Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4
Introducing JSF ................................................................................................. 4
A Brief History Lesson ................................................................................ 4
Before JSF ................................................................................................. 5
JSF In the Community ................................................................................. 5
Oracles contribution ............................................................................... 6
Contribution from others........................................................................ 6
Understanding JSF ............................................................................................ 6
Introducing the component ........................................................................ 6
The component architecture .................................................................. 7
Supporting the component..................................................................... 8
A simple component example................................................................ 8
The event model ......................................................................................... 10
Action events .......................................................................................... 10
Value change events............................................................................... 10
Phase events............................................................................................ 11
The page flow.............................................................................................. 12
Introducing faces-config.xml................................................................ 12
The action attribute................................................................................ 13
The managed bean...................................................................................... 13
Managed bean definition....................................................................... 14
Referencing the managed bean ............................................................ 15
Converters and validators.......................................................................... 15
Converters ............................................................................................... 16
Validators................................................................................................. 16
The JSF lifecycle .............................................................................................. 16
Overview...................................................................................................... 16
Looking at the phases................................................................................. 17
Restore View........................................................................................... 17
Apply Request Values............................................................................ 17
Process Validations ................................................................................ 17
JSF Advance Features..................................................................................... 18
Skinning........................................................................................................ 18
Render Kits.................................................................................................. 19
Page 2
Ajax ............................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 20
Page 3
The past couple of years have seen the emergence of JSF (Java Server Faces) as the
technology of choice for building the user interface (UI) layer of Java web
applications. Oracles own business applications are committing to JSF as the UI
technology in the Fusion stack.
The component based architecture gives business developers simple, yet powerful,
UI components with which to build applications; while being based on standards
means that the larger development community can collaborate to build richer and
more advanced components.
This paper will introduce JSF to 4GL developers, showing how the components
can be used, and behind the scenes, how the components work.
The Java Community Process (JCP), which is responsible for defining the standard
for JSF initially released as JSR-127 (Java Specification Request 127)- states one
of its goals is to: establish a standard API for creating Java Web application GUIs,
which will eliminate the burden of creating and maintaining GUI infrastructure for developers.
Which means that JSF is about components in the traditional UI sense of widgets
like buttons, text fields and check boxes. It is not slaved to the traditional mark-up
centric view of previous web technologies: a button is a button, not a tag. It has
behavior, you can listen for it being pressed and the infrastructure to support what
happens when it is pressed is taken care for you. Which is exactly what you have
been used to in the Oracle Forms, Visual Basic and PeopleTools world.
A Brief History Lesson
From its formative years in 2001, the first release in 2003, up to the current release
(JSF 1.2 JSR-252) in 2006 the JCP has brought together resources from the
community, including Oracle, to define the specification and produce a reference
implementation of the specification.
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Before JSF
It is difficult to see how far JSF has raised the bar for Java web application UIs
without first being aware of the development experience (or lack of) that was the
catalyst for the simpler UI component based view that JSF typifies.
Static HTML
In the formative years of the web, static HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
pages made up the bulk of any content you would see on the web. The overriding
limitation was that as static pages it became difficult to display any sort of dynamic
data like a list of products held in a database. Furthermore, if you wanted to do
more than simply serve up a series of static pages, you also had to code your own
communication to and from the server using the HTTP Post and Get messages as
the carrier.
Strictly speaking servlets do not have to
generate HTML; they can generate any
markup language dependant on the end
user device: e.g. a mobile phone or PDA.
In order to move away from this programmatic view of web page development,
the next step in the evolution brought us to Java Server Pages (JSP). These were
special tags that could be embedded into a web page. These tags were used by
the JSP container to generate servlets, that in turn generated the markup. So, you
had the concepts of developers who could develop JSP tags, and possibly a
different set of developers who could use the tags via JSTL (JSP Standard Tag
However, this still represented a tag based view of UI development and still
required the UI developer to understand the intricacies of HTTP protocols and to
manage state.
Thus, JSF finally brings the development of web UIs to the stage where developers
can work with visual controls that support an event model and allow visual editing
through IDEs such as Oracle JDeveloper.
JSF In the Community
So, being a ratified standard, anyone can develop their own set of JSF components
for use, and anyone could implement their own JSF runtime on which those
components run. And that is what we are seeing in the wider community.
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Oracles contribution
Oracle is one of the leading expert groups involved in the JSF specification,
contributing their experiences from their own web framework used by the Oracle
Applications developers: UIX (User Interface XML). As a result of the work on
the specification, the library of UIX components was redeveloped as standard JSF
components. This set of components is called ADF Faces and can be used on any
runtime implementation of JSF.
Being committed to the open source community, Oracle has also donated their
ADF Faces implementation to the Apache community, and within this community
this offering is called Trinidad.
Contribution from others
Sun, who are also involved in the JCP, provide a reference implementation for the
JSF framework (the environment on which the JSF components run) and that now
appears in the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) 5.
MyFaces, from the Apache community, provide both a 1.1 reference
implementation as well as a component library. Other offerings include Glassfish,
which is an open source implementation of Java EE 5 application server and
contains a JSF 1.2 implementation.
The bottom line is components are standardized within JSF and you can use any
component from any vendor and mix and match them as required.
For the remainder of this paper we will
study and use the ADF Faces set of
components; although the general points
could apply to any JSF implementation.
So, now with an understanding of the need for a component based solution, the
next step is to look at these components and what features they offer.
Introducing the component
Figure 1 shows a small sample of some of the ADF Faces components. Each web
page in your application will be constructed from components. Components will
typically be nested inside other components (called layout components or
containers) to provide the required layout.
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Each component has a number of attributes associated with the component. For
example, a button will have an attribute text that defines the text label that appears
on the button; or a background-color attribute to define the background color.
The component defines a number of actions that control the behavior of that
component. For example, a button provides a valueChange event on which a
developer associates code.
The component itself has attributes and behavior as indicated above but that says
nothing about how the component will actually look. That is the responsibility of
the renderer. It is the job of the renderer to realize the component as defined as a
concrete screen instruction e.g. in the case of a browser application a fragment
of HTML mark-up.
JSF UI components are not limited to
generating markup. For example UI
Components can also render binary data
such as an image streams or different
Having separate (or pluggable) rendering is one of the most compelling features of
JSF. The fact that the component behavior is de-coupled from the way it is
displayed means that the same UI component can be displayed differently for
example, depending on the device to which it is rendered.
Page 7
However, the component does not live in isolation. The JSF runtime provides a
number of features to support the components.
Managed beans
The managed bean is simply a Java object that provides integration between the UI
component and the data object the component is displaying. You can define the
scope of these objects by indicating that they exist for the lifetime of the
application, when only requesting a web page, or a session covering a number of
web pages.
Expression Language
Expression Language (EL) is a scripting language that is part of the JSF runtime
and provides simplified expressions for accessing the data, managed beans and the
various properties of the components. EL is a very powerful feature of JSF. For
example, a component attribute (such as required) can be set by an EL expression
depending on the value of data in a backing bean:
#{emp.MaritalStatus ==single}
So if the value of MaritalStatus is single (and so the expression evaluates as true)
then the required attribute will be set to true.
Oracle ADF uses EL as the language to bind the UI components to the underlying
Navigation case
The JSF framework allows developers to define a set of rules that define the
navigation between pages. By default, this is defined in a file called faces-config.xml
and is covered later in this paper.
The JSF Request Processing Lifecycle (more commonly referred to as JSF lifecycle)
is, as the name suggests, the various stages of processing in the life of a specific JSF
request. At certain points in the JSF lifecycle specific actions will happen; whether
it is the component retrieving its current state, or rendering the component.
A simple component example
So, in order to understand how each of these parts works as part of the whole,
lets look at a simple case of a JSF text field component on a web page.
Page 8
The first is the top-level container in which all the UI components will appear. JSF
holds the definition of the page in a component tree (which can be manipulated at
runtime) and <f:view> encapsulates this components tree.
<h:inputText> is a UI component in this tree and represents the input text field.
Today the implementations of JSF happens
Note that the input field has a property required which is set to true, and a property
value, which is being resolved by an EL expression via a managed bean. However,
there is absolutely no detail of how the component implements the properties or in
fact, how the component actually renders itself.
Page 9
The next step is to consider how the UI component initiates and reacts to UI
actions or events such as pressing a button or selecting a value from a list.
JSF provides an event model that supports three types of events.
Action events
An action event in analogous to a WhenButton-Pressed trigger in Oracle Forms.
An action event occurs when a JSF UI component, like a button or link, is clicked.
Figure 3 shows a simple JSF page consisting of an input field, a button and an
output field, which will display the data from the input field concatenate with the
string hello.
JDeveloper allows you to add a method to the Action attribute, which will execute
the following code (held in a managed bean)
public String buttonPressed_action() {
return null;
Input UI components such as input text fields have two events that are triggered
when changing data. A ValueChangeListener fires when a value in the field has
changed and Validator fires to validate the data entry. Again, JDeveloper provides
Page 10
a simple dialog to define the name of the method, the managed bean in which the
method is placed and will generate the correct method signature (Figure 4)
Phase events
Phase events execute at specific instances in the JSF lifecycle, allowing you to add
your own code into the JSF lifecycle at points such as validation phase, or updating
the model with values phase.
The significant point for any of these events is not what you can code, but instead
what you DONT have to code.
There is no need to process the HTTP request to find out what value was
typed into the input text field
There is no processing the HTTP response to set the value of the output
field. This is done be setting an attribute on the output text field.
Page 11
The JSF framework provides a layer of abstraction to deal with the plumbing of
associating an action with a piece of code and allowing to code to access attributes
of the components.
The page flow
As you would expect, JSF handles the flow of your application through the web
pages with minimum of coding on the developers part. Instead, an XML file
defines what action on a specific page results in navigation to another specific
page. This XML file is called faces-config.xml.
Figure 5 shows an example faces-config.xml file with a navigation case on the
browserCustomers page. An edit action would result in navigation to the editCustomers
page, while a showOrders action would result in navigation to the customerOrders web
Figure 5 Faces-config.xml
Page 12
Figure 6 Faces-config.xml
The action attribute
In order to define which UI component actually raises the action you simply set
the action property on the component. This is the same property that was
discussed earlier for defining the method to be executed on pressing a button. The
action property can take the name of a navigation case on the diagram or the name
of a method which is why the action method discussed earlier, returns a String,
which defines the name of the JSF navigation flow to be followed.
The managed bean
The role of the managed bean is actually quite simple. It is a place to put code
relating to UI actions (like a button being pressed) and to hold state information
about the UI (for example, the name of the logged on user). More specifically, a
managed bean contains code generally shared between many pages.
Page 13
The lifecycle of a managed bean is handled by JSF when the bean is first
referenced, JSF will create an instance of the relevant Java class and keep it around
as long as is specified by the bean definition.
You also have the concept of a backing bean. A backing bean is a specialized
managed bean created and managed by JDeveloper and is tied to one specific JSF
page. Typically this bean provides accessor methods for each UI component on
the page it backs.
You dont need a backing bean for every page. A page can happily live without
any backing bean at all, or a backing bean can only contain references to a few of
the components on the page. In most cases the backing bean will only contain
action code and no references to the UI Components unless you need to
programmatically manipulate them.
In the example above (figure 3) a backing bean was used to reference the
components created on the page and to provide a place to put action code.
Managed bean definition
Managed beans are registered in the faces-config.xml file; however, JDeveloper can
aid you in the creation and referencing of these beans. When a JSF application
starts up it reads the faces-config.xml file to make the beans available. There are a
number of configuration options for managed beans.
Managed bean properties
As well as the place to put UI action code, you can also add variables (like package
variables in PL/SQL) to the managed bean. Consider the case where you would
like to define a value that would be used as the default value for, one or many, UI
fields. You can achieve this by using a managed property, which allows you define
a property, its type and its value. This could then be accessed using EL to
populate the value of a field. So the entry the faces-config.xml file would include:
Each managed bean has a lifespan. JSF will instantiate the bean automatically
and that bean will be available for the defined scope. The scope of the managed
bean is set in the faces-config.xml file. There are four possibilities:
Page 14
Application the bean is available for the duration of the web application.
This is useful for any application global data.
Session the bean is available for the duration of the clients session. For
example, a shopping cart application would keep the session information
across many web pages.
Now that you have defined information and functionality within your managed
bean, you want to be able to access that information.
Referencing from EL
Using EL you can reference managed properties from your managed bean.
<af:inputText id="fieldA" value="#{backing_page1.defValue}"/>
Thus, on realizing this field, the value of the field would be set to the defValue
managed property in the backing_page1 managed bean.
Referencing from Java
You can also access managed properties from Java as well. To do this you get the
current instance of the FacesContext. This object contains all of the state
information for the components within the JSF lifecycle. By getting a handle to
the current instance of the FacesContext you can access the elements of the JSF
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ValueBinding expr =
When the user enters data into a JSF page and that page is submitted from the
browser, all the data on the page is enclosed in the resulting HTTP message as
strings. So, regardless if data entered was a date or a number when the data gets to
the application server for processing it appears as a string.
The predicament here is that the developer building the back-end code will
typically be using Java types (like Integer or Date) to manipulate that data.
Page 15
Without the use of a framework this would require writing code to convert the
strings to the correct data type.
However, this functionality is provided to you through JSF.
As the name would suggest, a converter is responsible for converting String data to
a type such as java.util.Date or java.lang.Number. JDeveloper provides a palette of
converters and will also automatically add converters for components that would
reasonably require them: e.g. an input field that is bound to date data. Thus, data
entered that represents a date, and is transmitted via HTTP as a string, can still be
typed in the back end code as a java.util.Date.
Validation, on the other hand, is the process whereby editable component data is
validated against rules or conditions before the data is updated into the model
layer. Thus, before posting data on the page, validation will check the data is, for
example, within defined limits (<af:validateDateTimeRange>). As with converters,
JDeveloper provides a palette of validators and will automatically include them on
certain UI items.
We have already come across the phrase JSF lifecycle in this paper and it is
worth looking at what this means in a little more detail.
Once a request starts being processed (e.g. as the result of pressing a button), JSF
goes through a set series of steps. These steps are called the lifecycle. The lifecycle
of a JSF page is similar to the lifecycle of most web pages: the client makes an
HTTP request, the application server receives and processes the request and
responds in HTML. The JSF lifecycle, however, manages a UI component tree on
the server and also controls events and handles state changes.
While outside the scope if this paper, the
JSF lifecycle can be customized if you
require specialized behavior.
The JSF lifecycle uses the component tree to handle application requests and
create rendered responses. Depending on the type of request and response, JSF
executes different tasks in different phases of the request processing lifecycle, and
then creates a view of the page (component tree) for rendering (in the Render
Response phase).
Page 16
The fine details of each of the phases are beyond the scope of this paper, however,
an acknowledgement of their existence and general function is useful. In brief, the
JSF lifecycle phases are as follows:
Restore View
An internal view of the page is held in a component tree. In this phase, the
component tree of a page is newly built or restored. All the component tags, event
handlers, converters, and validators have access to the FacesContext instance. If it is
a new empty tree, the lifecycle proceeds directly to the Render Response phase.
Apply Request Values
Each component in the tree extracts its new value from the request message and
stores it locally. If a component has its immediate attribute set to true, then the
validation, conversion, and events associated with the component is processed
during this phase.
Process Validations
The local values of the components are converted and validated. If there are
errors, the lifecycle jumps to the Render Response phase. At the end of this phase,
new component values are set, and any conversion error messages and events are
queued on FacesContext.
Update Model Values
The component objects' properties are set to the validated local values.
Invoke Application
Page 17
The components in the tree are rendered as the web container traverses the tags in
the page. State information is saved for subsequent requests and the Restore View
As an introductory paper, these advanced features are beyond the scope of this
paper. However, an acknowledgement of their basics is useful to know.
Skinning is the ability to define an overall look and feel to an application UI. In
the same way that Windows allows you to define a theme for your desktop, ADF
Faces provides this feature by using JSFs pluggable rendering technology.
Figure 8 Skinning
Figure 8 shows the same application rendered using different skins. ADF Faces
comes with a number of pre-configured skins but you can develop your own
custom skins through manipulation of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) tags.
Page 18
Render Kits
Each JSF component is responsible for outputting its own markup tags that are
used by the end device to physically render the screen. ADF Faces provides
render kits for HTML, mobile and telnet.
Figure 9 shows samples of an application rendered using different render kits. JSF
also has the provision of allowing you to develop your own render kits.
Web UIs work on a click and wait paradigm. That is to say, a request is only
initiated on a UI action (such as a clicking a button) and the UI will wait for a
response. Which can be a limiting factor in trying to build a rich experience. This
has been a factor in the emergence of so called Ajax technology.
Ajax is based around asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Browsers now support
the ability to asynchronously request XML data. Thus, the combination of this
asynchronous passing of XML data, and JavaScript on the browser lends itself to
producing much richer web UIs.
The beauty of this technology for 4GL developers is that the Ajax functionality
can be hidden within JSF components.
Page 19
Some ADF Faces components already exhibit Ajax like behavior, but at the time
of writing this paper, work is underway in developing true Ajax functionality within
the ADF Faces components.
For further reading on how Oracle
JDeveloper and ADF aid you in developing
JSF applications,see the 1.3 Declarative
Development with Oracle ADF and
JavaServer Faces section of the ADF
Java Server Faces is now providing a rich, productive and standards based
framework for developer web UIs. By providing a componentized layer of
abstraction, it factors away much of the complexity of web UI development,
particularly for those developers familiar with 4GL tools such as Oracle Forms,
PeopleTools and Visual Basic.
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