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the Pembroke Record

Front Cover
Sitting outside Farthings
Open Day tours
LCLC Colloquium
College flowers
Pembroke Choir at the Annual Fund Series
Professor Stephen Whitefield with
Ambassador Matlock at the Fulbright Lecture
Sports Awards prize-giving
Careers Fest
Summer Eights
San Francisco talk by Professor Hannah Smithson
Professor Stephen Tuck at the Mahfouz Forum

Walter Isaacson on The Innovators

Pembroke musical, Jekyll and Hyde
Open Day student helper
Garden Party 2015
Lunch in Hall
Rodnell Collins at The Oxford Union

Back Cover
Professor Theo van Lint at the Academic
Careers Fest
Annual Dinner
Fellows Dinner for Emeritus Professor
Ken Mayhew
The Rokos Quad
City Breakfast: Eurasia vs Europe
Gaudy 19771982
London Reception
Technos Award for Annie Smith (2011)
Pembroke at the Ashmolean
The Pembrokian 2015

JCR / MCR joint symposium

Bermuda Civil Rights Event
Washington Dinner, by Eden Hansen
Sustainable Buildings Award
Leavers Dinner
Masters Circle Silver
Professor Andy Orchard on Beowulf
Organ Recital at Annual Alumni Weekend
Gaudy preparation
Tate Director, Penelope Curtis

2014 2015



List of Fellows 2013-2014: inside front and back cover

Masters Notes

Home Bursars Report
Mike Naworynsky OBE

Welcome to College (and Farewell)


Annual Fund Report

Kendall Murphy


Ken Mayhew
A Farewell Tribute

Academic Report
Professor Mark Fricker

Academic Events at College

University Prizes and College Scholars

Sporting Achievements

College Common Rooms and Societies

Accessing Pembroke
Dr Peter Claus


Financial Report
John Church

Development Report
Andrew Seton, Juanita Hughes

Donors to Pembroke 2013-2014

Members of the Masters Circle

Members of the Ossulston Circle


Fellow and Tutor in


Academic Director

Dr Guy Kahane is now the Colleges second Fellow and

Tutor in Philosophy, having been a Research Fellow at Pembroke
for several years while completing a five-year project, funded
by the Wellcome Trust. Guy completed his BPhil and DPhil
degrees in Philosophy at St Johns College, Oxford.
Guys research is in moral philosophy and the ethical
implications of technological and scientific advances, especially
in genetics and the neurosciences. A further strand of Guys
research is concerned with investigating the neural basis
of moral decision-making e.g. by using functional neuroimaging to study how we try to solve moral dilemmas, or
using psychopharmacological interventions to examine the
neural pathways that underlie subtle forms of racial prejudice. A
final strand of Guys work is concerned with philosophical
questions on a rather grand scale: if human morality is the
product of natural selection, might this undermine ethics?
Guy is currently writing a book that tries to offer answers to
these questions.
In addition, he has been Deputy Director of the Oxford
Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics since 2006 and of the
Oxford Centre for Neuroethics since 2009. He is also an
associate editor of The Journal of Practical Ethics and was
previously an associate editor of The Journal of Medical Ethics.

Nancy Braithwaite has joined Pembroke as our new

Academic Director. Nancy spent three years at Oxford as
an undergraduate reading English Language and Literature
(Magdalen) and, later, a further five years as Director of the
Conference of Colleges Secretariat (working with all of
Oxfords Colleges across the range of their activities).
Nancys varied career has included time as a senior civil servant
working on education policy and civil service reform amongst
other things, and a stint as an executive at Accenture in
their government consulting practice. She has also studied
successfully for a BSc in Psychology and an MBA, is an
associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, and has served as a panellist for the Olivier
Theatre Awards.
Having had two very happy years working for former Master
Giles Henderson in his role as Chairman of the Conference of
Colleges, and experiencing Pembrokes hospitality and friendly
atmosphere frequently over that time, Nancy is delighted to
be joining the College and looking forward to working with
College alumni, academics, staff and students across the full
range of Pembrokes academic activities.

Members of the Tesdale Society

Deaths notified


Staff News

Edited and written by Sophie Elkan


Designed by Helen Moss


We congratulate Professor Rodney Phillips, Fellow by Special Election, on becoming Dean of the University
of New South Wales Medical School. Rodney was the Director of the Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen
Research at Oxford and Co-Director of the Oxford Martin Institute for Emerging Infections, a unit aimed
at investigating pandemic viral infections. He was also Deputy Head of the Medical Sciences Division in
charge of Finance and Estates and Capital. His research focuses on HIV/AIDS. His Oxford group was the
first to define the mechanism through which HIV evades human immunity. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Australasian College of Physicians, the Royal College of Physicians (London) and the Academy of Medical
Sciences. Rodney has received numerous awards in his very distinguished career as a leading clinician and
medical researcher in infectious diseases.
Rodney was an engaged member of the Governing Body, serving on several committees and offering sage advice on major strategic
developments. He also helped with the selection of medical students each year, where his ability to spot true academic potential and
his great sense of humour were invaluable. We will miss his wealth of experience and wisdom, but as a recently elected Honorary
Fellow, we hope that we will continue to see him in Pembroke in the future.
Professor Jeremy Taylor, Tutor in Physiological Sciences








Fellow and Professor

of Chemistry

Dame Lynne Brindley, Master of Pembroke, has been elected

to an Honorary Fellowship of the British Academy.
Dame Lynne was Chief Executive and Board member of
The British Library from 2000 to 2012, before coming to
Pembroke as Master in 2013. She has served in a broad variety
of senior research library and information technology roles in
UK universities, and on the Arts and Humanities Research
Council and the ESRC Research Resources Board.
Dame Lynne Brindley is one of only three new Honorary
Fellows announced in 2015. She commented, This is a very
great honour and I couldnt be more pleased. The British
Academy plays a crucial role in support of the humanities and
social sciences and election to an Honorary Fellowship of such a
distinguished community is a rare privilege.

Professor Ben Davis has been elected to a Fellowship of the

Royal Society, in recognition of his outstanding work in worldleading science.
Professor Davis leads a research group in Oxford which
investigates the chemistry of carbohydrates and proteins and his
work has significant implications for the development of new
drugs to treat disease. He took up a Fellowship at Pembroke
College in 2001 and was promoted to Professor by the
University in 2005.
In addition to his research, Professor Davis sits on the
Editorial / Advisory Boards of Chemical Biology and Drug Design,
The Biochemical Journal and ChemBioChem. He is the Editorin-Chief of Current Opinion in Chemical Biology and a Senior
Editor for ACS Central Science.



Fellow and Professor

of Anglo Saxon

Fellow and Professor

of Anaesthetic Science

Professor Andy Orchard, Oxford Universitys Rawlinson

and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, was elected to a
Fellowship of the British Academy in 2015.

Pembroke Fellow Professor Irene Tracey has been elected to a

Fellowship of The Academy of Medical Sciences in recognition
of her excellence in medical science.

Professor Orchard is a specialist in Old English and Norse

language and literature. From 2007 to 2013 he was Provost
of Trinity College, University of Toronto, where he had been
a Fellow since 2003. During the 1990s he was a Fellow of
Emmanuel College, Cambridge and a lecturer in AngloSaxon, Norse and Celtic. Professor Orchard was elected to a
Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada in 2012 and is one
of 42 academics elected to the British Academy this year.

Professor Tracey is Oxford Universitys Nuffield Professor

of Anaesthetic Science and Head of the Oxford Centre for
Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB). Her research focuses
on improving our understanding of pain perception, analgesia
and altered states of consciousness through the use of advanced
neuroimaging techniques. The Academy of Medical Sciences,
founded in 1998, is the independent body in the UK that
represents the diverse spectrum of medical science.

BRIAN AHEARN, Fellow in Economics

Each year The British Academy makes a small number of awards to scholars in the social sciences and humanities
whose work has been of special note. Dr AHearn has been awarded the Serena Medal for his contributions to
understanding Italian economic development, especially in its regional aspects. Among his current projects are
studies of cognitive ability measured by the accuracy of self-reported ages, the politics of local primary school
provision, and a comparison of poverty in Italy and in Edwardian Britain, as estimated from household budgets.


For the latest on our Fellows achievements, visit

Emeritus Fellow in Economics,

Professor Ken Mayhew, retired from
Pembroke College at the end of
the academic year 20132014. His
outstanding contribution to the College
was formally recognised at a dinner
with Fellows, and a further event
attended by some former students. At
the Fellows Retirement Dinner on
23rd January 2015 speeches were given
by the Master, Dame Lynne Brindley;
Professor Stephen Whitefield, Fellow in Politics, and Professor
Ewart Keep, Director of The Centre on Skills, Knowledge and
Organisational Performance (SKOPE) based at the Universitys
Department of Education, of which Professor Mayhew was a
Founding Director.
The Master spoke with warmth of Kens time at Pembroke:
his dedicated involvement in College affairs, the numerous
College committees on which he served, positions held (Dean
of Graduates 19791983, Tutor for Admissions 19921996,
Vicegerent 20002003 and Acting Master for four months in
2001) and his notable engagement with colleagues across the
spectrum of Fellows, staff and students, as well as five Masters
herself, Sir Geoffrey Arthur, Sir Roger Bannister, Professor
Robert Stevens and Giles Henderson CBE.
The role Ken played in tackling the financial pressures facing
College in the 1990s was discussed; his active interest in the
financial health of the College, which sustained once Pembroke
was back on a robust footing. Further, Ken was instrumental
in establishing the Development Office in 1985, recognising
the vital role philanthropic giving had to play in the Colleges
financial security.
Further tribute was paid to Kens role in creating the Visiting
Student Programme; his input led to the model becoming
endorsed as best practice across the Collegiate University.

Treasury (before drily noting, Plainly some of them didnt listen

very hard for much of the time.).
He went on to discuss Kens editorial work: establishing the
Oxford Review of Economic Policy and his work with various
University-led committees. He drew particular attention to Kens
work with the Moser Committee on the Future of Management
Studies in Oxford and his position as Committee Chair at the
Oxford School of Management, both which contributed to the
formation of the Sad Business School. Testament was paid to
Kens leadership at SKOPE but also his work outside academia
as Economics Director of the National Economic Development
Office and as consultant to the Director of Economics at the CBI.
Professor Whitefield, who worked closely with Ken for over
twenty years, started by declaring, I believe you will agree that
Ken has been the most influential and important Fellow by dint of
his brains, ability to make strong arguments, his willingness to stand
for things he believes in even if they are sometimes unpopular and
of course his sense of humour. He went on to point out that Ken
always thought that the life of an academic not just the job was
about balancing various public commitments: research certainly,
but connected to real and important problems; teaching especially
at the undergraduate level and in which economics was an education
not just in mathematics and models but in the moral and political
choices that economics should engage; and in service, to the academic
community and beyond as a public intellectual.
Warm testimony was paid to Kens exceptional dedication as
a Tutor and the very high esteem in which he was held by his
former students. Various recollections were shared, and many
spoke of Kens dry humour and unorthodox approach, arguably
best summed by the following:
Ken was undoubtedly the best teacher I have ever had, embodying
in his twilight, cigarette-perfumed irreverent seminars the ideal
of the Oxford academic. That was chiefly what I went up to
Oxford hoping to experience, and in Kens sessions, I got exactly
what I came for.

Dame Lynne concluded her speech by focusing on what was

arguably Kens greatest contribution: as a Tutorial Fellow.
Generations of Pembrokians have benefited from his consummate
teaching skills, ineffable supply of irreverent anecdotes and acerbically
witty reflections, humanising economics in most memorable ways.
Professor Ewart Keep spoke primarily of Kens contributions
outside Colleges jurisdiction. For the last 15 years we have run an
ESRC-funded research centre together If I was asked to identify
one thing that has kept us together, it is mutual pessimism. Professor
Keep listed Kens many publications (books, monographs,
reports, chapters, articles etc.) before going on to talk about the
different facets of Kens work. Amongst Kens former students,
Professor Keep made reference to Ed Balls, David Miliband,
Maria Eagle and current permanent secretaries at BIS and HM



Before I finally float away back to the
Lab on convolving clouds of gently
undulating ideas, reluctantly forsaking
the excitement of the Academic
Directorship, the gossamer tethers of
incipient reality have snagged on an
uncomfortable truth. We are bottom
of the Norrington. Again.
That is not to take away from some
applause-worthy achievements on
an individual level this year. Once
again, a Pembroke student was awarded a James Mew Prize, with
Patrick Kenny winning in the Junior Category for Outstanding
Performance in Arabic Language papers. Hugo Kent-Egan
was awarded the GlaxoSmithKline Prize in Practical Organic
Chemistry; Nathalie Kantaris Diaz was awarded the Mrs Claude
Beddington Prize for Outstanding Performance in Italian
Preliminary Examinations and Huai Jun Ku, Alice Mingay and
Helena Sutcliffe were awarded prestigious Gibbs Prizes. Also
worthy of mention is Elisabetta Ronchi for her performance in
the Chemistry Second Year Examinations. As a Fellowship, we
welcomed Professor Guy Kahane as our new Tutor and Fellow
in Philosophy, and also my successor as Academic Director,
Nancy Braithwaite.
Nonetheless, at the recent strategic away-day, the collective
intellectual lens focused, Occams razor sliced and diced data,
numbers were crunched, scrunched and ground into submission,
all in search of a rational explanation, and a much more important
solution. However, the fragments of causality are strewn far across

the academic landscape, and will need considerable forensic

archaeology to reconstruct a consistent narrative.

not capture the urgency of our increased determination and

motivation to raise the ambition and profile of the College.

So we could ritually sacrifice a scapegoat to exorcise the malaise

afflicting the College the usual suspects are certainly well
represented in the rogues gallery this year but the mood of the
Fellowship was far more resolute we go back to core values based
on a personal tutorial model fired by scholarship. The culture of
the College has to shift to innovation, inspiration and success.

The College Statutes state: The College is an historic foundation

dedicated to serve the common good through the provision of
education and the promotion of scholarship and research.

We can achieve this. The College has been demonstrably

successful over the last decade in every domain except
undergraduate performance. We have pioneered a sophisticated
deep access scheme that is on the verge of being adopted by the
University as a model of good practice. The US Visiting Student
Scheme is the gold-standard across all Colleges for delivering an
integrated academically driven programme. The new graduate
scholarship programme has bounded forward like an enthusiastic
puppy straining at the leash, attracting a wealth of talented
and highly international graduates. We now have a wonderful
complex of fully-functional facilities extensively committed to
teaching and research, already hosting a swathe of high-profile
conferences and lectures. We have successfully competed for
external research grants and philanthropic donations to support
both individual stellar early career researchers and internationally
recognised research centres. All this is underpinned by tight
financial management and governance and visible through the
new vibrant, informative and relevant website.
The next decade culminates in the 400th anniversary of the
College. The Statutes summarise our purpose well, but do

So thirty years on from when I first arrived, what do I feel about

this enduring collection of Cotswold stone, gently warmed
by a glorious October sun in Chapel Quad, imbued with the
excitement of Freshers week?

I may be biased, but Pembroke is awesome.

We have talented students, but we need to excite more intellectual

fire. That is the challenge set before each Subject Tutor to deliver.


It was an historic moment for Pembroke this year when Professor Mark Fricker stepped down from his role as
Academic Director (a post he held for six years) to re-focus on his research career in Plant Sciences. We are delighted, however,
that Mark will continue to be an important part of the Pembroke Community as a Fellow by Special Election.
In September, the College held a party for Mark, who characteristically wanted it to be an informal, inclusive affair, for all of
the Pembroke Community. It gave us the opportunity to celebrate his extraordinary contribution to the College as Academic
Director, and of course to evoke fond memories and photos from the some thirty-four years that he has been associated with
Along with Professor Mugglestone, Mark is now our longest serving Fellow, coming to Pembroke in 1989 having
completed his PhD at Stirling University. His association with Pembroke goes back much further, to his matriculation as an
undergraduate in 1981.
It has been my great fortune to have worked with Mark over my first two years as Master. I know that I share with Giles
Henderson a great admiration for him in his role as Academic Director and as an extraordinary colleague. His strategic
capabilities, and his ability to handle complexity and come up with creative solutions, are second to none. The Colleges
Academic Strategy development owes an enormous amount to Mark. He has held up the torch for excellence in research and
the importance of Colleges for nurturing interdisciplinarity, and this will be one of his principal legacies.
Dame Lynne Brindley, Master

Mark Fricker read Botany at Pembroke as an undergraduate 198184. He completed his PhD at Stirling
in 1987 on stomatal physiology with Colin Willmer, before taking a post-doc in Edinburgh with Tony
Trewavas on signal transduction. He returned to Pembroke as a Fellow in Biology in 1989. He has served
as Senior Tutor, Dean, Vicegerent and most recently Academic Director. He would like to thank his Tutor,
Vernon Butt, as the person who made a difference.




From 7th 9th August 2015, scholars and enthusiasts of the work of Samuel
Johnson came to Pembroke to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the publication
of his edition of Shakespeares works. Johnsons book is thought to have been
an integral factor in establishing Shakespeares unique position in Britains
literature canon.
In addition to lectures and talks appraising Johnsons success as a
critic and textual editor with speakers including Jenny Davidson,
Joseph Roach, Professor Henry Woudhuysen (1973, Rector of Lincoln
College) and Pembrokes own Professor of English Lynda Mugglestone
delegates also enjoyed a concert of Shakespearean music, and an informal,
light-hearted reading of Johnsons play Irene. Attendees were invited
to explore the treasures of Pembrokes Johnson collection. The special
exhibition also featured volumes of Warburtons Shakespeare which had belonged to Johnson and bear his original marginalia
on loan by kind permission of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
This historic anniversary was further marked in Oxford by a display in the Proscholium (the entrance to the Old
Bodleian Library), co-curated by Professor Mugglestone, with Jim McLaverty, (Emeritus Professor, Keele). Professor Mugglestone
commented, The display looks at two inaugural moments in the history of Shakespeare: Johnsons effort to create a more
accurate version of the text than had ever been published before, and his friend David Garricks Shakespeare Jubilee, which
established Shakespeare as a cultural celebrity.
The conference also provided the perfect opportunity to celebrate the publication of Lynda Mugglestones new book:
Samuel Johnson and the Journey into Words (Oxford University Press), which looks at the range of Johnsons writings on, and the
complexity of his thinking about, language and lexicography. She examines Johnsons attitudes to language change, loan words,
spelling, history, and authority and describes not only the evolution of Johnsons ideas about the nature, purpose, and methods of
lexicography, but how these reflect his own and others thinking about politics, culture, and society.


Professor Andy Orchard, Oxford
Universitys Rawlinson and
Bosworth Professor of AngloSaxon, and Fellow of Pembroke,
spoke on Tolkien and Beowulf:
A Match Made in Pembroke
in March 2015. This public
from the original Old English
version of the text, and graduate students read passages from
Tolkiens translation.
Also in March, Professor Orchard took part in a discussion of
Beowulf and its origins, themes and language on BBC Radio
4s In Our Time.
Professor Orchard gave his Inaugural Lecture on The Craft
and Cunning of Anglo-Saxon Verse in February of this year, at
Oxfords St Cross Building.

Professor Geoffrey Raisman (1957) came to speak in College in
November 2014 on his groundbreaking work at the Spinal Repair
Unit at UCL.
Professor Raismans unit works in partnership with Dr
Pawel Tabakow and team at the Department of Neurosurgery at
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland. Recent patient trials
combining UCLs research with Dr Tabakows treatment,
received widespread media coverage following successful reports
of a degree of recovery of movement and feeling in patients which
surpassed that previously monitored.
Professor Raisman was enthusiastically received and the Lecture
was followed by an informal drinks reception.


Student society, PIVT, held a launch event, Space: A New Entrepreneurial Frontier?, in February
2015 in The Pichette Auditorium.
Akeel Malik (2013) opened with a talk on the importance of pursuing childhood dreams,
drawing parallels between the unexplored depths of space and the potential for human
exploration across a range of areas. Chad Anderson, Managing Director of the Space Angels
Network, discussed latest trends, followed by Sam Adlen, of Oxfords Satellite Applications
Catapult, who spoke about the range of opportunities offered for students of all backgrounds.
This was strongly supported by Alan Brunstrom from the European Space Agency, who outlined
how much support is available from the UK government. Dr Jill Stuart, LSE, brought a policy
perspective to the debate, and suggested that many of these developments are not recent but have
been available for some time.
The concluding Q&A session provided an opportunity to ask the speakers about the reality
of working in the industry, before moving on to wider philosophical issues.


The Fifth Annual Oxford
Fulbright Distinguished
Lecture in International
Relations was hosted by
the Vice-Chancellor of
the University of Oxford,
in association with the
Department of Politics
and International Relations, Pembroke College, the US-UK
Fulbright Commission, and the Lois Roth Endowment.
This years lecture was given by Ambassador Jack Matlock,
on Managing the Crises in Ukraine and Elsewhere: Lessons for
Leadership. Ambassador Matlock was the leading Soviet
specialist on Americas National Security Council under
Ronald Reagan and in 1987 he was Ronald Reagans choice
as American Ambassador to Moscow, serving also President
George HW Bush, during the exceptionally important period
for the improvement of US-Soviet relations of 1987 to 1991.
Reflecting on decades of experience, Matlock provided a
cogent and thought-provoking analysis of how Western
relations with Russia have soured since the 1990s and how
these might now be improved. Ambassador Matlocks
lecture may be seen in full at:


The Pembroke History
Society hosted this lecture,
given by Emeritus Fellow,
Professor Paul Hyams in
June 2015.
Professor Hyams described
his talk as, a lecture for intelligent men and women who may
wonder whether Magna Carta really merits all the hype of the
past year. Over the centuries a temporary peace treaty in a civil
war became a myth for an intangible British constitution
that may not exist and certainly is not available for reading. Its
importance for Western liberties is more celebrated in the US
than in England, not to mention the other three parts of the
United Kingdom.
As a returned ex-pat who has spent half his career teaching in
the United States [Professor of Medieval History, Cornell],
I shall take my text from Oxford alumnus David Camerons
article on Magna Carta and British Values published in The Daily
Mail a year ago... I shall examine both documents and tell you
what I celebrate about the event, the occasion and the values and
liberties they proclaim and why I enjoy studying such things.

Professor Stephen Whitefield, Fellow in Politics



The first week of December 2014 saw events commemorating the 50th anniversary of Malcolm X
coming to speak at the Oxford Union, and the publication of a new book by Professor of Modern
History and Fellow in History, Stephen Tuck. The Night Malcolm X Spoke at the Oxford Union,
A Transatlantic Story of Antiracist Protest (University of California Press) seeks to bring to life the
dramatic events surrounding the visit, and reveal the human story behind the debate.
On Monday, Professor Stephen Tucks book launch event was a huge success with a rousing
talk by Tuck himself, followed by stimulating responses from a panel including Selina Todd
(Oxford historian and author of The People), Hope Levy-Shepherd (co-chair of CRAE, the
Oxford University student Campaign for Race Awareness and Equality), and Malcolm Xs nephew, Rodnell Collins, pictured above
with Professor Tuck.
On Wednesday, the focus shifted to the Oxford Union, for a re-playing of Malcolms historic speech 50 years previously. This was
followed by responses from Angela Davis, Ben Okri, Christie Davis (who was part of the original Union debate in 1964), and Graeme
Abernethy. Hearing and watching the video of Malcolm speaking 50 years ago to the day evoked a mood amongst the audience that
was sombre, reflective, and deeply sensitive to the contemporary relevance of Malcolms scathing indictment of racism in the United
States, particularly in light of the recent protests in solidarity with the Black protest movement in Ferguson, Missouri.
That evening, the Union sponsored a debate on the original proposition that Malcolm X spoke in favour of: Extremism in defence of
liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. The highlight of the debate came in the form of the black prophetic
fire of Cornell West, who delivered a rousing, sermon-like presentation for the proposition.
extracted from an original article by Brian Kwoba (DPhil student in History) for Voices Across Borders, the blog of the
Oxford Race and Resistance Research network


Separately in December, Professor Stephen Tuck convened a Pembroke College Mahfouz
Forum event on the subject of Race Relations in Oxford.
This two day event started with an afternoon session on Malcolm X in His Final Year, and
In Memory, which explored debate around Malcolm Xs legacy. The next day began with a
panel about international dimensions of racial struggle, entitled Civil Rights Circulations and,
alongside other presentations, Pembrokes new Career Development Fellow, Dr Imaobong
Umoren spoke on her doctoral research: Race Women Across Borders.
The afternoon session, Race Relations in Oxford: 1964 to 2014, featured testimony by Hope Abrahams, sister of the first black president
of the Oxford Union, Eric Abrahams, who invited Malcolm X to speak in 1964. Other speakers were Clive Sneddon (author of a report
on the colour bar in student housing in 1964), Michael Joseph (organizer of the 100 Voices campaign), and Anne Meeker (the current
co-chair of the Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality). The session was chaired by Shakina Chinedu, Equality and Diversity
Advisor, University of Oxford.
The day was closed by an informal story-telling session by Donald Hinds, author of Journey to an Illusion, about what life was like for
Jamaican immigrants to Britain in the 1950s.
extracted from an original article by Brian Kwoba (DPhil student in History) for Voices Across Borders, the blog of the
Oxford Race and Resistance Research network


In November 2014, the College was honoured to welcome Neil MacGregor, Director of The British
Museum for a lecture on the subject of his BBC Radio 4 series and feature exhibition at the Museum
Germany: Memories of a Nation timed to coincide with the centennial commemorations of the First
World War.
This was the moment to look at different parts of German history, said MacGregor, explaining why
this exhibition and radio series had come about at this time.
The lecture focused on how Germany uses its past, exploring the lack of shared national memory
before the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Germanys willingness to live with shameful parts of its
history. Through the comparison of coinage, bank notes and even Hitler paper dolls, the Lecture sought to further the British perception of
Germany that is so critical at the centenary of World War One.
Pembrokes Master Dame Lynne Brindley explained how Pembroke had been offered such an exciting opportunity: Neil is the Director
of the British Museum and before I came to Pembroke I held the equivalent position at the British Library we were great sister cultural
institutions, with a shared history He offered to come and I was very happy to accept.
extracted from an event report by Marianna Spring (2014, French and Russian) for publication in the student newspaper


On 8th May, Pembroke College and the Oxford University Race and Resistance network
hosted a seminar which focused on the Bermuda Civil Rights movement.
Professor Stephen Tuck chaired a discussion with Reverend Kingsley Tweed, a
Bermudian octogenarian who was one of the leaders of the civil rights movement. The
Mary Eccles Room was filled with students, academics and Bermudians, including the
former Premier of Bermuda, Dame Pamela Gordon-Banks, who praised the College for
providing a platform to discuss important issues, noting that Bermuda is finally coming
to terms with acknowledging a shameful racist past that has negatively impacted so many
peoples lives, for so many years. We must honestly and constructively address the systemic associated ills with meaningful
corrective action. The event included a screening of the documentary When Voices Rise by Guyanese filmmaker Errol Williams,
which documents actions taken by Bermudian men and women during the 1959 Theatre Boycott, that ultimately led to the
desegregation of Bermuda.
extracted from article by Alexa Virdi (2013), DPhil Candidate in Law


The Pembroke Film Masterclass series brings together students, academics, film critics
and film aficionados to celebrate the art of cinema. Run by the MCR committee, the
Masterclasses offer opportunities to engage and network with established film makers. This
year Pembroke was delighted to welcome award-winning documentary filmmaker Nick
Broomfield to College, to discuss the making of his most recent film, Tales of the Grim
Sleeper (2014), a documentary about serial killings in south central LA, over a period of 25
years. A screening was followed by a lively and well-attended Q&A session.
The Masterclasses are sponsored by the Pembroke Annual Fund.



Novelist and journalist, Lev Grossman came to Pembroke in May to
give the third in this annual series of lectures, designed to promote
fantasy and science-fiction as worthy of serious academic respect and
study, organised by MCR students, Will Badger (2011) and Gabriel
Schenk (2010).


As a novelist, Grossman is best known for writing the critically

acclaimed Magicians Trilogy. The series has topped The New
York Times best-selling lists and there are plans to make it into a
television series. As a journalist, Lev has written for The New York Times,
Entertainment Weekly, The Wall Street Journal, and many others. He
has been the Book Critic for TIME since 2002.


Grossmans talk, Fear and Loathing in Aslands Land explored the nature of fantasy writing: how the context has changed
culturally and technologically, how this has, in turn, changed the nature of fantasy, and the challenges that this can present to
contemporary writers.
This Lecture series is sponsored by the Pembroke Annual Fund. For more information, please visit


Walter Isaacson, President
and CEO of the Aspen
Institute, a nonpartisan
educational and policy
studies institute based
in Washington, DC and
Honorary Fellow of the
College, came to College
in March to give a special
lecture based on his latest
book, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses,
and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution (October 2014), a
biographical tale of the people who invented the computer,
Internet and the other great innovations of our time.
Isaacson has written highly acclaimed biographies of
Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin and Henry
Kissinger and is a widely respected journalist and past editor
at TIME magazine.


The theme of this seminar, held in March and convened by
Professor Stephen Whitefield, Fellow in Politics, Dr Elisabeth
Kendall, Senior Research Fellow in Arabic, and Dr Mazen
Hassan (Cairo University), explored the relationship between
religion and politics, and how both are coming to the fore in
new ways as Egyptian political parties embark upon democratic
competition for votes.
Prior to the Arab Spring, there was a long held view that
democracy cannot really flourish in a predominantly Muslim
society. The first three years of post-Arab Spring Egypt
provided an excellent opportunity to unearth many of the
arguments and counter-arguments surrounding this and other
views. The seminar group also questioned the ways in which
religion and religiosity impact on how citizens make
choices about parties, and discussed how parties engage with
representative institutions and with the law.
The seminar was organised into four panels to explore these issues
and was designed to bring together a broad range of thinkers and
perspectives to engage in evidence-based and reasoned dialogue.
The keynote address was delivered by His Grace Bishop Angaelos,
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK.

College events open to alumni and friends are listed online at

Gibbs Prize for Oriental Studies (Chinese): Alice Mingay

Gibbs Prize for English Language and Literature (Best Performance in a three-hour timed Examination): Helena Sutcliffe
GlaxoSmithKline Prize in Practical Organic Chemistry: Hugo Kent-Egan

James Mew Junior Prize for Outstanding Performance in the Arabic Language papers: Patrick Kenny
Gibbs Prize (Prelims) for Best Overall Performance in Economics and Management: Huai Jun Ku
Mrs Claude Beddington Prize for Outstanding Performance in Italian Preliminary Examinations: Nathalie Kantaris Diaz
The SABMiller PLC (joint fourth) Prize for Best Performance in Chemistry Second Year Examinations: Elisabetta Ronchi


Fatima Ait Brahim, Engineering Science
Lucas Alasio, DPhil, Industrially Focused
Mathematical Modelling
Samuel Albanie, DPhil, Autonomous
Intelligent Machines and Systems
Thomas (Reid) Alderson, DPhil, Biomedical
Emily Allison, Modern Languages
Matthew Bird, DPhil, Philosophy
Anthony Boyle, Mathematics and Philosophy
Katy Burgess, Modern Languages
Hayley Brien, Biochemistry
Louie Brockbank, History and Politics
Harriet Bull, Mathematics
Luona Cai, Engineering Science
Anique Catlin-Joubert, Oriental Studies
Elizabeth Cantrell, English
Filippo Cervelli, DPhil, Oriental Studies
Leo Collins, Oriental Studies (Japanese)
Sophie Dowle, Oriental Studies (Arabic
and Islamic Studies)
Matthew Everett, Law (LSE)
Sam Fabian, Biological Sciences
Alasdair Falcon, Oriental Studies (Chinese)
Victoria Firth, Biological Sciences
Joe Fowles, Economics and Management (E&M)
Lydia France, DPhil, Interdisciplinary
Constantin Giurgiu, Chemistry
Samantha Halim, E&M
James Hamel, Modern Languages
Harry Hamer, History and Economics
Natalie Harney, English
Katharina Herold, DPhil, English
Samuel Hill-Smith, Engineering

Alexandre Honey, Oriental Studies

Laurence Hutton-Smith, DPhil, Systems
Approaches to Biomedical Sciences
Gregory Hynes, DPhil, History
William Ip, Physics
Ellie Ives, E&M
Katerina Johnson, DPhil, Interdisciplinary
Maximilian Jost, Oriental Studies
Meltem Kamalvand, History
Hugo Kent-Egan, Chemistry
Nanthini Kumararajan, E&M
Yancheng Li, Mathematics and
Orlando Lazar-Gillard, DPhil, Politics
Emily Lindsay, Oriental Studies
Xueying Liu, E&M
Richard Lloyd, Oriental Studies (Chinese)
Olga Majewska, Modern Languages
Matthew Martin, DPhil, Theology
Felix Mattern, History and Economics
Victoria McGowan, Law (LSE)
Dominic McLoughlin, Physics
Jessica Mitchell, DPhil,
Interdisciplinary Bioscience
Thomas (Harry) Moore, Oriental Studies
Peter Musson, Music
Stuart OReilly, History
Andres Ojeda Laguna, DPhil, Zoology
Chesney Ovsiowitz, English and
Modern Languages
William Pearce, Engineering

Zeyu Peng, Mathematics

Jonas Pollex, DPhil, History
Samuel Putra, Engineering Science
Alex (Luke) Richards, Engineering Science
James Richardson, E&M
Edward Rolls, DPhil, Systems Biology
Elisabetta Ronchi, Chemistry
Zhen Shao, Mathematics
Anna Simpson, History
Miko Sipin, Chemistry
Sam Sussman, MPhil, International
Wai (Dorothy) Tang, Music
Nicola Teh, Biochemistry
James Terry, DPhil, Environmental
Eleanor Thurtle, Chemistry
Karen Tsang, Law
Alexandros Tsaptsinos, Mathematics
Susanne Vogel, DPhil, Environmental
Cian Wade, Medical Sciences
Chris Weale, Modern Languages
Rory Weaver, Oriental Studies
Mr Tim Wheeler, E&M
Gemma White, Modern Languages
Cameron Whitehead, Mathematics
Katherine Wood, Biochemistry
Alice Yevko, History
Florence Young, Biochemistry
Claudia Zwar, History and English



M3 held fast in fixed divisions while a

blades-winning W2 stormed into Division
3. M2 finished ahead of twenty M1 crews,
and W1 moved up to fifth on the river
from seventh, their highest position in a
decade. M1s dominant performance of four
row-overs ensured their retention of the
Torpids Headship, which we celebrated
with the traditional boat-burning.

Watching Pembrokes sporting year

unfold was a bit like following Tim
Henman during his Wimbledon glory
days so much hope and expectation at
the outset, but ultimate disappointment
by the end. This is not to say it wasnt a
successful season on many fronts from
Pembrokes sportsmen and women,
but the Colleges teams did manage to
develop an uncanny knack of finishing
runners up in Cuppers competitions
that is perhaps unprecedented in recent

Tour grants, which help to financially

support Pembroke students representing
their University during domestic and
international tours. The College also said
goodbye to sporting legends including
Lizzie Totten, Richard Lloyd and Melissa
Haddleton, but the future looks bright in
Without doubt the most successful sport the hands of the likes of womens boat race
this year was football, with both mens cox Jen Ehr, and the cricketing Goliath
and womens teams dominating their that is Jamie Gnodde.
respective leagues and being crowned
champions with time to spare. The mens Finally, it is a pleasure to announce that
team, often inspired by top scorer Alex Sportsperson of the Year was awarded to
Tsaptsinos, reached the Cuppers final Millie ODriscoll, for her outstanding
before being cruelly beaten by Balliol, contribution to the Boat Club, both this
with the womens side unfortunately year and in many previous.
also falling at the final hurdle in their
Joe Fowles, Sports Rep 2014-2015
Cuppers competition. Special mentions
should go to womens scoring sensation
Jacqueline Gallo, and mens record
appearance holder Michael Joseph.
This has been a truly successful season
Pembroke also added a second place for PCBC, and the squad has shown
finish in Sailing, with a Richard Baugh- impressive strength and depth at every level.
inspired Rugby team falling just short We introduced four novice crews to the
in the Cuppers plate competition, and Isis at the Christchurch Regatta, while our
the netball team amazingly avoided top mens crew has pursued competition
relegation thanks to a late surge from both on and off the Isis, winning the Isis
Kenny Dada and co.
Winter League here and the Fairbairn Cup
in Cambridge.
However, perhaps the most satisfying
aspect of Pembrokes sporting season After last years biblical flooding,
was the array of talent amongst an Torpids 2015 was intensely competitive.
energetic bunch of Freshers, who will
undoubtedly secure success in years to
come. The enthusiasm of the Colleges
newest intake was best shown by the
sheer array of competitions entered
by Pembroke teams this year, which
included not only the usual suspects
such as hockey, tennis and darts, but
also ultimate frisbee, trampolining
and cheerleading to boot. Indeed,
Pembrokes unwavering ability to have
a go at anything was best embodied by
the enigmatic duo of Laurence Wroe
and Nathan Wragg, who demonstrated
an unparalleled ability to compete in
just about any sport that exists.


Off the field, this year saw the

awarding of the inaugural JCR Sports

As for Summer Eights, our M4 and W3

crews both had strong but unrewarded
performances in the rowing on divisions,
and an impressive M3 narrowly missed
out on blades. Our extremely polished
W2 stood out at the top of Division 4, and
M2 climbed three places to their highest
ever position in Eights. M1 gained extra
horsepower from two returning Blues,
lightweight Andy Saul and openweight
reserve David Grant, but were bumped by a
Blues-stacked Christ Church on day one to
spend the next three days rowing over ahead
of Magdalen.
W1 was boosted by lightweight
Megan Hamer, and three openweight
athletes fresh from victories at the first ever
Womens Boat Races to be contested on
6.8km Tideway course: President Anastasia
Chitty, reserve Millie ODriscoll, and cox
Jen Ehr. In our newly-named Filippi racing
shell, The Starling, we enjoyed two emphatic
bumps, but spent the next two days chasing
Wadham to finish second on the river.



This year has seen the JCR make definitive progress on several
long-term issues. Sexual consent workshops were compulsory
for all new Freshers for the first time this year. These were well
received by incoming students, and look to be a permanent
element of the Freshers Week induction. The JCR has also
worked in collaboration with College to address some of the
financial issues facing students, with Oxford now the UKs most
unaffordable city. This saw a real-terms cut in student rents this
year, alongside a commitment to long term planning to ensure
Pembroke remains financially accessible.

Our sleepy little sanctuary tucked away in the corner of Old

Quad has had another charming year. As ever, weekly Tea &
Cakes, Port and Cheese, bar nights, exchange dinners at other
Colleges, our termly banquet and our annual trip to Cambridge
provide the rhythm to which our vibrant community is happily
ticking along.

The JCR has worked more proactively to provide the best possible
integration of students into the College environment. Socially, the
key theme has been balance. Weve diversified the range of social
events the JCR provides to ensure everyone has the best possible
opportunity to take a break. This year, the JCR has provided events
ranging from ice-skating, to annual bops and welfare teas. Freshers
Week demonstrated there was something for all new students.
Academically, the JCR has worked to improve peer to peer
support, providing student advice in navigating what is always a
challenging first few months. We have sought to improve student
feedback, with some really excellent results and generally work
more closely with the academic staff, ensuring student voices are a
key part of the Colleges academic development. Nowhere is this
better reflected than in the close collaboration between students and
the College on Access and Admissions work, with a new student
Access Ambassadors scheme being introduced this year.
Benjamin Nabarro, JCR President 2014-2015

For the first time, the MCR was involved in the Committee
organising the College Ball; the success for which we admit no
coincidence. This year we have also expanded and developed the
MCR football team, the Smurfs. With new kit, a new captain,
and weekly training, the Smurfs have achieved back-to-back
promotions and remained unbeaten. In true MCR fashion,
a large part of this success was down to scrupulous talent
spotting from our Captain, Malte Kaller. To celebrate their
success, and the success of the womens team who reached the
cuppers final, the MCR hosted an inaugural football banquet.
Unfamiliar with sporting success, we have temporarily placed
our cup on the whisky shelf, which we hope illustrates the
esteem our community holds it in.
This year also saw the second MCR Summer Trip. Wishing to
explore the history of our College and building on last years
trip to Pembrokeshire, we visited the marvellous Wilton House
in Wiltshire, home to the Earls of Pembroke, and therefore our
storys very own William Herbert. I pass on to my successor
Gregory Hynes, full of confidence that the rich traditions and
rituals of our Common Room will be preserved.
Andris Rudzitis, MCR President, 2014-2015

This years Eights campaign gave many of

our crews a taste of both the sweetness and
the sting of bumps racing, and has left the
squad with great appetite for the challenges
of the 2015-16 season.
Millie ODriscoll, Boat Club President


2014-15 saw a Pembroke mooting team (Victoria McGowan 2013,

David Kasal 2013, and Deon Fang, 2014) go one step further than
in the previous two years to reach the final of the Universitys Undergraduate Mooting Championship, a success that the team hope
they can build on going into next year. Additionally the Blackstone Lecture took place early on in the year; it was given by Lord
Neuberger, President of the UK Supreme Court, and entitled Tweaking the Curial Veil. This covered the topic of limited public access to
appellate deliberations and Lord Neuberger ultimately concluded that the element of privacy currently aorded is benecial for the
justice system as a whole.
On display at the same time as the Blackstone Lecture was Pembrokes newly acquired collection of Blackstone books, donated by Alan
May, an American lawyer and friend of Pembroke. His donation includes a Blackstone first edition, several later editions, and a range of
commentaries on the text, published both in Britain and America. The Collection also includes an autographed letter from Blackstone
himself. The Pembroke History Society has hosted a lecture centring on the historical significance of the Blackstone texts, and there are
also plans on for a lecture to be hosted by the Blackstone Society itself, on the legal importance and significance of the texts.
The Blackstone Society also endeavoured to assist student contact with future employers, including several leading City law rms, organising
dinner or drinks events alongside workshops and seminars with firms such as Linklaters and Skadden. These events were well-attended by
students studying non-law subjects, raising the prole of the Society and its activities amongst the Colleges non-law community.
Kate Howarth and Victoria McGowan, Co-Presidents 2014-2015, The Blackstone Society




2015 has been a year of new beginnings for the

Pembroke JCR Art Fund. In Hilary term, for the
first time in its history, the gallery was opened
to the public, commemorated by a special talk
given by Penelope Curtis, Director of Tate Britain.
Ms Curtis offered a unique perspective on
curating British art, and we were thrilled to show her
our collection. During Trinity term the Gallery has
been open twice weekly during term, and is staffed by
a team of student volunteers. I have had the privilege of speaking to many visitors to the Gallery who have come from all over
England, delighted this important collection has finally been unveiled.
In Trinity Term of this year, we staged our first temporary exhibition, John Bratby and Jean Cooke: Who is Slaving at the
Kitchen Sink? The exhibition was comprised of works loaned from the Royal Academy, from Colleges in Oxford, and from
galleries and private collections in London. We were delighted to host Dr Greg Salter at the Exhibitions opening, who
offered valuable insight into the tempestuous relationship of the artist-couple John Bratby and Jean Cooke. We received an
overwhelmingly positive response to the exhibition, from students, visitors, and in the local press. Students, in particular,
expressed their fondness for one of the exhibitions key pieces, Cinema Paradiso by Jean Cooke. To commemorate the
exhibition and celebrate our achievement, the Art Fund decided to buy Cookes painting for this years major acquisition.


There have been other firsts behind the scenes, most notably our new external volunteers. Students from the wider JCR are
now involved as gallery interns, and we have taken on volunteers from the art world as advisors and gallery helpers. I have
no doubt that the JCR Art Fund will continue to go from strength to strength. It has been my privilege to be a part of it, and
I look forward to what is in store.
Claudia Zwar, JCR Art Fund President 2014-2015

Motivated to continue the hard work of our preceding Chairs,

and inspired by the potential of my new platform as JCR
Womens Rep, I set about generating new enthusiasm and
engagement with Pembrokes feminist discussions. Together
with the support of Emily Annand, Sarah Wilmshurst and
committed Social Secretaries James Richardson and Olivia Porter,
we introduced newly structured half-hour meetings which visibly
increased attendance. Organising a wide variety of discussions,
including the Ched Evans case, sexism at work and Game of
Thrones, ensured Pembrokians had a regular chance to engage with
key theoretical and topical issues.
Peminists has always emphasised the importance of acceptance,
engagement and learning. Our ethos meant many students simply
turned up to listen to other opinions and voices, reporting they
attended because Peminists is an unusually approachable, non-judgemental and inclusive forum. Our discussions were brightened
and energised by record numbers of attendees, in particular male students, contributing to a diverse range of conversations.
Early in Michaelmas term, we chose to support charity Plan UK and their Because I Am a Girl campaign, by taking part in a
Face Up initiative. Students were photographed with the phrase Im putting girls rights where they cant be ignored digitally written
on their faces, adding to thousands of others photos, breaking the silence on violence against girls around the world. Our
participation was picked up by the Oxford Mail, who featured the story.
During Trinity term Sandra Ahmaya came to College to speak and host a Peminists Q&A. As an active feminist and campaigner
for womens rights based in Makerere University, Uganda, she spoke to us about FGM, sexual assault and gender discrimination
within her University. It felt very special to be reaching out to inspirational feminist students from beyond Oxford and the session
was my personal highlight of chairing Peminists. I really cant wait to see what the future holds for our new chair Ronni, as we
continue to make the fight for gender equality a key pillar of our Colleges undergraduate ethos.
Anna Simpson, JCR Womens Rep 20142015

The Pembroke Access strategy continues to grow. In narrow
recruitment terms it now affects about 9% of our
applications across a range of subjects, although we have yet
to see a Finalist come through. However, as I write, we now
have five Hub Schools (in Hammersmith and Fulham,
Greater Manchester and South Cheshire) acting as a
conduit to many linked schools in those areas, and we are
working in partnership with a large number of universities and
third-sector organisations. We continue to work most intensely
in South Cheshire, East Manchester, Hackney, Westminster and,
most recently, Wigan.
At the end of a period of public funding by The London Schools
Excellence Fund (provided by The Mayor of London and
the Department for Education), the London Centre for
Languages and Cultures (LCLC) moved from Hammersmith
to Westminster Academy. The LCLC is about to be joined by
a counterpart in Manchester, and continues to enjoy the full
support of The Open University.

and Manchester, and it, too, has joined this network.

The Science Centre in South Cheshire flourishes and has been

joined by a Corpus Christi College sponsored Centre and Hub
in central Manchester. This has allowed us to create a network
serving the whole of the North West. The Theology and Religious
Studies Centre based in Ashton Sixth Form College, AshtonUnder-Lyne continues to be run in close conjunction with a
number of universities including Durham, Lancaster, Sheffield

Finally, Id like the thank the JCR who have pledged to give
10,000 to access initiatives in College. Further, two members
of the JCR designed Pembroke paper pads that were sold to raise
additional funds for Access work.

Last year I expressed the hope that there would be further

adoption of the Pembroke approach by other Colleges. There
continues to be an increased number of Colleges that are
indeed working along the same lines and the University have now
recognised this work under the collective banner of OxNet.

Dr Peter Claus, Access Fellow & College Lecturer in History


During the 201415 academic year, the London Centre for
Languages and Culture (LCLC) built on the successes of its first
year, running a full academic programme of language outreach
activities and teacher CPD training, whilst also instigating some
exciting new developments. These included expanding its online
presence, with a brand new website,, which is
currently being populated with subject-specific and pedagogical
resources for teachers and for language learners.
There is growing recognition of the value of the study of Languages
in schools, not only for the economic benefits they bring but also
for the cultural and civic values that they foster. However recent
reports have revealed that this is an area in which the UK is failing,
leading to a decline in the subject being taken up at university level,
and a reduction in the number of languages available for study.
The LCLCs year ended on a high note with a very successful
colloquium, entitled A Future for Languages in Schools? Designed
to address some of the problems facing languages education in

the UK, the Colloquium brought together representatives from

schools, universities, government, and language organisations.
Keynote speeches from Peter Horrocks (Vice Chancellor of
The Open University and former Director of the BBC World
Service) and Oliver Miles (former British Ambassador to Libya,
Luxembourg and Greece) punctuated a day of fruitful discussion
in small working groups. Findings and action points from the
Colloquium will be taken forward by the LCLC as it enters its
third year at new hub school, Westminster Academy.
Matt Garraghan, Raising Aspirations Co-ordinator,
Westminster Academy
Developing the success of Pembrokes prizewinning
Access Initiatives since 2007, the LCLC makes a crucial
contribution to Pembrokes ground-breaking approach to
Access and Outreach. It encourages school students to
envisage University language study via mentoring and real
academic-based experience in their own institutions and at
Pembroke. It has created new synergies via the Colloquium
and the Taylor Conferences for language teachers and lecturers
all Pembroke-hosted in 2014 and 2015. The LCLC-Open
University languages website, new language centres and a
further policy forum planned for 2016 all aim to move
Pembroke to the forefront of pro-active UK languages
Dr Tim Farrant, Fellow in Modern Languages
and Reader in Nineteenth Century Literature
For more on the Colleges Access initiatives, visit:







Mike Nawroynsky OBE, Home Bursar, was very pleased to present awards to the three
scouts from the GAB who have a combined service of 45 years. Carole Wehrle, who is
the last of the original GAB Scouts having been there for 25 years, since the building
opened, and Laura Fletcher and Asha Lal who have worked at College for the last ten
years. Mike commented: The Scouts are part of the community here at Pembroke and
without them the College would not be able to provide such kind and helpful support. The
Scouts are the unsung heroes of the College and long after they have left most students will
remember their Scouts name a mark of how highly they are respected.


The Master with Carole Wehrle

Presentations made by the Master and the Home Bursar, left to right:
Jo Bowley (15 years), Simon Thomson (15 years), Dame Lynne Brindley,
Carole Wehrle (25 years), Laura Fletcher (10 years), Asha Lal (10 years),
Lynn Wilkinson (15 years).
Also celebrated was Kitchen Porter, John Hall, who has since retired.

Jo Bowley, Conference Administrator:

I came to Pembroke as a temp helping
out in the Development Office in January
2000 and became permanent in the April.
After a half-hearted attempt at leaving
five years later I moved to the Conference
Office and have now been there for ten
years. I think Ive stayed because of the
people, first the alumni and the others in
the Development Office and then those
in the Conference Office and the people
we work closely with, such as the Hall
and Kitchen teams. I can see how people
come to stay here for fifty years and more,
it would be very easy.

Lynn Wilkinson, Deputy Academic

Registrar/Student Support Advisor:
Having left a pressurised role as project
manager for a market research company
15 years ago, I found the perfect part time
job in the Pembroke College accounts
office which I loved, and stayed for five
years. I then joined the Academic Office
as a full time Student Support Advisor
and I cannot tell you how quickly time
has passed. No two days are the same.
I feel privileged to work in such a beautiful
place full of history. The friendliness of the
Fellows, staff and students is the icing on
the cake and makes Pembroke a wonderful
environment to work in.

Simon Thomson, IT Systems Manager:

Ken Mayhew, who turned out to be a
great friend, suggested I apply for the IT
Manager post at Pembroke. When I arrived
a few offices and the Macmillan building
had data points and my desktop doubled
as the main college server, I just needed to
remember not to turn it off at night. My
first assistant was part-funded by an
alumnus and the Colleges wired network
was paid for by generous donations.
I work with a great bunch of people who
make tackling new challenges fun and a
lot of what I have been able to do has been
down to the alumni.



Staff members who joined the Pembroke

community during the academic year
2014-2015 include:

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Matthew Morgan (1969 2015)

James Brazier, Development Executive

Adrian Dempsey, Night Porter
Izabela Hoffmann, Catering Assistant
Thomas Johnson, Senior Commis Chef
Jodene Khan, Admissions Officer
Dani Muir, Deputy Development
Tom Parfitt, Conference & Events
Emma Proffitt, Junior Commis Chef
Lenka Rysova, Catering Assistant
Michalina Samus, Catering Assistant
Cristoforo Sotgiu, Catering Assistant
Helen Taylor, Management Account
(maternity cover)
Julius Varadi, Catering Assistant


Charlie Harris, Deputy Home Bursar: I first met Matt 11 years ago but only
really got to know him when I joined Pembroke in 2006. Straight away we hit a bond
sport. Monday mornings would always consist of lengthy discussions whether it be
about Wolves FC, Gloucester Rugby, England cricket. Hed always enquire about my
own contributions to the cricket score if I was playing for my local team and I have
to admit, sometimes I didnt tell him the whole truth as I know the abuse Id receive
for the next few daysIt just wasnt worth it!
As a work colleague, Matt was an
unsung hero here at College. He would
help anybody, do the jobs that no one
else wanted to do, never moan (much!)
but come 10am, everything stopped, hed
make a cup of tea and make his way to
Matts step on Staircase 7, where hed
watch the world go by and chat to all.
But Matt wasnt just a work
colleague, he was a true friend and not
just to me but to all of Pembroke and to
the wider Community. You are very sadly
missed, Matt.

This year has been a year for change across

all of the domestic operation; changes
to the way we work, the way we procure
goods and services and, most importantly,
how we support academic life in College.
We started the year by listening to the
College community and tried to match
aspirations and good ideas to our resources
and priorities. Many of our students asked
us to provide a space where they could
socialise but which was defined as an
alcohol-free zone. So we opened Farthings
Caf until 10pm on four nights a week
and extended hours at the weekends
this means that it is now open seven days
a week during term. This provides a first
class social and work space for all of the
College community and feedback has
been extremely positive.
We also listened to the revitalised Student
Food Committee: some wanted more
carbs; some wanted less carbs; some wanted
flexibility around when they needed to
attend Formal Hall and others just wanted
to feedback what was the most popular
menu amongst the student body. Kevin
Dudley, Executive Chef, has spent hours
re-designing menu choices and working
with our kitchen brigade to respond to
these (and other) requests, to the effect
that feedback has improved dramatically
over the year. The implementation of a
system whereby a designated chef cooks
meals for those with dietary demands has
also helped cater for those students who
have specific requirements or allergies.
Next term we are sitting down with the
JCR to try and develop a more flexible
system around Formal Hall particularly
during exam season.

staff mentors they could turn to for advice

on any particular aspect.
Students told us they want to stay longer
in College at the end of terms, and this
year every student who requested to
stay up at the end of Trinity Term for
academic reasons was accommodated.
We managed this by seeking out external
events that were academic related, or access
focused, and which would dovetail easily
around students continuing to study.

Work on Old Quad

20142015 was the busiest conference

season ever and yet we still managed to
squeeze in four wedding ceremonies and
all the standard functions the College
We also listened to Fellows and Alumni
about our guest rooms, and we have
started a rolling refurbishment programme
to freshen up the rooms we have. The
Mustard Room benefited not only from
a new bathroom, new furniture and full
redecoration, but also the hanging of the
beautiful Hugh Casson watercolours,
kindly donated by Philip Jagger (1949).
We will look at our next guest room
when we redecorate the Samuel Johnson
Building and if funds allow replace

This year we really got our act together

on the Summer Ball and the student
committee made sure that they delivered
a fantastic event (one which made a tidy
profit for charity Save the Children being
the chosen benefactor). We changed what
we used to do, made new areas available
and ensured that student organisers had Watercolours donated by Philip Jagger (1949)

The new Lodge

rotten window frames around the Brewer

Street faade.
Finally, completing the busy list of
maintenance and improvement works,
there is the splendid change to Old Quad
removing the three steps which formed the
last barrier for full access for wheel chair
users; the creation of a Samuel Johnson
Room housing a working office for our
Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of
Anglo-Saxon, Andy Orchard, and some
of our Johnson artefacts; plus three new
shower rooms in the Macmillan Building,
a new lighting system in the Library
(and a full re-wiring) and, perhaps most
noticeably, our new front door the
beautiful new Lodge and pidges
Pembroke is thriving and everyone is
working hard to adapt to new challenges.
Please do drop in to see us and take
advantage of the caf and quads (ideally let
us know when you are coming!). Theres
never a dull moment around here.








Every year, with the help of our alumni and friends, the Pembroke
Annual Fund provides support that is directed towards nurturing
academic excellence, creating opportunities through our access
programmes, alleviating financial hardship and enhancing the
overall Pembroke experience. All donations, whatever the size,
have a real impact on our students and enable them to realise
their ambitions while at Oxford. We would like to thank you for
each and every donation.

Last year, I reported that the Colleges financial position

reflected the impact of the additional income and costs relating to
the new buildings becoming fully operational. This year we have
made good progress in refining this new way of working. The
business case established for the programme of works made
certain assumptions about the additional income and costs which
would result from the expanded operations, and it is pleasing
to note that, overall, those assumptions have been validated by
the actual experience. In particular, the level of our conference
business has continued to build and Pembroke is now one of
the more active Oxford Colleges in this area, with a growing

We want our students to enjoy the challenge of the tutorial

system, unquestionably the hallmark of an Oxford education. The
Annual Fund supports all elements required to sustain this and
ensures our students continue to benefit from all the resources
they need. Access to a first-class library is key. The McGowin
Library provides an ever-increasing range of information across
the disciplines for both students and academics, from traditional
textbooks and archives to the latest digital articles and journals.
We are continually strengthening collections by augmenting our
holdings, so there are sufficient copies of all textbooks needed,
and at the same time we are working on making our rare materials
and special collections more accessible through digitisation, thus
promoting and enabling research. Gifts to the College help us
provide the highest level of service to our students, academics and
also outside researchers who use our collections.
We know that our ability to help our students gains momentum
with each and every donation. The College was absolutely thrilled
with the fantastic response to our 2015 Telethon. Nearly half of
those alumni contacted made a gift. Of these, over 40% decided
to make a new regular donation which is particularly helpful as
it allows us to plan for the future. Gifts made during the Telethon
unlocked additional match-funding worth 30,000, resulting in
a total amount of 211,682 raised. The College is very grateful
to our alumni match funders for their help in making this year
a success.

The strength of the Pembroke Annual Fund is testimony to the

strong sense of community felt by all Pembrokians, and it was
lovely to see this first-hand at the Annual Fund Series in June.
Our alumni donors had the opportunity to see current student
presentations, vividly making clear the impact philanthropic
giving has within the College. Our keynote speaker was
Michael Berliner (2004), the BAFTA-nominated independent
film producer and one of Screen Internationals UK Stars of
We hope that next year even more alumni can join us for this
event (all donors to the Annual Fund are invited). The growing
number of our donors and their pride and belief in the College is
a clear demonstration of the commitment of our community to
the future of Pembroke.

Total incoming resources decreased by 0.3m to 11.2m. This

decrease was primarily due to a reduction in donations, which at
1.9m were 0.9m lower than the previous year, as capital pledges
to the Bridging Centuries Campaign continued to be paid down
steadily and tailed off. However, it was good to see that the level
of revenue donations picked up.
The underlying increase in operating income reflected
buoyant numbers of graduate students, the high levels of
conference income and increased investment income, reflecting
the growth in the Colleges long term investment portfolio, due
largely to the rise of stock markets in recent years. The College
is reliant upon the income drawn down from the long term
investment portfolio and this year the total return was 8.7%,
which was well above the benchmark target of 5%.


TOTAL: 392,517

Academic Priorities
Including: scholarships,
tutorial support, library
resources, academic
Student Financial
Including: student
hardship grants and

Student Accommodation,
Sports & Facilities
Including: refurbishments,
sports, Boat Club,
College repair works

Telethon caller

In what was essentially a year of financial consolidation, the

financial results of the College in 2014-15 were very satisfactory.

Access & Outreach

Including: access and
outreach programmes

On the cost side, total resources expended reduced by 0.4m to

10.5m but it should be noted that there was an exceptional item
in last years figures and, after adjusting for this, there was a small
increase of 0.2m, which reflects a tight control of costs after the
increase seen in the previous year when the additional resources
were required.


Now that all undergraduates are able to live on site
for three years, the College has more visitors and
members actually in residence, and it was becoming more
challenging for our Porters to provide the friendly and
efficient service for which they are well known. In
addition to this, as a College we were eager to ensure step-free access for all visitors around our Quads.
Therefore, the Governing Body decided that funds should
be made available to redevelop our Lodge, at the same time
as gently sloping the Old Quad to provide level access to
Chapel Quad.
The detailed design provided by our architects, Ridge
and Partners LLP, came up with a solution for a spacious
new Lodge, using a ground floor room on Staircase One
and opening it up to the main entrance of the College.
Both English Heritage and the local Conservation Officer
were consulted, and all necessary consents were granted.
The work was carried out concurrently with that of
the levelling of Old Quad. Contractors Benfield and
Loxley started work during the Easter Vacation, requiring
the Samuel Johnson Building to be used as a temporary
entrance and Lodge, and the Porters were able to move
into their new home in August.
This new space offers a wide and open counter, so
several people can be looked after at the same time; some
welcome seating in the waiting area; and more space for
the equipment needed for a modern Lodge to operate
effectively. The old Lodge has been converted to house the
pigeon holes with additional storage space for our everincreasing parcel deliveries. Traditional materials were
used throughout and the style of the joinery echoes that
of the new buildings, which makes for an interesting
connection between the oldest and newest parts of
the College.

So, once again, at the operating level, the Colleges financial

results exceeded both the budget and the position anticipated
in our Strategic Plan, which is very satisfactory, although the
outcome was helped by higher than planned numbers of
graduate students and the fact that there were some unfilled
permanent academic posts, for reasons beyond the Colleges
control. However, it should be noted that the net movement in
funds for the year of 0.7m was slightly behind budget as there
were very few new capital donations above those already pledged
to the Bridging Centuries Campaign and other purposes.

For the latest news on Annual Fund, visit:




Resources from charitable activities
Teaching, Research and Residential
Tuition fees from UK and EU students
Tuition fees from Overseas students
Other fees
Other HEFCE support
Other academic income
College residential income

Total teaching, research and residential
Resources from generated funds
Legacies and donations
Trading income
Investment income
Bank and other interest

resources from generated funds

Total Incoming Resources





















Cost of generating funds
Trading expenditure
Investment management costs

Charitable activities:
Teaching, Research and Residential
Scholarships, prizes and grants
Bursaries and hardship awards
Grants to other institutions
Other teaching and research costs
Support cost
Total teaching, research and residential

Governance costs

Total Resources Expended
Net incoming resources before other gains and losses
Investment gains

Net movement in funds for the year
Fund balances brought forward
Funds carried forward at 31 July























Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2015

Tangible assets
Property investments
Securities and other investments

Deposits and other short term investments
Cash at bank and in hand

Less CREDITORS: falling due within one year


Less CREDITORS: falling due after more than one year

Endowment funds
Restricted funds
Unrestricted funds
Designated funds
General funds























The figures shown are extracted from the Colleges statutory audited accounts for the year ended 31st July 2015.
The financial statements were approved by the Governing Body on 2nd December 2015 and have been posted on the Colleges website.

With net incoming resources of 0.7m and an investment gain of 2.7m, the balance of the Colleges funds rose by 3.4m
to 74.4m.
Turning to the Colleges balance sheet, there was little change as tangible fixed assets reduced by 0.8 m, principally as a result
of a depreciation charge of 1.2m. Securities and other investments rose by 3m to 51.9m due largely to an increase in the
value of investments of 2.7m. After deducting the long term creditors of 14.1m, which relates primarily to the Bank loan
taken out to fund the balance of the new buildings and quadrangle, the Colleges net funds were 74.4m.
Looking forward, there are some threats to the current stability of the Colleges finances for reasons beyond our control. Since
the introduction in 2012 of the new tuition fee for home/EU undergraduate students, which is shared between the University
and Colleges, there has been no increase in its amount and the latest indications are that it will only be from 2017 that an
inflation linking will be introduced. Recently it was announced that the Collegiate University will lose some research and
special institutions funding. As much has already been done to increase other sources of income, notably conference and
investment income, this means it will be a challenge for the College to sustain its current level of income in real terms.
There is also pressure on the cost side as employers national insurance and pension contributions are rising significantly,
which will adversely affect the Colleges salary bill, which accounts for about half of our cost base. We are therefore facing
the prospect of a squeeze on our profitability which underlines the critical need to continue to raise revenue donations to
support our operations and capital donations for future major refurbishments and to build up further the Colleges
Endowment which, in turn, will generate additional investment income.
Against the background of the uncertainties relating to external funding, Governing Body has decided to defer the
finalisation of its next Strategic Plan for a year but in the meantime a short term plan covering the period 201518 will be put
in place to provide a framework for a range of current initiatives, which will include a keen focus on cost effectiveness and our
plans to seek further financial support from the Colleges alumni and other supporters.
For more information, visit:







We all want our CVs to look better with

age. We treasure times spent in good
places, whether this means work, school or
university, and any perceived appreciation
in the value of these biographical assets,
whether down to ourselves or others, gives
us pleasure.
Everyone can be proud of a constantly
improving Pembroke. I would guess that
pride played a big part in 2014/15, with a
more dynamic Annual Fund see Kendall
Murphys piece again approaching pre2010 levels as the main vehicle for gifts
to the institution after years of success
for the project-focused Bridging Centuries
Campaign. The appeal we made was
primarily for academic purposes and the
overall student experience at the College:
this is what Pembroke is all about.
At 951k, this was our best year ever
for revenue donations, which included
Annual Fund and other funds received for
immediate purposes. Regular injections
of large capital sums cannot be expected
alas, much as we need them. Revenue gifts
are an essential substitute for income from
the larger endowment funds we crave. We
are fortunate to be receiving a secure flow
of gifts from a wide spectrum of donors.
We hope pride can remain a strong

motivator and draw many more people

into the giving community.
We want to encourage Pembrokians to
engage by offering them more and better
excuses to admire the College, meet one
another, new Pembroke people, Fellows
or students; and experience something of
todays life here, while feeling the positive
momentum for themselves. There are
signs that the number of alumni attending
College events for the first time is on the
increase, what with 48 newcomers
attending the 197782 Gaudy in April
and 38 first-timers at the Annual Alumni
Dinner this September. These are large
numbers if you consider our Hall only
seats 150.
The delight our donors take in the College
is never more obvious than when they hear
a presentation on an academic project by a
research student or one of our Fellows at
events such as those held in San Francisco
and Washington plus The Annual Fund
Series and talks given at The Masters
Circle in February. As an undergraduate,
you may well not have been tempted to dig
deeper into your chosen subject with all
those deadlines and Finals looming or
felt the lure of an academic research degree.
But, through life and a career, you may

Donations Summary 2014 / 2015

Annual Fund

2014 /15

2013 /14



Other Revenue

Fellowships and Academic Resources
Legacy Income (Hyndson)
Total Revenue



Capital Gifts

Major Buildings
Total Capital






well have developed a deeper fascination

for your own subject and certainly a
broader interest in many others. There
is such pleasure to be had from listening
to specialists talk passionately and with
conviction about their work. For more
topical alternatives, come to our City
Breakfast (this year saw a focus on the
crises in Ukraine), or if you want a more
lively evening still, why not try the mediafocused Pembroke on the Sofa. More
events devoted to research this coming
year will celebrate the generosity of proud
donors to this cause, whilst allowing others
to witness the ways in which Pembroke is
enhancing its international reputation.
In addition to growth in the Annual
Fund, the pot for Graduate Scholarships
continued to expand with some
exceptionally generous commitments.
Julian Schild (1977) provided Pembroke
and The Oxford Research Centre in the
Humanities (TORCH) with a new Career
Development Fellow in History. A further
Career Development Fellow, as well as
a new Doctoral Scholar, in Economics
arrived to occupy positions funded by
Chris Rokos (1989).
We are also, as ever, grateful for the
thoughtfulness and pride of our legators,
who want Pembroke to be the place where
their names live on. Last year we received
legacies from: Humphrey Gentilli (1948),
Ronald Lorimer (1955), Ena Gale, David
Hawkins (1954), John Fell (1948), Charles
Swithinbank (1946), Graham McCallum
(1944) and Anthony Mobbs (1959).

For alumni events, and to make a donation visit:

In addition to our regular Gaudies,

Reunions, the annual London Reception
and other opportunities to bring alumni
together and in keeping with our desire to
showcase the academic focus within College
we added some additional events to our
programme this year. At an alumni dinner
held in Washington DC, and kindly hosted
by the family of Pembroke benefactor and
friend Abdullah Saleh, Dr Nicholas Cole,
Senior Research Fellow in History, spoke on
The Deeper Processes of Writing a Constitution:
Insights from a Digital Approach. Continuing
this idea we held a very successful evening in
San Francisco, kindly hosted by artist Peggy
Gyulai and her partner Jeremy Sutton (1979)
in Peggys amazing rooftop studio. Pembroke
Fellows Hannah Smithson (Experimental
Psychology) and Mark Fricker (Plant Science)
presented aspects of their current work.
Hannahs focus was Medieval Science: Light,
Colour and Rainbows and Mark described
how data is communicated through
biological networks, with implications
for how we might build better networks
ourselves. I can confidently state our alumni
are doing this pretty well and we are pleased
to be part of the process!
Our very popular City Breakfast took place at
the City University Club, when Ambassador
to France, Sir Peter Ricketts (1971) spoke
on the subject of Eurasia vs Europe: the
implications? with a response from Professor
Stephen Whitefield, Fellow in Politics, and
many interesting and thought provoking
questions from the floor.

Hannah Smithson, Fellow and Tutor in Psychology speaking to alumni in San Francisco, July 2015
Photo: Jeremy Sutton (1979)

Dr Nicholas Cole, Senior Research Fellow,

speaking at The Washington Dinner

Pembrokes On The Sofa event

The equally popular Pembroke on the

Sofa took place with BBC Anchor Tanya
Beckett (1984) in the chair and four
Pembrokians on the sofa. This years
conversation covered cloud-watching, late
motherhood (and the feminist perspectives
thereof) and the at the time pressing
matter of the BBCs Clarkson debacle.
More is planned for next year, we aim to
offer something for everyone!
Juanita Hughes,
Alumni Relations Manager

Pembroke City Breakfsat


Donors to Pembroke 201415

(1st August 2014 31st July 2015)
We offer sincere thanks to all alumni and friends who have made gifts to the College, for whatever purpose, during the past
financial year and are pleased to list their names below. In addition to the names listed, we have received donations from 30 alumni
and friends who prefer to remain anonymous. Our thanks to them as well.
* indicates deceased
Alumni of Pembroke

Dr Harry Wilson

Mr Basil Garland

Mr John Barlow
Mr Jim Bratton
The Rt Hon the Lord Robert
The Reverend Tom Curtis
Mr Joe Gilchrist
Mr Donald Gordon
Mr Roger Howells
Mr Duncan Kelly
Mr Ron Parkin
Mr David Prichard MBE
Mr Dick Williamson

Mr Derek Charman
Mr John Whitworth OBE
Mr Francis Read
Mr Peter Thacker
Mr Michael Godley
Canon Michael Wolfe
Mr John Drysdale
Mr Bob Tanner
Mr Michael Andrews
Mr John Bowen
Mr Dicky Drysdale
Mr Tom Everett
Mr Peter King
Mr Ken Plant
Mr John Poyntz
Mr Peter Ungoed-Thomas
Mr Brian Wilson
Dr Edmond Wright
Mr Brian Cairns
Sir Bob Clarke
Mr Philip Jagger
Mr Chris Roberts
Mr Dennis Buchanan
Dr Donald Niblett
The Rt Hon the Lord Richard PC
Mr Don Gillis
The Rt Hon the Lord Heseltine
Mr George Inglis
Mr Paul Jeffery
Dr Hugh McKinney
Mr Bill Potter
Dr Miles Rucklidge
Dr Ian Sunderland
Professor Michael Tombs
Mr Basil Ungoed-Thomas

Mr David Andrews CBE
Mr Michael Beaumont
Mr Brian Bevan*
Mr Ron Limbrick
Mr Michael Parkinson
Mr Dennis Rudd
Mr Bob Side
Dr Colin Wiggins
Mr David Arnold
Dr Alan Bellringer
Mr Brian Bissell MBE
Mr Richard Covill
Mr Nick Grantham
Mr Peter Harbidge
Senator (Ret) Richard Lugar KBE
Mr John Metcalf
Mr Steve Shipley
Professor David Speller
Mr Tony Stirratt
Mr Peter Summerfield
Mr Revan Tranter
Professor Robert Bannister
The Right Reverend Edwin Barnes
Mr Martin Bates
Mr Bob Blow
Mr William Capps
Mr Julian Crispin
Mr Martin Diamond
Mr Alan Grant
Mr Anthony Hall
Mr Geoffrey Harbridge
Mr George Hoskin *
Mr David Lilley
Mr John Lyon
Mr David Prichard
Mr Norman Shurrock
Professor Sir Richard Sorabji CBE

Its such a pleasure to feel I can continue to do

something for the beloved College and the next
- Bob Side 1953

Mr Peter Turner *
Sir Peter Wallis KCVO, CMG
Dr Martin Bowman
Dr Michael Enser
Mr Timothy Gillin
Mr Glyn Jarrett
Canon Michael Moore LVO
Professor Nicholas Round
Mr Arnold Taylor
Mr Geoffrey Taylor
Mr Martyn Taylor
Mr Jeremy Wall
The Reverend David Bartlett
Mr Martyn Berry
Mr Terry Brown
The Reverend Malcolm Cooper
Mr Ian Cuthill
Colonel David Eking
Mr Peter Ferguson
The Reverend Martin Francis
Mr David Heath
Mr David Korda
Mr David Lanch
Dr George Lilley
Professor Geoffrey Raisman
Mr Rex van Rossum
The Reverend John Warman
Mr Kenneth Wills
Lord Abernethy
Mr George Baugh
Dr Humphrey Bowen
Mr Tony Clark CB
Mr Patrick Coulson
Dr John Cruickshank
Mr Tony Davis
Mr Tony Denyer
Professor Miles Dodd
Mr Gary Flather OBE
Sir Graham Hart KCB
Mr Hugh Ibbotson
Mr Bob Ing
Mr David Jago
The Reverend Alistair McGregor

Mr David Mitchell
Dr Mike Picardie
Mr Brian Saperia
Mr Conrad Seagroatt
The Reverend Richard Bradnum
Mr Andrew Buxton CMG
Mr Michael Carlton
Mr Doug Edmonds
Mr John Ellis
Mr John Graham
Mr Patrick Harrington
Professor Peter Herriot
Professor Derek Jewell
Mr Derek Jones
Mr David McAvoy
Dr Edgar McGinnis
Sir John Mummery
Professor Lionel Pike
Mr Jon Pullinger
Dr Malcolm Seddon
Dr Richard Southam
Mr David Tagg CBE
Professor Joe Wearing
Mr Bill Webster
Mr Charles Wood OBE
Mr Tony Yablon
Dr Tony Antonovics
Dr Nigel Campbell
Mr Colin Clark
Mr Neil Cohen
Mr Nigel Coombes
Dr Oliver Dickinson
Professor Bruce Fetter
Mr Dirk Fitzhugh
Mr Erwin Fuller
Mr Ken Kerman
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard GCMG
Professor Chris Lewis CBE
Dr Chris Manning
The Reverend John Nightingale
Mr Bill Shardlow
Mr Bill Vincent OBE
Dr Bruce Wakefield
Mr Francis Witts

Dr Robin Atherton
Mr Jeremy Baker
Mr Martin Blogg
Mr Mark Joelson OBE
Mr Robert Lyons
Mr Kenneth MacKenzie CB
Mr Digby Murphy
The Reverend David Nash
Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky
Mr Norman Vaughton
Dr Damon Wells CBE
Mr Martyn Baker OBE
Mr Keith Bamber
Mr Jim Barlow
The Reverend John Beer
Professor Bernard Capp
Mr John Govett LVO
Mr Vincent Guy
Dr Michael Hwang
Mr Peter Lovejoy
Mr Denis Lyons
Dr Keith Maybury
Mr Martin Monk
Mr John Munro
Mr Marcus Nelson
Mr Nigel Phelps
Mr William Rees
Mr David Roe
Mr Geoffrey Shepherd
Mr David Shipton
Mr John Stoker
The Reverend Liam Tallon
Mr Humphrey Walker
Mr Geoff Alcock
Professor Joshua Bamfield
Mr Stephen Batten
Dr Jeff Bissenden
Mr Peter Blaine
Professor Dennis Cashman
Dr Peter Chamberlain
Mr Martin Corley
Dr Roy Damary
Mr Richard Essam
Sir Rocco Forte
Dr Angus Fraser
Dr Nigel James
Mr Newton Jones
Mr Christopher Kerr

Mr Peter Madley
Lt Colonel Tym Marsh
Mr Paul Norris
Mr Brian Slater
Mr James Smith
Mr Peter Stevenson
Dr Jim Thomson
Mr David Twigge-Molecey
Mr Anthony Walker
Mr Martin Whitley
Mr Roy Alder CBE
Sir Philip Bailhache
Mr Gordon Beever
Mr Andrew Brydon
Professor Peter Campion
Mr Robin Carr
Mr Graham Clarke
Mr Richard Cox
Sir Robert Crawford
Mr Andrew Creese
Mr Richard Graham
Mr David Griffiths
Mr John Hamer
Mr Andrew Hutchison
Mr Mark Kemp-Gee
Mr Mike Miller
Mr Simon Newman
The Reverend Alan Payne
Mr Alan Smith
Mr Malcolm Wright
Mr Francis Aldhouse CBE
Professor Philip Alexander
Mr Richard Andrews
Mr Stephen Bell
Mr Michael Bennett
Mr Peter Burge
Mr Paul Castle
Mr Paul Chantry
The Reverend John Clarke
Dr Chris Ford
Mr John Futcher
Professor James Grantham
Mr John Havard OBE
The Hon Dr Jonathan Hunt
Dr Gerald Jarvis
Mr Peter Johnson
The Reverend Stuart Leamy
Lt Colonel Alistair Miller OBE

As the only American student at Pembroke

College in 1954, I received warm and abundant
assistance and friendship from students and
faculty. By the end of the academic year, I had
been elected President of the Junior Common
Room and enjoyed remarkable opportunities to
boost student activities and regard for Pembroke
College among my American Oxford friends. During the post 60
years, my excitement about the quality of life at Pembroke has grown
as has my eagerness to introduce others to such a great experience.
It is a pleasure to make financial contribution to Pembroke each
year, in order that a great tradition of academic excellence and warm
fellowship may grow.
- Senator (Ret) Richard Lugar 1954

I was one of those lucky people from a

grammar school who came to the College in the
mid-sixties. It was a wonderful and formative
experience, which shaped much of my outlook
on life. I give because I want others from every
background to come to Pembroke and to have
as good an experience it stays with you for the
rest of your life!
- Ian Tinsley 1966
Dr Piers Nye
Dr Nigel Rose
Mr Dick Ware
Mr Darrell Williams
Dr David Yates
Mr Neil Arnold
Mr Desmond Burton
Dr Ian Childs
Mr Ian Cormack
Mr Ian Ferguson
Mr Giles Gostwick
Judge Andrew Goymer
Dr Jeffrey Graham
Dr Chris Higley
Mr Nicholas Hill
Professor John Hirsh
Mr Chris Hodson
Mr Alan Hooker
Mr James Houghton
Mr Michael Sayer
Professor Geoff Squire
Mr Ian Tinsley
Dr John Withrington
Captain Mike Barritt RN
Judge Peter Cuthbertson
Mr John Dixon
Mr Mike Flanagan
Mr Daniel Freudenberger
Mr Martin Heddy
Mr William Horsley
Mr Tom Hutchinson
Ambassador Phil Lader
Mr Edward Lee-Smith
Mr Robert Luetchford *
Mr Jim McLaverty
Mr Richard Morris OBE
Mr Kent Price
Mr David Rikert
Mr Ian Russell
Mr Tony Saunders
Mr Theo Steel
Mr Phil Taylor
Dr Michael Thompson
Mr Mike Woods
Mr David Young
Dr Wilson Angerson
Mr Reg Beaumont
Mr Charles Dodson
Mr Dick Fleming
Mr Jerry Gotel
Professor Peter Green
Mr John Hales MBE

Mr David Jeffcoat
Mr Mike Lloyd
Mr Paul Monk
Mr Adam Peat OBE
Mr Nigel Rumfitt
Dr Bob Viles
Dr Roger Boning
Mr Andrew Carruthers
Major Roger Chapman MBE
Mr Trevor Cooke
Professor Graham Curtis
Mr Michael Denham
Dr John Duckworth
Dr Maurice Headon
Mr John Huntingford
Dr Robin Jackson CBE
Mr Michael Kennard
Mr Richard Mellor
Professor Alan Paterson OBE
Judge Michael Ponsor
Mr Richard Rees
Mr Simon Sackman
Judge David Stockdale
Mr Ian Wells
Mr James Young
Mr Simon Frost
Dr Andrew Greaves
Dr Rhys Hamilton
Mr Tony Hodgson
Dr Richard Meyrick Thomas
Dr David Minter
Mr Rhodri Price Lewis
Judge Anthony Russell
Professor Joseph Badaracco Jr
Dr Chris Bishop
Mr Martin Carr
Dr George Cherry
Professor Hugh Collins
Mr Jonathan Davies
Mr David Dunstan
Mr John Ennis
Mr Peter Harrold
Mr Tom Herman
Mr Michael Kill
Mr Malcolm Kitchen
Mr John Knowles
The Reverend David Munby
Mr John Patmore
Mr Geoff Peattie
Mr Buzz Rochelle
Professor Rob Smith
Mr Robin Steel

Pembroke enriched my life by bringing me into contact with some

incredible people with whom I made lasting friendships. It broadened
my horizons and gave me the confidence to pursue opportunities I
may not have otherwise conceived. I give to help others experience
what Pembroke has to offer and because giving back makes me feel
a part of Pembrokes future.
- Jean Collier 1979
Judge Christopher Vosper
The Reverend Professor Thomas
Professor Peter Wright
Professor Alan Boyle
Mr Christopher Earnshaw
Mr Clive Edwards
Mr Mark Evans
Mr David Fell
Dr Antony Fisher
Mr Nicholas Green
Mr Mark Herbert-Smith
Mr Jeremy Hicks
Mr James Holdsworth
Mr Keith Howick
Mr Kenneth Hoxsie
The Reverend Richard Jones
Mr Steve Kay
Dr John Langham-Brown
Mr Steven Leigh
Mr Patrick Palmer
Mr Simon Rostron
Dr Graham Simpson
Judge Bernard Wallwork
Mr Neville Watkins
Mr Neil Zoladkiewicz
Mr Fergus Anstock
Mr Steve Atkinson
Mr Cal Bailey
Mr Rod Burgess
Mr Michael Duckworth
Dr Donald Duggan
Mr Mark Fairweather
Mr Randal ffrench
Professor Stephen Harding
Mr Jonathan Hulme
Mr Andrew Le Messurier
Mr Andrew Long
Mr Charles MacKinnon
Mr William Nabarro
Mr Mike Nevin
Dr George Paige
Mr Terence Phebey
Mr Nicholas Sayers
Professor Roland Smith
Mr Andrew Toley
Dr Peter West
Mr David Williams
Mr Andrew Allott
Mr Stephen Bamber
Mr Tim Evans
Mr Roger Hampson
Mr Ashok Hiremath

Mr Christopher Howe
Mr Walter Isaacson
Mr Dennis Jones-Richards
Mr George Kennaway
Mr Martin Layer
Mr Matthew Milnes
Mr Simon ONeill
Mr Simon Richards
Mr Kim Stuckey
Mr Kim Taylor
Mr Martin Williams
Mr Jonathan Youdan
Mr Andy Anderson
Mr Martin Bowdery
Mr Peter Bradford
Mr John Brandow
Mr Hugh Carnegy-Arbuthnott
Mr Will Childs
Mr George Freeman
Mr Andrew Galloway
Mr Hywel Griffiths
Mr Steve Houlding
Mr Ian Irvine
Mr Nigel Jackson
Mr Colin Jones
Mr Nicholas Kingsland
Mr Andrew Lewis
Mr Anthony Lipmann
Mr Michael Lynas
Mr Ioannis Petrakakis
Dr Stephen Rothera
Mr Chris Schuler
Mr Paul Simmons
Mr Mark Yeadon
Dr Kern Alexander Jr
Mr Paul Archer
Mr Jonathan Azis
Mr Bill Brundage
Mr Paul Gerrard
Dr Richard Green
Mr Paul Hasse
Mr John King
Mr Guy Michelmore
Mr Charlie Parsons
Dr Tim Patten
Mr Mike Phoenix
Dr Ted Rose
Mr Paul Shinnie
Mr Peter Smith
Mr Percival Stanion
Mr Steve Watson
Mr Philip Weaver
Mr John Bates

Mr Phil Bentley
Mr Mark Blundell
The Reverend Lorne Denny
Mr Andrew Devenport
Mr Hugh Duncan
Mr Robert Eiss
Mr Adam Fairhead
Mr Nigel Foster
Dr Ed Furgol
Mr Ed Gentle
The Reverend Jerry Gilpin
Mr Peter Hayward
Mr Jeremy Hill
Mr Dolf Kohnhorst
Mr Cormac Lloyd
Mr Ian McComas
Mr David McLaughlin
Mr Peter Niblett
Mr Andrew Rosenheim
Mr Julian Schild
Mr Phil Steele
Mr Barrie Taylor
Mr David Thompson
Mr John Woolman
Dr Peter Ansell
Mr William Avery
Mr Nick Battersby
Mr Neil Berragan
Mr Tim Cockitt
Mr David Fyfe
Dr Steve Hall
Mr Julian Hand
Dr Alan Howling
Mr Philip Kelly
Mr Ian Lamdin
Sir Philip Moor
Dr Steve Moxey
Mr Andrew Tabor
Dr Neil Todd
Mr Masayoshi Tsuchiya
Mr Robert Braithwaite
Ms Jean Collier
Mr Geoffrey Cotterill
Mr Geraint Davies
Dr Susan de Vries
Mr Richard Eccles
Mr Glenn Fine
Mr Patrick Forbes
Mr Tim Gilchrist
Ms Beatrice Hollond
Mrs Caroline Horobin
Ms Joanna Kerr
Mr Graham Parsons
Mrs Mo Percival
Ms Max Phillips
Mr Jon Watson
Mrs Rebecca Barrie
Mr Vernon Clarke
Mr Douglas Cox
Professor Ingemar Cox
Mr Matthew Evans
Mr Mark Fidler
Mr Giles Fraser
Ms Deborah Howard

Dr Melanie Isherwood
Mr Peter Jones
Mr Andrew Jowett
Mr Bob Long
Ms Ursula Macfarlane
Mr Charlie McAndrew
Mr John Morrissey
Mr Giles Sarson
Mrs Sarah Seacombe
Mr Tony Szczepanek
Mr Mike Wagstaff
Mrs Sue Watson
Mr Robert Barrie
Mr Peter Bristowe
Mrs Gill Coates
Ms Angela Dalrymple
Professor Mark Fricker
Mr Richard Funnell
Mr Stephen Gosztony
Mr John Gurmin
Dr Kate Hammond
Ms Nicola Harrison
Mr Simon Howard
Mrs Zillah Howard
Mr Paul Johnston
Mr Alex Kinmont
Ms Lyndsey Marriott
Dr Judith Mountford
Mr Charles Phillips
Mr Jonathan Poirrette
Mr Peter Rapley
Mr George Rivaz
Mr Peter Robson
Mr Chris Roles
Major General Sandy Storrie
Mr Duncan Tincello
Mrs Hilary Wagstaff
Mr Richard Warren
Mr Roger Wilkinson
Ms Deborah Auty
Mr Robert Cottingham
Mrs Sarah Dickinson
Mr Mark Enzer
Mr Paul Harvey
Dr Jason Hepple
Mrs Carol Hopper
Mr Desmond Kuek
Ms Kathrin Meyrick
Mrs Lyn Morgan
Dr Joanne Philpot
Mr Rick Saunders
Mr Fraser Skirrow
Mrs Terry Slesinski-Wykowski
Mr Christopher Smith
Mr Douglas Taylor
Ms Caroline Wagstaff
Miss Alison Whitney
Mr Antony Zacaroli
Mr Stephen Apted
Mr Jeremy Bennett
Mr Roy Calcutt
Dr Mary Faldon
Mr Mike Gibbons

I came to Oxford as a new bride and became a

postgraduate student in Pembrokes third year of
admitting women. Pembroke, for me, is all about
relationships. As the second generation of Polish
immigrants to the USA, we take pride in having
worked for everything that we have and it is
helpful that the College allowed us to spread our
donations over time. It is my wish that every Pembrokian shares in this
honour of giving to Pembroke gifts of time, talent and treasure which
are lasting and most fulfilling!
-Terry Slesinski Wykowski 1982
Dr Isabel Hanson
Mr Richard Hayes
Mr Donald Jackson
Mr Julian Johansen
Mr Chris Mack
Mr Neil Pratt
Mr Jonathan Prynn
Ms Christine Raeside
Mr Nick Saywell
Dr Frank Smieja
Mr Marcus Turner
Mrs Lizzie Wieser
Dr Andy Winter
Mr Martin Adkins
Ms Tanya Beckett
Mrs Barbara Bettsworth
Mr Graham Buckel
Ms Monica Burch
Mrs Siobhan Cooke
Ms Annabel Eyres
Mr Bernard Howard
Mr David Lee
Mr Clive Morris
Mr Andrew Pitt
Mr Jan Poklewski
Mrs Libby Pratt
Mr Christopher Riley
Mr Simon Smales
Dr David Sperry
Mr Kevin Thurm
Mr Iain West
Mr James Anderson
Mr Mike Dooley
Mrs Ruth Dooley
Mr Andrew Dymond
Mr Pietrojan Gilardini
Dr David Gollins
Mr Simon Gruselle
Dr Liz Maughan
Mr John McGrail
Mr Paul Rew
Mr Lee Rochford
Mr Danny Shaw
Mr Jeremy Sherwood
Mr Richard Simpson
Mrs Sarah Slade
Dr Margaret Sonmez
Professor Chris Whitty CB
Dr Sarah Wilson
Professor Akinori Yoshimi

Mr Andrew Allen
Ms Alisa Burke
Mr Gordon Buxton
Ms Emma Caseley
Mr Michael Coleman
Mr Matthew Cumberpatch
Mr Adam Dixon
Dr Stuart Doole
Dr Roger Duck
Dr Melanie Dymond Harper
Mr Dan Flint
Mr Richard Gilkes
Mr Chris Hilditch
Mrs Emily Martini
Professor Michael Miller
Mrs Sue Mortimer
Mr Brian Mulholland
Mr Roger Price
Mr Tim Richardson
Mr Ravi Sampanthar
Mr James Southgate
Mr Anthony Tabor
Mrs Sarah Taylor-Fergusson
Mr Malcom West
Ms Vivienne Artz
Mr Ben Bennetts
Mrs Victoria Bracey
Mr Wolter Brenninkmeijer
Mrs Emma Brining
Mrs Jane Chesters
Mr James Dewar
Mr Roger Eatwell
Dr Adam Fein
Mrs Jane Finlayson-Brown
Miss Fiona Herron
Ms Sarah Kane
Mr Matthew Kirkby
Mrs Vanessa Norman
Mr Simon Palethorpe
Mr Christopher Tracey
Ms Sophie Brookes
Miss Anna Claybourne
Mr Duncan Crowdy
Miss Nikki Crumpton
Mr Ian Green
Dr Holly Hutson
Dr Don Leitch
Mrs Elsa Lewis
Miss Tam Lewis
Dr Ian McAllister-Nevins

Ms Rachel Morgan
Mr Gordon Rayner
Mr Ming Shao
Mrs Jane Somerville
Mr Andrew Stevens
Ms Heather Swain

Miss Emma Back

Mr Malcolm Crabbe
Mr David Forest
Mr Neil Hartley
Mr Stephen Heifetz
Mr Jon Hill
Dr Lucy Holloway
Mr Kevin Holmes
Ms Sophie Hussey
Mr Rob Jardine
Dr Katie Lacy
Mr Alistair MacLay
Mr Tim McFadden
Dr Ed Mitchell
Mr Martin Payne
Mr Jonathan Ross
Mr Michael Steel
Mrs Charlotte Tisdall
Dr Lisa Wall
Mrs Charlie Ashley

Mr Douglas Barnes
Mr Richard Baty
Mr Ross Berridge
Dr David Biro
Dr David Blowers
Miss Natalie Burge
Mr Nicholas Callaway
Ms Jane Durney
Mr Jeremy Johnson
Mr Iain King CBE
Mr Dan Knowles
Mrs Julia LeStage
Mr Stephen Lintott
Mr David Lunn
Dr Mike Meredith
Mr Olivier Meyohas
Ms Caroline Norris
Dr Nancy Rector-Finney
Mr David Regan
Mr Mark Russell
Mr Richard Teather
Dr Theodore Wong
Mr Aidan Bocci
Mr Stephen Booth
Dr Pete Buston
Mrs Clare Donnison
Ms Lucy Findlay
Mr Daniel Gitterman
Mr Jeremy Goldring
Lt Gov Tim Griffin
Mrs Clare Janczewski
Miss Sian Keall
Mrs Colette MacDonald
Dr Isabelle Mast
Mr Jonathan Miller
Dr Ben Murphy
Mr Dan Mytnik
Ms Kirkland Newman Smulders
Dr Garry OConnor
Dr Gayathri Perera
Mr Will Price
Mr Christian Schneider-Sickert
Mr Robert Smith
Mr Alexander Tarran
Professor John Armour

Mrs Sam Bamert
Mr Gordon Banner
Mr Hugh Campbell
Professor Nobutaka Fukuda
Mr Peter Haden
Dr Stuart Hunn
Ms Nicky Lumb
Ms Jennifer McAllister-Nevins
Mr Kieran McCaldin
Mr Andy Morris
Mr Bradley Peacock
Mrs Jane Rice-Bowen
Mr David Rubenstein
Mr Guy Seeger
Mr James Sleeman
Mr Anthony Wilson
The Reverend Dr Edward
Mr Tim Beard
Ms Sarah-Jane Gabay
Mr Vinay Ganga
Miss Esther Gottschalk
Mrs Catherine Hall
Mr Chris Hawley
Mr Giles Horridge
Mr Nick Mace
Mrs Sin Macfarlane
Ms Andrea Paterson
Dr Eui-Sik Suh
Mrs Kate Suh
Mr Andrew Summers
Mr James Tarry
Mr Nick Winther

Life in Pembroke gave me necessary tools to

fulfill myself, so I want young Pembrokians to
have the same experiences as I had in Oxford.
The development of arts and sciences has been
sustained by philanthropic spirit history teaches
us that many great artists and scientists enjoyed
generous patronage. By supporting Pembroke
College, I wish to uphold this humanitarian tradition.
- Professor Nobutaka Fukuda 1992

Dr Jeremy Bartosiak-Jentys
Mr Bicrom Das
Mr Lewis Edwards
Miss Beverly Guai
Ms Jen Hawes-Hewitt
Miss Susan Hawkins
Dr Susan James Relly
Mr Han Jin Lew
Miss Jenny Ma
Mr Karim Mattar
Mr Peter Nortved
Mr Markus Rasswallner
Mr Jason Rodrigues
Mr Guy Rogers
Mr Andrew Shepherd
- Claire and Aruna Karunathilake 1994
Mr Konstanty Sliwowski

Pembroke means a great deal to both of us,

both individually and as a couple. It provides the
backdrop for so many important aspects of our
lives not least the sense of belonging that being
part of the College community brings, and needless
to say we have especially happy memories of our
wedding in the College Chapel.

Donating to Pembroke, for us at least, means giving
something back to help ensure that current and future generations of
Pembrokians have a similarly positive experience. Aruna is particularly
keen to support the Access initiatives as he first considered applying
to Oxford after visiting Pembroke as part of one of these events.

Mr Steve Wotton
Mr Khuram Yousaf
Mr John Boumphrey
Miss Helen Clarke
Dr Marianne Cunnington
Mr James Dickinson
Mr James Edmunds
Dr Ian Gadd
Mr Aruna Karunathilake
Mrs Claire Karunathilake
Dr Serra Kirdar-Meliti
Mr Chris Llewellyn
Mr Piers Ouvaroff
Dr Alistair Pask
Mr Mark Paskins
Ms Michelle Riley
Mrs Sarah Tolson
Mr Will Wagner
Mrs Katie Wallace
Mr Stephen Alexander
Mrs Liane Dabbous
Mr Bader El-Jeaan
Dr Ed Hawkins
Dr Eric Huang
Ms Julia Makra
Mr Dan Roddick
Mr Samir Sayed
Mr Jonathan Watkinson
Mr George Aitken-Davies
Mr Allan Baird
Ms Anne Byrne
Dr David Currie
Mr Alex Dabbous
Mr Arash Farin
Ms Juliet Kemp
Mr Chris Manners
Ms Anna Mazzola
Mr Brian Miller
Mr Tarik ORegan
Dr Kirsty Penkman
Mr Peter Seymour
Mr James Wiseman-Clarke
Mr Lee Boyar

Mr Richard Cooke
Mr John Hall
Mrs Lucy Miller
Mr Peter Nixey
Dr Edward Norris-Cervetto
Mr Jonathan Stevens
Mr Jake Wetherall
Mr Timothy Andrews
Mrs Natasha Boucai
Mr Josh Brayman
Mr Andrew Cornick
Mr Joseph Dore
Mr Sam Enoch
Mr Sam Filer
Miss Catherine Goodwin
Dr Sarah Hyde
Mr Aurelien Jolly
Dr Charles Kiamie
Mr Brendan Rolle-Rowan
Miss Rebecca Thomas
Mrs Abi White
Mrs Kedra Winter
Dr Georgina Brewis
Mr Guy Burman
Mr Matthew Clayton-Stead
Mr Anthony Davidowitz
Mr Nick Edelman
Dr Alex Formstone
Mr Nicholas Gilodi-Johnson
Mr William Griffiths
Mr Robin Hough
Mr Sameer Jagetia
Miss Thomasin Kemp
Dr Poppy Lamberton
Mr Andrew Leyland
Mr Neil Mahapatra
Mrs Alex McRae Dimsdale
Mr David Morgan
Mr Greg Neale
Mr Matthew Powell
Mr Peter Reynolds
Mr Ben Ritchie
Mr Moshfeque Rizvi
Mr Mark Sayer
Dr David Shipway
Mr Iain Smith
Ms Gemma Stevenson

Dr Zahida Adam
Mr Fergus Anstock
Mr Chris Benson
Mrs Laura Birnbaum
Mr Adam Brodie
Mr Benjamin Bury
Mr Elton Chan
Mr Ga Lok Chung
Mr Dominic Desbiens
Miss Heather Gagen
Mr Ciarn Hayes
Mr Stephenjohn Holgate
Mrs Sarah Holland
Miss Jillian McCall
Miss Louise Morgan
Mr Emmanuel Ngwengi
Dr Chris Watkins
Mr Oliver Wise
Miss Amy Wright
Mr Chris Aldred
Dr Rebecca Brady
Dr Richard Brixey
Mrs Claire Clayton-Stead
Mr David Flower
Mrs Emma Flower
Mr Tom Frost
Mr Francois Gervaz
Mrs Amanda Glass
Mr Dom Hammond
Miss Holly Hiscox
Mr Timothy Jones
Dr Evan LaBuzetta
Dr Jamie LaBuzetta
Miss Anne Maguire
Ms Caroline Murray-Lyon
Mr Paul Ramsay

Mr Simon Rothenberg
Miss Lyndsey Sambrooks-Wright
Miss Anne-Marie Sim
Miss Hannah Slee
Mr Eric Smookler
Mr Shiu-Man Wan
Dr Alexander Woods
Mr Kevin Au
Miss Amy Bilton
Miss Polly Davies
Mrs Shan Dias
Miss Sarah Franklin
Mr John Gethin
Mrs Pippa Gillard
Mr James Gillies
Ms Laura Gordon
Mr William Hadman
Mr Philip Howard
Mr Rob Johnson
Mrs Catherine OKelly
Mr Ronan OKelly
Mr Tassos Recachinas
Miss Huda Salih
Mr Rick Sanghera
Mrs Holly Stebbing
Mr William Stebbing
Mr Amit Suman
Dr Gregory Tasian
Miss Louise Turner
Miss Eleanor Wade
Dr Jocelyn Walbridge
Dr Amanda Welford
Dr Eleanor White
Miss Juliette Adams
Ms Claire Addison
Dr Robert Avis
Mr Michael Berliner
Dr David Blagden
Mr Max Castle
Mr Hber Delgado Medrano
Ms Laura Frascona
Professor Stephen Gilmore
Mr Shai Gruber
Ms Johana Hayes
Mr Mike Hills
Mr Paul Hinds
Mr Daniel Hobster
Mr Thomas Holder
Mr Michael Johnson
Mrs Selina Krespi
Miss Elizabeth Lane
Mr William McFarland
Mr Steve Mills

Pembroke nurtured my ability to work under pressure

and excel under challenging circumstances. I give to
College because of its enduring commitment to widening
access and providing a well-rounded student experience.
Whilst at Pembroke I benefited enormously from financial assistance
funded by generous support from donors. This made a profound
difference to my university experience, and gave me the opportunity
to participate fully in College life. I delight in being part of any drive
to maintain that tradition.
- Emmanuel Ngwengi 2001

My years at Pembroke were amongst the happiest

of my life. The College was a source of support,
intellectual stimulation, and laughter while I
completed my course, and filled my life with incredible
people. I am happy to give so that Pembroke can
continue to welcome, continue to extend its tradition
of excellence, and can give Professor X (Sir Patrick Stewart) a proper
welcome when he finally visits his alma mater!
-Danielle Kijewski 2011
Miss Leila Ouardani
Mr John Pemberton-Pigott
Mrs Elizabeth Rothenberg
Dr Paul Simmons
Mr Alex Solomon
Miss Kasia Stochniol
Dr Dawn Swan
Dr James Tromans
Miss Ashley Walker
Miss Kate Worthington

Mr Geoffrey Absalom
Mr Alexander Brett
Ms Sarah Brierley
Mrs Danielle Candfield
Miss Sara Chan
Dr Tom Demetriades
Mr Jonathan Harris
Mr Edward Haynes
Mr William Heald
Miss Kate Hodesdon
Mr Luke Korzun Martin
Miss Leslie Lai
Dr Jakob Leimgruber
Mr Martin Luehrmann
Mr Milos Martinov
Mr Edward Morgan
Mr Robert White
Ms Jessica Wynter Bee
Dr Christopher Young
Mr Imad Ahmed
Mr Oli Baggaley
Mr Zach Bennetts
Mr Marc Bouffard
Mr Bobby Butcher
Mr Ari Freisinger
Mr Marcelo Gigi
Mr Timothy Horrocks
Miss Faye Jones
Mr Frederick Krespi
Mr Laurence Lyndon-Jones
Miss Chloe Reid
Mr Dean Rodrigues
Mr Jonathan Ross
Mr Charlie Spencer
Miss Vicky Spratt
Ms Nadya Thorman
Mr Matt Turnbull
Mr Huw Williams

Miss Katie Allen
Mr Andrew Bayne
Miss Grace Blackman
Miss Jennifer Ellis
Mr Robert Holtom
Miss Mary Li
Mr Kevin Liu
Mr Cesar Ortega Domene
Mr Alex Sants
Mr Roland Singer-Kingsmith
Miss Ellie Decamp
Mr Patrick Elder
Mr Alexi Esmail-Yakas
Ms Melissa Lisenbee
Mr William Musker
Mr David Webster
Dr Chien Yong
Miss Margot Arthur
Mr David Hanvidge
Mr Joshua Harris-Kirkwood
Mr Noble MacFarlane
Mrs Jenny Payne
Miss Matilda Smith
Mr George Blessley
Mr Alastair Cook
Mr Caspar Donnison
Mr Ethan Erickson
Mr Alex Fisher
Ms Emily Woodwark

The Master, Dame Lynne
Brindley DBE, (Hon) FBA
Mr Roger Boning
Dr Vernon Butt
Mr John Church
Dr Ariel Ezrachi
Professor Mark Fricker (1981)
Professor Ian Grant
Professor Arthur Hazlewood
Mr Giles Henderson CBE and
Dr Lynne Henderson
Dr Martha Klein
Ms Dani Muir
Professor Andy Orchard
Pembroke Junior Common
Room (JCR)
Pembroke Middle Common
Room (MCR)
Mr Andrew Seton
Professor Irene Tracey
Professor Alfons Weber
Dr Rebecca Williams

Dr Dick Arndt
Dr Steven Bellin
HE Mahfouz bin Mahfouz
Ms Margaret Birley
Mrs Diana Briggs
Mrs Helen Bryan Smith
Dr Patrick Byrne
Ms Jenny Chan
Mr David Christensen
Mr David and Mrs Julie Colton
Mr Nicholas Ellis
Mr Andrew Fellows
Mrs Roberta Foote *
Mr David Franklin

Mrs Ena Gale *

Mrs Betty Garner
Mr Stefan Gleeson
Mr Paul Grimer
Professor Michael Hamm
Mr Heinz Hauperich
Mrs Alice Idle
Earl Jamie Lindsay
Mr Michael McNaught
Mr Philip Millar
Ms Sara Miller McCune
The Reverend Professor Colin
Mr Franz Mller
Mr Jeremy Prescott
Mr Dustin Prisley
Mrs Sheila Rees
Mr Paul & Mrs Mary Rushton
Mr Simon Ryde
Ms Ashley Somogyi
Mr Phillip Sorensen
Mrs Paula Spanier-Michtom
Professor Robert Thomson
Dr Randall Wakelam
Dr Gordon Whitham
Mrs Sarah Wynter Bee

Brigham Young University
Estee Lauder Companies
Goldsmiths Company Charity
Harry Frank Guggenheim
Helen Roll Charity Inc
Patrick Byrne Foundation, Inc
Santander UK plc
Slaughter and May
Tanaka Memorial Foundation, Inc
UBS Investment Bank
Utah Valley University
Wellcome Trust Centre for the
History of Medicine
Yablon Family Charity Co Ltd

Mr William Badger
Mr Kristopher Blake
Miss Danielle Kijewski
Mr Gareth Owens
Mr Daren Pietsch
Mr Alexander Fisher
Mr Antonis Mergos
Mr Mark Samuels
Mr Johnny Trischler


The Masters Circle



The Ossulston Circle




Membership of the Masters Circle is exclusive to leading donors, and brings them together at
an annual event which includes a discussion of the Colleges strategy and academic priorities.


This years event took place in February when

members were welcomed to College by the Master, to hear
presentations from Dr Peter Claus: Pembroke as the Benchmark: the Latest on our Access Initiatives, Dr Tim Cheng
(2010): The Genetics of Common Diseases, and Dr Nicholas
Cole: Re-imagining the American Constitutional Convention
as well as attending a Question and Answer session with
the Academic Director, Professor Mark Fricker.
The Master was delighted to accept a commemorative
silver piece, commissioned by Brian Wilson and designed
by Ndidi Ekubia (pictured left) in the Harold Lee Room
during the drinks reception, prior to a private Dinner.

Mr Jonathan Aisbitt, 1975

Mr Amer al Tajir, 1980
Mr Gordon Aldrick, 1956
Mr David Andrews CBE, 1953
Mr Alan Archibald, 1968
Mr Neil Arnold, 1966
Mr Phil Bentley, 1977
Mr Wolter Brenninkmeijer, 1987
Mr Ian Cormack, 1966
Mr Michael Crystal
Sir Rocco Forte, 1963
Mr Stephen Gosztony, 1981
Mr John Govett LVO, 1962
Mr Andrew Graham, 1969
Mr Mike Hall, 1971
Mr Giles Henderson CBE and Dr Lynne
The Rt Hon the Lord Heseltine CH PC,
Mr Jeremy Hill, 1977
Dr Stanley Ho OBE
Ms Beatrice Hollond, 1979


Mr Christopher Howe, 1974

Mr Keith Howick, 1972
The Hon Dr Jonathan Hunt, 1965
HM King Abdullah of Jordan, 1984
Mr Walter Isaacson, 1974
Dr Thomas Kaplan, 1982
Mr Matthew Kirkby, 1987
Mr Dolf Kohnhorst, 1977
Mr David Krischer, 1985
Mr David Lee, 1984
Mr Anthony Lee
Mrs Irene Lee
Dr Deanna Lee Rudgard OBE
Mr George Link, 1985
HE Mahfouz bin Mahfouz
Mr David Mitchell, 1958
Mr Paul Monk, 1968
Mr Charles Moore, 1970
Ms Kirkland Newman Smulders, 1990
Mr Patrick and Mrs Tamar Pichette,
1987 and 1986
Mr Andrew Pitt, 1984

Mr BC Poon
Mr Robert Rhodes, 1963
Mr Chris Rokos, 1989
Mr Abdullah Saleh
Mr Alex Sants, 2007
Mrs Judy McCartin Scheide
Mr Julian Schild, 1977
Professor David Speller, 1954
Mr Percival Stanion, 1976
Ms Makiko Tanaka
Mr Brian Taylor CBE
Mr Revan Tranter, 1954
Dr Christopher Tyler
Mr Mike and Mrs Hilary Wagstaff,
1980 and 1981
Mr Anthony Walker, 1963
Dr Damon Wells CBE, 1961
Mr Brian Wilson, 1948
Mr Antony Zacaroli, 1982
Mr Zain Azahari Zainal Abidin

The Ossulston Circle recognises those who have given significant amounts to Pembroke
College. Members join the Master in College for Luncheon on a biannual basis.

Lord Abernethy, 1958

Mr George Aitken-Davies, 1996
Miss Elizabeth Baker, 1997
Mr David Barratt
Captain Mike Barritt RN, 1967
Mr Michael Beaumont, 1955
Mr Neil Berragan, 1978
Dr David Biro, 1989
Mr Stephen Booth, 1990
Mr Michael Borkan, 1980
Mr Martin Bowdery , 1975
Mr Patrick Boyle, 1990
Mr John Brandow , 1975
Mr Jim Bratton, 1952
Mr Peter Burge, 1965
Mr Rod Burgess, 1973
Mrs Alisa Burke, 1986
Mr Andrew Buxton CMG, 1959
Mr Andrew Calvert
Mr Andrew Carruthers, 1969
Lord Carswell, 1952
Mr Gerald Chan
Mr Paul Chantry, 1965
Mr John Church
Dr Hilary Connor, 1987
Mr Graham Coombs, 1971
The Reverend Malcolm Cooper, 1957
Mr Douglas Cox, 1980
Mr Julian Crispin, 1955
Mr Ben Crystal, 1998
Mr James Davidson, 1976
Mr Hugh Davies OBE, and Mrs Claire Davies,
Mr Roger Davis, 1974
Mr Richard de Ste Croix, 1966
Mr John Dixon, 1967
Professor Miles Dodd, 1958
Mr John Drysdale, 1947
Dr Donald Duggan, 1973
Mr Richard Eccles, 1979
Mr Bader El-Jeaan, 1995
Mr Tim Evans, 1974
Mr Robert Farquharson, 1970
Mr David Fell, 1972
Mr Josh Fields, 2009
Mrs Jane Finlayson-Brown, 1987
Mr Gary Flather OBE, 1958
Mr Andrew Galloway, 1975
Mr Ed Gentle, 1977
Mr Tony George, 1965
Mr Ron Gerard OBE
Mr Joe Gilchrist, 1952
Mr Jeremy Goldring , 1990
Mr Peter Grose, 1957
Mr Peter Harbidge, 1954
Mr Richard Harding, 1986

Sir Graham Hart KCB, 1958

Mr Paul Hasse, 1976
Ms Susan Hazledine, 1984
Professor Arthur Hazlewood (decs)
Dr Maurice Headon, 1969
Mr Robert Heathcote, 1982
Mr Jonathan and Mrs Paula Helliwell,
1982 and 1983
Mr Tom Herman, 1971
Mr Dirk Hertzog, 1970
Mr Jeremy Hicks, 1972
Mrs Carol Hopper, 1982
Mr Graham Hutton
Dr Michael Hwang, 1962
Mr Hugh Ibbotson, 1958
Mr David Jeffcoat, 1968
Mr Mark Joelson OBE, 1961
Mr Richard Jones, 1972
Mr Leandros Kalisperas, 1995
Mr Michael Kennard, 1969
Lord Kerr GCMG, 1960
Mr Nemir Kirdar
Mrs Quita Kirk-Duncan
Ambassador Phil Lader, 1967
Mr Adrian Lajtha, 1975
Mr Stephen Lam
Mr David Lanch, 1957
Professor Graham Layer,1971
Mr Andrew Le Messurier, 1973
Mr Wade Lewis, 1968
Mr Eric Lonergan, 1990
Mr Robert Long, 1980
Mr Mark Loveday, 1962
Senator (Ret) Richard Lugar KBE, 1954
Mr Robert Lyons, 1961
Mr Denis Lyons, 1962
Mr Andrew Ma
Ms Jennifer Ma, 2000
Mr Kenneth MacKenzie, CB 1961
Mr Charles MacKinnon, 1973
Mr Mark Magowan, 1976
Mr Neil Mahapatra, 1999
Mrs Carol Malone
Dr Chris Manning, 1960
Mr Stanley Metcalfe, 1953
Mr Oliver Meyohas, 1989
Sir Philip Moor, 1978
Ms Rachel Morgan, 1988
Mr Robert Morgan-Williams, 1981
Mr John Morrissey, 1980
Mr Tim Morshead, 1988
Sir John Mummery, 1959
Mr Digby Murphy, 1961
Mr Nigel Newton
Mr Charlie Parsons, 1976
Mr Bradley Peacock, 1992

Ms Michelle Peluso, 1993

Mr Edward Pickard, 1964
Mr Kent Price, 1967
Mr Rhodri Price Lewis, 1970
Mr David Prichard MBE, 1952
Mr Paul Rew, 1985
Mr Simon Richards, 1974
Mr George Rivaz, 1981
Dr Ted Rose, 1976
Mr David Rubenstein, 1992
Dr Miles Rucklidge, 1951
Judge Anthony Russell, 1970
Mr Simon Sackman, 1969
Mrs Daphne Schild
Mr Christian Schneider-Sickert, 1990
Mr Conrad Seagroatt, 1958
Mr Fraser Skirrow, 1982
Mr James Sleeman, 1992
Mrs Terry Slesinski-Wykowski, 1982
Professor Robert Smith, 1971
Mrs Helen Bryan Smith
Dr Tom Solis, 1960
Mrs Paula Spanier-Michtom
Dr Julian Sternberg, 1965
Mr Peter Stevenson, 1963
Mr Tony Stirratt, 1954
Dr Ian Sunderland, 1951
Mr David Tagg CBE, 1959
The Reverend Liam Tallon, 1962
Mr Martyn Taylor, 1956
Mr Kevin Thurm, 1984
Mr Ian Tinsley, 1966
Ms Caroline Wagstaff, 1982
Mr Anthony Walker, 1963
Mr John Walker-Haworth, 1963
Mr Ian Wells, 1969
Mr Iain West, 1984
Mr Dick Williamson, 1952
Mr James Wiseman-Clarke, 1996
Mr Francis Witts, 1960
Mr Charles Wood OBE, 1959
Mr John Woolman, 1977
Mr Tony Yablon, 1959
Mr Khuram Yousaf, 1993
Mr David Yu


The Tesdale Society


The Tesdale Society is open to all alumni and friends who have notified us of their commitment to leave a legacy to
Pembroke. Members are invited to College for a biannual event.

Lord Abernethy, 1958

Mr Gordon Aldrick, 1956
Mr Michael Andrews, 1948
Mr Jeremy Baker, 1961
Mr Martyn Baker OBE, 1962
Mr Stephen Bamber, 1974
Professor Joshua Bamfield, 1963
Mr Jim Barlow, 1962
Mr John Barlow, 1952
Captain Mike Barritt RN, 1967
Mr Peter Batchelor, 1949
Mr Nigel Beevor, 1960
Mr Peter Bell, 1950
Mr Lewis Bernstein, 1947
Mr Brian Bissell MBE, 1954
Dr Harry Bramma, 1955
Mr Jim Bratton, 1952
Mrs Emma Brining, 1987
Mr Rod Burgess, 1973
Mr Brian Burns, 1960
Mr Desmond Burton, 1966
Mr Graham Butler, 1952
Mr Brian Cairns, 1949
Mr Andrew Calvert
Mr Michael Carlton, 1959
Mr Paul Castle, 1965
Major Roger Chapman MBE,
Mr Derek Charman, 1941
Sir Bob Clarke, 1949
The Reverend Mr Sydney
Clayton, 1958
Mrs Gill Coates, 1981
Dr Arnold Cohen, 1944
The Reverend Malcolm Cooper,
Mr David Cope-Thompson,
Mr Ian Cormack, 1966
Mr Chris Craig, 1959
Mr Andrew Creese, 1964
Dr Russell Crisp, 1975
Mr Julian Crispin, 1955
Mr Geoff Crookes, 1956
Judge Peter Cuthbertson, 1967
Mr Jim Dalton, 1963
Mr Richard Deeble, 1949
The Reverend Lorne Denny,
Mrs Esm Diamond
Mr Miles Dodd, 1958
Dr Paul Ellis, 1952
Mr John Ennis, 1971
Mr Martin Evans, 1967
Mr Tom Everett, 1948
Mr David Faris, 1966

Mr David Fell, 1972

Mr Paul Ferguson, 1974
Dr Bruce Fetter, 1960
Mr Randal ffrench, 1973
Mr Mark Fidler, 1980
Mr Gary Flather OBE, 1958
Mr Jeremy Forty, 1951
The Reverend Martin Francis,
Mr Simon Frost, 1970
Mr Basil Garland, 1939
Mr Jeremy Gentilli, 1945
Mr Padraic Gilmore, 1951
Mr Michael Godley, 1946
Mr Philip Goldenberg, 1964
Mr Manny Gonzalez, 1985
Professor Graham Good, 1961
Mr John Govett LVO, 1962
Professor Ian Grant, 1948
Mr Nick Grantham, 1954
Dr Nicholas Griffin, 1992
Mr Vincent Guy, 1962
Mr Mike Hall, 1971
Ms Nicola Harrison, 1981
Mr Peter Harrison, 1949
Dr Colin Haydon, 1975
Mr Dick Hayes, 1957
Mr Peter Hayward, 1977
Mr Francis Hazeel, 1964
Mr Nicholas Hill, 1966
Mr Geoffrey Hoffman, 1958
Professor Abbie Hughes, 1959
Mr Hugh Ibbotson, 1958
Mrs Alice Idle
Mr Philip Jagger, 1949
Dr Nigel James, 1963
Mr Tony Jasper, 1963
Mr Peter Johnson, 1965
Mr Peter Jones, 1944
The Reverend Richard Jones,
Mr Duncan Kelly, 1952
Dr John Kelly, 1948
Mr Michael Kill, 1971
Miss Helen King, 1989
Mr Malcolm Kitchen, 1971
Ambassador Phil Lader, 1967
Mr David Lanch, 1957
Professor Graham Layer, 1971
Dr Grant Lee, 1958
Mr Richard Leman, 1960
Mr Peter Letts, 1954
Mr Chris Lewis CBE, 1960
Mr Ron Limbrick, 1953
Mr Christopher Lusby-Taylor,

Mr Denis Lyons, 1962

Mr Kenneth MacKenzie CB,
Mr David MacKilligin CMG,
Dr Chris Manning, 1960
Mrs Charlotte Martins, 1972
Dr Howard Maskill, 1961
Dr Edgar McGinnis, 1959
The Reverend Alistair
McGregor, 1958
Dr Hugh McKinney, 1951
Mr Stanley Metcalfe, 1953
Mr David Mitchell, 1958
Canon Michael Moore LVO,
Mr Michael Murphy, 1956
Mr Mo Nadin, 1944
Mr Marcus Nelson, 1962
Mr David Noble, 1960
Mr Derek Oakley, 1959
Mr Graham Palmer, 1962
Sir Len Peach, 1953
Dr John Pether, 1952
The Reverend Christopher
Pulford, 1978
Professor Geoffrey Raisman,
Mr Roff Rayner, 1944
The Reverend Antony Rees,
Dr Michael Rees, 1968
Mrs Sheila Rees
Mr Simon Richards, 1974
Mr Philip Richardson, 1954
Mr Marcus Roberts, 1986
Mr Hannan Rose, 1966
Dr Miles Rucklidge, 1951
Mr Dennis Rudd, 1953
Mr Nigel Rumfitt, 1968
Mr Geoffrey Samuel, 1949
Mr Julian Schild, 1977
Mr Conrad Seagroatt, 1958
Dr Malcolm Seddon, 1959
Mr Jules Sheahan, 1989
Mrs Terry Slesinski-Wykowski,
Professor Rob Smith, 1971
Professor David Speller, 1954
Dr Robert Stevens, 1952
Mr Peter Stevenson, 1963
Mr Matthew Stibbe, 1988
Mr Tony Stirratt, 1954
Mr John Stoker, 1962
Mr Dick Stopford, 1952
Mr George Summerfield, 1954

Mr Peter Summerfield, 1954

Dr Ian Sunderland, 1951
Professor Sir Keith Sykes
Dr Andrea Tanner
Mr Arnold Taylor, 1956
Mr Martyn Taylor, 1956
Professor Walter Timperley,
Mr Nick Tomlinson, 1981
Mr Peter Toomey, 1956
Mr Revan Tranter, 1954
Mr Norman Vaughton, 1961
Mr Roy Vernon, 1955
Dr Bruce Wakefield, 1960
Mr Anthony Walker, 1963
Mr John Walker, 1958
Mr Jeremy Wall, 1956
Mr Howard Webber, 1946
Dr Damon Wells CBE, 1961
Mrs Ella Whitehead
Mr John Whitworth OBE, 1943
Mr David Williams, 1973
Mr Justin Wills, 1964
Mr Brian Wilson, 1948
Dr Harry Wilson, 1951
Mr Charles Wood, 1959
Mr Derek Wood, 1952
Dr John Wroughton, 1955
Mr Tony Yablon, 1959

The deaths of the following members have been notified since the last edition of the Record:

Legacy Gifts
Mr Humphrey Gentilli, 1948
Mr Ronald Lorimer, 1955
Mr Rodney FitzGerald MBE,
Mrs Ena Gale
Mr David Hawkins, 1954
Mr John Fell, 1948
Mr Charles Swithinbank MBE,
Mr Graham McCallum
CBE, 1944
Mr Anthony Mobbs (1959)

Each year the Record includes obituaries of past members. There is no time limit on submitting an obituary,
it need not necessarily be published the same year. The following obituaries are included in this edition:

Mr Richard Adams, 1970

Professor Roger Benoit Chazal, 1951
Dr Didier Corrand, 1994
Professor Derek Robin Diamond, 1952
Mr Francis Laurence Edwards, 1952
The Revd David Gordon Everett, 1964
Mr Frederick Farnham-Flower, 1947
Mr John Arnold Fell, 1948
Mr Joseph Anthony Fernyhough, 1958
Mr Lewis Martin Harris, 1950
Mr David Hawkins, 1954
Dr James McNaughton Hester, 1947
Mr Bernard Russell Powrie Hopkins, 1960
Mr George Hoskin, 1955
Mr Godfrey Howard, 1946
Mr Christopher Jeens, 1972
Mr Abbas Ali Khan, 1998

Emeritus Fellow, Dr Piers Mackesy

Dr James Slator, 1941
Mr Walter Wood, 1944
Mr Godfrey Howard, 1946
Mr John Peckham, 1946
Honorary Fellow, Dr James Hester, 1947
Mr John Fell, 1948
Dr John Slater 1948
Professor Roger Chazal, 1951
Professor Derek Diamond, 1952

Mr Robert Sellick Luetchford, 1967

Mr Roy Francis Lewis, 1948
Mr Paul Nicholas Mandeville, 1975
Mr Anthony Peter Mobbs, 1959
Mr John Edward Peckham, 1946
Dr Sandro Mario Perez, 1975
Mr David Price, 1965
Mr John Gilmour Slater, 1948
Mr James Slator, 1941
Mr John Roger Smitham, 1970
Mr David Charles Stanley OBE, 1949
Mr Robert Edward Stead, 1947
Mr Peter John Turner, 1955
Mr Andrew Whitely, 1965
Mr George Edward Geoffrey Wightwick, 1950
Dr Richard Hanwell Wilkinson, 1963
Mr Walter Scott Wood, 1944

Mr Laurence Edwards, 1952

Mr George Hoskin, 1955
Mr Peter Turner, 1955
Mr Joseph Fernyhough, 1958
Mr Anthony Mobbs, 1959
Mr Bernard Hopkins, 1960
Mr David Price, 1965
Mr Michael Pixton, 1971
Mr Christopher Jeens, 1972




Emeritus Fellow
15th September 1924 30th June 2014

27th August 1923 1st January 2015

Piers was born in 1924 at

his grandparents home west
of Aberdeen. He was a child
of the army, his father highly
decorated in the First World
War and then a General in
the Second. His mother was
a successful novelist and
journalist, from whom he
inherited a love of the craft
of writing.
formative early years with
Aberdeen, as well as living as far apart as Quetta, in what is now
Pakistan, and Bordon in Hampshire. Piers was fascinated by
what was, in his words, still the army of Kipling, with bands,
parades and mounted cavalry. He developed a lifelong love of
horses, animals and landscape.
He was sent to, what was then, a harsh Edinburgh prep
school, then on to Wellington, where he flourished in its
relatively liberal atmosphere, winning a scholarship to Christ
Church in 1942.
But World War II intervened, and, after training, Piers joined
the Royal Scots Greys in Northern France three months after
D-Day, at the age of 19. They fought their way in Sherman
tanks across Belgium, Holland and Germany, ending up on
the Baltic.
Oxford followed in 1947. While, like so many, he found it
hard to settle back to the academic world, he emerged with
a First in Modern History, followed by a doctorate at Oriel
and a Harkness fellowship at Harvard. He became a Fellow of
Pembroke in 1954.
Piers taught Modern History, with a particular focus on
the history of European warfare from the mid-18th Century
to the end of the Napoleonic Wars, and the complicated
intersection between statesmen and their commanders, grand
strategy and operational detail. He was also a Visiting Fellow
at Princeton, a Visiting Professor at Cal Tech, the Lee Knowles
Lecturer at Cambridge in 1972 and a member of the Council
of the Institute of Early American History and Culture at
Williamsburg, Virginia.
Piers wrote six books, all much admired and all with great
clarity and lightness of touch, despite their scholarly nature. His
first, The War in the Mediterranean, 1803-1810, was published
in 1957. His second, The War for America, established an
international reputation. It was a strategic study of how the
British government struggled to conduct an irregular war
thousands of miles away, at a time when it took months to get
a message across the Atlantic and America was but one front in
a world war. Published at a time when America was struggling
with its own deepening quagmire in Vietnam, it was one of
the catalysts for the revision of Americas simplistic Davidand-Goliath creation myth. A reviewer in the Washington
Post of a recent new edition referred to it as the single best

such work that I have

and highlighted its
with recent American
mistakes in Iraq.
His other books
were Statesmen at
War: the Strategy of
17981799; The Coward of
Minden, the Affair of
Lord George Sackville;
War without Victory,
the Downfall of Pitt, and British Victory in Egypt: the End of
Napoleons Conquest, an account of the campaign which
culminated in Napoleons first major setback, having to
abandon a large army in Egypt. It was awarded the Templer
Medal. Piers also contributed to a number of other books and
wrote regularly for academic publications.
Piers became a Fellow of the British Academy, Fellow of the
Royal Historical Society and a trustee of the National Army
Museum. Oxford awarded him a DLitt for his published works.
Piers was held in deep affection by his former colleagues and
pupils. He was by all accounts a civilized and thoughtful tutor,
who quietly took a lot of trouble over his pupils, whatever their
abilities, and this extended beyond the purely academic: one
summer every morning he went up the Cowley Road to wake
up a student in crisis, to make sure that he got to each of his
finals papers. Letters written both before and after his death
give some flavours: one old pupil referred to the inspiration of
Piers exactitude and deflation of cant, another remembers his
eyes sliding to his drinks tray during a monotonous reading
late one morning, and yet another said: I think in my time
with him in tutorials I only saw him angered once, when my
fellow undergraduate compared the Boy Scout Movement with
the Hitler Youth!
Piers was also an effective administrator and a diplomatic
colleague, twice becoming acting Master of Pembroke. His
low-key and sensitive tact helped solve some serious problems
over the years, although it was perhaps of less use when trying
to remonstrate at a College Ball, in his capacity as Dean, with
a rampaging The Who in their 1960s prime.
Piers first married Sarah Davies, daughter of Sir David Davies
QC, barrister and the first National Insurance Commissioner
and the novelist Margaret Kennedy, in 1958. They had three
children and lived in North-West Oxfordshire.
Piers married his second wife, Patricia Timlin, in 1982.
They moved to Aberdeenshire in 1989 on Piers taking
prompt retirement from Oxford, where they had many years
of happiness.
Piers died on 30 June 2014 aged 89. He is survived by his
wife and his three children.
William Mackesy, son

James Slator died peacefully after a

long battle with prostate cancer.
James was born in Stock, Essex,
the second son of Capt RN (retired)
Thomas and Kathleen Slator. James
was a sickly child as, unbeknown to
his parents, he was suffering from
coeliac disease for which there was
no treatment at that time. It was
only in the late 1950s that James
was properly diagnosed with the
condition, and with a change in diet
he became a much healthier man.
In 1927 Jamess father retired from
the Navy and took a teaching job in San Remo, moving the
family to Italy. They returned to the UK in 1932 and settled in
Holt, North Norfolk where James and his older brother, Tom,
were educated at Greshams School. In 1941 James obtained a
place at Pembroke to read Medicine and graduated in 1946;
the normal six year course being compressed into five because
of the War. It was while James was a student at Oxford that
cycling played a significant role in his life, as the only ready
means of getting back home to Holt was to cycle, a journey
of some 150+ miles. This he would do over a couple of days,
resting and sleeping in fields if necessary and navigating by the
sun and stars.
He trained as a Junior House Doctor at the Radcliffe
Infirmary and, following qualification, he became interested in
thoracic medicine and so spent some time as a Senior House
Officer at the Osler Pavilion, the TB Sanatorium attached to
the Radcliffe Infirmary. It was at the Osler Pavilion that he first
met Mary, his wife to be.
They married in January 1950 and James did his National
Service in the RMAC at the Army Connaught Hospital, a
military TB sanatorium on Hindhead Heath. Unfortunately
he contracted TB himself and so was discharged from the
Army in 1952 on medical grounds. He was treated at the Slade
Hospital, Headington which meant moving the family back to
After recovering, he worked as a Senior House Doctor at
the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. It was a year later that an
advertisement for a doctors post at Kelling Sanatorium in Holt
with house thrown in was spotted. Apart from another
short spell of TB in 1955 he spent a very happy working life
there. During his time overseeing the sanatorium it changed
to a thriving community hospital treating other diseases, with
convalescent beds for the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital and
also the introduction of a Neurological Unit. Under Jamess
leadership Thoracic and Orthopaedic surgery was introduced.
During his time at Kelling Hospital James studied for and
passed the exam for membership of the Royal College of
James was highly regarded by the medical community
in the Norfolk area both for his specialist thoracic and his
wider general medical knowledge. James took the decision

not to become a consultant himself but in recognition of his

achievements at Kelling, he was proposed by his consultant
colleagues for Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians
and Fellowship, which was granted in 1965.
In 1983 James retired from his working life at Kelling
Hospital but remained very much in touch with the Hospital
and became heavily involved with the local community and
fund raising.
James had a great love for music and was a very accomplished
amateur cello player. He played in many local orchestras, string
quartets and trios. He also played with some of the larger orchestras
in the area when they needed the number of cellos increased for
performances in larger churches and cathedrals in Norwich.
James other major interest was his family. He loved his family
and nothing gave him more pleasure than caring for, helping
and encouraging them as they grew up. He was delighted to see
his children married and, in turn, watch their children grow up
and, in some cases, also get married. He took a keen interest
in what his grandchildren were doing in their lives and, only
recently, he was delighted to be able to hold his second greatgrandchild. James leaves behind his devoted and loving wife,
Mary and four children, Richard, David, Rona and Ann.
It is in recognition of Jamess love for his family, his love for
cycling and his interest in Kelling hospital that members of
the Slator family
undertook a charity
ride in August this
year from Pembroke
College to Kelling
Hospital to raise
money to support
and running of
Hospice beds. This
time the ride of 156 miles was completed in a day!
Richard Slator, son


17th March 1926 15th December 2014
The single defining event in Walter
Woods life was the decision by his parents,
modest for their own ambitions but huge for
his, to send Walter to the Royal Grammar
School in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1937. At
a stroke, the system that afforded children
the opportunity for top quality education
and, thereafter, social mobility put him on
a path that led to Oxford, qualification as a
solicitor and a lifetimes practice of the law.
Walter came from the Tyneside town of North Shields. The
Woods were talented artisans, many of them being musicians,
painters or both, and from this Walters talent as a violinist
sprang, a talent that was nurtured and given every opportunity
for expression at school and university. He was no artist himself
but his interest in pictures never left him. He had a good eye
and was an avid collector until wall space ran out even though
his own notes for an obituary lament the fact that his voluntary

activities occupied his time at the cost of collecting pictures!

His secondary schooling was marked by wartime evacuation
to Penrith where he threw himself into everything on offer.
Despite the deprivations that undoubtedly existed, he always
described them as halcyon days.
He went up to Pembroke for the Michaelmas Term 1944
to read Jurisprudence under the Admiralty Y Scheme,
whereby potential officers could spend six months at
university combining academic study and naval training. His
contemporary Roff Rayner (1944) said: It was a strange time
in blacked out Oxford, with Pembroke largely occupied by the
Ministry of Agriculture and only a score or so undergraduates.
Nevertheless it was enough to give an idea of what University
life might be like. On demobilisation in 1947 Walter returned
to Pembroke with enthusiasm.
Walter wrote: [I] seized the opportunity to enjoy the
activities on offer there, rightly anticipating that such a chance
would not come again. [I] played the violin in the Oxford
Orchestra and the orchestras of the Opera and Music Clubs
and was a member of the Pembroke College Quartet which was
invited to perform in a Sunday evening Balliol College concert.
[I] also played folk music with the Cecil Sharp Club and even
managed to be President of the Blackstone Society.
Graduating in 1949, following the two year post-war
accelerated programme, his time at Pembroke was a source of
pride for the rest of his life.
Returning to Tyneside and, having found the necessary
150, Articles of Clerkship followed and thereafter admission
to the Roll in 1952.
Meeting Shirley Bittermann thereafter determined the course
of his personal and professional life. Her father, a well known
local practitioner, offered Walter a place in the firm which,
by the time of their marriage in 1957, had become known as
ELF Bittermann & Wood. Together, uneasily at times, they
practised until his father-in-laws death. He sat as a Deputy
Registrar but full time judicial office never appealed.
An old fashioned high street solicitor of the type that is now
a dying, if not dead, breed he turned his hand to anything and
was truly, in the memorable definition of Sir Robert Megarry,
a universal spider: he knew how to get things done. He took
his turn on the Standing Committee of the Newcastle-uponTyne Law Society, serving as its President in 1985-6. He was
heavily involved in a bewildering range of charitable activities,
including setting up Abbeyfield Society Homes which
influenced the decision to move to one of them himself.
But when all is said and done, Walter was a family man.
His marriage to Shirley was a good and sustaining one. Of it,
touchingly but perceptively, he said this:
[I] married Shirley in 1957 and we celebrated 57 years
together thanks to her good care and cooking, hard work
and common sense.
He brought his children up with a strong public service ethic
consonant with his belief that to practise was to serve. The RGS
continued to hold an abiding fascination and he was pleased
that his son and three of his grandsons followed him there.
The last two years were not easy. First deafness and then
blindness left him increasingly isolated. He lived in Abbeyfield
for 18 months dying on 15 December, in his 89th year, sadly
anticipating that he would fail to achieve his ambition of
reaching the age of 90.
Judge Simon Wood, son

27th January 1921 19th October 2014
Godfrey served in the RAF
as a Squadron Leader,
based in Scotland under
Wing commander Mike
Fleetwood. Flying first in
Hamptons and later in
Lancasters, he operated out
in the Atlantic and North
Sea against enemy shipping.
In 1946, already married
and with a daughter, Lesley,
he went up to Pembroke
to read English and took special pleasure in the University
Lectures of such notable scholars as JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis.
On graduation in 1949, Godfrey went into advertising, living
in London and working as Creative Director for Foote, Cone
and Belding and later at Notleys. During this period he wrote
and broadcasted for radio and television in Britain, France and
During his life, Godfrey encountered some remarkable
people. He studied the philosophy of Guerdjej, author of All
and Everything, and personally knew Idris Shah, Russell and
Vera Page, and many other writers of distinction.
John Platt (1956) writes, Godfrey always remained loyal
to his old College. I recall that for many years from the early
1970s he regularly attend the annual dinners of the Pembroke
College Society. In 1984 when, under the leadership of the
Master Sir Geoffrey Arthur, an appeal was made for much
needed funds, Godfrey freely offered his expert services for the
production of the brochure, which launched what proved to be
a very successful campaign.
Godfrey decided to leave London and the rat race of
advertising and moved to Addington, in the heart of the
Buckinghamshire countryside. Soon afterwards, he met his
second wife, Francoise Legrand, in 1975. As a couple they
started to enjoy a creative life Godfrey writing books and
Francoise doing black and white photography. Together they
published Boatopia (1986) and Paris: the Essential City (1988)
for which he provided the text and she the photographs.
Prior to this, Godfrey had already published A Guide to
Good English in the 1980s (1985) which was translated into
French and was to be the first of a series of no fewer than six
books on this theme. The first of these, Getting Through: How
to Make Words Work for You (1989), which aimed to improve
peoples ability in communication, also appeared in a French
translation. Godfrey was then commissioned to write a second
book on communication for the new decade: Can you Put it on
a T-Shirt: Communication Skills for the 1990s (1991). His next
and lengthiest work, The Good English Guide: English Usage in
the 1990s (1993) was subsequently translated into Japanese and
Korean. Godfreys penultimate publication, The Macmillan
Good English Guide (1997), was very nearly as substantial as its
predecessor and paved the way for his final book, co-authored
with Gray Joliffe, A Guide to English in the 21st Century (2002).

Throughout his writing career, Godfrey gave many literary

talks in London, in particular at the Arts Club and also in Paris
and Oxford. Subsequently, in the years leading up to his stroke
in 2009, he was very involved in giving talks for The Sunday
Times Oxford Literary Festival and The Independent Woodstock
Literary Festival, whose Director, Sally Dunsmore, was a good
Godfrey spent the last five and a half years of this life
at Hamilton House Care Home in Buckingham and his
widow, Francoise, would like to thank all of the staff for their
remarkable and devoted care.
The Reverend John Platt (1956)


24th March 1925 27th February 2015
John was born and brought up in
Sutton, Surrey, and attended Sutton
County Grammar School where he
became Head Boy. During his time at
school, he began wartime fire watching
duties and joined the Junior Air Training
Corps where he started to become
involved in athletics. He began learning
the clarinet and joined a music group,
which enjoyed playing the big band music, then so popular.
In August 1943, John joined the Navy and began training
as a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm, in Gosport, the USA, and in
Scotland. Perhaps providentially, his training was delayed by
illness, as in August 1945 his draft to the Pacific was overtaken
by the end of the War with Japan.
In 1946, the Navy granted John leave to take up his place at
Pembroke. This was a wonderful time to be reading English
attending lectures by CS Lewis, Lord David Cecil and Neville
When not studying, John was to be found at the Iffley
Road track. 1947 marked the zenith of his sprinting career: he
won the Surrey 100 yards Championship and was part of the
South London Harriers sprint relay team which won the 1947
Amateur Athletic Association Championship. He captained
the Pembroke Athletics Team and got his half-blue. In 1947
he was named as an Olympic possible for the 1948 London
Games, but sustained an Achilles tendon injury playing soccer
for Pembroke which prevented his further consideration.
However, John continued to compete until the mid-1950s, and
retained a lifelong interest in athletics as a coach and spectator.
He also administered the Milocarian Trophy, an inter-schools
athletics competition under the auspices of the AAA, from
1955 to 1967, for which task he was awarded an AAA Plaque,
and was presented to HM the Queen.
John commenced his teaching career in 1950 at Erith
Grammar School, moving to Rutlish School, Merton, in 1953
and thereafter Lampton School, Hounslow as Senior Master.
John taught mainly English, but also Religious Studies. He
examined in GCE Ordinary Level English Literature for two
examination boards, becoming Chief Examiner for one of
them. During his time at Rutlish, he was actively involved in the
Combined Cadet Force. When comprehensive education was

introduced, he enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to

teach less able pupils, as a learning experience for himself as well
as for them. In 1975 he became Head Teacher of St Andrews
Church of England High School for Boys in Worthing,West
After he retired in 1982, John took an active interest in family
history, and became the first chairman of the Worthing Family
History Group.
Throughout his life, John was a devout and active church
member. He served as churchwarden, chorister and server.
He was a member of Parochial Church Councils; Deanery,
Diocesan and General Synods; and the Council of the Bishop
of Chichester. He assisted with the setting up of the Bishops
Certificate in the Diocese.
John maintained his interest in College, attending Gaudies
and donating prints and photographs to the College Archive.
He sustained lifelong friendships, some dating from his Oxford
John married Eileen in 1950, and they had two daughters,
Mary and Liz.
John was an intensely loving and supportive father,
grandfather and great-grandfather, and some of the familys last
treasured memories of him are of their happy Family Day at
Christmas 2014.
Mary Peckham, daughter

19th April 1924 31st December 2014
The son of a Navy chaplain,
James Hester spent his
childhood at military posts
around the world. He served as
an officer in the Marine Corps
in World War II, graduated
with honours from Princeton,
was named a Rhodes Scholar,
returned to the Marines
during the Korean War and
received a doctorate in 1955
from Oxford, where he met
and married Janet Rodes.
Inaugurated as New York
Universitys (NYU) 11th and youngest president in 1962,
when he was only 38, Dr Hester inherited extraordinary social
and financial challenges, even as he sought to transform the
university into a model of urban private education.
During his nearly 14-year tenure NYU cut spending sharply,
but it also opened the 12-story Elmer Holmes Bobst Library on
Washington Square, raised faculty salaries and began recruiting
students from beyond the New York metropolitan area.
In 1972, a task force he appointed warned that without
drastic retrenchment, NYU would become the victim of the
largest and most spectacular financial collapse in the history
of American higher education. But only a year later, after

imposing recommended economies, he declared, We are well

on the road to achieving what many observers believed would
require a miracle.
That progress was accomplished largely by selling the
University Heights campus in the Bronx, closing the engineering
school, paring full-time faculty positions, merging graduate
and undergraduate business programs, cutting intercollegiate
competition in baseball, football and basketball, and requiring
various components of the university, including the school of
social work, to pay their own way.
At the same time, Dr Hester raised academic standards and
fielded recruiters to reverse a decline in out-of-town students.
Dr Hester once explained that he wound up in higher
education almost by accident. During the American military
occupation of Japan, he worked as a civilian supervising schools.
But even as a self-described professional administrator, he
emerged as a national presence.
He headed a White House task force on higher education that
in 1970 recommended an expansion of federal scholarships,
a larger commitment to black colleges, grants to graduate
schools and tax incentives to encourage private contributions
to universities.
Like other college presidents, he contended with campus unrest,
which brought unwelcome attention. Until he qualified his
support for the war in Vietnam by urging Americas withdrawal as
soon as possible, he had been assailed by campus protesters.
After the invasion of Cambodia and the fatal shooting by
National Guardsmen of four students during an anti-war
protest at Kent State University in Ohio in 1970, Dr Hester
wrote an impassioned appeal to President Richard Nixon
to consider the incalculable dangers of an unprecedented
alienation of Americas youth and to end the war quickly.
It was signed by the presidents of 37 colleges and universities.
He also lamented the lack of social contact between blacks
and whites who had reached comparable educational levels and
presciently warned of the depersonalizing impact of technology.
His wife and their three children, Janet Gerrish, Margaret Giroux
and Martha Stafford, survive him, as do seven grandchildren; his
brother, Raymond; and his sister, Virginia Laddy.
Edited extract from The New York Times, January 2015
In addition to his extraordinary professional accomplishments
and many civic contributions Jim was a very generous and
loyal son of Pembroke, to which he came as a Rhodes Scholar
in 1946. In the mid-1980s, when then-Master Sir Roger
Bannister asked a number of American alumni to help support
the College, Jim was among the first to step up to the plate.
To evaluate what American Old Members (that is how we
were commonly referred to then) thought of Pembroke, Jim
cut a cheque for $10,000 to fund a survey which found that
a substantial majority of American Pembrokians felt a greater
loyalty to Pembroke than to their American undergraduate
universities (this survey was done before the creation of the
Visiting Student program). This finding came as a huge surprise
to the professional educational development firm hired to do
the survey the conventional wisdom at the time was that
loyalty was first to the American undergraduate university,
which is still generally the case.
Jim has been a steady guide and great friend to me during my
years as the Foundations president, and to Peter Grose (1957),
who preceded me as President, always generous with his wise

advice, always friendly, always quick to get to the point. For

many years, Jim was an active participant in Foundation
activities, frequently the host. It was always a delight to see him
and Janet. He shall be deeply missed. I, for one, was deeply
honoured (and humbled) to call him my friend.
Thomas Herman (1971) for the Pembroke College
Foundation North America website (


8th August 1928 8th January 2015
John had already completed National
Service when he went up to Oxford
to read Law and his days at Pembroke
were never to be forgotten. It was, for
him, the ideal College small enough
to know everyone and as a reminder,
a picture of the Quad hangs in our
sitting room, where John could see the
staircase leading up to his room. He
soaked up the atmosphere of Pemmy
and as an antidote to reading legal tomes, took up rowing in
earnest, earning his place in the College first or second VIIIs;
those rowing friendships enduring through the years .
John was a committed Christian, regularly attending OICCU
and taking advantage of hearing the excellent preachers at the
city churches. After University he returned to Northwood
Crusaders as a Junior Leader, later chairing the Young Peoples
Guild at Emmanuel Church Northwood.
His career as a solicitor began in 1952 with articles at Kimbers
and after short stints with two other firms, John arrived in
1963 at Wilde Sapte; an old established firm, in the City of
London. It was also the year we were married and a year later
he was promoted to partnership. Johns practice was grounded
in property law, probate and trusts, closely involving him in the
Portman Settled Estates, and among charities including Barts
Hospital, The Royal College of Surgeons, The Royal Academy
and John Innes of compost fame.
The 60s and 70s saw expansion, not only in the firm,
particularly in the field of banking, but also in the family with
the birth of daughters, Ruth and Rachel. John was a family
man; happiness was gardening, walking the dog, watching
comedy films, enjoying a swim in the pool; all giving respite
from the hectic routine of the city, for as the firm expanded it
necessitated the daily walking between three offices to oversee
his department.
He retired as a Senior Partner of Wilde Sapte in 1991 but
continued as Consultant. Incidentally, John has the dubious
distinction of being the named partner in a House of Lords
case, Fell v the City of London Corporation decided in 1993; the
City lost its case, which can still be found in the text books.
It was when Wilde Sapte moved premises into Queenhithe
Ward in 1979 that John also became involved in the affairs of
the City of London. Becoming a Liveryman of the Worshipful
Company of Gardeners, he was elected in 1982 to serve on
the Common Council of the City Corporation for the ward,
staying until 1999. He served on most of the committees, but

was also on duty many an evening, attending city banquets

in the Mansion House or Guildhall, where I often had the
pleasure of joining him.
Did John manage to balance the claims on his life at work
and home thanks to the stamina required by the rowing
schedule at Pembroke? I like to think so. Not for him a quiet
evening on a Friday, for entering our drive he was faced with
fifty or so Crusaders who had taken over our house and garden;
cooking, swimming or playing tennis. Johns commitment to
the all-round development of young people began before I
met him. Not only had he given up his holidays to be at PPS
Camps to write the rag, but he also led many a Broads sailing
cruise for the young people at Emmanuel Church Northwood.
And it was there that on January 22nd this year we held a
wonderful service to thank God for Johns life. Over 400 people
came from all parts of the UK and beyond, spanning back into
the years to pay their tribute.
As a family we miss him enormously. With the calm and
balanced way he conducted not only his life, but also his
impending death from lymphoma; with neither raised voice
nor ill humour, he has led us all through the years; Ruth and
Mark, Becca, Sarah, and Dan; Rachel and Andy, Eva, Eli and
Netta. The Boat Race will always be a `must to watch` and as
we cheer for Oxford, we will thank Pembroke for those years
long ago which set John up for a happy, successful and fulfilling
life .
Janet Fell, wife


14th April 1927 27th May 2015
As educator and art historian,
John made major contributions to
the cultural life of both the United
Kingdom and Australia.
In the UK, he published and
delivered papers in which he
advocated the secondary teaching of
Political Education (1981) and he
promoted Peace Education (1984),
and the teaching of controversy (1986-87) in schools. After
his retirement as an HM Inspector of Schools, he contributed
to the UK National Curriculum in History (1991). As Staff
HMI, he advised eight UK Secretaries of State for Education
and Science, including Margaret Thatcher, Shirley Williams
and Sir Keith Joseph, and some dimmer lights. He was
Visiting Professor of Education at the Institute of Education
University of London in 1988 and appointed Co-ordinator of
the European Awareness Pilot Project in 198889, to engender
in young people a greater awareness of European issues.
In Australia, he published groundbreaking doctoral research
in a comprehensive analysis of urban and suburban autonomous
images in fine art and photography during 1920-45, a period
when Australians view of themselves evolved dramatically. He
commenced a study of urban images produced by indigenous

John was born in Hampstead, London. His uncle Sir

Charles Wilson (1909-2002), the leading Vice-Chancellor of
the 1960s at the Universities of Leicester and Glasgow, was a
great influence. John attended Rutlish School, Merton, South
London, when already classical music was central to his life. In
1945, he was conscripted for two and a half years in the UK
Intelligence Corps. On trips to Italy he discovered Renaissance
Art. From late 1948, John studied History at Pembroke and
was Social Secretary of the Oxford Labour Club when Rupert
Murdoch and Bob Hawke were members.
He was held in affection by pupils as Housemaster at Bedales
School (1952-68) before becoming one of HMs Inspector
of Schools between 1968-87; observing schools, organising
conferences, seminars, delivering papers, and supporting
teachers in the UK, Europe and Northern Ireland. During
1972, he was seconded to UNESCO in Paris. In 1988, John was
Visiting Professor of Education at the Institute of Education,
University of London and in 1995, Cassell published his
Teaching in the New Europe, for the Council of Europe.
In 2004 the University of Melbournes Miegunyah Press
published his Through Artists Eyes. Australian Suburbs and
their Cities 1919-1945, and at the age of 79, he emigrated to
Over our long friendship, we have been writing letters and
postcards back and forth across the world in a 35-year long
shuttlecock of words, now occupying 20 thick arch-files.
In his historiographical methodology, John would never
cherry-pick examples that supported his case; he had no
interest in advancing a theory, but in trawling the evidence to
seek whatever conclusion would emerge, then be maintained
with doubt, and modified as further evidence appeared. He
was one of the very few people who spoke prose, abhorring
clichs or catchphrases, though taking a slightly amused view
of them.
His personality revealed the clarity, eloquence and wit of his
mind and his scrupulous personal ethics. His life effectively
spanned three careers: as an exemplary and inspiring teacher, as
a policy initiator, advisor and disseminator, and in art historical
research in a previously unploughed field.
Richard Peterson, friend


8th March 1930 4th April 2015
Jean Beetz introduced me to Roger
early in Michaelmas 1952; they were
both on Staircase 10 and had been
there for a year whilst I had just arrived
from Mauritius and settled in the
Annex which opened on Pembroke
Street. We were very soon friends for
life, as so many of us in Pembroke
however much we live geographically
separate lives.
Roger was born in Saint-Etienne, Loire in a family which he
described as rural, always insisting on his pastoral origin. He
went to primary school at the cole communale in the village
of Marcilly where his parents lived, went through secondary

schools at Roanne and Lyon. His subjects included Latin and

more especially English, and he visited England for the first
time in 1947 to pick up the language. In 1950 he entered the
State Training College, the Ecole Normale Suprieure in Paris
and then came to Pembroke where he would stay until 1953,
specialising in English which he would teach in France. In the
context of the Ecole Normale he wrote a Mmoire de Maitrise
about Miltons political ideas and was admitted summa cum
laude to the Agregation in 1954.
He was married to Marguerite Chataing while they were
both teaching at Roche-La-Molire, Loire, and then was
appointed to a Lyce in Saint-Etienne. After military service he
had resumed teaching in the Loire Dpartement when in 1958,
he was offered a post at the Facult de Pdagogie annexed to the
Sagon University, South Vietnam. He agreed to go with his
wife and two sons and settled in Sagon at a time when Vietnam
was relatively peaceful, which allowed visiting far and wide
around Vietnam and Cambodia, to which the family became
attached. They came back to France in 1965, Roger having
obtained an assignment as English teacher at the University of
Bordeaux. Until 1968 it was another period of quiet happiness,
the boys growing up and Roger and family teaming up with
other teachers. He was concerned with the 1968 tumultuous
events in Paris, after which he became Assistant-Master in the
new Vincennes University which would evolve into the SaintDenis-located Universit de Paris VIII Vincennes.
Now in his forties, a stage in life as Balzac observes, he looked
upon the future as full of hope and socially more egalitarian.
He divorced in 1971 and his sons remained with their mother
in Bordeaux. At that time he was deep in research, publishing
such articles as Writings in English by British Missionaries in
China, or Imaginary Space Schemes in Orwell. He met Yvonne
Andr who became a companion, able to adapt her Norman
deep-seated ideas to the demanding, iconoclastic and often
unconventional attitudes.
He settled down to research aimed at his doctoral thesis on
Emily Bronts Wuthering Heights. It took him fourteen years to
write the 800 pages which he entitled Un texte rou, Wuthering
Heights, figures et sources (Wuthering Heights, a Cunning Theme,
Figures and Sources). Becoming Professor Chazal in the process,
he continued teaching, some of his pupils looking upon
themselves as his disciples.
He retired from the University in 1995 and decided to live in
the Forez, his beloved native country. Annexing to his family
home at Marcilly another building named in the local jargon
loupita (the hospital), once a stopping place for pilgrims going
to Compostella, he received there his friends from all over the
world. He had changed, recovering the Christian faith of his
childhood and he would say his retirement was peaceful
douce. Apart from being a faithful parishioner he continued
researching the Celtic origins of place-names or preparing
his share in various colloquiums held in Paris or Aliunde.
He attended the performance by the Pembroke Choir at the
Embassy in Paris; and he took part in the activities of La
Diana, a cultural society of Montbrison, of which he was an
active member. He had thus fulfilled Du Bellays ideal:

Heureux qui,comme Ulysse,a fait un beau voyage,

Ou comme cestuy-l qui conquit la toison,
Et puis est retourn,plein dusage et raison,
Vivre entre ses parents le reste de son ge!*


He died at the Montbrison hospital and lies buried in the

village cemetery of Marcilly.
Raymond dUnienville (1952)

*Happy is he who, like Ulysses, has made a fine journey,

Or, like him, who captured the Golden Fleece,
And then returned, full of usage and reason,
To live with his family for the remainder of his years!


18th May 1933 6th May 2015
Derek Diamond died after
a short illness just before his
82nd birthday. He was a great
stalwart of British geography
and of urban and regional
planning in particular. After
spending the war years in
New Zealand with his mother,
brother and sister as an evacuee,
he returned to England where
he attended Harrow County
Grammar before going to Oxford to read Geography at
Pembroke College. After graduating he went to Northwestern
University in America where he received an MSc. His first
academic post was in Glasgow (1957-68) as a Lecturer in
Geography and then in Town and Regional Planning. During
this period in Scotland he served as a consultant to the Scottish
Office, the Highlands and Islands Development Board, and
the House of Commons Select Committee on Scottish Affairs.
This Scottish experience of tackling regional policy issues
became a recurring theme for much of his subsequent work
and many of his later publications
He moved to The London School of Economics in 1968
where he spent the rest of his academic career, first as Reader
(196882), then as Professor (198295). He was made an
Honorary Fellow in 2006. Throughout his academic life he
single-mindedly explored the interplay between the fields of
Geography and Planning. On joining the LSE he took over
the direction of the innovative MSc and PhD programmes
in Planning and continued in this role until 1979. He was a
greatly admired teacher and mentor and, unsurprisingly, news
of his death immediately prompted numerous tributes from
his past students who spoke of his dedication to his subject,
the stimulus of his teaching and the warmth and generosity
that he always showed in his readiness to help and support his
He played a very significant administrative role in LSE. He
had two periods as Convenor of the Geography Department,
and directed the Greater London Group over a long period.
Within the wider School he was an Academic Governor
(19837) and Vice-Chair of the Academic Board (198893).
He was equally single-minded in his support of numerous
professional bodies and societies. He was a long-serving
Treasurer of the Institute of British Geographers, becoming
President in 1994 and helped to negotiate the merger with the

Royal Geographical Society in 1995. He was heavily involved

with the RGS, both before and after the merger. Other societies
also benefited from his support. He served as Chair of the
Regional Studies Association, and as Treasurer of the Town
and Country Planning Association and subsequently as a Vice
He also played an influential role in editing academic
journals including Urban Studies, launched in 1964 which was
effectively the first journal to pull together the growing interest
in the broad multidisciplinary urban field. He also edited both
Geoforum (197593) and Town and Country Planning (1972
81) and contributed to the founding of Progress in Planning, as
well as being its editor for more than 30 years.
Dereks interests stretched well beyond the United Kingdom
acting as a Visiting Professor at McGill University, Montreal
in 1977; Monash University, Melbourne, in 1979; Hebrew
University of Jerusalem in 1980 and Tel Aviv University in
1993. He also developed an interest in China and was one of
a group of six geographers invited to the country to establish
links with geographers from the Chinese Academy of Science
in 1985. He was made an Honorary Professor in the Chinese
Academy in 1990.
Derek had an enviably wide area of knowledge. For example,
he listed philately amongst his interests, completing a book
on The 1898 Pictorial Issue of New Zealand shortly before his
death. He also had an impressive knowledge of pottery.
An academic of the old school and a man of impressive
talents and perceptiveness, Dereks warmth, generosity and
collegiality will be greatly missed by his ex students and
colleagues and by all those with whom he came in touch.
Derek is survived by his wife Esm whom he met while at
Oxford 58 years ago, a son and daughter and four grandsons.
Esm Diamond, wife

21st August 1930 23rd May 2015
Laurence was born in
Widnes, Lancashire, the third
of four children. He suffered
two bouts of severe illness
before he was five which kept
him in hospital for a total of
nine months. Not only did he
survive against expectations,
to the splendid age of 84, but
he overcame all the resulting
disadvantages to his physical
and intellectual development.
He went to three different
boarding schools during the Second World War, and, although
this disrupted his education, he obtained a place at Shrewsbury
School. While there he triumphed over his earlier physical
setbacks and won several boxing competitions, and his wide
literary interests blossomed.
Laurence found politics around his 17th birthday. Brought
up by his mother to be a Socialist, his brother corrupted him

into the Liberal cause, where he emphatically remained for the

rest of his life. Shortly after this conversion he embarked on his
first hitch-hike, to Liverpool to help at a By-Election, and the
following year he hitched to Blackpool for the Liberals Annual
Conference, attracting some press attention as he did so: the
Birmingham Gazette called him the keenest young Liberal in
the country and the Express and Star reported his intention to
be a Liberal Prime Minister.
Laurence left Shrewsbury School with a place at Pembroke
College. But first came National Service, and he spent two
years in the RAF, his main accomplishments there apparently
being that he learnt Greek and hitched around Scotland and
Ireland. He went up to Pembroke in 1952, and in his first
letter home he wrote that the College appeared to have a
very high mortality rate. Nevertheless he enjoyed his time
at Oxford, the reunions of recent years being high points in
his later life. He was a keen rower, and became as interested
in English Literature as in the History that he was there to
study. He made the most of his long vacations, visiting Athens,
Istanbul, Belgrade, Anatolia, Syria, Lebanon and Jerusalem.
Some of his fellow students in Jerusalem saw him set off back
to Oxford in the summer of 1954 by hitching a ride on an ass
surrounded by... a crowd of Arabs.
He left Oxford in 1955. He spent much of 1956 exploring
Scandinavia, and in 1957 went to Canada, mixing concrete
for a dam in Vancouver, then working as a nightwatchman, a
dish-washer, and a rancher in Alberta. He also coached people
in French and English, marked exam papers, and got himself
up to reading standard in Russian, Polish, German, Italian and
Spanish, living as cheaply as he could and sending most of his
earnings back to his widowed mother.
After three years in Canada and America Laurence moved to
Stuttgart to improve his German, then returned to Shrewsbury
to look after his mother. He spent many years working as a
supply teacher in Cambridge and London, before finally
retiring to Cottenham.
Sadly he never did get to be a Liberal Prime Minister, but
he found many other ways of helping people, devoting his life
to helping others in any way he could. Laurence was unique.
He had great charm, and an unquenchable thirst for and
extraordinary breadth of knowledge which enabled him to find
a point of common interest with anyone he met.
He is greatly missed by the many friends and relations he
leaves behind.
Nick Stoud, nephew

21st March 1935 3rd November 2014
Born and brought up in Preston,
Lancashire, George gained a scholarship
to Preston Grammar School and then,
much to his parents pleasure, gained a
scholarship to enter Pembroke.
Prior to coming up he did his National
Service in the Navy. He spent much of
his two years in Germany on the Kiel Canal, studying Russian

and working as a coder. George would later claim that he

began using Morse code during the war years when at the age
of seven, accompanying his father (who as a bus driver was in
a reserved occupation) to the local home guard, he became the
best coder in the unit.
At Pembroke, George read PPE. He always enjoyed debate
and figures, specialising in statistics. On graduation he began
training as an accountant with Walls Ice Cream, firstly in
Acton and then moving in the early 1960s to Gloucester.
George would work for Walls throughout his working life, for
many years as Chief Accountant. He was heavily involved in
the merger between Walls and Birds Eye in 1981. George was
respected by colleagues as someone who would listen before
asking incisive questions.
Sport was always high on Georges agenda whether it was
playing, watching or organising. In earlier days he played
much chess and was awarded a half-blue in bridge. He was a
popular Captain of the College football team, leading them
to promotion and to a Cuppers final. When his sons started
playing football, George became involved in the administrative
side of the sport. He served in various posts in local and county
youth football for forty years, finally being elected President
of the Gloucestershire Football Association. He also qualified,
perhaps uniquely along with three of his school-age sons, as a
George is survived by his wife of over fifty years, Ann and his
four children. He passed away knowing that he was surrounded
by the family that he had worked hard to support.
Ann Hoskin, wife


11th April 1934 15th September 2014
Peter Turner was born in
Edgbaston, Birmingham. He entered
King Edwards school in 1945 when
CR Morris was Chief Master. He
progressed slowly through the
school from 5s and 5x (two forms
for those whose academic excellence
was not quite what KES expects).
Throughout that time he swam and
played rugby with enthusiasm, until
he arrived in the 2nd XV and broke the Junior Plunge Record,
which didnt last for long. Initially, he joined the Scouts but
was soon lured to the Cadet Corps where he won the Cup
for being the smartest cadet on parade. He became a Platoon
Sergeant and was Drum Major during the visits of both Field
Marshalls Slim and Montgomery; dropping the mace in front
of the latter but with typical good fortune it bounced back into
his hand, the result of tossing it many times over the arch at
the top of the drive.
He took part in many school plays from walk-on soldier to
Sir Toby Belch and doing sound effects and lighting.
He went with a BSES expedition to central Iceland in 1952.
On his return he took the Oxford entrance exam which gained
him a place at Pembroke College. Before going to Oxford he

served for two years in the Army, where he was commissioned

in the RASC. He took the Army motor-cycling course and
became a member of the Army Motorcycle Trials team, taking
part in a number of events and even winning an award in one
national trial.
His time at Oxford was a happy life, pursued vigorously in
many areas but with distinction in none. The long vacations
provided an opportunity to learn and practice cruising in
larger yachts.
Immediately after Oxford came marriage, and life as a
solicitors articled clerk. The former was discovered to be
infinitely better than the bachelor life and the latter a shattering
experience in discovering the meaning of real work for the first
time. After passing the solicitors final exam he was offered a
job in the same firm and shortly afterwards a partnership. The
absence of studying gave the opportunity to indulge in fishing
and shooting, in which he had always been interested.
That was followed in 1965 by becoming the Honorary Legal
Advisor to the Wild Fowlers Association of Great Britain
and Ireland, now the British Association for Shooting and
Conservation, which rapidly became the largest shooting
organisation in the country. In 1979 he became its ViceChairman and the membership reached 60,000.
In 1972 he became the youngest Coroner in the country.
Despite all these activities he found the time to have two
daughters and one son.
He became a member of the Mental Health Tribunal and
served as President for several years before retiring at the age
of 72.
He became a Freemason in 1972, joining the Birmingham
Old Edwardian Lodge. He progressed to the rank of Past Junior
Grand Deacon and in Rose Croix he became the Inspector
General for Warwickshire.
Daphne Turner

died1st December 2014
Joe Fernyhough was a working class lad whose family worked
in the woollen industry in Bradford.
He went to Bradford Grammar School and from there to
Pembroke. As a boy he spent hours walking the Yorkshire moors
and became a Queens Scout. His map reading and instinctive
navigation were almost uncanny. Unfortunately, before coming
to Pembroke, he suffered a serious chest infection and lost a
lung. His doctors told him that, with care, he might live to
fifty or even fifty five. In his seventies, and with no ostensible
evidence of care, this amused him.
After Pembroke, Joe taught an idiosyncratic brand of
Yorkshire English to unsuspecting German school children
before moving to Iran as Financial Manager of an oil extracting
business. Returning to England at the time of the Islamic
Revolution, he bought and managed properties in Yorkshire
and London. He never married.
Joe was a passionate lover of the Performing Arts, especially
opera and Edwardian music hall. He served as Financial

they took in Egypt shortly afterwards, Margaret was killed in

a flash flood from which Tony narrowly escaped with his life.
But it was a life which, without Margaret, would never be the
same again.
Fortunately, with the support of family and friends, Tony
Bill Byrnes (1958) threw himself into the village community as Chairman of
the Parish Council, as umpire and committee member of the
cricket club, the Museum of Village Life, the Memorial Hall
and the Royal British Legion. His popularity meant that he was
rarely alone.
He retained his links with Pembroke and the many friends he
there, visiting the College for Gaudies and regularly giving
15th September 1938 26th December 2014 generous
support to its development plans. A heavy smoker,
Tony was then diagnosed with emphysema. Thanks to good
At the age of 76 and after a long medical treatment and later to dedicated carers, Tony outlived
illness borne with quiet courage, all the pessimistic predictions of his doctors. Until his last three
Tony Mobbs died at his home in years he continued his varied social life. He retained to the end
Woodchurch, Kent.
his keen interest in sport, nature and the local community.
He came from Kidderminster,
At the Service of Thanksgiving at All Saints on 12th January
where his father was a senior officer 2015 the church was packed with people from all parts of his
in the local police force. He went life, his family, his friends from school, from Pembroke, from
to the Royal Grammar School his work places and, most numerous of all, from the village in
in Worcester, where he excelled which he had played such an active role.
both on the sports field and in the
Tony had more friends than anyone I know, real friends, not
Classics and became Head Boy. It was there that he met his just colleagues, neighbours and acquaintances. For over 50
wonderful wife, Margaret. He won a place at Pembroke in years he was my closest friend. We did not need Dr Johnson to
1957. He opted to read Law under RFV Heuston, one of the remind us that a man should keep his friendship in constant
best law teachers in Oxford at that time.
repair - otherwise he will soon find himself alone. With Tony,
Tony had a great gift for friendship and made a large number however long it was since we last met, we were able to pick up
of friends at Oxford. Several described him as the nicest person the conversation where we had left off. He was the sure proof
you could ever meet: good natured, a good listener who rarely that old friendships are best. He will be greatly missed.
talked about himself, always patient, considerate and level
headed, with an irreverent sense of humour. He naturally
Sir John Mummery (1959)
excelled at every kind of sport without ever appearing to be
competitive. He had many interests outside his studies: debates
in the Oxford Union, regular visits to the Scala in Walton Street
to see foreign films, and travel. There was always time for a
drink at The Golden Cross, or for a break from College food at
the Caf de Paris. Tony often travelled down to London on his
scooter to see Margaret, or she came up to see him.
With a first class degree in Jurisprudence, Tony secured a
3rd December 1940 19th March 2015
job with the textile multi-national, Coats Paton (now Coats
Viyella). He married Margaret at a village church in the Malvern
Hills in the summer of 1962. Soon afterwards they moved to
Bernard came up to Pembroke in
Germany where Tony took charge of Coats operations there.
1960 with a scholarship to read French
Over the next few years Tony, Margaret and their two
and German. The son of a Welsh
children, Catherine and Julian, travelled the world, as Tonys
father and Scottish mother, he was
work for Coats took them to Malaysia, South America and
brought up with his sister in the Welsh
back to Germany. On their return to the UK Tony became
seaside resort of Porthcawl. There he
Managing Director of Coats prestigious retail division, Jaeger.
enjoyed his early years, with friends,
His progress did not surprise his friends: we all thought that
cycling the hills and playing on the
he was the person in our year who was most likely to succeed.
rocky beaches. He attended St Johns
Highly intelligent and practical, Tony always knew what had
Preparatory School, opposite the fine
to be done, he knew how to do it, he did it and he did it well
Norman church in nearby Newton
without fuss and without seeking credit or reward.
where his memorial service was held on 8th May 2015. He
After leaving Coats, Tony and Margaret moved into the moved on to Cheltenham College and then, briefly, to the
17th century School House in Woodchurch, and Tony became Sorbonne, which gave him a quiet confidence in his French
Managing Director of a local medical instrument company, and in the world around him.
Smiths. By that time Catherine and Julian were married and
His arrival at Pembroke coincided with that of his
grandchildren had arrived.
compatriot, Patrick McCarthy from Port Talbot, likewise a
Then tragedy struck: within a 6-month period, Margarets scholar reading French and German, with whom he was to
father was killed in a traffic accident and during a holiday that have a lasting friendship.
Director of the Bradford Playhouse. His knowledge of
performers and performances was astounding. Finally, he fell
prey to his boyhood lung complaint, and died in Drighlington,
the town where he was born.





At Pembroke, Bernard soon became involved in a number of

circles, outside his own subject, as he represented the College
in both rugby and rowing. Thus, he made many more friends,
some of whom were to be with him all his life.
On leaving Oxford, Bernard joined the graduate entry scheme
of Tube Investments: he was to be with a series of connected
companies throughout his working life, including British
Aluminium, Alcan and a final management buy-out. His work
brought him to all parts of the world in his capacity as Marketing
Manager/Director. This might be thought a surprising field for
him, since he did not come across as a natural extrovert. No
doubt it was his integrity, quiet determination and attention to
detail, together with a delicate sense of humour, which brought
him success with customers and colleagues.
When Bernard retired, he was living in a semi-rural village
outside Solihull. Here he enjoyed tennis and bridge with local
friends as well as defeating ever encroaching local planning
Not being content to remain anywhere for long, he was
ever on the move: golfing and skiing, holidaying with friends,
calling on cousins in Perthshire and relaxing in Porthcawl,
where, with his sister Anne, he had developed a shared second
home overlooking the Bristol Channel. There he would play
golf, attend rugby matches and enjoy the tranquillity of the
blue horizons.
As Baudelaire wrote in Elevation (from Les Fleurs du Mal):

Heureux celui, qui peut dune aile vigoureuse

slancer vers les champs lumineux et serein*

Come winter, Bernard would be off again for warmer climes,

but returning always to spend Christmas with his sister and her
Having seemingly overcome skin and prostate cancer some
years earlier, he was now suddenly faced with a cancerous
tumour, against which he fought stubbornly for over a year.
When it was thought to have gone, another appeared and this
he was unable to overcome.
During his last days he enjoyed the support of his friend Julia
and was lovingly cared for by his sister, Anne. He leaves many
happy memories, where his comradeship and fun were always
to the fore. His humour was understated and subtle: he disliked
pomposity and would prick it gently where he could. He was
particularly good with children, who would look forward to
his visits, for his kindliness, wry humour and encouragement.
Although he set high standards for himself (and his friends),
he was always there to help and guide others, generous in giving
and, in his quiet way, would go to great lengths to provide
support, without ever asking for it himself. He was determinedly
independent, often concealing his inner feelings, whilst being
thoughtful and considerate for the feelings of others.
He is much missed by many, as was evident at his memorial
service, and will be long remembered with great affection.
Dirk FitzHugh (1960), Richard Leman (1960),
Bill Shardlow (1960)

*Happy is he who can with his vigorous wing

Soar up towards those fields luminous and serene




1947 2015

17th July 1952 27th September 2014

David was the third child of James

Price (engineer). He was like any
other boy and on a trip to Oxford, at
around ten years old, he decided he
wanted to go to Oxford University. At
eleven, he passed his 11+ examination
and was placed in the A stream for
languages. He chose Greek and Latin
as his specialist languages, and gained
A levels and S levels in Greek, Latin
and Ancient History.
During this time, David found a love for classical music,
especially opera, and visiting museums and art galleries. He
was awarded a place at Pembroke College, where he progressed
well in Greats.
During the long holidays he would do some studying and
often visited friends who lived on a farm in a minute village
with no shops. Once he went walking along the Ridgeway.
After University he was unsure about what he wanted to do,
but took a job at Buckingham Palace Road Library. After a
short time, the Chief Librarian suggested that he took a postgraduate library qualification. He was then offered a place at
After this, he took a job at The British Steel Corporation, but
left when they relocated to Sheffield. His next job was at the
International Chamber of Commerce and it was during this
time that he was knocked down on a zebra crossing by a bus,
which caused severe bruising of his brain.
He enjoyed his time at the International Chamber of
Commerce; there were a good mix of employees and they often
met at weekends for Sunday afternoon tea, or dinner, and took
turns in cooking.
He was approached by Durries, a shipping company, to work
for them keeping the records in order. They moved to Canary
Wharf, which made it more difficult for David to get to the
opera or concerts. During the recession he was made redundant.
David then changed his career path altogether, and began
working at a centre for the mentally handicapped. Here he
helped with delivery of free newspapers, gardening, cooking,
shopping, and other tasks to help visitors to the centre become
more independent.
He joined the Friends of Kew Gardens, and I accompanied
him on many trips to different gardens. When the Centre
moved to Essex it was too far for David to travel, so he was
again without a job.
During his life, David had travelled to Egypt, down the
Rhine, and visited his great love, Russia. His last trip there was
with a friend during the White Nights Festival.
The family noticed the deterioration of his health. It was a
great shock to be informed of his death.
Judith Matheson, sister.

Mikes love of Latin and Greek

began when he started learning
both languages at school. This
passion, combined with a strong
motivation to do well, resulted
in him winning a Scholarship
to study Classics at Pembroke
College, in 1971.
Mike was born and raised
in Belfast, from a Protestant
background. He had an
unyielding, unrelenting sense of
justice and democracy. He was
involved in the civil rights marches and protests in Ireland in
the 1970s and brought his political knowledge and experiences
of Irish politics to Oxford, working hard to develop support
and understanding amongst both students and within the local
community, through the Labour Party and other organisations.
Mike was involved in student politics and in particular the
fight for a unified Student Union, seen as a more democratic
way to organise. This developed into direct action when
students successfully occupied the Examination Schools and
tried to smash down the door of the Indian Institute in 1973.
Consequently, some students were expelled and others
rusticated, Mike was amongst the latter returning to complete
his final year in 1974.
Mike was renowned by all those who knew him for his illegible
handwriting. The fact that his tutor, Godfrey Bond, went to the
unusual length of arranging for a typist to transcribe Mikes
final exams so that they could be marked showed great respect
for his scholarship and knowledge.
Mike combined his commitment to his studies with his
engagement in politics. He was well able to integrate a Marxist
approach to his studies, and recalled lively discussions with his
Tutor, Dr P J Cuff. Indeed, Dr Cuff himself acknowledged
this when he sent Mike a copy of his publication Quaestiones
Perpetuae Tres, 1977, with a signed, handwritten inscription,
For Michael Pixton without whom this could not have been
In 1977, Mike began a PhD in Cambridge, on the position
of women in Ancient Greece. Unable to settle in Cambridge,
he negotiated a transfer to study at Wadham, Oxford. His
research was extensive, but unable to focus on his thesis, he
decided to put his studies on hold.
Soon after Mike became a father. He spent most of the rest
of his life working in the IT Department at Brookes University.
His sense of justice and his political activity continued
throughout his life and he successfully integrated this into his
work. He was a dedicated UNISON shop steward, supporting
and representing workers. Even as a manager of a team, he was
able to maintain friendships and good working relationships
described as the best manager he had ever had by one colleague.
When he was forced to retire due to ill health, Mike was able
to focus on his lifelong interest in cricket and his academic
interest. He enjoyed attending matches at Lords and the

Oval and he returned to studying archaeology and aspects of

ancient Rome. Mike had continued to keep abreast of recent
developments in his subject and was in ongoing contact with
an academic at Wadham and was planning a further degree.
Sadly, however, Mike was unable to make much progress
with this work as his illness became untreatable sooner than
Mike was a highly individual non-conformist. He had an
astute analytical mind. He was kind and loyal and generous.
He was extremely thoughtful, not only with regard to people,
but also with regard to his academic interests and to the
political issues of the day.
He is greatly missed.
Pauline Simmonds, wife

21st November 1954 13th August 2015
Chris grew up as an only
child in Birmingham, raised by
his mother after his father died.
Following his attendance at King
Edwards School, Chris earned a
scholarship to study History at
Pembroke College. Chris enjoyed
his time spent in Oxford and
remained friends with a lot of the
people he met during this time. After he graduated in 1972,
Chris worked for a brief time at the Church Missionary Society.
He went on to study a Masters in Archive Administration at
His first job in his chosen field was as Borough Archivist of
Hammersmith and Fulham. He undertook many projects in
this capacity including the erection of many blue plaques. In
1990 Chris took the job of County Archivist for Warwickshire.
Following a major reconstruction of Warwickshire County
Council in 1998, Chris became head of Heritage and
Culture. In this capacity Chris oversaw a number of enduring
accomplishments including; the modernising and extension of
the County Record office, the establishment of Roman Alcester
and a series of digital initiatives encompassing Warwickshire
Images, Windows on Warwickshire and establishing a crossheritage education service. These are just a few examples of
the impact Chris achieved in his role. His former colleagues
remember him fondly, with his unorthodox approach taken to
management meetings still discussed today. One of his greatest
achievements in this role was the continued survival of the
Friends of Warwickshire County Record Office group, which
he founded. This group is able to support the countys archival
heritage, an area which was very important to Chris.
Chris took early retirement from Warwickshire County
Council in 2008. He continued to work as an archivist by
undertaking two part-time jobs, working for Gloucester
Cathedral and Jesus College, Oxford. He began working
at Gloucester Cathedral in 2009 and he was able to make
an enormous contribution to the life of the Cathedral, both
professionally and personally. When he first started, his primary

the Pembroke Record

Front Cover
Sitting outside Farthings
Open Day tours
LCLC Colloquium
College flowers
Pembroke Choir at the Annual Fund Series
Professor Stephen Whitefield with
Ambassador Matlock at the Fulbright Lecture
Sports Awards prize-giving
Careers Fest
Summer Eights
San Francisco talk by Professor Hannah Smithson
Professor Stephen Tuck at the Mahfouz Forum

Walter Isaacson on The Innovators

Pembroke musical, Jekyll and Hyde
Open Day student helper
Garden Party 2015
Lunch in Hall
Rodnell Collins at The Oxford Union

Back Cover
Professor Theo van Lint at the Academic
Careers Fest
Annual Dinner
Fellows Dinner for Emeritus Professor
Ken Mayhew
The Rokos Quad
City Breakfast: Eurasia vs Europe
Gaudy 19771982
London Reception
Technos Award for Annie Smith (2011)
Pembroke at the Ashmolean
The Pembrokian 2015

JCR / MCR joint symposium

Bermuda Civil Rights Event
Washington Dinner, by Eden Hansen
Sustainable Buildings Award
Leavers Dinner
Masters Circle Silver
Professor Andy Orchard on Beowulf
Organ Recital at Annual Alumni Weekend
Gaudy preparation
Tate Director, Penelope Curtis

2014 2015

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