalog in the directory.
Detail: None
Code: 3
Message: "Cannot open the catalog file."
Description: Cannot open the specified catalog file. The reason is file not found, file corrupt, format
error or version mismatch.
Detail: The reason why the opening of a catalog file failed.
Code: 4
Message: "Save catalog failed."
Description: Cannot save the catalog file successfully. The cause is a file writing error, or a formula
file save has failed.
Detail: The reason why the saving of a catalog failed.
Code: 5
Message: "No catalog loaded."
Description: The loadCatalog() or newCatalog() methods should be used before other methods, and
closeCatalog() should be used in the end.
Detail: None
Code: 6
Message: "The name of the WHERE portion is invalid or already exists."
Description: The name specified is invalid or has already been used by another WHERE portion.
Detail: None
Code: 7
Message: "The specified WHERE portion does not exist."
Description: The specified WHERE portion does not exist.
Detail: None.
Code: 8
Message: "A catalog can contain only one connection."
Description: A catalog can contain only one connection, and this error occurs when adding a second
Detail: None.
Code: 9
Message: "The name of the connection is invalid or already exists."

Description: The name specified is invalid or has already been used.

Detail: None

Code: 10
Message: "Connection failure."
Description: The JDBC connection failed when trying to create a connection to the database.
Detail: The message of SQLException or ClassNotFoundException.
Code: 11
Message: "The name of the file query (customer SQL) is invalid or already exists."
Description: The name of file query is either invalid or already exists.
Detail: None.
Code: 12
Message: "Cannot create the file query."
Description: Cannot create file query object.
Detail: The reason why the file query cannot be created.
Code: 13
Message: "There is no connection in the catalog."
Description: There is no connection in the catalog. If you are deleting or modifying a connection, the
problem is that no such connection exists. If you are adding a file query, you cannot create it without
a connection.
Detail: None
Code: 14
Message: "The specified file query doesn't exist."
Description: The specified file query does not exist.
Detail: None.
Code: 15
Message: "Unknown Error."
Description: The unexpected error.
Detail: None
Code: 16
Message: "Invalid user ID or password"
Description: The user ID or password is invalid.
Detail: None
Code: 17
Message: "Only Tables or Views can be added into catalog."
Description: The table type users specified is not supported.
Detail: None
Code: 18
Message: "Close connection failure."
Description: When closing connection, an error occurred.
Detail: None

An illustrative example
In the following program, the Catalog Bean will be used to change the connection of a catalog:
// create catalog bean
JRCatalog jrCatalog = new JRCatalog();
// set report home
jrCatalog.setReportHome( "c:\\jrcbean");
// load catalog
// modify connection
ConnectionDesc conDesc = new ConnectionDesc();
conDesc.strName = "Demo";
conDesc.strURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orcl";
conDesc.strUser = "System";
conDesc.strPassword = "Manager";
conDesc.strDriver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
// save catalog
// close catalog
catch(JRCatalogException e)

Test tool program

TestCatalogBean.java located in <install_root>\help\designer\samples, is a test tool for JReport Catalog Bean. It is primarily
designed and built for you to test all the methods of JReport Catalog Bean.
The test tool program has a user interface, and all the functions of the Catalog Bean can be invoked using the menu items.
Depending on success or failure of each test, you will get either a return result or an exception message respectively.
To run the JReport Catalog Bean test tool program, you should:
1. Compile the source code of TestCatalogBean.java. For example, JReport Designer is installed in C:\JReport\Designer, you
can compile the it using the following command:
-classpath C:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib

2. Run the test tool:

C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples>java -Dreporthome="C:\JReport\Designer"
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib

After activating the program, a window will be displayed.

3. Before starting other commands, you should first set the home path and the catalog name.
Select File > Set Home Directory to set the home path and File > Set Catalog Name to set the catalog name.
4. Then, you can create a new catalog with the specified catalog name, or load an existing catalog in the same way.
5. The test tool also provides the source code of each method, and you can copy and paste it into your program from the text

JReport Designer API

Besides editing a report with the design panel in JReport Designer, you can also edit a report with the
Designer API. By creating a Designer instance in your Java program, you can modify a report with the
methods provided by the Designer API. The Designer API is for designing a report with your own
JReport Designer API fully realizes designing a report programmatically. That is, with the Designer APIs
you can edit the layout of a report all in code. You can change the property values, or modify the report
by inserting objects such as DBFields, formulas, text objects, and charts. You can also create and
design a report with the Designer API.
The following sections explain the Designer API in detail:

Designer API packages & license

Installing the Designer API

Getting started

Programming with the Designer API

Designer API packages & license

There are two JReport Designer API packages: the workstation version and the server version. The
workstation package is the Designer API, and the server package is the Server Designer API. The main
differences between these two packages are:

There are some special methods used for editing catalogs, queries, reports, and parameters. These
methods are included in the Designer API and Server Designer API. When invoking these methods in
the Server Designer API, you also have to provide an additional parameter: UID (used to distinguish
between different users, and can be a Number or a String). However, when invoking them in the
Designer API, you do not need to provide this parameter.
The Designer API can only edit one report at a time, while the Server Designer API allows concurrent
users to modify their reports.

JReport Designer API and JReport Server Designer API use an independent license from other JReport
products. You need to contact Jinfonet sales to obtain this special license key if you want to use either
JReport Designer API or JReport Server Designer API on your machine with JReport Designer or JReport
Server. The license will be applied to your program instead of being applied to the installation of
JReport Designer API or JReport Server Designer API.
The keys for JReport Designer API and JReport Server Designer API are different. For example, you
cannot use the JReport Designer API key on JReport Server Designer API, and vice versa.
If you want to use JReport Designer API or JReport Server Designer API package for workstations
without using JReport Designer and JReport Server, you will need to obtain a valid license for each
work station.

Installing the Designer API

JReport Designer API and JReport Server Designer API packages can be easily downloaded and
installed to your local machine. After which, you can then program with them without having to install
any other JReport products. However, full designer API packages are also included in JReport Designer
and JReport Server. JReport Designer includes a single threaded Designer API, while JReport Server
includes a multi-threaded Designer API.

Installing independent JReport Designer API

Download designAPISetup.exe from the Jinfonet website http://www.jinfonet.com/downloadjreport/
additional.htm. Then, run designAPISetup.exe and follow the prompts to install.
After you have installed JReport Designer API by running designAPISetup.exe, you will need to take the
following two steps before you compile and run the program:
1. Set the class path environment variable. Then, append the following string to your class path that
starts the Designer API:
2. Set the -Dreporthome parameter equal to the root path of the Designer API.

Installing independent JReport Server Designer API

Download svrdsgAPISetup.exe from the Jinfonet website http://www.jinfonet.com/downloadjreport/
additional.htm. Then, run svrdsgAPISetup.exe and follow the prompts to install.
After you have installed JReport Server Designer API by running svrdsgAPISetup.exe, you will need to
take the following two steps before you compile and run the program:
1. Set the class path environment variable. Then, append the following string to your class path that
starts Server Designer API:
2. Set the -Dreporthome parameter to be the same as the root path of the Server Designer API.

Installing the Designer API by JReport Designer

When you install JReport Designer, the Designer API will be installed at the same time. After
installation, you will have the components listed below in <designer_install_root>\lib:






log4j-1.2.8.jar (Jar file used for the JReport Engine logging system)

Note: The Designer API classes are stored in the archive files: report.jar and JREngine.jar. You will
need to take the following two steps before you can compile and run the program:
1. Set the class path environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts
the Designer API:
2. Set the -Dreporthome parameter to be the same as the root path of JReport Designer.

Getting started
To help you start using the Designer API, here is a simple example which shows how to use the JReport
Designer API package to compile and run a Java class that returns the connection information from a catalog file.
Assume that TestCatalogAPI.java in <install_root>\help\designer\samples has been run to generate a
catalog file Tutorial.cat in the directory <install_root>\Demo\Reports\APITutorial.
1. Compile the sample code TellMeConnection.java in <designer_install_root>\help\designer\samples.
javac -classpath <install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar;<install_root>\lib\sac.jar;<install_root>
\lib\report.jar TellMeConnection.java
2. Set the license key for Designer API using the method dr.setUserInfo("UID","XXXXXXXXXXX") in
3. Run the sample code.
java -classpath ".;<install_root>\lib\JREngine.jar;<install_root>\lib\report.jar;
-Dreporthome=<install_root> TellMeConnection <catalog path> <catalog name>

For example,
java -classpath "c:\JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar;c:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;
TellMeConnection c:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial Tutorial.cat

And the output should be as follows:

Name: Jinfonet demo
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
URL: jdbc:hsqldb:c:\JReport\Designer\Demo\db\DemoDB
User: sa
TimestampFormat yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
TimeFormat HH:mm:ss
DateFormat yyyy-MM-dd
ExtraNamePattern Default(JDBC)

Programming with the Designer API

The class API is the root of the class hierarchy of JReport Designer API (Designer API and Catalog API).
It is an abstract class and provides a series of editing methods for users. The Designer API class has an
API as a super class.
Designer and MultiUserDesigner are the principal classes that manipulate reports. The application
creates a Designer instance and calls Designer methods to create or modify a report. For details of
summary of FIELD, CONSTRUCTOR and METHOD, see JReport Designer Javadoc jet.api package in
<install_root>\help\designer\api, which includes all documents generated by Javadoc. In addition,
JReport provides you with some sample files in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.
The following topics explain how to use the Designer API:


Using the Designer API

Illustrative examples

Before you can use the Designer API to perform certain tasks, you need to first make the following preparations.

Setting the license key

The license information is set via a method called setUserInfo(String uid, String key), where UID is the user ID, and key is the license key.
This method should be called before you can call any other Designer API methods.

Getting handle information

All the objects in a report are organized into and browsed from a tree structure. For each report, the Report Inspector consists of a report
objects tree at the top of the view panel and its corresponding reporting features or properties at the bottom. Selecting any object node on
the tree also selects the same element in the report design area. The following diagrams cover all objects that can be used in a report with
their relationships.

Every node and object in the above trees is identified by a HANDLE in JReport Designer API. Therefore, before you can create or edit a
report with the Designer API, you will first have to get the handle information. Super class API provides the following methods to get
handles of different nodes and different types.

Gets all the handles of a report and returns a handle array.
getHandles(String handle)
Gets handles of the sub node in the current node and returns a handle array. If it fails, it will return null.
getHandles(String handle, int type)
Gets sub node handles of the same types for the given node and returns a handle array. If it fails, it will return null.
getParent(String handle)
Gets the parent handle of an object and returns the parent handle. If it fails, it will return null.


handle - Parent node handle when getting sub node handles. Object handle when getting parent handle.

type - Class type value defined in the API class.

depth - This is related to the current level in the report tree. When the depth is -1, all handles in the report will be got. When the depth is
0, the handles of the current level will be got. When the depth is number n, the handles of n levels and the current level will be got.

Using the Designer API

After making the required preparations, you can now use the Designer API to perform tasks.
The following topics detail how to program with the Designer API to achieve certain goal:

Creating and deleting a report

Opening and closing a report

Inserting and deleting an object

Getting property information

Getting a Catalog API instance

Getting objects and object information

Getting the instance name and class type of an object

Moving objects

Getting editing information

Exiting from the editing status

Concurrent control

Creating and deleting a report

create(String name, String query)

Creates a new report with a specified name, and returns the handle of the new report. If it fails, a
null value will be returned.
createReportSet(String name)
Creates a new report set with a specified name.
deleteReport(java.lang.String name)
Deletes an existing report with the specified name, and returns true if the report has been
successfully removed.


name - The specified report name that is to be created or deleted.

query - The query name on which the report is created.


The report should be created based on the existing catalog file, otherwise you will get an error.

The query should exist in the given catalog, otherwise you will get an error.

Opening and closing a report

To open or close a report, you can use the following methods:

open(String name)
Opens an existing report set and returns the handle of the report set.
close(String handle)
Saves any changes and closes the open report in the current report set.
Saves any changes and closes the current report set.
quit(String handle)
Closes an open report without saving any changes.


name - Name of the report set that is to be opened.

handle - Ancestor handle of the open report.

Inserting and deleting an object

To insert or delete an object into a report, you can use the methods and parameters below:

insert(String parent, int type, String name)

Inserts an object into the parent node.
insert(String parent, int type, String name, String mapping)
Inserts a DBField, parameter, formula or summary into the parent node.
insert(String parent, String name, CTRowColFieldInfo colInfo[], CTRowColFieldInfo
rowInfo[], CTAggFieldInfo aggInfo[])
Insert a crosstab object and its children into the parent node.
insert(String parent, CTRowColFieldInfo colInfo, CTRowColFieldInfo rowInfo,
CTAggFieldInfo aggInfo)
Inserts crosstab children into the crosstab.
insert(String parent, String name, String paperName, int charttype, String gName1, String
gName2, String value, ChartLegendInfo chartLegendInfo, ChartLabelInfo chartLabelInfo)
Inserts a chart object and its children into the parent node.
insert (String parent, int type, String name, String topSection , String bottomSection)
Inserts a shape object into the report and returns the handle of the new shape.
insert(String parent, String name, GroupInfo groupInfo)
Inserts a group/sort into the parent node.
delete(String handle)
Deletes an object from its parent node.


parent - Parent handle node.

type - Class type that you want to insert.

name - Instance name of the new object.

mapping - Mapping name of the database field, parameter, formula or summary.

colInfo - Field information array of the Column.

rowInfo - Field information array of the Row.

aggInfo - Field information array of the Aggregate.

paperName - Instance name of ChartCoordinatepaper object.

charttype - Type of Chart.

group1 - Mapping name of the first group.

group2- Mapping name of the second group. It can be null.

value - Mapping name of a summary.

chartLegendInfo - Field information array of the chart legend.

chartLabelInfo - Field information array of the chart title and notes.

handle - Handle of the object that is to be deleted.

topSection - Handle of the top section attached by the shape.

bottomSection - Handle of the bottom section attached by the shape.

groupInfo - The group information.

Getting property information

All the methods mentioned in this section are provided in the API class. Use the corresponding method
to get the property information which you want.

Getting property value

The following methods are used for getting the property values of different types and return the
property value:

getInt(String handle, String name)

getLong(String handle, String name)

getFloat(String handle, String name)

getDouble(String handle, String name)

getString(String handle, String name)

getBool(String handle, String name)

getColor(String handle, String name)

getControlFields(String handle, String name)


handle - Object handle.

name - Property name.

Note: The getControlFields(String handle, String name) method is used for getting fields that can
control property values at runtime.

Getting property name, type and checking property name

getPropType(String handle, String name)

Gets and returns the property type defined in the Designer class.
getPropnames(String handle)
Gets property names and returns a name array.
containPropName(String handle, String name)
Checks whether the property name exists. If it exists, it will return true.


handle - Selected object handle.

name - Name of the property.

Changing property value

The following methods are used for changing the property values of different types. They will return
true if the value is changed.

set(String handle, String name, Boolean value)

set(String handle, String name, int value)

set(String handle, String name, long value)

set(String handle, String name, float value)

set(String handle, String name, double value)

set(String handle, String name, String value)

set(String handle, String name, Color value)

setReference(String handle, String name, String refHandle)

setControlFields(String handle, String prop, String field)


handle - Target object handle.

name - Property name.

value - Property value.

refHandle - Referenced object handle.

prop - Property name.

Note: The setControlFields(String handle, String prop, String field) method is used for setting a field to
control the property value at runtime. The setReference(String handle, String name, String refHandle)
method is used for changing the reference property value of an object.

Getting a Catalog API instance

The method public CatalogAPI getCatalogAPI() is used for getting a Catalog API instance.

Getting objects and object information

getDBFields(String handle)
Gets DBFields that can be used in the report and returns a mapping name array.
getControlFields(String handle, String name)
Gets fields that control property values at runtime.
getFormulae(String handle)
Gets formulas that can be used in the report and returns a mapping name array.
getSummaries(String handle)
Gets summaries that can be used in the report and returns a mapping name array.
Gets parameters in the catalog and returns a mapping name array.
Gets parameters in the catalog and returns a mapping name array.
getQueryName(String handle)
Gets the query name of a report.
Gets procedures in the catalog and returns a mapping name array.
getSections(String handle, boolean visible), getSections(String handle)
Gets handles of sections in a report.
getGroups(String handle)
Gets handles of groups in a report.
public GroupInfo[] getGroupInfo(String handle)
Gets the group information in a report.
public ReportSortInfo getReportSortInfo(String handle)
Gets the sort information of a report.
public SortInfo[] getSortInfo(java.lang.String handle)
Gets the sort information of a group.
Gets the SQLs in the catalog.
Gets the UDSs in the catalog.
Gets the VIEWs in the catalog.
getObjectType(String handle)
Gets the type information of an object.
getObjectInfo(String handle)

Gets the handle of an object in a report.


handle - Report node handle.

name - The property name.

visible - A Boolean type parameter which specifies that the section is visible.

Getting the instance name and class type of an object

getInstanceName(String handle)
Gets the instance name of an object, and returns the instance name. If it fails, it will return null.
getClassType(String handle)
Gets the class type of an object and returns one of the class type values that are defined in the
Designer class. If an error or a warning occurs, it will return UNKNOWN.


handle - Object handle.

Moving objects
The method public boolean changeZOrder(String objectHandle, int zorderType) is used to move an
object to front/back, or forward/backward.

objectHandle - Handle of the object whose z-order will be moved.

zorderType - Direction to which the object will be moved.

Getting editing information

Gets and returns the warning message. If the operation is successful, it will return null.
Clears the warning message.
Gets and returns the error message. If the operation is successful, it will return null.
Clears the error message.
Clears all warning and error messages.
setLog(OutputStream log, String encoding)
Sets the log to get error, debug and other information.
writeLog(String msg)
Writes all messages to the log.
closeLog() throws IOException
Closes the log.

Exiting from the editing status

Exits from the editing status, releases all the resources and saves all reports and the catalog.
Quits the editing status without saving and releases all resources. It will return false if it fails,
otherwise true.

Concurrent control
Most of the methods in JReport Designer API can also be used when programming with JReport Server
Designer API. There are however, some methods which are unique to JReport Server Designer API.
When programming with it, you should use these methods by using the parameters listed in
MultiUserCatalogAPI and MultiUserDesigner, which can be found in the Designer Javadoc stored in
<install_root>\help\designer\api. The methods can be named the same in JReport Designer API
and JReport Server Designer API. However, if the methods do not have a parameter UID, they cannot
be used in JReport Server Designer API.

The number of concurrent reports and users will depend on your license.

A user does not mean a person but means a section. Concurrent users mean concurrent sections.

When using JReport Server Designer API, you must make sure that each user can only edit one
report and that each report can only be edited by one user at the same time.
For details about JReport Server Designer API special methods, see the JReport Designer Javadoc in

Illustrative examples
JReport provides you with some sample programs which demonstrate how to create and edit reports
using the Designer API in <insatll_root>\help\designer\samples. They are:

An example of designing a report with an invoice.
An example of how to change the image in the report invoice1.
An example of designing a report with a chart.
An example of designing a report with a crosstab.
An example of designing a report with a subreport.
An example of creating four reports at the same time.

The following are three specific examples of using the Designer API:

Example 1: TestDesignInvoice.java

Example 2: TestMutiUserDesign.java

Example 3: TestDesignEditInvoice.java

Example 1: TestDesignInvoice.java
TestDesignInvoice.java is primarily designed for creating a report with the methods provided by the
Designer API. Here is an explanation of how TestDesignInvoice.java works.

Creating an instance of Designer

desg = new Designer(path, cat);
The constructor of Designer has two parameters: path and name. They are respectively the path and
name of the catalog with which the report will be created.

Setting log if necessary

desg.setLog(new FileOutputStream(log), "8859_1");
The output stream log points to the path and file in which to write log messages. Parameter
"8859_1" is the encoding for the messages.

Getting handles
handles = desg.getHandles(report, Designer.PAGE);
This method gets all handles of PAGE type and returns a handle array. Parameter report is the parent
handle, and Designer.PAGE is a class type value which is defined in the Designer class.

Creating a report
report = desg.create(name, "invoice");
This method creates a new report and returns its handle. Parameter name is the name of the report
that is to be created, and Invoice is the name of the query in the catalog file SampleReports.cat with
which the report is created.

Inserting a group panel

group = desg.insert(handles[0], Designer.GROUP, "GroupPanel1", "Customers_Customer ID");
This method inserts a new group panel and returns its handle. Parameter handle[0] is the parent
node handle. The newly inserted object will be in this node. Designer.GROUP is the class type for this
type of insertion. GroupPanel1 is the name of group panel that is to be inserted, and
Customers_Customer ID is the mapping name to group by.

Inserting a label
handle = desg.insert(header, Designer.LABEL, "Label1");
This method inserts a label named label1 into the group header. Parameter header is the parent
handle, the newly inserted object will be in this node. desg.LABEL is the class type that you want to
insert, and Label1 is the object name to be inserted.

Inserting DBField
handle = desg.insert(header, Designer.DBFIELD, "DBField1", "Orders_Order ID");
This method inserts a DBField named DBField1 into the group header. Parameter header is handle of
the parent node; Designer.DBFIELD is class type that is to be inserted, and Orders_Orders ID is the
mapping name of the database field.

Inserting a formula, parameter and summary

To insert a formula, parameter or summary, use the same method as for inserting a DBField. Note
that the formula, parameter or summary that is to be inserted should already exist in the catalog.

For example, in the sample program, it is made sure that the parameter PToday, formula
customeraddress12, and summary Sum_total9 already exist in the catalog by the following:
handle = desg.insert(header, Designer.PARAMETER, "Parameter1", "PToday");
handle = desg.insert(header, Designer.FORMULA, "formula1", "customeraddress12");
handle = desg.insert(footer, Designer.SUMMARY, "summary1", "Sum_total9");

Inserting an image, box and line

To insert an image, box or line, use the same method as for inserting a label.
For example, in the sample program, you can insert the image, box and line as follows:
handle = desg.insert(header, Designer.IMAGE, "Image1");
handle = desg.insert(report, Designer.BOX, "Box1");
handle = desg.insert(report, Designer.LINE, "Line1");

Setting the property value

To set the property value, you should provide three parameters: object handle, property name and
property value.
In the sample program, you can set the property value as follows:

"Width", 1.74f);
"Height", 0.35f);
"Text", "Invoice");
"Alignment", desg.LEFTCENTER);
"Foreground", new Color(0x900000));
"Bold", true);
"FontSize", 0.31f);

Exiting and closing all reports

This method ends the editing status, releases all resources and saves all of the reports and the

Compiling and running the sample program

To compile and run the sample program, you should add report.jar, sac.jar and JREngine.jar with
their path into the class path. And it is assumed that TestCatalogAPI.java in C:\JReport\Designer
\help\designer\samples has been run first to generate a catalog file Tutorial.cat in C:\JReport
For example, you can use the following command to compile the sample program:
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;

When you run the sample program, you should provide two or three parameters. If you want to use

two parameters, they should be catalog path and catalog name, and the command line should be:
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
TestDesignInvoice C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial Tutorial.cat

If you want to use three parameters, they should be catalog path, catalog name and log file with a
full path name, and the command line should be:
C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples>java -Dreporthome="C:\JReport\Designer"
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
TestDesignInvoice C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial Tutorial.cat

Here, it is assumed that JReport Designer has been installed to C:\JReport\Designer, and the
current directory when you execute these commands is C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer
\samples (location of the sample programs). After running the program, you will find a newly
created file invoice1.cls in C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITurorial.

Example 2: TestMutiUserDesign.java
TestMutiUserDesign.java is primarily designed for creating four reports at the same time using the
methods provided by the Designer API.
Before using the sample program to create reports, it is assumed that TestCatalogAPI.java in C:\JReport
\Designer\help\designer\samples has been run to generate a catalog file Tutorial.cat in C:\JReport
With this sample program, three reports are created:

Creating the first instance of MultiUserDesigner

desg = new MultiUserDesigner(path, cat);
The constructor of MultiUserDesigner has two parameters: path and name. They are respectively the
path and name of the catalog with which the reports will be created.

Creating the first report

report = desg.create(name, "invoice", User)
This method creates a new report and returns its handle. Parameter name is the name of the report
that is to be created, Invoice is the name of query in the catalog file SampleReports.cat on which the
report is created, and User is the UID of the user.

Getting handles
handles = desg.getHandles(report, Designer.PAGE);
This method gets all handles of PAGE type and returns a handle array. Parameter report is the parent
handle, and Designer.PAGE is the class type value defined in the Designer class.

Inserting a parameter, Dbfield, formula

To insert a parameter, Dbfield or Formula. The following methods are examples of the special methods
mentioned before. User is the name of each concurrent user.
handle = desg.insert(User, header, Designer.PARAMETER, "Parameter1", "PToday")
handle = desg.insert(User,header, Designer.DBFIELD, "DBField1", "Orders_Order ID")
handle = desg.insert(User, header, Designer.FORMULA, "formula1", "customeraddress12")

Creating other reports

User is the name of each concurrent user. There are four users in this demo.
report = desg.create(name,"westregionsales",User)
report = desg.create(name,"Myregionsalesgraph",User)
report = desg.create(name,"Mysalesbyregion",User)
report = desg.create(name, "invoice", User)

Example 3: TestDesignEditInvoice.java
TestDesignEditInvoice.java shows how to modify a report using the methods of the Designer API. It
demonstrates how to change the image in the report invoice1.
Here is an explanation of how TestDesignEditInvoice.java works with the methods provided by the
Designer API.

Creating an instance
desg = new Designer(path, cat);
The constructor of Designer has two parameters: path and name. They are respectively path and
name of the catalog with which the report will be created.

Setting log
desg.setLog(new FileOutputStream(log), "8859_1");
The output stream log points the path and file in which to write log messages. Parameter "8859_1" is
the encoding for the messages.

Opening an existing report

report = desg.open(name);
This method opens an existing report corresponding to the name specified, and returns the handle of
the report.

Getting handles
handle = desg.getHandles(report, Designer.IMAGE)[0];
This allows the handle of the object to be modified.

Changing the property value

// change the image "coffee.gif" to "sky.gif"
desg.set(handle, "PictureName", "sky.gif");
// change the image position
desg.set(handle, "X", 2.24f);
// change the image width
desg.set(handle, "Width", 4.76f);

Exiting and closing all reports

Compiling and running the sample program
To compile and run the sample program, you should add report.jar, sac.jar and JREngine.jar with
their path into the class path. And it is assumed that TestCatalogAPI.java in C:\JReport\Designer
\help\designer\samples has been run first to generate a catalog file Tutorial.cat in C:\JReport
For example, you can use the following command to compile the sample program:

-classpath C:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;

When you run the sample programs, you should provide two or three parameters. If you want to use
two parameters, they should be catalog path and catalog name. The command line should be:
C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples>java -Dreporthome="C:\JReport\Designer"
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
TestDesignEditInvoice C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial Tutorial.cat

If you want to use three parameters, they should be catalog path, catalog name and log file with a
full path name. The command line should be:
C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer\samples>java -Dreporthome="C:\JReport\Designer"
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
TestDesignEditInvoice C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial Tutorial.cat

Here, it is assumed that JReport Designer has been installed to C:\JReport\Designer, and that the
directory that is current when you execute these commands is C:\JReport\Designer\help\designer
\samples (location of the sample programs). After running the program, you will find a modified file
invoice1.cls in C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial.

JReport Catalog API

JReport Catalog API is intended for those who want to work with a catalog programmatically. You can
create a catalog and manage the objects in it with the methods provided by the Catalog API instead of
using the GUI design mode in JReport Designer. Compared with the Catalog Bean, the Catalog API
offers greater functionality. As with a catalog in JReport Designer, the Catalog API provides methods
which enable you to:

Create a connection.

Add and delete objects such as tables, queries, formulas, parameters, and WHERE portions.

Modify a query and update UDS.

Get and modify object information.

The combination of the Catalog API and the Designer API provides you with a Java development
environment that enables you to create any report to meet your requirements.
Pick a task from the following for details about how to use the Catalog API:

Installing the Catalog API

Programming with the Catalog API

Installing the Catalog API

When you install JReport Designer, which by default is located in C:\JReport\Designer, the Catalog
API is also installed at the same time. After installation, you will have the following components in



log4j-1.2.8.jar (Jar file used for JReport Engine logging system)

sac.jar (Jar file used for installing Catalog API with Designer API product)


The Catalog API class is stored in the archive file report.jar. You will need to do the two steps below
before you can compile and run the program:
1. Set the class path environment variable. Append the following string to your class path that starts
the Catalog API:
2. Set the Dreporthome parameter equal to the root path of JReport Designer.

Programming with the Catalog API

JReport Catalog API is the principal class that manipulates and accesses catalogs. The application
creates a Catalog API instance, and then uses the Catalog API methods to operate the catalog. For
more details about summaries of FIELD, CONSTRUCTOR and METHOD, see the JReport Designer
Javadoc jet.api package in <install_root>\help\designer\api, which includes all documents
generated by Javadoc. Also, you are provided with some sample files in <install_root>\help
With the methods in JReport Catalog API, you can do the following:

Select a task from the following for details:


Using the Catalog API

An illustrative example

Before you can use the Catalog API to perform certain task, you will have to create a Designer object
and then get a Catalog API instance.

Creating a Designer object

To create a Designer object, use the constructor Designer(String path, String name, DesignerUserInfo
user) in the Designer API. The constructor has two parameters, the catalog path and catalog name.
The catalog name can be the name of an existing catalog when you want to open a catalog, or the
name of a new catalog when you want to create a catalog.

Getting a Catalog API instance

To get a Catalog API instance, use the method getCatalogAPI() in the Designer API.

Using the Catalog API

After creating a Designer object and getting a Catalog API instance, you can then use the Catalog API
to perform tasks as required. For example, you can use it to set up a connection in a catalog, insert an
object into the catalog, and modify the query of the catalog.
The following sections describe how to program with the Catalog API:

Creating a connection

Inserting an object

Inserting a table/view

Inserting a stored procedure

Importing an SQL file

Inserting a UDS

Inserting a query

Inserting a formula, summary, parameter or a WHERE portion

Deleting an object

Modifying a query

Getting objects in a catalog

Refreshing the reference table of a catalog

Saving a catalog

Creating a connection
The following methods are used to insert a database connection and return the handle of the newly
inserted connection. If not successful, a null value is returned:

insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, String name, String desc, String url, String driver)
insert(boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, String name, String desc, String url, String driver,
ConnectionInfo info)
insert(String dataSourceName, boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, String name, String desc, String url,
String driver)
insert(String dataSourceName, boolean bUseJDBCODBCBridge, String name, String desc, String url,
String driver, ConnectionInfo info)


UseJDBCODBCBridge - Indicates to connect to the database with a JDBC-ODBC Bridge.

name - The name of the connection.

desc - The description for the connection.

url - The URL used to connect to the database.

driver - The database driver.

info - The connection information.

Note: The class ConnectionInfo is used to create the connection information. For details, refer to the
JReport Designer Javadoc jet.api package in <install_root>\help\designer\api, which includes all
documents generated by Javadoc.

Inserting an object
The following methods are used to insert an object into a catalog and to return the handle of the newly
inserted object:

insert(String name, int type)

insert(String dataSourceName, String name, int type)


name - The object name.

type - The object type. For more information, refer to the JReport Designer Javadoc jet.api.
CatalogAPI class in <install_root>\help\designer\api, which includes all documents generated
by Javadoc.

Inserting a table/view
The following methods are used to insert a table or view into a catalog and to return the handle of the
newly inserted object:

insert(String catalogName, String schemaPattern, String tableName, int type)

insert(String catalogName, String schemaPattern, String tablePattern, int type, boolean


catalogName - The catalog name.

schemaPattern - The schema pattern.

tablePattern - The table name.

type - The table type.

Inserting a stored procedure

The following methods are used to insert a stored procedure into a connection and to return the handle
of the newly inserted procedure.

insert(String procName,String catalog,String schema,String name,String remarks,int iType)

insert(String procName, String catalog, String schema, String name, String remarks, int iType)


procName - The procedure mapping name.

catalog - The catalog name of the procedure.

schema - The schema name of the procedure.

name - The procedure name.

remarks - The remarks on the procedure.

iType - The result type of the procedure.

Importing an SQL file

The following methods are used to import an SQL file and to return the handle of the newly inserted
SQL file:

insert(String SQLName, String filename)

insertSql(String dataSourceName, String SQLName, String filename)


SQLName - The SQL name.

filename - The imported filename.

Inserting a UDS
The following methods are used to insert a user defined data source and to return the handle of the
newly inserted UDS:

insert(String strDSName, String strClassName, String strParameter, UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)

insert(String dataSourceName, String strDSName, String strClassName, String strParameter,
UDSColumnInfo udsColInfo)


strDSName - The UDS name.

strClassName - The name of the UDS class.

strParameter - The parameter value.

udsColInfo - The specified column information.

Inserting a query
The following methods are used to insert a query into a catalog and to return the handle of the newly
inserted query:

insert(String qryName, QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo,QueryJoinInfo queryJoinInfo, QueryQBEInfo

queryQBEInfo, QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)
insert(String dataSourceName, String qryName, QueryFieldInfo queryFieldInfo, QueryJoinInfo
queryJoinInfo, QueryQBEInfo queryQBEInfo, QueryAndInfo queryAndInfo)


qryName - The query name.

queryFieldInfo - The table and fields information.

queryJoinInfo - The join information.

queryQBEInfo - The QBE information.

queryAndInfo - The where condition information.

Reference: For details about the classes QueryFieldInfo, QueryJoinInfo, QueryQBEInfo and
QueryAndInfo, refer to the JReport Designer Javadoc jet.api package in <install_root>\help
\designer\api, which includes all the documents generated by Javadoc.

Inserting a formula, summary, parameter or a WHERE portion

The following methods are used to insert a summary, formula, or parameter into a catalog and to
return true if the specified object is inserted successfully, otherwise false if there is a failure:

set(String handle, SummaryInfo info)

set(String handle, FormulaInfo info)

set(String handle, ParameterInfo info)


handle - The handle of the specified object, which is obtained from the method for inserting an
info - The object information. For a summary, it includes the summary name, description, function
type, the field name calculated on and the field name grouped by. For a formula, it includes the
formula name, description and expression. For a parameter, it includes the parameter name,
description, prompt information, the parameter data type and the default value.

The following methods can also be used to insert a formula, summary, parameter or a WHERE portion,
but they are now deprecated.

insert(String formulaName, String desc, String expression)

Inserts a new formula into a catalog and returns the handle of the newly inserted formula.
insert(String summaryName, String desc, int functionType, String fieldName, String
Inserts a new summary into a catalog and returns the handle of the newly inserted summary.
insert(String parameterName, String desc, String prompt, String type, String default
Inserts a new parameter into a catalog and returns the handle of the newly inserted parameter.
insert(String wherePortionName, String desc, WherePortionInfo whereportionInfo)
Inserts a WHERE portion into a catalog and returns the handle of the newly inserted WHERE portion.


formulaName - The name of the formula.

desc - The description of the object.

expression - The expression.

summaryName - The name of the summary.

functionType - The type of the function.

fieldName - The field name calculated on.

groupByFld - The field name grouped by.

parameterName - The parameter Name.

prompt - The input text prompt.

type - The parameter data type.

defaultValue - The defaultValue of the parameter.

wherePortionName - The WHERE portion name.

whereportionInfo - The WHERE portion information.

Deleting an object
The method delete(Stringhandle) is used to delete an object from its parent node and to return true if
the specified object is removed.

handle - The handle of the object that is to be deleted.

Modifying a query
You can perform the following manipulations when modifying a query.

Adding or deleting a table

set(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename, String columnname,

boolean isFormula)
Adds a new table to a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.
deleteQueryTable(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename)
Deletes the selected table in a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.

Note: The tables that are to be added should exist in the specified catalog.

qryName - The query name.

tablename - The name of the table that is to be inserted or deleted.

selectAllFields - Specifies whether or not to insert a table with all its fields.

Adding or deleting a field

set(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename, String columnname,

boolean isFormula)
Adds a new field to a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.
deleteQueryField(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename, String
Deletes the selected fields in a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.


qryName - The query name.

tablename - The table name of the inserted or deleted field.

isFormula - Indicates whether the inserted field is a formula.

columnname - The column name of the deleted field.

Adding or deleting a join

set(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tableFrom, String columnFrom, String

operator, String tableTo, String columnTo, boolean isSQL92, int outerJoin)
Adds a new join to a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.
deleteQueryJoin(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tableFrom, String
columnFrom, String operator, String tableTo, String columnTo)
Deletes joins in a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.


qryName - The query name.

tableFrom - The name of the table from which the join links.

columFrom - The name of the column from which the join links.

tableTo - The name of the table to which the join links.

columnTo - The name of the column to which the join links.

operator - Operator of the join to be inserted or deleted.

Adding or deleting a QBE condition

setQBE(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename, String columnname,

String expression)
Adds a new QBE condition to a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.
deleteQBE(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String tablename, String
columnname, String expression)
Deletes the QBE condition in a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise false.


qryName - The query name.

tablename - The name of the table where the QBE condition will be added or deleted.

columnname - The name of the column where the QBE condition will be added or deleted.

expression - The expression of the QBE condition.

Adding or Deleting a where condition

setCondition(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String sExpression1, String

sOperator, String sExpression2, String sLogic)
Adds a new where condition to a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise
deleteCondition(String dataSourceName, String qryName, String sExpression1, String
sOperator, String sExpression2, String sLogic)
Deletes the where conditions in a query and returns a Boolean value: true if successful, otherwise


qryName - The query handle.

sLogic - The logic string of the where condition that is to be inserted or deleted.

sExpression1 - The first expression of the where condition that is to be inserted or deleted.

sOperator - The operator of the where condition that is to be inserted or deleted.

sExpression2 - The second expression of the where condition that is to be inserted or deleted.

Getting objects in a catalog

Getting tables

getTables(String dataSourceName)
Gets tables and views in a connection and returns the mapping name array.
getTables(boolean bIncludeSystemTable)
Gets tables and views in a data source and returns the name array.

Getting stored procedures

getProcedureNames(String dataSourceName)
Gets all the stored procedures in a catalog and to return the mapping name array.

Getting SQLs

getSQLs(String dataSourceName)
Gets all the SQL files in a catalog and to return the mapping name array.

Getting UDSs

getUDSs(String dataSourceName)
Gets all the UDSs in a catalog and to return the mapping name array.

Getting queries

getQueries(String dataSourceName)
Gets queries in a catalog and returns the mapping name array.
Gets a default name for a new query, which must be unique. The name for the first query in a
catalog is query1. The following query is query2, then query3 etc.

Getting columns

getColumns(String dataSourceName, String queryName, boolean allColumns)

Gets columns in a query and returns the table name and column real names.
getColumnMappingnames(String dataSourceName, String queryName)
Gets column mapping names in a query and returns the table name and column mapping names.
getColumnsCanBeGroupedBy(String dataSourceName, String queryName)
Gets the columns which can be grouped by in a query.


queryName - The query name.

allColumns - Selects all columns in the specified tables.

Getting fields

getDBFields(String dataSourceName, String qryName)

Gets DBFields that can be used in a query and returns the mapping name array.
getMappingnames(String dataSourceName, String DSName)
Gets the field mapping names in a data source and returns the table name and column mapping


qryName - The query name.

DSName - The data source object name, such as Query, SQL, UDS, and Procedure.

Getting formulas, summaries or parameters

getFormulae(String dataSourceName)
Gets formulae that can be used in a catalog and returns the mapping name array.
getFormulaeCanBeGroupedBy(String dataSourceName, String queryName, String groupBy)
Gets formulae that are valid to a query and returns the formula names.
getSummaries(String dataSourceName)
Gets summaries that can be used in a catalog and returns the mapping name array.
getSummaryCanBeSortedBy(String dataSourceName, String queryName, String groupBy)
Gets summaries that can be sorted by.
getParameter(String dataSourceName)
Gets parameters in a catalog and returns the mapping name array.
getParameterCanBeGroupedBy(String dataSourceName)
Gets parameters that can be grouped by.


queryName - The query name.

dataSourceName - The datasoure name.

groupBy - The groupBy field.

Getting joins

getJoins(String dataSourceName, String queryName)

Gets joins in a query and returns the join info array.
Note: String[i][0] = Table "From" Name, String[i][1] = Column "From" Name, String[i][2] =
Table "To" Name, String[i][3] = Column "To" Name


queryName - The query name.

Getting AND or QBE condition

getAndConditions(String dataSourceName, String queryName)

Gets AND conditions in a query and returns a condition info array.
Note: String[i][0] = "Logic", String[i][1] = "Expression1" String[i][2] = "Operator", String[i][3]
= "Expression2"

getQBEInfo(String dataSourceName, String queryName)

Gets the QBE condition in a query and returns a QBE info array.
Note: String[i][0] = column Name, String[i][j](j>=1) = condition expression of this column.


queryName - The query name.

Getting report names

Gets a default name for a new report, which must be unique. The name for the first report in a
catalog is report1, after which the following reports will be named report2, report3 etc.

Refreshing the reference table of a catalog

You can use the method public boolean refreshReference(CrossReferenceConfigure referenceConfigure)
to refresh the reference table of a catalog.

CrossReferenceConfigure referenceConfigure - The configuration information that defines which data

sources in a catalog and which types of object in the data sources will be added to the reference

Saving a catalog
The following methods are used to save catalogs:

Saves an open catalog and returns a Boolean value: false if it fails, otherwise true.
saveAs(String path, String name)
Saves an open catalog as a new catalog file. You can save the catalog as a binary catalog using the
extension .cat, or an XML format catalog using the extension .cat.xml.

An illustrative example
You are provided with a sample program that demonstrates how to use the Catalog API to create or modify a
catalog - TestCatalogAPI.java that is located in <install_root>\help\designer\samples.
Here, TestCatalogAPI.java has been used as an example to explain how the methods work in the Catalog API.

Creating an Designer object

Designer dr = new Designer(".\\","demo.cat");
If the catalog named demo.cat exists, it will be opened. Otherwise it will be created.

Reminds you to set the license key for Designer API.
Getting a CatalogAPI instance
CatalogAPI cat = dr.getCatalogAPI();
Creating a connection
ConnectionHandles = cat.insert(true,"jinfonet","Accessdbase","jinfonet",null);
Inserting objects into a catalog
For example, insert a table named Customer:
tablehandles = cat.insert(null,null,"Customer",cat.TABLE);

Inserting a formula named "total"

String formulahandles=cat.insert("total",cat.FORMULA);
FormulaInfo formulainfo=new
FormulaInfo("total","total formula","@\"Unit Price\" * @Quantity - @Discount");

Importing an SQL file

Compiling and running the demo program
To compile and run the demo program, you should add the required classes to the class path.
In the following example, we assume that all the classes used in the demo are included in C:\test\classes,
for example, the classes for creating a catalog. After running the program, a new catalog file Tutorial.cat will be
created in C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial. Be sure to create this empty directory first.
-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;

-classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\sac.jar;
TestCatalogAPI C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\Reports\APITutorial
APITutorial C:\temp\api.log

User data source API

As a database application, JReport Designer can access data stored in a database through a JDBC
connection. However, through the user data source API, JReport Designer can also access data from an
external data source, such as a text file, or Lotus Notes, which is not stored in a database, or when
there is no JDBC driver available.
The UDS API is a part of the JReport Data Access Model as shown in this diagram:

The user data source API:

Is a Java interface that provides a dataset to JReport.

Has a PARAMETER string, which can be changed when the UDS object is added into JReport
Designer. The result set may differ according to the PARAMETER string. It is very flexible and


The PARAMETER here is the parameter string given to the UDS interface. That is, the UDS API
provides a function getResultSet (String strParam), and PARAMETER is string strParam in this
function. The following topics about UDS API will help make this information more clear. As a
reminder, PARAMETER here is different from the parameter object in the JReport catalog. To
distinguish between them, we have used an upper case PARAMETER to refer to the parameter string
in the UDS, and a lower case parameter for the parameter object in a catalog.
To design a report, JReport requires a meta data (see java.sql.ResultSetMetaData) which
corresponds to the ResultSet that the data source has returned. To view or run a report, JReport
requires a ResultSet object. The user data source must provide both of these two parts for JReport.

Go through the following topics for details about the USD API:

USD API interface

JDBC API used by UDS

Examples of using the UDS API

UDS API interface

To use the UDS API, the interface jet.datasource.JRUserDataSource must be implemented, and the
class definition may be as follows:
import jet.datasource.*;
public class UserUDS
implements JRUserDataSource
// Class body.

Reference: JReport Designer Javadoc jet.datasource.JRUserDataSource class in <install_root>\help

The following are methods of the interface:

Public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet(String strParam) throws

This method gets the result set for user data source.

PARAMETER: strParam - A String value used to request and get different result sets. The format of
the PARAMETER string is defined and parsed by yourself. You can enter the PARAMETER string when
you add the UDS to a catalog. If you want to use parameters predefined in the Catalog Browser, you
can add @paraName into the PARAMETER string.
Keep in mind the parsing rules for the PARAMETER string when you enter the PARAMETER string.

The characters used for parameter name can be any character defined on the key board, except for
quotation marks.
Parameter name is introduced with @, and sometimes colon : is also recognized as an introducer.
When your PARAMETER string contains characters such as @, "", : or other strings which do not
need to be parsed by JReport, you should then quote the whole string with quotation marks, so
that they are not parsed as the beginning mark of the parameter name. For example, jdbc:
oracle:thin:@ Here, '@' is a character used by the URL. If you add
this PARAMETER string, '204' will be considered as the name of a parameter in a catalog. Thus, the
correct form is: jdbc:oracle:thin:"@"

Returns: java.sql.ResultSet - A row and column dataset that can be used in JReport.

Throws: JRUserDataSourceException - If a database access error occurs.

When you provide a java.sql.ResultSet instance, to reduce your work, you do not need to implement
all methods of java.sql.ResultSet. You can just extend abstract class jet.datasource.JRResultSet. If
you specify the column properties, for example, SQL data type, and precision, you will not need to
provide a ResultSetMetaData instance, and JReport will not invoke getMetaData() function of
ResultSet. However, if you do not specify the properties, you will have to implement the getMetaData

() function and provide a ResultSetMetaData instance.

Public void releaseResultSet() throws JRUserDataSourceException

This method frees the ResultSet object.

Throws: JRUserDataSourceException - If there are some errors when freeing the resource.

JDBC API used by UDS

In order to get data from user defined data source, JReport need to invoke the following JDBC API (for
details about the API, refer to http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/).


boolean next() throws SQLException

void close() throws SQLException

boolean wasNull() throws SQLException

String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

byte getByte(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

short getShort(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

int getInt(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

long getLong(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

float getFloat(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

double getDouble(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

java.sql.Date getDate(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

java.sql.Time getTime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException

Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

int findColumn(String columnLabel) throws SQLException

BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

Blob getBlob(int columnIndex) throws SQLException

Clob getClob(int columnIndex) throws SQLException


int getColumnCount() throws SQLException

boolean isCurrency(int column) throws SQLException

int isNullable(int column) throws SQLException

int getColumnDisplaySize(int column) throws SQLException

String getColumnLabel(int column) throws SQLException

String getColumnName(int column) throws SQLException

String getSchemaName(int column) throws SQLException

int getPrecision(int column) throws SQLException

int getScale(int column) throws SQLException

String getTableName(int column) throws SQLException

int getColumnType(int column) throws SQLException

Note: The method ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException is only invoked when the
Specify Columns option is not checked in the Add User Defined Data Source dialog.

Examples of using the UDS API

The user data source API is flexible and convenient to use. Before you implement it, you should first
make an overall consideration of the architecture. JReport provides you with several scenarios which
use the JReport UDS API. You can refer to them for assistance.

When there is no JDBC driver available for an external data source (for example, a comma-delimited
text file), you can create a ResultSet object to return the data to the requesting report. See Example
1: Developing reports from flat file UDS.
You can return a ResultSet through the JDBC API. See Example 2: Developing reports from SQL data
source UDS.
Oracle stored procedure UDS. See Oracle stored procedure UDS.

Hierarchical data source API

As a database application, JReport Designer cannot only access data stored in a database through the
JDBC connection and user data source (UDS), but also supports the importing of data from hierarchical
data sources (HDS).
The HDS API is a part of the JReport Data Access Model as shown in the following diagram:

The hierarchical data source API:

Is a Java interface that provides a dataset to JReport.

Has a PARAMETER string, which can be changed when the HDS object is added into JReport
Designer. The result set may differ according to the PARAMETER string. It is very flexible and


The PARAMETER here is the parameter string given to the HDS interface. That is, the HDS API
provides a method getResultSet (String strParam), and PARAMETER is string strParam in the above
method. After reading the subsequent information on HDS API, this information will become clearer
to you. As a note, we would like to remind you that PARAMETER here is different from that in a
JReport catalog. To distinguish between them, we have used an upper case PARAMETER to refer to
the parameter string in the HDS, and a lower case parameter for a parameter object in a catalog.
To design a report, JReport requires meta data (See java.sql.ResultSetMetaData) which corresponds
with the ResultSet that the data source has returned. To view or run a report, JReport requires a
ResultSet object. The hierarchical data source must provide both of these two parts to JReport.

Go through the following topics for details about the HDS API:

HDS API interfaces

Examples of using the HDS API

HDS API interfaces

The HDS API contains three interfaces as listed below that you must implement. This section shows the
methods contained in each of the interface in detail.




Reference: JReport Designer Javadoc jet.datasource.JRHierarchicalDataSource, jet.datasource.

JRHierarchicalDataset and jet.datasource.JRHierarchicalDatasetMetaData classes in <install_root>\help

Provides data to JReport for generating reports. The JRHierarchicalDataSource class is developed by users of
JReport, and can provide data from a flat file, non-relational database, or application data. The data returned
by this class is in JRHierarchicalDataset object, so that users are required to create a JRHierarchicalDataset
instance for JReport to use this instance to fetch data. Users can also create their own JRHierarchicalDataset
The following are methods provided by the interface.
public JRHierarchicalDataset getHierarchicalDataset (String param) throws
This method gets the data in JRHierarchicalDataset according to the parameters set.

PARAMETER: param - A String value used to request and get different result sets. The format of the
PARAMETER string is defined and also parsed by yourself.

Returns: JRHierarchicalDataset object, which implements the interface JRHierarchicalDataset.

Throws: JRUserDataSourceException - If a data access error occurs.

public void releaseHierarchicalDataset() throws JRUserDataSourceException

This method releases the data and related resources.

Throws: JRUserDataSourceException - If a data access error occurs.

The class definition may be as follows:

public class HierarchicalDataSource implements JRHierarchicalDataSource {

// Define data.
public JRHierarchicalDataset getHierarchicalDataset(String param)
throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.
public void releaseHierarchicalDataset() throws JRUserDataSourceException {
// Method body.

Provides data to JReport for generating reports. The JRHierarchicalDataset class is developed by users of
JReport, and can provide data from a flat file, non-relational database, or application data.
The following are methods provided by the interface.
public interface JRHierarchicalDataset
* Retrieves the number, types and properties of this object's leaves
public JRHierarchicalDatasetMetaData getMetaData();
* Moves the cursor down one row from its current position in the current node.
* return true if the new current row is valid; false if there are no more rows
* in the current node.
public boolean next(String branchName);
* Gets the value of the designated leaf node in the current branch node row as a boolean
* in the Java programming language.
public boolean getBoolean(int leafIndex);
* Gets the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row as a byte
* in the Java programming language.
public byte getByte(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row as a short
* in the Java programming language.
public short getShort(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row as an int
* in the Java programming language.
public int getInt(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row as a long
* in the Java programming language.
public long getLong(int leafIndex);

* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* in the Java programming language.
public float getFloat(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* in the Java programming language.
public double getDouble(int leafIndex);
* Gets the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row as
* java.math.BigDecimal with full precision.
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* java.sql.Date object
* in the Java programming language.
public java.sql.Date getDate(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* java.sql.Time object
* in the Java programming language.
public java.sql.Time getTime(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* a java.sql.Timestamp object
* in the Java programming language.
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* in the Java programming language.
public String getString(int leafIndex);
* Returns the value of the designated leaf in the current branch node row
* in the Java programming language.
public java.sql.Array getArray(int leafIndex);
* Reports whether the last leaf read had a value of SQL NULL
public boolean wasNull(int leafIndex);
* Releases this object's resource.
public void close();

as a float

as a double

as a

as a


as a String

as an Array object

Provides meta data for JRHierarchicalDataset. The JRHierarchicalDatasetMetaData class is developed by users

of JReport, and it works together with a JRHierarchicalDataset.

The following are methods provided by the interface.
public interface JRHierarchicalDatasetMetaData
* Return root node names
public String[] getRoot() ;
* Return the name of the parent.
public String getParentName(String name)
* Return all leaf node names.
public String[] getLeafNames(String parentName);
* Return the number of leaves of the specified branch node.
public int getLeafCount(String parentName);
* Return all branch names for the specified parent node.
public String[] getBranchNames(String parentName);
* Return the data type of the leaf.
public int getLeafType(String parentName, String leafName);// throws SQLException;
* Return the name of data type.
public String getLeafTypeName(String parentName, String leafName);
* Return the precision of the leaf.
public int getPrecision(String parentName, String leafName);
* Return the scale of the leaf.
public int getScale(String parentName, String leafName);
* Return the nullable state of the leaf.
public int isNullable(String parentName, String leafName);
* Return the currency state of the leaf.
public boolean isCurrency(String parentName, String leafName);

Examples of using the HDS API

The HDS API is flexible and convenient to use. Before you implement it, you should make an overall
consideration of the architecture. JReport provides you with several scenarios which use the JReport
HDS API. You can refer to them for assistance.

You can import an XML format hierarchical data source directly from an external data source to
JReport Designer using the JReport built-in classes. See Example 2: Importing an HDS from an XML
file to a catalog.
You can also develop your own classes to implement the HDS APIs, and then import your customized
hierarchical data source. See Example 1: Adding a general HDS to a catalog.

User defined objects

A user defined object (UDO) is an object inherited from JReport system's object. You can add and
modify new properties, as well as other existing methods and specify new methods for modifying your
UDO. In JReport Designer, UDOs, which have been appended to the ADDCLASSPATH variable of setenv.
bat in <install_root>\bin, can be inserted into reports as if they are regular JReport objects. Thus,
UDOs become part of the report created by JReport Designer.
Go through the following topics for details about UDOs:

Objects and interfaces for creating UDOs

Creating a UDO manually

Inserting a UDO into a report

Built-in UDOs: JHyperLink and JRotator

Objects and interfaces for creating UDOs

The following objects and interfaces are necessary for creating a UDO. Refer to the corresponding class
or interface in JReport Designer Javadoc located at <install_root>\help\designer\api.

This is an object provided by the JReport system, and is used to derive a UDO. The JRObjectTemplate
contains several predefined properties of the standard JReport Object used to compose a report,
including: X, Y, Height and Width. You can add more properties (supported by JReport system) to
your own UDO. These properties can be viewed and modified by the Report Inspector at design time.
Note: Only JReport system properties or properties inherited from them can be added, such as
JetNumber, JetColor, JetString, and JetEnumeration. See the jet.controls package.

This is another object provided by the JReport system. You will need to define an object inherited
from this object, so that you can specify the methods for saving and restoring the UDO object.
JRVisiableResult provides methods for saving and restoring UDOs.
If the UDO you define is not used for displaying, that is, it will not appear inside the report result on
the screen or on paper, then it can be inherited from the JRObjectResult object.
This is an interface. It takes JReport system's JReport Record as input parameters and produces the
UDO's JRObjectResult. A definition of the JReport Record is in the jet.connect package.
This is another interface. It provides a method used for painting the UDO to the report. The report
can then be shown on the screen or printed on a printer.
This is an optional interface. If specified, the JReport system will use it to handle interactive events
(key events, mouse events, paint etc.) at design time. If this interface is not implemented, the
JReport system will use the default one.
This interface is used when you define a UDO with a value which is calculated based on a group of

Creating a UDO manually

To create a UDO manually, follow the steps:
1. Inherit from the class JROblectTemplate to create a template file.
2. Inherit from the class JRVisiableResult or JRObjectResult to create a result file.
3. Implement JRObjectResultCreator to create a result creator file.
4. Implement interface JRObjectRender to create a result render file. If you want to display a UDO in
the Design area, implement interface JRObjectEditor. If your UDO is a group level object,
implement interface JRGroupListener.
5. Modify the file udo.ini in <install_root>\lib by adding the following:

6. Compile the Java files, add the classes to the class path of JReport Designer and run it.
Note: If you want to use class files for the UDO which have been used in previous versions,
you should re-compile the source files.
Following are two specific examples about creating UDOs:

Example 1: Accessing a record for a UDO and registering the UDO with the report system

Example 2: Making a group based on a UDO

Example 1: Accessing a record for a UDO and registering the UDO with the report system
This example describes how to access a record for your UDO and how to register your UDO with the report
1. A UDO needs to implement at least four classes from JReport. The four classes are for template, result,
creator and render files respectively.

package myudo;
import jet.report.*;
import jet.controls.*;
* This class extends form JRObjectTemplate, add two properties "ColumnName" and
* "TextColor".
public class MyDbFld extends JRObjectTemplate {
* This property is for the column name of MyDbFld.
public JetColumnName columnName = new JetColumnName(this, "ColumnName");
* This property is for the background color of MyDbFld..
public JetColor backColor = new JetColor(this, "TextColor", null, true);
public MyDbFld() {
// set the default size.
set("Width", 40); // before build575 should be width.set(40);
set("Height", 20); // before build575 should be height.set(20);
// add the property to group then they can displayed in ReportInspector.
addPropertyToGroup("ColumnName", "Others");
addPropertyToGroup("TextColor", "Color");
* Return the instance name prefix. >
public String getPrefix() {
return "MyDbField";


package myudo;


public class MyDbFldRst extends JRVisiableResult {

public MyDbFldRst() {
// retrieve value from column.
DbValue getValue() {
// get the column name.
String colName = (String) getPropertyByName("ColumnName").getObject();
// get the report record.
Record record = getRecord();
// return the column value.
return record.getCell(colName);
// make the text will be displayed.
String getText() {
String sRet;
DbValue value = getValue();
if (value != null && !value.isNull()) {
sRet = value.toString();
} else {
sRet = "NULL";
return sRet;

package myudo;


* Implements JRObjectResultCreator for creating JRObjectResult in JReport
* Engine Bean.
public class MyDbFldCreator implements JRObjectResultCreator {
public MyDbFldCreator() {

public JRObjectResult createJRObjectResult(JRObjectTemplate rptobj,

Record record) {
MyDbFld rpt = (MyDbFld) rptobj;
MyDbFldRst dsField = new MyDbFldRst();
return dsField;

package myudo;


public class MyDbFldRender extends Component implements JRObjectRender {

String text = null;
Color color;
Color background;
* The default constructor.
public MyDbFldRender() {
// retrieve property and data from JRObjectResult.
public void setProperty(jet.util.PropertySetable dsPropSet) {
text = ((MyDbFldRst) dsPropSet).getText();
color = (Color) dsPropSet.getPropertyByName("TextColor").getObject();
background = (Color) dsPropSet.getPropertyByName("Background")
setBounds(((MyDbFldRst) dsPropSet).getBounds());
* Paint the text.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Dimension dim = getSize();
if (background != null) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
if (text != null) {
if (color == null)
color = Color.black;
g.drawString(text, 10, 10);


Note: Since the compiling process of JReport Designer differs with that of JReport Server, when you
run UDOs in these two applications, you should pay attention to some minor differences. For
example, to get width and height, in JReport Designer, you should use:
w = guitools.toolkit.Unit.convertUnitToPixel(((Integer)propertySetable.
getPropertyByName ("Width").getObject()).intValue());
h = guitools.toolkit.Unit.convertUnitToPixel(((Integer)propertySetable.
getPropertyByName ("Height").getObject()).intValue());
While in JReport Server, you should use the following instead:
JRObjectResult obj = (JRObjectResult)propertySetable;
w = guitools.toolkit.Unit.convertUnitToPixel(obj.getTemplate().getWidth(obj));
h = guitools.toolkit.Unit.convertUnitToPixel(obj.getTemplate().getHeight(obj));
2. Compile the Java files.
To compile these four Java files, you should add report.jar and JREngine.jar with their path into the class
path. For example, use the following command:
Javac -classpath "C:\JReport\Designer\lib\JRengine.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:
\test "MyDbFld.java
Here it is assumed that JReport Designer is installed to C:\JReport\Designer. The Java files for the
example are in C:\test\myudo.
3. Modify the udo.ini file in the <install_root>\lib directory by appending the four classes as follows:

4. Edit setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin by appending the path of the four classes to the batch file's
ADDCLASSPATH variable. Assume that the four classes are located in D:\test\myudo.
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;D:\test;
5. Start JReport Designer.
6. Click Insert > UDO. You will now find a new UDO object named MyDbFld in the drop-down list of the Insert
UDO dialog.

Example 2: Making a group based on a UDO

This example describes how to make a group based on a UDO. This sample is similar to a summary
field. This example includes the implementation of four classes and shares a class with Example 1.
1. Create the template, result, creator and render files as below:

package myudo;
import jet.report.*;
import jet.controls.*;
* This class extends from JRObjectTemplate, add two properties "ColumnName" and
* "TextColor".
public class MySumFld extends MyDbFld {
public MySumFld() {
* Return the instance name prefix.
public String getPrefix() {
return "MySumField";
public boolean isGroupListener() {
return true;


package myudo;


public class MySumFldRst extends MyDbFldRst {

double value;
public MySumFldRst() {
// make the text will be displayed.
String getText() {
return "" + value;
* Read the data from DataInput.
* UDO can override this method to restore its own data.
* @throws JRStopEngineException
* */
protected void readProperties(DataInput in, DSDataStreamable ds)
throws IOException, JRStopEngineException {
super.readProperties(in, ds);
value = in.readDouble();
* Write the data to DataInput.
* UDO can override this method to save its own data.
* */
protected void writeProperties(DataOutput out) throws IOException {


package myudo;


* * Implements JRObjectResultCreator for creating JRObjectResult in JReport *
* Engine Bean.
public class MySumFldCreator implements JRObjectResultCreator, JRGroupListener {
// This interface must implement by JRObjectCreator.
MySumFld rpt;
MySumFldRst dsField;
double value;
public MySumFldCreator() {
public void setTemplate(JRObjectTemplate rptobj) {
rpt = (MySumFld) rptobj;
public JRObjectResult createJRObjectResult(JRObjectTemplate rptobj,
Record record) {
rpt = (MySumFld) rptobj;
MySumFldRst dsField = new MySumFldRst();
dsField.value = value;
return dsField;
/** * This method will be called before the first record. */
public void prepareFetchRecords() {
value = 0.0;
/** * This method will be called after the last record. */
public void finishFetchRecords() {
/** * This method will be called each record. */
public void fetchNewRecord(Record record) {
String colName = (String) rpt.getPropertyByName("ColumnName")

// return the column value.

DbNumber num = (DbNumber) record.getCell(colName);
if (!num.isNull()) {
value += num.intValue();

MyDbFldRender.java (See Example 1 for details.)

2. Compile the four Java files in the same way as Example 1.

3. Modify udo.ini in <install_root>\lib\ by appending the four classes as follows:

4. Edit setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin by appending the path of the four classes to the batch
file's ADDCLASSPATH variable. Assume that the four classes are located in D:\test\myudo.
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;D:\test;
5. Start JReport Designer.
6. Click Insert > UDO. You will now find a new UDO object named MySumFld in the drop-down list
of the Insert UDO dialog.

Inserting a UDO into a report

A UDO can be inserted in the report areas listed in Component placement.
To insert a UDO to a report:
1. Start JReport Designer with the modified batch file, then create a new report, or open an existing
2. Do one of the following:

Click Insert > UDO on the menu bar (or the Insert UDO button

on the Insert toolbar).

Drag UDO from the Toolbox panel to the destination where you want to insert the UDO.

3. In the Insert UDO dialog, select a UDO as required from the UDO drop-down. The list contains all
UDOs that have been registered in the file setenv.bat in <install_root>\bin
4. Click OK in the dialog.

If you use menu or toolbar command to insert the UDO, click the mouse button in the desired
location to insert the UDO there.
If you take the dragging and dropping method to insert the UDO, the UDO will be inserted there
upon clicking the OK button.

After a UDO has been inserted, you can then customize its appearance and behavior by setting
properties in the Report Inspector, which can be saved as a CSS style for future use (for details, see
Creating a CSS style).

Built-in UDOs: JHyperLink and JRotator

JReport provides two built-in UDOs: JHyperLink and JRotator. JHyperLink is used to create hyperlinks in
reports, and JRotator can be used to rotate text or images.
This section shows the usage of the two UDOs in detail:

Creating links with JHyperLink

Rotating text/image with JRotator

See also Properties - UDO for details about the properties of JHyperLink and JRotator in the Report

Creating links with JHyperLink

JHyperLink can be used to create hyperlinks in reports. This section shows you two specific examples about
using JHyperLink:

Example 1: Building hyperlinks by using JHyperLink

Example 2: Linking reports as master/detail reports by using JHyperLink

Example 1: Building hyperlinks by using JHyperLink

Sometimes you have built a number of reports and each of them contains different information about the
same subject. You may want to build a summary report to organize these reports together. For example,
Report A is Summary Information of City Wise, while Report B is an Account List of City Wise. When you click
on the city in Report A, it should go to the page of that city in Report B. With this hyperlink feature, you can
build hyperlinks among reports. In addition, you can also insert any hyperlink to be invoked. In any case, a
web browser will be displayed to view the specified pages.
1. Start JReport Designer and open the report in which you want to build a hyperlink.
2. On the menu bar, click Insert > UDO.
3. In the Insert UDO dialog, select JHyperLink from the drop-down list, and then click OK. You will then be
able to insert a hyperlink into the report.
4. Keep the JHyperLink focused, and then go to the Report Inspector.
5. Input http://localhost:8888 in the value cell of the URL property as the JReport Server address, make
sure the Executer Class Name value is jet.udos.IEExecuter, and then type JReport Server in the Display
Value property value cell as the display name of the hyperlink.
6. Insert another hyperlink using the same way and define its properties in the Report Inspector as follows:

URL: http://www.jinfonet.com

Executer Class Name: jet.udos.IEExecuter

Display Value: Website

Two hyperlinks have been successfully built into the report.

7. In view mode, click the JReport Server hyperlink that you just made. It will bring out a browser session
to connect with JReport Server. Make sure that you have launched JReport Server and that the URL
corresponds with your server configuration.
8. Click the Website hyperlink. You will then see the http://www.jinfonet.com home page in a web browser.
Notes: After you insert a JHyperLink into a report which is to be exported to PDF, Excel or HTML, you can
specify whether to make the hyperlink effective by setting a property which corresponds to the format type.
Respectively, they are: Enable Hyperlink in PDF for PDF, Enable Hyperlink in Excel for Excel and Enable
Hyperlink in HTML for HTML.

Example 2: Linking reports as master/detail reports by using JHyperLink

JHyperLink can be used to link reports as master and detail reports to show related information in a hierarchy,
such as Orders and Line Items. You can use the JHyperLink object to control the URL to show the information

in the detail reports on JReport Server. For how to use JHyperLink to link reports as master/detail reports,
JReport Designer provides an example for your better understanding.
All the needed materials for this example, including the report sets and catalog are compressed in the file
JHyperlink_Master-detail.zip in <install_root>\help\designer\samples. Extract JHyperlink_Master-detail.
zip to <install_root>\help\UDODemo, and do the following steps:
1. In JReport Designer, open the catalog for this example, Demo.cat.
2. Select one of the existing report sets and ensure the report sets in this catalog can run. If there is a
problem, open the Catalog Browser, highlight the connection node, and in the Properties sheet, modify
the value of the URL to connect to the demo database, it is jdbc:hsqldb:<install_root>\help\UDODemo
Linking the master report to the detail report
Formulas will be used to control the property values URL and Display Value of JHyperLink to make it link the
master and detail reports.
1. Open the report set that contains the master report - mainreport.cls.
A JHyperLink is inserted in the Detail panel of the report. The URL and Display Value property values of
the UDO are as follows:

URL: Controlled by the formula linkToSalesYearly, which is defined as follows:

jrs.result_type=8&jrs.param$pEmployeeID="+@"Employee_Employee ID"

This URL value enables you to drill down to the detail report and also make a link for this detail report
on the top of the page for you to drill up and down.

Display Value: Determined by the DBField EmployeeName to show the Employee Name in the master

2. Open the report set that contains the detail report SalesPerformancebyYear.cls.
In the GroupHeader panel, the value of Total is a JHyperLink, whose property values URL and Display
Value are both controlled by formulas.

URL: Controlled by the formula linkToQuarter, which is defined as follows:

jrs.result_type=8&jrs.param$pEmployeeID="+@"Employee_Employee ID"+"&

Where, the URL is used to access the detail report SalesYearPerformancebyQuarter.cls, and the records
of the detail report are filtered by the parameters pEmployeeID and pYear.

Display Value: Controlled by the formula getSalesByYear, which is defined as follows:

This formula returns the total sales amount for the year.

Running the master/detail reports on JReport Server

This example requires you to access the report by URL, you can drill the reports up and down. To do this:

1. Start JReport Server.

2. Publish the report sets and catalog to JReport Server.
3. Run the master report mainreport.cls in JReport Viewer.

4. Click any name in the Employee Name column, and the year's performance of the employee will be

5. Click the Total number, and it will drill down to the next detail report.

Note: When using JHyperLink to link reports as master and detail reports, if a parameter with its value
containing special characters such as "\" and "&" is used in the URL, you need to add "\" before the special
character. For example, if the parameter value is a&b, you need to enter it as a\&b.

Rotating text/image with JRotator

JRotator is used to rotate text or images. Since currently JReport supports rotating only images but not
text, using JRotator to achieve text rotation becomes a feasible solution.
The following introduces three cases of using JRotator:

Using JRotator to rotate text

1. Start JReport Designer and open the report in which you want to insert some rotated text.
2. On the menu bar, click Insert > UDO.
3. In the Insert UDO dialog, select JRotator from the drop-down list, and then click OK.
4. Keep the JRotator focused and go to the Report Inspector.
5. Locate the Display Value property and type in the required text in the value cell, then click outside
of the cell. You will then see the typed text displayed in the JRotator.
6. Specify a rotation degree in the value cell of the Rotate property, for example, 180, then click
outside of the cell. You will then find the text in the JRotator reversed.
7. Save the report.

Using JRotator to rotate an image

1. Start JReport Designer and open the report in which you want to insert a rotated image.
2. On the menu bar, click Insert > UDO.
3. In the Insert UDO dialog, select JRotator from the drop-down list, and then click OK.
4. Keep the JRotator focused and go to the Report Inspector.
5. Specify the local path of the required image in the value cell of the Display Image property, for
example, C:\image.jpg, then click outside of the cell. You will then see the image displayed in the
6. Specify a rotation degree in the value cell of the Rotate property, for example, 180, then click
outside of the cell. You will then find the image in the JRotator reversed.
7. Save the report.

Using JRotator to rotate a DBField

1. Start JReport Designer and open the report in which you want to insert a rotated DBField.
2. On the menu bar, click Insert > UDO.
3. In the Insert UDO dialog, select JRotator from the drop-down list, and then click OK.

4. Keep the JRotator focused and go to the Report Inspector.

5. In the Display Value value cell, create a formula which returns the required DBField and then
select the formula. Then click outside of the cell and you will see the DBField displayed in the
6. Specify a rotation degree in the Rotate value cell, for example, 180, then click outside of the value
cell. You will then find the DBField in the JRotator reversed.
7. Save the report.

JReport exit functions

JReport has developed three exit functions: After Init Parameter, After Run and Before Run. These
functions enable you to develop an action to be called before, during and after the process of running a
report. A status will then be returned. If the returned status is true, the JReport Engine will go on
running. If false, the JReport Engine will stop at this point.
The following topics explain the JReport exit functions in detail:


Executive interfaces

Using the exit functions

Open a report in JReport Designer. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the report
and you will find the three exit function properties: After Init Parameter, After Run and Before Run.

After Init Parameter

When running the report, after you enter parameters in the parameter dialog, this function allows
you to call a program developed by yourself.
After Run
Allows you to call a program developed by yourself after running a report.
Before Run
Calls a program developed by yourself just before running a report.

Reference: For API information, see JReport Designer Javadoc jet.util package and jet.exception
package in <install_root>\help\designer\api.

Executive interfaces
We provide three interfaces for you to implement:

This interface provides the following method, which is used to get the status of the JReport Engine:
public boolean exec(String[] params) throws JURLExecuterException

params - Array of strings, each element is defined and parsed by yourself. You can enter the
PARAMETERs in the Report Inspector. If no PARAMETER is entered, params.length will be zero.
Boolean value. If true, the JReport Engine will continue running. If false, JReport Engine will stop at
this point.

This interface provides the following method, which is used to get the status of the JReport Engine:
public boolean exec(String[] params, EngineExecutor executor) throws

params - Array of strings, each element of which is defined by yourself and also parsed by yourself.
You can enter the PARAMETERs in the Report Inspector. If no PARAMETERs are entered, then params.
length is zero.
executor - Executor of EngineExecutor, which is another interface JReport provides for exporting a
report to HTML, TXT or PDF format within the exit functions.
boolean value. If true, the JReport Engine will continue running. If false, the JReport Engine will stop
at this point.

This interface provides three methods:

public boolean exportToHtml(String htmlFileName, boolean bChartApplet, boolean

isMultiFile, boolean bUsingTable, boolean bHyperlink, boolean bPageNum, boolean
bAbsolute, int iBrowser)
This method is used to export the report result to HTML format.

HtmlFileName - Name of the HTML format result file with full path.
bChartApplet - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not a chart in an HTML file is an applet.
isMultiFile - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not the HTML is generated to one or

multiple files.
bUsingTable - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not to use the HTML table format for
exporting HTML files.
bHyperLink - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate hyperlinks.
bPageNum - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not to generate page number.
bAbsolute - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not the font size is absolute or relative.
iBrowser - An int value which specifies whether or not the web browser is IE.

Boolean value for exporting status. If true, the report has been successfully exported and vice
public boolean exportToPdf(String pdfFileName)

This method is used to export the report result to PDF format.

PdfFileName - The name of the PDF format result file with a full path.
Boolean value for exporting status. If true, the report has been successfully exported and vice

public boolean exportToText(String textFileName, boolean isNormalText, boolean

isRepeat, char delimiter)
This method is used for exporting the report result to text format.

TextFileName - Name of the TEXT format result file with full path, where "true/false" sets whether
or not the text file is of normal text format or of standard data format. A standard data format text
file is a text file where each row represents a single record in a report. It can be used as a text
data source for exchanging data with other applications.
isNormalText - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not a text file is in normal text format.
isRepeat - A Boolean value which specifies whether or not the contents will be repeated.
delimiter - A character which is be used in SDF (Standard Data Format). The delimiter will only be
used when the "true/false" parameter is set to false. Delimiters can be ',' (the CSV format) or any
other character. The default is ' ' (a blank), which is the SSV format.
Boolean value for exporting status. If true, the report has been successfully exported and vice

Reference: For API information, see JURExecutor, JUREngineExecutor and EngineExecutor interfaces
in the JReport Designer Javadoc jet.util package located at <install_root>\help\designer\api.

Using the exit functions

This section provides you with two examples to further understand the exit functions.

Example 1: Using parameters in the exit functions

In this example, we provide a simple application which will run at all the three times, Before Run, After
Init Parameter, and After Run.
1. Develop your Java files to implement the methods. In the example, copy the following code and
save it as testa.java to C:\JReport\Designer\help (here it is assumed that you have installed
your JReport Designer to the default directory).
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.net.*;
import jet.util.*;
public class testa implements JURLExecuter
public boolean exec(String[] params)
System.out.println("testa : ");
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++)
System.out.print("\"" + params[i] + "\",");
return true;

2. Compile testa.java to generate the class file testa.class in C:\JReport\Designer\help.

3. Modify the batch file setenv.bat in C:\JReport\Designer\bin by appending the path C:\JReport
\Designer\help into the batch file's ADDCLASSPATH variable:
set ADDCLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib\tools.jar;C:\JReport\Designer\help;
4. Start JReport Designer, then open a report with parameter.
5. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the report and specify the class and give
parameters for the three functions, for example:

JURL:/ - The standard format, and followed by the class name.

testa - The class name in this example.
aa;bb;cc and 123;234;345 - The string type parameters of the class, which are divided by
Param - A predefined JReport parameter used in the current report, which is introduced by the
symbol @.
As shown above, two types of exit function parameters are supported, they are:

String type parameters, such as aa, C:\ and so on. In this case, the string will be passed directly
to the exit function.
JReport predefined parameters used in the current report, which are introduced by the @
symbol. In this case, the parameter value will be passed to the exit function.

6. Run the report, the report engine will call the class that you specified in the Report Inspector.

Example 2: Using formulas in the exit functions

JReport allows you to use formulas in the exit functions. To do this, you can use the Data Container
Link function which can return value of any formula to a parameter. And using the parameter in the
exit functions, you will get the value of the formula in the exit functions.
1. Create a formula and insert it into a report. It should be put in the child data container.
2. Create a parameter with the same data type of the formula, leaving other options blank, and then
insert it into the parent data container.
3. Right-click the parent data container and click Data Container Link on the shortcut menu.
4. In the Data Container Link dialog, click the Return Value tab, add the formula in the Field in
Child Data Container to the Return Value box, then click OK.
Now, you have finished passing value of the formula to a parameter.
5. Use this parameter in the exit functions with the method described in Example 1, and then the
final value of formula will be returned in the exit functions.


When a JReport parameter is used as the parameter of the Before Run function, no JReport
parameter value will be returned, and the returned value will be the JReport parameter name with
the @ symbol.
For the JReport parameter that are used as exit function parameters, they must be used in the
report. Otherwise, no value will be returned.
If you want to publish the report to JReport Server and run it there, you should publish both the
report and the catalog file to JReport Server. However, do not forget to add the path to the class
path option in the batch file that starts JReport Server.
Using formulas in exit functions can also be realized by using returning values in subreport. Thus,
you need to pass value of a formula in the subreport to a parameter in the main report.

JReport supports accessibility attributes and a built-in accessible JReport Server console. The
implementation standard is based on HTML specification 4.01 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTMLTECHS/ and information on Section 508 Standards: http://www.section508.gov and http://www.accessboard.gov.

Making HTML format report results accessible

When designing a report in JReport Designer, you can add the accessibility related HTML attributes to
the report elements in order to make the HTML format result more readable and accessible. Those
attributes are provided in the Accessibility category of the Report Inspector.
To add accessibility to a report in the HTML format result:
1. Predefine necessary accessibility attributes when designing the report.
When a report element is selected, the corresponding accessibility attributes are available in the
Report Inspector. For details about the accessibility attributes for each report element, see
Properties in the Report Inspector.
2. Enable Section 508 compliant output when exporting the report to HTML format.
In the HTML export option UI, check the option Section 508 Compliant Output.
If you only want to convert table/crosstab components into HTML data table in the HTML format
report result, check the option Use HTML Data Table.
The above two options are available on all HTML export option UIs in JReport Designer and
JReport Server.

The accessible version of JReport Server

JReport Server enables the disabled users to visit the accessible version with simplified functionality to
read reports by reader agent or other assistive tools. In the accessible version, reports are displayed in
the HTML format with accessibility attributes, and table/crosstab components are output as HTML data
JReport Server provides an option Use Accessible Version for setting the accessible version of JReport
Server as the default portal UI for an end user after the user logs in. The default port for accessible
version is 8888 which is also the default port for JReport Console page in the normal version. That is to
say, the Use Accessible Version option controls switching between normal version and accessible
version of JReport Server UI when logging onto port 8888. By default this option is unselected and end
users are directed to the JReport Console page in normal version.
For detailed descriptions about how to enable the accessible version of JReport Server, refer to the
Accessibility chapter in the JReport Server User's Guide.

True Type Fonts

Users might find that well designed reports in JReport Designer become truncated when running in
JReport Server on a different platform. The reason being that various platforms use different font
systems, and by mapping the fonts to a different platform by JDK, the report result is shown with a
discrepancy. To solve this problem, Java provides a True Type Font (TTF) administrative system, which
allows the fonts to be published together with a report into the runtime environment independent of
the platform fonts.
In addition, in cases where end users do not have the fonts used in a report, JReport provides a PDF
embedded fonts solution. That is, the fonts are embedded in the PDF file, and end users do not need to
install the fonts to their local machines.

When you design reports that will be run on a platform different to where they have been designed,
it is best to use TTF fonts.
JReport uses the JDK TTF, however the JDK has a problem in printing reports with rs_song.ttf (some
characters are incorrect). You are therefore recommended to use other Chinese TTF fonts such as
SimSun.ttf, PMingLiu.ttf and LF_FangSong.ttf.

The following topics describe how to use TTF in your reports.

Designing reports with TTF

To design reports with TTF, follow the steps below:
1. Copy True Type Font files *.ttf to the <install_root>\font subdirectory. You can find the TTF
fonts in your system's Font directory or from the Internet.
2. Running JReport Designer. In the Design area, click on the drop-down arrow of the font, and scroll
down to the bottom part of the list. You will then find the fonts with an * before their name. These
are the TTF fonts you have published.
3. Click the View tab to review the report result. Save the report until you are satisfied with the
report design.

Publishing TTF to the production environment

If you want to publish report files (.cls) that use True Type Fonts to other operating systems, you will
need to place the relevant font files (other files in the font path) in the <install_root>\font directory
of the operating system of where you want to publish the report. Make sure that you copy or ftp (in
binary mode) the .ttf files to the directory.

Delivering the result in Excel/RTF/HTML/TXT

For files of HTML/RTF/Excel formats, they will find the fonts from the system font directory. If you want
to deliver the report result in the above formats to end users, you should choose the TTF fonts that are
commonly used on Windows systems for your reports. If you have to use fonts that do not exist in a
client system, you can choose the embedded TTF font solution for a good print result in PDF format.

Delivering the result in PDF

To view PDF reports with other character sets, for example, Chinese fonts, you will need to install
special language packages. Also, if you design reports with fonts that are not within Acrobat's internal
fonts, they will be mapped differently. The above two cases will cause trouble to end users when
viewing or printing a report with Acrobat Reader. However, differing from HTML and RTF, PDF allows
the embedding of the font description within a file. JReport therefore provides the embedded TTF font
solution for a PDF result. You will find it extremely helpful in the following cases:

When you select TTF fonts to design a report, and these fonts are not within the client's existing font
When you have used the TTF and Acrobat Reader has to be updated with the language extension
package to view the result, but you do not want to trouble the end user with it.

To take advantage of the PDF embedded TTF font feature, follow the steps below:
1. Select the TTF to design reports as specified previously.
2. Open the report, go to the Report Inspector, and in the node representing the report, find a
property called Embedded Fonts. The drop-down list will show all the TTF fonts used by the report.
You can select multiple fonts by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.
3. Save the report set and export it to a PDF file. The selected fonts will be embedded in the
exported PDF file.
By embedding TTF fonts, the file size will increase a little. However, it is still of reasonable size to be
transferred over a network.

JReport provides a robust, flexible and configurable logging system which is based on log4j version
1.2.8, and supports versions from log4j version 1.2.8 to 1.3alpha7.
The logging system is used for obtaining meaningful and helpful JReport logging information in a
convenient way. It is easy to configure and manage. The following are the significant benefits of the
JReport logging system:

It is compatible with your application which is based on log4j.

It can be configured to output the logging information of different modules separately or to output
them all together.
It supports setting trace and error types' levels separately.

Configuring logs
Log configuration tasks can be achieved in two ways. They are:

Using the LogConfig.properties file located in <install_root>\bin directory.

Using command options.

In comparison with earlier versions, the command options used for log configuration have undergone
a considerable change. The following are descriptions of these options:



Sets engine log file's trace level to INFO and error level to WARN.


Sets engine log file's trace level to OFF and error level to ERROR.


Outputs message to the file as specified and uses the -vDebug level.

Note: Any settings made using the command options will override the trace and error type level
settings in the LogConfig.properties file. To log on console when using the two commands
above: -vDebug or -vError, configure the appender in LogConfig.properties first.

Configuring output log appenders

JReport logging system provides certain appenders to which log content can be output and by default,
the output file is located in <install_root>\logs directory. For example:




By default, all log categories use one appender, JReportRollingFile. However, you can also define
different output appenders or files for different log categories in the LogConfig.properties file, which is

located in <install_root>\bin. For example, to add another log appender - JReportConsole for the
Designer, edit the LogConfig.properties file as follows:
log4j.logger.com.jinfonet.designer=, JReportRollingFile, JReportConsole
log4j.appender.RootConsole.layout.ConversionPattern=%m [%t][%p][%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS}]%n

Logging information using the trace and error type

The JReport logging system enables you to log situations by using the trace and error type. Trace is
used for logging something expectable or regular, such as tracing a program workflow, logging runtime
information and associated elements. Error is used for logging something unexpected or irregular. For
example, when a URL is unreachable, a file does not exist, or a table cannot be found in a data source.
Trace type is divided into four levels, and is ordered according to the amount of information logged,
from the least to the most. These levels are OFF, OUTLINE, INFO, and TRIVIAL. Similarly, error type is
also divided into four levels, and is ordered according to the amount of information logged, from the
least to the most. These levels are OFF, FATAL, ERROR, and WARN.
If you want the least amount of information to be logged, you can set trace level to OUTLINE and error
level to ERROR. If you want the most amount of information to be logged, you can set trace level to
TRIVIAL and error level to WARN. Setting these to the highest level could affect system performance as
well as disk usage.
Trace levels

Specifies not to use the trace level.
The OUTLINE level specifies an outline of program workflow, and dump global variables, including a
single thread, multiple threads, the time for when to begin to fetch data, and success in exporting to
the specified result format.
The INFO level specifies informational messages that highlight the application progress at a coarsegrained level, and important local variables, such as query, parameter, formula value used when
running report sets, connection information, and SQL statement.
The TRIVIAL Level specifies fine-grained informational events most useful in tracing an application.
Such as the report structure dump, or the result set dump.

Error levels

Specifies not to use the Error level.
The FATAL level specifies severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort, for
example, failing to read the valid key, and exceptions that result in feature incompleted.

The ERROR level specifies error events that may allow the application to continue running, such as
failing to load a report set, failing to find a catalog file, failing to parse a parameter, and failing to
create db buffer.
The WARN level specifies potentially harmful situations, such as failing to find the resource, or having
found invalid query or formula with grammar error when loading a catalog.

Configuration settings - effect on performance

The following are configuration properties which have an effect on performance:

If the showTitle property is set to true in the LogConfig.properties file, the log file size will increase.
However, the effect on performance is negligible.
The levels of trace and error affect the amount of logging output. The higher the level, the more the
output. However, the effect on performance is negligible.
The use of the following conversion characters in ConversionPattern property results in the slow
generation of caller class or location information: %C, %F, %L and %M. Their use should be avoided
unless execution speed is not an issue. For information about the ConversionPattern property, see
comments in the LogConfig.properties file, which is located in the <install_root>\bin directory.

Dialog Reference
This chapter covers dialogs that you will come across when using JReport Designer. It mainly provides
description and explanation of the options available in these dialogs. The purpose is to make the use of
JReport Designer much easier and more convenient.
The following are dialogs included in this chapter:

Add Aggregation dialog

Add Cube Element dialog

Add Formula Field dialog

Add General Hierarchical Data Source dialog

Add Group dialog

Add Language dialog

Add Role dialog

Add Stored Procedures dialog

Add Table dialog

Add User Defined Data Source dialog

Add User dialog

Add View dialog

Add View Element dialog

Advanced dialog

Advanced Export Settings dialog

Aggregate On dialog

Applet Option dialog

Applet Parameter dialog

Banded Wizard

Barcode Expert dialog

Bursting dialog

Business Cube Editor window

Business Cube - Join Editor window

Business View Editor window

Category Options dialog

Category Property dialog

Chart Wizard

Choose Data dialog

Choose Report Set dialog

Comparison Function dialog

Conditional Formatting dialog

Connect to JReport Server dialog

Create Banded Object wizard

Create Chart wizard

Create Computed Column dialog

Create Crosstab wizard

Create Data Mapping File dialog

Create Parameter dialog

Create Query's Username and Password

Create Table wizard

Crosstab Wizard

CSS Editor dialog

CSS Style Definition dialog

Customize Dataset dialog

Customize Toolbars dialog

Customized Function dialog

Data Buffer Information

Data Format dialog

Data Manager dialog

Data Mapping Editor dialog

Dataset Editor dialog

Dataset Filter dialog

Dataset Management dialog

Data Source Driver Manager dialog

Data Source Editor dialog

DHTML Option dialog

Display Attributes dialog

Display Type dialog

Download from JReport Server dialog

Edit Aggregation dialog

Edit Conditions dialog

Edit Cube Element dialog

Edit DHTML Display Name dialog

Edit DHTML Display Name for Component dialog

Edit Filter dialog

Edit Hierarchical Data Source dialog

Edit Operation Calling Property dialog

Edit Parameter dialog

Edit Sort and Filter dialog

Edit Style Group dialog

Edit Summary dialog

Edit User Data Source dialog

Edit View Element dialog

Encrypt dialog

Enter Parameter Values dialog

Enter Server Location dialog

Enter Values dialog

Excel Option dialog

Export to Excel dialog

Export to Fax dialog

Export to JReport Result dialog

Export to Mail dialog

Export to PDF dialog

Export to PostScript dialog

Export to RTF dialog

Export to Text dialog

Export to XML dialog

Fill Effects dialog

Filter dialog

Filter On dialog

Filter Options dialog

Filter View dialog

Filter - Web Action Builder dialog

Find dialog

Find/Replace dialog

Flash Parameter dialog

Format Area dialog

Format Bar dialog

Format Bar Gauge dialog

Format Bubble dialog

Format Bubble Gauge dialog

Format Bullet dialog

Format Category(X) Axis dialog

Format Category(X) Gridline dialog

Format Cell dialog

Format Dial Gauge dialog

Format Donut dialog

Format Floor dialog

Format Label dialog

Format Legend dialog

Format Line dialog

Format Paper dialog

Format Pattern dialog

Format Pie dialog

Format Platform dialog

Format Radar dialog

Format Scatter dialog

Format Series(Z) Axis dialog

Format Series(Z) Gridline dialog

Format Stock dialog

Format Surface dialog

Format Text dialog

Format Value(Y) Axis dialog

Format Value(Y2) Axis dialog

Format Value(Y) Gridline dialog

Format Value(Y2) Gridline dialog

Format Wall dialog

Formula Editor window

Get JDBC Connection Information dialog

Group dialog

Group Filter dialog

Hierarchy Editor dialog

Horizontal Banded Wizard

HTML Option dialog

Icon Style List Dialog

Image Button dialog

Import from JReport Server dialog

Import XML Hierarchical Data Source dialog

Insert Detail Column dialog

Insert Fields dialog

Insert Filter Control dialog

Insert Group Column dialog

Insert Parameter Control dialog

Insert Parameter Form Control dialog

Insert Summary Column dialog

Insert Summary dialog

Insert Tabular dialog

Insert UDO dialog

Join Options dialog

Link Data Container dialog

Link Mail dialog

Link Report dialog

Link URL dialog

Mailing Label Wizard

Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog

Map Canvas Setup dialog

Map Data Binding Wizard

Map Editor window

Master/Detail Report dialog

Merge dialog

New Catalog dialog

New CSS Style dialog

New Dataset dialog

New Data Source dialog

New Report dialog

New Report Set dialog

New Summary dialog

NLS Editor dialog

Open Report Set dialog

Open As dialog

Optimize Dataset dialog

Options dialog

Page Panel dialog

Page Setup dialog

Parameters dialog

Parameter Order dialog

Parameter - Web Action Builder dialog

Pattern List dialog

PDF Option dialog

Pick a Color dialog

PostScript Option dialog

Pre-join Editor window

Precision Settings dialog

Predefined Filter dialog

Preview Option dialog

Publish Font and Style dialog

Publish to JReport Server dialog

Publish to Local Directory dialog

Query Editor window

Query Modifier Editor dialog

Query Option dialog

Rank Expert dialog

Real Player Parameter dialog

Record Level Security Information dialog

Reference Table Configuration dialog

Rename Duplicate Display Name dialog

Replace Formula dialog

Report Cube Editor window

Reset All dialog

Role dialog

RTF Option dialog

Save CSS As dialog

Save Pre-join Path dialog

Save Report As dialog

Save Report Set As dialog

Save Style dialog

Search Condition dialog

Search dialog

Search Reports dialog

Security Configuration dialog

Security Configuration Setting dialog

Security dialog

Security Permissions Setting dialog

Select Area Name dialog

Select Folder dialog

Select Group Position dialog

Select N dialog

Select Pre-join dialog

Select Report dialog

Select Reports dialog

Select Style Group dialog

Series Options dialog

Set Grids dialog

Show Column dialog

Sign Digital ID dialog

Sort - Web Action Builder dialog

Sort Fields By dialog

Sort Group By dialog

Special Function dialog

Stored Procedure Parameters dialog

Studio Report Option dialog

Subreport dialog

Suppress Column Subtotal dialog

Suppress Row Subtotal dialog

Table Properties dialog

Table Type dialog

Table Wizard

Tabular Wizard

Text Option dialog

Time Zone and Locale Options dialog

UDF Classes dialog

User Defined Group dialog

User dialog

Web Action List dialog

Web Service Data Source dialog

Web Wizard - Export to HTML

Windows dialog

Windows Media Player Parameter dialog

XML Connection Wizard

XML Option dialog

Add Aggregation dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click the <Add Aggregation...> item in the Dynamic Resources >
Aggregations node in the Resource View panel of the main window, or in the Resources panel of the
component wizards. It helps you to create a dynamic aggregation which can be used in the current
studio report.

Aggregation Name
Specifies the name of the aggregation.
Mapping Name
Click the

button to select a field or a formula on which the aggregation is based on.

Specifies the function for the aggregation.
Creates the aggregation and closes the dialog.
Cancels the creation and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Cube Element dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a business/report cube in the Catalog Browser and select Add
Cube Element from the shortcut menu. It helps you to add a new cube element into a business/report
cube, and consists of the following two tabs:

General tab

Security tab

General tab
Specifies properties of the cube element.

Specifies the name of the cube element.
Display Name
Specifies the display name of the cube element which is intuitive to the end user.
Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the cube element is mapped. Click

to select the

Specifies the type of the cube element.

Dimension objects are the cube elements that will become the basis for analyzing data in a report.
They characteristically return text data or dates.
Measure objects are numeric cube elements that are calculated at the time the report is ran. The
values they return are dependent on the dimension objects which they are used with. For example
you may want a sales total by year.
Detail Info
Detail information objects provide additional information. They can be bound to dimension, measure
or category. Detail information objects are not used for analysis but are useful to have.

Aggregate Function
Available only when the type of the cube element is defined as measure object. It specifies the function
for the measure object.
Specifies the tooltip of the cube element which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the element in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Specifies the description of the cube element which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover the
mouse pointer over the element in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.

Security tab
Specifies principals' permissions to the cube element.

Role tab
Lists all the roles for the current security policy.

Role Name
Displays role names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the roles.

Group tab
Lists the groups for the current security policy.

Group Name
Displays group names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the groups.

User tab
Lists the users for the current security policy.

User Name
Displays user names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the users.

Security Configuration

Opens the Security Configuration dialog to add or import principals.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Formula Field dialog

This dialog appears when you click Column > Add Formula Field on the menu bar of the Query Editor
window. It helps you to add formulas into a query to be columns of the query.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Lists all the formulas available to be added to the query.
Shows expressions of the selected formula.
Adds the selected formula to the query.
Closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Adding formula fields to a query

Add General Hierarchical Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Hierarchical node and select Add General Hierarchical Data
Source from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to add a general HDS into a

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Class Name
Specifies the name of the entrance class that implements the HDS APIs. The class should be in the
class path in the system environment.
Specifies the parameter string that is required by the class, if any. The parameter string must match
the format defined in the HDS class.
Shows the structure of the hierarchical data source.

Specifies the column settings.

Displays the column name in the selected node of table.
Specifies whether to import the column into the catalog.
Specifies the format in which the column values are to be displayed in the report result. Varies for
different types of data, and can be manually defined.
Specifies the data type of the column.

Load Tree
Analyzes and loads data tree from the external data source file. The structure is shown in the Structure
box after you click this button.
Applies all changes here and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Group dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Add button in the Group tab of the Security Configuration
dialog. It helps you to add a group to the security policy.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Group Name
Specifies the name of the group.
Specifies the description of the group.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Language dialog

This dialog appears when you click
above the Language box in the NLS Editor dialog. It helps you
to add one or more languages, in which the report set can run, to the NLS Editor for editing.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Available Languages
Lists all the languages that are available for you to choose.

When Local NLS is checked in the NLS Editor, adds the selected languages to the Language box in
the NLS Editor and closes the dialog.
When Global NLS is checked in the NLS Editor, opens the Connect to JReport Server dialog to
download global NLS resources that have been defined for the selected languages from the server.

Cancels the action and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Role dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Add button in the Role tab of the Security Configuration dialog.
It helps you to add a group to the security policy.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Role Name
Specifies the name of the role.
Specifies the description of the role.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add Stored Procedures dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Stored Procedures node and click Add Stored Procedure
from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It displays all the stored procedures in the database,
and allows you to select stored procedures for adding to a catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Database Catalog
Lists all the catalogs in the database.
Stored Procedures
Lists all the stored procedures in a three level tree. The top level is SQL-catalog, second is SQL-schema
and the third are stored procedures. You can select one or more stored procedures to add to the
Note: Not all DBMSs support database stored procedures. In this case, you may see nothing in the
Not all stored procedures will return data usable by JReport. The stored procedure needs to return a
result set.
Adds the selected stored procedures to the catalog.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Add Table dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Tables node in a connection and click Add Table on the
shortcut menu. It helps you to add tables into a JReport catalog via the connection you set up, and
varies according to connection types.

If it is a JDBC connection, options in the dialog are as follows.

Database Catalogs
Lists all the catalogs in the database.
Lists the schemas you have selected in the Schema tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
Show All Schemas
If checked, all schemas in the selected catalog will be shown in the Schema box.

Lists the tables contained in the selected schema after you click the Load Tables button.
Shows the current connection name.
Table Name Pattern
Specifies whether to filter the tables according to the specified filtering condition.
Include System Table
If checked, the system tables will become available in the Tables box.
Include Added Table
If checked, the tables that have been added to the catalog will become available in the Tables box. You
can then add them into the catalog again with a different name.
Load Tables
Loads the tables into the Tables box.
Adds the selected tables to the JReport catalog.
Completes the adding tables process and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

If it is an XML connection, options in the dialog are as follows.

Database Catalogs
Lists all the catalogs in the database. Not supported on XML connection.
Lists the schema transformed from the XML source.
Lists the tables contained in the schema after you click the Load Tables button.
Shows the current connection name.
Load Tables
Loads the tables into the Tables box.
Adds the selected tables to the JReport catalog.
Completes the adding tables process and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

If it is a web service connection, options in the dialog are as follows.

Service Name
Contains all the service information defined in the WSDL file. Select one you want from the drop-down
Operation Name

Contains all the operation information for the selected service. Select one you want from the dropdown list.
Time Out
Specifies how long to wait to get the service and operation information defined in the WSDL file.
Input Message
Lists the input message information for the selected operation.
Specifies the value for the input message.
Accepts the adding table result and closes the dialog.
Cancels the adding table process and exists the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add User Defined Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the User Defined node and select Add User Defined Data
Source from its shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It is used to add user data source objects into a
JReport catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the UDS. The name cannot be the same as any of the existing procedures, SQL
files, HDSs, business cubes or queries. It also cannot be empty.
Class Name
Specifies the full name (including package name) of the class represented by the UDS. The class should
be appended to the class path in the system environment.
The class implements

After filling in the Class Name field, the classname of the interface that the class implements will be
displayed here.
Specifies the parameter string for the UDS. The parameter string must match the format defined in the
UDS class. You can use parameters predefined in a JReport catalog in the parameter string, and the
format used in the string is "@" + parameter name. For example, if the parameter string of a UDS is
SQL=select * from employee, and you want to use the parameter sql in a catalog to replace the part
after "=" in the string, then the parameter string of the UDS will be SQL=@sql.
Edit Format
Opens the Edit Parameter Format dialog, in which you can edit the parameter format:

Displays names of the parameters used in the UDS.
Specifies formats for the parameters as required.
Accepts changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.

Specify Columns
Specifies the column definitions. If you don't specify the column definitions, JReport will retrieve them
from result set.

Specifies the valid name of the column. The name of the column should have the same validation
with a common table column. The default names for column definitions are column1', column2' etc.
Specifies the data type of the column. The following types are supported:

The corresponding JDBC type is VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR.
The corresponding JDBC type is NUMERIC.
The corresponding JDBC type is BIT.
The corresponding JDBC type is TINYINT.
The corresponding JDBC type is SMALLINT.
The corresponding JDBC type is INTEGER.
The corresponding JDBC type is BIGINT.

The corresponding JDBC type is REAL.

The corresponding JDBC type is DOUBLE.

The corresponding JDBC type is VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY.

The corresponding JDBC type is DATE.

The corresponding JDBC type is TIME.

The corresponding JDBC type is TIMESTAMP.

Precision, Length, Scale, Radix

Specifies the default value for each SQL type. Click the cell to modify the value if necessary.
Specifies whether the value of the column can be null. X stands for No Nulls, stands for Nullable
and ? stands for Nullable Unknown.

Adds a default row in the column definitions. If there is no row selected, an empty row will be added to
the last line.

Removes the selected row.

Moves the selected column one step up.

Moves the selected column one step down.

Adds the UDS and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Adding a UDS to a catalog

Add User dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Add button in the User tab of the Security Configuration dialog.
It helps you to add a group to the security policy.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

User Name
Specifies the name of the user.
Specifies the description of the user.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add View dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Views node and select Add View from the shortcut menu,
or right-click a view and click New View on the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to
add views into a JReport catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Database Catalogs
Lists all the catalogs in the database.
Lists the schemas you have selected in the Schema tab of the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
Show all Schemas
If checked, all schemas in the current catalog will be shown in the Schema box.
Lists the views contained in the selected schema after you click the Load Views button.

Shows the current connection name.
View Name Pattern
Specifies whether to filter the views according to the specified filtering condition.
Include System View
If checked, system views will become available in the Views box.
Include Added View
If checked, views that have been added to the catalog will become available in the Views box. You can
then add them into the catalog again with a different name.
Load Views
Loads the views to the Views box.
Adds the selected views to the JReport catalog.
Completes the adding views process and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Add View Element dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a business view in the Catalog Browser and select Add View
Element from the shortcut menu. It helps you to add a new view element into a business view, and
consists of the following two tabs:

General tab

Security tab

General tab
Specifies properties of the view element.

Display Name
Specifies the display name of the view element which is intuitive to the end user.
Mapping Name
Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the view element is mapped. Click

to select the

Specifies the type of the view element.

Group objects are the view elements that will become the basis for analyzing data in a report. They
characteristically return text data or dates. For example they may return items like country, state
and year to use for grouping data in reports.
Aggregation objects are numeric view elements that are calculated at the time the report is ran. The
values they return are dependent on the group objects which they are used with. For example you
may want a sales total by year.
Detail objects provide additional information. They can be bound to group, aggregation, or category
elements. Detail objects are not used for analysis but are useful in tables to show detail information
such as addresses and phone numbers.

Aggregate Function
Available only when the type of the view element is defined as aggregation. It specifies the function for
the aggregation object.
Specifies the tooltip of the view element which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the element in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Specifies the description of the view element which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover the
mouse pointer over the element in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.

Security tab
Specifies principals' permissions to the view element.

Role/Group/User tab
Lists all the roles/groups/users for the current security policy.

Displays role/group/user names.
Specifies whether or not the view element is visible to the roles/groups/users.

Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to add or import principals.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Advanced dialog
This dialog appears when you click the Advanced button in the Pattern List dialog. It helps you to bind
certain fill pattern to some specific values in a chart to make the same value the same fill effect. Note
that this feature does not apply to surface 3-D, gauge bubble 2-D and all scatter chart types, and the
settings in the dialog have higher priority than the ones in the Pattern List dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Adds a new value line.

Removes the selected value.

Specifies the value with which the fill pattern will be bound.

Specifies the color schema for the pattern.

Specifies the transparency for the color.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Advanced Export Settings dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Layout Precision button in the Export to category of the Options
dialog. It helps you to configure the precision settings used for exporting in JReport Designer. The
settings in this dialog work in the reports whose Precision Sensitive property is set to true in the Report

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Customize for each format
For formats that are checked, the precision settings predefined for them via the System Default
Settings button will take effect in the report results.
For formats that are unchecked, the precision settings predefined for them via the System Default
Settings button are ignored, and the contextual precision level is applied.

System Default Settings

Opens the Precision Settings dialog to predefine precision for each format.

Optimize for speed over visual effect

If the option is checked, the contextual precision level is applied.

Applies the settings and closes the dialog.
Do not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Aggregate On dialog
The dialog appears when you right-click a detail column in a table and select Aggregate On from the
shortcut menu. It helps you to create aggregate function based on the selected table detail column.

Aggregate On
Displays the field bound with the detail column, and also the one on which you want to create
aggregate function.
Specifies the function to summarize the field in the detail column.
Group By

If checked, you can select a group by field from the drop-down list below, to which the summary will
be applied. If no field is selected, the summary will be applied to the whole dataset.
If unchecked, a dynamic summary will be created.

Creates the aggregation and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Applet Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
Applet and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Pop-up Window
Specifies to show an Applet window when viewing a report.
Zip Result
Specifies to compress the result and its size would be smaller.
Java Plug-in 1.2 for Windows
Directs applets to run using Sun's 1.2 Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Java Plug-in 1.3 for Windows
Directs applets to run using Sun's 1.3 Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Note: You'd better specify a file destination when exporting a report set via Applet, such as D:\folder
\filename.pdf in case you may not find the result. By default when exporting a report set via Applet
on Internet Explorer, the exported result will be located on the Desktop, and when on Firefox, it will be
in its installation root.
If you do not have read or write permission to the default location or the location you specified, you will
get an access denied error. To handle this, add the required permission in jdk\jre\lib\security\java.
policy that the applet uses:
For the default location "Desktop":
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.io.FilePermission "${user.home}${/}Desktop${/}*", "read,write";
For user defined location:
permission java.io.FilePermission "D:${/}temp${/}*", "read,write";

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.

Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Applet Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Multimedia Objects > Applet on the menu bar, or drag
Applet from the Toolbox panel to a report. It enables you to insert an applet into your report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name for the class file which is contained in this archive file.
Plug-in Page
Specifies the URL from which you can download JDK to run this applet.
Specifies the position, where locates the resources that can make the applet run in this report properly.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Banded Wizard
This wizard is displayed when you select the Banded layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then click
OK, or right-click a banded object and click Banded Wizard on the shortcut menu. It helps you to create or modify a banded
The wizard consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Chart screen

Filter screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating or modifying the banded object and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
Specifies the dataset for the banded object.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset you want to use to create or modify the banded object.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the banded object.
When you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the banded object. Click the Modify
button to edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the banded object.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields to display in the banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the banded object.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the banded object.

Replaces the selected field in the banded object with the specified field in the Resources panel.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Show Banded Group Structure

Specifies whether to show the group structure of the banded object.
Display Fields
Lists the fields that you have selected to display in the banded object.
Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the banded object.

Group screen
Specifies the fields to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the banded object.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Replaces the selected group by field in the banded object with the specified field in the Resources panel.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the banded object.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen

Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions. This screen is available only when you create a banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the banded object.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields

Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the banded object.
Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Banded Object node,
the break field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.

Chart screen
Specifies to create a chart together with the banded object, which will be placed in the banded header panel. This screen is
available only when you create a banded object, and when there is at least one group by field and one summary field which is
calculated on this group by field in the banded object.

No Chart
Specifies not to create a chart.
Bar Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Bar 2-D chart together with the banded object.

Line Chart
Specifies to create a Line 2-D chart together with the banded object.
Pie Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Pie chart together with the banded object.
Lists the group by fields of the banded object on which the summary fields are calculated. Choose the field you want to display
on the category (X) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Lists the fields that have been added as the group by fields of the banded object. Choose the field you want to display on the
series (Z) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Show Values
Lists the summary fields which are calculated based on the field you choose to display on the category axis of the chart.
Choose the value you want to display in the chart from the drop-down list.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the banded object. This screen is available only when you create a banded object.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the banded object.

Lists all the available styles that can be applied to the banded object.

There is no any style information on it and it is only used to cover previous-version report which did not bind any style or the
bound style cannot be found in the style list.

Displays a diagram illustrating the effect of the selected style on the banded object.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the banded object take the style of its parent. This option is available only when you modify a

banded object and the banded object is inserted into another banded object.
Create a Banded Report
Creates a restricted version of a flow layout report, one that can contain a single banded object only. This layout option is
intended to provide compatibility with JReport Version 7 report templates.
Create a Flow Layout Report Containing a Banded Object
Creates a report that contains a banded object mapped to the specified dataset. This layout option is specified by default.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify page properties.

Related topics:

Creating a banded report

Modifying a banded object

Barcode Expert dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Barcode on the menu bar, or the Insert Barcode button
on the Insert toolbar. It helps you to create and edit a barcode object and then insert it into your

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Barcode Resources
Lists the resource that can be used as the data source for the barcode. The data source of a barcode
can be database data, formulas, parameters, or a string typed by a user.
Specifies the barcode type. You can choose from the following: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code39,
Code128 and Codabar.
Scale Mode

Specifies the unit for values of Quiet Zone, Narrow Width, Supplement, Height, and Ratio. Can be Mils
(0.001 inch), Metric (0.01 millimeter), and Points (1/72 inch).
Quiet Zone
Specifies the space around the barcode where there are no dark marks. Most of symbology requires a
quiet zone which precedes the following barcode.
Narrow Width
Specifies the barcode bar width.
Specifies the supplement (if necessary). Some barcode types, such as CODE39, CODE128 and
Codabar, do not have supplements.
Specifies the height of the barcode.
Specifies the width ratio of the thick bar to the thin bar in the CODE39/ Codabar barcode. The ratio box
can have only 2 effective values, 2.0 and 3.0. Any ratio values that are not equal to 2.0 or 3.0 will be
regarded as 2.0. Enabled only for CODE39 and Codabar.
Default Message
Specifies the default value for the barcode.
Enable Checking Digits
If checked, the checking digits will be enabled.
Display HR
Specifies whether to display the barcode numbers together with the barcode. Enabled only for CODE39,
CODE128, and Codabar.
Accepts the changes and inserts the barcode into your report.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Component - Barcodes

Bursting dialog
The dialog appears when you click Report > Bursting on the menu bar. It helps you to make a normal
report become a bursting report.

Enable Bursting Report

Enables the bursting options.
Schema Name
Lists the names of the bursting schemas for the report.
When a schema name is selected, the schema's bursting information is displayed in the Mapping and
Recipient sections below, and by double-clicking a schema name you can rename it.
Creates a bursting schema for the report. You need define the schema's Mapping and Recipient
Removes a selected schema in the Schema Name box.
Specifies the relationship between the bursting key and recipient for the selected schema.
Bursting Key

Specifies the dataset used in the report based on which to set the bursting key. Multiple bursting
schemas for a report can be based on different datasets in the report.
Bursting Key
Specifies DB columns according to which to split report data. The available values are columns in
the specified dataset.

Data Source
Specifies the data source that contains the recipient query.
Specifies the query from the selected data source which retrieves recipient addresses. Multiple
bursting schemas for a report can be based on different recipient queries in the report.
Recipient Mapping Identifier
Specifies a unique recipient column to map to each bursting key column. The available values are
columns in the specified query of the same data type as the bursting key.
The recipient columns should contain all desired information of addresses which will be used in

Adds a row to map another pair of bursting key column and recipient column.

Removes the row of mapping.


Defines the formats of recipient addresses for the selected schema.

Specifies the column that defines E-mail addresses.
Specifies the column that defines FTP addresses.
Specifies the column that defines file system directories.
JReport Server Version
Specifies the column that defines resource directories in the JReport Server resource system.
JReport Server User
Specifies the column that defines user addresses in the JReport Server security system.

User E-mail
If checked, the report results will be sent to e-mail addresses.
User Private Folder
If checked, the report results will be sent to the users' My Reports folders in the server resource
tree and you are allowed to give a subpath.

JReport Server Group

Specifies the column that defines group addresses in the JReport Server security system.

User E-mail
If checked, the report results will be sent to e-mail addresses.
User Private Folder
If checked, the report results will be sent to the group members' My Reports folders in the server
resource tree and you are allowed to give a subpath.

Sub Path
If checked, specify a subpath in the My Reports folder and the report result will be sent to the

Sub Path
If checked, specify a subpath in the My Reports folder and the report result will be sent to the

JReport Server Role

Specifies the column that defines role addresses in the JReport Server security system.

User E-mail
If checked, the report results will be sent to e-mail addresses.
User Private Folder
If checked, the report results will be sent to the role members' My Reports folders in the server
resource tree and you are allowed to give a subpath.

Sub Path
If checked, specify a subpath in the My Reports folder and the report result will be sent to the

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.

Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Report Bursting

Business Cube Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the Business Cubes node, select Add Business Cube from the
shortcut menu, input a name in the displayed dialog and click OK, or right-click a business cube and click
Edit Business Cube on its shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to create or edit a business

The following are details about options in the window:


Saves the business cube and applies all the changes made in this window.
Save As
Saves the business cube as another name and applies all the changes made in this window.
Exits this window.


Opens the Category Property dialog to insert a new folder into the business cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a dimension object to the business cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a measure object to the business cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a detail information object to the business cube.


Opens the Filter dialog to set a built-in filter for the business cube.
Hierarchy Management
Opens the Hierarchy Editor dialog to edit hierarchies for the business cube.
Join Editor
Opens the Business Cube - Join Editor window to edit joins for the business cube.
Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to configure security for the business cube.
Predefined Filter
Opens the Predefined Filter dialog to add some predefined filters for the business cube.

Displays this help document.

Saves the business cube and apply all the changes made in this window.
Deletes the specified table, view, formula or summary from the business cube.
Insert Category
Inserts a category into the business cube.

Insert Dimension
Inserts a dimension object to the business cube.
Insert Measure
Inserts a measure object to the business cube.
Insert Detail
Inserts a detail information object to the business cube.
Specifies a built-in filter for the business cube. The built-in filter is transparent to the end users
running reports based on the business cube. Each business cube can only have one built-in filter.
Hierarchy Management
Specifies hierarchies for the business cube.
Join Editor
Specifies joins for the business cube.
Predefined Filter
Adds some predefined filters for the business cube. Ad hoc end users can choose to apply those filters
when designing/modifying reports based on the business cube.
Move Up
Moves the selected object one step up.
Move Down
Moves the selected object one step down.

Resource Objects
This panel lists all the objects that can be inserted into the business cube.
Business Cube
This panel lists resources added to the business cube.

Related topics:

Editing a business/report cube

Business Cube - Join Editor window

This window appears when you click Tools > Join Editor in the Business Cube Editor window. It helps you to edit joins for a
business cube.

The following are details about options in the window:


Saves and applies all the changes made in this window.
Exits this window.


Table Properties
Opens the Table Properties dialog to specify properties for tables of the business cube.
Add Table

Opens the Add Table dialog to add tables to the business cube.

Delete Table
Deletes the selected table from the business cube. However, a table which is a part of a join cannot be deleted.
Auto Join
Specifies the criteria to set up joins automatically.
By Name
Specifies to set up joins automatically by name.

By Primary Key
Specifies to set up joins automatically by primary key.


Saves the changes made in this window.

Adds tables to the business cube.

Deletes the selected table from the business cube. However, a table which is a part of a join cannot be deleted.

Arranges the tables that are added into the business cube.

All Joins
Lists all joins created for the business cube.
All Loops
Lists all loops formed among the business cube joins.
Arranges the tables that are added into the business cube.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Setting up joins

Business View Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the blank Business View node in the Catalog Browser, select
Add Business View from the shortcut menu, input a name in the displayed dialog and click OK, or rightclick a business view and select Edit Business View from its shortcut menu. It helps you to create or edit
a business view.

The following are details about options in the window:


Saves the business view and applies all the changes made in this window.
Exits this window.


Opens the Category Property dialog to insert a new folder into the business view.
Opens the Add View Element dialog to insert a group object into the business view.
Opens the Add View Element dialog to insert an aggregation object into the business view.
Opens the Add View Element dialog to insert a detail object into the business view.


Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to configure security for the business view.
Predefined Filter
Opens the Predefined Filter dialog to add predefined filters to the business view.


Business View Help

Displays this help document.


Saves the business view and applies all the changes made in this window.
Deletes the specified category, group, aggregation or detail from the business view.
Insert Category
Inserts a new folder into the business view.
Insert Group
Inserts a group object into the business view.
Insert Aggregation
Inserts an aggregation object into the business view.
Insert Detail
Inserts a detail object into the business view.

Predefined Filter
Opens the Predefined Filter dialog to add predefined filters to the business view. End users can choose
to apply those filters when designing/modifying studio reports based on the business view.

Moves the selected object one row up.

Moves the selected object one row down.

Resource Objects
Lists all the resources that can be inserted into the business view.
Business View
Lists the resources added to the business view.

Related topics:

Editing a business view

Category Options dialog

The dialog appears when you click the Order/Select N button below the Category box in the Display
screen of the chart wizard. It helps you to specify the sort order of the category values and define the
number of the category values that will be displayed in a chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Category Order
Specifies in which manner to sort the category values.

Values will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Values will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Values will be sorted in the original order in database.

Category Selection
Specifies the number of the category values that will be displayed in the chart.


Specifies the Select N condition to define the number of the category values that will be displayed.
If selected, all category values in the chart will be displayed.

Top N
If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the first N category values in the chart
will be displayed. You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list, which returns an
integer, and then specify a value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define
the Top N condition.

Bottom N
If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the last N category values in the chart will
be displayed. You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list which returns an integer,
and then specify a value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define the
Bottom N condition.

Based On
If checked, the category values will be sorted by values of the summary selected with the direction
specified. If unchecked, the category values will be sorted by the order specified in the Category
Order box of the dialog.
Remaining Categories In
Enabled only when Top N or Bottom N is selected from the Select drop-down list. Check this option
and then type a character string in the text field to group all the category values beyond the top/
bottom N range.
Skip First
If you check the Skip First option and input a number M in the text field to the right, then the first M
category values in the chart will be skipped and the Select N condition will take effect beginning with
M+1. The skipped values will be included in the Remaining Categories group together with all the
category values beyond the top/bottom N range.

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Setting Order/Select N condition for category/series field

Category Property dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a business cube, a report cube, or a business view in the
Catalog Browser and select Add Category from the shortcut menu. It helps you to add a new category,
and consists of the following two tabs:

General tab

Security tab

General tab
Specifies properties for the category.

Display Name
Specifies the display name of the category.
Specifies the description of the category which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the business/report cube category in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer, or over the business
view category in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.

Security tab
Specifies principals' permissions to the category.

Role tab
Lists all the roles for the security policy.

Displays role names.
Specifies whether or not the category is visible for the roles.

Group tab
Lists all the groups for the security policy.

Displays group names.
Specifies whether or not the category is visible for the groups.

User tab
Lists all the users for the security policy.


Displays user names.

Specifies whether or not the category is visible for the users.

Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to add or import principals.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Chart Wizard
This wizard is displayed when you select Chart layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then click OK, or
right-click a chart and click Chart Wizard from the shortcut menu. It helps you create or modify a chart.
The wizard consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Type screen

Display screen

Filter screen

Layout screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating or modifying the chart and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset for the chart.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset you want to use to create or modify the chart.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the chart. When you
choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the chart. Click the Modify button to edit
the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the chart.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the business view used by the chart.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Type screen
Specifies the type of the chart. You can refer to the section Chart types which describes each of the chart type in detail.

Single chart
Specifies to create a single chart.

Chart Type
Lists all the chart types that can be used to create a single chart.
Sub Type
Lists all the sub types of the selected chart type.
Displays the description of the selected chart type.

Combo chart
Specifies to make more than one type use the primary or secondary axis. The types should be featured as Combination charts.
Two types of data markers are used to represent different data values.

Chart Type
Lists all the chart types that can be added as a combo chart.
Lists all the sub-types of the selected chart type.

Displays the description of the selected chart type.

Chart Type Groups

Lists all the chart types that are to be used in the combo chart.

Primary Axis

Secondary Axis

<Add Combo Type>

Adds a chart type to the primary axis.

<Add Combo Type>

Adds a chart type to the secondary axis.

Removes a specified chart type from the Chart Type Groups box.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields to display in the chart.


Lists all the available data resources in the selected dataset.

Adds the selected fields to be displayed in the chart.

Removes the selected fields from the chart if they are not required.

Replaces the selected field in the chart with the specified field in the Resources panel.
Lists the field you want to display on the category/series axis of the chart.

Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define how to group information.
Special Function
Opens the Special Function dialog to define some special function to the field.
Order/Select N
Opens the Category Options dialog or Series Options dialog to specify the sort order of the category or series values and
define the number of the category or series values that will be displayed in the chart.

Show Values
Lists the values you want to show in the chart.

Moves the selected value one step up.

Moves the selected value one step down.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter the data used in the chart. This screen is available only when you create a chart.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Layout screen
Specifies the layout of the chart elements.


Category Start Offset

Specifies the start offset of category from which the chart will be displayed.
Category End Offset
Specifies the end offset of category to which the chart will be displayed.
Series Start Offset
Specifies the start offset of series from which the chart will be displayed.
Series End Offset
Specifies the end offset of series to which the chart will be displayed.
Reverse Category
Specifies whether to reverse the display order of the categories.
Reverse Series
Specifies whether to reverse the display order of the series.
Swap Groups
Specifies to display values from different data fields by switching data between the category and series axes, the category
and values axes.


If values are set to be less than 0, it means the categories or series will be displayed without any offset.
If values are set to be greater than 0 and the value of Category/Series Start Offset is greater than that of Category/Series
End Offset, all of the categories or series will be displayed.


Chart Title
Specifies the title of the chart.
Category(X) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the X-axis.
Value(Y) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the Y-axis.
Value(Y2) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the Y2-axis.


Show Category(X) Axis

Specifies whether to show the category(X) axis in this chart.
Show Value(Y) Axis
Specifies whether to show the value(Y) axis in this chart.
Show Value(Y2) Axis
Specifies whether to show the value(Y) axis in this chart.
Show Series(Z) Axis
Specifies whether to show the series(Z) axis in this chart.


Show Wall
Specifies whether to show the wall in this chart.
Show Floor
Specifies whether to show the floor in this chart.


Show Category(X) Axis Gridlines

Specifies whether to show the gridlines of category(X) axis.
Show Value(Y) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of value(Y) axis.
Show Value(Y2) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of value(Y2) axis.
Show Series(Z) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of series(Z) axis.


Show Legend
Specifies whether to show the legend in this chart.


Mapping Component
Specifies the component to which the chart will be mapped. For details, see Creating dynamic chart in Excel.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the chart.

Lists the available styles.

There is no any style information on it and it is only used to cover previous-version report which did not bind any style or the
bound style cannot be found in the style list.

Displays a diagram illustrating the effect of the selected style on the chart.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the chart take the style of its parent. This options is available only when you modify a chart and the
chart is inserted into a banded object or table.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify page properties.

Related topics:

Creating a chart report

Modifying a chart

Choose Data dialog

This dialog appears when you select the Blank layout and click OK in the New Report dialog or New
Report Set dialog. It helps you to choose the dataset you want to use to create the report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Define a dataset for this object

Specifies the dataset from which the report will be created.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to
build the report. When you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify
button to edit the query if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the report. Click
the Modify button to edit the query if required.

Accepts changes and closes this dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Choose Report Set dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a report set node in the Report Sets tab of the Catalog
Browser and select Add Report Sets. It helps you to add report sets saved in a catalog into the Report
Set Manager.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Displays the path and name of the current catalog.
Report Set Name
Displays name of the selected report set.
Report Set of Type
Specifies the type of the report set. When saving a report set, you can save it as four kinds of files: cls
(report binary file), rpt (report source file), cls.xml (XML format report), or clx (self contained report).
Adds the selected report set to the folder.

To add consecutive report sets, first click the report set, press and hold down SHIFT, and then click
the last report set, then click the Add button.

To add report sets that are not consecutive, press and hold down CTRL, click each report set, and
then click the Add button.

Closes this dialog and leaves any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Comparison Function dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Comparison Function button in the Display screen of the
crosstab wizard. It helps you to add a comparison function as an aggregate for a crosstab.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the function of the calculation: Percentage, Permillage, or Difference.
Comparison Function Spans on Row Direction
If checked, the comparison function will be placed into the column total cell of the crosstab.
Comparison Function Spans on Column Direction
If checked, the comparison function will be placed into the row total cell of the crosstab.
Break by
Items in the drop-down list vary with the position of the comparison function. It specifies the first
parameter (aggregate or subtotal) of the comparison function.
Refer to
Specifies the item as the other parameter of the comparison function.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Defining comparison functions in a crosstab

Conditional Formatting dialog

This dialog appears when you select a field and then click Format > Conditional Formatting on the
on the toolbar, or right-click the field and select
menu bar, or the Conditional Formatting button
Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu. It helps you to add some conditional formats to values
of the selected field.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Displays all the conditions you have already added.

Adds a new condition in the Edit Conditions dialog.

Edits the selected condition.

Removes the selected condition.

Specifies the priority of each condition.

Moves a condition up for a higher priority.
Moves a condition down for a lower priority.

Specifies the format which will be applied to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.

Specifies the font type for the field values.
Specifies the border line style for the field values.
Specifies the font size for the field values.
Specifies whether or not to bold the field values.
Specifies whether or not to make the field values italic.
Specifies whether or not to underline the field values.
Foreground Color
Specifies the foreground color for the field values.
Background Color
Specifies the background color for the field values.
Sample Text
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Connect to JReport Server dialog

This dialog helps you to connect to JReport Server in order to publish resources to the server, to
download resources from the server, or to get global NLS resources defined on the server.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Connection Information
Specifies information for connecting to the server.

Specifies the host of the remote web server.
Specifies the port that the web server listens to.
Servlet Path
It is /jrserver, and is used in the URL to access the servlet.
Abbreviation of Security Socket Layer. Check this option to specify whether to create an SSL

connection when the server you are using is integrated with another web server which supports SSL.

Remember connection information

If checked, the connection information will be remembered by JReport Designer.

Specifies the user name and password for login to the server.

User Name
Specifies the user name used to access JReport Server.
Specifies the password of the user name.

Connects to JReport Server.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Create Banded Object wizard

This wizard appears when you click Insert > Banded Object on the menu bar, or click the Insert Banded Object button
the Insert toolbar. It helps you to insert a banded object into a report, and consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Filter screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating the banded object and closes this dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
Specifies the dataset that you want to use to create the banded report.


Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the banded object will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the banded object.
When you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the banded object. Click the Modify
button to edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the banded object.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields that you want to display in the banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the banded object.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the banded object.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Display Fields
Lists the fields that have been selected to display in the banded object.

Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the banded object.

Group screen
Specifies the data fields that are used to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the banded object.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the banded object.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which you want to create aggregate functions.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the banded object.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the banded object.

Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Banded Object node,
the break field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the banded object.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the banded object.

Grow Report
Specifies the layout of the banded object.

Creates a vertical banded object.
Creates a horizontal banded object.
Mailing Label Format
Creates a cross banded object in the form of a mailing label layout.

Specifies the style of the banded object.
Displays the selected layout and style effects.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the banded object take the style of its parent. Available only when the banded object is to be
inserted into another banded object.

Related topics:

Inserting a banded object into a report

Create Chart wizard

This wizard appears when you click Insert > Chart on the menu bar, click the Insert Chart button
on the Insert toolbar, or
drag Chart from the Toolbox panel into a report. It helps you to insert a chart in a report, and consists of the following

Data Screen

Type screen

Display screen

Filter screen

Layout screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating a chart and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset that you want to use to create the chart.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the chart will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the chart. When you
choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the chart. Click the Modify button to edit
the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the chart.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the data source that you want to use to create the chart.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Type screen
Specifies the type of the chart. You can refer to the section Chart types which describes each of the chart type in detail.

Single chart
Specifies to create a single chart.

Chart Type
Lists all the chart types that can be used to create a single chart.
Sub Type
Lists all the sub types of the selected chart type.
Displays the description of the selected chart type.

Combo chart
Specifies to make more than one type use the primary or secondary axis. The types should be featured as Combination charts.
Two types of data markers are used to represent different data values.

Chart Type
Lists all the chart types that can be added as a combo chart.
Sub Type
Lists all the sub types of the selected chart type.

Displays the description of the selected chart type.

Chart Type Groups

Lists all the chart types that are to be used in the combo chart.

Primary Axis

Secondary Axis

<Add Combo Type>

Adds a chart type to the primary axis.

<Add Combo Type>

Adds a chart type to the secondary axis.

Removes a specified chart type from the Chart Type Groups box.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields that you want to display in the chart.


Lists all the available data resources in the selected dataset.

Adds the selected fields to be displayed in the chart.

Removes the selected fields from the chart if they are not required.
Lists the field you want to display on the category/series axis of the chart.

Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define how to group information.
Special Function
Opens the Special Function dialog to define some special function to the field.
Order/Select N
Opens the Category Options dialog or Series Options dialog to specify the sort order of the category or series values and
define the number of the category or series values that will be displayed in the chart.

Show Values
Lists the values you want to show in the chart.

Moves the selected value one step up.

Moves the selected value one step down.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter the data used in the chart.

This option is available only when creating a chart in a studio report. It lists all the predefined filters of the specified business
view. Select one from the drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined and define a new filter according to your
For details about the other options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Layout screen
Specifies settings of some of the chart elements.


Category Start Offset

Specifies the start offset of category from which the chart will be displayed.
Category End Offset
Specifies the end offset of category to which the chart will be displayed.
Series Start Offset
Specifies the start offset series from which the chart will be displayed.
Series End Offset
Specifies the end offset of series to which the chart will be displayed.
Reverse Category
Specifies whether to reverse the display order of the categories.
Reverse Series
Specifies whether to reverse the display order of the series.
Swap Groups
Specifies to display values from different data fields by switching data between the category and series axes, the category
and values axes.


If values are set to be less than 0, it means the categories or series will be displayed without any offset.
If values are set to be greater than 0 and the value of Category/Series Start Offset is greater than that of Category/Series
End Offset, all of the categories or series will be displayed.


Chart Title
Specifies the title of the chart.
Category(X) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the X-axis.
Value(Y) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the Y-axis.
Value(Y2) Axis Title
Specifies the title of the Y2-axis.


Show Category(X) Axis

Specifies whether to show the category(X) axis in this chart.
Show Value(Y) Axis
Specifies whether to show the value(Y) axis in this chart.
Show Value(Y2) Axis
Specifies whether to show the value(Y) axis in this chart.
Show Series(Z) Axis
Specifies whether to show the series(Z) axis in this chart.


Show Wall
Specifies whether to show the wall in this chart.
Show Floor
Specifies whether to show the floor in this chart.


Show Category(X) Axis Gridlines

Specifies whether to show the gridlines of category(X) axis.
Show Value(Y) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of value(Y) axis.
Show Value(Y2) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of value(Y2) axis.
Show Series(Z) Axis Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the gridlines of series(Z) axis.


Show Legend
Specifies whether to show the legend in this chart.


Mapping Component
This option is disabled when creating a chart. It specifies the component to which the chart will be mapped (for details, see
Creating dynamic chart in Excel).

Style screen
Specifies the style of the chart.

Specifies the style of the chart.
Displays the selected style and layout effects.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the chart take the style of its parent. Available only when the chart is to be inserted into a table or
banded object.

Related topics:

Inserting a chart into a report

Create Computed Column dialog

This dialog appears when you click Column > Create Computed Column on the menu bar of the Query
Editor Window. It helps you to create functions quickly and easily instead of having to write formulas.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Computed Column Name
Specifies the name of the computed column.
The functions here are not from JReport system. They are from the connected database you are using.
Thus, if you change your data source, some of these functions may no longer exist. For each database,
the different supported functions list will be returned.

Specifies String formulas to create a function.
Specifies Numeric formulas to create a function.
Time & Date
Specifies Time or Date formulas to create a function.

Adds the numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

Subtracts numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.

Multiplies numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Divides numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Equates fields together.
Places quotations on long character strings or names that have blanks in them. For example, you
should place quotes on values such as "New York" or "Washington DC").
Places fields together in the same Expression menu. For example, "New York" || "Washington DC").
Places your fields in parentheses.

Lists all the tables and fields which are available for creating the computed column.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating computed columns in a query

Create Crosstab wizard

This wizard appears when you click Insert > Crosstab on the menu bar, click the Insert Crosstab button
on the Insert
toolbar, or drag Crosstab from the toolbox panel into a report. It helps you to insert a crosstab to a report, and consists of the
following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Filter screen

Layout screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating the crosstab and closes this dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset that you want to use to create the crosstab.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the crosstab will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the crosstab. When
you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the crosstab. Click the Modify button to
edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the crosstab.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the data source that you want to use to create the crosstab.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Display screen
Specifies the fields that you want to display in the crosstab.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field to be displayed on the columns of the crosstab.

Adds the selected field to be displayed on the rows of the crosstab.

Adds the selected field on which to create summaries.


Lists the fields that will be displayed on the columns/rows of the crosstab.
Specifies the display names for the selected fields. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the fields to
label the columns/rows. You can double-click the cells to edit them if required.

Specifies the background color of the selected fields.


Lists the fields that you select to create summaries.
Specifies the functions used to summarize data of the selected fields.
Specifies the display names for the selected fields. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the fields to
label the summaries. You can double-click the cells to edit them if required.
Comparison Function
Opens the Comparison Function dialog to add a comparison function as an aggregate for the crosstab.

Specifies in which manner to sort the field values.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the crosstab.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the crosstab.

This option is available only when creating a crosstab in a studio report. It lists all the predefined filters of the specified
business view. Select one from the drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined and define a new filter according to your
For details about the other options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Layout screen
Specifies the layout of the crosstab.

Specifies properties of the aggregate fields.

Vertical Layout
If selected, the aggregate layout will be set vertically.

Horizontal Layout
If selected, the aggregate layout will be set horizontally.

Number of Row(s)
Specifies the number of rows to be displayed in a crosstab. By default, it is -1, which means that there is only one column
with which to arrange the aggregate fields vertically; if it is set to 1, that means there will be only one row to arrange the
aggregate fields horizontally; if it is set to a number larger than 1, that means there will be this number of aggregate
rows; if this number is larger than the number of aggregate fields in the crosstab, it will be treated as -1.

Number of Column(s)
Specifies the number of columns to be displayed in a column. By default, it is -1, which means that there is only one row
with which to arrange the aggregate fields horizontally; if it is set to 1, that means there will be only one column to
arrange the aggregate fields vertically; if it is set to a number larger than 1, that means there will be this number of
aggregate rows; if this number is larger than the number of aggregate fields in the crosstab, it will be treated as -1.

Repeat Aggregate
Assume that you have created a crosstab on the query WorldWideSales in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as follows:

added Products_Product Type ID as the column field, added Customers_Country as the row field, added Quantity and
Discount as the aggregate fields and specified the functions as Sum, and applied the style Classic to the crosstab.

If checked, one cell will contain only one aggregate field value, while for the other aggregate fields, the crosstab will
repeat. The crosstab will be shown as below:

If unchecked, one crosstab cell accommodates the values of all aggregate fields. The crosstab will be shown as below:

Outside Aggregate Total

Specifies to place the summary labels to the left of the row values if true, right of the row values if false.

Suppress Row Grand Totals

Specifies whether or not to show the grand totals of rows.
Suppress Column Grand Totals
Specifies whether or not to show the grand totals of columns.
Suppress Row Subtotal
Specifies whether or not to show the subtotals of rows. If required, you can click
to open the Suppress Row Subtotal dialog
to specify which subtotals of the rows will be suppressed, and which will be shown.
Suppress Column Subtotal
to open the Suppress Column Subtotal
Specifies whether or not to show the subtotals of columns. If required, you can click
dialog to specify which subtotals of the columns will be suppressed, and which will be shown.
Note: The settings of the above four options will only take effect in view mode.

Repeat Column Header

Specifies whether or not the header of column will be appeared on every page, if a crosstab spans more than one page.
Table Style
Specifies whether or not to make the crosstab look like a table.
Column Total on
Specifies the position of total columns on the top or bottom of the aggregate.
Row Total on
Specifies the position of total rows on the left or right of the aggregate.
Displays a preview of the selected layout.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the crosstab.


Specifies the style of the crosstab.

Shows a sketch of the selected style.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the crosstab take the style of its parent. Available only when the crosstab is to be inserted into a
banded object.

Related topics:

Inserting a crosstab into a report

Create Data Mapping File dialog

This dialog appears when you click the New button in the Data Mapping Editor dialog. It helps you to
create a data mapping file that saves information of a certain language.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

File Name
Specifies the name of the data mapping file, which will be saved as filename_language_locale.
Specifies the language of the data mapping file. One language corresponds to one data mapping file.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Create Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Parameters node in the Catalog Browser and select Add
Parameter from the shortcut menu. It helps you to add a parameter to a catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the parameter.
Value Setting
Specifies the parameter type.

Type-in Parameter
If selected, you can predefine parameter values by typing manually.
Bind with Single Column

If selected, the parameter will be bound with a DBField. The values of the DBField will be retrieved as the
parameter values at runtime.

Bind with Cascading Columns

If selected, you can create a group of cascading parameters so as to achieve the function of filtering
parameters with parameters in a simple way.

Value Type
Specifies the data type of the parameter.
The section after Value Type varies with the type you select from the Value Setting drop-down list.
For Type-in Parameter

Value List
Lists the predefined parameter values.
Prompt Values [format hint]
Predefines the parameter values. The [format hint] shows what the predefined values should look like.
There can be more than one prompt value. All the prompt values must be of the same type as specified in
the Value Type field.

Adds a new prompt value to the list. Double-click in the value line to edit the value.

Removes the selected prompt value.

Adjusts the display sequence of selected value by moving it up a step.
Adjusts the display sequence of selected value by moving it down a step.

For Bind with Single Column

JReport provides such a mechanism that links each field value of Display Column with the exact value of
Bind Column. When you select the field value from Display Column, the field value of Bind Column is
actually sent to the query and filters the query result. It helps you to bind the parameter to a DBField
(column) in order to provide a list of DBField values for users to select at runtime. The selected value of the
bound DBField will be used as the parameter value. Additionally, instead of displaying the values of the
bound one, you can also choose to display values of other DBField, which probably makes more sense to the
report end users. For example, it might be confusing if you provide a list of customer ID numbers for users
to select at runtime, since the ID numbers could probably mean nothing to them. In cases like this, it is
wise for you to display values of other fields, which could probably make more sense. For this case, you
might prefer to display customer names instead of ID numbers. When the report end users select a
customer name from the list, its ID number is passed to the query as the parameter value so that the
search criteria can be fulfilled. So, before the report with a parameter bound to a DBField is processed, a
query statement will be executed first to retrieve the values of the bound field and display field.

Specifies the data source type from which to retrieve the columns which can be used to bind with the
parameter. The available data source types are tables and views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and
user defined data sources.
Bind Column
Specifies the DBField to be bound with the parameter.

Display Column
When viewing a report which contains the parameter, the field values related to the column name you
selected in the drop-down list of Display Column will be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog at
For Bind with Cascading Columns

Data Source
Specifies the data source type from which to retrieve the columns which can be used to bind with the
parameters. The available data source types are tables, views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and
user defined data sources.
Value List
Defines a group of cascading parameters.

Adds a new parameter.

Removes the selected parameter.

Adjusts the parameter level by moving it up a step. The higher the position is, the higher the level is.
The lower level field values are controlled by the higher level field values.
Adjusts the parameter level by moving it down a step.
Bind Column
Specifies the DBField to be bound with the parameter.
Display Column
When viewing a report which contains the parameter, the field values related to the column name you
selected in the drop-down list of Display Column will be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog
at runtime.
Specifies whether to set a group of Bind Column and Display Column as a parameter which will become
a member of the cascading parameter group. All parameters in the cascading group will be created as
independent parameters in the catalog after you finish the dialog.
The parameter name is provided by JReport automatically, and the format is [The name specified as
parameter name]-[Bind Column name].

Specifies options for the parameter. The options vary with the type you select from the Value Setting dropdown list.

Prompt Text
Specifies the text for prompting users to provide the value of the parameter.

To help users avoid typing a value out of range, you can add the value range to the end of the prompt
text. For example, "Type a customer ID (1~100):".
To help users avoid typing a value in a wrong pattern, you can add the value pattern to the end of the
prompt text. For example, "Type an order date (MMM-dd-yy):".

Minimum Value/Length
Specifies the minimum value allowed for the parameter. If the parameter value type is String, this option is

defined as Minimum Length, which means that you can set the minimum allowed length of the string.

Maximum Value/Length
Specifies the maximum value allowed for the parameter. If the parameter value type is String, this option is
defined as Maximum Length, which means that you can set the maximum allowed length of the string.
String Encoding
Specifies the encoding for the parameter. Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as String.
User Defined Format
For certain types of parameters, the value format supplied by JReport may not satisfy your requirement. In
this case, you can define your own preferred format. When you have defined the value format, all the
values you supply at runtime should be based on it. Otherwise there will be an error message. For details,
see User defined format for parameters.

The letters that stand for the user defined format should follow the JDK standard. In addition, the
user defined format only limits the format of the input value, which does not mean that the display
value will be in the same format. To change the display format, you will need to specify the Format
property of this parameter in the Report Inspector.
The user defined format will show different appearance under different locale, and you need input
values according to the displayed format. For example, under the Spanish or French locale, ####.
## will be displayed as #0,## and you should follow #0,## to input values.

If set to true, the parameter will be treated as a required parameter. A required parameter must be fulfilled,
which means that you must supply a value in the Enter Parameter Values dialog before the report can be
run. If set to false, the parameter will be treated as an optional parameter. An optional parameter can be
left blank, which means you can either type a value, or leave it as it is.
In the Enter Parameters Value dialog, the prompt text of a required parameter will be marked with a * sign.
Note: If the parameter is optional and you do not expect it to take effect in your report, in the Enter
Parameter Values dialog, clear the content in the value field. Otherwise, any value left in the field will
function in reports.

Hide Parameter When Single Value Returned

Specifies to hide the parameter at runtime when only a single value is returned for the parameter. The
returned single value will be used as default value of the parameter.
Allow Multiple Values
Enables multiple parameter values to be selected. If it is set to true, when running a report with the
parameter, the Enter Values dialog is provided for you to specify multiple values.
Note: Multi-value parameters can only be supported in dataset filters, query filters and imported SQL

Enable the "All" Option

Displays the All checkbox in the Enter Values dialog which means that the parameter value result is all the
values that match the parameter data type. Available when Allow Multiple Values is set to true.
Treat Blank as Null
Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as String. If it is true, the parameter value will be
null; if false, the default parameter value is "".
Use Current Date-Time
If set to true, the current date time in your system will be used as value of the parameter. Available only
when the parameter's data type is defined as Date, Time or DateTime.
Use Current Date-Time When Blank

If set to true, when the value of the parameter is blank, the current date time in your system will be used
as value of the parameter. Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as Date, Time or
If the type of the parameter is set to Date, Time or DateTime, you can choose whether to get parameter
value dynamically from the system's date time by enabling one of the above options - Use Current or Use
Current When Blank. However, if you want to use this feature, you need to make sure your system's
DateTime format is set to yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss as it is the only format JReport supports; otherwise, you
need to make use of the User Defined Parameter Format feature. Also, if one of the two options is enabled,
you need to provide the parameter's prompt value according to the data type of your parameter.

When the data type of the parameter is Date, you can specify the value according to the format yyyy-MMdd.

yyyy-01-01: Year will be dynamically changed.

2007-MM-01: Month will be dynamically changed.

2007-01-dd: Date will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-MM-01: Year and month will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-01-dd: Year and date will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-MM-dd: Year, month, and date will be dynamically changed.

2007-MM-dd: Month and date will be dynamically changed.

When the data type of the parameter is Time, you can specify the value according to the format H:mm:

H:00:00: Hour will be dynamically changed.

12:mm:00: Minute will be dynamically changed.

12:00:ss: Second will be dynamically changed.

H:mm:00: Hour and minute will be dynamically changed.

12:mm:ss: Minute and second will be dynamically changed.

H:00:ss: Hour and second will be dynamically changed.

H:mm:ss: Hour, minute and second will be dynamically changed.

When the data type of the parameter is DateTime, specify the value in a combination of the above.

Record Level Security

Specifies the RLS policy defined on the bound column in the data source to the parameter. For details, refer
to Applying RLS to a parameter.
If set to true, when viewing a report that contains the parameter, in the Enter Parameter Values dialog,
identical values will appear only once and no duplicate values will be listed.
Import SQL
Displays the SQL statement for retrieving values of the bound column and display column. You can edit the
statement if required. To do this, click in the value cell, then click
SQL dialog.

and edit the statement in the Import

Note: If you have made changes to the SQL statement, the later changes for Bind Column and Display
Column will not take effect unless you remove the SQL lines or bind the parameter all over again. To
remove the SQL lines, click

in the value cell and clear the content in the Import SQL dialog.

Allow Type-in of Value

Specifies whether to enable typing values besides selecting values when setting parameter values. The
property is enabled for Type-in Parameter by default.
When Out of Value Range
Specifies how JReport will response if the typed value is out of the predefined value list. The property is
enabled only when the option Allow Type-in of Value is set to true.
There are three solutions as follows:
Adopt directly
The typed value will be used directly.

Use default
The default value defined when creating the parameter will be used.

Displays a warning message telling that "Value xxx is out of the available value list".

Note: For a multi-value parameter, if one of the input values is not in the value list, the whole input
result will be treated as out of range.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a parameter

Create Query's Username and Password dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a query and then select Create User from the shortcut menu.
It helps you to set a password to restrict users from editing the query at random.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

User Name
Specifies the user name that can edit the query.
Specifies the password to restrict users from editing the query.
Confirm password
Confirms the password you have specified in the Password text field.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Locking queries

Create Table wizard

This wizard appears when you choose a table type and click the OK button in the Table Type dialog. It helps you to insert a
table into a report in the specified type, and consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Filter screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating the table and closes this dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset that you want to use to create the table.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the table will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the table. When you
choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the table. Click the Modify button to edit
the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the table.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the data source that you want to use to create the table.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Display screen
Specifies the fields that you want to display in the table.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the table.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the table.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Hide Detail
Specifies whether to hide the fields that have been added to display in the table.

Display Fields
Lists the fields that have been selected to display in the table.
Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the table.

Group screen
Specifies the fields that you want to use to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the table.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Show Groups in Columns
Specifies whether to show the groups in columns. When it is unchecked, the Invisible property of the group columns in the
Report Inspector will be set to true automatically. You can later use this property to control whether to make the columns
shown or not.
Combine Group Headers
Specifies whether to place all the group by fields in the most inner group header row. Available only when the option Hide
Detail in the Display screen is checked.
Combine Group Headers with Detail Row
Specifies whether to place all the group by fields in the detail row. Available only when the option Hide Detail in the Display
screen is unchecked.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the table.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.

Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which you want to create aggregate functions.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the table.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the table.
Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Table node, the break
field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.
Works together with the Column option to specify the location where the summary field will be put.

Specifies to put the summary field in the header row. If the summary is calculated on a group by field, it will be put in the
group header row of the corresponding group; if the summary is calculated on the whole dataset, it will be put in the table
header row.
Specifies to put the summary field in the footer row. If the summary is calculated on a group by field, it will be put in the
group footer row of the corresponding group; if the summary is calculated on the whole dataset, it will be put in the table
footer row.

Works together with the Position option to specify the location where the summary field will be put.

The summary field will be put in a detail column.
The summary field will be displayed in a separate summary column.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the table.

This option is available only when creating a table in a studio report. It lists all the predefined filters of the specified business
view. Select one from the drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined and define a new filter according to your
For details about the other options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the table.

Grow Report
Specifies the layout of the table.

Creates a vertical table.
Creates a horizontal table.

Specifies the style of the table.
Displays the selected layout and style effects.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the table take the style of its parent. Available only when the table is to be inserted into a banded

Related topics:

Inserting a table into a report

Crosstab Wizard
This wizard is displayed when you select the Crosstab layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then click
OK, or right-click a crosstab and select Crosstab Wizard from the shortcut menu. It helps you to create or modify a crosstab.
The wizard consists of the following six screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Chart screen

Filter screen

Layout screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating or modifying the crosstab and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset for the crosstab.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset you want to use to create or edit the crosstab.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the crosstab. When
you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the crosstab. Click the Modify button to
edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the crosstab.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the business view used by the crosstab.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Display screen
Specifies the fields to display in the crosstab.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field to be displayed on the columns of the crosstab.

Adds the selected field to be displayed on the rows of the crosstab.

Adds the selected field on which to create summaries.

Replaces the selected field in the crosstab with the specified field in the Resources panel.


Lists the fields that will be displayed on the columns/rows of the crosstab.

Specifies the display names for the selected fields. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the fields to
label the columns/rows. You can double-click the cells to edit them if required.
Specifies the background color of the selected cells.


Lists the fields that you select to create summaries.
Specifies the functions used to summarize data of the selected fields.
Specifies the display names for the selected fields. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the fields to
label the summaries. You can double-click the cells to edit them if required.
Comparison Function
Opens the Comparison Function dialog to add a comparison function as an aggregate for the crosstab.

Specifies in which manner to sort the field values.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the crosstab.

Chart screen
Specifies to create a chart together with the crosstab, which will be placed above the crosstab in the report body. This screen is
available only when you create a crosstab, and when there is at least one field inserted in the columns or rows, and with at
least one summary field in the crosstab.

No Chart
Specifies not to create a chart.
Bar Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Bar 2-D chart together with the crosstab.
Line Chart
Specifies to create a Line 2-D chart together with the crosstab.
Pie Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Pie chart together with the crosstab.
Lists the fields that have been added to the columns and rows of the crosstab. Choose the field you want to display on the
category (X) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Lists the fields that have been added to the columns and rows of the crosstab. Choose the field you want to display on the
series (Z) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.

Show Values
Lists the fields that have been selected to create summaries in the crosstab. Choose the value you want to display in the chart
from the drop-down list.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the crosstab. This screen is available only when you create a crosstab.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Layout screen
Specifies the layout of the crosstab.

Specifies properties of the aggregate fields.

Vertical Layout
If selected, the aggregate layout will be set vertically.

Horizontal Layout
If selected, the aggregate layout will be set horizontally.

Number of Row(s)
Specifies the number of rows to be displayed in a crosstab. By default, it is -1, which means that there is only one column
with which to arrange the aggregate fields vertically; if it is set to 1, that means there will be only one row to arrange the
aggregate fields horizontally; if it is set to a number larger than 1, that means there will be this number of aggregate
rows; if this number is larger than the number of aggregate fields in the crosstab, it will be treated as -1.

Number of Column(s)
Specifies the number of columns to be displayed in a column. By default, it is -1, which means that there is only one row
with which to arrange the aggregate fields horizontally; if it is set to 1, that means there will be only one column to
arrange the aggregate fields vertically; if it is set to a number larger than 1, that means there will be this number of
aggregate rows; if this number is larger than the number of aggregate fields in the crosstab, it will be treated as -1.

Repeat Aggregate
Assume that you have created a crosstab on the query WorldWideSales in the catalog file SampleReports.cat as follows:

added Products_Product Type ID as the column field, added Customers_Country as the row field, added Quantity and
Discount as the aggregate fields and specified the functions as Sum, and applied the style Classic to the crosstab.

If checked, one cell will contain only one aggregate field value, while for the other aggregate fields, the crosstab will
repeat. The crosstab will be shown as below:

If unchecked, one crosstab cell accommodates the values of all aggregate fields. The crosstab will be shown as below:

Outside Aggregate Title

Specifies to place the summary labels to the left of the row values if true, right of the row values if false.

Suppress Row Grand Totals

Specifies whether or not to show the grand totals of rows.
Suppress Column Grand Totals
Specifies whether or not to show the grand totals of columns.
Suppress Row Subtotal
Specifies whether or not to show the subtotals of rows. If required, you can click
to open the Suppress Row Subtotal dialog
to specify which subtotals of the rows will be suppressed, and which will be shown.
Suppress Column Subtotal
to open the Suppress Column Subtotal
Specifies whether or not to show the subtotals of columns. If required, you can click
dialog to specify which subtotals of the columns will be suppressed, and which will be shown.
Note: The settings of the above four options will only take effect in view mode.

Repeat Column Header

Specifies whether or not the header of column will be appeared on every page, if a crosstab spans more than one page.
Table Style
Specifies whether or not to make the crosstab look like a table.
Column Total on
Specifies the position of total columns on the top or bottom of the aggregate.
Row Total on
Specifies the position of total rows on the left or right of the aggregate.
Displays a preview of the selected layout.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the crosstab.


Lists the available styles.

There is no any style information on it and it is only used to cover previous-version report which did not bind any style or the
bound style cannot be found in the style list.

Displays a diagram illustrating the effect of the selected style on the crosstab.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the crosstab take the style of its parent. This options is available only when you modify a crosstab
and the crosstab is inserted into a banded object.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify page properties.

Related topics:

Creating a crosstab report

Modifying a crosstab

CSS Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click Edit > CSS Editor on the menu bar. It helps you edit the styles in a
specified CSS file.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

CSS File
Lists all the available CSS files.
Displays all the available styles in the selected CSS file.
Imports a CSS file from a specified directory.
Exports the selected CSS file.
Duplicates the selected CSS file.

Removes the selected CSS file.

Opens the New CSS Style dialog to create a CSS style.
Opens the CSS Style Definition dialog to edit the selected style.
Removes the selected style.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

CSS Style Definition dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Edit button in the CSS Editor dialog or click OK when you select
an existing CSS file in the New CSS Style dialog. It helps you to edit the specified style as required.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Shows the style that is to be edited.
All Properties
Lists all the properties of the selected style.
Selected Properties
Lists all the selected properties that you want to specify values to apply to this selected style.

Lists the names of the properties.
Specifies values for the selected properties.

Specifies whether this property is important or not.

Adds a property to apply to the style.

Adds all the properties listed in the All Properties box to apply to the style.

Removes a property that is not required from the Selected Properties box.

Removes all the properties listed in the Selected Properties box.

Applies the changes and closes this dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Customize Dataset dialog

This dialog appears when you check the Customize Dataset for Components option and click the OK
button in the Select Report dialog. It helps you to customize the datasets used by components of the to
be imported reports.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Report Name
Displays the name of the report in which the component is.
Component Name
Displays the name of the component.
Component Type
Displays the type of the component.
Dataset Name
Lists the datasets you can choose for the component.
Displays the description of the component.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.

Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Customize Toolbars dialog

This dialog appears when you click View > Toolbar > Customize. To make the Designer more
convenient to use, you can customize the toolbars in this dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Available Buttons
Lists all the available buttons that are available to be shown on the toolbars.
Specifies which toolbars you want to show in Designer.
Buttons in Toolbar
Lists all the buttons that are already shown on the toolbars.

Adds the selected buttons in the Available Buttons box into the specified toolbar.

Removes the selected buttons from the specified toolbar.

Removes all the buttons from the specified toolbar.

Adds a new toolbar.

Removes a toolbar that is previously added.

Show Tool Tips on Toolbars
Specifies whether to show the tooltips for the toolbar commands.
Resets the settings in this dialog to their default settings.
Applies the settings that you have made in the dialog.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Customized Function dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Customize item in the Special Function drop-down list in the
Group screen of the report wizard, or the New Summary dialog/Edit Summary dialog. Options in the
dialog vary according to the data type of the selected group by field.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

If the group by field is of Numeric type, the dialog appears

By Intervals
Specifies to group the data by intervals.

Numerical Value
Specifies the intervals of the group.

Within Range
Specifies to group data within certain range. If this option is checked, you need to enter a value as the
range in the Within text box and specify how to apply the range, to increasing data or decreasing data,
by selecting the item from the drop-down list.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval or range in a new special group.

Special Group Name

Specifies the name for the special group.

If the group by field is of String type, the dialog appears

First/Last N letters
Specifies the intervals with which to group the report data. N should be an integer no larger than 255.
Case sensitive when grouping
If checked, JReport will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters when grouping.
Convert group name to
Specifies how to convert the group name. If Case sensitive when grouping is selected, this option will
be disabled.

Specifies to convert the group names to uppercase.
Specifies to convert the group names to lowercase.
No Conversion
Specifies not to convert any group names.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval in a new special group.

Special Group Name

Specifies the name for the special group.

If the group by field is of Date/Time type, the dialog appears

Specifies the time which will be applied as the intervals to group data.
The Offset of Time Grouping
Specifies the offset used to grouping the data.

1/1/1970 00:00:00
The default offset defined by JReport.
Customized Value
If checked, you can define your required offset by clicking the calendar button.

The First Day of the Week

Specifies which day will be regarded the first day of a week.
Keep values outside of the range in special group
Specifies to put values that do not fall within the defined interval in a new special group.

Special Group Name

Specifies the name for the special group.

Related topics:

Specifying special function for group by field

Data Buffer Information dialog

This dialog appears when you click View > Data Buffer Information on the menu bar. It helps you to view
the information of data buffer in the current report and its subreports (make sure the report is viewed
successfully once at least). You can adjust the performance and footprint for the reports according to the
data buffer information.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report List
Lists the current report and its subreports' instance names.
Template Resources
Displays the data containers and datasets of the report and its subreports.
Detailed Information (for data container)

Total memory for

Displays the total buffer size in the current report and its subreports. It is the sum of the Maximum
Used Buffer Size for all of data containers in the current report and its subreports.

Maximum Used Buffer Size

Displays the maximum buffer size which the specified data container occupies. It is the sum of Records
Buffer Size and Groups Buffer Size.
Records Buffer Size
Displays the maximum usage size for all the records buffers in running memory.
Records Buffer Number
Displays the number of all the records buffers after running memory.
Groups Buffer Size
Displays the maximum usage size for all the groups buffers in running memory.
Groups Buffer Number
Displays the number of all the groups buffers after running memory.
Records per Page
Displays the number of records in each page in the data buffer. You can set it in the Report Inspector to
improve the report performance.
Maximum Page Number
Displays the maximum number of pages in the data buffer. You can set it in the Report Inspector to
improve the report performance.
Displays the name of the dataset which the specified data container uses.
Data Inherit
Indicates whether the datasets for this component is inherited from another component.

Detailed Information (for dataset)

Total memory for

Displays the total buffer size in the current report and its subreports. It is the sum of the Maximum
Used Buffer Size for all of data containers in the current report and its subreports.
Maximum Used Buffer Size
Displays the maximum buffer size which the specified dataset occupies. It is the sum of Records Buffer
Size and Groups Buffer Size.
Records Buffer Size
Displays the maximum usage size for all the records' buffers in running memory.
Records Buffer Number
Displays the number of all the records' buffers after running memory.
Groups Buffer Size
Displays the maximum usage size for all the groups' buffers in running memory.
Groups Buffer Number
Displays the number of all the groups' buffers after running memory.
Records per Page
Displays the number of records in each page in the data buffer. You can set it in the Report Inspector to
improve the report performance.
Maximum Page Number
Displays the maximum number of pages in the data buffer. You can set it in the Report Inspector to
improve the report performance.

Save As
Saves the data buffer information in the specified directory with xml format.
Closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

The value of buffer size shows information of a report's latest successful running.

The values of Records per Page and Maximum Page Number are default if they are not set.

Data Format dialog

This dialog appears when you click

to specify the data format for a chart in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies different formats from the following categories to display the tick mark labels on the axes.

Divides the value by hundreds, thousands, and so on.
Re-formats the number value (Original example: 123456).
Re-formats the date/time value (Example, Wednesday, December 25, 00:00:00 GMT-08:00 2002).

Specifies the length for the value.

Maps the new value to one or more values.

Lists all the formats of the selected category. For details about each format, see Data Format.
Specifies the properties for the selected format.
Displays the selected format effects.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Adds a format to the Stack box.
Removes a format from the Stack box.
Applies the specified format to the tick mark labels.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data Manager dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a data object which functions as a query in the Catalog
Browser and select Data Manager from the shortcut menu.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Maximum Duration (second)
Displays the value of the Maximum Duration specified on the data object.
Maximum Rows

Displays the value of Maximum Rows specified on the data object.

Displays the number of the data object running record listed in the Data Manager.
Displays the day on which the report is run.
Displays the time when the report is run.
Number of Rows
Displays the number of rows displayed in the report.
Displays the running duration of the report.
Displays the name of the report that uses the data object.
Refreshes the record displayed in the Data Manager.
Closes the Data Manager dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data Mapping Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Data Mapping Editor button
on the Catalog Browser
toolbar. It helps you to edit information of a specific language saved in a data mapping file.
The following are details about options in this dialog.

File Name
Displays the file name of the current data mapping file that will be edited.
Displays the language that is selected for the current data mapping file.
Opens the Create Data Mapping File dialog to generate a new data mapping file to save language

Loads an existing data mapping file from a specific directory.
Import Key
Opens the Import Key dialog to add values into this data mapping file from catalog resources. Only the
DBFields can be added by this way.

Select resource to be imported

Select one or more DBFields to be imported into the data mapping file.
Imports the selected DBFields to the data mapping file and closes the dialog.
Cancels importing resources and closes the dialog.

Adds a row to specify a value and its mapped value in another language.

Removes the selected value.

Current Value
Specifies the value that will be mapped according to the language of the data mapping file.
Map to Value
Specifies the value that the current value will be mapped to according to the language of the data
mapping file.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Data Mapping Editor

Dataset Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you check the Existing radio button, select an existing dataset and click the
Modify button in the Data screen of the report wizard. It helps you to edit the selected dataset and
consists of the following two tabs:

Data tab

Filter tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Data tab
Adds some extra data fields to the dataset or removes some existing data fields from the dataset.

Available Resource
Lists all the available data fields contained in the data source on which the dataset is created.
Lists all the data fields contained in the dataset.

Moves the select data field up a step.

Moves the select data field down a step.

Adds the select data field to the dataset.

Removes the select data field from the dataset.

Removes all the data fields from the dataset.

Filter tab
Sets some conditions to filter the data of the dataset.

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.
Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by
selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.

Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field to be filtered.
Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
[not ]in
Causes an enumerated list of values which will appear in the WHERE clause predicate to be evaluated
for a true condition.

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click


to the text box to specify the value.

When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if ","
or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
When you click
in the dialog:

to specify the value, the Expressions dialog is displayed. The following are options

Real Name tab

Lists the tables added in the query on which the dataset is created with all their columns, also the
formulas and parameters in the catalog. Double-click the required field to add it as the value.
The following symbols at the bottom of the Expressions dialog allow you to modify the expression
according to your requirements.

Adds numbers or fields together.
Subtracts numbers or fields together.
Multiplies numbers or fields together.
Divides numbers or fields together.
Equates fields together.
Places quotations on long character strings or name that have blanks in them. For example, you
should place quotes on values such as "New York" or "Washington DC".
Places fields together in the same expression. For example, "New York" || "Washington DC".
Places the fields in parentheses.

Field Value tab

Lists all column names of the related table, in which the field to be filtered is. Check the column
name of the field to be filtered, click OK, then the values of the field will be displayed. Choose the
required value and click Set to use it to filter the field.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.

Dataset Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Dataset Filter button
panel. It helps you to set filter conditions for a dataset.

on the toolbar of the Resource View

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.
Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by

selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field to be filtered.
Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
[not] in
Causes an enumerated list of values which will appear in the WHERE clause predicate to be evaluated
for a true condition. The [not] in operator supports multi-value parameters as the value.
[not] like
Like string pattern matching operator is used to compare the first expression string value to the

pattern string (the second expression). If you want to use wildcard character in the pattern string,
only "_" and "%" are supported.

[not] between
Allows the system to evaluate whether or not data values are located between a range of values
indicated in the predicate. For operator between' or not between', there are two value input boxes
for inputting the same type of values.
is [not] null
It is used in WHERE clause predicates to match null values occurring in a specified data field. For
operator is null' or is not null', the value input box is hidden.

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click
to the text box to specify the value.


When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if ","
or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
When you click
in the dialog:

to specify the value, the Expressions dialog is displayed. The following are options

Real Name tab

Lists the tables added in the query on which the dataset is created with all their columns, also the
formulas and parameters in the catalog. Double-click the required field to add it as the value.
The following symbols at the bottom of the Expressions dialog allow you to modify the expression
according to your requirements.

Adds numbers or fields together.
Subtracts numbers or fields together.
Multiplies numbers or fields together.
Divides numbers or fields together.
Equates fields together.
Places quotations on long character strings or name that have blanks in them. For example, you
should place quotes on values such as "New York" or "Washington DC".
Places fields together in the same expression. For example, "New York" || "Washington DC".
Places the fields in parentheses.

Field Value tab

Lists all column names of the related table, in which the field to be filtered is. Check the column
name of the field to be filtered, click OK, then the values of the field will be displayed. Choose the

required value and click Set to use it to filter the field.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Dataset Management dialog

This dialog appears when you click Report > Dataset Management on the menu bar. It helps you to
manage the datasets created for the open report set.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Dataset List
Lists all the datasets that you created for the open report set.

Shows the name of the dataset.
Data Source
Shows the data source in which the dataset is located.
Shows the query that the dataset is based on.

Opens the New Dataset dialog to add a new dataset to the report set.
Removes the specified dataset from the report set.
Optimize Dataset
Opens the Optimize Dataset dialog to optimize the selected dataset.
Data tab
Modifies fields in a specified dataset.

Available Resource
Lists all the available resources in the query which the dataset based on.
Lists all the fields that are included in the dataset.

Adds fields into the specified dataset.

Removes fields from the specified dataset.

Removes all the fields in the dataset.

Moves a specified field in the dataset up a step.
Moves a specified field in the dataset down a step.

Filter tab
Sets filter conditions for data in a dataset. For details about options in the tab, see Dataset Filter dialog.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.

Applies the changes and leaves the dialog open.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Managing datasets

Data Source Driver Manager dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Data Source Driver Manager button
on the Catalog
Browser toolbar. It helps you to add or remove a user data source driver into or from a JReport catalog.
The following are details about options in this dialog.

Data Source Driver Manager

Lists all the available data source driver names.
Opens the Data Source Editor dialog to add a new driver.
Removes the selected driver.
Edits the selected data source driver.
Accepts changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Managing cached query results

Data Source Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Add button, or select a data source driver and then click Edit in
the Data Source Driver Manager dialog. It helps you to edit the specified data source driver in a
JReport catalog.
The following are details about options in this dialog.

Driver Name
Specifies the name of the data source driver.
Specifies the URL of the driver definition.
The URL is composed of three parts: scheme, qualified class name and arguments. If the Data Source
Driver does not use argument, the argument part will not appear on the URL. Its syntax is: URL =
"jrquery" ":" "/" qualified_classname[ ";" params]
Specifies the driver configuration.

Specifies the scheme of the driver. Presently only "jrquery" is available.
Class Name
Specifies the qualified class name.
Specifies the arguments for the Data Source Driver. In the parameters field, the arguments should

be separated by semicolons (";").

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.

DHTML Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
DHTML and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The DHTML format allows you to export your report set to a DHTML result that can be viewed in a
JReport DHTML window. Some reports cannot be published to version in a DHTML result format, such
as self-contained (CLX) reports, multi-level nested master and subreports, reports containing data
objects, and reports developed from a dynamic query or hierarchical data source (HDS).
The following are details about options in the dialog:
Specifies the resolution of the DHTML result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from
the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on
Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Display Attributes dialog

This dialog appears when you click View > Display Attributes on the menu bar. In this dialog, you can
define certain attributes for the display values.
The following are details about options in this dialog.

Specifies the scale of the fractional data in the report. For instance, if you set Decimal to 3, then all the
property values of the objects in the Report Inspector will be rounded to the thousandth.
Specifies the unit of the measure to use in the report properties. It can either be centimeter or inch.
Specifies the resolution in dots per inch. When it is Default, it will be the resolution of your monitor.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Display Type dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a field and select Display Type from the shortcut menu. It
helps you to define the display type of the field.
The following are all the display types that you can choose from:





Text Field

Hidden Filed

Text Area


Radio button

Image Button



Drop-down List

Note: The two display types - List and Drop-down List are only available when the field is a parameter

Related topics:

Changing the display type of a label

The following are details about options for this display type.

Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the image, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the text after the
report is exported to HTML or DHTML.
If you want to use a formula to control the tooltip, click
and select a formula from the drop-down list.
If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA> to create one.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the text.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the source of the image.

From URL
Specifies to use an image from a URL. You can click the Browse button to specify the path or input the
URL directly in the text field. These types of images are supported: GIF, BMP, JPG, and PNG.
From DBField
For a DBField, formula, or a summary, you can check this option to make the value of the DBField/
formula/summary the image source.

Decode Type

Specifies the type for decoding the image. It can be GIF or JPG, BMP, PNG, AUTODETECT (this is to
detect an image type saved in the database automatically).
Specifies the name of the image.
Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text of the image, which will be shown when the image cannot be displayed.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the image, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the image after
the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Specifies the size of the image.

Original Size
Specifies whether to use the original size of the image.
Scaling Mode
Specifies the scaling mode of the image. There are five types available for you:

actual size
If selected, the image will be shown in its actual size.
fit image
If selected, the image will be scaled to be wholly shown.
fit width
If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the width of the image viewer.
fit height
If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the height of the image viewer.
If selected, the image will be scaled according to the width and height that you specify in the Width
and Height fields.

Max Ratio
Specifies the maximum scaling ratio of the image. By default the scaling ratio of the image is not
limited. If it is set to any value greater than 0, the actual scaling ratio will be less than or equal to it.
Specifies the angle, at which to rotate the image, in degrees. The following is the meaning of different

0 - No rotation.

Positive value - Rotates the image clockwise.

Negative value - Rotates the image anticlockwise.

Note: When rotating an image, the rectangle that holds the image maintains its original size,

which may result in that the image exceeds the field border and therefore the parts that extend
outside of the border will be cut off.

Constrain Proportion
If checked, when you set the display width or height of the image, the other will be adjusted
accordingly based on the image's width-to-height ratio.
Specifies the new display width of the image.
Specifies the new display height of the image.

Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the image.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the barcode type.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the barcode, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the barcode
after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.
and select a formula from the drop-down list.
If you want to use a formula to control the tooltip, click
If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA> to create one.
Scale Mode

Specifies the unit for the values of Quiet Zone, Narrow Width, Supplement, Height and Ratio.
Quiet Zone
Specifies the space around the barcode.
Default Message
Specifies the default value for the barcode, which will be used for the barcode in design mode.
Specifies the supplement for the barcode. The barcode types, Code 39, Code 128/128A/128B/128C and
Codabar, don't have supplements.
Use Default Massage
If checked, the value you specify in the Default Message field will be used as the barcode value when you
view the report result. Otherwise, the value will only be used in design mode.
Enable Checking Digits
Specifies whether to include check digits in the barcode.
Display HR
Specifies whether to display the barcode numbers together with the barcode. Enabled only for Code 39,
Code 128/128A/128B/128C and Codabar.
Specifies the size of the barcode.

Narrow Width
Specifies the width between the barcode bars.
Specifies the width ratio of the thick bar to the thin bar in the CODE39/Codabar barcode. The Ratio box
can have only 2 effective values, 2.0 and 3.0, any ratio values are not equal to 2.0 or 3.0 will be
granted as 2.0. Enabled only for CODE39 and Codabar.
Specifies the height for the bars of the barcode.
Specifies the orientation for the barcode.

Displays the format of the selected symbology.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the barcode.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.

Moves the selected web behavior down a step.

Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Default Image for All Value Ranges

Specifies the default image for all value ranges, which will be applied when the value of a field does not
fall into any of the defined ranges.
Default Image Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text for the default image, which will be shown when the default image cannot be
Default Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the default image, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the image

after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Default Image Rotation
Specifies the default image's rotation angle, in degrees. The following is the meaning of different values:

0 - No rotation.

Positive value - Rotates the image clockwise.

Negative value - Rotates the image anticlockwise.

Note: When rotating an image, the rectangle that holds the image maintains its original size, which may
result in that the image exceeds the field border and therefore the parts that extend outside of the border
will be cut off.
Value Range
Specifies the value ranges.

Adds a new value range.

Removes the selected value range.

Moves the selected value range up a step.
Moves the selected value range down a step.
Minimum (>=)
Specifies the minimum value for this range.
Maximum (<)
Specifies the maximum value for this range.
Specifies the image of this value range, then when a field's value falls into this range, this image will be
Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text for this value range's image, which will be shown when the image cannot be
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of this value range's image, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over
the image after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.
Specifies the rotation angle of this value range's image, in degrees.

Web Behaviors

Specifies some web behaviors to the rank.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Text Field
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the type of the text field.

Specifies that the text field is a standard text field.
Specifies that the text field is a password text field, which means that the value input in the text field
will be hidden using asterisks.


Specifies the name of the text field.

Specifies the value of the text field.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the text field, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the text field
after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Display Width
Specifies the display width of the text field.
Max Length
Specifies the maximum length of the string that is allowed in the text field.
Read Only
Specifies whether to make the field read-only to others.
Specifies whether the text field is disabled or enabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the text field.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.

Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Hidden Field
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of the hidden field.
Specifies the value of the hidden field.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.

Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the hidden field.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Text Area
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of the text area.
Specifies the value of the text area.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the text area, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the text area
after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Display Width
Specifies the display width of the text area.
Number of Lines
Specifies the number of lines that is allowed in the text area.
Auto Wrap
Specifies whether to wrap the text in the text area.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Read Only
Specifies whether to make the text area read-only to others.
Specifies whether the text area is disabled or enabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the text area.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.

Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of checkbox.
Specifies the value of the checkbox.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the checkbox, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the checkbox
after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Initially Checked
Specifies whether or not the checkbox is selected by default.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Specifies whether the checkbox is enabled or disabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the checkbox.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Radio Button
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of radio button.
Specifies the value of the radio button.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the radio button, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the radio
button after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Initially Checked
Specifies whether or not the radio button is selected by default.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Specifies whether the radio button is enabled or disabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the radio button.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Image Button
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the source of the image button.

From URL
Specifies to use an image from a URL. You can click the Browse button to specify the path or input the
URL directly in the text field. These types of images are supported: GIF, BMP, JPG, and PNG.
From DBField
For a DBField, formula, or a summary, you can check this option to make the value of the DBField/
formula/summary the image source.

Decode Type

Specifies the type for decoding the image. It can be GIF or JPG, BITMAP, AUTODETECT (this is to
detect an image type saved in the database automatically).
Specifies the name of the image button.
Specifies the value of the image button.
Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text of the image, which will be shown when the image cannot be displayed.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the image button, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the image
button after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Specifies whether the image button is disabled or enabled.
Specifies the size of the image.

Original Size
Specifies whether to use the original size of the image.
Scaling Mode
Specifies the scaling mode of the image. There are five types available for you:

actual size
If selected, the image will be shown in its actual size.
fit image
If selected, the image will be scaled to be wholly shown.
fit width
If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the width of the image viewer.
fit height
If selected, the image will be scaled to fit the height of the image viewer.
If selected, the image will be scaled according to the width and height that you specify in the Width
and Height fields.

Max Ratio
Specifies the maximum scaling ratio of the image. By default the scaling ratio of the image is not
limited. If it is set to any value greater than 0, the actual scaling ratio will be less than or equal to it.
Constrain Proportion
If checked, when you set the width or height of the image, the other will be adjusted accordingly based
on the image's width-to-height ratio.

Specifies the new display width of the image.
Specifies the new display height of the image.

Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the image button.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of the button.
Specifies the value of the button.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the button, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the button after
the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Specifies the default action that will happen when the button is clicked.

Specifies that no default action happens when the button is clicked.
Submit Form
Specifies that the default action of the button is to submit a form.
Reset Form
Specifies that the default action of the button is to reset a form.

Specifies whether the button is disabled or enabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the button.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.

Displays this help document.

The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of the list.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the list, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the list after the
report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Adds a new item in the list.

Removes the selected item.

Moves the selected item up a step.

Moves the selected item down a step.

Item Label
Specifies the display text or format of the item value.
Specifies the item value.

Opens the Insert Fields dialog to add field to control the value.

Specifies the value that will be selected in the list by default.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Allow Multiple Selections
Specifies whether to allow selecting multiple items in the list at the same time.
Use Runtime Value
When changing the display type of a parameter to list, you can check this option to use the runtime value
as the selected value of the list.
Specifies whether the list is disabled or enabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the list.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.

Specifies the trigger event.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Drop-down List
The following are details about options for this display type.

Specifies the name of the drop-down list.
Tool Tip
Specifies the tooltip of the drop-down list, which will be shown when you hover the mouse over the dropdown list after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.

Adds a new item in the drop-down list.

Removes the selected item.

Moves the selected item up a step.

Moves the selected item down a step.

Item Label
Specifies the display text or format of the item value.
Specifies the item value.

Opens the Insert Fields dialog to add field to control the value.

Specifies the value that will be selected in the drop-down list by default.

Indicates the value of the option can be controlled by a formula. Click this button and select a formula
from the drop-down list. If the given formulas cannot meet your requirements, click <CREATE FORMULA>
to create one.
Use Runtime Value
When changing the display type of a parameter to drop-down list, you can check this option to use the
runtime value as the selected value of the drop-down list.
Specifies whether the drop-down list is disabled or enabled.
Web Behaviors
Specifies some web behaviors to the drop-down list.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.
Moves the selected web behavior down a step.
Specifies the trigger event.

Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.

Opens the Web Action List dialog to bind some web action to the event.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Download from JReport Server dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Publish and Download > Download from Server on the menu
bar, specify the information in the Connect to JReport Server dialog and then click Connect. It helps
you to download resources from JReport Server to the specified directory on your local.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Download Resource From
Specifies the folder on the server from which resources will be downloaded. If not specified, the default
path (the My Reports node in the server resource tree) will be used. You can also click the Browse
button to select another path in the Select Folder dialog.
Resource tree panel
Lists the resources, including catalog files and report set files, in the specified folder of JReport Server.
If you specify to download resources from the Public Reports folder on the server, only the resources
on which you have the Visible permission are listed in this panel. Check the checkboxes ahead of the
resources you want to download.

Displays the resource names.
Displays the file size.
Displays the file type.
Version Date
Displays the latest version date of the resources.
Shows other necessary descriptions of the resources if any.
Has Read Permission
Shows whether you have the Read permission on the resources. You can only download resources on
which you have the Read permission from JReport Server.


Except for the Name column, you can specify whether or not to show the other columns in this panel
by right-clicking on any column header and then checking/unchecking the corresponding items on
the shortcut menu.
You can sort the resources by name, size, type, etc by clicking on the corresponding column header.

Download Resource To
Specifies the directory to which the resources will be downloaded. By default, the path of the currently
opened catalog is shown here. You can click the Browse button to find another directory.
Applies the changes and downloads the resources from JReport Server to the specified directory.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Downloading resources from JReport Server

Edit Aggregation dialog

The dialog is displayed when you right-click a dynamic aggregation and then select Edit Aggregation
from the shortcut menu in the Resource View panel of the main window. It helps you to edit the
selected dynamic aggregation.

Aggregation Name
Specifies the name of the aggregation.
Mapping Name
Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the aggregation is mapped. Click
Specifies the function for the aggregation.
Edits the aggregation and closes the dialog.
Cancels the editing and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

to select the

Edit Conditions dialog

This dialog appears when you click the button
in the Conditional Formatting dialog, or click
the Add or Edit button in the Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog. It helps you to add a new or edit an
existing condition for the selected field, or for the map areas, on which some format is defined.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.

Makes the selected conditions in a group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by selecting
the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition or group up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field on which the condition is based.
Specifies the operator to compose the condition expression.

Equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to

Specifies the value of how to build the condition.

If you are editing conditional formatting to a field, you can either type in the value manually or select

the value from the drop-down list, where the top 50 values of the selected field are listed.

If you are editing conditional formatting to map areas, type in the value manually or click the button
next to the value text box to specify the value.

Condition Expression
Displays the condition expression.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit Cube Element dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click any cube element of a business/report cube and select the edit
command from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit the specified cube
element, and consists of the following two tabs:

General tab

Security tab

General tab
Sets properties for the cube element.

Specifies the name of the cube element.
Display Name
Specifies the display name of the cube element which is intuitive to the end user.
Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the cube element is mapped. Click

to select the

Specifies the type of the cube element.

Dimensions are the cube elements that will become the basis for analyzing data in a report.
Dimensions characteristically return text data or dates.
Measures are numeric cube elements that are calculated at the time the report is ran. The values
they return are dependent on the dimension objects which they are used with. For example you may
want a sales total by year.
Detail Info
Detail information provides additional information. It can be bound to dimension, measure or
category. Detail information is not used for analysis but is useful to have.

Aggregate Function
Available only when the cube element is a measure object. It specifies the function for the measure
Specifies the tooltip of the cube element which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the element in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Specifies the description of the cube element which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover the
mouse pointer over the element in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.

Security tab
Specifies principals' permissions for the cube element.

Role tab
Lists all the roles for the security policy.

Role Name
Displays role names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the roles.

Group tab
Lists all the groups for the security policy.

Group Name
Displays group names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the groups.

User tab
Lists all the users for the security policy.

User Name
Displays user names.
Specifies whether or not the cube element is visible for the users.

Security Configuration

Opens the Security Configuration dialog to add or import principals.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit DHTML Display Name dialog

This dialog appears when you click Report > Edit DHTML Display Name on the menu bar. It helps you
to customize the field names in a dataset so as to make them easier to be identified in JReport Viewer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report Dataset
Lists all the datasets in the current report set.
Auto Sort
Specifies to sort the fields automatically.
Resource Name
Displays the names of fields in the selected dataset.
Display Name
Specifies the display names for fields in the selected dataset.
Opens the Edit DHTML Display Name for Component dialog to configure advanced display name
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.

Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Customizing the field display names

Edit DHTML Display Name for Component dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Advanced button in the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog, or right-click a data container and
select DHTML Display Name from the shortcut menu in the design area. It helps you to define in which actions display names of
fields in the data container will take part in JReport Viewer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:


If the dialog is opened by clicking the Advanced button in the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog, in the drop-down list, all the data
components in current report set will be listed.
If the dialog is opened by clicking DHTML Display Name on the shortcut menu of a data container in the design area, only the
specified component will be listed in this drop-down list.

Resource Name
Displays the names of fields in the selected component.
Display Name
Shows the display names for fields in the selected component.
Action columns
Indicates whether the actions are enabled for the fields. When an action is enabled for a field, the field's display name instead of the
mapping name will be shown in the corresponding dialog or sub menu in JReport Viewer; when not enabled, end users will not be
able to perform this action on the field in JReport Viewer. If the display name of any field is set to be blank, the field will not be
available for any of the actions below. Check the box on the column header to enable the corresponding action on all fields.

Specifies whether to enable the Sort action on the fields. The Sort column is disabled when the selected component is a crosstab
or chart.
Specifies whether to enable the Filter action on the fields.
Specifies whether to enable the Go action on the fields. The Go column is disabled when the selected component is a crosstab.
Specifies whether to enable the Search action on the fields. The Search column is disabled when the selected component is a
crosstab or chart.
Sort in Group
For a grouped banded object or table, end users can also choose to sort the groups at certain group level based on a specified
field in each group in JReport Viewer. Here you can decide whether to enable this Sort in Group action on the fields by checking

the corresponding checkboxes.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Customizing the field display names

Edit Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a data container in the design area and select Format Filter from
the shortcut menu. It helps you to filter the data used in the data container.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

This option is available only when the dialog is accessed in a studio report. It lists all the predefined filters of
the business view used by the current data container. Select one from the drop-down list to apply, or select
User Defined and define a new filter according to your requirements.
Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.

Makes the selected conditions in a group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by selecting the
conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition or group up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field on which the condition is set.
Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than or equal to
Greater than
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
[not] in
Causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, used for evaluating for a
true condition. For operator in' or not in', it is allowed to input multiple values in the Value input box and
separate the values with comma (,).
[not] like

Like string pattern matching operator is used to compare the first expression string value to the pattern
string (the second expression). If you want to use wildcard character in the pattern string, only "_" and
"%" are supported.

[not] between
Allows the system to evaluate whether or not data values are located between a range of values indicated
in the predicate. For operator between' or not between', there are two value input boxes for inputting the
same type of values.
is [not] null
It is used in WHERE clause predicates to match null values occurring in a specified data field. For operator
is null' or is not null', the value input box is hidden.

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. When you type in the value manually, if multiple values are
required, they should be separated with ",", and if "," or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter expressions.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit Hierarchical Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a hierarchical data source and select Edit Hierarchical from the
shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit an HDS in a catalog.

When the HDS you are to edit is a general HDS, this dialog displays

Class Name
Specifies the name of the entrance class that implements the HDS APIs. The class should be in the
class path in the system environment.
Specifies the parameter string that is required by the class, if any. The parameter string must match
the format defined in the HDS class.
Shows the structure of the hierarchical data source.

Specifies the column settings.

Displays the column name in the selected node of table.
Specifies whether to import the column into the catalog.
Specifies the format in which the column values are to be displayed in the report result. Varies for
different types of data, and can be manually defined.
Specifies the data type of the column.
Specifies the precision of the column's values. The larger the precision is, the more memory it might
take, however, the more accurate values you will get.
Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's values.
Specifies whether the column is nullable. You have three options to choose: Nullable, No Nulls and
Nullable Unknown.
Specifies whether to use the Currency type for this column or not
Specifies whether to use the Array type for this column or not.

Load Tree
Parses and loads data tree from the external data source file. The structure is shown in the Structure
panel after you click this button.
Applies all changes here and close the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

When the HDS you are to edit is an XML HDS, this dialog displays

Specifies the location of the external XML format data source. Can be a local path or a web url. Click
Browse to find the file on the local disk.
Specifies the location of the schema file for the XML format data source. Can be a local path or a web
url. Click Browse to find the file on the local disk.
Root Name
Indicates the HDS root, starting from which JReport Designer imports the data.
Shows the structure of the hierarchical data source.
Specifies the column settings.

Displays the column name in the selected node of table.
Specifies whether to import the column into the catalog.

Specifies the format in which the column values are to be displayed in the report result. Varies for
different types of data, and can be manually defined.
Specifies the data type of the column.
Specifies the precision of the column's values. The larger the precision is, the more memory it might
take, however, the more accurate values you will get.
Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's values.
Specifies whether the column is nullable. You have three options to choose: Nullable, No Nulls and
Nullable Unknown.
Specifies whether to use the Currency type for this column or not
Specifies whether to use the Array type for this column or not.

Load Tree
Parses and loads data tree from the external data source file. The structure is shown in the Structure
panel after you click this button.
Applies all changes here and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit Operating Calling Property dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click an operation node under the Tables node in a web service
connection and select Edit from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit the
information of the specified operation.

Service Name

Displays the service name you have selected to create the table.
Operation Name
Displays the selected operation name.
Time Out
Specifies how long to wait for the operation to complete.
Input Message
Lists the input message information for the selected operation.
Specifies the value for the input message.
Accepts the editing operation result and closes the dialog.
Cancels the editing operation process and exists the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a parameter and select Edit Parameter from the shortcut menu in the
Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a parameter.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Displays the name of the parameter.
Value Setting
Specifies the parameter type.

Type-in Parameter
If selected, you can predefine parameter values by typing manually.
Bind with Single Column

If selected, the parameter will be bound with a DBField. The values of the DBField will be retrieved as the
parameter values at runtime.

Bind with Cascading Columns

If selected, you can create a group of cascading parameters so as to achieve the function of filtering
parameters with parameters in a simple way.

Value Type
Specifies the data type of the parameter.
The section after Value Type varies with the type you select from the Value Setting drop-down list.
For Type-in Parameter

Value List
Lists the predefined parameter values.
Prompt Values [format hint]
Predefines the parameter values. The [format hint] shows what the predefined values should look like.
There can be more than one prompt value. All the prompt values must be of the same type as specified in
the Value Type field.

Adds a new prompt value to the list. Double-click in the value line to edit the value.

Removes the selected prompt value.

Adjusts the display sequence of selected value by moving it up a step.
Adjusts the display sequence of selected value by moving it down a step.

For Bind with Single Column

JReport provides such a mechanism that links each field value of Display Column with the exact value of
Bind Column. When you select the field value from Display Column, the field value of Bind Column is
actually sent to the query and filters the query result. It helps you to bind the parameter to a DBField
(column) in order to provide a list of DBField values for users to select at runtime. The selected value of the
bound DBField will be used as the parameter value. Additionally, instead of displaying the values of the
bound one, you can also choose to display values of other DBField, which probably makes more sense to the
report end users. For example, it might be confusing if you provide a list of customer ID numbers for users
to select at runtime, since the ID numbers could probably mean nothing to them. In cases like this, it is
wise for you to display values of other fields, which could probably make more sense. For this case, you
might prefer to display customer names instead of ID numbers. When the report end users select a
customer name from the list, its ID number is passed to the query as the parameter value so that the
search criteria can be fulfilled. So, before the report with a parameter bound to a DBField is processed, a
query statement will be executed first to retrieve the values of the bound field and display field.

Specifies the data source type from which to retrieve the columns which can be used to bind with the
parameter. The available data source types are tables and views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and
user defined data sources.
Bind Column
Specifies the DBField to be bound with the parameter.

Display Column
When viewing a report which contains the parameter, the field values related to the column name you
selected in the drop-down list of Display Column will be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog at
For Bind with Cascading Columns

Data Source
Specifies the data source from which to retrieve the columns which can be used to bind with the
parameters. The available data source types are tables, views, stored procedures, imported SQLs, and
user defined data sources.
Value List
Defines a group of cascading parameters.

Adds a new parameter.

Removes the selected parameter.

Adjusts the parameter level by moving it up a step. The higher the position is, the higher the level is.
The lower level field values are controlled by the higher level field values.
Adjusts the parameter level by moving it down a step.
Bind Column
Specifies the DBField to be bound with the parameter.
Display Column
When viewing a report which contains the parameter, the field values related to the column name you
selected in the drop-down list of Display Column will be displayed in the Enter Parameter Values dialog
at runtime.
Specifies whether to set a group of Bind Column and Display Column as a parameter which will become
a member of the cascading parameter group. All parameters in the cascading group will be created as
independent parameters in the catalog after you finish the dialog.
The parameter name is provided by JReport automatically, and the format is [The name specified as
parameter name]-[Bind Column name].

Specifies options for the parameter. The options vary with the type you select from the Value Setting dropdown list.

Prompt Text
Specifies the text for prompting users to provide the value of the parameter.

To help users avoid typing a value out of range, you can add the value range to the end of the prompt
text. For example, "Type a customer ID (1~100):".
To help users avoid typing a value in a wrong pattern, you can add the value pattern to the end of the
prompt text. For example, "Type an order date (MMM-dd-yy):".

Minimum Value/Length
Specifies the minimum value allowed for the parameter. If the parameter value type is String, this option is

defined as Minimum Length, which means that you can set the minimum allowed length of the string.

Maximum Value/Length
Specifies the maximum value allowed for the parameter. If the parameter value type is string, this option is
defined as Maximum Length, which means that you can set the maximum allowed length of the string.
String Encoding
Specifies the encoding for the parameter. Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as String.
User Defined Format
For certain types of parameters, the value format supplied by JReport may not satisfy your requirement. In
this case, you can define your own preferred format. When you have defined the value format, all the
values you supply at runtime should be based on it. Otherwise there will be an error message. For details,
see User-defined format for parameters.

The letters that stand for the user defined format should follow the JDK standard. In addition, the
user defined format only limits the format of the input value, which does not mean that the display
value will be in the same format. To change the display format, you will need to specify the Format
property of this parameter in the Report Inspector.
The user defined format will show different appearance under different locale, and you need input
values according to the displayed format. For example, under the Spanish or French locale, ####.
## will be displayed as #0,## and you should follow #0,## to input values.

If set to true, the parameter will be treated as a required parameter. A required parameter must be fulfilled,
which means that you must supply a value in the Enter Parameter Values dialog before the report can be
run. If set to false, the parameter will be treated as an optional parameter. An optional parameter can be
left blank, which means you can either type a value, or leave it as it is.
In the Enter Parameters Value dialog, the prompt text of a required parameter will be marked with a * sign.
Note: If the parameter is optional and you do not expect it to take effect in your report, in the Enter
Parameter Values dialog, clear the content in the value field. Otherwise, any value left in the field will
function in reports.

Hide Parameter When Single Value Returned

Specifies to hide the parameter at runtime when only a single value is returned for the parameter. The
returned single value will be used as default value of the parameter.
Allow Multiple Values
Enables multiple parameter values to be selected. If it is set to true, when running a report with the
parameter, the Enter Values dialog is provided for you to specify multiple values.
Note: Multi-value parameters can only be supported in dataset filters, query filters and imported SQL

Enable the "All" Option

Displays the All checkbox in the Enter Values dialog which means that the parameter value result is all the
values that match the parameter data type. Available when Allow Multiple Values is set to true.
Treat Blank as Null
Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as String. If it is true, the parameter value will be
null; if false, the default parameter value is "".
Use Current Date-Time
If set to true, the current date time in your system will be used as value of the parameter. Available only
when the parameter's data type is defined as Date, Time or DateTime.
Use Current Date-Time When Blank

If set to true, when the value of the parameter is blank, the current date time in your system will be used
as value of the parameter. Available only when the parameter's data type is defined as Date, Time or
If the type of the parameter is set to Date, Time or DateTime, you can choose whether to get parameter
value dynamically from the system's date time by enabling one of the above options - Use Current or Use
Current When Blank. However, if you want to use this feature, you need to make sure your system's
DateTime format is set to yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss as it is the only format JReport supports; otherwise, you
need to make use of the User Defined Parameter Format feature. Also, if one of the two options is enabled,
you need to provide the parameter's prompt value according to the data type of your parameter.

When the data type of the parameter is Date, you can specify the value according to the format yyyy-MMdd.

yyyy-01-01: Year will be dynamically changed.

2007-MM-01: Month will be dynamically changed.

2007-01-dd: Date will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-MM-01: Year and month will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-01-dd: Year and date will be dynamically changed.

yyyy-MM-dd: Year, month, and date will be dynamically changed.

2007-MM-dd: Month and date will be dynamically changed.

When the data type of the parameter is Time, you can specify the value according to the format H:mm:

H:00:00: Hour will be dynamically changed.

12:mm:00: Minute will be dynamically changed.

12:00:ss: Second will be dynamically changed.

H:mm:00: Hour and minute will be dynamically changed.

12:mm:ss: Minute and second will be dynamically changed.

H:00:ss: Hour and second will be dynamically changed.

H:mm:ss: Hour, minute and second will be dynamically changed.

When the data type of the parameter is DateTime, specify the value in a combination of the above.

Record Level Security

Specifies the RLS policy defined on the bound column in the data source to the parameter. For details, refer
to Applying RLS to a parameter.
If set to true, when viewing a report that contains the parameter, in the Enter Parameter Values dialog,
identical values will appear only once and no duplicate values will be listed.
Import SQL
Displays the SQL statement for retrieving values of the bound column and display column. You can edit the
statement if required. To do this, click in the value cell, then click
SQL dialog.

and edit the statement in the Import

Note: If you have made changes to the SQL statement, the later changes for Bind Column and Display
Column will not take effect unless you remove the SQL lines or bind the parameter all over again. To
remove the SQL lines, click

in the value cell and clear the content in the Import SQL dialog.

Allow Type-in of Value

Specifies whether to enable typing values besides selecting values when setting parameter values. The
property is enabled for Type-in Parameter by default.
When Out of Value Range
Specifies how JReport will response if the typed value is out of the predefined value list. The property is
enabled only when the option Allow Type-in of Value is set to true.
There are three solutions as follows:

Adopt directly
The typed value will be used directly.
Use default
The default value defined when creating the parameter will be used.
Displays a warning message telling that "Value xxx is out of the available value list".
Note: For a multi-value parameter, if one of the input values is not in the value list, the whole input
result will be treated as out of range.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit Sort and Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you click Report > Edit Sort and Filter on the menu bar. It helps you to predefine
the sort and filter conditions for viewing reports in JReport Viewer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Sort tab
Defines the sorting conditions.

Lists all fields that are available to be sorted on.

Adds the selected fields in the Fields box to the Sort By box.

Removes the selected fields from the Sort By box.

Sort By
Lists the fields that are selected. Report data will be sorted according to the sort by fields you selected.
Specifies the sort order of the specified field.

Displays the field name.

Moves the selected field up one step. The order of the sort by fields determines the order in which the
report data will be sorted.
Moves the selected field down one step.

Filter tab
Defines the filtering conditions. For details about options in the tab, see Edit Filter dialog.
Edit DHTML Display Name
Opens the Edit DHTML Display Name dialog to add or remove display name fields.
Accepts the changes you've made and closes this dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Predefining sort and filter conditions

Edit Style Group dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a style group and select Edit Group from the shortcut menu in
the Styles tab of the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a style group.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Style Group Name
Shows the name of the style group.
New Style
Opens the New Style dialog to create a new style.

Style Name
Specifies the name of the new style.
Style Type
Specifies the type of the new style.
Specifies the description of the new style.
Creates a new style in this style group.

Cancels creating a new style.

All Styles List

Lists all the styles that are not selected to apply to this group.
Selected Styles List
Lists all the selected styles that are selected to apply to this group.

Adds the selected style into the group.

Removes the selected style from the group.

Removes all the styles from the group.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.

Edit Summary dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a summary and select Edit Summary from the shortcut menu
in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a summary in a catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists the resources that can be used to make a summary.
Displays the name of the summary that is to be edited. You can also choose to create a new summary
or edit another one by selecting <Create...> or the name of the summary from the drop-down list.
Lists the summary functions which are available to the selected field.
Summary On
Specifies the field on which the summary is to compute.

To specify the sum on field, highlight it in the Resource box and then click
On to add it to the field box.

next to Summary

Static Summary
If selected, the summary will take effect on a specific group that you define in the Group By field and it
can only be inserted into the group.

Group By
Specifies the field used to group the data.
To specify the group by field, highlight it in the Resource box and then click
By to add it to the field box.

next to Group

Dynamic Summary
If selected, the summary will be take effect on the group according to the number, which is specified in
the Group By field and it can be inserted into any banded panels of a component.

Group By
Specifies on which group the summary will take effect.
To specify the group level, first select Up or Down from the drop-down list, then in the combo box,
select a value or input an integer, which should be between 0 to 127, to specify the group on which
the summary will take effect. For example, if you select Up or Down and input 0 in the combo box
and insert this summary into any group, the summary will take effect on this group; if you select Up
and input 1 and insert this summary to a group, the summary will take effect on the group higher
than the group where the summary is inserted, and if you specify Down and 1, it will take effect on
the lower group; and the rest may be deduced by analogy.

If the dynamic summary is to be used in a chart, when defining the summary, you must
choose Down from the Group By drop-down list; if it is to be inserted to other data containers,
the summary must be defined on Up level.
When you insert a dynamic summary into a report and there is no corresponding group level
to match settings of the dynamic summary, an error message will be generated.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field
in the Special Function drop-down list to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by. If
Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the
function by your own.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes to the existing summary or adds the new summary to the catalog.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.

Displays this help document.

Edit User Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a user data source and select Edit User Defined Data Source
from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a UDS that you have added to a

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the UDS. The name cannot be the same as any of the existing procedures, SQL
files, HDSs, business cubes or queries. It also cannot be empty.
Class Name
Specifies the full name (including package name) of the class represented by the UDS. The class should
be appended to the class path in the system environment.
The class implements
After filling in the Class Name field, the class name of the interface that the class implements will be

displayed here.
Specifies the parameter string for the UDS. The parameter string must match the format defined in the
UDS class. You can use parameters predefined in a JReport catalog in the parameter string, and the
format used in the string is "@" + parameter name. For example, if the parameter string of a UDS is
SQL=select * from employee, and you want to use the parameter sql in a catalog to replace the part
after "=" in the string, then the parameter string of the UDS will be SQL=@sql.
Edit Format
Opens the Edit Parameter Format dialog to edit the parameter format:

Displays names of parameters used in the user data source.
Specifies formats for parameters as required.
Accepts changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.

Specify Columns
Specifies the column definitions. If you don't specify the column definitions, JReport will retrieve them
from result set.

Specifies the name of a column. The name of the column should have the same validation with a
common table column. The default names for column definitions are column1', column2' etc.
Specifies the data type of the column. The following types are supported:

The corresponding JDBC type is VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR.
The corresponding JDBC type is NUMERIC.
The corresponding JDBC type is BIT.
The corresponding JDBC type is TINYINT.
The corresponding JDBC type is SMALLINT.
The corresponding JDBC type is INTEGER.
The corresponding JDBC type is BIGINT.

The corresponding JDBC type is REAL.

The corresponding JDBC type is DOUBLE.
The corresponding JDBC type is VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY.
The corresponding JDBC type is DATE.
The corresponding JDBC type is TIME.
The corresponding JDBC type is TIMESTAMP.

Precision, Length, Scale, Radix

The default value for each SQL type will be displayed. Click the cell to modify the value if necessary.
Specifies whether the value of the column can be null. X stands for NoNulls, stands for Nullable
and ? stands for Nullable Unknown.

Adds a default row in the column definitions. If there is no row selected, an empty row will be added to
the last line.

Removes the selected row. .

Moves the selected column one step up.

Moves the selected column one step down.

Adds the UDS into a JReport catalog.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Edit View Element dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click any view element of a business view and select the edit
command from the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit the specified view
element, and consists of the following two tabs:

General tab

Security tab

General tab
Sets properties for the view element.

Display Name
Specifies the display name of the view element which is intuitive to the end user.
Mapping Name
Specifies the mapping name of the field to which the view element is mapped. Click

to select the

Specifies the type of the view element.

Group objects are the view elements that will become the basis for analyzing data in a report. They
characteristically return text data or dates. For example they may return items like country, state
and year to use for grouping data in reports.
Aggregation objects are numeric view elements that are calculated at the time the report is ran. The
values they return are dependent on the group objects which they are used with. For example you
may want a sales total by year.
Detail objects provide additional information. They can be bound to group, aggregation, or category
elements. Detail objects are not used for analysis but are useful in tables to show detail information
such as addresses and phone numbers.

Aggregate Function
Available only when the view element is an aggregation. It specifies the function for the aggregation
Specifies the tooltip of the view element which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the element in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Specifies the description of the view element which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover the
mouse pointer over the element in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.

Security tab
Specifies principals' permissions to the view element.

Role/Group/User tab
Lists all the roles/groups/users for the current security policy.

Displays role/group/user names.
Specifies whether or not the view element is visible to the roles/groups/users.

Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to add or import principals.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Encrypt dialog
This dialog appears when you click the Setting button after checking the Encrypt checkbox in the Export
to PDF dialog. It helps you to configure the encryption settings for the PDF file.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the encryption type to encrypt the PDF document. The option Acrobat 3.0 and later uses a low
encryption level (40-bit RC4), while the other option Acrobat 5.0 and later uses a high encryption level
(128-bit RC4).
Encryption level
Shows the level of the encryption compatibility that you specified in the Compatibility drop-down list.

Specifies options for the encryption you defined for the PDF file.

Require a password to open the document

Specifies whether the document is password protected. If checked, set the password here.

Document Open Password

Specifies the password to prevent users from opening the document without authorization.
Confirm Password
Confirms the password you specified in the Document Open Password text box.

Sets permissions for the encryption that you specified for the PDF file.

Use a password to restrict printing and editing of the document and its security settings
Specifies whether to use a permission password to restrict users from printing and editing.

Permission Password
Specifies the password to restrict users from printing and editing.
Note: The password here cannot be the same as the one used for opening the document.

Confirm Password
Confirms the password you have specified in the Permission Password text box.
Printing Allowed
Specifies the printing quality for the PDF document.

Not allowed prevents users from printing the document.
Low Resolution
Available only when a high encryption level - Acrobat 5.0 is selected. If checked, users can print the
document at no higher than 150-dpi resolution. Printing may be slower because each page is
printed as a bitmapped image.
High Resolution
Lets users print at any resolution, directing high-quality vector output to PostScript and other
printers that support advanced high-quality printing features.

Changes Allowed
Specifies what editing actions are allowed in the PDF document.

Prevents the user from making any changes to the document, including filling in signature and form
Inserting, deleting, and rotating pages
Available only when a high encryption level - Acrobat 5.0 is selected. If checked, users can insert,
delete, and rotate pages, as well as create bookmarks and thumbnail pages.
Filling in form fields and signing
Lets users fill in forms and add digital signatures. This option doesn't allow users to add comments
or create form fields.
Commenting, filling in form fields and signing
Lets users fill in forms and add digital signatures and comments.
Any except extracting pages
Lets users change the document using any method listed in the Changes Allowed menu, except

removing pages.

Enable copying of text, images and other content

Allows users to select and copy the contents of the PDF document.
Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired
Available only when the Compatibility option is set to Acrobat 5.0 or later Acrobat version. Checking it
will enable the use of screen readers for visually impaired users.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Enter Parameter Values dialog

This dialog appears at runtime when you preview or print a report with one or more parameters. In this
dialog, all the parameter names used in the report and prompting information are listed.

If you set the parameter's Allow Type-in of Value option to true while creating it, you can then type in
values except for selecting values for it in the Enter Parameter Values dialog.
will be
If you set the parameter's Allow Multiple Values option to true while creating it, the button
available in the Enter Parameter Values dialog, by clicking which, the Enter Values dialog is displayed
for you to specify multiple values for the parameter.
Applies your input and runs the report.
Accepts the default value and runs the report.

Cancels your operation and exits running the report.

Displays this help document.
Note: You are recommended not to use blank as the thousands separator in Number-typed parameter
values under French locale, otherwise your input will not be correctly recognized because of a JVM bug.
For details, see http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do;jsessionid=c8cdaf911b20fffffffffd9fc6340b30d670?

Enter Server Location dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > Applet on the menu bar.

The following are details about the options in the dialog:

Server Name
Specifies the name of the server, for example,
Specifies the port number of the server, for example 8888.
Applies all changes and opens the Export to applet dialog to specify the directory that you want to save
this Applet file.
Cancels all changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Enter Values dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click the chooser button
in the Enter Parameter Values dialog (the
button is available when you set the parameter's Allow Multiple Values to true while creating it). The
dialog helps you to specify multiple values for the parameter.

Available Values
Lists all predefined parameter values for selection. When the parameter is bound with a column, but
the Display Column is different from the Bind Column, values of the Display Column are listed here.

Adds the selected values from the Available Values box to the Selected Values box.

Removes the selected values from the Selected Values box.

Adds all the selected values from the Available Values box to the Selected Values box.

Removes all the selected values from the Selected Values box.

Selected Values
Lists the values selected. The selected values are case sensitive.
Enter Values
This option is available when you set the parameter's Allow Type-in of Value to true while creating it.
Enter a value manually in the text box and then click the button next to add the value to the Selected
Values box. When the parameter is bound with a column, but the display column is different from the
bind column, make sure the value you enter is that of the bind column.
If selected, it means that the parameter value result is all the values in the DBMS. This option is
available when you set the parameter's Enable the "All" Option to true while creating it. This is
translated in SQL to remove the parameter which may select more values than listed in the available
values list.
For example, when the parameter query is:
When you click
the SQL is:

to add 1, 2 and 3 as the parameter values, which are all the available values,

Run the same report again and this time check the All checkbox in the Enter Values dialog, the query is
( 1 = 1)
In this case, you will get more customers even though available values are only 1 3.
Note: When a multi-value parameter is inserted as a field into a report and All is selected as the value,
the field will show the string "All" which represents all the values in the DBMS.
Closes the dialog and applies the selected values to the parameter.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Excel Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
Excel and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Word Wrap

All Keep Existing

Keeps all the settings of each object's Word Wrap property originally specified in the report.
All Disabled
Disables the Word Wrap property for all objects. That is, the Word Wrap property is made false for all
All Enabled
Enables the Word Wrap property for all objects. That is, the Word Wrap property is made true for all

Preserve Report Formatting

Specifies to adopt the original layout of the report set when exporting.
Normal Formatting
If checked, and the Columned property of the report is set to true in JReport Designer, the exported
Excel file will be in columned format.
Excel 2000
If checked, only the report data will be exported without format.
More/Less Options
Click to show/hide the additional settings for exporting the report to Excel. When Excel 2000 is

selected, there will be no more options.

Include Shapes in Export

Specifies whether to include the drawing objects in the exported Excel file, such as line, oval, and
Print Page Header
Specifies the page header text for the printed file.
Print Page Footer
Specifies the page footer text for the printed file.
Print Gridlines
Specifies whether to include gridlines when printing the exported Excel file.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to Excel dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > Excel on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to Microsoft Excel format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the directory in which to place the exported Excel file.
File Name
Specifies the name of the exported Excel file. If you do not type the name, JReport will use the report
name as the Excel file name by default.
Word Wrap
Specifies the word-wrap settings.

All Keep Existing

Keeps all settings of each component's Word Wrap property as specified in the report.
All Disabled
Disables the Word Wrap property for all components. That is, the Word Wrap property is made false
for all components.
All Enabled
Enables the Word Wrap property for all components. That is, the Word Wrap property will be made
true for all components.

Preserve Report Formatting

Specifies whether or not to adopt the original layout of the report when exporting.
Normal Formatting
If checked, you can set the Columned property value for the report in the Report Inspector to decide
whether the exported Excel file will be in columned format or not. If the Columned property is set to
true, the exported Excel file will be in columned format.
Excel 2000
If checked, only the report data will be exported without format.
More/Less Options
Click to show/hide the additional settings for exporting the report to Excel. When Excel 2000 is
selected, there will be no more options.

Include Shapes in Export

Specifies whether to include the drawing objects in the exported Excel file, such as line, oval, and
Print Page Header
Specifies the page header text for the printed file.
Print Page Footer
Specifies the page footer text for the printed file.
Print Gridlines
Specifies whether to include gridlines when printing the exported Excel file.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to Fax dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > Fax on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to fax.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the quality of the fax. It can be one of the following: Best, Normal, or Fast.
Include Cover Sheet
Specifies whether to send a cover sheet with the fax.
Fax Number
Specifies the fax number of the recipient.
Phone Number
Specifies the phone number of the sender.

Specifies information of the recipient.

Specifies information of the sender.
Specifies information of the company.
Specifies the day on which the fax is sent.
Specifies the subject of the fax.
Specifies some comments to the fax.
Specifies whether or not the fax is urgent.
For Review
Specifies whether or not only review is required for the fax.
Please Comment
Specifies whether or not comments are required for the fax.
Please Reply
Specifies whether or not a reply is required for the fax.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to JReport Result dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > JReport Result on the menu bar. It helps you to
export a report to JReport Result format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Save in
Specifies where to save the report result.
File Name

Specifies the name of the result file.

File of type
Specifies the type of the result file.
Lists all the reports in this report set. You can check the checkboxes to export the corresponding
Specifies whether or not to export the report set to a zip file.
Precision Level
Specifies the precision level with which the selected reports will be exported.
Saves the report as a JReport Result format to the specific directory.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to Mail dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > Mail on the menu bar. It helps you to send the
current report of a report set as an attachment in a specified format to someone else via e-mail.

The following are the details about the options in this dialog:

Specifies the e-mail address of the recipients to whom you want to send the report.
Specifies the e-mail address of the recipients to whom you want to send a copy of the report.
Specifies the e-mail address of the recipients to whom you want to send a blind carbon copy of the
Specifies the subject of the e-mail that is to be sent.
SMTP Logon Information
The following options are available only when you have checked Server requires authentication in the
Options dialog (File > Options > Export to > E-mail > Server requires authentication).

Account Name
Specifies the account name in the SMTP server.
Specifies the password for logging on to the SMTP server.
E-mail Address
Specifies the e-mail address in the SMTP server.
Note: Some SMTP may not need the mail address as one part of authentication information).

Specifies some comments about the report. The contents in this text box will be shown in the text part
of the mail.
Specifies in which mail format the report will be sent.

E-mail Result in HTML E-mail Format

Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address in HTML format. The report result will be
shown in HTML format in the mail body. If this format is selected, the comments that you input will
be overwritten by the report.

No Margin
Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the reports is designed.
Section 508 Compliant Output
If checked, the accessibility attributes defined for the report elements via the Report Inspector will
be exported to the HTML format report result which is Section 508 compliant. See Accessibility for
more information.
When Section 508 Compliant Output is checked, the Use HTML Data Table and Relative Font Size
options will be checked and disabled. The output will be Section 508 compliant including HTML data
table, accessible attributes, and relative font feature.

Use HTML Data Table

Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML
format result.

Absolute Font Size

Specifies whether to generate the report result using an absolute font size, which means the font
size is fixed and cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
Relative Font Size
Specifies whether to generate the report result using a relative font size, which means the font size
can be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.

E-mail Result in Plain Text E-mail Format

Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address in plain text format. The report result will
be shown in plain text format in the mail body with no other information such as color, images and
so on. For the parameter settings, refer to Export to Text dialog.
Attachment in JReport Result Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a JReport result file as attachment.
Check the Result Zip option if you want to make the report result zipped.
Attachment in HTML Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an HTML file as attachment.
Attachment in PDF Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a PDF file as attachment. For the
parameter settings, refer to Export to PDF dialog.
Attachment in Excel Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an Excel file as attachment. For the
parameter settings, refer to Export to Excel dialog.
Attachment in Text Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a Text file as attachment. For the
parameter settings, refer to Export to Text dialog.
Attachment in RTF Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a RTF file as attachment.
Attachment in XML Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an XML file as attachment. Click the
Browse button to specify the directory and the name of an existing XML schema (.xsd) file.
Attachment in PostScript Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a PostScript file as attachment.

When sending the report result as an attachment to the mail, you can specify either (or both) of the
following two options as required:

No Margin
Specifies whether or not to remove the margins originally set when the reports is designed.
Compress Attachment as Java Archive
Specifies whether or not to compress the mail attachment as Java Archive.

Applies all changes, and sends the report to the specified E-mail address.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Export to PDF dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > PDF on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to PDF format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the directory in which to place the exported PDF file.
File Name
Specifies the name of the exported PDF file. If you do not type a name, JReport will use the report
name as the PDF file name.
No Margin
Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the report was designed.
Specifies whether to include a Table of Contents (TOC) in the exported PDF file.
Specifies whether to generate the report result to a PDF file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The
Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.

Specifies whether to encrypt the PDF file. Click the Setting button to configure the encrypt settings in
the Encrypt dialog.
Specifies whether to add the digital sign to the PDF file. Click the Setting button to configure the sign
settings in the Sign Digital ID dialog.
Compress Image
If checked, the size of the images or pictures in the report will be compressed to the specified
proportion of its original size.
Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended)
If selected, charts, UDOs and barcodes in the report will be exported to common pictures, which will
look dimmed and the file size may be relatively large. But, the transparency property is supported.
Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics
If selected, charts, UDOs and barcodes in the report will be exported to vector graphics, which will not
be anamorphic when it is zoomed out or zoomed in. But, the transparency property is not supported.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to PostScript dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > PostScript on the menu bar. It helps you to
export a report to PostScript format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the directory in which to place the exported PostScript file.
File Name
Specifies the name of the exported PostScript file. If you do not type the name, JReport will use the
report name PostScript file name as default.
No Margin
Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the report is designed.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to RTF dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > RTF on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to RTF format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the directory in which to place the exported RTF file.
File Name
Specifies the name of the exported RTF file. If you do not type the name, JReport will use the report
name as the default RTF file name.
Best Editing
Specifies whether to apply flow layout when exporting the report to RTF.
No Margin
Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the report is designed.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to Text dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > Text on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to a Text file.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Export to
Specifies the directory in which to place the exported Text file.
Delimited Format
Specifies whether to use the delimited format to export the report result.

Specifies the delimiter to separate fields.

CSV Delimited
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a comma.
Tab Delimited
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a tab.
Customize Delimited
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a user defined delimiter. You can type your own

delimiter in the Delimiter box (note that the delimiter should be only one character).

Use Quote mark

Specifies whether the fields in the exported Text file will be marked with quotation marks.
Repeat Last Column Value If Null
If checked, when a cell in the exported CSV Text has no value, value of the previous cell in the same
column will be used.

User Defined Density

Specifies whether to use user defined density to export the report result.

Horizontal Density
Specifies the value for each unit of the horizontal density between columns. The resulting density is a
direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the width between
Vertical Density
Specifies the value for each unit of the vertical density between columns. The resulting density is a
direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the height between


By exporting using user defined densities, if the densities are not set appropriately, the fields in the
report may overlap each other, so you are not recommended to use this way to export the report
result to Text.
When setting the value of Horizontal/Vertical Density, you need to pay attention to the following:

The value of Horizontal/Vertical Density must be greater than the character's width/height of the
smallest field in the report (smallest field is the field with the smallest font size), otherwise, the
value you set will not be applied.
If the value of Vertical Density is greater than 0 and the value of Horizontal Density is less than 0,
the value that you specify for the Vertical Density will be applied and the value of Horizontal
Density will be specified by JReport.
If the value of Vertical Density is less than 0 and the value of Horizontal Density is greater than 0,
the value that you specify for the Horizontal Density will be applied and the value of Vertical
Density will be specified by JReport.
If the values of Vertical Density and Horizontal Density are both greater than 0 and the value of
Horizontal Density is less than 11, the specified value of the two densities will be applied.
Otherwise, they will be specified by JReport.
If the values of Vertical Density and Horizontal Density are both less than 1, these densities will be
specified by JReport.

Specifies whether to generate the report result to Text format in a compressed size, that is to say,
there will be no clearance between the columns.
Header and Footer
If checked, the exported file will contain all headers and footers in the report, including Report Header/
Footer, Page Header/Footer and Group Header/Footer. Otherwise, the exported file will only contain
data in Detail panel.

Windows End-of-line (CR-LF)

Specifies whether to use the CR-LF in Windows convention as the end-of-line character.
Unix End-of-line (LF)
Specifies whether to use the LF in Unix convention as the end-of-line character.
Applies all changes and exits the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Export to XML dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Export To > XML on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to XML format.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Export to
Specifies the file name and directory where you want to store the exported XML file.
Schema File Name
Specifies the directory and the name of an existing XML schema (.xsd) file. If you specify an existing
XML schema file, the exported XML file, the generated XML file that is to be exported will be based on
it. Otherwise, a new XML schema file will be generated to the directory where the exported XML file is
to be exported. The new XML schema file and the exported XML file will have the same name but with
different extensions.
Only Data

If checked, the exported XML file will only contain the database column information. The exported
XML schema file will only contain the structure information of the report.
If unchecked, the exported XML file will also contain elements controlled by formulas, and the
exported XML schema file will contain all the detailed information from the report, including all the
property values of each report object.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Fill Effects dialog

This dialog appears when you format a color schema for a chart. It helps you to specify either a
gradient, a texture or an image as the fill effect, and consists of the following three tabs:

Gradient tab

Texture tab

Image tab

Sets all the values in the dialog to be the default settings.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Gradient tab
Fills the object with specified gradient colors.

Fill Gradient
Specifies the type of gradient to fill the object. It can be one of the following: Linear, Cyclic Linear,
Square Radial, and Round Radial.
Start Color
Specifies a color in the gradient graph.
End Color
Specifies the other color in the gradient graph.
Specifies the transparency of the gradient color, in percent.
Start X
Specifies the horizontal position, measured in the percentage of the object's width, from the left edge
of the object, where the gradient starts.
Start Y
Specifies the vertical position, measured in the percentage of the object's height, from the top edge of
the object, where the gradient starts.
End X
Specifies the horizontal position, measured in the percentage of the object's width, from the left edge

of the object, where the gradient ends.

End Y
Specifies the vertical position, measured in the percentage of the object's height, from the top edge of
the object, where the gradient ends.
Displays a preview of your settings.
Specifies whether to reverse values of Start X and End X, and reverse Start Y and End Y.

Texture tab
Fills the object with specified texture.

Fill Texture
Specifies the type of texture to fill the object.
Specifies the foreground color of the texture.

Specifies the background color of the texture.

Specifies the transparency of the texture, in percent.

Image tab
Fills the object with specified image.

Choose Image File

Specifies the image file from the current catalog folder.
Specifies the layout style of the image in the object. It can be on of the following: Tile, Centered and
Image X
Specifies the left position of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's width, from the left
edge of the image.
Image Y

Specifies the bottom position of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's width, from the
bottom edge of the image.
Specifies the width of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's width. Setting this value to
less than 100 percent will cut the image from the right edge.
Specifies the height of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's height. Setting this value
to less than 100 percent will cut the image from the bottom edge.
The above four options, namely Image X, Image Y, Width and Height, are used to define an area in the
image and put the defined area of the image into the object.
Displays a preview of your settings.

Filter dialog
This dialog appears when you click the Filter button
on the toolbar of the Business Cube Editor
window. It allows you to create or modify a built-in filter for a business cube. The built-in filter is
transparent to the end users running the BC reports. Each business cube can only have one built-in

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.

Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by
selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field to be filtered. You can either type in the field directly or click
to specify the field.

next to the text box

Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than or equal to
Greater than
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
[not] in
Causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, used for evaluating for
a true condition. For operator in' or not in', it is allowed to input multiple values in the Value input
box and separate the values with comma (,).
[not] like
Like string pattern matching operator is used to compare the first expression string value to the

pattern string (the second expression). If you want to use wildcard character in the pattern string,
only "_" and "%" are supported.

[not] between
Allows the system to evaluate whether or not data values are located between a range of values
indicated in the predicate. For operator between' or not between', there are two value input boxes
for inputting the same type of values.
is [not] null
It is used in WHERE clause predicates to match null values occurring in a specified data field. For
operator is null' or is not null', the value input box is hidden.

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click
to the text box to specify the value.


When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if ","
or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
When you click

to specify the value, the Values dialog is displayed.

Fields tab
Lists the fields which can be used in the filter expression. Double-click the required field to add it as
the filter value.
Value tab
Lists values of the field to be filtered. Double-click the required value to add it as the filter value.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Filter On dialog
The dialog appears when you right-click a filter control and select Edit Filter Control from the shortcut
menu. It helps you to edit the filter control.

The following are details about options of the dialog:

Select a Field
Specifies the field on which the filter control is based.
Apply to
Lists the data containers in the current report, which are based on the data source the specified field is

in. Select the target components you want to apply the filter to.
More/Less Options
Shows/Hides the additional settings for editing the filter control.
Inserts a filter control into the report and closes the dialog.
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Filter Options dialog

This dialog appears when you click
in the value cell to specify the Filter Options property for a field
in the Report Inspector. It helps you to define whether or not the filter-related shortcut menu items will
be displayed when you right-click an object in JReport Viewer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Remove Filter
Specifies whether to display the Remove Filter item on the shortcut menu when you right-click an
object in JReport Viewer.
Top N
Specifies whether to display the Top N item on the shortcut menu when you right-click an object in
JReport Viewer.
Bottom N
Specifies whether to display the Bottom N item on the shortcut menu when you right-click an object in
JReport Viewer.
Specifies whether to display the More item on the shortcut menu when you right-click an object in
JReport Viewer.
Specifies whether to apply the default settings.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Filter View dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Filter View button
on the Catalog Browser toolbar. It
enables you to select some elements to exclude from the view in the Catalog Browser, if you think they
are not necessary to display.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Filter Expression
Specifies the resource names that are to be displayed.
Case Sensitive
Specifies whether to match whole work only or match case.
Selected the elements to include in the view
Lists all the elements in the Catalog Browser.

Select All
Selects all the elements in the list box to include them in the view.
Deselect All
Deselects all the elements in the list box to exclude them from the view.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Filter - Web Action Builder dialog

This dialog appears when you select *Filter and then click OK in the Web Action List dialog. It helps you
to build a filter action to a field.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Get Input from
Specifies where to get the web control. You can select Form if you add some objects to a form.
Otherwise, only the item Other in Report you can choose.
Apply Action to
Specifies the component to which to apply the Filter action.

Adds a new filter condition for the action.

Removes the selected filter condition.

Moves the selected filter condition up a step.

Moves the selected filter condition down a step.

Filter on
Specifies the field on which the filter is based. Which fields are available here depending on which area
you choose from the Get Input from drop-down list.
Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than
Less than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
Causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, used for evaluating for
a true condition. For operator in', it is allowed to input multiple values in the Value input box and
separate the values with comma (,).

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. If multiple values are required, they should be separated
with ",", and if "," or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
Lists some additional commands, which includes AND, OR, and End.
Accepts the changes and closes this dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Applying web actions - Filter

Find dialog
This dialog appears when you click Edit > Find DBField on the menu bar, or the Find DBField button
on the Standard toolbar.
When a report has many fields, you may find it difficult to determine where a certain field is. This
dialog enables you to find specific fields you have lost track of in your report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Find what
Specifies the field you want to find.
Specifies the criteria with which to find the DBField.

Searches for these identical fields from the top node.
Current Node
Searches for these fields from the current node.

Find Next
If you placed multiple identical fields in the same report, you can repeat the action of clicking this
button to search for all of them.
Ends the search and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Find/Replace dialog
This dialog appears when you click the Search button
in the Formula Editor window. You can then
search for text in the formula text, and replace the found text with different text.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies what to find.
Specifies what to use to replace the found text.
Specifies the finding limit.

Match case
Limits the search to text that exactly matches the case of the text you want to find.
Match whole word
Limits the search to text that matches one or more complete words.

Find Next
Jumps to and selects the next occurrence of the search words in the Formula Text.
Find All
Finds all occurrences of the search words in the Formula Text.
Replaces the found material one by one in the Formula Text.

Replace All
Replaces all of the found materials in the Formula Text.
Closes the dialog.

Flash Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Multimedia Objects > Flash on the menu bar, or drag Flash
from the Toolbox panel to a report. It helps you to insert a flash object (using the OLE mode) into a

The following are details about options in the dialog:

File Name/URL
Specifies the URL of the plug-in page from which to download the player to play this flash file, if it isn't
already installed on your local disk.
Plug-in Page
Specifies the URL of the plug-in page to play the flash file.
Specifies the properties for the flash file that is to be inserted into the report.

Specifies whether to play the flash file.
Specifies whether to play the flash file repeatedly.
Movie Quality
Specifies the quality for the flash file from the drop-down list.

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Format Area dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click an area of a chart or right-click it and then select Format
Area from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format areas in a chart, and consists of the following four

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
For 2-D area charts
Specifies the general format of the 2-D area chart.

Specifies the layout for 2-D areas of the chart.

None 2-D
If selected, 2-D area will be applied to display the trend of the values over time or categories.
Stacked 2-D
If selected, stacked 2-D area will be applied to display the trend of the contribution of each data
value over categories.
100% Stacked 2-D
If selected, 100% stacked 2-D area will be applied to display the trend of the percentage each data
value contributes over categories.

Specifies the depth properties for areas of the chart.

Use Depth
Specifies whether to make the areas in the chart three-dimensional. You can also use a formula to
control the property.


Specifies the depth of the areas.

Specifies the direction for depth of the lines.

High-Low Lines
Specifies whether to show the high-low lines in areas of a chart.

For 3-D area charts

Specifies the general format of the 3-D area chart.

Specifies the layout for 3-D areas of the chart.

None 3-D
If selected, area with a 3-D visual effect will be applied.
Stacked 3-D
If selected, stacked area with a 3-D visual effect will be applied.
100% Stacked 3-D

If selected, 100% stacked area with a 3-D visual effect will be applied.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for areas of the chart.

Specifies the color schema for areas in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to areas in the same data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of areas in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies properties for border of the areas.

Border Type
Displays the type of border for the areas. Its default value is solid, and can not be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the areas.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the areas.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on areas in the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the areas.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the areas.

auto fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed automatically.
top center
If selected, the data labels will be displayed in the top center of the nodes on the areas.
top left
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the top left of the nodes on the areas.
top right
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the top right of the nodes on the areas.
bottom left
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the bottom left of the nodes on the areas.

bottom center
If selected, the data labels will be displayed in the bottom center of the nodes on the areas.
bottom right
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the bottom right of the nodes on the areas.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data label on the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is set
to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. This option is available to 2-D area
chart only.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.

Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is

Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Bar dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a bar of a chart, or right-click it and then select Format Bar
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the bars of a 2-D or a 3-D bar chart, and consists of the
following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
For 2-D bar/bench charts
Specifies the general format of the 2-D bar chart.

Specifies the size of the bars in the chart.

Bars Width
Specifies the bar width as a percentage of the unit width.
Bars Gap
Specifies the distance between two bars as a percentage of the bar width, only applying to clustered
bar/bench charts.

Specifies the layout of the chart.

Clustered - 2-D
Displays and compares data values across categories.
Stacked - 2-D
Displays and compares the contribution of each data value to a total across categories.
100% Stacked - 2-D
Displays and compares the percentage that each data value contributes to a total across categories.


Specifies the depth properties for bars of the chart.

Use Depth
Specifies whether to make the bars in the chart three-dimensional. You can also use a formula to
control the property.

Specifies the depth of the lines.
Specifies the direction for depth of the lines.

For 3-D bar charts

Specifies the general format of the 3-D bar chart.

Specifies the size of bars in the chart.

Bars Width
Specifies the bar width as a percentage of the unit width.

Specifies the layout of the chart.

Clustered Bar 3-D

Specifies to apply clustered bar with a 3-D visual effect to the chart.
Stacked Bar 3-D
Specifies to apply stacked bar with a 3-D visual effect to the chart.
100% Stacked Bar 3-D
Specifies to apply 100% stacked bar with a 3-D visual effect to the chart.
Array 3-D
Specifies to apply array bar with a 3-D visual effect to the chart.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for bars of the chart.


Specifies the color schema for bars in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to bars in the same data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of bars in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Vary Colors by value
Specifies whether or not colors will be varied with values.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for border of the bars.

Border Type

Displays the type for border of the bars. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the bars.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the bars.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies the properties for the data labels displayed on bars of the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the bars.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the bars.

auto fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed automatically.

outside top
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the outside top of the nodes on the bars.
inside top
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the inside top of the nodes on the bars.
inside center
If selected, the data labels will be displayed in the inside center of the nodes on the bars.
inside bottom
If selected, the data labels will be displayed at the inside bottom of the nodes on the bars.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data label on the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is set
to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. This option is available to 2-D bar
chart only.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is

Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.

Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Bar Gauge dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a bar gauge of a chart, or right-click it and select Format Bar
Gauge from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format bar gauges in a chart, and consists of the
following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the bar gauge chart.


Specifies the layout of the bar gauges. It can be vertical or horizontal.

Range Border
Specifies properties of the range borders.

Specifies the color schema of the range borders.
Specifies the style of the range borders.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema.
Specifies the thickness of the range borders.

Color Range
Specifies different colors to fill the bar gauges in different ranges.

Specifies the minimum value of a range.
Specifies the maximum value of a range.
Specifies the color schema for every range.
Specifies the name for every range.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the bar gauges.

Specifies the color schema for bar gauges in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the bar gauges in the same data

Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of gauges in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies properties for the border of the bar gauges.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the bar gauges. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border for the bar gauges.

Specifies the transparency for color of the border.

Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the bar gauges.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the bar gauges.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on gauge chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.

Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Bubble dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a bubble of a chart, or right-click it and select Format Bubble
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the bubbles in a bubble chart, and consists of the
following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the bubble chart.

Use 3-D Visual Effect

Specifies whether to apply a 3-D visual effect to these bubbles.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency of the bubbles.

Specifies the color schema of the bubbles.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the bubbles.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of bubbles in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for border of the bubbles.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the bubbles. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the bubbles.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the bubbles.
Specifies the thickness of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on bubbles in the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on bubble chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Bubble Gauge dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a bubble gauge of a chart, or right-click it and then select
Format Bubble Gauge from the shortcut menu. It enables you to format bubble gauges in a gauge
chart, and consists of the following three tabs:

General tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the bubble gauge chart.


Left Margin
Specifies the gap between the left labels and left bubbles.
Top Margin
Specifies the gap between top labels and top bubbles.
Range Radius
Specifies the radius
Draw Category(X) Grid
Specifies whether to draw category grid.
Draw Series(Z) Grid
Specifies whether to draw series grid.

Specifies the value range for the bubble gauge chart.

Specifies the minimum value of the bubble gauge chart.

Specifies the maximum value of the bubble gauge chart.

Color Range
Specifies different colors to fill the bubble gauges in different ranges.

Specifies the minimum value of a range.
Specifies the maximum value of a range.
Specifies the color schema for every range.
Specifies the name for every range.

Border tab
Specifies properties for border of the bubble gauges.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the bubble gauges. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the bubble gauges.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the bubble gauges.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.


Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the bubble gauges.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on gauge chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.

Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Bullet dialog

The dialog appears when you double-click a bullet of a chart or right-click it and select Format Bullet
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the bullets of a chart, and consists of the four following

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the bullet chart.

Specifies the size of the bullets in the chart.
Featured Measure Width
Specifies the featured measure width as a percentage of the unit width.
Comparative Measure Width
Specifies the comparative measure width as a percentage of the unit width.
Qualitative Ranges Width
Specifies the qualitative ranges width as a percentage of the unit width.

Fill tab
Specifies the fill properties.

Featured Measure Color List

Specifies the featured measure properties.

Specifies the color schema for the featured measure in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the featured measure in the same
data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of the featured measure in the same data series.

Comparative Measure Color List

Specifies the comparative measure properties.

Specifies the color schema for the comparative measures in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the comparative measures in the
same data series.

Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of the comparative measures in the same data

Qualitative Ranges Color List

Specifies the qualitative ranges properties.

Specifies the color schema for the qualitative ranges in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the qualitative ranges in the same
data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of the qualitative ranges in the same data series.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Vary Colors by Value
Specifies whether or not colors will be varied with values.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for the borders of the bullets.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the bullets. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the bullets.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the bullets.
Specifies the thickness of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies the properties for the data labels displayed on bullets of the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on bullet chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Category(X) Axis dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a category(X) axis of a chart, or right-click a chart and then
select Format Axes > Format Category(X) Axis from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the
category(X) axis of a chart, and consists of the following five tabs:

Axis tab

Tick Mark tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Format tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Axis tab
Specifies the general properties for the category(X) axis of the chart.

Specifies the options for the category(X) axis.

Number of Labels
Specifies how many labels to be displayed in the category(X) axis.
Label Every N Tick Marks
Specifies whether to display a label every N tick marks.
Draw Axis Only
Specifies whether to show the labels on the category(X) axis.
Show Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the horizontal gridlines in the chart.
Show Axis Label Tips
Specifies whether to display the complete label text when the mouser pointer points at a label on the
category(X) axis.

Specifies the line style for the category(X) axis.


Specifies the color of the category(X) axis.

Specifies the transparency for the color of the category(X) axis.
Specifies the style for the line of the category(X) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the line of the category(X) axis.

Specifies the properties for the labels on the category(X) axis.

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the label and the category(X) axis.
Best Effect
Specifies whether to adjust the labels automatically to make them placed best.

If the category(X) axis is used to show numeric data of a scatter or a bubble chart, the following
options will be available.

Specifies the options for the category(X) axis.

Minimum Value
Specifies the minimum value that is to be displayed on the category(X) axis.
Maximum Value
Specifies the maximum value that is to be displayed on the category(X) axis.
Specifies the difference between two adjacent values on the category(X) axis.
Number of Tick Marks
Specifies how many tick marks to be displayed on the category(X) axis.
Draw Axis Only
Specifies whether to show the labels on the category(X) axis.
Show Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the horizontal gridlines in the chart.

Specifies the line style for the category(X) axis.

Specifies the color of the category(X) axis.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the category(X) axis.
Specifies the style of the category(X) axis.
Specifies the thickness of the category(X) axis.

Specifies the properties for the labels on the category(X) axis.

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the label and the category(X) axis.
Best Effect
Specifies whether to adjust the labels on the category(X) axis automatically to make them placed

Tick Mark tab

Specifies the properties of tick marks on the category(X) axis.

Tick Mark
Specifies the general properties for all the tick marks on the category(X) axis.

Correlate with Axis

If checked, the settings tick mark labels will correlate with the line settings of the axis automatically.

Specifies the color for all the tick marks on the category(X) axis.
Specifies the type for tick marks on the category(X) axis.
Specifies the transparency for the tick marks on the category(X) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the tick marks on the category(X) axis.

Major Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the major tick marks on the category(X) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will not be shown on the category(X) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be across the category(X) axis.
Major Tick Length
Specifies the length of major tick marks on the category(X) axis.

Minor Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the minor tick marks on the category(X) axis.

If selected, minor tick marks will not be shown on the category(X) axis.
If selected, minor tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be across the chart.
Minor Tick Length
Specifies the length for the minor tick marks on the category(X) axis.

Font tab
Specifies the font format of the tick mark labels on the category(X) axis.

Specifies the font format of text in the tick mark labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.


Specifies the special effects of text in the tick mark labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays a sample of the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
Specifies the rotation angle of the tick mark labels on the category(X) axis.

Specifies to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically according to the length
of the label text, in degrees.
When this option is checked by default:

If the text can be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0.
If the text can not be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.

Specifies to customize the rotation angle of the label text on the axis. When you change the rotation
angle in the text box, the red line in the spin box will change correspondingly, and vice versa.

Format tab
Specifies some properties for the tick mark labels on the category(X) axis.

Specifies different formats to display the tick mark labels on the category(X) axis.

Lists all the formats of a value of a scale type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a number type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a date/time type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a text type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a mapping type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.

Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed
chart property reference.

Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.
Displays the selected format effects.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Adds a format to the Stack list box.
Removes a format from the Stack list box.
Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the tick mark labels.

Format Category(X) Gridline dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a category(X) gridline of a chart, or right-click a chart and
then select Format Gridlines > Category(X) Gridline from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the
category(X) gridline in this chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Line Color
Specifies the color schema for category(X) gridlines in the chart.
Specifies the transparency of the color of category(X) gridlines in the chart.
Line Style
Specifies the line style for category(X) gridlines in the chart.

Specifies the thickness for category(X) gridlines in the chart.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Cell dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a table cell and then select Format Border from the shortcut
menu. It enables you to specify border for a selected table cell.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies properties for border of the selected table cell.

If selected, no border of the selected table cell will be displayed.
If selected, insert a box border around the selected table cell, formatted with the currently selected
line style and color settings.

If selected, create a custom border and customize every border, by clicking the corresponding border
buttons. If you click one of the border buttons, the Custom will be selected automatically.
Specifies the line color schema for border of the selected table cell. If you want to use a formula to
control the line color, click

and select a formula from the drop-down list.

Specifies the line style for border of the selected table cell.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes, leaving the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Dial Gauge dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a dial gauge of a chart and select Format Dial Gauge from the
shortcut menu. It helps you to format dial gauges in a chart, and consists of the following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format for gauges of the chart.

Specifies properties for circles of dial gauges in the chart.

Start Angle
Specifies the degree of start angles of the circles.
Stop Angle
Specifies the degree of stop angles of the circles.
Circular Style
Specifies the position of a dial gauge curve, related to the position of a circle in the chart.
Specifies the thickness for the circles.
Range Radius
Specifies the percent size of a dial gauge in an area.

Specifies properties for pointers of dial gauges in the chart.

Pointer Style
Specifies the style applied to pointers of the dial gauges.

If selected, pointers will be triangle shapes.
If selected, pointers will be diamond shapes.
If selected, pointers will be arrow shapes.

Arrow Style
Specifies the style applied to arrows of the pointers.

If selected, arrows will be sharp ones.
If selected, arrows will be round ones.
If selected, arrows will be plain ones.

Color Range
Specifies different colors to fill the dial gauges in different ranges.

Specifies the minimum value of a range.
Specifies the maximum value of a range.
Specifies the color schema and fill effect for every range.
Specifies the name for every range.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the gauges.

Specifies the color schema for dial gauges in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the dial gauges in the same data
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of gauges in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for borders of the dial gauges.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the dial gauges. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for the borders of dial gauges.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the dial gauges.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the dial gauges.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on gauge chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Donut dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a donut of a chart, or right-click it and select Format Donut
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format donuts of a chart, and consists of the following four

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Accepts the formatting of the donuts and closes the dialog.
Cancels the formatting of the donuts and closes the dialog.
Accepts the formatting of the donuts and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the options which are available when you format a donut chart.


Gap Amount
Specifies the gap between two donuts.
Explode Amount
Specifies the gap between every section and the central point of a donut.
Data Label Type
Specifies the display type for data value in the data label. It can be value, category name, percent,
value and percent.
Donut Hole
Specifies the radius percentage of the donut hole to the total pie circle.
Show Donut Name
Specifies whether to show the name of the donut.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the donuts.

Specifies the color schema for the donuts.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the donuts.
Pattern List
Specifies the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of donuts in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for the border of the donuts.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the donuts. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for the border of the donuts.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the donuts.

Specifies the weight of the border.

End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the donuts in the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the donuts.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the donuts.

auto fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed automatically.
If selected, the data labels will be displayed next to donuts.
slim leg
If selected, the data labels will be displayed beside donuts and pointed by thin lines.
best fit

If selected, the data labels will be displayed at the best fit position automatically.

on slices
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the slices of donuts.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data labels in the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is
set to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. The default value is false.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is

Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Floor dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click the floor of a 3-D chart, or right-click a 3-D chart and then
select Format Walls > Format Floor from the shortcut menu.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the color or fill effect and the transparency for the floor of the 3-D chart.

Specifies the color schema for the floor of a 3-D chart.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the floor of a 3-D chart.

Specifies properties for border of the chart floor.

Specifies the color for border of the chart floor.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Specifies the style for border of the chart floor.
Specifies the thickness for border of the chart floor.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Label dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a label of a chart and then select Format Label from the
shortcut menu. It helps you to format the titles of a chart, and consists of the following five tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the label.

Specifies the text of the label.
Specifies the icon formats.

Specifies the style for the icon that will be used in the label. If you don't want to show any icon in the
label, you can choose No Icon from the drop-down list.
Icon Text Gap
Specifies the distance between the icon and the label text.
Specifies the color to fill the selected icon.
Specifies the transparency of the color that is used to fill the selected icon.
Specifies the width of the icon.

Specifies the height of the icon.

Specifies the alignment format for text and icons in the label.

Specifies the alignment format for text in the label.
Specifies the alignment format for icons in the label.

Fill tab
Specifies the color schema to fill the title of the label.

Specifies the color to fill the label.
Specifies the transparency of the color.

Displays the specified color and transparency effects.

Border tab
Specifies properties of the label border.

Border Style
Specifies the type for border of the label.
Specifies the color for border of the label.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the label border.
Specifies the thickness of the label border.

Specifies the transparency for the color of the label border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Font tab
Specifies the font format of the label text.

Specifies the font format of label text.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.


Specifies the special effects of the label text.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
This tab allows you to set the alignment format of the label text and the icon.

Drag the pointer in the box to specify the alignment format of the label text and the icon.
Specify the alignment format of the label text and the icon.

Format Legend dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click the legend of a chart, or right-click it and select Format
Legend from the shortcut menu. This dialog allows you to format the legend in a chart, and consists of
the following seven tabs:

Fill tab

Border tab

Placement tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Format tab

Mark tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Fill tab
Specifies the color and its transparency for the legend of the chart.

Specifies the color to fill the legend.
Specifies the transparency of the color.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for border of the legend.

Border Style
Specifies the type for border of the legend.
Specifies the color for border of the legend.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the legend.
Specifies the thickness of the border.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Placement tab
Specifies the location of the legend object.

Specifies the position of the legend to be left, right, top, bottom or decided it by JReport automatically.
You can preview the samples.
Specifies the alignment format for the legend.
Legend-Label Gap
Specifies the minimum distance between the legend entry labels.

Vertical Margin
Specifies the minimum vertical distance between the legend entry labels.
Vertical Label Spacing
Specifies the vertical distance between legend labels, in pixels.
Horizontal Margin
Specifies the minimum horizontal distance between legend entry labels.
Horizontal Label Spacing
Specifies the horizontal distance between the legend entry labels, in pixels.

Reverse Legend
Specifies whether the legend entries will be re-arranged in a reverse order.

Font tab
Specifies the font format of text in the legend entry labels.

Specifies the font format of text in the legend entry labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.

Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the legend entry labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
Specifies the alignment format of the legend entry labels.

Specifies the orientation of the legend entry labels.
Specifies the angel of the legend entry labels.

Format tab
Specifies properties for the legend entry labels.

Specifies different formats to display the legend entry labels.

Lists all the formats of a value of a scale type that can be applied to the legend entry labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a number type that can be applied to the legend entry labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a date/time type that can be applied to the legend entry labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a text type that can be applied to the legend entry labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a mapping type that can be applied to the legend entry labels.

Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed
chart property reference.

Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Displays the effects of the selected format that has been added into the Stack list box.
Adds a format to the Stack list box.
Removes a format from the Stack list box.
Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the legend entry marks.
Note: To make settings in this tab take effect, you need to first make sure that the property Label
Format Source of the chart legend has been set to Legend Label Format in the Report Inspector.

Mark tab
Specifies the format of the legend entry marks.

Mark Items
Lists all the styles that are available for you to choose to apply to every mark item of the legend entry

Adds the specified mark item from the drop-down to the Mark Items list.

Removes a specified mark item from the list.

Moves a selected mark item up a step.
Moves a selected mark item down a step.

Specifies the color scheme for the selected item.

Specifies the transparency for the selected color scheme.

Specifies the horizontal alignment format of the legend entry marks.
Specifies the vertical alignment format of the legend entry marks.
Specifies the width for the legend entry marks.
Specifies the height for the legend entry marks.
Icon-Text Gap
Specifies the gap between an entry mark and the entry label.
Displays the specified item and mark effects.

Format Line dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a line in a chart, or right-click it and select Format Line from
the shortcut menu. It helps you to format lines in a chart, and consists of the following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Node tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
For 2-D lines
Specifies the general format of the 2-D line chart.

Specifies the layout of the 2-D lines in the chart.

If selected, the lines will display trend over categories.
If selected, the stacked lines will display the trend of the contribution of each data value over
100% Stacked
If selected, the 100% stacked lines will display the trend of the percentage each data value
contributes over categories.


Specifies thickness of 2-D lines in the chart.

Specifies the depth properties for lines of the chart.

Use Depth

Specifies whether to make the lines in the chart three-dimensional. You can also use a formula to
control the property.

Specifies the depth of the lines.
Specifies the direction for depth of the lines.

Specifies properties for the 2-D line nodes.

Specifies the style of the 2-D line nodes.
Specifies the width of the 2-D line nodes.
Specifies the height of the 2-D line nodes.

For 3-D lines

Specifies the general format of the 3-D line chart.

Specifies the thickness of the 3-D lines in the chart.

Fill tab
Specifies the fill properties.

Specifies the color schema for the lines in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to lines in the same data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of lines in the same data series.

Specifies properties for the areas which are formed by the chart axes and the lines. Applies to 2-D lines

Specifies the color schema for the areas.
Specifies the transparency of the color schemas.
Area Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of the areas.


Displays a preview sample of your settings on the lines and areas.

Node tab
Specifies properties for nodes of the 2-D line chart.

Specifies the shape properties of the line nodes.

Specifies the style of the line nodes.
Fill Color
Specifies the color of the line nodes.
Specifies the width of the line nodes.
Specifies the height of the line nodes.

Specifies the border properties of the line nodes.

Border Color
Specifies the color for the border of the line nodes.
Specifies the transparency for the border of the line nodes.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the line nodes.
Specifies the thickness for the border of the line nodes.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies properties for borders of the 3-D lines.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the lines. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the lines.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of lines.
Specifies the thickness for the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on lines of the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the lines.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the lines.

auto fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed automatically.
top center
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the top center of the nodes on lines.
top left
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the top left of the nodes on lines.
top right
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the top right of the nodes on lines.
bottom left
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the bottom left of the nodes on lines.
bottom center
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the bottom center of the nodes on lines.
bottom right
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the bottom right of the nodes on lines.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data label in the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is set
to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. This option is available to 2-D line
chart only.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.

Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Paper dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a paper of a chart, or right-click a chart and then select
Format Paper from the shortcut menu. The paper of a chart is the canvas on which the main chart is
This dialog allows you to format the paper in the chart, and consists of the following tabs:

General tab (for 2-D charts)

Rotation tab (for 3-D charts)

Fill tab

Border tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab (for 2-D charts)

Specifies the general options for formatting the 2-D chart paper.

Scale X
Specifies the left position of the area, measured in the percentage of the image's width, from the left
edge of the image.
Scale Y
Specifies the bottom position of the image, measured in the percentage of the image's height, from the
bottom edge of the image.
Constraint Proportion
Specifies whether to set the same scaling ratios for both X and Y axes.

Rotation tab (for 3-D charts)

Specifies the rotation properties for formatting the 3-D chart paper.

If selected, rotate the chart on the basis of the X, Y, Z axes.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the X axis.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the Y axis.

If selected, rotate the chart just on the basis of the Z axis.

Specifies the scaling ratios of the width for the paper.
Specifies the scaling ratios of the height for the paper.

Specifies the scaling ratios of the depth for the paper.
Constraint Proportion
Specifies whether to set the same scaling ratios for width, height and depth of the paper.

Fill tab
Specifies the color to fill the chart paper.

Specifies the color to fill the paper.
Specifies the transparency of the color.
Displays the specified color and transparency effects.

Border tab
Specifies properties for border of the chart paper.

Border Style
Specifies the type for border of the paper.
Specifies the color for border of the chart paper.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the chart paper.
Specifies the thickness of the border.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the border.
End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Format Pattern dialog

This dialog appears when you set the Format Pattern Type property to be Customize or click
modify the Format Pattern property in the Modify Schema Properties screen of the XML Connection
Wizard. It helps you to specify a pattern to format data as the type of the date, time or datetime in the
XML schema.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Pattern Fragments
Lists all the pattern fragments that are supported by JReport Designer.
Displays the detail descriptions of the selected pattern fragment.

Adds a selected pattern fragment to the Pattern box.

Specifies the pattern to format data as the type of the date, time or datetime in the XML schema. Here,
any character can be input manually between two pattern fragments as a delimiter.
Displays a sample of the current date and time using the patterns you defined in the Pattern box.

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.

Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.

Format Pie dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a pie of a chart, or right-click it and select Format Pie from
the shortcut menu. It helps you to format pies of a chart, and consists of the following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the options which are available when you format a pie chart.


Gap Amount
Specifies the gap between two pies.
Explode Amount
Specifies the gap between every section and the central point of a pie.
Data Label Type
Specifies the display type for data value in the data label. It can be value, category name, percent,
value and percent.
Show Pie Name
Specifies whether to show the name of the pie.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the pies.

Specifies the color schema for the pies.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the pies.
Pattern List
Specifies the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of pies in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for the border of the pies.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the pies. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for the border of the pies.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the pies.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the pies in the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the pies.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the pies.

auto fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed automatically.
If selected, the data labels will be displayed next to pies.
slim leg
If selected, the data labels will be displayed beside pies and pointed by thin lines.
best fit
If selected, the data labels will be displayed at the best fit position automatically.
on slices
If selected, the data labels will be displayed on the slices of pies.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data labels in the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is
set to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. The default value is false. This
option is available to 2-D pie chart only.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.

Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Platform dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click the platform of a chart, or right-click a chart and then select
Format Platform from the shortcut menu. The platform of a chart is the container of the other chart
elements, such as the paper, legend, and labels. This dialog allows you to format the platform of the
chart at any time, and consists of the following two tabs:

Fill tab

Border tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Fill tab
Specifies the color schema to fill the platform.

Specifies the color with which to fill the platform.
Specifies the transparency of the color.
Displays the selected color and its transparency effects.

Border tab
Specifies the properties for borders of the chart platform.

Border Type
Specifies the type for border of the platform.

The object has no visible border lines (default value).
The object has 3D borders that appear as if they are raised off the page.
The object has 3D borders that appear as if they are pressed into the page.
The object has two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.

Specifies the color for border of the platform.

Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the platform.
Specifies the thickness of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.
joint round
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at the specified radius.

Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Specifies the radius for the border joint of the platform border line. This option is available only when
the border line joint is set to joint round.

Format Radar dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click radar in a chart, or right-click it and select Format Radar
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format radars in a chart, and consists of the following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the radar chart.


Show Category Name

Specifies whether to show category name on category axes in the radar chart.
Use Fill Radar
Specifies whether to use colors to fill the radars.

Radar Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency for colors of the radars.


Specifies the thickness for the radars lines.
Node Style
Specifies the type of node styles on the radars lines.
Specifies the width for node styles on the radars lines.
Specifies the height for node styles on the radars lines.

Arrow Style
Specifies the style for arrows on the lines.

If selected, no style will be applied to the arrows.
If selected, arrows will be sharp.
If selected, arrows will be round.
If selected, arrows will be plain.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the radars.

Specifies the color schema of the radars.

Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the radars.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of radars in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies properties for border of the radars.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the radars. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the radars.

Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the radars.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size

If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies the properties for the data labels in the chart.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels on the chart.

Show Static Data Label

Specifies whether or not to show the static data labels.
Specifies the position of the data labels on the chart.

auto fit
The data labels will be displayed automatically.

Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data label on the chart when its slice value is 0. If the property is set
to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be displayed. This option is available to 2-D
radar chart only.

Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Scatter dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a scatter marker of a scatter chart, or right-click it and
select Format Scatter from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format scatter markers in a scatter
chart, and consists of the following three tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies the general format of the scatter chart.

Specifies the layout for scatter markers in the chart.

No line
If selected, no lines will be used to joint scatter markers in the chart.
Straight line
If selected, straight lines will be used to joint scatter markers in the chart.
Curved line
If selected, curved lines will be used to joint scatter markers in the chart.

Specifies properties for lines of the scatter chart.

Specifies the thickness for lines in the scatter chart.

Specifies properties for line nodes in the scatter chart.


Specifies the node style for line nodes.

Specifies the width for line nodes.
Specifies the height for line nodes.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency of the scatter markers.

Specifies the color schema for the scatter markers.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the scatter markers.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of scatter markers in the same data series.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the scatter markers.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on scatter chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color

Specifies the font color of the text.

Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Series(Z) Axis dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a series(Z) axis of a chart, or right-click a chart and then
select Format Axes > Format Series(Z) Axis from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the series
(Z) axis of a chart, and consists of the following five tabs:

Axis tab

Tick Mark tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Format tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Axis tab
Specifies the general properties for the series(Z) axis of the chart.

Specifies options for the series(Z) axis.

Number of Labels
Specifies how many labels to be displayed in the series(Z) axis.
Label Every N Tick Marks
Specifies whether to display a label every N tick marks.
Draw Axis Only
Specifies whether to show the labels on the series(Z) axis.
Show Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the horizontal gridlines in the chart.
Show Axis Label Tips
Specifies whether to display the complete label text when the mouser pointer points at a label on the
series(Z) axis.

Specifies the line style for the series(Z) axis.


Specifies the color for line of the series(Z) axis.

Specifies the transparency for the color of the line.
Specifies the style for line of the series(Z) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the line of the series(Z) axis.

Specifies properties for the labels on the series(Z) axis.

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the label and the series(Z) axis.
Best Effect
Specifies whether to adjust the labels automatically to make them placed best.

Tick Mark tab

Specifies properties for tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

Tick Mark
Specifies general properties for all the tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

Correlate with Axis

If checked, the settings tick mark labels will correlate with the line settings of the axis automatically.

Specifies the color for all the tick marks on the series(Z) axis.
Specifies the transparency for the tick marks on the series(Z) axis.
Specifies the type for tick marks on the series(Z) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

Major Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the major tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will not be shown on the series(Z) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be across the series(Z) axis.
Major Tick Length
Specifies the length of major tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

Minor Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the minor tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

If selected, minor tick marks will not be shown on the series(Z) axis.
If selected, minor tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be across the chart.
Minor Tick Length
Specifies the length for the minor tick marks on the series(Z) axis.

Font tab
Specifies the font format of text in the tick mark labels on the series(Z) axis.

Specifies the font format of text in the tick mark labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.


Specifies the special effects of text in the tick mark labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
Specifies the rotation angle of the tick mark labels on the series(Z) axis.

Specifies to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically according to the length
of the label text, in degrees.
When this option is checked by default:

If the text can be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0.
If the text can not be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.

Specifies to customize the rotation angle of the label text on the axis. When you change the rotation
angle in the text box, the red line in the spin box will change correspondingly, and vice versa.

Format tab
Specifies some properties for the tick mark labels on the series(Z) axis.

Specifies different formats to display the tick mark labels on the series(Z) axis.

Lists all the formats of a value of a scale type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a number type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a date/time type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a text type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a mapping type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.

Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed
chart property reference.

Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.
Displays the selected format effects.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Adds a format to the Stack list box.
Removes a format from the Stack list box.
Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the tick mark labels.

Format Series(Z) Gridline dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a series(Z) gridline of a chart, or right-click a chart and then
select Format Gridlines > Series(Z) Gridline from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the series
(Z) gridline in this chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Line Color
Specifies the color schema for series(Z) gridlines in the chart.
Line Style
Specifies the line style for series(Z) gridlines in the chart.
Specifies the transparency of the color of series(Z) gridlines in the chart.

Specifies the thickness for series(Z) gridlines in the chart.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Stock dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a stock of a chart, or right-click it and select Format Stock
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format stocks of a chart, and consists of the following four tabs:

General tab

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

General tab
Specifies general format of the stock chart.

Stock Line
Specifies properties for the stock lines.

Specifies the color schema for the stock lines.
Specifies the thickness of the stock lines.

Stock Bar
Specifies properties for stock bars of an Open-High-Low-Close stock chart, which requires four series of
values in this order.

Up color
Specifies the color schema for stock bars that stand for the stocks that the Open value is lower than
the Close value.
Down color
Specifies the color schema for stock bars that stand for the stocks that the Open value is higher than
the Close value.
Bar Width
Specifies the width of the stock bars.

Fill tab
Specifies the color, fill effect and transparency for the stocks.

Specifies the color schema for the stocks.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the stocks.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of stocks in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab

This tab allows you to specify the properties for border of the stocks.

Border Type
Displays the type for border of the stocks. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the stocks.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the stocks.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies the properties for data labels on the stocks.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on stock chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Surface dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a surface of a chart, or right-click it and then select Format
Surface from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format surfaces in a chart, and consists of the
following three tabs:

Fill tab

Border tab

Data Label tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Fill tab
Specifies the color or fill effect and the transparency for the surfaces.

Specifies the color schema for surfaces in the same data series.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the surfaces in the same data series.
Pattern List
Opens the Pattern List dialog to modify color pattern of surfaces in the same data series.
Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Border tab
Specifies properties for border of the surfaces.

Border Style
Displays the type for border of the surfaces. The default value is solid, and cannot be changed.
Specifies the color for border of the surfaces.
Specifies the transparency for color of the border.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to border of the surfaces.
Specifies the weight of the border.
End Caps
Specify the ending style of the border line.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.

Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half
of the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.

Outline Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
Fill Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.

Specifies the dash size of the border line.

Auto Adjusted Dash

If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.

Data Label tab

Specifies properties for data labels on the surfaces.

Static Data Label

Specifies properties of the static data labels. Not supported on surface chart.
Specifies the font format of text in the data labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.

Specifies the special effects of text in the data labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Format Text dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click some selected strings and then select Font or Paragraph (if the
string is in a table cell, Format Text) from the shortcut menu. You can set the properties of the text in
a paragraph and font of the text in the following two tabs:

Paragraph tab

Font tab

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes in this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Paragraph tab
Specifies properties for the text in the paragraph.

Specifies how paragraphs fit between the margins.

Specifies to make the paragraph left-aligned.
Specifies to make the paragraph centered.
Specifies to make the paragraph right-aligned.
Specifies to adjust the horizontal spacing so that text is aligned evenly along both the left and right
margins. Justifying text creates a smooth edge on both sides.

Specifies the distance of the paragraph from either the left or right margins.

Specifies the distance of the paragraph from the left margin.

Specifies the distance of the paragraph from the right margin.
Specifies to make the paragraph specially indented.

If selected, no special indent rule will be applied in this paragraph.
First line
If selected, use the First line indent in the paragraph with the length you specified in the By text
If selected, use the Hanging indent in the paragraph with the length you specified in the By text

Specifies the spaces between lines in the paragraph.

Specifies the distance with N lines before the specified paragraph.
Specifies the distance with N lines after the specified paragraph.
Line Spacing
Specifies the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph.

Accommodates the largest font in that line, plus a small amount of extra space. The amount of
extra space varies depending on the font used.
1.5 lines
One-and-one-half times that of single line spacing.
Twice that of single line spacing.
At least
Minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font or graphic on the line.
Fixed line spacing that JReport Designer does not adjust.
Line spacing that is increased or decreased by a percentage that you specify. For example, setting
line spacing to 1.2 will increase the space by 20 percent.
Effective only when you have selected At least, Exactly or Multiple. it specifies the distances
between lines.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Font tab
Specifies the font format of text in the paragraph.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces for the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of text.

Displays a preview sample of your selection.
Specifies special effect for the text.

Specifies whether the text to be bold or not.
Specifies whether the text to be italic or not.
Specifies whether or not to draw a line through the text.
Specifies whether to use the horizontal line under the text or not.
Underline Color
Specifies the color for the horizontal line under the text.
Underline Style
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text.
Ignore HTML Tag
If true, the text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer (HTML tag elements
in the field value, if any, will not be parsed); or HTML tag elements of the text will be parsed while
the report set is to be saved as an HTML file.
Specifies whether to make the specified text as subscript.
Specifies whether to make the specified text as superscript.

Format Value(Y) Axis dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a value(Y) axis of a chart, or right-click a chart and then
select Format Axes > Format Value (Y) Axis from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the value
(Y) axis of a chart, and consists of the following five tabs:

Axis tab

Tick Mark tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Format tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Axis tab
Specifies the general properties for the value(Y) axis of the chart.

Specifies the options for the value(Y) axis.

Minimum Value
Specifies the minimum value that is to be displayed on the value(Y) axis.
Maximum Value
Specifies the maximum value that is to be displayed on the value(Y) axis.
Specifies the difference between two adjacent values on the value(Y) axis.
Number of Tick Marks
Specifies how many tick marks to be displayed on the value(Y) axis.
Draw Axis Only
Specifies whether to show the labels on the value(Y) axis.
Show Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the horizontal gridlines in the chart.
Show Axis Label Tips
Specifies whether to display the complete label text when the mouser pointer points at a label on the

value(Y) axis.

Show Percent
Specifies whether to show the value labels on the value(Y) axis in percent. Only applies to radar,
bullet, bar/bench, line, and area chart that are not 100% stacked type.

Specifies the line style for the value(Y) axis.

Specifies the color of the line.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the line.
Specifies the style for the line.
Specifies the thickness for the line.

Specifies the properties for the labels on the value(Y) axis.

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the label and the value(Y) axis.
Best Effect
Specifies whether to adjust the labels on the value(Y) axis automatically to make them placed best.

Tick Mark tab

Specifies the properties of tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

Tick Mark
Specifies the general properties for all the tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

Correlate with Axis

Specifies whether to apply the settings of axis to the tick marks on this axis.

Specifies the color of all the tick marks on the value(Y) axis.
Specifies the transparency for the tick marks on the value(Y) axis.
Specifies the type of the tick marks on the value(Y) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

Major Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the major tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will not be shown on the value(Y) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be across the value(Y) axis.
Major Tick Length
Specifies the length of major tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

Minor Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the minor tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

If selected, minor tick marks will not be shown on the value(Y) axis.
If selected, minor tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be across the chart.
Minor Tick Length
Specifies the length for the minor tick marks on the value(Y) axis.

Font tab
Specifies the font format for text in the tick mark labels on the value(Y) axis.

Specifies the font format of text in the tick mark labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.


Specifies the special effects of text in the tick mark labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
Specifies the rotation angle of the tick mark labels on the value(Y) axis.

Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically according to
the length of the label text, in degrees.
When this option is checked by default:

If the text can be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0.
If the text can not be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.

Specifies to customize the rotation angle of the label text on the axis. When you change the rotation
angle in the text box, the red line in the spin box will change correspondingly, and vice versa.

Format tab
Specifies some properties for the tick mark labels on the value(Y) axis.

Specifies different formats to display the tick mark labels on the value(Y) axis.

Lists all the formats of a value of a scale type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a number type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a date/time type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a text type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a mapping type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.

Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed
chart property reference.

Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.
Displays the selected format effects.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Adds a format to the Stack list box.
Removes a format from the Stack list box.
Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the tick mark labels.

Format Value(Y2) Axis dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a value(Y2) axis of a combo chart, or right-click a combo
chart and then select Format Axes > Format Value(Y2) Axis from the shortcut menu. It helps you to
format the value(Y2) axis of a combo chart, and consists of the following five tabs:

Axis tab

Tick Mark tab

Font tab

Orientation tab

Format tab

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Axis tab
Specifies the general properties for the value(Y2) axis of the chart.

Specifies the options for the value(Y2) axis.

Minimum Value
Specifies the minimum value that is to be displayed on the value(Y2) axis.
Maximum Value
Specifies the maximum value that is to be displayed on the value(Y2) axis.
Specifies the difference between two adjacent values on the value(Y2) axis.
Number of Tick Marks
Specifies how many tick marks to be displayed on the value(Y2) axis.
Draw Axis Only
Specifies whether to show the labels on the value(Y2) axis.
Show Gridlines
Specifies whether to show the horizontal gridlines in the chart.
Show Axis Label Tips
Specifies whether to display the complete label text when the mouser pointer points at a label on the

value(Y2) axis.

Show Percent
Specifies whether to show the value labels on the value(Y2) axis in percent. Only applies to bar/
bench, line and area chart that are not 100% stacked type.

Specifies the line style for the value(Y2) axis.

Specifies the color of the line.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the line.
Specifies the style for the line.
Specifies the thickness for the line.

Specifies the properties for the labels on the value(Y2) axis.

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the label and the value(Y2) axis.
Best Effect
Specifies whether to adjust the labels on the value(Y2) axis automatically to make them placed best.

Tick Mark tab

Specifies the properties of tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

Tick Mark
Specifies the general properties for all the tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

Correlate with Axis

Specifies whether to apply the settings of axis to the tick marks on this axis.

Specifies the color of all the tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.
Specifies the transparency for the tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.
Specifies the type of the tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.
Specifies the thickness for the tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

Major Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the major tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will not be shown on the value(Y2) axis.

If selected, major tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, major tick marks will be across the value(Y2) axis.
Major Tick Length
Specifies the length of major tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

Minor Tick Mark

Specifies the properties of the minor tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

If selected, minor tick marks will not be shown on the value(Y2) axis.
If selected, minor tick marks will be outside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be inside the chart.
If selected, minor tick marks will be across the chart.
Minor Tick Length
Specifies the length for the minor tick marks on the value(Y2) axis.

Font tab
Specifies the font format for text in tick mark labels on the value(Y2) axis.

Specifies the font format of text in the tick mark labels.

Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text.
Specifies the transparency of the text.
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
Specifies the gradient of the text.


Specifies the special effects of text in the tick mark labels.

Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the
following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single,
single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.

Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab
Specifies the rotation angle of the tick mark labels on the value(Y2) axis.

Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically according to
the length of the label text, in degrees.
When this option is checked by default:

If the text can be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0.
If the text can not be completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.

Specifies to customize the rotation angle of the label text on the axis. When you change the rotation
angle in the text box, the red line in the spin box will change correspondingly, and vice versa.

Format tab
Specifies some properties for the tick mark labels on the value(Y2) axis.

Specifies different formats to display the tick mark labels on the value(Y2) axis.

Lists all the formats of a value of a scale type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a number type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a date/time type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a text type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.
Lists all the formats of a value of a mapping type that can be applied to the tick mark labels.

Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed
chart property reference.

Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.
Displays the selected format effects.
Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.
Adds a format to the Stack list box.
Removes a format from the Stack list box.
Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the tick mark labels.

Format Value(Y) Gridline dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a value(Y) gridline of a chart, or right-click a chart and then
select Format Gridlines > Value(Y) Gridline from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the value(Y)
gridline in this chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Line Color
Specifies the color schema for value(Y) gridlines in the chart.
Line Style
Specifies the style for value(Y) gridlines in the chart.
Specifies the transparency of the color of value(Y) gridlines in the chart.

Specifies the thickness for value(Y) gridlines in the chart.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Value(Y2) Gridline dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click a value(Y2) gridline of a chart, or right-click a chart and
then select Format Gridlines > Value(Y2) Gridline from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the
value(Y2) gridline in this chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Line Color
Specifies the color schema for value(Y2) gridlines in the chart.
Line Style
Specifies the style for value(Y2) gridlines in the chart.
Specifies the transparency of the color of value(Y2) gridlines in the chart.

Specifies the thickness for value(Y2) gridlines in the chart.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Format Wall dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click the wall of a chart, or right-click a chart and then select
Format Walls > Format Wall from the shortcut menu.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the color or the fill effect of the wall of the chart.

Specifies the color schema of the wall.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the wall of the chart.

Specifies the fill color or effect to compound with the basic fill which is set in the Wall area.

Specifies the fill color schema or effect to compound with the basic fill which is set for the walls of a
chart in the Wall area.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied here.

Specifies the color and its transparency for the border of the wall.

Specifies the color schema for the border of the wall.
Specifies the transparency of the color schema that is applied to the border of the wall.
Specifies the style for the border of the wall.
Specifies the thickness for the border of the wall.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

Formula Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the Formulas node, select Add Formula from the shortcut menu, input a name
for the new formula and then click OK, or right-click a formula and click Edit Formula on its shortcut menu in the Catalog
Browser. It helps you to add formulas, summaries and parameters and then make certain operations on them.

The following are details about options in this window:

File menu

New Formula
Creates a new formula
New Summary
Creates a new summary
New Parameter
Creates a new parameter.
Import UDF Classes

Opens the UDF Classes dialog to import user defined formula classes.

Saves a formula to the default path
Save As
Saves a formula to your specified path.
Closes the window.

Edit menu

Undoes an action.
Redoes an action.
Cuts the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Copies the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Pastes the text that was previously cut or copied in the Formula Text panel.
Deletes the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Brings out the Find/Replace dialog. You can then search for text in the Formula Text panel, and replace the found text
with different text.

View menu

Fields Panel
Specifies whether to show the Fields panel.
Functions Panel
Specifies whether to show the Functions panel.
Operators Panel
Specifies whether to show the Operators panel.
Sort Tree
Sorts functions in the Functions panel and fields in the Fields panel by names.

Formula menu

Tests the syntax of your formula. If the syntax is incorrect, JReport gives the opportunity to correct the errors.
Add Bookmark
Adds a bookmark to a specific position.
Go to Previous Bookmark
Goes to the previous bookmark.
Go to Next Bookmark
Goes to the next bookmark.
Clear all Bookmarks
Clears all of the bookmarks.
Adds or removes comments.
Add Operators
Specifies a general operator to be used in the Formula Text panel.

Color Converter
A color palette is provided for you to insert the HEX code of a color simply by clicking the corresponding color in the
color palette instead of inputting the HEX code manually.
Auto Finish
Enables the automatic input of the other part of a sign pair right after you type in the first part when editing formula.
Formula References
Shows the formulas that reference the selected UDF function in the Functions panel.
Shows properties of the formula in the Formula Properties dialog.

Data Type
The data type of the returned value of the formula.
The precision of the returned value of the formula. If the precision is set to 0, all characters of the returned value will
be displayed; if it is set to N, only the first N characters will be displayed.
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the returned value of the formula.

Help menu

Formula Editor help

Displays this help document.

The following are commands on the toolbar:

New Formula
Creates a new formula.
New Summary
Creates a new summary.
New Parameter
Creates a new parameter.
Saves a formula to the default path.
Save As
Saves a formula to your specified path.
Specifies the precision and scale properties of the formula.
Sort Tree
Sorts functions in the Functions panel and fields in the Fields panel by names.
Fields Panel
Specifies whether to show the Fields panel.
Functions Panel
Specifies whether to show the Functions panel.
Operators Panel
Specifies whether to show the Operators panel.

Formula Editor Help

Displays this help document.
Cuts the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Copies the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Pastes the text that was previously cut or copied in the Formula Text panel.
Deletes the selected text in the Formula Text panel.
Undoes an action.
Cancels undoing an action.
Opens the Find/Replace dialog to search for text in the Formula Text panel, and replace the found text with different
Tests the syntax of your formula. If the syntax is incorrect, JReport gives the opportunity to correct the errors.
Add Bookmark
Adds a bookmark to a specific position.
Go to Previous Bookmark
Goes to the previous bookmark.
Go to Next Bookmark
Goes to the next bookmark.
Clear All Bookmarks
Clears all of the bookmarks.
Adds or removes comments.
Add Operators
Selects a general operator to be used in the Formula Text panel.
Color Converter
A color palette is provided for you to insert the HEX code of a color simply by clicking the corresponding color in the
color palette instead of inputting the HEX code manually.

Fields panel
Displays a list of those fields that are available for formulas. Those fields contain table columns, formulas, summaries,
parameters and special fields. Select one field and double-click it to insert it into the formula text panel at the insertion

Functions panel
Displays a list of JReport functions and imported user defined formula functions that are available for formulas. When you
select one function and double-click it, JReport will insert the selected function into the formula text panel at the insertion
point completely with its required syntax items (parentheses, commas, etc). For the usage of these functions, refer to
section Built-in functions and User-defined formula functions.
Operators panel
Displays a list of operators that are available for formulas. Select one operator and double-click it to insert the selected
operator into the formula text panel at the insertion point. For the usage of these operators, refer to section Operators.
Formula text panel
In this panel, you can build and edit your formula. There are several ways to work with formula:

Select formula components from the Fields, Functions and Operators panels on the top of Formula Editor, and then
double-click the components, JReport will then insert them in the formula;

Type your formula in the formula text panel directly;

Use the above two methods together;

Paste formula text from the text document of other programs.

The line numbers of the formula are marked in the left of the panel to help you check it easily.

Related topics:

Creating a formula

Get JDBC Connection Information dialog

This dialog appears when you select JDBC and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the
Catalog Browser right-click the Relational node and select Add JDBC Connection from the shortcut
menu or right-click an existing JDBC connection and select Edit Connection from the shortcut menu. It
is used to get or create JDBC connection information. It lists the database objects which are accessible
through JDBC or JDBC-ODBC Bridge.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Connection List
Contains the previously added connection information. The format of the connection information is:
JDBC URL/(JDBC Driver Name)
For example:
Choose one of the connection information from the Connection List, the JDBC URL and driver name will
then be displayed in the corresponding text fields.
Use ODBC Data Source
By default, this checkbox is checked. It indicates that an ODBC Data Source will be used.

DSN Name
Specifies the name for the ODBC data source.

Use Connection Pool

Specifies to connect the database through a WebLogic connection pool.
Enabled when Use ODBC Data Source and Use Connection Pool are both unchecked. Here you should
input the JDBC driver class name that this connection will use. Otherwise, JReport will try all JDBC
drivers specified in the file jdbcdrivers.properties in <install_root>\bin for the JDBC URL given to
you when it tries to setup a database connection. That is to say, JDBC driver's names also can be
added into that property file.
Specifies the valid JDBC URL which can establish a connection to the database that is to be used. The
valid format of the URL should be provided by your JDBC Driver.
Specifies the user ID used for accessing the database through the ODBC data source.
Specifies the password used for accessing the database through the ODBC data source.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

These options are designed for experienced users, and when your database has some special

Qualifier tab

Name Pattern
Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation.

Unqualified Name
Neither catalog nor schema will be included in data manipulation. Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
2-Part Names
Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c FROM schema.t
3-Part Names
Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from

This is very useful when the database contains tables with the same names in different catalogs and/
or schemas. If you only use an unqualified name, the SQL statement generated by JReport will not
contain the catalog and schema name, and therefore the result will be unpredictable.

Quote Qualifier
Specifies the characters, and then the qualifier name which contains the characters that will not be
In JReport, you need quote with the character defined by the DBMS. The default character is double
quotation marks (" "). Two properties exist for the Quote Qualifier.

Default (JDBC)
If selected, the program will get the extra name characters from JDBC.
User Defined
If selected, you can modify the quote character according to the database system being used.

Extra Characters
Specifies the extra characters for identifier names.
Quote Character
Specifies the quote character.

Modify Qualifier
Edits the current qualifier.

Lists all the qualifiers available. You can change the current qualifier by selecting one from the
drop-down list. The default value is the first one in the list. If the database do not support qualifier,
there will be no drop-down list, and you cannot input the qualifier name.
Apply To

If checked, the modified qualifier will be applied to all tables in the connection.
If checked, the modified qualifier will be applied to all views in the connection.
Imported SQLs
If checked, the modified qualifier will be applied to all imported SQLs in the connection
Stored Procedures

If checked, the modified qualifier will be applied to all stored procedures in the connection.
Note: All the changes you made in the Modify Qualifier panel will not be recorded in the Get
JDBC Connection Information dialog. That is to say, if you change any value in the panel and
apply it, when you open the dialog next time, it will keep to the original.
Restore Default
Restores values in the tab to defaults.
Accept the changes.
Date Format tab
Different database systems use different Date and Time formats for Date and Time values. The Date
Format tab is for specifying the format, so that when JReport sends the SQL statement with Date or
Time parameters, they can be correctly translated into the format of your database system.
For example, in an Oracle database, by default, the Date format is 'dd-MMM-yy'. However, in a Sybase
database system, the Date format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'. Thus, the Date format in the connection object is
required to be modified accordingly, in order for the JReport generated SQL statements to function
correctly with the database.

Date Format
Specifies the date format.
Time Format
Specifies the time format.
Timestamp Format
Specifies the timestamp format.





month in year


day in month


hour in day (0~23)


minute in hour


second in minute




Transaction tab
Read Only

Accepts the settings from the database that you are connecting to.
Read Only
Users will only be able to access the database in read-only mode.
Read & Write
Users will be able to access the database in read-write mode.
Transaction Mode

Accepts the settings from the database that you are connecting to.

Transactions are not supported.
Read Uncommitted
Transactions are not isolated from each other. If the DBMS supports other transaction isolation
levels, it ignores whatever mechanism it uses to implement those levels. So that they do not
adversely affect other transactions, transactions running at the Read Uncommitted level are usually
Note: When Read Only is set and Transaction Isolation to be Read Uncommitted, it provides
faster access to the data but if a database transaction is rolled back the read will retrieve an
invalid row and result in an inaccurate report.

Read Committed
When one transaction is reading, updating or deleting a row, other transactions cannot update or
delete it until this transaction has been committed or rolled back.
Repeatable Read
When one transaction is updating, deleting several rows or inserting new rows into them, the other
transactions cannot also update or delete these rows, until this transaction has been committed or
rolled back.
When one transaction is updating, deleting several rows or inserting new rows into them, the other
transactions cannot update, delete these rows, or insert any new rows into these rows, until this
transaction has been committed or rolled back.

Pre-join tab
Specifies whether or not to enable the Pre-join feature when building a query or defining join
relationships in business cubes.
Schema tab

Enables you to choose the schemas you want and makes JReport show the chosen schemas in the
Add Table dialog and Add View dialog.

Schema List
Lists the schemas for you to choose.
Included Schemas
Shows the selected schemas.
Load All Schemas
Enables JReport Designer to show all the schemas in database.

Adds the selected schemas to the Included Schemas box.

Removes the selected schemas from the Included Schemas box.

Modify Schema
Edits the current schema.

Schema List
Lists all the schemas available.

Apply To

If checked, the selected schema will be applied to all tables in the connection.
If checked, the selected schema will be applied to all views in the connection.
Stored Procedures
If checked, the selected schema will be applied to all stored procedures in the connection.
Note: All the changes you made in the Modify Schema box will not be recorded in the Get JDBC
Connection Information dialog. That is to say, if you change any value in the box and apply it,
when you open the dialog next time, it will keep to the original.

Restore Default
Restores values in the tab to defaults.
Accepts the changes.

Related topics:

Setting up a JDBC connection

Group dialog
This dialog appears when you select the Group tab and then click the Add button in the Security dialog.
It helps you to specify the groups for the current security entry.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the group, which must be unique with in the current security entry. JReport uses
the group name to identify a group.

Displays the group source information: a user-defined group or a group obtained from JReport Server.
All Users
Lists all the users available in the current security entry.
Lists the users that have been added to the group.
All Roles
Lists all the roles available in the current security entry.
Lists the roles that have been added to the group.

Assigns the selected user/role to the group.

Removes the selected user/role from the group.

Assigns all the users/roles in the current security entry to the group.

Removes all the selected users/roles from the group.

Opens the Security Permission Setting dialog to specify the permission settings for the group.
Parent Groups
Shows the parent groups of the group.
Accepts the changes and closes this dialog.
Closes this dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Group Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Group Filter button in the Group screen of the report wizard. It helps you to create and
modify more advanced filtering conditions based on the selected group.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies whether to evaluate the records that are not in the record aggregate.
Specifies the function to aggregate on a certain field.

Evaluates the records that have the lowest values for the selected field.
Evaluates the records that have the largest values for the selected field.
Checks if there exists at least one qualified records.

Field Name (Before Occur with)

Specifies the field you want to aggregate on.
Field Name (After Occur with)
Specifies the criteria of the filter.
Expression includes not only the DBField, but also formulas and parameters. You can manually type the strings supported by the
database or click

to select column names or fields values in the Expressions dialog.


Adds numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Subtracts numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Multiplies numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Divides numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Equates fields together.
Places quotations marks on long character strings or names that have blanks. For example, places quotes on values, such as "New
York" and "Washington DC".

Places fields together in the same Expression menu. For example: "New York" || "Washington DC".
Places the fields in parentheses.

Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.
Specifies the value used in the filter condition.
You can also use a parameter for runtime input. You can manually type the value or parameter name, or, for parameters, click
to select the parameter names in the Expressions dialog.
Lists some additional commands.

Finishes entering the condition
Inserts the logic operator OR which is applied to this line and the next line.
Insert Row
Inserts a single Expression row.
Delete Row
Deletes a single Expression row.

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Hierarchy Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Hierarchy Management button
in the Business Cube Editor
window or the Report Cube Editor window. It helps you to edit the hierarchies for a business/report cube.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Dimension box
Lists all the dimension data of the business cube.
Hierarchy box
Lists the hierarchy of the dimension data that is to be edited.
<Add Hierarchy...>
Creates a new hierarchy.

Adds the selected dimension data to the hierarchy tree.

Removes the selected hierarchy from the Hierarchy box.

Adds all the dimension data in the Dimension box to the selected hierarchy tree.

Removes all the hierarchy listed in the Hierarchy box.

Deletes the selected hierarchy.
Renames the hierarchy as required.
Move Up
Moves up a dimension to a higher hierarchy.
Move Down
Moves down a dimension to a lower hierarchy.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Horizontal Banded Wizard

This wizard appears when you select the Horizontal Banded layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then
click OK. It helps you to create a report with a horizontal banded object in it, and consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Chart screen

Filter screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating the horizontal banded report and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
Specifies the dataset used to create the banded object.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the banded object will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the banded object.
When you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the banded object. Click the Modify
button to edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields displayed in the banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the banded object.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the banded object.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Display Fields
Lists the fields that have been selected to display in the banded object.

Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the banded object.

Group screen
Specifies the fields that you want to use to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the banded object.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the banded object.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the banded object.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the banded object.

Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Banded Object node,
the break field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.

Chart screen
Specifies to create a chart together with the banded object, which will be placed in the banded header panel. This screen is
available only when there is at least one group by field and one summary field which is calculated on this group by field in the
banded object.

No Chart
Specifies not to create a chart.
Bar Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Bar 2-D chart together with the banded object.
Line Chart

Specifies to create a Line 2-D chart together with the banded object.
Pie Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Pie chart together with the banded object.
Lists the group by fields of the banded object on which the summary fields are calculated. Choose the field you want to display
on the category (X) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Lists the fields that have been added as the group by fields of the banded object. Choose the field you want to display on the
series (Z) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Show Values
Lists the summary fields which are calculated based on the field you choose to display on the category axis of the chart.
Choose the value you want to display in the chart from the drop-down list.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the banded object.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the banded object.

Lists all the available styles that can be applied to the banded object.
Displays the selected layout and style effects.
Create a Banded Report
Creates a restricted version of a flow layout report, one that can contain a single horizontal banded object only. This layout
option is intended to provide compatibility with JReport Version 7 report templates.
Create a Flow Layout Report Containing a Banded Object
Creates a report that contains a horizontal banded object mapped to the specified dataset. This layout option is specified by

Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify page properties.

Related topics:

Creating a banded report

HTML Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
HTML and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

No Margin
Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.
Multiple Files
Generates the report result to multiple HTML files. JReport designates a serial number for each HTML
page. For example, if you named a 3-page report as "sales", JReport will create three files called
sales_1.html, sales_2.html, and sales_3.html.

Embedded CSS
Specifies to embed the cascading style sheet (CSS) in the exported HTML files; otherwise, the .css
file will be generated individually.

Single File
Generates the report result to a single HTML file.

No Hyperlink
If checked, there will be no hyperlinks for navigating previous and next pages on the navigation bar
of the exported HTML file.
No Page Number
If checked, there will be no page number information showing the current page number and total
page number on the navigation bar of the exported HTML file.

Generates the report result into an HTML file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature
enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.
Section 508 Compliant Output
If checked, the accessibility attributes defined for the report elements via the Report Inspector will be
exported to the HTML format report result which is Section 508 compliant. See Accessibility for more
When Section 508 Compliant Output is checked, the Use HTML Data Table and Relative Font Size
options will be checked and disabled. The output will be Section 508 compliant including HTML data
table, accessible attributes, and relative font feature.
Use HTML Data Table
Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML format
Absolute Font Size
Generates the report result using an absolute font size, which means that the font size is fixed, and
cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
Relative Font Size
Generates the report result using a relative font size. The font size can be adjusted according to the
font size settings in the web browser.
Use Chart

Applet Chart
Uses a Java applet to display the charts in an HTML format result file.
Image Chart
If selected, charts will be displayed as images. You can specify the image type from the drop-down
list. The options are:

If selected, the image format will be detected to JPG or GIF by the JReport system automatically. If
the image colors are less than 256 colors, GIF will be applied; otherwise, it is JPG.
If selected, the GIF format will be applied, which is a lossless compression technique and supports
only 256 colors. GIF is better than JPG for images with only a few distinct colors, such as line
drawings, black and white images and small text that is only a few pixels high.
If selected, the JPEG format will be applied, which is supported on the Web. JPEG is a lossy
compression technique that is designed to compress color and grayscale continuous-tone images.
JPEG images support 16 million colors and are best suited for photographs and complex graphics.

If selected, the PNG format will be applied, which provides a portable, legally unencumbered, wellcompressed (effectively 100 percent lossless compression), well-specified standard for lossless
bitmapped image file. PNG supports indexed-color images of up to 256 colors and shows a more
interchangeable, flexible and robust function than GIF.

Specifies the resolution of the HTML result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from
the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on
Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
Web Browser
Specifies the web browser for which the HTML result adapts.
Text Overflow
Specifies whether the text overflow is visible or hidden.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Icon Style List dialog

The dialog appears when you click the button
in the value cell of the property Style List. It helps you
to specify the style for the mark items of the legend entry marks.

Mark Items
Lists all the styles that are available for you to choose to apply to every mark item of the legend entry

Adds the specified mark item from the drop-down to the Mark Items list.

Removes a specified mark item from the list.

Moves a selected mark item up a step.

Moves a selected mark item down a step.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Image Button dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a navigation item and select Button Type > Image Button
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to specify the source of the image button.

Specify the source of the image button from a URL. You can click the Browse button to specify the path
or input the URL directly in the text field.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Import from JReport Server dialog

This dialog appears when you click Security > Import from JReport Server in the Security dialog. It
helps you to import users, groups and roles from JReport Server.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the host of the remote web server.
Specifies the port that the web server listens to.
Full path
It is /jrserver, which is used in the URL to access the servlet.
User Name
Specifies the user name for JReport Server.
Specifies the password for the user name.

When there are users, groups and roles on the server with the same names as those on the local
computer, the setting from the server will replace those on the local computer. If the names of the
user/role are the same on both the Server and the local computer, you can use the server users/roles
to override any user defined ones.
Note: Permission settings for user defined users or roles will be lost once they are replaced.
When there are users, groups and roles on the server with the same names as those defined on the
local computer, the settings from the server will be maintained while being integrated with the
permissions from the local computer.
Imports users, groups and roles from JReport Server and closes the dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Import XML Hierarchical Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Hierarchical node in the Catalog Browser and select Import
XML Hierarchical Data Source from the shortcut menu. It helps you to import an XML HDS into a

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the location of the external XML format data source. Can be a local path or a web URL. Click
Browse to find the file on the local disk.
Specifies the location of the schema file for the XML format data source. Can be a local path or a web
URL. Click Browse to find the file on the local disk.
Root Name
Indicates the hierarchical data source root, starting from which JReport Designer imports the data.

Shows the structure of the hierarchical data source.
Specifies settings for the columns.

Displays the field name in the selected node of table.
Specifies whether to import the field into the catalog.
Specifies the format in which the field value is to be displayed in the report result. Varies for different
types of data, and can be manually defined.
Specifies the data type of the column.
Displays the default value for each SQL type automatically. Click the cell and modify the value if
Specifies the decimal place.
Specifies whether the field is nullable. You have three options to choose: Nullable, No Nulls and
Nullable Unknown.
Specifies whether to use the Currency type for this field or not.
Specifies whether to use the Array type for this field or not.

Load Tree
Analyzes and loads data tree from the external data source file. The structure is shown in the Structure
box after you click this button.
Applies all changes here and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Detail Column dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click a table or a table column and select Insert > Detail Column
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to insert new detail columns into a table.

Lists all the available data resources for the new detail column. Select the resource you want from the
Inserts the column with the specified resource and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Fields dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > DBField/Formula/Parameter on the menu bar, or the
in the Value column of the Display Type
corresponding buttons on the Insert toolbar, or the button
dialog when the display type is defined as List or Drop-down List. It helps you to insert fields into a
report, or to add fields to control values of the list/drop-down list item.

The following are details about options in the dialog.

DBField List
Specifies to insert a field.

This node is automatically expanded when inserting a DBField. It lists the tables and fields from the
current dataset. If you want to insert DBField from another dataset, select the dataset from the
dataset drop-down list. You can also click the <Choose Data from...> item to create a new dataset if
This node is automatically expanded when inserting a formula field. It lists all the formulas in the
current catalog. You can also click the <Add Formula...> item to create one if required.

This node is automatically expanded when inserting a parameter field. It lists all the parameters in
the current catalog. You can also click the <Add Parameter...> item to create one if required.
This radio button is available only when the dialog is opened from the Display Type dialog. You can
check it to add an All value to the list/drop-down list.
Insert Layout
When multiple fields are selected, you can arrange these objects horizontally or vertically by selecting
Horizontal or Vertical, or by selecting the Default radio button to set it with the default layout.

Vertically Space
Specifies the space between fields that are arranged vertically.
Horizontal Space
Specifies the space between fields that are arranged horizontally.

Inserts the selected fields into the specified location in the report.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Filter Control dialog

The dialog appears when you click Insert > Web Controls > Filter Control on the menu bar, drag Filter
Control from the Toolbox panel, or click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects button
and select Filter Control from the drop-down list. It helps you to insert a filter control into a report for
filtering all data containers in the report (excluding its subreport) using the same data source.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Filter On
Specifies the field on which the filter control is based.
Inserts the filter control into the report and closes the dialog.
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Insert Group Column dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click a table or a table column and select Insert > Group Column from the shortcut menu. It helps
you to insert new group columns into a table.

The followings are details about options of this dialog:

Lists all the available data resources for the new group columns.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the table.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Replaces the selected group by field in the table with the specified field in the Resources panel.
Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the table.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if you
want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between operator to
further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function column
to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Group Above
Specifies to place the selected group by field above the detail panel.
Group Left Above
Specifies to place the selected group by field left above the detail panel.
Group Left
Specifies to place the selected group by field left to the detail panel.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the sorting
manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a special
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Parameter Control dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click Insert > Web Controls > Parameter Control on the menu bar,
drag Parameter Control from the Toolbox panel, or click the down arrow on the Insert Control Objects
and select Parameter Control from the drop-down list. It helps you to insert a parameter
control into a report for delivering parameter values.

The followings are details about options of this dialog:

Select a Parameter
Lists all the parameters except cascading parameters used in the current report set. Specfiy the one
you want to use in the parameter control.
Inserts the parameter control into the report and closes the dialog.
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Insert Parameter Form Control dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click Insert > Web Controls > Parameter Form Control on the menu
bar, drag Parameter Form Control from the Toolbox panel, or click the down arrow on the Insert
Control Objects button
and select Parameter Form Control from the drop-down list. It helps you
to insert a parameter form control into a report for running report sets from the current report.

The followings are details about options of this dialog:

Please Select Target Reports
Specifies the report sets to run.

Specifies to run the current report set with the specified parameters.

Select Parameters
Specifies the parameters that are used to run the current report set. Once you select one of a
group of cascading parameters, all the other parameters in the cascading group will be selected
automatically, and vice versa.

Specifies to run other report sets.

Report Sets
Specifies the target report sets to run. If all the selected report sets contain no parameters, you
cannot finish the dialog.
Parameter Information
Lists the parameters used by the selected report sets.

Include "Submit" Button

Specifies whether the inserted parameter form control contains the Submit button. If Submit is
included, it is used to submit the parameter values end users specified in the parameter form control at
runtime. If Submit is not included, once end users change the values of a parameter in the parameter
form control at runtime, the new values will be applied automatically.
Inserts the parameter form control into the report and closes the dialog.
Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Summary Column dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click a table or a table column and select Insert > Summary Column
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to insert new summary columns into a table.

The followings are details about options of this dialog:

Lists all the available data resources for the new summary column. Select the resource you want from
the list.
Inserts the column with the specifies resource and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert Summary dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Summary on the menu bar, or the Insert Summary button
on the Insert toolbar. It helps you to insert a selected or newly created summary into a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

To create a new summary, select <Create...> from the drop-down list; to insert an existing summary
into the report, select it from the drop-down list.
Lists functions available for the selected field to be summed on.
Summary On
Displays the field on which the summary is to compute.
Group By
Specifies the field used to group the data. If selected, a summary of each group will be calculated.
Inserts the selected or newly created summary into the report.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.

Displays this help document.

Insert Tabular dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Tabular on the menu bar, or the Insert Tabular button
on the Insert toolbar. It helps you to set options for inserting a tabular into a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the number of rows for the tabular.
Specifies the number of the columns for the tabular.
Specifies the width for the tabular in inches.
Specifies the length of the border for the tabular.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Insert UDO dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > UDO on the menu bar, or the Insert UDO button
the Insert toolbar. It helps you to insert a user defined object into a banded object in a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the UDO to insert in the report. The UDOs listed in the drop-down list are pre-defined.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any change and closes the dialog.

Related topics:

Inserting a UDO into a report


Join Options dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click the join button
of a data source pre-join, a business cube
join or a query join. It helps you to edit the conditions of the specified join.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Join Mode
Displays the mode of the join.
Outer Join

Specifies to make the join an outer join.

Specifies the join conditions.

Join Table
Displays the tables on which the join is set up.
Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.
Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by
selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied between this and the next line or between more than two lines of
a group.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the column that will be used in the join condition.
Specifies the operator to compose the join condition.

Displays values that are equal to each other.
Displays values that are greater on the left side.
Displays values that are greater on the right side.
Displays values that are greater than or equal to the left side.

Displays values that are greater than or equal to the right side.
Displays values that are not equal to each other.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the join condition.

Delete Join
Deletes the join.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Link Data Container dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a child data container and select Data Container Link from the
shortcut menu. It helps you to set up some link conditions between the child data container and its
The following are details about options in the dialog:
Condition tab
Specifies the link conditions between the parent and child data containers.

Adds a field of the parent data container to set up links between the parent and child data containers.

Removes the selected field.

Lists all the fields that are used in the link conditions.

Lists the selected fields of the parent data container.

Specifies the operator to setting up links between the parent and child data containers.
Lists the DBFields in the dataset of the child data container which are of the same data type as the
selected fields in the parent data container.

Parameter tab
Specifies values for all parameters in the child data container.

Lists all parameters contained in the dataset of the child data container.
Lists all the DBFields, formulas, summaries and parameters in the dataset of the parent data
container which are of the same data type as the parameters of the child data container.

Return Value tab

Specifies values of the child data container fields which will be returned as the parent data container
parameter values.

Fields in Child Data Container

Lists all the fields in the child data container.

Adds a field in the child data container whose value will be returned to a parameter of the parent
data container.

Removes the selected field.

Return Value
Lists all the fields in the child data container that will be used to return value to parameters of the
parent data container.

Lists the selected fields in the child data container.
Lists all the parameters in the parent data container which are of the same data type as the fields
selected in the child data container.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Setting up data container link

Link Mail dialog

This dialog helps you to link the specified object to a mail.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Link to
Specifies the link target.

Specifies the mail address that the field will be linked to.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Link Report dialog

This dialog helps you to link a specified object to a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Link to
Specifies the link target.
Select Report Set

Specifies the report set in which the linked report is.

Specifies the linked report.
Condition tab
Specifies the link conditions between the primary report and the linked report.

Component in Report
Lists the components in the linked report that will be interlinked with the primary report.

Adds a component in the linked report to be interlinked with the primary report.
Removes the selected component from the Component in Report box.

Default Linked Component

Specifies the default linked component in the linked report. The setting is applied when the primary
report is opened in HTML, PDF or Excel format.

Adds the selected field of the primary report to set up link between the primary report and the linked

Removes the selected field.

Lists all the fields that are used in the link conditions between the primary report and the linked

Lists the selected fields of the primary report.
Specifies the operator to set up links between the primary report and linked report.
Lists the DBFields in the datasets of the linked report which are of the same data type as the
selected fields in the primary report.

Parameters tab
This tab is available when the linked report uses parameters. It helps you to assign values to the
parameters of the linked report automatically.

Lists all parameters contained in the datasets of the linked report.
Lists all the DBFields, formulas, summaries and parameters in the datasets of the primary report
which are of the same data type as the parameters of the linked report.

Pass style group information down to linked report

Specifies whether or not to apply the style group of the primary report to the linked report.

Target Frame
Specifies the window or frame in which to load the linked report.

<Server Setting>
Loads the linked report according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for Links option in the
Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
Same Frame
Loads the linked report into the same frame as the primary report.
Whole Window
Loads the linked report into the full browser window.
New Window
Loads the linked report into a new window. This window is not named.
Parent Frame
Loads the linked report into the parent frame of the frame in which the primary report is.
Other Frame
Loads the linked report into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not exist, the linked
report will be loaded into a new window.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Linking a report to another report

Link URL dialog

This dialog helps you to link a specified object to a location specified by a URL.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Link to
Specifies the link target.

Specifies the URL for the hyperlink that is to be used to link the field. You can create a formula to
represent a URL to set the hyperlink. Give the formula a name and specify a URL as the content of the
Target Frame
Specifies the window or frame in which to load the location specified by the URL.

<Server Setting>
Loads the linked file according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for Links option in the Configure
DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
Same Frame
Loads the linked file into the same frame as the link.
Whole Window
Loads the linked file into the full browser window.
New Window
Loads the linked file into a new window. This window is not named.
Parent Frame
Loads the linked file into the parent frame of the frame that contains the link.
Other Frame
Loads the linked file into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not exist, the linked file
will be loaded into a new window.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Mailing Label Wizard

This wizard appears when you select the Mailing Label layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then click
OK. It helps you to create a report with a cross banded object in it, which is in the form of a mailing label layout, and consists
of the following screens.

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Chart screen

Filter screen

Layout screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating the mailing label report and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
Specifies the dataset used to create the banded object.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset on which the banded object will be built.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the banded object.
When you choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the banded object. Click the Modify
button to edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields displayed in the banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the banded object.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the banded object.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Display Fields
Lists the fields that have been selected to display in the banded object.

Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the banded object.

Group screen
Specifies the fields to group data in the banded object.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the banded object.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the banded object.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the banded object.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the banded object.

Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Banded Object node,
the break field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.

Chart screen
Specifies to create a chart together with the banded object, which will be placed in the banded header panel. This screen is
available only when there is at least one group by field and one summary field which is calculated on this group by field in the
banded object.

No Chart
Specifies not to create a chart.
Bar Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Bar 2-D chart together with the banded object.
Line Chart

Specifies to create a Line 2-D chart together with the banded object.
Pie Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Pie chart together with the banded object.
Lists the group by fields of the banded object on which the summary fields are calculated. Choose the field you want to display
on the category (X) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Lists the fields that have been added as the group by fields of the banded object. Choose the field you want to display on the
series (Z) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Show Values
Lists the summary fields which are calculated based on the field you choose to display on the category axis of the chart.
Choose the value you want to display in the chart from the drop-down list.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the banded object.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Layout screen
Specifies the layout of the banded object.

Label Size
Specifies the size for the labels in the banded object.

Specifies the width of the labels, in inches. By default, its value is 1.04.
Specifies the height of the labels, in inches. By default, its value is 0.18.

Gap Between Labels

Specifies the gap between each two labels.

Horizontal Gap
Specifies the horizontal gap between two labels, in inches. By default, its value is 0.42.

Vertical Gap
Specifies the vertical gap between two labels, in inches. By default, its value is 0.42.

Displays the selected layout for the label.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the banded object.

Lists all the available styles that can be applied to the banded object.
Displays the selected style effects.
Create a Banded Report
Creates a restricted version of a flow layout report, one that can contain a single banded object only. This layout option is
intended to provide compatibility with JReport Version 7 report templates.

Create a Flow Layout Report Containing a Banded Object

Creates a report that contains a banded object mapped to the specified dataset. This layout option is specified by default.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify page properties.

Related topics:

Creating a banded report

Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog

The dialog appears when you click Edit > Conditional Formatting on the menu bar, or click the
on the toolbar of the Map Editor window. It helps you to set some
Conditional Formatting button
conditional formats on the map areas.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Map Area Condition
Lists the conditions.

Specifies the priority of each condition.

Moves a condition up for a higher priority.
Moves a condition down for a lower priority.

Adds a new condition in the Edit Conditions dialog.

Removes the selected condition.

Edits the selected condition.

Specifies the format for the areas defined in the selected condition.

Fill Color
Specifies the filling color for the areas.
Border Color
Specifies the border color for the areas.
Border Style
Specifies the border line style for the areas.
Border Width
Specifies the border width for the areas, in inches.

Note: The format set here corresponds with some formulas. After you save the map and the
corresponding catalog, and then load the catalog again, you will find some formulas are developed in
the catalog. You can edit the formulas in the Formula Editor. However, the change you make to the
formulas will not be reflected in the Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Adding conditional formats to map areas

Map Canvas Setup dialog

The dialog appears when you click File > Canvas Setup on the menu bar, or the Canvas Setup button
on the toolbar of the Map Editor window. It helps you to change the width and height of the map

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the width of the map object, in inches.
Specifies the height of the map object, in inches.
Automatic Filling Labels
If checked, the label will not be displayed when the size of the area is changed to be smaller than the
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Map Data Binding Wizard

The wizard appears when you click Insert > Bind Data on the menu bar, or click the Bind Data button
on the toolbar of the
Map Editor window. It helps you to bind a dataset to a map and make values displayed on the map areas according to your
The wizard consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Filter screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes data binding and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
Define a dataset for the object
Specifies the dataset that will be bound with the map.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset to bind with the map. When you choose to
create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to bind with the map. Click the Modify button to
edit the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the map.

Group screen
Specifies the field to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Group By
Lists the field that is used to group data.
Specifies how groups will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).

No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By
Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized.

Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter the data displayed on the map areas.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Related topics:

Binding data to a map

Map Editor window

This window appears when you click Insert > Map on the menu bar, or click the Insert Map button
on the Insert toolbar, or right-click a map and select Format Map from the shortcut menu. It helps you
to insert a map into a report, or to edit an existing map.

The following are details about options in the window:

File menu

Specifies to import a .shp or .xml file which has been defined with some area information to the map
Accepts and saves the changes on the map object.
Save As

Saves the map object to an .xml file with the name you specify.

Canvas Setup
Opens the Map Canvas Setup dialog to change the width and height of the map object.
Closes the window.

Edit menu

Reverses a previous action.
The counter-operation of Undo.
Erases an object and places it in the clipboard.
Copies an object and places it in the clipboard.
Takes an object from the clipboard and places it into the report.
Deletes a selected object.
Insert Mode
If checked, the window is in insert mode, and you can add areas into the map manually; if
unchecked, the window is in edit mode, and you can edit areas as required.
Reset All
Opens the Reset All dialog to reset the properties for map areas including the labels and summary
fields inside the areas globally.
Hide Duplicate Labels
If clicked, for map areas with the same name, only the label and summary field for the biggest area
will be shown.

View menu

Show Area Inspector

Specifies whether or not to show the Map Area Inspector panel in the Map Editor window.
Show Area Labels
Specifies whether or not to show labels and summary fields in map areas in the Map Editor window.

Insert menu

Background Image
Specifies to select an image as background of the map.
Match Background Image
Resizes the map object to make it match the size of the background image. Activated only when the
size of the background image is not the same as that of the map object.
Inserts a label to the map object.

Inserts a line to the map object.
Bind Data
Opens the Map Data Binding Wizard to bind data to the map object.

Format menu

Conditional Formatting
Opens the Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog to add some conditional formats to the map areas.

Aligns the content in the selected object to the left boundary of the object.
Aligns the content in the selected object to the center of the object.
Aligns the content in the selected object to the right boundary of the object.
Adjusts horizontal spacing so that the content is aligned evenly along both the left and right
margins in the selected object.
Text Style

Specifies whether or not to bold the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to italicize the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to underline the text in the selected object.

Help menu

Displays this help document.

The following are commands on the toolbar:

Specifies to import a .shp or .xml file which has been defined with some area information to the map
Accepts and saves the changes on the map object.
Canvas Setup
Opens the Map Canvas Setup dialog to change the width and height of the map object.

Erases an object and places it on the clipboard.
Copies an object and places it on the clipboard.
Takes an object from the clipboard and places it into the map object.
Deletes a selected object.
Reverses a previous action.
The counter-operation of Undo.
Insert Mode
If pressed, the window is in insert mode, and you can insert areas into the map; otherwise, the
window is in edit mode, and you can edit the map areas.
Inserts a line into the map object.
Bind Data
Opens the Map Data Binding Wizard to bind data to the map areas.
Conditional Formatting
Opens the Map Area Conditional Formatting dialog to add some conditional formats to the map areas.
Font Face Box
Specifies the font face of the text in the selected object.
Font Size Box
Specifies the font size of the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to bold the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to italicize the text in the selected object.
Specifies whether or not to underline the text in the selected object.

Adjusts horizontal spacing so that the content is aligned evenly along both the left and right margins
in the selected object.
Aligns the content in the selected object to the left boundary of the object.
Aligns the content in the selected object to the center of the object.
Aligns the content in the selected object to the right boundary of the object.
Background Color
Specifies the background color of the selected object.
Foreground Color
Specifies the foreground color of the selected object.

Map Area Inspector

On the right part of the Map Editor window, there is a Map Area Inspector panel, where you can control
properties of any area, label, summary field and line in the map object.

Related topics

Inserting a map

Master/Detail Report dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a field and select Detail Report from the shortcut menu, or click
in the value cell when setting the Detail Report property of an object in the Report Inspector. It helps
you to define the target detail report for the selected component.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Link to
Specifies what the object will be linked to.

Select Report Set

Specifies the report set in which the detail report is.
Specifies the target detail report.
Component in Report
Specifies the component in the detail report that will be interlinked with the master report. Click
add the components. You can add more than one component as long as the components are based on
the same dataset.
Anchor tab
Specifies the relationships between the master report and the detail report.

Column in Detail
Specifies the field in the detail report which will be used to link the detail report with the master.
Specifies the operator. Can be =, <>, >, >=, <, or <=.
Column in Master
Specifies the field in the master report.

Filter tab
Specifies the condition to further filter data in the detail report.

Adds a field of the master report to set up filter condition between the master report and the detail

Removes the selected field.

Lists all the fields that are used in the filter conditions.

Lists the selected fields of the master report.
Specifies the operator to set up the filter condition between the master report and detail report.
Lists the DBFields in the datasets of the detail report which are of the same data type as the
selected fields in the master report.
Specifies relations between two conditions.

Parameters tab
This tab is only available when there is at least one parameter applied in the filters of the queries that
the detail report uses. It helps you to assign values to the parameters of the detail report automatically.

Parameters (Detail Report)

Lists all parameters contained in the datasets of the detail report.
Column (Master Report)
Lists all the DBFields, formulas and summaries in the datasets of the master report which are of the
same data type as the parameters of the detail report.

Use the same encoding and DB setting for the detail report as that of the master report
Specifies whether the detail report uses the same encoding and DB settings as per the master report.
Target Frame
Specifies the window or frame where to load the detail report.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detail report according to setting of the Pop up New Window for Links option in the
Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
Same Frame
Loads the detail report into the same frame as the master report.
Whole Window
Loads the detail report into the full browser window.
New Window
Loads the detail report into a new window, which is not named. If this is selected, the detail report
will be opened independently when you click the trigger in JReport Viewer, that is to say the join and
filter conditions you set between the master report and detail report will not be applied.
Parent Frame
Loads the detail report into the parent frame of the frame in which the master report is.
Other Frame
Loads the detail report into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not exist, the detail
report will be loaded into a new window.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Linking a report to a detail report

Merge dialog
This dialog appears when you click Save in the Save To dialog to save your report set in another
directory in which a catalog of the same name exists. It helps you to merge the two catalogs.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Resource to be merged panel
Displays all the resources of the report with conflicting resources marked.
Renames the selected conflicting resource and copy it to the target catalog with a new name.

Replaces the resource in the target catalog with the selected conflicting resource from the source
Leaves the original value in the target catalog.
Displays the Properties Differences dialog to show the property values of the selected conflicting
resource in the two catalogs. The different properties are highlighted.
Note: Sometimes, even though some objects are marked in the Merge dialog, in the Properties
Differences dialog, you will not find different properties. The reason for this is that some children of the
two objects are different.
Target Relation
Shows the name of the resource and its parent node in the target catalog in the Target Relation dialog.
Closes the dialog and merges the two catalogs according to the changes that you have made.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays the help document.

Related topics:

Merging catalogs

New Catalog dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Catalog Management > New Catalog on the menu bar. It
helps you to create a catalog in JReport Designer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the catalog file (do not forget to add the extension .cat or .xml).
Data Source Name
Specifies the name of the data source in the catalog (make sure the name you give follows the Java
class naming rule).
Specifies the location to save the new catalog.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a catalog

New CSS Style dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click an object in the design area and select Save Style from the
shortcut menu, or click the New button in the CSS Editor dialog. It helps you to create a CSS style for a
specified object in a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Selector Name
Specifies the name of the selector.
Selector Type
Specifies the type of the CSS style you want to create.

Class (can apply to any tag)

Specifies to create a custom style that can be applied as a class attribute to a range or block of text.
Note: Class names must begin with a period and can contain any combination of letters and
numbers (for example, .myhead1). If you don't enter a beginning period, JReport Designer will
automatically enter it for you.

Tag (redefines the look of a specific tag)

Specifies to redefine the default formatting of a specific tag.
Advanced (IDs, contextual selector, etc)
Specifies to define the formatting of a particular combination of tags or for all tags that contain a
specific ID attribute.

Add Selector to Style

Specifies the location into which the selector will be added.

New Style Sheet File

Specifies to save the new style into a new CSS file.
Other existing CSS files
Specifies to save the new style into the specified CSS file.


If New Style Sheet File is selected, clicking this button will bring out the Save CSS As dialog.
If any of the existing CSS files is selected, clicking this button will bring out the CSS Style Definition

Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

New Dataset dialog

This dialog appears when you click the <Add Dataset...> item in the Data tab of the report wizard or
click the Add button in the Dataset Management dialog. It helps you to create a dataset for a report

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Choose Data from
Specifies the data source for the dataset. Data sources that exist in the current catalog will be listed
New Dataset Name
Specifies the name of the dataset.
Accepts changes and closes this dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.
Displays the help document.

New Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > New > Data Source on the menu bar, or select a data source
and click the New Data Source button
on the Catalog Browser toolbar. It helps you to create
different data sources by selecting a connection type: JDBC, XML, Hierarchical, User Defined and Web

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Data Source Name
Specifies the name of the new data source. Make sure to follow the Java class naming rule when
specifying the data source name.
Connection Type
Specifies the connection type for the new data source:

If selected, a JDBC data source will be created and data stored in RDBMS can be accessed via JDBC
connection or JDBC-ODBC bridge.

If selected, an XML data source will be created and data stored in XML instance can be accessed via
XML data transformation.
Use XML as
Specifies to create an XML data source as a relational one or a hierarchical one.

Relational Data Source

Specifies to create an XML data source by transforming an XML instance.
Hierarchical Data Source
Specifies to import an XML hierarchical data source.

If selected, a new hierarchical data source will be created.
User Defined
If selected, a new user defined data source will be created.
Web Service
If selected, a new web service data source will be created and the data can be retrieved through a
web service.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Data Source Connections

New Report dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > New > Report on the menu bar. It helps you to create a report
in an existing report set.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report Title
Specifies the name of the new report.
Report layout
Specifies the layout with which to create the report.


Creates a report containing a vertical banded object.

Table (Group Above)

Creates a report containing a table with group information above the detail panel.
Table (Group Left)
Creates a report containing a table with group information left to the detail panel.
Table (Group Left Above)
Creates a report containing a table with group information left above the detail panel.
Summary Table
Creates a report containing a table with only group and summary information.
Creates a report containing a chart.
Creates a report containing a crosstab.
Horizontal Banded
Creates a report containing a horizontal banded object.
Mailing Label
Creates a report containing a banded object in the form of a mailing label layout.
Creates a report containing a tabular component.
Creates a report with nothing in it.

Creates a report with the selected layout.
Closes the dialog and deletes any unsaved changes.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a report

New Report Set dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > New > Report Set on the menu bar, or click the New Report
Set button
on the Standard toolbar. You use this dialog to create a report set. Report sets cannot be
empty; therefore this dialog also creates the first report in the new report set.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report Title
Specifies the name of the new report.
Report layout
Specifies the layout with which to create the report.

Creates a report containing a vertical banded object.
Table (Group Above)
Creates a report containing a table with group information above the detail panel.
Table (Group Left)
Creates a report containing a table with group information left to the detail panel.
Table (Group Left Above)
Creates a report containing a table with group information left above the detail panel.
Summary Table
Creates a report containing a table with only group and summary information.
Creates a report containing a chart.
Creates a report containing a crosstab.
Horizontal Banded
Creates a report containing a horizontal banded object.
Mailing Label
Creates a report containing a banded object in the form of a mailing label layout.
Creates a report containing a tabular component.
Creates a report with nothing in it.

Creates a report set containing its first report with the selected layout.
Closes the dialog and deletes any unsaved changes.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a report set

New Summary dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Summaries node in the Data tab of the Catalog Browser
and select Add Summary from the shortcut menu. It helps you to create a summary in a catalog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists the resources that can be used to make a summary.
By default, <Create...> is selected in the drop-down list. You can also select one of the existing
summaries from the drop-down list for modifying it.
Lists the summary functions which are available to the selected field.
Summary On
Specifies the field on which the summary is to compute.

To specify the sum on field, highlight it in the Resource box and then click
On to add it to the field box.

next to Summary

Static Summary
If selected, the summary will take effect on a specific group that you define in the Group By field and it
can only be inserted into the group.

Group By
Specifies the field used to group the data.
To specify the group by field, highlight it in the Resource box and then click
By to add it to the field box.

next to Group

Dynamic Summary
If selected, the summary will take effect on the group according to the number, which is specified in
the Group By field and it can be inserted into any groups of a component.

Group By
Specifies on which group the summary will take effect.
To specify the group level, first select Up or Down from the drop-down list, then in the combo box,
select a value or input an integer, which should be between 0 to 127, to specify the group on which
the summary will take effect. For example, if you select Up or Down and input 0 in the combo box
and insert this summary into any group, the summary will take effect on this group; if you select Up
and input 1 and insert this summary to a group, the summary will take effect on the group higher
than the group where the summary is inserted, and if you specify Down and 1, it will take effect on
the lower group; and the rest may be deduced by analogy.

If the dynamic summary is to be used in a chart, when defining the summary, you must
choose Down from the Group By drop-down list; if it is to be inserted to other data containers,
the summary must be defined on Up level.
When you insert a dynamic summary into a report and there is no corresponding group level
to match settings of the dynamic summary, an error message will be generated.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field
in the Special Function drop-down list to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by. If
Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the
function by your own.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes to the existing summary or adds the new summary to the catalog.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a summary

NLS Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click Edit > NLS Editor on the menu bar, or the NLS Editor button
Language toolbar. It helps you to edit NLS for a report set.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Use Local NLS
Specifies to use the report set level resources to edit NLS for the report set.

Displays the languages into which the display text in the report set will be translated.

Opens the Add Language dialog to add languages for editing here.

Removes the selected language from the Language box.

on the NLS

Fetch from Global NLS

Fetches the translation of the display text or the font properties of fields in the report set for the target language
from the language's global NLS resource library if you have already downloaded the language's global NLS
resources from JReport Server.
Display tab
Specifies the translation version of every display text in the report set.

Lists types of display text for different objects.

This type is only for DHTML. It is the type of display text of columns.
Type of display text of parameter prompt value.
Type of display text on the TOC tree.

Lists keys to indicate the objects in the original language.
Translate in <language>
Specifies to which the display text will be translated in the target language.

Adds available display text in the object of the report set for the target language.

Removes the selected rows of display for the target language.

Format tab
Specifies the format for all fields.

Type of display text of label and some web controls.

Displays formats of all fields in the report set in the original language.
Format in <language>
Specifies the format for every field in the report set in the target language.

Adds available formats in the object of the report set for the target language.

Removes the selected rows of format for the target language.

Font tab
Specifies font properties for every field in the report set.

Lists font face and font size of all fields in the report set in the original language.
Font Face
Specifies font face for every field in the report set in the target language.
Font Size
Specifies font size for every field in the report set in the target language.

Adds available fonts in the object of the report set for the target language.

Removes the selected rows of font for the target language.

Use Global NLS

Specifies to use global NLS resources downloaded from JReport Server for the report set.

Displays the languages into which the display text in the report set will be translated.

Opens the Add Language dialog to add languages for editing here.

Removes a selected language from the Language box.

Display tab
Displays the translation version of the display text in the target language's global NLS resource library.

Lists types of display text for different objects.

This type is only for DHTML. It is the type of display text of columns.
Type of display text of parameter prompt value.
Type of display text on the TOC tree.

Lists keys to indicate the objects in the original language.
Displays to which the display text is translated in the target language.

Font tab
Displays font properties in the target language's global NLS resource library.

Type of display text of label and some web controls.

Lists keys to indicate the fonts in the original language.
Font Face
Displays font face for the key in the target language.
Font Size
Displays font size for the key in the target language.

Synchronize with Server

Synchronizes the global NLS resources for the target language with that on JReport Server.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

NLS Editor

Open Report Set dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Open, or File > Import From > JReport Report Set on the
menu bar. It helps you to open a report set or import reports from existing report sets into current
report set.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Shows the directory of the default catalog that is being used now. You can also click Browse to specify
a new one.
Note: If you are going to import reports into current report set, you can only choose from report sets
of the same catalog. In this case, the Browse button is disabled.
Report Sets tab
Specifies one or more report sets to open.

Displays the files with names only.
Displays the files with detailed information such as name, size, type and last modified time.
Shows the name of all the report sets included in this catalog, based on the type you selected from
the Report Sets of Type drop-down list.
Shows the size of the report sets.
Shows the type of the report sets.
Shows the time when the report sets were modified at the last time.
Report Set Name
Shows the names of the selected report sets.
Report Sets of Type
Specifies the type of the report sets. When saving a report set, you can save it as four kinds of files:
cls (report set binary file), rpt (report set source file), cls.xml (XML format report set), or clx (selfcontained report set). A studio report can only be saved as the .wls file.

Recent tab
Lists all the report sets that have been opened recently.

Report Set Name

Shows the names of all the recently opened report sets.
Catalog Name
Shows the name of the catalog that the report sets are located in.
Report Set Location
Shows the location of all the report sets.

Opens the selected report sets and closes the dialog.

To open consecutive report sets, first click the first report set, press and hold down SHIFT, and then
click the last report set. Then click the Open button. The last report set will be the active report set.
To open report sets that are not consecutive, press and hold down CTRL, click each report set, and
then click the Open button. The last selected report set will be the active report set.

Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Open As dialog
This dialog appears when you open a self-contained report set from the Open Report Set dialog (a selfcontained report set is a binary report set file, which has a .clx suffix and contains not only the report
set's layout but also the catalog with its own resources). It helps you to specify the way in which the
self-contained report set will be opened.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Open a self-contained report set at current catalog
Specifies to open the selected self-contained report set in the current catalog and make it work under
the current catalog.
JReport Designer will compare the resources in the catalog of the self-contained report set with the
current catalog according to the checking level (whether the Check all data match is selected). If
conflicts exist between the two catalogs, the report set cannot be opened.
Open a self-contained report set directly
Specifies to open the selected self-contained report set directly to make it work under a new catalog.
Open a self-contained report set at other catalog
Specifies to open the selected self-contained report set at another catalog and make it work under that
If this option is checked, you will be prompted to open an existing catalog for the self-contained report
set. JReport Designer will then compare the resources in the catalog of the self-contained report set
with the newly selected catalog according to the checking level (whether the Check all data match is
selected). If conflicts exist between the two catalogs, the report set cannot be opened.
Check all data match
This check box is enabled when Open a self-contained report set at current report or Open a selfcontained report set at other catalog is checked. It is used to specify the checking level between two

If checked, all the differences between the two catalogs will be checked by JReport Designer.

If unchecked, only the differences that can cause the report engine to fail when running the report
set will be checked by JReport Designer.

Opens the report set in the specified way and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Optimize Dataset dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Optimize Dataset button in the Dataset Management dialog. It
helps you to optimize the selected dataset.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Only Columns Used in Report Set
If checked, only data columns used in the current report set are retrieved at runtime. This way ensures
the best performance since the least data is involved in.
All Columns in Dataset
If checked, all data columns defined in the dataset are retrieved at runtime.
All Columns in Query
If checked, all data columns in the query that the dataset is based on are retrieved at runtime. The
performance of this way is not as good as the other two.
Applies the settings and closes the dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Options dialog
This dialog appears when you click File > Options on the menu bar, or click the Options button
the Catalog Browser toolbar. It helps you to configure JReport to your preferences and requirements.
The following are details about the options in the dialog:









Export to


Query Editor



Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Applies the changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.

The following are details about options of this category.

Show welcome page

Specifies whether or not to show the welcome page when you start JReport Designer.
Show version warning message when opening reports
Specifies whether or not to show the version warning message when a report is opened, which belongs to
different versions of JReport Designer.
Show prompt message dialog when creating a blank report

Specifies whether or not to show the prompt message when a blank report is created.
Show hidden objects
Specifies whether or not to show objects that are hidden in your report.
Show real view of subreport
Specifies whether or not to show the detailed structure of a subreport in its primary report in design
Set maximum number of open report sets
Specifies the maximum number of the report sets that can be opened in JReport Designer.
Set recently used report set names to display
Specifies the number of report set names that are recently used to display.
Backup files automatically before saving modifications
Specifies whether or not to generate the backup files (.cat.bak and .cls.bak ) of the catalog and report
when they are saved.
High Precision View
Specifies the default value for the High Precision View option on the View menu.
Show tips
Specifies whether or not to show the tooltips.
Show warning message when CSS properties are not supported by JReport
Specifies whether or not to show the warning message when the applied CSS style contains properties
that JReport does not support.
Check the availability of dynamic chart for Excel
Specifies to check if a chart can be correctly mapped to a banded object/table when you save the report
or export it to Excel.
Default Chinese Encoding

Enables the converting encoding function. This function is applied to data which is stored using the
Unicode UTF8 in the database. When this function is enabled, the changes will only be apparent when
you view the report or export it to certain formats.

Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category.

Show status bar

Specifies whether to show the status bar in JReport Designer.
Show ruler
Specifies whether or not to show the horizontal and vertical rulers in the main window of JReport
Show guidelines

Specifies whether or not to show the guidelines in the main window of the reports.
Show paragraph marks
Specifies whether or not to show the paragraph marks in the design mode of Designer.
Show margins
Specifies whether to show the margins in the design area.
Margin Line Color
Specifies the margin line color that is to be displayed in reports.
Specifies the grid properties.

Show grids
Specifies whether to show grids in reports.
Snap to grids
Specifies whether to snap and lock objects with the grids when moving and placing objects around.
Specifies the size of the grids in the design area.
Specifies the grid color.

Display Attributes
Specifies the display attributes.

Specifies the precision of the fractional data in reports. For instance, if you set Decimal to 3, then all
the property values of the objects in the Report Inspector will be rounded to the thousandth.
Specifies the unit of the measurement in reports. It can be either centimeter or inch.
Specifies the resolution. By default, it will be the resolution of your monitor.

Customize Toolbars
Opens the Customize Toolbars dialog to customize the toolbars.
Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category.

Show Toolbox
Specifies whether to show the Toolbox panel in Designer.
Show Resource View
Specifies whether to show the Resource View panel in Designer.
Show Catalog Browser

Specifies whether to show the Catalog Browser panel in Designer.

Show Inspector
Specifies whether to show the Inspector panel in Designer.
Report Inspector

Forbid changing Query Name property

Specifies whether to allow the changing of the property Query Name in the Report Inspector.
Forbid changing column
Specifies whether to allow the changing of the property Column Name in the Report Inspector.
Forbid changing parameter
Specifies whether to allow the changing of the property Parameter in the Report Inspector.

Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category. The format properties set here will be applied to
all columns in a catalog.

Data Type
Specifies the data type of the columns.
Specifies the format of the columns.

Specifies the font properties of the column contents.

Font Face
Specifies the font face of the column contents.
Font Size
Specifies the size of the font.
Horizontal Alignment
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the column contents.
Vertical Alignment
Specifies vertical alignment of the column contents.
Specifies the color of the font foreground.
Specifies whether to adjust the width according to the contents.
Word wrap
If checked, the contents will be wrapped.
If checked, italic fontface will be used.
If checked, the contents will be underlined.
Specifies whether or not to draw a line through the column contents.
If checked, fold fontface will be used.

Specifies properties of the column border.

Border Width
Specifies the width of the border. Can be from 1 to 3 points.
Border Color
Specifies the color of the border. Use a string like "0xff0000" to control or select a color from the
palette. This works only if you specify lines for the borders.
Top Line
Specifies the top border line style.
Bottom Line
Specifies the bottom border line style.
Right Line
Specifies the right border line style.
Left Line
Specifies the left border line style.
Specifies to draw a shadow to the border.

Shadow Color
Specifies the color for the shadow. Use a string like "0xff0000" to control or select a color from the

Specifies the color for the background of the columns.
Null Display
If there is no value in a column, JReport will display NULL as default. You can also set what will be
displayed when there is no value in the column by inserting the mouse in the Report Inspector and
inputting a value.
Pattern Style
Specifies the pattern for the columns.
Pattern Color
Specifies the color to draw the pattern using a string such as "0xff0000" or select a color from the dropdown menu.
Specifies the spaces between the contents of a column and its borders.

Top Padding
Specifies the space between the contents of a column and its top borders.
Bottom Padding
Specifies the space between the contents of a column and its bottom borders.
Left Padding
Specifies the space between the contents of a column and its left borders.
Right Padding
Specifies the space between the contents of a column and its right borders.

Note: Values specified here will be applied when data columns are added to a catalog. You can adjust the
values for each column in the Catalog Browser, or after the columns are added to reports in the Report

The following are details about option of this category.

Use the current dataset when the requested data values are available in the current dataset
Specifies whether or not to use the current dataset when the requested data values are available in the
current dataset.
Inherit dataset when component's dataset is the same as its parent's
Specifies whether or not to inherit dataset when component's dataset is the same as its parent's dataset.
Restore Defaults

Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category.

Insert component with static/relative/absolute position in flow layout report

Specifies the default method with which to place components:

If selected, the component will be positioned at the location in which it is inserted.
If selected, the component will be positioned at an offset to the position in which it is inserted. The
offset is determined by the X and Y coordinate property values.

If selected, the component will be located at the position specified by dragging and dropping or by
setting its X and Y coordinate property values.

See the Position property for more information.


When you insert a table, horizontal table, chart, tabular, banded object, subreport or map component
into a flow layout container, this option does not take effect.
Since the position for all the components that are inserted into a banded panel is just absolute, so
when you insert component into the banded panel, this option does not take effect either.

Insert field name label with field

If checked, fields will be inserted with their default name labels.
Insert group name label with group
If checked, groups will be inserted with their default name labels.
Customize group indent
Specifies whether to customize the indent of groups created via the report wizard. By default, the indent
of the groups is 0 inch. You can also input a value between 0 and 4 to customize the indent.
If this option is not checked, when you create groups in a report in the report wizard, the groups will be
indented according to the width of the group by fields.
Qualify Group/Sort field by connection
By default, any field added to the catalog in JReport can be used to group and sort. However, you can
specify here whether or not a field can be used to group or sort. The qualification information will be
stored in the database connection.
Horizontal Gap of Crosstab
Specifies the horizontal gap between two parts of a crosstab, which is split according to the page settings.
Vertical Gap of Crosstab
Specifies the vertical gap between two parts of a crosstab, which is split according to the page settings.
Display abbreviations for panel labels of banded object and table
Specifies whether to display abbreviations for the panel labels of banded object and table in the design
Align summaries vertically
Specifies whether to make summaries aligned vertically, which are created via the report wizard and
have the same summary function. For a table report, this option takes effect only when the table is of the
Group Above type and has all the default settings.
Report Style Group
Specifies the default selected style for the four types of components when creating/inserting them via the
report/component creation wizard: table, crosstab, chart, and banded object. However, when inserting
them into a table or banded object which can bind style, the default selected style type will be Inherit
Style instead of the value specified by this option.
All CSS styles in the <install_root>\style directory are available in the drop-down list.

Only display CSS styles in style list

Specifies whether to display only the CSS styles in the style list.
Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category.

Specifies the browser for previewing reports as DHTML.
Preview using temporary file
Specifies whether to preview reports that you design in JReport Designer using a temporary file.
Start JReport Server when previewing report

Specifies whether to start JReport Server at the same time when you preview a report.
Start JReport Server when starting Designer
Specifies whether to start JReport Server when Designer is started.
Specifies the port as the TCP port to which JReport Server listens.
Administration Port
Specifies the port used for remote administration.
Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category.

Forbid editing data object properties

By default, you are not permitted to change the data property value. Here you can specify whether to
forbid editing object property values of data in the Catalog Browser.
Show warning message when modifying formulas
Specifies whether or not to show warning message when modifying formulas.
Warning Level

Specifies the warning level from the following three options:

Show all warning messages

If selected, show all the warning messages.
Show warning message when modifying data objects which are used
If selected, show warning massage when you modify data objects that are used.
Do not show warning messages
If selected, do not show the warning messages at any time.

Specifies whether or not, and how to sort items in the Catalog Browser and report wizard.

Sort ascending
If selected, the data in the catalog will be sorted in an ascending order.
Sort descending
If selected, the data in the catalog will be sorted in a descending order.

Note: The sort function only applies to resources belong to the same parent node and of the same type.
And real objects in the catalog instead of logic folder nodes can be sorted.
Merge Catalog Options
Specifies the checking level of merging catalogs when you save a report to a directory where a catalog
already with the same name exists.

Identify all differences

If selected, JReport Designer will check for all the differences between the two catalogs. All the
resources of the report will be displayed in the Merge dialog with all the conflicting resources marked.
Identify critical differences
If selected, JReport Designer will check for differences which can cause the engine to fail in running a
report. All the resources of the report will be displayed in the Merge dialog with any critical conflicting
resources marked. As a result, when this option is selected, certain different values may be returned
when you run the saved report later.
Ignore differences
If selected, the differences between the two catalogs will be shown. If any conflicts exist, they will
remain in the resources of the target catalog. As a result, when this option is selected, the saved report
might not run later.

Use cached query result

To use cached query result, in the Catalog Browser, right-click on the query (or imported SQL files,
stored procedures and UDSs which function as queries) of your report, and choose Create Cached
Query Result, then specify the file name with or without an extension and the folder where you want to
save the result file. After which, when you view the report, a dialog will be displayed for you to choose
the data file with which to view the report instead of using ODBC to view the report.
Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

Export to
The options of this category are divided into three sub-tabs as listed below:

HTML tab

E-mail tab

Fax tab

Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.
Layout Precision
Opens the Advanced Export Settings dialog to set the precision level for each export format.

HTML tab
Specifies the preferences for exporting the report results to HTML.

By default, JReport Designer will not display charts in HTML.

Embed chart as Applet

Specifies whether the chart will be embedded as an Applet for displaying in JReport Designer.
Embed chart as GIF file
Specifies whether the chart will be embedded as a GIF file for displaying in JReport Designer.

Specifies whether to convert the report into a single or multiple files.

Multiple files
If selected, JReport Designer will convert the report into multiple files and designates a serial number
for each HTML page. For example, if a 3-page report is named Sales, JReport Designer will create three
files called Sales_1.html, Sales_2.html, and Sales_3.html.

Single file
If selected, the report will be exported into one file.

Use HTML data table

Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML format
Section 508 compliant output
If checked, the accessibility attributes defined for the report elements via the Report Inspector will be
exported to the HTML format report result which is Section 508 compliant. See Accessibility for more
When Section 508 Compliant Output is checked, the Use HTML Data Table and Relative Font Size options
will be checked and disabled. The output will be Section 508 compliant including HTML data table,
accessible attributes, and relative font feature.
Absolute font size
Specifies whether to generate the report result using an absolute font size, which means the font size is
fixed and cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
Relative font size
Specifies whether to generate the report result using a relative font size, which means the font size can
be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.

E-mail tab
Specifies the preference for exporting the report results to E-mail.

SMTP Server
Specifies the numeric or named host of the machine where the e-mail server is located.
Specifies the port where the e-mail server runs.
Mail Sender
Specifies the address of the e-mail sender. You must specify an address and make sure that the format
of the specified address is valid.
Default Mail Format
Specifies the format with which to send the report result.

E-mail Result in HTML E-mail Format

Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address in HTML format. The report result will be

shown in HTML format in the mail body.

E-mail Result in Plain Text E-mail Format

Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address in plain text format. The report result will be
shown in plain text format in the mail body with no other information such as color, images and so on.
Attachment in JReport Result Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a JReport result file as attachment.
Attachment in HTML Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an HTML file as attachment.
Attachment in PDF Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a PDF file as attachment.
Attachment in Excel Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an Excel file as attachment.
Attachment in Text Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a Text file as attachment.
Attachment in RTF Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a RTF file as attachment.
Attachment in XML Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with an XML file as attachment.
Attachment in PostScript Format
Sends the report result via e-mail to the specified address with a PostScript file as attachment.

Server requires authentication

This option must be checked if an SMTP Server requires authentication.
Compress Attachment as Java Archive
Specifies whether or not to compress the mail attachment as Java Archive.

Fax tab
Specifies the preference for exporting the report result to fax. You can specify to export the report results
either via a fax machine or a fax server.

Fax Machine
Specifies to export the report set results via a fax machine.

Specifies the dialing mode of the fax modem. The options are Pulse or Tone.
Modem Class
Specifies the class of the modem. The options are as follows: Class 1, Class 2 or Class 2.0. All are fax
protocols. Most modem only support Class 1, so be sure that higher protocols are supported by the
modem if Class 2 or Class 2.0 is selected.
Initialization String
Initializes the modem. The string should be obtained from the modem manual.
Flow Control
Specifies the flow control mode between DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Circuitterminating Equipment). Options are as follows:

Flow control of the hardware.
Flow control of the software.
No flow control specified.
Specifying flow control can help the compressing data function of the modem function better. Using
the RtsCts mode is recommended.

Flow Command
Specifies the flow command according to the flow control mode. The command should be obtained from
the modem manual.
Specifies the port number. The port should be obtained from the modem manual.
Specifies the maximum amount of time for how long the fax should wait for a response from the
destination before timing out.
When the line is busy, the report result cannot be faxed, so here you can specify the maximum number
of times the modem will retry faxing the report result.

Fax Server
Specifies to export the report set results via a fax server.

Fax Gateway Connector

Specifies the name of the class implemented by users.
Server IP
Specifies the IP address or domain name of the fax server.
Server Port
Specifies the port number of the fax server.
Login ID
Specifies the ID for the class communicating with fax server.
Specifies the password for the class communicating with fax server.
Fax Sender
Specifies the user's name that will be shown in the fax server manager.
Special Parameters
Specifies some parameters for the fax server.
Specifies the maximum amount of time that the fax should wait for a response from the destination
before timing out.
Note: For Hylafax Server the value should not be larger than 59 seconds. It is a limitation of
Hylafax Server.


Specifies the number of times the modem retries faxing the report set result.

The followings are details about options of this category.

Use JDK1.1/JDK1.2/JDK1.4 printing method

Specifies the printing method to print reports.

This method is quick in speed but the printing quality cannot be guaranteed.
This method can give you a satisfactory result, even for a gif file, but it is slow in speed.

Compared with the above two methods, this one is more advanced, and will give you a satisfactory

Separate large pages

Specifies whether or not to separate large pages during printing. When you print a report with a report
page size which is larger than the print paper size, the report will be printed in multiple pages serially.
That is, JReport will automatically separate a large page of a report.
Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

Query Editor
The following are details about options of this category.

Auto join
Specifies the options for auto joins.

Join on foreign keys

Specifies to automatically join tables in a query through a reference from Table A to a primary key in
Table B. For example, an order form in Table A shows information on purchases that are made by a
customer. It can also show this customer's ID #. The customer ID # refers to a record in Table B which
lists a specific address, phone number, name, etc for the customer. The customer ID # in Table A is a

foreign key because it links the customer's ordering information in Table A to the customer's
information in Table B.

Join on primary keys with same names

Specifies to automatically join tables in a query through a field or a combination of fields that uniquely
and specifically identifies a record. For example, your credit card number is a primary key because it
specifically links to your birthday, credit history, address, etc.
Join on same name
Specifies to automatically join tables in a query through a link between two columns of the same name
in two different tables.

Specifies the default settings for pre-joins.

Show warning message when adding tables

With the pre-join feature, when a table is added to a query, other tables may also need to be added in
order to form a per-join path. This checkbox specifies whether the adding table warning message
should be displayed.

Preview Result Set

Specifies the default settings for previewing a result set.

Maximum Number of Records

Specifies the default total number of records that will be displayed when you previewing a query.
Maximum Number of Records per Page
Specifies the default maximum number of records to be displayed on one page when previewing a

Additional Options
Specifies the additional options.

Show table names

If selected, the table that each column belongs to will be displayed in the criteria panel of the Query
Show mapping names
If selected, the full name of the column in the table will be displayed in the criteria panel of the Query
Warn when Cartesian product exists
Specifies whether or not to display a warning when a Cartesian exists. A Cartesian product is used
when tables link together with no specifications.
For example, Table A has three values: A, B and C and Table B has three values: 1, 2 and 3. Value A
matches value 1, value B matches value 2, and so on. This is a specific match.
A Cartesian product could have value A matching with 1, 2 and 3, and value B matching with 1, 2 and
3, and so on. Depending on the data values Cartesian products can produce large and complicated
datasets since unnecessary information may be contained.

Automatically add quotation marks on input values

Enables JReport Designer to add quote marks automatically after a String type value is inputted into
the second Expression text box in the AND format when you specify certain criteria for the fields to be
retrieved from the database.

Restore Defaults

Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

The following are details about options of this category, with which you can set one or more user
accounts to use JReport Designer.

Start Security Manager

Specifies whether to enable this feature or not. For the first time you check this checkbox, you are
prompted to create a user account in the Report Register dialog:

Specifies the name for the new user account, and at least 4 characters are required.

Specifies the password to login, and at least 6 digits are required.

Confirm Password
Confirms the password that you specified in the Password text box.
Creates a user account.
Discards the changes.

Security Manager
Lists all the user accounts.

Adds a new user account.
Removes the selected user account.
Modifies the selected user account.

The following are details about options of this category, with which you can customize the image cache in
JReport Designer.

Cache images
Specifies whether or not to enable image cache.

All used images

If checked, all the images that are used in reports will be cached.
Maximum Image Cache Size
If checked, specify the maximum size for caching images as required. The default value is 5 MB.

Restore Defaults
Restores values of all options to be the default ones.

Page Panel dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Page Panel on the menu bar. It helps you to create a page

The following are details about the options in the dialog:

Keep Current Page Setting
Specifies to create a new page panel with the current page settings.
Use a New Page Setting
Opens the Page Setup dialog to create a new page panel with new page settings.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Page Setup dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Page Setup on the menu bar. It helps you to control the print
output for the selected page size.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the paper size. If you select Custom Size, you can then input the paper's Width and Height.

Specifies the paper type.
Specifies the width of the paper.
Specifies the height of the paper.

Specifies the paper orientation.

If selected, the page will be displayed as portrait.
If selected, the page will be displayed as landscape.

Specifies the distance of the report data to the top, bottom, left, or right edge of the page.

Specifies the top margin of the page.
Specifies the bottom margin of the page.
Specifies the left margin of the page.
Specifies the right margin of the page.

Set Default
Resets all options in the dialog to default values.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Parameters dialog
This dialog appears when you select a web action which is with a parameter in the Web Action List
dialog and then click OK. It helps you to specify values of the parameter of an action.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Parameter Name
Displays the parameter name of an action.
Specifies the value for the parameter. For details about the parameter values, refer to Other web
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Parameter Order dialog

This dialog appears when you click Edit > Parameter Order on the menu bar. It helps you to adjust the
order of parameters.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists all the parameters used in the report set.
Move up
Moves the selected parameter up by one step.
Move down
Moves the selected parameter down by one step.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.

Related topics:

Editing the display sequence of parameters

Parameter - Web Action Builder dialog

This dialog appears when you select *Parameter and then click OK in the Web Action List dialog. It
helps you to add a parameter to control a field.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Submit Action to Handler

Specifies the handler to handle this Parameter action.

Default Handler in Current Server

If selected, the Parameter action will be submitted to the current server to be handled.
Customized Path
If selected, the Parameter action will be submitted to a customized path to be handled. For example,

Get Input from

Specifies where to get the web control. You can select Form if you add some objects to a form.
Otherwise, only the item Other in Report you can choose.
Apply Action to

Report Set
Specifies the report set which will be run with the parameter specified in the dialog after the event
bound with the action is triggered.

Searches for the desired report set. You can also enter the path and filename of the report set in
the text field manually.
Web Control
Specifies the web control from which the report set name is retrieved.

Target Frame
Specifies the window or frame in which the report set will be opened.

Allows you to input the window or frame directly.

blank - Loads the report set into a new blank window. This window is not named.

self - Loads the report set into the window in which the link is clicked (the active window).

parent - Loads the report set into the immediate parent window of the active window. If there is
no parent window, the active window is used.
top - Loads the report set into the topmost window.

Refresh Current Report Set

If checked, after the event bound with the action is triggered, the current report set will be re-run
with the parameter specified in the dialog.

Adds a column to specify a parameter.

Removes the selected parameter.

Moves the selected parameter up a step.

Moves the selected parameter down a step.

Parameter Name
Lists all the available parameters or web controls that can be selected to use as a parameter in the
specified report set the action is applied to.
Shows the operator to compose the expression. It can only be =.
Specifies the value for the parameter.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Applying web actions - Parameter

Pattern List dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Pattern List button in the Fill tab when you format elements of a
chart. It is used to modify the fill effect of data markers in the same group respectively.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the patterns and the transparency for the data markers. Click the small squares in the color
tray one by one to pick the patterns for the data markers.

Specifies the pattern. The pattern can be one of the following: Automatic, Color, Texture, and
Specifies the transparency.

Opens the Advanced dialog to specify the fill effect for certain values.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

PDF Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to PDF
and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

No Margin
Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.
Generates the report result to PDF format with a Table of Contents.
Generates the report result to a PDF file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature
enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.
Specifies whether to encrypt the PDF file. Select the option and you can configure the encrypt settings
in the Encrypt dialog.
Specifies whether to add the digital sign to the PDF file. Select the option and you can configure the
sign settings in the Sign Digital ID dialog.
Compress Image
Compresses the images in the report by the percentage you specify in the box.
Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended)

When you run a report in PDF format, JReport will take the result of the whole report as a graphic to
transform the report by the method of simulated printer and generate the report result in PDF format.
Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics
The result of using Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics is the same as with using
Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended). However, when you run a report in PDF
format using Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics, JReport will take the result of the
whole report as a dataset to transform the report by sequence and to generate the report result in PDF
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Pick a Color dialog

This dialog helps you to specify a color for an object, and consists of the following three tabs:

Swatches tab

HSB tab

RGB tab

Shows the specified color.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels all changes and allows you to reset the values of the color.

Swatches tab
Shows samples of the colors.

Shows colors as samples for you to choose.
Shows the colors you have chosen recently.
Shows the RGB hexadecimal value of the color you choose, which can be copied by selecting it and
then pressing Ctrl+C on the keyboard, but it can not be edited.

HSB tab
Specifies the attributes of the color.

Shows the attributes of the specified color, which can be changed by scrubbing the slider between the
pane and the banded frame up and down.
Specifies the chroma of the color, whose value is from 0 to 359.
Specifies the saturation of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.
Specifies the brightness of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.
Specifies the red value, whose value is from 0 to 255.
Specifies the green value, whose value is from 0 to 255.
Specifies the blue value, whose value is from 0 to 255.

Specifies the RGB hexadecimal value of the color, which changes along with the HSB and RGB values,
or it can be changed by entering a hexadecimal value mannually.

RGB tab
Specifies the RGB of the color.

Specifies the red value, whose value is from 0 to 255.
Specifies the green value, whose value is from 0 to 255.
Specifies the blue value, whose value is from 0 to 255.
Specifies the RGB hexadecimal value of the color, which changes along with the RGB values, or it can

be changed by entering a hexadecimal value mannually.

PostScript Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
PostScript and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

No Margin
Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Pre-join Editor window

This window appears when you click the Pre-join button
pre-joins in selected data source of the current catalog.

The following are details about options in the window:

Applies all the changes and closes this dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.
Opens the Save Pre-join Path dialog to define pre-join paths.

on the Catalog Browser toolbar. It helps you to edit

Organizes the tables in the table panel.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:


Precision Settings dialog

This dialog appears when you click the System Default Settings button in the Advanced Export Settings
dialog. It helps you to pre-define the precision with which you want to export report results to different

The precision level can be one of the following:

If checked, the report set results will be exported to the specified format with high precision.
If checked, the report set results will be exported to the specified format with low precision.

Applies the settings and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Predefined Filter dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Predefined Filter button
on the toolbar of the Business
Cube Editor window, Report Cube Editor window or Business View Editor window. It helps you to add
some predefined filters to a business cube/report cube/business view. The predefined filters can be
applied when creating/modifying reports based on the business cube/report cube/business view in
JReport Server by end users.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists all the predefined filters in the business cube/report cube/business view. You can modify a filter's
name and description in the panel.

Creates a filter.
Removes the selected filter.

Specifies the filter conditions.

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.
Makes the selected conditions in one group.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition or group up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line or group.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line or group.

Specifies the field to be filtered. You can either type in the field directly or click
box to specify the field.

Specifies the operator to compose the filter expression.

Equal to
Greater than or equal to
Greater than

next to the text

Less than

Less than or equal to

Not equal to

[not] in
Causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, used for evaluating
for a true condition. For operator in' or not in', it is allowed to input multiple values in the Value
input box and separate the values with comma (,).

[not] like
Like string pattern matching operator is used to compare the first expression string value to the
pattern string (the second expression). If you want to use wildcard character in the pattern string,
only "_" and "%" are supported.

[not] between
Allows the system to evaluate whether or not data values are located between a range of values
indicated in the predicate. For operator between' or not between', there are two value input boxes
for inputting the same type of values.

is [not] null
It is used in WHERE clause predicates to match null values occurring in a specified data field. For
operator is null' or is not null', the value input box is hidden.


Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click
next to the text box to specify the value.
When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if
"," or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
When you click

to specify the value, the Values dialog is displayed.

Fields tab
Lists the fields which can be used in the filter expression. Double-click the required field to add it
as the filter value.
Value tab
Lists values of the field to be filtered. Double-click the required value to add it as the filter value.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Preview Option dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Preview button
It helps you to set settings for previewing a query.

on the toolbar of the Query Editor window.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Max Records
Specifies the maximum number of records that will be displayed when previewing the query.
Records per Page
Specifies the number of records that will be displayed on one page when previewing the query.
Specifies the range of the records for previewing.

Max Records
If checked, both the Max Records option and the Records per Page option will take effect.
If checked, all the records will be displayed when you preview the query, and the Max Records option
will be disabled.

Applies the changes and brings out the Preview dialog or the Enter Parameter Values dialog (if there
are parameters in this query).
Does not retain any changes and closes this dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Previewing a query

Publish Font and Style dialog

This dialog appears when the resources that you are publishing contain reports that use style groups or
special fonts.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Select Font Files

Select font from (available when special font is used)

Specifies the font file for the report.

Select Style Group

Specifies the style groups for the report.
Use the two right-headed-arrow buttons to add the selected style groups or all of them from the left list
to the right list. Use the two left-headed-arrow buttons to remove the selected style group or remove
all of them in the right list.

Publishes the resources with the specified style groups and/or font files.
Publishes the resources without any style groups/font files.
Displays help document.

Publish to JReport Server dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Server on the menu bar, specify the information in the
Connect to JReport Server dialog and then click Connect. It helps you to publish resources from JReport Designer to JReport Server.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Publish Resource From
Specifies the directory in which the resources you want to publish are located. By default, the path of the currently opened catalog is
shown here. You can click the Browse button to find another directory.

Resource tree panel

Lists the resources, including catalog files, report set files and folders, in the specified directory in a tree structure. Check the
checkboxes ahead of the resources you want to publish.
Publish Resource To
Specifies the file path on the server to which the resources will be published. If not specified, the default path (the My Reports node
in the server resource tree) will be used. You can also click the Browse button to select another path in the Select Folder dialog if
More/Less Options
Shows/hides resource options. Select a to-be-published resource in the resource tree panel and set its properties in the following

Properties tab
Specifies properties for the selected resource.

Resource Node Name

Specifies the name for the selected resource. The Browse button is used to display all the same type resource names under the
Publish Resource To path. Select one of them as the name of the selected resource.
Resource Description
Specifies the description for the selected resource.
Status (used only when a report set is selected)
Specifies the status of the selected report set. If not specified, the status will be Active by default.

The report set can be run, advanced run and scheduled on JReport Server.
The report set cannot be run, advanced run or scheduled on JReport Server.
The report set is not completely designed and cannot be run, advanced run or scheduled on JReport Server.

Resource Real Path (used only when a folder is selected)

Specifies the real path for the folder. If not specified, the default path will be used. This option is disabled in cluster environment.
Enable Resources from Real Paths
Specifies whether or not to enable getting resources from the folder real paths. This option is available for folder type only but
is disabled in cluster environment. Once checked, it is required that you specify a real path in the Resource Real Path field.
Note: This option can only be checked when the Enable Resources from Real Paths option on the JReport Server
Administration page > Configuration > Advanced panel has also been checked.

Custom Field
Specifies custom field values for the selected resource if there are custom fields enabled on JReport Server. A custom field can be
regarded as a resource property.

Displays name of the custom fields.
Specifies value of the custom fields.

Apply Archive Policy

Specifies whether to apply an archive policy to the selected resource.

Archive as New Version

Specifies whether to use multiple versions for the selected resource.
Max Number of Versions
Specifies the maximum version amount that will be listed in the version table. The default value is 0, which means that the
version amount is unlimited.
Replace Old Version
Specifies whether to replace the old version when the new version is generated.

Permissions tab (disabled when publishing resources to the My Reports folder)

ecifies user permissions to the selected resource.

Enable user permission

Specifies whether to apply user permissions to the selected resource.


The tabs list JReport Server roles, users, and groups. You can apply permissions to them by selecting a role/user/group and then
hecking the checkboxes before the required permissions. For unwanted roles/users/groups, you can remove them by selecting one of
hem and then clicking the Remove button.

Sets permissions to the selected role/user/group by checking the checkboxes before the required permissions.

Permissions in JReport Server include:




Allows or denies viewing object names in the resource tree or version table, such as folders, resources, and archive


Allows or denies viewing object properties, versions, and, if it is a folder, folder content.


Allows or denies publishing folders and resources, changing the properties (not including permission settings) of the
objects in the resource tree or version table, such as folders, resources, and archive versions, and modifying version
table settings.


Allows or denies deleting objects in the resource tree or version table, such as folders, resources, and archive


Allows or denies running resources in normal and advanced mode (report set type resources only).


Allows or denies submitting resources to schedules (report set type resources only).


Allows or denies granting permissions to other users or roles.

Update Status

Allows or denies updating report set status, and if it is a folder, the status of report sets in the folder.

Adds roles/users/groups and assigns permissions to them.

Removes the selected role/user/group from the Role/User/Group tab. The removed roles/users/groups are still available for the case
when you want to add them back.

Connection tab (only for catalog)

ecifies properties of the data source connection.

Catalog Data Source

Specifies the data source in the catalog.

f the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, the Modify button is activated. You can click it to modify properties of the data
ource connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.

Lists the name of the connection properties.

Lists the value of the properties.

Applies the changes and publishes the resources to JReport Server.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Publish to Local Directory dialog

This appears when you click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Local Directory on the menu bar.
It helps you to publish catalogs and report sets locally.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

From Catalog
Specifies the catalog of the report to be published. Input the name with its full path of the catalog file
or click the Browse button to search it in the Open Catalog File dialog.
Select Report Set
Lists all the report sets of the selected catalog. Select the report sets you want to publish by
highlighting them.

Adds the highlighted report sets from the Select Report list to the list in the right.

Removes the highlighted report sets from the list in the right to the Select Report list.

Adds all the report sets in the Select Report list to the list in the right.

Removes all the report sets from the list in the right to the Select Report list.
To Local Directory
Specifies the directory where the catalog and report sets are to be published to. Type the directory in
the text box or click Browse to find a directory in the Get Directory dialog.
Note: You can type a directory that does not exist, and JReport Designer will create the new directory
Retains the changes and returns to the previous page.
Retains the changes and go to the next page to view and modify the connection properties:

Catalog Data Source

Specifies the data source in the catalog.
If the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, you can click this button to modify
properties of the selected data source connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.
Lists the name of the connection properties.
Lists the value of the properties.

Saves the changes and makes JReport Designer publish the catalog and report sets.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Query Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the Queries node, select Add Query from the shortcut menu,
input a name for the new query and then click OK, or right-click a query and click Edit Query on its
shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a query.

The following are details about options in the window:

Query Menu

Accepts the changes on the query.
Save As

Saves the query with the name you specify.

Add Table
Opens the Add table dialog to add tables from the current catalog to the query.
Delete Table
Deletes the selected table.
Creates and modifies a union for the query.
Opens the Search Condition dialog to specify more criteria to limit the amount of data.
Select Distinct
When selected, in the SQL statement, the SELECT DISTINCT command will be used instead of SELECT.
Ignore Predicate If Parameter Value Is Null
If the query uses a parameter, and the parameter value is null at runtime, then this condition will be
removed from the query's criterion.
For string type parameters, when the value is left blank, if Ignore Predicate If Parameter Is Null is set
to true, the value of this parameter will be considered as NULL, and this predicate will not appear in
the WHERE clause; if false, it will be treated as an empty string().

Customized SQL Mode

Specifies whether to use the customized SQL mode, in which JReport will disable all the functions in
the Query Editor and you can only edit the query by modifying the SQL statement in the SQL window.
Arrange Tables
Organizes the tables in the query.
Show Mapping Names
Specifies to show the full names of the columns in the tables in the criteria panel of the Query Editor.
Show Table Names
Specifies to show which table each column belongs to in the criteria panel of the Query Editor.
Show Paths
Specifies to show information of the pre-join paths among tables in the query, when the pre-join
feature is enabled.
Join Columns
Specifies to join the highlighted columns in tables together.
Auto Join
Specifies to join tables together based upon the default criteria set in the Options dialog (File >
Options > Query Editor > Auto Join). You can also reset the criteria to join tables in the query by
checking/unchecking the items on the Auto Join submenu.

Foreign Keys
Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a reference from Table A to a primary key
in Table B. For example, an order form in Table A shows information on purchases that are made by
a customer. It can also show this customer's ID #. The customer ID # refers to a record in Table B
which lists a specific address, phone number, name, etc for the customer. The customer ID # in
Table A is a foreign key because it links the customer's ordering information in Table A to the
customer's information in Table B.
Primary Key with Same Names

Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a field or a combination of fields that
uniquely and specifically identifies a record. For example, your credit card number is a primary key
because it specifically links to your birthday, credit history, address, etc.

Same Column Names

Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a link between two columns of the same
name in two different tables.

Current Query Options

Opens the Query Option dialog to change Auto Join and showing options.

Column menu

Create Computed Column

Opens the Create Computed Column dialog to create functions used for a particular query. It helps you
to quickly and easily create columns with the functions available instead of writing a formula.
Add Formula Field
Opens the Add Formula Field dialog to add formulas to the query.
Delete Column
Deletes the selected column in the Criteria menu. To undelete, find the field in the table you deleted
and place a check mark beside it.

View menu

Edit SQL
Shows the SQL statement of the query.
Opens the Preview Option dialog to preview the records.

Help menu

Query Editor Help

Displays this help document.

The following are commands on the toolbar:

Add Table
Adds some extra tables to the query.
Delete Table
Removes some unwanted tables from the query.
Create Computed Column
The create functions are used for a particular query. It helps you to quickly and easily create columns
with the functions available instead of writing a formula.
Add Formula Field
Adds formulas to the query.
Delete Column

Removes some unwanted columns from a table.

Organizes joined or auto joined tables.
Opens the Preview Option dialog to preview the records.

Criteria panel
Lists all columns added to the query. You can specifically define criteria for the columns in this panel.
Shows the SQL statement of the query.
Show Paths
Shows information of the pre-join paths among tables in the query, when the pre-join feature is enabled.
Accepts all changes and closes the window.
Does not retain any changes and closes the window.
Accepts all changes in the window.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Creating a query

Editing a query

Previewing a query

Creating and modifying a union query

Query Modifier Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click the Query Modifiers node and select Add Query Modifier from
the shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to create a query modifier which can be
specified via the Engine Bean in order to generate report on different data.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the query modifier.
Specifies the type of the query modifier, Structure or String.
Specifies the query in the catalog to build or edit the query modifier.
Show Query

Shows the information of the query that is used.

Editing area
Specifies the query modifier in the editing area. When editing the String type query modifier, a text
editor will be shown and you can key in the WHERE clause. When editing the Structure type query
modifier, a condition editor will be displayed and you can construct the query modifier using the
buttons provided.
Closes this query modifier dialog and accepts the changes.
Checks the validation of the query modifier according to the query. The validation of a query modifier is
defined as: all the fields and formulas referred to by the query modifier are available to the chosen
query. The validation check will also ensure that the query modifier can work with the specified query.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Show SQL
Displays the string of the Query Modifier.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Query modifiers

Query Option dialog

This dialog appears when you click Query > Current Query Option on the menu bar of the Query Editor
window. It helps you to set the settings for a query.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Join on Foreign Keys
Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a reference from Table A to a primary key in
Table B. For example, an order form in Table A shows information on purchases that are made by a
customer. It can also show this customer's ID #. The customer ID # refers to a record in Table B which
lists a specific address, phone number, name, etc for that customer. The customer ID # in Table A is a
foreign key because it links the customer's ordering information in Table A to the customer's
information in Table B.
Join on Primary Keys with Same Names
Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a field or a combination of fields that
uniquely and specifically identifies a record. For example, your credit card number is a primary key
because it specifically links to your birthday, credit history, address, etc.
Join on Same Names
Specifies to automatically join tables in the query through a link between two columns of the same
name in two different tables.
Show Mapping Names
If selected, the full names of the columns in the tables will be displayed in the criteria panel of the
Query Editor.

Show Table Names

If selected, the table that each column belongs to will be displayed in the criteria panel of the Query
Warn When Cartesian Product Exists
Specifies whether or not to display a warning when a Cartesian exists. A Cartesian product is used
when tables link together with no specifications.
For example, Table A has three values: A, B and C and Table B has three values: 1, 2 and 3. Value A
matches value 1, value B matches value 2, and so on. This is a specific match.
A Cartesian product could have value A matching with 1, 2 and 3, and value B matching with 1, 2 and
3, and so on. Depending on the data values Cartesian products can produce large and complicated
datasets since unnecessary information may be contained.

Rank Expert dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Rank on the menu bar, or click the Insert Rank button
on the Insert toolbar. It helps you to insert a data field, of which the display type is rank into a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Rank Resources
Lists all resources of which display types can be set as rank.
Default Image for all Value Ranges
Specifies the default image for all value ranges, which will be applied when the value of a field does not
fall into any of the defined ranges.
Default Image Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text for the default image, which will be shown when the default image cannot

be displayed.
Value Range
Specifies the value ranges.

Adds a new value range.

Removes the selected value range.

Moves the selected value range up a step.
Moves the selected value range down a step.
Minimum (>=)
Specifies the minimum value for this range.
Maximum (<)
Specifies the maximum value for this range.
Specifies the image of this value range, then when a field's value falls into this range, this image will
be displayed.
Alternate Text
Specifies the alternate text for this value range's image, which will be shown when the image cannot
be displayed.

Inserts the data field into the report as a rank display type.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Components - Ranks

RealPlayer Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Multimedia > RealMedia File on the menu bar, or drag
RealMedia File from the Toolbox panel to a report. It helps you to insert a RealMedia file into a report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

File Name/URL
Specifies the name or the URL of the media file.
Plug-in Page
Specifies the URL of the plug-in page from which you can download the player with which to play the
media file, if it isn't already installed on your local disk.
Specifies properties for the media file to control the options when playing the media file.

Auto Start
Specifies whether to start the media file automatically when the report is opened in JReport Viewer or
JReport Studio.
Specifies whether to place the presentation in the center of the image window and display it in its
original size (the size is determined by the Width and Height properties of the multimedia object in

the Report Inspector).

Specifies whether to play the media file repeatedly.
Loop Number
Specifies the number of the times the media file will loop during playback.
Note: If you have checked the Loop option and specified the Loop Number at the same time,
the media file will be played back according to the specified number, which means the Loop
option will be ignored even though the loop number is set to zero.

Show Controls
Specifies the RealPlayer controls you want to show, which support specific RealPlayer functionality.
The controls will be reproduced in the report as they appear in RealPlayer.

All Controls
Specifies whether to show all controls. When it is checked, all the following controls will be selected
Pause Button
Specifies whether to show the Pause Button.
Play Button
Specifies whether to show the Play Button.
Stop Button
Specifies whether to show the Stop Button.
Control Panel
Specifies whether to show the Control Panel, which contains the following playback controls: Play
Button, Pause Button, Stop Button, Fast-forward Button, Rewind Button, Position Slider and Home
Fast-forward Button
Specifies whether to show the Fast-forward Button.
Home Control
Specifies whether to show the Home Button, which is connected to the www.real.com website.
Image Window
Specifies whether to show the Image Window, which is used for displaying presentations.
Information Panel
Specifies whether to show the Information Panel that displays the title, author, and copyright for
the currently playing clip.
Volume Information
Specifies whether to show the Information/Volume Bar, which consists of the Information Panel
and the Mute/Volume Bar.
Mute Button and Volume Slider
Specifies whether to show the Mute Button and Volume Slider. If checked, the Volume Slider and
Mute checkboxes will be checked correspondingly. Otherwise, you can check Volume Slider or Mute
Position Field
Specifies whether to show the Position Field, which shows the position of the current clip that

identifies the clip's current place within the presentation timeline and the total clip length.

Position Slider
Specifies whether to show the Position Slider, which shows the currently playing position within the
Rewind Button
Specifies whether to show the Rewind Button.
Status Bar
Specifies whether to show the Status Bar, which consists of a text message area, the network
congestion LED, and the current clip position indicator.
Status Field
Specifies whether to show the Status Field, which consists only of a text message area.
Information Field
Specifies whether to show the Information Field, which displays the title, author, and copyright for
the currently playing clip or portion of a multi-clip.

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Record Level Security Information dialog

This dialog appears when you click
in the Report Inspector to specify the property Record Security of a
dataset. It helps you to change the record level security settings.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Use "|" to separate more values in one cell
If you want to use more values in one cell, use "|" to separate them. Applies to User, E-mail, and Title column.
This is useful when you want to apply the same conditions to multiple users. For example, if you want user1,
user2, and user3 to share the same security setting, list user1, user2, and user3 in the same cell, separated by
"|", and then define the security conditions.

The user ID to whom the security settings will be applied.
The role of the user. More than one user can share one role; for one role, you only need to define once, and
other users can share this role without type the same conditions again.
The condition expression is comprised of three parts - Column, Operator, and Value.
The column name, can be the name of a DBField in the current query, the name of a formula (summary)
based on any DBField in the current query, and the name of a parameter. You do not need to quote the
name when the name contains spaces. However, you must make sure the names you type actually exist.

The operator can be one of the following operators: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, and IN.
The value part of the condition expression.

For String type values, use single quotation mark (') to quote the values, e.g., 'Absolute Java';

For Boolean type values, use 0 (false) or 1 (true).

For Date type values, make sure the format of the value you enter is consistent with that of your database.
Note: In the Record Level Security Information dialog, the date values provided on the drop-down list
may not be valid for your actual database, because they are date values that have already been
reformatted using your date format settings in JReport. For detailed information on how to set the
date format in JReport Designer, see Date Format.

For the values of other types, type them in their original form.

e e-mail address of the user.

e title for the user.

Import Text
Imports record level security settings from an external .txt file.
Inserts a new row of user condition after the selected row.
Removes the selected row of user condition.
Clear All
Clears all the rows in the list.
Accepts the changes and closes this dialog.
Closes this dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Report-scope security

Reference Table Configuration dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Configure Reference button
on the Catalog Browser
toolbar. It helps you to select the catalog reference types to be added into the reference table.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Data Source
Lists all the data sources available in the catalog.
Catalog Resource Type
Lists all the resources types available for you to select to add into the reference table.
Closes the dialog and applies the changes.
Closes the dialog, leaving the changes unsaved.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Using a reference table to clarify resource relationships

Rename Duplicate Display Name dialog

This dialog is displayed when you load a catalog which was created in a previous version and contains
business/report cubes that have duplicate display names. It helps you to rename the duplicate names.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Duplicate Display Name
Lists all the cube elements and categories that have duplicate display names.
New Display Name
Specifies the new display names for the cube elements and categories.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Replace Formula dialog

This dialog appears when you double-click any formula added to be column of a query in the Query
Editor dialog. It helps you to select another formula to replace the current one.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists all the formulas available to be added as query columns.
Shows the expressions of the selected formula.
Replaces the current formula with the selected one.
Closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Report Cube Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the Report Cube node and then select Add Report Cube from
the shortcut menu, or right-click a report cube and click Edit Report Cube on its shortcut menu in the
Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a report cube.

The following are details about options in the window:


Saves the report cube and applies all the changes made in this window.
Exits this window.


Opens the Category Property dialog to insert a new folder into the report cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a dimension object to the report cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a measure object to the report cube.
Opens the Add Cube Element dialog to insert a detail information object to the report cube.


Hierarchy Management
Opens the Hierarchy Editor dialog to edit hierarchies for the report cube.
Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration dialog to configure security for the report cube.
Predefined Filter
Opens the Predefined Filter dialog to add predefined filters for the report cube.

Displays this help document.

Saves the report cube and apply all the changes made in this window.
Deletes the specified table, view, formula or summary from the report cube.
Add Category
Inserts a new folder into the report cube.
Add Dimension
Inserts a dimension object to the report cube.
Add Measure
Inserts a measure object to the report cube.
Add Detail
Inserts a detail information object to the report cube.

Hierarchy Management
Specifies hierarchies for the report cube.
Predefined Filter
Adds some predefined filters for the report cube. Ad hoc end users can choose to apply those filters
when designing/modifying reports based on the report cube.
Move Up
Moves the selected object one step up.
Move Down
Moves the selected object one step down.

Resource Objects
Lists all the objects that can be inserted into the report cube.
Report Cube
Lists resources added to the report cube.

Related topics:

Editing a business/report cube

Reset All dialog

The dialog appears when you select Reset All from the Edit menu in the Map Editor window. It helps
you to reset the properties for map areas including the labels and summary fields inside the areas

Objects box
Specifies the object the properties of which you want to reset globally.
Properties box
Lists all the properties for the selected object. Check the checkbox ahead of the properties which you
want to apply global settings, or check All Properties to reset all properties of the selected object
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.

Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Role dialog
This dialog appears when you select the Role tab and then click the Add button in the Security dialog.
It helps you to add roles for the current security entry.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the role name, which must be unique with in the current security entry. JReport uses the role
name to identify a role.

Displays the role source information: a user-defined role or a role obtained from the server.
All Users/Groups
Lists all the users/groups available in the current security entry.
Assign to
Lists the users/groups that have been assigned to this role.

Assigns the selected user/group to this role.

Removes the selected user/group from this role.

Assigns all the users/groups in the current security entry to this role.

Removes all the selected users/groups from this role.

Opens the Security Permission Setting dialog to specify the permission settings for the role.
Parent Roles
Shows the parent roles of the current role.
Accepts the changes and closes this dialog.
Closes this dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

RTF Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to RTF
and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Best Editing
Specifies whether to apply flow layout when exporting the report to RTF.
No Margin
Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Save CSS As dialog

This dialog appears when you click OK in the New CSS Style dialog if you select New Style Sheet File
from the Define in drop-down list. After building a report, if you are pleased with the format of certain
object, you can save it in order to use the same format again in other reports, without having to set all
the properties again.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Save the CSS File to
Shows the directory that the CSS File will be saved to.
Existing CSS Files
Lists all the existing CSS files.
File Name
Specifies the name for the new CSS file. By default, it is New CSS File.css.
Files of Type
Specifies the type for the new file. Here it should be CSS File(*.css).

Saves the CSS style and goes into the CSS Style Definition dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Save Pre-join Path dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Paths button in the Pre-join Editor window. It helps you to
create and save paths for the joins.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Pre-join Paths
Lists all the pre-join paths.
Creates a new pre-join path.
Edits the highlighted pre-join path.
Deletes the highlighted pre-join path.

Shows the joins information of the highlighted pre-join path.
Specifies the new name for the highlighted pre-join.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Save Report As dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Save As on the menu bar. It helps you to save the open
studio report with another name in the current location.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report Name
Specifies the name of the report.
Reports of Type
Displays the type of the report which is .wls.
Saves the report with the name you specified.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.

Displays this help document.

Save Report Set As dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Save As on the menu bar. It helps you to save the open
report set with another name in the current location.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Report Set Name
Specifies the name of the report set.
Report Sets of Type
Specifies the type of the report set.

Report Set Binary File (*.cls)

If selected, save the report set as a binary formatting file.
Report Set Source File (*.rpt)
If selected, save the report set as a text formatting file. A *.rpt file can be opened and edited as a
text file.
Self Contained Report Set (*.clx)

If selected, save the report set as a binary formatting file which self-contains its own catalog.

XML Format Report Set (*.cls.xml)

If selected, save the report set as an XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatting file.


When you save a report set to XML Format Report Set (*.cls.xml), a special key is needed. If you
want, contact Jinfonet support ([email protected]).
Report that contains customized UDOs cannot be saved to XML format. If this option is required,
contact Jinfonet support ([email protected]).

Saves the report set with the name and type you specified.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Save Style dialog

This dialog is for you to save the style you create in the Styles tab of the Catalog Browser into a

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Style Group Name
Specifies the name of the style group.
Style Name
Specifies the name of the saved style.
All Properties
Lists all the properties available. Select the properties that are to be saved.
Selected Properties
Lists the selected properties.

Adds a specified property to the style.

Adds all the properties listed in the All Properties box to the style.

Removes the specified property from the Selected Properties box, so that it will not be applied to the

Removes all the properties from the Selected Properties box, so that they will not be applied to the
Saves the style and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Search Condition dialog

This dialog appears when you click Query > Filter in the Query Editor window. It helps you to specify
more criteria for the fields to be retrieved from the database.

The following are details about option in the dialog:

Add Condition
Adds a new condition line.
Deletes the selected condition line.
Makes the selected conditions in one group. Conditions can also be added to an existing group by

selecting the conditions and the group while holding the Ctrl button, and then clicking the Group button.
Makes the selected condition ungrouped.
Moves the selected condition up to a higher level.
Moves the selected condition or group down to a lower level.
Lists the logic operator.

Logic operator And which is applied to this and the next line.
Logic operator Or which is applied to this and the next line.
And Not
Logic operator And Not which is applied to this and the next line.
Or Not
Logic operator Or Not which is applied to this and the next line.

Specifies the field to be filtered. You can either type in the field manually or click
the Expressions dialog. The following are the options in this dialog:

to specify the field in

Real Name tab

Lists the tables added in the query with all their columns, also the formulas and parameters in the
catalog. Double-click the required field to create the filter on it.
The following symbols at the bottom of the Expressions dialog allow you to modify the expression
according to your requirements.

Adds numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Subtracts numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Multiplies numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Divides numbers or fields together in the Expression menu.
Equates fields together
Places quotations on long character strings or name that have blanks in them. For example, you
should place quotes on values such as "New York" or "Washington DC")

Allows you to place fields together in the same Expression menu. For example, "New York" ||
"Washington DC")

Subquery tab
Allows you to create a sub-query by editing a query or creating a new query. For details about using
sub-queries, see Using sub-queries in filters.

Places your fields in parentheses

Edit Subquery
Opens the Query Editor window to edit the query.
New Subquery
Creates a new subquery here.

Field Value tab (disabled when the Expressions dialog is opened while setting the filter field)
Lists all column names of the related table, in which the field to be filtered is. Check the column name
of the field to be filtered, click OK, then the values of the field will be displayed. Choose the required
value and click Set to use it to filter the field.

Lists all the operators that can be used in the filter condition:

Equal to
Not equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
[not] in
Causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, used for evaluating for a
true condition. The [not] in operator supports multi-value parameters as the value.
[not] between
Allows the system to evaluate whether or not data values are located between a range of values
indicated in the predicate.
is [not] null
It is used in WHERE clause predicates to match null values occurring in a specified data column.
[not] like
Like string pattern matching operator is used to compare the first expression string value to the pattern
string (the second expression). If you want to use wildcard character in the pattern string, only "_" and
"%" are supported.
sounds like

Sound like operator uses a soundex algorithm to pattern match strings that sound alike.

[not] exists
It is used to test if a subselect retrieves any records.

Specifies the value of how to filter the field. You can either type in the value manually or click
the text box to specify the value.

next to

When you type in the value, if multiple values are required, they should be separated with ",", and if ","
or "\" is contained in the values, write it as "\," or "\\".
When you click

to specify the value, the Expressions dialog is displayed.

SQL Statement
Displays the SQL statement of the filter condition.
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Filtering with the filter format

Search dialog
This dialog appears when you click the Search button
on the toolbar of the Catalog Browser or the
Resource View panel. It enables you to search leaf node resources that you need in the Catalog
Browser/Resource View panel.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Search Expression: (* = any expression, ? = any character)
Specifies the text to search for.
Case Sensitive
Specifies whether to match whole work only or match case.
Specifies the search range.

Selected Resources
If selected, you will search what you need in the selected resources.
Search In
If selected, specify in which resources of the Catalog Browser/Resource View panel to search what
you need.

Begins the search process and displays the results in the Search Result panel.
Cancels the search process and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Search Reports dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a report set in the Report Sets tab of the Catalog Browser and
then select Search from the shortcut menu. It helps you to search for a report in a folder or certain text
that is included in a report of some folder.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Find what
Specifies the search content.
Specifies the searching criteria, by name, by keywords or by name or keywords.
Specifies to search in a folder.
Specifies to search in a report.
Look in
Specifies the search path.
Match Case

Limits the search to text that exactly matches the case of the search text.
Include Subfolders
If checked, the search results will include subfolders.
Search Now
Begins the search process.
Cancels the search process and closes the dialog.
New Search
Refreshes this dialog in order to set a new search.
Displays the help documentation.

Security Configuration dialog

This dialog appears when you click Tools > Security Configuration in the Business Cube Editor window,
Report Cube Editor window or Business View Editor window. This dialog allows you to add principals roles, users and groups for business cubes, report cubes or business views.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specify the source of the configuration definition:

Add Role/Group/User manually

If selected, add roles, users or groups manually to the business cube, report cube or business view.

Role tab
Lists the roles for the current security policy.

Role Name
Displays role names.
Displays description of a role and double-click the cell to edit it.

Group tab
Lists the groups for the current security policy.

Displays description of a group and double-click the cell to edit it.

User tab
Lists the users for the current security policy.

User Name
Displays user names.
Displays description of a user and double-click the cell to edit it.

Adds a user, group or role into the current security policy in the opening dialog.

Removes a specified user, group or role from the current security policy.

Refreshes this dialog.

Group Name
Displays group names.

Import from JReport Server

If selected, click the Options button to open the Import from JReport Server dialog to import roles,
users or groups from JReport Server.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Configuring security for business/report cubes

Configuring security for business views

Security Configuration Setting dialog

The dialog appears when you click the Security Configuration button in the Web Service Data Source
dialog. It allows you to set the security configurations for the web service data source.

The followings are details about options of the dialog:

Username Token

Specifies the properties for the username token.

User Name
Specifies the user name for the username token to be used in the security policy.
Specifies the password for the username token to be used in the security policy.

Key Store
Specifies the properties of the key store.

Key Store Type

Specifies the type for the key store. It could be JKS or PKCS12.
Key Store File
specifies the URI to get the key store file.
Key Store Password
Specifies the password to open the key store file.

Client Key
Specifies the properties for the client key.

Alias Name
Specifies the alias name which is used as client signature in the key store.
Alias Password
Specifies the password for the alias name.

Server Key
Specifies the properties for the server key.

Alias Name
Specifies the alias name which is used to get the server-side certification or public key in the key
Alias Password
Specifies the password for the alias name.

Accepts the configuration settings and closes the dialog.
Cancels the configuration settings and exists the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Security dialog
This dialog appears when you right-click the Data Source Security node in the Catalog Browser, select
Add Security from the shortcut menu, input a name for the new security policy and then click OK. This
dialog allows you to specify the security settings for a connection-scope security policy.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Security menu

Import from JReport Server

Opens the Import from JReport Server dialog to import security information, such as users, roles,
and user/role parental relationships from JReport Server.
Imports security information from external XML files.
Exports security information to external XML files.

Exits this dialog.

Help menu

RLS/CLS Security Editor Help

Displays this help document.

User tab
Lists the users for the current security entry.

Specifies the name for the user that is to be added into the current security entry.
Specifies the title for the user that is to be added into the current security entry.
Displays the source of the user that is to be added into the current security entry.
Specifies the E-mail address of the user that is to be added.

Group tab
Lists the groups for the current security entry.

Specifies the group name, which must be unique with in the current security entry. JReport uses the
group name to identify a group.
Displays the group source information: a user-defined group or a group obtained from the server.

Role tab
Lists the roles for the current security entry.

Specifies the role name, which must be unique with in the current security entry. JReport uses the
role name to identify a role.
Displays the role source information: a user-defined role or a role obtained from the server.

Adds a user, group or a role into the current security entry.
Deletes a specified user, group or role from the current security entry.
Modifies the properties of a specified user, group or role.
Valid RLS
Specifies whether to use RLS policy for this security entry. If unchecked, the RLS policy will not be
applied and all the records will be available for the users.

Valid CLS
Specifies whether to use CLS policy for this security entry. If unchecked, the CLS policy will not be
applied and all the records will be available for the users.
Imports security information from external XML files.
Accepts changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.

Related topics:

Connection-scope security

Security Permissions Setting dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Permissions button in the Group dialog, Role dialog or User
dialog. It helps you to set the permission settings for the RLS and CLS policies of the specified user,
group, or role.
The following are details about the options in the dialog:
Policy Setting
Enables the permission settings for the current principal. You should have this option selected if you
want to specify a security policy for the principal.
Policy No Limit
Disables the permission settings for the current principal. If this option is selected, you will not be able
to configure the security policy settings for the principal, which means that the principal has the access
to all the records and columns in the report, which applies this security policy entry.
Record Level Security tab
Specifies the condition statements.

If the policy settings are left blank, the user in this role will not be able to view any records, unless he/
she belongs to more than one role, and the other roles have the necessary permissions.




Specifies the relationship between two expression statements as logical AND. If

this line is the last line in the expression list, when you select AND or OR, and a
new line will be appended to the end of the list as well.


Specifies the relationship between two expression statements as logical OR. If

this line is the last line in the expression list, when you select AND or OR, and a
new line will be appended to the end of the list as well.

Insert Row

Inserts a new line after the current line.

Delete Row

Deletes the current line.

New Group

Adds a new expression group to the list. The relation ships between two groups
can be:

AND- Logical AND relationship between two groups. Records satisfying both
condition groups will be retrieved.
OR- Logical OR relationship between two groups. Records satisfying either
one of the condition groups will be retrieved.
AND NOT - Records which satisfy the first condition group but not the
second will be retrieved.
OR NOT - Records which satisfy the first condition group, or which do not
satisfy the second condition group will be retrieved.

Column Level Security tab

Lists all the available resources in the catalog. Select the required resources to allow or deny them to
be revealed to the principal.

Select Column

Specifies the columns that are to be shown to (or hidden from) the principal.

Allow all
Allows all the columns in the field list to be revealed to the principal.
Deny all
Hides all the columns in the field list from the principal.
Allows the selected columns in the field list to be revealed to the principal.
Hides the selected columns in the field list from the principal.

Accepts the changes and closes this dialog.
Closes this dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Select Area Name dialog

This dialog appears when you specify to import areas from a .shp file. It helps you to define the map
area name.

Select area name from the ESRI shape file

Lists all the available fields in the selected ESRI shape file. You can select one field to define the area
name of the map object.
Lists the fields from which to get the area tooltips, which will be displayed when the report is exported
to HTML/DHTML format. The order of the fields in this box determines the display sequence of the
tooltips and the tooltips can be displayed only when Alternate Content Type on the map object is set to

Adds the select field to be the one from which to get the area tooltips.

Removes the selected field that is not required.

Moves the specified field one step up.
Moves the specified field one step down.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Select Folder dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Browse button next to the Publish Resource To text field in the
Publish to JReport Server dialog or the Browse button next to the Download Resource From text field in
the Download from JReport Server dialog. It helps you to specify the folder on the server where you
want the resources to be published or from which resources will be downloaded.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Lists folders on JReport Server in a tree structure.
Detail Information
Shows the detailed information of sub folders in the selected folder.

Displays the names of sub folders.
Displays the file type.

Last Modified
Displays the last modified time of the sub folders.
Other necessary descriptions of the sub folders.

New Folder
Creates a new folder in the selected folder. You can rename the folder by double-clicking the folder in
the folder tree.
This button is available only when the dialog is opened by clicking the Browse button next to the
Publish Resource To text field in the Publish to JReport Server dialog.
Saves the information and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.
Displays this help document.

Select Group Position dialog

The dialog appears when you right-click the detail column of a table and select Convert to Group from
the shortcut menu. It helps you to specify the position of the group by field when you convert the detail
column to a group column.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Group Above
Specifies to place the group by field in its own row above the detail columns.
Group Left Above
Specifies to place the group by field in its own row and column above and left of the detail columns.
Group Left
Specifies to place the group by field in its own column left of the detail columns.
Applies the setting to convert the column and closes the dialog.
Cancels the conversion and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Select N dialog
This dialog is displayed when you click the Select N button in the Group screen of the banded/table
wizard. It helps you to specify a number to filter groups to be displayed in the report, or a parameter
which returns an integer to filter group dynamically when previewing the report.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Indicates where the Select N condition will be applied.
Select N
Specifies the Select N condition to define groups that will be displayed while others are hidden.

If selected, all groups in the report will be displayed.
If selected, specify a number in the field below and the first N groups in the report will be displayed.
You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list, which returns an integer, and then specify a
value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define the Top N condition.
If selected, specify a number in the field below and the last N groups in the report will be displayed.
You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list which returns an integer, and then specify a
value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define the Bottom N condition.

If checked, all the other records that don't match the Select N condition will be displayed (which are by
default hidden) in another group. Specify a name for this group as required.
This option is available only when the Select N condition is applied to a certain group.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.

Discards the changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Specifying the Select N condition

Select Pre-join dialog

This dialog appears when you click the New button in the Save Pre-join Path dialog, input a path name
and then click OK. It helps you to define new pre-join paths in the current catalog.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

All Joins
Lists all the pre-joins in the connection.
Joins in <path name>
Lists all joins that are added to the new path.
Hide Joins Added in Other Paths
Specifies whether to hide those joins that have been added in other paths.

Adds a join to the new path.

Adds all listed join from the new path.

Removes a join from the path.

Removes all joins from the path.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Select Report dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Import From > JReport Report Set, specify a report set in the
Open Report Set dialog and then click Open. It helps you to select which report(s) in the specified
report set you want to import.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

Displays the name of the report.
Displays the description of the report.
Customize Dataset for Components
Specifies to customize datasets used by components within the selected report(s). If this option is
checked, when you click OK in the dialog, the Customize Dataset dialog will be displayed.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics

Importing reports into a report set

Select Reports dialog

The dialog is displayed when you click Insert > Web Controls > Parameter Form on the menu bar to
insert a parameter form into a report. It helps you to select the report sets that you would like to run
from the current report via the parameter form.

Please select the target reports

Lists all report sets in the current catalog. Check the one(s) you want to run.
Parameter Information
Displays the parameter information, such as prompting text, parameter name, and value type. If
reports in the selected report set have no parameter, this box is blank.
Inserts the parameter form into the current report and exits the dialog.
Cancels inserting the parameter form and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Select Style Group dialog

This dialog appears when you view or publish the report which is applied a dynamic style group. It
helps you to select another style group to the report at runtime.

Accepts the style group you've selected and closes the dialog.
Does not accept the style group you've selected and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Series Options dialog

The dialog appears when you click the Order/Select N button below the Series box in the Display screen
of the chart wizard. It helps you to specify the sort order of the series values and define the number of
the series values that will be displayed in a chart.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Series Order
Specifies in which manner to sort the series values.

Values will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Values will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Values will be sorted in the original order in database.

Series Selection
Specifies the number of series values that will be displayed in the chart.


Specifies the Select N condition to define the number of the series values that will be displayed.
If selected, all series values in the chart will be displayed.

Top N
If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the first N series values in the chart will
be displayed. You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list, which returns an integer,
and then specify a value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define the Top
N condition.

Bottom N
If selected, specify a number in the field to the right and the last N series values in the chart will
be displayed. You can also select a parameter from the drop-down list which returns an integer,
and then specify a value for the parameter when viewing the report to dynamically define the
Bottom N condition.

Based On
If checked, the series values will be sorted by values of the summary selected with the direction
specified. If unchecked, the series values will be sorted by the order specified in the Series Order box
of the dialog.
Remaining Series In
Enabled only when Top N or Bottom N is selected from the Select drop-down list. Check this option
and then type a character string in the text field to group all the series values beyond the top/bottom
N range.
Skip First
If you check the Skip First option and input a number M in the text field to the right, then the first M
series values in the chart will be skipped and the Select N condition will take effect beginning with M
+1. The skipped values will be included in the Remaining Series group together with all the series
values beyond the top/bottom N range.

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Setting Order/Select N condition for category/series field

Set Grids dialog

This dialog appears when you click View > Grid Size on the menu bar. It helps you to specify the grid

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the size of the grids in the design area.
Specifies the color of the grids.
Show Grids
Specifies whether to show grids in the report.
Snap to Grids
Specifies whether to snap and lock objects with the grids when moving and placing objects around.
Accepts changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Show Column dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a table and select Show Column from the shortcut menu. All
columns in the table are listed in the dialog. You can choose to show or hide some of them by checking
or unchecking the box before the desired column names.

Auto Sort
If checked, the columns will list alphabetically; otherwise, the columns will list according to their orders
in the table.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Sign Digital ID dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Setting button after checking the Sign checkbox in the Export to
PDF dialog. This dialog allows you to configure the signature for the PDF file.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the signing digital signature method from the three methods, which are provided by Adobe
Acrobat software.
Digital ID File
Specifies the digital ID file.
User Password
Specifies the password for the digital ID file.
Confirm Password
Confirms the password.

Reason for Signing Document

Specifies the reason for signing the document.
Specifies the location.
Your Contact Information
Specifies the contact information.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Sort - Web Action Builder dialog

This dialog appears when you select *Sort and then click OK in the Web Action List dialog. It helps you
to build a sort action to a field.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Get Input from
Specifies where to get the web control. You can select Form if you add some objects to a form.
Otherwise, only the item Other in Report you can choose.
Apply Action to
Specifies to which component to apply the sort action.

Adds a new sort criterion for the action.

Removes the selected sort criterion.

Moves the selected sort criterion up a step.

Moves the selected sort criterion down a step.

Sort on
Specifies which column to be sorted on. Which columns are available here depends on which area you
choose from the Get Input from drop-down list.
Sort Value
Specifies the value of how to sort on the column. You can select one from the drop-down list.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Applying web actions - Sort

Sort Fields By dialog

The dialog appears when you click the Sort Fields By button in the Display screen of the report wizard. It helps
you to set the sorting manner of data displayed in the banded object/table.

The following are the details of the dialog:

Lists all the available data resources.
Sort Fields By
Displays the fields on which the sorting will be based.
Specifies the sorting manner.

If selected, data in the banded object/table will be sorted based on values of the specified sort by field in
ascending order.
If selected, data in the banded object/table will be sorted based on values of the specified sort by field in
descending order.

Adds the selected field as the sort by field.

Removes the specified sort by field if it is not required.

Moves the selected sort by field one step up.

Moves the selected sort by field one step down.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Sorting the data

Sort Group By dialog

The dialog appears when you select Sort Group By from the Sort column in the Group screen of the report
wizard. It helps you to set the sorting manner of groups at the specified group level.

The following are details of the dialog:

Lists all the available data resources.
Sort Group By
Displays the field(s) on which the groups will be sorted.
Specifies the sorting manner.

If selected, groups will be sorted by the values of the first record in each group on the specified field in
ascending order.
If selected, groups will be sorted by the values of the first record in each group on the specified field in
descending order.

Adds the selected field as the sort by field.

Removes the specified sort by field if it is not required.

Moves the selected sort by field one step up.

Moves the selected sort by field one step down.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Setting the sort manner

Special Function dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Special Function button in the Display screen of the chart
wizard. It helps you to specify a special function to the field displayed on the category/series axis of a
chart, which is of Numeric/String/Date/Time data type.

Displays on which field the special function will be applied.
Specifies the special function to the field. For details about the special functions, refer to Specifying
special function for group by field.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Stored Procedure Parameters dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a stored procedure in the Catalog Browser and select
Parameters from the shortcut menu. It helps you to edit parameter values for the specified stored

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Parameter List
Lists the IN and INOUT parameters in the stored procedure.

Displays names of parameters of the stored procedure.
Specifies the value of each parameter. Double-click the cell to edit the value.
Displays types of parameters of the stored procedure.
Bind Parameter Name
Allows you to bind the IN and INOUT parameters in the stored procedure to an existing catalog
parameter of the same type. Double-click the cell to input the parameter name (@parametername).
By default, a bound parameter will have the same name of the IN and INOUT parameter that is
automatically created when adding the stored procedure.

Displays the value format of the current parameter.
Applies all changes here and closes the dialog.

Cancels the settings you make and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Studio Report Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to
Studio Report and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

Specifies the resolution of the result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the
operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on
Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Subreport dialog
This dialog appears when you click Insert > Subreport on the menu bar, or click the Insert Subreport
on the Insert toolbar. It allows a report (referred to as the subreport) to be inserted into
another report (referred to as the primary report).
The following are details about options in the dialog:
Select Subreport Set
Specifies the subreport set.
Specifies the report in the subreport set as the subreport.
Field tab
Specifies some links between the primary report and subreport.

Component in Report
Lists the components in the subreport that will be interlinked with the primary report.

Adds a component in the subreport to be interlinked with the primary report.
Removes the selected component from the Component in Report box.

Adds a field of the primary report to set up links between the primary report and the subreport as

Removes the selected field.

Lists all the fields that are used in the link conditions.

Lists the selected fields of the primary report.
Specifies the operator to be the condition for setting up links between the primary report and the
Lists the DBFields in the datasets of the subreport which are of the same data type as the selected
fields in the primary report.

Parameters tab
Available only when there is at least a parameter in the subreport. It helps you to specify values for all
parameters in the subreport.

Lists all the parameters contained in the datasets of the subreport.
Lists all the DBFields, formulas, summaries and parameters in the dataset of the primary report
which are of the same data type as the parameters of the subreport.

Return Value tab

Specifies values of the subreport fields to be returned as the primary report parameter values.

Component in Report
Specifies the component in the subreport the fields of which will be used to return value to
parameters of the primary report.
Fields in Subreport

Lists all available fields, formulas, and parameters used by the specified component in the subreport.

Adds a field that you want to assign to a parameter in the primary report.

Removes the selected field.

Return Value
Lists all the fields in the specified component of the subreport that will be used to return value to
parameters of the primary report.
Lists all the selected fields from the specified component in the subreport.

Lists all the parameters in the primary report which are of the same data type as the fields selected
in the specified component of the subreport.

Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Components - Subreports

Suppress Column Subtotal dialog

The dialog appears when you click
next to the Suppress Column Subtotal option in the Layout
screen of the crosstab wizard. It helps you to control which subtotals of the columns in the crosstab will
be suppressed, and which will be shown.

Same for all

If checked, the setting for the first subtotal will apply to all the subtotals.
Lists the name of all subtotals of columns.
Specifies whether to suppress the selected subtotal by selecting true or false from the drop-down list.
It could also be controlled by using a constant level formula.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Suppress Row Subtotal dialog

The dialog appears when you click
next to the Suppress Row Subtotal option in the Layout screen of
the crosstab wizard. It helps you to control which subtotals of the rows in the crosstab will be
suppressed, and which will be shown.

Same for all

If checked, the setting for the first subtotal will apply to all the subtotals.
Lists the name of all subtotals of rows
Specifies whether to suppress the selected subtotal by selecting true or false from the drop-down list.
It could also be controlled by using a constant level formula.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Table Properties dialog

This dialog appears when you click Table > Table Properties in the Business Cube - Join Editor window.
It helps you to configure which tables will be shown and which ones will be hidden.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Show Tables
Lists the tables that have been added and shown in the business cube.
Hide Tables
Lists the tables that are not shown in the business cube.
Applies any changes and closes the dialog.
Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.

Table Type dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Table on the menu bar, click the Insert Table button
the Insert toolbar, or drag Table/Horizontal Table from the Toolbox panel to a report. It helps you to
choose a type for the table you want to create.

Table (Group Above)

Creates a table with group information above the detail panel.
Table (Group Left)
Creates a table with group information left to the detail panel.
Table (Group Left Above)
Creates a table with group information left above the detail panel.
Summary Table
Creates a table with only group and summary information.
Applies the changes and opens the Create Table wizard.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Table Wizard
This wizard is displayed when you select a table layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then click OK, or
right-click a table and click Table Wizard on the shortcut menu. It helps you to create or modify a table.
The wizard consists of the following screens:

Data screen

Display screen

Group screen

Summary screen

Chart screen

Filter screen

Style screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes creating or modifying the table and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Data screen
The Data screen differs with report type: normal report or studio report.

Data screen for normal report

Specifies the dataset for the table.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset you want to use to create or edit the table.

If checked, select a data source from the catalog resources to create a dataset that will be used to build the table. When you
choose to create the dataset from a query, you can click the Modify button to edit the query in the Query Editor if required.
If checked, select a dataset from the ones existing in the open report set to create the table. Click the Modify button to edit
the dataset in the Dataset Editor if required.
If checked, the current dataset used by the parent object will be applied to the table.

Data screen for studio report

Specifies the business view used by the table.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog which are used as data sources for studio reports. Specify the one you want
to use.

Display screen
Specifies the data fields to display in the table.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the specified field to use in the table.

Removes the specified field that is not required in the table.

Replaces the selected field in the table with the specified field in the Resources panel.

Moves the specified field one step up.

Moves the specified field one step down.

Hide Detail
Specifies whether to hide the fields that have been added to display in the table.
Show Table Group Structure
Specifies whether to show the group structure of the table.
Display Fields
Lists the fields that you have selected to display in the table.
Display Name
Shows the display names of the selected fields. You can double-click the name cells to edit them if required.
Sort Fields By
Opens the Sort Fields By dialog to specify how to sort data in the table.

Group screen
Specifies the fields that you want to use to group the data.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the table.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Replaces the selected group by field in the table with the specified field in the Resources panel.
Show Groups in Columns
Specifies whether to show the groups in columns. When it is unchecked, the Invisible property of the group columns in the
Report Inspector will be set to true automatically. You can later use this property to control whether to make the columns
shown or not.
Combine Group Headers
Specifies whether to place all the group by fields in the most inner group header row. Available only when the option Hide
Detail in the Display screen is checked.
Combine Group Headers with Detail Row
Specifies whether to place all the group by fields in the detail row. Available only when the option Hide Detail in the Display
screen is unchecked.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Group By
Lists the fields that are used to group data in the table.
Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Groups will be sorted in an ascending order (A, B, C).
Groups will be sorted in a descending order (C, B, A).
No Sort
Groups will be sorted in the original order in database.
Special Group
Opens the User Defined Group dialog to define grouping information.
For example, if you placed a field named Region for grouping, and this field contains all 50 states of the United States; and if
you want to see the data between Maryland (MD) and New York (NY), you can define the criteria by selecting the between
operator to further define your grouping information.

Sort Group By
Opens the Sort Group By dialog to set how groups will be sorted.

Special Function
If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function
column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.
If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.
Sort Group By

Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the
sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.
Special Group
Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a
special group.
Select N
Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.
Group Filter
Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen
Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions. This screen is available only when you create a table.

Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field to the table.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields
Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized in the table.
Aggregate Function
Specifies the function to summarize the selected field.
Break Field
Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated. If a summary field is added below the Table node, the break
field is null and the summary will be calculated on the whole dataset.
Works together with the Column option to specify the location where the summary field will be put.

Specifies to put the summary field in the header row. If the summary is calculated on a group by field, it will be put in the
group header row of the corresponding group; if the summary is calculated on the whole dataset, it will be put in the table
header row.
Specifies to put the summary field in the footer row. If the summary is calculated on a group by field, it will be put in the
group footer row of the corresponding group; if the summary is calculated on the whole dataset, it will be put in the table
footer row.

Works together with the Position option to specify the location where the summary field will be put.

The summary field will be put in a detail column.
The summary field will be displayed in a separate summary column.

Chart screen
Specifies to create a chart together with the table, which will be placed above the table in the report body. This screen is
available only when you create a table, and when there is at least one group by field and one summary field which is calculated
on this group by field in the table.

No Chart
Specifies not to create a chart.
Bar Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Bar 2-D chart together with the table.
Line Chart
Specifies to create a Line 2-D chart together with the table.
Pie Chart
Specifies to create a Clustered Pie chart together with the table.
Lists the group by fields of the table on which the summary fields are calculated. Choose the field you want to display on the
category (X) axis of the chart from the drop-down list.
Lists the fields that have been added as the group by fields of the table. Choose the field you want to display on the series (Z)
axis of the chart from the drop-down list.

Show Values
Lists the summary fields which are calculated based on the field you choose to display on the category axis of the chart.
Choose the value you want to display in the chart from the drop-down list.

Filter screen
Specifies to filter data displayed in the table. This screen is available only when you create a table.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

Style screen
Specifies the style of the table.

Lists the available styles.

There is no any style information on it and it is only used to cover previous-version report which did not bind any style or the
bound style cannot be found in the style list.

Displays a diagram illustrating the effect of the selected style on the table.
Inherit Style
Specifies whether to make the table take the style of its parent. This option is available only when you modify a table and the
table is inserted into a banded object.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify the page settings.

Related topics:

Creating a table report

Modifying a table

Tabular Wizard
This wizard appears when you select the Tabular Report layout in the New Report dialog or New Report Set dialog and then
click OK. It helps you to create a report with a tabular in it.

Specifies the number of rows for the tabular.
Specifies the number of the columns for the tabular.
Specifies the width for the tabular in inches.

Specifies the length of the border for the tabular.

Do not show this message again
Specifies whether or not to show the wizard the next time when you create a tabular report.
Page Setup
Opens the Page Setup dialog to specify the page settings.
Finishes the setting and closes this wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Text Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to Text
and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Delimited Format
Specifies whether to use the delimited format to export the report result.

Specifies the delimiter to separate fields.

CSV Format
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a comma.
Tab Delimited
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a tab.
Custom Defined
Fields in the exported Text file will be separated by a user defined delimiter. You can type your own
delimiter in the Delimiter box (note that the delimiter should be only one character).

Use Quote mark

Specifies whether the fields in the exported Text file will be marked with quotation marks.
Repeat Last Column Value If Null
If checked, when a cell in the exported CSV Text has no value, value of the previous cell in the same

column will be used.

User Defined Density
Specifies whether to use user defined density to export the report result.

Horizontal Density
Specifies the value for each unit of the horizontal density between columns. The resulting density is a
direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the width between
Vertical Density
Specifies the value for each unit of the vertical density between columns. The resulting density is a
direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the height between


By exporting using user defined densities, if the densities are not set appropriately, the fields in the
report may overlap each other, so you are not recommended to use this way to export the report
result to Text.
When setting the value of Horizontal/Vertical Density, you need to pay attention to the following:

The value of Horizontal/Vertical Density must be greater than the character's width/height of the
smallest field in the report (smallest field is the field with the smallest font size), otherwise, the
value you set will not be applied.
If the value of Vertical Density is greater than 0 and the value of Horizontal Density is less than 0,
the value that you specify for the Vertical Density will be applied and the value of Horizontal
Density will be specified by JReport.
If the value of Vertical Density is less than 0 and the value of Horizontal Density is greater than 0,
the value that you specify for the Horizontal Density will be applied and the value of Vertical
Density will be specified by JReport.
If the values of Vertical Density and Horizontal Density are both greater than 0 and the value of
Horizontal Density is less than 11, the specified value of the two densities will be applied.
Otherwise, they will be specified by JReport.
If the values of Vertical Density and Horizontal Density are both less than 1, these densities will be
specified by JReport.

Specifies whether to generate the report set result to Text format in a compressed size, that is to say,
there will be no clearance between the columns.
Header and Footer
If checked, the Text file will contain all headers and footers in the report, including Report Header/
Footer, Page Header/Footer and Group Header/Footer. Otherwise, the Text file will only contain data in
Detail panel.
Windows End-of-line (CR-LF)
Specifies to use Windows end-of-line characters to indicate the start of a new line. If checked, two
characters <cr> and <lf> will be used at the end of the line.
Unix End-of-line (LF)

Specifies to use Unix End-of-line characters to indicate the start of a new line. If checked, only the Unix
End-of-line character <lf> will be used.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Time Zone and Locale Options dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Time Zone and Locale button in the XML Connection Wizard. It
helps you to specify a default time zone and locale for an XML instance.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Default Time Zone
Specifies the default time zone for the XML data source, in order to apply it to the Time data type,
which is not specified for them in the XML instance. If the time zone has been specified in the XML
instance, the default time zone that you set here will be ignored.
Specifies the locale for the XML instance.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

UDF Classes dialog

This dialog appears when you click File > Import UDF Classes in the Formula Editor window. It helps
you to import user defined formula classes.

The following are details about options in this dialog:

User Defined Formula Classes
Lists the imported user defined formula classes with package path and alias.
By default, each imported UDF class is given an alias which takes the name of the UDF class even
though the alias is not shown. You can modify the alias by double-clicking the UDF class and then
specify a new alias in the Update UDF Class Alias dialog. The new alias which is different from the UDF
class name will be displayed right next to the UDF class and be bracketed by "[]". The format is like
this: UDF_Class_Name[Alias_Name].

Opens the Import UDF Class dialog for importing a new UDF class. To import a UDF class, you need
first add it to the class path of JReport Designer and then provide the class name with full package path
in the Import UDF Class dialog.

Removes the selected UDF class.

Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

User Defined Group dialog

This dialog appears when you select Special Group from the Sort column in the Group screen of the
banded/table wizard or Map Binding Data Wizard, or click the Special Group button below the Category/
Series box in the Display screen of the chart wizard. It helps you to define how to group your

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Group Name
Specifies the name for the grouping criterion.
If you use this dialog to group data in the dataset that is bound with a map, the group name here
should match with data in the specified group by field.
Specifies the operator with which to compose the grouping criterion.
There are many operators with which you can define how your data will be grouped. You can define as:
between, not between. > (greater than), < (less than), = (equal to), <= (less than or equal to), >=
(greater than or equal to), or != (not equal to).
Either op1 or both op1 and op2 will be seen in the Operand column. Type the criteria with quotation
marks here.

Keep values outside of the range in special group

If checked, JReport will put the values that are not included in the specified criteria in a new special

Special Group Name

Specifies the name for the special group.

Adds a new grouping line.
Removes the grouping line you specify.
Applies all changes.
Does not retain any changes.
Displays this help document.

User dialog
This dialog appears when you select the User tab and click the Add button in the Security dialog. It
helps you to specify the users for the current security entry.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Specifies the name of the user.

Specifies the title for the user.
Displays the source of the user.
Specifies the e-mail address of the user.
All Roles/Groups
Lists all the roles/groups that exist in the current security entry.
Belongs to
Shows which roles/groups that the user belongs to.

Assigns the selected role/group to this user (adds this user to the select role).

Removes the selected role/group from the user's role list (removes this user from the select role).

Assigns all the roles/groups in the current security entry to this user (adds this user to all roles).

Removes all the selected roles/groups from the user's role list (removes this user from all roles).
Opens the Security Permission Setting dialog to specify the permission settings for the user.
Applies all the changes.
Closes the dialog and removes all the unsaved changes.
Displays this help document.

Web Action List dialog

This dialog appears when you click
in the Actions column of the Web Behaviors box in the Display
Type dialog. It helps you to bound one or more actions to a field.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Action Name
Lists the names of actions.

Input an Action
If selected, click OK to open the Input Action dialog to input directly an action and its parameter and
bind it to the web control.
If selected, click OK to open the Parameter - Web Action Builder dialog to bind the Parameter action
to the web control.
If selected, click OK to open the Sort - Web Action Builder dialog to bind the Sort action to the web
If selected, click OK to open the Filter - Web Action Builder dialog to bind the Filter action to the web


User Defined Web Action - With Parameter

If selected, click OK to open the Parameter dialog to bind an action to the web control.
User Defined Web Action - Without Parameter
If selected, click OK to bind the selected action to the web control.

Displays some tips about the specified action.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Applying web actions

Web Service Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you select Web Service and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the
Catalog Browser right-click the Relational node and select Add Web Service Connection from the
shortcut menu or right-click an existing web service connection and select Edit Web Service Connection
from the shortcut menu. It helps you to create or edit a web service data source in a JReport catalog.

The following are details about the options of the dialog:

Get WSDL file
Specifies to get a WSDL file to create the web service data source.

Local File
Specifies to get a WSDL file from local files by clicking the Browse button.
Specifies the location of the WSDL file by inputting the URI string.

User Name
Specifies the user name used for accessing the WSDL file through the URI.
Specifies the password used for accessing the WSDL file through the URI.

Time Zone and Locale

Specifies a default time zone and locale for the web service data source.

Default Time Zone

Specifies the default time zone for the web service data source.
Specifies the locale for the web service data source.

Qualified Name Pattern

Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation.

Unqualified Name
Neither catalog nor schema will be included in data manipulation. Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
2-Part Names
Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c FROM schema.t
3-Part Names
Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from

Time Out
Specifies how long to wait to get the WSDL file.
Specifies whether or not to enable the Pre-join feature when building a query or defining join
relationships in business cubes.
Security Configuration
Opens the Security Configuration Setting dialog to configure security for the web service data source.
Shows the additional settings for creating the web service data source.
Creates the web service data source and closes the dialog.
Cancels the creation of the web service data source and exits the dialog.

Displays this help document.

Related topics:

Web service data sources

Web Wizard - Export to HTML

This wizard appears when you click File > Export To > HTML on the menu bar. It helps you to export a
report to HTML format, and consists of the following four tabs:

Report tab

Directory tab

Chart Applet tab

Note tab

Retains changes and returns to the previous tab.
Retains changes and goes to the next tab.
Completes the exporting.
Does not retain any changes and closes the wizard.
Displays this help document.

Report tab
Specifies the options applied to the report.

Web Page Name

Specifies the name of the exported file. If you do not type the name, JReport will use the report name
as the default HTML file name. JReport automatically attaches the extension *.html, so you do not have
to type the extension yourself.
Web Browser
Specifies the web browser for which the HTML result adapts.
Text Overflow
Specifies whether the text overflow is visible or hidden.
No Margin
Specifies whether to remove the margins originally set when the report was designed.
Specifies whether to include the drilldown file in the exported HTML file.

Specifies whether to enable the TOC (Table of Contents) when viewing the report in HTML format.
Multiple Files
If checked, the report result will be generated into multiple HTML files, and JReport will designate a
serial number for each HTML page. For example, if you named a 3-page report as "sales", JReport will
create three files called sales_1.html, sales_2.html, and sales_3.html.

Embed CSS
Specifies whether to embed the cascading style sheet (CSS) in the exported HTML files; otherwise,
the .css file will be generated individually.

Single File
If checked, the report result will be generated in a single HTML file.

No Hyperlink
If checked, there will be no hyperlinks for navigating previous and next pages on the navigation bar
of the exported HTML file.
No Page Number
If checked, there will be no page number information showing the current page number and total
page number on the navigation bar of the exported HTML file.

Section 508 Compliant Output

If checked, the accessibility attributes defined for the report elements via the Report Inspector will be
exported to the HTML format report result which is Section 508 compliant. See Accessibility for more
When Section 508 Compliant Output is checked, the Use HTML Data Table and Relative Font Size
options will be checked and disabled. The output will be Section 508 compliant including HTML data
table, accessible attributes, and relative font feature.
Use HTML Data Table
Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML format
Absolute Font Size
Specifies whether to generate the report result using an absolute font size, which means the font size is
fixed and cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
Relative Font Size
Specifies whether to generate the report result using a relative font size, which means the font size can
be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.

Directory tab
Specifies the location in which to place the exported HTML files.

Specifies the directory in which to place the exported HTML file.

Chart Applet tab

If you have used dynamic charts in your report, they can still be available in the exported HTML file. If
Embed chart applet has been checked, dynamic 3-D charts will remain interactive and be available in
the outputted HTML file. If Save in image has been checked, the charts will be converted to images.
Also, you can specify the format of the images by choosing from the drop-down list (GIF or JPEG. The
default format is JPEG).

Applet Chart
Uses a Java applet to display the charts in an HTML format result file.
Image Chart
If checked, charts will be converted to images. Also, you can specify the image type from the dropdown list. The options are:

auto select
If selected, the image format will be set to JPG or GIF by the JReport system automatically. If the
image colors are less than 256 colors, GIF will be applied; otherwise, it is JPG.
If selected, the GIF format will be applied, which is a lossless compression technique and supports
only 256 colors. GIF is better than JPG for images with only a few distinct colors, such as line
drawings, black and white images and small text that is only a few pixels high.
If selected, the JPG (JPEG) format will be applied, which is supported on the Web. JPG is a lossy

compression technique that is designed to compress color and grayscale continuous-tone images.
JPG images support 16 million colors and are best suited for photographs and complex graphics.

If selected, the PNG format will be applied, which provides a portable, legally unencumbered, wellcompressed (effectively 100 percent lossless compression), well-specified standard for lossless
bitmapped image file. PNG supports indexed-color images of up to 256 colors and shows a more
interchangeable, flexible and robust function than GIF.

Note tab
This tab includes important information about HTML. We recommend that you read the contents in the
Note tab before you convert your report to HTML format.

Windows dialog
This dialog appears when you click Window > Windows on the menu bar. It is used to adjust the
multiple report sets to suit your requirements.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Select Windows
Lists all the open report sets.
Activates the report set selected in the Select Windows box.
Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Saves the report sets selected in the Select Windows box.
Close Window
Closes the report set selected in the Select Windows box.
Tile Horizontally
Lays out all of the open report sets horizontally.

Tile Vertically
Lays out all of the open report sets vertically.
Displays this help document

Windows Media Player Parameter dialog

This dialog appears when you click Insert > Multimedia > Windows Media File on the menu bar, or drag
Windows Media File from the Toolbox panel to a report. It helps you to insert a Windows Media file into
a report in JReport Designer.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

File Name/URL
Specifies the name or URL of the media file that is to be inserted into the report.
Plug-in Page
Specifies the URL of the plug-in page from which to download the player with which to play the media
file, if it isn't already installed on your local disk.
Specifies properties for the media file to control the options when playing the media file.

Auto Start
Specifies whether or not to start the media file automatically when the report is opened in JReport
Viewer or JReport Studio.
Auto Rewind
Specifies whether or not to rewind the media file automatically.
Play Count
Specifies the number of times you want to play this media file.
Show Controls
Specifies whether or not to show the Windows Media Player controls.

Show Audio Controls

Specifies whether or not to show the Mute Button and the Volume Slider on the Control Bar.
Show Position Controls
Specifies whether or not to show the Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Skip Ahead, Skip Previous, and
Preview buttons on the Control Bar.
Show Tracker
Specifies whether to show the Tracker Bar. It is only enabled when the Control Bar is visible.
Show Display
Specifies whether to show the Display Panel.
Show Caption
Specifies whether to show the Closed Captioning Displayed Panel.
Show Go To Bar
Specifies whether to show the Go To Bar.
Show Status Bar
Specifies whether to show the Status Bar.

Accepts all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays this help document.

XML Connection Wizard

This wizard appears when you select XML and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the Catalog Browser
right-click the Relational node and select Add XML Connection from the shortcut menu or right-click an existing
XML connection and select Edit XML Instance Source from the shortcut menu. It helps you to import an XML
schema and transform it to a relational schema for future use, and consists of the following screens:

Import XML Schema screen

Modify Schema Properties screen

Transform XML Schema screen

Transformed Relational Schema screen

Add Table screen

Goes back to the previous screen.
Goes to the next screen.
Finishes confirming to transform an XML schema to a relational schema.
Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.
Displays this help document.

Import XML Schema screen

Specifies the necessary information to import XML schema.

Schema Type
Specifies the type to import XML schema. You can import from XSD or parse from an XML instance.
Schema Name
Specifies the schema file by clicking the Browse button or inputting the URI string directly in the text box.
Starting Node
Specifies the starting node, according to the root name in the XML source.

If a value of DateTime data type is accurate to millisecond, a message - Invalid Value will still pop-up although
the value is valid according to the W3C standard. If that, ignore the error message and continue the
transformation steps.
If you select to create a parameter and then dynamically specify an XML instance at runtime, the XML instance
will be validated at runtime rather than in the importing process.

Specifies the XML instance. It should match with the selected XSD schema.
These two operations below are available only when you select Import from XSD from the Schema Type dropdown list.

If selected, specify an XML file for the XSD by clicking the Browse button or input the URI string directly in the
text box.
to open the Create Parameter dialog to create a parameter and then dynamically specify an
If selected, click
XML instance that matches with the selected XSD schema at runtime.

Validate with schema before fetching

If selected, JReport Designer will validate whether or not values in the XML instance is valid according to the W3C
standard and the specified XSD schema. If not, a message - Invalid Value will pop up.
Time Zone and Locale
Opens the Time Zone and Locale Options dialog to specify the default time zone and locale for the XML instance.
Available only when you edit an existing XML connection. Once you make some change in the wizard and click the
Refresh button, the XML schema information will be reloaded according to what you have changed.

Modify Schema Properties screen

Specifies properties of the XML schema.

Lists the corresponding schema structure of the root.
XML schema and

stands for elements,

stands for the attributes in the

stands for the references of elements.

Lists all the properties of the selected elements and attributes in the schema.

Displays names of properties of the selected elements or attributes.
Specifies values of properties for the selected elements or attributes.

Note: When the property Data Type is specified as Date, Time or DateTime, you can specify the Format Pattern
for them to make values of the Data Type display as required. For details about these properties, see the section
Supplementing information for the XML schema.

Transform XML Schema screen

This screen allows you to specify an XPath as a transforming start point. All the elements matching with the
selected XPath and their attributes will be transformed to the relational schema.

Transformed Relational Schema screen

This screen lists the transformed relational schema structure. It helps you to click Next to confirm the
transformation results and go into the Add Table screen.

Add Table screen

Adds tables that are transformed from the relational schema to the connection. This screen is not available when
you edit an existing XML connection.

Lists the schemas in the database for you to select.
Lists the tables transformed from the XML schema.
Added Tables
Lists the tables that you have added from the relational schema.

Adds the selected tables.

Removes the selected tables from the Added Tables box.

Generate the default pre-join path
Specifies whether or not to generate the default pre-join path for tables of the XML data source.

Related topics:

XML connections

XML Option dialog

The dialog is displayed when you set the Default Format for Viewing Report property of a report to XML
and then click

in the value cell in the Report Inspector.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Only Data
If checked, only data of the report can be generated to XML format.
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.
Displays this help document.

Formula Reference
A formula is a symbolic statement of the manipulations you want to perform on certain data. JReport
provides a number of built-in functions for you to build your formula. Also it provides user defined
formula (UDF) functions that allow you to design your own formula functions.
Generally, formulas can be used:

to calculate information you cannot obtain directly from database data fields,

to compare data,

to join text with data,

to convert data from one form to another,

to enhance the formatting options with text strings, and

to do a number of other things to customize your reports.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Formula syntax

Data type

Built-in functions


Formula syntax
JReport formula syntax is a syntax with simple flow control and other statements. The Formula Editor is
where you write your formula statements. You should follow JReport formula syntax when writing
In this syntax, sequence and selection control structure are supported. You can use it to control the
execution of the statements. In this syntax, a parameter can be used as variable, and its value can be
used in computation or making decisions. Since the value of the parameter is input before the report is
run, the report can respond to user input and generate different results.
Click a link from the following for details:



The statement is the smallest executable unit in the syntax. A SQL procedure is a sequence of
statements. Statements are separated by semicolon (;). There are many kinds of statements, such as
declare statement, expression statement, assignment statement, if-else statement, and return

Declare statement
The declare statement is used to declare variables.

Syntax: VariableType VariableName

Example: String sql;
This statement declares a local String type variable called sql.

Syntax: global VariableType VariableName

Example: global integer i;
This statement declares a global Integer type variable called i.

Expression statement
The expression statement is used to calculate the value of an expression.

Assignment statement
The assignment statement is used to calculate the expression on the right side of assignment operator
and assign the value to the variable on the left side.
Syntax: Variable = Expression
The type of value of expression must be compatible with the type of the variable.
Example: total = amount * price
In this example, where the total, amount and price are declared variable. The statement calculate the
"amount * price" and assign the value to "total".

If - else statement
The if-else statement provides conditional control of an action. Normally, the statements are executed
one by one sequentially. The if-else statement enables alternative actions that depend on the
evaluation result of the expression.

if (expression)
if (expression)

Where, the expression must be a logical expression and have a Boolean value. The if clause checks the
condition presented by the logical expression. If the condition is true, the statement following the if will
be executed. Otherwise, the statement following the else will be executed.
If (score >= 60)
return "PASS";
return "FAIL";

In this example, if the score is greater than or equal to 60, the result is pass, otherwise the result is fail.

Return statement
The return statement is used to stop the execution of procedure and return a value if necessary. The
return statement is the last statement executed.
Syntax: return or return expression;
The expression will be calculated before the procedure returns.
Example: return results;

For statement
The for statement provides a compact way to iterate over a range of values.
for (initialization; termination; increment) {

for (initialization; termination; increment) statement
The initialization is an expression that initializes the loop - it's executed once at the beginning of
the loop. The termination expression determines when to terminate the loop. This expression is
evaluated at the top of each iteration of the loop. When the expression evaluates to false, the loop
terminates. Finally, increment is an expression that gets invoked after each iteration through the loop.
All these components are optional.
integer i=0, j=0;
return j;

integer i=0, j=0;
For(i=0;i<100;i=i+1) j=j+1;
return j;

Both examples will return 100 as the result.

integer siteint=0;
string stite="&_isMultiple_jrs.param$Site=true";

if(@P_int==0) then
stite= stite+"&jrs.param$Site=" + @P_int
return stite;

While statement
The while statement is used to continually execute a block of statements while a condition remains true.
while (expression) do {
while(expression) do statement
First, the while statement evaluates expression, which must return a Boolean value. If the expression
returns true, then the while statement executes the statement(s) associated with it. The while

statement continues testing the expression and executing its block until the expression returns false.
integer i=0;
While(i<100) do {
return i;
integer i=0;
While(i<100) do i=i+1;
return i;

Both examples will return 100 as the result.

Note: JReport Designer provides another statement that is similar to the while statement - the dowhile statement.
do { statement(s) } while (expression);
do statement while(expression)
Instead of evaluating the expression at the top of the loop, do-while evaluates the expression at the
bottom. Thus the statements associated with a do-while are executed at least once.
integer j=0;
Do {
return j;
integer j=0;
Do j=j+1 while(j<100);
return j;

Both examples will return 100 as the result.

Select statement
The select statement is usually used in the case that the value of a single variable may determine one
of a number of different choices.
A select statement is given a variable and compares its value to all cases in the switch; if there is a
case that matches the value, all statements in the matching case are executed. If none match, and a
default is given, all statements following the default keyword are executed.

select (variable name){
case expression_1: statement
case expression_2: statement
default: statement
The expression_1 and expression_2 should be variables or constants. The statement in each should
be a single statement or multi-statement (compound statement). When multi-statement is used, they
must be enclosed by {}.

The value of the select is only evaluated one time even when a case modifies the tested value.
No break statement is required, the logic flow does not continue through the following case

integer i = 0 ; string j = 'a';
i = @"Customers_Customer ID";
case 1: j='bb'
case 2: j='cc'
default: j ='dd'};
return j

string state="",result="";
if (IsNull(@Customer_State)) then
state = @Customer_State;

select (state)
case "BC","ID","MT","WA":result="Northwest"
case "CA","AZ","TX","NM":result="Southwest"
case "ME","MA","NH","NY":result="Northeast"
case "FL","NC","GA","SC":result="Southeast"
default: result="Rest of Country"
return result;

The expression is a combination of values, operators and functions that produce a result. The value in
the expression can be a literal value or a variable, while the operator defines the operation between
values; the function is used to perform an action and return a value.

The value specified in an expression can be a literal value or a variable value. JReport formula syntax
supports seven data types of value. See the section Data type for details.
Literal value
The Literal Value is a value that is used exactly as it is displayed. A literal value represents a value such
as a Number, String, or Date. For example, "Name", 98.6...
A variable is a named storage unit used to store a value. The identifier (name) of variable can be used
to refer to the value of the variable or refer to the storage space of the variable. In an expression, the
identifier is used to refer to the value, and in assignment statement, the identifier on the left is used to
refer to the storage space.

Undeclared variables
The undeclared variables include parameter, DBField, special field and summary defined in the
catalog. They can be used as a variable in a formula.
Declared variables
Another type of variable which must be declared in a declare statement before use. The declared
variable is a real variable and can be assigned in the assignment statement. There are two kinds of
declared variables:

Local Variable: Variable which is only valid in the formula where it is declared.

Global Variable: Variable which is valid in all the formulas once it is declared.

Report level global variable

To control the formula more flexibly, JReport offers you one more global variable scope to operate
besides component level global variable. That is report level global variable. You can use "report" as
the keyword to define the global variable in a formula.
For the two levels of global variable, the following definitions will help you distinguish them:

Component level: Its lifetime is the same as the component's lifetime. In its lifetime, whenever a
formula is executed, the variable will be executed if it is used in the formula.
Report level: Its lifetime is the same as the report's (primary report) lifetime. Even in different
components (using same data source), the same report level global variable will have only one
instance. The report level variable can be passed to different components (using same data source).
The components include banded objects, tables, charts, tabulars, crosstabs, and subreports
(including many layers of subreports).

When using the keyword "global" to define a global variable in a formula, if you add no words before
the keyword, the global variable is on the component level; if you add "report" before the keyword, the
global variable will be a report level global variable.
This example uses the report global variable to do a calculation in the report. First, create three
formulas based on the report global variable as follows:
Formula1: report global number a =0;
Formula2: a = a+1;
Formula3: return a;
Then use them in one report set including two BandedObjects(BandedObject1 and BandedObject2) in
the same dataset as follows:
1. Insert Formula1, Formula2, Formula3 to the BandedObject1(15 records) as follows:
BandedFooter:Formula3 - returns 15.
2. Then insert Formula2 and Formula3 to the BandedObject2(25 records) as follows:
BandedFooter:Formula3 - returns 40.

For nested data containers, report level global formulas may lead to an unexpected result. If you add
"pagenumber" in the formula's definition, the generated result can be the one expected.
Although one report can have two or more data sources, report level global variable cannot span
across data sources, otherwise the formula will not run correctly, thus, even the report global
variables with the same variable name in different data sources are different in one report.
If there is a report level global variable report global integer g, and it is used both in the primary
report and subreport, then this variable g can communicate with each other.
If you want to calculate the record number of the subreport and primary report separately, you can
define a different report level variable from the primary report, but if one subreport is inserted into
one primary report more than once you will be unable to correctly use the variable separately, in
such circumstance, you can change the report level variable into component level variable to solve
the problem.

An operator is a symbol that indicates an operation to be performed on values. The JReport procedure
language has several classes of operators, including math, comparison and logical operators. For
detailed information about operator, see the section Operators in this chapter.


Functions return a value as its result. JReport formula syntax provides many built-in functions. You can
refer to the section Built-in functions for detailed information about function.

Data type



32-bit two's complement

Defines a field containing a whole

number between -2,147,483,648
and 2,147,483,647. Fractional
values inserted into an Integer
field are truncated. If specified as
values will be replaced by zero.


64-bit two's complement

A data type that holds large


Real Number

Immutable arbitrary-precision


32-bit IEEE 754

This data type defines an 32bitIEEE standard 754 floating-point

field. Floating-point fields can be
defined as single or double
(default) precision based on the
value of Integer. If the value of
integer is between 1 and 21, the
type is single precision floatingpoint, which requires 4 bytes of
storage. If the value of integer is
between 22 and 53 inclusive, the
type is double precision floatingpoint, which requires 8 bytes of
storage. If a field is specified as
values will be replaced by zero.


64-bit IEEE 754

This data type defines an 64-bit

IEEE standard 754 floating-point
field. Floating-point fields can be
defined as single or double
(default) precision based on the
value of integer. If the value of
integer is between 22 and 53
inclusive, the type is double
precision floating-point, which
requires 8 bytes of storage. If a
field is specified as NOT NULL
WITH DEFAULT, null values will
be replaced by zero.



This data type contains a dollar

amount between; -1012 and 1012
and is displayed in a user-defined



Dates designate a point in time according to the Gregorian

calendar. Historical dates may not follow this calendar. The
standard input format for this data type is MM/dd/yy or MM/
dd/yyyy (automatic conversion is performed between these
two formats).




The Time field data type is defined by the standard input

format of HH:mm:ss (using hour in day 0--23) or hh:mm:
ss (using in am/pm 1--12).



This combination Date and Time data type is displayed in

the format yyyy-MM-dd-HH: mm.ss.nnnnnnn.



A single character.


A data type that holds character information.

true or false

True or false.




An Integer from 0001 to 9999, representing a year.


An Integer from 1 to 12 representing a month


An Integer from 1 to 31 (maximum depends on the month and year) representing the day
of the month


An Integer from 0 to 23, representing the hour in day


An Integer from 1 to 12, representing the hour in am/pm.


An Integer from 0 to 59, representing minutes


An Integer from 0 to 59 representing seconds (default 0)


An Integer (up to 6 digits) representing microseconds. If any trailing digit is omitted, 0 is


Built-in functions
The Functions panel in the Formula Editor lists all the built-in functions JReport provides. They are
powerful and commonly used. If you are still puzzled in finding your own required function, you can
write user defined formula functions.
The following are types of the built-in functions:




Date Range




Mathematical functions are used for a variety of mathematics-oriented calculations and operations. The
following is a list of the Math functions. Click the links for further information.







E, Pi
























Abs(double, a)
Returns the absolute value of a Double value. If the argument is not negative, the argument will be
returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument will be returned.
a - A Double value.
Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statements is 2.4785.
Abs(2.4785) and Abs(-2.4785)

Abs(BigInt, a)
Returns the absolute value of a BigInt value. If the argument is not negative, the argument will be
returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument will be returned.
a - A BigInt value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statements is 3534.
Abs(-3534) and Abs(3534)

Abs(currency, a)
Returns the absolute value of a Currency value. If the argument is not negative, the argument will be
returned. If the argument is negative, the negation of the argument will be returned.
a - A Currency value.
Return value
The return value is a Currency.

The return value of the following statement is $3.67.

Abs($3.67) and Abs($-3.67)

Returns a number specifying the arctangent of the given number parameter. In other words, it returns
the angle whose tangent is the given number parameter. This function works in a similar way to the
Java Math function with the same name. The range of values returned by atan is between -pi/2 and
pi/2 radians.
number - A Number value.
Return value
Number value, which is an angle specified in number of radians.
atan(1) - Returns an angle of 0.7854 radians (rounded to 4 radians). To convert this angle to degrees
multiply by 180 / pi. For instance, atan (1) * 180 / pi is 45 degrees.

Average(DBField a)
The function is used to get the average value of the values referred to by the argument.
a - Values of DBField or formula field. Can be Number or Currency data type.
Return value
The return value can be Number or Currency.

Number x = Average(@dbfield)

Number x = Average(@formula)

Currency x = Average(@dbfield)

Currency x = Average(@formula)

Average(DBField a, String groupby)

This function is used to get the average value of values referred to by the argument.

a - Values of DBField or formula field. Can be Number or Currency data type.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the groupby field name or a field variable grouped by or a
parameter variable grouped by.

Return value
The result value can be Number or Currency, and is depent on the data type of the first argument

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Currency x = Average(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Average(@formula, @parameter_groupby)

Average(Number a[])
This function computes the average of all the values in the array.
a - A Number or Currency array.
Return value
The return value is a Number or a Currency.

The return value of the following statement is 13.5.

Number x = Average([ 11,12,13,14,15,16 ])

The return value of the following statement is -13.5.

Number x = Average([ -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16 ])

The return value of the following statement is 11.265.

Number x = Average([ 11.25,11.26,11.27,11.28 ])

The return value of the following statement is -11.265.

Number x = Average([ -11.25, -11.26, -11.27, -11.28 ])

The return value of the following statement is 5.75.

Currency x = Average([ $5.6, $5.7, $5.8, $5.9 ])

The return value of the following statement is -5.75.

Currency x = Average([ -$5.6, -$5.7, -$5.8, -$5.9 ])

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Average(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

Returns a number specifying the cosine of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle, and
returns the length of the side adjacent to the specified angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
number - An angle in number of radians.
Return value
Number value between 1 and -1.

cos(1) - Returns 0.54 (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the cosine of 1 radian.

cos(60 * pi / 180) - Returns 0.5. This is the cosine of 60 degrees. Before taking the cosine, the
angle is converted to radians by multiplying by pi / 180.

Count(Array a[ ])
This function computes the number of the values in an array.
a - A Double array.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.

Count([11.2, 15.4, 13.7, 16.9, 15.2, 14.8, 10.6]) - Returns 7.

Count([-20.4, -26.4, -68.7, -84.1]) - Returns 4.

Count(["George","Paul","George","John","Ringo","John"]) - Returns 6.

Count([11, 15, 13, 16, 15, 14, 10]) - Returns 7.

Count([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]) - Returns 6.

Count(DBField a)
The function is used to count the number of values referred to by the argument.
a - Values of DBField or formula field.
Return value
Returns a Number type value.

Number x = Count(@dbfield)

Number x = Count(@formula)

Count(DBField a, String groupby)

The function is used to count the number of values referred to by the first argument.

a - Values of DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the groupby DBField name, formula name grouped by or a

parameter name grouped by.

Return value
Returns a Number type value.

Number y = Count(@"Customer Name", @Customers_Region)

Number x = Count(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Count(@dbfield, @parametger_groupby)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Count(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

DistinctCount(Number a[ ])
This function computes the number of distinct values in an array.
a - A Number array.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 4.
DistinctCount([1.45, 2.63, 38.1, 1.45, 23.9])

DistinctCount(DBField a)
This function computes the number of distinct values referred to by a DBField.
a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If you build a report about customer order, the return value of the following statement is 19.
DistinctCount(@"Order Date")

DistinctCount(DBField a, String groupby)

This function is used to count the number of distinct values referred to by the first argument.

a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula name or parameter name grouped

Return value
Returns a Number type value.

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. The following formula will be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = DistinctCount(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of

E, Pi
Returns the Mathematical value of e, which is 2.7182818 (if rounded to 7 decimal places).

Returns the Mathematical value of pi, which is 3.1415926 (if rounded to 7 decimal places).

Returns a number specifying e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power. The value of e is
approximately 2.7182818284590452354. This function works like the Java Math function with the same
name. Numeric overflow occurs if the given number parameter is larger than approximately 705.
inNumber - Number value that specifies a power.
Return value
A number which is the value of e ^ Number.

exp(1.5) - Returns the exponentiation of 1.5, which is approximately 4.4817.

exp(10) - Returns 22,026.47.

integDiv(numbera, numberb)
Returns the integer portion of the value numbera/numberb.

numbera - A Number value.

numberb - A Number value.

Return value
Whole Number value.
integDiv(33, 2) - Returns 16.

Returns a number specifying the natural logarithm of a given number. The natural logarithm is the
logarithm to the base e, where e is approximately 2.7182818284590452354. If the value of number is
less than 0, the function will return NaN.
number - The Number value that you want to calculate on.
Return value
The number which is the value of ln(Number).

Log(1.5) - Returns 0.406 (rounded to 3 decimals).

Log(22026.47) - Returns 10.

Maximum(a[ ])
This function returns the highest value in an array.
a - An array, data type can be Number.
Return value
Returns a Number value.

Maximum([ 22.5, 75.81, 236.47, 56.31, 235.78 ])

Maximum(DBField a)
This function is used to pick up the maximum value from the values referred to by the argument.
a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
Return value
The returned value type is dependent on the data type of the parameter. It may be Number, Currency,
String, Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean.

Number x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Date x = Maximum(@formula)

Currency x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Maximum(@formula)

Maximum(DBField a, String groupby)

This function is used to pick up the maximum value from the values referred to by the first argument.

a - Values of a DBField or of a formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
The returned type is dependent on the data type of the first argument. It may be Number, Currency,

String, Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean.


Time x = Maximum(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

DateTime x = Maximum(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

String x = Maximum(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Date x = Maximum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @dbfield1)

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to another variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic
of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Maximum(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

Minimum(a[ ])
This function returns the lowest value in an array.
a - An array which type can be Number.
Return value
Returns a Number value.

Number x = Minimum([ 2.36, 0.12, 1.25, 0.25 ])

Number x = Minimum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];

Number y = Minimum(x)

Minimum(DBField a)
This function is used to pick up the minimum value from the values referred to by the argument.
a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.
Return value
The returned value type is dependent on the data type of the parameter. It can be Number, Currency,
String, Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean.

Number x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Date x = Minimum(@formula)

Currency x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Minimum(@formula)

Minimum(DBfield a, String groupby)

This function is used to pick up the minimum value from the values referred to by the first argument.

a - Values of a DBField or a formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField name, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
The returned value type is dependent on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date,
Time, DateTime or Boolean.

Time x = Minimum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

DateTime x = Minimum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

String x = Minimum(@dbfield, @parameter_groupby)

Date x = Minimum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @dbfield_groupby)

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Minimum(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

Returns a number that is a multiple of the second parameter and at the same time is nearest to the
first parameter. This function rounds up (away from zero) if the remainder of the division is greater
than or equal to half of the value of the second parameter.

Number - A Number value.

Currency - A Currency value.

Note: Regardless of the positive/negative sign of the second parameter, the result of the function
takes the positive/negative sign of the first parameter.
Return value
A number.
Take MRound(Currency,Number) for an example:
MRound(Currency,Number) = Number*(Integer(Currency/Number) + (1 if Remainder(Currency/
Number) >=Number/2, otherwise 0)

MRound(11,4) - Return 12.

MRound($11,-4) - Return 12.

MRound(-7,2) - Return -8.


PopulationVariance(a[ ])

PopulationVariance(DBField field)

PopulationVariance(DBField field, String groupby)

This function computes the population variance of the values referred to by the argument.

a - A Number array.

field - Values of a DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
Returns a Number type value.

PopulationVariance([ 2.5, 4.75, 2.36, 1.25 ])

Number x = PopulationVariance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];

Number y = PopulationVariance(x)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@formula)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. Therefore, the following formula will be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = PopulationVariance(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind
of function.

PopulationStdDev(a[ ])

PopulationStdDev(DBField field)

PopulationStdDev(DBField field, String groupby)

This function computes the population standard deviation of the values referred to by the argument.


a - A Number array.

field - Values of a DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string to indicate the DBField, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
Returns a Number type value.

Number x = PopulationStdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationStdDev( x)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@formula)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. Therefore, the following formula will be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = PopulationStdDev(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of

Pow(numbera, numberb)
Returns the value of numbera ^ numberb.

numbera - A Number value.

numberb - A Number value.


pow(2, 4) - Returns 16.

pow(6.2, 5.1) - Returns 10995.060323919315.

Random(), Random(seed)
Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. If seed is equal to 0, Random
returns the random number that was returned from the previous call to random. If seed is not supplied
or is greater than 0, then Random will return the next random number in the internally generated
sequence of random numbers. If seed is less than 0, then Random will use this value of seed to start a
new random number sequence and returns the first value in the sequence. This function is typically
used when your formula requires a randomly generated number, for example, statistical calculations or
selecting records at random to limit the data in a report.



seed - An optional Number value parameter.
Return value
A Number value.

random() - Returns: 0.673411041443785

random(123) - Returns: 0.06300625845328678

random(0) - Returns: 0.06300625845328678

random(-122223) - Returns: 0.3291484275937213

Note: You can call Random without ever starting a new random number sequence by specifying a
negative seed parameter. If you do so, an internal seed will be generated using the system clock. The
reason to start a new random number sequence by calling Random with a negative seed parameter,
and then making subsequent calls to Random without a parameter (or with a positive parameter) is so
that the report will look exactly the same every time it is previewed. In other words, it allows you to
make use of random numbers, but to return a reproducible result.

Remainder(Integer a, Integer b)
This function is used to evaluate the remainder after numerator has been divided by a denominator.

a - A BigInt value.

b - A BigInt value.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

Remainder(7, 9) - Returns 7.
if(Remainder(@"CustomerID",2)==0) then
return "0xffcc99"
return "0xccffff"
This formula can distinguish odd numbers and even their backgrounds.

Round(Number a, integer b)
This function is used to round to a specified scale determined by argument b for Double value a.

a - A Double value.

b - A Scale value.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 2.46.
Round(2.4576, 2)

Round(Number a)
This function returns the integer portion after a specified number has been rounded.
a - A Double value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 3.00.

Round(Number a, integer b, integer c)

This function is used to round to a specified scale determined by argument b and a specified rounding
mode determined by argument c for Double value a.

a - A double value which will be rounded.

b - The rounded scale.

c - The rounding mode.

c is used to represent the following different seven rounding modes, which can be specified as an
integer between 0 and 6.

Rounding mode to round away from zero. Always increments the digit prior to a non-zero discarded
fraction. Note that this rounding mode never decreases the magnitude of the calculated value.
Rounding mode to round towards zero. Never increments the digit prior to a discarded fraction (i.
e., truncates). Note that this rounding mode never increases the magnitude of the calculated value.
Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity. If the value is positive, behaves as for
ROUND_UP; if negative, behaves as for ROUND_DOWN. Note that this rounding mode never
decreases the calculated value.
Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity. If the BigDecimal is positive, behave as for
ROUND_DOWN; if negative, behave as for ROUND_UP. Note that this rounding mode never
increases the calculated value.
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in
which case round up. Behaves as for ROUND_UP if the discarded fraction is >= .5; otherwise,
behaves as for ROUND_DOWN. Note that this is the rounding mode that most of us were taught in
grade school.
Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in
which case round down. Behaves as for ROUND_UP if the discarded fraction is > .5; otherwise,
behaves as for ROUND_DOWN.
Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in
which case, round towards the even neighbor. Behaves as for ROUND_HALF_UP if the digit to the
left of the discarded fraction is odd; behaves as for ROUND_HALF_DOWN if it's even. Note that this
is the rounding mode that minimizes cumulative error when applied repeatedly over a sequence of

Return Value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 2.03.
Round(2.021, 2, 0)

Round (Number a, Integer b, String c)

This function is use to round to a specified scale determined by argument b using the rounding mode c.

a - A double value which will be rounded.

b - The rounded scale.

c - The rounding mode. It can be Up (0), DOWN (1), CEILING (2), FLOOR (3), HALF_UP (4),

HALF_DOWN (5), and HALF_EVEN (6). See the previous section about the detailed description of
each rounding mode.
Return Value
The return value is a number.
The return value of the following statement is 123.457.
Round(123.4567, 3, 'UP')
Note: The digits of the decimal fraction of the rounded number must be bigger than the scale specified
in the formula.

Returns the sign value of the given number (whose value is data). If data is greater than 0, it will
return 1. If data is less than 0, it will return -1. If data is equal to 0, it will return 0.
data - The value you want to know the sign of.
Return value
1, 0 or -1.

sgn(2) - Returns 1.

sgn(-23) - Returns -1.

sgn(0) - Returns 0.

Returns a number specifying the sine of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle, and
returns the length of the side opposite to the specified angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
number - An angle in number of radians.
Return value
Number value between -1 and 1.

Sin(1) - Returns 0.84 (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the sine of 1 radian.

Sin(60*pi/180) - Returns 0.87 (rounded to 2 decimals). This is the sine of 60 degrees. Before
taking the sine, the angle is converted to radians by multiplying by pi/180.

Returns the square root of a given number. If the value of the number is less than 0, this function
returns NaN. It is designed to work like the Java Math function of sqrt().
number - A Number value greater than or equal to 0.
Return value
Number value.
sqr(100) - Returns 10.


StdDev(a[ ])


StdDev(field, groupby)

This function computes the standard deviation of the values referred to by the argument.

a - A Number array.

field - Values of DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
Returns a Number value.

Number x = StdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = StdDev( x)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = StdDev(@formula)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @dbfield1)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = StdDev( x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.


Sum(Number a[ ])

Sum(Integer a[ ])

Sum(Currency a[ ])

Sum(DBField field)

Sum(DBField, String groupby)

This function computes the sum of all the values referred to by the argument.

a - A Number, Integer or Currency array.

field - Values of DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
The returned value type is dependent on the parameter. It can be Number, Integer or Currency.

Number x = Sum([1, 2, 3.0, 4.5, 45, 67])

Number x[6] = [1, 2, 3.0, 4.5, 45, 67];
Number y = Sum(x)
Currency x = Sum([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])
Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67];
Currency y = Sum(x)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield)

Number x = Sum(@formula)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Sum(@dbfield)

Currency x = Sum(@formula)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @dbfield_groupby)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @formula_groupby)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @parameter)

Note: If a field is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the characteristic of
representing a group of values. So, the following formula will be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Sum( x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.

Returns a number specifying the tangent of an angle given in radians. It takes a right-angle triangle,
and returns the length of the side opposite the specified angle divided by the length of the side
adjacent to the angle.
number - An angle in the form of number of radians.
Return value
Number value.

tan(1) - Returns 1.5574 (rounded to 4 decimals). This is the tangent of 1 radian.

tan(45 * pi / 180) - Returns 1.0. This is the tangent of 45 degrees. Before taking the tangent, the
angle is first converted to radians by multiplying it with pi/180.

ToBinary(Integer a)
This function changes a specified integer to its binary form.
a - A BigInt value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1011.

ToHex(Integer a)
This function returns the HEX form of a specified value.
a - A BigInt value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 20.

ToInt(number a)
This function changes a specified number to an Integer.
a - A Number value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 100.

ToOctal(Integer a)
This function returns the octal form of a specified value.
a - A BigInt value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 64.

Truncate(Number a)
This function returns a number by truncating the decimal portion.
a - A Double value to be truncated.
Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 25.00.

Truncate(Number a, Integer b)
This function returns a number by truncating the number at the decimal point. The number is truncated
to the decimal place indicated by argument b, and the function returns a fractional number.

a - A Double value to be truncated.

b - A Double value indicating the number of the decimal places.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 25.430.
Truncate(25.432, 2)


Variance(Number a[ ])

Variance(Currency a[ ])

Variance(DBField field)

Variance(DBField field, String groupby)

This function computes the variance of all the values referred to by the argument.

a - A Number array.

field - Values of DBField or formula field.

groupby - A constant string which indicates the DBField, formula or parameter grouped by.

Return value
Returns a Number type value.

Number x = Variance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Variance(x)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield)

Number x = Variance(@formula)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @dbfield_groupby)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @formula_groupby)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example x, the variable x will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. So, the following formula will be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Variance(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of

The following is a list of the String functions. Click the links for further information.





































Asc(Char a)
This function evaluates the ASCII value of the first character of the argument.
a - A Char value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 97.

This function will return the size of a message in the "appropriate" unit.

If the parameter is less than 1024, the result will be in bytes.

If the parameter is between 1024 and 1048576, then the result will be in kilobytes.

Otherwise, the result will be in megabytes.

Byte is the size of a message in bytes.
Return value

ByteToText(1000) - Returns 1000 bytes.

ByteToText(251561) - Returns 245 KB.

ByteToText(10000000) - Returns 9 MB.

ByteToText(25454464) - Returns 24 MB.

Chr(Integer a)
This function returns a single character string associated with the ASCII value passed as the argument.
a - A BigInt value.
Return value
The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is character c.


The return value of the following statement is character {.


ExchGetId (address)
This function will begin by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has
been ascertained, the function will then determine the ID.

If the field is in X500 format, the function will extract the last instance of the "CN=" code (not case
If the field is in the X400 format, it will extract the SMTP or MS Ids.

Note: The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate them.
address - The address of sender/recipient (String data type).
Return value
String value.

ExchGetID("/o=Jinfonet Software/ou=JREPORT /cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO/

cn=Fredt") - Returns "Fredt".
ExchGetID("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga; dda:[email protected]") - Returns
"[email protected]".
ExchGetID("c=US; a= ;p=Jinfonet;o=apps-wga;dda:ms=com/jreport/Jenny") - Returns "com/

This function will begin by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has
been ascertained, the function will then determine the Organization Name.

If the field is in X500 format, the function will extract the last instance of the "/O=" code (not case
If the field is in the X400 format, it will extract the instance of the "P=" code (not case sensitive).

Note: The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate on them.
address - The address of the sender/recipient (String data type).
Return value
String value.

ExchGetOrganization("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga; dda:ms=com/jreport/Jenny") Returns "Jinfonet".

ExchGetOrganization("c=US ;a= ;p=Jinfonet; o=apps-wga; dda:[email protected]") Returns "Jinfonet".

This function will return the container information in an address field.

If the address type is X500, the function will return all of the information from the first instance of
the "CN=" code until the last instance of the "CN=" code. If there is only one instance of the "CN="
code, the function will return NULL.
If the address type is X400, the function will return all "OU*=" codes (residing between the "P=" and
"O=" codes).

If the address starts with "DDA:", the function will return all information after the "DDA:" code.

If the field is blank, "UNKNOWN ADDRESS" will be returned.

path - The address of sender/receiver (String data type).

ExchGetPath("/o=Jinfonet Software/ou=JREPORT /cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/

cn=ESPRESSO/cn=Fredt") - Returns "cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO".
ExchGetPath("c=US; a= ; p=Jinfonet; ou1=Jenny; ou2=JReport; o=apps-wga;") - Returns
"ou1=Jenny; ou2=JReport".
ExchGetpath("DDA:MS=JREPORT/JENNY/jreport") - Returns "MS=JREPORT/JENNY/jreport".

The function will begin by determining whether the address is in X500 or X400 format. Once this has
been ascertained, the function will then determine the Site Name.

If the field is in X500 format, the function will extract the last instance of the "/OU=" code (not case
If the field is in the X400 format, it will extract the instance of the "O=" code (not case sensitive).

Note: The fields must follow the address type standards for the functions to operate on them.
address - The address of sender/recipient (String data type).
Return value
String value.

ExchGetSite("/o=Jinfonet Software/ou=JReport/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ESPRESSO/
cn=Fredt") - Returns "JReport".
ExchGetSite("c=US; a= ;p=Jinfonet;o=apps-wga; dda:[email protected]") - Returns

ExtractString(String origin, String start, String end)
This function is used to evaluate an origin string and returns the first occurrence of a String that starts
with the Start String and ends with the End String (the End String is excluded). If the End String is not
found, the string that starts with the Start String till its end will be returned.

origin - A String value.

start - A String value.

end - A String value.

Return value
The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is a String day.

ExtractString("one day after that day", "d", " ")

The return value of the following statement is day after that day.
ExtractString("one day after that day", "d", "c")

ExtractString("The rain in Spain falls on the plain","rain", "plain") - Returns rain in Spain falls on the.

Filter(inString, searchString)
This function is designed to search the string in the specified strings. It searches an array of strings for
a specified string, and returns the strings in an array.

Filter(inString, searchString)

Filter(inString, searchString, include)

Filter(inString, searchString, include, compare)


inString - An array of string which you want to find the search string from.

searchString - A String which you want to search for.

include - An optional Boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude
searchString. If include is True, Filter returns the subset of the array that contains searchString as a
substring. If include is False, Filter returns the subset of the array that does not contain searchString
as a substring. If omitted, the value True will be used.
compare - An optional Number value indicating the kind of string comparison to use,

0 performs a comparison that is case sensitive.

1 performs a comparison that is case insensitive.

If omitted, a case sensitive comparison is performed.

Return value
Array of String values.
Suppose that inString = [ "abc", "Abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc", "sdfdfd"], searchString = "abc"

filter(inStrings, searchString) - Returns ["abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"].

filter(inStrings, searchString, true) - Returns ["abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"].

filter(inStrings, searchString, false) - Returns ["abc"].

filter(inStrings, searchString, true, 0) - Returns ["abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"]

filter(inStrings, searchString, true, 1) - Returns ["abc", "Abc", "abcdfg", "asdfabc"].

filter(inStrings, searchString, false, 1) - Returns ["abc", "Abc"].

string inString[]=["John","Paul","George","Ringo"];

This formula can search strings which include the word "o" and use comma to compart them.

InStr(String a, String b)
This function returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. If String a is not
found in String b, the InStr function will return -1.

a - A String value to be sought.

b - A String value to be searched.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

The return value of the following statement is 6.

InStr("my", "he is my brother")

The return value of the following statement is -1.

InStr("our", "she is my mother")

String value = toText(@Price, "####.##", 2, "", ".");

integer dot = InStr(".", value);
if (dot >= 0)
return ToWords(ToNumber(left(value, dot)), 0) + " dollars "
+ToWords(ToNumber(mid(value, dot + 1)), 0) + " cents";
return ToWords(ToNumber(value), 0) + " dollars";
This formula can convert number format to dollars and cents pattern.

InStr(Number a, String b, String c)

This function returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, starting at the
position specified by argument a. If String c is not found in String b, the InStr function will return -1.

a - A BigInt value that is the character position in String b where the search is to begin.

b - A String value to be searched.

c - A String value to be sought.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

The return value of the following statement is 6.

InStr(3, "he is my brother", "my")

The return value of the following statement is -1.

InStr(3, "he is my brother", "our")

Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.


Join(stringArray, delimiterString)


stringArray - A String array containing substrings to be joined.

dimiterString - An optional String used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted,
the space character (" ") is used. If the delimiter is a zero-length string(" "), then all items in the list
will be concatenated with no delimiters.

Return value
String value.
Assume that the stringArray list in the examples consists of the following three elements: Welcome,
Use and JReport.

Join(list) - Returns the string WelcomeUseJReport.

Join(list, "***") - Returns the string Welcome***Use***JReport.

LastIndexOf(String a, String b)
This function returns the position of the last occurrence of one string within another, if String b is not
found in String a, the InStr function will return -1.

a - A String value to be searched.

b - A String value to be sought.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

The return value of the following statement is 9.


The return value of the following statement is -1.


LastIndexOf(BigInt a, String b, String c)

This function returns the position within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring,
searching backward starting at the position specified by argument a. If String c is not found in String b,
the InStr function will return -1.

a - A BigInt value that is the character position in String b where the search is to end.

b - A String value to be searched.

c - A String value to be sought.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

Left(String a, Number b)
This function returns a substring that contains the specified number of characters from the left side of a

a - A String value.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is he is.
Left("he is my father", 5)

Length(String a)
This function returns the number of characters in a String.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 16.
Length("she is my mother")

LooksLike(String a, String b)
This function enables you to locate field values using standard DOS wildcards ( ? is a wildcard for a
single character, * is a wildcard for any number of characters). It does this by comparing a String to a
mask which contains one or more wildcards. The function returns True if the string matches the mask,
and False if the string does not match the mask.

a - A String value to be compared to the mask.

b - A String that provides a mask for comparing the value in String a.

Return value
The return value is True or False.

The return value of the following statement is False.

LooksLike("he is my brother", "he is my brother and friend")

The return value of the following statement is True.

LooksLike("he is my brother", "he is my brother")

LooksLike("George Peck", "G?orge*") - Returns True.

LowerCase(String a)
This function returns a String that contains all lowercase letters converted from String a.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is this is her book.
LowerCase("This is HER book")

Mid(String a, Number b)
This function returns a number of characters from a specified position of a String.

a - A String value to be extracted.

b - A BigInt value indicating the position of the first character to extract.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is my father.
Mid("he is my father", 6)

Mid(String a, BigInt b, BigInt c)

This function returns a specified number of characters from a specified position of a String.

a - A String value to be extracted.

b - A BigInt value indicating the position of the first character to extract.

c - A BigInt value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.

Return value
The return value is a String.

Mid("he is my father", 9, 6) - Returns "father".

Integer ln,i;
String str1;
for (i=1;i<ln ; i=i+1)
str1=str1 + mid(@col, i, 1) + "\n";
return str1;
This formula can convert a DBField string from a normal horizontal pattern to a vertical pattern.

NumericText(String a)
This function is used to test if the content of the string is a Number.
a - A String value to be tested.
Return value
The return value is Boolean.

The return value of the following statement is False.

NumericText("she is my mother")

The return value of the following statement is True.


Picture(String a, String b)
This function prints a string or values in a string in a predetermined format.

a - A String value to be formatted according to the picture format.

b - A String value representing the way you want the characters in the string to be printed.

Return value
The return value is a string.

The return value of the following statement is Brother Tom.

Picture("Brother", "XxXXxxx Tom")

The return value of the following statement is He is Tom.

Picture("He Tom", "xx is")

Picture("8007733472", "Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx") - Returns Phone: (800) 773-3472.

Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letter that follows a character other than a
letter, and converts all other letters to lowercase letters.
String - A text string.
Return value
String value.

ProperCase('LINDA FONG') - Return "Linda Fong".

ProperCase("123Michael's") - Return "123Michael'S".

ProperCase("2-cent's worth") - Return "2-Cent'S Worth".

ProperCase('76BudGet') - Return "76Gudget".

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count, compare)
Returns a String in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified
number of times. As an option, you can also specify a location in the string where the replacing process
will begin from (returns a string starting from that position). This function is typically used in a string to
systematically replace one substring with another.

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString)

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition)

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count)

ReplaceString(inString, searchString, replaceString, startPosition, count, compare)


inString - A String containing substring to replace.

searchString - A substring being searched for.

replaceString - The replacement substring.

startPosition - An optional Number indicating the position within inString where the substring search
is to begin from. If omitted, 1 will be used.
count - An optional Number of substring substitutions to be performed. If omitted, the default value
is -1, which means make all possible substitutions.
compare - An optional Number indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings:

0 performs a comparison that is case-sensitive

1 performs a comparison that is case-insensitive

If omitted, a case-sensitive comparison will be performed

Return value
String value.
Assume that inStrings = "abc Abc abcdfg asdfabc sdfdfd", searchString = "abc", replaceString = "ABC".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString) - Returns "ABC Abc ABCdfg asdfABC

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 5) - Returns "abc Abc ABC dfg
asdfABC sdfdfd".

ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0) - Returns "ABC Abc ABCdfg

asdfABC sdfdfd".
ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, 0) - Returns "abc Abc abcdfg
asdfabc sdfdfd".
ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, 1) - Returns "ABC Abc abcdfg
asdfabc sdfdfd".
ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, -1,1) - Returns "ABC ABC
ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".
ReplaceString(inStrings, searchString, replaceString, 0, -1, 0) - Returns "ABC Abc
ABCdfg asdfABC sdfdfd".

Note: The return value of the replace function is a String, with the specified substring replacements
made, beginning at the position specified by startPosition, and endings at the end of the inString string.
It is not a start to finish copy of the original string.

ReplicateString(String a, Integer b)
This function replicates the string in String a the number of times specified by b.

a - A String value to be replicated.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of times that String a is to be replicated.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is Stop! Stop! Stop!.
ReplicateString("Stop!", 3)

Right(String a, Integer b)
This function is used to extract the specified number of characters in String a from the right side.

a - A String value to be extracted.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of characters to be extracted from String a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is mother.
Right("She is my mother", 6)

Evaluates a text string and returns a four-character value that symbolizes the way the string sounds.
Use this function whenever you want to locate records based on two or more field values that are
spelled differently yet sound alike. This function can also be used to find customer names that have
been misspelled.
String is one of two or more strings that sound alike.
Return value
Text string.
Soundex("Jinfonet") - Returns J515.

if (Soundex("George") == Soundex("gorge")) then

"Sound the same"
"Different sound"
- Returns Sound the same.

The value string must be in quotes.

Soundex works only with values that begin with the same letter. For example, Soundex will return
the same value for Chris and Cris C620 but not for Kris K620. Soundex creates a code based on the
first character in the string plus three characters based on the following:

Non-alpha characters (i.e. numbers and punctuation) become -1.

The characters a, e, i, o, u, y, h, and w are ignored (except when they are the first character in the
original string).

The characters b, f, p, and v become 1.

The characters c, g, j, k, q, s, x, and z become 2.

The characters d and t become 3.

The character l becomes 4.

The characters m and n become 5.

The character r becomes 6.

If the resulting code is only 2 or 3 characters long, Soundex uses zeros to fill it out to four
characters. For example, in the name Lauren, only the L, r, and n are translated (Lrn), so the

resulting Soundex code becomes L650.

If the resulting code is more than four characters long, all characters after the fourth character will
be ignored. For example, in the name Patrick, the P, t, r, c, and k can be translated (Ptrck), but the
resulting Soundex code will only be four characters P362.

Space(Integer a)
This function returns a String value that contains a specified number of spaces.
a - A BigInt value indicating the number of spaces.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is

StrCmp(String a, String b)
This function is used to compare two strings. It returns positive if String a is greater than String b,
returns 0 if String a is equal to String b, and returns negative if String a is less than String b.

a- A String value.

b- A String value.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.

The return value of the following statement is -1.

StrCmp("He is Tom", "I am student")

The return value of the following statement is 0.

StrCmp("He is Tom", "He is Tom")

The return value of the following statement is 1.

StrCmp("I am student", "He is Tom")

StringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count, compare)
This function takes a String that contains a number of substrings, breaks it up into a specified number
of substrings and returns an array containing the substrings.


stringSplit(inString, delimiterString)

stringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count)

stringSplit(inString, delimiterString, count, compare)

inString - A String expression containing substrings and delimiters.

delimiterString - An optional String character used to identify substring limits. If omitted, the space
character (" ") is assumed to be the delimiter. If the delimiter is a zero-length string, a singleelement array containing the entire inString string will be returned.
count - An optional Number value of substrings to be returned. The value -1 indicates that all
substrings will be returned. If omitted, -1 will be used.
compare - An optional Number indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating the
delimiter string:

0 performs a comparison that is case-sensitive.

1 performs a comparison that is case-insensitive.

If omitted, a case-sensitive comparison is performed.

Return value
Array of String values.
Assume that inString = "Welcome use JReport"

StringSplit(inString) - Returns [ "Welcome", "use", "JReport"]

StringSplit(inString, "use") - Returns [ "Welcome", "JReport"]

StringSplit(inString, " ", 2) - Returns [ "Welcome", "use JReport"]

Note: If count, c, is less than the total number of substrings in inString, then at most c substrings will
be returned as elements in the resultant array. The last element in the array is a concatenation of the
substring and all the remaining substrings.

This function is designed to reverse the string. It returns a String in which the character order of
inString is reversed. If inString is a zero-length string (" "), a zero-length string will be returned.
inString - A String whose characters are to be reversed.
Return value
String value.

strReverse("abc") - Returns cba.

strReverse("false") - Returns eslaf.

toLongString(String a)
This function converts a string to a long string.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is a LongString.
The return value of the following statement is aa.
LongString a=toLongString("aa");
string b="bb";
if (b > toString(a)) then
return a
return toLongString(b);

ToNumber(Currency a)
This function converts a Currency to a Number.
a - A Currency value.
Return value
The return value is a Number.

The return value of the following statement is 4.32.


The result value of the following statement is 4.68.


ToNumber(String a)
This function converts a specified string to a Number.
a - A Char value.
Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 123.00.
Note: In this function, the format of the string should be [#] or [#].[#]. If you input a character string
as the argument, the return value will be NULL.

toString(LongString a)
This function converts a long string to a string.
a - A LongString value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is aa.
LongString a=toLongString("aa");
string b="bb";
if (b > toString(a)) then
return a
return toLongString(b);

ToText (Integer a, String b)
This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

b - A String value indicating the format for displaying the value in argument a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 456.
ToText(456, "###")

ToText (Integer a, String b, Integer c)

This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 456.00.
ToText(456, "###", 2)

ToText(Integer a)
This function converts a BigInt value to a String.
a - A BigInt value to be converted.
Return value
The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is 456.

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c, String d, String e)

This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is $4,567.123.

ToText($4567.123, "$#,##0.00", 3, "," , ".")

The return value of the following statement is $4&567*1.

ToText($4567.123, "$#,##0.00", 1, "&", "*")

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $1*234.57.
ToText($1234.57, "$#,###.000", 2, "*")

ToText(Number a, String b)
This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1236.46.
ToText(1236.456, "###0.00")

ToText(Number a, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a Double value to a string.

a - A Double value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.6.
ToText(1234.567, 1, ",")

ToText(Number a, Integer c, String d, String e)

This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is 1,234,57.
ToText(1234.567, 2, "," , ",")

ToText(Integer a, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.00.
ToText(1234, 2, ",")

ToText(Currency a, String b, Integer c)

This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $123.5.
ToText($123.456, "$##0.00", 1)

ToText(Number a)
This function converts a Double value to a String.
a - A Double value to be converted.
Return value

The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is 123.456.

ToText(Time a, String b)
This function converts a Time value to a String.

a - A Time value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the value in a to be formatted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the time is 08:48:58, the return value of the following statement is 8:48:58.
ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss")

ToText(Time a, String b, String c)

This function converts a Time value to a String.

a - A Time value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the value in a to be formatted.

c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.

Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the time is 8:48:58 in the morning, the return value of the following statement is 8:48:58 AM.
ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss a", "AM")

ToText(Time a, String b,String c, String d)

This function converts a Time value to a String.

a - A Time value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the value in a to be formatted.

c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.

d - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.

Return value
The return value is a String.

Suppose the time is 08:48:58, the return value of the following statement is 8:48:58 AM.
ToText(ToTime(8,48,58), "h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM")

Suppose the time is 21:49:59, the return value of the following statement is 9:49:59 PM.
ToText(ToTime(21,49,59), "h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM")

ToText(DateTime a)
This function converts a DateTime value to a String.
a - A TimeStamp value to be converted.
Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is 15Jul-99 7:42:51 AM.

ToText(DateTime a, String b)
This function converts a DateTime value to a String.

a - A TimeStamp value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the DateTime value in a to be formatted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is 0715-99 7:42:51.
ToText(ToDateTime(1999,7,15,7,42,51), "MM-dd-yy h:mm:ss")

ToText(DateTime a, String b, String c)

This function converts a DateTime value to a String.


a - A TimeStamp value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the DateTime value in a to be formatted.

c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.

Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is 15Jul-99 7:42:51 AM.
ToText(ToDateTime(1999,7,15,7,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a", "AM")

ToText(DateTime a, String b, String c, String d)

This function converts a DateTime value to a String.

a - A TimeStamp value to be converted.

b - A String that defines how the DateTime value in a to be formatted.

c - A String to be used as a label for A.M. (morning) hours.

d - A String to be used as a label for P.M. (evening) hours.

Return value
The return value is a String.

Suppose the date is Oct. 7,1999 and time is 7:42:51, the return value of the following statement is
07-Oct-99 7:42:51 AM.
ToText(ToDateTime(1999,10,7,7,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a", "AM", "PM")

Suppose the date is Oct. 7,1999 and time is 18:42:51, the return value of the following statement is
07-Oct-99 6:42:51 PM.
ToText(ToDateTime(1999,10,7,18,42,51), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a","AM", "PM")

ToText(Integer a, Integer c, String d, String e)

This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 12,345.00.
ToText(12345, 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Currency a, String b)
This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $123.45.
ToText($123.45, "$##0.00")

ToText(Integer a, Integer c)
This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 123.00.
ToText(123, 2)

ToText(Currency a, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $1,234.57.
ToText($1234.567, 2, ",")

ToText(Currency a, Integer c)
This function converts a Currency value to a String.

a - A Currency value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $123.46.
ToText($123.4567, 2)

ToText(Number a, Integer c)
This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 123.46.
ToText(123.456, 2)

ToText(Currency a, Integer c, String d,String e)

This function converts a Currency value to a String.


a - A currency value to be converted.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $1,234.57.
ToText($1234.567, 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Date a)
This function converts a Date value to a String.
a - A Data value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is 15-Jul-99.

ToText(Currency a)
This function converts a Currency value to a String.
a - A Currency value to be converted.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is $123.45.

ToText(Bit a)
This function converts a Bit value to a String, either true or false.

a - A Bit value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is false.

ToText(Date a, String b)
This function converts a Date value to a String.

a - A Date value.

b - A String that defines how the Data value in a to be formatted.

Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is 15-Jul-99.
ToText(ToDate(1999,7,15), "dd-MMM-yy")

ToText(Time a)
This function converts a Time value to a String.
a - A Time value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
Suppose the time is 12:40:30, the return value of the following statement is 12:40:30 PM.

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.57.
ToText(1234.567, "#,###.000", 2, ",")

ToText(Integer a, String b, Integer c, String d, String e)

This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.00.
ToText(1234, "#,###", 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c)

This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

Return value
The return value is a string.
The return value of the following statement is 123.46.

ToText(123.456, "###.00", 2)

ToText(Integer a, String b, Integer c, String d)

This function converts a BigInt value to a String.

a - A BigInt value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.00.
ToText(1234, "#,###", 2, ",", ".")

ToText(Number a, String b, Integer c, String d,String e)

This function converts a Double value to a String.

a - A Double value to be converted.

b - A String indicating the format for displaying the value in a.

c - The number of decimal places to be converted.

d - A single character string indicating the character to be used to separate thousands in a.

e - A single character string indicating to be used as a decimal separator.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 1,234.57.
ToText(1234.567, "#,###.000", 2, ",", ".")

When converting a Double value, Currency value or a BigInt value to a String, special characters
used as format in argument b are following:


a digit

a digit, zero shows as a star

Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format

a digit, zero shows as a space

Can't mix 0, *, and _ in same format

a digit, zero shows as absent

placeholder for decimal separator

placeholder for grouping delimiter

Shows the interval to be used

separates formats

positive and negative.

if there is no explicit negative sign, - is prefixed

"0.00" -> "0.00;-0.00"

divide by 100 and show as percentage

any other characters can be used in the prefix or


Time format syntax: The time format is specified by means of a String time pattern. In this
pattern, all ASCII letters are reserved as pattern letters, which are defined as the following:




era designator






month in year

Text & Number

July & 07

day in month



hour in am/pm (1~12)



hour in day (0~23)


minute in hour



second in minute






day in week



day in year



day of week in month


2 (2nd Wed in July)

week in year



week in month


am/pm marker



hour in day (1~24)



hour in am/pm (0~11)



Pacific Standard Time

time zone


escape for text


single quote

ToWords(Number a)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
a - A fractional number to be converted into words.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is ten and 12/100.

ToWords(Integer a)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
a - A BigInt value to be converted into words.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is twenty and xx/100.

ToWords(Currency a)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.
a - A Currency value to be converted into words.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is three and 15/100.

ToWords(Number a, Integer b)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.

a - A Number value to be converted into words.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is three and 1/10.
ToWords(3.14, 1)

ToWords(Integer a, Integer b)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.

a - A BigInt value to be converted into words.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is three and x/10.
ToWords(3, 1)

ToWords(Currency a, Integer b)
This function converts a Number field value or the result of a numeric calculation to words.

a - A Currency value to be converted into words.

b - A BigInt value indicating the number of decimal places to be converted. This argument is optional.

Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is three and 5/10.
ToWords($3.45, 1)

Trim(String a)
This function is used to remove the leading and the trailing spaces from string arguments.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is he is a boy.
Trim("he is a boy")

TrimLeft(String a)
This function is used to remove the spaces on the left side of the string.
a - A String value to be trimmed.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is he is a boy.
TrimLeft("he is a boy")

TrimRight(String a)
This function is used to remove the spaces on the right side of the string.
a - A String value to be trimmed.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is he is a boy.
TrimRight("he is a boy")

UpperCase(String a)
This function converts all letters in string a to uppercase letters.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is HE IS A BOY.
UpperCase("he is a boy")

Val(String a)
This function reads a string containing numbers (e.g. address, phone or social security number), and
converts them to a decimal value. Val stops reading when it finds the first character in the string.
a - A String value.
Return value
The return value is a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 63,550,513.00.

Date functions allow you to convert numbers to dates and dates to numbers. The following is a list of
the Data functions. Click the links for further information.
































This function returns the current date on a report.
Return value
The return value is a date.
If today is Oct. 6,1999, the return value of the following statement is 10/06/99.

This function returns the current date and time on a report.
Return value
The return value is a DateTime.
If today is Oct.6,1999, the current time is 5:10:27 p.m., the return value of the following statement is
1999-10-06 05:10:27.

This function returns the current time on a report.
Return value
The return value is a Time.
If the current time is 5:10:27 p.m., the return value of the following statement is 05:10:27.

DateAdd(intervalType, nIntervals, startDateTime)
Returns a DateTime value to which a specified number of time intervals have been added.
This function is used to add interval of time to a DateTime. Its main feature is that the DateTime
returned will always be valid. For example, the function takes into account such factors as the number
of days in a month and leap years. If you want to add or subtract days to a DateTime, you could use
the addition and subtraction operators instead of the function with the "d" parameter. However, this
function also handles other types of intervals such as adding months or hours to a DateTime.

intervalType - A String expression specifying the interval of time to be added.

IntervalType value




Quarter (3-month period)


Day of year




Week (7-day period)




nIntervals - A Number or numeric expression specifying the number of intervals to be added. It can
be positive (to get DateTimes from the future), or negative (to get DateTimes from the past).
startDateTime - The DateTime value to which the intervals are to be added.

Return value
A DateTime value.

DateAdd("yyyy",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus

one year.
DateAdd("q",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus three
DateAdd("m",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("y",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("d",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one


DateAdd("w",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("ww",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus
seven days.
DateAdd("h",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("n",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("s",1,CurrentDateTime()) - Returns the DateTime value for current datetime plus one
DateAdd("d",-32,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value 1999-8-27 00:00:00.
DateAdd("m",1,ToDateTime(1996,1,31)) - Returns the DateTime value 1996-2-29 00:00:00.
Notice that DateAdd will not return the invalid value 1996-2-31 00:00:00.
DateAdd("q",17,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value 2003-12-28 00:00:00.
DateAdd("h",-400,ToDateTime(1999,9,28)) - Returns the DateTime value 1999-9-11 08:00:00. In
other words, this is the result of subtracting 400 hours from 1999-9-28 00:00:00.


To add days to a DateTime, you can use any of the interval type parameters "y", "d" or "w". They all
have the same effect for DateAdd.
DateAdd returns a DateTime value and not a Date value. However, you may need to convert this
DateTime value to a Date value in certain situations (such as if you wanted to assign the value
returned by DateAdd to a Date type variable). To convert to a Date value, use DateAdd in
combination with the ToDate type conversion function. For example, the following returns the Date
value for October 6, 1997.

DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)
Returns a number of time intervals between two specified dates.

DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime)

DateDiff(intervalType, startDateTime, endDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)


intervalType - A string expression that is the interval of time you use to calculate the difference
between startDateTime and endDateTime. Possible values can be:
IntervalType value






Day of year

Day (both "y" and "d" find the difference in days)

Number of weeks between startDateTime and endDateTime


Number of firstDayOfWeek's between startDateTime and





startDateTime - The first DateTime value used in calculating the difference.

endDateTime - The second DateTime value used in calculating the difference.

firstDayOfWeek - An optional constant specifying the first day of the week. If not specified, jrSunday
will be used.



0 (Use the current system date)








Return value
A Number value.

Use DateDiff with the "d" or "y" interval type parameter to find the number of days between two
DateDiff("d", ToDateTime(1999,10,7), ToDateTime(1999,10,10)) - Returns 3

Use DateDiff with the "yyyy" interval type parameter to find the number of years difference between
two dates. This use of DateDiff is the same as finding the difference between the year of
endDateTime and the year of startDateTime.

DateDiff("yyyy", ToDateTime(1999,10,7), ToDateTime(2005,2,10)) - Returns 6.

DateDiff("yyyy", ToDateTime(1999,12,31), ToDateTime(2000,1,1)) - Returns 1 (a 1 year
difference), even though there is only a 1 day difference between the dates.
DateDiff("yyyy", ToDateTime(1999,1,1), ToDateTime(1999,12,31)) - Returns 0 (a 0 year
difference), even though there is a 364 days difference.

Suppose that for the above examples, the first date is the date that you bought a mutual fund, and
the second date is the date you sold it. The mutual fund company must send you an annual report
for every year in which you owned units in the fund. You would then get 7, 2 and 1 annual reports
respectively, in the above cases.

Use DateDiff with the "q" parameter to find the number of quarters (3 month periods) difference
between two dates.

DateDiff("q", ToDateTime(1999,10,6), ToDateTime(2003,5,20)) - Returns 14.

DateDiff("q", ToDateTime(1999,3,31), ToDateTime(1999,4,1)) - Returns 1. The two dates
are in adjacent quarters.
DateDiff("q", ToDateTime(1999,1,1), ToDateTime(1999,3,31)) - Returns 0. The two dates
are in the same quarter.

Suppose the mutual fund company in the "yyyy" example mailed out quarterly reports. It would need
to mail out 15, 2 and 1 quarterly reports respectively, in the above cases.
Use DateDiff with the "m" parameter to find the number of months difference between two dates.

DateDiff("m", ToDateTime(1999,3,15), ToDateTime(1999,7,13)) - Returns 4.

Use DateDiff with the "w" parameter to calculate the number of weeks between two dates. For
example, if startDateTime is on a Tuesday, DateDiff counts the number of Tuesdays between
startDateTime and endDateTime not including the initial Tuesday of startDateTime. Note however
that it counts endDateTime if endDateTime is on a Tuesday.

DateDiff("w", ToDateTime(1999,10,19), ToDateTime(1999,10,25)) - Returns 0.

DateDiff("w", ToDateTime(1999,10,19), ToDateTime(1999, 10,26)) - Returns 1.

DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)
Returns a number that specifies a given part of a given date.

DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime)

DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek)

DatePart(intervalType, inputDateTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)

DatePart(intervalType, inputTime)

DatePart(intervalType, inputTime, firstDayOfWeek)

DatePart(intervalType, inputTime, firstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear)


intervalType - A String expression that specifies the part of a date to be returned. Possible values
can be:
IntervalType value



Extracts the year

Quarter (the result is 1, 2, 3 or 4)

Month (the result is from 1 to 12)

Day of year (1 to 365 or 366 in a leap year)

Day part of the date (1 to 31)


Day of week (1 to 7 with the result depending on firstDayOfWeek)


Week of year (1 to 53 with firstDayOfWeek and firstWeekOfYear

determining the exact days of the first calendar week of the year)

Extracts the hour part of the given DateTime (0 to 23)

Minute part (0 to 59)

Second part (0 to 59)

inputDateTime - The DateTime value whose part will be extracted.

FirstDayOfWeek - An optional constant used to specify the first day of the week. If not specified,
jrSunday will be used.



0 (Use the current system date)








firstWeekOfYear - An optional constant specifying the first week of the year. If not specified, the first
week is assumed to be the one in which Jan. 1 occurs (jrFirstJan1).




Start with week in which system date occurs


Start with week in which January 1 occurs (default)


Start with the first week that has at least four days in the new year


Start with first full week of the year


DatePart("d", ToDateTime(1999,8,15)) - Returns 15.

DatePart("m", ToDateTime(1999,8,15)) - Returns 8.

DatePart("n", ToDateTime(1999,8,15,10,35,0)) - Returns 35.

DatePart("q", ToDateTime(1999, 9,29)) - Returns 3 since September 29 is in the third quarter of

the year.
DatePart("ww", ToDateTime(1997, 9,14)) - Returns 38 since 1997-9-14 is in the 38th week of


The DatePart function with "yyyy" intervalType parameter is the same as the Year function.
Similarly, the DatePart function with "m", "d", "w", "h", "n" and "s" intervalType argument is the
same as the functions Month, Day, Weekday (or DayOfWeek), Hour, Minute and Second respectively.
On the other hand, there is no easy alternative to using the DatePart function for the "q", "y" and
"ww" intervalType parameters.
The firstDayOfWeek parameter affects the DatePart function when the interval type parameter is "w"
or "ww". For all other intervalType parameter values, it is ignored.
The firstWeekOfYear parameter affects the DatePart function only when the intervalType argument is
"ww". For all other intervalType argument values, it is ignored.

DateTimeToDate(Datetime a)
This function evaluates the specified TimeStamp value and returns only the date.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is a date.
If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following
statement is 10/17/99.

DateTimeToSeconds(Datetime a)
This function evaluates the specified value and converts the time to the number of seconds from
00:00:00 to the specified time.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following
statement is 44835.

DateTimeToTime(Datetime a)
This function evaluates the specified TimeStamp value and returns only the time.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is a Time.

If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following
statement is 12:27:15.

DateTimeTo2000(Datetime, Number)

2 digit years(xx)
If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits (19xx). If
the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
4 digit years(19xx)
If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is retained
as found in the Date field (19xx). If the two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the
windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year
field are 20, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (20xx).
Note: If the year is less than or equal to 1899, and greater than or equal to 100, there will be
no change to the date.


DateTime - Accepts only valid DateTime fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years.

Number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Return value
A Date field with a four digit year.
Here the window value is greater than the year, and so the year is changed to 20XX.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1998, 12, 12, 3, 2, 1), 99) - Returns 2098-12-12 3:02:01.

Here the window value is less than the year, and so it will not change the year.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1995, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 94) - Returns 1995-01-02 3:02:01.

These are examples of dates that will not be affected by this function.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(1899, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 99) - Returns 1899-12-12 5:06:07.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(999, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 99) - Returns 999-12-12 5:06:07.

Some databases maintain the year of a Date as a two-digit field. These samples simulate that Date

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(93, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 96) - Returns 2093-12-12 5:06:07.

DateTimeTo2000(ToDateTime(98, 12, 12, 5, 6, 7), 50) - Returns 1998-12-12 5:06:07.

DateTo2000(date, number)

2 digit years(xx)
If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits (19xx). If
the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
4 digit years(19xx)
If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is preserved
as found in the date field (19xx). If the last two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the
windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year
field are 20, the Year is preserved as found in the date field (20xx).


date - Accepts only valid Date fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years.

number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Return value
A Date field with a four digit year.

DateTo2000(ToDate(1993,12,12), 99)- Returns 2093/12/12 because the window value is greater

than the year, and so the date will be changed to 20XX.
DateTo2000(ToDate(1993,12,12), 92)- Returns 1993/12/12 because the window value is less than
the year, and so the year will not be changed.
This is an example of a date that is not affected by this function:

DateTo2000(ToDate(1899,12,12), 99)- Returns 1899/12/12.

This is an example of a date that is not affected by this function.

DateTo2000(ToDate(100,12,12), 99)- Returns 100/12/12.

Some databases maintain the year of a date as a two-digit field. The following simulates this type of
date field.

DateTo2000(ToDate (98,12,12), 99)- Returns 2098/12/12.

DateTo2000(ToDate (98,12,12), 97)- Returns 1998/12/12.

DateTo2000(ToDate (9,12,12), 10)- Returns 2009/12/12.

DateTo2000(ToDate (1,12,12), 0)- Returns 1901/12/12.


If the year is less than or equal to 1899 and greater or equal to 100, there will be no change to the


Whether your database dates are interpreted as two digit years or 4 digit years (19xx) is dependent
on the database driver you are using. The result of the formula will be the same in either case.

This function returns the day of the month.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If today is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 17.

Day(Datetime a)
This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999 and the current time is 12:27:15, the return value of the following
statement is 17.

Day(Date a)
This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 17.

DayOfWeek(Datetime a)
This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value, and indicates which day of the week.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 17, 1999, current time is 12:27:15 and today is Sunday, the return value of
the following statement is 1 (Sunday is the first day of the week).

DayOfWeek(Date a)
This function extracts the day portion of a specified Date value, and indicates which day of the week.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If today is Oct. 17, 1999 and today is Sunday, the return value of the following statement is 1.

This function returns the day of the week.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If today is Thursday, the return value of the following statement is 5.

This function returns the day of the year.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.

If today is Oct. 17, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 290.

DTSTo2000(DateString, Number)

2 digit years(xx)
If the Year value is greater than the windowing number, 19 is appended before the 2 digits(19xx). If
the Year value is less than or equal to the windowing number, 20 is appended (20xx).
4 digit years(19xx)
If the last two digits in the Year value are greater than the windowing number, the Year is retained
as found in the Date field (19xx). If the two digits in the Year value are less than or equal to the
windowing number, the first two digits are changed to 20 (20xx). If the first two digits in the year
field are 20, the Year is retained as found in the Date field (20xx).
Note: If the year is less than or equal to 1899 and greater than or equal to 100, there will be no
change to the date.


Date String - Accepts only valid Date fields, with either 2 digit or 4 digit years. A DateTime string
entered in the format: "yyyy/MM/dd HH: mm: ss.00" or "yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:00". For example,
"1997/04/11 12:12:12.00" or "97/04/11 12:12:12.00".
Number - A number between 0 and 99 corresponding with the desired windowing year.

Return value
A DateTime string with a four digit year.

DTSTo2000("1988-12-12 12:12:12", 90)- Returns 2088-12-12 12:12:12 because the window

value is greater than the year, and so the year will be changed to 20XX.
DTSTo2000("1988-12-12 12:12:12", 85)- Returns 1988-12-12 12:12:12 because the window
value is less than the year, and so the year will not change.
These are examples of a date that will not be affected by the function:

DTSTo2000("1899/12/12 1:2:3am", 99)- Returns 1899/12/12 1:2:3am.

DTSTo2000("100/12/12 1:02:03AM", 99)- Returns 100/12/12 1:02:03AM.

Some databases maintain the year of a date as a two-digit field and so these samples will simulate
that date field:

DTSTo2000("98/12/12 1:02:03AM", 99)- Returns 2098/12/12 1:02:03AM.

DTSTo2000("98/12/12 1:02:03", 97)- Returns 1998/12/12 1:02:03AM.

DTSTo2000("9/12/12 1:02:03AM", 10)- Returns 2009/12/12 1:02:03AM.

DTSTo2000("1/12/12 1:02:03AM", 0)- Returns 1901/12/12 1:02:03AM.

Evaluates the specified string, and converts the Time value to the number of seconds from 00:00:00
(12:00 midnight) to the specified time.
string - A String which includes a Date and a Time value.
Return value
Whole number.
DTSToSeconds("2004/06/11 13:42:15")- Returns 49335.

FirstDayOfMonth(Date a)
This function returns the first day of the month.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
If the current date is 11/24/2008, the return value of the following statement is 11/01/2008.

FirstDayOfQuarter(Date a)
This function returns the first day of the quarter.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 10/01/2008.

FirstDayOfWeek(Date a)
This function returns the first day of the week.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 11/23/2008.

FirstDayOfYear (Date a)
This function returns the first day of the year.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 01/01/2008.

FirstSundayOfMonth(Date a)
This function returns the first Sunday of the month.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 11/02/2008.

FirstSundayOfYear(Date a)
This function returns the first Sunday of the year.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 01/06/2008.

ForEachDay(Datetime a)
This function returns the Date portion of a specified DateTime value.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
If the DateTime is Dec.25,1999 20:12:50, the return value of the following statement is 12/25/99.
ForEachDay(ToDateTime(1999, 12, 25, 20, 12, 50))

ForEachWeek(DateTime a)
This function returns the Date of the first day of the week.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
If the DateTime is Oct. 15,1999 5:15:20 and it is Friday, the return value of the following statement is
ForEachWeek(ToDateTime(1999, 10, 15, 5, 15, 20))

ForEachHalfMonth(DateTime a)
If the day in the DateTime is less than 15, this function will return to the first day of the month. If the
day is more than 15, it will return to the 16th day of the month.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a date.

If the datetime is Sep.13,1999 12:27:15, the return value of the following statement is 09/01/99.


If the datetime is Oct.18,1999 5:21:22, the return value of the following statement is 10/16/99.

ForEachMonth(DateTime a)
This function returns the first day of the month in a specified DateTime value.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a date.
If the datetime is Sep.24,1999 12:05:56, the return value of the following statement is 09/01/99.

ForEachQuarter(DateTime a)
If the month of a specified DateTime is before April, the function will return to Jan. 1 of the year. If the
month is after April but before July, the function will return to April. 1 of the year. If the month is after
July but before October, the function will return to July. 1 of the year. If the month is after October, the
function will return to Oct.1 of the year.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a date.

If the datetime is Feb.14,1997 2:10:23, the return value of the following statement is 01/01/97.

If the datetime is May. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is 04/01/99.

If the datetime is Aug. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is 07/01/99.

If the datetime is Nov. 11,1998 11:40:23, the return value of the following statement is 10/01/98.

ForEachHalfYear(DateTime a)

If the month of a specified DateTime is before July, the function will return to Jan.1 of the year.
Otherwise the function will return to July 1 of the year.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a date.

If the datetime is May. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is 01/01/99.
ForEachHalfYear(ToDateTime(1999, 5, 28, 10, 10, 25))

If the datetime is Nov. 15,1998 11:40:23, the return value of the following statement is 07/01/99.
ForEachHalfYear(ToDateTime(1998, 11, 15, 11, 40, 23))

ForEachYear(DateTime a)
This function will return to Jan.1 of the year.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is a date.
If the datetime is Aug. 28,1999 10:10:25, the return value of the following statement is 01/01/99.
ForEachYear(ToDateTime(1999, 8, 28, 10, 10, 25))

Hour(Time a)
This function extracts the hour portion of a specified Time value.
a - A Time value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the time is 10:05:26. The return value of the following statement is 10.
Hour(ToTime(10, 5, 26))

This function extracts the hour portion of the current time.
Return value
The return value is an integer.
If the current time is 8:15:30, the return value of the following statement is 8.

Hour(DateTime a)
This function extracts the hour portion of a specified TimeStamp value.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the datetime is Oct. 15,1999 9:35:22. The return value of the following statement is 9.

IsDate(number or string)
Returns true if the given String or Number value can be converted to a valid Date and returns false
otherwise. A valid Date is any Date between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31.

number - A Number value representing the number of days starting from January 1, 1900. It can be
positive or negative, and is truncated if fractional.
string - A text string representing a date and many forms can be accepted. If the string is a right
Date value and format, the function returns true, otherwise false.

Return value
Boolean value, True or False.

IsDate(50) - Returns true since the number 50 is interpreted as 50 days from Jan. 1, 1900, which is
Feb 19, 1900.
IsDate(-50) - Returns true since the number 50 is interpreted as 50 days before Jan 1, 1900,
which is Nov 11, 1899.
IsDate("Feb 1, 2004") - Returns true since the string is a right Date value and there is only one
blank between 'Feb' and '1,' and '2004'.

IsDate("2004 - 2 - 19") - Returns false since the String format is not right Date format.

IsDate("2003/2/29") - Returns false since 2003 is not leap year.

IsDate("2004*2*19") - Returns false since the String format is not right Date format.

Returns True if the given Number or String value can be converted to a valid DateTime, and returns
False otherwise.

number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. It can be
positive, negative or fractional. It is interpreted as a number of days from Jan 1, 1900.
string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. Many forms
are accepted. If the given String value and format are right DateTime value and format, the function
will return true, otherwise false.

Return value
Boolean value, true or false.

IsDateTime(15.2) - Returns true since the given number argument is interpreted as the DateTime
value 1900-01-15 04:48:00.

IsDateTime("Feb 23, 2004 15:23:25") - Returns true.

IsDateTime("2004-2-23") - Returns true.

IsDateTime("15:23:25") - Returns true.

IsTime(number or string)
Returns True if the given Number or String value can be converted to a valid Time, and returns False if

number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. It can be
positive, negative or fractional. It is interpreted as units of 24 hours. If the number makes the Time
value between 0:0:0: and 23:59:59, the function will return true, otherwise false.
string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. Many forms are
accepted. If the String value and the format are right Time value and format, the function will return
true, otherwise false.

Return value
Boolean value, true or false.

IsTime(0.5) - Returns true since the given number argument is interpreted as 0.5 units of 24
hours, which is 12:00:00.
IsTime(3.8) - Returns true since the given number is interpreted as 3.8 units of 24 hours, which is

IsTime("8:30:00") - Returns true since 8:30:00 is right Time value and format.

IsTime("8 30:00") - Returns false since the given string is not right Time format.

IsTime("8:30:62") - Returns false since the given string is not right Time value.

This function returns the minute portion of the current time.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current time is 12:41:27, the return value of the following statement is 41.

Minute(Time a)
This function returns the minute portion of a specified time.
a - A Time value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the time is 8:30:27. The return value of the following statement is 30.

Minute(DateTime a)
This function returns the minute portion of a specified DateTime.
a - A DateTime value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the datetime is Sep. 21,1997 12:20:25. The return value of the following statement is 20.
Minute(ToDateTime(1997, 9, 21, 12, 20, 25))

This function adding one returns the current month of the year.
Return value
The return value is an Integer, which ranges from 0 to 11.
If the current month is September, the return value of the following statement is 8.

Month(DateTime a)
This function extracts the month portion from a specified TimeStamp value.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the timestamp is July 15, 1999 10:10:10, the return value of the following statement is 7.
Month(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 10, 10, 10))

Month(Date a)
This function extracts the month portion from a specified Date value.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the date is June 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is 6.
Month(ToDate(1999, 6, 15))

MonthName(month, abbreviate)
Returns a String name for the specified month.

month - A whole number representing the month of the year, with values between 1 and 12, where
1 represents January.
abbreviate - An optional Boolean value that indicates if the month name is to be abbreviated. If the
abbreviate value is true, the function will return the abbreviated month name. Otherwise the function
will return the full month name.

Return value
String value.

MonthName(4) - Returns String value "April".

MonthName(12, true) - Returns String value "Dec".

MonthName(12, false) - Returns String value "December".

This function prints the current time on a report.
Return value
The return value is a Time.
If the current time is 1:24:35 in the afternoon, the return value of the following statement is 1:24:35

Returns the quarter for the given date (1 for the first quarter).





Date - A Date value.

Integer - An Integer value in the range of 1 to 12. It is an optional argument which indicates the
beginning month of the first quarter. Specifying the number is useful for fiscal quarter. If b is not
specified, the default is 1 which means January is the beginning month of the first quarter as same
as the calendar quarter.
Datetime - A DateStamp value.

Return value
Return an integer (1, 2, 3, 4).

Quarter() - Return 3 if it is September according to the current system date.

Quarter(ToDate(2006,11,28),4) - Return 3. In this example, the first quarter begins from the 4th
month - April, so the 11th month is in the third quarter.
Quarter(ToDateTime(2006,7,15,10,10,10),4) - Return 2.

This function extracts the second portion of the current time.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current time is 4:55:03, the return value of the following statement is 3.

Second(Datetime a)
This function extracts the second portion of a specified TimeStamp.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the datetime is Oct. 15,1999 10:15:17, the return value of the following statement is 17.
Second(ToDateTime(1999, 10, 15, 10, 15, 17 ))

Second(Time a)
This function extracts the second portion of a specified time.
a - A Time value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the time is 7:51:59, the return value of the following statement is 59.
Second(ToTime(7, 51, 59))

Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.
Return value
Number value.
If the current time is 9:28:30am, the function returns 34110.

ToDate(number or string)
Uses the function IsDate(number or string) to check whether the number/string is right or not. If the
number/string is right, the function returns a Date value between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31. If the
number/string is wrong, it returns null.

number - A value representing the number of days starting from January 1, 1900. It can be positive
or negative, and is truncated if fractional.
string - A text string representing a date and many forms can be accepted.

Return value
Date value or null.

ToDate(50.5) - Returns 1900-2-19 since fraction is truncated.

ToDate(-50) - Returns 1970-01-01.

ToDate(22222222) - Returns 1970-01-01.

ToDate("2004 2 19") - Returns 2004-2-19.

ToDate("99-5") - Returns 1999-5-1.

ToDate("1999-2-29") - Returns null since 1999 is not leap year.

ToDate(Date a)
This function returns the specified date.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
Suppose the date is July 15, 1999, the return of the following statement is 07/15/99.
ToDate(ToDate(1999, 7, 15))

ToDate(Datetime a)

This function extracts the date portion of a specified DateTime.

a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is a Date value.
Suppose the DateTime is July 15,1999 12:20:30, the return value of the following statement is
ToDate(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 12, 20, 30 ) )

ToDate(integer d)
This function converts the argument d (A milliseconds value represents the number of milliseconds that
have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a data value.
d - A Milliseconds value, a DBField value or a parameter. It should be a long integer.
Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 01/02/70.
Note: When the milliseconds value is larger than 2, you should use DBField or parameter instead.

ToDate(integer y, Integer m, Integer d)

This function creates a Date value from arguments y, m and d.

y - A BigInt value indicating year.

m - A BigInt value indicating month.

d - A BigInt value indicating day.

Return value
The return value is a Date.
The return value of the following statement is 07/15/99.
ToDate(1999, 7, 15)

ToDateTime(number or string)
Use the function IsDateTime to check whether the number/string is right or not. If it is right, the
function returns a DateTime value between 100-1-1 and 9999-12-31, otherwise the function returns

number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. It can be
positive, negative or fractional. It is interpreted as a number of days from Jan 1, 1900.
string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a DateTime value. Many forms
are accepted.

Return value
DateTime value or null.

ToDateTime(255.35) - Returns 1900-09-12 08:23:59.

ToDateTime("Jan 3, 2004") - Returns 2004-01-03 00:00:00.

ToDateTime("5:25:26pm") - Returns 2004-02-23 17:25:26 because the current date is 2004-2-23.

ToDateTime("2003-2-29 15:26:25") - Returns null because the given String value is not right
DateTime value.
ToDateTime("2004 *2 *29 15:26:25") - Returns null because the given String format is not right
DateTime format.

Returns a DateTime value.
date - A Date value that can be converted to a DateTime type value by this function.
ToDateTime(ToDate("2004-2-23")) - Returns 2004-02-23 00:00:00.

ToDateTime(Date a, Time b)
This function creates a TimeStamp value from arguments a and b.

a - A Date value.

b - A Time value.

Return value
The return value is a DateTime.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and the time is 12:20:30, the return value of the following statement
is 1999-07-15 12:20:30.
ToDateTime(ToDate(1999, 7, 15), ToTime(12, 20, 30))

ToDateTime(Integer d)
This function converts the argument d (A milliseconds value represents the number of milliseconds that
have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a TimeStamp value.
d - A Milliseconds value, a DBField value or a parameter. It should be a long integer.
Return value
The return value is a DateTime.
The return value of the following statement is 1970-01-02 04:00:00.

In this function, you can decide the display format by selecting the format from the Report
Inspector. The format of the example above is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
When the milliseconds value is larger than 2, you should use DBField or parameter instead.

ToDateTime(Integer y, Integer m, Integer d)

This function creates a TimeStamp value from arguments y, m and d.

y - A BigInt value indicating year.

m - A BigInt value indicating month.

d - A BigInt value indicating day.

Return value
The return value is a DateTime.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999, the return value of the following statement is 1999-07-15 12:00:00.

ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15)
Note: In this function, because you only input year, month and day, the system will output 12:00:00
as the default time. Also you can decide the display format by selecting the format from the Report
Inspector. The format of the example above is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

ToDateTime(Integer y, Integer m, Integer d, Integer h, Integer i, Integer s)

This function creates a TimeStamp value from arguments y, m, d, h, i and s.

y - A BigInt value indicating year.

m - A BigInt value indicating month.

d - A BigInt value indicating day.

h - A BigInt value indicating hour.

i - A BigInt value indicating minute.

s - a BigInt value indicating second.

Return value
The return value is a DateTime.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 8:05:30, the return value of the following statement is
1999-07-15 08:05:30.
ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 8, 5, 30)

This function returns the current date on a report.
Return value
The return value is a date.
If the current date is Oct. 11, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 10/11/99.

ToTime(number or string)
Use the function IsTime to check whether the number/string is right or not. If the number/string is
right, the function returns a Time value between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59, otherwise it will return null.

number - A Number value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. It can be
positive, negative or fractional. It is interpreted as units of 24 hours.
string - A String value or expression to be tested for convertibility to a Time value. Many forms are

Return value
Time value or null.

ToTime(0.2) - Returns 04:48:00.

ToTime(-0.2) - Returns 19:12:00.

ToTime(50) - Returns 00:00:00.

ToTime("10:34:25") - Returns 10:34:25.

ToTime("2:25pm") - Returns 02:25:00.

ToTime("2004-2-20") - Returns 00:00:00.

ToTime("24:25:23") - Returns 00:25:23.

ToTime("20*23:25") - Returns null since the given String format is not time format.

ToTime(DateTime a)
This function extracts the time portion from a specified TimeStamp value.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is a Time.
Suppose the date is July 15,1999 and time is 10:55:45. The return value of the following statement is

ToTime(ToDateTime(1999, 7, 15, 10, 55, 45 ))

ToTime(Integer t)
This function converts the argument t (A milliseconds value represents the number of milliseconds that
have passed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT) to a Time value.
t - A milliseconds value, a DBField value or a parameter. It should be a long integer.
Return value
The return value is a Time.
The return value of the following statement is 08:00:01.
Note: When the milliseconds value is larger than 2, you should use DBField or parameter instead.

ToTime(Integer a, Integer b, Integer c)

This function creates a Time value from argument a, b and c.

a - A BigInt value, indicating hours.

b - A BigInt value, indicating minutes.

c - A BigInt value, indicating seconds.

Return value
The return value is a Time.
The return value of the following statement is 10:10:10.
ToTime(10, 10, 10)

WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate, firstDayOfWeek)
WeekdayName returns a string indicating the name of the specified day of the week.


WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate)

WeekdayName(weekday, abbreviate, firstDayOfWeek)


Weekday - The numeric designation for the day of the week.

abbreviate - An optional Boolean value that indicates whether or not the weekday name is to be
FirstDayOfWeek - An optional number indicating the first day of the week.



0 (Use the current system date)








Return value
String value.

WeekdayName (2) - Returns String value Monday.

WeekdayName (1) - Returns String value Sunday.

WeekdayName (4, true) - Returns String value Wed.

WeekdayName (4, false) - Returns String value Wednesday.

WeekdayName (3, true, "jrMonday") - Returns Wed, since abbreviation is selected and the first
day of the week is specified to be Monday.
WeekdayName (3, true, "jrUseSystem") - If the current day is Friday, the function returns Sun,
since the first day of week is specified to the current day, and the third day from Friday is Sunday.

This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to the current date.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is 1554.

WeekFrom1970(Timestamp, a)
This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to a specified TimeStamp.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the timestamp is Jan. 2,1988 10:40:50. The return value of the following statement is 940.
WeekFrom1970(ToDateTime(1988, 1, 2, 10, 40, 50))

WeekFrom1970(Date, a)
This function computes the total number of weeks from 1970 to a specified date.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the date is July 8,1995. The return value of the following statement is 1331.
WeekFrom1970(ToDate(1995, 7, 8))

WeekOfMonth(Date a)
This function returns the week of the month of a specified date.
a - A Date value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is 3.
WeekOfMonth(ToDate(1999, 10, 13))

WeekOfMonth(DateTime a)
This function evaluates the week of the month of a specified TimeStamp.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the timestamp is Jan. 20,1999 10:40:50. The return value of the following statement is 4.
WeekOfMonth(ToDateTime(1999, 1, 20, 10, 40, 50))

This function returns the week of the current month.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is 3.


This function returns the week of the current year.

Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current date is Oct. 13,1999, the return value of the following statement is 42.

WeekOfYear(Date a)
This function returns the week of the year in a specified date.
a - A Data value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the date is July 8,1999. The return value of the following statement is 28.
WeekOfYear(ToDate(1999, 7, 8))

WeekOfYear(DateTime a)
This function returns the week of the year in a specified TimeStamp.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the timestamp is Feb. 4,1999 10:40:50. The return value of the following statement is 6.
WeekOfYear(ToDateTime(1999, 2, 4, 10, 40, 50))

This function returns the current year.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
If the current year is 1999, the return value of the following statement is 1999.

Year(Date a)
This function extracts the year portion of a specified date.
a - A Data value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the date is Jan.15,1995. The return value of the following statement is 1995.
Year(ToDate(1995, 1, 15))

Year(DateTime a)
This function extracts the year portion of a specified TimeStamp value.
a - A TimeStamp value.
Return value
The return value is an Integer.
Suppose the timestamp is July 15,1988 10:40:50. The return value of the following statement is 1988.
Year(ToDateTime(1988, 7, 15, 10, 40, 50))

Date Range
Note that all the following functions cannot be used to return a value singly.

This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 30 days from today. For
example, if today is 10/14/99, the return range is from 09/15/99 to 10/14/99.
The return value of the following statement is Not Expired.
if (ToDate(1999,9,20) in Aged0To30Days())
return "Not Expired"
return "Expired"

This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 31 to 60 days from today date.
For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 08/12/99 to 09/13/99.
If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged31To60Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that is within the previous 61 to 90 days from today date.
For example, if today is 10/13/99, the return range is from 07/13/99 to 08/11/99.
If today is 10/13/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in Aged61To90Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include any date from the present day to a date about
10000 years in the future Data value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from
04/15/98 to the future.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromToday()

This function returns a range of Data values that include any date from tomorrow to any future Data
value. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/16/98 to the future.
If today is 10/10/99, the return of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesFromTomorrow()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates up through the present day. For
example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/15/1998.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToToday()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates up through the previous day. For
example, if today is 4/15/98, the return range is from the past to 04/14/1998.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in AllDatesToYesterday()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from January 1st through June 30th.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return Today() in Calendar1stHalf()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from July 1st through to December
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return Today() in Calendar2ndHalf()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from January 1st through to March
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return Today() in Calendar1stQtr()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from April 1st through to June 30th.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return Today() in Calendar2ndQtr()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from July 1st through to September
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return Today() in Calendar3rdQtr()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from October 1st through December
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return Today() in Calendar4thQtr()

This function returns a range of Data values that include the four weeks previous to last Sunday. For
example, if today is 4/15/95, the return range is from 03/18/95 to 04/14/95.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last4WeeksToSun()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from seven days ago to today
(including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from (include) 04/09/98 to
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Last7Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the first to the last day of the
previous month. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 03/01/98 to 03/31/98.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullMonth()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the Sunday to the Saturday of
the previous week. For example, if today is 04/10/95, the return range is from 04/02/95 to 04/08/95.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastFullWeek()

This function returns a range of Data values that fall on any date in the current month last year, up to
the current date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/97 to
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in LastYearMTD()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates in the last year, up to the current
date last year. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/97 to 04/15/97
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1998, 4, 20) in LastYearYTD()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all dates from the first day of the month to
today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/01/98 to 04/15/98.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in MonthToDate()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 30 days starting from
today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 04/15/98 to
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next30Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 31 to 60 days starting
from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 05/16/98 to 06/14/98.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 10, 2) in Next31To60Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 61 to 90 days starting
from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 06/15/98 to 07/14/98.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next61To90Days()

This function Returns a range of Data values that include all days in the next 91 to 365 days starting
from today. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 07/15/98 to 04/15/99.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.

return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Next91To365Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days that are more than 90 days older than
the current date. For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from the past to 01/14/98.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in Over90Days()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days from last Sunday to today (including
today). For example, if today is 04/13/95, the return range is from 04/09/95 to 04/13/95.
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is false.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in WeekToDateFromSun()

This function returns a range of Data values that include all days from the first day of the calendar year
to today (including today). For example, if today is 04/15/98, the return range is from 01/01/98 to
If today is 10/10/99, the return value of the following statement is true.
return ToDate(1999, 4, 20) in YearToDate()

The following are functions of the Financial type. Click the links for detailed information.

































DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, factor)
DDB returns a number specifying the depreciation of an asset for a specific time period, using the
double-declining balance method or another method as specified by the factor argument.

DDB(cost, salvage, life, period)

DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, factor)


cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset. The value is nonnegative and
greater than or equal to salvage.
salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life. The
value is nonnegative.
life - A positive Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset.
period - A Number that specifies the period for which asset depreciation is calculated. The value is
positive and less than or equal to life. The parameters life and period must have the same units.
factor - An optional positive number that specifies the rate at which the balance declines. If omitted,
2 (double-declining method) will be used.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000. The cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a
salvage value of $30,000. They are depreciated using the double-declining method.

DDB(560000, 30000, 12, 1) - Returns 93333.33. The first year's depreciation is $93,333.33.

DDB(560000, 30000, 13, 5) - Returns 44164.37. The fourth year's depreciation is $44,164.37.

DDB(560000, 30000, 13, 13) - Returns 11605.58. The final year's depreciation is $11,605.58.

FRAccRecTurnover(Number accountReceivable, Number sales, DbDouble numOfDays)
This function computes the turnover of the account receivable.

accountReceivable - A Double value indicating the account receivable.

sales - A Double value indicating the sales.

numOfDays - A Double value indicating the number of days.

Return value
The return value is a Number.

If the account receivable is 220000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the number of days is 100, the
return value of the following statement is 48.89.
FRAccRecTurnover(220000.00, 450000.00, 100)

FRAccRecTurnover(10000,100000,360) - Returns 36 days.

FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt(Number cashFlow,Number totalDebt)
This function returns the result of cash flow vs total debt.

cashFlow - A Double value indicating the cash flow.

totalDebt - A Double value indicating the total debt.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the cash flow is 250000.00, the total debt is 280000.00, the return value of the following statement
is 0.89.
FRCashFlowVsTotalDebt(250000.00, 280000.00)

FRCurrentRatio(Number curAssets, Number curLiabilities)
This function computes the current ratio.

curAssets - A Double value indicating the current ratio.

curLiabilities - A Double value indicating the current liabilities.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the current assets are 1800000.00, the current liabilities are 150000.00, the return value of the
following statement is 12.00.
FRCurrentRatio(1800000.00, 150000.00)

FRDebtEquityRatio(Number totalLiabilities, Number totalEquity)
This function computes the debt equity ratio.

totalLiabilities - A Double value indicating the total liabilities.

totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the total liabilities are 175000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.81.
FRDebtEquityRatio(175000.00, 215000.00)

FRDividendYield(Number dividEnd, Number marketPrice)
This function computes the dividend yield.

dividend - A Double value indicating the dividend.

marketPrice - A Double value indicating the market price.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the dividend is 9.85, the market price is 10.87, the return value of the following statement is 0.91.
FRDividendYield(9.85, 10.87)

FREarningsPerCommonShare(Number netProfit, Number preferredDividend, DbDouble
This function computes the earnings of per common share.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

preferredDividend - A Double value indicating the preferred dividend.

numOfCommonShare - A Double value indicating the number of common shares.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the preferred dividend is 180000.00, the number of common shares is
10000, the return value of the following statement is 12.
FREarningsPerCommonShare(300000.00, 180000.00, 10000)

FREquityVsTotalAssets(Number totalEquity, Number totalAssets)
This function returns the result of equity vs. total assets.

totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.

totalAssets - A Double value indicating the total assets.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the total equity is 215000.00, the total assets are 2200000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.10.
FREquityVsTotalAssets(215000.00, 2200000.00)

FRGrossProfitMargin(Number grossProfit, Number sales)
This function is used to compute the gross profit margin.

grossProfit - A Double value indicating the gross profit.

sales - A Double value indicating the sales.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the gross profit is 350000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.78.
FRGrossProfitMargin(350000.00, 450000.00)

FRInterestCoverage(number cashFlow, number interestExpenses)
This function computes the interest coverage.

cashFlow - A Double value indicating the cash flow.

interestExpenses - A Double value indicating the interest expenses.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the cash flow is 250000.00, the interest expenses are 350000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.71.
FRInterestCoverage(250000.00, 350000.00)

FRInventoryTurnover(Number inventory, Number sales, Number numOfDays)
This function computes the turnover of the inventory.

inventory - A Double value indicating the inventory.

sales - A Double value indicating the sales.

numOfDays - A Double value indicating the number of days.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the inventory is 165000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the number of days is 100, the return
value of the following statement is 36.67.
FRInventoryTurnover(165000.00, 450000.00, 100)

FRNetProfitMargin(Number netProfit, Number sales)
This function is used to compute the net profit margin.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

sales - A Double value indicating the sales.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following statement
is 0.67.
FRNetProfitMargin(300000.00, 450000.00)

FROperatingProfitMargin(Number operatingProfit, Number sales)
This function computes the operating profit margin.

operatingProfit - A Double value indicating the operating profit.

sales - A Double value indicating the sales.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the operating profit is 380000.00, the sales value is 450000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.84.
FROperatingProfitMargin(380000.00, 450000.00)

FRPriceEarningsRatio(Number marketPrice, Number earningsPerShare)
This function computes the price earning ratio.

marketPrice - A Double value indicating the market price.

earningPerShare - A Double value indicating the earning per share.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the market price is 10.87, the earning per share is 12, the return value of the following statement is
FRPriceEarningsRatio(10.87, 12)

FRQuickRatio(Number curAssets, Number inventories, Number curLiabilities)
This function computes the quick ratio.

curAssets - A Double value indicating the current assets.

inventories - A Double value indicating the inventory.

curLiabilities - A Double value indicating the current liabilities.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the current assets are 1800000.00, the inventory is 165000.00, the current liabilities are 150000.00,
the return value of the following statement is 10.90.
FRQuickRatio(1800000.00, 165000.00, 150000.00)

FRReturnOnCommonEquity(Number netProfit, Number preferredDividend, Number
This function returns the result of return on common equity.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

preferredDividend - A Double value indicating the preferred dividend.

commonEquity - A Double value indicating the common equity.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the preferred dividend is 180000.00, the common equity is 208000.00,
the return value of the following statement is 0.58.
FRReturnOnCommonEquity(300000.00, 180000.00, 208000.00)

FRReturnOnEquity(Number netProfit, Number totalEquity)
This function returns the results of return on equity.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the return value of the following statement
is 1.40.
FRReturnOnEquity(300000.00, 215000.00)

FRReturnOnInvestedCapital(Number netProfit, Number totalBankDebts, Number totalEquity)
This function returns the result of return on invested capital.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

totalBankDebts - A Double value indicating the total bank debts.

totalEquity - A Double value indicating the total equity.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the total bank debts are 100000.00, the total equity is 215000.00, the
return value of the following statement is 0.95.
FRReturnOnInvestedCapital(300000.00, 100000.00, 215000.00)

FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets(Number netProfit, Number netFixedAssets)
This function returns the result of return on net fixed assets.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

netFixedAssets - A Double value indicating the net fixed assets.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the net fixed assets are 400000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.75.
FRReturnOnNetFixedAssets(300000.00, 400000.00)

FRReturnOnTotalAssets(Number netProfit, Number totalAssets)
This function returns the results of return on total assets.

netProfit - A Double value indicating the net profit.

totalAssets - A Double value indicating the total assets.

Return value
The return value is a Number.
If the net profit is 300000.00, the total assets are 2200000.00, the return value of the following
statement is 0.14.
FRReturnOntotalAssets(300000.00, 2200000.00)

FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney, type)
Returns a number specifying the future value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a
fixed interest rate.

FV(rate, periods, payment)

FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney)

FV(rate, periods, payment, presentMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The
units used for specifying rate and periods must consistent. For example, if periods is the number of
periods in months, then rate is a monthly interest rate.
payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment to be made each period.
presentMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the present value of a series of future
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
1 will be used.

Return value
Number value.

Suppose that you put $1100 per month into a retirement savings plan that pays 6 percent annual
interest, compounded monthly. How much will the account be worth after 20 years?
FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100) - Returns 507144.99. So your account will have $507,145. The
payment (-1100) is negative since you are paying out the money to the plan.
The above example assumes that you make your payments into the plan at the end of the month.
Thus, after the first month, your plan would have $1100 in it, since there wouldn't have been enough
time for any interest to accrue.

Suppose that instead, you make your payments at the start of the month,
FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100, 0, 1) - Returns 510786.21 (rounded to the nearest integer). So
your account will have $510,786. You will save $3,642 more by depositing at the beginning of the

Now suppose that in addition to making payments at the start of the month, you start your plan with

an initial deposit of $25,000,

FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, -1100, -25000, 1) - Returns 593541.33 (rounded to the nearest
integer). Your account will have $ 593,541 after 20 years.

You can also use the FV function to calculate the future value of a lump sum deposit. For example, if
you deposit $25,000 into a plan that pays 6 percent annual interest compounded monthly for 20
FV(0.06 / 12, 20 * 12, 0, -25000) - Returns 82755.12 (rounded to the nearest integer). You
would have $82755.12 in your account.

IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
IPmt returns a number specifying the interest payment for a given period of an annuity based on
periodic, fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.

IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney)

IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)

IPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

period - A Number that specifies the payment period in the range 1 through periods.

periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The
units used for specifying rate, period and periods must be consistent. For example, if periods is the
number of periods in months, then rate is a monthly interest rate and period specifies a month.
presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of
future payments or receipts.
futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value, or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.

Return value
Number value.

Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual
interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns the amount of interest that you pay in
your first loan payment. Note that the monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12 and the number of months
of the loan is 15 * 12.
IPmt(0.065 / 12, 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value -1354.17 (rounded to 2
decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you, whereas the loan
amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

The following formula returns the amount of interest that you pay in your 97th payment (after 10
years of payments).
IPmt(0.065 / 12, 9*12 + 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns -701.74 (rounded to 2 decimals). This

shows that you would be making progress on the loan at this stage, with less of your monthly
payment paying the interest.

IRR(values, guess)
IRR returns a number specifying the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows
(payments and receipts).


IRR(values, guess)


values - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. The array must contain at
least one negative value (a payment) and one positive value (a receipt). The cash flows must occur
at regular intervals such as monthly or yearly.
guess - An optional Number value that is estimated to be returned by IRR. If omitted, guess is 0.1
(10 percent).

Return value
Number value.
Suppose that you can choose one of two offers: $20,000 now or guaranteed payments of $5,000 after
1 year, $10,000 after 2 years and $15,000 after 3 years. Which is the better offer? One way to quantify
this is to calculate the internal rate of return. If you take the second offer, you can't take the first,
which is like experiencing an initial payment of $20,000 followed by the receipts:
inArray = ["-20000", "15000", "-10000", "25000"];
Returns 0.201 (rounded to 3 decimals) or 20.1 percent interest. With all other things being equal, if
you think that 20.1 percent is a good rate of return, you would prefer the second offer.
Note: The NPV and IRR functions are related since NPV (IRR (values), values) = 0. That is, the internal
rate of return of a sequence of cash flows is the interest rate for which that sequence of cash flows has
a net present value of 0. There is no direct formula for the IRR function and so JReport calculates the
value by iteration. The process depends on the initial guess for the internal rate of return. If the
program reports an error, try changing the value of the guess argument to be closer to what you
expect the internal rate of return to be.

MIRR(valueArray, financeRate, reinvestRate)
Returns a number specifying the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows
(payments and receipts).

valueArray - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. The array must
contain at least one negative value (a payment) and one positive value (a receipt). The cash flows
must occur at regular intervals such as monthly or yearly.

financeRate - A Number that specifies the interest rate paid as the cost of financing.

reinvestRate - A Number that specifies the interest rate received on gains from cash reinvestment.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose that you run a business that makes equipment investments, which results in a loss in the first
and fourth years. Your expected annual returns are: -$60,000, $60,000, $45,000, -$50,000, $65,000,
$40,000. Your losses are financed at 10 percent while you reinvest your earnings in an account at 6
percent. The modified internal rate of return is:
MIRR([-60000, 60000, 45000, -50000, 65000, 40000], 0.10, 0.06) - Returns 0.1929 (rounded to
4 decimals) or 19.29 percent.

NPer(rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
NPer returns a number specifying the number of periods for an annuity based on periodic, fixed
payments and a fixed interest rate.

NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney)

NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney)

NPer (rate, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment to be made each period. Payments
usually contain principal and interest that doesn't change over the life of the annuity.
presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of
future payments or receipts.
futureMoney - An optional number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional cumber that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.

Return value
Number value.

Suppose that you want a $250,000 loan to buy a house. The interest rate is 6.5 percent and you can
afford to pay $3,000 per month. How long a mortgage would you need?
NPer(0.075/12, -3000, 250000) - Returns 118.08 (rounded to 2 decimals) months.

Rather than seeking a loan, suppose that you want to save $500,000 and then buy the house. You
can get a 6.5 percent interest rate compounded monthly from your savings plan, and you want to
save $3,000 per month. How long would you need to save before you had the required amount of
NPer(0.065/12, -3000, 0, 250000) - Returns 68.96 (rounded to 2 decimals) months.

NPV(rate, values)
Returns a number specifying the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash
flows (payments and receipts) and a discount rate.

rate - A Number that specifies the discount rate over the length of the period, expressed as a
value - A Number or Currency type array that specifies cash flow values. Negative values represent
payments and positive values receipts. The cash flow must occur at regular intervals, such as
monthly or yearly.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose that someone offers to pay you $15000 after 1 year, $20000 after 2 years, $25000 after 3
years and $12000 after 4 years. If the discount rate (the Time value of money) is 6.5 percent, the
value of this offer to you today is:
NPV(0.065, [15000, 20000, 25000, 12000])
The formula returns 61741.8. So this scheme is worth $61,741.8 to you today. This is less than the
sum of the payments, which is $72000, since you have to wait for this money.
Note: The NPV and IRR functions are related since NPV (IRR (values), values) = 0, which means that
the internal rate of the return of a sequence of cash flow is the discount rate for which that sequence of
cash flow has a net present value of 0.

Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
Returns a number specifying the payment for an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments and a fixed
interest rate. To find the total amount paid out over the whole loan, multiply the payment per period
(the value returned by Pmt) by the total number of periods.

Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney)

Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)

Pmt(rate, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The
units used for specifying rate and periods must be consistent. For example, if periods is the number
of periods in months, then rate will be a monthly interest rate.
presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value or principal. That is, the
amount that a series of payments in the future is worth now.
futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.

Return value
Number value.

Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual
interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns your monthly loan payment. Note that the
monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12, and the number of months of the loan is 15 * 12.
Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value -2177.77 (rounded to 2
decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you whereas the loan
amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

Now suppose that the payments are made at the beginning of the month instead of the end
(default). Your monthly loan payment is calculated as:
Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000, 0, 1) - Returns -2166.04 (rounded to 2 decimals). Note that
your monthly payment is about $11.73 less each month than in the previous example where
payments are made at the end of the month.

Now suppose that you know that you'll receive $80,000 in 15 years. In this case, there is no need to
fully pay off the loan. You only need to reduce the amount owed to $80,000 after 15 years. Note that
the future value is negative since after 15 years you will need to pay out $80,000 to clear the loan.
Your monthly loan payment is calculated as:
Pmt(0.065 / 12, 15 * 12, 250000, -80000) - Returns -1914.22 (rounded to 2 decimals).

PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)
Returns a number specifying the principal payment for a given period of an annuity based on periodic,
fixed payments and a fixed interest rate.

PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney)

PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney)

PPmt(rate, period, periods, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

period - A Number that specifies the payment period in the range 1 through periods.

periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The
units used for specifying rate, period and periods must be consistent. For example, if periods is the
number of periods in months, then rate is a monthly interest rate and period specifies a month.
presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of
future payments or receipts.
futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.

Return value
Number value.

Suppose that you want to take out a $250,000 loan payable monthly over 15 years at an annual
interest rate of 6.5 percent. The following formula returns the amount of principal that you pay in
your first loan payment. Note that the monthly interest rate is 0.065 / 12 and the number of months
of the loan is 15 * 12.
PPmt (0.065 / 12, 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns the Number value -823.6 (rounded to 2
decimals). The value is negative because it represents a payment out from you whereas the loan
amount of $250,000 is positive because it represents a payment in to you.

The following formula returns the amount of principal that you pay in your 121st payment (after 10
years of payments):
PPmt (0.065 / 12, 9*12 + 1, 15 * 12, 250000) - Returns -1476.03 (rounded to 2 decimals).

You've made progress on the loan and are paying off more of the principal per payment. This is
because less interest can accrue each month since more of the loan is paid off so that your fixed
monthly payment is applied more to the principal.

PV(rate, periods, payment, futureMoney, type)
Returns a number specifying the present value of an annuity based on periodic, fixed payments to be
paid in the future and at a fixed interest rate.

PV (rate, periods, payment)

PV (rate, periods, payment, futureMoney)

PV (rate, periods, payment, futureMoney, type)


rate - A Number that specifies the interest rate per period.

periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity. The
units used for specifying rate and periods must be consistent. For example, if periods is the number
of periods in months, rate will then be a monthly interest rate.
payment - A Number or Currency that specifies payment to be made each period.
futureMoney - an optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose that you want to buy a condo and can make payments of $1100 twice a month (24 annual
payments). If the mortgage rates are 6.5 percent, and you want to pay off the condo in 10 years, what
is the maximum loan that you can take out?
PV(0.065 / 24, 10 * 24, -1100) - Returns 193936 (rounded to the nearest dollar).
You can therefore afford a loan of about $194,000. Notice that the payment argument is negative since
you are paying out the money each month.

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type, guess)
Rate returns a number specifying the interest rate per period for an annuity. The units of the returned
value are consistent with the units of periods. For example, if periods is in months, then the rate
returned will be a monthly interest rate.

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney)

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney)

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type)

Rate(periods, payment, presentMoney, futureMoney, type, guess)


periods - A positive Number that specifies the total number of payment periods in the annuity.

payment - A Number or Currency that specifies the payment that is to be made for each period.

presentMoney - A Number or Currency that specifies the present value, or value today, of a series of
future payments or receipts.
futureMoney - An optional Number or Currency that specifies the future value or cash balance you
want after you've made the final payment. If omitted, 0 will be used.
type - An optional Number that specifies when payments are due. Specify 0 if payments are due at
the end of the payment period, and 1 if payments are due at the beginning of the period. If omitted,
0 will be used.
guess - An optional Number value estimated to be returned by Rate. If omitted, guess is 0.1 (10

Return value
Number value.

An electronics store offers to finance a $12500 television for $560 per month, over 2 years, with no
money down. Is this a good deal? The first step in determining this is to figure out what interest rate
the store is charging.
Rate(2 * 12, -560, 12500) - Returns 0.00588 (rounded to 5 decimals). Notice that periods is 24
months, payment (-560) is negative since monthly payments are being paid, and the present value
(12500) is positive since at the start of the loan, $12500 was effectively received (the value of the
television). The interest rate returned is a monthly interest rate, since periods is in months.

This next expression calculates the interest rate, expressed as a yearly interest rate and as a

Rate(2 * 12, -560, 12500) * 12 * 100 - Returns 7.06 (rounded to 2 decimals). Thus, the store is
charging an effective annual interest rate of 7.06 percent.
Note: There is no direct formula for the Rate function and so Reports calculates the value by iteration.
The process depends on the initial guess for the rate. If the program reports an error, try changing the
value of the guess argument to be closer to what you expect the interest rate to be.

SLN(cost, salvage, life)
SLN returns a number specifying the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period.

cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset.

salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life.

life - A Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset. It must not equal 0.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000. The cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a
salvage value of $30,000. The depreciation per year is:
SLN(560000, 30000, 12) - Returns 44166.67. Thus the depreciation per year is $44,166.67.

SYD(cost, salvage, life, period)
SYD returns a number specifying the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a single period.

cost - A Number or Currency that specifies the initial cost of the asset.

salvage - A Number or Currency that specifies the value of the asset at the end of its useful life.

life - A positive Number that specifies the length of the useful life of the asset.

period - A Number that specifies the period for which asset depreciation is calculated. The value is
positive and less than or equal to life. The Parameters life and period must have the same units.

Return value
Number value.
Suppose a company purchases a fleet of cars for $560,000. The cars have a lifetime of 12 years and a
salvage value of $30,000. They are depreciated as follows:

SYD(560000, 30000, 12, 1) - Returns 80000. The first year's depreciation is $81,538.46.

SYD(560000, 60000, 12, 5) - Returns 56000. The fourth year's depreciation is $54,358.97.

SYD(560000, 60000, 12, 12) - Returns 8000. The final year's depreciation is $6,794.87.

The Array functions are all used to summarize field data in several different ways. Following is a list of
the Array functions. Click the links for further information.















Average(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to return the average value of a group of values referred to by the first argument.
The second argument, if there is one, returns the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a
formula field. Whatever source they come from, database or formula, they should be of Number or
Currency data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element is of the Number or Currency value.
groupby can be a constant String which indicates the groupby field name or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
The result type relies on the first argument. It can be of the Number or Currency data type, if the data
type of each element in the first argument is also of the Number or Currency data type respectively.

Number x = Average([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0]; Number y = Average(x)

Currency x = Average([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])

Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]; Currency y = Average(x)

Number x = Average(@dbfield)

Number x = Average(@formula)

Number x = Average(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Average(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Average(@dbfield)

Currency x = Average(@formula)

Currency x = Average(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Average(@formula, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Average(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.




Count(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to count the number of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The
second argument, if there is one, returns the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula. It refers to a group of values of a database field or of a
formula field.
array_variable refers to an array.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which the
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = Count([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0]).

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Count(x).

Number x = Count(["str1","str2","str3","str4","str5","str6"]).

Number x = Count(@dbfield).

Number x = Count(@formula).

Number x = Count(@dbfield, "group_field").

Number x = Count(@formula, @"group_field").

Number x = Count(@dbfield, @parameter).

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as in correct.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Count(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.




DistinctCount(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to count the number of distinct values referred to by the first argument together.
The second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be a Number.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = DistinctCount([1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, 4.5, 67.0]) // result is 4

Number x[6] = [1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 4.5, 4.5, 67.0];
Number y = DistinctCount(x)

Number x = DistinctCount(["str1","str1","str3","str4","str4","str6"])}

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield)

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula)

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = DistinctCount(@formula, @"group_field")

Number x = DistinctCount(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = DistinctCount(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of





Maximum(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to pick up the maximum value from a group of values referred to by the first
argument. The groupby argument specifies the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be Number.
Groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time,
DateTime, or Boolean if the datatype of each element in the first argument is Number, Currency,
String, Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean respectively.

Number x = Maximum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Maximum(x)

Number x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Date x = Maximum(@formula)

Time x = Maximum(@dbfield, "group_field")

DateTime x = Maximum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

String x = Maximum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Maximum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Maximum(@formula)

Date x = Maximum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Maximum(@formula, @parameter)

String x = Maximum(['1', '2', '3.0', '4.5', '45', '67'])

Date x = Maximum([toDate(1998, 1, 1), toDate(1997, 7, 1), toDate(1999, 1, 16)])

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to another variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Maximum(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.




Minimum(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to pick up the minimum value from a group of values referred to by the first
argument together. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be a Number.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number, Currency, String, Date, Time,
DateTime, or Boolean if the data type of each element in the first argument is Number, Currency,
String, Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean respectively.

Number x = Minimum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Minimum(x)

Number x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Date x = Minimum(@formula)

Time x = Minimum(@dbfield, "group_field")

DateTime x = Minimum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

String x = Minimum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Minimum(@dbfield)

Boolean x = Minimum(@formula)

Date x = Minimum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Minimum(@formula, @parameter)

String x = Minimum(['1', '2', '3.0', '4.5', '45', '67'])

Date x = Minimum([toDate(1998, 1, 1), toDate(1997, 7, 1), toDate(1999, 1, 16)]

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Minimum(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.




PopulationStdDev(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to find the population standard deviation of a group of values referred to by the
first argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the
Number data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = PopulationStdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationStdDev(x)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@formula)

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationStdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = PopulationStdDev(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of




PopulationVariance(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to find the population variance of a group of values referred to be the first
argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the
Number data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = PopulationVariance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = PopulationVariance(x)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@formula)

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = PopulationVariance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = PopulationVariance(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind
of function.




StdDev(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to find the standard deviation of a group of values referred to by the first
argument. The second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the
Number data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be a Number value.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = StdDev([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = StdDev(x)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield)

Number x = StdDev(@formula)

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = StdDev(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = StdDev(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.




Sum(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to add a group of values (referred to by the first argument) together. The second
argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the
Number or Currency data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be Number or Currency value.
groupby may be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
The result type relies on the first argument. It may be Number or Currency if the data type of each
element in the first argument is Number or Currency respectively.

Number x = Sum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Sum(x)
Currency x = Sum([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67])
Currency x[] = [$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67];
Currency y = Sum(x)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield)

Number x = Sum(@formula)

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Sum(@dbfield, @parameter)

Currency x = Sum(@dbfield)

Currency x = Sum(@formula)

Currency x = Sum(@formula, "group_field")

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @"group_field")

Currency x = Sum(@formula, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Sum(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of function.



This function is used to return the number of elements in an array.

array_variable refers to an Array value, expression or variable.

Return value
Returns a Number value.

The return value of the following statement is 5.

integer a[] = [1,1,1,1,1];

The return value of the following statement is 6.

UBound([$1, $2, $3.0, $4.5, $45, $67]).

if(isNull(@"Customer Name"))then
return "No Data";
string s[]=StringSplit(@"Customer Name");
string s1="Java";
string s2[]=filter(s,s1);
if (UBound(s2)!=0) then
return right(s2[0],4)
return "No matching data ";
This formula searchs for the customer names containing the word "Java".




Variance(field_variable, groupby);

This function is used to find the variance of a group of values referred to by the first argument. The
second argument, if there is one, gives the group by field name.

field_variable is a special variable in Formula, and refers to a group of values from a database or
formula field. Whatever kind of source the data comes from, database or formula, it should be of the
Number data type.
array_variable refers to an array whose element should be Number value.
groupby can be a constant String to indicate the groupby field name, or a field variable on which
grouping occurs, or a parameter variable that can accept a different value before each execution of a

Return type
Returns a Number value.

Number x = Variance([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0])

Number x[6] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 45.0, 67.0];
Number y = Variance(x)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield)

Number x = Variance(@formula)

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, "group_field")

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @"group_field")

Number x = Variance(@dbfield, @parameter)

Note: If a field_variable is assigned to a variable, for example X, the variable X will lose the
characteristic of representing a group of values. The following formula will then be treated as incorrect.
Number x = @dbfield;
Number y = Variance(x); // system will prompt you that there is no such kind of

Besides the above mentioned function types, JReport has some other functions as listed below:





















Choose(Integer, Array)
Returns a value from the array based on the value of Integer. For example, if integer is 0, it returns
the first element in the array, and if index is 1 it returns the second element in the array.

Integer - A Number or numeric expression that specifies the index of the element. The minimum
value is 0, and the maximum is the number of available elements minus 1. If it is out of bounds, no
value will be returned.
Array - An array that contains all the available elements to choose from. All elements must be of the
same type. A choice can be any simple type (Number, Currency, String, Boolean, Date, Time or
DateTime), or range type (Number Range, Currency Range, String Range, Date Range, Time Range
or DateTime Range), but it may not be an array.

Return value
A value from the element in the given array. The type of the returned value is the same as the type of
the element.

Choose(1,["Poor","Fair","Good","Excellent"]) - Returns Fair.

Choose(2,["1 to 10","11 to 20", "21 to 30"]) - Returns 21 to 30.

Choose(2,[1,2,3,4,5,6]) - Returns 3.

Choose(2,[Todate('1998/5/4'),ToDate('1999/5/5'),ToDate('1996/5/6')]) - Returns 5/6/96.

Returns the names of the applied bursting schemas in the current report. When isRunBursting() returns
false, the returned value of currentBurstingSchema() is NULL.
Note: Formulas referring to currentBurstingSchema() are not allowed to be used in queries or
Return value
The return value is a String.
If the current report has been applied two bursting schemas: VP and Manager, the return value of the
following statement is VP,Manager:

Next(DBfield a)
This function returns the next value of the current DBField.
a - A DBField value.
Return value
The return value is a DBField value.
Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and insert it
into the Detail Section, then when you run the report, you will see after each record, the next records
will be displayed according to the following statement.
Next(@"Ship Date")

Next(DBfield a, BigInt b)
This function returns the next Nth record decided by the argument b.

a - A DBField value.

b - A BigInt value.

Return value
The return value is a DBField value.
Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and set the
argument b as 1, then when you run the report, you will see after each record, the next first record will
be displayed according to the following statement.
Next(@"Ship Date", 1)
Note: Due to some implementation limitation, the argument b cannot be equal to or larger than 2.

Prev(DBfield a)
This function returns the previous value of the current DBField.
a - A DBField value.

Return value
The return value is a DBField value.
Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and insert it
into the Detail Section, after the report has been run, you will see the previous records displayed after
each record, according to the following statement.
Prev(@"Ship Date")

Prev(DBfield a, BigInt b)
This function returns the previous Nth record decided by the argument b.

a - A DBField value.

b - A BigInt value.

Return value
The return value is a DBField value.
Suppose you build a report about customer orders. If you use this function on "Ship Date" and set the
argument b as 4, then when you run the report, you will see before each record, the previous 4th
record displayed according to the following statement.
Prev(@"Ship Date", 4)
Note: Due to some implementation limitation, the argument b cannot be equal to or less than -2.

eqv(booleanx, booleany)
Returns a Boolean value of booleanx eqv booleany,

if x = true and y = true, returns the value of true.

if x = true and y = false, returns the value of false.

if x = false and y = true, returns the value of false.

if x = false and y = false, returns the value of true.


booleanx - A Boolean value.

booleany - A Boolean value.

Return value
Boolean value.

eqv(true, true) - Returns true.

eqv(true, false) - Returns false.

Returns the language name of the default locale of JVM.
Return value
The return value will either be the empty string or a lowercase ISO 639 code.
When the default local of JVM is set to en_US, the return value of the following statement is en:

Returns a security context object, which provides the method get() to get the Security Context instance
from JReport Server or JReport Designer.
Return value
The return value is a DbSecurityContext object.
Import userClass from "UserFunction";
userClass.getData(getSecurityContext(), @country, );

Compares the input parameter with that of the country setting of JVM based on default locale.
The input string must be an uppercase 2-letter ISO 3166 code.
Return value
The return value is true or false.

If getLanguage() return zh, isCountry("CN") will return true.

If getLanguage() return en, isCountry("CN") will return false.

This function tells whether a report has returned a record or not. If the report has no value returned,
the function will return True, otherwise False.
Note: A formula which calls this function cannot be applied to queries, and this formula only takes
effect when laying out this report which contains it.
When using this function, you should refer to a DBField to identify whether this formula is a record level
formula so that it can be calculated when fetching the record. For example,
@"Customers_Customer ID";
return "There is no data"
return "Total number of records="+@"Count_Customer Name5"

In this example, if no data returned, a tip "There is no data" will be displayed. If data is returned, the
Total number of records will be displayed.

IsNull(DBfield a)
This function tells whether a specified value (especially the value of a DBField) is null or not. If the
value is Null, the function will return True, otherwise False.
a - A specified value especially a value of a DBField.
Return value
The return value is True or False.

The return value of the following statement is false.


If you build a report about customer order, suppose one of the values of the field "Shipped" is Null,
the return value of the following statement is true.

Integer Total=0;
if (!isnull(@grandTotal))
Total= Total+@grandTotal;
This formula can summarize the Grand Total while ignoring the null value or no-record column.

Returns a Boolean value if the inString is a math number string.
inString - A String type value.
Return value
Boolean value.

isNumeric("true") - Returns false.

isNumeric("false") - Returns false.

isNumeric("1234") - Returns true.

isNumeric("122 322323") - Returns false.

Returns true if the current report is running based on a bursting schema, else returns false.
Note: Formulas referring to isRunBursting() are not allowed to be used in queries or datasets.
Return value
The return value is true or false.

If a bursting report is scheduled to run based on a bursting schema, the return value of the following
statement is true:

If a bursting report is scheduled to run a normal result, the return value of the following statement is

openBinFile(string a)
This function is used to open an image file which is saved in your file system according to the path
specified by the parameter.
a - A String value which indicates the full path of the image file.
Return value
The return value is a binary image file.
Suppose you have an image file photo1.gif which is saved in the following directory c:\images. The
following example will open this image file.

openBinURL(string a)
This function is used to open a binary image file according to the URL which is specified by the
a - A String value which indicates the URL of the image file.
Return value
The return value is a binary image file.
Suppose you have an image file in the following URL http://www.jinfonet.com/../../asset/images/
Pic1.gif. The following example will open this image file Pic1.gif.

openTxtFile(string a)
This function is used to open a text file which is kept in your file system according to the path specified
by the parameter.
a - A String value which indicates the full path of the text file.
Return value
The return value is a long varchar.
Suppose you have a text file report.int in the following directory C:\JReport\Designer. The following
example will open this text file report.ini.

openTxtURL(string a)
This function is used to open a text file according to the URL specified by the parameter.
a - A String value which indicates the URL of the text file.
Return value
The return value is a long varchar.
Suppose you have a text file at the following URL http://www.jinfonet.com/JReport/report.ini. The
following example will open the text file report.ini.

This function returns the current reportset name.
Return value
The return value is a String.
If the current report name is EmployeeInformation, the return value of the following statement is

Switch(Boolean[], Array)
The elements in the two parameters corresponding with each other. This function evaluates the
elements in the first parameter from left to right, and returns element associated with the first element
to evaluate to True. For example,
Switch([1, 2, 3], [a, b, c])
if 1 is true, Switch returns a. If 2 is true, Switch returns b. If 3 is true, Switch returns c.

Boolean[] - A Boolean type array, which contains the elements that are to be evaluated.

Array - An array, which contains all the available values that may be returned.

Return value
One of the elements of the parameter array. The type of the returned value is the same as the element
in the array.
Insert the following function into the Detail section of a report,
Switch([@"Customers_Customer ID"< 5, @"Customers_Customer ID" > 50,true],["small",
"large", "medium"])

if Customer ID < 5 is true, returns small.

if Customer ID >50 is true, returns large.

if 5 < Customer ID < 50 (true), returns medium.

toBool(number or currency)
Returns True if the parameter is positive or negative but not 0, and returns False if the parameter is 0.
Can be either a Number, Currency value, or expression.
Return value
Boolean value.
toBool(@Discount) - Returns false if the discount is 0. Otherwise, returns true.

Returns 1 if the parameter is True, and returns 0 if the parameter is False.
True or false.
Return value
1 or 0.

toNumber(True) - Returns 1.

toNumber(False) - Returns 0.

xor(booleanx, booleany)
Returns a Boolean value of booleanx Exclusive OR booleany,

if x = true and y = true, returns the value of false.

if x = true and y = false, returns the value of true.

if x = false and y = true, returns the value of true.

if x = false and y = false, returns the value of false.


booleanx - A Boolean value.

booleany - A Boolean value.

Return value
Boolean value.

xor(true, true) - Returns false.

xor(true, false) - Returns true.

xor((@"Customer ID"<=20),(Remainder(@"Customer ID", 2) == 0));

The Operators panel in the Formula Editor lists all the operators JReport provides. They are powerful
and commonly used. The operators can be divided into four types: Math, Comparison, Boolean, and
Click a link from the following to get details:





Following are Math operators. You can go into them to get detailed information.

Operator add (+)

Operator subtract ( - )

Operator multiply ( * )

Operator divide ( / and \)

Operator negative ( - )

Operator percent ( % )

Operator exponentiation (^)

Operator add (+)

numeric op1 + numeric op2
Adds op1 and op 2, and numeric adds to numeric. The returning value's precision will correspond to the
data type with the higher precision except when a BigInt value is added to a real number. In this case,
the return value will be a BigDecimal.
Note: Each data type has its own precision. For the Integer type data, BigInt has the highest precision
while integer has the lowest precision. For the real number type data, Currency has the highest
precision while Float has the lowest precision. So, if two numeric data of different precision are added
together, the return value will be the data type with the higher precision. For example, if an Integer is
added to a Double, the return value must be a Double value.
The return value of the following expression is 81.71.
55 + 26.71

string op1 + time op2

When a String is added to a Time value, the return value will be a String because the Time value can
be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Time value.
The return value of the following statement is It is 10:10:10.
"It is" + ToTime (10, 10, 10)

string op1 + date op2

When a String is added to a Date value, the return value will be a String because the Date value can be
changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Date value.
The return value of the following statement is It is 1999-10-15.
"It is"+ToDate (1999, 10, 15)

string op1 + datetime op2

When a String is added to a DateTime value, the return value will be a String because the DateTime
value can be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Date value.
The return value of the following statement is It is 1999-10-15 09:37:15.
"It is" + CurrentDateTime ()

string op1 + string op2

The return value is a String.

The return value of the following statement is It is your bike.

"It is" + "your bike."


Reports = "&jrs.report_sheet$report2=true";
Catalog = "&jrs.catalog=/SampleReports/SampleReports.cat";
ReportSet = "&jrs.report=/SampleReports/SaleStat_detail.cls";
resultType = "&jrs.result_type=8";
para = "&jrs.param$P_Year=@INNER";
para1 = "&jrs.param$p_AccountManagerName=" + "Jeremy Miner";

This formula sets an URL, which can run one demo report on the JReport Server.

string op1 + integer op2

When a String is added to an Integer value, the return value will be a String because the Integer value
can be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to an Integer value.
The return value of the following statement is The result is9.
"The result is" + 9

string op1 + number op2

When a String is added to a Number value, the return value will be a String because the Number value
can be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Number value.
The return value of the following statement is The result is9.56.
"The result is" + 9.56

string op1 + currency op2

When a String is added to a Currency value, the return value will be a String because the Currency
value can be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is I spent9.56.
"I spent" + ToText($9.56)

string op1 + boolean op2

When a String is added to a Boolean value, the return value will be a String because the Boolean value
can be changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Boolean value.
The return value of the following statement is It is false.
"It is" + IsNull (3>2)

string op1 + text op2

When a String is added to a Text value, the return value will be a String because the Text value can be
changed to a String value, while the String value cannot be changed to a Text value.
The return value of the following statement is It is 07-Jul-99 7:12:21 AM.
"It is" + ToText (ToDateTime (1999, 7, 7, 7, 12, 21), "dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss a", "AM")

date op1 + integer op2

When a Data value is added to an Integer value, the return value will be a Data value because the
Integer value will have changed to a Data value.
If the date is Oct. 15, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 10-25-99.
ToDate (1999, 10, 15) + 10

time op1 + integer op2

When a Time value is added to an Integer value, the return value will be a Time value because the
Integer value will have changed to a Time value.
If the time is 10:15:25, the return value of the following statement is 10:15:35.
ToTime (10, 15, 25) + 10

datetime op1 + integer op2

When a DateTime value is added to an Integer value, the return value will be a DateTime value
because the Integer value will have changed to a DateTime value.
If the datetime is Aug. 10, 1999 10:21:30, the return value of the following statement is 1999-08-10
ToDateTime (1999, 8, 10, 10, 21, 30) + 10

text op1 + date op2

When a text value is added to a Data value, the return value will be a text value because the Data
value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to a Data value.
If the date is Aug.10, 1999 and the time is 10:21:30, the return value of the following statement is
ToText(ToTime(10,21,30), "hh:mm:ss") + ToDate(1999,8,10)

text op1 + time op2

When a text value is added to a Data value, the return value will be a text value because the Data
value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to a Data value.
If the date is Aug.10, 1999 and the time is 10:21:30, the return value of the following statement is 9908-1010:21:30.
ToText(ToDate(1999,8,10), "yy-MM-dd") + ToTime(10,21,30)

text op1 + datetime op2

When a text value is added to a DateTime value, the return value will be a text value because the
DateTime value can be changed to a text value while the text value cannot be changed to a DateTime
If the date is Aug.10, 1999 and the time is 10:21:30, the return value of the following statement is
false1999-08-10 10:21:30.
ToText(3<2) + ToDateTime(1999,8,10,10,21,30)

text op1 + integer op2

When a text value is added to an Integer value, the return value will be a text value because the
Integer value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to an Integer
The return value of the following statement is false10.
ToText(3<2) + 10

text op1 + number op2

When a text value is added to a Number value, the return value will be a text value because the
Number value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to a Number

The return value of the following statement is false10.56.

ToText(3<2) + 10.56

text op1 + currency op2

When a text value is added to a Currency value, the return value will be a text value because the
Currency value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to a Currency
value. Note that with this option, when a Currency value is changed to a text value, the symbol $ is not
The return value of the following statement is false10.56.
ToText(3<2) + ToText($10.56)

text op1 + boolean op2

When a text value is added to a Boolean value, the return value will be a text value because the
Boolean value can be changed to a text value, while the text value cannot be changed to a Boolean
The return value of the following statement is falsefalse.
ToText(3<2) + IsNull (2.5)

text op1 + string op2

The return value is a String.
The return value of the following statement is 25.60is a number.
ToText(25.6, 2)+"is a number."

text op1 + text op2

The return value is a text value.
The return value of the following statement is 25.6and6.52.
ToText(25.6, 1)+"and"+ToText(6.52, 2)

Operator subtract ( - )
numeric op1 - numeric op2
Subtracts Op2 from Op1, and numeric subtracts numeric. The precision of the return value will
correspond to the data type with the higher precision.
Note: Each data type has its own precision. For the Integer type data, BigInt has the highest precision
while integer has the lowest precision. For the real number type data, Currency has the highest
precision while float has the lowest precision. So, if two numeric datum of different precision subtracts
each other, the return value will be of the data type with the higher precision. For example, if an
Integer subtracts a Double, the return value will be a Double value.
The return value of the following expression is 61.71.
87.71 - 26

date op1 - integer op2

When a Data value subtracts an Integer value, the return value will be a Data value because the
Integer value will have changed into a Data value.
If the date is Oct. 18, 1999, the return value of the following statement is 10/16/99.
ToDate(1999, 10, 18) - 2

time op1 - integer op2

When a Time value subtracts an Integer value, the return value will be a Time value because the
Integer value will have changed into a Time value.
If the time is 10:10:10, the return value of the following statement is 10:10:08.
ToTime(10, 10, 10) - 2

datetime op1 - integer op2

When a DateTime value subtracts an Integer value, the return value will be a DateTime value because
the Integer value will have changed into a DateTime value.
If the date is Oct. 18, 1999, the time is 10:10:10, the return value of the following statement is 199910-18 10:10:08.
ToDateTime(1999, 10, 18, 10, 10, 10) - 2

datetime op1 - datetime op2

When a DateTime value subtracts a DateTime value, the return value will be an Integer. The result is
the number of seconds between the two DateTimes.
If one timestamp is 1999-12-12 10:10:10, and the other timestamp is 1995-12-12 10:10:10, the
return value of the following statement is 126230400.
ToDateTime(1999, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10) - ToDateTime(1995, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10)

date op1 - date op2

When a Data value subtracts a Data value, the return value will be an Integer. The result is the number
of days between the two dates.

If one date is 1999-12-12, and the other date is 1995-12-12, the return value of the following
statement is 1461.
ToDate(1999, 12, 12) - ToDate(1995, 12, 12)

if ((todate(@"Due Date")-CurrentDate())<0)
{return '0xff0000'}//red
{return '0x000000'}//black
This formula sets values' background, in which way it can highlight report values that are out of

time op1 - time op2

When a Time value subtracts a Time value, the return value will be an Integer. The result is the
number of seconds between the two times.
If one time is 08:08:08, and the other time is 10:10:10, the return value of the following statement is
ToTime(10, 10, 10) - ToTime(8, 8, 8)

Operator multiply ( * )
integer op1 * number op2
Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is multiplied by a Number value, the return value will be
a Number value.
The return value of the following statement is 104.25.
25 * 4.17

integer op1 * currency op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is multiplied by a Currency value, the return value will
be a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 106.75.
25 * $4.27

integer op1 * integer op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is multiplied by an Integer value, the return value will be
an Integer value.
The return value of the following statement is 15.
3 * 5

number op1 * integer op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is multiplied by an Integer value, the return value will be
a Number value.
The return value of the following statement is 104.25.
4.17 * 25

number op1 * currency op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is multiplied by a Currency value, the return value will be
a Currency value.

The return value of the following statement is 3.25.
2.56 * $1.27

number op1 * number op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is multiplied by a Number value, the return value will be
a Number value.
The return value of the following statement is 2.88.
2.4 * 1.2

currency op1 * integer op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is multiplied by an Integer value, the return value will
be a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 106.75.
$4.27 * 25

currency op1 * number op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is multiplied by a Number value, the return value will be
a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 3.25.
$1.27 * 2.56

currency op1 * currency op2

Multiplies Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is multiplied by a Currency value, the return value will
be a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 2.88.
$2.4 * $1.2

Operator divide ( / and \)

integer op1 / number op2
Divides Op1 by Op2. When an Integer is divided by a Number value, the return value will be a Number
or an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 21.88.
56 / 2.56

integer op1 / currency op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When an Integer is divided by a Currency value, the return value will be a
Currency or an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 21.87.
56 / $2.56

integer op1 / integer op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When an Integer is divided by an Integer, the return value will be an Integer or a
Number value.
56 / 3 - Return 18.67
10 / 3 - Return 3.33

number op1 / number op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Number is divided by a Number value, the return value will be an Integer
or a Number value.
The return value of the following statement is 1.77.
4.52 / 2.56

number op1 / integer op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Number is divided by an Integer, the return value will be a Number value.

The return value of the following statement is 0.51.
2.55 / 5

number op1 / currency op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Number is divided by a Currency value, the return value will be a
Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 1.77.
4.52 / $2.56

currency op1 / currency op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Currency is divided by a Currency value, the return value will be an
Integer or a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 1.77.
$4.52 / $2.56

currency op1 / integer op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Currency is divided by an Integer, the return value will be a Currency
The return value of the following statement is 1.28.
$2.56 / 2

currency op1 / number op2

Divides Op1 by Op2. When a Currency is divided by a Number value, the return value will be an Integer
or a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 1.79.
$4.52 / 2.52

number op1 \ number op2

Divides Op1 by Op2, and returns an Integer result.

39.4 \ 3 - Return 13.00

10 \ 3 - Return 3.00

Operator negative ( - )
integer -op1
Returns the opposite value of Op1. If an Integer value is positive, the return value will be negative. If
the Integer value is negative, the return value will be positive.

The return value of the following statement is -25.


The return value of the following statement is 25.


number -op1
Returns the opposite value of Op1. If a Number value is positive, the return value will be negative. If
the Number value is negative, the return value will be positive.

The return value of the following statement is -5.28.


The return value of the following statement is 5.28.


currency -op1
Returns the opposite value of Op1. If a Currency value is positive, the return value will be negative. If
the Currency value is negative, the return value will be positive.

The return value of the following statement is -$2.57.


The return value of the following statement is $2.57.


Operator percent ( % )
integer op1 % integer op2
Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is divided by an Integer, the
return value will be an Integer or a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 77.78.

integer op1 % number op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is divided by a Number, the
return value will be a Number or an Integer.
The return value of the following statement is 400.

integer op1 % currency op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When an Integer value is divided by a Currency, the
return value will be an Integer or a Currency.
The return value of the following statement is 40.

number op1 % number op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is divided by a Number, the
return value will be an Integer or a Number.
The return value of the following statement is 176.56.

number op1 % integer op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is divided by an Integer, the
return value will be an Integer or a Number.

The return value of the following statement is 50.

number op1 % currency op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Number value is divided by a Currency, the
return value will be an Integer or a Currency value.
The return value of the following statement is 500.

currency op1 % currency op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is divided by a Currency
value, the return value will be an Integer or a Currency.
The return value of the following statement is 176.56.

currency op1 % integer op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is divided by an Integer
value, the return value will be an Integer or a Currency.
The return value of the following statement is 226.

currency op1 % number op2

Computes the percentage of dividing Op1 by Op2. When a Currency value is divided by a Number
value, the return value will be an Integer or a Currency.
The return value of the following statement is 120.

Operator exponentiation (^)

number op1 ^ number op2
Raise Op1 to the power of Op2. Op2 can be fractional, positive or negative. Op1 can be fractional, but
negative only when Op2 is a whole number.

The return value of the following statement is 4.


The return value of the following statement is 1626.9438030745541.


Following are Comparison operators. You can go into them to get detailed information.

Operator greater than ( > )

Operator less than ( < )

Operator equal ( == )

Operator not equal ( != ) or ( <> )

Operator greater than ( > )

numeric op1 > numeric op2
If Op1 is greater than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is < and == Op2, the return value will
be false.

The return value of the following statement is true.


The return value of the following statement is false.


string op1 > string op2

If Op1 is greater than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is < and == Op2, the return value will
be false.

The return value of the following statement is true.

"string abcd" > "string abc"

The return value of the following statement is false.

"string abc" > "string abcd"

date op1 > date op2

If Op1 is greater than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is < and == Op2, the return value will
be false.
The return value of the following statement is true.
ToDate(1999, 10, 10) > ToDate(1999, 2, 5)

time op1 > time op2

If Op1 is greater than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is < and == Op2, the return value will
be false.
The return value of the following statement is true.

ToTime(10, 10, 10) > ToTime(8, 10, 10)

datetime op1 > datetime op2

If Op1 is greater than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is < and == Op2, the return value will
be false.
The return value of the following statement is true.
ToDateTime(1999, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10) > ToDateTime(1999, 5, 10, 8, 5, 5)

Operator less than ( < )

numeric op1 < numeric op2
If Op1 is less than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is > and == Op2, the return value will be

The return value of the following statement is true.


The return value of the following statement is false.


string op1 < string op2

If Op1 is less than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is > and == Op2, the return value will be

The return value of the following statement is true.

"string abc" < "string abcd"

The return value of the following statement is false.

"string abcd" < "string abc"

date op1 < date op2

If Op1 is less than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is > and == Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.
ToDate(1999, 10, 10) < ToDate(1999, 2, 5)

time op1 < time op2

If Op1 is less than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is > and == Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.

ToTime(10, 10, 10) < ToTime(8, 10, 10)

datetime < datetime op2

If Op1 is less than Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is > and == Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.
ToDateTime(1999, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10) < ToDateTime(1999, 5, 10, 8, 5, 5)

Operator equal ( == )
numeric op1 == numeric op2
If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.

string op1 == string op2

If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value is true. If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.
"string abcd" == "string abc"

date op1 == date op2

If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value is true. If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.
ToDate(1999, 10, 10) == ToDate(1999, 5, 10)

time op1 == time op2

If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.
ToTime(9, 10, 10) == ToTime(10, 10, 10)

datetime == datetime op2

If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be

The return value of the following statement is false.
ToDateTime(1999, 10, 10, 5, 10, 10) == ToDateTime(1999,10, 10, 10, 10, 10)

Operator not equal ( != ) or ( <> )

numeric op1 <> numeric op2 or numeric op1 != numeric op2
If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is false.

string op1 <> string op2 or string op1 != string op2

If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is true.
"string abc" != "string abcd"

date op1 <> date op2 or date op1 != date op2

If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is true.
ToDate(1999, 10, 10) != ToDate(1999, 5, 10)

time op1 <> time op2 or time op1 != time op2

If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be
The return value of the following statement is true.
ToTime(9, 10, 10) <> ToTime(10, 10, 10)

datetime <> datetime op2 or datetime != datetime op2

If Op1 is not equal to Op2, the return value will be true. If Op1 is equal to Op2, the return value will be

The return value of the following statement is true.
ToDateTime(1999, 10, 10, 5, 10, 10) != ToDateTime(1999,10, 10, 10, 10, 10)

Boolean ( && , || , ! )
Boolean op1 && Boolean op2
Returns true if Op1 is true and Op2 is true.

The return value of the following statement is abc.

Integer s=4,d=8;
Integer f=6;
if ( f>s && f<d )
return "abc";

if ((@"Annual Sales" <3000) && (@Customers_Country=="USA")) then

"Customer is in the USA and Annual Sales is less than 3000"

Boolean op1 || Boolean op2

Returns true if Op1 is true or Op2 is true.

The return value of the following statement is abc.

Integer s=4,d=8;
Integer f=6;
if ( f>s || f>d )
return "abc";

if ((@"Annual Sales" > 50000) ||(@"Annual Sales"<0)) then

"Customer needs attention"
"Normal customer"

! Boolean op1
Returns true if Op1 is false.
The return value of the following statement is def.

Integer s=4, d=8;

Integer f=6;
if ( ! ( f>s ) )
return "abc"
return "def"

return x
Returns the value of X.
The result of the following statement is 06/19/01.
return Today ()

if [b] then {...} else {...}

Conditional statement.
The return value of the following statement is abc.
integer s=5;
integer f=8;
if ( f>s )
then return "abc"
else return "def"

x [ i to j ]
A statement used to define an array.
The return value of the following statement is true.
string range strary = ["a" to "z"];
string x = "d";
x in strary

A statement used to index a certain value in an array.
The return value of the following statement is 14:11:27.
time d[3] = [totime(12, 11, 27), totime(13, 11, 27), totime(14, 11, 27)];
time dd[3];
dd = d;

x in y
A statement used to tell whether x is in y, the return value is a boolean value.

The return value of the following statement is false.

integer x[3] = [0,1,2];
integer xx = 3;
xx in x

integer range intary=[30 to 50];

if (@"Product_ID" in intary) then
return "Within the Range"
return "Out of Range"

if (@Customers_Region in ["CO","MT","UT","WY"]) then

"Rocky Mountain Region"
"Rest of Country"

[ x, y, z ]
A statement used to define an array.
The return value of the following statement is 1996-11-27.
date d[3] = [toDate(1997, 11, 27), toDate(1996, 11, 27), toDate(1995, 11, 27)];
date dd[3];
dd = d;

Left end point exclude operator: (x _to y)

x _to y is used to specify a range of values greater than but not including the value x, and less than or
equal to the value y. Both x and y are the type of Number.
The return value of the following statement is true.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[2 _to 4];

Right end point exclude operator: (x to_ y)

x to_ y is used to specify a range of values greater than or equal to the value x, and less than but not
including the y value. Both x and y are the type of Number.

The return value of the following statement is true.

integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[2 to_ 4];

Both end point exclude operator: (x _to_ y)

x _to_ y is used to specify a range of values greater than but not including the value x, and less than
but not including the value y. Both x and y are the type of Number.
The return value of the following statement is true.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[2 _to_ 4];

Up from operator: upfrom x

upfrom x is used to specify a range of values greater than or equal to the value x. x is the type of
The return value of the following statement is false.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[upfrom 4]

Up from but not including operator: upfrom_ x

upfrom_x is used to specify a range of values greater than but not including the value x. x is the type
of Number.
The return value of the following statement is true.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[upfrom_ 2];

Up to operator: upto x
upto x is used to specify a range of values less than or equal to the value x. x is the type of Number.
The return value of the following statement is true.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
3 in a[upto 4];

Up to but not including operator: upto_ x

upto_ x is used to specify a range of values less than but not including the value x. x is the type of
The return value of the following statement is false.
integer a[] = [1,1,2,3,4];
4 in a[upto_ 4];

Object Property Reference

This chapter is an overall introduction to the properties of objects in JReport Designer. Keep in mind
the following while browsing each object for its properties:

You will start off from a table listing all the properties for an object and what can be achieved with
each property.
Some properties are just used to show related information and cannot be edited.
Some properties can be controlled by a formula. Also, some properties must be known by JReport
Engine before page break, so that it can lay out the object. In a formula, the special field
PageNumber is the switch for turning on and off the page break calculation time. If PageNumber is
quoted in the formula, then the calculation time will be after page break and vice versa. For this
reason, JReport will set the calculation time for controlling by whether the formula will be marked as
before page break or not. If otherwise (no mark), the property can be controlled by formula at any
For properties with a hyperlink, you can find further explanation. The same property for different
objects usually means the same thing, unless otherwise stated.

Note: When you hover the mouse on any property in JReport Designer, a tip will be displayed showing
a brief description about the property. You can click

on the tip to open the corresponding help doc

or click
to close the tip. If you do not want to display the property tips, uncheck Show tips in the
Options dialog (File > Options > General > Show tips).
This chapter explains the properties shown in the Report Inspector and Catalog Browser respectively:

Properties in the Report Inspector

Properties in the Catalog Browser

Properties in the Report Inspector

The following are object properties included in the Report Inspector, which are listed in alphabetical

Banded object





Drawing object


Formula field




OLE object

Page panel

Parameter field


Report body

Report set

Special field


Summary field



Text box



Web control

Banded object
The properties of a banded object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways:

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects
which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Empty

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to it.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style for the border line of the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the radius for the border line joint of the object. This property takes effect
only when Border Joint is set to round.
Data type: Integer

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Column Index & Row Index

The two properties together provide a way for you to control the position of an object in the exported
CSV or Excel file by specifying values to them.
However, JReport has default values for them which is calculated based on the position of each object
in the report. You can find the default values of the two properties right after you set the Columned
property at the report level to true.

Applying specified values

To make the specified values take effect when exporting the report to CSV or Excel, the following is
necessary for both exporting formats:

First set the Columned property in report level to true, and then specify values to the two properties
of the component.

More requirements for preview as Excel:

Make sure that the Export to Excel property of the component is set to true.

More requirements for Excel exporting:

Make sure that the Export to Excel property of the component is set to true.
When exporting the report to Excel, make sure Normal Formatting is selected in the Export to Excel

More requirements for CSV exporting:

Make sure that the Export to CSV property of the component is set to true.

When exporting the report to Text via dialog, do check the Delimited Format option.

Note: Preview as Text cannot support the specified values for the default setting of Delimited Format is
unchecked and it is unconfigurable.
The following topics list properties of the children of a banded object:

Banded header panel

Banded page panel

Banded footer panel

Banded column group

Banded header panel

The properties of a banded header panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only
applied if the report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the
panel is split only if it exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF.
Data type: Boolean
Note: This property only applies to the following web controls: Text Field, Password,
Text Area, Checkbox, Radio Button, Image Button, Button, Drop-down List, and List.

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the
next panel starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the border thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Banded page panel

The properties of a banded page panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values
change when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height
values but you can change the latter as desired.
Data type: Float


Specifies how to position the report page. The Orientation setting affects the Width and
Height values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

portrait - The page is positioned vertically.

landscape - The page is positioned horizontally.

Data type: Enumeration

Page Type

Specifies the report page dimensions. Choose a size from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the width of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values change
when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height values
but you can change the latter as desired.
Data type: Float

Bottom Margin

Specifies the distance in inches or centimeters between the bottom page edge and the report
Data type: Float

Left Margin

Specifies the distance in inches or centimeters between the left page edge and the report
Data type: Float

Right Margin

Specifies the distance in inches or centimeters between the right page edge and the report
Data type: Float

Top Margin

Specifies the distance in inches or centimeters between the upper page edge and the report
Data type: Float

The following topics list properties of the children of a banded page panel:

Banded page header panel

Group panel

Banded page footer panel

Banded page header panel

The properties of a banded page header panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

Merge to Next Panel

Specifies whether to merge the panel into the next panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Remove Blank Row

Specifies whether to remove blank rows in the panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Repeat in Detail Panel

Specifies whether to make the objects in the panel repeated in the detail panel in the
exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Group panel
The properties of a group panel in a banded object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Group By

Shows the group field that the object is based on. If null, the object is grouped based on
the whole dataset. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Current Block Index

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Current Block Index specifies the index of the data block that will be displayed. 0 means
the first block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Expand Detail Data

Specifies whether to expand the groups to show the details when the report set is
opened in JReport Viewer. Only works in continuous page mode.
Data type: Boolean

Items per Block

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Item per Block specifies the number of records in each data block.
Data type: Integer

Shrink Footer

Specifies whether to hide the group footer panel when collapsing a group in JReport
Viewer. Only works in continuous page mode.
Data type: Boolean

Group Layout
Keep Group Together

Specifies whether to keep the whole group together.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat While Group


If the group header is set to be repeated, you can specify whether to repeat the group
header when a page break occurs on the group footer.
Data type: Boolean

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean



Specifies whether to allow the security identifiers specified by the following three
properties to view the group's detail or child groups.

true - The detail panel, the group header panel, and the group footer panel will be
false - Only the group header and footer panels will be displayed.

Data type: Boolean


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts user names delimited by "|"
as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which user.
Data type: String


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts group names delimited by
"|" as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which group of
Data type: String


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts role names delimited by "|"
as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which role.
Data type: String

The following topics list properties of the children of a group panel:

Group header panel

Detail panel

Group footer panel

Group header panel

The properties of a group header panel in a banded object are:

Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only
applied if the report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the
panel is split only if it exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the
next panel starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

Merge to Next Panel

Specifies whether to merge the panel into the next panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Remove Blank Row

Specifies whether to remove blank rows in the panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the group header appear in every page.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat in Detail Panel

Specifies whether to make the objects in the panel repeated in the detail panel in the
exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

On New Page
If you want each group to start on a new page, you have two approaches. One is to configure with
group header panel as below, the other is to set the Fill Whole Page property for the group footer panel.
There is a problem when you only set On New Page to be true for the group header panel. You will find
that the first page will have no details. JREngine starts the detail panel from the second page. To solve
this issue, use a formula to control this property. The formula will judge the property as being false for
the first group, and being true for subsequent groups for displaying on a new page. You will need to
write three formulas and you will also learn how to control property value with a formula. However, if
you feel this is too complicated, go to the group footer panel for the second approach.
global integer i=0;

if (i>1)
return true
return false
Insert formula global into the banded page header panel and assign it an initial value 0. Insert formula
groupHD into the group header panel so that for each group i will be calculated as i+1. Then, select the
group header panel and let formula FormulaControl control its On New Page property. This formula will
only return true for the property if i>1.
Cross Page
The default value for Cross Page is false. For one detail panel which spans a large space vertically to be
shown in the first page, then the default false value will make it shown in the second page. So you
should set it to true in order to avoid the empty first page.
The default value for Repeat is false. For one detail panel which spans a large space vertically to be
shown in several pages, we support the Repeat property if you want to see the group header
information in each page. When the Repeat property is set true and group headers are visible, the
group headers will duplicate on every page. The Repeat property is a Boolean variable and can be
changed by a formula.

When a page split occurs in the bottom blank part of the detail panel (or margins in the detail panel)
and the Cross Page property in the Detail panel is set true, the output will be: repeated group header
+ a slice of blank detail panel + group footer. It appears as though the repeated group headers are
followed only by group footers without any detail panel. In order to solve this problem, you can
resize the detail panel.
If the Repeat property is set true in both outer group header and inner group header, JReport will
treat the two group headers as a completely repeated object.
If the outer and inner group headers are set to be one completely repeated object, then when the
page can only hold the group headers or has no enough space for the group headers, both outer and
inner group headers will not be duplicated.
The Repeat property does not work for subreport.

A group control image can be inserted into the group header panel. See the next section for properties
of a group control image.

Group control image

The properties of a group control image in a banded object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.

Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Access Key

Specifies the accelerator key for the object.

Data type: String

Alternate Text

Specifies the text that will be displayed if the object cannot be displayed.
Data type: String


Specifies whether the object is checked.

Data type: Boolean


This property is typically used to associate a particular style rule in a style sheet with
the object.
Data type: String


Specifies a value that indicates the reading order of the object.

Data type: String


Indicates if the image is disabled. This property is read only.


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


Specifies the name of the image.

Data type: String


Specifies the size of the object, in pixels.

Data type: Integer


Displays the URL to be loaded by the object. This property is read only.

Tab Index

Specifies the index that defines the tab order for the image.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the tip information about the image, which will be displayed when you hover
the mouse pointer over the image after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.
Data type: String


Specifies the text displayed in the image field.

Data type: String

On Blur

Specifies the action when the object loses input focus.

Data type: String

On Change

Specifies the action when the contents of the object or selection have changed.
Data type: String

On Click

Specifies the action when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.
Data type: String

On Double Click

Specifies the action when the user double-clicks the object.

Data type: String

On Focus

Specifies the action when the object receives focus.

Data type: String

On Key Down

Specifies the action when the user presses a key.

Data type: String

On Key Press

Specifies the action when the user presses an alphanumeric key.

Data type: String

On Key Up

Specifies the action when the user releases a key.

Data type: String

On Mouse Down

Specifies the action when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
Data type: String

On Mouse Move

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse over the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Out

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of
the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Over

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Up

Specifies the action when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the
Data type: String

Detail panel

The properties of a detail panel in a banded object are:

Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that returns
a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill effect if
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and when
there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the
style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Cache Section

Specifies whether to cache the objects in the detail panel.

Data type: Boolean

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only
applied if the report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the
panel is split only if it exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Current Block Index

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Current Block Index specifies the index of the data block that will be displayed. 0 means
the first block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the
next panel starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Items per Block

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Item per Block specifies the number of records in each data block.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Remove Blank Row

Specifies whether to remove blank rows in the panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to
its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Tile Detail Panel

Specifies whether to tile records in the detail panel.

For a vertical/horizontal banded object, you can make each set of records in the detail
panel to be tiled when viewing the report if you set this property to true and set the
detail panel's width/height equal to or less than 1/2 that of the banded object. The detail
panel width/height defines the width/height of each record tile.
Data type: Boolean

Tile Horizontal

If the Tile Detail Panel property of the detail panel is set to true, you can further specify
the direction for tiling records in the detail panel.

true - Records will be tiled in the row direction and then in column.

false - Records will be tiled in the column direction and then in row.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded object.
A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a background picture
or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer panels cannot be
layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered beneath the next
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which
must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the
object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Tile Detail Panel

You will find this property is useful when you are making a mail-label format report.
You can insert a blank banded object in a report, then in the Report Inspector, select the detail panel,
and set properties as below:
Tile Detail Panel = true
Width = *** (width of the detail panel. You can set this value according to the width of one column.

Group footer panel

The properties of a group footer panel in a banded object are:

Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only
applied if the report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the
panel is split only if it exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the
next panel starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

Merge to Next Panel

Specifies whether to merge the panel into the next panel in the exported Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Banded page footer panel

The properties of a banded page footer panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress on Last Page

If true, the footer panel on the last page will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Banded footer panel

The properties of a banded footer panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only
applied if the report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the
panel is split only if it exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the
next panel starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the panel.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

To Bottom

Specifies whether to move the banded object footer panel to the bottom of the page.
The default is false, which means that the banded object footer appears at the end of
the banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Banded column group

If you open a table-style report created by JReport Designer of a version lower than 8, you may find
that the table is actually a banded object, and the columns of the table are organized as a banded
column group which may contain one or more columns. The banded column group is displayed as
BandedColumnInfos in the Report Inspector by default. The properties of a banded column group are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Widths

Specifies the column width values, measured in inches. Type the width values delimited
by comma. If you want to use the Width property of a column, leave its place blank.
Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the style group for the columns.

Data type: String


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. The X and Y
properties are ignored. The position of the object is affected by preceding objects in
the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Columns

Specifies the columns to be shown in the report result. Type the column mapping
names delimited by comma. For example: Shipping Cost, Ship Date, Ship Via, Payment
Data type: String

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Show Border

Specifies whether to show the border.

Data type: Boolean

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

See the next section for the properties of a banded column.

Banded column
The properties of a banded column are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Show Border

Specifies whether to show the border.

Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

A chart mainly consists of three parts: the platform, paper, and legend. The chart platform is a
container for other chart elements, and the chart paper holds walls, axes, data markers, axis values,
and category names.
The following topics are detailed introduction to properties of the elements:

Chart platform

Chart paper

Chart legend

Chart label

A detailed chart property reference

Chart platform
A chart platform is a container for other chart elements. You can use the properties listed in the
following table to control the appearances or behavior of a chart platform. In the Report Inspector, a
chart platform is displayed as ChartObject by default.
The properties of a chart platform are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Alternative Text

Specifies the alternate text of the image, which will be shown when the image cannot
be displayed. This property applies only when the chart is exported to HTML as an
image chart. Enter a string to serve as the alternative text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects
which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when
the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible column,
and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object in the
rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.

Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.

Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Column Number

Specifies the number of columns which will be the object's width in the exported Excel
or CSV file. The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this
property to take effect.
Data type: String

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Number

Specifies the number of rows which will be the object's height in the exported Excel or
CSV file. The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this property
to take effect.
Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the edges in a chart smooth.

Data type: Boolean

Pattern List

Specifies patterns of the data markers. Click

in the value cell and click the small

squares in the color tray one by one to specify the patterns for the data markers. The
patterns can be one or more of the following: Automatic, Color, Texture, and Gradient.
Data type: String
Show Legend

Specifies whether to make the legend visible in a chart.

Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the platform borders. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the platform border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the platform border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the platform border line in Outline Path. If the property is set
to true, the platform border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the platform borders. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the platform borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Type

Specifies the border type of the platform. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically.

true - The dash size will be adjusted automatically. And the option Auto Adjust
Dash in the Format Platform dialog will take effect.
false - The dash size will be of fixed size. And the option Fixed Dash Size in the
Format Platform dialog will take effect.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the platform, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000)
or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the chart platforms. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the platform width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
platform height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the platform width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the platform height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the platform, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the platform
background, applying if Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of the
image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type:

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom

Specifies the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
chart height, from the bottom edge of the chart.
Data type: Float

Inset Left

Specifies the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
chart width, from the left edge of the chart.
Data type: Float

Inset Right

Specifies the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
chart width, from the right edge of the chart.
Data type: Float

Inset Top

Specifies the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
chart height, from the top edge of the chart.
Data type: Float


Specifies the radius for the joint of the platform border line. The property takes effect
only when Border Joint is set to joint round. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Style

Specifies the texture style of the background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Category End Offset

The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a
chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End
Category End Offset specifies the ending offset of the categories. It does not apply to
the charts which involve only one group.
Data type: Integer

Category Format

Specifies the data format for the category axis (the X axis) to display the tick mark
in the value cell to specify the format.
labels in the way you choose. Click
Data type: String

Category Start Offset

The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a
chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End
Category Start Offset specifies the starting offset of the categories. It does not apply to
the charts which involve only one group.
Data type: Integer

Category Value Encoding

Specifies the encoding format for values on the category axis. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: String

Hint Percent Format

Specifies the format for each hint percentage to the total. Click

in the value cell to

specify the format.

Data type: String
Hint Value Format

Specifies the number format for the hint message. Click

in the value cell to specify

the format.
Data type: String

Specifies whether to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website to the
Data type: String

Hyperlink Target

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the content the Hyperlink
property specifies. Choose an option from the drop-down list or directly input the name
of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the linked file according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for Links option
in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
New Window
Loads the linked file into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the linked file into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the linked file into the same frame as the link.
Parent Frame
Loads the linked file into the parent frame of the frame that contains the link.
Other Frame
Loads the linked file into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not
exist, the linked file will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean

Primary Data Format

Specifies the data format for the primary value axis (the Y1 axis) to display the tick
in the value cell to specify the format.
mark labels in the way you choose. Click
Data type: String

Reverse Category

Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the category field value.

Data type: Boolean

Reverse Series

Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the series field value.

Data type: Boolean

Secondary Data Format

Specifies the data format for the secondary value axis (the Y2 axis) to display the tick
in the value cell to specify the format.
mark labels in the way you choose. Click
Data type: String

Series End Offset

The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a
chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End
Series End Offset specifies the ending offset of the series.
Data type: Integer

Series Format

Specifies the data format for the series axis (the Z axis) to display the tick mark labels
in the value cell to specify the format.
in the way you choose. Click
Data type: String

Series Start Offset

The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a
chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End
Series Start Offset specifies the starting offset of the series.
Data type: Integer

Series Value Encoding

Specifies the encoding format for values on the series axis. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: String

Sort Category

Specifies the sorting order for the category field values. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Sort Series

Specifies the sorting order for the series field values. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Swap Groups

Specifies to display values from different data fields by switching data between the
category and series axes, the category and value axes of a chart. By default, this
property is set to false, which means no switch will take place in the chart.

Switching between the category and series axes

If you create a chart by adding fields to all of its axes, and set Swap Groups to true,
data on the category and series axes will be switched.
Switching between the category and value axes
If you create a chart by adding one field to the category axis and several to the
value axis, and set Swap Groups to true, data on the category and value axes will
be switched.

Data type: Boolean

Note: If the chart has only one field on the category axis and one on the value axis,
even though the property value is set to true, there will be no switch take place on the
two axes.
X HyperLink

Specifies whether to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website to the X
axis labels.
Data type: String

X Hyperlink Target

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the content the X Hyperlink
property specifies. Choose an option from the drop-down list or directly input the name
of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the linked file according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for Links option
in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
New Window
Loads the linked file into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the linked file into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the linked file into the same frame as the link.
Parent Frame
Loads the linked file into the parent frame of the frame that contains the link.
Other Frame
Loads the linked file into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not
exist, the linked file will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Z HyperLink

Specifies whether to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website to the Z
axis labels.
Data type: String

Z Hyperlink Target

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the content the Z Hyperlink
property specifies. Choose an option from the drop-down list or directly input the name
of the frame. If the frame name does not exist, the linked document will be loaded into
a new window.

<Server Setting>
Loads the linked file according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for Links option
in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
New Window
Loads the linked file into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the linked file into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the linked file into the same frame as the link.
Parent Frame
Loads the linked file into the parent frame of the frame that contains the link.
Other Frame
Loads the linked file into some other specified frame. If the frame name does not
exist, the linked file will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

A representation of the standard HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to
the object, which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Title

A representation of the standard HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory
information about the object.
Data type: String


A representation of the standard HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link
to a long description of the object.
Data type: String

Chart paper
The properties of a chart paper are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class Selector Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down
list which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level
and when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or
type in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Coordinate Paper
Angle X

Specifies the rotation angle of the chart around the X axis, in degrees, applying to 3D charts. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Angle Y

Specifies the rotation angle of the chart around the Y axis, in degrees, applying to 3D charts. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Angle Z

Specifies the rotation angle of the chart around the Z axis, in degrees, applying to 3D charts. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Graph Position

Specifies the position of the paper contents relative to the paper background,
applying to 2-D charts. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether the chart will be interactive in view mode and JReport Viewer/
JReport Studio. When it is set to true, all interactive actions are enabled.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies how to display the chart in perspective view. By default no perspective chart
will be displayed. Only for 3-D charts.
Data type: Integer

Reverse Painting Order

Specifies whether to reverse the order of graphic objects in a combo chart.

Data type: Boolean

Scale X

Specifies the percentage for elongating or shortening the X axis. Enter a numeric
value to change the percentage.
Data type: Float

Scale Y

Specifies the percentage for elongating or shortening the Y axis. Enter a numeric
value to change the percentage.
Data type: Float

Scale Z

Specifies the percentage for elongating or shortening the Z axis, applying to 3-D
charts. Enter a numeric value to change the percentage.
Data type: Float

Shadow Contents

Specifies whether to add shadows to all 2-D charts.

Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the paper border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the paper border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the paper border line in Outline Path. If the property is set
to true, the paper border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the paper borders. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the icon borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Type

Specifies the border type of the paper. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically.

true - The dash size will be adjusted automatically. And the option Auto Adjust
Dash in the Format Paper dialog will take effect.
false - The dash size will be of fixed size. And the option Fixed Dash Size in the
Format Paper dialog will take effect.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the paper background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
color. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the paper background. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the paper width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the paper height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the paper width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the paper height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the paper background, applying if the property Fill
Type is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the paper
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom

Specifies the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of

the paper height, from the bottom edge of the paper.
Data type: Float

Inset Left

Specifies the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
paper width, from the left edge of the paper.
Data type: Float

Inset Right

Specifies the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
paper width, from the right edge of the paper.
Data type: Float

Inset Top

Specifies the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
paper height, from the top edge of the paper.
Data type: Float

Texture Background Color

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style of the background, applying if the property Fill Type is set
to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Suppress Label When 0

Specifies whether to display the data label in the chart when its slice value is 0. This
property is available to these 2D chart types: bar, bench, line, area, pie and radar.
If the property is set to true, the data label whose slice value is 0 will not be
displayed. The default value is false.
Data type: Boolean

For bar/bench chart

Bar Gap

Specifies the distance between each bar/bench in a category, only applying to 2-D
clustered bar/bench charts. Enter a numeric value to change the gap.
Data type: Integer

Bar Style

Specifies the style of the bars/benches. Choose an option from the drop-down list. It
can be normal or cylinder, however, if you specify the style to be cylinder, it will take
effect only when the property Use Depth is set to true.
Data type: Enumeration

Bar Width

Specifies the total width of the bars/benches in each category, measured in a

percentage of the unit width. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the depth of the bars/benches, applying if the value of the property Use
Depth is set to true. Only for 2-D bar/bench charts. Enter a numeric value to change
the depth.
Data type: Float


Specifies the angle of the axis along the depth of the bars/benches. Only for 2-D bar/
bench charts. Enter a numeric value to change the direction.
Data type: Integer

Use Depth

Specifies whether to make the bars/benches visually three-dimensional, only applying

to 2-D bar/bench charts.
Data type: Boolean
Note: If the chart is a combo chart composed by bars and areas/lines, when you set
the depth properties for the bars, they will be applied to the areas/lines as well, and
vice versa.

Value Label Type

Specifies in which way the value labels will be displayed around the bars/benches.
Choose an option from the drop-down list.

value - Shows the value for the bar/bench section.

percent - Shows the percentage of the bar/bench section to the total.

value and percent - Shows the value and the percentage for the bar/bench

Data type: Enumeration

Vary Color by Values

Specifies whether to vary the bar colors with category values. Available for clustered
bar/bench charts which do not hold Z axis.
Data type: Boolean

For line chart

Area Pattern List

Specifies patterns for the areas which are formed by the chart axes and the lines.
Applies to 2-D lines only.
in the value cell and click the small squares in the color tray one by one to
specify the patterns for the areas. The patterns can be one or more of the following:
Automatic, Color, Texture, and Gradient.
Data type: String


Specifies the depth of the lines, applying if the value of the property Use Depth is set
to true. Only for 2-D line charts. Enter a numeric value to change the depth.
Data type: Float


Specifies the angle of the axis along the depth of the lines. Only for 2-D line charts.
Enter a numeric value to change the direction.
Data type: Integer

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Node Border Color

Specifies the border color of the line nodes. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Node Border Style

Specifies the border style of the line nodes. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Node Border Thickness

Specifies the width for border of the line nodes in inches or centimeters. Enter a
numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Node Border

Specifies the transparency for border of the line nodes, in percent. Enter a numeric
value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Node Color

Specifies the color of the line nodes. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the transparency of the line nodes, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Node Height

Specifies the height of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the height.
Data type: Float

Node Style

Specifies the line node style for the data series lines. Only for 2-D charts that contain
lines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Node Width

Specifies the width of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float

Use Depth

Specifies whether to make the lines visually three-dimensional, only applying to 2-D
line charts.
Data type: Boolean
Note: If the chart is a combo chart composed by lines and areas/bars, when you set
the depth properties for the lines, they will be applied to the areas/bars as well, and
vice versa.

Value Label Type

Specifies in which way the value labels will be displayed around the lines. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.

value - Shows the value for the line section.

percent - Shows the percentage of the section to the total.

value and percent - Shows the value and the percentage for the line section.

Data type: Enumeration

For area chart

Specifies the depth of the areas, applying if the value of the property Use Depth is set
to true. Only for 2-D area charts. Enter a numeric value to change the depth.
Data type: Float


Specifies the angle of the axis along the depth of the areas. Only for 2-D area charts.
Enter a numeric value to change the direction.
Data type: Integer

Use Depth

Specifies whether to make the areas visually three-dimensional, only applying to 2-D
area charts.
Data type: Boolean
Note: If the chart is a combo chart composed by areas and bars/lines, when you set
the depth properties for the areas, they will be applied to the bars/lines as well, and
vice versa.

Use Dropline

Specifies whether to show the lines that represent the data categories. Only for 2-D
area charts.
Data type: Boolean

Value Label Type

Specifies in which way the value labels will be displayed around the areas. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.

value - Shows the value for the area section.

percent - Shows the percentage of the section to the total.

value and percent - Shows the value and the percentage for the area section.

Data type: Enumeration

For pie chart
Angle X

Specifies the angle between the X axis and the first pie section which is listed first in
the legend.
Data type: Integer

Angle Y

Specifies the angle between the Y axis and each pie plane.
Data type: Integer

Donut Hole

Specifies the radius percentage of the donut hole to the total pie circle. This property
takes effect only for donut chart.
Data type: Float

Pie Gap

Specifies the distance between every two adjacent pies. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Section Explode Gap

Specifies the distance between each pie section and the pie center. Enter a numeric
value to change the gap.
Data type: Float

Show Pie Name

Specifies whether to show the name of the pie.

Data type: Boolean

Value Label Type

Specifies in which way the value labels will be displayed around the pie. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.

value - Shows the value for the pie section.

category name - Shows the category name for the pie section.

percent - Shows the percentage of the section to the total.

value and percent - Shows the value and the percentage for the pie section.

Data type: Enumeration

For radar chart
Fill Radar

Specifies whether to fill the areas formed by value nodes of the same data series in a
radar chart.
Data type: Boolean

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Node Height

Specifies the height of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the height.
Data type: Float

Node Style

Specifies the line node style for the data series lines. Only for 2-D charts that contain
lines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Node Width

Specifies the width of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float

Radar Arrow Style

Specifies the arrow style for the axes. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Radar Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the background in the radar chart, in percent. Enter a
numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Show Category Name

Specifies whether to show category names.

Data type: Boolean

Value Label Type

Specifies in which way the value labels will be displayed around the value nodes.
Choose an option from the drop-down list.

value - Shows the value for the value node.

percent - Shows the percentage of the value node to the total.

value and percent - Shows the value and the percentage for the value node.

Data type: Enumeration

For gauge chart
Alert Color

Specifies the color for the alert range. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Alert Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value for the alert range. Enter a numeric value to specify the
Data type: Float

Alert Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value for the alert range. Enter a numeric value to specify the
Data type: Float

Arrow Style

Specifies the style for pointer arrows, applying if the property Pointer Style is set to
Arrow. Only for dial gauge charts. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Curve Style

Specifies the style for the curve. Only for dial gauge charts. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Error Color

Specifies the color for the error range. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Error Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value for the error range. Enter a numeric value to specify
the value.
Data type: Float

Error Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value for the error range. Enter a numeric value to specify the
Data type: Float

Fill Curve

Specifies whether to fill the dial with colors. Only for dial gauge charts.
Data type: Boolean

Gauge Alert Gradient End


Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends for the alert range. Choose a
color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Alert Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the alert range width.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Alert Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the alert range height.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Alert Gradient Start


Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins for the alert range. Choose
a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Alert Gradient Start


Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the alert range width.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Alert Gradient Start Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the alert range height.
Data type: Integer
Gauge Alert Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the alert range, applied when Gauge Alert Type is set
to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Alert Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the alert range background, in percent. Enter a numeric
value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Alert Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the alert range. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Bar Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Gauge Bar Border End Caps Specifies the ending style of the scale border line, applying to bar gauge charts.
Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration
Gauge Bar Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the scale border line, applying to bar gauge charts. Choose
an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Bar Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the scale border line in Outline Path, applying to bar gauge
charts. If the property is set to true, the border line will be shown in Outline Path;
otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Gauge Bar Border Style

Specifies the line style of the scale borders, applying to bar gauge charts. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Bar Border Thickness Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float
Gauge Bar Border

Specifies the transparency of the borders, in percent, applying to bar gauge charts.
Enter a numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Bar Border Variable


Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Gauge Bar Layout

Specifies the layout for the scales. Only for bar gauge charts. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Error Gradient End


Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends for the error range. Choose a
color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Error Gradient End X Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the error range width.
Data type: Integer
Gauge Error Gradient End Y Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the error range height.
Data type: Integer
Gauge Error Gradient Start

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins for the error range. Choose
a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Error Gradient Start


Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the error range width.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Error Gradient Start


Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the error range height.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Error Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the error range, applied when Gauge Error Type is set
to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Error Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the error range background, in percent. Enter a numeric
value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Error Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the error range. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Normal Gradient

End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends for the normal range. Choose
a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Normal Gradient

End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the normal range width.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Normal Gradient

End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the normal range height.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Normal Gradient

Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins for the normal range.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gauge Normal Gradient

Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the normal range width.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Normal Gradient

Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the normal range height.
Data type: Integer

Gauge Normal Gradient


Specifies the gradient style for the normal range, applied when Gauge Normal Type is
set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gauge Normal Transparency Specifies the transparency of the normal range background, in percent. Enter a
numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer
Gauge Normal Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the normal range. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Horizontal Margin

Specifies the left margin. Only for bubble gauge charts. Enter a numeric value to
change the margin.
Data type: Float

Normal Color

Specifies the color for the normal range. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Normal Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value for the normal range. Enter a numeric value to specify
the value.
Data type: Float

Normal Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value for the normal range. Enter a numeric value to specify
the value.
Data type: Float

Pointer Style

Specifies the style for the pointer. Only for dial gauge charts. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Range Radius

Specifies the relative size of a dial or ball. Only for dial or bubble gauge chart. Enter a
numeric value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Start Angle

Specifies the angle of the dial beginning point. Only for dial gauge charts. Enter a
numeric value to change the angle.
Data type: Integer

Stop Angle

Specifies the angle of the dial endpoint. Only for dial gauge charts. Enter a numeric
value to change the angle.
Data type: Integer

Outer Inner Gap

Specifies the width of the dial. Only for dial gauge charts. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Vertical Margin

Specifies the top margin. Only for bubble gauge charts. Enter a numeric value to
change the margin.
Data type: Float

For scatter chart

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line, applying to the scatter chart which contains lines.
Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Node Height

Specifies the height of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the height.
Data type: Float

Node Style

Specifies the line node style for the data series lines. Only for 2-D charts that contain
lines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Node Width

Specifies the width of the value nodes. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float

For bubble chart

Use 3D Effect

Specifies whether to make the bubbles visually three-dimensional.

Data type: Boolean

For stock chart

Bar Width

Specifies the width of the stock bars, applying to Open-High-Low-Close stock charts.
Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Integer

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Stock Down Bar Color

Specifies the color to indicate that the opening price is higher than the closing price,
applying to Open-High-Low-Close stock charts. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns
a color.
Data type: String

Stock Line Color

Specifies the color of the stock line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Stock Up Bar Color

Specifies the color to indicate that the opening price is lower than the closing price,
applying to Open-High-Low-Close stock charts. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns
a color.
Data type: String

For bullet chart

Comparative Measure Color

Specifies the fill effect of the comparative measures in the same data series. Click
in the value cell to specify the effect.
Data type: String

Comparative Measure Width Specifies the width of the comparative measures. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
Data type: Integer
Featured Measure Width

Specifies the width of the featured measures. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Integer

Graph Direction

Specifies the direction to draw the bullet chart, horizontally or vertically. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Qualitative Ranges Color


Specifies the fill effect of the qualitative ranges in the same data series. Click


the value cell to specify the effect.

Data type: String

Qualitative Ranges Width

Specifies the width of the qualitative ranges. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Integer

Special Featured Measure

Graph Type

Specifies the graph type for the featured measures when the value (Y) axis does not
start from the value zero. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Vary Colors by Value

Specifies whether to vary the bullet colors with category values.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the borders.

Data type: Boolean

Line Color

Specifies the line color for the contour, not applying to 2-D line charts. Choose a color
from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a
formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Line End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the contour, not applying to 2-D line charts. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Line Joint

Specifies the line joint style for the contour, not applying to 2-D line charts. Choose
an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Line Outlined

Specifies whether to show the contour in outline form, not applying to 2-D line charts.
If the property is set to true, the contour will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in
whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Line Style

Specifies the line style for the contour, not applying to 2-D line charts. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the contour, not applying to 2-D line charts. Enter a
numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Line Transparency

Specifies the line transparency for the contour, in percent, not applying to 2-D line
charts. Enter a numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Line Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically, not applying to 2-D line charts. If
the property is set to true, the dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise,
the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the hint text, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the hint text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the hint. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Integer

Font Face

Specifies the font face for the hint. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of the hint around its center, in degrees. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Font Script

Specifies whether the hint will be in superscript or subscript form, or neither of them.
Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of the hint around its center. The default value
is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the shearing.
Data type: Float

Font Size

Specifies the font size for the hint. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style for the line by which the hint text is struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Style

Specifies the font style for the hint. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the hint. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the hint width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the hint height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the hint width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the hint height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the hint text, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Color

Specifies the color for the hint text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the hint text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the hint text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the hint text outline in outline form. If the property is set
to true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Outline Style

Specifies the style for the hint text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the hint text outline. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the hint text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value
to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Show Tips

Specifies whether to show the corresponding data information when the mouse
pointer points at a target in the chart area in view mode, in HTML/DHTML result, or in
JReport Studio.
Data type: Boolean
Note: If this property is set to false, the other hint properties are ignored.

Show Category and Series

Specifies whether to show data on the category and value axes when the mouse
pointer points at a target in the chart area in view mode, in HTML/DHTML result, or in
JReport Studio. The property takes effect only when the property Show Tips is set to
Data type: Boolean

Texture Background Color

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the hint text, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Category (X) Axis

Axis Color

Specifies the color for the axis. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Axis End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Joint

Specifies the joint style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Outlined

Specifies whether to show the axis in outline form. If the property is set to true, the
axis will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Axis Placement

Specifies the position of X axis across the Y axis. Choose an option from the dropdown list.

origin - The X axis will cross the Y axis at the origin.

bottom - The X axis will cross the Y axis at its minimum value point.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Style

Specifies the style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the axis. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Axis Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the axis, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change
the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Axis Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Color

Specifies the color for the gridlines. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gridline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the gridlines in outline form. If the property is set to true,
the gridlines will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Style

Specifies the style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Integer

Gridline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the gridlines. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Gridline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the gridlines, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Gridline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the increased amount between two adjacent values on the X axis. The
default is to let the increased amount be determined by JReport Designer. Only for
scatter charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Integer

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the labels and the axis. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Label Color

Specifies the color for the label text. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Every N Tick Marks

Specifies the frequency at which the tick marks will be labeled. Type 1 to label every
tick mark, type 2 to label every two tick marks, type 3 to label every three tick
marks, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Automatic


Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis

true - The rotation angle of the label text will be adjusted automatically
according to the length of the text, in degrees. If the text can be completely
displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0; if the text can not be
completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.
false - If selected, the rotation angle of the label text will be determined by value
of the property Label Font Rotation.

Data type: Boolean

Note: The property Label Font Automatic Orientation takes higher priority over the
property Label Word Wrap.
Label Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Face

Specifies the font face for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Label Font Script

Specifies whether the label text will in superscript or subscript form, or neither of
them. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of the label text around its center. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the shearing.
Data type: Float

Label Font Size

Specifies the font size for the label text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Label Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style for the line by which the label text is struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Style

Specifies the font style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position of the gradient endpoint, measured in a percentage of

the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type
is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Color

Specifies the color for the label text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label text outline in outline form. If the property is set
to true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Label Outline Style

Specifies the style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the label text outline. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Label Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value
to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Label Position

Specifies whether to show the label text outside or inside the axis.
Data type: Enumeration
Note: This property only applies to 2D chart types, and takes effect only when the
property Use Depth is set to false.

Label Texture Background


Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Foreground


Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type is
set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function for the label text. If the text
contains special characters (such as ",", "." and space), it will be broken at the
position of one of the special characters.
Data type: Boolean
Note: The word wrap function does not apply to radar charts, bubble charts, scatter
charts and gauge charts.

Major Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the major tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the major tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value of the data appearing on the X axis. Only for scatter
charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Float

Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value of the data appearing on the X axis. Only for scatter
charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the minor tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Number of Labels

Specifies the number of tick mark labels that will be shown. The default is to let
JReport Designer determine the number of labels to be shown.
Data type: Integer

Number of Tick Marks

Specifies the number of tick marks that will be shown. The default is to let the
number be determined by JReport Designer. Only for scatter charts and bubble
Data type: Integer

Show Axis

Specifies whether to show the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Label Tips

Specifies whether to show the complete label text when the mouse pointer points at a
label on the axis.
Data type: Boolean

Show Gridline

Specifies whether to show the gridlines perpendicular to the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Tick Mark Labels

Specifies whether to show the tick mark labels.

Data type: Boolean

Start Value

Specifies the position where the X axis label starts to be shown, applying if the
property Use Start Value is set to true. Only for 2-D charts that have a wall.
Data type: Float

Tick Mark Line Color

Specifies the color of the tick marks. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Tick Mark Line End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Joint

Specifies the joint style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Outlined

Specifies whether to show the tick marks in outline form. If the property is set to
true, the tick marks will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Tick Mark Line Style

Specifies the line type for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Tick Mark Line Transparency Specifies the transparency of the tick marks, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer
Tick Mark Line Variable

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Use Best Effect

Specifies whether to hide the label which would overlap with the one in front of it.
Data type: Boolean

Use Start Value

Specifies whether to set the start value of X axis. This property applies to scatter and
bubble charts, and only if the value on the category axis is not numeric.
Data type: Boolean

Value (Y) Axis

Axis Color

Specifies the color for the axis. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Axis End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Joint

Specifies the joint style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Outlined

Specifies whether to show the axis in outline form. If the property is set to true, the
axis will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Axis Placement

Specifies the position of the Y axis across the X axis. Choose an option from the dropdown list.

origin - The Y axis will cross the X axis at the origin.

bottom - The Y axis will cross the X axis at its minimum value point.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Style

Specifies the style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the axis. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Axis Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the axis, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change
the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Axis Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Color

Specifies the color for the gridlines. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gridline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the gridlines in outline form. If the property is set to true,
the gridlines will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Style

Specifies the style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the gridlines. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Gridline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the gridlines, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Gridline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the increased amount between two adjacent values on the X axis. The
default is to let the increased amount be determined by JReport Designer. Only for
scatter charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Integer

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the labels and the axis. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Label Color

Specifies the color for the label text. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Every N Tick Marks

Specifies the frequency at which the tick marks will be labeled. Type 1 to label every
tick mark, type 2 to label every two tick marks, type 3 to label every three tick
marks, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Automatic


Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis

true - The rotation angle of the label text will be adjusted automatically
according to the length of the text, in degrees. If the text can be completely
displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0; if the text can not be
completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.
false - If selected, the rotation angle of the label text will be determined by value
of the property Label Font Rotation.

Data type: Boolean

Note: The property Label Font Automatic Orientation takes higher priority over the
property Label Word Wrap.
Label Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Face

Specifies the font face for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Label Font Script

Specifies whether the label text will in superscript or subscript form, or neither of
them. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of the label text around its center. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the shearing.
Data type: Float

Label Font Size

Specifies the font size for the label text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Label Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style for the line by which the label text is struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Style

Specifies the font style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position of the gradient endpoint, measured in a percentage of

the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type
is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Integer

Label Outline Color

Specifies the color for the label text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label text outline in outline form. If the property is set
to true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Label Outline Style

Specifies the style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the label text outline. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Label Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value
to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Label Position

Specifies whether to show the label text outside or inside the axis.
Data type: Enumeration
Note: This property only applies to 2D chart types, and takes effect only when the
property Use Depth is set to false.

Label Texture Background


Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Foreground


Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type is
set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function for the label text. If the text
contains special characters (such as ",", "." and space), it will be broken at the
position of one of the special characters.
Data type: Boolean
Note: The word wrap function does not apply to radar charts, bubble charts, scatter
charts and gauge charts.

Major Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the major tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the major tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value of the data appearing on the Y axis. Only for scatter
charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Float

Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value of the data appearing on the Y axis. Only for scatter
charts and bubble charts.
Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the minor tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Number of Labels

Specifies the number of tick mark labels that will be shown. The default is to let
JReport Designer determine the number of labels to be shown.
Data type: Integer

Number of Tick Marks

Specifies the number of tick marks that will be shown. The default is to let the
number be determined by JReport Designer. Only for scatter charts and bubble
Data type: Integer

Show Axis

Specifies whether to show the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Label Tips

Specifies whether to show the complete label text when the mouse pointer points at a
label on the axis.
Data type: Boolean

Show Gridline

Specifies whether to show the gridlines perpendicular to the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Tick Mark Labels

Specifies whether to show the tick mark labels.

Data type: Boolean

Start Value

Specifies the position where the axis label starts to be shown, applying if the property
Use Start Value is set to true. Only for 2-D charts that have a wall.
Data type: Float

Tick Mark Line Color

Specifies the color of the tick marks. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Tick Mark Line End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Joint

Specifies the joint style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Outlined

Specifies whether to show the tick marks in outline form. If the property is set to
true, the tick marks will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Tick Mark Line Style

Specifies the line type for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Tick Mark Line Transparency Specifies the transparency of the tick marks, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer
Tick Mark Line Variable

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Use Best Effect

Specifies whether to hide the label which would overlap with the one in front of it.
Data type: Boolean

Use Start Value

Specifies whether to set the start value of the axis. Only for 2-D charts that have a
Data type: Boolean

Series (Z) Axis

Axis Color

Specifies the color for the axis. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Axis End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Joint

Specifies the joint style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Outlined

Specifies whether to show the axis in outline form. If the property is set to true, the
axis will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Axis Placement

Specifies the position of the Z axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Style

Specifies the style for the axis. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Axis Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the axis. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Axis Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the axis, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change
the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Axis Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Color

Specifies the color of the gridlines. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gridline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the gridlines in outline form. If the property is set to true,
the gridlines will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Gridline Style

Specifies the style for the gridlines. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the gridlines. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Gridline Transparency

Specifies the gridline transparency, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Integer

Gridline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Label Axis Gap

Specifies the distance between the labels and the axis. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Label Color

Specifies the color for the label text. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Every N Tick Marks

Specifies the frequency at which the tick marks will be labeled. Type 1 to label every
tick mark, type 2 to label every two tick marks, type 3 to label every three tick
marks, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Automatic


Specifies whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis

true - The rotation angle of the label text will be adjusted automatically
according to the length of the text, in degrees. If the text can be completely
displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0; if the text can not be
completely displayed horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 30
anticlockwise, and the cut off part will be shown as suspension points.
false - If selected, the rotation angle of the label text will be determined by value
of the property Label Font Rotation.

Data type: Boolean

Note: The property Label Font Automatic Orientation takes higher priority over the
property Label Word Wrap.
Label Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Face

Specifies the font face for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. The default
value is 0.
Data type: Float

Label Font Script

Specifies whether the label text will in superscript or subscript form, or neither of
them. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of the label text around its center. The default
value is 0.
Data type: Float

Label Font Size

Specifies the font size for the label text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Label Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style for the line by which the label text is struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Style

Specifies the font style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position of the gradient endpoint, measured in a percentage of

the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Label Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Label Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type
is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Color

Specifies the color for the label text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label text outline in outline form. If the property is set
to true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Label Outline Style

Specifies the style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Label Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the label text outline. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Label Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value
to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Label Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Label Texture Background


Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Foreground


Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Label Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label text, applying if the property Label Fill Type is
set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Label Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function for the label text. If the text
contains special characters (such as ",", "." and space), it will be broken at the
position of one of the special characters.
Data type: Boolean
Note: The word wrap function does not apply to radar charts, bubble charts, scatter
charts and gauge charts.

Major Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the major tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the major tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Minor Tick Mark Length

Specifies the length of the minor tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Type

Specifies the position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Number of Labels

Specifies the number of tick mark labels that will be shown. The default is to let
JReport Designer determine the number of labels to be shown.
Data type: Integer

Show Axis

Specifies whether to show the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Label Tips

Specifies whether to show the complete label text when the mouse pointer points at a
label on the axis.
Data type: Boolean

Show Gridline

Specifies whether to show the gridlines perpendicular to the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Tick Mark Labels

Specifies whether to show the tick mark labels.

Data type: Boolean

Tick Mark Line Color

Specifies the color of the tick marks. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Tick Mark Line End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Joint

Specifies the joint style for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Outlined

Specifies whether to show the tick marks in outline form. If the property is set to
true, the tick marks will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Tick Mark Line Style

Specifies the line type for the tick marks. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Tick Mark Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Tick Mark Line Transparency Specifies the transparency of the tick marks, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer
Tick Mark Line Variable

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Use Best Effect

Specifies whether to hide the label which would overlap with the one in front of it.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the wall border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the wall border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the wall border line in Outline Path. If the property is set to
true, the wall border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the wall borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the wall borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Bound Color

Specifies the color of the bound wall, applying if the property Bound Fill Type is set to
color. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Bound Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Bound Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the bound wall. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Bound Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Bound Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the bound wall width.
Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the bound wall height.
Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Bound Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the bound wall width.
Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the bound wall height.
Data type: Integer

Bound Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the bound wall, applying if the property Bound Fill
Type is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Bound Texture Background


Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Bound Texture Foreground


Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Bound Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the bound wall, applying if the property Bound Fill Type
is set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the color of the wall, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color. Choose
a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the wall. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the wall width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the wall height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the wall width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the wall height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the wall, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the wall
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Show Wall

Specifies whether to show the wall.

Data type: Boolean

Texture Background Color

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the wall, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the floor border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the floor border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the floor border line in Outline Path. If the property is set
to true, the floor border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the floor borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the floor borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the floor, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the floor. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage
of the floor width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the floor height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color. A String type value.

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the floor width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the floor height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the floor, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the filename of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the floor
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for an image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Show Floor

Specifies whether to show the floor, only for 3-D chart types.
Data type: Boolean

Texture Background Color

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Foreground Color

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the floor, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Threshold Line
Fill Threshold1

Specifies whether to fill the first threshold area with a semi-transparent color,
applying to 2-D charts (except stock charts).
Data type: Boolean

Fill Threshold2

Specifies whether to fill the second threshold area with a semi-transparent color,
applying to 2-D charts (except stock charts).
Data type: Boolean

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Show Threshold Line1

Specifies whether to show the first threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except
stock charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Data type: Boolean

Show Threshold Line2

Specifies whether to show the second threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except
stock charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Data type: Boolean

Threshold Line Color1

Specifies the color for the first threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except stock
charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Threshold Line Color2

Specifies the color for the second threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except stock
charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Threshold Line Style

Specifies the style for the threshold lines, applying to 2-D charts (except stock
charts). Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Threshold Value1

Specifies the value for the first threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except stock
charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Data type: Float

Threshold Value2

Specifies the value for the second threshold line, applying to 2-D charts (except stock
charts), 3-D bar charts, 3-D area charts, 3-D line charts and 3-D bench charts.
Data type: Float


Specifies the color of the mean line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Node Style

Specifies the style of the nodes that represent the average values. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show a line that represents the average value of each category
group. Only for 2-D charts (except stock charts, scatter charts, radar charts and
bubble charts).
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the type of the mean line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


There is no graph property for surface chart.

For combo chart, the graph properties will respectively apply to the corresponding chart types.

A combo chart may contain two value axes, namely, the Y1 and Y2 axes. While a 3-D chart only
contains one value axis. The properties of the Y1 or Y2 axis are the same as those of the Y axis.

Chart legend
The properties of a chart legend are:


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and when
there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the
style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Auto Size

Specifies whether to resize the legend automatically.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Margin

Specifies the distance between the legend labels and the bottom border of the legend.
Enter a numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Label Format Source

Specifies the data format option for the chart legend labels. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.

Axis Data Format - If selected, the data format of the legend labels will follow that
of the axis data: if the chart has series axis, the legend label format will be the same
as the series axis data format; if not, the category axis data format will be used to
the legend labels.
Legend Data Format - If selected, the data format of the legend labels will be
controlled by the property Legend Data Format.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Horizontal Spacing Specifies the horizontal distance between two adjacent legend labels. Enter a numeric
value to change the distance.
Data type: Float
Label Vertical Spacing

Specifies the vertical distance between two adjacent legend labels. Enter a numeric value
to change the distance.
Data type: Float

Left Margin

Specifies the distance between the legend labels and the left border of the legend. Enter
a numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Legend Data Format

Specifies the data format of the legend labels manually, applying if Label Format Source
is set to Legend Data Format. Click
in the value cell to specify the format.
Data type: String


Specifies the position of the legend in the platform. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Margin

Specifies the distance between the legend labels and the right border of the legend.
Enter a numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Secondary Placement

Specifies the position of the legend further based on the setting of the property
Placement. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Show Tips

Specifies whether to show the corresponding data information when the mouse pointer
points at a target in the chart legend area in view mode, in HTML/DHTML result, or in
JReport Studio.
Data type: Boolean

Top Margin

Specifies the distance between the legend labels and the top border of the legend. Enter
a numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the legend border line. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the legend border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the legend border line in Outline Path. If the property is set to
true, the legend border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the legend borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the legend borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Type

Specifies the border type of the legend. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically.

true - The dash size will be adjusted automatically. And the option Auto Adjust Dash
in the Format Legend dialog will take effect.
false - The dash size will be of fixed size. And the option Fixed Dash Size in the
Format Legend dialog will take effect.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the legend background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
color. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the legend background. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the legend width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
legend height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the legend width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the legend height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the legend background, applying if the property Fill Type
is set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the legend
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of the
image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of the
image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that will
contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that will
contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom

Specifies the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
legend height, from the bottom edge of the legend.
Data type: Float

Inset Left

Specifies the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
legend width, from the left edge of the legend.
Data type: Float

Inset Right

Specifies the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
legend width, from the right edge of the legend.
Data type: Float

Inset Top

Specifies the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
legend height, from the top edge of the legend.
Data type: Float

Texture Background

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Texture Foreground

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style of the legend background, applying if the property Fill Type is
set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the color of the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color. Choose a
color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose
a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Face

Specifies the font face for the legend labels. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of each legend label around its center, in degrees. The
default value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Font Script

Specifies whether the label text will in superscript or subscript form, or neither of them.
Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of each legend label around its center. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the shearing.
Data type: Float

Font Size

Specifies the font size for the legend labels. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style of the line by which the label texts are struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Style

Specifies the font style for the legend labels. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the legend labels. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
label text height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. The image fill type does not apply to the legend label. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Color

Specifies the color for the label text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label text outline in outline form. If the property is set to
true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Outline Style

Specifies the style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the label text outline. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float

Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the dash
size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Percent Format

Specifies the number format for percentage values. Applies to pie, bench/bar charts that
in the value cell to specify the format.
have only one value axis. Click
Data type: String

Reverse Labels

Specifies whether to reverse the order of the labels in the legend object.
Data type: Boolean

Show Percent

Specifies whether to show the percentage of each legend. Applies to pie, bench/bar
charts that have only one value axis.
Data type: Boolean

Show Values

Specifies whether to show the value of each legend. Applies to pie, bench/bar charts that
have only one value axis.
Data type: Boolean

Texture Background

Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Texture Foreground

Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Value Format

Specifies the number format for the legend values. Applies to pie, bench/bar charts that
in the value cell to specify the format.
have only one value axis. Click
Data type: String

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function for the label text. If the text contains
special characters (such as ",", "." and space), it will be broken at the position of one of
the special characters.
Data type: Boolean
Note: The word wrap function does not apply to radar charts, bubble charts, scatter
charts and gauge charts.

Border Color

Specifies the color of the icon borders. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the icon border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the icon border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the icon border line in Outline Path. If the property is set to
true, the icon border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the icon borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the icon borders in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the icon borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the dash
size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the height of the icon, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Icon Alignment

Specifies the relative position of the icon to the legend. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Icon Text Gap

Specifies the distance between each legend label and icon. Enter a numeric value to
change the gap.
Data type: Float

Style List

Specifies the style for the icon of each category name. The icon style for each category
in the value cell to specify the style list.
name can be different. Click
Data type: String


Specifies the width of the icon, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
Data type: Float

Chart label
The properties of a chart label are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Bottom Margin

Specifies the distance between the label text and the bottom border of the label. Enter
a numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float


Specifies the color of the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to color. Choose
a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or
choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Integer

Font Effect

Specifies the special effect for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Face

Specifies the font face of the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Rotation

Specifies the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the rotation.
Data type: Float

Font Script

Specifies whether the label text will be in superscript or subscript form, or neither of
them. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Shearing

Specifies the shearing transformation of the label text around its center. The default
value is 0. Enter a numeric value to change the shearing.
Data type: Float

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the label text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Font Strikethrough

Specifies the style of the line by which the label text is struck through. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Style

Specifies the font style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Underline

Specifies the underline style for the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
label text height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the label text width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label text height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Margin

Specifies the distance between the label text and the left border of the label. Enter a
numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Outline Color

Specifies the color for the label text outline. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Outline End Caps

Specifies the ending style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Integer

Outline Joint

Specifies the joint style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label text outline in outline form. If the property is set to
true, the outline will be shown in outline form; otherwise, in whole form.
Data type: Boolean

Outline Style

Specifies the style for the label text outline. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Outline Thickness

Specifies the thickness for the label text outline.

Data type: Float

Outline Transparency

Specifies the transparency for the label text outline, in percent. Enter a numeric value
to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Outline Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean

Right Margin

Specifies the distance between the label text and the right border of the label. Enter a
numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float


Specifies the text of the label. Enter a string to change the text.
Data type: String

Text Alignment

Specifies the alignment style of the label text. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Margin

Specifies the distance between the label text and the top border of the label. Enter a
numeric value to change the margin.
Data type: Float

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function for the label text. If the text
contains special characters (such as ",", "." and space), it will be broken at the position
of one of the special characters.
Data type: Boolean
Note: The word wrap function does not apply to radar charts, bubble charts, scatter
charts and gauge charts.

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the label border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the label border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the label border line in Outline Path. If the property is set to
true, the label border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the label borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the label borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Type

Specifies the border type of the label. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically.

true - The dash size will be adjusted automatically. And the option Auto Adjust
Dash in the Format Label dialog will take effect.
false - The dash size will be of fixed size. And the option Fixed Dash Size in the
Format Label dialog will take effect.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the label background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
color. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to

change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the label background. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the label width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
label height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the label width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the label height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the label background, applying if the property Fill Type is
set to gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the label
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Integer

Image Width

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of the
image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties, Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height, together are
used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a rectangle).
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Inset Bottom

Specifies the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
label height, from the bottom edge of the label.
Data type: Float

Inset Left

Specifies the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the label
width, from the left edge of the label.
Data type: Float

Inset Right

Specifies the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the
label width, from the right edge of the label.
Data type: Float

Inset Top

Specifies the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the label
height, from the top edge of the label.
Data type: Float

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the label background, applying if the property Fill Type is
set to texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the icon border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint

Specifies the joint style of the icon border line. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Outlined

Specifies whether to show the icon border line in Outline Path. If the property is set to
true, the icon border line will be shown in Outline Path; otherwise, in Fill Path.
Data type: Boolean

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the icon borders. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Border Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the icon borders, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash

Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically. If the property is set to true, the
dash size will be adjusted automatically; otherwise, the dash size will be of fixed size.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the color of the icon background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
color. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g.
0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Fill Transparency

Specifies the transparency of the icon background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to
change the transparency.
Data type: Integer

Fill Type

Specifies the fill pattern for the icon. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Gradient End Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient ends. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient End X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of
the icon width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient End Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient ends, measured in a percentage of the
icon height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Color

Specifies the color of the point where the gradient begins. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Gradient Start X

Specifies the horizontal position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage
of the icon width.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Start Y

Specifies the vertical position where the gradient begins, measured in a percentage of
the icon height.
Data type: Integer

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient style for the icon, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
gradient. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the height of the icon, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Icon Alignment

Specifies the relative position of the icon to the label. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Icon Style

Specifies the style of the icon attached to the label. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Icon Text Gap

Specifies the distance between the icon and the label.

Data type: Float

Image File

Specifies the file name of the image, a portion of which will be displayed as the icon
background, applying if the property Fill Type is set to image.
Data type: String

Image Height

The four properties together are used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a
rectangle): Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height.
Image Height specifies the height of the image portion, measured in a percentage of
the image height.
Data type: Integer

Image Layout

Specifies the layout style for the image. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Image Width

The four properties together are used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a
rectangle): Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height.
Image Width specifies the width of the image portion, measured in a percentage of the
image width.
Data type: Integer

Image X

The four properties together are used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a
rectangle): Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height.
Image X specifies the distance between the left border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image width.
Data type: Integer

Image Y

The four properties together are used to define a portion of an image (the portion is a
rectangle): Image X, Image Y, Image Width, and Image Height.
Image Y specifies the distance between the top border of image and the portion that
will contain the pattern, measured in a percentage of the image height.
Data type: Integer

Texture Background Color Specifies the background color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Foreground Color Specifies the foreground color of the texture. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String
Texture Style

Specifies the texture style for the icon, applying if the property Fill Type is set to
texture. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the width of the icon, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

A detailed chart property reference

Border Type
Specifies the border type of an object. The settings for Border Type are:

The object has no visible border lines (default value).
The object has 3D borders that appear as if they are raised off the page.
The object has 3D borders that appear as if they are pressed into the page.
The object has two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
The object has single-line borders.

Data Format
Specifies the data format for the labels of the axes or legend as required. Applies to chart platforms.

in the value cell and select the data format as required:



Description (Sample)
Obtains a new value by a calculation on the value.


Calculates ten to the power of the value.


Divides the value by one hundred.


Divides the value by one thousand.


Divides the value by one million.


Divides the value by one billion.


Divides the value by one trillion.


Re-formats the number value (original example: 123456)


Formats a decimal number to an integer (123456).


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer (123,456).


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer. A minus sign is

used as the negative prefix (123,456/-123,456).


Formats a decimal number to a fixed-point number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator (123456.00).


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator (123,456.00).

#,##0.00;-#, Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix


Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation. The

mantissa is often in the range 1.0 <= x < 10.0, and the number of digit
characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum
exponent digit count (1.23E04).


Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation. The

minimum number of integer in the mantissa is 1, and the number of
digit characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum
exponent digit count (12.34E3).


Format a decimal number to an integer, prefixed with a currency symbol

$ ($123456).


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer, prefixed with a

currency symbol $ ($123,456).


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer, prefixed with a

currency symbol $. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix


Formats a decimal number to a fixed-point number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $


Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits

after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $. A minus sign
is used as the negative prefix ($123,456.00/-$123,456.00).


Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation, prefixed

with a currency symbol $. The mantissa is often in the range 1.0 <= x <
10.0, and the number of digit characters after the exponent character
(E) gives the minimum exponent digit count ($1.23E$04).


Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation, prefixed

with a currency symbol $. The minimum number of integer in the
mantissa is 1, and the number of digit characters after the exponent
character (E) gives the minimum exponent digit count ($12.34E$3).


Formats a decimal number to percentage: multiplied by 100 and shown

as an integer percentage (12%).


Formats a decimal number to percentage: multiplied by 100 and shown

as a fixed-point number percentage retaining 2 digits after decimal
separator (12.34%).


The number of 0 that appears in a pattern indicates the minimum digits, show 0 if
that digit is zero. The number of # that appears after the decimal point in a pattern
indicates the maximum digits of decimal, zero shows as absent.
Use ' (single quotation mark) to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix, for
example, '#'# formats 123 to #123. To create the single quote itself, use two in a
row: # o''clock.


Re-formats the date/time value (For example, Wednesday, December

25, 00:00:00 GMT-08:00 2002)

Formats a date to era designator (AD).


Formats a date to year (2002).


Formats a date to year in short form (02).

yyyy G

Formats a date to year, tagged with era designator (2002 AD)


Formats a date to month in year, shown in number format (12).


Formats a date to month in year, shown in the abbreviated form (Dec).


Formats a date to month in year, shown in the full form (December).


Formats a date to a simple date form (25/12/02).


Formats a date to a simple date form (25-Dec-02).


Formats a date to a simple date form (25-Dec).


Formats a date to a simple date form (Dec-02).

MMM yyyy

Formats a date to a simple date form (Dec 2002).


Formats a date to day in month (25).


Formats a date to day in year (359).


Formats a date to week in year (52).

Formats a date to week in month (4).


Formats a date to day in week, in short form (Wed).


Formats a date to day in week (Wednesday).


Formats a date to hour in day, 0~23 (00).


Formats a date to hour in day, 1~24 (24).

KK a

Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 0~11, with am/pm marker (00 AM)

hh a

Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 1~12, with am/pm marker (12 AM)


Formats a date to minute in hour (00).

hh:mm a

Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 1~12, minutes in an hour, with am/

pm marker (12:00 AM).


Formats a date to second in minute (00).


Formats a date to hour in am/pm 1~12, minutes in an hour, and second

in minute (12:00:00).

hh:mm:ss a

Formats a date to hour in am/pm 1~12, minutes in an hour, and second

in minute, with am/pm marker (12:00:00 AM).


Formats a date to minute in hour and second in minute (00:00).

yyyy G
(EEEEEE) hh:
mm:ss aa z

Formats a date to a full form date, which contains month in year (shown
in full form), days in a month, year, era designator, day in week (shown
in the full form), hour in a day, 1~12, minutes in an hour, second in
minute, am/pm marker, and time zone (December 25 2002 AD
(Wednesday) 12:00:00 AM GMT-08:00).


Any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of ['a'..'z'] and ['A'..'Z'] will
be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters such as ':', '.', ' ', '#' and '@' will
appear in the resulting time text even they are not embraced within single quotes.
A pattern containing any invalid pattern letter cannot be added to the filter stack.


Specifies the length of the value.

Default Length Uses the length of the string Default Length, which is 14, as the length
of the string. Any letters that exceed this length will be cut. You can
modify this string, adding or deleting letters to increase or decrease the
length limit. For example, type Teddy, the label displayed may probably
be Wed D, which originally could be Wed December 25 2002. If you
want to show all, you can type Teddy is a lovely bear!, where the length
is longer than the length of string Wed December 25 2002.


Maps new value to one or more values.


Maps a new value to one value. Type the argument number that you
want to replace, and then specify the new value in the Map to box. For
example, if you want to replace the second data label on the X axis,
which is Thu Jul 04 2002, with a new string US National Day, just type 2
in the Argument# box, type US National Day in the Map to box, and
then click Add to add it to the Filter Stack. If you want to map more
values, repeat this procedure.


Maps a new value to a range of values. Type the argument numbers to

define the range you want to map together, and then specify the new
value in the Map to box. For example, if you want to replace the data
labels from the second one to the fifth with a new name My Holiday, just
type 2 in the first Argument# box and 5 in the second Argument# box,
then type My Holiday in the Map to box, and finally click Add to add it to
the Stack. If you want to map ranges that are not consecutive, repeat
this procedure.

Text Mapping

Changes the data in the axis data label to a customized string. For
example, if you want to change Chen in the first data label of the X axis
to Jinfonet, type Chen in the Original Text box, type Jinfonet in the Map
to box, and then click Add to add it to the Stack. You can only change
the data one by one. Make sure that your spelling in the Original Text
box is exactly the same as the data shown in the axis label.


Adds a string before the text in the data label of the axis. For example,
if you want to add NA before the text in the data label of the X axis,
type NA in the Map to box, and click Add to add it to the Stack.


Adds a string behind the text in the data label of the axis. For example,
if you want to add NA behind the text in the data label of the X axis,
type NA in the Map to box, and click Add to add it to the Stack.

Note: The data labels along each axis count from 0, which means the number of the
first data label you see on the axis will be 0, the second will be 1, the third will be 2, etc.

End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line. Can be one of the following:

Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration.
Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of
the width of the pen.
Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of
the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.

Fill Type
Specifies the fill pattern of an object. Applies to chart platforms, chart paper, chart legends, walls,
floors, axes, tick marks, labels, fonts and icons. Can be one of the following:

No fill (default).
Fills with a specified color.
Fills with a specified texture.
Fills with gradient colors.
Fills with a specified image (not available for legend icons).

Font Effect
Specifies the special effect for the text. Applies to fonts. Can be one of the following:

Does not apply any special effect to the text (default).

Makes the text appearing as if it is raised off the page.
Makes the text appearing as if it is imprinted or pressed into the page.
Adds a shadow behind, beneath and to the right of the text.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
shadowed & outlined
Makes the text to be outlined and shadowed.

Font Script
Specifies superscript/subscript form for the text. Applies to fonts. Can be one of the following:

Does not apply superscript or subscript form to the text (default).
Makes the text to be shown above the baseline and changes it to a smaller size.
Makes the text to be shown below the baseline and changes it to a smaller size.

Font Strikethrough
Specifies the style for the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. Applies to fonts. Can be
one of the following:

Does not draw any line through the text (default).
thin Line
Draws a normal line through the text.
bold Line
Draws a bold line through the text.
double Lines
Draws two lines through the text.

Font Underline
Specifies the style for the horizontal line under the text. Applies to fonts. Can be one of the following:

No underline (default).
Draws a single line under the text.

single lower
Draws a single line under the text at a lower position.
bold line
Draws a bold line under the text.
bold lower
Draws a bold line under the text at a lower position.
double lines
Draws two lines under the text.
bold double
Draws two bold lines under the text.
patterned line
Draws a line under the text, using the pattern of the text font.
bold patterned
Draws a bold line under the text, using the pattern of the text font.

This property is used to add a hyperlink to the chart that refers to another report or a website. You can
control the hyperlink property with a formula, which will be a good way to get required data from
another report.
For example, you have two report sets A and B in the SampleReports.cat catalog. In report set A, the
data in a banded object is grouped by customer country and a chart is used to illustrate the count of
Customer_ID in every group. Report set B shows the information of customer, such as ID, Name, and
Annual Sales. Now we build a link between the two reports. In JReport Viewer, run report set A, click
the bar of a country, and report set B will appear, only showing the data of the specific country. The
steps are:
1. Copy ReportB.cls and SampleReports.cat to a new folder. Launch JReport Server and publish the
folder to the server.
2. Start JReport Designer and open ReportA.cls. Create a new formula named Link_b. It might be:
string t="http://localhost:8888/jrserver/test/SampleReports.cat/ReportB.cls?
string t1="jrs.param$PCOUNTRY=";
string url=t+t1+"@INNER+&jrs.result_type=1";
return url


Make sure that the paths of the catalog and the report set in the URL are corresponding
with their paths on the server.
The built-in parameter INNER is used for representing the category data. In addition, you
can use OUTER for the series data.
For the X HyperLink and Z HyperLink properties, you can use @XDIM and @ZDIM
respectively instead of @INNER and @OUTER.

3. In the Report Inspector, set the Hyperlink property of the chart platform to Link_b.
4. After publishing the report sets and catalog, run report set A, point to a bar and click it, the
corresponding records will be displayed. You can also view the information of the other countries
by clicking the corresponding bars in report set A.

Image Layout
Specifies the layout style of an image. Applies to images. Can be one of the following:

Repeats the image over the entire area (default).
Displays the image in the center of the area.
Stretches the image to cover the entire area.

Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style. Can be one of the following:

Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.
joint round
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at the specified radius.

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set), End Offset(1st.Data.Set), Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set), and End Offset

These four properties are used to control the data source range that appears on the chart.
For 2-level-group charts, record-level charts and all kinds of combination charts, Start Offset(1st.Data.
Set) and End Offset(1st.Data.Set) are used to control the starting offset and ending offset of the data
series; Start Offset(2ndDataSet) and End Offset(2nd Data.Set) are used to control the range of the
For 1-level-group charts, Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set) and End Offset(2nd.Data.Set) are used to control
the starting offset and ending offset of the categories; Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) and End Offset(1st.
Data.Set) will not work because there is no series data in chart that contains only one group.
The range of the property values can be -1 (Default, Not Set) or an integer between 0 and Number of
Data Series 1 (or, Number of Categories - 1).
If the value is out of this range, the following rules will be applied to the default value:


Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) < 0

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = 0

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) > max data number

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data


End Offset(1st.Data.Set) < 0

End Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number

End Offset(1st.Data.Set) > max data number

End Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) > End Offset(1st.Data.Set)

and EndOffset(1st.Data.Set) >=0

Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = 0, End Offset

(1st.Data.Set) = max data number

Same rules apply to Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set) and End Offset(2nd.Data.Set).

Threshold Line Style

Specifies the style for the threshold lines. Applies to Chart Paper. Note that Stock Charts, Radar Charts,
Scatter Charts, and Bubble Charts have no threshold lines.
A threshold line marks a specific data point that is specified by the user. It is usually used by the user
for comparing with data series to see whether the data is higher or lower than this point. For example,
if you want to see whether the production zones successfully accomplished their production tasks, you
can set a threshold line to represent the goal output, and another to represent the lowest acceptable
output quantity. By using the threshold lines, you can spot out the zones that are out of the range at a
For 3-D chart, the threshold line value is represented by a plane.
Can be one of the following:



Use two threshold areas (Threshold Line1 and Threshold Line2) to emphasize the data series
that are higher than the first threshold line or lower than the second threshold line.


Use a single threshold area (Threshold Line1) to emphasize the data series that are between
the higher and the lower threshold lines.

The properties of a crosstab are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Displays the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Alternating Line Color


Specifies whether the color defined by the property Pattern List will apply to the fields in
the same rows or columns in the crosstab.

vertical - The value of the property Pattern List will take effect on the fields in the
same columns, except for the total columns.
horizontal - The value of the property Pattern List will take effect on the fields in the
same rows, except for the total rows.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to enable setting alternating line color for the crosstab. Only when it is
set to true, the settings for the properties Direction and Pattern List can take effect.
Data type: Boolean

Pattern List

Specifies the color pattern for the fields in the same rows or columns in the crosstab.
in the value cell and click the small squares in the color tray one by one to
specify the patterns. The patterns can be one or more of the following: Automatic, Color,
Texture, and Gradient.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and when
there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the
style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects
which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL
Data type: Boolean

Current Column Block


Specifies the horizontal index of the data block that will be displayed. 0 means the first
block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
The four properties work together to control the data of the crosstab to be displayed in
continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items
per Row Block, and Items per Column Block.
Data type: Integer

Current Row Block Index Specifies the vertical index of the data block that will be displayed. 0 means the first
block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
The four properties work together to control the data of the crosstab to be displayed in
continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items
per Row Block, and Items per Column Block.
Data type: Integer
Enable Navigation

Specifies whether to enable data navigation on the table. This property takes effect for
studio report only. If it is set to true, when the studio report is opened in JReport Studio,
if the table contains more than one page, a navigation bar specific for the table will be
available right below it. You can use the bar to view the desired pages.
When this property is set to true, you can further specify the height and width of the
navigation bar by setting the two properties Navigation Height and Navigation Width.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Items per Column Block

Specifies the number of columns of records in each data block.

The four properties work together to control the data of the crosstab to be displayed in
continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items
per Row Block, and Items per Column Block.
Data type: Integer

Items per Row Block

Specifies the number of rows of records in each data block.

The four properties work together to control the data of the crosstab to be displayed in
continuous page mode: Current Row Block Index, Current Column Block Index, Items
per Row Block, and Items per Column Block.
Data type: Integer

Navigation Height

Specifies the height of the navigation bar, which will be displayed when Enable
Navigation is set to true. Enter a numeric value to specify the height.
Data type: Float

Navigation Width

Specifies the width of the navigation bar, which will be displayed when Enable Navigation
is set to true. Enter a numeric value to specify the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected, the
X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The position of
the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Empty

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to
its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer


Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Has Border

Specifies whether to show the cell borders.

Data type: Boolean

Crosstab Property
Avoid Orphan Header

Specifies whether to make the column header be together with the data.
Sometimes the column header happens to be at the bottom of a page. To keep the
column header together with the data in the next page, set this property to true.
Data type: Boolean

Block Gap

Specifies the space between each part if the crosstab is split into more than one part.
Data type: Float

Boundary Value

Specifies the number of aggregate fields to be displayed in one column when displayed
vertically, or in one row when displayed horizontally. The left fields will be wordwrapped.
Data type: Integer

Column Total on Left

Specifies whether to display the Total column in the first column in the crosstab.
Data type: Boolean

Expand Data

Specifies whether to enable JReport Viewer users to expand/collapse dimensions in the

crosstab. This property works only in continuous page mode.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Gap

Specifies the space between the left/right edge of a crosstab cell and the contents in it.
Data type: Float

Outside Aggregate Title

Specifies to place the summary labels to the left of the row values if true, right of the
row values if false.
Data type: Boolean

Repeat Aggregate

Specifies whether to repeat the crosstab for different aggregate fields.

Data type: Boolean

Repeat Column Header

Specifies whether to repeat column headings on every page.

Data type: Boolean

Row Total on Top

Specifies whether to display the Total row in the first row of the crosstab.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Column

Specifies whether to suppress the column header in view mode.

Suppress Row Header

Specifies whether to suppress the row header in view mode.

Data type: Boolean

Data type: Boolean

Use Table Style

Specifies whether to add headers to the Total row and column.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Gap

Specifies the space between the top/bottom edge of a crosstab cell and the contents in
Data type: Float

Vertical Layout

Indicates whether the aggregate fields are displayed vertically. The property is read only.

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which
must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the
object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute summary. This attribute provides a summary of the
object's purpose and structure.
Data type: String

A crosstab has some child objects, the properties of which will be shown in the following topics:


Formula field


The properties of a DBField in a crosstab are:
Property Name



Shows the column name of the field in the raw database. This property is read only.

Data Type

Shows the data type of the field. This property is read only.

DBField Name

Shows the mapping name of the field in the catalog. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Shows the query name. This property is read only.


Shows the table name of the field in the raw database. This property is read only.

Geometry (only for aggregate field)


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property value can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and when
there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the
style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format

Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width of the object according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files, the
tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the value
as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the object
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.

Data type: Boolean

Data type: Boolean

Expand Data

Specifies whether to enable JReport Viewer users to expand/collapse the details of the
field which is as dimension (group level) in the crosstab. This property works only in
continuous page mode and when the Expand Data property of the crosstab is set to true.
It is not available for aggregate field.
Data type: Boolean

Expand Detail Data

Specifies whether to display the details of the field by default in DHTML format. This
property works only in continuous page mode, and is not available for aggregate field. It
is meangingful to enable the property only when the field's Expand Data property is set
to true.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when rightclicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed are decided by the setting in the Profile
dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default >
Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link is
available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in JReport
Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Order By

Specifies the field by which to sort the data. Not available for aggregate field.
Data type: String

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to
its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if the
object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Value Delimiter

Specifies the separator for the data whose type is DBArray.

The default value space means that the elements will be displayed in a horizontal line
and separated by a space.
Data type: String



It is mapped to the HTML attribute abbr. This attribute specifies an abbreviated form of
the content of the object. The abbreviated text may be rendered by user agents when
appropriate in place of the object's content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute axis. This attribute is used to place a cell into
conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space.
The value of this attribute is a comma-separated list of category names.
Data type: String

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies the
directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which
must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute headers. This attribute specifies the list of header
cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute
is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the
object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute scope. This attribute specifies the set of data cells for
which the current header cell provides header information. Available values are:

Row - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that
contains it.
Column - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column
that contains it.
none - The scope attribute will not be generated when exporting to HTML.

Data type: String

Formula field
The properties of a formula field in a crosstab are:
Property Name


Data Type

Shows the data type of the formula. This property is read only.


Shows the expression of the formula. This property is read only.

Formula Editor

Edits the formula. Click

to display the Formula Editor window, in which you can edit

the formula as required.

Formula Name

Shows the name of the formula. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Geometry (only for aggregate field)


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format

Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width of the object according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files,
the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the value
as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Expand Data

Specifies whether to enable JReport Viewer users to expand/collapse the details of the
field which is as dimension (group level) in the crosstab. This property works only in
continuous page mode and when the Expand Data property of the crosstab is set to
true. It is not available for aggregate field.
Data type: Boolean

Expand Detail Data

Specifies whether to display the details of the field by default in DHTML format. This
property works only in continuous page mode, and is not available for aggregate field.
It is meangingful to enable the property only when the field's Expand Data property is
set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when
right-clicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed are decided by the setting in the Profile
dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default >
Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Order By

Specifies the field by which to sort the data. Not available for aggregate field.
Data type: String

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Value Delimiter

Specifies the separator for the data whose type is DBArray.

The default value space means that the elements will be displayed in a horizontal line
and separated by a space.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute abbr. This attribute specifies an abbreviated form of
the content of the object. The abbreviated text may be rendered by user agents when
appropriate in place of the object's content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute axis. This attribute is used to place a cell into
conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space.
The value of this attribute is a comma-separated list of category names.
Data type: String

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute headers. This attribute specifies the list of header
cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute
is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute scope. This attribute specifies the set of data cells
for which the current header cell provides header information. Available values are:

Row - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that
contains it.
Column - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column
that contains it.
none - The scope attribute will not be generated when exporting to HTML.

Data type: String

The header of a total row or column, the display name of a column or row field, and the display name
of an aggregate field are represented as labels in the Report Structure panel of the Report Inspector.
Their class types are CTTextField, CTDBTitleField, and CTLabelField respectively. The properties of a
label in a crosstab are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Text Format

Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files, the
tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text in the label. Enter a string to display as the label text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and when
there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type in the
style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object.
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Bind Column

When the label's Sortable or Filterable property is set to true, you need specify a field as
the value so that the records of the field can be sorted or filtered via the proper button
beside the label when viewing the report in DHTML format.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the object
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.

Data type: Boolean

Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean.

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when rightclicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed will be determined by the setting in the
Profile dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default
> Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer


Specifies whether the records can be filtered. If true, a filter button appears beside the
label when viewing the report in DHTML format. You can use the button to filter the
records based on a specific field's value. The field is specified via the Bind Column
Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link is
available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in JReport
Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether the records can be sorted. If true, a sort button appears beside the
label when viewing the report in DHTML format. You can use the button to arrange the
records of a specific field in ascending or descending order. The field is specified via the
Bind Column property.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Aggregate

Specifies whether to hide the Total row or column. Not applicable for CTLabelField.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned to
its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if the
object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean


It is mapped to the HTML attribute abbr. This attribute specifies an abbreviated form of
the content of the object. The abbreviated text may be rendered by user agents when
appropriate in place of the object's content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute axis. This attribute is used to place a cell into
conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space.
The value of this attribute is a comma-separated list of category names.
Data type: String

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies the
directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object, which
must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for the
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute headers. This attribute specifies the list of header
cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute
is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of the
object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute scope. This attribute specifies the set of data cells for
which the current header cell provides header information. Available values are:

Row - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that
contains it.
Column - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column
that contains it.
none - The scope attribute will not be generated when exporting to HTML.

Data type: String

The properties of a dataset are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Data Driver

Specifies the cached query result file as the data resource. Usually used for support
The input format for cached query result file is as follows: jrquery:/jet.universe.
Data type: String

Data Source Name

Specifies the name of the data source.

Data type: String

Maximum Records

Specifies the maximum number of records you want to display for all of the data containers
using this dataset. The default is to display all the records.
Data type: Integer

Query Editor

Edits the dataset if it is based on a query. Click

to display the Query Editor to edit the

query as required.
Query Name

Shows the name of the query in use. This property is read only.


Specifies a formula to control the record level security.

Data type: String

Record Security

Specifies the record level security for the dataset. Click

to open the Record Level

Security Information dialog in which to set the security settings.

Security Policy Name

Specifies the name of the data source security imported from the catalog.
Data type: String

Data Buffer
Maximum Page

Specifies the maximum number of pages in the data buffer.

Records per Page

Specifies the number of records in each page in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer

Data type: Integer

Data Driver
This property is usually for support purpose. When you have problems with your report, we need to run
it and reproduce the problem so as to fix it. Sometimes, the database is too large to be sent. If this
property is correctly set, then JReport engine will choose that query file to view the report instead of
using JDBC driver or User Data Source to run the report.
To generate the cached query result, in the Catalog Browser, right-click the query of your report, click
Create Cached Query Result, you can specify the folder and file name with or without extension (.

Data Buffer
You can improve report performance by setting data buffer size. By default, the size of one data buffer
is 2M. When data exceeds the default size, they will be written on the disk, which will slow down the
data processing. However, you may have enough memory which is much larger than the default buffer
size, so that you can use the memory resource efficiently to achieve better performance. JReport
enables you to set the data buffer size by specifying the two properties: Records per Page and
Maximum Page Number.
When a buffer is defined, JReport divides it into many pages and allocates records to be stored in the
pages. Data will be transferred with the unit of page. The data buffer size is determined by values of
maximum number of pages in the buffer and the number of records in every page. The default
maximum page number in the data buffer is 2048, page size is 1k(1024 bytes).
The value of Maximum Page Number should be changed with different datasets. Generally speaking, it
can be 1 ~ 50.
To view the data buffer information of a report and its subreports, click View > Data Buffer
Information on the menu bar. For details, see Data Buffer Information dialog.

The properties should be set according to different databases, namely, different databases may have
different configurations of data buffer.
If the report runs in a different environment, the properties should be specified again.
If the report contains subreports, the data buffer for subreports should also be configured to improve
As tested, if enough physical memory is available, and you know the total number of records in the
dataset, then you can set Records per Page approximate to the total number of records to achieve
better performance. Maximum Page Number is related to the report, and should not be very large.

The size of data buffer should be less than the available physical memory.

The Heap Size should be set when the data buffer is quite large.

The properties of a DBField are:
Property Name



Shows the column name of the field in the raw database. This property is read only.

Data Type

Shows the data type of the field. This property is read only.

DBField Name

Shows the mapping name of the field in the catalog. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Shows the query/UDS name. This property is read only.


Shows the table name of the field in the raw database. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files,
the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the value
as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when
right-clicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed are decided by the setting in the Profile
dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default >
Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when
the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible column,
and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object in the
rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.

Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Value Delimiter

Specifies the separator for the data whose type is DBArray.

The default value space means that the elements will be displayed in a horizontal line
and separated by a space.
Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

This property indicates what will be displayed in the report result. In other words, no matter in what
kind of format the data is stored in the database, you can specify the format in which to display the
result. For example, for a Number-type field about product price, we have the following formats for you
to choose:
You select $#,##0.00, and then a value displays as $6.05. You can enter manually as $#,##0.000,
then the value is displayed as $6.050.

Drawing object
In JReport, you can insert five kinds of drawing objects into a report. They are: arcs, boxes, lines, ovals
and round boxes, the properties of which are listed as below:





Round box

The properties of an arc object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Bottom Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a
banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the
relative position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean
Arc Property
Arc Angle

Specifies the angle of the arc, in degrees. The value ranges from 0 to 360. As it gets
closer to 360, the arc begins to take on an elliptical shape.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the object's border. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the object's border. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the object's border, in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Start Angle

Specifies the start angle of the arc, in degrees. The value ranges from 0 to 360. At 0,
the vertex of the arc starts at 12:15 clock position. As it gets closer to 360, the arc
travels in a counterclockwise motion.
Data type: Float

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Note: When a report set is exported to an HTML/RTF/Excel format file, arcs in it cannot be shown.
There is no such problem for PDF, PS, and other output formats.

The properties of a box object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Bottom Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the bottom right point of the box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the bottom right point of the box in a banded panel.
A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in
the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the box in a banded panel. A
drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the
involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left point of the box in a banded panel. A
drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the
involved panel.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Bottom Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the
drawing object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at
the report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing object
in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Box Property
Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the box border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

The properties of a line object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Bottom Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the bottom right point of the line in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the bottom right point of the line in a banded panel.
A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in
the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the line in a banded panel. A
drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the
involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left point of the line in a banded panel. A
drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in the
involved panel.
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Bottom Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the
drawing object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at
the report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing object
in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Line Property
Line Color

Specifies the color of the line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Line Style

Specifies the style of the line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float


External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Note: When a report set is exported to HTML files, the lines in it should be vertical or horizontal lines.
Otherwise, they cannot be shown properly in the HTML file. You should make sure that Top Attach Pos
X = Bottom Attach Pos X or Top Attach Pos Y= Bottom Attach Pos Y. There is no such problem for PDF,
PS, RTF and other output formats.

The properties of an oval object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Bottom Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a
banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the
relative position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded panel.
A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in
the involved panel.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Bottom Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the
drawing object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at
the report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing object
in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Oval Property
Border Color

Specifies the color of the object's border. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the object's border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the object's border, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric
value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Note: When a report set is exported to an HTML or RTF format file, ovals in it cannot be shown. There
is no such problem for PDF, PS and other output formats.

Round box
The properties of a round box are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Bottom Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a
banded panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the
relative position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the bottom right point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos X

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded
panel. A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative
position in the involved panel.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Pos Y

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left point of the focus box in a banded panel.
A drawing object can cross panels and the coordinate indicates the relative position in
the involved panel.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Bottom Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the
drawing object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at
the report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Bottom Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Bottom Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Column

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Column specifies the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing
object in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the
report level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Top Attach Row

The four Excel properties, Top Attach Column, Top Attach Row, Bottom Attach Column
and Bottom Attach Row, work together to control the position of a drawing object in the
exported Excel file.
Top Attach Row specifies the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the drawing object
in the exported Excel file, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Float

Round Box Property

Border Color

Specifies the color of the object's border. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Style

Specifies the line style of the object's border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the object's border, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric
value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Corner Factor

Specifies the relative radius of the object's corners.

Data type: Float

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Note: When a report set is exported to an HTML or PS format file, round boxes in it cannot be shown.
There is no such problem for PDF, RTF and other output formats.

The properties of a form are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Specifies whether the user can interact with the form.

Data type: Boolean

Form Action

Specifies the URL to which the form content is sent for processing.
Data type: String

Form ID

Specifies the string identifying the form.

Data type: String

Form Method

Specifies how to send the form data to the server. Choose an option from the dropdown list.

get - Appends the arguments to the Form Action URL and opens it as if it were an
post - Sends the data through an HTTP post transaction.

Data type: Enumeration

Form Name

Specifies the name of the form.

Data type: String

Form Target

Specifies the window or frame at which to target contents. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.

default - Loads the linked document into the window in which the link is clicked
(the active window). Same as "self".
blank - Loads the linked document into a new blank window. This window is not
media - Loads the linked document into the HTML content area of the Media Bar.
Available in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later.
parent - Loads the linked document into the immediate parent window of the active
window. If there is no parent window, the active window is used.
search - Loads the linked document into the browser search page. Available in
Internet Explorer 5 or later.
self - Loads the linked document into the window in which the link is clicked (the
active window).
top - Loads the linked document into the topmost window.

Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Formula field
The properties of a formula field are:
Property Name


Data Type

Shows the data type of the formula. This property is read only.


Shows the expression of the formula. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Formula Editor

Edits the formula. Click

to display the Formula Editor window to edit the formula as

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Shows the name of the formula. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type
and can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want
to write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML
files, the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the
value as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This
property is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when
right-clicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed are decided by the setting in the
Profile dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties >
Default > Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in
JReport Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/
footer panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row
when the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible
column, and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object
in the rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.

Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean
Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Value Delimiter

Specifies the separator for the data whose type is DBArray.

The default value space means that the elements will be displayed in a horizontal line
and separated by a space.
Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

The properties of an image are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the image in the container. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when
the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible column,
and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object in the
rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.

Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical alignment of the image in the container. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Column Number

Specifies the number of columns which will be the object's width in the exported Excel
file. The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this property to
take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Number

Specifies the number of rows which will be the object's height in the exported Excel file.
The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this property to take
Data type: Integer

Image Property
Alternate Text

Specifies the text that will be displayed instead if the image cannot be displayed.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to disable the actions on the image.

Data type: Boolean

Image Name

Specifies the file name of the image. The image can be one on your local file system or
got from a URL.
Data type: String

Maximum Scaling Ratio

Specifies the maximum ratio up to which the image can be scaled.

Data type: Float


Specifies the name of the image.

Data type: String


Specifies the angle at which to rotate the image, in degrees. The following is the
meaning of different values:

0 - No rotation.

positive value - Rotates the image clockwise.

negative value - Rotates the image anticlockwise.

Data type: Float

Scaling Mode

Specifies the scaling mode of the image, which controls the image behavior when you
try to adjust the image field size. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

actual size - The image will remain its original size. If the image field size is
smaller than the image size, part of the image will be cut off.
fit image - The image size will be automatically adjusted to fill up the image field,
with its original perspective remained but under the limitation of Maximum Scaling
fit width - The image will be automatically adjusted to fit the width of the image
field but under the limitation of Maximum Scaling Ratio.
fit height - The image will be automatically adjusted to fit the height of the image
field but under the limitation of Maximum Scaling Ratio.
customize - The image size will be automatically adjusted to fit the image field,
regardless of the Maximum Scaling Ratio's value.

Data type: Enumeration

Tab Index

Specifies the index that defines the tab order for the image.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the tip information about the image, which will be displayed when you hover
the mouse pointer over the image in HTML/DHTML result, or in JReport Studio if the
report is a studio report.
Data type: String


Specifies the initial value of the image.

Data type: String

On Blur

Specifies the action when the object loses input focus.

Data type: String

On Click

Specifies the action when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object.
Data type: String

On Double Click

Specifies the action when the user double-clicks the object.

Data type: String

On Focus

Specifies the action when the object receives focus.

Data type: String

On Key Down

Specifies the action when the user presses a key.

Data type: String

On Key Press

Specifies the action when the user presses an alphanumeric key.

Data type: String

On Key Up

Specifies the action when the user releases a key.

Data type: String

On Mouse Down

Specifies the action when the user clicks the object with either mouse button.
Data type: String

On Mouse Move

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse over the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Out

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of
the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Over

Specifies the action when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object.
Data type: String

On Mouse Up

Specifies the action when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the
Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Event property values

The provided values are based on the image client API in Version 7. The following table lists their
mapping values in current version. For information about the descriptions and parameters of the
mapping values, see Other web actions.

Mapping Name









oneStepfilter(columns, operators, values,


user_oneStepfilter(columnMappingNames, operators,
values, logics, instanceName)

oneStepSearch(value, isContent, colName, user_oneStepSearch(value, isContent, colName, isUp,

isUp, matchcase, isWordOnly)
matchcase, isWordOnly)
oneStepSort(columns, sorts)

user_oneStepSort(columnMappingNames, orders,












This API is not supported now.








This API is not supported now.

















The properties of a label are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want
to write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML
files, the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text in the label. Enter a string to display as the label text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Bind Column

When the label's Sortable or Filterable property is set to true, you need specify a field
as the value so that the records of the field can be sorted or filtered via the proper
button beside the label when viewing the report in DHTML format.
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This
property is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when
right-clicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed will be determined by the setting in
the Profile dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties >
Default > Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer


Specifies whether the records can be filtered. If true, a filter button appears beside the
label when viewing the report in DHTML format. You can use the button to filter the
records based on a specific field's value. The field is specified via the Bind Column
Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in
JReport Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/
footer panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row
when the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible
column, and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object
in the rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether the records can be sorted. If true, a sort button appears beside the
label when viewing the report in DHTML format. You can use the button to arrange the
records of a specific field in ascending or descending order. The field is specified via
the Bind Column property.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean
Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

Auto Fit , Maximum Width, Word Wrap

Here is a label:
Label product sales by region
We want to show it as:
Label product
sales by region
We can set the following:

Auto Fit: true

Maximum Width: 1

Word Wrap: true

Auto Fit=true enables the contents to grow horizontally but stop when the width becomes 1. Word
Wrap=true enables the remaining contents to wrap downward if no space is left horizontally.

Style, ID, Class

The following is an example of using the Style, ID, Class property values as style sheet selectors in a
CSS style file:
@charset "GBK";
TextField {Background: #ff0000}
TextField[Style="LabelX"]{Background: #0000FF}
TextField#W{Background: #FFFF00}
TextField.C{Background: #00FFFF}

Record Location
This property is to specify the calculation point for the properties of the object. Here is an example:
A report specifies to display Continued on Next Page for every page that has another following it. If this
label is inserted in the PageHeader/PageFooter, then every page including the last page will contain the
message. There is a way to write formulas that can resolve the problem:
global boolean j=true;
return j;
Insert Continue1 into the ReportHeader, Continue2 into the ReportFooter. To track the calculation, you
can insert Continue3 into the PageFooter. If you do not want to see these formulas in view mode, you
can suppress them.
Insert label Continued on Next Page in the PageHeader, and use Continue3 to control its property
Set the property Record Location of the above label to be Page Footer, so that Continue3 returns value
which is calculated in the PageFooter instead of in the PageHeader.

When you view your report in JReport Viewer, you can sort records in the data buffer on certain
DBFields. You are allowed to use a label to control the sorting order, which can be enabled in JReport
Designer by the Sortable property of the label object.
1. In the Report Inspector, set the Sortable property of this label to true.
2. Bind this label to a field on which you want to sort by setting this field as the value of the Bind
Column property.
3. Save and publish the report set to JReport Server.

4. Run the report set in JReport Viewer, and you will see a sorting button besides the label, which
can be clicked for sorting.

When you view your report in JReport Viewer, you can set a series of conditions and use a DHTML
server to filter the data buffer and reproduce the report. You are allowed to use a label to control the
filter conditions for the data, which can be enabled in JReport Designer by the Filterable property of the
label object.
1. In the Report Inspector, set the Filterable property of this label to true.
2. Bind this label to a field on which you want to filter by setting this field as the value of the Bind
Column property.
3. Save the report set and publish it to JReport Server.
4. Run the report set in JReport Viewer. You can click the filtering button beside the label to filter the
data, in the same way as the shortcut menu.

The properties of a map are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the DHTML tab of the Profile dialog in JReport Server.
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame

Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.
Data type: String
Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.

Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Alternate Content Type

Specifies the tip type of all the areas after the report is exported to HTML/DHTML
format. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

name - If selected, names of the areas will be used as the area tips.
value - If selected, the summary values on the areas will be used as the area tips.
If there is more than one value on an area, the summary values will be separated
by comma.
customized - If selected, you can specify the tip for each area via the Alternate
Text property of the area.

Data type: Enumeration

Column Name

Displays the mapping name of the field used as the image source. This property is read

Image Source

Specifies the source of the map image.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the map.

Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

A map has some child objects, the properties of which will be shown in the following topics:



Summary field


The properties of a map area are listed as follows. You can set these properties globally for all the map
areas, or respectively for each specific map area.
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Use Global Setting

Specifies whether to apply the settings that you have set globally for all the map areas
to this object.

true - If selected, the object will take the global settings, and all the properties for
the object will become read only.
false- If selected, the properties for the object can be edited if required.

Data type: Boolean

Alternate Text

Specifies the tip of the area which has data after the report is exported to HTML/DHTML
format. This property takes effect only when Alternate Content Type on the map object
is set to customized.
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Fill Color

Specifies the color with which to fill the area which has records. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, or PDF format.
Data type: String


Specifies the name of the area.

Data type: String


Indicates the coordinates of the area for laying out the map. The coordinates are
displayed as: X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,... (X/Y: The X/Y coordinate of one of the polygon's
corner.) This property is read only.


Indicates the shape of the area. This property is read only.

Boundary Color

Specifies the color of the area border. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Boundary Style

Specifies the line style of the area border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Boundary Width

Specifies the width of the area border. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String

The properties of a label in a map are listed as follows. You can set these properties globally for all the
labels in a map, or respectively for the label in each specific map area, or for the one independently
inserted in the map object.
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Use Global Setting

Specifies whether to apply the settings that you have set globally for all labels in the
map to this object.

true - If selected, the object will take the global settings, and all the properties for
the object will become read only.
false- If selected, the properties for the object can be edited if required.

Data type: Boolean

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text in the label. Enter a string to display as the label text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Auto Connector

Specifies whether a line between the area and the object will be automatically drawn,
when the object is dragged and dropped out of the area.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

Summary field
The properties of a summary field in a map are listed as follows. You can set these properties globally
for all the summary fields in a map, or respectively for the summary field in each specific map area.
Property Name


Aggregate Function

Shows the function of the summary. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Group By

Shows the group field that the summary is based on. If null, the summary is grouped
based on the whole dataset. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Summary Name

Shows the name of the summary. This property is read only.

Summary On

Shows the name of the field on which to perform the summary function. This property is
read only.

Use Global Setting

Specifies whether to apply the settings that you have set globally for all summary fields
in the map to this object.

true - If selected, the object will take the global settings, and all the properties for
the object will become read only.
false- If selected, the properties for the object can be edited if required.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format

Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Connector

Specifies whether a line between the area and the object will be automatically drawn,
when the object is dragged and dropped out of the area.
Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the value
as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

The properties of a line object in a map are listed as follows:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Line Property
Line Color

Specifies the color of the line. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Line Style

Specifies the style of the line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Line Thickness

Specifies the thickness of the line. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

OLE object
The properties of an OLE object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Object Property
Access Key

Specifies the accelerator key for the object.

Data type: String

Alternate Text

Specifies the text will be displayed instead if the object cannot be displayed.
Data type: String


Specifies the character string that can be used to implement your own archive
functionality for the object.
Data type: String

Class ID

Specifies the class identifier of the object.

Data type: String

Code Base

Specifies the base path used to resolve relative URIs specified by the Class ID and
Archive properties. When null, its default value is the base URI of the current report.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the current object definition a declaration only. The object
must be instantiated by a subsequent object definition referring to this declaration.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Space

Specifies the horizontal margin for the object.

Data type: Float


Specifies the name of the object.

Data type: String

Stand By

Specifies the message to be displayed while the object is being loaded.

Data type: String

Tab Index

Specifies the index that defines the tab order for the object.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the tip information of the object, which will be displayed when you hover the
mouse pointer over the object after the report is exported to HTML or DHTML.
Data type: String


Specifies the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of the object.
Data type: String

Use Map

Specifies the URL, often with a bookmark extension (#name), to use as a client-side
image map.
Data type: String

Vertical Space

Specifies the vertical margin for the object.

Data type: Float

Page panel
The properties of a page panel are:
Property Name Description
Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values change
when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height values but
you can change the latter as desired.
Data type: Float


Specifies how to position the report page. The Orientation setting affects the Width and Height
values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

portrait - The page is positioned vertically.

landscape - The page is positioned horizontally.

Data type: Enumeration

Page Type

Specifies the report page dimensions. Choose a size from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the width of the page in inches or centimeters. The Width and Height values change
when Orientation changes. The Page Type setting determines the Width and Height values but
you can change the latter as desired.
Data type: Float

Bottom Margin

Specifies the distance between the bottom page edge and the data area.
Data type: Float

Left Margin

Specifies the distance between the left page edge and the data area.
Data type: Float

Right Margin

Specifies the distance between the right page edge and the data area.
Data type: Float

Top Margin

Specifies the distance between the top page edge and the data area.
Data type: Float

The following topics list properties of the children of a page panel:

Page header panel

Page footer panel

Page header panel

The properties of a page header panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Page footer panel

The properties of a page footer panel are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Bottom Line

Specifies whether to include a horizontal line at the bottom of the panel. This property
applies to panels in table components only. The default is false, which means that no
horizontal line appears at the bottom of the panel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress Blank Panel

Specifies whether a panel with no data is included in the report results. The default is
false which means an empty panel is shown.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress on Last Page

If true, the footer panel on the last page will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether the panel will be layered beneath the next panel in the banded
object. A panel layered beneath a subsequent panel can be used to contain a
background picture or watermark. Banded page header, page footer, or group footer
panels cannot be layered. The default is false which means that the panel is not layered
beneath the next panel.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Parameter field
The properties of a parameter field are:
Property Name


Data Type

Shows the data type of the parameter. This property is read only.

Default Value

Shows the default value of the parameter. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Parameter Name

Shows the name of the parameter. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static.
Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static.
Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector. A String type value.


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down
list which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level
and when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object,
or type in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name
from the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when
exported to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report
level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when
exported to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report
level must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down
list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from
the drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a
formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type
and can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix
JRD when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results
to HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may
want to write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported
HTML files, the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change
the width.
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and
Maximum Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the
value as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to
Linking a report to a detail report.
Data type: Boolean

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information.
This property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option
from the drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window
for Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in
JReport Server.
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame
name does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.>

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This
property is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in
JReport Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group
header/footer panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to
Obtaining detailed information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The
link is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or
in JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row
when the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should
not hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible
column, and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the
object in the rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.

Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If

selected, the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or
disabled. The position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is
not affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.

Substitutes the current parameter with another one by selecting from the drop-down
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing parameter in the Options
dialog (File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing parameter).
Data type: String

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location
where they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and
calculations will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is
returned to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report
if the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean


Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default
the text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key
to the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class Selector

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of
the object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or
greater than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base
language of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

The properties of a report object are:
Property Name


Default Format for Viewing

Specifies the default format with which to view the report on JReport Server. The
default value is to adopt the JReport Server setting. If you select a specific format,
you can click the button
beside to further configure the format settings.
After this property is configured, it will only control the directly-running results of
the report on JReport Server, but has no effect on the results of advanced running
and scheduled running.

<Server Setting>
Adopts the format setting on JReport Server.
Specifies to display the report in DHTML format. Studio reports cannot run in
DHTML. Click
Option dialog.

in the value cell to configure the format settings in the DHTML

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in HTML format. Click
configure the format settings in the HTML Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in PDF format. Click
configure the format settings in the PDF Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in Excel format. Click
configure the format settings in the Excel Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in Text format. Click
configure the format settings in the Text Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in RTF format. Click
configure the format settings in the RTF Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in XML format. Click
configure the format settings in the XML Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in PostScript format. Click
configure the format settings in the PostScript Option dialog.

in the value cell to
Specifies to display the report in Applet format. Click
configure the format settings in the Applet Option dialog. Studio reports cannot
run in Applet.

Studio Report
Specifies to display the report in JReport Studio. Normal reports cannot run in

JReport Studio. Click

in the value cell to configure the format settings in the
Studio Report Option dialog.
Data type: Enumeration
Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Report Layout Type

Displays the layout type of the report. This property is read only.

Flow Report - A regular flow layout report.

Banded Report - A restricted flow layout report, which is a layout intended for
JReport Version 7 compatibility only.

Result Buffer
Result Buffer Size

Specifies the number of report results pages which will be stored in the buffer.
Data type: Integer

Automatic Cube Initialization Specifies whether or not to enable the automatic cube conversion.

true - If true, it is to convert the query based report to a report cube based
report automatically when opening the report in JReport Viewer for analytic
reporting purpose. If the converting fails due to error or incomplete conditions,
no warning message will be shown on UI but the information will be recorded
into the log file.
false - If false, the conversion of query to report cube will not be performed
automatically when opening the report in JReport Viewer. Instead, when you are
to perform analytic reporting actions such as drilling on the report, a dialog will
be displayed prompting you to do the conversion.

Data type: Boolean

After Init Parameter

This property is for exit function usage. You can specify an external application file
(Java class file) which develops an action. The action will be called after you enter
parameters in the pop-up parameter dialog when running the report.
Data type: String

After Run

This property is for exit function usage. You can specify an external application file
(Java class file) which develops an action. The action will be called immediately after
JReport Engine has finished running the report result.
Data type: String

Applet Height

Specifies the applet height for running an exported applet in a web browser.
Data type: Float

Applet Width

Specifies the applet width for running an exported applet in a web browser.
Data type: Float

Before Run

This property is for exit function usage. You can specify an external application file
(Java class file) which develops an action. The action will be called at the point
JReport Engine is about to run the report.
Data type: String

Embedded Fonts

Specifies the True Type Fonts that have been used in the report so as to embed
them if you want to export the report results to a PDF file. You can select multiple
fonts by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key.
For more information, refer to Delivering the result in PDF.
Data type: String

Import JavaScript

Specifies the name of a JavaScript file you develop to apply customized functions in
DHTML, for example, user1.js.
Your JavaScript file should be located in <server_install_root>\public_html
Data type: String

No Temp File

Specifies whether or not to create temporary files.

true - Not to create temporary files. Gains faster engine performance.

false - To create temporary files. Gains better accuracy in calculating data.

Data type: Boolean

Page Background

Specifies the background color of the report page. Choose a color from the dropdown list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Precision Sensitive

Specifies whether to enable specified precision settings in the report results when
exporting the report to different formats.
Data type: Boolean

Show Subreport Header


Specifies whether or not to show the page header and footer panels of subreports in
the report.

true - The page header and page footer panels of subreports in the report will
be displayed when the panels are set to be visible in the subreports.
false - The page header and page footer panels of subreports in the report will
not be displayed.

Data type: Boolean

Style Group

Specifies the style group for the report.

If the report is to be used as a subreport, choosing any style group from the dropdown list to turn on the style group feature for the report and it will inherit the
styles of the primary report; choosing None or leaving this property empty to turn
off the style group feature for the report and it will not inherit styles from the
primary report.
Data type: String

Column Width List

Specifies the width of columns beginning from the first column for the exported
Excel sheet. The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this
property to take effect.
Use semicolon (;) to separate each width, for example: 12;8;15;10;9
The example specifies the width of the first 5 columns. For the other columns, they
take the default width of Microsoft Excel sheet.
8 indicates the default column width in Microsoft Excel sheet. It can be omitted. The
above example can also be written as 12;;15;10;9
Data type: String


If true, the engine performance will be improved when exporting the report to CSV
or Excel format.
Only after the Columned property is set to true, it is meaningful to specify values to
the following Excel properties of objects in the report, otherwise the specified values
for these Excel properties cannot take effect.

Column Index/Row Index

Column Number/Row Number. The properties are for chart platforms, images
and UDOs.
Top Attach Column/Top Attach Row/Bottom Attach Column/Bottom Attach Row.
The properties are for drawing objects.

Data type: Boolean

Excel Buffer Size

Specifies the number of report results sheets which will be stored in the buffer when
exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Integer

Fast Pass

If true, the engine performance will be improved when running the report to CSV
format in multiple threads on JReport Server.
To make fast pass work, the property Columned should be true.
Data type: Boolean

Rows per Sheet

Specifies the maximum number of rows for every worksheet when exporting the
report to Excel.
The value ranges from 0 to 65000. Any value out of the range will be considered as
Data type: Integer

Sheet Name

Specifies the sheet name for the report when exporting it to Excel. If the report is
split into several sheets when exported to Excel because of limited rows per sheet, a
postfix number will be added to the sheets starting from the second one
(SheetName, SheetName1, SheetName2, SheetName3, ...).
Data type: String
Note: The characters "|", ":", "/", "?", "\", "*", "]", "[" cannot be displayed in the
sheet name in Excel and the last character in the sheet name cannot be single
quotation mark ('). If any one of them is used when you specify the property, it will
be replaced by "_" in Excel.

Style Group for Export

DHTML Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to DHTML. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

Excel Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to Excel. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

Fax Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to Fax. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

HTML Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to HTML. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

PDF Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to PDF. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

PS Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to PostScript. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

RST Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to JReport Result or Applet.
If you do not specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

RTF Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to RTF. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

Text Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to Text. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

XML Style Group

Pre-sets a style group for use when exporting the report to XML. If you do not
specify a value here, the Style Group property value will be applied.
Data type: String

Result buffer
The result buffer is used to store the report results of one report in pages. Its default size 4 indicates 4
pages of a report results have been allocated to the result buffer. The other pages will be stored on
disk. If you have enough memory, you can increase the result buffer size to store more pages of the
report result. By doing this, you will achieve better performance.

Applet setting
Reports are developed in JReport Designer and saved as .cls file. Report files and their associated
resource files (.cat and .fml files) are published to JReport Server for running reports in client/server
mode. Once the report repository is properly set up, it can be accessed with any web browser, JReport
Viewer or Client Viewer Bean. Also, you can choose to export the report results to a printer, a PDF or
TXT file, etc.
If the report results have been specified to be transferred and viewed in the applet format, you can
change the display area by inputting the correct number in the Report Inspector. Alternatively, you can
edit the applet file directly in a text editor.

Applet Height: Refers to the height of an applet.

Applet Width: Refers to the width of an applet.

See also Exporting to Applet for more information about this format.

Setup callback or exit functions

During the running of a report, the display of the report is done by JReport Engine. You have no control
over this. However, JReport functionality allows you to interact with this mechanism at 3 points:

After the parameter has been initiated.

At the point JReport Engine is about to run the report. If you have parameters, the parameter at this
stage will have been initiated, and you have given the parameter value.
Immediately after JReport Engine has run the report result.

At any or all of these three points you have the option of executing a class of your choice. JReport has
developed three exit functions for you: After Init Parameter, Before Run and After Run. These functions
enable you to develop an action to be called before, after or during the process of running a report.
Your applications will return true or false. For true, JReport Engine will go on running. For false, JReport
Engine will stop at this point.

Import JavaScript
If you want to develop functions in your own JS file, you can use this property to support the control
objects in DHTML. Your own JS file should be located in <server_install_root>\public_html
\javascript\dhtml, and it will work together with the API.js file in the same folder, but with a higher
priority if both of them contain the same functions.
To use this property, simply set the property value to the name of your JS file.
For example, you have a JavaScript file named "user1.js" which contains the following function:
function promptMassage(message)

In this example, set the property to "user1.js" in order to apply functions defined in the file.

Precision Sensitive
High/low precision
When exporting a report to various formats, the text of some formats will be exported with higher
precision, such as PDF, RTF, Excel, Fax, PS and when printing a report. Thus the report results layouts
of these formats are different from the other formats, such as HTML, DHTML, Applet, XML, and Text.
We distinguish the two types of layouts as PDF view and HTML view.
JReport provides two precision levels: high and low. High precision means that the report layout will be
in the PDF view (the report layout looks like the PDF file). Low precision indicates that the report layout
is in the HTML view (the report layout looks like the HMTL file).
High precision provides better layout but slower efficiency while low precision brings higher
performance but maybe poorer visual effect. If low precision can make the report a well look, it is
reasonable to apply low precision for at the same time faster performance is guaranteed.
About the property
Precision may result in text cut issue in report layout. This property decides whether the report can be
applied to specified precision settings.
JReport has better performance when precision insensitive than when sensitive for it is unnecessary for
the engine to run a report again since precision does not changes.
When the property is set to true, specified precision settings can be applied to the report when
exporting it to different formats. In JReport Designer, report designer can specify precision level for
different export formats using the Advanced Export Settings dialog. In JReport Server, administrators

can go to JReport Administration Page > Configuration > Export > Layout Precision to specify
precision settings.
If you do not care visual effect of the report, leave the value of the property to be false as default and
let JReport deal with the precision.
When the property is set to false, any specified precision setting for exporting formats does not work in
the report. Instead the contextual precision level is applied when viewing/running/exporting the report.
The context precision depends on the precision level applied when viewing/running/exporting the report
last time. That is to say, the current runtime uses the precision setting applied in last runtime. When it
is the first time to view/run/export the report in a format, there are default initial precision settings
available for adoption since there is no context for the first runtime. The following table lists the default
initial precision settings for different formats:

Default Initial













Print to Printer


JReport Result (Applet)










Excel Buffer Size

The Excel buffer is used to store the report results in Excel buffer sheets when exporting the result in
Excel format. Its default size is 1, which indicates 1 sheet of the report results is allocated to the result
buffer. The other sheets will be stored on disk. If you have enough memory, you can increase the Excel
buffer size to store more sheets of the Excel-format report result. By doing this, you will achieve better

Right after you set the property to true from false each time:

Recalculate the values of the following Excel properties of all objects in the report and reset the
values to the defaults.

Column Index/Row Index

Column Number/Row Number. The properties are for images and UDOs.

Top Attach Column/Top Attach Row/Bottom Attach Column/Bottom Attach Row. The properties are
for drawing objects.

The default values are calculated based on the position of each object in the report. There is an
exception: if both the Export to Excel and Export to CSV properties of an object are false, the values
of these properties will not be recalculated and will be preserved as before.

The property controls two things when it is true:

Use the columned method to export the report to Excel when the option Normal Formatting in the
Export to Excel dialog is checked.
You can specify values for the Excel properties mentioned above of an object instead of using the

When the property is false:

The specified values for the above Excel properties of objects in the report are not applied when
exporting to CSV or Excel.

Style Group for Export

This is to pre-set a style group to the report for each export format. The style group specified for
export formats has higher priority than that specified for the Style Group property in the Report
Inspector. However, if you do not specify a style group for an export format, when you export the
report to the format, it will take the value specified for the Style Group property.
The specified style group here is applied in the following cases: when export the report in JReport
Designer or in JReport Viewer, and when run/advanced run the report or schedule to publish it to
version/disk/e-mail/FTP in JReport Server.
When viewing a report by clicking the View tab in JReport Designer, the value specified for the Style
Group property is applied. In the view mode, if you further preview the view result in different formats
or export it to different formats, the preview/export result will take the style group of the view result,
and the Style Group for Export property will not take effect.

Report body
The properties of the report body are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Suppress When Empty

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to it.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Report set
A report set may contain one or more reports, and each report contain a report body. The Report
Inspector enables you to focus on one of the three levels, namely the report set, report, and report
body. By default, the root node in the Report Inspector represents the current report. You can click the
Up button
on the toolbar to show the report set as the root node (if the current root node
represents the report body, you should click that button twice). After showing the report set node in
the Report Inspector, you can set its properties:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Import Parameter Values

Specifies the name of a class file from which to import default values for parameters
used in the report set, for example, help.TestParamList. Then when viewing the report
set, the displayed Enter Parameter Values dialog will only list the imported default
To make the property work, you need specify the Parameter List Auto property to false.
For more information, see Importing parameter values.
Data type: String

Parameter List Auto

Specifies whether to get the default values for parameters used in the report set from
values defined in the catalog.

true - Gets parameter default values from values defined in catalog.

false - Gets parameter default values from the class file specified by the Import
Parameter Values property.

Data type: Boolean

Special field
The properties of a special field are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files,
the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Data Evaluation Setting

Specifies the group information for the object. Available only for the group by fields in
table group columns. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

current column
The object will take value of the group by field in the current column.
current row
The object will take value of the group by field in the current row.

Data type: Enumeration

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Field Type

Specifies another special field format to substitute the current special field. Choose an
option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when
the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible column,
and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object in the
rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to repeat the group name in the report results. This property is
available only for the group by fields in table, and it takes effect only when the group by
fields are in the table detail row.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

The properties of a subreport are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String



Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other
objects which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own
SQL query.
Data type: Boolean


If false, the page header and footer of the subreport will not be shown.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This
property is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Maximum Page Number

Specifies the maximum number of pages in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Records per Page

Specifies the number of records in each page in the data buffer.

Data type: Integer

Subreport Data Source


Displays the name of the data source used by the subreport. If nothing is displayed,
the default data source will be used. This property is read only.

Subreport Query Name

Displays the name of the query used by the subreport. This property is read only.

Subreport Security Name

Displays the security name (record level security) used by the subreport. This property
is read only.


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Empty

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to it.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean
Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

On New Sheet

Specifies whether to put the subreport in a new sheet when exporting the report to
Data type: Boolean

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Sheet Name

Specifies the name of the new sheet in which the subreport will be put. Make sure the
name specified here isn't used by any other sheets.
It is meaningful to specify the property value when the On New Sheet property is set
to true.
Data type: String
Note: The characters "|", ":", "/", "?", "\", "*", "]", "[" cannot be displayed in the
sheet name in Excel and the last character in the sheet name cannot be single
quotation mark ('). If any one of them is used when you specify the property, it will be
replaced by "_" in Excel.

Sheet Name Postfix

Specifies how to add postfix number to the sheets in which the subreport will be put
when exporting the report to Excel. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Add postfix number to every page - Specifies to add the postfix number to
every sheet for the subreport (Subreport1, Subreport2, Subreport3,
Subreport4, ...).
Add postfix number only to additional pages - Specifies to add the postfix
number to the subreport sheets starting from the second one (Subreport,
Subreport1, Subreport2, Subreport3, ...).

It is meaningful to specify the property value when the On New Sheet property is set
to true.
Data type: Enumeration
Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

In a report, when the subreport needs to be run more than once, set the property Cache to true. The
data of the subreport will be cached in the data buffer. When the subreport is run the next time, the
sub-engine will retrieve the data from the data buffer instead of DBMS, and if sub-link exists, it will also
be calculated in the data buffer, thus improving the engine performance.
When a data buffer is defined in the sub-engine, the data buffer is divided into many pages and records
are allocated in the pages. You can use the properties Records per Page and Maximum Page Number to
set the number of the records in one page and the maximum number of pages in the data buffer. If
enough physical memory is available and you know the total number of records in the subreport, to
achieve better performance, you can set Records per Page approximate to the total number of records.
Note: The Cache property will not work in the following cases:

When the parameter is displayed in the Parameters in subreport tab which is contained in the query
of the subreport.

When HDS is used by the subreport.

When dynamic query is used by the subreport.

Summary field
The properties of a summary field are:
Property Name


Aggregate Function

Shows the function of the summary. This property is read only.

Field Type

Shows what kind of field it is. This property is read only.

Group By

Shows the group field that the summary is based on. If null, the summary is grouped
based on the whole dataset. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Shows the name of the summary. This property is read only.

Summary On

Shows the name of the field on which to perform the summary function. This property is
read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that
returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type and
can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Ignore HTML Tag

Specifies whether or not to ignore the HTML tags when exporting the report results to
HTML format.

true - The text will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport Designer
(HTML tag elements in the text, if any, will not be parsed).
false - HTML tag elements in the text will be parsed when exporting the report
results to HTML format.

This property is useful for exporting the report results to HTML format. You may want to
write the label contents in HTML tags in your report, and for the exported HTML files,
the tags will be transferred as they are translated into HTML.
Data type: Boolean

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

Maximum Width

Specifies the maximum width of the text displayed. Enter a numeric value to change the
This property often works with the Auto Fit property. If Auto Fit = true and Maximum
Width is not equal to 0, the text will extend until the width is this value.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Cache Value

Specifies whether to cache the value of the field instead of obtaining it repeatedly.
Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Substitutes the current field with another field by selecting from the drop-down list.
To make the property editable, uncheck Forbid changing column in the Options dialog
(File > Options > Panel > Forbid changing column).
Data type: String

Data Mapping File

Specifies the data mapping file to the object for NLS use.
For example, if the data mapping file name is Category_de_DE.properties, set the value
as Category (without the language and locale part).
Data type: String

Detail Report

Specifies the detail report that the object is linked to. The link is available when the
report is run in DHTML format. For details about how to set up the link, refer to Linking
a report to a detail report.
Data type: String

Detail Target Frame

Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the detailed information. This
property is enabled only when Go To Detail is set to true. Choose an option from the
drop-down list or directly input the name of the frame you have defined.

<Server Setting>
Loads the detailed information according to setting of the Pop Up New Window for
Links option in the Configure DHTML Profile panel of the Profile dialog in JReport
New Window
Loads the detailed information into a new window. The window is not named.
Whole Window
Loads the detailed information into the full browser window.
Same Frame
Loads the detailed information into the same frame as the object.
Parent Frame
Loads the detailed information into the parent frame of the frame in which the
object is.
Other Frame
Loads the detailed information into some other specified frame. If the frame name
does not exist, the detailed information will be loaded into a new window.

Data type: String

Display Null

Specifies the string to be displayed if the field value is null.

Data type: String

Enable Hyperlink in Excel

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in HTML Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an HTML file.
Data type: Boolean
Enable Hyperlink in PDF

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF file.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Filter Options

Specifies the filter-related options that will be displayed on the shortcut menu when
right-clicking the object in JReport Viewer.
If Default is selected, the filter options displayed are decided by the setting in the Profile
dialog in JReport Server (Profile > Configure DHTML Profile > Properties > Default >
Filter Menu).
For more information, refer to Setting filter options for a field.
Data type: Integer

Go to Detail

Specifies whether to show the detailed information when you click the object in JReport
Viewer. This property is available only when the object is in the group header/footer
panel of a banded object. For details about its usage, refer to Obtaining detailed
information from a banded object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies to link the object to another report, a website, or an e-mail address. The link
is available when you view the report in HTML, DHTML, PDF, or Excel format, or in
JReport Studio if it is a studio report.
Data type: String

Logic Column

Specifies whether to show the object in the next visible table cell in the same row when
the column which holds the object is hidden. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

The next visible table cell should be completely empty, that is, the cell should not
hold any content including blank space.
When the property for several objects in the same row is set to next visible column,
and the columns holding these objects are all hidden, then only the object in the
rightmost column will be shown in the next visible cell.


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Null

If true and its value is null, the field will not be displayed.
Data type: Boolean

Transfer Style

Specifies whether the style of the primary report will be applied to the linked report if
the object is linked to a report.
Data type: Boolean

Value Delimiter

Specifies the separator for the data whose type is DBArray.

The default value space means that the elements will be displayed in a horizontal line
and separated by a space.
Data type: String

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an access key to
the object.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Dir

It is mapped to the HTML attribute dir. This attribute specifies the base direction of
directionally neutral text in the object's content and attribute values. It also specifies
the directionality of tables. Possible values:

LTR - Left-to-right text or table.

RTL - Right-to-left text or table.

Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External TabIndex

It is mapped to the HTML attribute tabindex. This attribute specifies the position of the
object in the tabbing order for the current report. Enter an integer equal to or greater
than 0 and less than 65535.
Data type: Integer

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base language
of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a link is specified.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute longdesc. This attribute specifies a link to a long
description of the object.
Data type: String

The properties of a table are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Auto Expands

Specifies whether the objects in cells of the table will be expanded to their neighbouring
cells horizontally when the actual size of the objects is bigger than the cells'. The
property takes effect only when the property Auto Fit for the objects in the table cells is
set to true.
Data type: Boolean


An object in a table cell could cover one or more neighbouring cells according to its

When the neighbouring cell is occupied or merged, the property does not take effect.

The property does not apply to horizontal tables.

Specifies whether to cache the dataset for this object in the data buffer so other objects
which use the same dataset can share the data rather than perform their own SQL
Data type: Boolean

Enable Navigation

Specifies whether to enable data navigation on the table. This property takes effect for
studio report only. If it is set to true, when the studio report is opened in JReport
Studio, if the table contains more than one page, a navigation bar specific for the table
will be available right below it. You can use the bar to view the desired pages.
When this property is set to true, you can further specify the height and width of the
navigation bar by setting the two properties Navigation Height and Navigation Width.
Data type: Boolean

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Freeze Field

Specifies whether to disable fields from being selected in the design area.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the table in horizontal style.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Navigation Height

Specifies the height of the navigation bar, which will be displayed when Enable
Navigation is set to true. Enter a numeric value to specify the height.
Data type: Float

Navigation Width

Specifies the width of the navigation bar, which will be displayed when Enable
Navigation is set to true. Enter a numeric value to specify the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When Empty

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to it.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute summary. This attribute provides a summary of the
object's purpose and structure.
Data type: String

The following topics list properties of the children of a table:

Table header row

Table group

Table footer row

Table column

Table cell

Table header row

The properties of a table header row are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the row.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the row starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the row starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration

Repeat Header for Excel

Specifies whether to make the object appear in every page of the report results when
exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Repeat Header for TXT

Specifies whether to make the object appear in every page of the report results when
exporting the report to a .txt file.
Data type: Boolean

Repeat Header for XML

Specifies whether to make the object appear in every page of the report results when
exporting the report to XML.
Data type: Boolean

Repeat on Pages

Specifies whether to make the object appear in every page of the report results.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Table group
The properties of a table group are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Group By

Shows the group field that the object is based on. If null, the object is grouped based
on the whole dataset. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Current Block Index

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Current Block Index specifies the index of the data block that will be displayed. 0
means the first block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Items per Block

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Item per Block specifies the number of records in each data block.
Data type: Integer

Group Layout
Keep Group Together

Specifies whether to keep the whole group together.

Data type: Boolean

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report. A Boolean
type value.


Specifies whether to allow the security identifiers specified by the following three
properties to view the group's detail or child groups.

true - The detail row, the group header row, and the group footer row will be
false - Only the group header and footer rows will be displayed.

Data type: Boolean


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts user names delimited by
"|" as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which user.
Data type: String


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts group names delimited by
"|" as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which group of
Data type: String


Enables to set cached report bursting. The property accepts role names delimited by
"|" as the value. You can specify which group of data can be viewed by which role.
Data type: String

A table group may contain the following objects:

Table group header row

Table detail row

Table group footer row

Table group header row

The properties of a table group header row are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the row extended to the bottom of the page, so that the next
row starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the row.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the row starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the row starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the group header appear in every page.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Table detail row

The properties of a table detail row are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Current Block Index

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Current Block Index specifies the index of the data block that will be displayed. 0 means
the first block index, and 1 the second, and so on.
Data type: Integer

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the row extended to the bottom of the page, so that the next
row starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Items per Block

The two properties, Current Block Index and Items per Block, work together to control
the data of the object to be displayed in continuous page mode.
Item per Block specifies the number of records in each data block.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the row.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the row starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the row starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Table group footer row

The properties of a table group footer row are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the row extended to the bottom of the page, so that the next
row starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the row.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the row starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the row starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Table footer row

The properties of a table footer row are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color and fill effect of the object. Choose a color from the dropdown list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000), choose a formula that
returns a color, or select Custom from the drop-down list to specify the color and fill
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the row extended to the bottom of the page, so that the next
row starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the popup text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the left edge of
the row.
Data type: String

On New Page

Specifies whether the row starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means the row starts on a
new page only if the previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Table column
There are four types of columns in a table, which are common column, detail common, group common
and summary common. These table column objects have the same properties as follows:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width of the object according to the contents.
If the property is set to true, the width of the object will be adjusted automatically
only when:

The Position property for the field/label in this object is static or relative.
If the Position property for the field/label in this object is absolute, then the Auto
Fit property for the field/label should be set to true.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Table cell
The properties of a table cell are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Displays the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. This property is read only.


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the content in the table cell. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration
Note: When the Position property of the object in the table cell is set to absolute, this
property does not take effect.


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed.
Data type: Boolean

Joining Merge

Specifies whether to make all the sequential rows included in the cell vertically merged
in the report results. It is meaningful to set the property only when the cell is merged
with other cells in the same column.
Data type: Boolean

Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to repeat the content of the cell in every page of the report results
when the cell is split into pages. Available only for vertically merged cell.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the content in the table cell. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration
Note: When the Position property of the object in the table cell is set to absolute, this
property does not take effect.

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


It is mapped to the HTML attribute abbr. This attribute specifies an abbreviated form of
the content of the object. The abbreviated text may be rendered by user agents when
appropriate in place of the object's content.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute axis. This attribute is used to place a cell into
conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space.
The value of this attribute is a comma-separated list of category names.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute headers. This attribute specifies the list of header
cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute
is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute scope. This attribute specifies the set of data cells
for which the current header cell provides header information. Available values are:

Row - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that
contains it.
Column - The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column
that contains it.
none - The scope attribute will not be generated when exporting to HTML.

Data type: String

The properties of a tabular are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Auto Size

Specifies whether to make the width of the object automatically expanded according to
the size of the components inserted.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.

Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Vertical Auto Size

Specifies whether to make the height of the object automatically expanded according to
the size of the components inserted.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

A tabular may contain these objects:

Tabular row group

Tabular cell

Tabular row group

The properties of a tabular row group are:
Property Name Description
Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Cross Page

Specifies whether the panel can be split across a page break. This property is only applied if the
report has page layout enabled. The default is false which means that the panel is split only if it
exceeds the page height.
Data type: Boolean

Fill Whole Page

Specifies whether to make the panel extended to the bottom of the page, so that the next panel
starts on a new page.
Data type: Boolean

On New Page

Specifies whether the panel starts on a new page. This property is only applied if the report has
page layout enabled. The default is false which means the panel starts on a new page only if the
previous page is filled.
Data type: Boolean

Tabular cell
The properties of a tabular cell are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the contents in the tabular cell. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Repeat Content

A cell may be extended to new pages for being affected by other cells even though it
can be wholly put in the current page. In this case, if the property value is true, then its
contents will appear on the new pages again.
Data type: Boolean
Note: If there are two or more cells that will be affected in the same row group and the
values of the property for these cells are true, then only the contents of the last one will
be repeated.

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the contents in the tabular cell. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.
The property takes effect on the studio reports open in JReport Studio, and does not
control the exporting result.
Data type: Enumeration

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

Text box
The properties of a text box are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Vertical Auto Size

If true, the height of the object will be automatically adjusted according to the size of
the contents.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Anchor Display Value

Specifies the text for the TOC entry for this object in the TOC browser. By default the
text is the unique object name assigned by JReport Designer. The TOC Anchor property
must be set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: String

TOC Anchor

Specifies whether to include the object in the TOC browser for the report.
Data type: Boolean

The properties of a TOC object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Root Label

Specifies the text of the label which will be displayed on the root of the TOC tree.
Data type: String


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean


External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information about
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

As the name suggests, a UDO is an object defined by users. It has special properties defined by users.
The properties listed in JReport Report Inspector correspond with the ones defined your UDO programs.
Here are some default properties:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent
container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter a
numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String

External CSS Class


Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This property
is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. The X and Y
properties are ignored. The position of the object is affected by preceding objects in
the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is inserted.
The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report body,
a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No

Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Column Number

Specifies the number of columns which will be the object's width in the exported Excel
file. The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this property to
take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported to
Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be set
to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Number

Specifies the number of rows which will be the object's height in the exported Excel file.
The Columned property at the report level must be set to true for this property to take
Data type: Integer


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


The above are the basic properties of a UDO and more will be added with those defined in your
JReport UDO does not support RTF and PDF format output. That is, when exporting to RTF and PDF,
a report with a UDO may not be rendered correctly. However, there is no such problem for HTML and

Built-in UDOs
JReport provides you with two built-in UDOs: JHyperLink and JRotator.

It operates in a similar way to the hyperlink in an HTML file (only for Windows NT). Here are its special
Property Name



Specifies the URL for accessing the linked file or website page.
Data type: String

Executer Class Name

If the specified URL is linked to a .rst file - the JReport Result export result
file, you should select jet.udos.RPTExecuter. For other links, use jet.udos.
Data type: String

Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the object according to
the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the window or frame at which to target contents. Choose an option

from the drop-down list.

blank - Loads the linked document into a new blank window. This
window is not named.
self - Loads the linked document into the window in which the link is
clicked (the active window).
parent - Loads the linked document into the immediate parent window
of the active window. If there is no parent window, the active window is
top - Loads the linked document into the topmost window.

Data type: Enumeration

Tooltips Text

Specifies the text that will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over
the JHyperLink in view mode or in HTML/DHTML result.
Data type: String

Display Value

Specifies the displayed text of the hyperlink. This property has lower priority
than Display Image.
Data type: String

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the contents in the JHyperLink container.

Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the contents in the JHyperLink

container. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to enable the word wrap function of JHyperLink in the

exported files.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to a PDF
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an

Excel file.
Data type: Boolean

Enable Hyperlink in

Specifies whether to enable the hyperlink when exporting the report to an

HTML file.
Data type: Boolean

HTML Style

Specifies the CSS style of JHyperLink in HTML/DHTML result. The value is a

String value containing only the body part of a CSS style definition. Make
sure that you input the right css style string.
For Example, if a full style definition is:
style="text-decoration:underline;color:#ffc800;font:italic smallcaps bold 12pt serif;"
you need only input the content in the quotation marks as the HTML Style
text-decoration:underline;color:#ffc800;font:italic small-caps
bold 12pt serif;
Data type: String

Display Image

Specifies the local path of the image displayed for the hyperlink (like a
hotspot in HTML). This property has higher priority than Display Value.
Data type: String


Specifies from where the image is fetched when viewing or running the
report in JReport Server.
The property has following two options:

true - If selected, the image will not be delivered when publishing the
report set to JReport Server. JReport Server will find the image from the
local directory specified by the property Display Image when you view
the report.
false - If selected, the image will be delivered when publishing the
report to JReport Server. JReport Server will obtain the image from the
server side when you view or run the report.

Data type: Boolean

Alternate Text

Specifies the text that will be displayed instead if the image cannot be
Data type: String

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML.

Enter a valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External AccessKey

It is mapped to the HTML attribute accesskey. This attribute specifies an

access key to the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute hreflang. This attribute specifies the base
language of the resource designated by a link and may only be used when a
link is specified.
Data type: String

Insert two JHyperLink UDOs, and specify the following:

URL: http://www.jinfonet.com
Display Value: Click here.
URL: C:\docword.txt
Display Value: abc
Display Image: C:\JReport\Designer\Demo\SampleReports\Coffee.jpg

When you point your mouse at either UDO, a hand will show you that it is a hyperlink. By clicking it,
you will be taken to the destination. The application launched to open it (the linked file) is from your
Windows NT system. If Display Value and Display Image both have been specified, the image has the
higher priority to be displayed.

It is a built-in UDO that can be rotated. Text and images can be held in JRotator. Following are its
special properties:
Property Name



Specifies the angle at which to rotate the JRotator, in degrees.

0 - No rotation.

positive value - Rotates the JRotator clockwise.

negative value - Rotates the JRotator anticlockwise.

Data type: Integer

Display Value

Specifies the text displayed in the JRotator. This property has lower priority
than Display Image.
Data type: String

Display Image

Specifies the local path of the image displayed in the JRotator. This property
has higher priority than Display Value.
Data type: String

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the JRotator container. Choose
an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the JRotator container.

Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Web control
The properties of web controls are listed as below:

Filter control

Multivalue container

Navigation control

Parameter control

Parameter form control

Filter control
The properties of a filter control are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the background color of the title bar. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the text bold in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text in the title bar. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text in the title bar. Enter an integer value to change the
Data type: Integer


Specifies the foreground color of the title bar. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the text italic in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Map Name

Specifies whether to use the name of the DBField added to the filter contorl as the text
displayed in the title bar.
Data type: Boolean

Show Title

Specifies whether to show the title bar. It is meanful to set all the other properties in
the Title category when this property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text displayed in the title bar. This property can be edited only when Map
Name is set to false. Enter a string to change the text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Text Format

Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type
and can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External ID

It is mapped to the HTML attribute id. This attribute specifies a name to the object,
which must be unique in the report.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Multivalue container
The properties of a multivalue container object are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Data Inherit

Indicates whether the dataset for this object is inherited from another object. This
property is read only.


Indicates the dataset used by the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String


Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean

Export to PDF

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF. This
property is available only when a web control has been inserted into the object.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Record Location

Specifies the calculation point for the properties which use formulas. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

Default - The values of the properties are calculated in the default location where
they are located.

Page Header - The values of the properties are calculated in the page header.

Page Footer - The values of the properties are calculated in the page footer.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to show the object in the report results. All formulas and calculations
will be skipped if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean

Suppress When No Records Specifies whether to display the object in the report results when no record is returned
to its parent data container.
Data type: Boolean
Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer


Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Text Format

Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the text font of the items in the multivalue container. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the text font size of the items. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the color of the item text. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Navigation control
The properties of a navigation control are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. The X and Y
properties are ignored. The position of the object is affected by preceding objects
in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a tabular cell, or a text box.
Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

A navigation control has a child object:

Navigation item

Navigation item
The properties of a navigation item are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.

Text Format

Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text in the object. Enter a string to display as the object text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the object. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the object. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Parameter control
The properties of a parameter control are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

Text Format

Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the text in the report result. It varies with data type
and can be manually defined.
Data type: String
Note: For the BigDecimal type, to avoid precision loss, you should enter a prefix JRD
when setting the format property value.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the object. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


FS does not have this property, but UI does.


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.
External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String

External Title

It is mapped to the HTML attribute title. This attribute offers advisory information
about the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Parameter form control

The properties of a parameter form control are:
Property Name


Class Type

Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.

Instance Name

Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.


Specifies the height of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the height.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the object, in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the width.
Data type: Float

Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float

Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its
parent container. This property is ignored if the Position property is set to static. Enter
a numeric value to change the position in inches or centimeters.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies a CSS class to be applied to the object which is a valid class in the CSS file.
Data type: String


Specifies the identifier of the object, which must be unique in the report set. The ID
property can be a style sheet selector.
Data type: String


The property can be used in two ways.

Specifies a style to be applied to the object. Choose a style from the drop-down list
which is available when a Style Group has been selected at the report level and
when there are styles in the Style Group that can be applied to the object, or type
in the style name.
Specifies a CSS selector to be applied to the object. Enter a valid class name from
the CSS file.

Data type: String

Export to CSV

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to CSV.
Data type: Boolean

Export to DHTML

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to DHTML.
Data type: Boolean

Export to Excel

Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to show the object in the design area and in the report results. All
formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the position of the object. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

static - The object is positioned at the location in which it is inserted. If selected,

the X, Y and other position-related properties will be hidden or disabled. The
position of the object is affected by preceding objects in the same container.
relative - The object is positioned at an offset to the position at which it is
inserted. The offset is determined by the X and Y property values.
absolute - The object will be located at the position specified by dragging and
dropping or by setting its X and Y property values. The position of the object is not
affected by preceding objects in the same container.

Data type: Enumeration

Note: This property only affects objects with a parent container that is the report
body, a table cell, a tabular cell, or a text box.

Specifies the background color of the title bar. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String


Specifies whether to make the text bold in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text in the title bar. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text in the title bar. Enter an integer value to change the
Data type: Integer


Specifies the foreground color of the title bar. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula that returns a
Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the title bar. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Show Title

Specifies whether to show the title bar. It is meanful to set all the other properties in
the Title category when this property is set to true.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the text displayed in the title bar. Enter a string to change the text.
Data type: String


Specifies whether to underline the text in the title bar.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the X coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Row Index

Specifies the Y coordinate of the object relative to its parent container when exported
to Excel or CSV, measured in cells. The Columned property at the report level must be
set to true for this property to take effect.
Data type: Integer

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the object. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00) or choose a formula that returns a color.
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters.

Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the object. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the object. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color in which to draw a pattern to fill the object. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, enter a hexadecimal RGB value (e.g. 0xff0000) or choose a formula
that returns a color.
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the object.

50% - The object will be filled in the Pattern Color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the Pattern Color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the Pattern Color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
Pattern Color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of diagonal lines of the Pattern Color.

Data type: Enumeration

External CSS Class

Specifies a class selector to be applied to the object when exported as HTML. Enter a
valid class name from the CSS file.
Data type: String

External Style

It is mapped to the HTML attribute style. This attribute specifies style information for
the object.
Data type: String


It is mapped to the HTML attribute lang. This attribute specifies the base language of
the object's attribute values and text content.
Data type: String

Properties in the Catalog Browser

The following are object properties included in the Catalog Browser, which are listed in alphabetical

The default ones are the recommended values to be used, so it is better not to randomly modify
other properties except the two properties - Name and Description. Make changes only after you are
sure of the meaning of each property.
To modify the properties, you should first uncheck Forbid editing data object properties in the
Catalog category of the Options dialog.
Make sure that the precision set in catalog is same as that in database. This is to avoid inconsistency
between the database data values and the displayed report result.

Business/Report cube

Business view

Data source security


Hierarchical data source

Imported SQL

JDBC connection



Query modifier

Stored procedure



User defined data source

Web service connection

XML connection

Business/Report cube
The properties of a business/report cube are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the business/report cube, which will be shown when you hover the
mouse pointer over the business/report cube in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the business/report cube.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
business cube runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the
time will be unlimited. Note that for a report cube, this property is set on the query on which
the report cube is created.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
business cube runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be
unlimited. Note that for a report cube, this property is set on the query on which the report
cube is created.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the business/report cube.

Data type: String


Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This
property is read only.

0 - Business cube

3 - Category

4 - Dimension object

5 - Measure object

7 - Detail information object

9 - Hierarchy

The following topics show properties of the business/report cube elements:


Detail information object

Dimension object

Measure object

The properties of a category are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse
pointer over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the object.

Data type: String


Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This
property is read only.

0 - Business cube

3 - Category

4 - Dimension object

5 - Measure object

7 - Detail information object

9 - Hierarchy

Detail information object

The properties of a detail information object are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover
the mouse pointer over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the name of the object which is used by the API calls.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This
property is read only.

0 - Business cube

3 - Category

4 - Dimension object

5 - Measure object

7 - Detail information object

9 - Hierarchy

Dimension object
The properties of a dimension object are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover
the mouse pointer over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the name of the object which is used by the API calls.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This
property is read only.

0 - Business cube

3 - Category

4 - Dimension object

5 - Measure object

7 - Detail information object

9 - Hierarchy

Measure object
The properties of a measure object are:
Property Name


Aggregate Function

Specifies the aggregate function of the object.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown after the tooltip when you hover
the mouse pointer over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the internal name of the object which is used by the API calls.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resource View panel of JReport Viewer.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the cube element whose value is used by JReport internally. This
property is read only.

0 - Business cube

3 - Category

4 - Dimension object

5 - Measure object

7 - Detail information object

9 - Hierarchy

Business view
The properties of a business view are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the business view, which will be shown when you hover the
mouse pointer over the business view in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the business view.

Data type: String


Indicates the type of the business view. This property is read only.

The following topics show properties of the business view elements:

Aggregation object


Detail object

Group object

Aggregation object
The properties of an aggregation object are:
Property Name


Aggregate Function

Specifies the aggregate function of the object.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse
pointer over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the view element. This property is read only.

The properties of a category are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse
pointer over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String


Indicates the type of the view element. This property is read only.

Detail object
The properties of a detail object are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse
pointer over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the view element. This property is read only.

Group object
The properties of a group object are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse
pointer over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String

Display Name

Specifies the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Mapping Name

Specifies the mapping name of the column to which the object is mapped.
Data type: String


Specifies the tooltip of the object, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer
over the object in the Resources panel of JReport Studio.
Data type: String


Indicates the type of the view element. This property is read only.

Data source security

The properties of a data source security are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the data source security.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the data source security.

Data type: String

The properties of a formula are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the formula.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the formula. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Displays the whole statement of the formula. This property is read only.


Specifies the length of the formula's returned value, in byte.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the formula.

Data type: String

Number Base

Specifies the number base of the formula.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the precision of the formula's returned value. Specify the largest number of digits
that can ever occur. Significant digits will be lost if the precision value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of the formula's returned
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the formula defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the formula according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the formula's returned value. The format varies with the
formula's data type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the formula. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the formula. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the formula. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the formula. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the formula. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the formula. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the formula, which takes effect when the formula is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a proper
height will be specified to the formula by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the formula, which takes effect when the formula is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a proper
width will be specified to the formula by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the formula. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the formula. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the formula. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the formula. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the formula. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the formula. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the formula. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the formula. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the formula.

50% - The formula will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

SQL Type










































Hierarchical data source

The properties of a hierarchical data source are:
Property Name



Specifies whether or not columns of this HDS can be used to group by. If true, they can't.
Data type: Boolean

Class Name

Displays the name of the class provided by JReport that is used to implement hierarchical
data sources. This property is read only.


Specifies the description of the HDS.

Data type: String

Full Name

Displays the full path name of the HDS automatically generated by JReport. This property is
read only.

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
HDS runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the time will
be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
HDS runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the HDS.

Data type: String


Specifies the value of the HDS's parameter.

Data type: String

Root Name

Specifies the name of the root node in the XML file.

Data type: String


Specifies the URI of the XML file.

Data type: String


Displays the version number of the HDS API. This property is read only.


Specifies the URI of the XSD file.

Data type: String

An HDS contains some tables and columns in those tables. The following topics show their properties in

HDS table

HDS column

HDS table
The properties of an HDS table are:
Property Name



Specifies whether or not the HDS columns of this HDS table can be used to group by. If true,
they can't.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the HDS table.

Data type: String

Full Name

Displays the full path name of the HDS table automatically generated by JReport. This
property is read only.

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
HDS table runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the time
will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
HDS table runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the HDS table.

Data type: String

HDS column
The properties of an HDS column are:
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw data source.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float

Full Name

Displays the full path name of the column automatically generated by JReport. This property
is read only.

HDS Format

Specifies the data format of the column.

Data type: String


Specifies the mapped name of the column in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the nullability of the column's value. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the column according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the column's value. The format varies with the column's data
type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a height will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a width will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the column. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the column. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the column.

50% - The column will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

The Nullable property decides the nullability of a column's value, and its value can be one of the

true - Indicates the column supports null value.

false - Indicates the column's value cannot be null.

unknown - Indicates whether the column's value can be null or not is unknown.

In versions prior to JReport Designer Version 8, when the returned value of a column is null, of which
the nullability is false, there will be a default value replacing that null value. When you upgrade JReport
Designer from a previous version to Version 8, there is a change considering better use and control of
null value, that is, if null value is returned whereas you specify null value is not allowed on the column,
the null value would display as it is. If you want to change the null value to any other desired values,
formulas can be applied. For example, with the following formula, the null value is changed to 0:
if (isnull (@theColumn))
return 0
return @theColumn;

Imported SQL
The properties of an imported SQL file are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the imported SQL file.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
SQL file runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the time
will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
imported SQL file runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the imported SQL file.

Data type: String


Specifies the database's catalog name of the imported SQL file.

Data type: String

Read Only

Specifies whether or not the imported SQL file will be read only.
Data type: Enumeration

Transaction Mode

Specifies the transaction mode for the imported SQL file. Choose an option from the dropdown list.

default - Indicates the transaction information cannot be get from JDBC connection.

none - Indicates that transactions are not supported.

read uncommitted - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
This mode will speed up the transaction of the catalog.
read committed - Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads
can occur.
repeatable read - Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads
can occur.
serializable - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.

Data type: Enumeration

An imported SQL file contains several columns, the properties of which are shown in the following topic:

Imported SQL column

Imported SQL column

The properties of an imported SQL column are:
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the column index in the result set.

Data type: Integer

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw data source.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the mapped name of the column in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the nullability of the column's value. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the column according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the column's value. The format varies with the column's data
type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a height will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a width will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the column. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the column. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the column.

50% - The column will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

JDBC connection
The properties of a JDBC connection are:
Property Name


Date Format

Specifies the default Date format corresponding to the database.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the JDBC connection.

Data type: String


Specifies the class name of the JDBC driver such as oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.

While setting up the JDBC connection with the connection dialog, JReport will use the
driver that is specified to connect to the database. If no driver name is filled in, JReport
will use the default JDBC driver from the file jdbcdrivers.properties in <install_root>
\bin file. You can add JDBC driver names into the text file, JReport will load the drivers
before building a connection. If your JDBC driver name is not correct, or you do not add
JDBC driver names, the message "No suitable driver" will appear.
Data type: String

Explicit Inner Join

Specifies whether to use Explicit Join notation or Implicit Join notation in the Where
clause for inner joins.

true - Uses Explicit Join notation:

SQL: select from A inner join B on (A.c1 = B.c2)

false - Uses Implicit Join notation:

SQL: select from A,B where A.c1 = B.c2

Data type: Boolean

Included Schemas

Displays the schema names specified for the connection in the Get JDBC Connection
Information dialog. The default is blank, which indicates that all schemas in the DBMS
can be used in the catalog. This property is read only. To modify it, use the Get JDBC
Connection Information dialog.


Specifies the name of the connection which, by default, is the same as the connection
URL, but can also be a user friendly name for the connection.
Data type: String

Name Pattern

Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation. Choose an

option from the drop-down list.

unqualified name - Neither catalog nor schema is included in data manipulation.

Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
2-part names - Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c
FROM schema.t
3-part names - Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example:
SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from catalog.schema.t

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the password for connecting with the database, which is determined by the
database DBA.
Data type: String


Specifies whether or not to apply the pre-join information defined on the data source in
which the connection is set when building a query or defining join relationships in
business cubes in the same data source.
Data type: Boolean

Quote Qualifier

Specifies the characters, then a qualifier name which contains the characters that will not
be quoted. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Default (JDBC) - If selected, the program will get the extra name characters from
User Defined - If selected, you can modify the quote character according to the
database system being used.

Data type: Enumeration

Read Only

Specifies the mode to open the connection to the JDBC data source. The initial setting is
default which uses the mode specified by the DBMS Administrator which could be read
only or read & write. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

default - May be read & write or read only depending on the DBMS default setting.
read only - Allows the driver to optimize performance for reporting which does not
need to write to the DBMS.
read & write - Opens the DBMS with updates enabled which requires more
processing to ensure concurrency control.

Data type: Enumeration

Security Check

Specifies whether or not to check the JDBC connection security at runtime.

Data type: Boolean

SQL Statement Creator

Specifies the parameters to implement the SQLStmtCreator interface (for details about
the interface and its usage, refer to Dynamic queries).
Data type: String

Time Format

Specifies the default Time format corresponding to the database.

Data type: String

Timestamp Format

Specifies the default Timestamp format corresponding to the database.

Data type: String

Transaction Mode

Specifies the transaction mode for the connection. Choose an option from the drop-down

default - Indicates the transaction information cannot be get from JDBC connection.

none - Indicates that transactions are not supported.

read uncommitted - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can
occur. This mode will speed up the transaction of the catalog.
read committed - Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom
reads can occur.
repeatable read - Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom
reads can occur.
serializable - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the JDBC URL which establishes the connection to the database, for example
Data type: String


Specifies the user name for connecting to the database, which is determined by the
database DBA.
Data type: String

Timestamp Format and Date Format








day in month


hour in day (0~23)


hour in am/pm (1~12)


minute in hour


second in minute




Example (using the US Locale):

"yyyyy.MMMMM.dd hh:mm aaa" ->> 1996.July.10 12:08 PM
Note: The Date and Timestamp format JReport supports follows that of Java. Refer to the Java API
Specification java.text package DateFormat interface.

The properties of a parameter are:
Property Name


Bind Column

Specifies the bind column of the parameter.

Data type: String


Specifies the parameter which will be bound with the current one to sort the column
controlled by the current parameter.
Data type: String

Default Value Number

Specifies the parameter value that will be prompted by default at runtime. If it is set to 0,
the first parameter value in the Value property will be prompted; if it is set to -1, the last
parameter value in the Value property will be prompted.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the description of the parameter.

Data type: String

Display Column

Specifies the display column of the parameter.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the parameter. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies whether or not the text of the parameter is to be distinct.

Data type: Boolean

Hide Parameter When

Single Value Returned

When a parameter is bound with a column, you can choose to hide the parameter at
runtime when only a single value is returned for the parameter, and the returned single
value will be used as default value of the parameter.
Data type: Boolean

Import SQL

Specifies the statement of the imported SQL file, which is created manually.
Data type: String

Maximum Value/Length Specifies the maximum value allowed for this parameter, or the maximum length for a
String type parameter.
Data type: String
Minimum Value/Length Specifies the minimum value allowed for this parameter, or the minimum length for a
String type parameter.
Data type: String

Specifies the name of the parameter.

Data type: String

Object Name

Specifies the name for the OOJDBC class that is related to the parameter.
Data type: String

Object Parameter Name Specifies the parameter name for the OOJDBC class.
Data type: String

Specifies whether or not to check the minimum and maximum values that you specified
for the parameter at runtime. If -1, it will not check; if 1, it will check at runtime.
Data type: Integer

Prompt Text

Specifies the prompt text of the parameter, which is used for prompting users to provide
the value of the parameter.
Data type: String

Record Level Security

When a parameter is bound with a column, you can specify a RLS policy defined on the
bind column in the data source to the parameter, then at runtime, end users will be
prompted to enter the security ID, which refers to the user name, and only the records
the specified SID allowed to view will be displayed in the parameter value drop-down list.
Data type: String


Specifies whether or not the parameter will be treated as a required one.

Data type: Boolean

String Encoding

Specifies the encoding for the parameter. This property is available only when the
parameter's data type is String.
Data type: String

String Format

Specifies the user-defined format of the parameter value. This property works only when
the parameter's data type is String.
Data type: String

Treat Blank as Null

Specifies whether or not to treat blank data value as null when the parameter's data type
is String.
Data type: Boolean

Use Current Date-Time Specifies whether or not to use the current system's date time as value of the parameter
when the parameter's data type is Date, Time or DateTime.
Data type: Boolean
Use Current Date-Time Specifies whether or not to use the current system's date time as value of the parameter
When Blank
when the parameter's data type is Date, Time or DateTime, and the parameter value is
Data type: Boolean
User Defined Format

Specifies the user-defined format of the parameter value.

Data type: String

Value List

Lists values of the parameter. This property is read only.

Data type: String

Value Type

Specifies the data type of the parameter. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the parameter according to the
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the parameter's value. The format varies with the
parameter's data type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the parameter. Choose an option from
the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the parameter. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the parameter. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the parameter. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the parameter. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the parameter. Enter a
numeric value to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the parameter, which takes effect when the parameter is inserted
into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a
proper height will be specified to the parameter by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the parameter, which takes effect when the parameter is inserted
into a report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a
proper width will be specified to the parameter by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the parameter. Choose a color from the drop-down list,
or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to
change the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the parameter. Choose a style from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the parameter. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the parameter. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the parameter. Choose a color from
the drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the parameter.

50% - The parameter will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the
specified color.
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

User Defined Format

For example, you define a parameter of Date type and the following formats can be recognized: M/d/
yy; MMM d, yyyy; MMMM d, yyyy; EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy. But if you want to enter a value like 1996.
July.10, you should specify the user defined format as yyyy.MMMM.d. But remember it is the entering
format, not the display format. To customize the display format, go to its Format property in Report
Inspector, enter your customized display format as yyyy.MMMM.d. Then when you enter 1996.July.10,
it will be displayed as 1996.July.10.
For details about how to define a user format for different types of parameters, refer to User defined
format for parameters.
Note: The letters standing for year, month etc. are case sensitive and should follow the standard of
Java java.text.DateFormat, java.text.NumberFormat etc.

The properties of a query are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the query.

Data type: String

Enable SQL Statement


Specifies whether or not the query uses the dynamic query interface to get the result
set. When it is set to true, the query can be re-generated at runtime using the
dynamic query interface (for more information, see Dynamic queries).
Data type: Boolean

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when
the query runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means
the time will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source
when the query runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will
be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the query.

Data type: String

Path Name

Specifies the path in pre-join that the query is created on (for more information, see
Creating queries using pre-join).
Data type: String

Read Only

Specifies whether or not the query will be read only.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to share the query (for details, see Locking queries).
Data type: Boolean

Transaction Mode

Specifies the transaction mode for the query. Choose an option from the drop-down

default - Indicates the transaction information cannot be get from JDBC

none - Indicates that transactions are not supported.
read uncommitted - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can
occur. This mode will speed up the transaction of the catalog.
read committed - Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and
phantom reads can occur.
repeatable read - Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented;
phantom reads can occur.
serializable - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are

Data type: Enumeration

The following topic shows the properties of a query column in detail:

Query column

Query column
There are two kinds of columns in a query: table columns and computed columns, the properties of
which are listed as follows. Note that, all the properties are read only for table columns, and some are
editable for computed columns.
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw database. This property is read only.


Displays whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column.

Data type: Float


Specifies the statement of the formula. Available to computed column only.

Data type: String


Shows the display name of the column. This property is read only.


Specifies the nullability of the column's value.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Query modifier
The properties of a query modifier are:
Property Name


Data Source Name

Specifies the data source that includes this query modifier.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the query modifier.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the query modifier.

Data type: String


Specifies the query which the query modifier refers to.

Data type: String

Query Modifier

Specifies the WHERE string of the query modifier.

Data type: String


Displays the type for defining the WHERE string. If true, it is Structured; if false, it is String.
Data type: Boolean

Stored procedure
The properties of a stored procedure are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the stored procedure.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
stored procedure runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means
the time will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
stored procedure runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the stored procedure.

Data type: String

Procedure Name

Specifies the stored procedure name in the raw database.

Data type: String


Specifies the stored procedure catalog.

Data type: String

Read Only

Specifies whether or not the stored procedure will be read only. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.

read&write - Users will be able to access the database in read-write mode.

default - Accepts the settings from the database that you are connecting to.

read only - Users will only be able to access the database in read-only mode. Setting the
property value to read only will speed up the transaction of the catalog.

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the stored procedure schema.

Data type: String

Transaction Mode

Specifies the transaction mode for the stored procedure. Choose an option from the dropdown list.

default - Indicates the transaction information cannot be get from JDBC connection.

none - Indicates that transactions are not supported.

read uncommitted - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
This mode will speed up the transaction of the catalog.
read committed - Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads
can occur.
repeatable read - Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads
can occur.
serializable - Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.

Data type: Enumeration

A stored procedure contains several columns, the properties of which are shown in the following topic:

Stored procedure column

Stored procedure column

The properties of a stored procedure column are:
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Index

Specifies the column index in the result set.

Data type: Integer

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw data source.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the length of the column's value, in bytes.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the mapped name of the column in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the nullability of the column's value. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Number Base

Specifies the number base of the column.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the column according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the column's value. The format varies with the column's data
type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a height will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a width will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float



Specifies the background color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the column. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the column. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the column.

50% - The column will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

The properties of a summary are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the summary.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the summary. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Displays the statement of the summary. This property is read only.


Specifies the function of the summary (for more information, refer to Summary functions).
Data type: String

Group By

Specifies the criteria (break-by group) that the summary will be performed.
Data type: String


Specifies the length of the summary's value, in bytes.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the summary.

Data type: String

Number Base

Specifies the number base of the summary.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the precision of the summary's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the summary. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the summary's value.
Data type: Integer

Special Function

If the group by field is of Numeric, String, Date or Time type, you can further define to
calculate the summary by specifying a special function.
Data type: String

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the summary defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer c

Summary On

Specifies the field on which the summary performs.

Data type: String

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the summary according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the summary's value. The format varies with the summary's
data type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the summary. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the summary. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the summary. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the summary. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the summary. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the summary. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the summary, which takes effect when the summary is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a proper
height will be specified to the summary by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the summary, which takes effect when the summary is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a proper
width will be specified to the summary by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the summary. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the summary. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the summary. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the summary. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the summary. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the summary.

50% - The summary will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

The properties of a table/view are:
Property Name



Specifies the description of the table/view.

Data type: String

Linked Parameter

Specifies the parameter to bind it to the parameter in OOJDBC.

Data type: String


Specifies the mapped table/view name in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the catalog which contains the table/view.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the schema which contains the table/view.

Data type: String

Table Name

Specifies the name of the table/view in the raw database.

Data type: String


Specifies the type of the table/view. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

Indicates the table type is Table in the database.
Indicates the table type is View in the database.
Indicates the table type is Alias in the database.
Indicates the table type is Synonym in the database.

Data type: Enumeration

A table/view contains several columns, the properties of which are shown in the following topic:

Table/View column

Table/View column
The properties of a table/view column are:
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw database.

Data type: String


Specifies whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the mapped name of the column in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the nullability of the column's value. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the column according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the display format of the column's value. The format varies with the column's data
type and can be defined manually.
Data type: String


Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the column. Enter a numeric value
to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a height will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a width will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter
a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the column. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the column. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the column.

50% - The column will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

User defined data source

The properties of a user defined data source are:
Property Name


Class Name

Specifies the full name (including package name) of the class represented by the UDS. The
class you entered should actually exist and can be found by JReport Designer, which means
the class should be in the class path of the system environment.
Data type: String


Specifies the description of the UDS.

Data type: String

Maximum Duration

Specifies the maximum elapsed time allowed to fetch data from the data source when the
UDS runs, measured in seconds. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the time will
be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer

Maximum Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the data source when the
UDS runs. If the value is set to zero or is blank, it means the number will be unlimited.
For usage about the property, see Limiting the query run time and number of records.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the name of the UDS.

Data type: String


Specifies the value of the UDS's parameter.

Data type: String

Specify Metadata

Specifies whether or not to apply the column properties specified by users.

Data type: Boolean

A UDS contains several columns, the properties of which are shown in the following topic:

UDS column

UDS column
The properties of a UDS column are:
Property Name



Specifies whether the column is an array type or not.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Group Index

Specifies the index of automatic group. The start index is 0, and if do not group by this field
automatically, the index is -1.
Data type: Integer

Column Index

Specifies the column index in the result set.

Data type: Integer

Column Mapping

Specifies the column index in the result set.

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column in the raw data source.

Data type: Integer

Data type: String


Specifies whether to control the SQL type of formulas or summaries in which the BigDecimal
type fields are imported.

true - The formula or summary which is built with the BigDecimal type field will be
BigDecimal type, and its SQL Type value will be set to 3.
false - The normal data type will be used for the formula or summary.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies the description of the column.

Data type: String

Display Width

Specifies the display width of the column. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float


Specifies the length of the column's value, in bytes.

Data type: Integer


Specifies the mapped name of the column in the JReport catalog.

Data type: String


Specifies the nullability of the column's value. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Number Base

Specifies the number base of the column.

Data type: Integer

Path String

Specifies the path of the column, which is used to identify the column in tree.
Data type: String


Specifies the precision of the column's value. Specify the largest number of digits that can
ever occur in the column. Significant digits will be lost if the value is too small; however,
memory is wasted when too large a value is specified.
Data type: Integer


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the column's value.
Data type: Integer

SQL Type

Specifies the SQL type of the column defined in Java. Choose an option from the drop-down
Data type: Integer

Text Format
Auto Fit

Specifies whether to adjust the width and height of the column according to the contents.
Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to make the text bold.

Data type: Boolean

Font Face

Specifies the font of the text. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text. Enter an integer value to change the size.
Data type: Integer

Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the
drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration

Specifies whether to make the text italic.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to add a strikethrough line to the text.

Data type: Boolean


Specifies whether to underline the text.

Data type: Boolean

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text in the column. Choose an option from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Word Wrap

Specifies whether to wrap the text to the width.

Data type: Boolean

Bottom Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the bottom border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Left Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the left border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Right Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the right border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float

Top Padding

Specifies the space between the text and the top border of the column. Enter a numeric
value to change the padding.
Data type: Float


Specifies the height of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the height. The default is 0 which means a height
will be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the width of the column, which takes effect when the column is inserted into a
report. Enter a numeric value to change the width. The default is 0 which means a width will
be assigned to the column by JReport automatically.
Data type: Float


Specifies the background color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String


Specifies the foreground color of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Color

Specifies the color of the border of the column. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or
enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Border Thickness

Specifies the width of the border in inches or centimeters. Enter a numeric value to change
the thickness.
Data type: Float

Bottom Line

Specifies the line style of the bottom border of the column. Choose a style from the dropdown list.
Data type: Enumeration

Left Line

Specifies the line style of the left border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Right Line

Specifies the line style of the right border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to draw two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the
Data type: Boolean

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow. Choose a color from the drop-down list, or enter a
hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Top Line

Specifies the line style of the top border of the column. Choose a style from the drop-down
Data type: Enumeration

Pattern Color

Specifies the color with which to draw a pattern to fill the column. Choose a color from the
drop-down list, or enter a hexadecimal RGB value (0xCCAA00).
Data type: String

Pattern Style

Specifies the style of the pattern. Choose an option from the drop-down list.

none - No pattern will be applied to the column.

50% - The column will be filled in the specified color of 50%-transparency.

horizontal - The pattern will be made of horizontal lines of the specified color.

vertical - The pattern will be made of vertical lines of the specified color.

grid - The pattern will be an overlapping of horizontal and vertical lines of the specified
diagonal - The pattern will be made of slash lines of the specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

Web service connection

The properties of a web service connection are:
Property Name


Date Format

Specifies the default format for data of Date type.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the WSDL connection.

Data type: String


Specifies the name of the connection which, by default, is the same as the connection
URL, but can also be a user defined name for the connection.
Data type: String

Name Pattern

Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation. Choose an

option from the drop-down list.

unqualified name - Neither catalog nor schema is included in data manipulation.

Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
2-part names - Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c
FROM schema.t
3-part names - Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example:
SELECT catalog.schema.t.c from catalog.schema.t

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies the password used for accessing the WSDL file through the WSDL URI.
Data type: String


Specifies whether or not to apply the pre-join information defined on the data source in
which the connection is set when building a query or defining join relationships in
business cubes in the same data source.
Data type: Boolean

Time Format

Specifies the default Time format corresponding to the database.

Data type: String

Time Out

Specifies how long to wait to get the WSDL file, in seconds.

Data type: Integer

Timestamp Format

Specifies the default format for data of Timestamp type.

Data type: String


Specifies the URI to get the WSDL file. This property is read only.
Data type: String


Specifies the user name used for accessing the WSDL file through the WSDL URI.
Data type: String

Security Configuration
Client Key Alias Name

Specifies the alias name which is used as client signature in the key store. This property
is read only.
Data type: String

Client Key Alias


Specifies the password for the alias name which is used as client signature in the key
store. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Key Store File

Specifies the URI to get the key store file. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Key Store Password

Specifies the password to open the key store file. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Key Store Type

Specifies the type for the key store. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Security Password

Specifies the password for the username token to be used. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Security User Name

Specifies the username for the username token to be used. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Server Key Alias Name

Specifies the alias name which is used to get the server-side certification or public key in
the key store. This property is read only.
Data type: String

Server Key Alias


Specifies the password for the alias name which is used to get the server-side
certification or public key in the key store. This property is read only.
Data type: String

XML connection
The properties of an XML connection are:
Property Name


Date Format

Specifies the default format for data of Date type.

Data type: String


Specifies the description of the XML connection.

Data type: String


Specifies the full path of the XSD file.

Data type: String

Name Pattern

Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation. Choose an option
from the drop-down list.

unqualified name - Neither catalog nor schema is included in data manipulation.

Example: SELECT t.c FROM t
2-part names - Uses schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT schema.t.c FROM
3-part names - Uses both catalog and schema in data manipulation. Example: SELECT
catalog.schema.t.c from catalog.schema.t

Data type: Enumeration


Specifies whether or not to apply the pre-join information defined on the data source in which
the connection is set when building a query or defining join relationships in business cubes in
the same data source.
Data type: Boolean

Time Format

Specifies the default format for data of Time type.

Data type: String

Timestamp Format

Specifies the default format for data of Timestamp type.

Data type: String

XML schema

XML schema
The properties of an XML schema are:
Property Name


Data Type

Specifies the data type of the element or attribute. This property on the reference of element
cannot be modified.

Default Value

Displays the value for the element or attribute, of which there is no specific value in the XML
instance. This property is read only.

Fixed Value

Displays the value for the element or attribute. This property is read only.

Format Pattern

Displays the format pattern for data of Date, Time or DateTime type. This property is read

Format Pattern Type Specifies the format pattern type for the element, attribute or reference of element. It is
editable only for data of Date, Time or DateTime type.
Is Multiple

Indicates whether or not the element occurs more than once in the XML instance. This
property is read only.


Specifies whether or not to set the data type of the element or attribute as List. This property
on the reference of element cannot be modified.

List Delimiter

Displays the delimiter to separate items in a list. This property is read only.


Displays the name of the element, attribute or reference of element in the XML instance. This
property is read only.

Related topics:

Supplementing information for the XML schema

The following are some additional information about JReport Designer:

Appendix 1: Details of format patterns

Appendix 2: Barcode symbologies

Appendix 3: Language and region name list for National Language Support

Appendix 1: Details of format patterns

A format pattern is a string and can be used for specifying patterns to format strings, which are in XML
instance. JReport format patterns only supports specifying patterns to format time data type strings,
such as date, time and datetime. You can customize the format pattern for date, time and datetime
formats or use default ones.
In the process of transforming an XML schema to relational tables, you can choose to customize the
format patterns for date, time and datetime formats in the XML schema or apply the default ones,
which will comply with the W3C XML Schema 1.1 specification (for details, refer to the page http://
www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-2-20041028/datatypes.html#dateTime). See the following
contents of the section to know more about the customized format patterns.

Customized format patterns

You can specify the date, time and datetime formats in XML schema by the date, time and datetime
pattern strings or customize the format pattern by the Format Pattern dialog. In the dialog, the pattern
string you select from the Pattern String list box will be interpreted, and the delimiter that you input
will not be interpreted. Any character is acceptable and it will be quoted if necessary.
Within date, time and datetime pattern strings in the XML schema, unquoted letters from A to Z and
from a to z are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date, time or datetime
string. Text can be quoted using single quotes (') to avoid interpretation. '' represents a single quote.
All other characters are not interpreted; they're simply copied into the output string during formatting
or matched against the input string during parsing the XML schema.

DateTime format patterns

A format pattern consists of some pattern strings and delimiters. The following pattern strings that
JReport Designer provides you to use in the format pattern: G, yyyy, yy, MMMM, MM, dd, D, WW, ww,
F, E, a, HH, kk, KK, hh, mm, ss, SSS, z, Z.
The following table describes the detail information of the pattern strings listed above:

Date Component



Era designator





1996; 96

Month in year


July; Jul; 07

Week in year



Day in year



Day in month



Day of week in month


Day in Week


Tuesday; Tue

Am/pm marker



Hour in day (0-23)


Hour in day (1-24)



Hour in am/pm (0-11)


Hour in am/pm (1-12)



Minute in hour



Second in minute






Time zone

General time zone

Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT08:00

Time zone

RFC 822 time zone


The pattern string of year can be formatted as two types - yyyy and yy:

If the pattern string - yyyy is used to format year, the year will be interpreted literally, regardless
of the number of digits. Therefore, if the pattern MM/dd/yyyy is used, 08/25/22 will be parsed to
Aug 25, 22 A.D.
If the abbreviated pattern string - yy is used to format year, the abbreviated year relative to some
century must be interpreted. To do this, dates will be adjusted to be within 80 years before and 20
years after the current time. For example, a pattern of MM/dd/yy and the current time is Aug 25,
1998, the string 05/21/15 would be interpreted as May 21, 2015 while the string 06/02/88 would
be interpreted as Jun 2, 1988.

When the year string of a datetime data in the XML schema is parsing, only strings consisting of
exactly two digits will be parsed into the default century. Any other numeric string, such as a onedigit string, a three or more digit string, or a two-digit string but one is a sign (for example, -2), is
interpreted literally. So 03/06/4 or 03/06/004 is parsed, using the pattern of MM/dd/yy, as Mar 6, 4
AD. Also, 03/06/-4 is parsed as Mar 6, 5 BC.

If the pattern string is MMMM, the month is interpreted as text; if the pattern string is MM, the
month will be interpreted as a number.
General time zone
Time zones are interpreted as text if they have names. For time zones representing a GMT offset
value, the following syntax is used:
GMT Sign Hours: Minutes
Sign: one of
+ Hours:
Digit Digit
Digit Digit
Digit: one of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hours must be between 0 and 23, and Minutes must be between 00 and 59.

RFC 822 time zone:

Sign TwoDigitHours Minutes
Digit Digit

TwoDigitHours must be between 00 and 23.

Format pattern also supports localized date, time and datetime pattern strings. In these strings, the
text presentation of pattern letters described in the above table may be varied with the locale.

Date format patterns

The representation of the format pattern for date data type in XML schema is same as datetime but the
pattern strings are less than it. Only the following strings can be used: G, yyyy, yy, MMMM, MM, dd, D,
WW, ww, F, E.

Time format patterns

The representation of the format pattern for time data type in XML schema is same as datetime but the
pattern strings are less than it. Only the following strings can be used: a, HH, kk, KK, hh, mm, ss, SSS,
z, Z.

Appendix 2: Barcode symbologies

JReport Designer supports ten types of barcodes. This appendix briefly describes each one. For more
detailed information on the symbologies of barcodes, refer to professional barcode technical





Code 39

Code 128


Code 128A

Code 128B

Code 128C


UPC-A Structure (From left to right)

The Number System
Start guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar.
The Manufacturer Code
Center guard bars, with a pattern space+bar+space+bar+space.
The Product Code
End guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar.
The Check Digit

UPC-A (Universal Product Code-A) is of fixed length. It encodes a twelve-digit numeric only number.
The final digit is a check digit, which cannot be omitted. The usual height of a UPC-A bar code is one
inch. The reduced size is 80% of the nominal size.
UPC-A is a subset of EAN-13. In fact, a UPC-A barcode is an EAN-13 barcode with the first EAN-13
number system digit set to "0". This means that any hardware or software capable of reading EAN-13
is automatically capable of reading UPC-A.
Usually, the number system digit is printed on the left of the barcode, and the check digit on the right;
while the manufacturer and product codes are printed just below the barcode, separated by a guard
Both the left and the right guard bar are encoded with 101 (bar space bar).
Usual X dimension is 13 mils. A magnification factor of 0.8 to 2.0 is permitted and, as a result, enables
a printable X dimension values range of 10.4 to 24 mils.


UPC-E Structure (From left to right)

Start guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar.
Left half, five digits calculated from the equivalent UPC number.
Check digit.
Stop guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar.

UPC-E (Universal Product Code-E) is fixed in length and is a compressed six-digit code used for
marking small packages including magazines and paperback books. The printed value of the UPC-E
code is a twelve-digit code. UPC-E symbols are UPC-A symbols that have been zero suppressed (i.e.
consecutive zeros are not included in the symbol). The nominal height for the UPC-E bar code is one
inch. The reduced size is 80% of the nominal size.
The left guard bar is encoded with 101, and the right guard bar is encoded with 010101.


EAN-13 Structure (From left to right)

The Number System
Start guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar
The Manufacturer Code
Central guard bars, always with a pattern space+bar+space+bar+space
The Product Code
The Check Digit
End guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar

The EAN/JAN-13 is of fixed length and is similar to the UPC-A symbology, but encodes a 13th digit.
Also, the 12th and 13th digits of an EAN-13 may represent a country code in its entirety or just the
beginning of one, and can vary from 2 to 3 digits. The codes 00-04 and 06-09 have been assigned to
the United States. The nominal height for the EAN-13 bar code is one inch. The reduced size is 80% of
the nominal size.


EAN-8 Structure (From left to right)

Start guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar
Two number system characters, encoded with character set A
The following two characters, encoded with character set A
Center guard bars, with a pattern space+bar+space+bar+space
Last three characters, encoded in character set C
Stop guard bars, always with a pattern bar+space+bar

The EAN-8 is fixed length and is similar to the UPC-E code, but includes two more digits for the country
code. The nominal height for the EAN-8 bar code is one inch. The reduced size is 80% of the nominal

Code 39

Code39 Structure (From left to right)

A start character the asterisk (*)
Message encoded
A stop character the second asterisk (*)

Code 39 is of variable length and is the most frequently used symbology in industrial bar code systems
today. The principal feature is that it encodes messages using a full alphanumeric character set. Three
of the nine elements (bars) are wide and six elements are narrow. The Code 39 barcode uses four
special characters "$", "/", "+", and "%" which allow a full ASCII character set when paired with
alphanumeric characters.
Code 39 is designed to encode 26 upper case letters, 10 digits and 7 special characters:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
-, ., *, $, /, +, %, SPACE.
It is called code 39 or three of nine because each encoded character is made up of 5 bars and 4 spaces
to make a total of 9 elements. Also 3 out of the 9 elements are always wide.
The height of the bars must be at least 0.15 times the symbol's length or 0.25 inches, whichever is
Code 39 is a discrete symbology. Two adjacent characters are separated by an inter-character gap. To
achieve good barcode quality, the width of the inter-character gap should equal the width of the
narrowest element, called X.
Code39 requires a starting quiet zone with a minimum 10 times the X dimension or 0.10 inch,
whichever is greater. The same width requirement also applies to the trailing quiet zone.

Code 128

Code128 Structure (From left to right)

A start character
Message encoded
Check character
Stop Character
Termination bar (bar+space+bar)

Code 128 is of variable length and encodes a full 128 ASCII character set. Each character is
represented by 11 modules that can be one of four bar widths. Also, the encoding should not exceed
232 characters (including the starting and ending codes).
Among all the common linear symbologies, Code 128 is the most flexible. It supports both alpha and
numeric characters easily, has the highest number of characters per inch, and is of variable length.
Code 128 is usually the best choice when implementing a new symbology.
Check code is optional. Refer to the Code 128 code table to calculate it.
In an open system, the minimum value of the X dimension is 7.5 mils, and the minimum bar height is
15 percent of the symbol length or 0.25 inches, whichever is greater. The starting and trailing quiet
zones are at least 0.25 inches wide.


Codabar Structure (From left to right)

A start character from 4 choices: A, B, C and D.
Inter-character gap space
Encoded message
A stop character from 4 choices: A, B, C and D.

Character set: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - $ . : / + *
Starting code and ending code can be A, B, C or D.
Every character is represented by 4 black bars + 3 white spaces. Variable length, maximum 32
characters (including the starting and ending codes).
Code table






















Digit 1, 3, 5 and 7 - black bar, 0 represents slim bar, and 1 represents thick bar.
Digit 2, 4 and 6 - white space, 0 represents slim space, and 1 represents thick space.

Code 128A

Code 128A allows for upper case characters, punctuation and numbers. Lower case characters create
several special functions in Code 128A such as a return or tab. It may be necessary to use Code 128A
to manually encode these functions in a barcode.
Code 128A includes all of the standard upper case alphanumeric keyboard characters plus the control
and special characters.

Code 128B

Code 128B is the most common because it encodes everything from ASCII 32 to ASCII 126. It allows
for upper and lower case letters, punctuation, numbers and a few select functions.
Code 128B includes all of the standard upper and lower case alphanumeric keyboard characters and
special characters.

Code 128C

Code 128C encodes only numbers containing an even number of characters. Since the numbers are
"interleaved" into pairs, with two numbers encoded into every barcode character, a very high-density
barcode is created. If the number that is to be encoded does not contain an even number of
characters, a leading zero will be added.
Code 128C includes a set of 100 numeric data character pairs from 00 through 99 inclusive, and also
includes special characters. This enables double-density numeric digits (two digits per bar coded
character) to be encoded. Data encoded in a Code 128C must contain an even number of characters. If
the data contains an odd number of characters, a zero (0) will be inserted at the beginning of the bar

Appendix 3: Language and region name list for National

Language Support
In JReport Designer, you can only view the abbreviation of national languages or regions supported by
it. If you want to view the full name, go through this appendix to search for it.

Two-letter lower-case symbols





























Bengali; Bangla
























































Hebrew (formerly iw)












Indonesian (formerly in)










































Latvian, Lettish
































(Afan) Oromo








Pashto, Pushto




























































































Yiddish (formerly ji)










































































































CONGO, Democratic Republic of

(was Zaire)


CONGO, People's Republic of








CROATIA (local name: Hrvatska)






















































































































































































































































































SLOVAKIA (Slovak Republic)







































































































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