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Drees Pe Tra Src) Ue Tc Item Description No. off Item Description No.off MAIN ASSEMBLY Drying and Distribution Unit COMPONENTS 1 Purge tank sub assembly 1 31 # Lip Seal 1 2 Spring 4 32 Cover 1 3 Cartaige retainer eco) Allen bolt 1 4# Purge valve 1 34 Spacer i 5 Dessicant cartrige eo) “O° ting 1 6 # Filter 1 36 # = Spring 1 7 Filter retainer 37 Valve pressure 8 # — Sealingring 1 test connector 1 9 # Sealing ring 1 38 # © “O" ring 1 10 Valve body 1 39 Body 1 Unloader valve assembly 1 40 # — DustCap 1 nt “O" ring 1 “1 # Gasket - Governor Valve 1 12 Unloader plunger A 42 Governor - Valve body 1 13 # — Spring 1 Diaphragm assembly 1 14 Valve seat 41 43 Governor plunger 1 15 # “O" ring 1 44 # Bonded valve 1 16 # Spherical valve 1 45 # Spring - ULVTI il 7 Screw 5 46 Follower 2 18 Silencer assembly 1 47 # — Diaphragm- ULVTI 4 19 Stiffener 4 48 Nut 1 20 # Gasket - QSPV 1 49 Spring - ULTVI 1 2 Body - QSPV 4 50 Spring guide 1 2# “O"ring 6 5 ‘Screw holder 1 23 # Valve 6 52 Top cover - ULTVI 1 24 # Spring - QSPV 7 83 Bolt 4 25 # Diaphragm - QSPV 1 54# Cap 1 26 Spring 4 55 ‘Adjustment screw 1 a Spring guide 4 56 Valve seal 1 28 Top cover - QSPV 1 ve “O" ring i 29 Bolt - QSPV 4 58 # Spherical Valve 1 30 Adjusting screw 41 59 Spring guide 1 60 Nut 8 MSP3/86 Repair kit consists of items marked ( #) and Silicon Grease M 922300 sachet 2 off. DDU Layout Eien eels ree Purge Valve Desiccant cat Purge tan —t Desiceant bed Caen) Drying and distribution unit (DDU) combines the function of the Air dryer with unioader vaive, purge tank (fitted with the air dryer) and the Quadruple System Protection Valve (QSPV). eed DDU consists of an aluminium body on which the purge tank , integral unloader valve, integral QSPV and the tyre inflator are mounted. The exhaust is fited with a silencer. Internally , air path consists of a coalescent fiter , which removes. the oil and other contaminants from the compressed air and a desiccant bed, which removes the moisture from the air. During Charging, the compressor pumps air into the service reservoirs . The water molecules in the air get adsorbed on microscopic pores on the surface of the desiccant beads . A portion of the dried airis stored in the purge volume contained in the sheet metal purge tank. During unloading cycle , the Unloader exhausts the compressor delivery air to the atmosphere. Non retum valve present in the DDU body and QSPV body does not allow any back flow from service reservoirs . Because of pressure difference between the air pressure stored in the purge volume and below desiccant bed, the pressurized dry air from the purge volume expands and flows back through a small orifice in the purge valve over the desiccant bed. This expansion and flow of dried ar in the reverse direction collects the moisture adsorbed by the desiccant during the charg- jing cycle, regenerating the desiccant. The moisture collected by the desiccant , condensed water , oil and other contam- inants are also exhausted to atmosphere in each unloading cycle REVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Check for moisture, water collection in the Reservoirs . Overhaul Unit using appropriate Repairkit. Check the performan : ec cant cartridge. The desiccant generally functions satisfactorily inthe field upto 3 years. after which it may have to be replaced. The residual ol vapours cartied over beyond the preville , contaminates the desiccant over a period of time and lowers its air drying efficiency Therefore if the oil carry over ofthe compressor is high, more frequent replacement ofthe desiccant is warranted. When the desiccant is renewed , the coalescent fiter and the rubber components in the unloader , QSPV and tyre infltor portions also should be replaced using recommended repair kit SERVICE CHECK Inspection) Check the airlines / DDU mounting bolts for tightness. Ensure that the air Inlet line is in good condition, Garon Drain the Reservoir and check for presence of moisture / water collection in the reservoir. Presence of moisture is indication of requirement of changing the desiccant cartridge Drain the Reservoir and stat the engine . Charge the system Until the unit cuts out. Record the pressure reading ofthe dash board gauge. Ensure the correctness of the gauge before commencing the test. If the pressure setting is itferent to the recommended value adjust the pressure seting screw. Repeat the test until the correct pressure setting is achieved For the purpose of setting the pressure, it may be required to deplete the reservoir by applying brakes a few times. Per Charge the system to just below the ‘Cut-out pressure and stop the engine. Apply soap solution on the entre unit to check for air leakage. Air leak of 25mm soap bubble is permissible. Exces- sive air leak, i noticed, the assembly needs to be attended. Ensure that the airline connections ate free from air leak. Block the wheels to prevent movement of the vehicle during working Disconnect the pipelines and close the open ends ofthe pipes. to prevent dust/ dirt entry Identify the pipe connections. Remove the mounting bolts of the DDU. Torque Chart ‘Mounting Nut 22 - 25Nm QSPV Bolt T- 9Nm TELAT} STE , : a Se, Pe Dismantling / Assembling Cleaning and Insp Clean all the metallic parts using cleaning solvent and blow dry with compressed air. Ensure that no trace of solvent is present during reassembly Thoroughly clean the valve body and make sure that the air passage cross-holes are fee from blockage. Check the valve body for damage on the port faces / thread nick J score marks / damages on the valve seats , exces- sive wear / score marks on the unloader plunger bore and the governor plunger bore. CCheok the springs for distortion, rust formation and permanent setScrap all the old parts, which are found unserviceable. (Once cleaning and inspection is completed Assembling proce- dures starts and note that the reverse steps of Dismantling are- Assembling steps ofthe product. eeu Locate the unit on the mounting bracket and secureit tightly by the botts. Connect the pipers following the identification made during removal Carryout the Operating / Leakage test as given under “Service Check * Tools required for serviei DDU fixtures Star Screw driver Standard tools ‘Spanners YM U Cy INSTALLATION ASPECTS | > The DDU should be fitted only on new vehicles where no corrosion of pipes and reserviors have taken place. > The DDU should not be mounted near any heat producing source like engine exhaust pipe. > The piping fromthe compressor should be sloping towards the DDU and should avoid any sags or traps which can collect water. > Air Draught should be available for cooling the DDU when the vehit IMPORTANT PLEASE READ When working on or around air brake systems & components the following precautions should be observed in the interest of SAFETY. Always block vehicle wheels. Stop engine when working under a vehicle. Keep hands away from chamber push rods and slack adjusters ; they may apply as system pressure drops. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line containing pressure ; it may whip. Never remove a component or pipe plug unless you are certain all system pressure has been depleted. Never exceed recommended pressure and always wear safety. Nover attempt to disassemble a component until you have read and understand recommended procedures . Some components contain powerful springs and injury can result if not properly disassembled. Use only proper tools and observe all precautions pertaining to use of those tools. USE ONLY GENUINE CD-TVS REPLACEMENT PARTS AND COMPONENTS. | Devioes with stripped threads or damaged parts should be replaced. Repairs requiring machining should not be attempted. % Integrated with System Protection Valve & Purge Tank. % Compact and Easy Mounting. * Simplified Circuit. Provides reliable and durable performance of valves. Leak & rust free brake system. % Avoids daily draining. <9 Low Maintenance cost. » Long service intervals. = Minimises vehicle down - time. ie Eco-Friendly - Low exhaust noise. Technical Specifications Length 322 mm Width ( max ) 209 mm Weight 8.5kg Working medium Air Thermal range of operation - 25°C to +80C Short term resistance to heat 100 C Maximum allowable air inlet temperature 60°C Normal working pressure 8 bar Maximum permissible pressure 10 bar Blow off pressure 12+ 2bar Maximum air flow rate 400 Litres / minute Installation Recommendations Connection of ports : Inlet Port 4 Delivery from compressor. Port 21 Reservoir ( Rear axle braking circuit reservoir ). Port 22 Reservoir ( Front axle braking circuit reservoir ) Port 23 Delivery for hand brake circuit, Port 24 Delivery for auxiliary circuits like exhaust brake. Port 4 ( Optional ) Control port ( for compressors with cylinder head unloading device ). The DDU should be mounted on the vehicle such that the silencer at exhaust is facing vertically downwards. Recommended piping Air inlet > 12mm inner diameter Air delivery > 10 mm inner diameter for ports 21 and 22 > 4mm inner diameter for ports 23 and 24 Sundaram-Clayton Limited ele Plant - Il, Plot No: 3 (SP) iron gncel- (em Ambattur Industrial Estate , el TTT een ucla a we EI eA Ree ALLO) Fax :(91) 44 - 2624 1278,2623 8009 'SCL.\ DOU JUNE--05| $000 Nos

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