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This document provides syllabi for an entrance test divided into three parts. Part 1 covers engineering mathematics topics common to all candidates. Part 2 covers basic engineering and science topics also common to all candidates, including mechanics, thermodynamics, physics, materials science, and more. Part 3 provides more specialized topics divided into sections for civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and other disciplines. The civil engineering section covers structures, soil mechanics, transportation, water resources, environmental engineering, and surveying. The mechanical engineering section addresses mechanics, strength of materials, and materials science and metallurgy.

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This document provides syllabi for an entrance test divided into three parts. Part 1 covers engineering mathematics topics common to all candidates. Part 2 covers basic engineering and science topics also common to all candidates, including mechanics, thermodynamics, physics, materials science, and more. Part 3 provides more specialized topics divided into sections for civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and other disciplines. The civil engineering section covers structures, soil mechanics, transportation, water resources, environmental engineering, and surveying. The mechanical engineering section addresses mechanics, strength of materials, and materials science and metallurgy.

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ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS (Common to all Candidates)
i) Determinants and Matrices: Solving system of equations Rank of the Matrix
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form.
ii) Calculus and Differential Equations: Partial derivatives Jacobians Taylors
expansion Maxima and Minima. Linear ordinary differential equations with constant
coefficients Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients.
Formation of partial differential equation (PDE) Solution of first order PDE Solution
of linear higher order PDE with constant coefficients.
iii) Vector Calculus: Double and triple integrations and their applications Gradient,
Divergence, Curl and Laplacian Greens, Gauss divergence and Strokes theorem.
iv) Functions of Complex Variables and Complex Integration : Analytic functions
Conformal Mapping Bilinear transformation Cauchys integral theorem and integral
formula Taylor and Laurent Series Singularities Residues Residue theorem and
its applications.
v) Transforms: Laplace Transform Inverse transforms Application to solution of
linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. Fourier integral theorem
Fourier transform pair Sine and Cosine transforms. -transform Inverse Z
transform Solution of difference equations using Z transform.
vi) Numerical Methods: Solution of linear system by direct and iterative methods
Interpolation and approximation Numerical Differentiation and Integration Solving
Ordinary Differential Equations.
vii) Applied Probability: Probability and Random variables Standard Discrete and
Continuous distribution Moments Moment generating function and their properties.
Two-Dimensional Random Variables Covariance Correlation and Regression.

BASIC ENGINEERING & SCIENCES (Common to all Candidates)
i) Applied Mechanics : Law of Mechanics Lames theorem Forces, Moments and
Couples Displacement, velocity and Acceleration Friction Moment of Inertia.
ii) Mechanical Engineering : Laws of thermodynamics Open and closed systems
Equation of state Heat and Work.
iii) Physics : Sound Latices Ultrasonic flaw detector X-ray radiography
Interference Fringes Plancks quantum theory Laser and Fibre Optics.
iv) Material Science : Fracture Magnetic and Dielectric materials Conductor and
Semi conductor materials Ceramic and Super conductor materials.
v) Civil Engineering : Fluid Statics and Dynamics Boundary Layer Pumps and
Turbines Environmental Pollution.
vi) Electrical Engineering : Ohms law Kirchoffs law A.C. circuits D.C. machines
Transformers Synchronous machines Instrumentation.
vii) Computers : Computer organisation Architecture Arrays Pointers User
defined function C program.
viii) Chemistry : Adsorption Chromatography Chemical kinetics Electrochemistry
Spectroscopy Fuels and Combustion.
i) Structural Engineering : Mechanics: Stress-Strain Relationships Principal stresses
and Principal strain in two dimension and three dimension. Composite Bars
Composite Beams Elastic Constants. Beams and Bending Shear Force
and Bending Moment Diagrams Flexural and Shear Stresses. Slope and
Deflection of Beams. Thin and Thick Cylinders. Torsion. Theories of Failure
Unsymmetrical Bending Curved Beams Theories of Columns. Combined
Direct and Bending Stresses.

Structural Analysis: Static and Kinematic Indeterminancy Energy Principles

Deflection of pin jointed plane frames rigid frames. Classical Method of Analysis of
indeterminate structures (Slope deflection and Moment Distribution) Matrix Method.
Arches and Suspension Bridges Influence Line for Determinate and Indeterminate
Structures. Plastic Analysis of Structures.
Building Materials: Cement - Concrete properties of ingredients- Mix Design- Quality
Control- Special Concrete Concreting Methods- Brick Brick Masonry Stone
Timber Steel.
Concrete Structures: Design Methods Limit State Design for beams, slabs, columns
and footings retaining walls Water Tanks. Prestressed Concrete Principles
Methods Losses Deflection Design.
Steel Structures: Steel Sections Connections Design of Tension and Compression
Members Beams, Column Bases Plate Girders and Trusses.
ii) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering : Soil Mechanics: Nature of soil
phase relationships Soil classification; Soil water static pressure effective stress
principle; permeability seepage; Stress distribution in soil Consolidation (Terzaghis
one dimension consolidation theory); Compaction shear strength of soil Mohr
Coulomb theory determination of shear strength by different methods; Slope stability
analysis protection measures.
Foundation Engineering: Site investigation scope and objectives drilling techniques
depth and spacing of boreholes sampling Techniques penetration tests (SPT and
SCPT) plate load test selection of foundation; Foundation types shallow
foundation bearing capacity (Terzaghis Theory and BIS formula) allowable bearing
pressure bearing capacity from field tests settlement of foundation allowable
settlement Codal provisions; Design of foundations Isolated, combined and raft
foundation; Pile foundations static and dynamic pile driving formulae (Engineering
News and Hiley method) Pile groups capacity and settlement Codal provisions
pile load test negative friction on piles; Earth pressure theories Earth pressure on
retaining walls stability analysis of retaining wall.

iii) Transportation Engineering : Highway Planning: Road Classification, Geometric

Design of Highways, Construction of Earth, WBM, Bituminous and concrete roads,
Design of flexible and rigid pavements. Drainage of roads, maintenance of roads.
Railways, Airways, Docks and Harbour Planning: Railway alignment, components of
permanent way, geometric design Airport planning, components of airport, site
selection, planning for terminal building, runways. Harbour planning, components of
harbour, inland water transport.
Traffic Engineering: Traffic characteristics, Traffic surveys, Traffic Signals, Road
markings and signs.
iv) Water Resources Engineering : Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Properties of
fluids. Fluid statics and relative equilibrium. Basic concepts of fluid flow - kinematics and
dynamics. Concept of system and control volume application to continuity, momentum
and energy equations. Dimensional analysis and model studies. Laminar and turbulent
flow through pipes. Boundary layers. Steady uniform and gradually varied flow in open
channels. Rapidly varied flows. Turbines and pumps and positive displacement pumps.
Hydrology and Ground Water: Hydrometeorology. Hydrologic cycle. Precipitation and its
measurements. Abstractions. Runoff estimation. Hydrograph analysis. Unit Hydrograph.
Hydrologic extremes floods and droughts. Rainwater harvesting. Properties of aquifer.
Groundwater development. GEC norms. Well hydraulics. Steady and unsteady flows.
Ground water quality.
Irrigation Engineering: Irrigation system. National water policy. Components of irrigation
network. Design of lined and unlined channels. Waterways, head works, gravity dams
and spillways. Design of weirs on permeable foundation. Soil water relations. Crop
water requirements. Irrigation scheduling and methods. Duty, delta and base period.
Irrigation water quality. Irrigation water management. Participatory approach.
v) Environmental Engineering : Water and Waste water Engineering: Water
requirements; water demand, quality standards; Development of water supply source,
conveyance system; basic unit processes and operations for water treatment; water
distribution; sewage characteristics; sewage treatment, primary and secondary
treatment of sewage, sludge disposal, sewage disposal.

Air Pollution and Control: Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution
meteorology, air pollution control, air quality standards and limits.
Noise Pollution and Control: Impacts of noise, permissible limits of noise pollution,
measurement of noise and control of noise pollution.
vi) Surveying: Surveying: Chain survey-traversing-plotting: compasses-bearings plane table-leveling-bench marks-temporary and permanent adjustments-reduction:
contouring and volumes-theodolites - Gales table-lay out - setting out works-curve



triangulation- base line-corrections-

trigonometric leveling - errors and sources-classification of errors-equationlevel netsastronomical survey-practical astronomy-photogrammetry-EDM-hydrographic surveyriver.
Electronic survey- infrared EDM-microwave system-modern positioning systems trilateration.
i) Mechanics : Statics of Particles, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Properties of Surfaces
and Solids, Dynamics of Particles, Friction and Elements of Rigid Body Dynamics
Basics of Mechanisms, Kinematics of Linkage Mechanisms, Kinematics of Cam
Mechanisms, Gears and Gear Trains, Friction, Force Analysis, Balancing and Vibration.
ii) Strength of Materials and Design : Stress, Strain and Deformation of Solids,
Transverse Loading on Beams and Stresses in Beams, Deflection of Beams, Energy
Principles, Thin cylinders and spherical resells Torsion - Fundamentals of Design for
Strength and Stiffness of Machine Members, Design of Shafts and Couplings, Design of
Fasteners and Welded Joints, Design of Springs and Engine Parts, Design of Engine
parts, Bearings and Flywheels, Design of Transmission Systems for Flexible Elements,
Spur Gears and Parallel Axis Helical Gears, Bevel, Worm Gears and Crossed Helical
Gears, Design of Gear Boxes, Design of Cam, Clutches and Brakes.
iii) Material Science and Metallurgy : Constitution of Alloys and Phase Diagrams,
Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non ferrous Metals, Non-Metallic Materials, Mechanical
Properties and Testing, Crystal Defects and Strengthening of Materials Conducting and

Semiconducting Materials, Magnetic and Dielectric Materials, Nuclear Physics,

Superconducting and New Engineering Materials.
iv) Thermodynamics: Basic Concepts and First Law, Second Law, Entropy and
Availability, Properties of Steam, Psychrometry,

Ideal and

Real Gases and

Thermodynamic Relations, Fuels and Combustion, - Gas Power Cycles, Stream

Turbines, Internal Combustion Engines, Internal Combustion Engines Testing and
Performance, Gas Turbines, - Steam Nozzle, Air Compressor, Refrigeration and AirConditioning, Boilers, Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery.
v) Heat Transfer: Conduction, Phase Change Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers,
Radiation, Mass Transfer- Refrigeration Cycle, Refrigerants, System Components and
Balancing, Psychrometry, Air Conditioning Systems, Unconventional Refrigeration
vi) Production Technology : Foundry Technology, Hot & Cold Working, Forging,
Advances in Forming Process, Principles and Applications of Joining Processes, Theory
of Metal Cutting, Centre Lathe and special Purpose Lathes, Reciprocating Machines,
Milling Machines and Gear Cutting, Abrasive Process, Broaching, CNC Machine Tools
and Part Programming.
vii) Automotive Engines : Engine Construction and Operation, SI Engine Fuel System,
Cooling and Lubrication System, Combustion and Combustion Chambers, Two Stroke
Engines, Diesel Engine Basic Theory, Fuel Injection System, Air Motion, Combustion
and Combustion Chambers, Supercharging and Turbocharging, Diesel Engine Testing
and Performance.
i) Electrical Circuits and Fields : KCL, KVL, Nodal & Mesh analysis, transient
response of D.C and A.C networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis; resonance in
electrical circuits; concepts of ideal voltage and current sources, network theorems,
driving point admittance and transfer functions of two port network, three phase circuits;
Fourier series and its application; Gauss theorem, electric field intensity and potential
due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distribution, dielectric, capacitance

calculations for simple configurations; Amperes and Biot-Savarts law, inductance

calculations for simple configurations.
ii) Electrical machines : Single phase transformer-equivalent circuit, phasor diagram,
tests, regulation and efficiency; three phase transformer-connections; auto transformer;
principles of energy conversion, windings of rotating machines: D.C generators and
motors-characteristics, starting and speed control, armature reaction and commutation;
three phase induction motors-performance characteristics, starting and speed control;
single-phase induction motors; synchronous generators- performance, regulation;
synchronous motors-starting characteristics, applications, synchronous condensers;
fractional horse power motors; permanent magnet and stepper motors.
iii) Power Systems : Electric power generation thermal, hydro, nuclear; transmission
line parameters; steady-state performance of overhead transmission lines and cables
and surge propagation; distribution system, insulators, bundle conductors, corona and
radio interferences effects; per-unit quantities; bus admittance and impedence matrices;
load flow; voltage control and power factor correction; economic operation; symmetrical
components, analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults; principle of over current,
differential and distance protections; concepts and solid state relays and digital
protection; circuit breakers; principles of system stability-swing curves and equal area
iv) Control systems : Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagram; steadystate errors; stability- Routh and Nyquist criteria; Bode plots; compensation; root loci;
elementary state variable formulation; state transition matrix and response for Linear
time Invariant systems.
v) Power Electronics and Drives : Semiconductor power devices-diodes, transistors,
thyristors, triacs, GTO, MOSFETs and IGBTs-static characteristic and principles of
operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge converters-fully controlled
and half controlled; principles of choppers and inverters, basic concepts of adjustable
speed dc and ac drives.

vi) Digital Electronics : Digital Logic Theory: Number systems-Combinational logic

circuits-Minimisation of Boolean functions-IC families-Arithmetic circuits, Multiplexer &
decoders-Sequential circuits-Flip flops, counters, shift registers, Schmitt trigger, timers
and multivibrators.
Microprocessor : General 8 bit microprocessor Architcture-8085, 8086 processor
Architecture, Memory, I/O interfacing, Instruction set, Addressing modes, Timing
diagram & delays, Machine


Interrupts, counters, Assembly


Microcontrollers: 8 bit microcontroller 8051 architecture, bus configuration, Instruction
sets, programming & applications.
vii) Digital Signal Processing : Analog signals-sampling & Aliasing-Discrete time
signals & systems- LTI systems- Convolution sum-Difference equation representation-Z
Transform & its Inverse-Discrete Fourier series & Fourier transform-Radix 2 FFT
Decimation in me and frequency- Inverse DFT using FFT-Analog Butterworth &
Chebyshev filter design-IIR & FIR filter design and Realisation.
viii) Computer Control of Processes, Networks : State models and state equationscontrollability & observability-pole assignment-discrete data system state space
representation-stability-data hold, Z & modified Z transform Pulse transfer functionprogrammable logic controllers.
Data networks-switching OSI, Data link control, Media access protocol-BISYNC, SDLC,








ix) Communication Engineering : Modulation and demodulation systems Types of
transmission lines losses standing waves Ground wave and space wave
propagation Digital communication concepts Data Communication codes, serial and
parallel interface Network protocol Types of satellites Advantages of optical fibre


i). Circuit Analysis: DC Circuit analysis, Thevenins and Nortons equivalent circuits,
Sinusoidal steady state analysis, Transient and resonance in RLC circuits.
Electronic Devices: Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors, FET, MOSFET, UJT,
Electronic Circuits: Small signal amplifiers using BJT and FET devices, Large signal
amplifiers, Power supplies, Feed back amplifiers, Oscillators, Pulse shaping circuits.
Digital Electronics: Logic gates, Combinational circuits, Sequential circuits.
Linear Integrated Circuits: Operational amplifiers and its applications, PLL, Voltage
regulators, A/D and D/A converters.
Measurements and Instrumentation: Transducers, Digital Instruments, Display and
Recording systems. Microprocessor and its applications: Microprocessors-8085 and
8086 architectures and interfaces, Micro-controller and applications.
ii). Electromagnetic Fields: Static Electric and Magnetic fields, Time varying Electric
and Magnetic fields, Maxwell equations. Transmission Lines and Networks:
Transmission line equations, impedance matching, Filters.
EM waves and waveguides: Guided waves, Rectangular and cylindrical waveguides.
Antennas and Propagation: Aperture antennas, arrays, Propagation of radio waves.







components, Microwave measurements.

iii). Communication Theory and Systems: AM, FM and PM, Sampling and
Quantisation, PCM, DM, ADM, Multiplexing.
Digital Communication: Base band signaling, Band pass signaling, Error control
coding, Spread spectrum techniques.
Computer Communication Networks: Definition of layers, data link protocols,
Network interconnection. Message routing technologies, End-End protocols.
Optical Communication: Optical Fibers, optical transmitters and receivers.

iv). Signals and Systems: Continuous time signals and systems-Fourier Transform,
Laplace transform, Discrete time signals and systems-DTFT, DFT, Z-Transform.
Digital Signal Processing: IIR and FIR filters, Realisation and implementation,
Quantisation effects.
Control Systems: Transfer function, Time and frequency response analysis, Stability
analysis, state variable analysis
i) Basic Mechanisms and Elements of Design : Mechanisms, Friction, Gearing and
Cams, Balancing, Vibration, Fundamentals of Design, Design of Basic Machine
Elements, Design of Mechanical drives, Design of Automotive components, Recent
ii) Casting, metal forming and metal joining processes : Casting Processes,
Welding Processes, Special Casting Processes, Testing of Castings & Weldments Fundamentals of Metal Forming, Forging and Rolling, Extrusion and Drawing
Processes, Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Recent Advances, Mechanisms, Friction,
Gearing and Cams, Balancing, Vibration, Fundamentals of Design, Design of Basic
Machine Elements, Design of Mechanical drives, Design of Automotive components,
Recent Advances.
iii) Tool Engineering, Machine tool operation, Metrology and Inspection :
Mechanics of Metal Cutting, Tool Material, Tool Wear and Tool Life, Gear Manufacture,
Concept & Programming of CNC machines, Advanced CNC programming & Tooling General Concepts of measurements, Linear and Angular measurements, Measurement
of Surface Finish Measuring Machines, Metrology of Screw Thread & Gears, Computer
Aided Inspection and Laser Metrology - Strength and rigidity of machine tool structures,
Slideways, Spindles and spindle supports, Machine Tool Dynamics.


iv) Engineering Materials, and Computer Aided Manufacturing : Introduction and

Constitution of Alloys and Phase Diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non Ferrous
Metals, Mechanical Properties and Testing, Welding and Foundry Metallurgy,
Manufacturing Processes for Plastic, Mechanical, Chemical and Electro-chemical
energy based processes, Electrical Energy based Waste Processes, Thermal Energy
Process, Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling polymer Matrix Composites, Metal
Matrix Composites, Ceramics Matrix Composites, Advances in Polymers & Composites.
v) Product and Process Design, Design of Jigs and Fixtures and Press Tools :
Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics Geometric Modelling, Product Design
Concepts, Recent Advances, Process Planning, Estimating, Costing and Elements of
Cost, Analysis of Overhead Expenses, Estimation of Costs for Forging, Casting and
Welding, Estimation of Machining Time, Purpose Types and Functions Of Jigs and
Fixtures, Jigs, Fixtures, Press working Terminologies and Elements of dies and Strip
Layout, Design and Development of Dies.
vi) Operations Research: Linear Programming, LP Extensions, Networks, Inventory
Models, Dynamic Programming, Decision Analysis, Game Theory, Waiting Line Models,
Markov Processes.







Management, Production Activity Control, Estimation and Costing, Product Cost

Estimation, Software Cost Estimation, Costing Methods, Cost Analysis for Planning and
viii) Quality Control Reliability and Maintenance : Quality Concepts, Statistical
Process Control, Process Capability Analysis, Advanced Control Charts, Acceptance
Sampling, Reliability Concepts, Failure Data Modeling, Reliability Prediction and







Maintenance Models, Maintenance Logistics, Total Production Maintenance, Fault



i) Probability, Statistics, Engineering Economy and Costing: Definitions of
probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and
standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distributions.
Introduction to Managerial Economics, Production and Cost Analysis, Pricing,
Estimation of Material and Labour Costs, Estimation of Operational Cost.









measurements; method study, micro-motion study, principles of motion economy; work

measurement time study, work sampling, standard data, PMTS; job evaluation, merit
rating, incentive schemes, Ergonomics- Factors influencing performance, Metabolism Physiological factors involved in muscular activity, Work posture Work space layout
and Work station design, Safety Management practices Effect of Environment heat,
cold and noise.
iii) Operation Research: Linear programming problem formulation, simplex method,
duality and sensitivity analysis; transportation and assignment models; network flow
models; Project management PERT and CPM, Dynamic Programming, Decision
Analysis, Game Theory, Waiting Line Models, Markov Processes, Inventory functions,
costs, classifications, deterministic inventory models, quantity discount; perpetual and
periodic inventory control systems, Introduction to simulation and applications
iv) Operations and Supply Chain Management: Layout- Classification- Layout
Design- Manual Method (SLP) and Computerized Methods (ALDEP, CORELAP and
CRAFT), Line Balancing. Product

Design and Process Planning Forecasting,

Aggregate Planning, Master Production Schedule, MRP-I, Capacity Management,

Production Activity Control, Push and pull production systems, concept of JIT
manufacturing system, Role of Logistics and Supply chain Management: Scope and
Importance- Evolution of Supply Chain - Supply Chain Drivers and Performance
measures, IT in supply Chain.


v) Quality Engineering and Management: Quality Concepts, TQM -Basic concepts

TQM Framework - Contributions of Quality Gurus - Tools and Techniques, Control
charts for variables and attributes, Statistical Process Control, Process Capability

Acceptance Sampling, Quality Systems, Reliability Concepts, Reliability

Prediction and Modeling, Reliability Management, Maintenance Concept, Maintenance

Models, Total Productive Maintenance(TPM), Fault Diagnosis, Design of ExperimentsTerminologies, Single and multi-factor experiments- Fractional factorial experiments,
Introduction to Taguchi Design of experiments
i) Applied Probability And Operations Research : Random Processes, Probability
Distributions, Queuing Models and Simulation, Testing of Hypothesis, Design of
ii) Discrete Mathematical Structures : Formal Language and Automata - Graph
iii) Compiler Design : Optimisation Code Generation Implementation Principles
of Programming Languages Programming Paradigms.
iv) Operating Systems And System Software : Process Management, Storage
Management, I/O Systems, Design and Implementation of LINUX OS, assemblers,
Loaders, Linkers, Macro Processors.
v) Distributed Systems : Communication and Distributed Environment, Distributed
Operating Systems, Distributed Shared Memory, Protocols, Fault Tolerance and
Distributed File Systems, Distributed Object Based Systems.
vi) Programming And Data Structures : Problem Solving Techniques, Trees, Hashing
and Priority Queues, Sorting, Graph, Heap Search.
vii) Algorithm Analysis And Design Techniques : Dynamic Programming, Greedy
Algorithms, Advanced Algorithms, NP Completeness and Approximation Algorithms.


viii) Microprocessors

And Microcontrollers - Computer Architecture And

Organisation : Digital Fundamentals, Combinational Circuits, Synchronous and







Design), Instruction Level Parallelism, Processing Unit and Pipelining, Memory

ix) Digital Signal Processing : FFT, Filter Design.
x) Computer Networks : Data Communication Systems, Applications.
xi) Database Management Systems : Relational Model, Database Design,
Implementation Techniques, Distributed Databases, Object Oriented Databases, Object
Relational Databases, Data Mining and Data Warehousing.
xii) Software Engineering Methodologies : Software Product and Processes Software Requirements Management - Requirement Engineering, Elicitation, Analysis,
Requirements Development and Validation, Requirements Testing - Object Oriented
Analysis And Design Modular Design, Architectural Design, User Interface Design,
Real Time Software Design, System Design, Data acquisition System - Software
Testing And Quality Assurance - SQA Fundamentals, Quality Standards, Quality
Metrics, Software Testing Principles, Defects, Test Case Design Strategies, Software
Quality and reusability, Software Project Management, Software Cost Estimation,
Function Point Models, Software Configuration Management, Software Maintenance.
xiii) Artificial Intelligence : Intelligent Agents, Search Strategies, Knowledge
Representation, Learning, Applications.
xiv) Mobile Computing : Wireless Communication Fundamentals, Telecommunication
Systems, Wireless Networks.
xv) Security In Computing : Program Security, Security in Operating Systems,
Database and Network Security, Scientific Computing, Information Coding Techniques,
Cryptography, Network Security.


i) Measurements: Units & Standards, Calibration methods, Systematic and random
errors in measurement, propagation of errors, static & dynamic characteristics of
Transducers. PMMC, MI and dynamometer type instruments. Bridges for measurement
of R, L and C. Measurement of voltage, current and power in single and three phase
circuits, time, phase and frequency measurements, digital voltmeter, digital multi-meter.
Oscilloscope, shielding and grounding.
ii) Analog Electronics: Characteristics and applications of diode, Zener diode, BJT and






Characteristics of operational amplifiers and




applications of opamps:- difference

amplifier, adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation amplifier, precision

rectifier and active filters. Oscillators, signal generators, voltage controlled oscillators
and phase locked loop.
iii)Digital Electronics : Combinational logic circuits, minimization of Boolean functions.
IC families:- TTL and CMOS. Arithmetic circuits, comparators, Schmitt trigger, multivibrators, sequential circuits, flip-flops, shift registers, timers and counters, sample-andhold circuit, multiplexer, analog-to-digital (successive approximation, integrating, flash
and sigma-delta) and digital-to-analog converters (weighted R and R-2R ladder),









conversion/settling time). Basics of number systems, 8-bit microprocessor and

microcontroller:- applications, memory and input-output interfacing, basics of data
acquisition systems.
iv) Industrial Instrumentation & Analytical Instrumentation : Transducers for
industrial instrumentation:- displacement (linear and angular), velocity, acceleration,
force, torque, vibration, shock, pressure (including low pressure), flow (differential
pressure, variable area, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, turbine and open channel flow
meters) temperature (thermocouple, bolometer, RTD (3/4 wire), thermistor, pyrometer
and semiconductor); liquid level and viscosity measurement. Smart Transmitters
(HART/Foundation Fieldbus enabled Transmitters).
Chromatography, NMR & X-ray Spectroscopy.

pH and conductivity meters,

v) Control Systems and Industrial Data Communication: Laplace, Fourier and

z-transforms, DFT and FFT, Basics of IIR and FIR filters. Feedback principles, signal
flow graphs, transient response, steady-state-errors, Bode plot, Routh and Nyquist
criteria, root loci and state-space representation of systems. Design of lead, lag and
lead-lag compensators, on-off, P, P-I, P-I-D, cascade, feed-forward, and ratio
controllers. Distributed Control System, PLC & SCADA. Basics of Industrial data
Communication and Internet of Things.


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