Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier: Parshas Shemos
Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier: Parshas Shemos
Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier: Parshas Shemos
20 Issue #13
Parshas Shemos
21 Teves 5776
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Vo l. 20 I s su e # 13
and a man went from the House of Levi, and he took a
daughter of Levi.
The Gemara in Sotah (12b) explains that upon
hearing Pharaohs decree to have all newborn males killed,
Amram sent away his wife. In turn, because he was the
leader of the generation, the rest of Bnei Yisrael followed
in his example. However, his daughter Miria) pointed out
to him that he was being more destructive than Pharaohs
decree. Pharaoh was killing all of the boys, yet, by choosing to separate from his wife, he was preventing both boys
and girls from being born. Therefore, the passuk states that
Amram went and took his wife back.
The Ramban, quoting the Ibn Ezra, says that Bnei
Yisrael lived in many cities throughout Mitzreim, and
Vo l. 20 I s su e # 13
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