Farm wk2 Kinder News

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The students also learned

that an s at the beginning of a word
will almost always be sounded /s/.
However, in other positions in a word,
especially at the end of words, the
letter s is sometimes pronounced /z/.

Kinder News
December 18, 2015


Devon likes Transformers, circles,

monkeys and bananas.
Jacinda likes carrots, rainbows,
Monterey Bay Aquarium and
Mia likes dolphins, Disneyland, red
apples and chicks
Quinne likes strawberry ice cream,
Disneyland, Sea World, red and green
We finished up our farm books that
we have been making in class and also
did our farm assessments. We hope
you take the time to enjoy the book
with your children.
Language Arts Skills
This week we started on Unit 6 in our
skills. We have started with blending
four-Sound Words together with
initial consonant clusters. The
children are also doing reading in big
books. You will be receiving a paper
copy of all the stories that we read in
class. We hope you will keep these
and let your children practice reading
them to you. We tell them all the
time that the more they practice
reading, the better readers they will

Listening and Learning

We have finished up our domain on
farm animals and farms. This week we
learned about the different jobs the
farmers have to do during the
different seasons of the years. We
learned about fertilization, pests,
crop dusters, etc.... We also learned
about the process of getting crops to
processing plants and then to the
This week we have been making
comparisons within 10. The children
have been using the words more than,
fewer than and the same as. They are
also relating more and less in length
and comparing sets informally using
more, less, and fewer. These are
great words to put in your
conversations with your children at
Thank You!
Thank you for the many thoughtful
contributions you have given to the
class, whether it be your time, a supply
or a gift of thanks. They are much
appreciated. Take time to enjoy how
much your child has grown, practice




holidays! See you January 4, 2016!


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